#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Command line utility for running Android tests through TradeFederation. atest helps automate the flow of building test modules across the Android code base and executing the tests via the TradeFederation test harness. atest is designed to support any test types that can be ran by TradeFederation. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=too-many-lines # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from __future__ import print_function import collections import logging import os import sys import tempfile import time import platform from typing import Dict, List from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from atest import atest_arg_parser from atest import atest_configs from atest import atest_error from atest import atest_execution_info from atest import atest_utils from atest import bazel_mode from atest import bug_detector from atest import cli_translator from atest import constants from atest import module_info from atest import result_reporter from atest import test_runner_handler from atest.atest_enum import DetectType, ExitCode from atest.coverage import coverage from atest.metrics import metrics from atest.metrics import metrics_base from atest.metrics import metrics_utils from atest.test_finders import test_finder_utils from atest.test_runners import regression_test_runner from atest.test_runners import roboleaf_test_runner from atest.test_finders.test_info import TestInfo from atest.tools import atest_tools as at EXPECTED_VARS = frozenset([ constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, 'ANDROID_TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES', constants.ANDROID_OUT]) TEST_RUN_DIR_PREFIX = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" CUSTOM_ARG_FLAG = '--' OPTION_NOT_FOR_TEST_MAPPING = ( 'Option "{}" does not work for running tests in TEST_MAPPING files') DEVICE_TESTS = 'tests that require device' HOST_TESTS = 'tests that do NOT require device' RESULT_HEADER_FMT = '\nResults from %(test_type)s:' RUN_HEADER_FMT = '\nRunning %(test_count)d %(test_type)s.' TEST_COUNT = 'test_count' TEST_TYPE = 'test_type' END_OF_OPTION = '--' HAS_IGNORED_ARGS = False # Conditions that atest should exit without sending result to metrics. EXIT_CODES_BEFORE_TEST = [ExitCode.ENV_NOT_SETUP, ExitCode.TEST_NOT_FOUND, ExitCode.OUTSIDE_ROOT, ExitCode.AVD_CREATE_FAILURE, ExitCode.AVD_INVALID_ARGS] @dataclass class Steps: """A Dataclass that stores steps and shows step assignments.""" _build: bool _install: bool _test: bool def has_build(self): """Return whether build is in steps.""" return self._build def is_build_only(self): """Return whether build is the only one in steps.""" return self._build and not any((self._test, self._install)) def has_install(self): """Return whether install is in steps.""" return self._install def has_test(self): """Return whether install is the only one in steps.""" return self._test def is_test_only(self): """Return whether build is not in steps but test.""" return self._test and not any((self._build, self._install)) def parse_steps(args: atest_arg_parser.AtestArgParser) -> Steps: """Return Steps object. Args: args: an AtestArgParser object. Returns: Step object that stores the boolean of build, install and test. """ # Implicitly running 'build', 'install' and 'test' when args.steps is None. if not args.steps: return Steps(True, True, True) build = constants.BUILD_STEP in args.steps test = constants.TEST_STEP in args.steps install = constants.INSTALL_STEP in args.steps if install and not test: logging.warning('Installing without test step is currently not ' 'supported; Atest will proceed testing!') test = True return Steps(build, install, test) def _get_args_from_config(): """Get customized atest arguments in the config file. If the config has not existed yet, atest will initialize an example config file for it without any effective options. Returns: A list read from the config file. """ _config = Path(atest_utils.get_misc_dir()).joinpath('.atest', 'config') if not _config.parent.is_dir(): _config.parent.mkdir(parents=True) args = [] if not _config.is_file(): with open(_config, 'w+', encoding='utf8') as cache: cache.write(constants.ATEST_EXAMPLE_ARGS) return args warning = 'Line {} contains {} and will be ignored.' print('\n{} {}'.format( atest_utils.colorize('Reading config:', constants.CYAN), atest_utils.colorize(_config, constants.YELLOW))) # pylint: disable=global-statement: global HAS_IGNORED_ARGS with open(_config, 'r', encoding='utf8') as cache: for entry in cache.readlines(): # Strip comments. arg_in_line = entry.partition('#')[0].strip() # Strip test name/path. if arg_in_line.startswith('-'): # Process argument that contains whitespaces. # e.g. ["--serial foo"] -> ["--serial", "foo"] if len(arg_in_line.split()) > 1: # remove "--" to avoid messing up atest/tradefed commands. if END_OF_OPTION in arg_in_line.split(): HAS_IGNORED_ARGS = True print(warning.format( atest_utils.colorize(arg_in_line, constants.YELLOW), END_OF_OPTION)) args.extend(arg_in_line.split()) else: if END_OF_OPTION == arg_in_line: HAS_IGNORED_ARGS = True print(warning.format( atest_utils.colorize(arg_in_line, constants.YELLOW), END_OF_OPTION)) args.append(arg_in_line) return args def _parse_args(argv): """Parse command line arguments. Args: argv: A list of arguments. Returns: An argparse.Namespace class instance holding parsed args. """ # Store everything after '--' in custom_args. pruned_argv = argv custom_args_index = None if CUSTOM_ARG_FLAG in argv: custom_args_index = argv.index(CUSTOM_ARG_FLAG) pruned_argv = argv[:custom_args_index] parser = atest_arg_parser.AtestArgParser() parser.add_atest_args() args = parser.parse_args(pruned_argv) args.custom_args = [] if custom_args_index is not None: for arg in argv[custom_args_index+1:]: logging.debug('Quoting regex argument %s', arg) args.custom_args.append(atest_utils.quote(arg)) return args def _configure_logging(verbose): """Configure the logger. Args: verbose: A boolean. If true display DEBUG level logs. """ # Clear the handlers to prevent logging.basicConfig from being called twice. logging.getLogger('').handlers = [] log_format = '%(asctime)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s' datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=log_format, datefmt=datefmt) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=log_format, datefmt=datefmt) def _missing_environment_variables(): """Verify the local environment has been set up to run atest. Returns: List of strings of any missing environment variables. """ missing = list(filter(None, [x for x in EXPECTED_VARS if not os.environ.get(x)])) if missing: logging.error('Local environment doesn\'t appear to have been ' 'initialized. Did you remember to run lunch? Expected ' 'Environment Variables: %s.', missing) return missing def make_test_run_dir(): """Make the test run dir in ATEST_RESULT_ROOT. Returns: A string of the dir path. """ if not os.path.exists(constants.ATEST_RESULT_ROOT): os.makedirs(constants.ATEST_RESULT_ROOT) ctime = time.strftime(TEST_RUN_DIR_PREFIX, time.localtime()) test_result_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s_' % ctime, dir=constants.ATEST_RESULT_ROOT) return test_result_dir def get_extra_args(args): """Get extra args for test runners. Args: args: arg parsed object. Returns: Dict of extra args for test runners to utilize. """ extra_args = {} if args.wait_for_debugger: extra_args[constants.WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER] = None if not parse_steps(args).has_install(): extra_args[constants.DISABLE_INSTALL] = None # The key and its value of the dict can be called via: # if args.aaaa: # extra_args[constants.AAAA] = args.aaaa arg_maps = {'all_abi': constants.ALL_ABI, 'annotation_filter': constants.ANNOTATION_FILTER, 'bazel_arg': constants.BAZEL_ARG, 'collect_tests_only': constants.COLLECT_TESTS_ONLY, 'experimental_coverage': constants.COVERAGE, 'custom_args': constants.CUSTOM_ARGS, 'device_only': constants.DEVICE_ONLY, 'disable_teardown': constants.DISABLE_TEARDOWN, 'disable_upload_result': constants.DISABLE_UPLOAD_RESULT, 'dry_run': constants.DRY_RUN, 'enable_device_preparer': constants.ENABLE_DEVICE_PREPARER, 'flakes_info': constants.FLAKES_INFO, 'generate_baseline': constants.PRE_PATCH_ITERATIONS, 'generate_new_metrics': constants.POST_PATCH_ITERATIONS, 'host': constants.HOST, 'instant': constants.INSTANT, 'iterations': constants.ITERATIONS, 'no_enable_root': constants.NO_ENABLE_ROOT, 'request_upload_result': constants.REQUEST_UPLOAD_RESULT, 'bazel_mode_features': constants.BAZEL_MODE_FEATURES, 'rerun_until_failure': constants.RERUN_UNTIL_FAILURE, 'retry_any_failure': constants.RETRY_ANY_FAILURE, 'serial': constants.SERIAL, 'auto_ld_library_path': constants.LD_LIBRARY_PATH, 'sharding': constants.SHARDING, 'test_filter': constants.TEST_FILTER, 'test_timeout': constants.TEST_TIMEOUT, 'tf_early_device_release': constants.TF_EARLY_DEVICE_RELEASE, 'tf_debug': constants.TF_DEBUG, 'tf_template': constants.TF_TEMPLATE, 'user_type': constants.USER_TYPE, 'verbose': constants.VERBOSE, 'verify_env_variable': constants.VERIFY_ENV_VARIABLE} not_match = [k for k in arg_maps if k not in vars(args)] if not_match: raise AttributeError('%s object has no attribute %s' % (type(args).__name__, not_match)) extra_args.update({arg_maps.get(k): v for k, v in vars(args).items() if arg_maps.get(k) and v}) return extra_args def _get_regression_detection_args(args, results_dir): """Get args for regression detection test runners. Args: args: parsed args object. results_dir: string directory to store atest results. Returns: Dict of args for regression detection test runner to utilize. """ regression_args = {} pre_patch_folder = (os.path.join(results_dir, 'baseline-metrics') if args.generate_baseline else args.detect_regression.pop(0)) post_patch_folder = (os.path.join(results_dir, 'new-metrics') if args.generate_new_metrics else args.detect_regression.pop(0)) regression_args[constants.PRE_PATCH_FOLDER] = pre_patch_folder regression_args[constants.POST_PATCH_FOLDER] = post_patch_folder return regression_args def _validate_exec_mode(args, test_infos, host_tests=None): """Validate all test execution modes are not in conflict. Exit the program with error code if have device-only and host-only. If no conflict and host side, add args.host=True. Args: args: parsed args object. test_info: TestInfo object. host_tests: True if all tests should be deviceless, False if all tests should be device tests. Default is set to None, which means tests can be either deviceless or device tests. """ all_device_modes = {x.get_supported_exec_mode() for x in test_infos} err_msg = None # In the case of '$atest --host', exit. if (host_tests or args.host) and constants.DEVICE_TEST in all_device_modes: device_only_tests = [x.test_name for x in test_infos if x.get_supported_exec_mode() == constants.DEVICE_TEST] err_msg = ('Specified --host, but the following tests are device-only:\n ' + '\n '.join(sorted(device_only_tests)) + '\nPlease remove the option ' 'when running device-only tests.') # In the case of '$atest --host' or # '$atest ', exit. if (constants.DEVICELESS_TEST in all_device_modes and constants.DEVICE_TEST in all_device_modes): err_msg = 'There are host-only and device-only tests in command.' if host_tests is False and constants.DEVICELESS_TEST in all_device_modes: err_msg = 'There are host-only tests in command.' if err_msg: logging.error(err_msg) metrics_utils.send_exit_event(ExitCode.ERROR, logs=err_msg) sys.exit(ExitCode.ERROR) # The 'adb' may not be available for the first repo sync or a clean build; run # `adb devices` in the build step again. if at.has_command('adb'): _validate_adb_devices(args, test_infos) # In the case of '$atest ', we add --host to run on host-side. # The option should only be overridden if `host_tests` is not set. if not args.host and host_tests is None: logging.debug('Appending "--host" for a deviceless test...') args.host = bool(constants.DEVICELESS_TEST in all_device_modes) def _validate_adb_devices(args, test_infos): """Validate the availability of connected devices via adb command. Exit the program with error code if have device-only and host-only. Args: args: parsed args object. test_info: TestInfo object. """ # No need to check device availability if the user does not acquire to test. if not parse_steps(args).has_test(): return if args.no_checking_device: return all_device_modes = {x.get_supported_exec_mode() for x in test_infos} device_tests = [x.test_name for x in test_infos if x.get_supported_exec_mode() != constants.DEVICELESS_TEST] # Only block testing if it is a device test. if constants.DEVICE_TEST in all_device_modes: if (not any((args.host, args.start_avd, args.acloud_create)) and not atest_utils.get_adb_devices()): err_msg = (f'Stop running test(s): ' f'{", ".join(device_tests)} require a device.') atest_utils.colorful_print(err_msg, constants.RED) logging.debug(atest_utils.colorize( constants.REQUIRE_DEVICES_MSG, constants.RED)) metrics_utils.send_exit_event(ExitCode.DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, logs=err_msg) sys.exit(ExitCode.DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) def _validate_tm_tests_exec_mode(args, test_infos): """Validate all test execution modes are not in conflict. Split the tests in Test Mapping files into two groups, device tests and deviceless tests running on host. Validate the tests' host setting. For device tests, exit the program if any test is found for host-only. For deviceless tests, exit the program if any test is found for device-only. Args: args: parsed args object. test_info: TestInfo object. """ device_test_infos, host_test_infos = _split_test_mapping_tests( test_infos) # No need to verify device tests if atest command is set to only run host # tests. if device_test_infos and not args.host: _validate_exec_mode(args, device_test_infos, host_tests=False) if host_test_infos: _validate_exec_mode(args, host_test_infos, host_tests=True) def _will_run_tests(args): """Determine if there are tests to run. Currently only used by detect_regression to skip the test if just running regression detection. Args: args: An argparse.Namespace object. Returns: True if there are tests to run, false otherwise. """ return not (args.detect_regression and len(args.detect_regression) == 2) # pylint: disable=no-else-return # This method is going to dispose, let's ignore pylint for now. def _has_valid_regression_detection_args(args): """Validate regression detection args. Args: args: parsed args object. Returns: True if args are valid """ if args.generate_baseline and args.generate_new_metrics: logging.error('Cannot collect both baseline and new metrics' 'at the same time.') return False if args.detect_regression is not None: if not args.detect_regression: logging.error('Need to specify at least 1 arg for' ' regression detection.') return False elif len(args.detect_regression) == 1: if args.generate_baseline or args.generate_new_metrics: return True logging.error('Need to specify --generate-baseline or' ' --generate-new-metrics.') return False elif len(args.detect_regression) == 2: if args.generate_baseline: logging.error('Specified 2 metric paths and --generate-baseline' ', either drop --generate-baseline or drop a path') return False if args.generate_new_metrics: logging.error('Specified 2 metric paths and --generate-new-metrics, ' 'either drop --generate-new-metrics or drop a path') return False return True else: logging.error('Specified more than 2 metric paths.') return False return True def _has_valid_test_mapping_args(args): """Validate test mapping args. Not all args work when running tests in TEST_MAPPING files. Validate the args before running the tests. Args: args: parsed args object. Returns: True if args are valid """ is_test_mapping = atest_utils.is_test_mapping(args) if not is_test_mapping: return True options_to_validate = [ (args.annotation_filter, '--annotation-filter'), (args.generate_baseline, '--generate-baseline'), (args.detect_regression, '--detect-regression'), (args.generate_new_metrics, '--generate-new-metrics'), ] for arg_value, arg in options_to_validate: if arg_value: logging.error(atest_utils.colorize( OPTION_NOT_FOR_TEST_MAPPING.format(arg), constants.RED)) return False return True def _validate_args(args): """Validate setups and args. Exit the program with error code if any setup or arg is invalid. Args: args: parsed args object. """ if _missing_environment_variables(): sys.exit(ExitCode.ENV_NOT_SETUP) if args.generate_baseline and args.generate_new_metrics: logging.error( 'Cannot collect both baseline and new metrics at the same time.') sys.exit(ExitCode.ERROR) if not _has_valid_regression_detection_args(args): sys.exit(ExitCode.ERROR) if not _has_valid_test_mapping_args(args): sys.exit(ExitCode.ERROR) def _print_module_info_from_module_name(mod_info, module_name): """print out the related module_info for a module_name. Args: mod_info: ModuleInfo object. module_name: A string of module. Returns: True if the module_info is found. """ title_mapping = collections.OrderedDict() title_mapping[constants.MODULE_COMPATIBILITY_SUITES] = 'Compatibility suite' title_mapping[constants.MODULE_PATH] = 'Source code path' title_mapping[constants.MODULE_INSTALLED] = 'Installed path' target_module_info = mod_info.get_module_info(module_name) is_module_found = False if target_module_info: atest_utils.colorful_print(module_name, constants.GREEN) for title_key in title_mapping: atest_utils.colorful_print("\t%s" % title_mapping[title_key], constants.CYAN) for info_value in target_module_info[title_key]: print("\t\t{}".format(info_value)) is_module_found = True return is_module_found def _print_test_info(mod_info, test_infos): """Print the module information from TestInfos. Args: mod_info: ModuleInfo object. test_infos: A list of TestInfos. Returns: Always return EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS """ for test_info in test_infos: _print_module_info_from_module_name(mod_info, test_info.test_name) atest_utils.colorful_print("\tRelated build targets", constants.MAGENTA) sorted_build_targets = sorted(list(test_info.build_targets)) print("\t\t{}".format(", ".join(sorted_build_targets))) for build_target in sorted_build_targets: if build_target != test_info.test_name: _print_module_info_from_module_name(mod_info, build_target) atest_utils.colorful_print("", constants.WHITE) return ExitCode.SUCCESS def is_from_test_mapping(test_infos): """Check that the test_infos came from TEST_MAPPING files. Args: test_infos: A set of TestInfos. Returns: True if the test infos are from TEST_MAPPING files. """ return list(test_infos)[0].from_test_mapping def _split_test_mapping_tests(test_infos): """Split Test Mapping tests into 2 groups: device tests and host tests. Args: test_infos: A set of TestInfos. Returns: A tuple of (device_test_infos, host_test_infos), where device_test_infos: A set of TestInfos for tests that require device. host_test_infos: A set of TestInfos for tests that do NOT require device. """ assert is_from_test_mapping(test_infos) host_test_infos = {info for info in test_infos if info.host} device_test_infos = {info for info in test_infos if not info.host} return device_test_infos, host_test_infos # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def _run_test_mapping_tests(results_dir, test_infos, extra_args, mod_info): """Run all tests in TEST_MAPPING files. Args: results_dir: String directory to store atest results. test_infos: A set of TestInfos. extra_args: Dict of extra args to add to test run. mod_info: ModuleInfo object. Returns: Exit code. """ device_test_infos, host_test_infos = _split_test_mapping_tests(test_infos) # `host` option needs to be set to True to run host side tests. host_extra_args = extra_args.copy() host_extra_args[constants.HOST] = True test_runs = [(host_test_infos, host_extra_args, HOST_TESTS)] if extra_args.get(constants.HOST): atest_utils.colorful_print( 'Option `--host` specified. Skip running device tests.', constants.MAGENTA) elif extra_args.get(constants.DEVICE_ONLY): test_runs = [(device_test_infos, extra_args, DEVICE_TESTS)] atest_utils.colorful_print( 'Option `--device-only` specified. Skip running deviceless tests.', constants.MAGENTA) else: test_runs.append((device_test_infos, extra_args, DEVICE_TESTS)) test_results = [] for tests, args, test_type in test_runs: if not tests: continue header = RUN_HEADER_FMT % {TEST_COUNT: len(tests), TEST_TYPE: test_type} atest_utils.colorful_print(header, constants.MAGENTA) logging.debug('\n'.join([str(info) for info in tests])) tests_exit_code, reporter = test_runner_handler.run_all_tests( results_dir, tests, args, mod_info, delay_print_summary=True) atest_execution_info.AtestExecutionInfo.result_reporters.append(reporter) test_results.append((tests_exit_code, reporter, test_type)) all_tests_exit_code = ExitCode.SUCCESS failed_tests = [] for tests_exit_code, reporter, test_type in test_results: atest_utils.colorful_print( RESULT_HEADER_FMT % {TEST_TYPE: test_type}, constants.MAGENTA) result = tests_exit_code | reporter.print_summary() if result: failed_tests.append(test_type) all_tests_exit_code |= result # List failed tests at the end as a reminder. if failed_tests: atest_utils.colorful_print( atest_utils.delimiter('=', 30, prenl=1), constants.YELLOW) atest_utils.colorful_print( '\nFollowing tests failed:', constants.MAGENTA) for failure in failed_tests: atest_utils.colorful_print(failure, constants.RED) return all_tests_exit_code def _dry_run(results_dir, extra_args, test_infos, mod_info): """Only print the commands of the target tests rather than running them in actual. Args: results_dir: Path for saving atest logs. extra_args: Dict of extra args for test runners to utilize. test_infos: A list of TestInfos. mod_info: ModuleInfo object. Returns: A list of test commands. """ all_run_cmds = [] for test_runner, tests in test_runner_handler.group_tests_by_test_runners( test_infos): runner = test_runner(results_dir, mod_info=mod_info, extra_args=extra_args) run_cmds = runner.generate_run_commands(tests, extra_args) for run_cmd in run_cmds: all_run_cmds.append(run_cmd) print('Would run test via command: %s' % (atest_utils.colorize(run_cmd, constants.GREEN))) return all_run_cmds def _print_testable_modules(mod_info, suite): """Print the testable modules for a given suite. Args: mod_info: ModuleInfo object. suite: A string of suite name. """ testable_modules = mod_info.get_testable_modules(suite) print('\n%s' % atest_utils.colorize('%s Testable %s modules' % ( len(testable_modules), suite), constants.CYAN)) print(atest_utils.delimiter('-')) for module in sorted(testable_modules): print('\t%s' % module) def _is_inside_android_root(): """Identify whether the cwd is inside of Android source tree. Returns: False if the cwd is outside of the source tree, True otherwise. """ build_top = os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, ' ') return build_top in os.getcwd() def _non_action_validator(args): """Method for non-action arguments such as --version, --help, --history, --latest_result, etc. Args: args: An argparse.Namespace object. """ if not _is_inside_android_root(): atest_utils.colorful_print( "\nAtest must always work under ${}!".format( constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP), constants.RED) sys.exit(ExitCode.OUTSIDE_ROOT) if args.version: print(atest_utils.get_atest_version()) sys.exit(ExitCode.SUCCESS) if args.help: atest_arg_parser.print_epilog_text() sys.exit(ExitCode.SUCCESS) if args.history: atest_execution_info.print_test_result(constants.ATEST_RESULT_ROOT, args.history) sys.exit(ExitCode.SUCCESS) if args.latest_result: atest_execution_info.print_test_result_by_path( constants.LATEST_RESULT_FILE) sys.exit(ExitCode.SUCCESS) # TODO(b/131879842): remove below statement after they are fully removed. if any((args.detect_regression, args.generate_baseline, args.generate_new_metrics)): stop_msg = ('Please STOP using arguments below -- they are obsolete and ' 'will be removed in a very near future:\n' '\t--detect-regression\n' '\t--generate-baseline\n' '\t--generate-new-metrics\n') msg = ('Please use below arguments instead:\n' '\t--iterations\n' '\t--rerun-until-failure\n' '\t--retry-any-failure\n') atest_utils.colorful_print(stop_msg, constants.RED) atest_utils.colorful_print(msg, constants.CYAN) def _dry_run_validator(args, results_dir, extra_args, test_infos, mod_info): """Method which process --dry-run argument. Args: args: An argparse.Namespace class instance holding parsed args. result_dir: A string path of the results dir. extra_args: A dict of extra args for test runners to utilize. test_infos: A list of test_info. mod_info: ModuleInfo object. Returns: Exit code. """ dry_run_cmds = _dry_run(results_dir, extra_args, test_infos, mod_info) if args.generate_runner_cmd: dry_run_cmd_str = ' '.join(dry_run_cmds) tests_str = ' '.join(args.tests) test_commands = atest_utils.gen_runner_cmd_to_file(tests_str, dry_run_cmd_str) print("add command %s to file %s" % ( atest_utils.colorize(test_commands, constants.GREEN), atest_utils.colorize(constants.RUNNER_COMMAND_PATH, constants.GREEN))) else: test_commands = atest_utils.get_verify_key(args.tests, extra_args) if args.verify_cmd_mapping: try: atest_utils.handle_test_runner_cmd(test_commands, dry_run_cmds, do_verification=True) except atest_error.DryRunVerificationError as e: atest_utils.colorful_print(str(e), constants.RED) return ExitCode.VERIFY_FAILURE if args.update_cmd_mapping: atest_utils.handle_test_runner_cmd(test_commands, dry_run_cmds) return ExitCode.SUCCESS def _exclude_modules_in_targets(build_targets): """Method that excludes MODULES-IN-* targets. Args: build_targets: A set of build targets. Returns: A set of build targets that excludes MODULES-IN-*. """ shrank_build_targets = build_targets.copy() logging.debug('Will exclude all "%s*" from the build targets.', constants.MODULES_IN) for target in build_targets: if target.startswith(constants.MODULES_IN): logging.debug('Ignore %s.', target) shrank_build_targets.remove(target) return shrank_build_targets # pylint: disable=protected-access def need_rebuild_module_info(args: atest_arg_parser.AtestArgParser) -> bool: """Method that tells whether we need to rebuild module-info.json or not. Args: args: an AtestArgParser object. +-----------------+ | Explicitly pass | yes | '--test' +-------> False (won't rebuild) +--------+--------+ | no V +-------------------------+ | Explicitly pass | yes | '--rebuild-module-info' +-------> True (forcely rebuild) +--------+----------------+ | no V +-------------------+ | Build files | no | integrity is good +-------> True (smartly rebuild) +--------+----------+ | yes V False (won't rebuild) Returns: True for forcely/smartly rebuild, otherwise False without rebuilding. """ if not parse_steps(args).has_build(): logging.debug('\"--test\" mode detected, will not rebuild module-info.') return False if args.rebuild_module_info: msg = (f'`{constants.REBUILD_MODULE_INFO_FLAG}` is no longer needed ' f'since Atest can smartly rebuild {module_info._MODULE_INFO} ' r'only when needed.') atest_utils.colorful_print(msg, constants.YELLOW) return True logging.debug('Examinating the consistency of build files...') if not atest_utils.build_files_integrity_is_ok(): logging.debug('Found build files were changed.') return True return False def need_run_index_targets(args, extra_args): """Method that determines whether Atest need to run index_targets or not. There are 3 conditions that Atest does not run index_targets(): 1. dry-run flags were found. 2. VERIFY_ENV_VARIABLE was found in extra_args. 3. --test flag was found. Args: args: A list of argument. extra_args: A list of extra argument. Returns: True when none of the above conditions were found. """ ignore_args = (args.update_cmd_mapping, args.verify_cmd_mapping, args.dry_run) if any(ignore_args): return False if extra_args.get(constants.VERIFY_ENV_VARIABLE, False): return False if not parse_steps(args).has_build(): return False return True def _all_tests_are_bazel_buildable( roboleaf_tests: Dict[str, TestInfo], tests: List[str]) -> bool: """Method that determines whether all tests have been fully converted to bazel mode (roboleaf). If all tests are fully converted, then indexing, generating mod-info, and generating atest bazel workspace can be skipped since dependencies are mapped already with `b`. Args: roboleaf_tests: A dictionary keyed by testname of roboleaf tests. tests: A list of testnames. Returns: True when none of the above conditions were found. """ return roboleaf_tests and set(tests) == set(roboleaf_tests) def perm_consistency_metrics(test_infos, mod_info, args): """collect inconsistency between preparer and device root permission. Args: test_infos: TestInfo obj. mod_info: ModuleInfo obj. args: An argparse.Namespace class instance holding parsed args. """ try: # whether device has root permission adb_root = atest_utils.is_adb_root(args) logging.debug('is_adb_root: %s', adb_root) for test_info in test_infos: config_path, _ = test_finder_utils.get_test_config_and_srcs( test_info, mod_info) atest_utils.perm_metrics(config_path, adb_root) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as err: logging.debug('perm_consistency_metrics raised exception: %s', err) return def set_build_output_mode(mode: atest_utils.BuildOutputMode): """Update environment variable dict accordingly to args.build_output.""" # Changing this variable does not retrigger builds. atest_utils.update_build_env( {'ANDROID_QUIET_BUILD': 'true', #(b/271654778) Showing the reasons for the ninja file was regenerated. 'SOONG_UI_NINJA_ARGS': '-d explain', 'BUILD_OUTPUT_MODE': mode.value}) def get_device_count_config(test_infos, mod_info): """Get the amount of desired devices from the test config. Args: test_infos: A set of TestInfo instances. mod_info: ModuleInfo object. Returns: the count of devices in test config. If there are more than one configs, return the maximum. """ max_count = 0 for tinfo in test_infos: test_config, _ = test_finder_utils.get_test_config_and_srcs( tinfo, mod_info) if test_config: devices = atest_utils.get_config_device(test_config) if devices: max_count = max(len(devices), max_count) return max_count def _is_auto_shard_test(test_infos): """Determine whether the given tests are in shardable test list. Args: test_infos: TestInfo objects. Returns: True if test in auto shardable list. """ shardable_tests = atest_utils.get_local_auto_shardable_tests() for test_info in test_infos: if test_info.test_name in shardable_tests: return True return False # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements def main(argv, results_dir, args): """Entry point of atest script. Args: argv: A list of arguments. results_dir: A directory which stores the ATest execution information. args: An argparse.Namespace class instance holding parsed args. Returns: Exit code. """ _begin_time = time.time() # Sets coverage environment variables. if args.experimental_coverage: atest_utils.update_build_env(coverage.build_env_vars()) set_build_output_mode(args.build_output) _configure_logging(args.verbose) _validate_args(args) metrics_utils.get_start_time() os_pyver = (f'{platform.platform()}:{platform.python_version()}/' f'{atest_utils.get_manifest_branch(True)}:' f'{atest_utils.get_atest_version()}') metrics.AtestStartEvent( command_line=' '.join(argv), test_references=args.tests, cwd=os.getcwd(), os=os_pyver) _non_action_validator(args) proc_acloud, report_file = None, None if any((args.acloud_create, args.start_avd)): proc_acloud, report_file = at.acloud_create_validator(results_dir, args) is_clean = not os.path.exists( os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, '')) extra_args = get_extra_args(args) verify_env_variables = extra_args.get(constants.VERIFY_ENV_VARIABLE, False) # Gather roboleaf tests now to see if we can skip mod info generation. mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo(no_generate=True) if args.roboleaf_mode != roboleaf_test_runner.BazelBuildMode.OFF: mod_info.roboleaf_tests = roboleaf_test_runner.RoboleafTestRunner( results_dir).roboleaf_eligible_tests( args.roboleaf_mode, args.tests) all_tests_are_bazel_buildable = _all_tests_are_bazel_buildable( mod_info.roboleaf_tests, args.tests) # Run Test Mapping or coverage by no-bazel-mode. if atest_utils.is_test_mapping(args) or args.experimental_coverage: atest_utils.colorful_print('Not running using bazel-mode.', constants.YELLOW) args.bazel_mode = False proc_idx = None if not all_tests_are_bazel_buildable: # Do not index targets while the users intend to dry-run tests. if need_run_index_targets(args, extra_args): proc_idx = atest_utils.run_multi_proc(at.index_targets) smart_rebuild = need_rebuild_module_info(args) mod_start = time.time() mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo(force_build=smart_rebuild) mod_stop = time.time() - mod_start metrics.LocalDetectEvent(detect_type=DetectType.MODULE_INFO_INIT_MS, result=int(mod_stop * 1000)) atest_utils.run_multi_proc(func=mod_info._save_module_info_checksum) atest_utils.run_multi_proc( func=atest_utils.generate_buildfiles_checksum, args=[mod_info.module_index.parent]) if args.bazel_mode: start = time.time() bazel_mode.generate_bazel_workspace( mod_info, enabled_features=set(args.bazel_mode_features or [])) metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.BAZEL_WORKSPACE_GENERATE_TIME, result=int(time.time() - start)) translator = cli_translator.CLITranslator( mod_info=mod_info, print_cache_msg=not args.clear_cache, bazel_mode_enabled=args.bazel_mode, host=args.host, bazel_mode_features=args.bazel_mode_features) if args.list_modules: _print_testable_modules(mod_info, args.list_modules) return ExitCode.SUCCESS test_infos = set() dry_run_args = (args.update_cmd_mapping, args.verify_cmd_mapping, args.dry_run, args.generate_runner_cmd) if _will_run_tests(args): # (b/242567487) index_targets may finish after cli_translator; to # mitigate the overhead, the main waits until it finished when no index # files are available (e.g. fresh repo sync) if proc_idx and not atest_utils.has_index_files(): proc_idx.join() find_start = time.time() test_infos = translator.translate(args) given_amount = len(args.serial) if args.serial else 0 required_amount = get_device_count_config(test_infos, mod_info) args.device_count_config = required_amount # Only check when both given_amount and required_amount are non zero. if all((given_amount, required_amount)): # Base on TF rules, given_amount can be greater than or equal to # required_amount. if required_amount > given_amount: atest_utils.colorful_print( f'The test requires {required_amount} devices, ' f'but {given_amount} were given.', constants.RED) return 0 find_duration = time.time() - find_start if not test_infos: return ExitCode.TEST_NOT_FOUND if not is_from_test_mapping(test_infos): if not (any(dry_run_args) or verify_env_variables): _validate_exec_mode(args, test_infos) # _validate_exec_mode appends --host automatically when pure # host-side tests, so re-parsing extra_args is a must. extra_args = get_extra_args(args) else: _validate_tm_tests_exec_mode(args, test_infos) # Detect auto sharding and trigger creating AVDs if args.auto_sharding and _is_auto_shard_test(test_infos): extra_args.update({constants.SHARDING: constants.SHARD_NUM}) if not (any(dry_run_args) or verify_env_variables): # TODO: check existing devices. args.acloud_create = [f'--num-instances={constants.SHARD_NUM}'] proc_acloud, report_file = at.acloud_create_validator( results_dir, args) # TODO: change to another approach that put constants.CUSTOM_ARGS in the # end of command to make sure that customized args can override default # options. # For TEST_MAPPING, set timeout to 600000ms. custom_timeout = False for custom_args in args.custom_args: if '-timeout' in custom_args: custom_timeout = True if args.test_timeout is None and not custom_timeout: if is_from_test_mapping(test_infos): extra_args.update({constants.TEST_TIMEOUT: 600000}) logging.debug( 'Set test timeout to %sms to align it in TEST_MAPPING.', extra_args.get(constants.TEST_TIMEOUT)) if args.info: return _print_test_info(mod_info, test_infos) build_targets = test_runner_handler.get_test_runner_reqs( mod_info, test_infos, extra_args=extra_args) # Remove MODULE-IN-* from build targets by default. if not args.use_modules_in: build_targets = _exclude_modules_in_targets(build_targets) if any(dry_run_args): if not verify_env_variables: return _dry_run_validator(args, results_dir, extra_args, test_infos, mod_info) if verify_env_variables: # check environment variables. verify_key = atest_utils.get_verify_key(args.tests, extra_args) if not atest_utils.handle_test_env_var(verify_key, pre_verify=True): print('No environment variables need to verify.') return 0 if args.detect_regression: build_targets |= (regression_test_runner.RegressionTestRunner('') .get_test_runner_build_reqs([])) steps = parse_steps(args) if build_targets and steps.has_build(): if args.experimental_coverage: build_targets.add('jacoco_to_lcov_converter') # Add module-info.json target to the list of build targets to keep the # file up to date. build_targets.add(mod_info.module_info_target) build_start = time.time() success = atest_utils.build(build_targets) build_duration = time.time() - build_start metrics.BuildFinishEvent( duration=metrics_utils.convert_duration(build_duration), success=success, targets=build_targets) metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.BUILD_TIME_PER_TARGET, result=int(build_duration/len(build_targets)) ) rebuild_module_info = DetectType.NOT_REBUILD_MODULE_INFO if is_clean: rebuild_module_info = DetectType.CLEAN_BUILD elif args.rebuild_module_info: rebuild_module_info = DetectType.REBUILD_MODULE_INFO elif smart_rebuild: rebuild_module_info = DetectType.SMART_REBUILD_MODULE_INFO metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=rebuild_module_info, result=int(build_duration)) if not success: return ExitCode.BUILD_FAILURE if proc_acloud: proc_acloud.join() status = at.probe_acloud_status( report_file, find_duration + build_duration) if status != 0: return status # After build step 'adb' command will be available, and stop forward to # Tradefed if the tests require a device. _validate_adb_devices(args, test_infos) tests_exit_code = ExitCode.SUCCESS test_start = time.time() if steps.has_test(): # Only send duration to metrics when no --build. if not steps.has_build(): _init_and_find = time.time() - _begin_time logging.debug('Initiation and finding tests took %ss', _init_and_find) metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.INIT_AND_FIND_MS, result=int(_init_and_find*1000)) perm_consistency_metrics(test_infos, mod_info, args) if not is_from_test_mapping(test_infos): tests_exit_code, reporter = test_runner_handler.run_all_tests( results_dir, test_infos, extra_args, mod_info) atest_execution_info.AtestExecutionInfo.result_reporters.append(reporter) else: tests_exit_code = _run_test_mapping_tests( results_dir, test_infos, extra_args, mod_info) if args.experimental_coverage: coverage.generate_coverage_report(results_dir, test_infos, mod_info) if args.detect_regression: regression_args = _get_regression_detection_args(args, results_dir) # TODO(b/110485713): Should not call run_tests here. reporter = result_reporter.ResultReporter( collect_only=extra_args.get(constants.COLLECT_TESTS_ONLY)) atest_execution_info.AtestExecutionInfo.result_reporters.append(reporter) tests_exit_code |= regression_test_runner.RegressionTestRunner( '').run_tests( None, regression_args, reporter) metrics.RunTestsFinishEvent( duration=metrics_utils.convert_duration(time.time() - test_start)) preparation_time = atest_execution_info.preparation_time(test_start) if preparation_time: # Send the preparation time only if it's set. metrics.RunnerFinishEvent( duration=metrics_utils.convert_duration(preparation_time), success=True, runner_name=constants.TF_PREPARATION, test=[]) if tests_exit_code != ExitCode.SUCCESS: tests_exit_code = ExitCode.TEST_FAILURE return tests_exit_code if __name__ == '__main__': RESULTS_DIR = make_test_run_dir() if END_OF_OPTION in sys.argv: end_position = sys.argv.index(END_OF_OPTION) final_args = [*sys.argv[1:end_position], *_get_args_from_config(), *sys.argv[end_position:]] else: final_args = [*sys.argv[1:], *_get_args_from_config()] if final_args != sys.argv[1:]: print('The actual cmd will be: \n\t{}\n'.format( atest_utils.colorize("atest " + " ".join(final_args), constants.CYAN))) metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.ATEST_CONFIG, result=1) if HAS_IGNORED_ARGS: atest_utils.colorful_print( 'Please correct the config and try again.', constants.YELLOW) sys.exit(ExitCode.EXIT_BEFORE_MAIN) else: metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.ATEST_CONFIG, result=0) atest_configs.GLOBAL_ARGS = _parse_args(final_args) with atest_execution_info.AtestExecutionInfo( final_args, RESULTS_DIR, atest_configs.GLOBAL_ARGS) as result_file: if not atest_configs.GLOBAL_ARGS.no_metrics: metrics_utils.print_data_collection_notice() USER_FROM_TOOL = os.getenv(constants.USER_FROM_TOOL, '') if USER_FROM_TOOL == '': metrics_base.MetricsBase.tool_name = constants.TOOL_NAME else: metrics_base.MetricsBase.tool_name = USER_FROM_TOOL USER_FROM_SUB_TOOL = os.getenv(constants.USER_FROM_SUB_TOOL, '') if USER_FROM_SUB_TOOL == '': metrics_base.MetricsBase.sub_tool_name = constants.SUB_TOOL_NAME else: metrics_base.MetricsBase.sub_tool_name = USER_FROM_SUB_TOOL EXIT_CODE = main(final_args, RESULTS_DIR, atest_configs.GLOBAL_ARGS) DETECTOR = bug_detector.BugDetector(final_args, EXIT_CODE) if EXIT_CODE not in EXIT_CODES_BEFORE_TEST: metrics.LocalDetectEvent( detect_type=DetectType.BUG_DETECTED, result=DETECTOR.caught_result) if result_file: print("Run 'atest --history' to review test result history.") # Only asking internal google user to do this survey. if metrics_base.get_user_type() == metrics_base.INTERNAL_USER: # The bazel_mode value will only be false if user apply --no-bazel-mode. if not atest_configs.GLOBAL_ARGS.bazel_mode: MESSAGE = ('\nDear `--no-bazel-mode` users,\n' 'We are conducting a survey to understand why you are ' 'still using `--no-bazel-mode`. The survey should ' 'take less than 3 minutes and your responses will be ' 'kept confidential and will only be used to improve ' 'our understanding of the situation. Please click on ' 'the link below to begin the survey:\n\n' 'http://go/atest-no-bazel-survey\n\n' 'Thanks for your time and feedback.\n\n' 'Sincerely,\n' 'The ATest Team') print(atest_utils.colorize(MESSAGE, constants.BLACK, bp_color=constants.CYAN)) sys.exit(EXIT_CODE)