# Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Classes for bug events history.""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long import datetime import logging import json import os from atest import atest_utils from atest import constants from atest.metrics import metrics_utils _META_FILE = os.path.join(atest_utils.get_misc_dir(), '.config', 'asuite', 'atest_history.json') _DETECT_OPTION_FILTER = ['-v', '--verbose'] _DETECTED_SUCCESS = 1 _DETECTED_FAIL = 0 # constants of history key _LATEST_EXIT_CODE = 'latest_exit_code' _UPDATED_AT = 'updated_at' class BugDetector: """Class for handling if a bug is detected by comparing test history.""" def __init__(self, argv, exit_code, history_file=None): """BugDetector constructor Args: argv: A list of arguments. exit_code: An integer of exit code. history_file: A string of a given history file path. """ self.detect_key = self.get_detect_key(argv) self.exit_code = exit_code self.file = history_file if history_file else _META_FILE self.history = self.get_history() self.caught_result = self.detect_bug_caught() self.update_history() def get_detect_key(self, argv): """Get the key for history searching. 1. remove '-v' in argv to argv_no_verbose 2. sort the argv_no_verbose Args: argv: A list of arguments. Returns: A string of ordered command line. """ argv_without_option = [x for x in argv if x not in _DETECT_OPTION_FILTER] argv_without_option.sort() return ' '.join(argv_without_option) def get_history(self): """Get a history object from a history file. e.g. { "SystemUITests:.ScrimControllerTest":{ "latest_exit_code": 5, "updated_at": "2019-01-26T15:33:08.305026"}, "--host hello_world_test ":{ "latest_exit_code": 0, "updated_at": "2019-02-26T15:33:08.305026"}, } Returns: An object of loading from a history. """ history = {} if os.path.exists(self.file): with open(self.file) as json_file: try: history = json.load(json_file) except ValueError as e: logging.debug(e) metrics_utils.handle_exc_and_send_exit_event( constants.ACCESS_HISTORY_FAILURE) return history def detect_bug_caught(self): """Detection of catching bugs. When latest_exit_code and current exit_code are different, treat it as a bug caught. Returns: A integer of detecting result, e.g. 1: success 0: fail """ if not self.history: return _DETECTED_FAIL latest = self.history.get(self.detect_key, {}) if latest.get(_LATEST_EXIT_CODE, self.exit_code) == self.exit_code: return _DETECTED_FAIL return _DETECTED_SUCCESS def update_history(self): """Update the history file. 1. update latest_bug result to history cache. 2. trim history cache to size from oldest updated time. 3. write to the file. """ latest_bug = { self.detect_key: { _LATEST_EXIT_CODE: self.exit_code, _UPDATED_AT: datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() } } self.history.update(latest_bug) num_history = len(self.history) if num_history > constants.UPPER_LIMIT: sorted_history = sorted(self.history.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][_UPDATED_AT]) self.history = dict( sorted_history[(num_history - constants.TRIM_TO_SIZE):]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.file)) with open(self.file, 'w') as outfile: try: json.dump(self.history, outfile, indent=0) except ValueError as e: logging.debug(e) metrics_utils.handle_exc_and_send_exit_event( constants.ACCESS_HISTORY_FAILURE)