# # Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys, os, shutil, shlex, re, subprocess, glob from argparse import ArgumentParser, BooleanOptionalAction, Namespace from os import path from os.path import isfile, isdir, basename from subprocess import check_output, DEVNULL, PIPE, STDOUT from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from testrunner import env from typing import List COLOR = (os.environ.get("LUCI_CONTEXT") == None) # Disable colors on LUCI. COLOR_BLUE = '\033[94m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_GREEN = '\033[92m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_NORMAL = '\033[0m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_RED = '\033[91m' if COLOR else '' def parse_args(argv): argp, opt_bool = ArgumentParser(), BooleanOptionalAction argp.add_argument("--64", dest="is64", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--O", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--Xcompiler-option", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--add-libdir-argument", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--android-art-root", default="/apex/com.android.art") argp.add_argument("--android-i18n-root", default="/apex/com.android.i18n") argp.add_argument("--android-log-tags", default="*:i") argp.add_argument("--android-root", default="/system") argp.add_argument("--android-runtime-option", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--android-tzdata-root", default="/apex/com.android.tzdata") argp.add_argument("--app-image", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--baseline", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--bionic", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--boot", default="") argp.add_argument("--chroot", default="") argp.add_argument("--compact-dex-level") argp.add_argument("--compiler-only-option", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--create-runner", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--diff-min-log-tag", default="E") argp.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--debug-agent") argp.add_argument("--debug-wrap-agent", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--dex2oat-dm", action="store_true") argp.add_argument( "--dex2oat-rt-timeout", type=int, default=360) # The *hard* timeout. 6 min. argp.add_argument( "--dex2oat-timeout", type=int, default=300) # The "soft" timeout. 5 min. argp.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--experimental", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--external-log-tags", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--gc-stress", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--gdb", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--gdb-arg", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--gdb-dex2oat", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--gdb-dex2oat-args", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--gdbserver", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--gdbserver-bin") argp.add_argument("--gdbserver-port", default=":5039") argp.add_argument("--host", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--image", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--instruction-set-features", default="") argp.add_argument("--interpreter", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--invoke-with", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--jit", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvm", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvmti", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvmti-field-stress", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvmti-redefine-stress", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvmti-step-stress", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--jvmti-trace-stress", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--lib", default="") argp.add_argument("--optimize", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--prebuild", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--profile", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--random-profile", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--relocate", default=False, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--runtime-dm", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--runtime-extracted-zipapex", default="") argp.add_argument("--runtime-option", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--runtime-zipapex", default="") argp.add_argument("--secondary", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--secondary-app-image", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--secondary-class-loader-context", default="") argp.add_argument("--secondary-compilation", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--simpleperf", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--sync", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--testlib", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--timeout", default=0, type=int) argp.add_argument("--vdex", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--vdex-arg", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--vdex-filter", default="") argp.add_argument("--verify", default=True, action=opt_bool) argp.add_argument("--verify-soft-fail", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--with-agent", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--zygote", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--test_args", default=[], action="append") argp.add_argument("--stdout_file", default="") argp.add_argument("--stderr_file", default="") argp.add_argument("--main", default="Main") argp.add_argument("--expected_exit_code", default=0) # Python parser requires the format --key=--value, since without the equals symbol # it looks like the required value has been omitted and there is just another flag. # For example, '--args --foo --host --64' will become '--arg=--foo --host --64' # because otherwise the --args is missing its value and --foo is unknown argument. for i, arg in reversed(list(enumerate(argv))): if arg in [ "--args", "--runtime-option", "--android-runtime-option", "-Xcompiler-option", "--compiler-only-option" ]: argv[i] += "=" + argv.pop(i + 1) # Accept single-dash arguments as if they were double-dash arguments. # For exmpample, '-Xcompiler-option' becomes '--Xcompiler-option' # became single-dash can be used only with single-letter arguments. for i, arg in list(enumerate(argv)): if arg.startswith("-") and not arg.startswith("--"): argv[i] = "-" + arg if arg == "--": break return argp.parse_args(argv) def get_target_arch(is64: bool) -> str: # We may build for two arches. Get the one with the expected bitness. arches = [a for a in [env.TARGET_ARCH, env.TARGET_2ND_ARCH] if a] assert len(arches) > 0, "TARGET_ARCH/TARGET_2ND_ARCH not set" if is64: arches = [a for a in arches if a.endswith("64")] assert len(arches) == 1, f"Can not find (unique) 64-bit arch in {arches}" else: arches = [a for a in arches if not a.endswith("64")] assert len(arches) == 1, f"Can not find (unique) 32-bit arch in {arches}" return arches[0] # Note: This must start with the CORE_IMG_JARS in Android.common_path.mk # because that's what we use for compiling the boot.art image. # It may contain additional modules from TEST_CORE_JARS. bpath_modules = ("core-oj core-libart okhttp bouncycastle apache-xml core-icu4j" " conscrypt") # Helper function to construct paths for apex modules (for both -Xbootclasspath and # -Xbootclasspath-location). def get_apex_bootclasspath_impl(bpath_prefix: str): bpath_separator = "" bpath = "" bpath_jar = "" for bpath_module in bpath_modules.split(" "): apex_module = "com.android.art" if bpath_module == "conscrypt": apex_module = "com.android.conscrypt" if bpath_module == "core-icu4j": apex_module = "com.android.i18n" bpath_jar = f"/apex/{apex_module}/javalib/{bpath_module}.jar" bpath += f"{bpath_separator}{bpath_prefix}{bpath_jar}" bpath_separator = ":" return bpath # Gets a -Xbootclasspath paths with the apex modules. def get_apex_bootclasspath(host: bool): bpath_prefix = "" if host: bpath_prefix = os.environ["ANDROID_HOST_OUT"] return get_apex_bootclasspath_impl(bpath_prefix) # Gets a -Xbootclasspath-location paths with the apex modules. def get_apex_bootclasspath_locations(host: bool): bpath_location_prefix = "" if host: ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"] ANDROID_HOST_OUT=os.environ["ANDROID_HOST_OUT"] if ANDROID_HOST_OUT[0:len(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)+1] == f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/": bpath_location_prefix=ANDROID_HOST_OUT[len(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)+1:] else: print(f"ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/ is not a prefix of ANDROID_HOST_OUT"\ "\nANDROID_BUILD_TOP={ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}"\ "\nANDROID_HOST_OUT={ANDROID_HOST_OUT}") sys.exit(1) return get_apex_bootclasspath_impl(bpath_location_prefix) def default_run(ctx, args, **kwargs): # Clone the args so we can modify them without affecting args in the caller. args = Namespace(**vars(args)) # Overwrite args based on the named parameters. # E.g. the caller can do `default_run(args, jvmti=True)` to modify args.jvmti. for name, new_value in kwargs.items(): old_value = getattr(args, name) assert isinstance(new_value, old_value.__class__), name + " should have type " + str(old_value.__class__) if isinstance(old_value, list): setattr(args, name, old_value + new_value) # Lists get merged. else: setattr(args, name, new_value) ON_VM = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_ON_VM") # Store copy of stdout&stderr of command in files so that we can diff them later. # This may run under 'adb shell' so we are limited only to 'sh' shell feature set. def tee(cmd: str): # 'tee' works on stdout only, so we need to temporarily swap stdout and stderr. cmd = f"({cmd} | tee -a {DEX_LOCATION}/{basename(args.stdout_file)}) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3" cmd = f"({cmd} | tee -a {DEX_LOCATION}/{basename(args.stderr_file)}) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3" return f"set -o pipefail; {cmd}" # Use exit code of first failure in piped command. local_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = os.environ.get("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") ANDROID_DATA = os.environ.get("ANDROID_DATA") ANDROID_HOST_OUT = os.environ["ANDROID_HOST_OUT"] ANDROID_LOG_TAGS = os.environ.get("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS", "") ART_TIME_OUT_MULTIPLIER = int(os.environ.get("ART_TIME_OUT_MULTIPLIER", 1)) DEX2OAT = os.environ.get("DEX2OAT", "") DEX_LOCATION = os.environ["DEX_LOCATION"] JAVA = os.environ.get("JAVA") OUT_DIR = os.environ.get("OUT_DIR") PATH = os.environ.get("PATH", "") SANITIZE_HOST = os.environ.get("SANITIZE_HOST", "") TEST_NAME = os.environ["TEST_NAME"] USE_EXRACTED_ZIPAPEX = os.environ.get("USE_EXRACTED_ZIPAPEX", "") assert ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, "Did you forget to run `lunch`?" ANDROID_ROOT = args.android_root ANDROID_ART_ROOT = args.android_art_root ANDROID_I18N_ROOT = args.android_i18n_root ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT = args.android_tzdata_root ARCHITECTURES_32 = "(arm|x86|none)" ARCHITECTURES_64 = "(arm64|x86_64|riscv64|none)" ARCHITECTURES_PATTERN = ARCHITECTURES_32 GET_DEVICE_ISA_BITNESS_FLAG = "--32" BOOT_IMAGE = args.boot CHROOT = args.chroot COMPILE_FLAGS = "" DALVIKVM = "dalvikvm32" DEBUGGER = "n" WITH_AGENT = args.with_agent DEBUGGER_AGENT = args.debug_agent WRAP_DEBUGGER_AGENT = args.debug_wrap_agent DEX2OAT_NDEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oat32" DEX2OAT_DEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oatd32" EXPERIMENTAL = args.experimental FALSE_BIN = "false" FLAGS = "" ANDROID_FLAGS = "" GDB = "" GDB_ARGS = "" GDB_DEX2OAT = "" GDB_DEX2OAT_ARGS = "" GDBSERVER_DEVICE = "gdbserver" GDBSERVER_HOST = "gdbserver" HAVE_IMAGE = args.image HOST = args.host BIONIC = args.bionic CREATE_ANDROID_ROOT = False USE_ZIPAPEX = (args.runtime_zipapex != "") ZIPAPEX_LOC = args.runtime_zipapex USE_EXTRACTED_ZIPAPEX = (args.runtime_extracted_zipapex != "") EXTRACTED_ZIPAPEX_LOC = args.runtime_extracted_zipapex INTERPRETER = args.interpreter JIT = args.jit INVOKE_WITH = " ".join(args.invoke_with) USE_JVMTI = args.jvmti IS_JVMTI_TEST = False ADD_LIBDIR_ARGUMENTS = args.add_libdir_argument SUFFIX64 = "" ISA = "x86" LIBRARY_DIRECTORY = "lib" TEST_DIRECTORY = "nativetest" MAIN = args.main OPTIMIZE = args.optimize PREBUILD = args.prebuild RELOCATE = args.relocate SECONDARY_DEX = "" TIME_OUT = "timeout" # "n" (disabled), "timeout" (use timeout), "gdb" (use gdb) TIMEOUT_DUMPER = "signal_dumper" # Values in seconds. TIME_OUT_EXTRA = 0 TIME_OUT_VALUE = args.timeout USE_GDB = args.gdb USE_GDBSERVER = args.gdbserver GDBSERVER_PORT = args.gdbserver_port USE_GDB_DEX2OAT = args.gdb_dex2oat USE_JVM = args.jvm VERIFY = "y" if args.verify else "n" # y=yes,n=no,s=softfail ZYGOTE = "" DEX_VERIFY = "" INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES = args.instruction_set_features ARGS = "" VDEX_ARGS = "" DRY_RUN = args.dry_run TEST_VDEX = args.vdex TEST_DEX2OAT_DM = args.dex2oat_dm TEST_RUNTIME_DM = args.runtime_dm TEST_IS_NDEBUG = args.O APP_IMAGE = args.app_image SECONDARY_APP_IMAGE = args.secondary_app_image SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT = args.secondary_class_loader_context SECONDARY_COMPILATION = args.secondary_compilation JVMTI_STRESS = False JVMTI_REDEFINE_STRESS = args.jvmti_redefine_stress JVMTI_STEP_STRESS = args.jvmti_step_stress JVMTI_FIELD_STRESS = args.jvmti_field_stress JVMTI_TRACE_STRESS = args.jvmti_trace_stress PROFILE = args.profile RANDOM_PROFILE = args.random_profile DEX2OAT_TIMEOUT = args.dex2oat_timeout DEX2OAT_RT_TIMEOUT = args.dex2oat_rt_timeout CREATE_RUNNER = args.create_runner INT_OPTS = "" SIMPLEPERF = args.simpleperf DEBUGGER_OPTS = "" JVM_VERIFY_ARG = "" LIB = args.lib # if True, run 'sync' before dalvikvm to make sure all files from # build step (e.g. dex2oat) were finished writing. SYNC_BEFORE_RUN = args.sync # When running a debug build, we want to run with all checks. ANDROID_FLAGS += " -XX:SlowDebug=true" # The same for dex2oatd, both prebuild and runtime-driven. ANDROID_FLAGS += (" -Xcompiler-option --runtime-arg -Xcompiler-option " "-XX:SlowDebug=true") COMPILER_FLAGS = " --runtime-arg -XX:SlowDebug=true" # Let the compiler and runtime know that we are running tests. COMPILE_FLAGS += " --compile-art-test" ANDROID_FLAGS += " -Xcompiler-option --compile-art-test" if USE_JVMTI: IS_JVMTI_TEST = True # Secondary images block some tested behavior. SECONDARY_APP_IMAGE = False if args.gc_stress: # Give an extra 20 mins if we are gc-stress. TIME_OUT_EXTRA += 1200 for arg in args.testlib: ARGS += f" {arg}" for arg in args.test_args: ARGS += f" {arg}" for arg in args.compiler_only_option: COMPILE_FLAGS += f" {arg}" for arg in args.Xcompiler_option: FLAGS += f" -Xcompiler-option {arg}" COMPILE_FLAGS += f" {arg}" if args.secondary: SECONDARY_DEX = f":{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}-ex.jar" # Enable cfg-append to make sure we get the dump for both dex files. # (otherwise the runtime compilation of the secondary dex will overwrite # the dump of the first one). FLAGS += " -Xcompiler-option --dump-cfg-append" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --dump-cfg-append" for arg in args.android_runtime_option: ANDROID_FLAGS += f" {arg}" for arg in args.runtime_option: FLAGS += f" {arg}" if arg == "-Xmethod-trace": # Method tracing can slow some tests down a lot. TIME_OUT_EXTRA += 1200 if args.compact_dex_level: arg = args.compact_dex_level COMPILE_FLAGS += f" --compact-dex-level={arg}" if JVMTI_REDEFINE_STRESS: # APP_IMAGE doesn't really work with jvmti redefine stress SECONDARY_APP_IMAGE = False JVMTI_STRESS = True if JVMTI_REDEFINE_STRESS or JVMTI_STEP_STRESS or JVMTI_FIELD_STRESS or JVMTI_TRACE_STRESS: USE_JVMTI = True JVMTI_STRESS = True if HOST: ANDROID_ROOT = ANDROID_HOST_OUT ANDROID_ART_ROOT = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/com.android.art" ANDROID_I18N_ROOT = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/com.android.i18n" ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/com.android.tzdata" # On host, we default to using the symlink, as the PREFER_32BIT # configuration is the only configuration building a 32bit version of # dex2oat. DEX2OAT_DEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oatd" DEX2OAT_NDEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oat" if BIONIC: # We need to create an ANDROID_ROOT because currently we cannot create # the frameworks/libcore with linux_bionic so we need to use the normal # host ones which are in a different location. CREATE_ANDROID_ROOT = True if USE_ZIPAPEX: # TODO (b/119942078): Currently apex does not support # symlink_preferred_arch so we will not have a dex2oatd to execute and # need to manually provide # dex2oatd64. DEX2OAT_DEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oatd64" if WITH_AGENT: USE_JVMTI = True if DEBUGGER_AGENT: DEBUGGER = "agent" USE_JVMTI = True TIME_OUT = "n" if args.debug: USE_JVMTI = True DEBUGGER = "y" TIME_OUT = "n" if args.gdbserver_bin: arg = args.gdbserver_bin GDBSERVER_HOST = arg GDBSERVER_DEVICE = arg if args.gdbserver or args.gdb or USE_GDB_DEX2OAT: TIME_OUT = "n" for arg in args.gdb_arg: GDB_ARGS += f" {arg}" if args.gdb_dex2oat_args: for arg in arg.split(";"): GDB_DEX2OAT_ARGS += f"{arg} " if args.zygote: ZYGOTE = "-Xzygote" print("Spawning from zygote") if args.baseline: FLAGS += " -Xcompiler-option --baseline" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --baseline" if args.verify_soft_fail: VERIFY = "s" if args.is64: SUFFIX64 = "64" ISA = "x86_64" GDBSERVER_DEVICE = "gdbserver64" DALVIKVM = "dalvikvm64" LIBRARY_DIRECTORY = "lib64" TEST_DIRECTORY = "nativetest64" ARCHITECTURES_PATTERN = ARCHITECTURES_64 GET_DEVICE_ISA_BITNESS_FLAG = "--64" DEX2OAT_NDEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oat64" DEX2OAT_DEBUG_BINARY = "dex2oatd64" if args.vdex_filter: option = args.vdex_filter VDEX_ARGS += f" --compiler-filter={option}" if args.vdex_arg: arg = args.vdex_arg VDEX_ARGS += f" {arg}" # HACK: Force the use of `signal_dumper` on host. if HOST or ON_VM: TIME_OUT = "timeout" # If you change this, update the timeout in testrunner.py as well. if not TIME_OUT_VALUE: # 10 minutes is the default. TIME_OUT_VALUE = 600 # For sanitized builds use a larger base. # TODO: Consider sanitized target builds? if SANITIZE_HOST != "": TIME_OUT_VALUE = 1500 # 25 minutes. TIME_OUT_VALUE += TIME_OUT_EXTRA # Escape hatch for slow hosts or devices. Accept an environment variable as a timeout factor. if ART_TIME_OUT_MULTIPLIER: TIME_OUT_VALUE *= ART_TIME_OUT_MULTIPLIER # The DEX_LOCATION with the chroot prefix, if any. CHROOT_DEX_LOCATION = f"{CHROOT}{DEX_LOCATION}" # If running on device, determine the ISA of the device. if not HOST and not USE_JVM: ISA = get_target_arch(args.is64) if not USE_JVM: FLAGS += f" {ANDROID_FLAGS}" # we don't want to be trying to get adbconnections since the plugin might # not have been built. FLAGS += " -XjdwpProvider:none" for feature in EXPERIMENTAL: FLAGS += f" -Xexperimental:{feature} -Xcompiler-option --runtime-arg -Xcompiler-option -Xexperimental:{feature}" COMPILE_FLAGS = f"{COMPILE_FLAGS} --runtime-arg -Xexperimental:{feature}" if CREATE_ANDROID_ROOT: ANDROID_ROOT = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/android-root" if ZYGOTE == "": if OPTIMIZE: if VERIFY == "y": DEX_OPTIMIZE = "-Xdexopt:verified" else: DEX_OPTIMIZE = "-Xdexopt:all" else: DEX_OPTIMIZE = "-Xdexopt:none" if VERIFY == "y": JVM_VERIFY_ARG = "-Xverify:all" elif VERIFY == "s": JVM_VERIFY_ARG = "Xverify:all" DEX_VERIFY = "-Xverify:softfail" else: # VERIFY == "n" DEX_VERIFY = "-Xverify:none" JVM_VERIFY_ARG = "-Xverify:none" if DEBUGGER == "y": # Use this instead for ddms and connect by running 'ddms': # DEBUGGER_OPTS="-XjdwpOptions=server=y,suspend=y -XjdwpProvider:adbconnection" # TODO: add a separate --ddms option? PORT = 12345 print("Waiting for jdb to connect:") if not HOST: print(f" adb forward tcp:{PORT} tcp:{PORT}") print(f" jdb -attach localhost:{PORT}") if not USE_JVM: # Use the default libjdwp agent. Use --debug-agent to use a custom one. DEBUGGER_OPTS = f"-agentpath:libjdwp.so=transport=dt_socket,address={PORT},server=y,suspend=y -XjdwpProvider:internal" else: DEBUGGER_OPTS = f"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address={PORT},server=y,suspend=y" elif DEBUGGER == "agent": PORT = 12345 # TODO Support ddms connection and support target. assert HOST, "--debug-agent not supported yet for target!" AGENTPATH = DEBUGGER_AGENT if WRAP_DEBUGGER_AGENT: WRAPPROPS = f"{ANDROID_ROOT}/{LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}/libwrapagentpropertiesd.so" if TEST_IS_NDEBUG: WRAPPROPS = f"{ANDROID_ROOT}/{LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}/libwrapagentproperties.so" AGENTPATH = f"{WRAPPROPS}={ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/art/tools/libjdwp-compat.props,{AGENTPATH}" print(f"Connect to localhost:{PORT}") DEBUGGER_OPTS = f"-agentpath:{AGENTPATH}=transport=dt_socket,address={PORT},server=y,suspend=y" for agent in WITH_AGENT: FLAGS += f" -agentpath:{agent}" if USE_JVMTI: if not USE_JVM: plugin = "libopenjdkjvmtid.so" if TEST_IS_NDEBUG: plugin = "libopenjdkjvmti.so" # We used to add flags here that made the runtime debuggable but that is not # needed anymore since the plugin can do it for us now. FLAGS += f" -Xplugin:{plugin}" # For jvmti tests, set the threshold of compilation to 1, so we jit early to # provide better test coverage for jvmti + jit. This means we won't run # the default --jit configuration but it is not too important test scenario for # jvmti tests. This is art specific flag, so don't use it with jvm. FLAGS += " -Xjitthreshold:1" # Add the libdir to the argv passed to the main function. if ADD_LIBDIR_ARGUMENTS: if HOST: ARGS += f" {ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/{TEST_DIRECTORY}/" else: ARGS += f" /data/{TEST_DIRECTORY}/art/{ISA}/" if IS_JVMTI_TEST: agent = "libtiagentd.so" lib = "tiagentd" if TEST_IS_NDEBUG: agent = "libtiagent.so" lib = "tiagent" ARGS += f" {lib}" if USE_JVM: FLAGS += f" -agentpath:{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/nativetest64/{agent}={TEST_NAME},jvm" else: FLAGS += f" -agentpath:{agent}={TEST_NAME},art" if JVMTI_STRESS: agent = "libtistressd.so" if TEST_IS_NDEBUG: agent = "libtistress.so" # Just give it a default start so we can always add ',' to it. agent_args = "jvmti-stress" if JVMTI_REDEFINE_STRESS: # We really cannot do this on RI so don't both passing it in that case. if not USE_JVM: agent_args = f"{agent_args},redefine" if JVMTI_FIELD_STRESS: agent_args = f"{agent_args},field" if JVMTI_STEP_STRESS: agent_args = f"{agent_args},step" if JVMTI_TRACE_STRESS: agent_args = f"{agent_args},trace" # In the future add onto this; if USE_JVM: FLAGS += f" -agentpath:{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/nativetest64/{agent}={agent_args}" else: FLAGS += f" -agentpath:{agent}={agent_args}" if USE_JVM: ctx.export( ANDROID_I18N_ROOT = ANDROID_I18N_ROOT, DEX_LOCATION = DEX_LOCATION, JAVA_HOME = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"], LANG = "en_US.UTF-8", # Needed to enable unicode and make the output is deterministic. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/lib64", ) # Some jvmti tests are flaky without -Xint on the RI. if IS_JVMTI_TEST: FLAGS += " -Xint" # Xmx is necessary since we don't pass down the ART flags to JVM. # We pass the classes2 path whether it's used (src-multidex) or not. cmdline = f"{JAVA} {DEBUGGER_OPTS} {JVM_VERIFY_ARG} -Xmx256m -classpath classes:classes2 {FLAGS} {MAIN} {ARGS}" ctx.run(tee(cmdline), expected_exit_code=args.expected_exit_code) return b_path = get_apex_bootclasspath(HOST) b_path_locations = get_apex_bootclasspath_locations(HOST) BCPEX = "" if isfile(f"{TEST_NAME}-bcpex.jar"): BCPEX = f":{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}-bcpex.jar" # Pass down the bootclasspath FLAGS += f" -Xbootclasspath:{b_path}{BCPEX}" FLAGS += f" -Xbootclasspath-locations:{b_path_locations}{BCPEX}" COMPILE_FLAGS += f" --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath:{b_path}" COMPILE_FLAGS += f" --runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath-locations:{b_path_locations}" if not HAVE_IMAGE: # Disable image dex2oat - this will forbid the runtime to patch or compile an image. FLAGS += " -Xnoimage-dex2oat" # We'll abuse a second flag here to test different behavior. If --relocate, use the # existing image - relocation will fail as patching is disallowed. If --no-relocate, # pass a non-existent image - compilation will fail as dex2oat is disallowed. if not RELOCATE: BOOT_IMAGE = "/system/non-existent/boot.art" # App images cannot be generated without a boot image. APP_IMAGE = False DALVIKVM_BOOT_OPT = f"-Ximage:{BOOT_IMAGE}" if USE_GDB_DEX2OAT: assert HOST, "The --gdb-dex2oat option is not yet implemented for target." assert not USE_GDBSERVER, "Not supported" if USE_GDB: if not HOST: # We might not have any hostname resolution if we are using a chroot. GDB = f"{GDBSERVER_DEVICE} --no-startup-with-shell{GDBSERVER_PORT}" else: GDB = "gdb" GDB_ARGS += f" --args {DALVIKVM}" if INTERPRETER: INT_OPTS += " -Xint" if JIT: INT_OPTS += " -Xusejit:true" else: INT_OPTS += " -Xusejit:false" if INTERPRETER or JIT: if VERIFY == "y": INT_OPTS += " -Xcompiler-option --compiler-filter=verify" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --compiler-filter=verify" elif VERIFY == "s": INT_OPTS += " -Xcompiler-option --compiler-filter=verify" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --compiler-filter=verify" DEX_VERIFY = f"{DEX_VERIFY} -Xverify:softfail" else: # VERIFY == "n" INT_OPTS += " -Xcompiler-option --compiler-filter=assume-verified" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --compiler-filter=assume-verified" DEX_VERIFY = f"{DEX_VERIFY} -Xverify:none" JNI_OPTS = "-Xjnigreflimit:512 -Xcheck:jni" COMPILE_FLAGS += " --runtime-arg -Xnorelocate" if RELOCATE: FLAGS += " -Xrelocate" else: FLAGS += " -Xnorelocate" if BIONIC and not ON_VM: # This is the location that soong drops linux_bionic builds. Despite being # called linux_bionic-x86 the build is actually amd64 (x86_64) only. assert path.exists(f"{OUT_DIR}/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86"), ( "linux_bionic-x86 target doesn't seem to have been built!") # Set TIMEOUT_DUMPER manually so it works even with apex's TIMEOUT_DUMPER = f"{OUT_DIR}/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86/bin/signal_dumper" # Prevent test from silently falling back to interpreter in no-prebuild mode. This happens # when DEX_LOCATION path is too long, because vdex/odex filename is constructed by taking # full path to dex, stripping leading '/', appending '@classes.vdex' and changing every # remaining '/' into '@'. if HOST: max_filename_size = int(check_output(f"getconf NAME_MAX {DEX_LOCATION}", shell=True)) else: # There is no getconf on device, fallback to standard value. # See NAME_MAX in kernel <linux/limits.h> max_filename_size = 255 # Compute VDEX_NAME. DEX_LOCATION_STRIPPED = DEX_LOCATION.lstrip("/") VDEX_NAME = f"{DEX_LOCATION_STRIPPED}@{TEST_NAME}.jar@classes.vdex".replace( "/", "@") assert len(VDEX_NAME) <= max_filename_size, "Dex location path too long" if HOST: # On host, run binaries (`dex2oat(d)`, `dalvikvm`, `profman`) from the `bin` # directory under the "Android Root" (usually `out/host/linux-x86`). # # TODO(b/130295968): Adjust this if/when ART host artifacts are installed # under the ART root (usually `out/host/linux-x86/com.android.art`). ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR = f"{ANDROID_ROOT}/bin" else: # On target, run binaries (`dex2oat(d)`, `dalvikvm`, `profman`) from the ART # APEX's `bin` directory. This means the linker will observe the ART APEX # linker configuration file (`/apex/com.android.art/etc/ld.config.txt`) for # these binaries. ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR = f"{ANDROID_ART_ROOT}/bin" profman_cmdline = "true" dex2oat_cmdline = "true" vdex_cmdline = "true" dm_cmdline = "true" mkdir_locations = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/dalvik-cache/{ISA}" strip_cmdline = "true" sync_cmdline = "true" linkroot_cmdline = "true" linkroot_overlay_cmdline = "true" setupapex_cmdline = "true" installapex_cmdline = "true" installapex_test_cmdline = "true" def linkdirs(host_out: str, root: str): dirs = list(filter(os.path.isdir, glob.glob(os.path.join(host_out, "*")))) # Also create a link for the boot image. dirs.append(f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/apex/art_boot_images") return " && ".join(f"ln -sf {dir} {root}" for dir in dirs) if CREATE_ANDROID_ROOT: mkdir_locations += f" {ANDROID_ROOT}" linkroot_cmdline = linkdirs(ANDROID_HOST_OUT, ANDROID_ROOT) if BIONIC: # TODO Make this overlay more generic. linkroot_overlay_cmdline = linkdirs( f"{OUT_DIR}/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86", ANDROID_ROOT) # Replace the boot image to a location expected by the runtime. DALVIKVM_BOOT_OPT = f"-Ximage:{ANDROID_ROOT}/art_boot_images/javalib/boot.art" if USE_ZIPAPEX: # TODO Currently this only works for linux_bionic zipapexes because those are # stripped and so small enough that the ulimit doesn't kill us. mkdir_locations += f" {DEX_LOCATION}/zipapex" setupapex_cmdline = f"unzip -o -u {ZIPAPEX_LOC} apex_payload.zip -d {DEX_LOCATION}" installapex_cmdline = f"unzip -o -u {DEX_LOCATION}/apex_payload.zip -d {DEX_LOCATION}/zipapex" ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/zipapex/bin" elif USE_EXTRACTED_ZIPAPEX: # Just symlink the zipapex binaries ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/zipapex/bin" # Force since some tests manually run this file twice. # If the {RUN} is executed multiple times we don't need to recreate the link installapex_cmdline = f"ln -sfTv {EXTRACTED_ZIPAPEX_LOC} {DEX_LOCATION}/zipapex" # PROFILE takes precedence over RANDOM_PROFILE, since PROFILE tests require a # specific profile to run properly. if PROFILE or RANDOM_PROFILE: profman_cmdline = f"{ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR}/profman \ --apk={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.jar \ --dex-location={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.jar" if isfile(f"{TEST_NAME}-ex.jar") and SECONDARY_COMPILATION: profman_cmdline = f"{profman_cmdline} \ --apk={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}-ex.jar \ --dex-location={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}-ex.jar" COMPILE_FLAGS = f"{COMPILE_FLAGS} --profile-file={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.prof" FLAGS = f"{FLAGS} -Xcompiler-option --profile-file={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.prof" if PROFILE: profman_cmdline = f"{profman_cmdline} --create-profile-from={DEX_LOCATION}/profile \ --reference-profile-file={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.prof" else: profman_cmdline = f"{profman_cmdline} --generate-test-profile={DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.prof \ --generate-test-profile-seed=0" def get_prebuilt_lldb_path(): CLANG_BASE = "prebuilts/clang/host" CLANG_VERSION = check_output( f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/build/soong/scripts/get_clang_version.py" ).strip() uname = check_output("uname -s", shell=True).strip() if uname == "Darwin": PREBUILT_NAME = "darwin-x86" elif uname == "Linux": PREBUILT_NAME = "linux-x86" else: print( "Unknown host $(uname -s). Unsupported for debugging dex2oat with LLDB.", file=sys.stderr) return CLANG_PREBUILT_HOST_PATH = f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/{CLANG_BASE}/{PREBUILT_NAME}/{CLANG_VERSION}" # If the clang prebuilt directory exists and the reported clang version # string does not, then it is likely that the clang version reported by the # get_clang_version.py script does not match the expected directory name. if isdir(f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/{CLANG_BASE}/{PREBUILT_NAME}"): assert isdir(CLANG_PREBUILT_HOST_PATH), ( "The prebuilt clang directory exists, but the specific " "clang\nversion reported by get_clang_version.py does not exist in " "that path.\nPlease make sure that the reported clang version " "resides in the\nprebuilt clang directory!") # The lldb-server binary is a dependency of lldb. os.environ[ "LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH"] = f"{CLANG_PREBUILT_HOST_PATH}/runtimes_ndk_cxx/x86_64/lldb-server" # Set the current terminfo directory to TERMINFO so that LLDB can read the # termcap database. terminfo = re.search("/.*/terminfo/", check_output("infocmp")) if terminfo: os.environ["TERMINFO"] = terminfo[0] return f"{CLANG_PREBUILT_HOST_PATH}/bin/lldb.sh" def write_dex2oat_cmdlines(name: str): nonlocal dex2oat_cmdline, dm_cmdline, vdex_cmdline class_loader_context = "" enable_app_image = False if APP_IMAGE: enable_app_image = True # If the name ends in -ex then this is a secondary dex file if name.endswith("-ex"): # Lazily realize the default value in case DEX_LOCATION/TEST_NAME change nonlocal SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT if SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT == "": if SECONDARY_DEX == "": # Tests without `--secondary` load the "-ex" jar in a separate PathClassLoader # that is a child of the main PathClassLoader. If the class loader is constructed # in any other way, the test needs to specify the secondary CLC explicitly. SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT = f"PCL[];PCL[{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.jar]" else: # Tests with `--secondary` load the `-ex` jar a part of the main PathClassLoader. SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT = f"PCL[{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.jar]" class_loader_context = f"'--class-loader-context={SECONDARY_CLASS_LOADER_CONTEXT}'" enable_app_image = enable_app_image and SECONDARY_APP_IMAGE app_image = "" if enable_app_image: app_image = f"--app-image-file={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.art --resolve-startup-const-strings=true" nonlocal GDB_DEX2OAT, GDB_DEX2OAT_ARGS if USE_GDB_DEX2OAT: prebuilt_lldb_path = get_prebuilt_lldb_path() GDB_DEX2OAT = f"{prebuilt_lldb_path} -f" GDB_DEX2OAT_ARGS += " -- " dex2oat_binary = DEX2OAT_DEBUG_BINARY if TEST_IS_NDEBUG: dex2oat_binary = DEX2OAT_NDEBUG_BINARY dex2oat_cmdline = f"{INVOKE_WITH} {GDB_DEX2OAT} \ {ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR}/{dex2oat_binary} \ {GDB_DEX2OAT_ARGS} \ {COMPILE_FLAGS} \ --boot-image={BOOT_IMAGE} \ --dex-file={DEX_LOCATION}/{name}.jar \ --oat-file={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.odex \ {app_image} \ --generate-mini-debug-info \ --instruction-set={ISA} \ {class_loader_context}" if INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES != "": dex2oat_cmdline += f" --instruction-set-features={INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES}" # Add in a timeout. This is important for testing the compilation/verification time of # pathological cases. We do not append a timeout when debugging dex2oat because we # do not want it to exit while debugging. # Note: as we don't know how decent targets are (e.g., emulator), only do this on the host for # now. We should try to improve this. # The current value is rather arbitrary. run-tests should compile quickly. # Watchdog timeout is in milliseconds so add 3 '0's to the dex2oat timeout. if HOST and not USE_GDB_DEX2OAT: # Use SIGRTMIN+2 to try to dump threads. # Use -k 1m to SIGKILL it a minute later if it hasn't ended. dex2oat_cmdline = f"timeout -k {DEX2OAT_TIMEOUT}s -s SIGRTMIN+2 {DEX2OAT_RT_TIMEOUT}s {dex2oat_cmdline} --watchdog-timeout={DEX2OAT_TIMEOUT}000" if PROFILE or RANDOM_PROFILE: vdex_cmdline = f"{dex2oat_cmdline} {VDEX_ARGS} --input-vdex={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.vdex --output-vdex={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.vdex" elif TEST_VDEX: if VDEX_ARGS == "": # If no arguments need to be passed, just delete the odex file so that the runtime only picks up the vdex file. vdex_cmdline = f"rm {DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.odex" else: vdex_cmdline = f"{dex2oat_cmdline} {VDEX_ARGS} --compact-dex-level=none --input-vdex={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.vdex" elif TEST_DEX2OAT_DM: vdex_cmdline = f"{dex2oat_cmdline} {VDEX_ARGS} --dump-timings --dm-file={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.dm" dex2oat_cmdline = f"{dex2oat_cmdline} --copy-dex-files=false --output-vdex={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/primary.vdex" dm_cmdline = f"zip -qj {DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/{name}.dm {DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/primary.vdex" elif TEST_RUNTIME_DM: dex2oat_cmdline = f"{dex2oat_cmdline} --copy-dex-files=false --output-vdex={DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/primary.vdex" dm_cmdline = f"zip -qj {DEX_LOCATION}/{name}.dm {DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}/primary.vdex" # Enable mini-debug-info for JIT (if JIT is used). FLAGS += " -Xcompiler-option --generate-mini-debug-info" if PREBUILD: mkdir_locations += f" {DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}" # "Primary". write_dex2oat_cmdlines(TEST_NAME) dex2oat_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dex2oat_cmdline) dm_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dm_cmdline) vdex_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", vdex_cmdline) # Enable mini-debug-info for JIT (if JIT is used). FLAGS += " -Xcompiler-option --generate-mini-debug-info" if isfile(f"{TEST_NAME}-ex.jar") and SECONDARY_COMPILATION: # "Secondary" for test coverage. # Store primary values. base_dex2oat_cmdline = dex2oat_cmdline base_dm_cmdline = dm_cmdline base_vdex_cmdline = vdex_cmdline write_dex2oat_cmdlines(f"{TEST_NAME}-ex") dex2oat_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dex2oat_cmdline) dm_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dm_cmdline) vdex_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", vdex_cmdline) # Concatenate. dex2oat_cmdline = f"{base_dex2oat_cmdline} && {dex2oat_cmdline}" dm_cmdline = base_dm_cmdline # Only use primary dm. vdex_cmdline = f"{base_vdex_cmdline} && {vdex_cmdline}" if SYNC_BEFORE_RUN: sync_cmdline = "sync" DALVIKVM_ISA_FEATURES_ARGS = "" if INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES != "": DALVIKVM_ISA_FEATURES_ARGS = f"-Xcompiler-option --instruction-set-features={INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES}" # java.io.tmpdir can only be set at launch time. TMP_DIR_OPTION = "" if not HOST: TMP_DIR_OPTION = "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/data/local/tmp" # The build servers have an ancient version of bash so we cannot use @Q. QUOTED_DALVIKVM_BOOT_OPT = shlex.quote(DALVIKVM_BOOT_OPT) DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}.jar" if isfile(f"{TEST_NAME}-aotex.jar"): DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH = f"{DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH}:{DEX_LOCATION}/{TEST_NAME}-aotex.jar" DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH = f"{DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH}{SECONDARY_DEX}" # We set DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit to false to avoid stressing libunwind. # b/27185632 # b/24664297 dalvikvm_logger = "" if ON_VM: dalvikvm_logger = "-Xuse-stderr-logger" dalvikvm_cmdline = f"{INVOKE_WITH} {GDB} {ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR}/{DALVIKVM} \ {GDB_ARGS} \ {FLAGS} \ {DEX_VERIFY} \ -XXlib:{LIB} \ {DEX2OAT} \ {DALVIKVM_ISA_FEATURES_ARGS} \ {ZYGOTE} \ {JNI_OPTS} \ {INT_OPTS} \ {DEBUGGER_OPTS} \ {QUOTED_DALVIKVM_BOOT_OPT} \ {TMP_DIR_OPTION} \ {dalvikvm_logger} \ -XX:DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit:false \ -cp {DALVIKVM_CLASSPATH} {MAIN} {ARGS}" if SIMPLEPERF: dalvikvm_cmdline = f"simpleperf record {dalvikvm_cmdline} && simpleperf report" def sanitize_dex2oat_cmdline(cmdline: str) -> str: args = [] for arg in cmdline.split(" "): if arg == "--class-loader-context=&": arg = "--class-loader-context=\&" args.append(arg) return " ".join(args) # Remove whitespace. dex2oat_cmdline = sanitize_dex2oat_cmdline(dex2oat_cmdline) dalvikvm_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dalvikvm_cmdline) dm_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", dm_cmdline) vdex_cmdline = sanitize_dex2oat_cmdline(vdex_cmdline) profman_cmdline = re.sub(" +", " ", profman_cmdline) # Use an empty ASAN_OPTIONS to enable defaults. # Note: this is required as envsetup right now exports detect_leaks=0. RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS = "" # Multiple shutdown leaks. b/38341789 if RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS != "": RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS = f"{RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS}:" RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS = f"{RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS}detect_leaks=0" assert not args.external_log_tags, "Deprecated: use --android-log-tags=*:v" ANDROID_LOG_TAGS = args.android_log_tags def filter_output(): # Remove unwanted log messages from stderr before diffing with the expected output. # NB: The unwanted log line can be interleaved in the middle of wanted stderr printf. # In particular, unhandled exception is printed using several unterminated printfs. ALL_LOG_TAGS = ["V", "D", "I", "W", "E", "F", "S"] skip_tag_set = "|".join(ALL_LOG_TAGS[:ALL_LOG_TAGS.index(args.diff_min_log_tag.upper())]) skip_reg_exp = fr'[[:alnum:]]+ ({skip_tag_set}) #-# #:#:# [^\n]*\n'.replace('#', '[0-9]+') ctx.run(fr"sed -i -z -E 's/{skip_reg_exp}//g' '{args.stderr_file}'") if not HAVE_IMAGE: message = "(Unable to open file|Could not create image space)" ctx.run(fr"sed -i -E '/^dalvikvm(|32|64) E .* {message}/d' '{args.stderr_file}'") if ANDROID_LOG_TAGS != "*:i" and "D" in skip_tag_set: ctx.run(fr"sed -i -E '/^(Time zone|I18n) APEX ICU file found/d' '{args.stderr_file}'") if ON_VM: messages = "|".join([ "failed to connect to tombstoned", "Failed to write stack traces to tombstoned", "Failed to setpriority to :0"]) ctx.run(fr"sed -i -E '/({messages})/d' '{args.stderr_file}'") if not HOST: # Populate LD_LIBRARY_PATH. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "" if ANDROID_ROOT != "/system": # Current default installation is dalvikvm 64bits and dex2oat 32bits, # so we can only use LD_LIBRARY_PATH when testing on a local # installation. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{ANDROID_ROOT}/{LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}" # This adds libarttest(d).so to the default linker namespace when dalvikvm # is run from /apex/com.android.art/bin. Since that namespace is essentially # an alias for the com_android_art namespace, that gives libarttest(d).so # full access to the internal ART libraries. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"/data/{TEST_DIRECTORY}/com.android.art/lib{SUFFIX64}:{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" dlib = ("" if TEST_IS_NDEBUG else "d") art_test_internal_libraries = [ f"libartagent{dlib}.so", f"libarttest{dlib}.so", f"libtiagent{dlib}.so", f"libtistress{dlib}.so", ] NATIVELOADER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LIBS = ":".join(art_test_internal_libraries) dlib = "" art_test_internal_libraries = [] if not ON_VM: # Needed to access the test's Odex files. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{DEX_LOCATION}/oat/{ISA}:{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # Needed to access the test's native libraries (see e.g. 674-hiddenapi, # which generates `libhiddenapitest_*.so` libraries in `{DEX_LOCATION}`). LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{DEX_LOCATION}:{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # Prepend directories to the path on device. PREPEND_TARGET_PATH = ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR if ANDROID_ROOT != "/system": PREPEND_TARGET_PATH = f"{PREPEND_TARGET_PATH}:{ANDROID_ROOT}/bin" timeout_dumper_cmd = "" if TIMEOUT_DUMPER: # Use "-l" to dump to logcat. That is convenience for the build bot crash symbolization. # Use exit code 124 for toybox timeout (b/141007616). timeout_dumper_cmd = f"{TIMEOUT_DUMPER} -l -s 15 -e 124" timeout_prefix = "" if TIME_OUT == "timeout": # Add timeout command if time out is desired. # # Note: We first send SIGTERM (the timeout default, signal 15) to the signal dumper, which # will induce a full thread dump before killing the process. To ensure any issues in # dumping do not lead to a deadlock, we also use the "-k" option to definitely kill the # child. # Note: Using "--foreground" to not propagate the signal to children, i.e., the runtime. if ON_VM: timeout_prefix = f"timeout -k 120s {TIME_OUT_VALUE}s" else: timeout_prefix = f"timeout --foreground -k 120s {TIME_OUT_VALUE}s {timeout_dumper_cmd}" ctx.export( ASAN_OPTIONS = RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS, ANDROID_DATA = DEX_LOCATION, DEX_LOCATION = DEX_LOCATION, ANDROID_ROOT = ANDROID_ROOT, ANDROID_I18N_ROOT = ANDROID_I18N_ROOT, ANDROID_ART_ROOT = ANDROID_ART_ROOT, ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT = ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT, ANDROID_LOG_TAGS = ANDROID_LOG_TAGS, LD_LIBRARY_PATH = LD_LIBRARY_PATH, NATIVELOADER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LIBS = NATIVELOADER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LIBS, PATH = f"{PREPEND_TARGET_PATH}:$PATH", ) if USE_GDB or USE_GDBSERVER: print(f"Forward {GDBSERVER_PORT} to local port and connect GDB") ctx.run(f"rm -rf {DEX_LOCATION}/{{oat,dalvik-cache}}/ && mkdir -p {mkdir_locations}") ctx.run(f"{profman_cmdline}") ctx.run(f"{dex2oat_cmdline}", desc="Dex2oat") ctx.run(f"{dm_cmdline}") ctx.run(f"{vdex_cmdline}") ctx.run(f"{strip_cmdline}") ctx.run(f"{sync_cmdline}") ctx.run(tee(f"{timeout_prefix} {dalvikvm_cmdline}"), expected_exit_code=args.expected_exit_code, desc="DalvikVM") if ON_VM: filter_output() else: # Host run. if USE_ZIPAPEX or USE_EXRACTED_ZIPAPEX: # Put the zipapex files in front of the ld-library-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{ANDROID_DATA}/zipapex/{LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}:{ANDROID_ROOT}/{TEST_DIRECTORY}" else: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = f"{ANDROID_ROOT}/{LIBRARY_DIRECTORY}:{ANDROID_ROOT}/{TEST_DIRECTORY}" ctx.export( ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG = "brief", ASAN_OPTIONS = RUN_TEST_ASAN_OPTIONS, ANDROID_DATA = DEX_LOCATION, DEX_LOCATION = DEX_LOCATION, ANDROID_ROOT = ANDROID_ROOT, ANDROID_I18N_ROOT = ANDROID_I18N_ROOT, ANDROID_ART_ROOT = ANDROID_ART_ROOT, ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT = ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT, ANDROID_LOG_TAGS = ANDROID_LOG_TAGS, LD_LIBRARY_PATH = LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH = f"{PATH}:{ANDROID_ART_BIN_DIR}", # Temporarily disable address space layout randomization (ASLR). # This is needed on the host so that the linker loads core.oat at the necessary address. LD_USE_LOAD_BIAS = "1", TERM = os.environ.get("TERM", ""), # Needed for GDB ) cmdline = dalvikvm_cmdline if TIME_OUT == "gdb": if run("uname").stdout.strip() == "Darwin": # Fall back to timeout on Mac. TIME_OUT = "timeout" elif ISA == "x86": # prctl call may fail in 32-bit on an older (3.2) 64-bit Linux kernel. Fall back to timeout. TIME_OUT = "timeout" else: # Check if gdb is available. proc = run('gdb --eval-command="quit"', check=False, save_cmd=False) if proc.returncode != 0: # gdb isn't available. Fall back to timeout. TIME_OUT = "timeout" if TIME_OUT == "timeout": # Add timeout command if time out is desired. # # Note: We first send SIGTERM (the timeout default, signal 15) to the signal dumper, which # will induce a full thread dump before killing the process. To ensure any issues in # dumping do not lead to a deadlock, we also use the "-k" option to definitely kill the # child. # Note: Using "--foreground" to not propagate the signal to children, i.e., the runtime. cmdline = f"timeout --foreground -k 120s {TIME_OUT_VALUE}s {TIMEOUT_DUMPER} -s 15 {cmdline}" os.chdir(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP) # Make sure we delete any existing compiler artifacts. # This enables tests to call the RUN script multiple times in a row # without worrying about interference. ctx.run(f"rm -rf {DEX_LOCATION}/{{oat,dalvik-cache}}/") ctx.run(f"mkdir -p {mkdir_locations}") ctx.run(setupapex_cmdline) if USE_EXTRACTED_ZIPAPEX: ctx.run(installapex_cmdline) ctx.run(linkroot_cmdline) ctx.run(linkroot_overlay_cmdline) ctx.run(profman_cmdline) ctx.run(dex2oat_cmdline, desc="Dex2oat") ctx.run(dm_cmdline) ctx.run(vdex_cmdline) ctx.run(strip_cmdline) ctx.run(sync_cmdline) if DRY_RUN: return if USE_GDB: # When running under gdb, we cannot do piping and grepping... ctx.run(cmdline) else: ctx.run(tee(cmdline), expected_exit_code=args.expected_exit_code, desc="DalvikVM") filter_output()