#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, sys, glob, re, shutil, subprocess, shlex, resource, atexit import default_run as default_run_module from default_run import get_target_arch from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo, FrameInfo from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile from testrunner import env from typing import Optional, Dict, List from zipfile import ZipFile COLOR = (os.environ.get("LUCI_CONTEXT") == None) # Disable colors on LUCI. COLOR_BLUE = '\033[94m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_GREEN = '\033[92m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_NORMAL = '\033[0m' if COLOR else '' COLOR_RED = '\033[91m' if COLOR else '' # Helper class which allows us to access the environment using syntax sugar. # E.g. `env.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP` instead of `os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"]`. class Environment: def __getattr__(self, name): return os.environ.get(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): os.environ[name] = str(value) # Context passed to individual tests to let them customize the behaviour. class RunTestContext: def __init__(self, tmp_dir: Path, target: bool, chroot, dex_location, test_name) -> None: self.env = Environment() self.target = target self.chroot = chroot self.dex_location = dex_location self.test_name = test_name # Note: The expected path can be modified by the tests. self.expected_stdout = tmp_dir / "expected-stdout.txt" self.expected_stderr = tmp_dir / "expected-stderr.txt" self.runner: List[str] = ["#!/bin/bash"] def echo(self, text): self.run(f"echo {text} > {test_stdout}") def export(self, **env: str) -> None: self.runner.append("") for name, value in env.items(): self.runner.append(f"export {name}={value}") # Add "runner" script command. It is not executed now. # All "runner" commands are executed later via single bash call. def run(self, cmd: str, check: bool=True, expected_exit_code: int=0, desc:str = None) -> None: if cmd == "true": return cmd_esc = cmd.replace("'", r"'\''") self.runner.append("") self.runner.append(f"echo '{COLOR_BLUE}$$ {cmd_esc}{COLOR_NORMAL}'") self.runner.append(cmd) # Check the exit code. if check: caller = getframeinfo(currentframe().f_back) # type: ignore source = "{}:{}".format(Path(caller.filename).name, caller.lineno) msg = f"{self.test_name} FAILED: [{source}] " msg += "{} returned exit code ${{exit_code}}.".format(desc or "Command") if expected_exit_code: msg += f" Expected {expected_exit_code}." self.runner.append( f"exit_code=$?; if [ $exit_code -ne {expected_exit_code} ]; then " f"echo {COLOR_RED}{msg}{COLOR_NORMAL}; exit 100; " f"fi; ") else: self.runner.append("true; # Ignore previous exit code") # Execute the default runner (possibly with modified arguments). def default_run(self, args, **kwargs): default_run_module.default_run(self, args, **kwargs) # TODO: Replace with 'def main():' (which might change variables from globals to locals) if True: progdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) oldwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(progdir) test_dir = "test-{}".format(os.getpid()) TMPDIR = os.environ.get("TMPDIR") USER = os.environ.get("USER") PYTHON3 = os.environ.get("PYTHON3") if not TMPDIR: tmp_dir = f"/tmp/{USER}/{test_dir}" else: tmp_dir = f"{TMPDIR}/{test_dir}" checker = f"{progdir}/../tools/checker/checker.py" ON_VM = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_ON_VM") SSH_USER = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_SSH_USER") SSH_HOST = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_SSH_HOST") SSH_PORT = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_SSH_PORT") SSH_CMD = os.environ.get("ART_SSH_CMD") SCP_CMD = os.environ.get("ART_SCP_CMD") CHROOT = os.environ.get("ART_TEST_CHROOT") CHROOT_CMD = os.environ.get("ART_CHROOT_CMD") def fail(message: str, caller:Optional[FrameInfo]=None): caller = caller or getframeinfo(currentframe().f_back) # type: ignore assert caller source = "{}:{}".format(Path(caller.filename).name, caller.lineno) print(f"{COLOR_RED}{TEST_NAME} FAILED: [{source}] {message}{COLOR_NORMAL}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def run(cmdline: str, check=True, fail_message=None) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess: print(f"{COLOR_BLUE}$ {cmdline}{COLOR_NORMAL}", flush=True) proc = subprocess.run([cmdline], shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if (check and proc.returncode != 0): if fail_message: # If we have custom fail message, exit without printing the full backtrace. fail(fail_message, getframeinfo(currentframe().f_back)) # type: ignore raise Exception(f"Command failed (exit code {proc.returncode})") return proc def export(env: str, value: str) -> None: os.environ[env] = value globals()[env] = value def error(msg) -> None: print(msg, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) # ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not set in a build environment. ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = os.environ.get("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP") if not ANDROID_BUILD_TOP: export("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", oldwd) export("JAVA", "java") export("JAVAC", "javac -g -Xlint:-options -source 1.8 -target 1.8") export("PYTHON3", f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/prebuilts/build-tools/path/linux-x86/python3") export("RUN", f"{PYTHON3} {progdir}/etc/run-test-jar") export("DEX_LOCATION", f"/data/run-test/{test_dir}") # OUT_DIR defaults to out, and may be relative to ANDROID_BUILD_TOP. # Convert it to an absolute path, since we cd into the tmp_dir to run the tests. OUT_DIR = os.environ.get("OUT_DIR", "") export("OUT_DIR", OUT_DIR or "out") if not OUT_DIR.startswith("/"): export("OUT_DIR", f"{ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/{OUT_DIR}") # ANDROID_HOST_OUT is not set in a build environment. ANDROID_HOST_OUT = os.environ.get("ANDROID_HOST_OUT") if not ANDROID_HOST_OUT: export("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", f"{OUT_DIR}/host/linux-x86") host_lib_root = ANDROID_HOST_OUT chroot = "" info = "info.txt" run_cmd = "run" test_stdout = "test-stdout.txt" test_stderr = "test-stderr.txt" cfg_output = "graph.cfg" strace_output = "strace-output.txt" lib = "libartd.so" testlib = "arttestd" run_args = [] run_checker = "no" quiet = "no" debuggable = "no" prebuild_mode = "yes" target_mode = "yes" dev_mode = "no" create_runner = "no" update_mode = "no" debug_mode = "no" relocate = "no" runtime = "art" usage = "no" suffix64 = "" trace = "false" trace_stream = "false" basic_verify = "false" gc_verify = "false" gc_stress = "false" jvmti_trace_stress = "false" jvmti_field_stress = "false" jvmti_step_stress = "false" jvmti_redefine_stress = "false" strace = "false" always_clean = "no" never_clean = "no" have_image = "yes" android_root = "/system" bisection_search = "no" timeout = "" suspend_timeout = "500000" run_optimizing = "false" dump_cfg = "false" dump_cfg_path = "" # To cause tests to fail fast, limit the file sizes created by dx, dex2oat and # ART output to approximately 128MB. This should be more than sufficient # for any test while still catching cases of runaway output. # Set a hard limit to encourage ART developers to increase the ulimit here if # needed to support a test case rather than resetting the limit in the run # script for the particular test in question. Adjust this if needed for # particular configurations. file_ulimit = 128000 args = list(sys.argv) arg = args[0] def shift(): global arg args.pop(0) arg = args[0] if args else "" shift() while True: if arg == "--host": target_mode = "no" DEX_LOCATION = tmp_dir run_args += ["--host"] os.environ["RUN_MODE"] = "host" shift() elif arg == "--quiet": quiet = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--use-java-home": JAVA_HOME = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME") if JAVA_HOME: export("JAVA", f"{JAVA_HOME}/bin/java") export("JAVAC", f"{JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac -g") else: error("Passed --use-java-home without JAVA_HOME variable set!") usage = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--jvm": target_mode = "no" DEX_LOCATION = tmp_dir runtime = "jvm" prebuild_mode = "no" run_args += ["--jvm"] shift() elif arg == "-O": lib = "libart.so" testlib = "arttest" run_args += ["-O"] shift() elif arg == "--dalvik": lib = "libdvm.so" runtime = "dalvik" shift() elif arg == "--no-image": have_image = "no" shift() elif arg == "--relocate": relocate = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--no-relocate": relocate = "no" shift() elif arg == "--prebuild": run_args += ["--prebuild"] prebuild_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--compact-dex-level": option = arg shift() run_args += [f'"{option}" "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--strip-dex": run_args += ["--strip-dex"] shift() elif arg == "--debuggable": run_args += ["-Xcompiler-option --debuggable"] debuggable = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--no-prebuild": run_args += ["--no-prebuild"] prebuild_mode = "no" shift() elif arg == "--gcverify": basic_verify = "true" gc_verify = "true" shift() elif arg == "--gcstress": basic_verify = "true" gc_stress = "true" shift() elif arg == "--jvmti-step-stress": jvmti_step_stress = "true" os.environ["JVMTI_STEP_STRESS"] = "true" shift() elif arg == "--jvmti-redefine-stress": jvmti_redefine_stress = "true" os.environ["JVMTI_REDEFINE_STRESS"] = "true" shift() elif arg == "--jvmti-field-stress": jvmti_field_stress = "true" os.environ["JVMTI_FIELD_STRESS"] = "true" shift() elif arg == "--jvmti-trace-stress": jvmti_trace_stress = "true" os.environ["JVMTI_TRACE_STRESS"] = "true" shift() elif arg == "--suspend-timeout": shift() suspend_timeout = arg shift() elif arg == "--image": shift() image = arg run_args += [f'--image "{image}"'] shift() elif arg == "-Xcompiler-option": shift() option = arg run_args += [f'-Xcompiler-option "{option}"'] shift() elif arg == "--runtime-option": shift() option = arg run_args += [f'--runtime-option "{option}"'] shift() elif arg == "--gdb-arg": shift() gdb_arg = arg run_args += [f'--gdb-arg "{gdb_arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--gdb-dex2oat-args": shift() gdb_dex2oat_args = arg run_args += ['--gdb-dex2oat-args "{gdb_dex2oat_args}"'] shift() elif arg == "--debug": run_args += ["--debug"] shift() elif arg == "--debug-wrap-agent": run_args += ["--debug-wrap-agent"] shift() elif arg == "--with-agent": shift() option = arg run_args += [f'--with-agent "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--debug-agent": shift() option = arg run_args += [f'--debug-agent "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--dump-cfg": shift() dump_cfg = "true" dump_cfg_path = arg shift() elif arg == "--gdb": run_args += ["--gdb"] dev_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--gdb-dex2oat": run_args += ["--gdb-dex2oat"] dev_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--gdbserver-bin": shift() run_args += [f'--gdbserver-bin "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--gdbserver-port": shift() run_args += [f'--gdbserver-port "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--gdbserver": run_args += ["--gdbserver"] dev_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--strace": strace = "yes" run_args += [ f'--invoke-with=strace --invoke-with=-o --invoke-with="{tmp_dir}/{strace_output}"' ] timeout = timeout or "1800" shift() elif arg == "--zygote": run_args += ["--zygote"] shift() elif arg == "--interpreter": run_args += ["--interpreter"] shift() elif arg == "--jit": run_args += ["--jit"] shift() elif arg == "--baseline": run_args += ["--baseline"] shift() elif arg == "--optimizing": run_optimizing = "true" shift() elif arg == "--no-verify": run_args += ["--no-verify"] shift() elif arg == "--verify-soft-fail": run_args += ["--verify-soft-fail"] os.environ["VERIFY_SOFT_FAIL"] = "true" shift() elif arg == "--no-optimize": run_args += ["--no-optimize"] shift() elif arg == "--no-precise": run_args += ["--no-precise"] shift() elif arg.startswith("--android-log-tags"): run_args += [arg] shift() elif arg == "--external-log-tags": run_args += ["--external-log-tags"] shift() elif arg == "--invoke-with": shift() what = arg if not arg: error("missing argument to --invoke-with") usage = "yes" break run_args += [f'--invoke-with "{what}"'] shift() elif arg == "--create-runner": run_args += ["--create-runner --dry-run"] dev_mode = "yes" never_clean = "yes" create_runner = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--dev": dev_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--temp-path": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --temp-path") usage = "yes" break shift() elif arg == "--chroot": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --chroot") usage = "yes" break chroot = arg run_args += [f'--chroot "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--simpleperf": run_args += ["--simpleperf"] shift() elif arg == "--android-root": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --android-root") usage = "yes" break android_root = arg run_args += [f'--android-root "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--android-art-root": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --android-art-root") usage = "yes" break run_args += [f'--android-art-root "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--android-tzdata-root": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --android-tzdata-root") usage = "yes" break run_args += [f'--android-tzdata-root "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--update": update_mode = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--help": usage = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--64": run_args += ["--64"] suffix64 = "64" shift() elif arg == "--bionic": # soong linux_bionic builds are 64bit only. run_args += ["--bionic --host --64"] suffix64 = "64" target_mode = "no" DEX_LOCATION = tmp_dir host_lib_root = f"{OUT_DIR}/soong/host/linux_bionic-x86" shift() elif arg == "--runtime-extracted-zipapex": shift() # TODO Should we allow the java.library.path to search the zipapex too? # Not needed at the moment and adding it will be complicated so for now # we'll ignore this. run_args += [f'--host --runtime-extracted-zipapex "{arg}"'] target_mode = "no" DEX_LOCATION = tmp_dir shift() elif arg == "--runtime-zipapex": shift() # TODO Should we allow the java.library.path to search the zipapex too? # Not needed at the moment and adding it will be complicated so for now # we'll ignore this. run_args += [f'--host --runtime-zipapex "{arg}"'] target_mode = "no" DEX_LOCATION = tmp_dir # apex_payload.zip is quite large we need a high enough ulimit to # extract it. 512mb should be good enough. file_ulimit = 512000 shift() elif arg == "--timeout": shift() if not arg: error("missing argument to --timeout") usage = "yes" break timeout = arg shift() elif arg == "--trace": trace = "true" shift() elif arg == "--stream": trace_stream = "true" shift() elif arg == "--always-clean": always_clean = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--never-clean": never_clean = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--dex2oat-swap": run_args += ["--dex2oat-swap"] shift() elif arg == "--instruction-set-features": shift() run_args += [f'--instruction-set-features "{arg}"'] shift() elif arg == "--bisection-search": bisection_search = "yes" shift() elif arg == "--vdex": run_args += ["--vdex"] shift() elif arg == "--dm": run_args += ["--dm"] shift() elif arg == "--vdex-filter": shift() filter = arg run_args += ['--vdex-filter "{filter}"'] shift() elif arg == "--random-profile": run_args += ["--random-profile"] shift() elif arg == "--dex2oat-jobs": shift() run_args += [f'-Xcompiler-option "-j{arg}"'] shift() elif arg.startswith("--"): error(f"unknown option: {arg}") usage = "yes" break else: break export("DEX_LOCATION", DEX_LOCATION) if usage == "no" and not arg: error("missing test to run") usage = "yes" # The DEX_LOCATION with the chroot prefix, if any. chroot_dex_location = f"{chroot}{DEX_LOCATION}" # tmp_dir may be relative, resolve. os.chdir(oldwd) tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(tmp_dir) os.chdir(progdir) if not tmp_dir: error(f"Failed to resolve {tmp_dir}") sys.exit(1) os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # Add thread suspend timeout flag if runtime != "jvm": run_args += [ f'--runtime-option "-XX:ThreadSuspendTimeout={suspend_timeout}"' ] if basic_verify == "true": # Set HspaceCompactForOOMMinIntervalMs to zero to run hspace compaction for OOM more frequently in tests. run_args += [ "--runtime-option -Xgc:preverify --runtime-option -Xgc:postverify " "--runtime-option -XX:HspaceCompactForOOMMinIntervalMs=0" ] if gc_verify == "true": run_args += [ "--runtime-option -Xgc:preverify_rosalloc --runtime-option " "-Xgc:postverify_rosalloc" ] if gc_stress == "true": run_args += [ "--gc-stress --runtime-option -Xgc:gcstress --runtime-option -Xms2m " "--runtime-option -Xmx16m" ] if jvmti_redefine_stress == "true": run_args += ["--no-app-image --jvmti-redefine-stress"] if jvmti_step_stress == "true": run_args += ["--no-app-image --jvmti-step-stress"] if jvmti_field_stress == "true": run_args += ["--no-app-image --jvmti-field-stress"] if jvmti_trace_stress == "true": run_args += ["--no-app-image --jvmti-trace-stress"] if trace == "true": run_args += [ "--runtime-option -Xmethod-trace --runtime-option " "-Xmethod-trace-file-size:2000000" ] if trace_stream == "true": # Streaming mode uses the file size as the buffer size. So output gets really large. Drop # the ability to analyze the file and just write to /dev/null. run_args += ["--runtime-option -Xmethod-trace-file:/dev/null"] # Enable streaming mode. run_args += ["--runtime-option -Xmethod-trace-stream"] else: run_args += [ f'--runtime-option "-Xmethod-trace-file:{DEX_LOCATION}/trace.bin"' ] elif trace_stream == "true": error("Cannot use --stream without --trace.") sys.exit(1) if timeout: run_args += [f'--timeout "{timeout}"'] # Most interesting target architecture variables are Makefile variables, not environment variables. # Try to map the suffix64 flag and what we find in {ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/data/art-test to an architecture name. def guess_target_arch_name(): return get_target_arch(suffix64 == "64") def guess_host_arch_name(): if suffix64 == "64": return "x86_64" else: return "x86" if target_mode == "no": if runtime == "jvm": if prebuild_mode == "yes": error("--prebuild with --jvm is unsupported") sys.exit(1) else: # ART/Dalvik host mode. if chroot: error("--chroot with --host is unsupported") sys.exit(1) if runtime != "jvm": run_args += [f'--lib "{lib}"'] ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT = os.environ.get("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT") if runtime == "dalvik": if target_mode == "no": framework = f"{ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/system/framework" bpath = f"{framework}/core-icu4j.jar:{framework}/core-libart.jar:{framework}/core-oj.jar:{framework}/conscrypt.jar:{framework}/okhttp.jar:{framework}/bouncycastle.jar:{framework}/ext.jar" run_args += [f'--boot --runtime-option "-Xbootclasspath:{bpath}"'] else: pass # defaults to using target BOOTCLASSPATH elif runtime == "art": if target_mode == "no": host_arch_name = guess_host_arch_name() run_args += [ f'--boot "{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/apex/art_boot_images/javalib/boot.art"' ] run_args += [ f'--runtime-option "-Djava.library.path={host_lib_root}/lib{suffix64}:{host_lib_root}/nativetest{suffix64}"' ] else: target_arch_name = guess_target_arch_name() # Note that libarttest(d).so and other test libraries that depend on ART # internal libraries must not be in this path for JNI libraries - they # need to be loaded through LD_LIBRARY_PATH and # NATIVELOADER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LIBS instead. run_args += [ f'--runtime-option "-Djava.library.path=/data/nativetest{suffix64}/art/{target_arch_name}"' ] run_args += ['--boot "/system/framework/art_boot_images/boot.art"'] if relocate == "yes": run_args += ["--relocate"] else: run_args += ["--no-relocate"] elif runtime == "jvm": # TODO: Detect whether the host is 32-bit or 64-bit. run_args += [ f'--runtime-option "-Djava.library.path={ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/lib64:{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/nativetest64"' ] if have_image == "no": if runtime != "art": error("--no-image is only supported on the art runtime") sys.exit(1) run_args += ["--no-image"] if create_runner == "yes" and target_mode == "yes": error("--create-runner does not function for non --host tests") usage = "yes" if dev_mode == "yes" and update_mode == "yes": error("--dev and --update are mutually exclusive") usage = "yes" if dev_mode == "yes" and quiet == "yes": error("--dev and --quiet are mutually exclusive") usage = "yes" if bisection_search == "yes" and prebuild_mode == "yes": error("--bisection-search and --prebuild are mutually exclusive") usage = "yes" # TODO: Chroot-based bisection search is not supported yet (see below); implement it. if bisection_search == "yes" and chroot: error("--chroot with --bisection-search is unsupported") sys.exit(1) if usage == "no": if not arg or arg == "-": test_dir = os.path.basename(oldwd) else: test_dir = arg if not os.path.isdir(test_dir): td2 = glob.glob(f"{test_dir}-*") if len(td2) == 1 and os.path.isdir(td2[0]): test_dir = td2[0] else: error(f"{test_dir}: no such test directory") usage = "yes" # Shift to get rid of the test name argument. The rest of the arguments # will get passed to the test run. shift() if usage == "yes": prog = os.path.basename(__file__) # pyformat: disable help=( "usage:\n" f" $prog --help Print this message.\n" f" $prog [options] [test-name] Run test normally.\n" f" $prog --dev [options] [test-name] Development mode\n" "(dumps to stdout).\n" f" $prog --create-runner [options] [test-name]\n" " Creates a runner script for use with other \n" "tools (e.g. parallel_run.py).\n" " The script will only run the test portion, and \n" "share oat and dex files.\n" f" $prog --update [options] [test-name] Update mode\n" "(replaces expected-stdout.txt and expected-stderr.txt).\n" ' Omitting the test name or specifying "-" will use the\n' "current directory.\n" " Runtime Options:\n" " -O Run non-debug rather than debug build (off by default).\n" " -Xcompiler-option Pass an option to the compiler.\n" " --runtime-option Pass an option to the runtime.\n" " --compact-dex-level Specify a compact dex level to the compiler.\n" " --debug Wait for the default debugger to attach.\n" " --debug-agent \n" " Wait for the given debugger agent to attach. Currently\n" " only supported on host.\n" " --debug-wrap-agent use libwrapagentproperties and tools/libjdwp-compat.props\n" " to load the debugger agent specified by --debug-agent.\n" " --with-agent Run the test with the given agent loaded with -agentpath:\n" " --debuggable Whether to compile Java code for a debugger.\n" " --gdb Run under gdb; incompatible with some tests.\n" " --gdb-dex2oat Run dex2oat under the prebuilt lldb.\n" " --gdbserver Start gdbserver (defaults to port :5039).\n" " --gdbserver-port \n" " Start gdbserver with the given COMM (see man gdbserver).\n" " --gdbserver-bin \n" " Use the given binary as gdbserver.\n" " --gdb-arg Pass an option to gdb or gdbserver.\n" " --gdb-dex2oat-args Pass options separated by ';' to lldb for dex2oat.\n" " --simpleperf Wraps the dalvikvm invocation in 'simpleperf record ...\n" " ... simpleperf report' and dumps stats to stdout.\n" " --temp-path [path] Location where to execute the tests.\n" " --interpreter Enable interpreter only mode (off by default).\n" " --jit Enable jit (off by default).\n" " --optimizing Enable optimizing compiler (default).\n" " --no-verify Turn off verification (on by default).\n" " --verify-soft-fail Force soft fail verification (off by default).\n" " Verification is enabled if neither --no-verify\n" " nor --verify-soft-fail is specified.\n" " --no-optimize Turn off optimization (on by default).\n" " --no-precise Turn off precise GC (on by default).\n" " --zygote Spawn the process from the Zygote.\n" "If used, then the\n" " other runtime options are ignored.\n" " --prebuild Run dex2oat on the files before starting test. (default)\n" " --no-prebuild Do not run dex2oat on the files before starting\n" " the test.\n" " --strip-dex Strip the dex files before starting test.\n" " --relocate Force the use of relocating in the test, making\n" " the image and oat files be relocated to a random\n" " address before running.\n" " --no-relocate Force the use of no relocating in the test. (default)\n" " --image Run the test using a precompiled boot image. (default)\n" " --no-image Run the test without a precompiled boot image.\n" " --host Use the host-mode virtual machine.\n" " --invoke-with Pass --invoke-with option to runtime.\n" " --dalvik Use Dalvik (off by default).\n" " --jvm Use a host-local RI virtual machine.\n" " --use-java-home Use the JAVA_HOME environment variable\n" " to find the java compiler and runtime\n" " (if applicable) to run the test with.\n" " --64 Run the test in 64-bit mode\n" " --bionic Use the (host, 64-bit only) linux_bionic libc runtime\n" " --runtime-zipapex [file]\n" " Use the given zipapex file to provide runtime binaries\n" " --runtime-extracted-zipapex [dir]\n" " Use the given extracted zipapex directory to provide\n" " runtime binaries\n" " --timeout n Test timeout in seconds\n" " --trace Run with method tracing\n" " --strace Run with syscall tracing from strace.\n" " --stream Run method tracing in streaming mode (requires --trace)\n" " --gcstress Run with gc stress testing\n" " --gcverify Run with gc verification\n" " --jvmti-trace-stress Run with jvmti method tracing stress testing\n" " --jvmti-step-stress Run with jvmti single step stress testing\n" " --jvmti-redefine-stress\n" " Run with jvmti method redefinition stress testing\n" " --always-clean Delete the test files even if the test fails.\n" " --never-clean Keep the test files even if the test succeeds.\n" " --chroot [newroot] Run with root directory set to newroot.\n" " --android-root [path] The path on target for the android root. (/system by default).\n" " --android-i18n-root [path]\n" " The path on target for the i18n module root.\n" " (/apex/com.android.i18n by default).\n" " --android-art-root [path]\n" " The path on target for the ART module root.\n" " (/apex/com.android.art by default).\n" " --android-tzdata-root [path]\n" " The path on target for the Android Time Zone Data root.\n" " (/apex/com.android.tzdata by default).\n" " --dex2oat-swap Use a dex2oat swap file.\n" " --instruction-set-features [string]\n" " Set instruction-set-features for compilation.\n" " --quiet Don't print anything except failure messages\n" " --external-log-tags Use ANDROID_LOG_TAGS to set a custom logging level for\n" " a test run.\n" " --bisection-search Perform bisection bug search.\n" " --vdex Test using vdex as in input to dex2oat. Only works with --prebuild.\n" " --suspend-timeout Change thread suspend timeout ms (default 500000).\n" " --dex2oat-jobs Number of dex2oat jobs.\n" ) # pyformat: enable error(help) sys.exit(1) os.chdir(test_dir) test_dir = os.getcwd() TEST_NAME = os.path.basename(test_dir) export("TEST_NAME", TEST_NAME) # Tests named '-checker-*' will also have their CFGs verified with # Checker when compiled with Optimizing on host. # Additionally, if the user specifies that the CFG must be dumped, it will # run the checker for any type of test to generate the CFG. if re.match("[0-9]+-checker-", TEST_NAME) or dump_cfg == "true": if runtime == "art" and run_optimizing == "true": # In no-prebuild or no-image mode, the compiler only quickens so disable the checker. if prebuild_mode == "yes": run_checker = "yes" if target_mode == "no": cfg_output_dir = tmp_dir checker_args = f"--arch={host_arch_name.upper()}" else: cfg_output_dir = DEX_LOCATION checker_args = f"--arch={target_arch_name.upper()}" if debuggable == "yes": checker_args += " --debuggable" run_args += [ f'-Xcompiler-option "--dump-cfg={cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}" -Xcompiler-option -j1' ] checker_args = f"{checker_args} --print-cfg" run_args += [f'--testlib "{testlib}"'] resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (file_ulimit * 1024, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) # Extract run-test data from the zip file. shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) os.makedirs(f"{tmp_dir}/.unzipped") os.chdir(tmp_dir) m = re.match("[0-9]*([0-9][0-9])-.*", TEST_NAME) assert m, "Can not find test number in " + TEST_NAME SHARD = "HiddenApi" if "hiddenapi" in TEST_NAME else m.group(1) if target_mode == "yes": zip_file = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/etc/art/art-run-test-target-data-shard{SHARD}.zip" zip_entry = f"target/{TEST_NAME}/" elif runtime == "jvm": zip_file = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/etc/art/art-run-test-jvm-data-shard{SHARD}.zip" zip_entry = f"jvm/{TEST_NAME}/" else: zip_file = f"{ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/etc/art/art-run-test-host-data-shard{SHARD}.zip" zip_entry = f"host/{TEST_NAME}/" zip = ZipFile(zip_file, "r") zip_entries = [e for e in zip.namelist() if e.startswith(zip_entry)] zip.extractall(Path(tmp_dir) / ".unzipped", members=zip_entries) for entry in (Path(tmp_dir) / ".unzipped" / zip_entry).iterdir(): entry.rename(Path(tmp_dir) / entry.name) def clean_up(passed: bool): if always_clean == "yes" or (passed and never_clean == "no"): os.chdir(oldwd) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) if target_mode == "yes": if ON_VM: run(f"{SSH_CMD} \"rm -rf {chroot_dex_location}\"") else: run(f"adb shell rm -rf {chroot_dex_location}") print(f"{TEST_NAME} files deleted from host" + (" and from target" if target_mode == "yes" else "")) else: print(f"{TEST_NAME} files left in {tmp_dir} on host" + (f" and in {chroot_dex_location} on target" if target_mode == "yes" else "")) atexit.unregister(clean_up) # TODO: Run this in global try-finally once the script is more refactored. atexit.register(clean_up, passed=False) ctx = RunTestContext(Path(tmp_dir), target_mode == "yes", chroot, DEX_LOCATION, TEST_NAME) td_info = f"{test_dir}/{info}" for td_file in [td_info, ctx.expected_stdout, ctx.expected_stderr]: assert os.access(td_file, os.R_OK) joined_run_args = " ".join(run_args) joined_args = " ".join(args) # Create runner (bash script that executes the whole test) def create_runner_script() -> Path: parsed_args = default_run_module.parse_args(shlex.split(" ".join(run_args + args))) parsed_args.stdout_file = os.path.join(DEX_LOCATION, test_stdout) parsed_args.stderr_file = os.path.join(DEX_LOCATION, test_stderr) ctx.run(f"cd {DEX_LOCATION}") if target_mode != "yes": # Make "out" directory accessible from test directory. ctx.run(f"ln -s -f -t {DEX_LOCATION} {ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/out") # Clear the stdout/stderr files (create empty files). ctx.run(f"echo -n > {test_stdout} && echo -n > {test_stderr}") script = Path(tmp_dir) / "run.py" if script.exists(): module = SourceFileLoader("run_" + TEST_NAME, str(script)).load_module() module.run(ctx, parsed_args) else: default_run_module.default_run(ctx, parsed_args) runner = Path(tmp_dir) / "run.sh" runner.write_text("\n".join(ctx.runner)) runner.chmod(0o777) return runner # Test might not execute anything but we still expect the output files to exist. Path(test_stdout).touch() Path(test_stderr).touch() export("TEST_RUNTIME", runtime) print(f"{test_dir}: Create runner script...") runner = create_runner_script() print(f"{test_dir}: Run...") if target_mode == "yes": # Prepare the on-device test directory if ON_VM: run(f"{SSH_CMD} 'rm -rf {chroot_dex_location} && mkdir -p {chroot_dex_location}'") else: run("adb root") run("adb wait-for-device") run(f"adb shell 'rm -rf {chroot_dex_location} && mkdir -p {chroot_dex_location}'") push_files = [Path(runner.name)] push_files += list(Path(".").glob(f"{TEST_NAME}*.jar")) push_files += list(Path(".").glob(f"expected-*.txt")) push_files += [p for p in [Path("profile"), Path("res")] if p.exists()] push_files = " ".join(map(str, push_files)) if ON_VM: run(f"{SCP_CMD} {push_files} {SSH_USER}@{SSH_HOST}:{chroot_dex_location}") else: run("adb push {} {}".format(push_files, chroot_dex_location)) if ON_VM: run(f"{SSH_CMD} {CHROOT_CMD} bash {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh", fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed") else: chroot_prefix = f"chroot {chroot}" if chroot else "" run(f"adb shell {chroot_prefix} sh {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh", fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed") # Copy the on-device stdout/stderr to host. pull_files = [test_stdout, test_stderr, "expected-stdout.txt", "expected-stderr.txt"] if ON_VM: srcs = " ".join(f"{SSH_USER}@{SSH_HOST}:{chroot_dex_location}/{f}" for f in pull_files) run(f"{SCP_CMD} {srcs} .") else: run("adb pull {} .".format(" ".join(f"{chroot_dex_location}/{f}" for f in pull_files))) else: run(str(runner), fail_message=f"Runner {str(runner)} failed") # NB: There is no exit code or return value. # Failing tests just raise python exception. os.chdir(tmp_dir) if update_mode == "yes": for src, dst in [(test_stdout, os.path.join(test_dir, ctx.expected_stdout.name)), (test_stderr, os.path.join(test_dir, ctx.expected_stderr.name))]: if "[DO_NOT_UPDATE]" not in open(dst).readline(): copyfile(src, dst) print("#################### info") run(f'cat "{td_info}" | sed "s/^/# /g"') print("#################### stdout diff") proc_out = run(f'diff --strip-trailing-cr -u ' f'"{ctx.expected_stdout}" "{test_stdout}"', check=False) print("#################### stderr diff") proc_err = run(f'diff --strip-trailing-cr -u ' f'"{ctx.expected_stderr}" "{test_stderr}"', check=False) if strace == "yes": print("#################### strace output (trimmed to 3000 lines)") # Some tests do not run dalvikvm, in which case the trace does not exist. run(f'tail -n 3000 "{tmp_dir}/{strace_output}"', check=False) SANITIZE_HOST = os.environ.get("SANITIZE_HOST") if target_mode == "no" and SANITIZE_HOST == "address": # Run the stack script to symbolize any ASAN aborts on the host for SANITIZE_HOST. The # tools used by the given ABI work for both x86 and x86-64. print("#################### symbolizer (trimmed to 3000 lines)") run(f'''echo "ABI: 'x86_64'" | cat - "{test_stdout}" "{test_stderr}"''' f"""| {ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/development/scripts/stack | tail -n 3000""") print("####################", flush=True) if proc_out.returncode != 0 or proc_err.returncode != 0: kind = ((["stdout"] if proc_out.returncode != 0 else []) + (["stderr"] if proc_err.returncode != 0 else [])) fail("{} did not match the expected file".format(" and ".join(kind))) if run_checker == "yes": if target_mode == "yes": if ON_VM: run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}"') else: run(f'adb pull "{chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}"') run(f'"{checker}" -q {checker_args} "{cfg_output}" "{tmp_dir}"', fail_message="CFG checker failed") # Copy the generated CFG to the specified path. if dump_cfg == "true": assert run_optimizing == "true", "The CFG can be dumped only in optimizing mode" if target_mode == "yes": if ON_VM: run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_output}"') else: run(f"adb pull {chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}") else: run(f"cp {cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}") clean_up(passed=True) print(f"{COLOR_GREEN}{test_dir}: PASSED{COLOR_NORMAL}")