Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
Includes data used to auto-generate ANGLE classes.
typedef khronos_uint64_t EGLFrameTokenANGLE;
EGLDeviceEXT eglCreateDeviceANGLE
EGLint device_type
void *native_device
const EGLAttrib *attrib_list
EGLBoolean eglReleaseDeviceANGLE
EGLDeviceEXT device
EGLBoolean eglCreateStreamProducerD3DTextureANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLStreamKHR stream
const EGLAttrib *attrib_list
EGLBoolean eglStreamPostD3DTextureANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLStreamKHR stream
void *texture
const EGLAttrib *attrib_list
EGLBoolean eglGetSyncValuesCHROMIUM
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLSurface surface
EGLuint64KHR *ust
EGLuint64KHR *msc
EGLuint64KHR *sbc
EGLint eglProgramCacheGetAttribANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLenum attrib
void eglProgramCacheQueryANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint index
void *key
EGLint *keysize
void *binary
EGLint *binarysize
void eglProgramCachePopulateANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
const void *key
EGLint keysize
const void *binary
EGLint binarysize
EGLint eglProgramCacheResizeANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint limit
EGLint mode
const char *eglQueryStringiANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint name
EGLint index
EGLBoolean eglDisplayAttribANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint attribute
EGLAttrib *value
void eglAcquireExternalContextANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLSurface drawAndRead
void eglReleaseExternalContextANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLBoolean eglSwapBuffersWithFrameTokenANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLSurface surface
EGLFrameTokenANGLE frametoken
EGLBoolean eglPrepareSwapBuffersANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLSurface surface
void eglReleaseHighPowerGPUANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLContext ctx
void eglReacquireHighPowerGPUANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLContext ctx
void eglHandleGPUSwitchANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
void eglForceGPUSwitchANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint gpuIDHigh
EGLint gpuIDLow
EGLBoolean eglQueryDisplayAttribANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLint attribute
EGLAttrib *value
EGLBoolean eglExportVkImageANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLImage image
void *vk_image
void *vk_image_create_info
void *eglCopyMetalSharedEventANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy
EGLSyncKHR sync
void eglWaitUntilWorkScheduledANGLE
EGLDisplay dpy