# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import glob import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile import time from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error class Device(object): """Information about a specific input device.""" def __init__(self, input_type): self.input_type = input_type # e.g. 'touchpad' self.emulated = False # Whether device is real or not self.emulation_process = None # Process of running emulation self.name = 'unknown' # e.g. 'Atmel maXTouch Touchpad' self.fw_id = None # e.g. '6.0' self.hw_id = None # e.g. '90.0' self.node = None # e.g. '/dev/input/event4' self.device_dir = None # e.g. '/sys/class/input/event4/device/device' def __str__(self): s = '%s:' % self.input_type s += '\n Name: %s' % self.name s += '\n Node: %s' % self.node s += '\n hw_id: %s' % self.hw_id s += '\n fw_id: %s' % self.fw_id s += '\n Emulated: %s' % self.emulated return s class InputPlayback(object): """ Provides an interface for playback and emulating peripherals via evemu-*. Example use: player = InputPlayback() player.emulate(property_file=path_to_file) player.find_connected_inputs() player.playback(path_to_file) player.blocking_playback(path_to_file) player.close() """ _DEFAULT_PROPERTY_FILES = {'mouse': 'mouse.prop', 'keyboard': 'keyboard.prop'} _PLAYBACK_COMMAND = 'evemu-play --insert-slot0 %s < %s' # Define the overhead (500 ms) elapsed for launching evemu-play and the # latency from event injection to the first event read by Chrome Input # thread. _PLAYBACK_OVERHEAD_LATENCY = 0.5 # Define a keyboard as anything with any keys #2 to #248 inclusive, # as defined in the linux input header. This definition includes things # like the power button, so reserve the "keyboard" label for things with # letters/numbers and define the rest as "other_keyboard". _MINIMAL_KEYBOARD_KEYS = ['1', 'Q', 'SPACE'] _KEYBOARD_KEYS = [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'MINUS', 'EQUAL', 'BACKSPACE', 'TAB', 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', 'LEFTBRACE', 'RIGHTBRACE', 'ENTER', 'LEFTCTRL', 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'SEMICOLON', 'APOSTROPHE', 'GRAVE', 'LEFTSHIFT', 'BACKSLASH', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', 'COMMA', 'DOT', 'SLASH', 'RIGHTSHIFT', 'KPASTERISK', 'LEFTALT', 'SPACE', 'CAPSLOCK', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'NUMLOCK', 'SCROLLLOCK', 'KP7', 'KP8', 'KP9', 'KPMINUS', 'KP4', 'KP5', 'KP6', 'KPPLUS', 'KP1', 'KP2', 'KP3', 'KP0', 'KPDOT', 'ZENKAKUHANKAKU', '102ND', 'F11', 'F12', 'RO', 'KATAKANA', 'HIRAGANA', 'HENKAN', 'KATAKANAHIRAGANA', 'MUHENKAN', 'KPJPCOMMA', 'KPENTER', 'RIGHTCTRL', 'KPSLASH', 'SYSRQ', 'RIGHTALT', 'LINEFEED', 'HOME', 'UP', 'PAGEUP', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'END', 'DOWN', 'PAGEDOWN', 'INSERT', 'DELETE', 'MACRO', 'MUTE', 'VOLUMEDOWN', 'VOLUMEUP', 'POWER', 'KPEQUAL', 'KPPLUSMINUS', 'PAUSE', 'SCALE', 'KPCOMMA', 'HANGEUL', 'HANGUEL', 'HANJA', 'YEN', 'LEFTMETA', 'RIGHTMETA', 'COMPOSE', 'STOP', 'AGAIN', 'PROPS', 'UNDO', 'FRONT', 'COPY', 'OPEN', 'PASTE', 'FIND', 'CUT', 'HELP', 'MENU', 'CALC', 'SETUP', 'WAKEUP', 'FILE', 'SENDFILE', 'DELETEFILE', 'XFER', 'PROG1', 'PROG2', 'WWW', 'MSDOS', 'COFFEE', 'SCREENLOCK', 'DIRECTION', 'CYCLEWINDOWS', 'MAIL', 'BOOKMARKS', 'COMPUTER', 'BACK', 'FORWARD', 'CLOSECD', 'EJECTCD', 'EJECTCLOSECD', 'NEXTSONG', 'PLAYPAUSE', 'PREVIOUSSONG', 'STOPCD', 'RECORD', 'REWIND', 'PHONE', 'ISO', 'CONFIG', 'HOMEPAGE', 'REFRESH', 'EXIT', 'MOVE', 'EDIT', 'SCROLLUP', 'SCROLLDOWN', 'KPLEFTPAREN', 'KPRIGHTPAREN', 'NEW', 'REDO', 'F13', 'F14', 'F15', 'F16', 'F17', 'F18', 'F19', 'F20', 'F21', 'F22', 'F23', 'F24', 'PLAYCD', 'PAUSECD', 'PROG3', 'PROG4', 'DASHBOARD', 'SUSPEND', 'CLOSE', 'PLAY', 'FASTFORWARD', 'BASSBOOST', 'PRINT', 'HP', 'CAMERA', 'SOUND', 'QUESTION', 'EMAIL', 'CHAT', 'SEARCH', 'CONNECT', 'FINANCE', 'SPORT', 'SHOP', 'ALTERASE', 'CANCEL', 'BRIGHTNESSDOWN', 'BRIGHTNESSUP', 'MEDIA', 'SWITCHVIDEOMODE', 'KBDILLUMTOGGLE', 'KBDILLUMDOWN', 'KBDILLUMUP', 'SEND', 'REPLY', 'FORWARDMAIL', 'SAVE', 'DOCUMENTS', 'BATTERY', 'BLUETOOTH', 'WLAN', 'UWB', 'UNKNOWN', 'VIDEO_NEXT', 'VIDEO_PREV', 'BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE', 'BRIGHTNESS_AUTO', 'BRIGHTNESS_ZERO', 'DISPLAY_OFF', 'WWAN', 'WIMAX', 'RFKILL', 'MICMUTE'] _WACOM_VENDOR_ID = '2d1f' def __init__(self): self.devices = {} self._emulated_device = None def has(self, input_type): """Return True/False if device has a input of given type. @param input_type: string of type, e.g. 'touchpad' """ return input_type in self.devices def _get_input_events(self): """Return a list of all input event nodes.""" return glob.glob('/dev/input/event*') def emulate(self, input_type='mouse', property_file=None): """ Emulate the given input (or default for type) with evemu-device. Emulating more than one of the same device type will only allow playback on the last one emulated. The name of the last-emulated device is noted to be sure this is the case. Property files are made with the evemu-describe command, e.g. 'evemu-describe /dev/input/event12 > property_file'. @param input_type: 'mouse' or 'keyboard' to use default property files. Need not be specified if supplying own file. @param property_file: Property file of device to be emulated. Generate with 'evemu-describe' command on test image. """ new_device = Device(input_type) new_device.emulated = True # Checks for any previous emulated device and kills the process self.close() if not property_file: if input_type not in self._DEFAULT_PROPERTY_FILES: raise error.TestError('Please supply a property file for input ' 'type %s' % input_type) current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) property_file = os.path.join( current_dir, self._DEFAULT_PROPERTY_FILES[input_type]) if not os.path.isfile(property_file): raise error.TestError('Property file %s not found!' % property_file) with open(property_file) as fh: name_line = fh.readline() # Format "N: NAMEOFDEVICE" new_device.name = name_line[3:-1] logging.info('Emulating %s %s (%s).', input_type, new_device.name, property_file) num_events_before = len(self._get_input_events()) new_device.emulation_process = subprocess.Popen( ['evemu-device', property_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self._emulated_device = new_device # Ensure there are more input events than there were before. try: expected = num_events_before + 1 exception = error.TestError('Error emulating %s!' % input_type) utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: len(self._get_input_events()) == expected, exception=exception) except error.TestError as e: self.close() raise e def _find_device_properties(self, device): """Return string of properties for given node. @return: string of properties. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as temp_file: filename = temp_file.name evtest_process = subprocess.Popen(['evtest', device], stdout=temp_file) def find_exit(): """Polling function for end of output.""" interrupt_cmd = 'grep "interrupt to exit" %s | wc -l' % filename line_count = utils.run(interrupt_cmd).stdout.strip() return line_count != '0' utils.poll_for_condition(find_exit) evtest_process.kill() temp_file.seek(0) props = temp_file.read() return props def _determine_input_type(self, props): """Find input type (if any) from a string of properties. @return: string of type, or None """ if props.find('REL_X') >= 0 and props.find('REL_Y') >= 0: if (props.find('ABS_MT_POSITION_X') >= 0 and props.find('ABS_MT_POSITION_Y') >= 0): return 'multitouch_mouse' else: return 'mouse' if props.find('ABS_X') >= 0 and props.find('ABS_Y') >= 0: if (props.find('BTN_STYLUS') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_STYLUS2') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_TOOL_PEN') >= 0): return 'stylus' if (props.find('ABS_PRESSURE') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_TOUCH') >= 0): if (props.find('BTN_LEFT') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_MIDDLE') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_RIGHT') >= 0 or props.find('BTN_TOOL_FINGER') >= 0): return 'touchpad' else: return 'touchscreen' if props.find('BTN_LEFT') >= 0: return 'touchscreen' if props.find('KEY_') >= 0: for key in self._MINIMAL_KEYBOARD_KEYS: if props.find('KEY_%s' % key) >= 0: return 'keyboard' for key in self._KEYBOARD_KEYS: if props.find('KEY_%s' % key) >= 0: return 'other_keyboard' return def _get_contents_of_file(self, filepath): """Return the contents of the given file. @param filepath: string of path to file @returns: contents of file. Assumes file exists. """ return utils.run('cat %s' % filepath).stdout.strip() def _get_vendor_id(self, node_dir): """Gets the vendor ID of an input device, given its node directory. @param node_dir: the directory for the input node in sysfs (e.g. /sys/class/input/event1) @returns: the vendor ID, as a string of four lower-case hex digits. """ vendor_id_path = os.path.join(node_dir, 'device/id/vendor') if not os.path.exists(vendor_id_path): raise error.TestError('Could not read vendor ID for ' + node_dir) return self._get_contents_of_file(vendor_id_path).lower() def _find_input_name(self, device_dir, name=None): """Find the associated input* name for the given device directory. E.g. given '/dev/input/event4', return 'input3'. @param device_dir: the device directory. @param name: the device name. @returns: string of the associated input name. """ input_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(device_dir, 'input', 'input*')) for input_name in input_names: name_path = os.path.join(input_name, 'name') if not os.path.exists(name_path): continue if name == self._get_contents_of_file(name_path): return os.path.basename(input_name) # Raise if name could not be matched. logging.error('Input names found(%s): %s', device_dir, input_names) raise error.TestError('Could not match input* to this device!') def _find_device_ids_for_styluses(self, node_dir, device_dir, name=None): """Find the fw_id and hw_id for the stylus in the given directory. @param node_dir: the directory for the input node in sysfs (e.g. /sys/class/input/event1) @param device_dir: the device directory. @param name: the device name. @returns: firmware ID, hardware ID for this device. Since styluses don't really have hardware IDs, this will actually be 'usi' or 'wacom' depending on the stylus type. Firmware ID may be None. """ if self._get_vendor_id(node_dir) != self._WACOM_VENDOR_ID: # The stylus device only has a distinct hardware and firmware ID if # it's a Wacom digitizer. Otherwise, a USI stylus is being used, in # which case it's handled by the touchscreen controller. So, there's # no point in looking for a firmware ID unless the stylus has a # Wacom vendor ID. return None, 'usi' hw_id = 'wacom' # Wacom styluses don't actually have hwids. fw_id = None # Find fw_id for wacom styluses via wacom_flash command. Arguments # to this command are wacom_flash (dummy placeholder arg) -a (i2c name) # Find i2c name if any /dev/i2c-* link to this device's input event. input_name = self._find_input_name(device_dir, name) i2c_paths = glob.glob('/dev/i2c-*') for i2c_path in i2c_paths: class_folder = i2c_path.replace('dev', 'sys/class/i2c-adapter') input_folder_path = os.path.join(class_folder, '*', '*', 'input', input_name) contents_of_input_folder = glob.glob(input_folder_path) if len(contents_of_input_folder) != 0: i2c_name = i2c_path[len('/dev/'):] cmd = 'wacom_flash dummy -a %s' % i2c_name # Do not throw an exception if wacom_flash does not exist. result = utils.run(cmd, ignore_status=True) if result.exit_status == 0: fw_id = result.stdout.split()[-1] break if fw_id == '': fw_id = None return fw_id, hw_id def _find_device_ids(self, node_dir, device_dir, input_type, name): """Find the fw_id and hw_id for the given device directory. Finding fw_id and hw_id applicable only for touchpads, touchscreens, and styluses. @param node_dir: the directory for the input node in sysfs (e.g. /sys/class/input/event1) @param device_dir: the device directory. @param input_type: string of input type. @param name: string of input name. @returns: firmware id, hardware id """ fw_id, hw_id = None, None if not device_dir or input_type not in ['touchpad', 'touchscreen', 'stylus']: return fw_id, hw_id if input_type == 'stylus': return self._find_device_ids_for_styluses(node_dir, device_dir, name) # Touch devices with custom drivers usually save this info as a file. fw_filenames = ['fw_version', 'firmware_version', 'firmware_id'] for fw_filename in fw_filenames: fw_path = os.path.join(device_dir, fw_filename) if os.path.exists(fw_path): if fw_id: logging.warning('Found new potential fw_id when previous ' 'value was %s!', fw_id) fw_id = self._get_contents_of_file(fw_path) hw_filenames = ['hw_version', 'product_id', 'board_id'] for hw_filename in hw_filenames: hw_path = os.path.join(device_dir, hw_filename) if os.path.exists(hw_path): if hw_id: logging.warning('Found new potential hw_id when previous ' 'value was %s!', hw_id) hw_id = self._get_contents_of_file(hw_path) # Hw_ids for Weida and 2nd gen Synaptics are different. if not hw_id: id_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(device_dir, '..', 'id')) product_path = os.path.join(id_folder, 'product') vendor_path = os.path.join(id_folder, 'vendor') if os.path.isfile(product_path): product = self._get_contents_of_file(product_path) if name.startswith('WD'): # Weida ts, e.g. sumo if os.path.isfile(vendor_path): vendor = self._get_contents_of_file(vendor_path) hw_id = vendor + product else: # Synaptics tp or ts, e.g. heli, lulu, setzer hw_id = product if not fw_id: # Fw_ids for 2nd gen Synaptics can only be found via rmi4update. # See if any /dev/hidraw* link to this device's input event. input_name = self._find_input_name(device_dir, name) hidraws = glob.glob('/dev/hidraw*') for hidraw in hidraws: class_folder = hidraw.replace('dev', 'sys/class/hidraw') input_folder_path = os.path.join(class_folder, 'device', 'input', input_name) if os.path.exists(input_folder_path): fw_id = utils.run('rmi4update -p -d %s' % hidraw, ignore_status=True).stdout.strip() if fw_id == '': fw_id = None break return fw_id, hw_id def find_connected_inputs(self): """Determine the nodes of all present input devices, if any. Cycle through all possible /dev/input/event* and find which ones are touchpads, touchscreens, mice, keyboards, etc. These nodes can be used for playback later. If the type of input is already emulated, prefer that device. Otherwise, prefer the last node found of that type (e.g. for multiple touchpads). Record the found devices in self.devices. """ self.devices = {} # Discard any previously seen nodes. input_events = self._get_input_events() for event in input_events: properties = self._find_device_properties(event) input_type = self._determine_input_type(properties) if input_type: new_device = Device(input_type) new_device.node = event class_folder = event.replace('dev', 'sys/class') name_file = os.path.join(class_folder, 'device', 'name') if os.path.isfile(name_file): name = self._get_contents_of_file(name_file) logging.info('Found %s: %s at %s.', input_type, name, event) # If a particular device is expected, make sure name matches. if (self._emulated_device and self._emulated_device.input_type == input_type): if self._emulated_device.name != name: continue else: new_device.emulated = True process = self._emulated_device.emulation_process new_device.emulation_process = process new_device.name = name # Find the devices folder containing power info # e.g. /sys/class/event4/device/device # Search that folder for hwid and fwid device_dir = os.path.join(class_folder, 'device', 'device') if os.path.exists(device_dir): new_device.device_dir = device_dir new_device.fw_id, new_device.hw_id = self._find_device_ids( class_folder, device_dir, input_type, new_device.name) if new_device.emulated: self._emulated_device = new_device self.devices[input_type] = new_device logging.debug(self.devices[input_type]) def playback(self, filepath, input_type='touchpad'): """Playback a given input file. Create input file using evemu-record. E.g. 'evemu-record $NODE -1 > $FILENAME' @param filepath: path to the input file on the DUT. @param input_type: name of device type; 'touchpad' by default. Types are returned by the _determine_input_type() function. input_type must be known. Check using has(). """ assert(input_type in self.devices) node = self.devices[input_type].node logging.info('Playing back finger-movement on %s, file=%s.', node, filepath) utils.run(self._PLAYBACK_COMMAND % (node, filepath)) def blocking_playback(self, filepath, input_type='touchpad'): """Playback a given set of inputs and sleep for duration. The input file is of the format \nE: