# Building and running fuzzers In order to build fuzzers, you need the GN arg `use_libfuzzer=true`. It's also recommended to build with `is_asan=true` to catch additional problems. Building and running then might look like: ```bash gn gen out/libfuzzer --args="use_libfuzzer=true is_asan=true is_debug=false" ninja -C out/libfuzzer some_fuzz_target out/libfuzzer/some_fuzz_target [additional corpus dirs] ``` The arguments to the fuzzer binary should be whatever is listed in the GN target description (e.g. `-max_len=1500`). These arguments may be automatically scraped by Chromium's ClusterFuzz tool when it runs fuzzers, but they are not built into the target. You can also look at the file `out/libfuzzer/some_fuzz_target.options` for what arguments should be used. The `corpus_dir` is listed as `seed_corpus` in the GN definition of the fuzzer target.