use crate::lexer::lexer_impl::Lexer; use crate::lexer::lexer_impl::LexerError; use crate::lexer::loc::Loc; use crate::lexer::parser_language::ParserLanguage; use crate::lexer::str_lit::StrLit; use crate::lexer::str_lit::StrLitDecodeError; use crate::lexer::token::Token; use crate::lexer::token::TokenWithLocation; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum TokenizerError { #[error(transparent)] LexerError(#[from] LexerError), #[error(transparent)] StrLitDecodeError(#[from] StrLitDecodeError), #[error("Internal tokenizer error")] InternalError, // TODO: too broad #[error("Incorrect input")] IncorrectInput, #[error("Not allowed in this context: {0}")] NotAllowedInThisContext(&'static str), #[error("Unexpected end of input")] UnexpectedEof, #[error("Expecting string literal")] ExpectStrLit, #[error("Expecting int literal")] ExpectIntLit, #[error("Expecting float literal")] ExpectFloatLit, #[error("Expecting identifier")] ExpectIdent, #[error("Expecting identifier `{}`", .0)] ExpectNamedIdent(String), #[error("While parsing {}, expecting char `{}`", .1, .0)] ExpectChar(char, &'static str), #[error("Expecting any char of: {}", .0.iter().map(|c| format!("`{}`", c)).collect::>().join(", "))] ExpectAnyChar(Vec), } pub type TokenizerResult = Result; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Tokenizer<'a> { lexer: Lexer<'a>, next_token: Option, last_token_loc: Option, } impl<'a> Tokenizer<'a> { pub fn new(input: &'a str, comment_style: ParserLanguage) -> Tokenizer<'a> { Tokenizer { lexer: Lexer::new(input, comment_style), next_token: None, last_token_loc: None, } } pub fn loc(&self) -> Loc { // After lookahead return the location of the next token self.next_token .as_ref() .map(|t| t.loc.clone()) // After token consumed return the location of that token .or(self.last_token_loc.clone()) // Otherwise return the position of lexer .unwrap_or(self.lexer.loc) } pub fn lookahead_loc(&mut self) -> Loc { drop(self.lookahead()); // TODO: does not handle EOF properly self.loc() } fn lookahead(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult> { Ok(match self.next_token { Some(ref token) => Some(&token.token), None => { self.next_token = self.lexer.next_token()?; self.last_token_loc = self.next_token.as_ref().map(|t| t.loc.clone()); match self.next_token { Some(ref token) => Some(&token.token), None => None, } } }) } pub fn lookahead_some(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult<&Token> { match self.lookahead()? { Some(token) => Ok(token), None => Err(TokenizerError::UnexpectedEof), } } fn next(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult> { self.lookahead()?; Ok(self .next_token .take() .map(|TokenWithLocation { token, .. }| token)) } pub fn next_some(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { match { Some(token) => Ok(token), None => Err(TokenizerError::UnexpectedEof), } } /// Can be called only after lookahead, otherwise it's error pub fn advance(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { self.next_token .take() .map(|TokenWithLocation { token, .. }| token) .ok_or(TokenizerError::InternalError) } /// No more tokens pub fn syntax_eof(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(self.lookahead()?.is_none()) } pub fn next_token_if_map(&mut self, p: P) -> TokenizerResult> where P: FnOnce(&Token) -> Option, { self.lookahead()?; let v = match self.next_token { Some(ref token) => match p(&token.token) { Some(v) => v, None => return Ok(None), }, _ => return Ok(None), }; self.next_token = None; Ok(Some(v)) } pub fn next_token_check_map(&mut self, p: P) -> Result where P: FnOnce(&Token) -> Result, E: From, { self.lookahead()?; let r = match self.next_token { Some(ref token) => p(&token.token)?, None => return Err(TokenizerError::UnexpectedEof.into()), }; self.next_token = None; Ok(r) } fn next_token_if

(&mut self, p: P) -> TokenizerResult> where P: FnOnce(&Token) -> bool, { self.next_token_if_map(|token| if p(token) { Some(token.clone()) } else { None }) } pub fn next_ident_if_in(&mut self, idents: &[&str]) -> TokenizerResult> { let v = match self.lookahead()? { Some(&Token::Ident(ref next)) => { if idents.into_iter().find(|&i| i == next).is_some() { next.clone() } else { return Ok(None); } } _ => return Ok(None), }; self.advance()?; Ok(Some(v)) } pub fn next_ident_if_eq(&mut self, word: &str) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(self.next_ident_if_in(&[word])? != None) } pub fn next_ident_expect_eq(&mut self, word: &str) -> TokenizerResult<()> { if self.next_ident_if_eq(word)? { Ok(()) } else { Err(TokenizerError::ExpectNamedIdent(word.to_owned())) } } pub fn next_ident_if_eq_error(&mut self, word: &'static str) -> TokenizerResult<()> { if self.clone().next_ident_if_eq(word)? { // TODO: which context? return Err(TokenizerError::NotAllowedInThisContext(word)); } Ok(()) } pub fn next_symbol_if_eq(&mut self, symbol: char) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(self.next_token_if(|token| match token { &Token::Symbol(c) if c == symbol => true, _ => false, })? != None) } pub fn next_symbol_expect_eq( &mut self, symbol: char, desc: &'static str, ) -> TokenizerResult<()> { if self.lookahead_is_symbol(symbol)? { self.advance()?; Ok(()) } else { Err(TokenizerError::ExpectChar(symbol, desc)) } } pub fn next_symbol_expect_eq_oneof(&mut self, symbols: &[char]) -> TokenizerResult { for symbol in symbols { if let Ok(()) = self.next_symbol_expect_eq(*symbol, "ignored") { return Ok(*symbol); } } Err(TokenizerError::ExpectAnyChar(symbols.to_owned())) } pub fn lookahead_is_str_lit(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(match self.lookahead()? { Some(&Token::StrLit(..)) => true, _ => false, }) } pub fn lookahead_is_int_lit(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(match self.lookahead()? { Some(&Token::IntLit(..)) => true, _ => false, }) } pub fn lookahead_is_json_number(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(match self.lookahead()? { Some(&Token::JsonNumber(..)) => true, _ => false, }) } pub fn lookahead_if_symbol(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult> { Ok(match self.lookahead()? { Some(&Token::Symbol(c)) => Some(c), _ => None, }) } pub fn lookahead_is_symbol(&mut self, symbol: char) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(self.lookahead_if_symbol()? == Some(symbol)) } pub fn lookahead_is_ident(&mut self, ident: &str) -> TokenizerResult { Ok(match self.lookahead()? { Some(Token::Ident(i)) => i == ident, _ => false, }) } pub fn next_ident(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { self.next_token_check_map(|token| match token { &Token::Ident(ref ident) => Ok(ident.clone()), _ => Err(TokenizerError::ExpectIdent), }) } pub fn next_str_lit(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { self.next_token_check_map(|token| match token { &Token::StrLit(ref str_lit) => Ok(str_lit.clone()), _ => Err(TokenizerError::ExpectStrLit), }) } pub fn next_int_lit(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { self.next_token_check_map(|token| match token { &Token::IntLit(v) => Ok(v), _ => Err(TokenizerError::ExpectIntLit), }) } pub fn next_float_lit(&mut self) -> TokenizerResult { self.next_token_check_map(|token| match token { &Token::FloatLit(v) => Ok(v), _ => Err(TokenizerError::ExpectFloatLit), }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; fn tokenize(input: &str, what: P) -> R where P: FnOnce(&mut Tokenizer) -> TokenizerResult, { let mut tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(input, ParserLanguage::Proto); let r = what(&mut tokenizer).expect(&format!("parse failed at {}", tokenizer.loc())); let eof = tokenizer .syntax_eof() .expect(&format!("check eof failed at {}", tokenizer.loc())); assert!(eof, "{}", tokenizer.loc()); r } #[test] fn test_ident() { let msg = r#" aabb_c "#; let mess = tokenize(msg, |p| p.next_ident().map(|s| s.to_owned())); assert_eq!("aabb_c", mess); } #[test] fn test_str_lit() { let msg = r#" "a\nb" "#; let mess = tokenize(msg, |p| p.next_str_lit()); assert_eq!( StrLit { escaped: r#"a\nb"#.to_owned() }, mess ); } }