#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ A set of classes (models) each closely representing an XML node in the metadata_definitions.xml file. Node: Base class for most nodes. Entry: A node corresponding to <entry> elements. Clone: A node corresponding to <clone> elements. MergedEntry: A node corresponding to either <entry> or <clone> elements. Kind: A node corresponding to <dynamic>, <static>, <controls> elements. InnerNamespace: A node corresponding to a <namespace> nested under a <kind>. OuterNamespace: A node corresponding to a <namespace> with <kind> children. Section: A node corresponding to a <section> element. Enum: A class corresponding an <enum> element within an <entry> EnumValue: A class corresponding to a <value> element within an Enum Metadata: Root node that also provides tree construction functionality. Tag: A node corresponding to a top level <tag> element. Typedef: A node corresponding to a <typedef> element under <types>. """ import sys import functools import itertools from collections import OrderedDict class Node(object): """ Base class for most nodes that are part of the Metadata graph. Attributes (Read-Only): parent: An edge to a parent Node. name: A string describing the name, usually but not always the 'name' attribute of the corresponding XML node. """ def __init__(self): self._parent = None self._name = None @property def parent(self): return self._parent @property def name(self): return self._name def find_all(self, pred): """ Find all descendants that match the predicate. Args: pred: a predicate function that acts as a filter for a Node Yields: A sequence of all descendants for which pred(node) is true, in a pre-order visit order. """ if pred(self): yield self if self._get_children() is None: return for i in self._get_children(): for j in i.find_all(pred): yield j def find_first(self, pred): """ Find the first descendant that matches the predicate. Args: pred: a predicate function that acts as a filter for a Node Returns: The first Node from find_all(pred), or None if there were no results. """ for i in self.find_all(pred): return i return None def find_parent_first(self, pred): """ Find the first ancestor that matches the predicate. Args: pred: A predicate function that acts as a filter for a Node Returns: The first ancestor closest to the node for which pred(node) is true. """ for i in self.find_parents(pred): return i return None def find_parents(self, pred): """ Find all ancestors that match the predicate. Args: pred: A predicate function that acts as a filter for a Node Yields: A sequence of all ancestors (closest to furthest) from the node, where pred(node) is true. """ parent = self.parent while parent is not None: if pred(parent): yield parent parent = parent.parent def sort_children(self): """ Sorts the immediate children in-place. """ self._sort_by_name(self._children) def _sort_by_name(self, what): what.sort(key=lambda x: x.name) def _get_name(self): return lambda x: x.name # Iterate over all children nodes. None when node doesn't support children. def _get_children(self): return (i for i in self._children) def _children_name_map_matching(self, match=lambda x: True): d = {} for i in self._get_children(): if match(i): d[i.name] = i return d @staticmethod def _dictionary_by_name(values): d = OrderedDict() for i in values: d[i.name] = i return d def validate_tree(self): """ Sanity check the tree recursively, ensuring for a node n, all children's parents are also n. Returns: True if validation succeeds, False otherwise. """ succ = True children = self._get_children() if children is None: return True for child in self._get_children(): if child.parent != self: print("ERROR: Node '%s' doesn't match the parent (expected: %s, actual %s)" \ % (child, self, child.parent), file=sys.stderr) succ = False succ = child.validate_tree() and succ return succ def __str__(self): return "<%s name='%s'>" %(self.__class__, self.name) class Metadata(Node): """ A node corresponding to a <metadata> entry. Attributes (Read-Only): parent: An edge to the parent Node. This is always None for Metadata. outer_namespaces: A sequence of immediate OuterNamespace children. tags: A sequence of all Tag instances available in the graph. types: An iterable of all Typedef instances available in the graph. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize with no children. Use insert_* functions and then construct_graph() to build up the Metadata from some source. """ # Private self._entries = [] # kind => { name => entry } self._entry_map = { 'static': {}, 'dynamic': {}, 'controls': {} } self._entries_ordered = [] # list of ordered Entry/Clone instances self._clones = [] # Public (Read Only) self._name = None self._parent = None self._outer_namespaces = None self._tags = [] self._types = [] @property def outer_namespaces(self): if self._outer_namespaces is None: return None else: return (i for i in self._outer_namespaces) @property def tags(self): return (i for i in self._tags) @property def types(self): return (i for i in self._types) def _get_properties(self): for i in self._entries: yield i for i in self._clones: yield i def insert_tag(self, tag, description=""): """ Insert a tag into the metadata. Args: tag: A string identifier for a tag. description: A string description for a tag. Example: metadata.insert_tag("BC", "Backwards Compatibility for old API") Remarks: Subsequent calls to insert_tag with the same tag are safe (they will be ignored). """ tag_ids = [tg.name for tg in self.tags if tg.name == tag] if not tag_ids: self._tags.append(Tag(tag, self, description)) def insert_type(self, type_name, type_selector="typedef", **kwargs): """ Insert a type into the metadata. Args: type_name: A type's name type_selector: The selector for the type, e.g. 'typedef' Args (if type_selector == 'typedef'): languages: A map of 'language name' -> 'fully qualified class path' Example: metadata.insert_type('rectangle', 'typedef', { 'java': 'android.graphics.Rect' }) Remarks: Subsequent calls to insert_type with the same type name are safe (they will be ignored) """ if type_selector != 'typedef': raise ValueError("Unsupported type_selector given " + type_selector) type_names = [tp.name for tp in self.types if tp.name == tp] if not type_names: self._types.append(Typedef(type_name, self, kwargs.get('languages'))) def insert_entry(self, entry): """ Insert an entry into the metadata. Args: entry: A key-value dictionary describing an entry. Refer to Entry#__init__ for the keys required/optional. Remarks: Subsequent calls to insert_entry with the same entry+kind name are safe (they will be ignored). """ e = Entry(**entry) self._entries.append(e) self._entry_map[e.kind][e.name] = e self._entries_ordered.append(e) def insert_clone(self, clone): """ Insert a clone into the metadata. Args: clone: A key-value dictionary describing a clone. Refer to Clone#__init__ for the keys required/optional. Remarks: Subsequent calls to insert_clone with the same clone+kind name are safe (they will be ignored). Also the target entry need not be inserted ahead of the clone entry. """ # figure out corresponding entry later. allow clone insert, entry insert entry = None c = Clone(entry, **clone) self._entry_map[c.kind][c.name] = c self._clones.append(c) self._entries_ordered.append(c) def prune_clones(self): """ Remove all clones that don't point to an existing entry. Remarks: This should be called after all insert_entry/insert_clone calls have finished. """ remove_list = [] for p in self._clones: if p.entry is None: remove_list.append(p) for p in remove_list: # remove from parent's entries list if p.parent is not None: p.parent._entries.remove(p) # remove from parents' _leafs list for ancestor in p.find_parents(lambda x: not isinstance(x, Metadata)): ancestor._leafs.remove(p) # remove from global list self._clones.remove(p) self._entry_map[p.kind].pop(p.name) self._entries_ordered.remove(p) def is_entry_this_kind(self, entry, kind): """ Check if input entry if of input kind Args: entry: an Entry object kind: a string. Possible values are "static", "dynamic", "controls" Returns: A boolean indicating whether input entry is of input kind. """ if kind not in ("static", "dynamic", "controls"): assert(False), "Unknown kind value " + kind return entry.name in self._entry_map[kind] # After all entries/clones are inserted, # invoke this to generate the parent/child node graph all these objects def construct_graph(self): """ Generate the graph recursively, after which all Entry nodes will be accessible recursively by crawling through the outer_namespaces sequence. Remarks: This is safe to be called multiple times at any time. It should be done at least once or there will be no graph. """ self.validate_tree() self._construct_tags() self.validate_tree() self._construct_types() self.validate_tree() self._construct_clones() self.validate_tree() self._construct_outer_namespaces() self.validate_tree() def _construct_tags(self): tag_dict = self._dictionary_by_name(self.tags) for p in self._get_properties(): p._tags = [] for tag_id in p._tag_ids: tag = tag_dict.get(tag_id) if tag not in p._tags: p._tags.append(tag) if p not in tag.entries: tag._entries.append(p) def _construct_types(self): type_dict = self._dictionary_by_name(self.types) for p in self._get_properties(): if p._type_name: type_node = type_dict.get(p._type_name) p._typedef = type_node if p not in type_node.entries: type_node._entries.append(p) def _construct_clones(self): for p in self._clones: target_kind = p.target_kind target_entry = self._entry_map[target_kind].get(p.name) p._entry = target_entry if (p.hal_major_version == 0): p._hal_major_version = target_entry._hal_major_version p._hal_minor_version = target_entry._hal_minor_version # should not throw if we pass validation # but can happen when importing obsolete CSV entries if target_entry is None: print("WARNING: Clone entry '%s' target kind '%s' has no corresponding entry" \ % (p.name, p.target_kind), file=sys.stderr) def _construct_outer_namespaces(self): if self._outer_namespaces is None: #the first time this runs self._outer_namespaces = [] root = self._dictionary_by_name(self._outer_namespaces) for ons_name, ons in root.items(): ons._leafs = [] for p in self._entries_ordered: ons_name = p.get_outer_namespace() ons = root.get(ons_name, OuterNamespace(ons_name, self)) root[ons_name] = ons if p not in ons._leafs: ons._leafs.append(p) for ons_name, ons in root.items(): ons.validate_tree() self._construct_sections(ons) if ons not in self._outer_namespaces: self._outer_namespaces.append(ons) ons.validate_tree() def _construct_sections(self, outer_namespace): sections_dict = self._dictionary_by_name(outer_namespace.sections) for sec_name, sec in sections_dict.items(): sec._leafs = [] sec.validate_tree() for p in outer_namespace._leafs: does_exist = sections_dict.get(p.get_section()) sec = sections_dict.get(p.get_section(), \ Section(p.get_section(), outer_namespace)) sections_dict[p.get_section()] = sec sec.validate_tree() if p not in sec._leafs: sec._leafs.append(p) for sec_name, sec in sections_dict.items(): if not sec.validate_tree(): print("ERROR: Failed to validate tree in construct_sections (start), with section = '%s'" % (sec), file=sys.stderr) self._construct_kinds(sec) if sec not in outer_namespace.sections: outer_namespace._sections.append(sec) if not sec.validate_tree(): print("ERROR: Failed to validate tree in construct_sections (end), with section = '%s'" % (sec), file=sys.stderr) # 'controls', 'static' 'dynamic'. etc def _construct_kinds(self, section): for kind in section.kinds: kind._leafs = [] section.validate_tree() group_entry_by_kind = itertools.groupby(section._leafs, lambda x: x.kind) leaf_it = ((k, g) for k, g in group_entry_by_kind) # allow multiple kinds with the same name. merge if adjacent # e.g. dynamic,dynamic,static,static,dynamic -> dynamic,static,dynamic # this helps maintain ABI compatibility when adding an entry in a new kind for idx, (kind_name, entry_it) in enumerate(leaf_it): if idx >= len(section._kinds): kind = Kind(kind_name, section) section._kinds.append(kind) section.validate_tree() kind = section._kinds[idx] for p in entry_it: if p not in kind._leafs: kind._leafs.append(p) for kind in section._kinds: kind.validate_tree() self._construct_inner_namespaces(kind) kind.validate_tree() self._construct_entries(kind) kind.validate_tree() if not section.validate_tree(): print("ERROR: Failed to validate tree in construct_kinds, with kind = '%s'" % (kind), file=sys.stderr) if not kind.validate_tree(): print("ERROR: Failed to validate tree in construct_kinds, with kind = '%s'" % (kind), file=sys.stderr) def _construct_inner_namespaces(self, parent, depth=0): #parent is InnerNamespace or Kind ins_dict = self._dictionary_by_name(parent.namespaces) for name, ins in ins_dict.items(): ins._leafs = [] for p in parent._leafs: ins_list = p.get_inner_namespace_list() if len(ins_list) > depth: ins_str = ins_list[depth] ins = ins_dict.get(ins_str, InnerNamespace(ins_str, parent)) ins_dict[ins_str] = ins if p not in ins._leafs: ins._leafs.append(p) for name, ins in ins_dict.items(): ins.validate_tree() # construct children INS self._construct_inner_namespaces(ins, depth + 1) ins.validate_tree() # construct children entries self._construct_entries(ins, depth + 1) if ins not in parent.namespaces: parent._namespaces.append(ins) if not ins.validate_tree(): print("ERROR: Failed to validate tree in construct_inner_namespaces, with ins = '%s'" % (ins), file=sys.stderr) # doesnt construct the entries, so much as links them def _construct_entries(self, parent, depth=0): #parent is InnerNamespace or Kind entry_dict = self._dictionary_by_name(parent.entries) for p in parent._leafs: ins_list = p.get_inner_namespace_list() if len(ins_list) == depth: entry = entry_dict.get(p.name, p) entry_dict[p.name] = entry for name, entry in entry_dict.items(): old_parent = entry.parent entry._parent = parent if entry not in parent.entries: parent._entries.append(entry) if old_parent is not None and old_parent != parent: print("ERROR: Parent changed from '%s' to '%s' for entry '%s'" % (old_parent.name, parent.name, entry.name), file = sys.stderr) def _get_children(self): if self.outer_namespaces is not None: for i in self.outer_namespaces: yield i if self.tags is not None: for i in self.tags: yield i class Tag(Node): """ A tag Node corresponding to a top-level <tag> element. Attributes (Read-Only): name: alias for id id: The name of the tag, e.g. for <tag id="BC"/> id = 'BC' description: The description of the tag, the contents of the <tag> element. parent: An edge to the parent, which is always the Metadata root node. entries: A sequence of edges to entries/clones that are using this Tag. """ def __init__(self, name, parent, description=""): self._name = name # 'id' attribute in XML self._id = name self._description = description self._parent = parent # all entries that have this tag, including clones self._entries = [] # filled in by Metadata#construct_tags @property def id(self): return self._id @property def description(self): return self._description @property def entries(self): return (i for i in self._entries) def _get_children(self): return None class Typedef(Node): """ A typedef Node corresponding to a <typedef> element under a top-level <types>. Attributes (Read-Only): name: The name of this typedef as a string. languages: A dictionary of 'language name' -> 'fully qualified class'. parent: An edge to the parent, which is always the Metadata root node. entries: An iterable over all entries which reference this typedef. """ def __init__(self, name, parent, languages=None): self._name = name self._parent = parent # all entries that have this typedef self._entries = [] # filled in by Metadata#construct_types self._languages = languages or {} @property def languages(self): return self._languages @property def entries(self): return (i for i in self._entries) def _get_children(self): return None class OuterNamespace(Node): """ A node corresponding to a <namespace> element under <metadata> Attributes (Read-Only): name: The name attribute of the <namespace name="foo"> element. parent: An edge to the parent, which is always the Metadata root node. sections: A sequence of Section children. """ def __init__(self, name, parent, sections=[]): self._name = name self._parent = parent # MetadataSet self._sections = sections[:] self._leafs = [] self._children = self._sections @property def sections(self): return (i for i in self._sections) class Section(Node): """ A node corresponding to a <section> element under <namespace> Attributes (Read-Only): name: The name attribute of the <section name="foo"> element. parent: An edge to the parent, which is always an OuterNamespace instance. description: A string description of the section, or None. kinds: A sequence of Kind children. merged_kinds: A sequence of virtual Kind children, with each Kind's children merged by the kind.name hal_versions: A set of tuples (major, minor) describing all the HAL versions entries in this section have """ def __init__(self, name, parent, description=None, kinds=[]): self._name = name self._parent = parent self._description = description self._kinds = kinds[:] self._leafs = [] @property def description(self): return self._description @property def kinds(self): return (i for i in self._kinds) @property def hal_versions(self): hal_versions = set() for i in self._kinds: for entry in i.entries: hal_versions.add( (entry.hal_major_version, entry.hal_minor_version) ) for namespace in i.namespaces: hal_versions.update(namespace.hal_versions) return hal_versions def sort_children(self): self.validate_tree() # order is always controls,static,dynamic find_child = lambda x: [i for i in self._get_children() if i.name == x] new_lst = find_child('controls') \ + find_child('static') \ + find_child('dynamic') self._kinds = new_lst self.validate_tree() def _get_children(self): return (i for i in self.kinds) @property def merged_kinds(self): def aggregate_by_name(acc, el): existing = [i for i in acc if i.name == el.name] if existing: k = existing[0] else: k = Kind(el.name, el.parent) acc.append(k) k._namespaces.extend(el._namespaces) k._entries.extend(el._entries) return acc new_kinds_lst = functools.reduce(aggregate_by_name, self.kinds, []) for k in new_kinds_lst: yield k def combine_kinds_into_single_node(self): r""" Combines the section's Kinds into a single node. Combines all the children (kinds) of this section into a single virtual Kind node. Returns: A new Kind node that collapses all Kind siblings into one, combining all their children together. For example, given self.kinds == [ x, y ] x y z / | | \ --> / | | \ a b c d a b c d a new instance z is returned in this example. Remarks: The children of the kinds are the same references as before, that is their parents will point to the old parents and not to the new parent. """ combined = Kind(name="combined", parent=self) for k in self._get_children(): combined._namespaces.extend(k.namespaces) combined._entries.extend(k.entries) return combined class Kind(Node): """ A node corresponding to one of: <static>,<dynamic>,<controls> under a <section> element. Attributes (Read-Only): name: A string which is one of 'static', 'dynamic, or 'controls'. parent: An edge to the parent, which is always a Section instance. namespaces: A sequence of InnerNamespace children. entries: A sequence of Entry/Clone children. merged_entries: A sequence of MergedEntry virtual nodes from entries """ def __init__(self, name, parent): self._name = name self._parent = parent self._namespaces = [] self._entries = [] self._leafs = [] @property def namespaces(self): return self._namespaces @property def entries(self): return self._entries @property def merged_entries(self): for i in self.entries: yield i.merge() def sort_children(self): self._namespaces.sort(key=self._get_name()) self._entries.sort(key=self._get_name()) def _get_children(self): for i in self.namespaces: yield i for i in self.entries: yield i def combine_children_by_name(self): r""" Combine multiple children with the same name into a single node. Returns: A new Kind where all of the children with the same name were combined. For example: Given a Kind k: k / | \ a b c | | | d e f a.name == "foo" b.name == "foo" c.name == "bar" The returned Kind will look like this: k' / \ a' c' / | | d e f Remarks: This operation is not recursive. To combine the grandchildren and other ancestors, call this method on the ancestor nodes. """ return Kind._combine_children_by_name(self, new_type=type(self)) # new_type is either Kind or InnerNamespace @staticmethod def _combine_children_by_name(self, new_type): new_ins_dict = OrderedDict() new_ent_dict = OrderedDict() for ins in self.namespaces: new_ins = new_ins_dict.setdefault(ins.name, InnerNamespace(ins.name, parent=self)) new_ins._namespaces.extend(ins.namespaces) new_ins._entries.extend(ins.entries) for ent in self.entries: new_ent = new_ent_dict.setdefault(ent.name, ent.merge()) kind = new_type(self.name, self.parent) kind._namespaces = new_ins_dict.values() kind._entries = new_ent_dict.values() return kind class InnerNamespace(Node): """ A node corresponding to a <namespace> which is an ancestor of a Kind. These namespaces may have other namespaces recursively, or entries as leafs. Attributes (Read-Only): name: Name attribute from the element, e.g. <namespace name="foo"> -> 'foo' parent: An edge to the parent, which is an InnerNamespace or a Kind. namespaces: A sequence of InnerNamespace children. entries: A sequence of Entry/Clone children. merged_entries: A sequence of MergedEntry virtual nodes from entries hal_versions: A set of tuples (major, minor) describing all the HAL versions entries in this section have """ def __init__(self, name, parent): self._name = name self._parent = parent self._namespaces = [] self._entries = [] self._leafs = [] @property def namespaces(self): return self._namespaces @property def entries(self): return self._entries @property def hal_versions(self): hal_versions = set() for entry in self.entries: hal_versions.add( (entry.hal_major_version, entry.hal_minor_version) ) for namespace in self.namespaces: hal_versions.update(namespace.hal_versions) return hal_versions @property def merged_entries(self): for i in self.entries: yield i.merge() def sort_children(self): self._namespaces.sort(key=self._get_name()) self._entries.sort(key=self._get_name()) def _get_children(self): for i in self.namespaces: yield i for i in self.entries: yield i def combine_children_by_name(self): r""" Combine multiple children with the same name into a single node. Returns: A new InnerNamespace where all of the children with the same name were combined. For example: Given an InnerNamespace i: i / | \ a b c | | | d e f a.name == "foo" b.name == "foo" c.name == "bar" The returned InnerNamespace will look like this: i' / \ a' c' / | | d e f Remarks: This operation is not recursive. To combine the grandchildren and other ancestors, call this method on the ancestor nodes. """ return Kind._combine_children_by_name(self, new_type=type(self)) class EnumValue(Node): """ A class corresponding to a <value> element within an <enum> within an <entry>. Attributes (Read-Only): name: A string, e.g. 'ON' or 'OFF' id: An optional numeric string, e.g. '0' or '0xFF' deprecated: A boolean, True if the enum should be deprecated. optional: A boolean visibility: A string, one of "system", "java_public", "ndk_public", "hidden", "public", "fwk_java_public" notes: A string describing the notes, or None. sdk_notes: A string describing extra notes for public SDK only ndk_notes: A string describing extra notes for public NDK only parent: An edge to the parent, always an Enum instance. hal_major_version: The major HIDL HAL version this value was first added in hal_minor_version: The minor HIDL HAL version this value was first added in """ def __init__(self, name, parent, id=None, deprecated=False, optional=False, visibility=None, notes=None, sdk_notes=None, ndk_notes=None, hal_version='3.2'): self._name = name # str, e.g. 'ON' or 'OFF' self._id = id # int, e.g. '0' self._deprecated = deprecated # bool self._optional = optional # bool self._visibility = visibility # None or str; None is same as public self._notes = notes # None or str self._sdk_notes = sdk_notes # None or str self._ndk_notes = ndk_notes # None or str self._parent = parent if hal_version is None: if parent is not None and parent.parent is not None: self._hal_major_version = parent.parent.hal_major_version self._hal_minor_version = parent.parent.hal_minor_version else: self._hal_major_version = 3 self._hal_minor_version = 2 else: self._hal_major_version = int(hal_version.partition('.')[0]) self._hal_minor_version = int(hal_version.partition('.')[2]) @property def id(self): return self._id @property def deprecated(self): return self._deprecated @property def optional(self): return self._optional @property def visibility(self): return self._visibility @property def applied_visibility(self): return self._visibility or 'public' @property def hidl_comment_string(self): parent_enum = None if (self.parent is not None and self.parent.parent is not None): parent_enum = self.parent.parent if parent_enum is not None and parent_enum.visibility in ('fwk_only', 'fwk_java_public') \ or self._visibility in ('fwk_only', 'fwk_java_public'): return ',' return ', // HIDL v' + str(self._hal_major_version) + '.' + str(self.hal_minor_version) @property def hidden(self): return self.visibility in {'hidden', 'ndk_public', 'test'} @property def ndk_hidden(self): return self._visibility in {'hidden', 'java_public', 'test'} @property def notes(self): return self._notes @property def sdk_notes(self): return self._sdk_notes @property def ndk_notes(self): return self._ndk_notes @property def hal_major_version(self): return self._hal_major_version @property def hal_minor_version(self): return self._hal_minor_version def _get_children(self): return None class Enum(Node): """ A class corresponding to an <enum> element within an <entry>. Attributes (Read-Only): parent: An edge to the parent, always an Entry instance. values: A sequence of EnumValue children. has_values_with_id: A boolean representing if any of the children have a non-empty id property. """ def __init__(self, parent, values, ids={}, deprecateds=[], optionals=[], visibilities={}, notes={}, sdk_notes={}, ndk_notes={}, hal_versions={}): self._parent = parent self._name = None self._values = \ [ EnumValue(val, self, ids.get(val), val in deprecateds, val in optionals, visibilities.get(val), \ notes.get(val), sdk_notes.get(val), ndk_notes.get(val), hal_versions.get(val)) \ for val in values ] @property def values(self): return (i for i in self._values) @property def has_values_with_id(self): return bool(any(i for i in self.values if i.id)) def has_new_values_added_in_hal_version(self, hal_major_version, hal_minor_version): return bool(any(i for i in self.values if i.hal_major_version == hal_major_version and i.hal_minor_version == hal_minor_version)) def _get_children(self): return (i for i in self._values) class Entry(Node): """ A node corresponding to an <entry> element. Attributes (Read-Only): parent: An edge to the parent node, which is an InnerNamespace or Kind. name: The fully qualified name string, e.g. 'android.shading.mode' name_short: The name attribute from <entry name="mode">, e.g. mode type: The type attribute from <entry type="bar"> kind: A string ('static', 'dynamic', 'controls') corresponding to the ancestor Kind#name container: The container attribute from <entry container="array">, or None. container_sizes: A sequence of size strings or None if container is None. enum: An Enum instance if the enum attribute is true, None otherwise. visibility: The visibility of this entry ('system', 'hidden', 'public') across the system. System entries are only visible in native code headers. Hidden entries are marked @hide in managed code, while public entries are visible in the Android SDK. applied_visibility: As visibility, but always valid, defaulting to 'system' if no visibility is given for an entry. applied_ndk_visible: Always valid. Default is 'false'. Set to 'true' when the visibility implied entry is visible in NDK. synthetic: The C-level visibility of this entry ('false', 'true'). Synthetic entries will not be generated into the native metadata list of entries (in C code). In general a synthetic entry is glued together at the Java layer from multiple visibiltity=hidden entries. hwlevel: The lowest hardware level at which the entry is guaranteed to be supported by the camera device. All devices with higher hwlevels will also include this entry. None means that the entry is optional on any hardware level. permission_needed: Flags whether the tag needs extra camera permission. deprecated: Marks an entry as @Deprecated in the Java layer; if within an unreleased version this needs to be removed altogether. If applied to an entry from an older release, then this means the entry should be ignored by newer code. optional: a bool representing the optional attribute, which denotes the entry is required for hardware level full devices, but optional for other hardware levels. None if not present. applied_optional: As optional but always valid, defaulting to False if no optional attribute is present. tuple_values: A sequence of strings describing the tuple values, None if container is not 'tuple'. description: A string description, or None. deprecation_description: A string describing the reason for deprecation. Must be present if deprecated is true, otherwise may be None. range: A string range, or None. units: A string units, or None. tags: A sequence of Tag nodes associated with this Entry. type_notes: A string describing notes for the type, or None. typedef: A Typedef associated with this Entry, or None. Remarks: Subclass Clone can be used interchangeable with an Entry, for when we don't care about the underlying type. parent and tags edges are invalid until after Metadata#construct_graph has been invoked. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a new Entry node. Args: name: A string with the fully qualified name, e.g. 'android.shading.mode' type: A string describing the type, e.g. 'int32' kind: A string describing the kind, e.g. 'static' hal_version: A string for the initial HIDL HAL metadata version this entry was added in Args (if container): container: A string describing the container, e.g. 'array' or 'tuple' container_sizes: A list of string sizes if a container, or None otherwise Args (if container is 'tuple'): tuple_values: A list of tuple values, e.g. ['width', 'height'] Args (if the 'enum' attribute is true): enum: A boolean, True if this is an enum, False otherwise enum_values: A list of value strings, e.g. ['ON', 'OFF'] enum_optionals: A list of optional enum values, e.g. ['OFF'] enum_notes: A dictionary of value->notes strings. enum_ids: A dictionary of value->id strings. enum_hal_versions: A dictionary of value->hal version strings Args (if the 'deprecated' attribute is true): deprecation_description: A string explaining the deprecation, to be added to the Java-layer @deprecated tag Args (optional): description: A string with a description of the entry. range: A string with the range of the values of the entry, e.g. '>= 0' units: A string with the units of the values, e.g. 'inches' details: A string with the detailed documentation for the entry hal_details: A string with the HAL implementation details for the entry ndk_details: A string with the extra NDK API documentation for the entry= tag_ids: A list of tag ID strings, e.g. ['BC', 'V1'] type_notes: A string with the notes for the type visibility: A string describing the visibility, eg 'system', 'hidden', 'public' synthetic: A bool to mark whether this entry is visible only at the Java layer (True), or at both layers (False = default). hwlevel: A string of the HW level (one of 'legacy', 'limited', 'full') deprecated: A bool to mark whether this is @Deprecated at the Java layer (default = False). optional: A bool to mark whether optional for non-full hardware devices typedef: A string corresponding to a typedef's name attribute. """ if kwargs.get('type') is None: print("ERROR: Missing type for entry '%s' kind '%s'" % (kwargs.get('name'), kwargs.get('kind')), file=sys.stderr) # Attributes are Read-Only, but edges may be mutated by # Metadata, particularly during construct_graph self._name = kwargs['name'] self._type = kwargs['type'] self._kind = kwargs['kind'] # static, dynamic, or controls self._init_common(**kwargs) @property def type(self): return self._type @property def kind(self): return self._kind @property def hal_major_version(self): return self._hal_major_version @property def hal_minor_version(self): return self._hal_minor_version @property def visibility(self): return self._visibility @property def applied_visibility(self): return self._visibility or 'system' @property def hidl_comment_string(self): if self._visibility in ('fwk_only', 'fwk_java_public'): return self._visibility visibility_lj = str(self.applied_visibility).ljust(12) return visibility_lj + ' | HIDL v' + str(self._hal_major_version) + '.' + str(self._hal_minor_version) @property def applied_ndk_visible(self): if self._visibility in ("public", "ndk_public"): return "true" return "false" @property def synthetic(self): return self._synthetic @property def hwlevel(self): return self._hwlevel @property def deprecated(self): return self._deprecated @property def deprecation_description(self): return self._deprecation_description @property def permission_needed(self): return self._permission_needed or "false" # TODO: optional should just return hwlevel is None @property def optional(self): return self._optional @property def applied_optional(self): return self._optional or False @property def name_short(self): return self.get_name_minimal() @property def container(self): return self._container @property def container_sizes(self): if self._container_sizes is None: return None else: return (i for i in self._container_sizes) @property def tuple_values(self): if self._tuple_values is None: return None else: return (i for i in self._tuple_values) @property def description(self): return self._description @property def range(self): return self._range @property def units(self): return self._units @property def details(self): return self._details @property def hal_details(self): return self._hal_details @property def ndk_details(self): return self._ndk_details @property def applied_ndk_details(self): return (self._details or "") + (self._ndk_details or "") @property def tags(self): if self._tags is None: return None else: return (i for i in self._tags) @property def type_notes(self): return self._type_notes @property def typedef(self): return self._typedef @property def enum(self): return self._enum def has_new_values_added_in_hal_version(self, hal_major_version, hal_minor_version): if self._enum is not None: return self._enum.has_new_values_added_in_hal_version(hal_major_version,hal_minor_version) else: return False def _get_children(self): if self.enum: yield self.enum def sort_children(self): return None def is_clone(self): """ Whether or not this is a Clone instance. Returns: False """ return False def _init_common(self, **kwargs): self._parent = None # filled in by Metadata::_construct_entries self._container = kwargs.get('container') self._container_sizes = kwargs.get('container_sizes') hal_version = kwargs.get('hal_version') if hal_version is None: if self.is_clone(): self._hal_major_version = 0 self._hal_minor_version = 0 else: self._hal_major_version = 3 self._hal_minor_version = 2 else: self._hal_major_version = int(hal_version.partition('.')[0]) self._hal_minor_version = int(hal_version.partition('.')[2]) # access these via the 'enum' prop enum_values = kwargs.get('enum_values') enum_deprecateds = kwargs.get('enum_deprecateds') enum_optionals = kwargs.get('enum_optionals') enum_visibilities = kwargs.get('enum_visibilities') enum_notes = kwargs.get('enum_notes') # { value => notes } enum_sdk_notes = kwargs.get('enum_sdk_notes') # { value => sdk_notes } enum_ndk_notes = kwargs.get('enum_ndk_notes') # { value => ndk_notes } enum_ids = kwargs.get('enum_ids') # { value => notes } enum_hal_versions = kwargs.get('enum_hal_versions') # { value => hal_versions } self._tuple_values = kwargs.get('tuple_values') self._description = kwargs.get('description') self._range = kwargs.get('range') self._units = kwargs.get('units') self._details = kwargs.get('details') self._hal_details = kwargs.get('hal_details') self._ndk_details = kwargs.get('ndk_details') self._tag_ids = kwargs.get('tag_ids', []) self._tags = None # Filled in by Metadata::_construct_tags self._type_notes = kwargs.get('type_notes') self._type_name = kwargs.get('type_name') self._typedef = None # Filled in by Metadata::_construct_types if kwargs.get('enum', False): self._enum = Enum(self, enum_values, enum_ids, enum_deprecateds, enum_optionals, enum_visibilities, enum_notes, enum_sdk_notes, enum_ndk_notes, enum_hal_versions) else: self._enum = None self._visibility = kwargs.get('visibility') self._synthetic = kwargs.get('synthetic', False) self._hwlevel = kwargs.get('hwlevel') self._deprecated = kwargs.get('deprecated', False) self._deprecation_description = kwargs.get('deprecation_description') self._permission_needed = kwargs.get('permission_needed') self._optional = kwargs.get('optional') self._ndk_visible = kwargs.get('ndk_visible') self._property_keys = kwargs def merge(self): """ Copy the attributes into a new entry, merging it with the target entry if it's a clone. """ return MergedEntry(self) # Helpers for accessing less than the fully qualified name def get_name_as_list(self): """ Returns the name as a list split by a period. For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_name_as_list() == ['android', 'lens', 'info', 'shading'] """ return self.name.split(".") def get_inner_namespace_list(self): """ Returns the inner namespace part of the name as a list For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_inner_namespace_list() == ['info'] """ return self.get_name_as_list()[2:-1] def get_outer_namespace(self): """ Returns the outer namespace as a string. For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_outer_namespace() == 'android' Remarks: Since outer namespaces are non-recursive, and each entry has one, this does not need to be a list. """ return self.get_name_as_list()[0] def get_section(self): """ Returns the section as a string. For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_section() == '' Remarks: Since outer namespaces are non-recursive, and each entry has one, this does not need to be a list. """ return self.get_name_as_list()[1] def get_name_minimal(self): """ Returns only the last component of the fully qualified name as a string. For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_name_minimal() == 'shading' Remarks: entry.name_short it an alias for this """ return self.get_name_as_list()[-1] def get_path_without_name(self): """ Returns a string path to the entry, with the name component excluded. For example: entry.name is 'android.lens.info.shading' entry.get_path_without_name() == 'android.lens.info' """ return ".".join(self.get_name_as_list()[0:-1]) class Clone(Entry): """ A Node corresponding to a <clone> element. It has all the attributes of an <entry> element (Entry) plus the additions specified below. Attributes (Read-Only): entry: an edge to an Entry object that this targets target_kind: A string describing the kind of the target entry. name: a string of the name, same as entry.name kind: a string of the Kind ancestor, one of 'static', 'controls', 'dynamic' for the <clone> element. type: always None, since a clone cannot override the type. """ def __init__(self, entry=None, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a new Clone node. Args: name: A string with the fully qualified name, e.g. 'android.shading.mode' type: A string describing the type, e.g. 'int32' kind: A string describing the kind, e.g. 'static' target_kind: A string for the kind of the target entry, e.g. 'dynamic' hal_version: A string for the initial HIDL HAL metadata version this entry was added in Args (if container): container: A string describing the container, e.g. 'array' or 'tuple' container_sizes: A list of string sizes if a container, or None otherwise Args (if container is 'tuple'): tuple_values: A list of tuple values, e.g. ['width', 'height'] Args (if the 'enum' attribute is true): enum: A boolean, True if this is an enum, False otherwise enum_values: A list of value strings, e.g. ['ON', 'OFF'] enum_optionals: A list of optional enum values, e.g. ['OFF'] enum_notes: A dictionary of value->notes strings. enum_ids: A dictionary of value->id strings. Args (optional): entry: An edge to the corresponding target Entry. description: A string with a description of the entry. range: A string with the range of the values of the entry, e.g. '>= 0' units: A string with the units of the values, e.g. 'inches' details: A string with the detailed documentation for the entry hal_details: A string with the HAL implementation details for the entry ndk_details: A string with the extra NDK documentation for the entry tag_ids: A list of tag ID strings, e.g. ['BC', 'V1'] type_notes: A string with the notes for the type Remarks: Note that type is not specified since it has to be the same as the entry.type. """ self._entry = entry # Entry object self._target_kind = kwargs['target_kind'] self._name = kwargs['name'] # same as entry.name self._kind = kwargs['kind'] # illegal to override the type, it should be the same as the entry self._type = None # the rest of the kwargs are optional # can be used to override the regular entry data self._init_common(**kwargs) @property def entry(self): return self._entry @property def target_kind(self): return self._target_kind def is_clone(self): """ Whether or not this is a Clone instance. Returns: True """ return True class MergedEntry(Entry): """ A MergedEntry has all the attributes of a Clone and its target Entry merged together. Remarks: Useful when we want to 'unfold' a clone into a real entry by copying out the target entry data. In this case we don't care about distinguishing a clone vs an entry. """ def __init__(self, entry): """ Create a new instance of MergedEntry. Args: entry: An Entry or Clone instance """ props_distinct = ['description', 'units', 'range', 'details', 'hal_details', 'ndk_details', 'tags', 'kind', 'deprecation_description'] for p in props_distinct: p = '_' + p if entry.is_clone(): setattr(self, p, getattr(entry, p) or getattr(entry.entry, p)) else: setattr(self, p, getattr(entry, p)) props_common = ['parent', 'name', 'container', 'container_sizes', 'enum', 'tuple_values', 'type', 'type_notes', 'visibility', 'ndk_visible', 'synthetic', 'hwlevel', 'deprecated', 'optional', 'typedef', 'hal_major_version', 'hal_minor_version', 'permission_needed' ] for p in props_common: p = '_' + p if entry.is_clone(): setattr(self, p, getattr(entry.entry, p)) else: setattr(self, p, getattr(entry, p))