/* * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "aidl.h" #include <android-base/format.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <string> #include <variant> #include <vector> #include "aidl_checkapi.h" #include "aidl_dumpapi.h" #include "aidl_language.h" #include "aidl_to_cpp.h" #include "aidl_to_cpp_common.h" #include "aidl_to_java.h" #include "aidl_to_ndk.h" #include "aidl_to_rust.h" #include "comments.h" #include "logging.h" #include "options.h" #include "parser.h" #include "preprocess.h" #include "tests/fake_io_delegate.h" using android::aidl::test::FakeIoDelegate; using android::base::StringPrintf; using std::map; using std::set; using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::variant; using std::vector; using testing::HasSubstr; using testing::TestParamInfo; using testing::internal::CaptureStderr; using testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr; namespace android { namespace aidl { namespace { const char kExpectedDepFileContents[] = R"(place/for/output/p/IFoo.java : \ p/IFoo.aidl p/IFoo.aidl : )"; const char kExpectedNinjaDepFileContents[] = R"(place/for/output/p/IFoo.java : \ p/IFoo.aidl )"; const char kExpectedParcelableDeclarationDepFileContents[] = R"( : \ p/Foo.aidl p/Foo.aidl : )"; const char kExpectedStructuredParcelableDepFileContents[] = R"(place/for/output/p/Foo.java : \ p/Foo.aidl p/Foo.aidl : )"; } // namespace const string INVALID_INT8_VALUE = "Invalid type specifier for an int8 literal"; const string INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE = "Invalid type specifier for a literal float"; const string INVALID_OPERATION = "Cannot perform operation"; class AidlTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<Options::Language> { protected: AidlDefinedType* Parse(const string& path, const string& contents, AidlTypenames& typenames_, Options::Language lang, AidlError* error = nullptr, const vector<string> additional_arguments = {}) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents(path, contents); vector<string> args; args.emplace_back("aidl"); args.emplace_back("--min_sdk_version=current"); args.emplace_back("--lang=" + to_string(lang)); for (const string& s : additional_arguments) { args.emplace_back(s); } for (const string& f : preprocessed_files_) { args.emplace_back("--preprocessed=" + f); } args.emplace_back("--include=."); for (const string& i : import_paths_) { args.emplace_back("--include=" + i); } args.emplace_back(path); Options options = Options::From(args); vector<string> imported_files; ImportResolver import_resolver{io_delegate_, path, import_paths_}; AidlError actual_error = ::android::aidl::internals::load_and_validate_aidl( path, options, io_delegate_, &typenames_, &imported_files); if (error != nullptr) { *error = actual_error; } if (actual_error != AidlError::OK) { return nullptr; } const auto& defined_types = typenames_.MainDocument().DefinedTypes(); EXPECT_EQ(1ul, defined_types.size()); return defined_types.front().get(); } void EvaluateInvalidAssignment(string content, string expected_stderr, AidlTypenames& typenames_, Options::Language lang) { AidlError error; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", content, typenames_, lang, &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); }; void EvaluateValidAssignment(string content, string expected_stderr, AidlTypenames& typenames_, Options::Language lang) { AidlError error; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", content, typenames_, lang, &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); }; Options::Language GetLanguage() { return GetParam(); } FakeIoDelegate io_delegate_; vector<string> preprocessed_files_; set<string> import_paths_; AidlTypenames typenames_; }; // Instantiate the AidlTest parameterized suite, calling all of the TEST_P // tests with each of the supported languages as a parameter. INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AidlTestSuite, AidlTest, testing::Values(Options::Language::CPP, Options::Language::JAVA, Options::Language::NDK, Options::Language::RUST), [](const testing::TestParamInfo<Options::Language>& info) { return to_string(info.param); }); TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptMissingPackage) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo { }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, EndsInSingleLineComment) { EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo { } // foo", typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, InterfaceRequiresCorrectPath) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.11-21: IBar should be declared in a file called a/IBar.aidl\n"; const std::string file_contents = "package a; interface IBar {}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", file_contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()) << file_contents; } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParcelableRequiresCorrectPath) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.11-21: Bar should be declared in a file called a/Bar.aidl\n"; const std::string file_contents = "package a; interface Bar {}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", file_contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()) << file_contents; } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnstructuredParcelableRequiresCorrectPath) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.22-26: Bar should be declared in a file called a/Bar.aidl\n"; const std::string file_contents = "package a; parcelable Bar cpp_header \"anything.h\";"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", file_contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()) << file_contents; } TEST_P(AidlTest, EnumRequiresCorrectPath) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.16-20: Bar should be declared in a file called a/Bar.aidl\n"; const std::string file_contents = "package a; enum Bar { A, }"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", file_contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()) << file_contents; } TEST_P(AidlTest, SupportOnlyOutParameters) { const string interface_list = "package a; interface IBar { void f(out List<String> bar); }"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IBar.aidl", interface_list, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectOutParametersForIBinder) { const string interface_ibinder = "package a; interface IBaz { void f(out IBinder bar); }"; const string expected_ibinder_stderr = "ERROR: a/IBaz.aidl:1.47-51: 'bar' can't be an out parameter because IBinder can only be an " "in parameter.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IBaz.aidl", interface_ibinder, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_ibinder_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsOutParametersInOnewayInterface) { const string oneway_interface = "package a; oneway interface IBar { void f(out int[] bar); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IBar.aidl:1.40-42: oneway method 'f' cannot have out parameters\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IBar.aidl", oneway_interface, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsOutParametersInOnewayMethod) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IBar { oneway void f(out int[] bar); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IBar.aidl:1.40-42: oneway method 'f' cannot have out parameters\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IBar.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsOnewayNonVoidReturn) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { oneway int f(); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.39-41: oneway method 'f' cannot return a value\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsNullablePrimitive) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { @nullable int f(); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.38-42: Primitive type cannot get nullable annotation\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptNullableList) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { @nullable List<String> f(); }"; const string expected_stderr = ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectRecursiveParcelable) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { Foo foo; }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Foo is a recursive parcelable")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectIndirectRecursiveParcelable) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { Foo foo; }"); import_paths_.emplace(""); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { Bar bar; }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Foo is a recursive parcelable")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectRecursiveTypeEvenIfNullable) { // Note: in native backends @nullable is mapped to non-heap wrapper like std::optional/Option<T> io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { @nullable Foo foo; }"); import_paths_.emplace(""); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { Bar bar; }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Foo is a recursive parcelable")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, OkayIfRecursionInvolvesHeapType) { CaptureStderr(); std::string java_only_map_field; if (GetLanguage() == Options::Language::JAVA) { java_only_map_field = " Map<String, Foo> map;\n"; } EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo {\n" " List<Foo> list;\n" + java_only_map_field + " Foo[] arr;\n" " @nullable(heap=true) Foo heap_nullable;\n" "}\n", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); } TEST_P(AidlTest, InterfaceCanReferenceItself) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo { void foo(in IFoo self); }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); } TEST_P(AidlTest, HeapNullableCantApplyToOtherThanParcelables) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo {\n" " @nullable(heap=true) String s;\n" "}", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@nullable(heap=true) is available to parcelables")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsDuplicatedArgumentNames) { const string method = "package a; interface IFoo { void f(int a, int a); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.33-35: method 'f' has duplicate argument name 'a'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsDuplicatedFieldNames) { const string method = "package a; parcelable Foo { int a; String a; }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.42-44: 'Foo' has duplicate field name 'a'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptsEmptyParcelable) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsDuplicatedAnnotationParams) { const string method = "package a; interface IFoo { @UnsupportedAppUsage(foo=1, foo=2)void f(); }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.56-62: Trying to redefine parameter foo.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectUnsupportedInterfaceAnnotations) { AidlError error; const string method = "package a; @nullable interface IFoo { int f(); }"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@nullable is not available.")); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectUnsupportedTypeAnnotations) { AidlError error; const string method = "package a; interface IFoo { @JavaOnlyStableParcelable int f(); }"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@JavaOnlyStableParcelable is not available.")); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectUnsupportedParcelableDefineAnnotations) { AidlError error; const string method = "package a; @nullable parcelable Foo { String a; String b; }"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@nullable is not available.")); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsesNonNullableAnnotation) { auto parse_result = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; interface IFoo { String f(); }", typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods().empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetType().IsNullable()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsesNullableAnnotation) { auto parse_result = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; interface IFoo { @nullable String f(); }", typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods().empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetType().IsNullable()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsesNonUtf8Annotations) { auto parse_result = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; interface IFoo { String f(); }", typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods().empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetType().IsUtf8InCpp()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsesUtf8Annotations) { auto parse_result = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; interface IFoo { @utf8InCpp String f(); }", typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_FALSE(interface->GetMethods().empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetType().IsUtf8InCpp()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, VintfRequiresStructuredAndStability) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:1.16-26: Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface 'stability: " "\"vintf\"'\n" "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:1.16-26: Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface " "--structured\n"; CaptureStderr(); ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "@VintfStability interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); ASSERT_EQ(AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, VintfRequiresStructured) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:1.16-26: Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface " "--structured\n"; CaptureStderr(); ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "@VintfStability interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--stability", "vintf"})); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); ASSERT_EQ(AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, VintfRequiresSpecifiedStability) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:1.16-26: Must compile @VintfStability type w/ aidl_interface 'stability: " "\"vintf\"'\n"; CaptureStderr(); ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "@VintfStability interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured"})); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); ASSERT_EQ(AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsesStabilityAnnotations) { AidlError error; auto parse_result = Parse("IFoo.aidl", "@VintfStability interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured", "--stability", "vintf"}); ASSERT_EQ(AidlError::OK, error); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_TRUE(interface->IsVintfStability()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, TypesShouldHaveVintfStabilityWhenCompilingWithTheVintfFlag) { CaptureStderr(); string code = "@VintfStability\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " interface INested { interface INastyNester {} }" "}"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", code, typenames_, GetLanguage(), nullptr, {"--structured", "--stability", "vintf"})); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); auto nested = typenames_.TryGetDefinedType("Foo.INested"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, nested); ASSERT_TRUE(nested->IsVintfStability()); auto nastyNester = typenames_.TryGetDefinedType("Foo.INested.INastyNester"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, nastyNester); ASSERT_TRUE(nastyNester->IsVintfStability()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, VintfStabilityAppliesToNestedTypesAsWell) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage(), nullptr, {"--structured", "--stability", "vintf"})); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Foo does not have VINTF level stability (marked @VintfStability)")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParsesJavaOnlyStableParcelable) { Options java_options = Options::From("aidl -I . -o out --structured a/Foo.aidl"); Options cpp_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=cpp -o out -h out/include a/Foo.aidl"); Options cpp_structured_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=cpp -I . --structured -o out -h out/include a/Foo.aidl"); Options rust_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=rust -o out --structured a/Foo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/Foo.aidl", StringPrintf("package a; @JavaOnlyStableParcelable parcelable Foo cpp_header \"Foo.h\" ;")); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(cpp_options, io_delegate_)); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(cpp_structured_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Cannot declare unstructured")); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(rust_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Cannot declare unstructured")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParsesNdkOnlyStableParcelable) { Options java_options = Options::From("aidl -I . -o out --structured a/Foo.aidl"); Options ndk_structured_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=ndk --structured -I . -o out -h out/include a/Foo.aidl"); Options rust_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=rust -I . -o out --structured a/Foo.aidl"); Options cpp_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out/include a/Foo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/Foo.aidl", StringPrintf("package a; @NdkOnlyStableParcelable parcelable Foo cpp_header \"Foo.h\" ;")); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(cpp_options, io_delegate_)); // not considered unstructured, but it still can't be compiled directly with // --structured AIDL - it can only be used as an import CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(ndk_structured_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables")); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Cannot declare unstructured")); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(rust_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Cannot declare unstructured")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, NdkAndJavaStabilityIsVintfStable) { CaptureStderr(); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("NonPortableThing.aidl", "@NdkOnlyStableParcelable @JavaOnlyStableParcelable parcelable " "NonPortableThing ndk_header \"lol.h\" cpp_header \"lolol.h\";"); import_paths_.emplace(""); auto result = Parse("IFoo.aidl", "import NonPortableThing; @VintfStability interface IFoo { NonPortableThing get(); }", typenames_, GetLanguage(), nullptr, {"--structured", "--stability", "vintf"}); if (GetLanguage() == Options::Language::NDK || GetLanguage() == Options::Language::JAVA) { EXPECT_NE(result, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); } else { EXPECT_EQ(result, nullptr); EXPECT_THAT( GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("NonPortableThing does not have VINTF level stability (marked @VintfStability)")); } } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParcelableSupportJavaDeriveToString) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", R"(package a; @JavaDerive(toString=true) parcelable Foo { int a; float b; })"); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); string java_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &java_out)); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("public String toString() {")); // Other backends shouldn't be bothered Options cpp_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(cpp_options, io_delegate_)); Options ndk_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=ndk -I . -o out -h out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(ndk_options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnionSupportJavaDeriveToString) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", R"(package a; @JavaDerive(toString=true) union Foo { int a; int[] b; })"); CaptureStderr(); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); const string expected_to_string_method = R"--( @Override public String toString() { switch (_tag) { case a: return "a.Foo.a(" + (getA()) + ")"; case b: return "a.Foo.b(" + (java.util.Arrays.toString(getB())) + ")"; } throw new IllegalStateException("unknown field: " + _tag); } )--"; string java_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &java_out)); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr(expected_to_string_method)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParcelableSupportJavaDeriveEquals) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", R"(package a; @JavaDerive(equals=true) parcelable Foo { int a; float b; })"); CaptureStderr(); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); const std::string expected = R"--( @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof Foo)) return false; Foo that = (Foo)other; if (!java.util.Objects.deepEquals(a, that.a)) return false; if (!java.util.Objects.deepEquals(b, that.b)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(java.util.Arrays.asList(a, b).toArray()); } )--"; string java_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &java_out)); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr(expected)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnionSupportJavaDeriveEquals) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", R"(package a; @JavaDerive(equals=true) union Foo { int a; int[] b; })"); CaptureStderr(); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); const std::string expected = R"--( @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof Foo)) return false; Foo that = (Foo)other; if (_tag != that._tag) return false; if (!java.util.Objects.deepEquals(_value, that._value)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode(java.util.Arrays.asList(_tag, _value).toArray()); } )--"; string java_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &java_out)); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr(expected)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsJavaDeriveAnnotation) { { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; @JavaDerive(blah=true) parcelable Foo{}"); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); const std::string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.11-34: Parameter blah not supported for annotation JavaDerive."; EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Parameter blah not supported for annotation JavaDerive.")); } { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; @JavaDerive interface IFoo{}"); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@JavaDerive is not available.")); } } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParseDescriptorAnnotation) { AidlError error; auto parse_result = Parse("IFoo.aidl", R"(@Descriptor(value="IBar") interface IFoo{})", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured"}); ASSERT_EQ(AidlError::OK, error); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); ASSERT_EQ("IBar", interface->GetDescriptor()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnknownAnnotation) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; @Unknown interface IFoo { }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("not a recognized annotation")); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", "package a; @Unknown(param=true) interface IFoo { }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("not a recognized annotation")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptsOnewayMethod) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { oneway void f(int a); }"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptsOnewayInterface) { const string oneway_interface = "package a; oneway interface IBar { void f(int a); }"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IBar.aidl", oneway_interface, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptsAnnotatedOnewayMethod) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { @UnsupportedAppUsage oneway void f(int a); }"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AnnotationsInMultiplePlaces) { const string oneway_method = "package a; interface IFoo { @UnsupportedAppUsage oneway @PropagateAllowBlocking void f(int " "a); }"; const AidlDefinedType* defined = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", oneway_method, typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, defined); const AidlInterface* iface = defined->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, iface); const auto& methods = iface->GetMethods(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, methods.size()); const auto& method = methods[0]; const AidlTypeSpecifier& ret_type = method->GetType(); // TODO(b/151102494): these annotations should be on the method ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ret_type.UnsupportedAppUsage()); ASSERT_TRUE(ret_type.IsPropagateAllowBlocking()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AnnotationValueAttribute) { const string content = "package a; @Descriptor(\"descriptor_value\") interface IFoo { void f(int a); }"; const AidlDefinedType* defined = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", content, typenames_, GetLanguage()); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, defined); const AidlInterface* iface = defined->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, iface); ASSERT_EQ("descriptor_value", iface->GetDescriptor()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckApiForAnnotationValueAttribute) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi=equal old new"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; @Descriptor(value=\"v1\") interface IFoo{ void foo();}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; @Descriptor(\"v1\") interface IFoo{ void foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, WritesComments) { string foo_interface = R"(package a; /* foo */ interface IFoo { /* i */ int i(); // j @nullable String j(); // k1 /* k2 */ @UnsupportedAppUsage oneway void k(int a); })"; CaptureStderr(); auto parse_result = Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", foo_interface, typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ((Comments{{"/* foo */"}}), parse_result->GetComments()); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); EXPECT_EQ((Comments{{"/* i */"}}), interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetComments()); EXPECT_EQ((Comments{{"// j\n"}}), interface->GetMethods()[1]->GetComments()); EXPECT_EQ((Comments{{"// k1\n"}, {"/* k2 */"}}), interface->GetMethods()[2]->GetComments()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, CppHeaderCanBeIdentifierAsWell) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/cpp_header.aidl", R"(package p; parcelable cpp_header cpp_header "bar/header" ndk_header "ndk/bar/header";)"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = R"(package p; import p.cpp_header; interface IFoo { // get bar cpp_header get(); })"; auto parse_result = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); EXPECT_EQ((Comments{{"// get bar\n"}}), interface->GetMethods()[0]->GetComments()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsIfCppHeaderIsMissing) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo;"); Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang cpp -h h -o o Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("must have cpp_header defined")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsIfTypeRefsCppHeaderIsMissing) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IBar.aidl", "interface IBar { void bar(in Foo foo); }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang cpp -h h -o o IBar.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("must have cpp_header defined")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParsesPreprocessedFile) { string simple_content = "parcelable a.Foo;\ninterface b.IBar;"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("path", simple_content); EXPECT_FALSE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("a.Foo").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(Parser::Parse("path", io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/true)); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("a.Foo").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("b.IBar").is_resolved); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParsesPreprocessedFileWithWhitespace) { string simple_content = "parcelable a.Foo;\n interface b.IBar ;\t"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("path", simple_content); EXPECT_FALSE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("a.Foo").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(Parser::Parse("path", io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/true)); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("a.Foo").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("b.IBar").is_resolved); } TEST_P(AidlTest, PreferImportToPreprocessed) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("preprocessed", "interface another.IBar;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("one/IBar.aidl", "package one; " "interface IBar {}"); preprocessed_files_.push_back("preprocessed"); import_paths_.emplace(""); auto parse_result = Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import one.IBar; interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); // We expect to know about both kinds of IBar EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("one.IBar").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("another.IBar").is_resolved); // But if we request just "IBar" we should get our imported one. AidlTypeSpecifier ambiguous_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "IBar", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); ambiguous_type.Resolve(typenames_, parse_result); EXPECT_EQ("one.IBar", ambiguous_type.GetName()); } // Special case of PreferImportToPreprocessed. Imported type should be preferred // even when the preprocessed file already has the same type. TEST_P(AidlTest, B147918827) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("preprocessed", "interface another.IBar;\ninterface one.IBar;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("one/IBar.aidl", "package one; " "interface IBar {}"); preprocessed_files_.push_back("preprocessed"); import_paths_.emplace(""); auto parse_result = Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import one.IBar; interface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); // We expect to know about both kinds of IBar EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("one.IBar").is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("another.IBar").is_resolved); // But if we request just "IBar" we should get our imported one. AidlTypeSpecifier ambiguous_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "IBar", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); ambiguous_type.Resolve(typenames_, parse_result); EXPECT_EQ("one.IBar", ambiguous_type.GetName()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WritePreprocessedFile) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Outer.aidl", "package p; parcelable Outer.Inner;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("one/IBar.aidl", "package one; import p.Outer;" "interface IBar {}"); vector<string> args{"aidl", "--preprocess", "preprocessed", "-I.", "p/Outer.aidl", "one/IBar.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::Preprocess(options, io_delegate_)); std::map<std::string, std::string> expected = {{"preprocessed", "parcelable p.Outer.Inner;\n" "interface one.IBar {\n" "}\n"}}; EXPECT_THAT(io_delegate_.OutputFiles(), testing::Eq(expected)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, PreprocessVariousThings) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " int foo();\n" " const int FOO = foo.bar.Bar.BAR + 1; // should be 44\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Bar.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Bar {\n" " const int BAR = imported.Foo.FOO + 1; // should be 43\n" " imported.Foo foo;\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Gen.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Gen<T> {\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Enum.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO = 3, BAR = FOO + 3, // should be 3, 6\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("sub/imported/Foo.aidl", "package imported;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " const int FOO = 42;\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = { "aidl", "--preprocess", "preprocessed", "-Isub", "-I.", "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "foo/bar/Bar.aidl", "foo/bar/Gen.aidl", "foo/bar/Enum.aidl", }; ASSERT_TRUE(Preprocess(Options::From(args), io_delegate_)); std::string preprocessed = "interface foo.bar.IFoo {\n" " const int FOO = 44;\n" "}\n" "parcelable foo.bar.Bar {\n" " const int BAR = 43;\n" "}\n" "parcelable foo.bar.Gen<T> {\n" "}\n" "enum foo.bar.Enum {\n" " FOO = 3,\n" " BAR = 6,\n" "}\n"; std::map<std::string, std::string> expected = {{"preprocessed", preprocessed}}; EXPECT_THAT(io_delegate_.OutputFiles(), testing::Eq(expected)); // use preprocessed io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; parcelable Foo { const int y = foo.bar.Bar.BAR; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("preprocessed", preprocessed); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl --lang java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl -ppreprocessed"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("public static final int y = 43;")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AllowMultipleUnstructuredNestedParcelablesInASingleDocument) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;\n" "import x.Outer;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo(in Outer.Inner1 in1, in Outer.Inner2 in2);\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("imported/x/Outer.aidl", "package x;\n" "parcelable Outer.Inner1;\n" "parcelable Outer.Inner2;\n"); auto opt = Options::From("aidl -I . -Iimported --lang=java p/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(opt, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, StubsSourceIsGeneratedFromDuplicateDefinitionWithFrameworkAidl_FrameworkAidlLater) { // Main doc(Foo.aidl) is loaded // And then framework.aidl is loaded as preprocessed. (conflict) io_delegate_.SetFileContents("sdk/framework.aidl", "parcelable x.Foo.Inner;\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("x/Foo.aidl", "package x;\n" "parcelable Foo.Inner;\n"); auto opt = Options::From("aidl -psdk/framework.aidl -I. x/Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(opt, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, StubsSourceIsGeneratedFromDuplicateDefinitionWithFrameworkAidl_FrameworkAidlFirst) { // Main doc(IBar.aidl) is loaded first. // Framework.aidl is loaded as preprocessed. // And then import(Foo.aidl) is loaded. (conflict) io_delegate_.SetFileContents("sdk/framework.aidl", "parcelable x.Foo.Inner;\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("x/IBar.aidl", "package x;\n" "import x.Foo;\n" "interface IBar {\n" " void bar(in Foo.Inner inner);\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("x/Foo.aidl", "package x;\n" "parcelable Foo.Inner;\n"); auto opt = Options::From("aidl -psdk/framework.aidl -I. x/IBar.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(opt, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, PreprocessedFileCantDeclarePackage) { string simple_content = "package xxx; parcelable a.Foo;"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("path", simple_content); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(Parser::Parse("path", io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/true)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Preprocessed file can't declare package.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectQualifiedTypeNameUnlessPreprocessed) { string simple_content = "parcelable a.Foo {}"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("path", simple_content); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(Parser::Parse("path", io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/false)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Type name can't be qualified")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, PreprocessedCanDeclareJavaStyleBuiltinTypes) { string contents = R"( interface android.os.IBinder; interface android.os.IInterface; parcelable android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; )"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("path", contents); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(Parser::Parse("path", io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/true)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); } TEST_P(AidlTest, SupportDeprecated) { struct TestCase { std::string output_file; std::string annotation; }; auto CheckDeprecated = [&](const std::string& filename, const std::string& contents, std::vector<std::pair<Options::Language, TestCase>> expectations) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents(filename, contents); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " " + filename + " --out=out --header_out=out"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); for (const auto& [lang, test_case] : expectations) { if (lang != GetLanguage()) continue; string output; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(test_case.output_file, &output)); EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr(test_case.annotation)); } }; // Emit escaped string for notes CheckDeprecated( "IFoo.aidl", R"(interface IFoo { /** * @note asdf * @deprecated a really long deprecation message * * which is really long * @param foo bar */ List<String> foo(); })", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/IFoo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/IFoo.h", R"(__attribute__((deprecated("a really long deprecation message which is really long"))))"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/IFoo.h", R"(__attribute__((deprecated("a really long deprecation message which is really long"))))"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/IFoo.rs", R"(#[deprecated = "a really long deprecation message which is really long"])"}}, }); // In AIDL @deprecated can be in block comments as well as javadoc style CheckDeprecated( "IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " /* @deprecated use bar() */\n" " List<String> foo();\n" "}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/IFoo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/IFoo.java", "/** @deprecated use bar() */"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated(\"use bar()\")))"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated(\"use bar()\")))"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/IFoo.rs", "#[deprecated = \"use bar()\"]"}}, }); // but not in line comments auto parsed = Parse("IFoo.aidl", "// @deprecated\ninterface IFoo {}", typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_FALSE(parsed->IsDeprecated()); // parcelable CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo {\n" " /** @deprecated use bar*/\n" " int foo = 0;\n" "}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); // interface constants CheckDeprecated("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " /** @deprecated use bar*/\n" " const int FOO = 0;\n" "}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/IFoo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/IFoo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); // union fields CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "union Foo {\n" " int bar = 0;\n" " /** @deprecated use bar*/\n" " int foo;\n" "}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "/** @deprecated use Bar */\n" "parcelable Foo {}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "/** @deprecated use Bar */\n" "union Foo { int foo = 0; }", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); CheckDeprecated("IFoo.aidl", "/** @deprecated use IBar */\n" "interface IFoo {}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/IFoo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/IFoo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/IFoo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "/** @deprecated use IBar */\n" "enum Foo { FOO }", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); CheckDeprecated("Foo.aidl", "enum Foo {\n" " /** @deprecated */\n" " FOO,\n" " BAR,\n" "}", { {Options::Language::JAVA, {"out/Foo.java", "@Deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::CPP, {"out/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::NDK, {"out/aidl/Foo.h", "__attribute__((deprecated"}}, {Options::Language::RUST, {"out/Foo.rs", "#[deprecated"}}, }); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RequireOuterClass) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl: Couldn't find import for class Inner. Searched here:\n - ./\nERROR: " "p/IFoo.aidl:1.54-60: Failed to resolve 'Inner'\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Outer.aidl", "package p; parcelable Outer.Inner;"); import_paths_.emplace(""); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import p.Outer; interface IFoo { void f(in Inner c); }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParseCompoundParcelableFromPreprocess) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "preprocessed", "parcelable p.Outer.Inner cpp_header \"inner.h\" ndk_header \"ndk/inner.h\";"); preprocessed_files_.push_back("preprocessed"); auto parse_result = Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo { void f(in Inner c); }", typenames_, GetLanguage()); // Require legacy behavior - inner class name can be used without outer class name. EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiMappingAcceptsUnstructuredParcelables) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo;"); Options options1 = Options::From("aidl -I . --apimapping mapping.txt p/Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(0, aidl_entry(options1, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FailOnParcelable) { const string expected_foo_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.22-27: Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables. " "Declared parcelables should be in their own file and/or cannot be used with --structured " "interfaces.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; parcelable IFoo;"); // By default, we shouldn't fail on parcelable. Options options1 = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options1, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); // -b considers this an error Options options2 = Options::From("aidl -I . -b p/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options2, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_foo_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); const string expected_bar_stderr = "ERROR: p/IBar.aidl:1.22-26: Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables. " "Declared parcelables should be in their own file and/or cannot be used with --structured " "interfaces.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IBar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo; interface IBar{}"); // With '-b' option, a parcelable and an interface should fail. Options options3 = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IBar.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options3, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); Options options4 = Options::From("aidl -I . -b p/IBar.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options4, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_bar_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ImportingJavaStyleBuiltinTypesIsAllowed) { string contents = R"( import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IInterface; interface IFoo { void foo(in IBinder b); } )"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, StructuredFailOnUnstructuredParcelable) { const string expected_stderr = "o.WhoKnowsWhat is not structured, but this is a structured interface"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("o/WhoKnowsWhat.aidl", "package o; parcelable WhoKnowsWhat cpp_header \"who_knows.h\" " "ndk_header \"ndk/who_knows.h\";"); import_paths_.emplace(""); AidlError error; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ( nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import o.WhoKnowsWhat; interface IFoo { void f(in WhoKnowsWhat thisIs); }", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured"})); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::NOT_STRUCTURED, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnDuplicateConstantNames) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:4.34-45: Found duplicate constant name 'DUPLICATED'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const String DUPLICATED = "d"; const int DUPLICATED = 1; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, InvalidConstString) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.47-60: Found invalid character '\\' at index 4 in string constant " "'\"test\\\"test\"'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const String someVar = "test\"test"; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_F(AidlTest, InvalidCharLiteral) { auto filename = "Foo.aidl"; char code[] = "parcelable Foo { char a = '\0'; char b = '\t'; }"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents(filename, string{code, sizeof(code) - 1}); // -1 to drop nil at the end CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(Parser::Parse(filename, io_delegate_, typenames_, /*is_preprocessed=*/false)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_THAT(err, HasSubstr("Invalid character literal \\0")); EXPECT_THAT(err, HasSubstr("Invalid character literal \\t")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectUnstructuredParcelablesInNDKandRust) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("o/Foo.aidl", "package o; parcelable Foo cpp_header \"cpp/Foo.h\";"); const auto options = Options::From("aidl --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -o out -h out -I. o/Foo.aidl"); const bool reject_unstructured_parcelables = GetLanguage() == Options::Language::NDK || GetLanguage() == Options::Language::RUST; const string expected_err = reject_unstructured_parcelables ? "Refusing to generate code with unstructured parcelables" : ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_), !reject_unstructured_parcelables); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_err)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CosntantValueType) { unique_ptr<AidlConstantValue> num{AidlConstantValue::Integral(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "1")}; EXPECT_EQ(num->GetType(), AidlConstantValue::Type::INT8); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnTooBigConstant) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.48-52: Invalid type specifier for an int32 literal: byte (256)\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const byte type2small = 256; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_F(AidlTest, BoolConstantsEvaluatesToIntegers) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; parcelable Foo { const int y = true; }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang java -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("public static final int y = 1;")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AidlConstantValue_EvaluatedValue) { using Ptr = unique_ptr<AidlConstantValue>; const AidlLocation& loc = AIDL_LOCATION_HERE; EXPECT_EQ('c', Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Character(loc, "'c'"))->EvaluatedValue<char16_t>()); EXPECT_EQ("abc", Ptr(AidlConstantValue::String(loc, "\"abc\""))->EvaluatedValue<string>()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.0f, Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Floating(loc, "1.0f"))->EvaluatedValue<float>()); EXPECT_EQ(true, Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Boolean(loc, true))->EvaluatedValue<bool>()); AidlBinaryConstExpression one_plus_one(loc, Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Integral(loc, "1")), "+", Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Integral(loc, "1"))); EXPECT_EQ(2, one_plus_one.EvaluatedValue<int32_t>()); auto values = unique_ptr<vector<Ptr>>{new vector<Ptr>}; values->emplace_back(AidlConstantValue::String(loc, "\"hello\"")); values->emplace_back(AidlConstantValue::String(loc, "\"world\"")); vector<string> expected{"hello", "world"}; EXPECT_EQ( expected, Ptr(AidlConstantValue::Array(loc, std::move(values)))->EvaluatedValue<vector<string>>()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AidlConstantCharacterDefault) { auto char_type = typenames_.MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "char", false); auto default_value = unique_ptr<AidlConstantValue>(AidlConstantValue::Default(*char_type)); EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", default_value->ValueString(*char_type, cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", default_value->ValueString(*char_type, ndk::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", default_value->ValueString(*char_type, java::ConstantValueDecorator)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnManyDefinedTypes) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.33-38: You must declare only one type per file.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo {} parcelable IBar {} parcelable StructuredParcelable {} interface IBaz {} )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); // Parse success is important for clear error handling even if the cases aren't // actually supported in code generation. EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnNoDefinedTypes) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.11-11: syntax error, unexpected $end\n"; const string expected_stderr_newbison = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.11-11: syntax error, unexpected end of file\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p;)", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::AnyOf(testing::Eq(expected_stderr), testing::Eq(expected_stderr_newbison))); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnEmptyListWithComma) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/Foo.aidl:1.45-47: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '}'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/Foo.aidl", R"(package p; parcelable Foo { uint64_t[] a = { , }; })", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnMalformedConstHexValue) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.50-71: Could not parse hexvalue: 0xffffffffffffffffff\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const int BAD_HEX_VALUE = 0xffffffffffffffffff; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnMalformedQualifiedNameAsIdentifier) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.25-26: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting identifier"; CaptureStderr(); // Notice the trailing dot(.) in the name, which isn't a correct name EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; parcelable A.; )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningDoubleInFloatConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float DOUBLE_VALUE = 1.1; })", INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningFloatInDoubleConst) { EvaluateValidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double FLOAT_VALUE = 1.1f; })", "", typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningIntInFloatConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float INT_VALUE = 1; })", INVALID_INT8_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningFloatInIntConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const int FLOAT_VALUE = 1.1f; })", INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningIntInDoubleConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double INT_VALUE = 1; })", INVALID_INT8_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningDoubleInIntConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const int DOUBLE_VALUE = 1.1; })", INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningFloatPlusIntConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float FLOAT_VALUE = 1.1f + 1; })", INVALID_OPERATION, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningIntPlusFloatConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float FLOAT_VALUE = 1 + 1.1f; })", INVALID_OPERATION, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningDoublePlusIntConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double DOUBLE_VALUE = 1.1 + 1; })", INVALID_OPERATION, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningIntPlusDoubleConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double DOUBLE_VALUE = 1 + 1.1; })", INVALID_OPERATION, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningTooLargeFloatConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float DOUBLE_VALUE = 1e50f; })", INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnAssigningTooLargeDoubleConst) { EvaluateInvalidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double DOUBLE_VALUE = 1e310; })", INVALID_FLOAT_VALUE, typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, PassOnAssigningLargeFloatConst) { EvaluateValidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const float DOUBLE_VALUE = 1e20f; })", "", typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, PassOnAssigningLargeDoubleConst) { EvaluateValidAssignment(R"(package a; interface IFoo { const double DOUBLE_VALUE = 1e150; })", "", typenames_, GetLanguage()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnMalformedQualifiedNameAsPackage) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.11-12: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting identifier"; CaptureStderr(); // Notice the trailing dot(.) in the package name EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p.; parcelable A; )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParsePositiveConstHexValue) { AidlError error; auto parse_result = Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const int POSITIVE_HEX_VALUE = 0xf5; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); const auto& cpp_constants = interface->GetConstantDeclarations(); EXPECT_EQ((size_t)1, cpp_constants.size()); EXPECT_EQ("POSITIVE_HEX_VALUE", cpp_constants[0]->GetName()); EXPECT_TRUE(cpp_constants[0]->CheckValid(typenames_)); EXPECT_EQ("245", cpp_constants[0]->ValueString(cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParseNegativeConstHexValue) { AidlError error; auto parse_result = Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const int NEGATIVE_HEX_VALUE = 0xffffffff; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); const AidlInterface* interface = parse_result->AsInterface(); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, interface); const auto& cpp_constants = interface->GetConstantDeclarations(); EXPECT_EQ((size_t)1, cpp_constants.size()); EXPECT_EQ("NEGATIVE_HEX_VALUE", cpp_constants[0]->GetName()); EXPECT_EQ(true, cpp_constants[0]->CheckValid(typenames_)); EXPECT_EQ("-1", cpp_constants[0]->ValueString(cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ByteAndByteArrayDifferInCpp) { auto type = Parse("p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; parcelable Foo { byte a = -1; byte[] b = {-1, 1}; @nullable byte[] c = {-1, 1}; } )", typenames_, Options::Language::CPP); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, type); auto& fields = type->GetFields(); ASSERT_EQ(3ul, fields.size()); EXPECT_EQ("-1", fields[0]->ValueString(cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("{uint8_t(-1), 1}", fields[1]->ValueString(cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("{{uint8_t(-1), 1}}", fields[2]->ValueString(cpp::ConstantValueDecorator)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ByteAndByteArrayDifferInNdk) { auto type = Parse("p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; parcelable Foo { byte a = -1; byte[] b = {-1, 1}; @nullable byte[] c = {-1, 1}; } )", typenames_, Options::Language::NDK); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, type); auto& fields = type->GetFields(); ASSERT_EQ(3ul, fields.size()); EXPECT_EQ("-1", fields[0]->ValueString(ndk::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("{uint8_t(-1), 1}", fields[1]->ValueString(ndk::ConstantValueDecorator)); EXPECT_EQ("{{uint8_t(-1), 1}}", fields[2]->ValueString(ndk::ConstantValueDecorator)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedUnstructuredParcelables) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "p/Outer.aidl", "package p; parcelable Outer.Inner cpp_header \"baz/header\" ndk_header \"ndk/baz/header\";"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p; import p.Outer; interface IFoo" " { Outer.Inner get(); }"; auto parse_result = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.Outer.Inner").is_resolved); // C++ uses "::" instead of "." to refer to a inner class. AidlTypeSpecifier nested_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "p.Outer.Inner", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); EXPECT_EQ("::p::Outer::Inner", cpp::CppNameOf(nested_type, typenames_)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedUnstructuredParcelablesWithoutImports) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "p/Outer.aidl", "package p; parcelable Outer.Inner cpp_header \"baz/header\" ndk_header \"ndk/baz/header\";"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p; interface IFoo { p.Outer.Inner get(); }"; auto parse_result = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.Outer.Inner").is_resolved); // C++ uses "::" instead of "." to refer to a inner class. AidlTypeSpecifier nested_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "p.Outer.Inner", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); EXPECT_EQ("::p::Outer::Inner", cpp::CppNameOf(nested_type, typenames_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedTypes) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IOuter.aidl", "package p;\n" "interface IOuter {\n" " parcelable Inner {}\n" "}"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "import p.IOuter;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " IOuter.Inner get();\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IOuter.Inner").is_resolved); // C++ uses "::" instead of "." to refer to a inner class. AidlTypeSpecifier nested_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "p.IOuter.Inner", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); EXPECT_EQ("::p::IOuter::Inner", cpp::CppNameOf(nested_type, typenames_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DefinedTypeKnowsItsParentScope) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable Inner {\n" " enum Enum { A }\n" " }\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); auto enum_type = typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IFoo.Inner.Enum"); auto inner_type = typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IFoo.Inner"); auto ifoo_type = typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IFoo"); EXPECT_TRUE(enum_type.is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(inner_type.is_resolved); EXPECT_TRUE(ifoo_type.is_resolved); // GetParentType() EXPECT_EQ(inner_type.defined_type, enum_type.defined_type->GetParentType()); EXPECT_EQ(ifoo_type.defined_type, inner_type.defined_type->GetParentType()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, ifoo_type.defined_type->GetParentType()); // GetRootType() EXPECT_EQ(ifoo_type.defined_type, enum_type.defined_type->GetRootType()); EXPECT_EQ(ifoo_type.defined_type, inner_type.defined_type->GetRootType()); EXPECT_EQ(ifoo_type.defined_type, ifoo_type.defined_type->GetRootType()); // GetDocument() auto main_document = &typenames_.MainDocument(); EXPECT_EQ(main_document, &enum_type.defined_type->GetDocument()); EXPECT_EQ(main_document, &inner_type.defined_type->GetDocument()); EXPECT_EQ(main_document, &ifoo_type.defined_type->GetDocument()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedTypesViaFullyQualifiedName) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IOuter.aidl", "package p;\n" "interface IOuter {\n" " parcelable Inner {}\n" "}"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " p.IOuter.Inner get();\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IOuter.Inner").is_resolved); } TEST_F(AidlTest, IncludeParentsRawHeaderForNestedInterface) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("p/Outer.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Outer {\n" " interface IInner {}\n" "}", typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); auto resolved = typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.Outer.IInner"); ASSERT_TRUE(resolved.defined_type); EXPECT_EQ(cpp::HeaderFile(*resolved.defined_type, cpp::ClassNames::CLIENT), "p/Outer.h"); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedTypesViaFullyQualifiedImport) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IOuter.aidl", "package p;\n" "interface IOuter {\n" " parcelable Inner {}\n" "}"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "import p.IOuter.Inner;" "interface IFoo {\n" " Inner get();\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IOuter.Inner").is_resolved); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedTypesInTheSameScope) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable Result {}\n" " Result get();\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IFoo.Result").is_resolved); } // Finding the type of nested named member. struct TypeFinder : AidlVisitor { string name; const AidlTypeSpecifier* type = nullptr; TypeFinder(std::string name) : name(name) {} void Visit(const AidlVariableDeclaration& v) override { if (v.GetName() == name) { type = &v.GetType(); } } void Visit(const AidlMethod& m) override { if (m.GetName() == name) { type = &m.GetType(); } } static string Get(const AidlDefinedType& type, const string& name) { TypeFinder v(name); VisitTopDown(v, type); return v.type ? v.type->Signature() : "(null)"; }; }; TEST_F(AidlTest, UnderstandsNestedTypesViaQualifiedInTheSameScope) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("q/IBar.aidl", "package q;\n" "interface IBar {\n" " parcelable Baz {}\n" "}"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "import q.IBar;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable Nested {\n" " Baz t1;\n" " }\n" " parcelable Baz { }\n" " IBar.Baz t2();\n" " Baz t3();\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); auto foo = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, foo); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "t1"), "p.IFoo.Baz"); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "t2"), "q.IBar.Baz"); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "t3"), "p.IFoo.Baz"); } TEST_F(AidlTest, NestedTypeResolutionWithNoPackage) { const string input_path = "Foo.aidl"; const string input = "parcelable Foo {\n" " parcelable Bar {\n" " enum Baz { BAZ }\n" " Baz baz = Baz.BAZ;\n" " }\n" " Bar bar;\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); auto foo = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, foo); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "bar"), "Foo.Bar"); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "baz"), "Foo.Bar.Baz"); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsNestedTypesWithParentsName) { const string input_path = "p/Foo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " parcelable Foo {}\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Nested type 'Foo' has the same name as its parent.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectUnstructuredParcelableAsNestedTypes) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable Bar cpp_header \"Bar.h\";\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Unstructured parcelables should be at the root scope")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectGenericTypeWithNestedTypes) { const string input_path = "p/Foo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "parcelable Foo<T> {\n" " parcelable Bar {}\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Generic types can't have nested types.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, HandleSyntaxErrorsInNestedDecl) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable;\n" // missing identifier "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("expecting identifier")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsNestedTypesWithDuplicateNames) { const string input_path = "p/Foo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface Foo {\n" " parcelable Bar {}\n" " parcelable Bar {}\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Redefinition of 'Bar'")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, TypeResolutionWithMultipleLevelsOfNesting) { struct Failure { string err; }; struct TestCase { string type; variant<string, Failure> expected; // success<0> or failure<1> }; vector<TestCase> cases = { {"foo.A", "foo.A"}, {"foo.A.B", "foo.A.B"}, {"@nullable(heap=true) A", "foo.A.B.A"}, // In the scope of foo.A.B.A, B is resolved to A.B.A.B first. {"B.A", Failure{"Failed to resolve 'B.A'"}}, {"B", "foo.A.B.A.B"}, {"A.B", "foo.A.B.A.B"}, }; const string input_path = "foo/A.aidl"; for (auto& [type, expected] : cases) { AidlTypenames typenames; // clang-format off const string input = "package foo;\n" "parcelable A {\n" " parcelable B {\n" " parcelable A {\n" " parcelable B {\n" " }\n" " " + type + " m;\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}"; // clang-format on CaptureStderr(); auto foo = Parse(input_path, input, typenames, Options::Language::CPP); if (auto failure = std::get_if<Failure>(&expected); failure) { ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, foo); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr(failure->err)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, foo); EXPECT_EQ(TypeFinder::Get(*foo, "m"), std::get<string>(expected)); } } } TEST_F(AidlTest, HeaderForNestedTypeShouldPointToTopMostParent) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " parcelable Result {}\n" "}"; CaptureStderr(); auto foo = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, foo); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); auto result = typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.IFoo.Result").defined_type; ASSERT_NE(nullptr, result); EXPECT_EQ("p/IFoo.h", cpp::CppHeaderForType(*result)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ReorderNestedTypesForCppOutput) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = R"( package p; interface IFoo { // partial orderings for [A, D, G]: // D - A // A - G parcelable A { // partial orderings for [B, C]: // C - B parcelable B { C c; D.E d; } parcelable C {} } parcelable D { // partial orderings for [E, F]: // F - E parcelable E { F f; } parcelable F {} } parcelable G { A.B b; } } )"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang cpp -I. -oout -hout p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(input_path, input); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/p/IFoo.h", &code)); // check partial orderings: a should comes before b EXPECT_LE(code.find("class D"), code.find("class A")); EXPECT_LE(code.find("class A"), code.find("class G")); EXPECT_LE(code.find("class C"), code.find("class B")); EXPECT_LE(code.find("class F"), code.find("class E")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsNestedTypesWithCyclicDeps) { const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = R"( package p; interface IFoo { // Cycles: // D - A // A - G // G - D parcelable A { parcelable B { C c; } } parcelable C { parcelable D { E e; } } parcelable E { parcelable F { A a; } } } )"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang cpp -I. -oout -hout p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(input_path, input); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("IFoo has nested types with cyclic references.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsCyclicNestedInterfaces) { Options options = Options::From( "aidl --lang cpp -I. -oout -hout " "p/IFoo.aidl p/IBar.aidl p/IQux.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import p.IBar; " "interface IFoo { IBar getBar(); }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IBar.aidl", "package p; import p.IQux; " "interface IBar { IQux.Inner getQux(); }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IQux.aidl", "package p; import p.IFoo; " "interface IQux { interface Inner { IFoo getFoo(); } }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("ERROR: p/IQux.aidl:1.43-53: has cyclic references to nested types.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsCyclicNestedInterfacesAndParcelables) { Options options = Options::From( "aidl --lang cpp -I. -oout -hout " "p/IFoo.aidl p/Bar.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import p.Bar; " "interface IFoo { interface Inner { Bar getBar(); } }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; import p.IFoo; " "parcelable Bar { IFoo.Inner foo; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.42-52: has cyclic references to nested types.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CppNameOf_GenericType) { const string input_path = "p/Wrapper.aidl"; const string input = "package p; parcelable Wrapper<T> {}"; auto parse_result = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, Options::Language::CPP); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); auto type = [](std::string name, auto&&... type_params) -> std::unique_ptr<AidlTypeSpecifier> { auto params = new std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlTypeSpecifier>>; (..., params->emplace_back(std::move(type_params))); return std::make_unique<AidlTypeSpecifier>(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, name, std::nullopt, params, Comments{}); }; auto set_nullable = [](std::unique_ptr<AidlTypeSpecifier>&& type) { std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AidlAnnotation>> annotations; annotations.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<AidlAnnotation>( AidlAnnotation::Parse(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "nullable", {}, {}))); type->Annotate(std::move(annotations)); return std::move(type); }; auto set_array = [](std::unique_ptr<AidlTypeSpecifier>&& type) { (void)type->MakeArray(DynamicArray{}); return std::move(type); }; auto w = type("p.Wrapper", type("String")); EXPECT_EQ("::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>", cpp::CppNameOf(*w, typenames_)); auto nullable_w = set_nullable(type("p.Wrapper", type("String"))); EXPECT_EQ("::std::optional<::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>>", cpp::CppNameOf(*nullable_w, typenames_)); auto array_w = set_array(type("p.Wrapper", type("String"))); EXPECT_EQ("::std::vector<::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>>", cpp::CppNameOf(*array_w, typenames_)); auto nullable_array_w = set_nullable(set_array(type("p.Wrapper", type("String")))); EXPECT_EQ("::std::optional<::std::vector<::std::optional<::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>>>>", cpp::CppNameOf(*nullable_array_w, typenames_)); auto list_w = type("List", type("p.Wrapper", type("String"))); EXPECT_EQ("::std::vector<::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>>", cpp::CppNameOf(*list_w, typenames_)); auto nullable_list_w = set_nullable(type("List", type("p.Wrapper", type("String")))); EXPECT_EQ("::std::optional<::std::vector<::std::optional<::p::Wrapper<::android::String16>>>>", cpp::CppNameOf(*nullable_list_w, typenames_)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnderstandsNativeParcelables) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar cpp_header \"baz/header\";"); import_paths_.emplace(""); const string input_path = "p/IFoo.aidl"; const string input = "package p; import p.Bar; interface IFoo { }"; auto parse_result = Parse(input_path, input, typenames_, GetLanguage()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, parse_result); EXPECT_TRUE(typenames_.ResolveTypename("p.Bar").is_resolved); AidlTypeSpecifier native_type(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "p.Bar", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr, {}); native_type.Resolve(typenames_, parse_result); EXPECT_EQ("p.Bar", java::InstantiableJavaSignatureOf(native_type)); // C++ understands C++ specific stuff EXPECT_EQ("::p::Bar", cpp::CppNameOf(native_type, typenames_)); set<string> headers; cpp::AddHeaders(native_type, typenames_, &headers); EXPECT_EQ(1u, headers.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, headers.count("baz/header")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WritesCorrectDependencyFile) { // While the in tree build system always gives us an output file name, // other android tools take advantage of our ability to infer the intended // file name. This test makes sure we handle this correctly. vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I .", "-d dep/file/path", "-o place/for/output", "p/IFoo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string actual_dep_file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(options.DependencyFile(), &actual_dep_file_contents)); EXPECT_EQ(actual_dep_file_contents, kExpectedDepFileContents); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WritesCorrectDependencyFileNinja) { // While the in tree build system always gives us an output file name, // other android tools take advantage of our ability to infer the intended // file name. This test makes sure we handle this correctly. vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I .", "-d dep/file/path", "--ninja", "-o place/for/output", "p/IFoo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string actual_dep_file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(options.DependencyFile(), &actual_dep_file_contents)); EXPECT_EQ(actual_dep_file_contents, kExpectedNinjaDepFileContents); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WritesTrivialDependencyFileForParcelableDeclaration) { // The SDK uses aidl to decide whether a .aidl file is a parcelable. It does // this by calling aidl with every .aidl file it finds, then parsing the // generated dependency files. Those that reference .java output files are // for interfaces and those that do not are parcelables. However, for both // parcelables and interfaces, we *must* generate a non-empty dependency file. vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I .", "-o place/for/output", "-d dep/file/path", "p/Foo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; parcelable Foo;"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string actual_dep_file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(options.DependencyFile(), &actual_dep_file_contents)); EXPECT_EQ(actual_dep_file_contents, kExpectedParcelableDeclarationDepFileContents); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WritesDependencyFileForStructuredParcelable) { vector<string> args = { "aidl", "-I .", "--structured", "-o place/for/output", "-d dep/file/path", "p/Foo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; parcelable Foo {int a;}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string actual_dep_file_contents; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(options.DependencyFile(), &actual_dep_file_contents)); EXPECT_EQ(actual_dep_file_contents, kExpectedStructuredParcelableDepFileContents); } TEST_F(AidlTest, NoJavaOutputForParcelableDeclaration) { vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I .", "--lang=java", "-o place/for/output", "p/Foo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; parcelable Foo;"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string output_file_contents; EXPECT_FALSE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(options.OutputFile(), &output_file_contents)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsListArray) { const string input = "package a; parcelable Foo { List<String>[] lists; }"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", input, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Arrays of List are not supported")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsPrimitiveListInStableAidl) { AidlError error; string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:2.7-11: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n"; if (GetLanguage() != Options::Language::JAVA) { expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:2.1-7: " "Currently, only the Java backend supports non-generic List.\n"; } const string primitive_interface = "package a; interface IFoo {\n" " List foo(); }"; CaptureStderr(); AidlTypenames tn1; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", primitive_interface, tn1, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured"})); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); string primitive_parcelable = "package a; parcelable IFoo {\n" " List foo;}"; CaptureStderr(); AidlTypenames tn2; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", primitive_parcelable, tn2, GetLanguage(), &error, {"--structured"})); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ExtensionTest) { CaptureStderr(); string extendable_parcelable = "package a; parcelable Data {\n" " ParcelableHolder extension;\n" " ParcelableHolder extension2;\n" "}"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("a/Data.aidl", extendable_parcelable, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParcelableHolderAsReturnType) { CaptureStderr(); string parcelableholder_return_interface = "package a; interface IFoo {\n" " ParcelableHolder foo();\n" "}"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", parcelableholder_return_interface, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:2.19-23: ParcelableHolder cannot be a return type\n", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParcelableHolderAsArgumentType) { CaptureStderr(); string extendable_parcelable_arg_interface = "package a; interface IFoo {\n" " void foo(in ParcelableHolder ph);\n" "}"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", extendable_parcelable_arg_interface, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:2.31-34: ParcelableHolder cannot be an argument type\n", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectNullableParcelableHolderField) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { @nullable ParcelableHolder ext; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.27-44: ParcelableHolder cannot be nullable.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParcelablesWithConstants) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { const int BIT = 0x1 << 3; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnionWithConstants) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "union Foo { const int BIT = 0x1 << 3; int n; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ConstantsWithAnnotations) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " @JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"@Foo\")\n" " const @JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"@Bar\") int FOO = 0;\n" "}"); Options options = Options::From("aidl IFoo.aidl -I . --lang=java -o out"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/IFoo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, HasSubstr("@Foo\n")); EXPECT_THAT(code, HasSubstr("@Bar\n")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDump) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "// comment\n" "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.Data;\n" "// commented /* @hide */\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " /* @hide applied \n" " @deprecated use foo2 */\n" " int foo(out int[] a, String b, boolean c, inout List<String> d);\n" " int foo2(@utf8InCpp String x, inout List<String> y);\n" " IFoo foo3(IFoo foo);\n" " void foo4(in int[2][3] fixedArray);\n" " Data getData();\n" " // @hide not applied\n" " /** blahblah\n" " @deprecated\n" " reason why... */\n" " const int A = 1;\n" " // @deprecated tags in line comments are ignored\n" " const String STR = \"Hello\";\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Data.aidl", "// comment\n" "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.IFoo;\n" "/* @hide*/\n" "parcelable Data {\n" " // @hide\n" " int x = 10;\n" " // @hide\n" " int y;\n" " /*@hide2*/\n" " IFoo foo;\n" " // Ignore @hide property in line comment\n" " @nullable String[] c;\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("api.aidl", ""); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "--out=dump", "--include=.", "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "foo/bar/Data.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); bool result = dump_api(options, io_delegate_); ASSERT_TRUE(result); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string("// comment\n").append(string(kPreamble)).append(R"(package foo.bar; interface IFoo { /** * @hide * @deprecated use foo2 */ int foo(out int[] a, String b, boolean c, inout List<String> d); int foo2(@utf8InCpp String x, inout List<String> y); foo.bar.IFoo foo3(foo.bar.IFoo foo); void foo4(in int[2][3] fixedArray); foo.bar.Data getData(); /** * @deprecated reason why... */ const int A = 1; const String STR = "Hello"; } )"), actual); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Data.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string("// comment\n").append(string(kPreamble)).append(R"(package foo.bar; /* @hide */ parcelable Data { int x = 10; int y; foo.bar.IFoo foo; @nullable String[] c; } )"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpWithManualIds) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " int foo() = 1;\n" " int bar() = 2;\n" " int baz() = 10;\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I . ", "--dumpapi", "-o dump", "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); bool result = dump_api(options, io_delegate_); ASSERT_TRUE(result); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(actual, string(kPreamble).append(R"(package foo.bar; interface IFoo { int foo() = 1; int bar() = 2; int baz() = 10; } )")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpWithManualIdsOnlyOnSomeMethods) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: foo/bar/IFoo.aidl:4.8-12: You must either assign id's to all methods or to none of " "them.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " int foo() = 1;\n" " int bar();\n" " int baz() = 10;\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I . ", "--dumpapi", "-o dump", "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpConstWithAnnotation) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo {\n" " @utf8InCpp String foo();\n" " const @utf8InCpp String bar = \"bar\";\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "-I . ", "--dumpapi", "-o dump", "foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append(R"(package foo.bar; interface IFoo { @utf8InCpp String foo(); const @utf8InCpp String bar = "bar"; } )"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpWithEnums) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Enum.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO,\n" " BAR = FOO + 1,\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "-I . ", "-o dump", "foo/bar/Enum.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Enum.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append("package foo.bar;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO,\n" " BAR = (FOO + 1) /* 1 */,\n" "}\n"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpWithEnumDefaultValues) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Enum.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO,\n" "}\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Foo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.Enum;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " Enum e = Enum.FOO;\n" " int n = Enum.FOO;\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "-I . ", "-o dump", "foo/bar/Foo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Foo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append("package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " foo.bar.Enum e = foo.bar.Enum.FOO;\n" " int n = foo.bar.Enum.FOO /* 0 */;\n" "}\n"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ApiDumpWithGenerics) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Foo.aidl", "package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Foo<T, U> {\n" "}\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "-I . ", "-o dump", "foo/bar/Foo.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Foo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append("package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Foo<T, U> {\n" "}\n"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ImportedDocumentHasDuplicateDefinitions) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo; interface IFoo;\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "enum Bar { CONST = IFoo.NONE }\n"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "-I.", "-o out", "Bar.aidl"}; Options options = Options::From(args); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(dump_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Can't find NONE in IFoo")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckNumGenericTypeSecifier) { const string expected_list_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.37-41: List can only have one type parameter, but got: " "'List<String,String>'\n"; const string expected_map_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.37-40: Map must have 0 or 2 type parameters, but got 'Map<String>'\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IFoo.aidl IFoo.java"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "void foo(List<String, String> a);}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_list_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "void foo(Map<String> a);}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_map_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckTypeParameterInMapType) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.28-31: The type of key in map must be String, but it is 'p.Bar'\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar { String s; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "Map<String, p.Bar> foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "Map<p.Bar, p.Bar> foo();}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "Map<String, String> foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "Map<String, ParcelFileDescriptor> foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, WrongGenericType) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.28-34: String is not a generic type.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IFoo.aidl IFoo.java"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "String<String> foo(); }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UserDefinedUnstructuredGenericParcelableType) { Options optionsForParcelable = Options::From("aidl -I . p/Bar.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar<T, T>;"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(optionsForParcelable, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: p/Bar.aidl:1.22-26: Every type parameter should be unique.\n", GetCapturedStderr()); Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "p.Bar<String, String> foo();}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("p.Bar is not a generic type")); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar<T>;"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("p.Bar must have 1 type parameters, but got 2")); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar<T, V>;"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "p.Bar<String, ParcelFileDescriptor> foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "p.Bar<int, long> foo();}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {" "p.Bar<int[], long[]> foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FailOnMultipleTypesInSingleFile) { std::vector<std::string> rawOptions{"aidl --lang=java -I . -o out foo/bar/Foo.aidl", "aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out/include foo/bar/Foo.aidl", "aidl --lang=rust -I . -o out foo/bar/Foo.aidl"}; for (const auto& rawOption : rawOptions) { string expected_stderr = "ERROR: foo/bar/Foo.aidl:3.1-10: You must declare only one type per file.\n"; Options options = Options::From(rawOption); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo1 { int foo(); }\n" "interface IFoo2 { int foo(); }\n" "parcelable Data1 { int a; int b;}\n" "parcelable Data2 { int a; int b;}\n"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package foo.bar;\n" "interface IFoo1 { int foo(); }\n" "interface IFoo2 { int foo(); }\n"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); expected_stderr = "ERROR: foo/bar/Foo.aidl:3.11-17: You must declare only one type per file.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package foo.bar;\n" "parcelable Data1 { int a; int b;}\n" "parcelable Data2 { int a; int b;}\n"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailParseOnEmptyFile) { const string contents = ""; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.1-1: syntax error, unexpected $end\n"; const string expected_stderr_newbison = "ERROR: a/IFoo.aidl:1.1-1: syntax error, unexpected end of file\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/IFoo.aidl", contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::AnyOf(testing::Eq(expected_stderr), testing::Eq(expected_stderr_newbison))); } TEST_F(AidlTest, MultipleInputFiles) { Options options = Options::From( "aidl --lang=java -o out -I . foo/bar/IFoo.aidl foo/bar/Data.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(0), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.Data;\n" "interface IFoo { Data getData(); }\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(1), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.IFoo;\n" "parcelable Data { IFoo foo; }\n"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string content; for (const auto file : { "out/foo/bar/IFoo.java", "out/foo/bar/Data.java"}) { content.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(file, &content)); EXPECT_FALSE(content.empty()); } } TEST_F(AidlTest, MultipleInputFilesCpp) { Options options = Options::From( "aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out/include " "-I . foo/bar/IFoo.aidl foo/bar/Data.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(0), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.Data;\n" "interface IFoo { Data getData(); }\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(1), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.IFoo;\n" "parcelable Data { IFoo foo; }\n"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string content; for (const auto file : { "out/foo/bar/IFoo.cpp", "out/foo/bar/Data.cpp", "out/include/foo/bar/IFoo.h", "out/include/foo/bar/Data.h", "out/include/foo/bar/BpFoo.h", "out/include/foo/bar/BpData.h", "out/include/foo/bar/BnFoo.h", "out/include/foo/bar/BnData.h"}) { content.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(file, &content)); EXPECT_FALSE(content.empty()); } } TEST_F(AidlTest, MultipleInputFilesRust) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=rust -o out -I . foo/bar/IFoo.aidl foo/bar/Data.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(0), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.Data;\n" "interface IFoo { Data getData(); }\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().at(1), "package foo.bar;\n" "import foo.bar.IFoo;\n" "parcelable Data { IFoo foo; }\n"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string content; for (const auto file : {"out/foo/bar/IFoo.rs", "out/foo/bar/Data.rs"}) { content.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(file, &content)); EXPECT_FALSE(content.empty()); } } TEST_F(AidlTest, ConflictWithMetaTransactionGetVersion) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.31-51: method getInterfaceVersion() is reserved for internal use.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o place/for/output p/IFoo.aidl"); // int getInterfaceVersion() is one of the meta transactions io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "int getInterfaceVersion(); }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ConflictWithSimilarMetaTransaction) { // boolean getInterfaceVersion() is not a meta transaction, but should be // prevented because return type is not part of a method signature const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.35-55: method getInterfaceVersion() is reserved for internal use.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o place/for/output p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "boolean getInterfaceVersion(); }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ConflictWithMetaTransactionGetName) { // this is another reserved name const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:1.34-53: method getTransactionName(int) is reserved for internal use.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o place/for/output p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "String getTransactionName(int code); }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); // this is not a meta interface method as it differs type arguments io_delegate_.SetFileContents(options.InputFiles().front(), "package p; interface IFoo {" "String getTransactionName(); }"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckApiForEquality) { CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi=equal old new"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ @utf8InCpp @nullable String foo();}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ @utf8InCpp String foo();}"); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("+ @utf8InCpp String foo();")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DifferentOrderAnnotationsInCheckAPI) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ @utf8InCpp @nullable String foo();}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ @nullable @utf8InCpp String foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, SuccessOnIdenticalApiDumps) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo();}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo();}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckApi_EnumFieldsWithDefaultValues) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); const string foo_definition = "package p; parcelable Foo{ p.Enum e = p.Enum.FOO; }"; const string enum_definition = "package p; enum Enum { FOO }"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", foo_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", enum_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", foo_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", enum_definition); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckApi_EnumFieldsFromImported) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new -I import"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo{ other.Enum e; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo{ other.Enum e = other.Enum.FOO; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("import/other/Enum.aidl", "package other; enum Enum { FOO }"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, CheckApiEqual_EnumFieldsWithDefaultValues) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi=equal old new"); const string foo_definition = "package p; parcelable Foo{ p.Enum e = p.Enum.FOO; }"; const string enum_definition = "package p; enum Enum { FOO }"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", foo_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", enum_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", foo_definition); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", enum_definition); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } class AidlTestCompatibleChanges : public AidlTest { protected: Options options_ = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); }; TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewType) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IBar.aidl", "package p;" "interface IBar {" " void bar();" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewMethod) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" " void bar();" " void baz(in List<String> arg);" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewField) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" " int bar = 0;" " @nullable List<Data> list;" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewField2) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo = 0;" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewEnumerator) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," " BAR = 2," "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, ReorderedEnumerator) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," " BAR = 2," "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " BAR = 2," " FOO = 1," "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewUnionField) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Union.aidl", "package p;" "union Union {" " String foo;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Union.aidl", "package p;" "union Union {" " String foo;" " int num;" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewPackage) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/q/IFoo.aidl", "package q;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/q/Data.aidl", "package q;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, ArgNameChange) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int b);" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, AddedConstValue) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I {" "const int A = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/I.aidl", "package p ; interface I {" "const int A = 1; const int B = 2;}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, ChangedConstValueOrder) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I {" "const int A = 1; const int B = 2;}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/I.aidl", "package p ; interface I {" "const int B = 2; const int A = 1;}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, ReorderedAnnatations) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Alice\")" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Bob\")" "parcelable Foo {}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Bob\")" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Alice\")" "parcelable Foo {}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, OkayToDeprecate) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Foo {}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"@Deprecated\")" "parcelable Foo {}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewFieldOfNewType) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" " p.Enum e;" // this is considered as valid since 0(enum default) is valid for "Enum" type "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 0," " BAR = 1," "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, CompatibleExplicitDefaults) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Data {\n" " p.Enum e;\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO = 0,\n" " BAR = 1,\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Data {\n" " p.Enum e = p.Enum.FOO;\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;\n" "enum Enum {\n" " FOO = 0,\n" " BAR = 1,\n" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewNestedTypes) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Data {\n" " int n;\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Data {\n" " enum NewEnum { N = 3 }\n" " int n;\n" " NewEnum e = NewEnum.N;\n" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, NewJavaSuppressLint) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaSuppressLint({\"NewApi\"})" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(int a);" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); } class AidlTestIncompatibleChanges : public AidlTest { protected: Options options_ = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); }; TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedType) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/p/IFoo.aidl:1.11-20: Removed type: p.IFoo\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedMethod) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/p/IFoo.aidl:1.61-65: Removed or changed method: p.IFoo.bar(String)\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, UntypedListInInterface) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.61-65: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n" "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl: Failed to read.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(in List arg);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestCompatibleChanges, UntypedListInParcelable) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.54-59: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n" "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl: Failed to read.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" " @nullable List list;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.21-26: Number of fields in p.Data is reduced from 2 to 1.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" " int bar;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, NewFieldWithNoDefault) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.46-50: Field 'str' does not have a useful default in some " "backends. Please either provide a default value for this field or mark the field as " "@nullable. This value or a null value will be used automatically when an old version of " "this parcelable is sent to a process which understands a new version of this parcelable. In " "order to make sure your code continues to be backwards compatible, make sure the default or " "null value does not cause a semantic change to this parcelable.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" " String str;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, NewFieldWithNonZeroEnum) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.46-48: Field 'e' of enum 'Enum' can't be initialized as '0'. " "Please make sure 'Enum' has '0' as a valid value.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int num;" " p.Enum e;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," " BAR = 2," "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedEnumerator) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Enum.aidl:1.15-20: Removed enumerator from p.Enum: FOO\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," " BAR = 2," "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " BAR = 2," "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedUnionField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Union.aidl:1.16-22: Number of fields in p.Union is reduced from 2 to 1.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Union.aidl", "package p;" "union Union {" " String str;" " int num;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Union.aidl", "package p;" "union Union {" " String str;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RenamedMethod) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/p/IFoo.aidl:1.61-65: Removed or changed method: p.IFoo.bar(String)\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar2(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RenamedType) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/p/IFoo.aidl:1.11-20: Removed type: p.IFoo\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo2.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo2 {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedEnumerator) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Enum.aidl:1.15-20: Changed enumerator value: p.Enum::FOO from 1 to 3.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 1," " BAR = 2," "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Enum.aidl", "package p;" "enum Enum {" " FOO = 3," " BAR = 2," "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ReorderedMethod) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.67-71: Transaction ID changed: p.IFoo.foo(String[]) is changed " "from 0 to 1.\n" "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.33-37: Transaction ID changed: p.IFoo.bar(String) is changed from " "1 to 0.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" " void foo(in String[] str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ReorderedField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.33-37: Reordered bar from 1 to 0.\n" "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.43-47: Reordered foo from 0 to 1.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int foo;" " int bar;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int bar;" " int foo;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedDirectionSpecifier) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.33-37: Direction changed: in to out.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(out String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, AddedAnnotation) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.51-58: Changed annotations: (empty) to @utf8InCpp\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in @utf8InCpp String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedAnnotation) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.66-72: Changed annotations: @utf8InCpp to (empty)\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(@utf8InCpp String str);" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo {" " void foo(in String[] str);" " void bar(String str);" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedBackingTypeOfEnum) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.11-32: Type changed: byte to long.\n" "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.36-40: Changed backing types.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@Backing(type=\"byte\")" "enum Foo {" " FOO, BAR," "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@Backing(type=\"long\")" "enum Foo {" " FOO, BAR," "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedFixedSizeArraySize) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Data.aidl:1.28-33: Type changed: int[8] to int[9].\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int[8] bar;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Data.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Data {" " int[9] bar;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedAnnatationParams) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.55-59: Changed annotations: @JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Alice\") " "to @JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Bob\")\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Alice\")" "parcelable Foo {}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@JavaPassthrough(annotation=\"Bob\")" "parcelable Foo {}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, AddedParcelableAnnotation) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.32-36: Changed annotations: (empty) to @FixedSize\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Foo {" " int A;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@FixedSize parcelable Foo {" " int A;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedParcelableAnnotation) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.21-25: Changed annotations: @FixedSize to (empty)\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "@FixedSize parcelable Foo {" " int A;" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;" "parcelable Foo {" " int A;" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedPackage) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/q/IFoo.aidl:1.11-21: Removed type: q.IFoo\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/q/IFoo.aidl", "package q; interface IFoo{}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedDefaultValue) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/D.aidl:1.30-32: Changed default value: 1 to 2.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/D.aidl", "package p; parcelable D { int a = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/D.aidl", "package p; parcelable D { int a = 2; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, RemovedConstValue) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: old/p/I.aidl:1.51-53: Removed constant declaration: p.I.B\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I {" "const int A = 1; const int B = 2;}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I { const int A = 1; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, ChangedConstValue) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/I.aidl:1.11-21: Changed constant value: p.I.A from 1 to 2.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I { const int A = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/I.aidl", "package p; interface I { const int A = 2; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, FixedSizeAddedField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.33-37: Number of fields in p.Foo is changed from 1 to 2. " "This is an incompatible change for FixedSize types.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; @FixedSize parcelable Foo { int A = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; @FixedSize parcelable Foo { int A = 1; int B = 2; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, UidRangeParcelAddedField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/android/net/UidRangeParcel.aidl:1.32-47: Number of fields in " "android.net.UidRangeParcel is changed from 1 to 2. " "But it is forbidden because of legacy support.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/android/net/UidRangeParcel.aidl", "package android.net; parcelable UidRangeParcel { int A = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "new/android/net/UidRangeParcel.aidl", "package android.net; parcelable UidRangeParcel { int A = 1; int B = 2; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, FixedSizeRemovedField) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.33-37: Number of fields in p.Foo is reduced from 2 to 1.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; @FixedSize parcelable Foo { int A = 1; int B = 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; @FixedSize parcelable Foo { int A = 1; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTestIncompatibleChanges, IncompatibleChangesInNestedType) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/Foo.aidl:1.33-37: Number of fields in p.Foo is reduced from 2 to 1.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " interface IBar {\n" " void foo();" " }\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/Foo.aidl", "package p;\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " interface IBar {\n" " void foo(int n);" // incompatible: signature changed " }\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options_, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Removed or changed method: p.Foo.IBar.foo()")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectNonFixedSizeFromFixedSize) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:2.8-10: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "a.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:3.6-8: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named b.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:4.9-11: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "c.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:5.23-25: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "d.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:6.10-12: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "e.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:7.15-17: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "f.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:9.23-33: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "nullable1.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:10.34-44: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "nullable2.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@FixedSize parcelable Foo {\n" " int[] a;\n" " Bar b;\n" " String c;\n" " ParcelFileDescriptor d;\n" " IBinder e;\n" " List<String> f;\n" " int isFixedSize;\n" " @nullable OtherFixed nullable1;\n" " @nullable(heap=true) OtherFixed nullable2;\n" " float[16] floats;\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { int a; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("OtherFixed.aidl", "@FixedSize parcelable OtherFixed { int a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectNonFixedSizeFromFixedSize_Union) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:2.8-10: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "a.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:3.6-8: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named b.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:4.9-11: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "c.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:5.23-25: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "d.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:6.10-12: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "e.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:7.15-17: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "f.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:9.23-33: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "nullable1.\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:10.34-44: The @FixedSize parcelable 'Foo' has a non-fixed size field named " "nullable2.\n"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@FixedSize union Foo {\n" " int[] a = {};\n" " Bar b;\n" " String c;\n" " ParcelFileDescriptor d;\n" " IBinder e;\n" " List<String> f;\n" " int isFixedSize;\n" " @nullable OtherFixed nullable1;\n" " @nullable(heap=true) OtherFixed nullable2;\n" " float[16] floats;\n" "}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { int a; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("OtherFixed.aidl", "@FixedSize parcelable OtherFixed { int a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, AcceptFixedSizeFromFixedSize) { const string expected_stderr = ""; io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@FixedSize parcelable Foo { int a; Bar b; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "@FixedSize parcelable Bar { Val c; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Val.aidl", "enum Val { A, B, }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectAmbiguousImports) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl: Duplicate files found for q.IBar from:\n" "dir1/q/IBar.aidl\n" "dir2/q/IBar.aidl\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -o out -I . -I dir1 -I dir2 p/IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; import q.IBar; interface IFoo{}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("dir1/q/IBar.aidl", "package q; interface IBar{}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("dir2/q/IBar.aidl", "package q; interface IBar{}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, HandleManualIdAssignments) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: new/p/IFoo.aidl:1.32-36: Transaction ID changed: p.IFoo.foo() is changed from 10 to " "11.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --checkapi old new"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("old/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo() = 10;}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo() = 10;}"); EXPECT_TRUE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("new/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo() = 11;}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(::android::aidl::check_api(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ParcelFileDescriptorIsBuiltinType) { Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -h out -o out p/IFoo.aidl"); // use without import io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo(in ParcelFileDescriptor fd);}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); // capture output files map<string, string> outputs = io_delegate_.OutputFiles(); // use without import but with full name io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void foo(in android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor fd);}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); // output files should be the same EXPECT_EQ(outputs, io_delegate_.OutputFiles()); // use with import (as before) io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;" "interface IFoo{" " void foo(in ParcelFileDescriptor fd);" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); // output files should be the same EXPECT_EQ(outputs, io_delegate_.OutputFiles()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsOutputParcelFileDescriptor) { Options options = Options::From("aidl p/IFoo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo{" " void foo(out ParcelFileDescriptor fd);" "}"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("can't be an out parameter")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectsArgumentDirectionNotSpecified) { Options options = Options::From("aidl p/IFoo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;" "interface IFoo{" " void foo(ParcelFileDescriptor fd);" "}"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("ParcelFileDescriptor can be an in or inout parameter.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ManualIds) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo() = 0;\n" " void bar() = 1;\n" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ManualIdsWithMetaTransactions) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . --version 10 -o out IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo() = 0;\n" " void bar() = 1;\n" "}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FailOnDuplicatedIds) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:3.7-11: Found duplicate method id (3) for method bar\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . --version 10 -o out IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo() = 3;\n" " void bar() = 3;\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfRangeIds) { // 16777115 is kLastMetaMethodId + 1 const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:3.7-11: Found out of bounds id (16777115) for method bar. " "Value for id must be between 0 and 16777114 inclusive.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . --version 10 -o out IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo() = 3;\n" " void bar() = 16777115;\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FailOnPartiallyAssignedIds) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: IFoo.aidl:3.7-11: You must either assign id's to all methods or to none of them.\n"; Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . --version 10 -o out IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo() = 3;\n" " void bar();\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AssignedIds) { CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo();\n" " void bar();\n" " interface INested {\n" " void foo();\n" " void bar();\n" " }\n" "}", typenames_, Options::Language::JAVA)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); auto foo = typenames_.ResolveTypename("IFoo").defined_type; ASSERT_EQ(2u, foo->GetMethods().size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, foo->GetMethods()[0]->GetId()); EXPECT_EQ(1, foo->GetMethods()[1]->GetId()); auto nested = typenames_.ResolveTypename("IFoo.INested").defined_type; ASSERT_EQ(2u, nested->GetMethods().size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, nested->GetMethods()[0]->GetId()); EXPECT_EQ(1, nested->GetMethods()[1]->GetId()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AllowDuplicatedImportPaths) { Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -I dir -I dir IFoo.aidl"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("dir/IBar.aidl", "interface IBar{}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IFoo.aidl", "import IBar; interface IFoo{}"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, UnusedImportDoesNotContributeInclude) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/b/IFoo.aidl", "package a.b;\n" "import a.b.IBar;\n" "import a.b.IQux;\n" "interface IFoo { IQux foo(); }\n"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/b/IBar.aidl", "package a.b; interface IBar { void foo(); }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/b/IQux.aidl", "package a.b; interface IQux { void foo(); }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=ndk a/b/IFoo.aidl -I . -o out -h out/include"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); string output; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/include/aidl/a/b/IFoo.h", &output)); // IBar was imported but wasn't used. include is not expected. EXPECT_THAT(output, Not(testing::HasSubstr("#include <aidl/a/b/IBar.h>"))); // IBar was imported and used. include is expected. EXPECT_THAT(output, (testing::HasSubstr("#include <aidl/a/b/IQux.h>"))); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParseJavaPassthroughAnnotation) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"--(package a; import a.MyEnum; @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.Alice(arg=com.android.Alice.Value.A)") @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.AliceTwo") interface IFoo { @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.Bob") void foo(@JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.Cat") int x, MyEnum y); const @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.David") int A = 3; })--"); // JavaPassthrough should work with other types as well (e.g. enum) io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/MyEnum.aidl", R"--(package a; @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.Alice(arg=com.android.Alice.Value.A)") @JavaPassthrough(annotation="@com.android.AliceTwo") @Backing(type="byte") enum MyEnum { a, b, c })--"); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java -o out a/IFoo.aidl a/MyEnum.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); string java_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/IFoo.java", &java_out)); // type-decl-level annotations with newline at the end EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.Alice(arg=com.android.Alice.Value.A)\n")); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.AliceTwo\n")); // member-decl-level annotations with newline at the end EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.Bob\n")); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.David\n")); // inline annotations with space at the end EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.Cat ")); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/MyEnum.java", &java_out)); // type-decl-level annotations with newline at the end EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.Alice(arg=com.android.Alice.Value.A)\n")); EXPECT_THAT(java_out, testing::HasSubstr("@com.android.AliceTwo\n")); // Other backends shouldn't be bothered Options cpp_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=cpp -o out -h out a/IFoo.aidl a/MyEnum.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(cpp_options, io_delegate_)); Options ndk_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=ndk -o out -h out a/IFoo.aidl a/MyEnum.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(ndk_options, io_delegate_)); Options rust_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=rust -o out a/IFoo.aidl a/MyEnum.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(rust_options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ParseRustDerive) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", R"(package a; @RustDerive(Clone=true, Copy=false) parcelable Foo { int a; })"); Options rust_options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=rust -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(rust_options, io_delegate_)); string rust_out; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.rs", &rust_out)); EXPECT_THAT(rust_out, testing::HasSubstr("#[derive(Debug, Clone)]")); // Other backends shouldn't be bothered Options cpp_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(cpp_options, io_delegate_)); Options ndk_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=ndk -I . -o out -h out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(ndk_options, io_delegate_)); Options java_options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(java_options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, TypesShouldHaveRustDerive) { CaptureStderr(); string code = "@RustDerive(PartialEq=true)\n" "parcelable Foo {\n" " parcelable Bar {}\n" " Bar bar;\n" "}"; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", code, typenames_, GetLanguage(), nullptr, {})); EXPECT_THAT( GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr("Field bar of type with @RustDerive PartialEq also needs to derive this")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EmptyEnforceAnnotation) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission() void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Unable to parse @EnforcePermission annotation")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, InterfaceEnforceCondition) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") interface IFoo { void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnforceConditionAny) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission(anyOf={"INTERNET", "READ_PHONE_STATE"}) void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnforceConditionAll) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission(allOf={"INTERNET", "READ_PHONE_STATE"}) void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, InterfaceAndMethodEnforceCondition) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission("SYSTEM_UID") void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("The interface IFoo uses a permission annotation but " "the method Protected is also annotated")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, NoPermissionInterfaceEnforceMethod) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @RequiresNoPermission interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("The interface IFoo uses a permission annotation but " "the method Protected is also annotated")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ManualPermissionInterfaceEnforceMethod) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @PermissionManuallyEnforced interface IFoo { @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("The interface IFoo uses a permission annotation but " "the method Protected is also annotated")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnforceInterfaceNoPermissionsMethod) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") interface IFoo { @RequiresNoPermission void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("The interface IFoo uses a permission annotation but " "the method Protected is also annotated")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnforceInterfaceManualPermissionMethod) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @EnforcePermission("INTERNET") interface IFoo { @PermissionManuallyEnforced void Protected(); })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("The interface IFoo uses a permission annotation but " "the method Protected is also annotated")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, JavaSuppressLint) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/IFoo.aidl", R"(package a; @JavaSuppressLint({"NewApi"}) interface IFoo { })"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . -o out a/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/IFoo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, HasSubstr("@android.annotation.SuppressLint(value = {\"NewApi\"})")); } class AidlOutputPathTest : public AidlTest { protected: void SetUp() override { AidlTest::SetUp(); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package foo.bar; interface IFoo {}"); } void Test(const Options& options, const std::string expected_output_path) { EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); // check the existence EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(expected_output_path, nullptr)); } }; TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, OutDirWithNoOutputFile) { // <out_dir> / <package_name> / <type_name>.java Test(Options::From("aidl -I sub/dir -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"), "out/foo/bar/IFoo.java"); } TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, OutDirWithOutputFile) { // when output file is explicitly set, it is always respected. -o option is // ignored. Test(Options::From("aidl -I sub/dir -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl output/IFoo.java"), "output/IFoo.java"); } TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, NoOutDirWithOutputFile) { Test(Options::From("aidl -I sub/dir -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl output/IFoo.java"), "output/IFoo.java"); } TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, NoOutDirWithNoOutputFile) { // output is the same as the input file except for the suffix Test(Options::From("aidl -I sub/dir sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"), "sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.java"); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfBoundsInt32MaxConstInt) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.58-69: Invalid type specifier for an int64 literal: int (2147483650)\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const int int32_max_oob = 2147483650; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfBoundsInt32MinConstInt) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.58-60: Invalid type specifier for an int64 literal: int " "(-2147483650)\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const int int32_min_oob = -2147483650; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfBoundsInt64MaxConstInt) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.59-86: Could not parse integer: 21474836509999999999999999\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const long int64_max_oob = 21474836509999999999999999; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfBoundsInt64MinConstInt) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/IFoo.aidl:3.61-87: Could not parse integer: 21474836509999999999999999\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/IFoo.aidl", R"(package p; interface IFoo { const long int64_min_oob = -21474836509999999999999999; } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::PARSE_ERROR, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnOutOfBoundsAutofilledEnum) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/TestEnum.aidl:5.1-36: Invalid type specifier for an int32 literal: byte (FOO+1)\n" "ERROR: p/TestEnum.aidl:5.1-36: Enumerator type differs from enum backing type.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/TestEnum.aidl", R"(package p; @Backing(type="byte") enum TestEnum { FOO = 127, BAR, } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, FailOnUnsupportedBackingType) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/TestEnum.aidl:3.35-44: Invalid backing type: boolean. Backing type must be one of: " "byte, int, long\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/TestEnum.aidl", R"(package p; @Backing(type="boolean") enum TestEnum { FOO = 0, BAR = 1, } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnsupportedBackingAnnotationParam) { AidlError error; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: p/TestEnum.aidl:2.1-51: Parameter foo not supported for annotation Backing. It must " "be one of: type\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("p/TestEnum.aidl", R"(package p; @Backing(foo="byte") enum TestEnum { FOO = 1, BAR, } )", typenames_, GetLanguage(), &error)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); EXPECT_EQ(AidlError::BAD_TYPE, error); } TEST_P(AidlTest, BackingAnnotationRequireTypeParameter) { const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Enum.aidl:1.1-9: Missing 'type' on @Backing.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("Enum.aidl", "@Backing enum Enum { FOO }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, SupportJavaOnlyImmutableAnnotation) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { int a; Bar b; List<Bar> c; " "Map<String, Baz> d; Bar[] e; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Bar { String a; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Baz.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable @JavaOnlyStableParcelable parcelable Baz;"); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java -I . Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectMutableParcelableFromJavaOnlyImmutableParcelable) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { Bar bar; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { String a; }"); string expected_error = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.40-44: The @JavaOnlyImmutable 'Foo' has a non-immutable field " "named 'bar'.\n"; CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java Foo.aidl -I ."); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, JavaOnlyImmutableParcelableWithEnumFields) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { Bar bar; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "enum Bar { FOO }"); CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java Foo.aidl -I ."); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectMutableParcelableFromJavaOnlyImmutableUnion) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable union Foo { Bar bar; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar { String a; }"); string expected_error = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.35-39: The @JavaOnlyImmutable 'Foo' has a non-immutable field " "named 'bar'.\n"; CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java Foo.aidl -I ."); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ImmutableParcelableCannotBeInOut) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { int a; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IBar.aidl", "interface IBar { void my(inout Foo foo); }"); string expected_error = "ERROR: IBar.aidl:1.35-39: 'foo' can't be an inout parameter because @JavaOnlyImmutable can " "only be an in parameter.\n"; CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java IBar.aidl -I ."); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ImmutableParcelableCannotBeOut) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { int a; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("IBar.aidl", "interface IBar { void my(out Foo foo); }"); string expected_error = "ERROR: IBar.aidl:1.33-37: 'foo' can't be an out parameter because @JavaOnlyImmutable can " "only be an in parameter.\n"; CaptureStderr(); Options options = Options::From("aidl --lang=java IBar.aidl -I ."); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_error, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ImmutableParcelableFieldNameRestriction) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "@JavaOnlyImmutable parcelable Foo { int a; int A; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java Foo.aidl"); const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.47-49: 'Foo' has duplicate field name 'A' after capitalizing the first " "letter\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnionInUnion) { import_paths_.insert("."); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "union Bar { int n = 42; long l; }"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("Foo.aidl", "union Foo { Bar b; int n; }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnionRejectsEmptyDecl) { const string method = "package a; union Foo {}"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.17-21: The union 'Foo' has no fields.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnionRejectsParcelableHolder) { const string method = "package a; union Foo { ParcelableHolder x; }"; const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.40-42: A union can't have a member of ParcelableHolder 'x'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", method, typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr(expected_stderr)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnionRejectsFirstEnumWithNoDefaults) { import_paths_.insert("."); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Enum.aidl", "package a; enum Enum { FOO, BAR }"); const string expected_err = "The union's first member should have a useful default value."; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, Parse("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; union Foo { a.Enum e; }", typenames_, GetLanguage())); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr(expected_err)); } TEST_P(AidlTest, GenericStructuredParcelable) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo<T, U> { int a; int A; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl -I . Foo.aidl --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); const string expected_stderr = ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, GenericStructuredParcelableWithStringConstants_Cpp) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo<T, U> { int a; const String s = \"\"; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(Options::Language::CPP) + " -o out -h out"); const string expected_stderr = ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr(R"--(template <typename T, typename U> const ::android::String16& Foo<T,U>::s() { static const ::android::String16 value(::android::String16("")); return value; })--")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, GenericStructuredParcelableWithStringConstants_Ndk) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo<T, U> { int a; const String s = \"\"; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(Options::Language::NDK) + " -o out -h out"); const string expected_stderr = ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/aidl/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr(R"--(template <typename T, typename U> const char* Foo<T, U>::s = ""; )--")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, NestedTypeArgs) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar<A> { }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Baz.aidl", "package a; parcelable Baz<A, B> { }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; import a.Bar; import a.Baz; parcelable Foo { " "Baz<Bar<Bar<String[]>>[], Bar<String>> barss; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Foo.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); const string expected_stderr = ""; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/a/Foo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr( "a.Baz<a.Bar<a.Bar<java.lang.String[]>>[],a.Bar<java.lang.String>> barss;")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AcceptMultiDimensionalFixedSizeArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[2][3] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=ndk"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AcceptBinarySizeArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { const int CONST = 3; String[CONST + 1] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=ndk"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, AcceptRefSizeArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { const int CONST = 3; String[CONST] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=ndk"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectArrayOfFixedSizeArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[2][] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectFixedSizeArrayOfDynamicArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[][3] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectArrayOfArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[][] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectInvalidArraySize_Negative) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[-1] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Array size must be a positive number")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectInvalidArraySize_WrongType) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String[\"3\"] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Array size must be a positive number")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DoubleGenericError) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { List<String><String> a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: a/Bar.aidl:1.28-33: Can only specify one set of type parameters.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ArrayBeforeGenericError) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { List[]<String> a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr("syntax error, unexpected '<'")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, NullableArraysAreNotSupported) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { String @nullable [] a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr("Annotations for arrays are not supported.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, ListOfNullablesAreNotSupported) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar { List<@nullable String> a; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), testing::HasSubstr("Annotations for type arguments are not supported.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DefaultShouldMatchWithFixedSizeArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a;\n" "parcelable Bar {\n" " int[2][3] a = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}};\n" "}"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=ndk"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FixedSizeArrayWithWrongTypeDefaultValue) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a;\n" "parcelable Bar {\n" " int[2][3] a = {{\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"}, {4,5,6}};\n" "}"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Invalid type specifier for a literal string: int")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FixedSizeArrayWithMoreElements) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a;\n" "parcelable Bar {\n" " int[2][3] a = {{1,2,3,4}, {4,5,6}};\n" "}"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Expected an array of 3 elements, but found one with 4 elements")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FixedSizeArrayWithFewerElements) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a;\n" "parcelable Bar {\n" " int[2][3] a = {};\n" "}"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Bar.aidl -I . -o out --lang=java"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Expected an array of 2 elements, but found one with 0 elements")); } struct GenericAidlTest : ::testing::Test { FakeIoDelegate io_delegate_; void Compile(string cmd) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo { Bar<Baz<Qux>> x; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "parcelable Bar<T> { }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Baz.aidl", "parcelable Baz<T> { }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Qux.aidl", "parcelable Qux { }"); Options options = Options::From(cmd); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } }; TEST_F(GenericAidlTest, ImportGenericParameterTypesCPP) { Compile("aidl Foo.aidl --lang=cpp -I . -o out -h out"); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <Bar.h>")); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <Baz.h>")); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <Qux.h>")); } TEST_F(GenericAidlTest, ImportGenericParameterTypesNDK) { Compile("aidl Foo.aidl --lang=ndk -I . -o out -h out"); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/aidl/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <aidl/Bar.h>")); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <aidl/Baz.h>")); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("#include <aidl/Qux.h>")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectGenericStructuredParcelabelRepeatedParam) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo<T,T> { int a; int A; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.11-15: Every type parameter should be unique.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectGenericStructuredParcelableField) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "parcelable Foo<T,T> { T a; int A; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); const string expected_stderr = "ERROR: Foo.aidl: Couldn't find import for class T. Searched here:\n - ./\nERROR: " "Foo.aidl:1.22-24: Failed to resolve 'T'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_stderr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, LongCommentWithinConstExpression) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "enum Foo { FOO = (1 << 1) /* comment */ | 0x0 }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl Foo.aidl -I . --lang=" + to_string(GetLanguage())); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectUntypdeListAndMapInUnion) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; union Foo { List l; Map m; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Foo.aidl -I . --lang=java -o out"); std::string expectedErr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.28-30: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n" "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.35-37: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expectedErr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectUntypdeListAndMapInUnstructuredParcelable) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; parcelable Foo { List l; Map m; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Foo.aidl -I . --lang=java -o out"); std::string expectedErr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.33-35: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n" "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.40-42: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expectedErr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectNestedUntypedListAndMap) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/Bar.aidl", "package a; parcelable Bar<T>;"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/Foo.aidl", "package a; import a.Bar; parcelable Foo { Bar<List> a; Bar<Map> b; }"); Options options = Options::From("aidl a/Foo.aidl -I . --lang=java -o out"); std::string expectedErr = "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.52-54: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n" "ERROR: a/Foo.aidl:1.64-66: " "Encountered an untyped List or Map. The use of untyped List/Map is " "prohibited because it is not guaranteed that the objects in the list are recognizable in " "the receiving side. Consider switching to an array or a generic List/Map.\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(expectedErr, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumWithDefaults_Java) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO, BAR }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { Enum e = Enum.BAR; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang java -o out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/p/Foo.java", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("byte e = p.Enum.BAR")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumWithDefaults_Cpp) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO, BAR }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { Enum e = Enum.BAR; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang cpp -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/p/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("::p::Enum e = ::p::Enum::BAR;")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumWithDefaults_Ndk) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO, BAR }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { Enum e = Enum.BAR; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang ndk -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/aidl/p/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr("::aidl::p::Enum e = ::aidl::p::Enum::BAR;")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumWithDefaults_Rust) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO, BAR }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { int n = 42; Enum e = Enum.BAR; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang rust -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/p/Foo.rs", &code)); EXPECT_THAT(code, testing::HasSubstr(R"( fn default() -> Self { Self { r#n: 42, r#e: crate::mangled::_1_p_4_Enum::BAR, } })")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, EnumeratorIsConstantValue_DefaultValue) { import_paths_.insert("a"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO = 1, BAR = 2}"); CaptureStderr(); const AidlDefinedType* type = Parse("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { int e = Enum.FOO | Enum.BAR; })", typenames_, GetLanguage()); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); EXPECT_TRUE(type); const auto& fields = type->AsStructuredParcelable()->GetFields(); EXPECT_EQ("int e = 3", fields[0]->ToString()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumeratorIsConstantValue_CanDefineOtherEnumerator) { CaptureStderr(); const AidlDefinedType* type = Parse("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package a.p; @Backing(type="int") enum Foo { STANDARD_SHIFT = 16, STANDARD_BT709 = 1 << STANDARD_SHIFT, STANDARD_BT601_625 = 2 << STANDARD_SHIFT, } )", typenames_, Options::Language::JAVA); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); ASSERT_NE(type, nullptr); const auto& enum_type = type->AsEnumDeclaration(); string code; auto writer = CodeWriter::ForString(&code); DumpVisitor visitor(*writer, /*inline_constants=*/true); visitor.Visit(*enum_type); writer->Close(); EXPECT_EQ(R"--(@Backing(type="int") enum Foo { STANDARD_SHIFT = 16, STANDARD_BT709 = 65536, STANDARD_BT601_625 = 131072, } )--", code); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DumpApiWithConstantReferences) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Foo.aidl", R"( package foo.bar; import foo.bar.Bar; import foo.bar.Enum; parcelable Foo { int n = Bar.A + 1; int[] ns = {1, Bar.A, Bar.B + 1}; Enum e = Enum.A; Enum[] es = {Enum.A, Enum.B}; } )"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Bar.aidl", R"( package foo.bar; parcelable Bar { const int A = 1; const int B = A + 1; } )"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("foo/bar/Enum.aidl", R"( package foo.bar; enum Enum { A, B = A + 2, } )"); vector<string> args = {"aidl", "--dumpapi", "--out=dump", "--include=.", "foo/bar/Foo.aidl", "foo/bar/Bar.aidl", "foo/bar/Enum.aidl"}; ASSERT_TRUE(dump_api(Options::From(args), io_delegate_)); string actual; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Foo.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append(R"(package foo.bar; parcelable Foo { int n = (foo.bar.Bar.A + 1) /* 2 */; int[] ns = {1, foo.bar.Bar.A /* 1 */, (foo.bar.Bar.B + 1) /* 3 */}; foo.bar.Enum e = foo.bar.Enum.A; foo.bar.Enum[] es = {foo.bar.Enum.A, foo.bar.Enum.B}; } )"), actual); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Bar.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append(R"(package foo.bar; parcelable Bar { const int A = 1; const int B = (A + 1) /* 2 */; } )"), actual); EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("dump/foo/bar/Enum.aidl", &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(string(kPreamble).append(R"(package foo.bar; enum Enum { A, B = (A + 2) /* 2 */, } )"), actual); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumDefaultShouldBeEnumerators) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO = 1, BAR = 2}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { Enum e = Enum.FOO | Enum.BAR; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang java -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: a/p/Foo.aidl:5.11-20: Invalid value (Enum.FOO|Enum.BAR) for enum p.Enum\n", err); } TEST_F(AidlTest, EnumDefaultShouldBeEnumerators_RejectsNumericValue) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Enum.aidl", "package p; enum Enum { FOO = 1, BAR = 2}"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", R"( package p; import p.Enum; parcelable Foo { Enum e = 1; })"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang java -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("Invalid value (1) for enum p.Enum")); } TEST_P(AidlTest, DefaultWithEmptyArray) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo { p.Bar[] bars = {}; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar { }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); } TEST_P(AidlTest, RejectRefsInAnnotation) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo {\n" " const String ANNOTATION = \"@Annotation\";\n" " @JavaPassthrough(annotation=ANNOTATION) void foo();\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -o out -h out a/p/IFoo.aidl"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ( "ERROR: a/p/IFoo.aidl:3.31-41: Value must be a constant expression but contains reference to " "ANNOTATION.\n", err); } TEST_F(AidlTest, DefaultWithEnumValues) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "a/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; import p.Bar; parcelable Foo { Bar[] bars = { Bar.FOO, Bar.FOO }; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Bar.aidl", "package p; enum Bar { FOO, BAR }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang ndk -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("", err); string code; EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents("out/aidl/p/Foo.h", &code)); EXPECT_THAT( code, testing::HasSubstr( "std::vector<::aidl::p::Bar> bars = {::aidl::p::Bar::FOO, ::aidl::p::Bar::FOO};")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsCircularReferencingEnumerators) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; enum Foo { A = B, B }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang ndk -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: a/p/Foo.aidl:1.26-28: Found a circular reference: B -> A -> B\n", err); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsCircularReferencingConsts) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo { const int A = A + 1; }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang ndk -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); auto err = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: a/p/Foo.aidl:1.42-44: Found a circular reference: A -> A\n", err); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RecursiveReferences) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Foo.aidl", "package p; parcelable Foo { const int A = p.Bar.A + 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Bar.aidl", "package p; parcelable Bar { const int A = p.Baz.A + 1; }"); io_delegate_.SetFileContents("a/p/Baz.aidl", "package p; parcelable Baz { const int A = 1; }"); CaptureStderr(); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I a --lang ndk -o out -h out a/p/Foo.aidl"); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, CircularReferenceWithFullyQualified) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "enum Foo { A = Foo.A }"); auto options = Options::From("aidl --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -I . -o out -h out Foo.aidl"); const string err = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.15-21: Found a circular reference: Foo.A -> Foo.A\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(err, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ConstRefsCanPointToTheSameValue) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", "enum Foo { A = 0 }"); // this demonstrates the case that "Foo.A" const-ref node is visited twice by B and C. io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Bar.aidl", "enum Bar { A = Foo.A, B = A, C = A }"); auto options = Options::From("aidl --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -I . -o out -h out Bar.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, UnknownConstReference) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("Foo.aidl", " parcelable Foo { int field = UNKNOWN_REF; }"); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -o out -h out Foo.aidl"); const string err = "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.30-42: Can't find UNKNOWN_REF in Foo\n" "ERROR: Foo.aidl:1.30-42: Unknown reference 'UNKNOWN_REF'\n"; CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(err, GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, JavaCompatibleBuiltinTypes) { string contents = R"( import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IInterface; interface IFoo {} )"; EXPECT_NE(nullptr, Parse("IFoo.aidl", contents, typenames_, GetLanguage())); } TEST_P(AidlTest, WarningInterfaceName) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Foo.aidl", "package p; interface Foo {}"); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -Winterface-name -o out -h out p/Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ( "WARNING: p/Foo.aidl:1.11-21: Interface names should start with I. [-Winterface-name]\n", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_P(AidlTest, ErrorInterfaceName) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/Foo.aidl", "package p; interface Foo {}"); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang " + to_string(GetLanguage()) + " -Winterface-name -Werror -o out -h out p/Foo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ("ERROR: p/Foo.aidl:1.11-21: Interface names should start with I. [-Winterface-name]\n", GetCapturedStderr()); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RejectsIncorrectOutputFilePathOnLegacyCppInput) { const std::string input_file = "base/p/q/IFoo.aidl"; const std::string header_dir = "out/"; const std::string output_file = "out/base/p/q/IFoo.cpp"; io_delegate_.SetFileContents(input_file, "package p.q; interface IFoo {}"); auto options = Options::From({"aidl-cpp", "-I base", input_file, header_dir, output_file}); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT( GetCapturedStderr(), testing::StartsWith( "ERROR: base/p/q/IFoo.aidl:1.13-23: Output file is expected to be at out/p/q/IFoo.cpp, " "but is out/base/p/q/IFoo.cpp.")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, FormatCommentsForJava) { using android::aidl::FormatCommentsForJava; struct TestCase { vector<Comment> comments; string formatted; }; vector<TestCase> testcases = { {{}, ""}, {{{"// line comments\n"}}, "// line comments\n"}, {{{"// @hide \n"}}, "// @hide \n"}, // Transform the last block comment as Javadoc. {{{"/*\n" " * Hello, world!\n" " */"}}, "/** Hello, world! */\n"}, {{{"/* @hide */"}}, "/** @hide */\n"}, {{{"/**\n" " @param foo ...\n" "*/"}}, "/** @param foo ... */\n"}, {{{"/* @hide */"}, {"/* @hide */"}}, "/* @hide */\n/** @hide */\n"}, {{{"/* @deprecated first */"}, {"/* @deprecated second */"}}, "/* @deprecated first */\n/** @deprecated second */\n"}, {{{"/* @deprecated */"}, {"/** @param foo */"}}, "/* @deprecated */\n/** @param foo */\n"}, // Line comments are printed as they are {{{"/* @deprecated */"}, {"// line comments\n"}}, "/* @deprecated */\n// line comments\n"}, }; for (const auto& [input, formatted] : testcases) { EXPECT_EQ(formatted, FormatCommentsForJava(input)); } } TEST_F(AidlTest, SuppressWarningsIsNotForArgs) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents( "IFoo.aidl", "interface IFoo {\n" " void foo(in @SuppressWarnings(value={\"inout-parameter\"}) int x);\n" "}"); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("@SuppressWarnings is not available")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, VoidCantBeUsedInMethodParameterType) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p; interface IFoo{ void j(void n);}"); auto options = Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java -o out p/IFoo.aidl"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE(compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_)); EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStderr(), HasSubstr("'void' is an invalid type for the parameter 'n'")); } TEST_F(AidlTest, InterfaceVectorIsAvailableAfterTiramisu) { io_delegate_.SetFileContents("p/IFoo.aidl", "package p;\n" "interface IFoo{\n" " void foo(in IFoo[] n);\n" " void bar(in List<IFoo> n);\n" "}"); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_FALSE( compile_aidl(Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java --min_sdk_version 30 -o out p/IFoo.aidl"), io_delegate_)); auto captured_stderr = GetCapturedStderr(); EXPECT_THAT(captured_stderr, HasSubstr("Array of interfaces is available since")); EXPECT_THAT(captured_stderr, HasSubstr("List of interfaces is available since")); CaptureStderr(); EXPECT_TRUE(compile_aidl( Options::From("aidl -I . --lang=java --min_sdk_version Tiramisu -o out p/IFoo.aidl"), io_delegate_)); EXPECT_EQ(GetCapturedStderr(), ""); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RustNameOf_PfdFixedArray) { auto pfd = typenames_.MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "ParcelFileDescriptor", false); ASSERT_TRUE(pfd->MakeArray(FixedSizeArray{ std::unique_ptr<AidlConstantValue>(AidlConstantValue::Integral(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "2"))})); ASSERT_TRUE(pfd->MakeArray(FixedSizeArray{ std::unique_ptr<AidlConstantValue>(AidlConstantValue::Integral(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "3"))})); EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::PARCELABLE_FIELD, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "[[Option<binder::ParcelFileDescriptor>; 3]; 2]"); EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::DEFAULT_VALUE, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "[[Option<binder::ParcelFileDescriptor>; 3]; 2]"); EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::IN_ARGUMENT, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "&[[binder::ParcelFileDescriptor; 3]; 2]"); EXPECT_EQ(rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::VALUE, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "[[binder::ParcelFileDescriptor; 3]; 2]"); } TEST_F(AidlTest, RustNameOf_PfdDynamicArray) { auto pfd = typenames_.MakeResolvedType(AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "ParcelFileDescriptor", true); EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::PARCELABLE_FIELD, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "Vec<binder::ParcelFileDescriptor>"); EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::DEFAULT_VALUE, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "Vec<Option<binder::ParcelFileDescriptor>>"); // we use UNSIZED_ARGUMENT mode for input argument of dynamic array EXPECT_EQ( rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::UNSIZED_ARGUMENT, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "&[binder::ParcelFileDescriptor]"); EXPECT_EQ(rust::RustNameOf(*pfd, typenames_, rust::StorageMode::VALUE, rust::Lifetime::NONE), "Vec<binder::ParcelFileDescriptor>"); } struct TypeParam { string kind; string literal; }; const TypeParam kTypeParams[] = { {"primitive", "int"}, {"primitiveArray", "int[]"}, {"primitiveFixedArray", "int[3]"}, {"String", "String"}, {"StringArray", "String[]"}, {"IBinder", "IBinder"}, {"ParcelFileDescriptor", "ParcelFileDescriptor"}, {"parcelable", "a.Foo"}, {"enum", "a.Enum"}, {"union", "a.Union"}, {"interface", "a.IBar"}, }; struct ExpectedResult { string expected_error; string expected_error_for_nullable; }; const std::map<std::string, ExpectedResult> kListSupportExpectations = { {"cpp_primitive", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"java_primitive", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"ndk_primitive", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"rust_primitive", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"cpp_primitiveArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"java_primitiveArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"ndk_primitiveArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"rust_primitiveArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"cpp_primitiveFixedArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"java_primitiveFixedArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"ndk_primitiveFixedArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"rust_primitiveFixedArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"cpp_String", {"", ""}}, {"java_String", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_String", {"", ""}}, {"rust_String", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_StringArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"java_StringArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"ndk_StringArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"rust_StringArray", {"List of arrays is not supported", "List of arrays is not supported"}}, {"cpp_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"java_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"rust_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"java_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"rust_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_interface", {"", ""}}, {"java_interface", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_interface", {"", ""}}, {"rust_interface", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"java_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"rust_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_enum", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"java_enum", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"ndk_enum", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"rust_enum", {"A generic type cannot", "A generic type cannot"}}, {"cpp_union", {"", ""}}, {"java_union", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_union", {"", ""}}, {"rust_union", {"", ""}}, }; const std::map<std::string, ExpectedResult> kArraySupportExpectations = { {"cpp_primitive", {"", ""}}, {"java_primitive", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_primitive", {"", ""}}, {"rust_primitive", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_primitiveArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"java_primitiveArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"ndk_primitiveArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"rust_primitiveArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"cpp_primitiveFixedArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"java_primitiveFixedArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"ndk_primitiveFixedArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"rust_primitiveFixedArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"cpp_String", {"", ""}}, {"java_String", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_String", {"", ""}}, {"rust_String", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_StringArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"java_StringArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"ndk_StringArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"rust_StringArray", {"Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size.", "Multi-dimensional arrays must be fixed size."}}, {"cpp_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"java_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"rust_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"java_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"rust_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_interface", {"", ""}}, {"java_interface", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_interface", {"", ""}}, {"rust_interface", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"java_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"rust_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_enum", {"", ""}}, {"java_enum", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_enum", {"", ""}}, {"rust_enum", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_union", {"", ""}}, {"java_union", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_union", {"", ""}}, {"rust_union", {"", ""}}, }; const std::map<std::string, ExpectedResult> kFieldSupportExpectations = { {"cpp_primitive", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"java_primitive", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"ndk_primitive", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"rust_primitive", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"cpp_primitiveArray", {"", ""}}, {"java_primitiveArray", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_primitiveArray", {"", ""}}, {"rust_primitiveArray", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_primitiveFixedArray", {"", ""}}, {"java_primitiveFixedArray", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_primitiveFixedArray", {"", ""}}, {"rust_primitiveFixedArray", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_String", {"", ""}}, {"java_String", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_String", {"", ""}}, {"rust_String", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_StringArray", {"", ""}}, {"java_StringArray", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_StringArray", {"", ""}}, {"rust_StringArray", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"java_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"rust_IBinder", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"java_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"rust_ParcelFileDescriptor", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_interface", {"", ""}}, {"java_interface", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_interface", {"", ""}}, {"rust_interface", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"java_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"rust_parcelable", {"", ""}}, {"cpp_enum", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"java_enum", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"ndk_enum", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"rust_enum", {"", "cannot get nullable annotation"}}, {"cpp_union", {"", ""}}, {"java_union", {"", ""}}, {"ndk_union", {"", ""}}, {"rust_union", {"", ""}}, }; class AidlTypeParamTest : public testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<Options::Language, TypeParam, bool>> { public: void Run(const std::string& generic_type_decl, const std::map<std::string, ExpectedResult>& expectations) { const auto& param = GetParam(); const auto& lang = to_string(std::get<0>(param)); const auto& kind = std::get<1>(param).kind; const bool nullable = std::get<2>(param); FakeIoDelegate io; io.SetFileContents("a/IBar.aidl", "package a; interface IBar { }"); io.SetFileContents("a/Enum.aidl", "package a; enum Enum { A }"); io.SetFileContents("a/Union.aidl", "package a; union Union { int a; }"); io.SetFileContents("a/Foo.aidl", "package a; parcelable Foo { int a; }"); std::string decl = fmt::format(generic_type_decl, std::get<1>(param).literal); if (nullable) { decl = "@nullable " + decl; } io.SetFileContents("a/Target.aidl", "package a; parcelable Target { " + decl + " f; }"); const auto options = Options::From(fmt::format( "aidl -I . --min_sdk_version current --lang={} a/Target.aidl -o out -h out", lang)); CaptureStderr(); compile_aidl(options, io); auto it = expectations.find(lang + "_" + kind); ASSERT_TRUE(it != expectations.end()) << "missing expectation for " << lang << "_" << kind; const string err = GetCapturedStderr(); const string expected_error = nullable ? it->second.expected_error_for_nullable : it->second.expected_error; if (expected_error.empty()) { EXPECT_EQ("", err); } else { EXPECT_THAT(err, testing::HasSubstr(expected_error)); } } }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( AidlTestSuite, AidlTypeParamTest, testing::Combine(testing::Values(Options::Language::CPP, Options::Language::JAVA, Options::Language::NDK, Options::Language::RUST), testing::ValuesIn(kTypeParams), testing::Values(true, false)), [](const testing::TestParamInfo<std::tuple<Options::Language, TypeParam, bool>>& info) { string name = to_string(std::get<0>(info.param)) + "_" + std::get<1>(info.param).kind; if (std::get<2>(info.param)) { name += "_nullable"; } return name; }); TEST_P(AidlTypeParamTest, ListSupportedTypes) { Run("List<{}>", kListSupportExpectations); } TEST_P(AidlTypeParamTest, ArraySupportedTypes) { Run("{}[]", kArraySupportExpectations); } TEST_P(AidlTypeParamTest, ParcelableFieldTypes) { Run("{}", kFieldSupportExpectations); } } // namespace aidl } // namespace android