# Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Ssh Utilities.""" from __future__ import print_function import logging import re import subprocess import sys import threading from acloud import errors from acloud.internal import constants from acloud.internal.lib import utils logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _SSH_CMD = ("-i %(rsa_key_file)s -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ControlPath=none " "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no") _SSH_IDENTITY = "-l %(login_user)s %(ip_addr)s" _SSH_CMD_MAX_RETRY = 5 _SSH_CMD_RETRY_SLEEP = 3 _CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 _MAX_REPORTED_ERROR_LINES = 10 _ERROR_MSG_RE = re.compile(r".*]\s*\"(?:message|response)\"\s:\s\"(?P<content>.*)\"") _ERROR_MSG_TO_QUOTE_RE = r"(\\u2019)|(\\u2018)" _ERROR_MSG_DEL_STYLE_RE = r"(<style.+\/style>)" _ERROR_MSG_DEL_TAGS_RE = (r"(<[\/]*(a|b|p|span|ins|code|title)>)|" r"(<(a|span|meta|html|!)[^>]*>)") def _SshCallWait(cmd, timeout=None): """Runs a single SSH command. - SSH returns code 0 for "Successful execution". - Use wait() until the process is complete without receiving any output. Args: cmd: String of the full SSH command to run, including the SSH binary and its arguments. timeout: Optional integer, number of seconds to give Returns: An exit status of 0 indicates that it ran successfully. """ logger.info("Running command \"%s\"", cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if timeout: # TODO: if process is killed, out error message to log. timer = threading.Timer(timeout, process.kill) timer.start() process.wait() if timeout: timer.cancel() return process.returncode def _SshCall(cmd, timeout=None): """Runs a single SSH command. - SSH returns code 0 for "Successful execution". - Use communicate() until the process and the child thread are complete. Args: cmd: String of the full SSH command to run, including the SSH binary and its arguments. timeout: Optional integer, number of seconds to give Returns: An exit status of 0 indicates that it ran successfully. """ logger.info("Running command \"%s\"", cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if timeout: # TODO: if process is killed, out error message to log. timer = threading.Timer(timeout, process.kill) timer.start() process.communicate() if timeout: timer.cancel() return process.returncode def _SshLogOutput(cmd, timeout=None, show_output=False, hide_error_msg=False): """Runs a single SSH command while logging its output and processes its return code. Output is streamed to the log at the debug level for more interactive debugging. SSH returns error code 255 for "failed to connect", so this is interpreted as a failure in SSH rather than a failure on the target device and this is converted to a different exception type. Args: cmd: String of the full SSH command to run, including the SSH binary and its arguments. timeout: Optional integer, number of seconds to give. show_output: Boolean, True to show command output in screen. hide_error_msg: Boolean, True to hide error message. Raises: errors.DeviceConnectionError: Failed to connect to the GCE instance. subprocess.CalledProcessError: The process exited with an error on the instance. errors.LaunchCVDFail: Happened on launch_cvd with specific pattern of error message. """ # Use "exec" to let cmd to inherit the shell process, instead of having the # shell launch a child process which does not get killed. cmd = "exec " + cmd logger.info("Running command \"%s\"", cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) if timeout: # TODO: if process is killed, out error message to log. timer = threading.Timer(timeout, process.kill) timer.start() stdout, _ = process.communicate() if stdout: if (show_output or process.returncode != 0) and not hide_error_msg: print(stdout.strip(), file=sys.stderr) else: # fetch_cvd and launch_cvd can be noisy, so left at debug logger.debug(stdout.strip()) if timeout: timer.cancel() if process.returncode == 255: error_msg = (f"Failed to send command to instance {cmd}\n" f"Error message: {_GetErrorMessage(stdout)}") if constants.ERROR_MSG_SSO_INVALID in stdout: raise errors.SshConnectFail(error_msg) raise errors.DeviceConnectionError(error_msg) if process.returncode != 0: if constants.ERROR_MSG_VNC_NOT_SUPPORT in stdout: raise errors.LaunchCVDFail(constants.ERROR_MSG_VNC_NOT_SUPPORT) if constants.ERROR_MSG_WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORT in stdout: raise errors.LaunchCVDFail(constants.ERROR_MSG_WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORT) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, cmd) def _GetErrorMessage(stdout): """Get error message. Fetch the content of "message" or "response" from the ssh output and filter unused content then log into report. Once the two fields didn't match, to log last _MAX_REPORTED_ERROR_LINES lines into report. Args: stdout: String of the ssh output. Returns: String of the formatted ssh output. """ matches = _ERROR_MSG_RE.finditer(stdout) for match in matches: return _FilterUnusedContent(match.group("content")) split_stdout = stdout.splitlines()[-_MAX_REPORTED_ERROR_LINES::] return "\n".join(split_stdout) def _FilterUnusedContent(content): """Filter unused content from html. Remove the html tags and style from content. Args: content: String, html content. Returns: String without html style or tags. """ content = re.sub(_ERROR_MSG_TO_QUOTE_RE, "'", content) content = re.sub(_ERROR_MSG_DEL_STYLE_RE, "", content, flags=re.DOTALL) content = re.sub(_ERROR_MSG_DEL_TAGS_RE, "", content) content = re.sub(r"\\n", " ", content) return content def ShellCmdWithRetry(cmd, timeout=None, show_output=False, retry=_SSH_CMD_MAX_RETRY): """Runs a shell command on remote device. If the network is unstable and causes SSH connect fail, it will retry. When it retry in a short time, you may encounter unstable network. We will use the mechanism of RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR. The retry time for each failure is times * retries. Args: cmd: String of the full SSH command to run, including the SSH binary and its arguments. timeout: Optional integer, number of seconds to give. show_output: Boolean, True to show command output in screen. retry: Integer, the retry times. Raises: errors.DeviceConnectionError: For any non-zero return code of remote_cmd. errors.LaunchCVDFail: Happened on launch_cvd with specific pattern of error message. subprocess.CalledProcessError: The process exited with an error on the instance. """ utils.RetryExceptionType( exception_types=(errors.DeviceConnectionError, errors.LaunchCVDFail, subprocess.CalledProcessError), max_retries=retry, functor=_SshLogOutput, sleep_multiplier=_SSH_CMD_RETRY_SLEEP, retry_backoff_factor=utils.DEFAULT_RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, cmd=cmd, timeout=timeout, show_output=show_output) class IP(): """ A class that control the IP address.""" def __init__(self, external=None, internal=None, ip=None): """Init for IP. Args: external: String, external ip. internal: String, internal ip. ip: String, default ip to set for either external and internal if neither is set. """ self.external = external or ip self.internal = internal or ip class Ssh(): """A class that control the remote instance via the IP address. Attributes: _ip: an IP object. _user: String of user login into the instance. _ssh_private_key_path: Path to the private key file. _extra_args_ssh_tunnel: String, extra args for ssh or scp. _report_internal_ip: Boolean, True to use internal ip. _gce_hostname: String, the hostname for ssh connect. """ def __init__(self, ip, user, ssh_private_key_path, extra_args_ssh_tunnel=None, report_internal_ip=False, gce_hostname=None): self._ip = ip.internal if report_internal_ip else ip.external self._user = user self._ssh_private_key_path = ssh_private_key_path self._extra_args_ssh_tunnel = extra_args_ssh_tunnel if gce_hostname: self._ip = gce_hostname self._extra_args_ssh_tunnel = None logger.debug( "To connect with hostname, erase the extra_args_ssh_tunnel: %s", extra_args_ssh_tunnel) def Run(self, target_command, timeout=None, show_output=False, retry=_SSH_CMD_MAX_RETRY): """Run a shell command over SSH on a remote instance. Example: ssh: base_cmd_list is ["ssh", "-i", "~/private_key_path" ,"-l" , "user", ""] target_command is "remote command" scp: base_cmd_list is ["scp", "-i", "~/private_key_path"] target_command is "{src_file} {dst_file}" Args: target_command: String, text of command to run on the remote instance. timeout: Integer, the maximum time to wait for the command to respond. show_output: Boolean, True to show command output in screen. retry: Integer, the retry times. """ ShellCmdWithRetry(self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SSH_BIN) + " " + target_command, timeout, show_output, retry) def GetBaseCmd(self, execute_bin): """Get a base command over SSH on a remote instance. Example: execute bin is ssh: ssh -i ~/private_key_path $extra_args -l user execute bin is scp: scp -i ~/private_key_path $extra_args Args: execute_bin: String, execute type, e.g. ssh or scp. Returns: Strings of base connection command. Raises: errors.UnknownType: Don't support the execute bin. """ base_cmd = [utils.FindExecutable(execute_bin)] base_cmd.append(_SSH_CMD % {"rsa_key_file": self._ssh_private_key_path}) if self._extra_args_ssh_tunnel: base_cmd.append(self._extra_args_ssh_tunnel) if execute_bin == constants.SSH_BIN: base_cmd.append(_SSH_IDENTITY % {"login_user":self._user, "ip_addr":self._ip}) return " ".join(base_cmd) if execute_bin == constants.SCP_BIN: return " ".join(base_cmd) raise errors.UnknownType("Don't support the execute bin %s." % execute_bin) def GetCmdOutput(self, cmd): """Runs a single SSH command and get its output. Args: cmd: String, text of command to run on the remote instance. Returns: String of the command output. """ ssh_cmd = "exec " + self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SSH_BIN) + " " + cmd logger.info("Running command \"%s\"", ssh_cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(ssh_cmd, shell=True, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) stdout, _ = process.communicate() return stdout def CheckSshConnection(self, timeout): """Run remote 'uptime' ssh command to check ssh connection. Args: timeout: Integer, the maximum time to wait for the command to respond. Raises: errors.DeviceConnectionError: Ssh isn't ready in the remote instance. """ remote_cmd = [self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SSH_BIN)] remote_cmd.append("uptime") try: _SshLogOutput(" ".join(remote_cmd), timeout, hide_error_msg=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise errors.DeviceConnectionError( "Ssh isn't ready in the remote instance.") from e @utils.TimeExecute(function_description="Waiting for SSH server") def WaitForSsh(self, timeout=None, max_retry=_SSH_CMD_MAX_RETRY): """Wait until the remote instance is ready to accept commands over SSH. Args: timeout: Integer, the maximum time in seconds to wait for the command to respond. max_retry: Integer, the maximum number of retry. Raises: errors.DeviceConnectionError: Ssh isn't ready in the remote instance. """ ssh_timeout = timeout or constants.DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT sleep_multiplier = ssh_timeout / sum(range(max_retry + 1)) logger.debug("Retry with interval time: %s secs", str(sleep_multiplier)) try: utils.RetryExceptionType( exception_types=errors.DeviceConnectionError, max_retries=max_retry, functor=self.CheckSshConnection, sleep_multiplier=sleep_multiplier, retry_backoff_factor=utils.DEFAULT_RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR, timeout=_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) except errors.DeviceConnectionError as ssh_timeout: ssh_cmd = "%s uptime" % self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SSH_BIN) _SshLogOutput(ssh_cmd, timeout=_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) raise errors.DeviceConnectionError( "Ssh connect timeout.\nYou can try the ssh connect command to " "get detail information: '%s'" % ssh_cmd) from ssh_timeout def ScpPushFile(self, src_file, dst_file): """Scp push file to remote. Args: src_file: The source file path to be pulled. dst_file: The destination file path the file is pulled to. """ scp_command = [self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SCP_BIN)] scp_command.append(src_file) scp_command.append("%s@%s:%s" %(self._user, self._ip, dst_file)) ShellCmdWithRetry(" ".join(scp_command)) def ScpPushFiles(self, src_files, dst_dir): """Push files to one specific folder of remote instance via scp command. Args: src_files: The source file path list to be pushed. dst_dir: The destination directory the files to be pushed to. """ scp_command = [self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SCP_BIN)] scp_command.extend(src_files) scp_command.append("%s@%s:%s" % (self._user, self._ip, dst_dir)) ShellCmdWithRetry(" ".join(scp_command)) def ScpPullFile(self, src_file, dst_file): """Scp pull file from remote. Args: src_file: The source file path to be pulled. dst_file: The destination file path the file is pulled to. """ scp_command = [self.GetBaseCmd(constants.SCP_BIN)] scp_command.append("%s@%s:%s" %(self._user, self._ip, src_file)) scp_command.append(dst_file) ShellCmdWithRetry(" ".join(scp_command))