1 /*
<lambda>null2 * Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3 */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal
7 import kotlinx.coroutines.*
8 import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
9 import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
10 import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
11 import kotlin.coroutines.*
12 import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*
13 import kotlin.jvm.*
15 internal fun <T> Flow<T>.asChannelFlow(): ChannelFlow<T> =
16 this as? ChannelFlow ?: ChannelFlowOperatorImpl(this)
18 /**
19 * Operators that can fuse with **downstream** [buffer] and [flowOn] operators implement this interface.
20 *
21 * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
22 */
23 @InternalCoroutinesApi
24 public interface FusibleFlow<T> : Flow<T> {
25 /**
26 * This function is called by [flowOn] (with context) and [buffer] (with capacity) operators
27 * that are applied to this flow. Should not be used with [capacity] of [Channel.CONFLATED]
28 * (it shall be desugared to `capacity = 0, onBufferOverflow = DROP_OLDEST`).
29 */
30 public fun fuse(
31 context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
32 capacity: Int = Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL,
33 onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND
34 ): Flow<T>
35 }
37 /**
38 * Operators that use channels as their "output" extend this `ChannelFlow` and are always fused with each other.
39 * This class servers as a skeleton implementation of [FusibleFlow] and provides other cross-cutting
40 * methods like ability to [produceIn] the corresponding flow, thus making it
41 * possible to directly use the backing channel if it exists (hence the `ChannelFlow` name).
42 *
43 * @suppress **This an internal API and should not be used from general code.**
44 */
45 @InternalCoroutinesApi
46 public abstract class ChannelFlow<T>(
47 // upstream context
48 @JvmField public val context: CoroutineContext,
49 // buffer capacity between upstream and downstream context
50 @JvmField public val capacity: Int,
51 // buffer overflow strategy
52 @JvmField public val onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow
53 ) : FusibleFlow<T> {
54 init {
<lambda>null55 assert { capacity != Channel.CONFLATED } // CONFLATED must be desugared to 0, DROP_OLDEST by callers
56 }
58 // shared code to create a suspend lambda from collectTo function in one place
59 internal val collectToFun: suspend (ProducerScope<T>) -> Unit
<lambda>null60 get() = { collectTo(it) }
62 internal val produceCapacity: Int
63 get() = if (capacity == Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL) Channel.BUFFERED else capacity
65 /**
66 * When this [ChannelFlow] implementation can work without a channel (supports [Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL]),
67 * then it should return a non-null value from this function, so that a caller can use it without the effect of
68 * additional [flowOn] and [buffer] operators, by incorporating its
69 * [context], [capacity], and [onBufferOverflow] into its own implementation.
70 */
dropChannelOperatorsnull71 public open fun dropChannelOperators(): Flow<T>? = null
73 public override fun fuse(context: CoroutineContext, capacity: Int, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow): Flow<T> {
74 assert { capacity != Channel.CONFLATED } // CONFLATED must be desugared to (0, DROP_OLDEST) by callers
75 // note: previous upstream context (specified before) takes precedence
76 val newContext = context + this.context
77 val newCapacity: Int
78 val newOverflow: BufferOverflow
79 if (onBufferOverflow != BufferOverflow.SUSPEND) {
80 // this additional buffer never suspends => overwrite preceding buffering configuration
81 newCapacity = capacity
82 newOverflow = onBufferOverflow
83 } else {
84 // combine capacities, keep previous overflow strategy
85 newCapacity = when {
86 this.capacity == Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL -> capacity
87 capacity == Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL -> this.capacity
88 this.capacity == Channel.BUFFERED -> capacity
89 capacity == Channel.BUFFERED -> this.capacity
90 else -> {
91 // sanity checks
92 assert { this.capacity >= 0 }
93 assert { capacity >= 0 }
94 // combine capacities clamping to UNLIMITED on overflow
95 val sum = this.capacity + capacity
96 if (sum >= 0) sum else Channel.UNLIMITED // unlimited on int overflow
97 }
98 }
99 newOverflow = this.onBufferOverflow
100 }
101 if (newContext == this.context && newCapacity == this.capacity && newOverflow == this.onBufferOverflow)
102 return this
103 return create(newContext, newCapacity, newOverflow)
104 }
createnull106 protected abstract fun create(context: CoroutineContext, capacity: Int, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow): ChannelFlow<T>
108 protected abstract suspend fun collectTo(scope: ProducerScope<T>)
110 /**
111 * Here we use ATOMIC start for a reason (#1825).
112 * NB: [produceImpl] is used for [flowOn].
113 * For non-atomic start it is possible to observe the situation,
114 * where the pipeline after the [flowOn] call successfully executes (mostly, its `onCompletion`)
115 * handlers, while the pipeline before does not, because it was cancelled during its dispatch.
116 * Thus `onCompletion` and `finally` blocks won't be executed and it may lead to a different kinds of memory leaks.
117 */
118 public open fun produceImpl(scope: CoroutineScope): ReceiveChannel<T> =
119 scope.produce(context, produceCapacity, onBufferOverflow, start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC, block = collectToFun)
121 override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>): Unit =
122 coroutineScope {
123 collector.emitAll(produceImpl(this))
124 }
additionalToStringPropsnull126 protected open fun additionalToStringProps(): String? = null
128 // debug toString
129 override fun toString(): String {
130 val props = ArrayList<String>(4)
131 additionalToStringProps()?.let { props.add(it) }
132 if (context !== EmptyCoroutineContext) props.add("context=$context")
133 if (capacity != Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL) props.add("capacity=$capacity")
134 if (onBufferOverflow != BufferOverflow.SUSPEND) props.add("onBufferOverflow=$onBufferOverflow")
135 return "$classSimpleName[${props.joinToString(", ")}]"
136 }
137 }
139 // ChannelFlow implementation that operates on another flow before it
140 internal abstract class ChannelFlowOperator<S, T>(
141 @JvmField protected val flow: Flow<S>,
142 context: CoroutineContext,
143 capacity: Int,
144 onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow
145 ) : ChannelFlow<T>(context, capacity, onBufferOverflow) {
flowCollectnull146 protected abstract suspend fun flowCollect(collector: FlowCollector<T>)
148 // Changes collecting context upstream to the specified newContext, while collecting in the original context
149 private suspend fun collectWithContextUndispatched(collector: FlowCollector<T>, newContext: CoroutineContext) {
150 val originalContextCollector = collector.withUndispatchedContextCollector(coroutineContext)
151 // invoke flowCollect(originalContextCollector) in the newContext
152 return withContextUndispatched(newContext, block = { flowCollect(it) }, value = originalContextCollector)
153 }
155 // Slow path when output channel is required
collectTonull156 protected override suspend fun collectTo(scope: ProducerScope<T>) =
157 flowCollect(SendingCollector(scope))
159 // Optimizations for fast-path when channel creation is optional
160 override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>) {
161 // Fast-path: When channel creation is optional (flowOn/flowWith operators without buffer)
162 if (capacity == Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL) {
163 val collectContext = coroutineContext
164 val newContext = collectContext.newCoroutineContext(context) // compute resulting collect context
165 // #1: If the resulting context happens to be the same as it was -- fallback to plain collect
166 if (newContext == collectContext)
167 return flowCollect(collector)
168 // #2: If we don't need to change the dispatcher we can go without channels
169 if (newContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == collectContext[ContinuationInterceptor])
170 return collectWithContextUndispatched(collector, newContext)
171 }
172 // Slow-path: create the actual channel
173 super.collect(collector)
174 }
176 // debug toString
toStringnull177 override fun toString(): String = "$flow -> ${super.toString()}"
178 }
180 /**
181 * Simple channel flow operator: [flowOn], [buffer], or their fused combination.
182 */
183 internal class ChannelFlowOperatorImpl<T>(
184 flow: Flow<T>,
185 context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
186 capacity: Int = Channel.OPTIONAL_CHANNEL,
187 onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.SUSPEND
188 ) : ChannelFlowOperator<T, T>(flow, context, capacity, onBufferOverflow) {
189 override fun create(context: CoroutineContext, capacity: Int, onBufferOverflow: BufferOverflow): ChannelFlow<T> =
190 ChannelFlowOperatorImpl(flow, context, capacity, onBufferOverflow)
192 override fun dropChannelOperators(): Flow<T> = flow
194 override suspend fun flowCollect(collector: FlowCollector<T>) =
195 flow.collect(collector)
196 }
198 // Now if the underlying collector was accepting concurrent emits, then this one is too
199 // todo: we might need to generalize this pattern for "thread-safe" operators that can fuse with channels
withUndispatchedContextCollectornull200 private fun <T> FlowCollector<T>.withUndispatchedContextCollector(emitContext: CoroutineContext): FlowCollector<T> = when (this) {
201 // SendingCollector & NopCollector do not care about the context at all and can be used as is
202 is SendingCollector, is NopCollector -> this
203 // Otherwise just wrap into UndispatchedContextCollector interface implementation
204 else -> UndispatchedContextCollector(this, emitContext)
205 }
207 private class UndispatchedContextCollector<T>(
208 downstream: FlowCollector<T>,
209 private val emitContext: CoroutineContext
210 ) : FlowCollector<T> {
211 private val countOrElement = threadContextElements(emitContext) // precompute for fast withContextUndispatched
<lambda>null212 private val emitRef: suspend (T) -> Unit = { downstream.emit(it) } // allocate suspend function ref once on creation
emitnull214 override suspend fun emit(value: T): Unit =
215 withContextUndispatched(emitContext, value, countOrElement, emitRef)
216 }
218 // Efficiently computes block(value) in the newContext
219 internal suspend fun <T, V> withContextUndispatched(
220 newContext: CoroutineContext,
221 value: V,
222 countOrElement: Any = threadContextElements(newContext), // can be precomputed for speed
223 block: suspend (V) -> T
224 ): T =
225 suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { uCont ->
226 withCoroutineContext(newContext, countOrElement) {
227 block.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(value, StackFrameContinuation(uCont, newContext))
228 }
229 }
231 // Continuation that links the caller with uCont with walkable CoroutineStackFrame
232 private class StackFrameContinuation<T>(
233 private val uCont: Continuation<T>, override val context: CoroutineContext
234 ) : Continuation<T>, CoroutineStackFrame {
236 override val callerFrame: CoroutineStackFrame?
237 get() = uCont as? CoroutineStackFrame
resumeWithnull239 override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
240 uCont.resumeWith(result)
241 }
getStackTraceElementnull243 override fun getStackTraceElement(): StackTraceElement? = null
244 }