1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
8 * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11 #include "rtc_tools/rtc_event_log_visualizer/plot_base.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <memory>
16 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
18 namespace webrtc {
SetXAxis(float min_value,float max_value,std::string label,float left_margin,float right_margin)20 void Plot::SetXAxis(float min_value,
21 float max_value,
22 std::string label,
23 float left_margin,
24 float right_margin) {
25 RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_value, max_value);
26 xaxis_min_ = min_value - left_margin * (max_value - min_value);
27 xaxis_max_ = max_value + right_margin * (max_value - min_value);
28 xaxis_label_ = label;
29 }
SetSuggestedXAxis(float min_value,float max_value,std::string label,float left_margin,float right_margin)31 void Plot::SetSuggestedXAxis(float min_value,
32 float max_value,
33 std::string label,
34 float left_margin,
35 float right_margin) {
36 for (const auto& series : series_list_) {
37 for (const auto& point : series.points) {
38 min_value = std::min(min_value, point.x);
39 max_value = std::max(max_value, point.x);
40 }
41 }
42 SetXAxis(min_value, max_value, label, left_margin, right_margin);
43 }
SetYAxis(float min_value,float max_value,std::string label,float bottom_margin,float top_margin)45 void Plot::SetYAxis(float min_value,
46 float max_value,
47 std::string label,
48 float bottom_margin,
49 float top_margin) {
50 RTC_DCHECK_LE(min_value, max_value);
51 yaxis_min_ = min_value - bottom_margin * (max_value - min_value);
52 yaxis_max_ = max_value + top_margin * (max_value - min_value);
53 yaxis_label_ = label;
54 }
SetSuggestedYAxis(float min_value,float max_value,std::string label,float bottom_margin,float top_margin)56 void Plot::SetSuggestedYAxis(float min_value,
57 float max_value,
58 std::string label,
59 float bottom_margin,
60 float top_margin) {
61 for (const auto& series : series_list_) {
62 for (const auto& point : series.points) {
63 min_value = std::min(min_value, point.y);
64 max_value = std::max(max_value, point.y);
65 }
66 }
67 SetYAxis(min_value, max_value, label, bottom_margin, top_margin);
68 }
SetYAxisTickLabels(const std::vector<std::pair<float,std::string>> & labels)70 void Plot::SetYAxisTickLabels(
71 const std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>>& labels) {
72 yaxis_tick_labels_ = labels;
73 }
SetTitle(const std::string & title)75 void Plot::SetTitle(const std::string& title) {
76 title_ = title;
77 }
SetId(const std::string & id)79 void Plot::SetId(const std::string& id) {
80 id_ = id;
81 }
AppendTimeSeries(TimeSeries && time_series)83 void Plot::AppendTimeSeries(TimeSeries&& time_series) {
84 series_list_.emplace_back(std::move(time_series));
85 }
AppendIntervalSeries(IntervalSeries && interval_series)87 void Plot::AppendIntervalSeries(IntervalSeries&& interval_series) {
88 interval_list_.emplace_back(std::move(interval_series));
89 }
AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(TimeSeries && time_series)91 void Plot::AppendTimeSeriesIfNotEmpty(TimeSeries&& time_series) {
92 if (!time_series.points.empty()) {
93 series_list_.emplace_back(std::move(time_series));
94 }
95 }
PrintPythonCode() const97 void Plot::PrintPythonCode() const {
98 // Write python commands to stdout. Intended program usage is
99 // ./event_log_visualizer event_log160330.dump | python
101 if (!series_list_.empty()) {
102 printf("color_count = %zu\n", series_list_.size());
103 printf(
104 "hls_colors = [(i*1.0/color_count, 0.25+i*0.5/color_count, 0.8) for i "
105 "in range(color_count)]\n");
106 printf("colors = [colorsys.hls_to_rgb(*hls) for hls in hls_colors]\n");
108 for (size_t i = 0; i < series_list_.size(); i++) {
109 printf("\n# === Series: %s ===\n", series_list_[i].label.c_str());
110 // List x coordinates
111 printf("x%zu = [", i);
112 if (!series_list_[i].points.empty())
113 printf("%.3f", series_list_[i].points[0].x);
114 for (size_t j = 1; j < series_list_[i].points.size(); j++)
115 printf(", %.3f", series_list_[i].points[j].x);
116 printf("]\n");
118 // List y coordinates
119 printf("y%zu = [", i);
120 if (!series_list_[i].points.empty())
121 printf("%G", series_list_[i].points[0].y);
122 for (size_t j = 1; j < series_list_[i].points.size(); j++)
123 printf(", %G", series_list_[i].points[j].y);
124 printf("]\n");
126 if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kBar) {
127 // There is a plt.bar function that draws bar plots,
128 // but it is *way* too slow to be useful.
129 printf(
130 "plt.vlines(x%zu, [min(t,0) for t in y%zu], [max(t,0) for t in "
131 "y%zu], color=colors[%zu], label=\'%s\')\n",
132 i, i, i, i, series_list_[i].label.c_str());
133 if (series_list_[i].point_style == PointStyle::kHighlight) {
134 printf(
135 "plt.plot(x%zu, y%zu, color=colors[%zu], "
136 "marker='.', ls=' ')\n",
137 i, i, i);
138 }
139 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kLine) {
140 if (series_list_[i].point_style == PointStyle::kHighlight) {
141 printf(
142 "plt.plot(x%zu, y%zu, color=colors[%zu], label=\'%s\', "
143 "marker='.')\n",
144 i, i, i, series_list_[i].label.c_str());
145 } else {
146 printf("plt.plot(x%zu, y%zu, color=colors[%zu], label=\'%s\')\n", i,
147 i, i, series_list_[i].label.c_str());
148 }
149 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kStep) {
150 // Draw lines from (x[0],y[0]) to (x[1],y[0]) to (x[1],y[1]) and so on
151 // to illustrate the "steps". This can be expressed by duplicating all
152 // elements except the first in x and the last in y.
153 printf("xd%zu = [dup for v in x%zu for dup in [v, v]]\n", i, i);
154 printf("yd%zu = [dup for v in y%zu for dup in [v, v]]\n", i, i);
155 printf(
156 "plt.plot(xd%zu[1:], yd%zu[:-1], color=colors[%zu], "
157 "label=\'%s\')\n",
158 i, i, i, series_list_[i].label.c_str());
159 if (series_list_[i].point_style == PointStyle::kHighlight) {
160 printf(
161 "plt.plot(x%zu, y%zu, color=colors[%zu], "
162 "marker='.', ls=' ')\n",
163 i, i, i);
164 }
165 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kNone) {
166 printf(
167 "plt.plot(x%zu, y%zu, color=colors[%zu], label=\'%s\', "
168 "marker='o', ls=' ')\n",
169 i, i, i, series_list_[i].label.c_str());
170 } else {
171 printf("raise Exception(\"Unknown graph type\")\n");
172 }
173 }
175 // IntervalSeries
176 printf("interval_colors = ['#ff8e82','#5092fc','#c4ffc4','#aaaaaa']\n");
177 RTC_CHECK_LE(interval_list_.size(), 4);
178 // To get the intervals to show up in the legend we have to create patches
179 // for them.
180 printf("legend_patches = []\n");
181 for (size_t i = 0; i < interval_list_.size(); i++) {
182 // List intervals
183 printf("\n# === IntervalSeries: %s ===\n",
184 interval_list_[i].label.c_str());
185 printf("ival%zu = [", i);
186 if (!interval_list_[i].intervals.empty()) {
187 printf("(%G, %G)", interval_list_[i].intervals[0].begin,
188 interval_list_[i].intervals[0].end);
189 }
190 for (size_t j = 1; j < interval_list_[i].intervals.size(); j++) {
191 printf(", (%G, %G)", interval_list_[i].intervals[j].begin,
192 interval_list_[i].intervals[j].end);
193 }
194 printf("]\n");
196 printf("for i in range(0, %zu):\n", interval_list_[i].intervals.size());
197 if (interval_list_[i].orientation == IntervalSeries::kVertical) {
198 printf(
199 " plt.axhspan(ival%zu[i][0], ival%zu[i][1], "
200 "facecolor=interval_colors[%zu], "
201 "alpha=0.3)\n",
202 i, i, i);
203 } else {
204 printf(
205 " plt.axvspan(ival%zu[i][0], ival%zu[i][1], "
206 "facecolor=interval_colors[%zu], "
207 "alpha=0.3)\n",
208 i, i, i);
209 }
210 printf(
211 "legend_patches.append(mpatches.Patch(ec=\'black\', "
212 "fc=interval_colors[%zu], label='%s'))\n",
213 i, interval_list_[i].label.c_str());
214 }
215 }
217 printf("plt.xlim(%f, %f)\n", xaxis_min_, xaxis_max_);
218 printf("plt.ylim(%f, %f)\n", yaxis_min_, yaxis_max_);
219 printf("plt.xlabel(\'%s\')\n", xaxis_label_.c_str());
220 printf("plt.ylabel(\'%s\')\n", yaxis_label_.c_str());
221 printf("plt.title(\'%s\')\n", title_.c_str());
222 printf("fig = plt.gcf()\n");
223 printf("fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(\'%s\')\n", id_.c_str());
224 if (!yaxis_tick_labels_.empty()) {
225 printf("yaxis_tick_labels = [");
226 for (const auto& kv : yaxis_tick_labels_) {
227 printf("(%f,\"%s\"),", kv.first, kv.second.c_str());
228 }
229 printf("]\n");
230 printf("yaxis_tick_labels = list(zip(*yaxis_tick_labels))\n");
231 printf("plt.yticks(*yaxis_tick_labels)\n");
232 }
233 if (!series_list_.empty() || !interval_list_.empty()) {
234 printf("handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()\n");
235 printf("for lp in legend_patches:\n");
236 printf(" handles.append(lp)\n");
237 printf(" labels.append(lp.get_label())\n");
238 printf("plt.legend(handles, labels, loc=\'best\', fontsize=\'small\')\n");
239 }
240 }
ExportProtobuf(webrtc::analytics::Chart * chart) const242 void Plot::ExportProtobuf(webrtc::analytics::Chart* chart) const {
243 for (size_t i = 0; i < series_list_.size(); i++) {
244 webrtc::analytics::DataSet* data_set = chart->add_data_sets();
245 for (const auto& point : series_list_[i].points) {
246 data_set->add_x_values(point.x);
247 }
248 for (const auto& point : series_list_[i].points) {
249 data_set->add_y_values(point.y);
250 }
252 if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kBar) {
253 data_set->set_style(webrtc::analytics::ChartStyle::BAR_CHART);
254 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kLine) {
255 data_set->set_style(webrtc::analytics::ChartStyle::LINE_CHART);
256 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kStep) {
257 data_set->set_style(webrtc::analytics::ChartStyle::LINE_STEP_CHART);
258 } else if (series_list_[i].line_style == LineStyle::kNone) {
259 data_set->set_style(webrtc::analytics::ChartStyle::SCATTER_CHART);
260 } else {
261 data_set->set_style(webrtc::analytics::ChartStyle::UNDEFINED);
262 }
264 if (series_list_[i].point_style == PointStyle::kHighlight)
265 data_set->set_highlight_points(true);
267 data_set->set_label(series_list_[i].label);
268 }
270 chart->set_xaxis_min(xaxis_min_);
271 chart->set_xaxis_max(xaxis_max_);
272 chart->set_yaxis_min(yaxis_min_);
273 chart->set_yaxis_max(yaxis_max_);
274 chart->set_xaxis_label(xaxis_label_);
275 chart->set_yaxis_label(yaxis_label_);
276 chart->set_title(title_);
277 chart->set_id(id_);
279 for (const auto& kv : yaxis_tick_labels_) {
280 webrtc::analytics::TickLabel* tick = chart->add_yaxis_tick_labels();
281 tick->set_value(kv.first);
282 tick->set_label(kv.second);
283 }
284 }
PrintPythonCode(bool shared_xaxis) const286 void PlotCollection::PrintPythonCode(bool shared_xaxis) const {
287 printf("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n");
288 printf("plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0})\n");
289 printf("import matplotlib.patches as mpatches\n");
290 printf("import matplotlib.patheffects as pe\n");
291 printf("import colorsys\n");
292 for (size_t i = 0; i < plots_.size(); i++) {
293 printf("plt.figure(%zu)\n", i);
294 if (shared_xaxis) {
295 // Link x-axes across all figures for synchronized zooming.
296 if (i == 0) {
297 printf("axis0 = plt.subplot(111)\n");
298 } else {
299 printf("plt.subplot(111, sharex=axis0)\n");
300 }
301 }
302 plots_[i]->PrintPythonCode();
303 }
304 printf("plt.show()\n");
305 }
ExportProtobuf(webrtc::analytics::ChartCollection * collection) const307 void PlotCollection::ExportProtobuf(
308 webrtc::analytics::ChartCollection* collection) const {
309 for (const auto& plot : plots_) {
310 webrtc::analytics::Chart* protobuf_representation =
311 collection->add_charts();
312 plot->ExportProtobuf(protobuf_representation);
313 }
314 if (calltime_to_utc_ms_) {
315 collection->set_calltime_to_utc_ms(*calltime_to_utc_ms_);
316 }
317 }
AppendNewPlot()319 Plot* PlotCollection::AppendNewPlot() {
320 plots_.push_back(std::make_unique<Plot>());
321 return plots_.back().get();
322 }
324 } // namespace webrtc