1 /*
<lambda>null2 * Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3 */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines.test
7 import kotlinx.coroutines.*
8 import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
9 import kotlinx.coroutines.test.internal.*
10 import kotlin.coroutines.*
11 import kotlin.time.*
13 /**
14 * A coroutine scope that for launching test coroutines.
15 *
16 * The scope provides the following functionality:
17 * * The [coroutineContext] includes a [coroutine dispatcher][TestDispatcher] that supports delay-skipping, using
18 * a [TestCoroutineScheduler] for orchestrating the virtual time.
19 * This scheduler is also available via the [testScheduler] property, and some helper extension
20 * methods are defined to more conveniently interact with it: see [TestScope.currentTime], [TestScope.runCurrent],
21 * [TestScope.advanceTimeBy], and [TestScope.advanceUntilIdle].
22 * * When inside [runTest], uncaught exceptions from the child coroutines of this scope will be reported at the end of
23 * the test.
24 * It is invalid for child coroutines to throw uncaught exceptions when outside the call to [TestScope.runTest]:
25 * the only guarantee in this case is the best effort to deliver the exception.
26 *
27 * The usual way to access a [TestScope] is to call [runTest], but it can also be constructed manually, in order to
28 * use it to initialize the components that participate in the test.
29 *
30 * #### Differences from the deprecated [TestCoroutineScope]
31 *
32 * * This doesn't provide an equivalent of [TestCoroutineScope.cleanupTestCoroutines], and so can't be used as a
33 * standalone mechanism for writing tests: it does require that [runTest] is eventually called.
34 * The reason for this is that a proper cleanup procedure that supports using non-test dispatchers and arbitrary
35 * coroutine suspensions would be equivalent to [runTest], but would also be more error-prone, due to the potential
36 * for forgetting to perform the cleanup.
37 * * [TestCoroutineScope.advanceTimeBy] also calls [TestCoroutineScheduler.runCurrent] after advancing the virtual time.
38 * * No support for dispatcher pausing, like [DelayController] allows. [TestCoroutineDispatcher], which supported
39 * pausing, is deprecated; now, instead of pausing a dispatcher, one can use [withContext] to run a dispatcher that's
40 * paused by default, like [StandardTestDispatcher].
41 * * No access to the list of unhandled exceptions.
42 */
43 public sealed interface TestScope : CoroutineScope {
44 /**
45 * The delay-skipping scheduler used by the test dispatchers running the code in this scope.
46 */
47 public val testScheduler: TestCoroutineScheduler
49 /**
50 * A scope for background work.
51 *
52 * This scope is automatically cancelled when the test finishes.
53 * The coroutines in this scope are run as usual when using [advanceTimeBy] and [runCurrent].
54 * [advanceUntilIdle], on the other hand, will stop advancing the virtual time once only the coroutines in this
55 * scope are left unprocessed.
56 *
57 * Failures in coroutines in this scope do not terminate the test.
58 * Instead, they are reported at the end of the test.
59 * Likewise, failure in the [TestScope] itself will not affect its [backgroundScope],
60 * because there's no parent-child relationship between them.
61 *
62 * A typical use case for this scope is to launch tasks that would outlive the tested code in
63 * the production environment.
64 *
65 * In this example, the coroutine that continuously sends new elements to the channel will get
66 * cancelled:
67 * ```
68 * @Test
69 * fun testExampleBackgroundJob() = runTest {
70 * val channel = Channel<Int>()
71 * backgroundScope.launch {
72 * var i = 0
73 * while (true) {
74 * channel.send(i++)
75 * }
76 * }
77 * repeat(100) {
78 * assertEquals(it, channel.receive())
79 * }
80 * }
81 * ```
82 */
83 public val backgroundScope: CoroutineScope
84 }
86 /**
87 * The current virtual time on [testScheduler][TestScope.testScheduler].
88 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.currentTime
89 */
90 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
91 public val TestScope.currentTime: Long
92 get() = testScheduler.currentTime
94 /**
95 * Advances the [testScheduler][TestScope.testScheduler] to the point where there are no tasks remaining.
96 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.advanceUntilIdle
97 */
98 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
advanceUntilIdlenull99 public fun TestScope.advanceUntilIdle(): Unit = testScheduler.advanceUntilIdle()
101 /**
102 * Run any tasks that are pending at the current virtual time, according to
103 * the [testScheduler][TestScope.testScheduler].
104 *
105 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.runCurrent
106 */
107 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
108 public fun TestScope.runCurrent(): Unit = testScheduler.runCurrent()
110 /**
111 * Moves the virtual clock of this dispatcher forward by [the specified amount][delayTimeMillis], running the
112 * scheduled tasks in the meantime.
113 *
114 * In contrast with `TestCoroutineScope.advanceTimeBy`, this function does not run the tasks scheduled at the moment
115 * [currentTime] + [delayTimeMillis].
116 *
117 * @throws IllegalStateException if passed a negative [delay][delayTimeMillis].
118 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.advanceTimeBy
119 */
120 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
121 public fun TestScope.advanceTimeBy(delayTimeMillis: Long): Unit = testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(delayTimeMillis)
123 /**
124 * Moves the virtual clock of this dispatcher forward by [the specified amount][delayTime], running the
125 * scheduled tasks in the meantime.
126 *
127 * @throws IllegalStateException if passed a negative [delay][delayTime].
128 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.advanceTimeBy
129 */
130 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
131 public fun TestScope.advanceTimeBy(delayTime: Duration): Unit = testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(delayTime)
133 /**
134 * The [test scheduler][TestScope.testScheduler] as a [TimeSource].
135 * @see TestCoroutineScheduler.timeSource
136 */
137 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
138 @ExperimentalTime
139 public val TestScope.testTimeSource: TimeSource.WithComparableMarks get() = testScheduler.timeSource
141 /**
142 * Creates a [TestScope].
143 *
144 * It ensures that all the test module machinery is properly initialized.
145 * * If [context] doesn't provide a [TestCoroutineScheduler] for orchestrating the virtual time used for delay-skipping,
146 * a new one is created, unless either
147 * - a [TestDispatcher] is provided, in which case [TestDispatcher.scheduler] is used;
148 * - at the moment of the creation of the scope, [Dispatchers.Main] is delegated to a [TestDispatcher], in which case
149 * its [TestCoroutineScheduler] is used.
150 * * If [context] doesn't have a [TestDispatcher], a [StandardTestDispatcher] is created.
151 * * A [CoroutineExceptionHandler] is created that makes [TestCoroutineScope.cleanupTestCoroutines] throw if there were
152 * any uncaught exceptions, or forwards the exceptions further in a platform-specific manner if the cleanup was
153 * already performed when an exception happened. Passing a [CoroutineExceptionHandler] is illegal, unless it's an
154 * [UncaughtExceptionCaptor], in which case the behavior is preserved for the time being for backward compatibility.
155 * If you need to have a specific [CoroutineExceptionHandler], please pass it to [launch] on an already-created
156 * [TestCoroutineScope] and share your use case at
157 * [our issue tracker](https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues).
158 * * If [context] provides a [Job], that job is used as a parent for the new scope.
159 *
160 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [context] has both [TestCoroutineScheduler] and a [TestDispatcher] linked to a
161 * different scheduler.
162 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [context] has a [ContinuationInterceptor] that is not a [TestDispatcher].
163 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [context] has an [CoroutineExceptionHandler] that is not an
164 * [UncaughtExceptionCaptor].
165 */
166 @Suppress("FunctionName")
167 public fun TestScope(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext): TestScope {
168 val ctxWithDispatcher = context.withDelaySkipping()
169 var scope: TestScopeImpl? = null
170 val exceptionHandler = when (ctxWithDispatcher[CoroutineExceptionHandler]) {
171 null -> CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
172 scope!!.reportException(exception)
173 }
174 else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(
175 "A CoroutineExceptionHandler was passed to TestScope. " +
176 "Please pass it as an argument to a `launch` or `async` block on an already-created scope " +
177 "if uncaught exceptions require special treatment."
178 )
179 }
180 return TestScopeImpl(ctxWithDispatcher + exceptionHandler).also { scope = it }
181 }
183 /**
184 * Adds a [TestDispatcher] and a [TestCoroutineScheduler] to the context if there aren't any already.
185 *
186 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if both a [TestCoroutineScheduler] and a [TestDispatcher] are passed.
187 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a [ContinuationInterceptor] is passed that is not a [TestDispatcher].
188 */
withDelaySkippingnull189 internal fun CoroutineContext.withDelaySkipping(): CoroutineContext {
190 val dispatcher: TestDispatcher = when (val dispatcher = get(ContinuationInterceptor)) {
191 is TestDispatcher -> {
192 val ctxScheduler = get(TestCoroutineScheduler)
193 if (ctxScheduler != null) {
194 require(dispatcher.scheduler === ctxScheduler) {
195 "Both a TestCoroutineScheduler $ctxScheduler and TestDispatcher $dispatcher linked to " +
196 "another scheduler were passed."
197 }
198 }
199 dispatcher
200 }
201 null -> StandardTestDispatcher(get(TestCoroutineScheduler))
202 else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Dispatcher must implement TestDispatcher: $dispatcher")
203 }
204 return this + dispatcher + dispatcher.scheduler
205 }
207 internal class TestScopeImpl(context: CoroutineContext) :
208 AbstractCoroutine<Unit>(context, initParentJob = true, active = true), TestScope {
210 override val testScheduler get() = context[TestCoroutineScheduler]!!
212 private var entered = false
213 private var finished = false
214 private val uncaughtExceptions = mutableListOf<Throwable>()
215 private val lock = SynchronizedObject()
217 override val backgroundScope: CoroutineScope =
<lambda>null218 CoroutineScope(coroutineContext + BackgroundWork + ReportingSupervisorJob {
219 if (it !is CancellationException) reportException(it)
220 })
222 /** Called upon entry to [runTest]. Will throw if called more than once. */
enternull223 fun enter() {
224 val exceptions = synchronized(lock) {
225 if (entered)
226 throw IllegalStateException("Only a single call to `runTest` can be performed during one test.")
227 entered = true
228 check(!finished)
229 /** the order is important: [reportException] is only guaranteed not to throw if [entered] is `true` but
230 * [finished] is `false`.
231 * However, we also want [uncaughtExceptions] to be queried after the callback is registered,
232 * because the exception collector will be able to report the exceptions that arrived before this test but
233 * after the previous one, and learning about such exceptions as soon is possible is nice. */
235 run { ensurePlatformExceptionHandlerLoaded(ExceptionCollector) }
236 if (catchNonTestRelatedExceptions) {
237 ExceptionCollector.addOnExceptionCallback(lock, this::reportException)
238 }
239 uncaughtExceptions
240 }
241 if (exceptions.isNotEmpty()) {
242 throw UncaughtExceptionsBeforeTest().apply {
243 for (e in exceptions)
244 addSuppressed(e)
245 }
246 }
247 }
249 /** Called at the end of the test. May only be called once. Returns the list of caught unhandled exceptions. */
<lambda>null250 fun leave(): List<Throwable> = synchronized(lock) {
251 check(entered && !finished)
252 /** After [finished] becomes `true`, it is no longer valid to have [reportException] as the callback. */
253 ExceptionCollector.removeOnExceptionCallback(lock)
254 finished = true
255 uncaughtExceptions
256 }
258 /** Called at the end of the test. May only be called once. */
legacyLeavenull259 fun legacyLeave(): List<Throwable> {
260 val exceptions = synchronized(lock) {
261 check(entered && !finished)
262 /** After [finished] becomes `true`, it is no longer valid to have [reportException] as the callback. */
263 ExceptionCollector.removeOnExceptionCallback(lock)
264 finished = true
265 uncaughtExceptions
266 }
267 val activeJobs = children.filter { it.isActive }.toList() // only non-empty if used with `runBlockingTest`
268 if (exceptions.isEmpty()) {
269 if (activeJobs.isNotEmpty())
270 throw UncompletedCoroutinesError(
271 "Active jobs found during the tear-down. " +
272 "Ensure that all coroutines are completed or cancelled by your test. " +
273 "The active jobs: $activeJobs"
274 )
275 if (!testScheduler.isIdle())
276 throw UncompletedCoroutinesError(
277 "Unfinished coroutines found during the tear-down. " +
278 "Ensure that all coroutines are completed or cancelled by your test."
279 )
280 }
281 return exceptions
282 }
284 /** Stores an exception to report after [runTest], or rethrows it if not inside [runTest]. */
reportExceptionnull285 fun reportException(throwable: Throwable) {
286 synchronized(lock) {
287 if (finished) {
288 throw throwable
289 } else {
290 @Suppress("INVISIBLE_MEMBER")
291 for (existingThrowable in uncaughtExceptions) {
292 // avoid reporting exceptions that already were reported.
293 if (unwrap(throwable) == unwrap(existingThrowable))
294 return
295 }
296 uncaughtExceptions.add(throwable)
297 if (!entered)
298 throw UncaughtExceptionsBeforeTest().apply { addSuppressed(throwable) }
299 }
300 }
301 }
303 /** Throws an exception if the coroutine is not completing. */
tryGetCompletionCausenull304 fun tryGetCompletionCause(): Throwable? = completionCause
306 override fun toString(): String =
307 "TestScope[" + (if (finished) "test ended" else if (entered) "test started" else "test not started") + "]"
308 }
310 /** Use the knowledge that any [TestScope] that we receive is necessarily a [TestScopeImpl]. */
311 @Suppress("NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN") // TODO: a problem with `sealed` in MPP not allowing total pattern-matching
312 internal fun TestScope.asSpecificImplementation(): TestScopeImpl = when (this) {
313 is TestScopeImpl -> this
314 }
316 internal class UncaughtExceptionsBeforeTest : IllegalStateException(
317 "There were uncaught exceptions before the test started. Please avoid this," +
318 " as such exceptions are also reported in a platform-dependent manner so that they are not lost."
319 )
321 /**
322 * Thrown when a test has completed and there are tasks that are not completed or cancelled.
323 */
324 @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
325 internal class UncompletedCoroutinesError(message: String) : AssertionError(message)
327 /**
328 * A flag that controls whether [TestScope] should attempt to catch arbitrary exceptions flying through the system.
329 * If it is enabled, then any exception that is not caught by the user code will be reported as a test failure.
330 * By default, it is enabled, but some tests may want to disable it to test the behavior of the system when they have
331 * their own exception handling procedures.
332 */
333 @PublishedApi
334 internal var catchNonTestRelatedExceptions: Boolean = true