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1// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15syntax = "proto3";
17package build_event_stream;
19import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
20import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
21import "src/main/protobuf/command_line.proto";
22import "src/main/protobuf/failure_details.proto";
23import "src/main/protobuf/invocation_policy.proto";
25option java_package = "com.google.devtools.build.lib.buildeventstream";
26option java_outer_classname = "BuildEventStreamProtos";
28// Identifier for a build event. It is deliberately structured to also provide
29// information about which build target etc the event is related to.
31// Events are chained via the event id as follows: each event has an id and a
32// set of ids of children events such that apart from the initial event each
33// event has an id that is mentioned as child id in an earlier event and a build
34// invocation is complete if and only if all direct and indirect children of the
35// initial event have been posted.
36message BuildEventId {
37  // Generic identifier for a build event. This is the default type of
38  // BuildEventId, but should not be used outside testing; nevertheless,
39  // tools should handle build events with this kind of id gracefully.
40  message UnknownBuildEventId {
41    string details = 1;
42  }
44  // Identifier of an event reporting progress. Those events are also used to
45  // chain in events that come early.
46  message ProgressId {
47    // Unique identifier. No assumption should be made about how the ids are
48    // assigned; the only meaningful operation on this field is test for
49    // equality.
50    int32 opaque_count = 1;
51  }
53  // Identifier of an event indicating the beginning of a build; this will
54  // normally be the first event.
55  message BuildStartedId {}
57  // Identifier on an event indicating the original commandline received by
58  // the bazel server.
59  message UnstructuredCommandLineId {}
61  // Identifier on an event describing the commandline received by Bazel.
62  message StructuredCommandLineId {
63    // A title for this command line value, as there may be multiple.
64    // For example, a single invocation may wish to report both the literal and
65    // canonical command lines, and this label would be used to differentiate
66    // between both versions.
67    string command_line_label = 1;
68  }
70  // Identifier of an event indicating the workspace status.
71  message WorkspaceStatusId {}
73  // Identifier on an event reporting on the options included in the command
74  // line, both explicitly and implicitly.
75  message OptionsParsedId {}
77  // Identifier of an event reporting that an external resource was fetched
78  // from.
79  message FetchId {
80    // The external resource that was fetched from.
81    string url = 1;
82  }
84  // Identifier of an event indicating that a target pattern has been expanded
85  // further.
86  // Messages of this shape are also used to describe parts of a pattern that
87  // have been skipped for some reason, if the actual expansion was still
88  // carried out (e.g., if keep_going is set). In this case, the
89  // pattern_skipped choice in the id field is to be made.
90  message PatternExpandedId {
91    repeated string pattern = 1;
92  }
94  message WorkspaceConfigId {}
96  message BuildMetadataId {}
98  // Identifier of an event indicating that a target has been expanded by
99  // identifying for which configurations it should be build.
100  message TargetConfiguredId {
101    string label = 1;
103    // If empty, the id refers to the expansion of the target. If not-empty,
104    // the id refers to the expansion of an aspect applied to the (already
105    // expanded) target.
106    //
107    // For example, when building an apple_binary that depends on proto_library
108    // "//:foo_proto", there will be two TargetConfigured events for
109    // "//:foo_proto":
110    //
111    // 1. An event with an empty aspect, corresponding to actions producing
112    // language-agnostic outputs from the proto_library; and
113    // 2. An event with aspect "ObjcProtoAspect", corresponding to Objective-C
114    // code generation.
115    string aspect = 2;
116  }
118  // Identifier of an event introducing a named set of files (usually artifacts)
119  // to be referred to in later messages.
120  message NamedSetOfFilesId {
121    // Identifier of the file set; this is an opaque string valid only for the
122    // particular instance of the event stream.
123    string id = 1;
124  }
126  // Identifier of an event introducing a configuration.
127  message ConfigurationId {
128    // Identifier of the configuration; users of the protocol should not make
129    // any assumptions about it having any structure, or equality of the
130    // identifier between different streams.
131    string id = 1;
132  }
134  // Identifier of an event indicating that a target was built completely; this
135  // does not include running the test if the target is a test target.
136  message TargetCompletedId {
137    string label = 1;
139    // The configuration for which the target was built.
140    ConfigurationId configuration = 3;
142    // If empty, the id refers to the completion of the target. If not-empty,
143    // the id refers to the completion of an aspect applied to the (already
144    // completed) target.
145    //
146    // For example, when building an apple_binary that depends on proto_library
147    // "//:foo_proto", there will be two TargetCompleted events for
148    // "//:foo_proto":
149    //
150    // 1. An event with an empty aspect, corresponding to actions producing
151    // language-agnostic outputs from the proto_library; and
152    // 2. An event with aspect "ObjcProtoAspect", corresponding to Objective-C
153    // code generation.
154    string aspect = 2;
155  }
157  // Identifier of an event reporting that an action was completed (not all
158  // actions are reported, only the ones that can be considered important;
159  // this includes all failed actions).
160  message ActionCompletedId {
161    string primary_output = 1;
162    // Optional, the label of the owner of the action, for reference.
163    string label = 2;
164    // Optional, the id of the configuration of the action owner.
165    ConfigurationId configuration = 3;
166  }
168  // Identifier of an event reporting an event associated with an unconfigured
169  // label. Usually, this indicates a failure due to a missing input file. In
170  // any case, it will report some form of error (i.e., the payload will be an
171  // Aborted event); there are no regular events using this identifier. The
172  // purpose of those events is to serve as the root cause of a failed target.
173  message UnconfiguredLabelId {
174    string label = 1;
175  }
177  // Identifier of an event reporting an event associated with a configured
178  // label, usually a visibility error. In any case, an event with such an
179  // id will always report some form of error (i.e., the payload will be an
180  // Aborted event); there are no regular events using this identifier.
181  message ConfiguredLabelId {
182    string label = 1;
183    ConfigurationId configuration = 2;
184  }
186  // Identifier of an event reporting on an individual test run. The label
187  // identifies the test that is reported about, the remaining fields are
188  // in such a way as to uniquely identify the action within a build. In fact,
189  // attempts for the same test, run, shard triple are counted sequentially,
190  // starting with 1.
191  message TestResultId {
192    string label = 1;
193    ConfigurationId configuration = 5;
194    int32 run = 2;
195    int32 shard = 3;
196    int32 attempt = 4;
197  }
199  // Identifier of an event reporting the summary of a test.
200  message TestSummaryId {
201    string label = 1;
202    ConfigurationId configuration = 2;
203  }
205  // Identifier of an event reporting the summary of a target.
206  message TargetSummaryId {
207    string label = 1;
208    ConfigurationId configuration = 2;
209  }
211  // Identifier of the BuildFinished event, indicating the end of a build.
212  message BuildFinishedId {}
214  // Identifier of an event providing additional logs/statistics after
215  // completion of the build.
216  message BuildToolLogsId {}
218  // Identifier of an event providing build metrics after completion
219  // of the build.
220  message BuildMetricsId {}
222  // Identifier of an event providing convenience symlinks information.
223  message ConvenienceSymlinksIdentifiedId {}
225  oneof id {
226    UnknownBuildEventId unknown = 1;
227    ProgressId progress = 2;
228    BuildStartedId started = 3;
229    UnstructuredCommandLineId unstructured_command_line = 11;
230    StructuredCommandLineId structured_command_line = 18;
231    WorkspaceStatusId workspace_status = 14;
232    OptionsParsedId options_parsed = 12;
233    FetchId fetch = 17;
234    ConfigurationId configuration = 15;
235    TargetConfiguredId target_configured = 16;
236    PatternExpandedId pattern = 4;
237    PatternExpandedId pattern_skipped = 10;
238    NamedSetOfFilesId named_set = 13;
239    TargetCompletedId target_completed = 5;
240    ActionCompletedId action_completed = 6;
241    UnconfiguredLabelId unconfigured_label = 19;
242    ConfiguredLabelId configured_label = 21;
243    TestResultId test_result = 8;
244    TestSummaryId test_summary = 7;
245    TargetSummaryId target_summary = 26;
246    BuildFinishedId build_finished = 9;
247    BuildToolLogsId build_tool_logs = 20;
248    BuildMetricsId build_metrics = 22;
249    WorkspaceConfigId workspace = 23;
250    BuildMetadataId build_metadata = 24;
251    ConvenienceSymlinksIdentifiedId convenience_symlinks_identified = 25;
252  }
255// Payload of an event summarizing the progress of the build so far. Those
256// events are also used to be parents of events where the more logical parent
257// event cannot be posted yet as the needed information is not yet complete.
258message Progress {
259  // The next chunk of stdout that bazel produced since the last progress event
260  // or the beginning of the build.
261  string stdout = 1;
263  // The next chunk of stderr that bazel produced since the last progress event
264  // or the beginning of the build.
265  string stderr = 2;
268// Payload of an event indicating that an expected event will not come, as
269// the build is aborted prematurely for some reason.
270message Aborted {
271  enum AbortReason {
272    UNKNOWN = 0;
274    // The user requested the build to be aborted (e.g., by hitting Ctl-C).
277    // The user requested that no analysis be performed.
278    NO_ANALYZE = 8;
280    // The user requested that no build be carried out.
281    NO_BUILD = 9;
283    // The build or target was aborted as a timeout was exceeded.
284    TIME_OUT = 2;
286    // The build or target was aborted as some remote environment (e.g., for
287    // remote execution of actions) was not available in the expected way.
290    // Failure due to reasons entirely internal to the build tool, i.e. an
291    // unexpected crash due to programmer error.
292    INTERNAL = 4;
294    // A Failure occurred in the loading phase of a target.
297    // A Failure occurred in the analysis phase of a target.
300    // Target build was skipped (e.g. due to incompatible CPU constraints).
301    SKIPPED = 7;
303    // Build incomplete due to an earlier build failure (e.g. --keep_going was
304    // set to false causing the build be ended upon failure).
305    INCOMPLETE = 10;
307    // The build tool ran out of memory and crashed.
308    OUT_OF_MEMORY = 11;
309  }
310  AbortReason reason = 1;
312  // A human readable description with more details about there reason, where
313  // available and useful.
314  string description = 2;
317// Payload of an event indicating the beginning of a new build. Usually, events
318// of those type start a new build-event stream. The target pattern requested
319// to be build is contained in one of the announced child events; it is an
320// invariant that precisely one of the announced child events has a non-empty
321// target pattern.
322message BuildStarted {
323  string uuid = 1;
325  // Start of the build in ms since the epoch.
326  //
327  // Deprecated, use `start_time` instead.
328  //
329  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
330  int64 start_time_millis = 2 [deprecated = true];
332  // Start of the build.
333  google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 9;
335  // Version of the build tool that is running.
336  string build_tool_version = 3;
338  // A human-readable description of all the non-default option settings
339  string options_description = 4;
341  // The name of the command that the user invoked.
342  string command = 5;
344  // The working directory from which the build tool was invoked.
345  string working_directory = 6;
347  // The directory of the workspace.
348  string workspace_directory = 7;
350  // The process ID of the Bazel server.
351  int64 server_pid = 8;
354// Configuration related to the blaze workspace and output tree.
355message WorkspaceConfig {
356  // The root of the local blaze exec root. All output files live underneath
357  // this at "blaze-out/".
358  string local_exec_root = 1;
361// Payload of an event reporting the command-line of the invocation as
362// originally received by the server. Note that this is not the command-line
363// given by the user, as the client adds information about the invocation,
364// like name and relevant entries of rc-files and client environment variables.
365// However, it does contain enough information to reproduce the build
366// invocation.
367message UnstructuredCommandLine {
368  repeated string args = 1;
371// Payload of an event reporting on the parsed options, grouped in various ways.
372message OptionsParsed {
373  repeated string startup_options = 1;
374  repeated string explicit_startup_options = 2;
375  repeated string cmd_line = 3;
376  repeated string explicit_cmd_line = 4;
377  blaze.invocation_policy.InvocationPolicy invocation_policy = 5;
378  string tool_tag = 6;
381// Payload of an event indicating that an external resource was fetched. This
382// event will only occur in streams where an actual fetch happened, not in ones
383// where a cached copy of the entity to be fetched was used.
384message Fetch {
385  bool success = 1;
388// Payload of an event reporting the workspace status. Key-value pairs can be
389// provided by specifying the workspace_status_command to an executable that
390// returns one key-value pair per line of output (key and value separated by a
391// space).
392message WorkspaceStatus {
393  message Item {
394    string key = 1;
395    string value = 2;
396  }
397  repeated Item item = 1;
400// Payload of an event reporting custom key-value metadata associated with the
401// build.
402message BuildMetadata {
403  // Custom metadata for the build.
404  map<string, string> metadata = 1;
407// Payload of an event reporting details of a given configuration.
408message Configuration {
409  string mnemonic = 1;
410  string platform_name = 2;
411  string cpu = 3;
412  map<string, string> make_variable = 4;
413  // Whether this configuration is used for building tools.
414  bool is_tool = 5;
417// Payload of the event indicating the expansion of a target pattern.
418// The main information is in the chaining part: the id will contain the
419// target pattern that was expanded and the children id will contain the
420// target or target pattern it was expanded to.
421message PatternExpanded {
422  // Represents a test_suite target and the tests that it expanded to. Nested
423  // test suites are recursively expanded. The test labels only contain the
424  // final test targets, not any nested suites.
425  message TestSuiteExpansion {
426    // The label of the test_suite rule.
427    string suite_label = 1;
428    // Labels of the test targets included in the suite. Includes all tests in
429    // the suite regardless of any filters or negative patterns which may result
430    // in the test not actually being run.
431    repeated string test_labels = 2;
432  }
434  // All test suites requested via top-level target patterns. Does not include
435  // test suites whose label matched a negative pattern.
436  repeated TestSuiteExpansion test_suite_expansions = 1;
439// Enumeration type characterizing the size of a test, as specified by the
440// test rule.
441enum TestSize {
442  UNKNOWN = 0;
443  SMALL = 1;
444  MEDIUM = 2;
445  LARGE = 3;
446  ENORMOUS = 4;
449// Payload of the event indicating that the configurations for a target have
450// been identified. As with pattern expansion the main information is in the
451// chaining part: the id will contain the target that was configured and the
452// children id will contain the configured targets it was configured to.
453message TargetConfigured {
454  // The kind of target (e.g.,  e.g. "cc_library rule", "source file",
455  // "generated file") where the completion is reported.
456  string target_kind = 1;
458  // The size of the test, if the target is a test target. Unset otherwise.
459  TestSize test_size = 2;
461  // List of all tags associated with this target (for all possible
462  // configurations).
463  repeated string tag = 3;
466message File {
467  // A sequence of prefixes to apply to the file name to construct a full path.
468  // In most but not all cases, there will be 3 entries:
469  //  1. A root output directory, eg "bazel-out"
470  //  2. A configuration mnemonic, eg "k8-fastbuild"
471  //  3. An output category, eg "genfiles"
472  repeated string path_prefix = 4;
474  // identifier indicating the nature of the file (e.g., "stdout", "stderr")
475  string name = 1;
477  oneof file {
478    // A location where the contents of the file can be found. The string is
479    // encoded according to RFC2396.
480    string uri = 2;
481    // The contents of the file, if they are guaranteed to be short.
482    bytes contents = 3;
483  }
485  // Digest of the file, using the build tool's configured digest algorithm,
486  // hex-encoded.
487  string digest = 5;
489  // Length of the file in bytes.
490  int64 length = 6;
493// Payload of a message to describe a set of files, usually build artifacts, to
494// be referred to later by their name. In this way, files that occur identically
495// as outputs of several targets have to be named only once.
496message NamedSetOfFiles {
497  // Files that belong to this named set of files.
498  repeated File files = 1;
500  // Other named sets whose members also belong to this set.
501  repeated BuildEventId.NamedSetOfFilesId file_sets = 2;
504// Payload of the event indicating the completion of an action. The main purpose
505// of posting those events is to provide details on the root cause for a target
506// failing; however, consumers of the build-event protocol must not assume
507// that only failed actions are posted.
508message ActionExecuted {
509  bool success = 1;
511  // The mnemonic of the action that was executed
512  string type = 8;
514  // The exit code of the action, if it is available.
515  int32 exit_code = 2;
517  // Location where to find the standard output of the action
518  // (e.g., a file path).
519  File stdout = 3;
521  // Location where to find the standard error of the action
522  // (e.g., a file path).
523  File stderr = 4;
525  // Deprecated. This field is now present on ActionCompletedId.
526  string label = 5 [deprecated = true];
528  // Deprecated. This field is now present on ActionCompletedId.
529  BuildEventId.ConfigurationId configuration = 7 [deprecated = true];
531  // Primary output; only provided for successful actions.
532  File primary_output = 6;
534  // The command-line of the action, if the action is a command.
535  repeated string command_line = 9;
537  // List of paths to log files
538  repeated File action_metadata_logs = 10;
540  // Only populated if success = false, and sometimes not even then.
541  failure_details.FailureDetail failure_detail = 11;
544// Collection of all output files belonging to that output group.
545message OutputGroup {
546  // Ids of fields that have been removed.
547  reserved 2;
549  // Name of the output group
550  string name = 1;
552  // List of file sets that belong to this output group as well.
553  repeated BuildEventId.NamedSetOfFilesId file_sets = 3;
555  // Indicates that one or more of the output group's files were not built
556  // successfully (the generating action failed).
557  bool incomplete = 4;
560// Payload of the event indicating the completion of a target. The target is
561// specified in the id. If the target failed the root causes are provided as
562// children events.
563message TargetComplete {
564  bool success = 1;
566  // The kind of target (e.g.,  e.g. "cc_library rule", "source file",
567  // "generated file") where the completion is reported.
568  // Deprecated: use the target_kind field in TargetConfigured instead.
569  string target_kind = 5 [deprecated = true];
571  // The size of the test, if the target is a test target. Unset otherwise.
572  // Deprecated: use the test_size field in TargetConfigured instead.
573  TestSize test_size = 6 [deprecated = true];
575  // The output files are arranged by their output group. If an output file
576  // is part of multiple output groups, it appears once in each output
577  // group.
578  repeated OutputGroup output_group = 2;
580  // Temporarily, also report the important outputs directly. This is only to
581  // allow existing clients help transition to the deduplicated representation;
582  // new clients should not use it.
583  repeated File important_output = 4 [deprecated = true];
585  // Report output artifacts (referenced transitively via output_group) which
586  // emit directories instead of singleton files. These directory_output entries
587  // will never include a uri.
588  repeated File directory_output = 8;
590  // List of tags associated with this configured target.
591  repeated string tag = 3;
593  // The timeout specified for test actions under this configured target.
594  //
595  // Deprecated, use `test_timeout` instead.
596  //
597  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
598  int64 test_timeout_seconds = 7 [deprecated = true];
600  // The timeout specified for test actions under this configured target.
601  google.protobuf.Duration test_timeout = 10;
603  // Failure information about the target, only populated if success is false,
604  // and sometimes not even then. Equal to one of the ActionExecuted
605  // failure_detail fields for one of the root cause ActionExecuted events.
606  failure_details.FailureDetail failure_detail = 9;
609enum TestStatus {
610  NO_STATUS = 0;
611  PASSED = 1;
612  FLAKY = 2;
613  TIMEOUT = 3;
614  FAILED = 4;
615  INCOMPLETE = 5;
621// Payload on events reporting about individual test action.
622message TestResult {
623  reserved 1;
625  // The status of this test.
626  TestStatus status = 5;
628  // Additional details about the status of the test. This is intended for
629  // user display and must not be parsed.
630  string status_details = 9;
632  // True, if the reported attempt is taken from the tool's local cache.
633  bool cached_locally = 4;
635  // Time in milliseconds since the epoch at which the test attempt was started.
636  // Note: for cached test results, this is time can be before the start of the
637  // build.
638  //
639  // Deprecated, use `test_attempt_start` instead.
640  //
641  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
642  int64 test_attempt_start_millis_epoch = 6 [deprecated = true];
644  // Time at which the test attempt was started.
645  // Note: for cached test results, this is time can be before the start of the
646  // build.
647  google.protobuf.Timestamp test_attempt_start = 10;
649  // Time the test took to run. For locally cached results, this is the time
650  // the cached invocation took when it was invoked.
651  //
652  // Deprecated, use `test_attempt_duration` instead.
653  //
654  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
655  int64 test_attempt_duration_millis = 3 [deprecated = true];
657  // Time the test took to run. For locally cached results, this is the time
658  // the cached invocation took when it was invoked.
659  google.protobuf.Duration test_attempt_duration = 11;
661  // Files (logs, test.xml, undeclared outputs, etc) generated by that test
662  // action.
663  repeated File test_action_output = 2;
665  // Warnings generated by that test action.
666  repeated string warning = 7;
668  // Message providing optional meta data on the execution of the test action,
669  // if available.
670  message ExecutionInfo {
671    // Deprecated, use TargetComplete.test_timeout instead.
672    int32 timeout_seconds = 1 [deprecated = true];
674    // Name of the strategy to execute this test action (e.g., "local",
675    // "remote")
676    string strategy = 2;
678    // True, if the reported attempt was a cache hit in a remote cache.
679    bool cached_remotely = 6;
681    // The exit code of the test action.
682    int32 exit_code = 7;
684    // The hostname of the machine where the test action was executed (in case
685    // of remote execution), if known.
686    string hostname = 3;
688    // Represents a hierarchical timing breakdown of an activity.
689    // The top level time should be the total time of the activity.
690    // Invariant: `time` >= sum of `time`s of all direct children.
691    message TimingBreakdown {
692      repeated TimingBreakdown child = 1;
693      string name = 2;
694      // Deprecated, use `time` instead.
695      //
696      // TODO(yannic): Remove.
697      int64 time_millis = 3 [deprecated = true];
698      google.protobuf.Duration time = 4;
699    }
700    TimingBreakdown timing_breakdown = 4;
702    message ResourceUsage {
703      string name = 1;
704      int64 value = 2;
705    }
706    repeated ResourceUsage resource_usage = 5;
707  }
708  ExecutionInfo execution_info = 8;
711// Payload of the event summarizing a test.
712message TestSummary {
713  // Wrapper around BlazeTestStatus to support importing that enum to proto3.
714  // Overall status of test, accumulated over all runs, shards, and attempts.
715  TestStatus overall_status = 5;
717  // Total number of shard attempts.
718  // E.g., if a target has 4 runs, 3 shards, each with 2 attempts,
719  // then total_run_count will be 4*3*2 = 24.
720  int32 total_run_count = 1;
722  // Value of runs_per_test for the test.
723  int32 run_count = 10;
725  // Number of attempts.
726  // If there are a different number of attempts per shard, the highest attempt
727  // count across all shards for each run is used.
728  int32 attempt_count = 15;
730  // Number of shards.
731  int32 shard_count = 11;
733  // Path to logs of passed runs.
734  repeated File passed = 3;
736  // Path to logs of failed runs;
737  repeated File failed = 4;
739  // Total number of cached test actions
740  int32 total_num_cached = 6;
742  // When the test first started running.
743  //
744  // Deprecated, use `first_start_time` instead.
745  //
746  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
747  int64 first_start_time_millis = 7 [deprecated = true];
749  // When the test first started running.
750  google.protobuf.Timestamp first_start_time = 13;
752  // When the last test action completed.
753  //
754  // Deprecated, use `last_stop_time` instead.
755  //
756  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
757  int64 last_stop_time_millis = 8 [deprecated = true];
759  // When the test first started running.
760  google.protobuf.Timestamp last_stop_time = 14;
762  // The total runtime of the test.
763  //
764  // Deprecated, use `total_run` instead.
765  //
766  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
767  int64 total_run_duration_millis = 9 [deprecated = true];
769  // The total runtime of the test.
770  google.protobuf.Duration total_run_duration = 12;
773// Payload of the event summarizing a target (test or non-test).
774message TargetSummary {
775  // Conjunction of TargetComplete events for this target, including aspects.
776  bool overall_build_success = 1;
778  // Repeats TestSummary's overall_status if available.
779  TestStatus overall_test_status = 2;
782// Event indicating the end of a build.
783message BuildFinished {
784  // Exit code of a build. The possible values correspond to the predefined
785  // codes in bazel's lib.ExitCode class, as well as any custom exit code a
786  // module might define. The predefined exit codes are subject to change (but
787  // rarely do) and are not part of the public API.
788  //
789  // A build was successful iff ExitCode.code equals 0.
790  message ExitCode {
791    // The name of the exit code.
792    string name = 1;
794    // The exit code.
795    int32 code = 2;
796  }
798  // Things that happened during the build that could be of interest.
799  message AnomalyReport {
800    // Was the build suspended at any time during the build.
801    // Examples of suspensions are SIGSTOP, or the hardware being put to sleep.
802    // If was_suspended is true, then most of the timings for this build are
803    // suspect.
804    // NOTE: This is no longer set and is deprecated.
805    bool was_suspended = 1;
806  }
808  // If the build succeeded or failed.
809  bool overall_success = 1 [deprecated = true];
811  // The overall status of the build. A build was successful iff
812  // ExitCode.code equals 0.
813  ExitCode exit_code = 3;
815  // End of the build in ms since the epoch.
816  //
817  // Deprecated, use `finish_time` instead.
818  //
819  // TODO(yannic): Remove.
820  int64 finish_time_millis = 2 [deprecated = true];
822  // End of the build.
823  google.protobuf.Timestamp finish_time = 5;
825  AnomalyReport anomaly_report = 4 [deprecated = true];
828message BuildMetrics {
829  message ActionSummary {
830    // The total number of actions created and registered during the build,
831    // including both aspects and configured targets. This metric includes
832    // unused actions that were constructed but not executed during this build.
833    // It does not include actions that were created on prior builds that are
834    // still valid, even if those actions had to be re-executed on this build.
835    // For the total number of actions that would be created if this invocation
836    // were "clean", see BuildGraphMetrics below.
837    int64 actions_created = 1;
839    // The total number of actions created this build just by configured
840    // targets. Used mainly to allow consumers of actions_created, which used to
841    // not include aspects' actions, to normalize across the Blaze release that
842    // switched actions_created to include all created actions.
843    int64 actions_created_not_including_aspects = 3;
845    // The total number of actions executed during the build. This includes any
846    // remote cache hits, but excludes local action cache hits.
847    int64 actions_executed = 2;
849    message ActionData {
850      string mnemonic = 1;
852      // The total number of actions of this type executed during the build. As
853      // above, includes remote cache hits but excludes local action cache hits.
854      int64 actions_executed = 2;
856      // When the first action of this type started being executed, in
857      // milliseconds from the epoch.
858      int64 first_started_ms = 3;
860      // When the last action of this type ended being executed, in
861      // milliseconds from the epoch.
862      int64 last_ended_ms = 4;
863    }
864    // Contains the top N actions by number of actions executed.
865    repeated ActionData action_data = 4;
867    // Deprecated. The total number of remote cache hits.
868    int64 remote_cache_hits = 5 [deprecated = true];
870    message RunnerCount {
871      string name = 1;
872      int32 count = 2;
873    }
874    repeated RunnerCount runner_count = 6;
875  }
876  ActionSummary action_summary = 1;
878  message MemoryMetrics {
879    // Size of the JVM heap post build in bytes. This is only collected if
880    // --memory_profile is set, since it forces a full GC.
881    int64 used_heap_size_post_build = 1;
883    // Size of the peak JVM heap size in bytes post GC. Note that this reports 0
884    // if there was no major GC during the build.
885    int64 peak_post_gc_heap_size = 2;
887    // Size of the peak tenured space JVM heap size event in bytes post GC. Note
888    // that this reports 0 if there was no major GC during the build.
889    int64 peak_post_gc_tenured_space_heap_size = 4;
891    message GarbageMetrics {
892      // Type of garbage collected, e.g. G1 Old Gen.
893      string type = 1;
894      // Number of bytes of garbage of the given type collected during this
895      // invocation.
896      int64 garbage_collected = 2;
897    }
899    repeated GarbageMetrics garbage_metrics = 3;
900  }
901  MemoryMetrics memory_metrics = 2;
903  message TargetMetrics {
904    // DEPRECATED
905    // No longer populated. It never measured what it was supposed to (targets
906    // loaded): it counted targets that were analyzed even if the underlying
907    // package had not changed.
908    // TODO(janakr): rename and remove.
909    int64 targets_loaded = 1;
911    // Number of targets/aspects configured during this build. Does not include
912    // targets/aspects that were configured on prior builds on this server and
913    // were cached. See BuildGraphMetrics below if you need that.
914    int64 targets_configured = 2;
916    // Number of configured targets analyzed during this build. Does not include
917    // aspects. Used mainly to allow consumers of targets_configured, which used
918    // to not include aspects, to normalize across the Blaze release that
919    // switched targets_configured to include aspects.
920    int64 targets_configured_not_including_aspects = 3;
921  }
922  TargetMetrics target_metrics = 3;
924  message PackageMetrics {
925    // Number of BUILD files (aka packages) successfully loaded during this
926    // build.
927    //
928    // [For Bazel binaries built at source states] Before Dec 2021, this value
929    // was the number of packages attempted to be loaded, for a particular
930    // definition of "attempted".
931    //
932    // After Dec 2021, this value would sometimes overcount because the same
933    // package could sometimes be attempted to be loaded multiple times due to
934    // memory pressure.
935    //
936    // After Feb 2022, this value is the number of packages successfully
937    // loaded.
938    int64 packages_loaded = 1;
939  }
940  PackageMetrics package_metrics = 4;
942  message TimingMetrics {
943    // The CPU time in milliseconds consumed during this build.
944    int64 cpu_time_in_ms = 1;
945    // The elapsed wall time in milliseconds during this build.
946    int64 wall_time_in_ms = 2;
947    // The elapsed wall time in milliseconds during the analysis phase.
948    // When analysis and execution phases are interleaved, this measures the
949    // elapsed time from the first analysis work to the last.
950    int64 analysis_phase_time_in_ms = 3;
951  }
952  TimingMetrics timing_metrics = 5;
954  message CumulativeMetrics {
955    // One-indexed number of "analyses" the server has run, including the
956    // current one. Will be incremented for every build/test/cquery/etc. command
957    // that reaches the analysis phase.
958    int32 num_analyses = 11;
959    // One-indexed number of "builds" the server has run, including the current
960    // one. Will be incremented for every build/test/run/etc. command that
961    // reaches the execution phase.
962    int32 num_builds = 12;
963  }
965  CumulativeMetrics cumulative_metrics = 6;
967  message ArtifactMetrics {
968    reserved 1;
970    message FilesMetric {
971      int64 size_in_bytes = 1;
972      int32 count = 2;
973    }
975    // Measures all source files newly read this build. Does not include
976    // unchanged sources on incremental builds.
977    FilesMetric source_artifacts_read = 2;
978    // Measures all output artifacts from executed actions. This includes
979    // actions that were cached locally (via the action cache) or remotely (via
980    // a remote cache or executor), but does *not* include outputs of actions
981    // that were cached internally in Skyframe.
982    FilesMetric output_artifacts_seen = 3;
983    // Measures all output artifacts from actions that were cached locally
984    // via the action cache. These artifacts were already present on disk at the
985    // start of the build. Does not include Skyframe-cached actions' outputs.
986    FilesMetric output_artifacts_from_action_cache = 4;
987    // Measures all artifacts that belong to a top-level output group. Does not
988    // deduplicate, so if there are two top-level targets in this build that
989    // share an artifact, it will be counted twice.
990    FilesMetric top_level_artifacts = 5;
991  }
993  ArtifactMetrics artifact_metrics = 7;
995  // Information about the size and shape of the build graph. Some fields may
996  // not be populated if Bazel was able to skip steps due to caching.
997  message BuildGraphMetrics {
998    // How many configured targets/aspects were in this build, including any
999    // that were analyzed on a prior build and are still valid. May not be
1000    // populated if analysis phase was fully cached. Note: for historical
1001    // reasons this includes input/output files and other configured targets
1002    // that do not actually have associated actions.
1003    int32 action_lookup_value_count = 1;
1004    // How many configured targets alone were in this build: always at most
1005    // action_lookup_value_count. Useful mainly for historical comparisons to
1006    // TargetMetrics.targets_configured, which used to not count aspects. This
1007    // also includes configured targets that do not have associated actions.
1008    int32 action_lookup_value_count_not_including_aspects = 5;
1009    // How many actions belonged to the configured targets/aspects above. It may
1010    // not be necessary to execute all of these actions to build the requested
1011    // targets. May not be populated if analysis phase was fully cached.
1012    int32 action_count = 2;
1013    // How many actions belonged to configured targets: always at most
1014    // action_count. Useful mainly for historical comparisons to
1015    // ActionMetrics.actions_created, which used to not count aspects' actions.
1016    int32 action_count_not_including_aspects = 6;
1017    // How many "input file" configured targets there were: one per source file.
1018    // Should agree with artifact_metrics.source_artifacts_read.count above,
1019    int32 input_file_configured_target_count = 7;
1020    // How many "output file" configured targets there were: output files that
1021    // are targets (not implicit outputs).
1022    int32 output_file_configured_target_count = 8;
1023    // How many "other" configured targets there were (like alias,
1024    // package_group, and other non-rule non-file configured targets).
1025    int32 other_configured_target_count = 9;
1026    // How many artifacts are outputs of the above actions. May not be populated
1027    // if analysis phase was fully cached.
1028    int32 output_artifact_count = 3;
1029    // How many Skyframe nodes there are in memory at the end of the build. This
1030    // may underestimate the number of nodes when running with memory-saving
1031    // settings or with Skybuild, and may overestimate if there are nodes from
1032    // prior evaluations still in the cache.
1033    int32 post_invocation_skyframe_node_count = 4;
1034  }
1036  BuildGraphMetrics build_graph_metrics = 8;
1038  // Information about all workers that were alive during the invocation.
1039  message WorkerMetrics {
1040    // Unique id of worker.
1041    int32 worker_id = 1;
1042    // Worker process id. If there is no process for worker, equals to zero.
1043    uint32 process_id = 2;
1044    // Mnemonic of running worker.
1045    string mnemonic = 3;
1046    // Multiplex or singleplex worker.
1047    bool is_multiplex = 4;
1048    // Using worker sandbox file system or not.
1049    bool is_sandbox = 5;
1050    // Shows is worker stats measured at the end of invocation.
1051    bool is_measurable = 6;
1053    // Information collected from worker at some point.
1054    message WorkerStats {
1055      // Epoch unix time of collection of metrics.
1056      int64 collect_time_in_ms = 1;
1057      // RSS size of worker process.
1058      int32 worker_memory_in_kb = 2;
1059      // Epoch unix time of last action started on specific worker.
1060      int64 last_action_start_time_in_ms = 3;
1061    }
1063    // Combined workers statistics.
1064    repeated WorkerStats worker_stats = 7;
1065  }
1067  repeated WorkerMetrics worker_metrics = 9;
1069  // Information about host network.
1070  message NetworkMetrics {
1071    // Information for all the network traffic going on on the host machine during the invocation.
1072    message SystemNetworkStats {
1073      // Total bytes sent during the invocation.
1074      uint64 bytes_sent = 1;
1075      // Total bytes received during the invocation.
1076      uint64 bytes_recv = 2;
1077      // Total packets sent during the invocation.
1078      uint64 packets_sent = 3;
1079      // Total packets received during the invocation.
1080      uint64 packets_recv = 4;
1081      // Peak bytes/sec sent during the invocation.
1082      uint64 peak_bytes_sent_per_sec = 5;
1083      // Peak bytes/sec received during the invocation.
1084      uint64 peak_bytes_recv_per_sec  = 6;
1085      // Peak packets/sec sent during the invocation.
1086      uint64 peak_packets_sent_per_sec = 7;
1087      // Peak packets/sec received during the invocation.
1088      uint64 peak_packets_recv_per_sec = 8;
1089    }
1091    SystemNetworkStats system_network_stats = 1;
1092  }
1094  NetworkMetrics network_metrics = 10;
1097// Event providing additional statistics/logs after completion of the build.
1098message BuildToolLogs {
1099  repeated File log = 1;
1102// Event describing all convenience symlinks (i.e., workspace symlinks) to be
1103// created or deleted once the execution phase has begun. Note that this event
1104// does not say anything about whether or not the build tool actually executed
1105// these filesystem operations; it only says what logical operations should be
1106// performed. This event is emitted exactly once per build; if no symlinks are
1107// to be modified, the event is still emitted with empty contents.
1108message ConvenienceSymlinksIdentified {
1109  repeated ConvenienceSymlink convenience_symlinks = 1;
1112// The message that contains what type of action to perform on a given path and
1113// target of a symlink.
1114message ConvenienceSymlink {
1115  enum Action {
1116    UNKNOWN = 0;
1118    // Indicates a symlink should be created, or overwritten if it already
1119    // exists.
1120    CREATE = 1;
1122    // Indicates a symlink should be deleted if it already exists.
1123    DELETE = 2;
1124  }
1126  // The path of the symlink to be created or deleted, absolute or relative to
1127  // the workspace, creating any directories necessary. If a symlink already
1128  // exists at that location, then it should be replaced by a symlink pointing
1129  // to the new target.
1130  string path = 1;
1132  // The operation we are performing on the symlink.
1133  Action action = 2;
1135  // If action is CREATE, this is the target path that the symlink should point
1136  // to. If the path points underneath the output base, it is relative to the
1137  // output base; otherwise it is absolute.
1138  //
1139  // If action is DELETE, this field is not set.
1140  string target = 3;
1143// Message describing a build event. Events will have an identifier that
1144// is unique within a given build invocation; they also announce follow-up
1145// events as children. More details, which are specific to the kind of event
1146// that is observed, is provided in the payload. More options for the payload
1147// might be added in the future.
1148message BuildEvent {
1149  reserved 11, 19;
1150  BuildEventId id = 1;
1151  repeated BuildEventId children = 2;
1152  bool last_message = 20;
1153  oneof payload {
1154    Progress progress = 3;
1155    Aborted aborted = 4;
1156    BuildStarted started = 5;
1157    UnstructuredCommandLine unstructured_command_line = 12;
1158    command_line.CommandLine structured_command_line = 22;
1159    OptionsParsed options_parsed = 13;
1160    WorkspaceStatus workspace_status = 16;
1161    Fetch fetch = 21;
1162    Configuration configuration = 17;
1163    PatternExpanded expanded = 6;
1164    TargetConfigured configured = 18;
1165    ActionExecuted action = 7;
1166    NamedSetOfFiles named_set_of_files = 15;
1167    TargetComplete completed = 8;
1168    TestResult test_result = 10;
1169    TestSummary test_summary = 9;
1170    TargetSummary target_summary = 28;
1171    BuildFinished finished = 14;
1172    BuildToolLogs build_tool_logs = 23;
1173    BuildMetrics build_metrics = 24;
1174    WorkspaceConfig workspace_info = 25;
1175    BuildMetadata build_metadata = 26;
1176    ConvenienceSymlinksIdentified convenience_symlinks_identified = 27;
1177  }