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1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <vector>
14 #include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
15 #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
16 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
18 #include "base/supports_user_data.h"
19 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
20 #include "base/time/time.h"
21 #include "base/types/pass_key.h"
22 #include "base/values.h"
23 #include "net/base/auth.h"
24 #include "net/base/completion_repeating_callback.h"
25 #include "net/base/idempotency.h"
26 #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
27 #include "net/base/isolation_info.h"
28 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
29 #include "net/base/load_states.h"
30 #include "net/base/load_timing_info.h"
31 #include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
32 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
33 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
34 #include "net/base/network_delegate.h"
35 #include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
36 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
37 #include "net/base/upload_progress.h"
38 #include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
39 #include "net/cookies/cookie_partition_key.h"
40 #include "net/cookies/cookie_setting_override.h"
41 #include "net/cookies/site_for_cookies.h"
42 #include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h"
43 #include "net/filter/source_stream.h"
44 #include "net/http/http_raw_request_headers.h"
45 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
46 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
47 #include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
48 #include "net/log/net_log_event_type.h"
49 #include "net/log/net_log_source.h"
50 #include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
51 #include "net/net_buildflags.h"
52 #include "net/socket/connection_attempts.h"
53 #include "net/socket/socket_tag.h"
54 #include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
55 #include "net/url_request/redirect_info.h"
56 #include "net/url_request/referrer_policy.h"
57 #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
58 #include "url/gurl.h"
59 #include "url/origin.h"
61 namespace net {
63 class CookieOptions;
64 class IOBuffer;
65 struct LoadTimingInfo;
66 struct RedirectInfo;
67 class SSLCertRequestInfo;
68 class SSLInfo;
69 class SSLPrivateKey;
70 struct TransportInfo;
71 class UploadDataStream;
72 class URLRequestContext;
73 class URLRequestJob;
74 class X509Certificate;
76 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 // A class  representing the asynchronous load of a data stream from an URL.
78 //
79 // The lifetime of an instance of this class is completely controlled by the
80 // consumer, and the instance is not required to live on the heap or be
81 // allocated in any special way.  It is also valid to delete an URLRequest
82 // object during the handling of a callback to its delegate.  Of course, once
83 // the URLRequest is deleted, no further callbacks to its delegate will occur.
84 //
85 // NOTE: All usage of all instances of this class should be on the same thread.
86 //
87 class NET_EXPORT URLRequest : public base::SupportsUserData {
88  public:
89   // Max number of http redirects to follow. The Fetch spec says: "If
90   // request's redirect count is twenty, return a network error."
91   // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-redirect-fetch
92   static constexpr int kMaxRedirects = 20;
94   // The delegate's methods are called from the message loop of the thread
95   // on which the request's Start() method is called. See above for the
96   // ordering of callbacks.
97   //
98   // The callbacks will be called in the following order:
99   //   Start()
100   //    - OnConnected* (zero or more calls, see method comment)
101   //    - OnCertificateRequested* (zero or more calls, if the SSL server and/or
102   //      SSL proxy requests a client certificate for authentication)
103   //    - OnSSLCertificateError* (zero or one call, if the SSL server's
104   //      certificate has an error)
105   //    - OnReceivedRedirect* (zero or more calls, for the number of redirects)
106   //    - OnAuthRequired* (zero or more calls, for the number of
107   //      authentication failures)
108   //    - OnResponseStarted
109   //   Read() initiated by delegate
110   //    - OnReadCompleted* (zero or more calls until all data is read)
111   //
112   // Read() must be called at least once. Read() returns bytes read when it
113   // completes immediately, and a negative error value if an IO is pending or if
114   // there is an error.
115   class NET_EXPORT Delegate {
116    public:
117     // Called each time a connection is obtained, before any data is sent.
118     //
119     // |request| is never nullptr. Caller retains ownership.
120     //
121     // |info| describes the newly-obtained connection.
122     //
123     // This may be called several times if the request creates multiple HTTP
124     // transactions, e.g. if the request is redirected. It may also be called
125     // several times per transaction, e.g. if the connection is retried, after
126     // each HTTP auth challenge, or for split HTTP range requests.
127     //
128     // If this returns an error, the transaction will stop. The transaction
129     // will continue when the |callback| is run. If run with an error, the
130     // transaction will fail.
131     virtual int OnConnected(URLRequest* request,
132                             const TransportInfo& info,
133                             CompletionOnceCallback callback);
135     // Called upon receiving a redirect.  The delegate may call the request's
136     // Cancel method to prevent the redirect from being followed.  Since there
137     // may be multiple chained redirects, there may also be more than one
138     // redirect call.
139     //
140     // When this function is called, the request will still contain the
141     // original URL, the destination of the redirect is provided in
142     // |redirect_info.new_url|.  If the delegate does not cancel the request
143     // and |*defer_redirect| is false, then the redirect will be followed, and
144     // the request's URL will be changed to the new URL.  Otherwise if the
145     // delegate does not cancel the request and |*defer_redirect| is true, then
146     // the redirect will be followed once FollowDeferredRedirect is called
147     // on the URLRequest.
148     //
149     // The caller must set |*defer_redirect| to false, so that delegates do not
150     // need to set it if they are happy with the default behavior of not
151     // deferring redirect.
152     virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request,
153                                     const RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
154                                     bool* defer_redirect);
156     // Called when we receive an authentication failure.  The delegate should
157     // call request->SetAuth() with the user's credentials once it obtains them,
158     // or request->CancelAuth() to cancel the login and display the error page.
159     // When it does so, the request will be reissued, restarting the sequence
160     // of On* callbacks.
161     //
162     // NOTE: If auth_info.scheme is AUTH_SCHEME_NEGOTIATE on ChromeOS, this
163     // method should not call SetAuth(). Instead, it should show ChromeOS
164     // specific UI and cancel the request. (See b/260522530).
165     virtual void OnAuthRequired(URLRequest* request,
166                                 const AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info);
168     // Called when we receive an SSL CertificateRequest message for client
169     // authentication.  The delegate should call
170     // request->ContinueWithCertificate() with the client certificate the user
171     // selected and its private key, or request->ContinueWithCertificate(NULL,
172     // NULL)
173     // to continue the SSL handshake without a client certificate.
174     virtual void OnCertificateRequested(URLRequest* request,
175                                         SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info);
177     // Called when using SSL and the server responds with a certificate with
178     // an error, for example, whose common name does not match the common name
179     // we were expecting for that host.  The delegate should either do the
180     // safe thing and Cancel() the request or decide to proceed by calling
181     // ContinueDespiteLastError().  cert_error is a ERR_* error code
182     // indicating what's wrong with the certificate.
183     // If |fatal| is true then the host in question demands a higher level
184     // of security (due e.g. to HTTP Strict Transport Security, user
185     // preference, or built-in policy). In this case, errors must not be
186     // bypassable by the user.
187     virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(URLRequest* request,
188                                        int net_error,
189                                        const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
190                                        bool fatal);
192     // After calling Start(), the delegate will receive an OnResponseStarted
193     // callback when the request has completed. |net_error| will be set to OK
194     // or an actual net error.  On success, all redirects have been
195     // followed and the final response is beginning to arrive.  At this point,
196     // meta data about the response is available, including for example HTTP
197     // response headers if this is a request for a HTTP resource.
198     virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request, int net_error);
200     // Called when the a Read of the response body is completed after an
201     // IO_PENDING status from a Read() call.
202     // The data read is filled into the buffer which the caller passed
203     // to Read() previously.
204     //
205     // If an error occurred, |bytes_read| will be set to the error.
206     virtual void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) = 0;
208    protected:
209     virtual ~Delegate() = default;
210   };
212   // URLRequests are always created by calling URLRequestContext::CreateRequest.
213   URLRequest(base::PassKey<URLRequestContext> pass_key,
214              const GURL& url,
215              RequestPriority priority,
216              Delegate* delegate,
217              const URLRequestContext* context,
218              NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation,
219              bool is_for_websockets,
220              absl::optional<net::NetLogSource> net_log_source);
222   URLRequest(const URLRequest&) = delete;
223   URLRequest& operator=(const URLRequest&) = delete;
225   // If destroyed after Start() has been called but while IO is pending,
226   // then the request will be effectively canceled and the delegate
227   // will not have any more of its methods called.
228   ~URLRequest() override;
230   // Changes the default cookie policy from allowing all cookies to blocking all
231   // cookies. Embedders that want to implement a more flexible policy should
232   // change the default to blocking all cookies, and provide a NetworkDelegate
233   // with the URLRequestContext that maintains the CookieStore.
234   // The cookie policy default has to be set before the first URLRequest is
235   // started. Once it was set to block all cookies, it cannot be changed back.
236   static void SetDefaultCookiePolicyToBlock();
238   // The original url is the url used to initialize the request, and it may
239   // differ from the url if the request was redirected.
original_url()240   const GURL& original_url() const { return url_chain_.front(); }
241   // The chain of urls traversed by this request.  If the request had no
242   // redirects, this vector will contain one element.
url_chain()243   const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain() const { return url_chain_; }
url()244   const GURL& url() const { return url_chain_.back(); }
246   // Explicitly set the URL chain for this request.  This can be used to
247   // indicate a chain of redirects that happen at a layer above the network
248   // service; e.g. navigation redirects.
249   //
250   // Note, the last entry in the new `url_chain` will be ignored.  Instead
251   // the request will preserve its current URL.  This is done since the higher
252   // layer providing the explicit `url_chain` may not be aware of modifications
253   // to the request URL by throttles.
254   //
255   // This method should only be called on new requests that have a single
256   // entry in their existing `url_chain_`.
257   void SetURLChain(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain);
259   // The URL that should be consulted for the third-party cookie blocking
260   // policy, as defined in Section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of
261   // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-cookie-same-site.
262   //
263   // WARNING: This URL must only be used for the third-party cookie blocking
264   //          policy. It MUST NEVER be used for any kind of SECURITY check.
265   //
266   //          For example, if a top-level navigation is redirected, the
267   //          first-party for cookies will be the URL of the first URL in the
268   //          redirect chain throughout the whole redirect. If it was used for
269   //          a security check, an attacker might try to get around this check
270   //          by starting from some page that redirects to the
271   //          host-to-be-attacked.
272   //
site_for_cookies()273   const SiteForCookies& site_for_cookies() const { return site_for_cookies_; }
274   // This method may only be called before Start().
275   void set_site_for_cookies(const SiteForCookies& site_for_cookies);
277   // Sets IsolationInfo for the request, which affects whether SameSite cookies
278   // are sent, what NetworkAnonymizationKey is used for cached resources, and
279   // how that behavior changes when following redirects. This may only be
280   // changed before Start() is called.
281   //
282   // TODO(https://crbug.com/1060631): This isn't actually used yet for SameSite
283   // cookies. Update consumers and fix that.
set_isolation_info(const IsolationInfo & isolation_info)284   void set_isolation_info(const IsolationInfo& isolation_info) {
285     isolation_info_ = isolation_info;
286     cookie_partition_key_ = CookiePartitionKey::FromNetworkIsolationKey(
287         isolation_info.network_isolation_key());
288   }
290   // This will convert the passed NetworkAnonymizationKey to an IsolationInfo.
291   // This IsolationInfo mmay be assigned an inaccurate frame origin because the
292   // NetworkAnonymizationKey might not contain all the information to populate
293   // it. Additionally the NetworkAnonymizationKey uses sites which will be
294   // converted to origins when set on the IsolationInfo. If using this method it
295   // is required to skip the cache and not use credentials. Before starting the
296   // request, it must have the LoadFlag LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE set, and must be set
297   // to not allow credentials, to ensure that the inaccurate frame origin has no
298   // impact. The request will DCHECK otherwise.
299   void set_isolation_info_from_network_anonymization_key(
300       const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key);
isolation_info()302   const IsolationInfo& isolation_info() const { return isolation_info_; }
cookie_partition_key()304   const absl::optional<CookiePartitionKey>& cookie_partition_key() const {
305     return cookie_partition_key_;
306   }
308   // Indicate whether SameSite cookies should be attached even though the
309   // request is cross-site.
force_ignore_site_for_cookies()310   bool force_ignore_site_for_cookies() const {
311     return force_ignore_site_for_cookies_;
312   }
set_force_ignore_site_for_cookies(bool attach)313   void set_force_ignore_site_for_cookies(bool attach) {
314     force_ignore_site_for_cookies_ = attach;
315   }
317   // Indicates whether the top frame party will be considered same-party to the
318   // request URL (regardless of what it is), for the purpose of SameParty
319   // cookies.
force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies()320   bool force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies() const {
321     return force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies_;
322   }
set_force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies(bool force)323   void set_force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies(bool force) {
324     force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies_ = force;
325   }
327   // Indicates if the request should be treated as a main frame navigation for
328   // SameSite cookie computations.  This flag overrides the IsolationInfo
329   // request type associated with fetches from a service worker context.
force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies()330   bool force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies() const {
331     return force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies_;
332   }
set_force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies(bool value)333   void set_force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies(bool value) {
334     force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies_ = value;
335   }
337   // Overrides pertaining to cookie settings for this particular request.
cookie_setting_overrides()338   CookieSettingOverrides& cookie_setting_overrides() {
339     return cookie_setting_overrides_;
340   }
cookie_setting_overrides()341   const CookieSettingOverrides& cookie_setting_overrides() const {
342     return cookie_setting_overrides_;
343   }
345   // The first-party URL policy to apply when updating the first party URL
346   // during redirects. The first-party URL policy may only be changed before
347   // Start() is called.
first_party_url_policy()348   RedirectInfo::FirstPartyURLPolicy first_party_url_policy() const {
349     return first_party_url_policy_;
350   }
351   void set_first_party_url_policy(
352       RedirectInfo::FirstPartyURLPolicy first_party_url_policy);
354   // The origin of the context which initiated the request. This is distinct
355   // from the "first party for cookies" discussed above in a number of ways:
356   //
357   // 1. The request's initiator does not change during a redirect. If a form
358   //    submission from `https://example.com/` redirects through a number of
359   //    sites before landing on `https://not-example.com/`, the initiator for
360   //    each of those requests will be `https://example.com/`.
361   //
362   // 2. The request's initiator is the origin of the frame or worker which made
363   //    the request, even for top-level navigations. That is, if
364   //    `https://example.com/`'s form submission is made in the top-level frame,
365   //    the first party for cookies would be the target URL's origin. The
366   //    initiator remains `https://example.com/`.
367   //
368   // This value is used to perform the cross-origin check specified in Section
369   // 4.3 of https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-cookie-same-site.
370   //
371   // Note: the initiator can be null for browser-initiated top level
372   // navigations. This is different from a unique Origin (e.g. in sandboxed
373   // iframes).
initiator()374   const absl::optional<url::Origin>& initiator() const { return initiator_; }
375   // This method may only be called before Start().
376   void set_initiator(const absl::optional<url::Origin>& initiator);
378   // The request method.  "GET" is the default value. The request method may
379   // only be changed before Start() is called. Request methods are
380   // case-sensitive, so standard HTTP methods like GET or POST should be
381   // specified in uppercase.
method()382   const std::string& method() const { return method_; }
383   void set_method(base::StringPiece method);
386   // Reporting upload nesting depth of this request.
387   //
388   // If the request is not a Reporting upload, the depth is 0.
389   //
390   // If the request is a Reporting upload, the depth is the max of the depth
391   // of the requests reported within it plus 1. (Non-NEL reports are
392   // considered to have depth 0.)
reporting_upload_depth()393   int reporting_upload_depth() const { return reporting_upload_depth_; }
394   void set_reporting_upload_depth(int reporting_upload_depth);
395 #endif
397   // The referrer URL for the request
referrer()398   const std::string& referrer() const { return referrer_; }
399   // Sets the referrer URL for the request. Can only be changed before Start()
400   // is called. |referrer| is sanitized to remove URL fragment, user name and
401   // password. If a referrer policy is set via set_referrer_policy(), then
402   // |referrer| should obey the policy; if it doesn't, it will be cleared when
403   // the request is started. The referrer URL may be suppressed or changed
404   // during the course of the request, for example because of a referrer policy
405   // set with set_referrer_policy().
406   void SetReferrer(base::StringPiece referrer);
408   // The referrer policy to apply when updating the referrer during redirects.
409   // The referrer policy may only be changed before Start() is called. Any
410   // referrer set via SetReferrer() is expected to obey the policy set via
411   // set_referrer_policy(); otherwise the referrer will be cleared when the
412   // request is started.
referrer_policy()413   ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy() const { return referrer_policy_; }
414   void set_referrer_policy(ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy);
416   // Sets whether credentials are allowed.
417   // If credentials are allowed, the request will send and save HTTP
418   // cookies, as well as authentication to the origin server. If not,
419   // they will not be sent, however proxy-level authentication will
420   // still occur. Setting this will force the LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES field to
421   // be set in |load_flags_|. See https://crbug.com/799935.
422   void set_allow_credentials(bool allow_credentials);
allow_credentials()423   bool allow_credentials() const { return allow_credentials_; }
425   // Sets the upload data.
426   void set_upload(std::unique_ptr<UploadDataStream> upload);
428   // Gets the upload data.
429   const UploadDataStream* get_upload_for_testing() const;
431   // Returns true if the request has a non-empty message body to upload.
432   bool has_upload() const;
434   // Set or remove a extra request header.  These methods may only be called
435   // before Start() is called, or between receiving a redirect and trying to
436   // follow it.
437   void SetExtraRequestHeaderByName(base::StringPiece name,
438                                    base::StringPiece value,
439                                    bool overwrite);
440   void RemoveRequestHeaderByName(base::StringPiece name);
442   // Sets all extra request headers.  Any extra request headers set by other
443   // methods are overwritten by this method.  This method may only be called
444   // before Start() is called.  It is an error to call it later.
445   void SetExtraRequestHeaders(const HttpRequestHeaders& headers);
extra_request_headers()447   const HttpRequestHeaders& extra_request_headers() const {
448     return extra_request_headers_;
449   }
451   // Gets the total amount of data received from network after SSL decoding and
452   // proxy handling. Pertains only to the last URLRequestJob issued by this
453   // URLRequest, i.e. reset on redirects, but not reset when multiple roundtrips
454   // are used for range requests or auth.
455   int64_t GetTotalReceivedBytes() const;
457   // Gets the total amount of data sent over the network before SSL encoding and
458   // proxy handling. Pertains only to the last URLRequestJob issued by this
459   // URLRequest, i.e. reset on redirects, but not reset when multiple roundtrips
460   // are used for range requests or auth.
461   int64_t GetTotalSentBytes() const;
463   // The size of the response body before removing any content encodings.
464   // Does not include redirects or sub-requests issued at lower levels (range
465   // requests or auth). Only includes bytes which have been read so far,
466   // including bytes from the cache.
467   int64_t GetRawBodyBytes() const;
469   // Returns the current load state for the request. The returned value's
470   // |param| field is an optional parameter describing details related to the
471   // load state. Not all load states have a parameter.
472   LoadStateWithParam GetLoadState() const;
474   // Returns a partial representation of the request's state as a value, for
475   // debugging.
476   base::Value::Dict GetStateAsValue() const;
478   // Logs information about the what external object currently blocking the
479   // request.  LogUnblocked must be called before resuming the request.  This
480   // can be called multiple times in a row either with or without calling
481   // LogUnblocked between calls.  |blocked_by| must not be empty.
482   void LogBlockedBy(base::StringPiece blocked_by);
484   // Just like LogBlockedBy, but also makes GetLoadState return source as the
485   // |param| in the value returned by GetLoadState.  Calling LogUnblocked or
486   // LogBlockedBy will clear the load param.  |blocked_by| must not be empty.
487   void LogAndReportBlockedBy(base::StringPiece blocked_by);
489   // Logs that the request is no longer blocked by the last caller to
490   // LogBlockedBy.
491   void LogUnblocked();
493   // Returns the current upload progress in bytes. When the upload data is
494   // chunked, size is set to zero, but position will not be.
495   UploadProgress GetUploadProgress() const;
497   // Get response header(s) by name.  This method may only be called
498   // once the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been called.  Headers
499   // that appear more than once in the response are coalesced, with values
500   // separated by commas (per RFC 2616). This will not work with cookies since
501   // comma can be used in cookie values.
502   void GetResponseHeaderByName(base::StringPiece name,
503                                std::string* value) const;
505   // The time when |this| was constructed.
creation_time()506   base::TimeTicks creation_time() const { return creation_time_; }
508   // The time at which the returned response was requested.  For cached
509   // responses, this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
request_time()510   const base::Time& request_time() const { return response_info_.request_time; }
512   // The time at which the returned response was generated.  For cached
513   // responses, this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
response_time()514   const base::Time& response_time() const {
515     return response_info_.response_time;
516   }
518   // Indicate if this response was fetched from disk cache.
was_cached()519   bool was_cached() const { return response_info_.was_cached; }
521   // Returns true if the URLRequest was delivered over SPDY.
was_fetched_via_spdy()522   bool was_fetched_via_spdy() const {
523     return response_info_.was_fetched_via_spdy;
524   }
526   // Returns the host and port that the content was fetched from.  See
527   // http_response_info.h for caveats relating to cached content.
528   IPEndPoint GetResponseRemoteEndpoint() const;
530   // Get all response headers, as a HttpResponseHeaders object.  See comments
531   // in HttpResponseHeaders class as to the format of the data.
532   HttpResponseHeaders* response_headers() const;
534   // Get the SSL connection info.
ssl_info()535   const SSLInfo& ssl_info() const { return response_info_.ssl_info; }
537   const absl::optional<AuthChallengeInfo>& auth_challenge_info() const;
539   // Gets timing information related to the request.  Events that have not yet
540   // occurred are left uninitialized.  After a second request starts, due to
541   // a redirect or authentication, values will be reset.
542   //
543   // LoadTimingInfo only contains ConnectTiming information and socket IDs for
544   // non-cached HTTP responses.
545   void GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const;
547   // Gets the networkd error details of the most recent origin that the network
548   // stack makes the request to.
549   void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const;
551   // Gets the remote endpoint of the most recent socket that the network stack
552   // used to make this request.
553   //
554   // Note that GetResponseRemoteEndpoint returns the |socket_address| field from
555   // HttpResponseInfo, which is only populated once the response headers are
556   // received, and can return cached values for cache revalidation requests.
557   // GetTransactionRemoteEndpoint will only return addresses from the current
558   // request.
559   //
560   // Returns true and fills in |endpoint| if the endpoint is available; returns
561   // false and leaves |endpoint| unchanged if it is unavailable.
562   bool GetTransactionRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) const;
564   // Get the mime type.  This method may only be called once the delegate's
565   // OnResponseStarted method has been called.
566   void GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const;
568   // Get the charset (character encoding).  This method may only be called once
569   // the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been called.
570   void GetCharset(std::string* charset) const;
572   // Returns the HTTP response code (e.g., 200, 404, and so on).  This method
573   // may only be called once the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been
574   // called.  For non-HTTP requests, this method returns -1.
575   int GetResponseCode() const;
577   // Get the HTTP response info in its entirety.
response_info()578   const HttpResponseInfo& response_info() const { return response_info_; }
580   // Access the LOAD_* flags modifying this request (see load_flags.h).
load_flags()581   int load_flags() const { return load_flags_; }
is_created_from_network_anonymization_key()583   bool is_created_from_network_anonymization_key() const {
584     return is_created_from_network_anonymization_key_;
585   }
587   // Returns the Secure DNS Policy for the request.
secure_dns_policy()588   SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy() const { return secure_dns_policy_; }
590   void set_maybe_sent_cookies(CookieAccessResultList cookies);
591   void set_maybe_stored_cookies(CookieAndLineAccessResultList cookies);
593   // These lists contain a list of cookies that are associated with the given
594   // request, both those that were sent and accepted, and those that were
595   // removed or flagged from the request before use. The status indicates
596   // whether they were actually used (INCLUDE), or the reason they were removed
597   // or flagged. They are cleared on redirects and other request restarts that
598   // cause sent cookies to be recomputed / new cookies to potentially be
599   // received (such as calling SetAuth() to send HTTP auth credentials, but not
600   // calling ContinueWithCertification() to respond to client cert challenges),
601   // and only contain the cookies relevant to the most recent roundtrip.
603   // Populated while the http request is being built.
maybe_sent_cookies()604   const CookieAccessResultList& maybe_sent_cookies() const {
605     return maybe_sent_cookies_;
606   }
607   // Populated after the response headers are received.
maybe_stored_cookies()608   const CookieAndLineAccessResultList& maybe_stored_cookies() const {
609     return maybe_stored_cookies_;
610   }
612   // The new flags may change the IGNORE_LIMITS flag only when called
613   // before Start() is called, it must only set the flag, and if set,
614   // the priority of this request must already be MAXIMUM_PRIORITY.
615   void SetLoadFlags(int flags);
617   // Controls the Secure DNS behavior to use when creating the socket for this
618   // request.
619   void SetSecureDnsPolicy(SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy);
621   // Returns true if the request is "pending" (i.e., if Start() has been called,
622   // and the response has not yet been called).
is_pending()623   bool is_pending() const { return is_pending_; }
625   // Returns true if the request is in the process of redirecting to a new
626   // URL but has not yet initiated the new request.
is_redirecting()627   bool is_redirecting() const { return is_redirecting_; }
629   // This method is called to start the request.  The delegate will receive
630   // a OnResponseStarted callback when the request is started.  The request
631   // must have a delegate set before this method is called.
632   void Start();
634   // This method may be called at any time after Start() has been called to
635   // cancel the request.  This method may be called many times, and it has
636   // no effect once the response has completed.  It is guaranteed that no
637   // methods of the delegate will be called after the request has been
638   // cancelled, except that this may call the delegate's OnReadCompleted()
639   // during the call to Cancel itself. Returns |ERR_ABORTED| or other net error
640   // if there was one.
641   int Cancel();
643   // Cancels the request and sets the error to |error|, unless the request
644   // already failed with another error code (see net_error_list.h). Returns
645   // final network error code.
646   int CancelWithError(int error);
648   // Cancels the request and sets the error to |error| (see net_error_list.h
649   // for values) and attaches |ssl_info| as the SSLInfo for that request.  This
650   // is useful to attach a certificate and certificate error to a canceled
651   // request.
652   void CancelWithSSLError(int error, const SSLInfo& ssl_info);
654   // Read initiates an asynchronous read from the response, and must only be
655   // called after the OnResponseStarted callback is received with a net::OK. If
656   // data is available, length and the data will be returned immediately. If the
657   // request has failed, an error code will be returned. If data is not yet
658   // available, Read returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING, and the Delegate's
659   // OnReadComplete method will be called asynchronously with the result of the
660   // read, unless the URLRequest is canceled.
661   //
662   // The |buf| parameter is a buffer to receive the data. If the operation
663   // completes asynchronously, the implementation will reference the buffer
664   // until OnReadComplete is called. The buffer must be at least |max_bytes| in
665   // length.
666   //
667   // The |max_bytes| parameter is the maximum number of bytes to read.
668   int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int max_bytes);
670   // This method may be called to follow a redirect that was deferred in
671   // response to an OnReceivedRedirect call. If non-null,
672   // |modified_headers| are changes applied to the request headers after
673   // updating them for the redirect.
674   void FollowDeferredRedirect(
675       const absl::optional<std::vector<std::string>>& removed_headers,
676       const absl::optional<net::HttpRequestHeaders>& modified_headers);
678   // One of the following two methods should be called in response to an
679   // OnAuthRequired() callback (and only then).
680   // SetAuth will reissue the request with the given credentials.
681   // CancelAuth will give up and display the error page.
682   void SetAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials);
683   void CancelAuth();
685   // This method can be called after the user selects a client certificate to
686   // instruct this URLRequest to continue with the request with the
687   // certificate.  Pass NULL if the user doesn't have a client certificate.
688   void ContinueWithCertificate(scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> client_cert,
689                                scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey> client_private_key);
691   // This method can be called after some error notifications to instruct this
692   // URLRequest to ignore the current error and continue with the request.  To
693   // cancel the request instead, call Cancel().
694   void ContinueDespiteLastError();
696   // Aborts the request (without invoking any completion callbacks) and closes
697   // the current connection, rather than returning it to the socket pool. Only
698   // affects HTTP/1.1 connections and tunnels.
699   //
700   // Intended to be used in cases where socket reuse can potentially leak data
701   // across sites.
702   //
703   // May only be called after Delegate::OnResponseStarted() has been invoked
704   // with net::OK, but before the body has been completely read. After the last
705   // body has been read, the socket may have already been handed off to another
706   // consumer.
707   //
708   // Due to transactions potentially being shared by multiple URLRequests in
709   // some cases, it is possible the socket may not be immediately closed, but
710   // will instead be closed when all URLRequests sharing the socket have been
711   // destroyed.
712   void AbortAndCloseConnection();
714   // Used to specify the context (cookie store, cache) for this request.
715   const URLRequestContext* context() const;
717   // Returns context()->network_delegate().
718   NetworkDelegate* network_delegate() const;
net_log()720   const NetLogWithSource& net_log() const { return net_log_; }
722   // Returns the expected content size if available
723   int64_t GetExpectedContentSize() const;
725   // Returns the priority level for this request.
priority()726   RequestPriority priority() const { return priority_; }
728   // Returns the incremental loading priority flag for this request.
priority_incremental()729   bool priority_incremental() const { return priority_incremental_; }
731   // Sets the priority level for this request and any related
732   // jobs. Must not change the priority to anything other than
733   // MAXIMUM_PRIORITY if the IGNORE_LIMITS load flag is set.
734   void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority);
736   // Sets the incremental priority flag for this request.
737   void SetPriorityIncremental(bool priority_incremental);
set_received_response_content_length(int64_t received_content_length)739   void set_received_response_content_length(int64_t received_content_length) {
740     received_response_content_length_ = received_content_length;
741   }
743   // The number of bytes in the raw response body (before any decompression,
744   // etc.). This is only available after the final Read completes.
received_response_content_length()745   int64_t received_response_content_length() const {
746     return received_response_content_length_;
747   }
749   // Available when the request headers are sent, which is before the more
750   // general response_info() is available.
proxy_server()751   const ProxyServer& proxy_server() const { return proxy_server_; }
753   // Gets the connection attempts made in the process of servicing this
754   // URLRequest. Only guaranteed to be valid if called after the request fails
755   // or after the response headers are received.
756   ConnectionAttempts GetConnectionAttempts() const;
traffic_annotation()758   const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation() const {
759     return traffic_annotation_;
760   }
762   const absl::optional<base::flat_set<net::SourceStream::SourceType>>&
accepted_stream_types()763   accepted_stream_types() const {
764     return accepted_stream_types_;
765   }
set_accepted_stream_types(const absl::optional<base::flat_set<net::SourceStream::SourceType>> & types)767   void set_accepted_stream_types(
768       const absl::optional<base::flat_set<net::SourceStream::SourceType>>&
769           types) {
770     if (types) {
771       DCHECK(!types->contains(net::SourceStream::SourceType::TYPE_NONE));
772       DCHECK(!types->contains(net::SourceStream::SourceType::TYPE_UNKNOWN));
773     }
774     accepted_stream_types_ = types;
775   }
777   // Sets a callback that will be invoked each time the request is about to
778   // be actually sent and will receive actual request headers that are about
779   // to hit the wire, including SPDY/QUIC internal headers.
780   //
781   // Can only be set once before the request is started.
782   void SetRequestHeadersCallback(RequestHeadersCallback callback);
784   // Sets a callback that will be invoked each time the response is received
785   // from the remote party with the actual response headers received. Note this
786   // is different from response_headers() getter in that in case of revalidation
787   // request, the latter will return cached headers, while the callback will be
788   // called with a response from the server.
789   void SetResponseHeadersCallback(ResponseHeadersCallback callback);
791   // Sets a callback that will be invoked each time a 103 Early Hints response
792   // is received from the remote party.
793   void SetEarlyResponseHeadersCallback(ResponseHeadersCallback callback);
795   // Sets socket tag to be applied to all sockets used to execute this request.
796   // Must be set before Start() is called.  Only currently supported for HTTP
797   // and HTTPS requests on Android; UID tagging requires
798   // MODIFY_NETWORK_ACCOUNTING permission.
799   // NOTE(pauljensen): Setting a tag disallows sharing of sockets with requests
800   // with other tags, which may adversely effect performance by prohibiting
801   // connection sharing. In other words use of multiplexed sockets (e.g. HTTP/2
802   // and QUIC) will only be allowed if all requests have the same socket tag.
803   void set_socket_tag(const SocketTag& socket_tag);
socket_tag()804   const SocketTag& socket_tag() const { return socket_tag_; }
806   // |upgrade_if_insecure| should be set to true if this request (including
807   // redirects) should be upgraded to HTTPS due to an Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
808   // requirement.
set_upgrade_if_insecure(bool upgrade_if_insecure)809   void set_upgrade_if_insecure(bool upgrade_if_insecure) {
810     upgrade_if_insecure_ = upgrade_if_insecure;
811   }
upgrade_if_insecure()812   bool upgrade_if_insecure() const { return upgrade_if_insecure_; }
814   // By default, client certs will be sent (provided via
815   // Delegate::OnCertificateRequested) when cookies are disabled
817   // https://crbug.com/775438, this is not the desired behavior. When
818   // |send_client_certs| is set to false, this will suppress the
819   // Delegate::OnCertificateRequested callback when cookies/credentials are also
820   // suppressed. This method has no effect if credentials are enabled (cookies
821   // saved and sent).
822   // TODO(https://crbug.com/775438): Remove this when the underlying
823   // issue is fixed.
set_send_client_certs(bool send_client_certs)824   void set_send_client_certs(bool send_client_certs) {
825     send_client_certs_ = send_client_certs;
826   }
send_client_certs()827   bool send_client_certs() const { return send_client_certs_; }
is_for_websockets()829   bool is_for_websockets() const { return is_for_websockets_; }
SetIdempotency(Idempotency idempotency)831   void SetIdempotency(Idempotency idempotency) { idempotency_ = idempotency; }
GetIdempotency()832   Idempotency GetIdempotency() const { return idempotency_; }
pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging()834   int pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging() const {
835     return pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging_;
836   }
set_pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging(int index)838   void set_pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging(int index) {
839     pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging_ = index;
840   }
expected_response_checksum()842   const std::string& expected_response_checksum() const {
843     return expected_response_checksum_;
844   }
set_expected_response_checksum(base::StringPiece checksum)846   void set_expected_response_checksum(base::StringPiece checksum) {
847     expected_response_checksum_ = std::string(checksum);
848   }
set_has_storage_access(bool has_storage_access)850   void set_has_storage_access(bool has_storage_access) {
851     DCHECK(!is_pending_);
852     DCHECK(!has_notified_completion_);
853     has_storage_access_ = has_storage_access;
854   }
has_storage_access()855   bool has_storage_access() const { return has_storage_access_; }
857   static bool DefaultCanUseCookies();
859   base::WeakPtr<URLRequest> GetWeakPtr();
861  protected:
862   // Allow the URLRequestJob class to control the is_pending() flag.
set_is_pending(bool value)863   void set_is_pending(bool value) { is_pending_ = value; }
865   // Setter / getter for the status of the request. Status is represented as a
866   // net::Error code. See |status_|.
status()867   int status() const { return status_; }
868   void set_status(int status);
870   // Returns true if the request failed or was cancelled.
871   bool failed() const;
873   // Returns the error status of the request.
875   // Allow the URLRequestJob to redirect this request. If non-null,
876   // |removed_headers| and |modified_headers| are changes
877   // applied to the request headers after updating them for the redirect.
878   void Redirect(
879       const RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
880       const absl::optional<std::vector<std::string>>& removed_headers,
881       const absl::optional<net::HttpRequestHeaders>& modified_headers);
883   // Called by URLRequestJob to allow interception when a redirect occurs.
884   void NotifyReceivedRedirect(const RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
885                               bool* defer_redirect);
887  private:
888   friend class URLRequestJob;
890   // For testing purposes.
891   // TODO(maksims): Remove this.
892   friend class TestNetworkDelegate;
894   // Resumes or blocks a request paused by the NetworkDelegate::OnBeforeRequest
895   // handler. If |blocked| is true, the request is blocked and an error page is
896   // returned indicating so. This should only be called after Start is called
897   // and OnBeforeRequest returns true (signalling that the request should be
898   // paused).
899   void BeforeRequestComplete(int error);
901   void StartJob(std::unique_ptr<URLRequestJob> job);
903   // Restarting involves replacing the current job with a new one such as what
904   // happens when following a HTTP redirect.
905   void RestartWithJob(std::unique_ptr<URLRequestJob> job);
906   void PrepareToRestart();
908   // Cancels the request and set the error and ssl info for this request to the
909   // passed values. Returns the error that was set.
910   int DoCancel(int error, const SSLInfo& ssl_info);
912   // Called by the URLRequestJob when the headers are received, before any other
913   // method, to allow caching of load timing information.
914   void OnHeadersComplete();
916   // Notifies the network delegate that the request has been completed.
917   // This does not imply a successful completion. Also a canceled request is
918   // considered completed.
919   void NotifyRequestCompleted();
921   // Called by URLRequestJob to allow interception when the final response
922   // occurs.
923   void NotifyResponseStarted(int net_error);
925   // These functions delegate to |delegate_|.  See URLRequest::Delegate for the
926   // meaning of these functions.
927   int NotifyConnected(const TransportInfo& info,
928                       CompletionOnceCallback callback);
929   void NotifyAuthRequired(std::unique_ptr<AuthChallengeInfo> auth_info);
930   void NotifyCertificateRequested(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info);
931   void NotifySSLCertificateError(int net_error,
932                                  const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
933                                  bool fatal);
934   void NotifyReadCompleted(int bytes_read);
936   // This function delegates to the NetworkDelegate if it is not nullptr.
937   // Otherwise, cookies can be used unless SetDefaultCookiePolicyToBlock() has
938   // been called.
939   bool CanSetCookie(const net::CanonicalCookie& cookie,
940                     CookieOptions* options) const;
942   // Called just before calling a delegate that may block a request. |type|
943   // should be the delegate's event type,
944   // e.g. NetLogEventType::NETWORK_DELEGATE_AUTH_REQUIRED.
945   void OnCallToDelegate(NetLogEventType type);
946   // Called when the delegate lets a request continue.  Also called on
947   // cancellation. `error` is an optional error code associated with
948   // completion. It's only for logging purposes, and will not directly cancel
949   // the request if it's a value other than OK.
950   void OnCallToDelegateComplete(int error = OK);
952   // Records the referrer policy of the given request, bucketed by
953   // whether the request is same-origin or not. To save computation,
954   // takes this fact as a boolean parameter rather than dynamically
955   // checking.
956   void RecordReferrerGranularityMetrics(bool request_is_same_origin) const;
958   // Creates a partial IsolationInfo with the information accessible from the
959   // NetworkAnonymiationKey.
960   net::IsolationInfo CreateIsolationInfoFromNetworkAnonymizationKey(
961       const NetworkAnonymizationKey& network_anonymization_key);
963   // Contextual information used for this request. Cannot be NULL. This contains
964   // most of the dependencies which are shared between requests (disk cache,
965   // cookie store, socket pool, etc.)
966   raw_ptr<const URLRequestContext> context_;
968   // Tracks the time spent in various load states throughout this request.
969   NetLogWithSource net_log_;
971   std::unique_ptr<URLRequestJob> job_;
972   std::unique_ptr<UploadDataStream> upload_data_stream_;
974   std::vector<GURL> url_chain_;
975   SiteForCookies site_for_cookies_;
977   IsolationInfo isolation_info_;
978   // TODO(dylancutler): Have URLRequestHttpJob use this partition key instead of
979   // keeping its own copy.
980   absl::optional<CookiePartitionKey> cookie_partition_key_ = absl::nullopt;
982   bool force_ignore_site_for_cookies_ = false;
983   bool force_ignore_top_frame_party_for_cookies_ = false;
984   bool force_main_frame_for_same_site_cookies_ = false;
985   CookieSettingOverrides cookie_setting_overrides_;
987   absl::optional<url::Origin> initiator_;
988   GURL delegate_redirect_url_;
989   std::string method_;  // "GET", "POST", etc. Case-sensitive.
990   std::string referrer_;
991   ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy_ =
993   RedirectInfo::FirstPartyURLPolicy first_party_url_policy_ =
994       RedirectInfo::FirstPartyURLPolicy::NEVER_CHANGE_URL;
995   HttpRequestHeaders extra_request_headers_;
996   // Flags indicating the request type for the load. Expected values are LOAD_*
997   // enums above.
998   int load_flags_ = LOAD_NORMAL;
999   // Whether the request is allowed to send credentials in general. Set by
1000   // caller.
1001   bool allow_credentials_ = true;
1002   // Whether the request is eligible for using storage access permission grant
1003   // if one exists. Only set by caller when constructed and will not change
1004   // during redirects.
1005   bool has_storage_access_ = false;
1006   SecureDnsPolicy secure_dns_policy_ = SecureDnsPolicy::kAllow;
1008   CookieAccessResultList maybe_sent_cookies_;
1009   CookieAndLineAccessResultList maybe_stored_cookies_;
1012   int reporting_upload_depth_ = 0;
1013 #endif
1015   // Never access methods of the |delegate_| directly. Always use the
1016   // Notify... methods for this.
1017   raw_ptr<Delegate, DanglingUntriaged> delegate_;
1019   const bool is_for_websockets_;
1021   // Current error status of the job, as a net::Error code. When the job is
1022   // busy, it is ERR_IO_PENDING. When the job is idle (either completed, or
1023   // awaiting a call from the URLRequestDelegate before continuing the request),
1024   // it is OK. If the request has been cancelled without a specific error, it is
1025   // ERR_ABORTED. And on failure, it's the corresponding error code for that
1026   // error.
1027   //
1028   // |status_| may bounce between ERR_IO_PENDING and OK as a request proceeds,
1029   // but once an error is encountered or the request is canceled, it will take
1030   // the appropriate error code and never change again. If multiple failures
1031   // have been encountered, this will be the first error encountered.
1032   int status_ = OK;
1034   bool is_created_from_network_anonymization_key_ = false;
1036   // The HTTP response info, lazily initialized.
1037   HttpResponseInfo response_info_;
1039   // Tells us whether the job is outstanding. This is true from the time
1040   // Start() is called to the time we dispatch RequestComplete and indicates
1041   // whether the job is active.
1042   bool is_pending_ = false;
1044   // Indicates if the request is in the process of redirecting to a new
1045   // location.  It is true from the time the headers complete until a
1046   // new request begins.
1047   bool is_redirecting_ = false;
1049   // Number of times we're willing to redirect.  Used to guard against
1050   // infinite redirects.
1051   int redirect_limit_;
1053   // Cached value for use after we've orphaned the job handling the
1054   // first transaction in a request involving redirects.
1055   UploadProgress final_upload_progress_;
1057   // The priority level for this request.  Objects like
1058   // ClientSocketPool use this to determine which URLRequest to
1059   // allocate sockets to first.
1060   RequestPriority priority_;
1062   // The incremental flag for this request that indicates if it should be
1063   // loaded concurrently with other resources of the same priority for
1064   // protocols that support HTTP extensible priorities (RFC 9218).
1065   // Currently only used in HTTP/3.
1066   bool priority_incremental_ = kDefaultPriorityIncremental;
1068   // If |calling_delegate_| is true, the event type of the delegate being
1069   // called.
1070   NetLogEventType delegate_event_type_ = NetLogEventType::FAILED;
1072   // True if this request is currently calling a delegate, or is blocked waiting
1073   // for the URL request or network delegate to resume it.
1074   bool calling_delegate_ = false;
1076   // An optional parameter that provides additional information about what
1077   // |this| is currently being blocked by.
1078   std::string blocked_by_;
1079   bool use_blocked_by_as_load_param_ = false;
1081   // Safe-guard to ensure that we do not send multiple "I am completed"
1082   // messages to network delegate.
1083   // TODO(battre): Remove this. http://crbug.com/89049
1084   bool has_notified_completion_ = false;
1086   int64_t received_response_content_length_ = 0;
1088   base::TimeTicks creation_time_;
1090   // Timing information for the most recent request.  Its start times are
1091   // populated during Start(), and the rest are populated in OnResponseReceived.
1092   LoadTimingInfo load_timing_info_;
1094   // The proxy server used for this request, if any.
1095   ProxyServer proxy_server_;
1097   // If not null, the network service will not advertise any stream types
1098   // (via Accept-Encoding) that are not listed. Also, it will not attempt
1099   // decoding any non-listed stream types.
1100   absl::optional<base::flat_set<net::SourceStream::SourceType>>
1101       accepted_stream_types_;
1103   const NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag traffic_annotation_;
1105   SocketTag socket_tag_;
1107   // See Set{Request|Response,EarlyResponse}HeadersCallback() above for details.
1108   RequestHeadersCallback request_headers_callback_;
1109   ResponseHeadersCallback early_response_headers_callback_;
1110   ResponseHeadersCallback response_headers_callback_;
1112   // The index of the request URL in Cache Transparency's Pervasive Payloads
1113   // List. This is only used for logging purposes. It is initialized as -1 to
1114   // signify that the index has not been set.
1115   int pervasive_payloads_index_for_logging_ = -1;
1117   // A SHA-256 checksum of the response and selected headers, stored as
1118   // upper-case hexadecimal. If this is set to a non-empty value the transaction
1119   // will attempt to use the single-keyed cache. On failure to match the cache
1120   // entry will be marked as unusable and will not be re-used.
1121   std::string expected_response_checksum_;
1123   bool upgrade_if_insecure_ = false;
1125   bool send_client_certs_ = true;
1127   // Idempotency of the request.
1128   Idempotency idempotency_ = DEFAULT_IDEMPOTENCY;
1130   THREAD_CHECKER(thread_checker_);
1132   base::WeakPtrFactory<URLRequest> weak_factory_{this};
1133 };
1135 }  // namespace net