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1 //! This crate contains parser combinators, roughly based on the Haskell libraries
2 //! [parsec](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec) and
3 //! [attoparsec](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec).
4 //!
5 //! A parser in this library can be described as a function which takes some input and if it
6 //! is successful, returns a value together with the remaining input.
7 //! A parser combinator is a function which takes one or more parsers and returns a new parser.
8 //! For instance the [`many`] parser can be used to convert a parser for single digits into one that
9 //! parses multiple digits. By modeling parsers in this way it becomes easy to compose complex
10 //! parsers in an almost declarative way.
11 //!
12 //! # Overview
13 //!
14 //! `combine` limits itself to creating [LL(1) parsers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LL_parser)
15 //! (it is possible to opt-in to LL(k) parsing using the [`attempt`] combinator) which makes the
16 //! parsers easy to reason about in both function and performance while sacrificing
17 //! some generality. In addition to you being able to reason better about the parsers you
18 //! construct `combine` the library also takes the knowledge of being an LL parser and uses it to
19 //! automatically construct good error messages.
20 //!
21 //! ```rust
22 //! extern crate combine;
23 //! use combine::{Parser, EasyParser};
24 //! use combine::stream::position;
25 //! use combine::parser::char::{digit, letter};
26 //! const MSG: &'static str = r#"Parse error at line: 1, column: 1
27 //! Unexpected `|`
28 //! Expected digit or letter
29 //! "#;
30 //!
31 //! fn main() {
32 //!     // Wrapping a `&str` with `State` provides automatic line and column tracking. If `State`
33 //!     // was not used the positions would instead only be pointers into the `&str`
34 //!     if let Err(err) = digit().or(letter()).easy_parse(position::Stream::new("|")) {
35 //!         assert_eq!(MSG, format!("{}", err));
36 //!     }
37 //! }
38 //! ```
39 //!
40 //! This library is currently split into a few core modules:
41 //!
42 //! * [`parser`][mod parser] is where you will find all the parsers that combine provides. It contains the core
43 //! [`Parser`] trait as well as several submodules such as `sequence` or `choice` which each
44 //! contain several parsers aimed at a specific niche.
45 //!
46 //! * [`stream`] contains the second most important trait next to [`Parser`]. Streams represent the
47 //! data source which is being parsed such as `&[u8]`, `&str` or iterators.
48 //!
49 //! * [`easy`] contains combine's default "easy" error and stream handling. If you use the
50 //! `easy_parse` method to start your parsing these are the types that are used.
51 //!
52 //! * [`error`] contains the types and traits that make up combine's error handling. Unless you
53 //! need to customize the errors your parsers return you should not need to use this module much.
54 //!
55 //!
56 //! # Examples
57 //!
58 //! ```
59 //! extern crate combine;
60 //! use combine::parser::char::{spaces, digit, char};
61 //! use combine::{many1, sep_by, Parser, EasyParser};
62 //! use combine::stream::easy;
63 //!
64 //! fn main() {
65 //!     //Parse spaces first and use the with method to only keep the result of the next parser
66 //!     let integer = spaces()
67 //!         //parse a string of digits into an i32
68 //!         .with(many1(digit()).map(|string: String| string.parse::<i32>().unwrap()));
69 //!
70 //!     //Parse integers separated by commas, skipping whitespace
71 //!     let mut integer_list = sep_by(integer, spaces().skip(char(',')));
72 //!
73 //!     //Call parse with the input to execute the parser
74 //!     let input = "1234, 45,78";
75 //!     let result: Result<(Vec<i32>, &str), easy::ParseError<&str>> =
76 //!         integer_list.easy_parse(input);
77 //!     match result {
78 //!         Ok((value, _remaining_input)) => println!("{:?}", value),
79 //!         Err(err) => println!("{}", err)
80 //!     }
81 //! }
82 //! ```
83 //!
84 //! If we need a parser that is mutually recursive or if we want to export a reusable parser the
85 //! [`parser!`] macro can be used. In effect it makes it possible to return a parser without naming
86 //! the type of the parser (which can be very large due to combine's trait based approach). While
87 //! it is possible to do avoid naming the type without the macro those solutions require either allocation
88 //! (`Box<dyn Parser< Input, Output = O, PartialState = P>>`) or nightly rust via `impl Trait`. The
89 //! macro thus threads the needle and makes it possible to have non-allocating, anonymous parsers
90 //! on stable rust.
91 //!
92 //! ```
93 //! #[macro_use]
94 //! extern crate combine;
95 //! use combine::parser::char::{char, letter, spaces};
96 //! use combine::{between, choice, many1, parser, sep_by, Parser, EasyParser};
97 //! use combine::error::{ParseError, StdParseResult};
98 //! use combine::stream::{Stream, Positioned};
99 //! use combine::stream::position;
100 //!
101 //! #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
102 //! pub enum Expr {
103 //!     Id(String),
104 //!     Array(Vec<Expr>),
105 //!     Pair(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>)
106 //! }
107 //!
108 //! // `impl Parser` can be used to create reusable parsers with zero overhead
109 //! fn expr_<Input>() -> impl Parser< Input, Output = Expr>
110 //!     where Input: Stream<Token = char>,
111 //!           // Necessary due to rust-lang/rust#24159
112 //!           Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
113 //! {
114 //!     let word = many1(letter());
115 //!
116 //!     // A parser which skips past whitespace.
117 //!     // Since we aren't interested in knowing that our expression parser
118 //!     // could have accepted additional whitespace between the tokens we also silence the error.
119 //!     let skip_spaces = || spaces().silent();
120 //!
121 //!     //Creates a parser which parses a char and skips any trailing whitespace
122 //!     let lex_char = |c| char(c).skip(skip_spaces());
123 //!
124 //!     let comma_list = sep_by(expr(), lex_char(','));
125 //!     let array = between(lex_char('['), lex_char(']'), comma_list);
126 //!
127 //!     //We can use tuples to run several parsers in sequence
128 //!     //The resulting type is a tuple containing each parsers output
129 //!     let pair = (lex_char('('),
130 //!                 expr(),
131 //!                 lex_char(','),
132 //!                 expr(),
133 //!                 lex_char(')'))
134 //!                    .map(|t| Expr::Pair(Box::new(t.1), Box::new(t.3)));
135 //!
136 //!     choice((
137 //!         word.map(Expr::Id),
138 //!         array.map(Expr::Array),
139 //!         pair,
140 //!     ))
141 //!         .skip(skip_spaces())
142 //! }
143 //!
144 //! // As this expression parser needs to be able to call itself recursively `impl Parser` can't
145 //! // be used on its own as that would cause an infinitely large type. We can avoid this by using
146 //! // the `parser!` macro which erases the inner type and the size of that type entirely which
147 //! // lets it be used recursively.
148 //! //
149 //! // (This macro does not use `impl Trait` which means it can be used in rust < 1.26 as well to
150 //! // emulate `impl Parser`)
151 //! parser!{
152 //!     fn expr[Input]()(Input) -> Expr
153 //!     where [Input: Stream<Token = char>]
154 //!     {
155 //!         expr_()
156 //!     }
157 //! }
158 //!
159 //! fn main() {
160 //!     let result = expr()
161 //!         .parse("[[], (hello, world), [rust]]");
162 //!     let expr = Expr::Array(vec![
163 //!           Expr::Array(Vec::new())
164 //!         , Expr::Pair(Box::new(Expr::Id("hello".to_string())),
165 //!                      Box::new(Expr::Id("world".to_string())))
166 //!         , Expr::Array(vec![Expr::Id("rust".to_string())])
167 //!     ]);
168 //!     assert_eq!(result, Ok((expr, "")));
169 //! }
170 //! ```
171 //!
172 //! [`combinator`]: combinator/index.html
173 //! [mod parser]: parser/index.html
174 //! [`easy`]: easy/index.html
175 //! [`error`]: error/index.html
176 //! [`char`]: parser/char/index.html
177 //! [`byte`]: parser/byte/index.html
178 //! [`range`]: parser/range/index.html
179 //! [`many`]: parser/repeat/fn.many.html
180 //! [`attempt`]: parser/combinator/fn.attempt.html
181 //! [`satisfy`]: parser/token/fn.satisfy.html
182 //! [`or`]: parser/trait.Parser.html#method.or
183 //! [`Stream`]: stream/trait.Stream.html
184 //! [`RangeStream`]: stream/trait.RangeStream.html
185 //! [`Parser`]: parser/trait.Parser.html
186 //! [fn parser]: parser/function/fn.parser.html
187 //! [`parser!`]: macro.parser.html
188 // inline is only used on trivial functions returning parsers
189 #![allow(
190     clippy::inline_always,
191     clippy::type_complexity,
192     clippy::too_many_arguments,
193     clippy::match_like_matches_macro
194 )]
195 #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
196 #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
198 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
199 extern crate alloc;
201 #[doc(inline)]
202 pub use crate::error::{ParseError, ParseResult, StdParseResult};
204 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
205 #[doc(inline)]
206 pub use crate::parser::EasyParser;
208 #[doc(inline)]
209 pub use crate::parser::Parser;
211 #[doc(inline)]
212 pub use crate::stream::{Positioned, RangeStream, RangeStreamOnce, Stream, StreamOnce};
214 #[doc(inline)]
215 pub use crate::parser::{
216     choice::optional,
217     combinator::{attempt, look_ahead, not_followed_by},
218     error::{unexpected, unexpected_any},
219     function::parser,
220     repeat::{
221         chainl1, chainr1, count, count_min_max, many, many1, sep_by, sep_by1, sep_end_by,
222         sep_end_by1, skip_count, skip_count_min_max, skip_many, skip_many1,
223     },
224     sequence::between,
225     token::{
226         any, eof, none_of, one_of, position, produce, satisfy, satisfy_map, token, tokens, value,
227     },
228 };
230 #[doc(inline)]
231 pub use crate::parser::choice::choice;
233 #[doc(inline)]
234 pub use crate::parser::combinator::from_str;
236 #[doc(inline)]
237 pub use crate::parser::token::tokens_cmp;
239 /// Declares a named parser which can easily be reused.
240 ///
241 /// The expression which creates the parser should have no side effects as it may be called
242 /// multiple times even during a single parse attempt.
243 ///
244 /// NOTE: If you are using rust nightly you can use `impl Trait` instead. See the [json parser][] for
245 /// an example.
246 ///
247 /// [json parser]:https://github.com/Marwes/combine/blob/master/benches/json.rs
248 ///
249 /// ```
250 /// #[macro_use]
251 /// extern crate combine;
252 /// use combine::parser::char::digit;
253 /// use combine::{any, choice, from_str, many1, Parser, EasyParser, Stream};
254 /// use combine::error::ParseError;
255 ///
256 /// parser!{
257 ///     /// `[Input]` represents a normal type parameters and lifetime declaration for the function
258 ///     /// It gets expanded to `<Input>`
259 ///     fn integer[Input]()(Input) -> i32
260 ///     where [
261 ///         Input: Stream<Token = char>,
262 ///         Input::Error: ParseError<char, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
263 ///         <Input::Error as ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>>::StreamError:
264 ///             From<::std::num::ParseIntError>,
265 ///     ]
266 ///     {
267 ///         // The body must be a block body ( `{ <block body> }`) which ends with an expression
268 ///         // which evaluates to a parser
269 ///         from_str(many1::<String, _, _>(digit()))
270 ///     }
271 /// }
272 ///
273 /// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
274 /// pub enum IntOrString {
275 ///     Int(i32),
276 ///     String(String),
277 /// }
278 /// // prefix with `pub` to declare a public parser
279 /// parser!{
280 ///     // Documentation comments works as well
281 ///
282 ///     /// Parses an integer or a string (any characters)
283 ///     pub fn integer_or_string[Input]()(Input) -> IntOrString
284 ///     where [
285 ///         Input: Stream<Token = char>,
286 ///         Input::Error: ParseError<char, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
287 ///         <Input::Error as ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>>::StreamError:
288 ///             From<::std::num::ParseIntError>,
289 ///     ]
290 ///     {
291 ///         choice!(
292 ///             integer().map(IntOrString::Int),
293 ///             many1(any()).map(IntOrString::String)
294 ///         )
295 ///     }
296 /// }
297 ///
298 /// parser!{
299 ///     // Give the created type a unique name
300 ///     #[derive(Clone)]
301 ///     pub struct Twice;
302 ///     pub fn twice[Input, F, P](f: F)(Input) -> (P::Output, P::Output)
303 ///         where [P: Parser<Input>,
304 ///                F: FnMut() -> P]
305 ///     {
306 ///         (f(), f())
307 ///     }
308 /// }
309 ///
310 /// fn main() {
311 ///     assert_eq!(integer().easy_parse("123"), Ok((123, "")));
312 ///     assert!(integer().easy_parse("!").is_err());
313 ///
314 ///     assert_eq!(
315 ///         integer_or_string().easy_parse("123"),
316 ///         Ok((IntOrString::Int(123), ""))
317 ///     );
318 ///     assert_eq!(
319 ///         integer_or_string().easy_parse("abc"),
320 ///         Ok((IntOrString::String("abc".to_string()), ""))
321 ///     );
322 ///     assert_eq!(twice(|| digit()).parse("123"), Ok((('1', '2'), "3")));
323 /// }
324 /// ```
325 #[macro_export]
326 macro_rules! parser {
327     (
328         type PartialState = $partial_state: ty;
329         $(#[$attr:meta])*
330         $fn_vis: vis fn $name: ident [$($type_params: tt)*]( $($arg: ident :  $arg_type: ty),*)
331             ($input_type: ty) -> $output_type: ty
332             where [$($where_clause: tt)*]
333         $parser: block
334     ) => {
335         $crate::combine_parser_impl!{
336             #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
337             #[doc(hidden)]
338             $fn_vis struct $name;
339             (type PartialState = ($partial_state);)
340             $(#[$attr])*
341             $fn_vis fn $name [$($type_params)*]($($arg : $arg_type),*)($input_type) -> $output_type
342                 where [$($where_clause)*]
343             $parser
344         }
345     };
346     (
347         $(#[$derive:meta])*
348         $struct_vis: vis struct $type_name: ident;
349         type PartialState = $partial_state: ty;
350         $(#[$attr:meta])*
351         $fn_vis: vis fn $name: ident [$($type_params: tt)*]( $($arg: ident :  $arg_type: ty),* )
352             ($input_type: ty) -> $output_type: ty
353             where [$($where_clause: tt)*]
354         $parser: block
355     ) => {
356         $crate::combine_parser_impl!{
357             $(#[$derive])*
358             $struct_vis struct $type_name;
359             (type PartialState = ($partial_state);)
360             $(#[$attr])*
361             $fn_vis fn $name [$($type_params)*]($($arg : $arg_type),*)($input_type) -> $output_type
362                 where [$($where_clause)*]
363             $parser
364         }
365     };
366     (
367         $(#[$attr:meta])*
368         $fn_vis: vis fn $name: ident [$($type_params: tt)*]( $($arg: ident :  $arg_type: ty),*)
369             ($input_type: ty) -> $output_type: ty
370             where [$($where_clause: tt)*]
371         $parser: block
372     ) => {
373         $crate::combine_parser_impl!{
374             #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
375             #[doc(hidden)]
376             $fn_vis struct $name;
377             (type PartialState = (());)
378             $(#[$attr])*
379             $fn_vis fn $name [$($type_params)*]($($arg : $arg_type),*)($input_type) -> $output_type
380                 where [$($where_clause)*]
381             $parser
382         }
383     };
384     (
385         $(#[$derive:meta])*
386         $struct_vis: vis struct $type_name: ident;
387         $(#[$attr:meta])*
388         $fn_vis: vis fn $name: ident [$($type_params: tt)*]( $($arg: ident :  $arg_type: ty),* )
389             ($input_type: ty) -> $output_type: ty
390             where [$($where_clause: tt)*]
391         $parser: block
392     ) => {
393         $crate::combine_parser_impl!{
394             $(#[$derive])*
395             $struct_vis struct $type_name;
396             (type PartialState = (());)
397             $(#[$attr])*
398             $fn_vis fn $name [$($type_params)*]($($arg : $arg_type),*)($input_type) -> $output_type
399                 where [$($where_clause)*]
400             $parser
401         }
402     };
403 }
405 #[doc(hidden)]
406 #[macro_export]
407 macro_rules! combine_parse_partial {
408     ((()) $mode:ident $input:ident $state:ident $parser:block) => {{
409         let _ = $state;
410         let mut state = Default::default();
411         let state = &mut state;
412         $parser.parse_mode($mode, $input, state)
413     }};
414     (($ignored:ty) $mode:ident $input:ident $state:ident $parser:block) => {
415         $parser.parse_mode($mode, $input, $state)
416     };
417 }
419 #[doc(hidden)]
420 #[macro_export]
421 macro_rules! combine_parser_impl {
422     (
423         $(#[$derive:meta])*
424         $struct_vis: vis struct $type_name: ident;
425         (type PartialState = ($($partial_state: tt)*);)
426         $(#[$attr:meta])*
427         $fn_vis: vis fn $name: ident [$($type_params: tt)*]( $($arg: ident :  $arg_type: ty),*)
428             ($input_type: ty) -> $output_type: ty
429             where [$($where_clause: tt)*]
430         $parser: block
431     ) => {
433         $(#[$derive])*
434         $struct_vis struct $type_name<$($type_params)*>
435             where <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error:
436                 $crate::error::ParseError<
437                     <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Token,
438                     <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Range,
439                     <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Position
440                     >,
441                 $input_type: $crate::stream::Stream,
442                 $($where_clause)*
443         {
444             $(pub $arg : $arg_type,)*
445             __marker: $crate::lib::marker::PhantomData<fn ($input_type) -> $output_type>
446         }
448         // We want this to work on older compilers, at least for a while
449         #[allow(non_shorthand_field_patterns)]
450         impl<$($type_params)*> $crate::Parser<$input_type> for $type_name<$($type_params)*>
451             where <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error:
452                     $crate::error::ParseError<
453                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Token,
454                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Range,
455                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Position
456                         >,
457                 $input_type: $crate::stream::Stream,
458                 $($where_clause)*
459         {
461             type Output = $output_type;
462             type PartialState = $($partial_state)*;
464             $crate::parse_mode!($input_type);
465             #[inline]
466             fn parse_mode_impl<M>(
467                 &mut self,
468                 mode: M,
469                 input: &mut $input_type,
470                 state: &mut Self::PartialState,
471                 ) -> $crate::error::ParseResult<$output_type, <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error>
472             where M: $crate::parser::ParseMode
473             {
474                 let $type_name { $( $arg: ref mut $arg,)* .. } = *self;
475                 $crate::combine_parse_partial!(($($partial_state)*) mode input state $parser)
476             }
478             #[inline]
479             fn add_error(
480                 &mut self,
481                 errors: &mut $crate::error::Tracked<
482                     <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error
483                     >)
484             {
485                 let $type_name { $( $arg : ref mut $arg,)*  .. } = *self;
486                 let mut parser = $parser;
487                 {
488                     let _: &mut dyn $crate::Parser< $input_type, Output = $output_type, PartialState = _> = &mut parser;
489                 }
490                 parser.add_error(errors)
491             }
493             fn add_committed_expected_error(
494                 &mut self,
495                 errors: &mut $crate::error::Tracked<
496                     <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error
497                     >)
498             {
499                 let $type_name { $( $arg : ref mut $arg,)*  .. } = *self;
500                 let mut parser = $parser;
501                 {
502                     let _: &mut dyn $crate::Parser< $input_type, Output = $output_type, PartialState = _> = &mut parser;
503                 }
504                 parser.add_committed_expected_error(errors)
505             }
506         }
508         $(#[$attr])*
509         #[inline]
510         $fn_vis fn $name< $($type_params)* >(
511                 $($arg : $arg_type),*
512             ) -> $type_name<$($type_params)*>
513             where <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Error:
514                     $crate::error::ParseError<
515                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Token,
516                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Range,
517                         <$input_type as $crate::stream::StreamOnce>::Position
518                         >,
519                 $input_type: $crate::stream::Stream,
520                 $($where_clause)*
521         {
522             $type_name {
523                 $($arg,)*
524                 __marker: $crate::lib::marker::PhantomData
525             }
526         }
527     };
528 }
530 /// Internal API. May break without a semver bump
531 macro_rules! forward_parser {
532     ($input: ty, $method: ident $( $methods: ident)*, $($field: tt)*) => {
533         forward_parser!($input, $method $($field)+);
534         forward_parser!($input, $($methods)*, $($field)+);
535     };
536     ($input: ty, parse_mode $($field: tt)+) => {
537         #[inline]
538         fn parse_mode_impl<M>(
539             &mut self,
540             mode: M,
541             input: &mut $input,
542             state: &mut Self::PartialState,
543         ) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error>
544         where
545             M: ParseMode,
546         {
547             self.$($field)+.parse_mode(mode, input, state).map(|(a, _)| a)
548         }
549     };
550     ($input: ty, parse_lazy $($field: tt)+) => {
551         fn parse_lazy(
552             &mut self,
553             input: &mut $input,
554         ) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error> {
555             self.$($field)+.parse_lazy(input)
556         }
557     };
558     ($input: ty, parse_first $($field: tt)+) => {
559         fn parse_first(
560             &mut self,
561             input: &mut $input,
562             state: &mut Self::PartialState,
563         ) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error> {
564             self.$($field)+.parse_first(input, state)
565         }
566     };
567     ($input: ty, parse_partial $($field: tt)+) => {
568         fn parse_partial(
569             &mut self,
570             input: &mut $input,
571             state: &mut Self::PartialState,
572         ) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error> {
573             self.$($field)+.parse_partial(input, state)
574         }
575     };
576     ($input: ty, add_error $($field: tt)+) => {
578         fn add_error(&mut self, error: &mut $crate::error::Tracked<<$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error>) {
579             self.$($field)+.add_error(error)
580         }
581     };
582     ($input: ty, add_committed_expected_error $($field: tt)+) => {
583         fn add_committed_expected_error(&mut self, error: &mut $crate::error::Tracked<<$input as $crate::StreamOnce>::Error>) {
584             self.$($field)+.add_committed_expected_error(error)
585         }
586     };
587     ($input: ty, parser_count $($field: tt)+) => {
588         fn parser_count(&self) -> $crate::ErrorOffset {
589             self.$($field)+.parser_count()
590         }
591     };
592     ($input: ty, $field: tt) => {
593         forward_parser!($input, parse_lazy parse_first parse_partial add_error add_committed_expected_error parser_count, $field);
594     };
595     ($input: ty, $($field: tt)+) => {
596     };
597 }
599 // Facade over the core types we need
600 // Public but hidden to be accessible in macros
601 #[doc(hidden)]
602 pub mod lib {
603     #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
604     pub use core::*;
606     #[cfg(feature = "std")]
607     pub use std::*;
608 }
610 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
611 #[doc(inline)]
612 pub use crate::stream::easy;
614 /// Error types and traits which define what kind of errors combine parsers may emit
615 #[macro_use]
616 pub mod error;
617 #[macro_use]
618 pub mod stream;
619 #[macro_use]
620 pub mod parser;
622 #[cfg(feature = "futures-core-03")]
623 pub mod future_ext;
625 #[doc(hidden)]
626 #[derive(Clone, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Debug, Copy)]
627 pub struct ErrorOffset(u8);
629 #[cfg(test)]
630 mod tests {
632     use crate::parser::char::{char, string};
634     use super::*;
636     #[test]
chainl1_error_consume()637     fn chainl1_error_consume() {
638         fn first<T, U>(t: T, _: U) -> T {
639             t
640         }
641         let mut p = chainl1(string("abc"), char(',').map(|_| first));
642         assert!(p.parse("abc,ab").is_err());
643     }
645     #[test]
choice_strings()646     fn choice_strings() {
647         let mut fruits = [
648             attempt(string("Apple")),
649             attempt(string("Banana")),
650             attempt(string("Cherry")),
651             attempt(string("Date")),
652             attempt(string("Fig")),
653             attempt(string("Grape")),
654         ];
655         let mut parser = choice(&mut fruits);
656         assert_eq!(parser.parse("Apple"), Ok(("Apple", "")));
657         assert_eq!(parser.parse("Banana"), Ok(("Banana", "")));
658         assert_eq!(parser.parse("Cherry"), Ok(("Cherry", "")));
659         assert_eq!(parser.parse("DateABC"), Ok(("Date", "ABC")));
660         assert_eq!(parser.parse("Fig123"), Ok(("Fig", "123")));
661         assert_eq!(parser.parse("GrapeApple"), Ok(("Grape", "Apple")));
662     }
663 }
665 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", test))]
666 mod std_tests {
668     use crate::{
669         error::StdParseResult,
670         parser::char::{alpha_num, char, digit, letter, spaces, string},
671         stream::{
672             easy,
673             position::{self, SourcePosition},
674         },
675     };
677     use super::{easy::Error, error::Commit, stream::IteratorStream, *};
679     #[test]
optional_error_consume()680     fn optional_error_consume() {
681         let mut p = optional(string("abc"));
682         let err = p.easy_parse(position::Stream::new("ab")).unwrap_err();
683         assert_eq!(err.position, SourcePosition { line: 1, column: 1 });
684     }
follow<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<(), Input> where Input: Stream<Token = char, Error = easy::ParseError<Input>>, Input::Position: Default, Input::Error: std::fmt::Debug, Input::Token: PartialEq, Input::Range: PartialEq,686     fn follow<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<(), Input>
687     where
688         Input: Stream<Token = char, Error = easy::ParseError<Input>>,
689         Input::Position: Default,
690         Input::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
691         Input::Token: PartialEq,
692         Input::Range: PartialEq,
693     {
694         let before = input.checkpoint();
695         match input.uncons() {
696             Ok(c) => {
697                 if c.is_alphanumeric() {
698                     input.reset(before).unwrap();
699                     let e = Error::Unexpected(c.into());
700                     Err(Commit::Peek(easy::Errors::new(input.position(), e).into()))
701                 } else {
702                     Ok(((), Commit::Peek(())))
703                 }
704             }
705             Err(_) => Ok(((), Commit::Peek(()))),
706         }
707     }
integer<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<i64, Input> where Input: Stream<Token = char>, Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,709     fn integer<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<i64, Input>
710     where
711         Input: Stream<Token = char>,
712         Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
713     {
714         let (s, input) = many1::<String, _, _>(digit())
715             .expected("integer")
716             .parse_stream(input)
717             .into_result()?;
718         let mut n = 0;
719         for c in s.chars() {
720             n = n * 10 + (c as i64 - '0' as i64);
721         }
722         Ok((n, input))
723     }
725     #[test]
test_integer()726     fn test_integer() {
727         let result = parser(integer).parse("123");
728         assert_eq!(result, Ok((123i64, "")));
729     }
730     #[test]
list()731     fn list() {
732         let mut p = sep_by(parser(integer), char(','));
733         let result = p.parse("123,4,56");
734         assert_eq!(result, Ok((vec![123i64, 4, 56], "")));
735     }
737     #[test]
iterator()738     fn iterator() {
739         let result = parser(integer)
740             .parse(position::Stream::new(IteratorStream::new("123".chars())))
741             .map(|(i, mut input)| (i, input.uncons().is_err()));
742         assert_eq!(result, Ok((123i64, true)));
743     }
745     #[test]
field()746     fn field() {
747         let word = || many(alpha_num());
748         let c_decl = (word(), spaces(), char(':'), spaces(), word())
749             .map(|t| (t.0, t.4))
750             .parse("x: int");
751         assert_eq!(c_decl, Ok((("x".to_string(), "int".to_string()), "")));
752     }
754     #[test]
source_position()755     fn source_position() {
756         let source = r"
757 123
758 ";
759         let mut parsed_state = position::Stream::with_positioner(source, SourcePosition::new());
760         let result = (spaces(), parser(integer), spaces())
761             .map(|t| t.1)
762             .parse_stream(&mut parsed_state)
763             .into_result();
764         let state = Commit::Commit(position::Stream {
765             positioner: SourcePosition { line: 3, column: 1 },
766             input: "",
767         });
768         assert_eq!(
769             result.map(|(x, c)| (x, c.map(|_| parsed_state))),
770             Ok((123i64, state))
771         );
772     }
774     #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
775     pub enum Expr {
776         Id(String),
777         Int(i64),
778         Array(Vec<Expr>),
779         Plus(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
780         Times(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
781     }
783     parser! {
784         fn expr[Input]()(Input) -> Expr
785         where
786             [Input: Stream<Token = char>,]
787         {
788             let word = many1(letter()).expected("identifier");
789             let integer = parser(integer);
790             let array = between(char('['), char(']'), sep_by(expr(), char(','))).expected("[");
791             let paren_expr = between(char('('), char(')'), parser(term)).expected("(");
792             spaces()
793                 .silent()
794                 .with(
795                     word.map(Expr::Id)
796                         .or(integer.map(Expr::Int))
797                         .or(array.map(Expr::Array))
798                         .or(paren_expr),
799                 )
800                 .skip(spaces().silent())
801         }
802     }
804     #[test]
expression_basic()805     fn expression_basic() {
806         let result = sep_by(expr(), char(',')).parse("int, 100, [[], 123]");
807         let exprs = vec![
808             Expr::Id("int".to_string()),
809             Expr::Int(100),
810             Expr::Array(vec![Expr::Array(vec![]), Expr::Int(123)]),
811         ];
812         assert_eq!(result, Ok((exprs, "")));
813     }
815     #[test]
expression_error()816     fn expression_error() {
817         let input = r"
818 ,123
819 ";
820         let result = expr().easy_parse(position::Stream::new(input));
821         let err = easy::Errors {
822             position: SourcePosition { line: 2, column: 1 },
823             errors: vec![
824                 Error::Unexpected(','.into()),
825                 Error::Expected("integer".into()),
826                 Error::Expected("identifier".into()),
827                 Error::Expected("[".into()),
828                 Error::Expected("(".into()),
829             ],
830         };
831         assert_eq!(result, Err(err));
832     }
term<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<Expr, Input> where Input: Stream<Token = char>, Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,834     fn term<Input>(input: &mut Input) -> StdParseResult<Expr, Input>
835     where
836         Input: Stream<Token = char>,
837         Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
838     {
839         fn times(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr {
840             Expr::Times(Box::new(l), Box::new(r))
841         }
842         fn plus(l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr {
843             Expr::Plus(Box::new(l), Box::new(r))
844         }
845         let mul = char('*').map(|_| times);
846         let add = char('+').map(|_| plus);
847         let factor = chainl1(expr(), mul);
848         chainl1(factor, add).parse_stream(input).into()
849     }
851     #[test]
operators()852     fn operators() {
853         let input = r"
854 1 * 2 + 3 * test
855 ";
856         let (result, _) = parser(term).parse(position::Stream::new(input)).unwrap();
858         let e1 = Expr::Times(Box::new(Expr::Int(1)), Box::new(Expr::Int(2)));
859         let e2 = Expr::Times(
860             Box::new(Expr::Int(3)),
861             Box::new(Expr::Id("test".to_string())),
862         );
863         assert_eq!(result, Expr::Plus(Box::new(e1), Box::new(e2)));
864     }
866     #[test]
error_position()867     fn error_position() {
868         let mut p = string("let")
869             .skip(parser(follow))
870             .map(|x| x.to_string())
871             .or(many1(digit()));
872         match p.easy_parse(position::Stream::new("le123")) {
873             Ok(_) => panic!(),
874             Err(err) => assert_eq!(err.position, SourcePosition { line: 1, column: 1 }),
875         }
876         match p.easy_parse(position::Stream::new("let1")) {
877             Ok(_) => panic!(),
878             Err(err) => assert_eq!(err.position, SourcePosition { line: 1, column: 4 }),
879         }
880     }
882     #[test]
sep_by_error_consume()883     fn sep_by_error_consume() {
884         let mut p = sep_by::<Vec<_>, _, _, _>(string("abc"), char(','));
885         let err = p.easy_parse(position::Stream::new("ab,abc")).unwrap_err();
886         assert_eq!(err.position, SourcePosition { line: 1, column: 1 });
887     }
889     #[test]
inner_error_consume()890     fn inner_error_consume() {
891         let mut p = many::<Vec<_>, _, _>(between(char('['), char(']'), digit()));
892         let result = p.easy_parse(position::Stream::new("[1][2][]"));
893         assert!(result.is_err(), "{:?}", result);
894         let error = result.map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)).unwrap_err();
895         assert_eq!(error.position, SourcePosition { line: 1, column: 8 });
896     }
898     #[test]
infinite_recursion_in_box_parser()899     fn infinite_recursion_in_box_parser() {
900         let _: Result<(Vec<_>, _), _> = (many(Box::new(digit()))).parse("1");
901     }
903     #[test]
unsized_parser()904     fn unsized_parser() {
905         let mut parser: Box<dyn Parser<_, Output = char, PartialState = _>> = Box::new(digit());
906         let borrow_parser = &mut *parser;
907         assert_eq!(borrow_parser.parse("1"), Ok(('1', "")));
908     }
910     #[test]
std_error()911     fn std_error() {
912         use std::error::Error as StdError;
914         use std::fmt;
916         #[derive(Debug)]
917         struct Error;
918         impl fmt::Display for Error {
919             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
920                 write!(f, "error")
921             }
922         }
923         impl StdError for Error {
924             fn description(&self) -> &str {
925                 "error"
926             }
927         }
928         let result: Result<((), _), easy::Errors<char, &str, _>> =
929             EasyParser::easy_parse(&mut string("abc").and_then(|_| Err(Error)), "abc");
930         assert!(result.is_err());
931         // Test that ParseError can be coerced to a StdError
932         let _ = result.map_err(|err| {
933             let err: Box<dyn StdError> = Box::new(err);
934             err
935         });
936     }
938     #[test]
extract_std_error()939     fn extract_std_error() {
940         // The previous test verified that we could map a ParseError to a StdError by dropping
941         // the internal error details.
942         // This test verifies that we can map a ParseError to a StdError
943         // without dropping the internal error details.  Consumers using `error-chain` will
944         // appreciate this.  For technical reasons this is pretty janky; see the discussion in
945         // https://github.com/Marwes/combine/issues/86, and excuse the test with significant
946         // boilerplate!
947         use std::error::Error as StdError;
949         use std::fmt;
951         #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
952         struct CloneOnly(String);
954         #[derive(Debug)]
955         struct DisplayVec<T>(Vec<T>);
957         #[derive(Debug)]
958         struct ExtractedError(usize, DisplayVec<Error<CloneOnly, DisplayVec<CloneOnly>>>);
960         impl StdError for ExtractedError {
961             fn description(&self) -> &str {
962                 "extracted error"
963             }
964         }
966         impl fmt::Display for CloneOnly {
967             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
968                 write!(f, "{}", self.0)
969             }
970         }
972         impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for DisplayVec<T> {
973             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
974                 write!(f, "[{:?}]", self.0)
975             }
976         }
978         impl fmt::Display for ExtractedError {
979             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
980                 writeln!(f, "Parse error at {}", self.0)?;
981                 Error::fmt_errors(&(self.1).0, f)
982             }
983         }
985         let input = &[CloneOnly("x".to_string()), CloneOnly("y".to_string())][..];
986         let result = token(CloneOnly("z".to_string()))
987             .easy_parse(input)
988             .map_err(|e| e.map_position(|p| p.translate_position(input)))
989             .map_err(|e| {
990                 ExtractedError(
991                     e.position,
992                     DisplayVec(
993                         e.errors
994                             .into_iter()
995                             .map(|e| e.map_range(|r| DisplayVec(r.to_owned())))
996                             .collect(),
997                     ),
998                 )
999             });
1001         assert!(result.is_err());
1002         // Test that the fresh ExtractedError is Display, so that the internal errors can be
1003         // inspected by consuming code; and that the ExtractedError can be coerced to StdError.
1004         let _ = result.map_err(|err| {
1005             let s = format!("{}", err);
1006             assert!(s.starts_with("Parse error at 0"));
1007             assert!(s.contains("Expected"));
1008             let err: Box<dyn StdError> = Box::new(err);
1009             err
1010         });
1011     }
1012 }