1 /*
2 * Copyright 2016-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3 */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
7 import kotlinx.coroutines.*
8 import kotlin.coroutines.*
10 /**
11 * The list of globally installed [CoroutineExceptionHandler] instances that will be notified of any exceptions that
12 * were not processed in any other manner.
13 */
14 internal expect val platformExceptionHandlers: Collection<CoroutineExceptionHandler>
16 /**
17 * Ensures that the given [callback] is present in the [platformExceptionHandlers] list.
18 */
ensurePlatformExceptionHandlerLoadednull19 internal expect fun ensurePlatformExceptionHandlerLoaded(callback: CoroutineExceptionHandler)
21 /**
22 * The platform-dependent global exception handler, used so that the exception is logged at least *somewhere*.
23 */
24 internal expect fun propagateExceptionFinalResort(exception: Throwable)
26 /**
27 * Deal with exceptions that happened in coroutines and weren't programmatically dealt with.
28 *
29 * First, it notifies every [CoroutineExceptionHandler] in the [platformExceptionHandlers] list.
30 * If one of them throws [ExceptionSuccessfullyProcessed], it means that that handler believes that the exception was
31 * dealt with sufficiently well and doesn't need any further processing.
32 * Otherwise, the platform-dependent global exception handler is also invoked.
33 */
34 internal fun handleUncaughtCoroutineException(context: CoroutineContext, exception: Throwable) {
35 // use additional extension handlers
36 for (handler in platformExceptionHandlers) {
37 try {
38 handler.handleException(context, exception)
39 } catch (_: ExceptionSuccessfullyProcessed) {
40 return
41 } catch (t: Throwable) {
42 propagateExceptionFinalResort(handlerException(exception, t))
43 }
44 }
46 try {
47 exception.addSuppressed(DiagnosticCoroutineContextException(context))
48 } catch (e: Throwable) {
49 // addSuppressed is never user-defined and cannot normally throw with the only exception being OOM
50 // we do ignore that just in case to definitely deliver the exception
51 }
52 propagateExceptionFinalResort(exception)
53 }
55 /**
56 * Private exception that is added to suppressed exceptions of the original exception
57 * when it is reported to the last-ditch current thread 'uncaughtExceptionHandler'.
58 *
59 * The purpose of this exception is to add an otherwise inaccessible diagnostic information and to
60 * be able to poke the context of the failing coroutine in the debugger.
61 */
62 internal expect class DiagnosticCoroutineContextException(context: CoroutineContext) : RuntimeException
64 /**
65 * A dummy exception that signifies that the exception was successfully processed by the handler and no further
66 * action is required.
67 *
68 * Would be nicer if [CoroutineExceptionHandler] could return a boolean, but that would be a breaking change.
69 * For now, we will take solace in knowledge that such exceptions are exceedingly rare, even rarer than globally
70 * uncaught exceptions in general.
71 */
72 internal object ExceptionSuccessfullyProcessed : Exception()