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1syntax = "proto3";
3package tensorflow;
5import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
6import "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto";
7import "tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.proto";
8import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto";
9import "tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto";
10import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/saved_object_graph.proto";
11import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/saver.proto";
12import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/struct.proto";
14option cc_enable_arenas = true;
15option java_outer_classname = "MetaGraphProtos";
16option java_multiple_files = true;
17option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework";
18option go_package = "github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go/core/protobuf/for_core_protos_go_proto";
20// Protocol buffer containing the following which are necessary to restart
21// training, run inference. It can be used to serialize/de-serialize memory
22// objects necessary for running computation in a graph when crossing the
23// process boundary. It can be used for long term storage of graphs,
24// cross-language execution of graphs, etc.
25//   MetaInfoDef
26//   GraphDef
27//   SaverDef
28//   CollectionDef
29//   TensorInfo
30//   SignatureDef
31message MetaGraphDef {
32  // Meta information regarding the graph to be exported.  To be used by users
33  // of this protocol buffer to encode information regarding their meta graph.
34  message MetaInfoDef {
35    // User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
36    // steps this model has been trained to, etc.
37    string meta_graph_version = 1;
39    // A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
40    // Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
41    OpList stripped_op_list = 2;
43    // A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
44    // modified, or name of the model.
45    google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;
47    // User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
48    //
49    // MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
50    // Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
51    // These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
52    // specific use-case or runtime environment.
53    repeated string tags = 4;
55    // The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
56    // This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
57    // supplied value.
58    string tensorflow_version = 5;
60    // The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
61    // graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
62    // user supplied value.
63    string tensorflow_git_version = 6;
65    // A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
66    // the nodes in this graph_def.
67    bool stripped_default_attrs = 7;
69    // FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
70    map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;
71  }
72  MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
74  // GraphDef.
75  GraphDef graph_def = 2;
77  // SaverDef.
78  SaverDef saver_def = 3;
80  // collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
81  // See CollectionDef section for details.
82  map<string, CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;
84  // signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
85  // SignatureDef.
86  map<string, SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;
88  // Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
89  repeated AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;
91  // Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
92  SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;
95// CollectionDef should cover most collections.
96// To add a user-defined collection, do one of the following:
97// 1. For simple data types, such as string, int, float:
98//      tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", your_simple_value)
99//    strings will be stored as bytes_list.
101// 2. For Protobuf types, there are three ways to add them:
102//    1) tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name",
103//         your_proto.SerializeToString())
105//       collection_def {
106//         key: "user_defined_bytes_collection"
107//         value {
108//           bytes_list {
109//             value: "queue_name: \"test_queue\"\n"
110//           }
111//         }
112//       }
114//  or
116//    2) tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", str(your_proto))
118//       collection_def {
119//         key: "user_defined_string_collection"
120//         value {
121//          bytes_list {
122//             value: "\n\ntest_queue"
123//           }
124//         }
125//       }
127//  or
129//    3) any_buf = any_pb2.Any()
130//       tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name",
131//         any_buf.Pack(your_proto))
133//       collection_def {
134//         key: "user_defined_any_collection"
135//         value {
136//           any_list {
137//             value {
138//               type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.QueueRunnerDef"
139//               value: "\n\ntest_queue"
140//             }
141//           }
142//         }
143//       }
145// 3. For Python objects, implement to_proto() and from_proto(), and register
146//    them in the following manner:
147//    ops.register_proto_function("your_collection_name",
148//                                proto_type,
149//                                to_proto=YourPythonObject.to_proto,
150//                                from_proto=YourPythonObject.from_proto)
151//    These functions will be invoked to serialize and de-serialize the
152//    collection. For example,
153//    ops.register_proto_function(ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
154//                                proto_type=variable_pb2.VariableDef,
155//                                to_proto=Variable.to_proto,
156//                                from_proto=Variable.from_proto)
157message CollectionDef {
158  // NodeList is used for collecting nodes in graph. For example
159  // collection_def {
160  //   key: "summaries"
161  //   value {
162  //     node_list {
163  //       value: "input_producer/ScalarSummary:0"
164  //       value: "shuffle_batch/ScalarSummary:0"
165  //       value: "ImageSummary:0"
166  //     }
167  //   }
168  message NodeList {
169    repeated string value = 1;
170  }
172  // BytesList is used for collecting strings and serialized protobufs. For
173  // example:
174  // collection_def {
175  //   key: "trainable_variables"
176  //   value {
177  //     bytes_list {
178  //       value: "\n\017conv1/weights:0\022\024conv1/weights/Assign
179  //              \032\024conv1/weights/read:0"
180  //       value: "\n\016conv1/biases:0\022\023conv1/biases/Assign\032
181  //              \023conv1/biases/read:0"
182  //     }
183  //   }
184  // }
185  message BytesList {
186    repeated bytes value = 1;
187  }
189  // Int64List is used for collecting int, int64 and long values.
190  message Int64List {
191    repeated int64 value = 1 [packed = true];
192  }
194  // FloatList is used for collecting float values.
195  message FloatList {
196    repeated float value = 1 [packed = true];
197  }
199  // AnyList is used for collecting Any protos.
200  message AnyList {
201    repeated google.protobuf.Any value = 1;
202  }
204  oneof kind {
205    NodeList node_list = 1;
206    BytesList bytes_list = 2;
207    Int64List int64_list = 3;
208    FloatList float_list = 4;
209    AnyList any_list = 5;
210  }
213// Information about a Tensor necessary for feeding or retrieval.
214message TensorInfo {
215  // For sparse tensors, The COO encoding stores a triple of values, indices,
216  // and shape.
217  message CooSparse {
218    // The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
219    // the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
220    string values_tensor_name = 1;
222    // The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
223    string indices_tensor_name = 2;
225    // The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
226    // the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
227    string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;
228  }
230  // Generic encoding for composite tensors.
231  message CompositeTensor {
232    // The serialized TypeSpec for the composite tensor.
233    TypeSpecProto type_spec = 1;
235    // A TensorInfo for each flattened component tensor.
236    repeated TensorInfo components = 2;
237  }
239  oneof encoding {
240    // For dense `Tensor`s, the name of the tensor in the graph.
241    string name = 1;
242    // There are many possible encodings of sparse matrices
243    // (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix).  Currently, TensorFlow
244    // uses only the COO encoding.  This is supported and documented in the
245    // SparseTensor Python class.
246    CooSparse coo_sparse = 4;
247    // Generic encoding for CompositeTensors.
248    CompositeTensor composite_tensor = 5;
249  }
250  DataType dtype = 2;
251  // The static shape should be recorded here, to the extent that it can
252  // be known in advance.  In the case of a SparseTensor, this field describes
253  // the logical shape of the represented tensor (aka dense_shape).
254  TensorShapeProto tensor_shape = 3;
257// SignatureDef defines the signature of a computation supported by a TensorFlow
258// graph.
260// For example, a model with two loss computations, sharing a single input,
261// might have the following signature_def map, in a MetaGraphDef message.
263// Note that across the two SignatureDefs "loss_A" and "loss_B", the input key,
264// output key, and method_name are identical, and will be used by system(s) that
265// implement or rely upon this particular loss method. The output tensor names
266// differ, demonstrating how different outputs can exist for the same method.
268// signature_def {
269//   key: "loss_A"
270//   value {
271//     inputs {
272//       key: "input"
273//       value {
274//         name: "input:0"
275//         dtype: DT_STRING
276//         tensor_shape: ...
277//       }
278//     }
279//     outputs {
280//       key: "loss_output"
281//       value {
282//         name: "loss_output_A:0"
283//         dtype: DT_FLOAT
284//         tensor_shape: ...
285//       }
286//     }
287//     method_name: "some/package/compute_loss"
288//   }
289//   ...
290// }
291// signature_def {
292//   key: "loss_B"
293//   value {
294//     inputs {
295//       key: "input"
296//       value {
297//         name: "input:0"
298//         dtype: DT_STRING
299//         tensor_shape: ...
300//       }
301//     }
302//     outputs {
303//       key: "loss_output"
304//       value {
305//         name: "loss_output_B:0"
306//         dtype: DT_FLOAT
307//         tensor_shape: ...
308//       }
309//     }
310//     method_name: "some/package/compute_loss"
311//   }
312//   ...
313// }
314message SignatureDef {
315  // Named input parameters.
316  map<string, TensorInfo> inputs = 1;
317  // Named output parameters.
318  map<string, TensorInfo> outputs = 2;
319  // Extensible method_name information enabling third-party users to mark a
320  // SignatureDef as supporting a particular method. This enables producers and
321  // consumers of SignatureDefs, e.g. a model definition library and a serving
322  // library to have a clear hand-off regarding the semantics of a computation.
323  //
324  // Note that multiple SignatureDefs in a single MetaGraphDef may have the same
325  // method_name. This is commonly used to support multi-headed computation,
326  // where a single graph computation may return multiple results.
327  string method_name = 3;
330// An asset file def for a single file or a set of sharded files with the same
331// name.
332message AssetFileDef {
333  // The tensor to bind the asset filename to.
334  TensorInfo tensor_info = 1;
335  // The filename within an assets directory. Note: does not include the path
336  // prefix, i.e. directories. For an asset at /tmp/path/vocab.txt, the filename
337  // would be "vocab.txt".
338  string filename = 2;