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1# Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
16Module Info class used to hold cached module-info.json.
19# pylint: disable=line-too-long,too-many-lines
21import json
22import logging
23import os
24import pickle
25import re
26import shutil
27import tempfile
28import time
30from pathlib import Path
31from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set
33from atest import atest_utils
34from atest import constants
36from atest.atest_enum import DetectType
37from atest.metrics import metrics
40# JSON file generated by build system that lists all buildable targets.
41_MODULE_INFO = 'module-info.json'
42# JSON file generated by build system that lists dependencies for java.
43_JAVA_DEP_INFO = 'module_bp_java_deps.json'
44# JSON file generated by build system that lists dependencies for cc.
45_CC_DEP_INFO = 'module_bp_cc_deps.json'
46# JSON file generated by atest merged the content from module-info,
47# module_bp_java_deps.json, and module_bp_cc_deps.
48_MERGED_INFO = 'atest_merged_dep.json'
51Module = Dict[str, Any]
54class ModuleInfo:
55    """Class that offers fast/easy lookup for Module related details."""
57    def __init__(
58        self,
59        force_build=False,
60        module_file=None,
61        index_dir=None,
62        no_generate=False):
63        """Initialize the ModuleInfo object.
65        Load up the module-info.json file and initialize the helper vars.
66        Note that module-info.json does not contain all module dependencies,
67        therefore, Atest needs to accumulate dependencies defined in bp files.
69          +----------------------+     +----------------------------+
70          | $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT |     |$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/soong|
71          |  /module-info.json   |     |  /module_bp_java_deps.json |
72          +-----------+----------+     +-------------+--------------+
73                      |     _merge_soong_info()      |
74                      +------------------------------+
75                      |
76                      v
77        +----------------------------+  +----------------------------+
78        |tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile |  |$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/soong|
79        +-------------+--------------+  |  /module_bp_cc_deps.json   |
80                      |                 +-------------+--------------+
81                      |     _merge_soong_info()       |
82                      +-------------------------------+
83                                     |
84                             +-------|
85                             v
86                +============================+
87                |  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT      |
88                |    /atest_merged_dep.json  |--> load as module info.
89                +============================+
91        Args:
92            force_build: Boolean to indicate if we should rebuild the
93                         module_info file regardless if it's created or not.
94            module_file: String of path to file to load up. Used for testing.
95            index_dir: String of path to store testable module index and md5.
96            no_generate: Boolean to indicate if we should populate module info
97                         from the soong artifacts; setting to true will
98                         leave module info empty.
99        """
100        # TODO(b/263199608): Refactor the ModuleInfo constructor.
101        # The module-info constructor does too much. We should never be doing
102        # real work in a constructor and should only use it to inject
103        # dependencies.
105        # force_build could be from "-m" or smart_build(build files change).
106        self.force_build = force_build
107        # update_merge_info flag will merge dep files only when any of them have
108        # changed even force_build == True.
109        self.update_merge_info = False
110        self.roboleaf_tests = {}
112        # Index and checksum files that will be used.
113        index_dir = (
114            Path(index_dir) if index_dir else
115            Path(os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_HOST_OUT)).joinpath('indexes')
116        )
117        if not index_dir.is_dir():
118            index_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
119        self.module_index = index_dir.joinpath(constants.MODULE_INDEX)
120        self.module_info_checksum = index_dir.joinpath(constants.MODULE_INFO_MD5)
122        # Paths to java, cc and merged module info json files.
123        self.java_dep_path = Path(
124            atest_utils.get_build_out_dir()).joinpath('soong', _JAVA_DEP_INFO)
125        self.cc_dep_path = Path(
126            atest_utils.get_build_out_dir()).joinpath('soong', _CC_DEP_INFO)
127        self.merged_dep_path = Path(
128            os.getenv(constants.ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, '')).joinpath(_MERGED_INFO)
130        self.mod_info_file_path = Path(module_file) if module_file else None
132        if no_generate:
133            self.name_to_module_info = {}
134            return
136        module_info_target, name_to_module_info = self._load_module_info_file(
137            module_file)
138        self.name_to_module_info = name_to_module_info
139        self.module_info_target = module_info_target
140        self.path_to_module_info = self._get_path_to_module_info(
141            self.name_to_module_info)
142        self.root_dir = os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)
143        self.module_index_proc = None
144        if self.update_merge_info or not self.module_index.is_file():
145            # Assumably null module_file reflects a common run, and index testable
146            # modules only when common runs.
147            if not module_file:
148                self.module_index_proc = atest_utils.run_multi_proc(
149                    func=self._get_testable_modules,
150                    kwargs={'index': True})
152    @staticmethod
153    def _discover_mod_file_and_target(force_build):
154        """Find the module file.
156        Args:
157            force_build: Boolean to indicate if we should rebuild the
158                         module_info file regardless of the existence of it.
160        Returns:
161            Tuple of module_info_target and path to module file.
162        """
163        logging.debug('Probing and validating module info...')
164        module_info_target = None
165        root_dir = os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, '/')
166        out_dir = os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, root_dir)
167        module_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, _MODULE_INFO)
169        # Check if the user set a custom out directory by comparing the out_dir
170        # to the root_dir.
171        if out_dir.find(root_dir) == 0:
172            # Make target is simply file path no-absolute to root
173            module_info_target = os.path.relpath(module_file_path, root_dir)
174        else:
175            # If the user has set a custom out directory, generate an absolute
176            # path for module info targets.
177            logging.debug('User customized out dir!')
178            module_file_path = os.path.join(
179                os.environ.get(constants.ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT), _MODULE_INFO)
180            module_info_target = module_file_path
181        if force_build:
182            atest_utils.build_module_info_target(module_info_target)
183        return module_info_target, module_file_path
185    def _load_module_info_file(self, module_file):
186        """Load the module file.
188        No matter whether passing module_file or not, ModuleInfo will load
189        atest_merged_dep.json as module info eventually.
191        +--------------+                  +----------------------------------+
192        | ModuleInfo() |                  | ModuleInfo(module_file=foo.json) |
193        +-------+------+                  +----------------+-----------------+
194                | _discover_mod_file_and_target()          |
195                | atest_utils.build()                      | load
196                v                                          V
197        +--------------------------+         +--------------------------+
198        | module-info.json         |         | foo.json                 |
199        | module_bp_cc_deps.json   |         | module_bp_cc_deps.json   |
200        | module_bp_java_deps.json |         | module_bp_java_deps.json |
201        +--------------------------+         +--------------------------+
202                |                                          |
203                | _merge_soong_info() <--------------------+
204                v
205        +============================+
206        |  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT      |
207        |    /atest_merged_dep.json  |--> load as module info.
208        +============================+
210        Args:
211            module_file: String of path to file to load up. Used for testing.
212                         Note: if set, ModuleInfo will skip build process.
214        Returns:
215            Tuple of module_info_target and dict of json.
216        """
217        # If module_file is specified, we're gonna test it so we don't care if
218        # module_info_target stays None.
219        module_info_target = None
220        file_path = module_file
221        previous_checksum = atest_utils.load_json_safely(
222            self.module_info_checksum)
223        if not file_path:
224            module_info_target, file_path = self._discover_mod_file_and_target(
225                self.force_build)
226            self.mod_info_file_path = Path(file_path)
227        # Even undergone a rebuild after _discover_mod_file_and_target(), merge
228        # atest_merged_dep.json only when module_deps_infos actually change so
229        # that Atest can decrease disk I/O and ensure data accuracy at all.
230        self.update_merge_info = self.need_update_merged_file(previous_checksum)
231        start = time.time()
232        if self.update_merge_info:
233            # Load the $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/module-info.json for merging.
234            module_info_json = atest_utils.load_json_safely(file_path)
235            if Path(file_path).name == _MODULE_INFO and not module_info_json:
236                # Rebuild module-info.json when it has invalid format. However,
237                # if the file_path doesn't end with module-info.json, it could
238                # be from unit tests and won't trigger rebuild.
239                atest_utils.build_module_info_target(module_info_target)
240                start = time.time()
241                module_info_json = atest_utils.load_json_safely(file_path)
242            mod_info = self._merge_build_system_infos(module_info_json)
243            duration = time.time() - start
244            logging.debug('Merging module info took %ss', duration)
245            metrics.LocalDetectEvent(
246                detect_type=DetectType.MODULE_MERGE_MS, result=int(duration*1000))
247        else:
248            # Load $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/atest_merged_dep.json directly.
249            with open(self.merged_dep_path, encoding='utf-8') as merged_info_json:
250                mod_info = json.load(merged_info_json)
251            duration = time.time() - start
252            logging.debug('Loading module info took %ss', duration)
253            metrics.LocalDetectEvent(
254                detect_type=DetectType.MODULE_LOAD_MS, result=int(duration*1000))
255        _add_missing_variant_modules(mod_info)
256        logging.debug('Loading %s as module-info.', self.merged_dep_path)
257        return module_info_target, mod_info
259    def _save_module_info_checksum(self):
260        """Dump the checksum of essential module info files.
261           * module-info.json
262           * module_bp_cc_deps.json
263           * module_bp_java_deps.json
264        """
265        dirname = Path(self.module_info_checksum).parent
266        if not dirname.is_dir():
267            dirname.mkdir(parents=True)
268        atest_utils.save_md5([
269            self.mod_info_file_path,
270            self.java_dep_path,
271            self.cc_dep_path], self.module_info_checksum)
273    @staticmethod
274    def _get_path_to_module_info(name_to_module_info):
275        """Return the path_to_module_info dict.
277        Args:
278            name_to_module_info: Dict of module name to module info dict.
280        Returns:
281            Dict of module path to module info dict.
282        """
283        path_to_module_info = {}
284        for mod_name, mod_info in name_to_module_info.items():
285            # Cross-compiled and multi-arch modules actually all belong to
286            # a single target so filter out these extra modules.
287            if mod_name != mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME, ''):
288                continue
289            for path in mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_PATH, []):
290                mod_info[constants.MODULE_NAME] = mod_name
291                # There could be multiple modules in a path.
292                if path in path_to_module_info:
293                    path_to_module_info[path].append(mod_info)
294                else:
295                    path_to_module_info[path] = [mod_info]
296        return path_to_module_info
298    def _index_testable_modules(self, content):
299        """Dump testable modules.
301        Args:
302            content: An object that will be written to the index file.
303        """
304        logging.debug(r'Indexing testable modules... '
305                      r'(This is required whenever module-info.json '
306                      r'was rebuilt.)')
307        Path(self.module_index).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
308        with open(self.module_index, 'wb') as cache:
309            try:
310                pickle.dump(content, cache, protocol=2)
311            except IOError:
312                logging.error('Failed in dumping %s', cache)
313                os.remove(cache)
315    def _get_testable_modules(self, index=False, suite=None):
316        """Return all available testable modules and index them.
318        Args:
319            index: boolean that determines running _index_testable_modules().
320            suite: string for the suite name.
322        Returns:
323            Set of all testable modules.
324        """
325        modules = set()
326        begin = time.time()
327        for _, info in self.name_to_module_info.items():
328            if self.is_testable_module(info):
329                modules.add(info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME))
330        logging.debug('Probing all testable modules took %ss',
331                      time.time() - begin)
332        if index:
333            self._index_testable_modules(modules)
334        if suite:
335            _modules = set()
336            for module_name in modules:
337                info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
338                if self.is_suite_in_compatibility_suites(suite, info):
339                    _modules.add(info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME))
340            return _modules
341        return modules
343    def is_module(self, name):
344        """Return True if name is a module, False otherwise."""
345        info = self.get_module_info(name)
346        # From aosp/2293302 it started merging all modules' dependency in bp
347        # even the module is not be exposed to make, and those modules could not
348        # be treated as a build target using m. Only treat input name as module
349        # if it also has the module_name attribute which means it could be a
350        # build target for m.
351        if info and info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME):
352            return True
353        return False
355    def get_paths(self, name):
356        """Return paths of supplied module name, Empty list if non-existent."""
357        info = self.get_module_info(name)
358        if info:
359            return info.get(constants.MODULE_PATH, [])
360        return []
362    def get_module_names(self, rel_module_path):
363        """Get the modules that all have module_path.
365        Args:
366            rel_module_path: path of module in module-info.json
368        Returns:
369            List of module names.
370        """
371        return [m.get(constants.MODULE_NAME)
372                for m in self.path_to_module_info.get(rel_module_path, [])]
374    def get_module_info(self, mod_name):
375        """Return dict of info for given module name, None if non-existence."""
376        return self.name_to_module_info.get(mod_name)
378    def is_suite_in_compatibility_suites(self, suite, mod_info):
379        """Check if suite exists in the compatibility_suites of module-info.
381        Args:
382            suite: A string of suite name.
383            mod_info: Dict of module info to check.
385        Returns:
386            True if it exists in mod_info, False otherwise.
387        """
388        if not isinstance(mod_info, dict):
389            return False
390        return suite in mod_info.get(
391            constants.MODULE_COMPATIBILITY_SUITES, [])
393    def get_testable_modules(self, suite=None):
394        """Return the testable modules of the given suite name.
396        Atest does not index testable modules against compatibility_suites. When
397        suite was given, or the index file was interrupted, always run
398        _get_testable_modules() and re-index.
400        Args:
401            suite: A string of suite name.
403        Returns:
404            If suite is not given, return all the testable modules in module
405            info, otherwise return only modules that belong to the suite.
406        """
407        modules = set()
408        start = time.time()
409        if self.module_index_proc:
410            self.module_index_proc.join()
412        if self.module_index.is_file():
413            if not suite:
414                with open(self.module_index, 'rb') as cache:
415                    try:
416                        modules = pickle.load(cache, encoding="utf-8")
417                    except UnicodeDecodeError:
418                        modules = pickle.load(cache)
419                    # when module indexing was interrupted.
420                    except EOFError:
421                        pass
422            else:
423                modules = self._get_testable_modules(suite=suite)
424        # If the modules.idx does not exist or invalid for any reason, generate
425        # a new one arbitrarily.
426        if not modules:
427            if not suite:
428                modules = self._get_testable_modules(index=True)
429            else:
430                modules = self._get_testable_modules(index=True, suite=suite)
431        duration = time.time() - start
432        metrics.LocalDetectEvent(
433            detect_type=DetectType.TESTABLE_MODULES,
434            result=int(duration))
435        return modules
437    def is_tradefed_testable_module(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
438        """Check whether the module is a Tradefed executable test."""
439        if not info:
440            return False
441        if not info.get(constants.MODULE_INSTALLED, []):
442            return False
443        return self.has_test_config(info)
445    def is_testable_module(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
446        """Check if module is something we can test.
448        A module is testable if:
449          - it's a tradefed testable module, or
450          - it's a robolectric module (or shares path with one).
452        Args:
453            info: Dict of module info to check.
455        Returns:
456            True if we can test this module, False otherwise.
457        """
458        if not info:
459            return False
460        if self.is_tradefed_testable_module(info):
461            return True
462        if self.is_legacy_robolectric_test(info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME)):
463            return True
464        return False
466    def has_test_config(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
467        """Validate if this module has a test config.
469        A module can have a test config in the following manner:
470          - test_config be set in module-info.json.
471          - Auto-generated config via the auto_test_config key
472            in module-info.json.
474        Args:
475            info: Dict of module info to check.
477        Returns:
478            True if this module has a test config, False otherwise.
479        """
480        return bool(info.get(constants.MODULE_TEST_CONFIG, []) or
481                    info.get('auto_test_config', []))
483    def is_legacy_robolectric_test(self, module_name: str) -> bool:
484        """Return whether the module_name is a legacy Robolectric test"""
485        return bool(self.get_robolectric_test_name(module_name))
487    def get_robolectric_test_name(self, module_name: str) -> str:
488        """Returns runnable robolectric module name.
490        This method is for legacy robolectric tests and returns one of associated
491        modules. The pattern is determined by the amount of shards:
493        10 shards:
494            FooTests -> RunFooTests0, RunFooTests1 ... RunFooTests9
495        No shard:
496            FooTests -> RunFooTests
498        Arg:
499            module_name: String of module.
501        Returns:
502            String of the first-matched associated module that belongs to the
503            actual robolectric module, None if nothing has been found.
504        """
505        info = self.get_module_info(module_name) or {}
506        module_paths = info.get(constants.MODULE_PATH, [])
507        if not module_paths:
508            return ''
509        filtered_module_names = [
510            name
511            for name in self.get_module_names(module_paths[0])
512            if name.startswith("Run")
513        ]
514        return next(
515            (
516                name
517                for name in filtered_module_names
518                if self.is_legacy_robolectric_class(self.get_module_info(name))
519            ),
520            '',
521        )
523    def is_robolectric_test(self, module_name):
524        """Check if the given module is a robolectric test.
526        Args:
527            module_name: String of module to check.
529        Returns:
530            Boolean whether it's a robotest or not.
531        """
532        if self.get_robolectric_type(module_name):
533            return True
534        return False
536    def get_robolectric_type(self, module_name):
537        """Check if the given module is a robolectric test and return type of it.
539        Robolectric declaration is converting from Android.mk to Android.bp, and
540        in the interim Atest needs to support testing both types of tests.
542        The modern robolectric tests defined by 'android_robolectric_test' in an
543        Android.bp file can can be run in Tradefed Test Runner:
545            SettingsRoboTests -> Tradefed Test Runner
547        Legacy tests defined in an Android.mk can only run with the 'make' way.
549            SettingsRoboTests -> make RunSettingsRoboTests0
551        To determine whether the test is a modern/legacy robolectric test:
552            1. Traverse all modules share the module path. If one of the
553               modules has a ROBOLECTRIC class, it is a robolectric test.
554            2. If the 'robolectric-test` in the compatibility_suites, it's a
555               modern one, otherwise it's a legacy test. This is accurate since
556               aosp/2308586 already set the test suite of `robolectric-test`
557               for all `modern` Robolectric tests in Soong.
559        Args:
560            module_name: String of module to check.
562        Returns:
563            0: not a robolectric test.
564            1: a modern robolectric test(defined in Android.bp)
565            2: a legacy robolectric test(defined in Android.mk)
566        """
567        info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
568        if not info:
569            return 0
570        # Some Modern mode Robolectric test has related module which compliant
571        # with the Legacy Robolectric test. In this case, the Modern mode
572        # Robolectric tests should prior to Legacy mode.
573        if self.is_modern_robolectric_test(info):
574            return constants.ROBOTYPE_MODERN
575        if self.is_legacy_robolectric_test(module_name):
576            return constants.ROBOTYPE_LEGACY
577        return 0
579    def get_instrumentation_target_apps(self, module_name: str) -> Dict:
580        """Return target APKs of an instrumentation test.
582        Returns:
583            A dict of target module and target APK(s). e.g.
584            {"FooService": {"/path/to/the/FooService.apk"}}
585        """
586        # 1. Determine the actual manifest filename from an Android.bp(if any)
587        manifest = self.get_filepath_from_module(module_name,
588                                                 'AndroidManifest.xml')
589        bpfile = self.get_filepath_from_module(module_name, 'Android.bp')
590        if bpfile.is_file():
591            bp_info = atest_utils.get_bp_content(bpfile, 'android_test')
592            if not bp_info or not bp_info.get(module_name):
593                return {}
594            manifest = self.get_filepath_from_module(
595                module_name,
596                bp_info.get(module_name).get('manifest'))
597        xml_info = atest_utils.get_manifest_info(manifest)
598        # 2. Translate package name to a module name.
599        package = xml_info.get('package')
600        target_package = xml_info.get('target_package')
601        # Ensure it's an instrumentation test(excluding self-instrmented)
602        if target_package and package != target_package:
603            logging.debug('Found %s an instrumentation test.', module_name)
604            metrics.LocalDetectEvent(
605                detect_type=DetectType.FOUND_INSTRUMENTATION_TEST, result=1)
606            target_module = self.get_target_module_by_pkg(
607                package=target_package,
608                search_from=manifest.parent)
609            if target_module:
610                return self.get_artifact_map(target_module)
611        return {}
613    # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
614    def get_target_module_by_pkg(self, package: str, search_from: Path) -> str:
615        """Translate package name to the target module name.
617        This method is dedicated to determine the target module by translating
618        a package name.
620        Phase 1: Find out possible manifest files among parent directories.
621        Phase 2. Look for the defined package fits the given name, and ensure
622                 it is not a persistent app.
623        Phase 3: Translate the manifest path to possible modules. A valid module
624                 must fulfill:
625                 1. The 'class' type must be ['APPS'].
626                 2. It is not a Robolectric test.
628        Returns:
629            A string of module name.
630        """
631        xmls = []
632        for pth in search_from.parents:
633            if pth == Path(self.root_dir):
634                break
635            for name in os.listdir(pth):
636                if pth.joinpath(name).is_file():
637                    match = re.match('.*AndroidManifest.*\.xml$', name)
638                    if match:
639                        xmls.append(os.path.join(pth, name))
640        possible_modules = []
641        for xml in xmls:
642            rel_dir = str(Path(xml).relative_to(self.root_dir).parent)
643            logging.debug('Looking for package "%s" in %s...', package, xml)
644            xml_info = atest_utils.get_manifest_info(xml)
645            if xml_info.get('package') == package:
646                if xml_info.get('persistent'):
647                    logging.debug('%s is a persistent app.', package)
648                    continue
649                for _m in self.path_to_module_info.get(rel_dir):
650                    possible_modules.append(_m)
651        if possible_modules:
652            for mod in possible_modules:
653                name = mod.get('module_name')
654                if (mod.get('class') == ['APPS'] and
655                    not self.is_robolectric_test(name)):
656                    return name
657        return ''
659    def get_artifact_map(self, module_name: str) -> Dict:
660        """Get the installed APK path of the given module."""
661        target_mod_info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
662        artifact_map = {}
663        if target_mod_info:
664            apks = set()
665            artifacts = target_mod_info.get('installed')
666            for artifact in artifacts:
667                if Path(artifact).suffix == '.apk':
668                    apks.add(os.path.join(self.root_dir, artifact))
669            artifact_map.update({module_name: apks})
670        return artifact_map
672    def is_auto_gen_test_config(self, module_name):
673        """Check if the test config file will be generated automatically.
675        Args:
676            module_name: A string of the module name.
678        Returns:
679            True if the test config file will be generated automatically.
680        """
681        if self.is_module(module_name):
682            mod_info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
683            auto_test_config = mod_info.get('auto_test_config', [])
684            return auto_test_config and auto_test_config[0]
685        return False
687    def is_legacy_robolectric_class(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
688        """Check if the class is `ROBOLECTRIC`
690        This method is for legacy robolectric tests that the associated modules
691        contain:
692            'class': ['ROBOLECTRIC']
694        Args:
695            info: ModuleInfo to check.
697        Returns:
698            True if the attribute class in mod_info is ROBOLECTRIC, False
699            otherwise.
700        """
701        if info:
702            module_classes = info.get(constants.MODULE_CLASS, [])
703            return (module_classes and
704                    module_classes[0] == constants.MODULE_CLASS_ROBOLECTRIC)
705        return False
707    def is_native_test(self, module_name):
708        """Check if the input module is a native test.
710        Args:
711            module_name: A string of the module name.
713        Returns:
714            True if the test is a native test, False otherwise.
715        """
716        mod_info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
717        return constants.MODULE_CLASS_NATIVE_TESTS in mod_info.get(
718            constants.MODULE_CLASS, [])
720    def has_mainline_modules(self,
721            module_name: str, mainline_binaries: List[str]) -> bool:
722        """Check if the mainline modules are in module-info.
724        Args:
725            module_name: A string of the module name.
726            mainline_binaries: A list of mainline module binaries.
728        Returns:
729            True if mainline_binaries is in module-info, False otherwise.
730        """
731        mod_info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
732        # Check 'test_mainline_modules' attribute of the module-info.json.
733        mm_in_mf = mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_MAINLINE_MODULES, [])
734        ml_modules_set = set(mainline_binaries)
735        if mm_in_mf:
736            return contains_same_mainline_modules(
737                ml_modules_set, set(mm_in_mf))
738        for test_config in mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_TEST_CONFIG, []):
739            # Check the value of 'mainline-param' in the test config.
740            if not self.is_auto_gen_test_config(module_name):
741                return contains_same_mainline_modules(
742                    ml_modules_set,
743                    atest_utils.get_mainline_param(
744                        os.path.join(self.root_dir, test_config)))
745            # Unable to verify mainline modules in an auto-gen test config.
746            logging.debug('%s is associated with an auto-generated test config.',
747                          module_name)
748            return True
749        return False
751    def _merge_build_system_infos(self, name_to_module_info,
752        java_bp_info_path=None, cc_bp_info_path=None):
753        """Merge the content of module-info.json and CC/Java dependency files
754        to name_to_module_info.
756        Args:
757            name_to_module_info: Dict of module name to module info dict.
758            java_bp_info_path: String of path to java dep file to load up.
759                               Used for testing.
760            cc_bp_info_path: String of path to cc dep file to load up.
761                             Used for testing.
763        Returns:
764            Dict of updated name_to_module_info.
765        """
766        # Merge _JAVA_DEP_INFO
767        if not java_bp_info_path:
768            java_bp_info_path = self.java_dep_path
769        java_bp_infos = atest_utils.load_json_safely(java_bp_info_path)
770        if java_bp_infos:
771            logging.debug('Merging Java build info: %s', java_bp_info_path)
772            name_to_module_info = self._merge_soong_info(
773                name_to_module_info, java_bp_infos)
774        # Merge _CC_DEP_INFO
775        if not cc_bp_info_path:
776            cc_bp_info_path = self.cc_dep_path
777        cc_bp_infos = atest_utils.load_json_safely(cc_bp_info_path)
778        if cc_bp_infos:
779            logging.debug('Merging CC build info: %s', cc_bp_info_path)
780            # CC's dep json format is different with java.
781            # Below is the example content:
782            # {
783            #   "clang": "${ANDROID_ROOT}/bin/clang",
784            #   "clang++": "${ANDROID_ROOT}/bin/clang++",
785            #   "modules": {
786            #       "ACameraNdkVendorTest": {
787            #           "path": [
788            #                   "frameworks/av/camera/ndk"
789            #           ],
790            #           "srcs": [
791            #                   "frameworks/tests/AImageVendorTest.cpp",
792            #                   "frameworks/tests/ACameraManagerTest.cpp"
793            #           ],
794            name_to_module_info = self._merge_soong_info(
795                name_to_module_info, cc_bp_infos.get('modules', {}))
796        # If $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT was not created in pyfakefs, simply return it
797        # without dumping atest_merged_dep.json in real.
799        # Adds the key into module info as a unique ID.
800        for key, info in name_to_module_info.items():
801            info[constants.MODULE_INFO_ID] = key
803        if not self.merged_dep_path.parent.is_dir():
804            return name_to_module_info
805        # b/178559543 saving merged module info in a temp file and copying it to
806        # atest_merged_dep.json can eliminate the possibility of accessing it
807        # concurrently and resulting in invalid JSON format.
808        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
809            with open(temp_file.name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as _temp:
810                json.dump(name_to_module_info, _temp, indent=0)
811            shutil.copy(temp_file.name, self.merged_dep_path)
812        return name_to_module_info
814    def _merge_soong_info(self, name_to_module_info, mod_bp_infos):
815        """Merge the dependency and srcs in mod_bp_infos to name_to_module_info.
817        Args:
818            name_to_module_info: Dict of module name to module info dict.
819            mod_bp_infos: Dict of module name to bp's module info dict.
821        Returns:
822            Dict of updated name_to_module_info.
823        """
824        merge_items = [constants.MODULE_DEPENDENCIES, constants.MODULE_SRCS,
825                       constants.MODULE_LIBS, constants.MODULE_STATIC_LIBS,
826                       constants.MODULE_STATIC_DEPS, constants.MODULE_PATH]
827        for module_name, dep_info in mod_bp_infos.items():
828            mod_info = name_to_module_info.setdefault(module_name, {})
829            for merge_item in merge_items:
830                dep_info_values = dep_info.get(merge_item, [])
831                mod_info_values = mod_info.get(merge_item, [])
832                mod_info_values.extend(dep_info_values)
833                mod_info_values.sort()
834                # deduplicate values just in case.
835                mod_info_values = list(dict.fromkeys(mod_info_values))
836                name_to_module_info[
837                    module_name][merge_item] = mod_info_values
838        return name_to_module_info
840    def get_filepath_from_module(self, module_name: str, filename: str) -> Path:
841        """Return absolute path of the given module and filename."""
842        mod_path = self.get_paths(module_name)
843        if mod_path:
844            return Path(self.root_dir).joinpath(mod_path[0], filename)
845        return Path()
847    def get_module_dependency(self, module_name, depend_on=None):
848        """Get the dependency sets for input module.
850        Recursively find all the dependencies of the input module.
852        Args:
853            module_name: String of module to check.
854            depend_on: The list of parent dependencies.
856        Returns:
857            Set of dependency modules.
858        """
859        if not depend_on:
860            depend_on = set()
861        deps = set()
862        mod_info = self.get_module_info(module_name)
863        if not mod_info:
864            return deps
865        mod_deps = set(mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_DEPENDENCIES, []))
866        # Remove item in deps if it already in depend_on:
867        mod_deps = mod_deps - depend_on
868        deps = deps.union(mod_deps)
869        for mod_dep in mod_deps:
870            deps = deps.union(set(self.get_module_dependency(
871                mod_dep, depend_on=depend_on.union(deps))))
872        return deps
874    def get_install_module_dependency(self, module_name, depend_on=None):
875        """Get the dependency set for the given modules with installed path.
877        Args:
878            module_name: String of module to check.
879            depend_on: The list of parent dependencies.
881        Returns:
882            Set of dependency modules which has installed path.
883        """
884        install_deps = set()
885        deps = self.get_module_dependency(module_name, depend_on)
886        logging.debug('%s depends on: %s', module_name, deps)
887        for module in deps:
888            mod_info = self.get_module_info(module)
889            if mod_info and mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_INSTALLED, []):
890                install_deps.add(module)
891        logging.debug('modules %s required by %s were not installed',
892                      install_deps, module_name)
893        return install_deps
895    def need_update_merged_file(self, checksum):
896        """Check if need to update/generated atest_merged_dep.
898        There are 2 scienarios that atest_merged_dep.json will be updated.
899        1. One of the checksum of module-info.json, module_bp_java_deps.json and
900           module_cc_java_deps.json have changed.
901        2. atest_merged_deps.json does not exist.
903        If fits one of above scienarios, it is recognized to update.
905        Returns:
906            True if one of the scienarios reaches, False otherwise.
907        """
908        current_checksum = {str(name): atest_utils.md5sum(name) for name in [
909            self.mod_info_file_path,
910            self.java_dep_path,
911            self.cc_dep_path]}
912        return (checksum != current_checksum or
913            not Path(self.merged_dep_path).is_file())
915    def is_unit_test(self, mod_info):
916        """Return True if input module is unit test, False otherwise.
918        Args:
919            mod_info: ModuleInfo to check.
921        Returns:
922            True if input module is unit test, False otherwise.
923        """
924        return mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_IS_UNIT_TEST, '') == 'true'
926    def is_host_unit_test(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
927        """Return True if input module is host unit test, False otherwise.
929        Args:
930            info: ModuleInfo to check.
932        Returns:
933            True if input module is host unit test, False otherwise.
934        """
935        return self.is_tradefed_testable_module(info) and \
936            self.is_suite_in_compatibility_suites('host-unit-tests', info)
938    def is_modern_robolectric_test(self, info: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
939        """Return whether 'robolectric-tests' is in 'compatibility_suites'."""
940        return self.is_tradefed_testable_module(info) and \
941            self.is_robolectric_test_suite(info)
943    def is_robolectric_test_suite(self, mod_info) -> bool:
944        """Return True if 'robolectric-tests' in the compatibility_suites.
946        Args:
947            mod_info: ModuleInfo to check.
949        Returns:
950            True if the 'robolectric-tests' is in the compatibility_suites,
951            False otherwise.
952        """
953        return self.is_suite_in_compatibility_suites('robolectric-tests',
954                                                      mod_info)
956    def is_device_driven_test(self, mod_info):
957        """Return True if input module is device driven test, False otherwise.
959        Args:
960            mod_info: ModuleInfo to check.
962        Returns:
963            True if input module is device driven test, False otherwise.
964        """
965        if self.is_robolectric_test_suite(mod_info):
966            return False
968        return self.is_tradefed_testable_module(mod_info) and \
969            'DEVICE' in mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_SUPPORTED_VARIANTS, [])
971    def is_host_driven_test(self, mod_info):
972        """Return True if input module is host driven test, False otherwise.
974        Args:
975            mod_info: ModuleInfo to check.
977        Returns:
978            True if input module is host driven test, False otherwise.
979        """
980        return self.is_tradefed_testable_module(mod_info) and \
981            'HOST' in mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_SUPPORTED_VARIANTS, [])
983    def _any_module(self, _: Module) -> bool:
984        return True
986    def get_all_tests(self):
987        """Get a list of all the module names which are tests."""
988        return self._get_all_modules(type_predicate=self.is_testable_module)
990    def get_all_unit_tests(self):
991        """Get a list of all the module names which are unit tests."""
992        return self._get_all_modules(type_predicate=self.is_unit_test)
994    def get_all_host_unit_tests(self):
995        """Get a list of all the module names which are host unit tests."""
996        return self._get_all_modules(type_predicate=self.is_host_unit_test)
998    def get_all_device_driven_tests(self):
999        """Get a list of all the module names which are device driven tests."""
1000        return self._get_all_modules(type_predicate=self.is_device_driven_test)
1002    def _get_all_modules(self, type_predicate=None):
1003        """Get a list of all the module names that passed the predicate."""
1004        modules = []
1005        type_predicate = type_predicate or self._any_module
1006        for mod_name, mod_info in self.name_to_module_info.items():
1007            if mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME, '') == mod_name:
1008                if type_predicate(mod_info):
1009                    modules.append(mod_name)
1010        return modules
1012    def get_modules_by_path_in_srcs(self, path: str) -> Set:
1013        """Get the module name that the given path belongs to.(in 'srcs')
1015        Args:
1016            path: Relative path to ANDROID_BUILD_TOP of a file.
1018        Returns:
1019            A set of string for matched module names, empty set if nothing find.
1020        """
1021        modules = set()
1022        for _, mod_info in self.name_to_module_info.items():
1023            if str(path) in mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_SRCS, []):
1024                modules.add(mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME))
1025        return modules
1027    def get_modules_by_include_deps(
1028            self, deps: Set[str],
1029            testable_module_only: bool = False) -> Set[str]:
1030        """Get the matched module names for the input dependencies.
1032        Args:
1033            deps: A set of string for dependencies.
1034            testable_module_only: Option if only want to get testable module.
1036        Returns:
1037            A set of matched module names for the input dependencies.
1038        """
1039        modules = set()
1041        for mod_name in (self.get_testable_modules() if testable_module_only
1042                         else self.name_to_module_info.keys()):
1043            mod_info = self.get_module_info(mod_name)
1044            if mod_info and deps.intersection(
1045                set(mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_DEPENDENCIES, []))):
1046                modules.add(mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME))
1047        return modules
1050def _add_missing_variant_modules(name_to_module_info: Dict[str, Module]):
1051    missing_modules = {}
1053    # Android's build system automatically adds a suffix for some build module
1054    # variants. For example, a module-info entry for a module originally named
1055    # 'HelloWorldTest' might appear as 'HelloWorldTest_32' and which Atest would
1056    # not be able to find. We add such entries if not already present so they
1057    # can be looked up using their declared module name.
1058    for mod_name, mod_info in name_to_module_info.items():
1059        declared_module_name = mod_info.get(constants.MODULE_NAME, mod_name)
1060        if declared_module_name in name_to_module_info:
1061            continue
1062        missing_modules.setdefault(declared_module_name, mod_info)
1064    name_to_module_info.update(missing_modules)
1066def contains_same_mainline_modules(mainline_modules: Set[str], module_lists: Set[str]):
1067    """Check if mainline modules listed on command line is
1068    the same set as config.
1070    Args:
1071        mainline_modules: A list of mainline modules from triggered test.
1072        module_lists: A list of concatenate mainline module string from test configs.
1074    Returns
1075        True if the set mainline modules from triggered test is in the test configs.
1076    """
1077    for module_string in module_lists:
1078        if mainline_modules == set(module_string.split('+')):
1079            return True
1080    return False