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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include "base/enums.h"
21 #include "base/macros.h"
22 #include "class_root.h"
23 #include "code_generator.h"
24 #include "common_arm.h"
25 #include "dex/string_reference.h"
26 #include "dex/type_reference.h"
27 #include "driver/compiler_options.h"
28 #include "nodes.h"
29 #include "parallel_move_resolver.h"
30 #include "utils/arm/assembler_arm_vixl.h"
32 // TODO(VIXL): make vixl clean wrt -Wshadow.
33 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
34 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
35 #include "aarch32/constants-aarch32.h"
36 #include "aarch32/instructions-aarch32.h"
37 #include "aarch32/macro-assembler-aarch32.h"
38 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
40 namespace art HIDDEN {
42 namespace linker {
43 class Thumb2RelativePatcherTest;
44 }  // namespace linker
46 namespace arm {
48 // This constant is used as an approximate margin when emission of veneer and literal pools
49 // must be blocked.
50 static constexpr int kMaxMacroInstructionSizeInBytes =
51     15 * vixl::aarch32::kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes;
53 static const vixl::aarch32::Register kParameterCoreRegistersVIXL[] = {
54     vixl::aarch32::r1,
55     vixl::aarch32::r2,
56     vixl::aarch32::r3
57 };
58 static const size_t kParameterCoreRegistersLengthVIXL = arraysize(kParameterCoreRegistersVIXL);
59 static const vixl::aarch32::SRegister kParameterFpuRegistersVIXL[] = {
60     vixl::aarch32::s0,
61     vixl::aarch32::s1,
62     vixl::aarch32::s2,
63     vixl::aarch32::s3,
64     vixl::aarch32::s4,
65     vixl::aarch32::s5,
66     vixl::aarch32::s6,
67     vixl::aarch32::s7,
68     vixl::aarch32::s8,
69     vixl::aarch32::s9,
70     vixl::aarch32::s10,
71     vixl::aarch32::s11,
72     vixl::aarch32::s12,
73     vixl::aarch32::s13,
74     vixl::aarch32::s14,
75     vixl::aarch32::s15
76 };
77 static const size_t kParameterFpuRegistersLengthVIXL = arraysize(kParameterFpuRegistersVIXL);
79 static const vixl::aarch32::Register kMethodRegister = vixl::aarch32::r0;
81 // Callee saves core registers r5, r6, r7, r8 (except when emitting Baker
82 // read barriers, where it is used as Marking Register), r10, r11, and lr.
83 static const vixl::aarch32::RegisterList kCoreCalleeSaves = vixl::aarch32::RegisterList::Union(
84     vixl::aarch32::RegisterList(vixl::aarch32::r5,
85                                 vixl::aarch32::r6,
86                                 vixl::aarch32::r7),
87     // Do not consider r8 as a callee-save register with Baker read barriers.
88     (kReserveMarkingRegister
89          ? vixl::aarch32::RegisterList()
90          : vixl::aarch32::RegisterList(vixl::aarch32::r8)),
91     vixl::aarch32::RegisterList(vixl::aarch32::r10,
92                                 vixl::aarch32::r11,
93                                 vixl::aarch32::lr));
95 // Callee saves FP registers s16 to s31 inclusive.
96 static const vixl::aarch32::SRegisterList kFpuCalleeSaves =
97     vixl::aarch32::SRegisterList(vixl::aarch32::s16, 16);
99 static const vixl::aarch32::Register kRuntimeParameterCoreRegistersVIXL[] = {
100     vixl::aarch32::r0,
101     vixl::aarch32::r1,
102     vixl::aarch32::r2,
103     vixl::aarch32::r3
104 };
105 static const size_t kRuntimeParameterCoreRegistersLengthVIXL =
106     arraysize(kRuntimeParameterCoreRegistersVIXL);
107 static const vixl::aarch32::SRegister kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersVIXL[] = {
108     vixl::aarch32::s0,
109     vixl::aarch32::s1,
110     vixl::aarch32::s2,
111     vixl::aarch32::s3
112 };
113 static const size_t kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersLengthVIXL =
114     arraysize(kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersVIXL);
116 class LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL;
117 class CodeGeneratorARMVIXL;
119 using VIXLInt32Literal = vixl::aarch32::Literal<int32_t>;
120 using VIXLUInt32Literal = vixl::aarch32::Literal<uint32_t>;
122 #define UNIMPLEMENTED_INTRINSIC_LIST_ARM(V)                                \
123   V(MathRoundDouble) /* Could be done by changing rounding mode, maybe? */ \
124   V(UnsafeCASLong)   /* High register pressure */                          \
125   V(SystemArrayCopyChar)                                                   \
126   V(LongDivideUnsigned)                                                    \
127   V(CRC32Update)                                                           \
128   V(CRC32UpdateBytes)                                                      \
129   V(CRC32UpdateByteBuffer)                                                 \
130   V(FP16ToFloat)                                                           \
131   V(FP16ToHalf)                                                            \
132   V(FP16Floor)                                                             \
133   V(FP16Ceil)                                                              \
134   V(FP16Rint)                                                              \
135   V(FP16Greater)                                                           \
136   V(FP16GreaterEquals)                                                     \
137   V(FP16Less)                                                              \
138   V(FP16LessEquals)                                                        \
139   V(FP16Compare)                                                           \
140   V(FP16Min)                                                               \
141   V(FP16Max)                                                               \
142   V(MathMultiplyHigh)                                                      \
143   V(StringStringIndexOf)                                                   \
144   V(StringStringIndexOfAfter)                                              \
145   V(StringBufferAppend)                                                    \
146   V(StringBufferLength)                                                    \
147   V(StringBufferToString)                                                  \
148   V(StringBuilderAppendObject)                                             \
149   V(StringBuilderAppendString)                                             \
150   V(StringBuilderAppendCharSequence)                                       \
151   V(StringBuilderAppendCharArray)                                          \
152   V(StringBuilderAppendBoolean)                                            \
153   V(StringBuilderAppendChar)                                               \
154   V(StringBuilderAppendInt)                                                \
155   V(StringBuilderAppendLong)                                               \
156   V(StringBuilderAppendFloat)                                              \
157   V(StringBuilderAppendDouble)                                             \
158   V(StringBuilderLength)                                                   \
159   V(StringBuilderToString)                                                 \
160   V(SystemArrayCopyByte)                                                   \
161   V(SystemArrayCopyInt)                                                    \
162   /* 1.8 */                                                                \
163   V(MathFmaDouble)                                                         \
164   V(MathFmaFloat)                                                          \
165   V(UnsafeGetAndAddInt)                                                    \
166   V(UnsafeGetAndAddLong)                                                   \
167   V(UnsafeGetAndSetInt)                                                    \
168   V(UnsafeGetAndSetLong)                                                   \
169   V(UnsafeGetAndSetObject)                                                 \
170   V(MethodHandleInvokeExact)                                               \
171   V(MethodHandleInvoke)                                                    \
172   /* OpenJDK 11 */                                                         \
173   V(JdkUnsafeCASLong) /* High register pressure */                         \
174   V(JdkUnsafeGetAndAddInt)                                                 \
175   V(JdkUnsafeGetAndAddLong)                                                \
176   V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetInt)                                                 \
177   V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetLong)                                                \
178   V(JdkUnsafeGetAndSetObject)                                              \
179   V(JdkUnsafeCompareAndSetLong)
181 class JumpTableARMVIXL : public DeletableArenaObject<kArenaAllocSwitchTable> {
182  public:
JumpTableARMVIXL(HPackedSwitch * switch_instr)183   explicit JumpTableARMVIXL(HPackedSwitch* switch_instr)
184       : switch_instr_(switch_instr),
185         table_start_(),
186         bb_addresses_(switch_instr->GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)) {
187     uint32_t num_entries = switch_instr_->GetNumEntries();
188     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
189       VIXLInt32Literal *lit = new VIXLInt32Literal(0, vixl32::RawLiteral::kManuallyPlaced);
190       bb_addresses_.emplace_back(lit);
191     }
192   }
GetTableStartLabel()194   vixl::aarch32::Label* GetTableStartLabel() { return &table_start_; }
196   void EmitTable(CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen);
197   void FixTable(CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen);
199  private:
200   HPackedSwitch* const switch_instr_;
201   vixl::aarch32::Label table_start_;
202   ArenaVector<std::unique_ptr<VIXLInt32Literal>> bb_addresses_;
205 };
207 class InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL
208     : public CallingConvention<vixl::aarch32::Register, vixl::aarch32::SRegister> {
209  public:
InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL()210   InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL()
211       : CallingConvention(kRuntimeParameterCoreRegistersVIXL,
212                           kRuntimeParameterCoreRegistersLengthVIXL,
213                           kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersVIXL,
214                           kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersLengthVIXL,
215                           kArmPointerSize) {}
217  private:
218   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL);
219 };
221 class InvokeDexCallingConventionARMVIXL
222     : public CallingConvention<vixl::aarch32::Register, vixl::aarch32::SRegister> {
223  public:
InvokeDexCallingConventionARMVIXL()224   InvokeDexCallingConventionARMVIXL()
225       : CallingConvention(kParameterCoreRegistersVIXL,
226                           kParameterCoreRegistersLengthVIXL,
227                           kParameterFpuRegistersVIXL,
228                           kParameterFpuRegistersLengthVIXL,
229                           kArmPointerSize) {}
231  private:
232   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InvokeDexCallingConventionARMVIXL);
233 };
235 class InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL : public InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitor {
236  public:
InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL()237   InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL() {}
~InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL()238   virtual ~InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL() {}
240   Location GetNextLocation(DataType::Type type) override;
241   Location GetReturnLocation(DataType::Type type) const override;
242   Location GetMethodLocation() const override;
244  private:
245   InvokeDexCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
246   uint32_t double_index_ = 0;
248   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL);
249 };
251 class CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL : public InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitor {
252  public:
CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL(bool for_register_allocation)253   explicit CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL(bool for_register_allocation)
254       : for_register_allocation_(for_register_allocation) {}
~CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL()256   virtual ~CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL() {}
258   Location GetNextLocation(DataType::Type type) override;
259   Location GetReturnLocation(DataType::Type type) const override;
260   Location GetMethodLocation() const override;
GetStackOffset()262   size_t GetStackOffset() const { return stack_offset_; }
264  private:
265   // Register allocator does not support adjusting frame size, so we cannot provide final locations
266   // of stack arguments for register allocation. We ask the register allocator for any location and
267   // move these arguments to the right place after adjusting the SP when generating the call.
268   const bool for_register_allocation_;
269   size_t gpr_index_ = 0u;
270   size_t stack_offset_ = 0u;
272   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CriticalNativeCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL);
273 };
275 class FieldAccessCallingConventionARMVIXL : public FieldAccessCallingConvention {
276  public:
FieldAccessCallingConventionARMVIXL()277   FieldAccessCallingConventionARMVIXL() {}
GetObjectLocation()279   Location GetObjectLocation() const override {
280     return helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r1);
281   }
GetFieldIndexLocation()282   Location GetFieldIndexLocation() const override {
283     return helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r0);
284   }
GetReturnLocation(DataType::Type type)285   Location GetReturnLocation(DataType::Type type) const override {
286     return DataType::Is64BitType(type)
287         ? helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r0, vixl::aarch32::r1)
288         : helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r0);
289   }
GetSetValueLocation(DataType::Type type,bool is_instance)290   Location GetSetValueLocation(DataType::Type type, bool is_instance) const override {
291     return DataType::Is64BitType(type)
292         ? helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r2, vixl::aarch32::r3)
293         : (is_instance
294             ? helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r2)
295             : helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::r1));
296   }
GetFpuLocation(DataType::Type type)297   Location GetFpuLocation(DataType::Type type) const override {
298     return DataType::Is64BitType(type)
299         ? helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::s0, vixl::aarch32::s1)
300         : helpers::LocationFrom(vixl::aarch32::s0);
301   }
303  private:
304   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FieldAccessCallingConventionARMVIXL);
305 };
307 class SlowPathCodeARMVIXL : public SlowPathCode {
308  public:
SlowPathCodeARMVIXL(HInstruction * instruction)309   explicit SlowPathCodeARMVIXL(HInstruction* instruction)
310       : SlowPathCode(instruction), entry_label_(), exit_label_() {}
GetEntryLabel()312   vixl::aarch32::Label* GetEntryLabel() { return &entry_label_; }
GetExitLabel()313   vixl::aarch32::Label* GetExitLabel() { return &exit_label_; }
315   void SaveLiveRegisters(CodeGenerator* codegen, LocationSummary* locations) override;
316   void RestoreLiveRegisters(CodeGenerator* codegen, LocationSummary* locations) override;
318  private:
319   vixl::aarch32::Label entry_label_;
320   vixl::aarch32::Label exit_label_;
323 };
325 class ParallelMoveResolverARMVIXL : public ParallelMoveResolverWithSwap {
326  public:
ParallelMoveResolverARMVIXL(ArenaAllocator * allocator,CodeGeneratorARMVIXL * codegen)327   ParallelMoveResolverARMVIXL(ArenaAllocator* allocator, CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen)
328       : ParallelMoveResolverWithSwap(allocator), codegen_(codegen) {}
330   void EmitMove(size_t index) override;
331   void EmitSwap(size_t index) override;
332   void SpillScratch(int reg) override;
333   void RestoreScratch(int reg) override;
335   ArmVIXLAssembler* GetAssembler() const;
337  private:
338   void Exchange(vixl32::Register reg, int mem);
339   void Exchange(int mem1, int mem2);
341   CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* const codegen_;
344 };
346 class LocationsBuilderARMVIXL : public HGraphVisitor {
347  public:
LocationsBuilderARMVIXL(HGraph * graph,CodeGeneratorARMVIXL * codegen)348   LocationsBuilderARMVIXL(HGraph* graph, CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen)
349       : HGraphVisitor(graph), codegen_(codegen) {}
351 #define DECLARE_VISIT_INSTRUCTION(name, super)     \
352   void Visit##name(H##name* instr) override;
360   void VisitInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) override {
361     LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable instruction " << instruction->DebugName()
362                << " (id " << instruction->GetId() << ")";
363   }
365  private:
366   void HandleInvoke(HInvoke* invoke);
367   void HandleBitwiseOperation(HBinaryOperation* operation, Opcode opcode);
368   void HandleCondition(HCondition* condition);
369   void HandleIntegerRotate(LocationSummary* locations);
370   void HandleLongRotate(LocationSummary* locations);
371   void HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* operation);
372   void HandleFieldSet(HInstruction* instruction,
373                       const FieldInfo& field_info,
374                       WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind);
375   void HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info);
377   Location ArithmeticZeroOrFpuRegister(HInstruction* input);
378   Location ArmEncodableConstantOrRegister(HInstruction* constant, Opcode opcode);
379   bool CanEncodeConstantAsImmediate(HConstant* input_cst, Opcode opcode);
381   CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* const codegen_;
382   InvokeDexCallingConventionVisitorARMVIXL parameter_visitor_;
385 };
387 class InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL : public InstructionCodeGenerator {
388  public:
389   InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL(HGraph* graph, CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* codegen);
391 #define DECLARE_VISIT_INSTRUCTION(name, super)     \
392   void Visit##name(H##name* instr) override;
400   void VisitInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) override {
401     LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable instruction " << instruction->DebugName()
402                << " (id " << instruction->GetId() << ")";
403   }
GetAssembler()405   ArmVIXLAssembler* GetAssembler() const { return assembler_; }
GetVIXLAssembler()406   ArmVIXLMacroAssembler* GetVIXLAssembler() { return GetAssembler()->GetVIXLAssembler(); }
408   void GenerateAndConst(vixl::aarch32::Register out, vixl::aarch32::Register first, uint32_t value);
410  private:
411   // Generate code for the given suspend check. If not null, `successor`
412   // is the block to branch to if the suspend check is not needed, and after
413   // the suspend call.
414   void GenerateSuspendCheck(HSuspendCheck* instruction, HBasicBlock* successor);
415   void GenerateClassInitializationCheck(LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path,
416                                         vixl32::Register class_reg);
417   void GenerateBitstringTypeCheckCompare(HTypeCheckInstruction* check,
418                                          vixl::aarch32::Register temp,
419                                          vixl::aarch32::FlagsUpdate flags_update);
420   void GenerateOrrConst(vixl::aarch32::Register out, vixl::aarch32::Register first, uint32_t value);
421   void GenerateEorConst(vixl::aarch32::Register out, vixl::aarch32::Register first, uint32_t value);
422   void GenerateAddLongConst(Location out, Location first, uint64_t value);
423   void HandleBitwiseOperation(HBinaryOperation* operation);
424   void HandleCondition(HCondition* condition);
425   void HandleIntegerRotate(HRor* ror);
426   void HandleLongRotate(HRor* ror);
427   void HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* operation);
429   void GenerateWideAtomicStore(vixl::aarch32::Register addr,
430                                uint32_t offset,
431                                vixl::aarch32::Register value_lo,
432                                vixl::aarch32::Register value_hi,
433                                vixl::aarch32::Register temp1,
434                                vixl::aarch32::Register temp2,
435                                HInstruction* instruction);
436   void GenerateWideAtomicLoad(vixl::aarch32::Register addr,
437                               uint32_t offset,
438                               vixl::aarch32::Register out_lo,
439                               vixl::aarch32::Register out_hi);
441   void HandleFieldSet(HInstruction* instruction,
442                       const FieldInfo& field_info,
443                       bool value_can_be_null,
444                       WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind);
445   void HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info);
447   void GenerateMinMaxInt(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min);
448   void GenerateMinMaxLong(LocationSummary* locations, bool is_min);
449   void GenerateMinMaxFloat(HInstruction* minmax, bool is_min);
450   void GenerateMinMaxDouble(HInstruction* minmax, bool is_min);
451   void GenerateMinMax(HBinaryOperation* minmax, bool is_min);
453   // Generate a heap reference load using one register `out`:
454   //
455   //   out <- *(out + offset)
456   //
457   // while honoring heap poisoning and/or read barriers (if any).
458   //
459   // Location `maybe_temp` is used when generating a read barrier and
460   // shall be a register in that case; it may be an invalid location
461   // otherwise.
462   void GenerateReferenceLoadOneRegister(HInstruction* instruction,
463                                         Location out,
464                                         uint32_t offset,
465                                         Location maybe_temp,
466                                         ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
467   // Generate a heap reference load using two different registers
468   // `out` and `obj`:
469   //
470   //   out <- *(obj + offset)
471   //
472   // while honoring heap poisoning and/or read barriers (if any).
473   //
474   // Location `maybe_temp` is used when generating a Baker's (fast
475   // path) read barrier and shall be a register in that case; it may
476   // be an invalid location otherwise.
477   void GenerateReferenceLoadTwoRegisters(HInstruction* instruction,
478                                          Location out,
479                                          Location obj,
480                                          uint32_t offset,
481                                          Location maybe_temp,
482                                          ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
483   void GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
484                              size_t condition_input_index,
485                              vixl::aarch32::Label* true_target,
486                              vixl::aarch32::Label* false_target,
487                              bool far_target = true);
488   void GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(HCondition* condition,
489                                     vixl::aarch32::Label* true_target,
490                                     vixl::aarch32::Label* false_target,
491                                     bool is_far_target = true);
492   void DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
493   void DivRemByPowerOfTwo(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
494   void GenerateDivRemWithAnyConstant(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
495   void GenerateDivRemConstantIntegral(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
496   void HandleGoto(HInstruction* got, HBasicBlock* successor);
497   void GenerateMethodEntryExitHook(HInstruction* instruction);
499   vixl::aarch32::MemOperand VecAddress(
500       HVecMemoryOperation* instruction,
501       // This function may acquire a scratch register.
502       vixl::aarch32::UseScratchRegisterScope* temps_scope,
503       /*out*/ vixl32::Register* scratch);
504   vixl::aarch32::AlignedMemOperand VecAddressUnaligned(
505       HVecMemoryOperation* instruction,
506       // This function may acquire a scratch register.
507       vixl::aarch32::UseScratchRegisterScope* temps_scope,
508       /*out*/ vixl32::Register* scratch);
510   ArmVIXLAssembler* const assembler_;
511   CodeGeneratorARMVIXL* const codegen_;
513   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL);
514 };
516 class CodeGeneratorARMVIXL : public CodeGenerator {
517  public:
518   CodeGeneratorARMVIXL(HGraph* graph,
519                        const CompilerOptions& compiler_options,
520                        OptimizingCompilerStats* stats = nullptr);
~CodeGeneratorARMVIXL()521   virtual ~CodeGeneratorARMVIXL() {}
523   void GenerateFrameEntry() override;
524   void GenerateFrameExit() override;
525   void Bind(HBasicBlock* block) override;
526   void MoveConstant(Location destination, int32_t value) override;
527   void MoveLocation(Location dst, Location src, DataType::Type dst_type) override;
528   void AddLocationAsTemp(Location location, LocationSummary* locations) override;
530   size_t SaveCoreRegister(size_t stack_index, uint32_t reg_id) override;
531   size_t RestoreCoreRegister(size_t stack_index, uint32_t reg_id) override;
532   size_t SaveFloatingPointRegister(size_t stack_index, uint32_t reg_id) override;
533   size_t RestoreFloatingPointRegister(size_t stack_index, uint32_t reg_id) override;
GetWordSize()535   size_t GetWordSize() const override {
536     return static_cast<size_t>(kArmPointerSize);
537   }
GetCalleePreservedFPWidth()539   size_t GetCalleePreservedFPWidth() const override {
540     return vixl::aarch32::kSRegSizeInBytes;
541   }
GetSIMDRegisterWidth()543   size_t GetSIMDRegisterWidth() const override {
544     // ARM 32-bit backend doesn't support Q registers in vectorizer, only D
545     // registers (due to register allocator restrictions: overlapping s/d/q
546     // registers).
547     return vixl::aarch32::kDRegSizeInBytes;
548   }
GetLocationBuilder()550   HGraphVisitor* GetLocationBuilder() override { return &location_builder_; }
GetInstructionVisitor()552   HGraphVisitor* GetInstructionVisitor() override { return &instruction_visitor_; }
GetAssembler()554   ArmVIXLAssembler* GetAssembler() override { return &assembler_; }
GetAssembler()556   const ArmVIXLAssembler& GetAssembler() const override { return assembler_; }
GetVIXLAssembler()558   ArmVIXLMacroAssembler* GetVIXLAssembler() { return GetAssembler()->GetVIXLAssembler(); }
GetAddressOf(HBasicBlock * block)560   uintptr_t GetAddressOf(HBasicBlock* block) override {
561     vixl::aarch32::Label* block_entry_label = GetLabelOf(block);
562     DCHECK(block_entry_label->IsBound());
563     return block_entry_label->GetLocation();
564   }
566   void FixJumpTables();
567   void SetupBlockedRegisters() const override;
569   void DumpCoreRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const override;
570   void DumpFloatingPointRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const override;
GetMoveResolver()572   ParallelMoveResolver* GetMoveResolver() override { return &move_resolver_; }
GetInstructionSet()573   InstructionSet GetInstructionSet() const override { return InstructionSet::kThumb2; }
575   const ArmInstructionSetFeatures& GetInstructionSetFeatures() const;
577   // Helper method to move a 32-bit value between two locations.
578   void Move32(Location destination, Location source);
580   void LoadFromShiftedRegOffset(DataType::Type type,
581                                 Location out_loc,
582                                 vixl::aarch32::Register base,
583                                 vixl::aarch32::Register reg_index,
584                                 vixl::aarch32::Condition cond = vixl::aarch32::al);
585   void StoreToShiftedRegOffset(DataType::Type type,
586                                Location out_loc,
587                                vixl::aarch32::Register base,
588                                vixl::aarch32::Register reg_index,
589                                vixl::aarch32::Condition cond = vixl::aarch32::al);
591   // Generate code to invoke a runtime entry point.
592   void InvokeRuntime(QuickEntrypointEnum entrypoint,
593                      HInstruction* instruction,
594                      uint32_t dex_pc,
595                      SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr) override;
597   // Generate code to invoke a runtime entry point, but do not record
598   // PC-related information in a stack map.
599   void InvokeRuntimeWithoutRecordingPcInfo(int32_t entry_point_offset,
600                                            HInstruction* instruction,
601                                            SlowPathCode* slow_path);
603   // Emit a write barrier.
604   void MarkGCCard(vixl::aarch32::Register temp,
605                   vixl::aarch32::Register card,
606                   vixl::aarch32::Register object,
607                   vixl::aarch32::Register value,
608                   bool emit_null_check);
610   void GenerateMemoryBarrier(MemBarrierKind kind);
GetLabelOf(HBasicBlock * block)612   vixl::aarch32::Label* GetLabelOf(HBasicBlock* block) {
613     block = FirstNonEmptyBlock(block);
614     return &(block_labels_[block->GetBlockId()]);
615   }
617   vixl32::Label* GetFinalLabel(HInstruction* instruction, vixl32::Label* final_label);
Initialize()619   void Initialize() override {
620     block_labels_.resize(GetGraph()->GetBlocks().size());
621   }
623   void Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator) override;
NeedsTwoRegisters(DataType::Type type)625   bool NeedsTwoRegisters(DataType::Type type) const override {
626     return type == DataType::Type::kFloat64 || type == DataType::Type::kInt64;
627   }
629   void ComputeSpillMask() override;
GetFrameEntryLabel()631   vixl::aarch32::Label* GetFrameEntryLabel() { return &frame_entry_label_; }
633   // Check if the desired_string_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
634   // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
635   HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
636       HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) override;
638   // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
639   // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
640   HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
641       HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) override;
643   // Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
644   // otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
645   HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
646       const HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo& desired_dispatch_info,
647       ArtMethod* method) override;
649   void LoadMethod(MethodLoadKind load_kind, Location temp, HInvoke* invoke);
650   void GenerateStaticOrDirectCall(
651       HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke, Location temp, SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr) override;
652   void GenerateVirtualCall(
653       HInvokeVirtual* invoke, Location temp, SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr) override;
655   void MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg, DataType::Type type) override;
657   // The PcRelativePatchInfo is used for PC-relative addressing of methods/strings/types,
658   // whether through .data.bimg.rel.ro, .bss, or directly in the boot image.
659   //
660   // The PC-relative address is loaded with three instructions,
661   // MOVW+MOVT to load the offset to base_reg and then ADD base_reg, PC. The offset
662   // is calculated from the ADD's effective PC, i.e. PC+4 on Thumb2. Though we
663   // currently emit these 3 instructions together, instruction scheduling could
664   // split this sequence apart, so we keep separate labels for each of them.
665   struct PcRelativePatchInfo {
PcRelativePatchInfoPcRelativePatchInfo666     PcRelativePatchInfo(const DexFile* dex_file, uint32_t off_or_idx)
667         : target_dex_file(dex_file), offset_or_index(off_or_idx) { }
669     // Target dex file or null for .data.bmig.rel.ro patches.
670     const DexFile* target_dex_file;
671     // Either the boot image offset (to write to .data.bmig.rel.ro) or string/type/method index.
672     uint32_t offset_or_index;
673     vixl::aarch32::Label movw_label;
674     vixl::aarch32::Label movt_label;
675     vixl::aarch32::Label add_pc_label;
676   };
678   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewBootImageIntrinsicPatch(uint32_t intrinsic_data);
679   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewBootImageRelRoPatch(uint32_t boot_image_offset);
680   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewBootImageMethodPatch(MethodReference target_method);
681   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewMethodBssEntryPatch(MethodReference target_method);
682   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewBootImageTypePatch(const DexFile& dex_file, dex::TypeIndex type_index);
683   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewTypeBssEntryPatch(HLoadClass* load_class);
684   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewBootImageStringPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
685                                                dex::StringIndex string_index);
686   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewStringBssEntryPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
687                                               dex::StringIndex string_index);
689   // Emit the BL instruction for entrypoint thunk call and record the associated patch for AOT.
690   void EmitEntrypointThunkCall(ThreadOffset32 entrypoint_offset);
692   // Emit the BNE instruction for baker read barrier and record
693   // the associated patch for AOT or slow path for JIT.
694   void EmitBakerReadBarrierBne(uint32_t custom_data);
696   VIXLUInt32Literal* DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(uint32_t address);
697   VIXLUInt32Literal* DeduplicateJitStringLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file,
698                                                  dex::StringIndex string_index,
699                                                  Handle<mirror::String> handle);
700   VIXLUInt32Literal* DeduplicateJitClassLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file,
701                                                 dex::TypeIndex type_index,
702                                                 Handle<mirror::Class> handle);
704   void LoadBootImageRelRoEntry(vixl::aarch32::Register reg, uint32_t boot_image_offset);
705   void LoadBootImageAddress(vixl::aarch32::Register reg, uint32_t boot_image_reference);
706   void LoadTypeForBootImageIntrinsic(vixl::aarch32::Register reg, TypeReference type_reference);
707   void LoadIntrinsicDeclaringClass(vixl::aarch32::Register reg, HInvoke* invoke);
708   void LoadClassRootForIntrinsic(vixl::aarch32::Register reg, ClassRoot class_root);
710   void EmitLinkerPatches(ArenaVector<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches) override;
711   bool NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const override;
712   void EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
713                      /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
714                      /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) override;
716   void EmitJitRootPatches(uint8_t* code, const uint8_t* roots_data) override;
718   // Generate a GC root reference load:
719   //
720   //   root <- *(obj + offset)
721   //
722   // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
723   void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
724                                Location root,
725                                vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
726                                uint32_t offset,
727                                ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
728   // Generate MOV for an intrinsic CAS to mark the old value with Baker read barrier.
729   void GenerateIntrinsicCasMoveWithBakerReadBarrier(vixl::aarch32::Register marked_old_value,
730                                                     vixl::aarch32::Register old_value);
731   // Fast path implementation of ReadBarrier::Barrier for a heap
732   // reference field load when Baker's read barriers are used.
733   // Overload suitable for Unsafe.getObject/-Volatile() intrinsic.
734   void GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
735                                              Location ref,
736                                              vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
737                                              const vixl::aarch32::MemOperand& src,
738                                              bool needs_null_check);
739   // Fast path implementation of ReadBarrier::Barrier for a heap
740   // reference field load when Baker's read barriers are used.
741   void GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
742                                              Location ref,
743                                              vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
744                                              uint32_t offset,
745                                              Location maybe_temp,
746                                              bool needs_null_check);
747   // Fast path implementation of ReadBarrier::Barrier for a heap
748   // reference array load when Baker's read barriers are used.
749   void GenerateArrayLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(Location ref,
750                                              vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
751                                              uint32_t data_offset,
752                                              Location index,
753                                              Location temp,
754                                              bool needs_null_check);
756   // Emit code checking the status of the Marking Register, and
757   // aborting the program if MR does not match the value stored in the
758   // art::Thread object. Code is only emitted in debug mode and if
759   // CompilerOptions::EmitRunTimeChecksInDebugMode returns true.
760   //
761   // Argument `code` is used to identify the different occurrences of
762   // MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck in the code generator, and is
763   // used together with kMarkingRegisterCheckBreakCodeBaseCode to
764   // create the value passed to the BKPT instruction. Note that unlike
765   // in the ARM64 code generator, where `__LINE__` is passed as `code`
766   // argument to
767   // CodeGeneratorARM64::MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck, we cannot
768   // realistically do that here, as Encoding T1 for the BKPT
769   // instruction only accepts 8-bit immediate values.
770   //
771   // If `temp_loc` is a valid location, it is expected to be a
772   // register and will be used as a temporary to generate code;
773   // otherwise, a temporary will be fetched from the core register
774   // scratch pool.
775   virtual void MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck(int code,
776                                                  Location temp_loc = Location::NoLocation());
778   // Create slow path for a read barrier for a heap reference within `instruction`.
779   //
780   // This is a helper function for GenerateReadBarrierSlow() that has the same
781   // arguments. The creation and adding of the slow path is exposed for intrinsics
782   // that cannot use GenerateReadBarrierSlow() from their own slow paths.
783   SlowPathCodeARMVIXL* AddReadBarrierSlowPath(HInstruction* instruction,
784                                               Location out,
785                                               Location ref,
786                                               Location obj,
787                                               uint32_t offset,
788                                               Location index);
790   // Generate a read barrier for a heap reference within `instruction`
791   // using a slow path.
792   //
793   // A read barrier for an object reference read from the heap is
794   // implemented as a call to the artReadBarrierSlow runtime entry
795   // point, which is passed the values in locations `ref`, `obj`, and
796   // `offset`:
797   //
798   //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierSlow(mirror::Object* ref,
799   //                                      mirror::Object* obj,
800   //                                      uint32_t offset);
801   //
802   // The `out` location contains the value returned by
803   // artReadBarrierSlow.
804   //
805   // When `index` is provided (i.e. for array accesses), the offset
806   // value passed to artReadBarrierSlow is adjusted to take `index`
807   // into account.
808   void GenerateReadBarrierSlow(HInstruction* instruction,
809                                Location out,
810                                Location ref,
811                                Location obj,
812                                uint32_t offset,
813                                Location index = Location::NoLocation());
815   // If read barriers are enabled, generate a read barrier for a heap
816   // reference using a slow path. If heap poisoning is enabled, also
817   // unpoison the reference in `out`.
818   void MaybeGenerateReadBarrierSlow(HInstruction* instruction,
819                                     Location out,
820                                     Location ref,
821                                     Location obj,
822                                     uint32_t offset,
823                                     Location index = Location::NoLocation());
825   // Generate a read barrier for a GC root within `instruction` using
826   // a slow path.
827   //
828   // A read barrier for an object reference GC root is implemented as
829   // a call to the artReadBarrierForRootSlow runtime entry point,
830   // which is passed the value in location `root`:
831   //
832   //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierForRootSlow(GcRoot<mirror::Object>* root);
833   //
834   // The `out` location contains the value returned by
835   // artReadBarrierForRootSlow.
836   void GenerateReadBarrierForRootSlow(HInstruction* instruction, Location out, Location root);
838   void IncreaseFrame(size_t adjustment) override;
839   void DecreaseFrame(size_t adjustment) override;
841   void GenerateNop() override;
843   void GenerateImplicitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction) override;
844   void GenerateExplicitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction) override;
CreateJumpTable(HPackedSwitch * switch_instr)846   JumpTableARMVIXL* CreateJumpTable(HPackedSwitch* switch_instr) {
847     jump_tables_.emplace_back(new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator()) JumpTableARMVIXL(switch_instr));
848     return jump_tables_.back().get();
849   }
850   void EmitJumpTables();
852   void EmitMovwMovtPlaceholder(CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::PcRelativePatchInfo* labels,
853                                vixl::aarch32::Register out);
855   // `temp` is an extra temporary register that is used for some conditions;
856   // callers may not specify it, in which case the method will use a scratch
857   // register instead.
858   void GenerateConditionWithZero(IfCondition condition,
859                                  vixl::aarch32::Register out,
860                                  vixl::aarch32::Register in,
861                                  vixl::aarch32::Register temp = vixl32::Register());
MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(HInstruction * instr)863   void MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(HInstruction* instr) final {
864     // The function must be only be called within special scopes
865     // (EmissionCheckScope, ExactAssemblyScope) which prevent generation of
866     // veneer/literal pools by VIXL assembler.
867     CHECK_EQ(GetVIXLAssembler()->ArePoolsBlocked(), true)
868         << "The function must only be called within EmissionCheckScope or ExactAssemblyScope";
869     CodeGenerator::MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instr);
870   }
872   void MaybeGenerateInlineCacheCheck(HInstruction* instruction, vixl32::Register klass);
873   void MaybeIncrementHotness(bool is_frame_entry);
875  private:
876   // Encoding of thunk type and data for link-time generated thunks for Baker read barriers.
878   enum class BakerReadBarrierKind : uint8_t {
879     kField,         // Field get or array get with constant offset (i.e. constant index).
880     kArray,         // Array get with index in register.
881     kGcRoot,        // GC root load.
882     kIntrinsicCas,  // Unsafe/VarHandle CAS intrinsic.
883     kLast = kIntrinsicCas
884   };
886   enum class BakerReadBarrierWidth : uint8_t {
887     kWide,          // 32-bit LDR (and 32-bit NEG if heap poisoning is enabled).
888     kNarrow,        // 16-bit LDR (and 16-bit NEG if heap poisoning is enabled).
889     kLast = kNarrow
890   };
892   static constexpr uint32_t kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg = /* pc is invalid */ 15u;
894   static constexpr size_t kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind =
895       MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(BakerReadBarrierKind::kLast));
896   static constexpr size_t kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister =
897       MinimumBitsToStore(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg);
898   using BakerReadBarrierKindField =
899       BitField<BakerReadBarrierKind, 0, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind>;
900   using BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField =
901       BitField<uint32_t, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind, kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
902   using BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField =
903       BitField<uint32_t,
904                kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind + kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister,
905                kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
906   static constexpr size_t kBitsForBakerReadBarrierWidth =
907       MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(BakerReadBarrierWidth::kLast));
908   using BakerReadBarrierWidthField =
909       BitField<BakerReadBarrierWidth,
910                kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind + 2 * kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister,
911                kBitsForBakerReadBarrierWidth>;
CheckValidReg(uint32_t reg)913   static void CheckValidReg(uint32_t reg) {
914     DCHECK(reg < vixl::aarch32::ip.GetCode() && reg != mr.GetCode()) << reg;
915   }
EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(uint32_t base_reg,uint32_t holder_reg,bool narrow)917   static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(uint32_t base_reg,
918                                                   uint32_t holder_reg,
919                                                   bool narrow) {
920     CheckValidReg(base_reg);
921     CheckValidReg(holder_reg);
922     DCHECK_IMPLIES(narrow, base_reg < 8u) << base_reg;
923     BakerReadBarrierWidth width =
924         narrow ? BakerReadBarrierWidth::kNarrow : BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide;
925     return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kField) |
926            BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
927            BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(holder_reg) |
928            BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(width);
929   }
EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(uint32_t base_reg)931   static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(uint32_t base_reg) {
932     CheckValidReg(base_reg);
933     return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray) |
934            BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
935            BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg) |
936            BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide);
937   }
EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(uint32_t root_reg,bool narrow)939   static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(uint32_t root_reg, bool narrow) {
940     CheckValidReg(root_reg);
941     DCHECK_IMPLIES(narrow, root_reg < 8u) << root_reg;
942     BakerReadBarrierWidth width =
943         narrow ? BakerReadBarrierWidth::kNarrow : BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide;
944     return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot) |
945            BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(root_reg) |
946            BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg) |
947            BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(width);
948   }
EncodeBakerReadBarrierIntrinsicCasData(uint32_t root_reg)950   static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierIntrinsicCasData(uint32_t root_reg) {
951     CheckValidReg(root_reg);
952     return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kIntrinsicCas) |
953            BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(root_reg) |
954            BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg) |
955            BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide);
956   }
958   void CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(ArmVIXLAssembler& assembler,
959                                     uint32_t encoded_data,
960                                     /*out*/ std::string* debug_name);
962   using Uint32ToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<uint32_t, VIXLUInt32Literal*>;
963   using StringToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<StringReference,
964                                           VIXLUInt32Literal*,
965                                           StringReferenceValueComparator>;
966   using TypeToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<TypeReference,
967                                         VIXLUInt32Literal*,
968                                         TypeReferenceValueComparator>;
970   struct BakerReadBarrierPatchInfo {
BakerReadBarrierPatchInfoBakerReadBarrierPatchInfo971     explicit BakerReadBarrierPatchInfo(uint32_t data) : label(), custom_data(data) { }
973     vixl::aarch32::Label label;
974     uint32_t custom_data;
975   };
977   VIXLUInt32Literal* DeduplicateUint32Literal(uint32_t value, Uint32ToLiteralMap* map);
978   PcRelativePatchInfo* NewPcRelativePatch(const DexFile* dex_file,
979                                           uint32_t offset_or_index,
980                                           ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo>* patches);
981   template <linker::LinkerPatch (*Factory)(size_t, const DexFile*, uint32_t, uint32_t)>
982   static void EmitPcRelativeLinkerPatches(const ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo>& infos,
983                                           ArenaVector<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches);
985   // Labels for each block that will be compiled.
986   // We use a deque so that the `vixl::aarch32::Label` objects do not move in memory.
987   ArenaDeque<vixl::aarch32::Label> block_labels_;  // Indexed by block id.
988   vixl::aarch32::Label frame_entry_label_;
990   ArenaVector<std::unique_ptr<JumpTableARMVIXL>> jump_tables_;
991   LocationsBuilderARMVIXL location_builder_;
992   InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL instruction_visitor_;
993   ParallelMoveResolverARMVIXL move_resolver_;
995   ArmVIXLAssembler assembler_;
997   // PC-relative method patch info for kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative.
998   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> boot_image_method_patches_;
999   // PC-relative method patch info for kBssEntry.
1000   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> method_bss_entry_patches_;
1001   // PC-relative type patch info for kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative.
1002   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> boot_image_type_patches_;
1003   // PC-relative type patch info for kBssEntry.
1004   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> type_bss_entry_patches_;
1005   // PC-relative public type patch info for kBssEntryPublic.
1006   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> public_type_bss_entry_patches_;
1007   // PC-relative package type patch info for kBssEntryPackage.
1008   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> package_type_bss_entry_patches_;
1009   // PC-relative String patch info for kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative.
1010   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> boot_image_string_patches_;
1011   // PC-relative String patch info for kBssEntry.
1012   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> string_bss_entry_patches_;
1013   // PC-relative patch info for IntrinsicObjects for the boot image,
1014   // and for method/type/string patches for kBootImageRelRo otherwise.
1015   ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> boot_image_other_patches_;
1016   // Patch info for calls to entrypoint dispatch thunks. Used for slow paths.
1017   ArenaDeque<PatchInfo<vixl::aarch32::Label>> call_entrypoint_patches_;
1018   // Baker read barrier patch info.
1019   ArenaDeque<BakerReadBarrierPatchInfo> baker_read_barrier_patches_;
1021   // Deduplication map for 32-bit literals, used for JIT for boot image addresses.
1022   Uint32ToLiteralMap uint32_literals_;
1023   // Patches for string literals in JIT compiled code.
1024   StringToLiteralMap jit_string_patches_;
1025   // Patches for class literals in JIT compiled code.
1026   TypeToLiteralMap jit_class_patches_;
1028   // Baker read barrier slow paths, mapping custom data (uint32_t) to label.
1029   // Wrap the label to work around vixl::aarch32::Label being non-copyable
1030   // and non-moveable and as such unusable in ArenaSafeMap<>.
1031   struct LabelWrapper {
LabelWrapperLabelWrapper1032     LabelWrapper(const LabelWrapper& src)
1033         : label() {
1034       DCHECK(!src.label.IsReferenced() && !src.label.IsBound());
1035     }
1036     LabelWrapper() = default;
1037     vixl::aarch32::Label label;
1038   };
1039   ArenaSafeMap<uint32_t, LabelWrapper> jit_baker_read_barrier_slow_paths_;
1041   friend class linker::Thumb2RelativePatcherTest;
1043 };
1045 }  // namespace arm
1046 }  // namespace art