1// LINT: LEGACY_NAMES 2syntax = "proto2"; 3 4package wireless.android.partner.adl.proto; 5 6option java_package = "com.google.wireless.android.partner.adl.proto"; 7option java_outer_classname = "CameraDeviceInfoProto"; 8 9// Content of this file is generated from $(ANDROID_ROOT)/system/media/camera/doc 10// Keep internal protocol buffer definition in sync with this one 11// Camera related device information 12// Next Id: 9 13message CameraDeviceInfo { 14 // Supported profiles from CamcorderProfile.hasProfile 15 optional bool profile_480p = 1; 16 optional bool profile_720p = 2; 17 optional bool profile_1080p = 3; 18 optional bool profile_cif = 4; 19 optional bool profile_qcif = 5; 20 optional bool profile_qvga = 6; 21 optional int32 num_of_camera = 7; 22 23 message PerCameraInfo { 24 message Rational { 25 optional int32 numerator = 1; 26 optional int32 denominator = 2; 27 } 28 29 message Size { 30 optional int32 width = 1; 31 optional int32 height = 2; 32 } 33 34 message SizeF { 35 optional float width = 1; 36 optional float height = 2; 37 } 38 39 message Rect { 40 optional int32 left = 1; 41 optional int32 right = 2; 42 optional int32 top = 3; 43 optional int32 bottom = 4; 44 } 45 46 message StreamConfigurations { 47 message StreamConfig { 48 optional int32 format = 1; 49 optional int32 width = 2; 50 optional int32 height = 3; 51 optional bool input = 4; 52 optional int64 minFrameDuration = 5; 53 } 54 repeated StreamConfig availableStreamConfigurations = 1; 55 } 56 57 message RangeFloat { 58 optional float lower = 1; 59 optional float upper = 2; 60 } 61 62 message RangeInt { 63 optional int32 lower = 1; 64 optional int32 upper = 2; 65 } 66 67 message RangeLong { 68 optional int64 lower = 1; 69 optional int64 upper = 2; 70 } 71 72 message ColorSpaceTransform { 73 repeated Rational elements = 1; 74 } 75 76 message BlackLevelPattern { 77 repeated int32 black_level_pattern = 1; 78 } 79 80 message MultiResolutionStreamConfigurations { 81 message MultiResolutionStreamConfig { 82 optional int32 format = 1; 83 optional int32 width = 2; 84 optional int32 height = 3; 85 optional string cameraId = 4; 86 optional bool input = 5; 87 } 88 repeated MultiResolutionStreamConfig availableMultiResolutionConfigurations = 1; 89 } 90 91 optional string cameraId = 1; 92 93 message Capability { 94 optional int32 mode = 1; 95 optional int32 maxStreamingWidth = 2; 96 optional int32 maxStreamingHeight = 3; 97 optional float minZoomRatio = 4; 98 optional float maxZoomRatio = 5; 99 } 100 101 message DynamicRangeProfiles { 102 repeated int64 dynamic_range_profiles = 1 [packed = true]; 103 } 104 105 message DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap { 106 repeated int64 elements = 1 [packed = true]; 107 } 108 109 message ColorSpaceProfiles { 110 message ColorSpaceProfile { 111 message FormatAndDynamicRangeProfiles { 112 optional int32 image_format = 1; 113 repeated int64 dynamic_range_profiles = 2 [packed = true]; 114 } 115 optional int32 color_space = 1; 116 repeated FormatAndDynamicRangeProfiles image_formats = 2; 117 } 118 repeated ColorSpaceProfile color_space_profiles = 1; 119 } 120 121 // Start of codegen fields 122<% 123 section_idx = 1 124%>\ 125% for sec in find_all_sections(metadata): 126## Reserve 2^16 tag id space for each section 127<% 128 idx = section_idx * pow(2,16) 129%>\ 130% for entry in find_unique_entries(sec): 131% if entry.kind == 'static' and entry.visibility in ("public", "java_public", "fwk_java_public"): 132 ${protobuf_type(entry)} ${protobuf_name(entry)} = ${idx}; 133<% 134 idx += 1 135%>\ 136% endif 137% endfor 138<% 139 section_idx += 1 140%>\ 141% endfor 142 // End of codegen fields 143 } 144 145 // Per camera (front/back) informations 146 repeated PerCameraInfo per_camera_info = 8; 147} // CameraDeviceInfo 148 149