<lambda>null1 package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
3 import com.google.inject.Inject
4 import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
5 import java.net.URI
6 import com.google.inject.name.Named
7 import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cfg.pseudocode.AllTypes
10 interface DacOutlineFormatService {
11 fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI
12 fun format(to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode)
13 }
15 class DacOutlineFormatter @Inject constructor(
16 uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
17 languageService: LanguageService,
18 @Named("dacRoot") dacRoot: String,
19 @Named("generateClassIndex") generateClassIndex: Boolean,
20 @Named("generatePackageIndex") generatePackageIndex: Boolean
21 ) : JavaLayoutHtmlFormatOutlineFactoryService {
22 val tocOutline = TocOutlineService(uriProvider, languageService, dacRoot, generateClassIndex, generatePackageIndex)
23 val outlines = listOf(tocOutline)
generateOutlinesnull25 override fun generateOutlines(outputProvider: (URI) -> Appendable, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
26 for (node in nodes) {
27 for (outline in outlines) {
28 val uri = outline.computeOutlineURI(node)
29 val output = outputProvider(uri)
30 outline.format(output, node)
31 }
32 }
33 }
34 }
36 /**
37 * Outline service for generating a _toc.yaml file, responsible for pointing to the paths of each
38 * index.html file in the doc tree.
39 */
40 class BookOutlineService(
41 val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
42 val languageService: LanguageService,
43 val dacRoot: String,
44 val generateClassIndex: Boolean,
45 val generatePackageIndex: Boolean
46 ) : DacOutlineFormatService {
computeOutlineURInull47 override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI = uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("_book.yaml")
49 override fun format(to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
50 appendOutline(to, listOf(node))
51 }
53 var outlineLevel = 0
55 /** Appends formatted outline to [StringBuilder](to) using specified [location] */
appendOutlinenull56 fun appendOutline(to: Appendable, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
57 if (outlineLevel == 0) to.appendln("reference:")
58 for (node in nodes) {
59 appendOutlineHeader(node, to)
60 val subPackages = node.members.filter {
61 it.kind == NodeKind.Package
62 }
63 if (subPackages.any()) {
64 val sortedMembers = subPackages.sortedBy { it.name.toLowerCase() }
65 appendOutlineLevel(to) {
66 appendOutline(to, sortedMembers)
67 }
68 }
70 }
71 }
appendOutlineHeadernull73 fun appendOutlineHeader(node: DocumentationNode, to: Appendable) {
74 if (node is DocumentationModule) {
75 to.appendln("- title: Package Index")
76 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("packages.html")}")
77 to.appendln(" status_text: no-toggle")
78 } else {
79 to.appendln("- title: ${languageService.renderName(node)}")
80 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(node)}")
81 to.appendln(" status_text: no-toggle")
82 }
83 }
appendOutlineLevelnull85 fun appendOutlineLevel(to: Appendable, body: () -> Unit) {
86 outlineLevel++
87 body()
88 outlineLevel--
89 }
90 }
92 /**
93 * Outline service for generating a _toc.yaml file, responsible for pointing to the paths of each
94 * index.html file in the doc tree.
95 */
96 class TocOutlineService(
97 val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
98 val languageService: LanguageService,
99 val dacRoot: String,
100 val generateClassIndex: Boolean,
101 val generatePackageIndex: Boolean
102 ) : DacOutlineFormatService {
computeOutlineURInull103 override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI = uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("_toc.yaml")
105 override fun format(to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
106 appendOutline(to, listOf(node))
107 }
109 var outlineLevel = 0
111 /** Appends formatted outline to [StringBuilder](to) using specified [location] */
appendOutlinenull112 fun appendOutline(to: Appendable, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
113 if (outlineLevel == 0) to.appendln("toc:")
114 for (node in nodes) {
115 appendOutlineHeader(node, to)
116 val subPackages = node.members.filter {
117 it.kind == NodeKind.Package
118 }
119 if (subPackages.any()) {
120 val sortedMembers = subPackages.sortedBy { it.nameWithOuterClass() }
121 appendOutlineLevel {
122 appendOutline(to, sortedMembers)
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 }
appendOutlineHeadernull128 fun appendOutlineHeader(node: DocumentationNode, to: Appendable) {
129 if (node is DocumentationModule) {
130 if (generateClassIndex) {
131 node.members.filter { it.kind == NodeKind.AllTypes }.firstOrNull()?.let {
132 to.appendln("- title: Class Index")
133 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.outlineRootUri(it).resolve("classes.html")}")
134 to.appendln()
135 }
136 }
137 if (generatePackageIndex) {
138 to.appendln("- title: Package Index")
139 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("packages.html")}")
140 to.appendln()
141 }
142 } else if (node.kind != NodeKind.AllTypes && !(node is DocumentationModule)) {
143 to.appendln("- title: ${languageService.renderName(node)}")
144 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(node)}")
145 to.appendln()
146 var addedSectionHeader = false
147 for (kind in NodeKind.classLike) {
148 val members = node.getMembersOfKinds(kind)
149 if (members.isNotEmpty()) {
150 if (!addedSectionHeader) {
151 to.appendln(" section:")
152 addedSectionHeader = true
153 }
154 to.appendln(" - title: ${kind.pluralizedName()}")
155 to.appendln()
156 to.appendln(" section:")
157 members.sortedBy { it.nameWithOuterClass().toLowerCase() }.forEach { member ->
158 to.appendln(" - title: ${languageService.renderNameWithOuterClass(member)}")
159 to.appendln(" path: $dacRoot${uriProvider.mainUriOrWarn(member)}".trimEnd('#'))
160 to.appendln()
161 }
162 }
163 }
164 to.appendln().appendln()
165 }
166 }
appendOutlineLevelnull168 fun appendOutlineLevel(body: () -> Unit) {
169 outlineLevel++
170 body()
171 outlineLevel--
172 }
173 }
175 class DacNavOutlineService constructor(
176 val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
177 val languageService: LanguageService,
178 val dacRoot: String
179 ) : DacOutlineFormatService {
computeOutlineURInull180 override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI =
181 uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("navtree_data.js")
183 override fun format(to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
184 to.append("var NAVTREE_DATA = ").appendNavTree(node.members).append(";")
185 }
appendNavTreenull187 private fun Appendable.appendNavTree(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): Appendable {
188 append("[ ")
189 var first = true
190 for (node in nodes) {
191 if (!first) append(", ")
192 first = false
193 val interfaces = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Interface)
194 val classes = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Class)
195 val objects = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Object)
196 val annotations = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.AnnotationClass)
197 val enums = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Enum)
198 val exceptions = node.getMembersOfKinds(NodeKind.Exception)
200 append("[ \"${node.name}\", \"$dacRoot${uriProvider.tryGetMainUri(node)}\", [ ")
201 var needComma = false
202 if (interfaces.firstOrNull() != null) {
203 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Interfaces", interfaces)
204 needComma = true
205 }
206 if (classes.firstOrNull() != null) {
207 if (needComma) append(", ")
208 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Classes", classes)
209 needComma = true
210 }
211 if (objects.firstOrNull() != null) {
212 if (needComma) append(", ")
213 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Objects", objects)
214 }
215 if (annotations.firstOrNull() != null) {
216 if (needComma) append(", ")
217 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Annotations", annotations)
218 needComma = true
219 }
220 if (enums.firstOrNull() != null) {
221 if (needComma) append(", ")
222 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Enums", enums)
223 needComma = true
224 }
225 if (exceptions.firstOrNull() != null) {
226 if (needComma) append(", ")
227 appendNavTreePagesOfKind("Exceptions", exceptions)
228 }
229 append(" ] ]")
230 }
231 append(" ]")
232 return this
233 }
appendNavTreePagesOfKindnull235 private fun Appendable.appendNavTreePagesOfKind(kindTitle: String,
236 nodesOfKind: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): Appendable {
237 append("[ \"$kindTitle\", null, [ ")
238 var started = false
239 for (node in nodesOfKind) {
240 if (started) append(", ")
241 started = true
242 appendNavTreeChild(node)
243 }
244 append(" ], null, null ]")
245 return this
246 }
appendNavTreeChildnull248 private fun Appendable.appendNavTreeChild(node: DocumentationNode): Appendable {
249 append("[ \"${node.nameWithOuterClass()}\", \"${dacRoot}${uriProvider.tryGetMainUri(node)}\"")
250 append(", null, null, null ]")
251 return this
252 }
253 }
255 class DacSearchOutlineService(
256 val uriProvider: JavaLayoutHtmlUriProvider,
257 val languageService: LanguageService,
258 val dacRoot: String
259 ) : DacOutlineFormatService {
computeOutlineURInull261 override fun computeOutlineURI(node: DocumentationNode): URI =
262 uriProvider.outlineRootUri(node).resolve("lists.js")
264 override fun format(to: Appendable, node: DocumentationNode) {
265 val pageNodes = node.getAllPageNodes()
266 var id = 0
267 to.append("var KTX_CORE_DATA = [\n")
268 var first = true
269 for (pageNode in pageNodes) {
270 if (pageNode.kind == NodeKind.Module) continue
271 if (!first) to.append(", \n")
272 first = false
273 to.append(" { " +
274 "id:$id, " +
275 "label:\"${pageNode.qualifiedName()}\", " +
276 "link:\"${dacRoot}${uriProvider.tryGetMainUri(pageNode)}\", " +
277 "type:\"${pageNode.getClassOrPackage()}\", " +
278 "deprecated:\"false\" }")
279 id++
280 }
281 to.append("\n];")
282 }
getClassOrPackagenull284 private fun DocumentationNode.getClassOrPackage(): String =
285 if (hasOwnPage())
286 "class"
287 else if (isPackage()) {
288 "package"
289 } else {
290 ""
291 }
DocumentationNodenull293 private fun DocumentationNode.getAllPageNodes(): Iterable<DocumentationNode> {
294 val allPageNodes = mutableListOf<DocumentationNode>()
295 recursiveSetAllPageNodes(allPageNodes)
296 return allPageNodes
297 }
recursiveSetAllPageNodesnull299 private fun DocumentationNode.recursiveSetAllPageNodes(
300 allPageNodes: MutableList<DocumentationNode>) {
301 for (child in members) {
302 if (child.hasOwnPage() || child.isPackage()) {
303 allPageNodes.add(child)
304 child.qualifiedName()
305 child.recursiveSetAllPageNodes(allPageNodes)
306 }
307 }
308 }
310 }
312 /**
313 * Return all children of the node who are one of the selected `NodeKind`s. It recursively fetches
314 * all offspring, not just immediate children.
315 */
getMembersOfKindsnull316 fun DocumentationNode.getMembersOfKinds(vararg kinds: NodeKind): MutableList<DocumentationNode> {
317 val membersOfKind = mutableListOf<DocumentationNode>()
318 recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds, membersOfKind)
319 return membersOfKind
320 }
DocumentationNodenull322 private fun DocumentationNode.recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds: Array<out NodeKind>,
323 membersOfKind: MutableList<DocumentationNode>) {
324 for (member in members) {
325 if (member.kind in kinds) {
326 membersOfKind.add(member)
327 }
328 member.recursiveSetMembersOfKinds(kinds, membersOfKind)
329 }
330 }
332 /**
333 * Returns whether or not this node owns a page. The criteria for whether a node owns a page is
334 * similar to the way javadoc is structured. Classes, Interfaces, Enums, AnnotationClasses,
335 * Exceptions, and Objects (Kotlin-specific) meet the criteria.
336 */
hasOwnPagenull337 fun DocumentationNode.hasOwnPage() =
338 kind == NodeKind.Class || kind == NodeKind.Interface || kind == NodeKind.Enum ||
339 kind == NodeKind.AnnotationClass || kind == NodeKind.Exception ||
340 kind == NodeKind.Object
342 /**
343 * In most cases, this returns the short name of the `Type`. When the Type is an inner Type, it
344 * prepends the name with the containing Type name(s).
345 *
346 * For example, if you have a class named OuterClass and an inner class named InnerClass, this would
347 * return OuterClass.InnerClass.
348 *
349 */
350 fun DocumentationNode.nameWithOuterClass(): String {
351 val nameBuilder = StringBuilder(name)
352 var parent = owner
353 if (hasOwnPage()) {
354 while (parent != null && parent.hasOwnPage()) {
355 nameBuilder.insert(0, "${parent.name}.")
356 parent = parent.owner
357 }
358 }
359 return nameBuilder.toString()
360 }
362 /**
363 * Return whether the node is a package.
364 */
isPackagenull365 fun DocumentationNode.isPackage(): Boolean {
366 return kind == NodeKind.Package
367 }
369 /**
370 * Return the 'page owner' of this node. `DocumentationNode.hasOwnPage()` defines the criteria for
371 * a page owner. If this node is not a page owner, then it iterates up through its ancestors to
372 * find the first page owner.
373 */
pageOwnernull374 fun DocumentationNode.pageOwner(): DocumentationNode {
375 if (hasOwnPage() || owner == null) {
376 return this
377 } else {
378 var parent: DocumentationNode = owner!!
379 while (!parent.hasOwnPage() && !parent.isPackage()) {
380 parent = parent.owner!!
381 }
382 return parent
383 }
384 }
NodeKindnull386 fun NodeKind.pluralizedName() = when(this) {
387 NodeKind.Class -> "Classes"
388 NodeKind.Interface -> "Interfaces"
389 NodeKind.AnnotationClass -> "Annotations"
390 NodeKind.Enum -> "Enums"
391 NodeKind.Exception -> "Exceptions"
392 NodeKind.Object -> "Objects"
393 NodeKind.TypeAlias -> "TypeAliases"
394 else -> "${name}s"
395 }