Name | Date | Size | #Lines | LOC | ||
.. | - | - | ||||
README | D | 03-May-2024 | 2.1 KiB | 52 | 39 | |
board-info-sei510.txt | D | 03-May-2024 | 81 | 3 | 2 | |
board-info-sei610.txt | D | 03-May-2024 | 81 | 3 | 2 | |
board-info-vim3.txt | D | 03-May-2024 | 79 | 3 | 2 | |
board-info-vim3l.txt | D | 03-May-2024 | 80 | 3 | 2 |
1Build Yukawa userdebug image: 2============================= 3 4$ . ./build/ 5$ lunch yukawa-userdebug 6$ make -j24 7 8- For VIM3L: make TARGET_VIM3L=true -j24 9 10Compile Kernel: 11=============== 12 13$ git clone 14$ export PATH=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-r365631c/bin:$PATH 15 16$ cd hikey-linaro 17$ git checkout -b android-amlogic-bmeson-4.19 origin/android-amlogic-bmeson-4.19 18$ make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-android- CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- CC=clang meson_defconfig 19$ make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-android- CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- CC=clang -j24 20$ lz4c -f arch/arm64/boot/Image arch/arm64/boot/Image.lz4 21$ cp arch/arm64/boot/Image.lz4 $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/device/amlogic/yukawa-kernel 22$ cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a-sei510.dtb $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/device/amlogic/yukawa-kernel 23$ cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-sm1-sei610.dtb $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/device/amlogic/yukawa-kernel 24$ cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-sm1-khadas-vim3l.dtb $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/device/amlogic/yukawa-kernel 25 26$ cd <Path-to-AOSP>; rm out/target/product/yukawa/boot.img out/target/product/yukawa/kernel 27$ make bootimage -j24 28 29$ fastboot flash boot out/target/product/yukawa/boot.img 30 31- For VIM3L: make TARGET_VIM3L=true bootimage -j24 32- If yukawa-userdebug build was not launched, set direct path to aarch64: 33$ export PATH=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin:$PATH 34 35Recover Bootloader: 36=================== 37Link to 'update' utility: 38 39- Enter USB recovery mode by pressing USB Boot Button and turning Power ON 40- For VIM3L: 41-- Use u-boot_kvim3l_noab.bin rather than u-boot_sei610.bin. 42-- Enter recovery / upgrade mode by pressing function button 3 times in 2s. 43 44$ update write u-boot_sei610.bin 0xfffa0000 0x10000 45$ update run 0xfffa0000 46$ update bl2_boot u-boot_sei610.bin 47$ fastboot oem format 48$ fastboot flash bootloader u-boot_sei610.bin 49$ fastboot erase bootenv 50$ fastboot reboot-bootloader 51 52