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docs/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 11,480 | 10,023 | ||
gradle/wrapper/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 6 | 5 | ||
library/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 4,448 | 2,862 | ||
sample/ | 03-May-2024 | - | 2,008 | 1,625 | ||
.gitignore | D | 03-May-2024 | 229 | 19 | 14 | |
.travis.yml | D | 03-May-2024 | 488 | 27 | 21 | |
Android.bp | D | 03-May-2024 | 681 | 30 | 25 | | | D | 03-May-2024 | 945 | 11 | 7 | |
LICENSE | D | 03-May-2024 | 10 KiB | 192 | 155 | |
METADATA | D | 03-May-2024 | 39 | 4 | 3 | | | D | 03-May-2024 | 5.8 KiB | 122 | 84 | |
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gradlew | D | 03-May-2024 | 5.2 KiB | 173 | 128 | |
gradlew.bat | D | 03-May-2024 | 2.2 KiB | 85 | 61 | |
release.gradle | D | 03-May-2024 | 2.3 KiB | 67 | 53 | |
settings.gradle | D | 03-May-2024 | 37 | 3 | 2 |
1Subsampling Scale Image View 2=========================== 3 4[]( 5 6A custom image view for Android, designed for photo galleries and displaying huge images (e.g. maps and building plans) without `OutOfMemoryError`s. Includes pinch to zoom, panning, rotation and animation support, and allows easy extension so you can add your own overlays and touch event detection. 7 8The view optionally uses subsampling and tiles to support very large images - a low resolution base layer is loaded and as you zoom in, it is overlaid with smaller high resolution tiles for the visible area. This avoids holding too much data in memory. It's ideal for displaying large images while allowing you to zoom in to the high resolution details. You can disable tiling for smaller images and when displaying a bitmap object. There are some advantages and disadvantages to disabling tiling so to decide which is best, see [the wiki]( 9 10#### Guides 11 12* [Releases & downloads]( 13* [Installation and setup]( 14* [Image display notes & limitations]( 15* [Using preview images]( 16* [Handling orientation changes]( 17* [Advanced configuration]( 18* [Event handling]( 19* [Animation]( 20* [Extension]( 21* [Reference (JavaDocs)]( 22 23#### Migration guides 24 25Versions 3.9.0, 3.8.0 and 3.0.0 contain breaking changes. Migration instructions can be found [in the wiki]( 26 27#### Download the sample app 28 29[]( 30 31[Kotlin Sample App on GitHub]( 32 33#### Demo 34 35 36 37## Features 38 39#### Image display 40 41* Display images from assets, resources, the file system or bitmaps 42* Automatically rotate images from the file system (e.g. the camera or gallery) according to EXIF 43* Manually rotate images in 90° increments 44* Display a region of the source image 45* Use a preview image while large images load 46* Swap images at runtime 47* Use a custom bitmap decoder 48 49*With tiling enabled:* 50 51* Display huge images, larger than can be loaded into memory 52* Show high resolution detail on zooming in 53* Tested up to 20,000x20,000px, though larger images are slower 54 55#### Gesture detection 56 57* One finger pan 58* Two finger pinch to zoom 59* Quick scale (one finger zoom) 60* Pan while zooming 61* Seamless switch between pan and zoom 62* Fling momentum after panning 63* Double tap to zoom in and out 64* Options to disable pan and/or zoom gestures 65 66#### Animation 67 68* Public methods for animating the scale and center 69* Customisable duration and easing 70* Optional uninterruptible animations 71 72#### Overridable event detection 73* Supports `OnClickListener` and `OnLongClickListener` 74* Supports interception of events using `GestureDetector` and `OnTouchListener` 75* Extend to add your own gestures 76 77#### Easy integration 78* Use within a `ViewPager` to create a photo gallery 79* Easily restore scale, center and orientation after screen rotation 80* Can be extended to add overlay graphics that move and scale with the image 81* Handles view resizing and `wrap_content` layout 82 83## Quick start 84 85**1)** Add `com.davemorrissey.labs:subsampling-scale-image-view:3.9.0` as a dependency in your build.gradle file. 86 87**2)** Add the view to your layout XML. 88 89 <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" 90 android:layout_width="match_parent" 91 android:layout_height="match_parent" > 92 93 <com.davemorrissey.labs.subscaleview.SubsamplingScaleImageView 94 android:id="@+id/imageView" 95 android:layout_width="match_parent" 96 android:layout_height="match_parent"/> 97 98 </LinearLayout> 99 100**3a)** Now, in your fragment or activity, set the image resource, asset name or file path. 101 102 SubsamplingScaleImageView imageView = (SubsamplingScaleImageView)findViewById(id.imageView); 103 imageView.setImage(ImageSource.resource(R.drawable.monkey)); 104 // ... or ... 105 imageView.setImage(ImageSource.asset("map.png")) 106 // ... or ... 107 imageView.setImage(ImageSource.uri("/sdcard/DCIM/DSCM00123.JPG")); 108 109**3b)** Or, if you have a `Bitmap` object in memory, load it into the view. This is unsuitable for large images because it bypasses subsampling - you may get an `OutOfMemoryError`. 110 111 SubsamplingScaleImageView imageView = (SubsamplingScaleImageView)findViewById(id.imageView); 112 imageView.setImage(ImageSource.bitmap(bitmap)); 113 114## Photo credits 115 116* San Martino by Luca Bravo, via []( 117* Swiss Road by Ludovic Fremondiere, via []( 118 119## About 120 121Copyright 2018 David Morrissey, and licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. No attribution is necessary but it's very much appreciated. Star this project if you like it! 122