package { // See: http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import // all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_av_media_libstagefright_license" // to get the below license kinds: // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 } cc_defaults { name: "libstagefright_bufferqueue-defaults", double_loadable: true, srcs: [ ":libgui_frame_event_aidl", "FrameDropper.cpp", "GraphicBufferSource.cpp", ], export_include_dirs: [ "include", ], header_libs: [ "media_plugin_headers", ], export_header_lib_headers: [ "media_plugin_headers", ], shared_libs: [ "libbase", "libcutils", "libhidlbase", "libhidlmemory", "liblog", "libstagefright_foundation", "libui", "libutils", "", "", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libhidlmemory", "libstagefright_foundation", "", "", ], cflags: [ "-Werror", "-Wall", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-documentation", ], sanitize: { misc_undefined: [ "signed-integer-overflow", "unsigned-integer-overflow", ], cfi: true, }, } cc_library_shared { name: "libstagefright_bufferqueue_helper", defaults: ["libstagefright_bufferqueue-defaults"], vendor_available: true, min_sdk_version: "29", shared_libs: [ "libgui" ], target: { vendor: { exclude_shared_libs: [ "libgui", ], static_libs: [ "libgui_bufferqueue_static", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hidl.token@1.0-utils", "libEGL", "libnativewindow", "libvndksupport", ], cflags: [ "-DNO_BINDER", ], }, }, } // This lib is needed on devices that doesn't use vndk, // on these devices we still don't want libgui to be pulled // in onto the apex build. It should only be used by // libcodec2_hidl@1.x, etc. from service side. It could // be removed if all builds are using vndk. cc_library_shared { name: "libstagefright_bufferqueue_helper_novndk", defaults: ["libstagefright_bufferqueue-defaults"], apex_available: [ "", "", "//apex_available:platform", ], vendor_available: false, min_sdk_version: "29", static_libs: [ "libgui_bufferqueue_static", ], shared_libs: [ "android.hidl.token@1.0-utils", "libEGL", "libnativewindow", "libvndksupport", ], cflags: [ "-DNO_BINDER", ], }