/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ syntax = "proto2"; package android.os.statsd.autofill; option java_outer_classname = "AutofillProtoEnums"; option java_multiple_files = true; // Logging constants for Autofill system UI events. enum UiEventType { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // OPEN: Settings > Apps > Default Apps > Default autofill app DEFAULT_AUTOFILL_PICKER = 1; // ACTION: Update default app from Settings ACTION_SETTINGS_UPDATE_DEFAULT_APP = 2; // Autofill service called API that disables itself AUTOFILL_SERVICE_DISABLED_SELF = 3; // An autofill service asked to disable autofill for a given application. AUTOFILL_SERVICE_DISABLED_APP = 4; // An autofill service asked to disable autofill for a given activity. AUTOFILL_SERVICE_DISABLED_ACTIVITY = 5; // User manually enable autofill from the denylist for a given app. AUTOFILL_ENABLED_FROM_DENYLIST = 6; // An app attempted to forge a different component name in the AssisStructure that would be passed to the autofill service. AUTOFILL_FORGED_COMPONENT_ATTEMPT = 7; } enum FillRequestTriggerReason { TRIGGER_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; // A user or an app explicitly requests The request. TRIGGER_REASON_EXPLICITLY_REQUESTED = 1; // The request is retriggered by the provider. TRIGGER_REASON_RETRIGGER = 2; // The request is pre triggered. TRIGGER_REASON_PRE_TRIGGER = 3; // The request is normally triggered. TRIGGER_REASON_NORMAL_TRIGGER = 4; // The request is triggered from cached response. TRIGGER_REASON_SERVED_FROM_CACHED_RESPONSE = 5; } enum AutofillDisplayPresentationType { UNKNOWN_AUTOFILL_DISPLAY_PRESENTATION_TYPE = 0; MENU = 1; // aka drop-down INLINE = 2; // shown via IME DIALOG = 3; // aka Bottom-sheet dialog } enum FillResponseStatus { RESPONSE_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; RESPONSE_STATUS_FAILURE = 1; RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS = 2; RESPONSE_STATUS_CANCELLED = 3; RESPONSE_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 4; RESPONSE_STATUS_SESSION_DESTROYED = 5; RESPONSE_STATUS_TRANSACTION_TOO_LARGE = 6; } enum AuthenticationType { AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; DATASET_AUTHENTICATION = 1; FULL_AUTHENTICATION = 2; } enum AuthenticationResult { AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS = 1; AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE = 2; } enum SaveUiShownReason { SAVE_UI_SHOWN_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; SAVE_UI_SHOWN_REASON_REQUIRED_ID_CHANGE = 1; SAVE_UI_SHOWN_REASON_OPTIONAL_ID_CHANGE = 2; SAVE_UI_SHOWN_REASON_TRIGGER_ID_SET = 3; } enum SaveUiNotShownReason { NO_SAVE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; NO_SAVE_REASON_NONE = 1; NO_SAVE_REASON_NO_SAVE_INFO = 2; NO_SAVE_REASON_WITH_DELAY_SAVE_FLAG = 3; NO_SAVE_REASON_HAS_EMPTY_REQUIRED = 4; NO_SAVE_REASON_NO_VALUE_CHANGED = 5; NO_SAVE_REASON_FIELD_VALIDATION_FAILED = 6; NO_SAVE_REASON_DATASET_MATCH = 7; NO_SAVE_REASON_WITH_DONT_SAVE_ON_FINISH_FLAG = 8; NO_SAVE_REASON_SESSION_DESTROYED = 9; NO_SAVE_REASON_SCREEN_HAS_CREDMAN_FIELD = 10; } // Determines the reason for committing the autofill Session. enum AutofillCommitReason { COMMIT_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; COMMIT_REASON_ACTIVITY_FINISHED = 1; COMMIT_REASON_VIEW_COMMITTED = 2; COMMIT_REASON_VIEW_CLICKED = 3; COMMIT_REASON_VIEW_CHANGED = 4; COMMIT_REASON_SESSION_DESTROYED = 5; } enum DatasetPickedReason { PICK_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; PICK_REASON_NO_PCC = 1; PICK_REASON_PROVIDER_DETECTION_ONLY = 2; PICK_REASON_PROVIDER_DETECTION_PREFERRED_WITH_PCC = 3; PICK_REASON_PCC_DETECTION_ONLY = 4; PICK_REASON_PCC_DETECTION_PREFERRED_WITH_PROVIDER = 5; } // Enum for specifying which detection provider gets the preference when choosing // final datasets. enum DetectionPreference { DETECTION_PREFER_UNKONWN = 0; DETECTION_PREFER_AUTOFILL_PROVIDER = 1; DETECTION_PREFER_PCC = 2; } // Enum for specifying which detection provider gets the preference when choosing // final datasets. enum FieldClassificationRequestStatus { STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; STATUS_SUCCESS = 1; STATUS_FAIL = 2; STATUS_CANCELLED = 3; }