Lines Matching refs:LOC_LOGd
229 LOC_LOGd("No nHz session needed."); in checkAndSetSPEToRunforNHz()
231 LOC_LOGd("SPE is already running at highest interval."); in checkAndSetSPEToRunforNHz()
235 LOC_LOGd("nHz session is needed, starting SPE only session at 100ms TBF."); in checkAndSetSPEToRunforNHz()
813 LOC_LOGd("allowFlpNetworkFixes %u", allowFlpNetworkFixes); in readConfigCommand()
1048 LOC_LOGd("AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT is 0. Not setting flags for AGPS configurations"); in gnssUpdateConfig()
1483 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 in gnssSvIdConfigUpdate()
1508 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 in gnssSvIdConfigUpdateSync()
1521 LOC_LOGd("secondary band config, size %d, enabled constellation 0x%" PRIx64 "," in gnssSecondaryBandConfigUpdate()
1560 LOC_LOGd("ids %s flags 0x%X", idsString.c_str(), configMask); in gnssGetConfigCommand()
1788 LOC_LOGd("blacklist all SBAS SV"); in convertToGnssSvIdConfig()
1838 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 in convertToGnssSvIdConfig()
1905 LOC_LOGd("blacklist all SVs in constellation %d", source.constellation); in convertGnssSvIdMaskToList()
1966 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 ", " in reportGnssSvIdConfig()
2028 LOC_LOGd("size %" PRIu32" constellations blacklisted 0x%" PRIx64 ", enabled 0x%" PRIx64 in gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate()
2033 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 in gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate()
2039 LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 in gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate()
2177 LOC_LOGd("constellations blacklisted 0x%" PRIx64 ", enabled 0x%" PRIx64, in reportGnssSvTypeConfig()
2315 LOC_LOGd("latitude %8.4f longitude %8.4f accuracy %8.4f, tech mask 0x%x", in injectLocationExtCommand()
2417 LOC_LOGd("power event %d", systemPowerState); in updateSystemPowerStateCommand()
2542 LOC_LOGd("Auto usecase, Enable MEAS/POLY/EPHEMERIS - mask 0x%" PRIx64 "", in updateClientsEventMask()
2989 LOC_LOGd("TBM (%d) > %d Falling back to M2 power mode", in startTrackingCommand()
3070 LOC_LOGd("minInterval %u minDistance %u mode %u powermode %u tbm %u", in startTimeBasedTracking()
3178 LOC_LOGd("TBM (%d) > %d Falling back to M2 power mode", in updateTrackingOptionsCommand()
3673 LOC_LOGd("no VRP based lever ARM info"); in computeVRPBasedLla()
3702 LOC_LOGd("SPE fix missing latitude/longitude/alitutde"); in computeVRPBasedLla()
3718 LOC_LOGd("reportPositionEvent, eng type: %d, unpro %d, sess status %d msInWeek %d", in reportPositionEvent()
3749 LOC_LOGd("reportPositionEvent, no session on-going, throw away the SPE reports"); in reportPositionEvent()
4396 LOC_LOGd("[%" PRId64 ", %zu] %s", now, length, nmea); in reportNmea()
4829 LOC_LOGd("request: type %d, tbf %d, isEmergency %d" in requestOdcpi()
4864 LOC_LOGd("request: type %d, isEmergency %d", request.type, request.isEmergencyMode); in requestOdcpi()
4946 LOC_LOGd("In priority: %d, Curr priority: %d", priority, mCallbackPriority); in initOdcpi()
4975 LOC_LOGd("ODCPI Injection: requestActive: %d timerActive: %d" in injectOdcpi()
5007 LOC_LOGd("requestActive: %d timerActive: %d", in odcpiTimerExpire()
5231 LOC_LOGd("pdnType from WDS QMI: %d, agpsType: %d, apnName: %s, bearerType: %d", in reportPdnTypeFromWds()
5885 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in setConstrainedTuncCommand()
5944 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in setPositionAssistedClockEstimatorCommand()
6016 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in gnssUpdateSvConfigCommand()
6067 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in gnssUpdateSecondaryBandConfigCommand()
6112 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in gnssGetSecondaryBandConfigCommand()
6149 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in configLeverArmCommand()
6313 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in configRobustLocationCommand()
6364 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in configMinGpsWeekCommand()
6392 LOC_LOGd("session id %u", sessionId); in configDeadReckoningEngineParamsCommand()
6836 LOC_LOGd("%d %s %d %s %s %s %d mSendNmeaConsent %d", in handleEnablePPENtrip()
6851 LOC_LOGd("received same Ntrip param"); in handleEnablePPENtrip()
6891 LOC_LOGd("isInSession %d mDgnssState 0x%x isLocationValid %d", in checkUpdateDgnssNtrip()
6911 LOC_LOGd("isInSession %d mDgnssState 0x%x", isInSession(), mDgnssState); in stopDgnssNtrip()
6946 LOC_LOGd("GGAString %s", GGAString.c_str()); in reportGGAToNtrip()