/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "linker_main.h" #include <link.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/auxv.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include "linker.h" #include "linker_auxv.h" #include "linker_cfi.h" #include "linker_debug.h" #include "linker_debuggerd.h" #include "linker_gdb_support.h" #include "linker_globals.h" #include "linker_phdr.h" #include "linker_relocate.h" #include "linker_relocs.h" #include "linker_tls.h" #include "linker_utils.h" #include "private/KernelArgumentBlock.h" #include "private/bionic_call_ifunc_resolver.h" #include "private/bionic_globals.h" #include "private/bionic_tls.h" #include "android-base/unique_fd.h" #include "android-base/strings.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include <async_safe/log.h> #include <bionic/libc_init_common.h> #include <bionic/pthread_internal.h> #include <vector> __LIBC_HIDDEN__ extern "C" void _start(); static ElfW(Addr) get_elf_exec_load_bias(const ElfW(Ehdr)* elf); static void get_elf_base_from_phdr(const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr_table, size_t phdr_count, ElfW(Addr)* base, ElfW(Addr)* load_bias); static void set_bss_vma_name(soinfo* si); void __libc_init_mte(const memtag_dynamic_entries_t* memtag_dynamic_entries, const void* phdr_start, size_t phdr_count, uintptr_t load_bias, void* stack_top); // These should be preserved static to avoid emitting // RELATIVE relocations for the part of the code running // before linker links itself. // TODO (dimtiry): remove somain, rename solist to solist_head static soinfo* solist; static soinfo* sonext; static soinfo* somain; // main process, always the one after libdl_info static soinfo* solinker; static soinfo* vdso; // vdso if present void solist_add_soinfo(soinfo* si) { sonext->next = si; sonext = si; } bool solist_remove_soinfo(soinfo* si) { soinfo *prev = nullptr, *trav; for (trav = solist; trav != nullptr; trav = trav->next) { if (trav == si) { break; } prev = trav; } if (trav == nullptr) { // si was not in solist PRINT("name \"%s\"@%p is not in solist!", si->get_realpath(), si); return false; } // prev will never be null, because the first entry in solist is // always the static libdl_info. CHECK(prev != nullptr); prev->next = si->next; if (si == sonext) { sonext = prev; } return true; } soinfo* solist_get_head() { return solist; } soinfo* solist_get_somain() { return somain; } soinfo* solist_get_vdso() { return vdso; } bool g_is_ldd; int g_ld_debug_verbosity; static std::vector<std::string> g_ld_preload_names; static std::vector<soinfo*> g_ld_preloads; static void parse_path(const char* path, const char* delimiters, std::vector<std::string>* resolved_paths) { std::vector<std::string> paths; split_path(path, delimiters, &paths); resolve_paths(paths, resolved_paths); } static void parse_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(const char* path) { std::vector<std::string> ld_libary_paths; parse_path(path, ":", &ld_libary_paths); g_default_namespace.set_ld_library_paths(std::move(ld_libary_paths)); } static void parse_LD_PRELOAD(const char* path) { g_ld_preload_names.clear(); if (path != nullptr) { // We have historically supported ':' as well as ' ' in LD_PRELOAD. g_ld_preload_names = android::base::Split(path, " :"); g_ld_preload_names.erase(std::remove_if(g_ld_preload_names.begin(), g_ld_preload_names.end(), [](const std::string& s) { return s.empty(); }), g_ld_preload_names.end()); } } // An empty list of soinfos static soinfo_list_t g_empty_list; static void add_vdso() { ElfW(Ehdr)* ehdr_vdso = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Ehdr)*>(getauxval(AT_SYSINFO_EHDR)); if (ehdr_vdso == nullptr) { return; } soinfo* si = soinfo_alloc(&g_default_namespace, "[vdso]", nullptr, 0, 0); si->phdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Phdr)*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ehdr_vdso) + ehdr_vdso->e_phoff); si->phnum = ehdr_vdso->e_phnum; si->base = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(ehdr_vdso); si->size = phdr_table_get_load_size(si->phdr, si->phnum); si->load_bias = get_elf_exec_load_bias(ehdr_vdso); si->prelink_image(); si->link_image(SymbolLookupList(si), si, nullptr, nullptr); // prevents accidental unloads... si->set_dt_flags_1(si->get_dt_flags_1() | DF_1_NODELETE); si->set_linked(); si->call_constructors(); vdso = si; } // Initializes an soinfo's link_map_head field using other fields from the // soinfo (phdr, phnum, load_bias). The soinfo's realpath must not change after // this function is called. static void init_link_map_head(soinfo& info) { auto& map = info.link_map_head; map.l_addr = info.load_bias; map.l_name = const_cast<char*>(info.get_realpath()); phdr_table_get_dynamic_section(info.phdr, info.phnum, info.load_bias, &map.l_ld, nullptr); } extern "C" int __system_properties_init(void); struct ExecutableInfo { std::string path; struct stat file_stat; const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr; size_t phdr_count; ElfW(Addr) entry_point; bool should_pad_segments; }; static ExecutableInfo get_executable_info(const char* arg_path) { ExecutableInfo result = {}; char const* exe_path = "/proc/self/exe"; // Stat "/proc/self/exe" instead of executable_path because // the executable could be unlinked by this point and it should // not cause a crash (see http://b/31084669) if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat(exe_path, &result.file_stat) == -1)) { // Fallback to argv[0] for the case where /proc isn't available if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat(arg_path, &result.file_stat) == -1)) { async_safe_fatal("unable to stat either \"/proc/self/exe\" or \"%s\": %s", arg_path, strerror(errno)); } exe_path = arg_path; } // Path might be a symlink; we need the target so that we get the right // linker configuration later. char sym_path[PATH_MAX]; result.path = std::string(realpath(exe_path, sym_path) != nullptr ? sym_path : exe_path); result.phdr = reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Phdr)*>(getauxval(AT_PHDR)); result.phdr_count = getauxval(AT_PHNUM); result.entry_point = getauxval(AT_ENTRY); return result; } #if defined(__LP64__) static char kFallbackLinkerPath[] = "/system/bin/linker64"; #else static char kFallbackLinkerPath[] = "/system/bin/linker"; #endif __printflike(1, 2) static void __linker_error(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); async_safe_format_fd_va_list(STDERR_FILENO, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); va_start(ap, fmt); async_safe_format_log_va_list(ANDROID_LOG_FATAL, "linker", fmt, ap); va_end(ap); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void __linker_cannot_link(const char* argv0) { __linker_error("CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE \"%s\": %s\n", argv0, linker_get_error_buffer()); } // Load an executable. Normally the kernel has already loaded the executable when the linker // starts. The linker can be invoked directly on an executable, though, and then the linker must // load it. This function doesn't load dependencies or resolve relocations. static ExecutableInfo load_executable(const char* orig_path) { ExecutableInfo result = {}; if (orig_path[0] != '/') { __linker_error("error: expected absolute path: \"%s\"\n", orig_path); } off64_t file_offset; android::base::unique_fd fd(open_executable(orig_path, &file_offset, &result.path)); if (fd.get() == -1) { __linker_error("error: unable to open file \"%s\"\n", orig_path); } if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat(fd.get(), &result.file_stat)) == -1) { __linker_error("error: unable to stat \"%s\": %s\n", result.path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } ElfReader elf_reader; if (!elf_reader.Read(result.path.c_str(), fd.get(), file_offset, result.file_stat.st_size)) { __linker_error("error: %s\n", linker_get_error_buffer()); } address_space_params address_space; if (!elf_reader.Load(&address_space)) { __linker_error("error: %s\n", linker_get_error_buffer()); } result.phdr = elf_reader.loaded_phdr(); result.phdr_count = elf_reader.phdr_count(); result.entry_point = elf_reader.entry_point(); result.should_pad_segments = elf_reader.should_pad_segments(); return result; } static void platform_properties_init() { #if defined(__aarch64__) const unsigned long hwcap2 = getauxval(AT_HWCAP2); g_platform_properties.bti_supported = (hwcap2 & HWCAP2_BTI) != 0; #endif } static ElfW(Addr) linker_main(KernelArgumentBlock& args, const char* exe_to_load) { ProtectedDataGuard guard; #if TIMING struct timeval t0, t1; gettimeofday(&t0, 0); #endif // Sanitize the environment. __libc_init_AT_SECURE(args.envp); // Initialize system properties __system_properties_init(); // may use 'environ' // Initialize platform properties. platform_properties_init(); // Register the debuggerd signal handler. linker_debuggerd_init(); g_linker_logger.ResetState(); // Enable debugging logs? const char* LD_DEBUG = getenv("LD_DEBUG"); if (LD_DEBUG != nullptr) { g_ld_debug_verbosity = atoi(LD_DEBUG); } if (getenv("LD_SHOW_AUXV") != nullptr) ld_show_auxv(args.auxv); #if defined(__LP64__) INFO("[ Android dynamic linker (64-bit) ]"); #else INFO("[ Android dynamic linker (32-bit) ]"); #endif // These should have been sanitized by __libc_init_AT_SECURE, but the test // doesn't cost us anything. const char* ldpath_env = nullptr; const char* ldpreload_env = nullptr; if (!getauxval(AT_SECURE)) { ldpath_env = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (ldpath_env != nullptr) { INFO("[ LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to \"%s\" ]", ldpath_env); } ldpreload_env = getenv("LD_PRELOAD"); if (ldpreload_env != nullptr) { INFO("[ LD_PRELOAD set to \"%s\" ]", ldpreload_env); } } const ExecutableInfo exe_info = exe_to_load ? load_executable(exe_to_load) : get_executable_info(args.argv[0]); INFO("[ Linking executable \"%s\" ]", exe_info.path.c_str()); // Initialize the main exe's soinfo. soinfo* si = soinfo_alloc(&g_default_namespace, exe_info.path.c_str(), &exe_info.file_stat, 0, RTLD_GLOBAL); somain = si; si->phdr = exe_info.phdr; si->phnum = exe_info.phdr_count; si->set_should_pad_segments(exe_info.should_pad_segments); get_elf_base_from_phdr(si->phdr, si->phnum, &si->base, &si->load_bias); si->size = phdr_table_get_load_size(si->phdr, si->phnum); si->dynamic = nullptr; si->set_main_executable(); init_link_map_head(*si); set_bss_vma_name(si); // Use the executable's PT_INTERP string as the solinker filename in the // dynamic linker's module list. gdb reads both PT_INTERP and the module list, // and if the paths for the linker are different, gdb will report that the // PT_INTERP linker path was unloaded once the module list is initialized. // There are three situations to handle: // - the APEX linker (/system/bin/linker[64] -> /apex/.../linker[64]) // - the ASAN linker (/system/bin/linker_asan[64] -> /apex/.../linker[64]) // - the bootstrap linker (/system/bin/bootstrap/linker[64]) const char *interp = phdr_table_get_interpreter_name(somain->phdr, somain->phnum, somain->load_bias); if (interp == nullptr) { // This case can happen if the linker attempts to execute itself // (e.g. "linker64 /system/bin/linker64"). interp = kFallbackLinkerPath; } solinker->set_realpath(interp); init_link_map_head(*solinker); #if defined(__aarch64__) if (exe_to_load == nullptr) { // Kernel does not add PROT_BTI to executable pages of the loaded ELF. // Apply appropriate protections here if it is needed. auto note_gnu_property = GnuPropertySection(somain); if (note_gnu_property.IsBTICompatible() && (phdr_table_protect_segments(somain->phdr, somain->phnum, somain->load_bias, somain->should_pad_segments(), ¬e_gnu_property) < 0)) { __linker_error("error: can't protect segments for \"%s\": %s", exe_info.path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } #endif // Register the main executable and the linker upfront to have // gdb aware of them before loading the rest of the dependency // tree. // // gdb expects the linker to be in the debug shared object list. // Without this, gdb has trouble locating the linker's ".text" // and ".plt" sections. Gdb could also potentially use this to // relocate the offset of our exported 'rtld_db_dlactivity' symbol. // insert_link_map_into_debug_map(&si->link_map_head); insert_link_map_into_debug_map(&solinker->link_map_head); add_vdso(); ElfW(Ehdr)* elf_hdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Ehdr)*>(si->base); // For security reasons we dropped non-PIE support in API level 21, // and the NDK no longer supports earlier API levels. if (elf_hdr->e_type != ET_DYN) { __linker_error("error: %s: Android only supports position-independent " "executables (-fPIE)\n", exe_info.path.c_str()); } // Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD (but only if we aren't setuid/setgid). parse_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(ldpath_env); parse_LD_PRELOAD(ldpreload_env); std::vector<android_namespace_t*> namespaces = init_default_namespaces(exe_info.path.c_str()); if (!si->prelink_image()) __linker_cannot_link(g_argv[0]); // add somain to global group si->set_dt_flags_1(si->get_dt_flags_1() | DF_1_GLOBAL); // ... and add it to all other linked namespaces for (auto linked_ns : namespaces) { if (linked_ns != &g_default_namespace) { linked_ns->add_soinfo(somain); somain->add_secondary_namespace(linked_ns); } } linker_setup_exe_static_tls(g_argv[0]); // Load ld_preloads and dependencies. std::vector<const char*> needed_library_name_list; size_t ld_preloads_count = 0; for (const auto& ld_preload_name : g_ld_preload_names) { needed_library_name_list.push_back(ld_preload_name.c_str()); ++ld_preloads_count; } for_each_dt_needed(si, [&](const char* name) { needed_library_name_list.push_back(name); }); const char** needed_library_names = &needed_library_name_list[0]; size_t needed_libraries_count = needed_library_name_list.size(); if (needed_libraries_count > 0 && !find_libraries(&g_default_namespace, si, needed_library_names, needed_libraries_count, nullptr, &g_ld_preloads, ld_preloads_count, RTLD_GLOBAL, nullptr, true /* add_as_children */, &namespaces)) { __linker_cannot_link(g_argv[0]); } else if (needed_libraries_count == 0) { if (!si->link_image(SymbolLookupList(si), si, nullptr, nullptr)) { __linker_cannot_link(g_argv[0]); } si->increment_ref_count(); } // Exit early for ldd. We don't want to run the code that was loaded, so skip // the constructor calls. Skip CFI setup because it would call __cfi_init in // libdl.so. if (g_is_ldd) _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); #if defined(__aarch64__) // This has to happen after the find_libraries, which will have collected any possible // libraries that request memtag_stack in the dynamic section. __libc_init_mte(somain->memtag_dynamic_entries(), somain->phdr, somain->phnum, somain->load_bias, args.argv); #endif linker_finalize_static_tls(); __libc_init_main_thread_final(); if (!get_cfi_shadow()->InitialLinkDone(solist)) __linker_cannot_link(g_argv[0]); si->call_pre_init_constructors(); si->call_constructors(); #if TIMING gettimeofday(&t1, nullptr); PRINT("LINKER TIME: %s: %d microseconds", g_argv[0], static_cast<int>(((static_cast<long long>(t1.tv_sec) * 1000000LL) + static_cast<long long>(t1.tv_usec)) - ((static_cast<long long>(t0.tv_sec) * 1000000LL) + static_cast<long long>(t0.tv_usec)))); #endif #if STATS print_linker_stats(); #endif #if TIMING || STATS fflush(stdout); #endif // We are about to hand control over to the executable loaded. We don't want // to leave dirty pages behind unnecessarily. purge_unused_memory(); ElfW(Addr) entry = exe_info.entry_point; TRACE("[ Ready to execute \"%s\" @ %p ]", si->get_realpath(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(entry)); return entry; } /* Compute the load-bias of an existing executable. This shall only * be used to compute the load bias of an executable or shared library * that was loaded by the kernel itself. * * Input: * elf -> address of ELF header, assumed to be at the start of the file. * Return: * load bias, i.e. add the value of any p_vaddr in the file to get * the corresponding address in memory. */ static ElfW(Addr) get_elf_exec_load_bias(const ElfW(Ehdr)* elf) { ElfW(Addr) offset = elf->e_phoff; const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr_table = reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Phdr)*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(elf) + offset); const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr_end = phdr_table + elf->e_phnum; for (const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr = phdr_table; phdr < phdr_end; phdr++) { if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) { return reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(elf) + phdr->p_offset - phdr->p_vaddr; } } return 0; } /* Find the load bias and base address of an executable or shared object loaded * by the kernel. The ELF file's PHDR table must have a PT_PHDR entry. * * A VDSO doesn't have a PT_PHDR entry in its PHDR table. */ static void get_elf_base_from_phdr(const ElfW(Phdr)* phdr_table, size_t phdr_count, ElfW(Addr)* base, ElfW(Addr)* load_bias) { for (size_t i = 0; i < phdr_count; ++i) { if (phdr_table[i].p_type == PT_PHDR) { *load_bias = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(phdr_table) - phdr_table[i].p_vaddr; *base = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(phdr_table) - phdr_table[i].p_offset; return; } } async_safe_fatal("Could not find a PHDR: broken executable?"); } /* * Set anonymous VMA name for .bss section. For DSOs loaded by the linker, this * is done by ElfReader. This function is here for DSOs loaded by the kernel, * namely the linker itself and the main executable. */ static void set_bss_vma_name(soinfo* si) { for (size_t i = 0; i < si->phnum; ++i) { auto phdr = &si->phdr[i]; if (phdr->p_type != PT_LOAD) { continue; } ElfW(Addr) seg_start = phdr->p_vaddr + si->load_bias; ElfW(Addr) seg_page_end = page_end(seg_start + phdr->p_memsz); ElfW(Addr) seg_file_end = page_end(seg_start + phdr->p_filesz); if (seg_page_end > seg_file_end) { prctl(PR_SET_VMA, PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME, reinterpret_cast<void*>(seg_file_end), seg_page_end - seg_file_end, ".bss"); } } } #if defined(USE_RELA) using RelType = ElfW(Rela); const unsigned kRelTag = DT_RELA; const unsigned kRelSzTag = DT_RELASZ; #else using RelType = ElfW(Rel); const unsigned kRelTag = DT_REL; const unsigned kRelSzTag = DT_RELSZ; #endif extern __LIBC_HIDDEN__ ElfW(Ehdr) __ehdr_start; static void call_ifunc_resolvers_for_section(RelType* begin, RelType* end) { auto ehdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(&__ehdr_start); for (RelType *r = begin; r != end; ++r) { if (ELFW(R_TYPE)(r->r_info) != R_GENERIC_IRELATIVE) { continue; } ElfW(Addr)* offset = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)*>(ehdr + r->r_offset); #if defined(USE_RELA) ElfW(Addr) resolver = ehdr + r->r_addend; #else ElfW(Addr) resolver = ehdr + *offset; #endif *offset = __bionic_call_ifunc_resolver(resolver); } } static void relocate_linker() { // The linker should only have relative relocations (in RELR) and IRELATIVE // relocations. Find the IRELATIVE relocations using the DT_JMPREL and // DT_PLTRELSZ, or DT_RELA/DT_RELASZ (DT_REL/DT_RELSZ on ILP32). auto ehdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(&__ehdr_start); auto* phdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Phdr)*>(ehdr + __ehdr_start.e_phoff); for (size_t i = 0; i != __ehdr_start.e_phnum; ++i) { if (phdr[i].p_type != PT_DYNAMIC) { continue; } auto *dyn = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Dyn)*>(ehdr + phdr[i].p_vaddr); ElfW(Addr) relr = 0, relrsz = 0, pltrel = 0, pltrelsz = 0, rel = 0, relsz = 0; for (size_t j = 0, size = phdr[i].p_filesz / sizeof(ElfW(Dyn)); j != size; ++j) { const auto tag = dyn[j].d_tag; const auto val = dyn[j].d_un.d_ptr; // We don't currently handle IRELATIVE relocations in DT_ANDROID_REL[A]. // We disabled DT_ANDROID_REL[A] at build time; verify that it was actually disabled. CHECK(tag != DT_ANDROID_REL && tag != DT_ANDROID_RELA); if (tag == DT_RELR || tag == DT_ANDROID_RELR) { relr = val; } else if (tag == DT_RELRSZ || tag == DT_ANDROID_RELRSZ) { relrsz = val; } else if (tag == DT_JMPREL) { pltrel = val; } else if (tag == DT_PLTRELSZ) { pltrelsz = val; } else if (tag == kRelTag) { rel = val; } else if (tag == kRelSzTag) { relsz = val; } } // Apply RELR relocations first so that the GOT is initialized for ifunc // resolvers. if (relr && relrsz) { relocate_relr(reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Relr*)>(ehdr + relr), reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Relr*)>(ehdr + relr + relrsz), ehdr); } if (pltrel && pltrelsz) { call_ifunc_resolvers_for_section(reinterpret_cast<RelType*>(ehdr + pltrel), reinterpret_cast<RelType*>(ehdr + pltrel + pltrelsz)); } if (rel && relsz) { call_ifunc_resolvers_for_section(reinterpret_cast<RelType*>(ehdr + rel), reinterpret_cast<RelType*>(ehdr + rel + relsz)); } } } // Usable before ifunc resolvers have been called. This function is compiled with -ffreestanding. static void linker_memclr(void* dst, size_t cnt) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { reinterpret_cast<char*>(dst)[i] = '\0'; } } // Detect an attempt to run the linker on itself. e.g.: // /system/bin/linker64 /system/bin/linker64 // Use priority-1 to run this constructor before other constructors. __attribute__((constructor(1))) static void detect_self_exec() { // Normally, the linker initializes the auxv global before calling its // constructors. If the linker loads itself, though, the first loader calls // the second loader's constructors before calling __linker_init. if (__libc_shared_globals()->auxv != nullptr) { return; } #if defined(__i386__) // We don't have access to the auxv struct from here, so use the int 0x80 // fallback. __libc_sysinfo = reinterpret_cast<void*>(__libc_int0x80); #endif __linker_error("error: linker cannot load itself\n"); } static ElfW(Addr) __attribute__((noinline)) __linker_init_post_relocation(KernelArgumentBlock& args, soinfo& linker_so); /* * This is the entry point for the linker, called from begin.S. This * method is responsible for fixing the linker's own relocations, and * then calling __linker_init_post_relocation(). * * Because this method is called before the linker has fixed it's own * relocations, any attempt to reference an extern variable, extern * function, or other GOT reference will generate a segfault. */ extern "C" ElfW(Addr) __linker_init(void* raw_args) { // Unlock the loader mutex immediately before transferring to the executable's // entry point. This must happen after destructors are called in this function // (e.g. ~soinfo), so declare this variable very early. struct DlMutexUnlocker { ~DlMutexUnlocker() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dl_mutex); } } unlocker; // Initialize TLS early so system calls and errno work. KernelArgumentBlock args(raw_args); bionic_tcb temp_tcb __attribute__((uninitialized)); linker_memclr(&temp_tcb, sizeof(temp_tcb)); __libc_init_main_thread_early(args, &temp_tcb); // When the linker is run by itself (rather than as an interpreter for // another program), AT_BASE is 0. ElfW(Addr) linker_addr = getauxval(AT_BASE); if (linker_addr == 0) { // The AT_PHDR and AT_PHNUM aux values describe this linker instance, so use // the phdr to find the linker's base address. ElfW(Addr) load_bias; get_elf_base_from_phdr( reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Phdr)*>(getauxval(AT_PHDR)), getauxval(AT_PHNUM), &linker_addr, &load_bias); } ElfW(Ehdr)* elf_hdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Ehdr)*>(linker_addr); ElfW(Phdr)* phdr = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Phdr)*>(linker_addr + elf_hdr->e_phoff); // Relocate the linker. This step will initialize the GOT, which is needed for // accessing non-hidden global variables. (On some targets, the stack // protector uses GOT accesses rather than TLS.) Relocating the linker will // also call the linker's ifunc resolvers so that string.h functions can be // used. relocate_linker(); soinfo tmp_linker_so(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0); tmp_linker_so.base = linker_addr; tmp_linker_so.size = phdr_table_get_load_size(phdr, elf_hdr->e_phnum); tmp_linker_so.load_bias = get_elf_exec_load_bias(elf_hdr); tmp_linker_so.dynamic = nullptr; tmp_linker_so.phdr = phdr; tmp_linker_so.phnum = elf_hdr->e_phnum; tmp_linker_so.set_linker_flag(); if (!tmp_linker_so.prelink_image()) __linker_cannot_link(args.argv[0]); if (!tmp_linker_so.link_image(SymbolLookupList(&tmp_linker_so), &tmp_linker_so, nullptr, nullptr)) __linker_cannot_link(args.argv[0]); return __linker_init_post_relocation(args, tmp_linker_so); } /* * This code is called after the linker has linked itself and fixed its own * GOT. It is safe to make references to externs and other non-local data at * this point. The compiler sometimes moves GOT references earlier in a * function, so avoid inlining this function (http://b/80503879). */ static ElfW(Addr) __attribute__((noinline)) __linker_init_post_relocation(KernelArgumentBlock& args, soinfo& tmp_linker_so) { // Finish initializing the main thread. __libc_init_main_thread_late(); // We didn't protect the linker's RELRO pages in link_image because we // couldn't make system calls on x86 at that point, but we can now... if (!tmp_linker_so.protect_relro()) __linker_cannot_link(args.argv[0]); // And we can set VMA name for the bss section now set_bss_vma_name(&tmp_linker_so); // Initialize the linker's static libc's globals __libc_init_globals(); // A constructor could spawn a thread that calls into the loader, so as soon // as we've called a constructor, we need to hold the lock until transferring // to the entry point. pthread_mutex_lock(&g_dl_mutex); // Initialize the linker's own global variables tmp_linker_so.call_constructors(); // Setting the linker soinfo's soname can allocate heap memory, so delay it until here. for (const ElfW(Dyn)* d = tmp_linker_so.dynamic; d->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++d) { if (d->d_tag == DT_SONAME) { tmp_linker_so.set_soname(tmp_linker_so.get_string(d->d_un.d_val)); } } // When the linker is run directly rather than acting as PT_INTERP, parse // arguments and determine the executable to load. When it's instead acting // as PT_INTERP, AT_ENTRY will refer to the loaded executable rather than the // linker's _start. const char* exe_to_load = nullptr; if (getauxval(AT_ENTRY) == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&_start)) { if (args.argc == 3 && !strcmp(args.argv[1], "--list")) { // We're being asked to behave like ldd(1). g_is_ldd = true; exe_to_load = args.argv[2]; } else if (args.argc <= 1 || !strcmp(args.argv[1], "--help")) { async_safe_format_fd(STDOUT_FILENO, "Usage: %s [--list] PROGRAM [ARGS-FOR-PROGRAM...]\n" " %s [--list] path.zip!/PROGRAM [ARGS-FOR-PROGRAM...]\n" "\n" "A helper program for linking dynamic executables. Typically, the kernel loads\n" "this program because it's the PT_INTERP of a dynamic executable.\n" "\n" "This program can also be run directly to load and run a dynamic executable. The\n" "executable can be inside a zip file if it's stored uncompressed and at a\n" "page-aligned offset.\n" "\n" "The --list option gives behavior equivalent to ldd(1) on other systems.\n", args.argv[0], args.argv[0]); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { exe_to_load = args.argv[1]; __libc_shared_globals()->initial_linker_arg_count = 1; } } // store argc/argv/envp to use them for calling constructors g_argc = args.argc - __libc_shared_globals()->initial_linker_arg_count; g_argv = args.argv + __libc_shared_globals()->initial_linker_arg_count; g_envp = args.envp; __libc_shared_globals()->init_progname = g_argv[0]; // Initialize static variables. Note that in order to // get correct libdl_info we need to call constructors // before get_libdl_info(). sonext = solist = solinker = get_libdl_info(tmp_linker_so); g_default_namespace.add_soinfo(solinker); ElfW(Addr) start_address = linker_main(args, exe_to_load); INFO("[ Jumping to _start (%p)... ]", reinterpret_cast<void*>(start_address)); // Return the address that the calling assembly stub should jump to. return start_address; }