/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "linker_tls.h" #include <vector> #include "async_safe/CHECK.h" #include "linker_globals.h" #include "linker_main.h" #include "linker_soinfo.h" #include "private/ScopedRWLock.h" #include "private/ScopedSignalBlocker.h" #include "private/bionic_defs.h" #include "private/bionic_elf_tls.h" #include "private/bionic_globals.h" #include "private/linker_native_bridge.h" static bool g_static_tls_finished; static std::vector<TlsModule> g_tls_modules; static size_t get_unused_module_index() { for (size_t i = 0; i < g_tls_modules.size(); ++i) { if (g_tls_modules[i].soinfo_ptr == nullptr) { return i; } } g_tls_modules.push_back({}); __libc_shared_globals()->tls_modules.module_count = g_tls_modules.size(); __libc_shared_globals()->tls_modules.module_table = g_tls_modules.data(); return g_tls_modules.size() - 1; } static void register_tls_module(soinfo* si, size_t static_offset) { TlsModules& libc_modules = __libc_shared_globals()->tls_modules; // The global TLS module table points at the std::vector of modules declared // in this file, so acquire a write lock before modifying the std::vector. ScopedSignalBlocker ssb; ScopedWriteLock locker(&libc_modules.rwlock); size_t module_idx = get_unused_module_index(); soinfo_tls* si_tls = si->get_tls(); si_tls->module_id = __tls_module_idx_to_id(module_idx); const size_t new_generation = ++libc_modules.generation; __libc_tls_generation_copy = new_generation; if (libc_modules.generation_libc_so != nullptr) { *libc_modules.generation_libc_so = new_generation; } g_tls_modules[module_idx] = { .segment = si_tls->segment, .static_offset = static_offset, .first_generation = new_generation, .soinfo_ptr = si, }; } static void unregister_tls_module(soinfo* si) { ScopedSignalBlocker ssb; ScopedWriteLock locker(&__libc_shared_globals()->tls_modules.rwlock); soinfo_tls* si_tls = si->get_tls(); TlsModule& mod = g_tls_modules[__tls_module_id_to_idx(si_tls->module_id)]; CHECK(mod.static_offset == SIZE_MAX); CHECK(mod.soinfo_ptr == si); mod = {}; si_tls->module_id = kTlsUninitializedModuleId; } // The reference is valid until a TLS module is registered or unregistered. const TlsModule& get_tls_module(size_t module_id) { size_t module_idx = __tls_module_id_to_idx(module_id); CHECK(module_idx < g_tls_modules.size()); return g_tls_modules[module_idx]; } __BIONIC_WEAK_FOR_NATIVE_BRIDGE extern "C" void __linker_reserve_bionic_tls_in_static_tls() { __libc_shared_globals()->static_tls_layout.reserve_bionic_tls(); } void linker_setup_exe_static_tls(const char* progname) { soinfo* somain = solist_get_somain(); StaticTlsLayout& layout = __libc_shared_globals()->static_tls_layout; // For ldd, don't add the executable's TLS segment to the static TLS layout. // It is likely to trigger the underaligned TLS segment error on arm32/arm64 // when the ldd argument is actually a shared object. if (somain->get_tls() == nullptr || g_is_ldd) { layout.reserve_exe_segment_and_tcb(nullptr, progname); } else { register_tls_module(somain, layout.reserve_exe_segment_and_tcb(&somain->get_tls()->segment, progname)); } // The pthread key data is located at the very front of bionic_tls. As a // temporary workaround, allocate bionic_tls just after the thread pointer so // Golang can find its pthread key, as long as the executable's TLS segment is // small enough. Specifically, Golang scans forward 384 words from the TP on // ARM. // - http://b/118381796 // - https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29674 __linker_reserve_bionic_tls_in_static_tls(); } void linker_finalize_static_tls() { g_static_tls_finished = true; __libc_shared_globals()->static_tls_layout.finish_layout(); TlsModules& modules = __libc_shared_globals()->tls_modules; modules.static_module_count = modules.module_count; } void register_soinfo_tls(soinfo* si) { // ldd skips registration of the executable's TLS segment above to avoid the // arm32/arm64 underalignment error. For consistency, also skip registration // of TLS segments here, for shared objects. if (g_is_ldd) return; soinfo_tls* si_tls = si->get_tls(); if (si_tls == nullptr || si_tls->module_id != kTlsUninitializedModuleId) { return; } size_t static_offset = SIZE_MAX; if (!g_static_tls_finished) { StaticTlsLayout& layout = __libc_shared_globals()->static_tls_layout; static_offset = layout.reserve_solib_segment(si_tls->segment); } register_tls_module(si, static_offset); } void unregister_soinfo_tls(soinfo* si) { soinfo_tls* si_tls = si->get_tls(); if (si_tls == nullptr || si_tls->module_id == kTlsUninitializedModuleId) { return; } return unregister_tls_module(si); }