/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #if __has_include(<threads.h>) #define HAVE_THREADS_H #include <threads.h> static int g_call_once_call_count; static void increment_call_count() { ++g_call_once_call_count; } static int g_dtor_call_count; static void tss_dtor(void* ptr) { ++g_dtor_call_count; free(ptr); } static int return_arg(void* arg) { return static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(arg)); } static int exit_arg(void* arg) { thrd_exit(static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(arg))); } #endif #include <time.h> #include <thread> #include <android-base/silent_death_test.h> #include "SignalUtils.h" TEST(threads, call_once) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else once_flag flag = ONCE_FLAG_INIT; call_once(&flag, increment_call_count); call_once(&flag, increment_call_count); std::thread([&flag] { call_once(&flag, increment_call_count); }).join(); ASSERT_EQ(1, g_call_once_call_count); #endif } TEST(threads, cnd_broadcast__cnd_wait) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); cnd_t c; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_init(&c)); std::atomic_int i = 0; auto waiter = [&c, &i, &m] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); while (i != 1) ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_wait(&c, &m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); }; std::thread t1(waiter); std::thread t2(waiter); std::thread t3(waiter); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); i = 1; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_broadcast(&c)); t1.join(); t2.join(); t3.join(); mtx_destroy(&m); cnd_destroy(&c); #endif } TEST(threads, cnd_init__cnd_destroy) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else cnd_t c; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_init(&c)); cnd_destroy(&c); #endif } TEST(threads, cnd_signal__cnd_wait) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); cnd_t c; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_init(&c)); std::atomic_int count = 0; auto waiter = [&c, &m, &count] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_wait(&c, &m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); ++count; }; std::thread t1(waiter); std::thread t2(waiter); std::thread t3(waiter); // This is inherently racy, but attempts to distinguish between cnd_signal and // cnd_broadcast. usleep(100000); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_signal(&c)); while (count == 0) { } usleep(100000); ASSERT_EQ(1, count); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_signal(&c)); while (count == 1) { } usleep(100000); ASSERT_EQ(2, count); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_signal(&c)); while (count == 2) { } usleep(100000); ASSERT_EQ(3, count); t1.join(); t2.join(); t3.join(); mtx_destroy(&m); cnd_destroy(&c); #endif } TEST(threads, cnd_timedwait_timedout) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_timed)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); cnd_t c; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_init(&c)); timespec ts = {}; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_timedout, cnd_timedwait(&c, &m, &ts)); #endif } TEST(threads, cnd_timedwait) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_timed)); cnd_t c; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_init(&c)); std::atomic_bool done = false; std::thread t([&c, &m, &done] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); // cnd_timewait's time is *absolute*. timespec ts; ASSERT_EQ(TIME_UTC, timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC)); ts.tv_sec += 666; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_timedwait(&c, &m, &ts)); done = true; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); }); while (!done) ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, cnd_signal(&c)); t.join(); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_init) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_timed)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain | mtx_recursive)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_timed | mtx_recursive)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_error, mtx_init(&m, 123)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_error, mtx_init(&m, mtx_recursive)); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_destroy) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); mtx_destroy(&m); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_lock_plain) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_busy, mtx_trylock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); mtx_destroy(&m); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_lock_recursive) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain | mtx_recursive)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_trylock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); mtx_destroy(&m); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_timedlock) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_timed)); timespec ts = {}; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_timedlock(&m, &ts)); std::thread([&m] { timespec ts = { .tv_nsec = 500000 }; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_timedout, mtx_timedlock(&m, &ts)); }).join(); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); mtx_destroy(&m); #endif } TEST(threads, mtx_unlock) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else mtx_t m; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_init(&m, mtx_plain)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_lock(&m)); std::thread([&m] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_busy, mtx_trylock(&m)); }).join(); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_unlock(&m)); std::thread([&m] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, mtx_trylock(&m)); }).join(); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_current__thrd_equal) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else thrd_t t1 = thrd_current(); // (As a side-effect, this demonstrates interoperability with std::thread.) std::thread([&t1] { thrd_t t2 = thrd_current(); ASSERT_FALSE(thrd_equal(t1, t2)); thrd_t t2_2 = thrd_current(); ASSERT_TRUE(thrd_equal(t2, t2_2)); }).join(); thrd_t t1_2 = thrd_current(); ASSERT_TRUE(thrd_equal(t1, t1_2)); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_create__thrd_detach) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else thrd_t t; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, exit_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_detach(t)); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_create__thrd_exit) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else // Similar to the thrd_join test, but with a function that calls thrd_exit // instead. thrd_t t; int result; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, exit_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, &result)); ASSERT_EQ(1, result); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, exit_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(2))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, &result)); ASSERT_EQ(2, result); // The `result` argument can be null if you don't care... ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, exit_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(3))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, nullptr)); #endif } using threads_DeathTest = SilentDeathTest; TEST(threads_DeathTest, thrd_exit_main_thread) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else // "The program terminates normally after the last thread has been terminated. // The behavior is as if the program called the exit function with the status // EXIT_SUCCESS at thread termination time." (ISO/IEC 9899:2018) ASSERT_EXIT(thrd_exit(12), ::testing::ExitedWithCode(EXIT_SUCCESS), ""); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_create__thrd_join) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else // Similar to the thrd_exit test, but with a function that calls return // instead. thrd_t t; int result; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, return_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, &result)); ASSERT_EQ(1, result); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, return_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(2))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, &result)); ASSERT_EQ(2, result); // The `result` argument can be null if you don't care... ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_create(&t, return_arg, reinterpret_cast<void*>(3))); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, thrd_join(t, nullptr)); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_sleep_signal) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else ScopedSignalHandler ssh{SIGALRM, [](int) {}}; std::thread t([] { timespec long_time = { .tv_sec = 666 }; timespec remaining = {}; ASSERT_EQ(-1, thrd_sleep(&long_time, &remaining)); uint64_t t = remaining.tv_sec * 1000000000 + remaining.tv_nsec; ASSERT_LE(t, 666ULL * 1000000000); }); usleep(100000); // 0.1s pthread_kill(t.native_handle(), SIGALRM); t.join(); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_sleep_signal_nullptr) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else ScopedSignalHandler ssh{SIGALRM, [](int) {}}; std::thread t([] { timespec long_time = { .tv_sec = 666 }; ASSERT_EQ(-1, thrd_sleep(&long_time, nullptr)); }); usleep(100000); // 0.1s pthread_kill(t.native_handle(), SIGALRM); t.join(); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_sleep_error) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else timespec invalid = { .tv_sec = -1 }; ASSERT_EQ(-2, thrd_sleep(&invalid, nullptr)); #endif } TEST(threads, thrd_yield) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else thrd_yield(); #endif } TEST(threads, TSS_DTOR_ITERATIONS_macro) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else ASSERT_EQ(PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS, TSS_DTOR_ITERATIONS); #endif } TEST(threads, tss_create) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else tss_t key; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_create(&key, nullptr)); tss_delete(key); #endif } TEST(threads, tss_create_dtor) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else tss_dtor_t dtor = tss_dtor; tss_t key; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_create(&key, dtor)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_set(key, strdup("hello"))); std::thread([&key] { ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_set(key, strdup("world"))); }).join(); // Thread exit calls the destructor... ASSERT_EQ(1, g_dtor_call_count); // "[A call to tss_set] will not invoke the destructor associated with the // key on the value being replaced" (ISO/IEC 9899:2018). g_dtor_call_count = 0; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_set(key, strdup("hello"))); ASSERT_EQ(0, g_dtor_call_count); // "Calling tss_delete will not result in the invocation of any // destructors" (ISO/IEC 9899:2018). // The destructor for "hello" won't be called until *this* thread exits. g_dtor_call_count = 0; tss_delete(key); ASSERT_EQ(0, g_dtor_call_count); #endif } TEST(threads, tss_get__tss_set) { #if !defined(HAVE_THREADS_H) GTEST_SKIP() << "<threads.h> unavailable"; #else tss_t key; ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_create(&key, nullptr)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_set(key, const_cast<char*>("hello"))); ASSERT_STREQ("hello", reinterpret_cast<char*>(tss_get(key))); std::thread([&key] { ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, tss_get(key)); ASSERT_EQ(thrd_success, tss_set(key, const_cast<char*>("world"))); ASSERT_STREQ("world", reinterpret_cast<char*>(tss_get(key))); }).join(); ASSERT_STREQ("hello", reinterpret_cast<char*>(tss_get(key))); tss_delete(key); #endif }