/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.view; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSCALE_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSCALE_Y; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSKEW_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSKEW_Y; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MTRANS_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MTRANS_Y; import static android.view.SurfaceControlProto.HASH_CODE; import static android.view.SurfaceControlProto.LAYER_ID; import static android.view.SurfaceControlProto.NAME; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor; import android.annotation.FlaggedApi; import android.annotation.FloatRange; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.annotation.IntRange; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.RequiresPermission; import android.annotation.Size; import android.annotation.TestApi; import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.graphics.ColorSpace; import android.graphics.GraphicBuffer; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.gui.DropInputMode; import android.gui.StalledTransactionInfo; import android.gui.TrustedOverlay; import android.hardware.DataSpace; import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer; import android.hardware.OverlayProperties; import android.hardware.SyncFence; import android.hardware.display.DeviceProductInfo; import android.hardware.display.DisplayedContentSample; import android.hardware.display.DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes; import android.hardware.graphics.common.DisplayDecorationSupport; import android.opengl.EGLDisplay; import android.opengl.EGLSync; import android.os.Build; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream; import android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions; import com.android.internal.util.VirtualRefBasePtr; import com.android.window.flags.Flags; import dalvik.system.CloseGuard; import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry; import java.io.Closeable; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Handle to an on-screen Surface managed by the system compositor. The SurfaceControl is * a combination of a buffer source, and metadata about how to display the buffers. * By constructing a {@link Surface} from this SurfaceControl you can submit buffers to be * composited. Using {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} you can manipulate various * properties of how the buffer will be displayed on-screen. SurfaceControl's are * arranged into a scene-graph like hierarchy, and as such any SurfaceControl may have * a parent. Geometric properties like transform, crop, and Z-ordering will be inherited * from the parent, as if the child were content in the parents buffer stream. */ public final class SurfaceControl implements Parcelable { private static final String TAG = "SurfaceControl"; private static native long nativeCreate(SurfaceSession session, String name, int w, int h, int format, int flags, long parentObject, Parcel metadata) throws OutOfResourcesException; private static native long nativeReadFromParcel(Parcel in); private static native long nativeCopyFromSurfaceControl(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeWriteToParcel(long nativeObject, Parcel out); private static native long nativeGetNativeSurfaceControlFinalizer(); private static native void nativeDisconnect(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeUpdateDefaultBufferSize(long nativeObject, int width, int height); private static native long nativeMirrorSurface(long mirrorOfObject); private static native long nativeCreateTransaction(); private static native long nativeGetNativeTransactionFinalizer(); private static native void nativeApplyTransaction(long transactionObj, boolean sync, boolean oneWay); private static native void nativeMergeTransaction(long transactionObj, long otherTransactionObj); private static native void nativeClearTransaction(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetAnimationTransaction(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetEarlyWakeupStart(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetEarlyWakeupEnd(long transactionObj); private static native long nativeGetTransactionId(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetLayer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int zorder); private static native void nativeSetRelativeLayer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, long relativeToObject, int zorder); private static native void nativeSetPosition(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float x, float y); private static native void nativeSetScale(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float x, float y); private static native void nativeSetTransparentRegionHint(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, Region region); private static native void nativeSetAlpha(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float alpha); private static native void nativeSetMatrix(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float dsdx, float dtdx, float dtdy, float dsdy); private static native void nativeSetColorTransform(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float[] matrix, float[] translation); private static native void nativeSetColorSpaceAgnostic(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, boolean agnostic); private static native void nativeSetGeometry(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, Rect sourceCrop, Rect dest, long orientation); private static native void nativeSetColor(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float[] color); private static native void nativeSetFlags(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int flags, int mask); private static native void nativeSetFrameRateSelectionPriority(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int priority); private static native void nativeSetWindowCrop(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int l, int t, int r, int b); private static native void nativeSetCornerRadius(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float cornerRadius); private static native void nativeSetBackgroundBlurRadius(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int blurRadius); private static native void nativeSetLayerStack(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int layerStack); private static native void nativeSetBlurRegions(long transactionObj, long nativeObj, float[][] regions, int length); private static native void nativeSetStretchEffect(long transactionObj, long nativeObj, float width, float height, float vecX, float vecY, float maxStretchAmountX, float maxStretchAmountY, float childRelativeLeft, float childRelativeTop, float childRelativeRight, float childRelativeBottom); private static native void nativeSetTrustedOverlay(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int isTrustedOverlay); private static native void nativeSetDropInputMode( long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int flags); private static native void nativeSetCanOccludePresentation(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, boolean canOccludePresentation); private static native void nativeSurfaceFlushJankData(long nativeSurfaceObject); private static native boolean nativeClearContentFrameStats(long nativeObject); private static native boolean nativeGetContentFrameStats(long nativeObject, WindowContentFrameStats outStats); private static native boolean nativeClearAnimationFrameStats(); private static native boolean nativeGetAnimationFrameStats(WindowAnimationFrameStats outStats); private static native void nativeSetDisplaySurface(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, long nativeSurfaceObject); private static native void nativeSetDisplayLayerStack(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int layerStack); private static native void nativeSetDisplayFlags(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int flags); private static native void nativeSetDisplayProjection(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int orientation, int l, int t, int r, int b, int L, int T, int R, int B); private static native void nativeSetDisplaySize(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int width, int height); private static native StaticDisplayInfo nativeGetStaticDisplayInfo(long displayId); private static native DynamicDisplayInfo nativeGetDynamicDisplayInfo(long displayId); private static native DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes nativeGetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(IBinder displayToken, boolean enable, int componentMask, int maxFrames); private static native DisplayedContentSample nativeGetDisplayedContentSample( IBinder displayToken, long numFrames, long timestamp); private static native boolean nativeSetDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(IBinder displayToken, DesiredDisplayModeSpecs desiredDisplayModeSpecs); private static native DesiredDisplayModeSpecs nativeGetDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(IBinder displayToken); private static native DisplayPrimaries nativeGetDisplayNativePrimaries( IBinder displayToken); private static native int[] nativeGetCompositionDataspaces(); private static native OverlayProperties nativeGetOverlaySupport(); private static native boolean nativeSetActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken, int colorMode); private static native boolean nativeGetBootDisplayModeSupport(); private static native void nativeSetBootDisplayMode(IBinder displayToken, int displayMode); private static native void nativeClearBootDisplayMode(IBinder displayToken); private static native void nativeSetAutoLowLatencyMode(IBinder displayToken, boolean on); private static native void nativeSetGameContentType(IBinder displayToken, boolean on); private static native void nativeSetDisplayPowerMode( IBinder displayToken, int mode); private static native void nativeReparent(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, long newParentNativeObject); private static native void nativeSetBuffer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, HardwareBuffer buffer, long fencePtr, Consumer<SyncFence> releaseCallback); private static native void nativeUnsetBuffer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject); private static native void nativeSetBufferTransform(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int transform); private static native void nativeSetDataSpace(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, @DataSpace.NamedDataSpace int dataSpace); private static native void nativeSetExtendedRangeBrightness(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float currentBufferRatio, float desiredRatio); private static native void nativeSetDesiredHdrHeadroom(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float desiredRatio); private static native void nativeSetCachingHint(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int cachingHint); private static native void nativeSetDamageRegion(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, Region region); private static native void nativeSetDimmingEnabled(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, boolean dimmingEnabled); private static native void nativeSetInputWindowInfo(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, InputWindowHandle handle); private static native boolean nativeGetProtectedContentSupport(); private static native void nativeSetMetadata(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int key, Parcel data); private static native void nativeAddWindowInfosReportedListener(long transactionObj, Runnable listener); private static native boolean nativeGetDisplayBrightnessSupport(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetDisplayBrightness(IBinder displayToken, float sdrBrightness, float sdrBrightnessNits, float displayBrightness, float displayBrightnessNits); private static native long nativeReadTransactionFromParcel(Parcel in); private static native void nativeWriteTransactionToParcel(long nativeObject, Parcel out); private static native void nativeSetShadowRadius(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float shadowRadius); private static native void nativeSetGlobalShadowSettings(@Size(4) float[] ambientColor, @Size(4) float[] spotColor, float lightPosY, float lightPosZ, float lightRadius); private static native DisplayDecorationSupport nativeGetDisplayDecorationSupport( IBinder displayToken); private static native void nativeSetFrameRate(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float frameRate, int compatibility, int changeFrameRateStrategy); private static native void nativeSetDefaultFrameRateCompatibility(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int compatibility); private static native void nativeSetFrameRateCategory( long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int category, boolean smoothSwitchOnly); private static native void nativeSetFrameRateSelectionStrategy( long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int strategy); private static native long nativeGetHandle(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeSetFixedTransformHint(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int transformHint); private static native void nativeRemoveCurrentInputFocus(long nativeObject, int displayId); private static native void nativeSetFocusedWindow(long transactionObj, IBinder toToken, String windowName, int displayId); private static native void nativeSetFrameTimelineVsync(long transactionObj, long frameTimelineVsyncId); private static native void nativeAddJankDataListener(long nativeListener, long nativeSurfaceControl); private static native void nativeRemoveJankDataListener(long nativeListener); private static native long nativeCreateJankDataListenerWrapper(OnJankDataListener listener); private static native int nativeGetGPUContextPriority(); private static native void nativeSetTransformHint(long nativeObject, @SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int transformHint); private static native int nativeGetTransformHint(long nativeObject); private static native int nativeGetLayerId(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeAddTransactionCommittedListener(long nativeObject, TransactionCommittedListener listener); private static native void nativeAddTransactionCompletedListener(long nativeObject, Consumer<TransactionStats> listener); private static native void nativeSanitize(long transactionObject, int pid, int uid); private static native void nativeSetDestinationFrame(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int l, int t, int r, int b); private static native void nativeSetDefaultApplyToken(IBinder token); private static native IBinder nativeGetDefaultApplyToken(); private static native boolean nativeBootFinished(); private static native long nativeCreateTpc(TrustedPresentationCallback callback); private static native long getNativeTrustedPresentationCallbackFinalizer(); private static native void nativeSetTrustedPresentationCallback(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, long nativeTpc, TrustedPresentationThresholds thresholds); private static native void nativeClearTrustedPresentationCallback(long transactionObj, long nativeObject); private static native StalledTransactionInfo nativeGetStalledTransactionInfo(int pid); private static native void nativeSetDesiredPresentTimeNanos(long transactionObj, long desiredPresentTimeNanos); private static native void nativeSetFrameTimeline(long transactionObj, long vsyncId); private static native void nativeNotifyShutdown(); /** * Transforms that can be applied to buffers as they are displayed to a window. * * Supported transforms are any combination of horizontal mirror, vertical mirror, and * clock-wise 90 degree rotation, in that order. Rotations of 180 and 270 degrees are made up * of those basic transforms. * Mirrors {@code ANativeWindowTransform} definitions. * @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"BUFFER_TRANSFORM_"}, value = {BUFFER_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL | BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90, BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL | BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90}) public @interface BufferTransform { } /** * Identity transform. * * These transforms that can be applied to buffers as they are displayed to a window. * @see HardwareBuffer * * Supported transforms are any combination of horizontal mirror, vertical mirror, and * clock-wise 90 degree rotation, in that order. Rotations of 180 and 270 degrees are * made up of those basic transforms. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY = 0x00; /** * Mirror horizontally. Can be combined with {@link #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL} * and {@link #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90}. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL = 0x01; /** * Mirror vertically. Can be combined with {@link #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL} * and {@link #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90}. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL = 0x02; /** * Rotate 90 degrees clock-wise. Can be combined with {@link * #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL} and {@link #BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL}. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90 = 0x04; /** * Rotate 180 degrees clock-wise. Cannot be combined with other transforms. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180 = BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL | BUFFER_TRANSFORM_MIRROR_VERTICAL; /** * Rotate 270 degrees clock-wise. Cannot be combined with other transforms. */ public static final int BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270 = BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180 | BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90; /** * @hide */ public static @BufferTransform int rotationToBufferTransform(@Surface.Rotation int rotation) { switch (rotation) { case Surface.ROTATION_0: return BUFFER_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY; case Surface.ROTATION_90: return BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90; case Surface.ROTATION_180: return BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180; case Surface.ROTATION_270: return BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270; } Log.e(TAG, "Trying to convert unknown rotation=" + rotation); return BUFFER_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY; } @Nullable @GuardedBy("mLock") private ArrayList<OnReparentListener> mReparentListeners; /** * Listener to observe surface reparenting. * * @hide */ public interface OnReparentListener { /** * Callback for reparenting surfaces. * * Important: You should only interact with the provided surface control * only if you have a contract with its owner to avoid them closing it * under you or vise versa. * * @param transaction The transaction that would commit reparenting. * @param parent The future parent surface. */ void onReparent(@NonNull Transaction transaction, @Nullable SurfaceControl parent); } /** * Jank information to be fed back via {@link OnJankDataListener}. * @hide */ public static class JankData { /** @hide */ @IntDef(flag = true, value = {JANK_NONE, DISPLAY_HAL, JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_DEADLINE_MISSED, JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_GPU_DEADLINE_MISSED, JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED, PREDICTION_ERROR, SURFACE_FLINGER_SCHEDULING}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface JankType {} // Needs to be kept in sync with frameworks/native/libs/gui/include/gui/JankInfo.h // No Jank public static final int JANK_NONE = 0x0; // Jank not related to SurfaceFlinger or the App public static final int DISPLAY_HAL = 0x1; // SF took too long on the CPU public static final int JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_DEADLINE_MISSED = 0x2; // SF took too long on the GPU public static final int JANK_SURFACEFLINGER_GPU_DEADLINE_MISSED = 0x4; // Either App or GPU took too long on the frame public static final int JANK_APP_DEADLINE_MISSED = 0x8; // Vsync predictions have drifted beyond the threshold from the actual HWVsync public static final int PREDICTION_ERROR = 0x10; // Latching a buffer early might cause an early present of the frame public static final int SURFACE_FLINGER_SCHEDULING = 0x20; // A buffer is said to be stuffed if it was expected to be presented on a vsync but was // presented later because the previous buffer was presented in its expected vsync. This // usually happens if there is an unexpectedly long frame causing the rest of the buffers // to enter a stuffed state. public static final int BUFFER_STUFFING = 0x40; // Jank due to unknown reasons. public static final int UNKNOWN = 0x80; public JankData(long frameVsyncId, @JankType int jankType, long frameIntervalNs) { this.frameVsyncId = frameVsyncId; this.jankType = jankType; this.frameIntervalNs = frameIntervalNs; } public final long frameVsyncId; public final @JankType int jankType; public final long frameIntervalNs; } /** * Listener interface to be informed about SurfaceFlinger's jank classification for a specific * surface. * * @see JankData * @see #addJankDataListener * @hide */ public static abstract class OnJankDataListener { private final VirtualRefBasePtr mNativePtr; public OnJankDataListener() { mNativePtr = new VirtualRefBasePtr(nativeCreateJankDataListenerWrapper(this)); } /** * Called when new jank classifications are available. */ public abstract void onJankDataAvailable(JankData[] jankStats); } private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get(); private String mName; private String mCallsite; /** * Note: do not rename, this field is used by native code. * @hide */ public long mNativeObject; private long mNativeHandle; private final Object mChoreographerLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mChoreographerLock") private Choreographer mChoreographer; // TODO: Move width/height to native and fix locking through out. private final Object mLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mLock") private int mWidth; @GuardedBy("mLock") private int mHeight; private TrustedPresentationCallback mTrustedPresentationCallback; private WeakReference<View> mLocalOwnerView; // A throwable with the stack filled when this SurfaceControl is released (only if // sDebugUsageAfterRelease) is enabled private Throwable mReleaseStack = null; // Triggers the stack to be saved when any SurfaceControl in this process is released, which can // be dumped as additional context private static volatile boolean sDebugUsageAfterRelease = false; private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = NativeAllocationRegistry.createMalloced(SurfaceControl.class.getClassLoader(), nativeGetNativeSurfaceControlFinalizer()); private Runnable mFreeNativeResources; /** * Adds a reparenting listener. * * @param listener The listener. * @return Whether listener was added. * * @hide */ public boolean addOnReparentListener(@NonNull OnReparentListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mReparentListeners == null) { mReparentListeners = new ArrayList<>(1); } return mReparentListeners.add(listener); } } /** * Removes a reparenting listener. * * @param listener The listener. * @return Whether listener was removed. * * @hide */ public boolean removeOnReparentListener(@NonNull OnReparentListener listener) { synchronized (mLock) { final boolean removed = mReparentListeners.remove(listener); if (mReparentListeners.isEmpty()) { mReparentListeners = null; } return removed; } } /* flags used in constructor (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposerClient.h) */ /** * Surface creation flag: Surface is created hidden * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) public static final int HIDDEN = 0x00000004; /** * Surface creation flag: Skip this layer and its children when taking a screenshot. This * also includes mirroring and screen recording, so the layers with flag SKIP_SCREENSHOT * will not be included on non primary displays. * @hide */ public static final int SKIP_SCREENSHOT = 0x00000040; /** * Surface creation flag: Special measures will be taken to disallow the surface's content to * be copied. In particular, screenshots and secondary, non-secure displays will render black * content instead of the surface content. * * @see com.android.server.display.DisplayControl#createDisplay(String, boolean) * @hide */ public static final int SECURE = 0x00000080; /** * Queue up BufferStateLayer buffers instead of dropping the oldest buffer when this flag is * set. This blocks the client until all the buffers have been presented. If the buffers * have presentation timestamps, then we may drop buffers. * @hide */ public static final int ENABLE_BACKPRESSURE = 0x00000100; /** * Buffers from this SurfaceControl should be considered display decorations. * * If the hardware has optimizations for display decorations (e.g. rounded corners, camera * cutouts, etc), it should use them for this layer. * @hide */ public static final int DISPLAY_DECORATION = 0x00000200; /** * Ignore any destination frame set on the layer. This is used when the buffer scaling mode * is freeze and the destination frame is applied asynchronously with the buffer submission. * This is needed to maintain compatibility for SurfaceView scaling behavior. * See SurfaceView scaling behavior for more details. * @hide */ public static final int IGNORE_DESTINATION_FRAME = 0x00000400; /** * Special casing for layer that is a refresh rate indicator * @hide */ public static final int LAYER_IS_REFRESH_RATE_INDICATOR = 0x00000800; /** * Sets a property on this layer indicating that its visible region should be considered when * computing TrustedPresentation Thresholds * @hide */ public static final int CAN_OCCLUDE_PRESENTATION = 0x00001000; /** * Surface creation flag: Creates a surface where color components are interpreted * as "non pre-multiplied" by their alpha channel. Of course this flag is * meaningless for surfaces without an alpha channel. By default * surfaces are pre-multiplied, which means that each color component is * already multiplied by its alpha value. In this case the blending * equation used is: * <p> * <code>DEST = SRC + DEST * (1-SRC_ALPHA)</code> * <p> * By contrast, non pre-multiplied surfaces use the following equation: * <p> * <code>DEST = SRC * SRC_ALPHA * DEST * (1-SRC_ALPHA)</code> * <p> * pre-multiplied surfaces must always be used if transparent pixels are * composited on top of each-other into the surface. A pre-multiplied * surface can never lower the value of the alpha component of a given * pixel. * <p> * In some rare situations, a non pre-multiplied surface is preferable. * @hide */ public static final int NON_PREMULTIPLIED = 0x00000100; /** * Surface creation flag: Indicates that the surface must be considered opaque, * even if its pixel format contains an alpha channel. This can be useful if an * application needs full RGBA 8888 support for instance but will * still draw every pixel opaque. * <p> * This flag is ignored if setAlpha() is used to make the surface non-opaque. * Combined effects are (assuming a buffer format with an alpha channel): * <ul> * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == opaque composition * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * </ul> * If the underlying buffer lacks an alpha channel, the OPAQUE flag is effectively * set automatically. * @hide */ public static final int OPAQUE = 0x00000400; /** * Surface creation flag: Application requires a hardware-protected path to an * external display sink. If a hardware-protected path is not available, * then this surface will not be displayed on the external sink. * * @hide */ public static final int PROTECTED_APP = 0x00000800; // 0x1000 is reserved for an independent DRM protected flag in framework /** * Surface creation flag: Window represents a cursor glyph. * @hide */ public static final int CURSOR_WINDOW = 0x00002000; /** * Surface creation flag: Indicates the effect layer will not have a color fill on * creation. * * @hide */ public static final int NO_COLOR_FILL = 0x00004000; /** * Surface creation flag: Creates a normal surface. * This is the default. * * @hide */ public static final int FX_SURFACE_NORMAL = 0x00000000; /** * Surface creation flag: Creates a effect surface which * represents a solid color and or shadows. * * @hide */ public static final int FX_SURFACE_EFFECT = 0x00020000; /** * Surface creation flag: Creates a container surface. * This surface will have no buffers and will only be used * as a container for other surfaces, or for its InputInfo. * @hide */ public static final int FX_SURFACE_CONTAINER = 0x00080000; /** * @hide */ public static final int FX_SURFACE_BLAST = 0x00040000; /** * Mask used for FX values above. * * @hide */ public static final int FX_SURFACE_MASK = 0x000F0000; /* flags used with setFlags() (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposer.h) */ /** * Surface flag: Hide the surface. * Equivalent to calling hide(). * Updates the value set during Surface creation (see {@link #HIDDEN}). */ private static final int SURFACE_HIDDEN = 0x01; /** * Surface flag: composite without blending when possible. * Updates the value set during Surface creation (see {@link #OPAQUE}). */ private static final int SURFACE_OPAQUE = 0x02; /* flags used with setDisplayFlags() (keep in sync with DisplayDevice.h) */ /** * DisplayDevice flag: This display's transform is sent to inputflinger and used for input * dispatch. This flag is used to disambiguate displays which share a layerstack. * @hide */ public static final int DISPLAY_RECEIVES_INPUT = 0x01; // Display power modes. /** * Display power mode off: used while blanking the screen. * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#setDisplayPowerMode}. * @hide */ public static final int POWER_MODE_OFF = 0; /** * Display power mode doze: used while putting the screen into low power mode. * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#setDisplayPowerMode}. * @hide */ public static final int POWER_MODE_DOZE = 1; /** * Display power mode normal: used while unblanking the screen. * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#setDisplayPowerMode}. * @hide */ public static final int POWER_MODE_NORMAL = 2; /** * Display power mode doze: used while putting the screen into a suspended * low power mode. Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#setDisplayPowerMode}. * @hide */ public static final int POWER_MODE_DOZE_SUSPEND = 3; /** * Display power mode on: used while putting the screen into a suspended * full power mode. Use only with {@link SurfaceControl#setDisplayPowerMode}. * @hide */ public static final int POWER_MODE_ON_SUSPEND = 4; /** * Hint that this SurfaceControl should not participate in layer caching within SurfaceFlinger. * * A system layer may request that a layer does not participate in caching when there are known * quality limitations when caching via the compositor's GPU path. * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#setCachingHint}. * @hide */ public static final int CACHING_DISABLED = 0; /** * Hint that this SurfaceControl should participate in layer caching within SurfaceFlinger. * * Use only with {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#setCachingHint}. * @hide */ public static final int CACHING_ENABLED = 1; /** @hide */ @IntDef(flag = true, value = {CACHING_DISABLED, CACHING_ENABLED}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface CachingHint {} private void assignNativeObject(long nativeObject, String callsite) { if (mNativeObject != 0) { release(); } if (nativeObject != 0) { mFreeNativeResources = sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, nativeObject); } mNativeObject = nativeObject; mNativeHandle = mNativeObject != 0 ? nativeGetHandle(nativeObject) : 0; if (sDebugUsageAfterRelease && mNativeObject == 0) { mReleaseStack = new Throwable("Assigned invalid nativeObject"); } else { mReleaseStack = null; } setUnreleasedWarningCallSite(callsite); if (nativeObject != 0) { // Only add valid surface controls to the registry. This is called at the end of this // method since its information is dumped if the process threshold is reached. SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().add(this); } } /** * @hide */ public void copyFrom(@NonNull SurfaceControl other, String callsite) { mName = other.mName; mWidth = other.mWidth; mHeight = other.mHeight; mLocalOwnerView = other.mLocalOwnerView; assignNativeObject(nativeCopyFromSurfaceControl(other.mNativeObject), callsite); } /** * owner UID. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_OWNER_UID = 1; /** * Window type as per {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams}. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_WINDOW_TYPE = 2; /** * Task id to allow association between surfaces and task. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_TASK_ID = 3; /** * The style of mouse cursor and hotspot. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_MOUSE_CURSOR = 4; /** * Accessibility ID to allow association between surfaces and accessibility tree. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_ACCESSIBILITY_ID = 5; /** * owner PID. * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_OWNER_PID = 6; /** * game mode for the layer - used for metrics * @hide */ public static final int METADATA_GAME_MODE = 8; /** @hide */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef(prefix = {"FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_"}, value = {FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_PROPAGATE, FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE_CHILDREN, FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_SELF}) public @interface FrameRateSelectionStrategy {} // From window.h. Keep these in sync. /** * Default value. The layer uses its own frame rate specifications, assuming it has any * specifications, instead of its parent's. If it does not have its own frame rate * specifications, it will try to use its parent's. It will propagate its specifications to any * descendants that do not have their own. * * However, {@link #FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE_CHILDREN} on an ancestor layer * supersedes this behavior, meaning that this layer will inherit frame rate specifications * regardless of whether it has its own. * @hide */ public static final int FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_PROPAGATE = 0; /** * The layer's frame rate specifications will propagate to and override those of its descendant * layers. * * The layer itself has the {@link #FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_PROPAGATE} behavior. * Thus, ancestor layer that also has the strategy * {@link #FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE_CHILDREN} will override this layer's * frame rate specifications. * @hide */ public static final int FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE_CHILDREN = 1; /** * The layer's frame rate specifications will not propagate to its descendant * layers, even if the descendant layer has no frame rate specifications. * However, {@link #FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE_CHILDREN} on an ancestor * layer supersedes this behavior. * @hide */ public static final int FRAME_RATE_SELECTION_STRATEGY_SELF = 2; /** * Builder class for {@link SurfaceControl} objects. * * By default the surface will be hidden, and have "unset" bounds, meaning it can * be as large as the bounds of its parent if a buffer or child so requires. * * It is necessary to set at least a name via {@link Builder#setName} */ public static class Builder { private SurfaceSession mSession; private int mFlags = HIDDEN; private int mWidth; private int mHeight; private int mFormat = PixelFormat.OPAQUE; private String mName; private WeakReference<View> mLocalOwnerView; private SurfaceControl mParent; private SparseIntArray mMetadata; private String mCallsite = "SurfaceControl.Builder"; /** * Begin building a SurfaceControl with a given {@link SurfaceSession}. * * @param session The {@link SurfaceSession} with which to eventually construct the surface. * @hide */ public Builder(SurfaceSession session) { mSession = session; } /** * Begin building a SurfaceControl. */ public Builder() { } /** * Construct a new {@link SurfaceControl} with the set parameters. The builder * remains valid. */ @NonNull public SurfaceControl build() { if (mWidth < 0 || mHeight < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "width and height must be positive or unset"); } if ((mWidth > 0 || mHeight > 0) && (isEffectLayer() || isContainerLayer())) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Only buffer layers can set a valid buffer size."); } if (mName == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Missing name for SurfaceControl", new Throwable()); } if ((mFlags & FX_SURFACE_MASK) == FX_SURFACE_NORMAL) { setBLASTLayer(); } return new SurfaceControl( mSession, mName, mWidth, mHeight, mFormat, mFlags, mParent, mMetadata, mLocalOwnerView, mCallsite); } /** * Set a debugging-name for the SurfaceControl. * * @param name A name to identify the Surface in debugging. */ @NonNull public Builder setName(@NonNull String name) { mName = name; return this; } /** * Set the local owner view for the surface. This view is only * valid in the same process and is not transferred in an IPC. * * Note: This is used for cases where we want to know the view * that manages the surface control while intercepting reparenting. * A specific example is InlineContentView which exposes is surface * control for reparenting as a way to implement clipping of several * InlineContentView instances within a certain area. * * @param view The owner view. * @return This builder. * * @hide */ @NonNull public Builder setLocalOwnerView(@NonNull View view) { mLocalOwnerView = new WeakReference<>(view); return this; } /** * Set the initial size of the controlled surface's buffers in pixels. * * @param width The buffer width in pixels. * @param height The buffer height in pixels. */ @NonNull public Builder setBufferSize(@IntRange(from = 0) int width, @IntRange(from = 0) int height) { if (width < 0 || height < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "width and height must be positive"); } mWidth = width; mHeight = height; // set this as a buffer layer since we are specifying a buffer size. return setFlags(FX_SURFACE_NORMAL, FX_SURFACE_MASK); } private void unsetBufferSize() { mWidth = 0; mHeight = 0; } /** * Set the pixel format of the controlled surface's buffers, using constants from * {@link android.graphics.PixelFormat}. */ @NonNull public Builder setFormat(@PixelFormat.Format int format) { mFormat = format; return this; } /** * Specify if the app requires a hardware-protected path to * an external display sync. If protected content is enabled, but * such a path is not available, then the controlled Surface will * not be displayed. * * @param protectedContent Whether to require a protected sink. * @hide */ @NonNull public Builder setProtected(boolean protectedContent) { if (protectedContent) { mFlags |= PROTECTED_APP; } else { mFlags &= ~PROTECTED_APP; } return this; } /** * Specify whether the Surface contains secure content. If true, the system * will prevent the surfaces content from being copied by another process. In * particular screenshots and VNC servers will be disabled. This is however * not a complete prevention of readback as {@link #setProtected}. * @hide */ @NonNull public Builder setSecure(boolean secure) { if (secure) { mFlags |= SECURE; } else { mFlags &= ~SECURE; } return this; } /** * Indicates whether the surface must be considered opaque, * even if its pixel format is set to translucent. This can be useful if an * application needs full RGBA 8888 support for instance but will * still draw every pixel opaque. * <p> * This flag only determines whether opacity will be sampled from the alpha channel. * Plane-alpha from calls to setAlpha() can still result in blended composition * regardless of the opaque setting. * * Combined effects are (assuming a buffer format with an alpha channel): * <ul> * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == opaque composition * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(0.0) == no composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(0.0) == no composition * </ul> * If the underlying buffer lacks an alpha channel, it is as if setOpaque(true) * were set automatically. * @param opaque Whether the Surface is OPAQUE. */ @NonNull public Builder setOpaque(boolean opaque) { if (opaque) { mFlags |= OPAQUE; } else { mFlags &= ~OPAQUE; } return this; } /** * Set the initial visibility for the SurfaceControl. * * @param hidden Whether the Surface is initially HIDDEN. */ @NonNull public Builder setHidden(boolean hidden) { if (hidden) { mFlags |= HIDDEN; } else { mFlags &= ~HIDDEN; } return this; } /** * Set a parent surface for our new SurfaceControl. * * Child surfaces are constrained to the onscreen region of their parent. * Furthermore they stack relatively in Z order, and inherit the transformation * of the parent. * * @param parent The parent control. */ @NonNull public Builder setParent(@Nullable SurfaceControl parent) { mParent = parent; return this; } /** * Sets a metadata int. * * @param key metadata key * @param data associated data * @hide */ public Builder setMetadata(int key, int data) { if (mMetadata == null) { mMetadata = new SparseIntArray(); } mMetadata.put(key, data); return this; } /** * Indicate whether an 'EffectLayer' is to be constructed. * * An effect layer behaves like a container layer by default but it can support * color fill, shadows and/or blur. These layers will not have an associated buffer. * When created, this layer has no effects set and will be transparent but the caller * can render an effect by calling: * - {@link Transaction#setColor(SurfaceControl, float[])} * - {@link Transaction#setBackgroundBlurRadius(SurfaceControl, int)} * - {@link Transaction#setShadowRadius(SurfaceControl, float)} * * @hide */ public Builder setEffectLayer() { mFlags |= NO_COLOR_FILL; unsetBufferSize(); return setFlags(FX_SURFACE_EFFECT, FX_SURFACE_MASK); } /** * A convenience function to create an effect layer with a default color fill * applied to it. Currently that color is black. * * @hide */ public Builder setColorLayer() { unsetBufferSize(); return setFlags(FX_SURFACE_EFFECT, FX_SURFACE_MASK); } private boolean isEffectLayer() { return (mFlags & FX_SURFACE_EFFECT) == FX_SURFACE_EFFECT; } /** * @hide */ public Builder setBLASTLayer() { return setFlags(FX_SURFACE_BLAST, FX_SURFACE_MASK); } /** * Indicates whether a 'ContainerLayer' is to be constructed. * * Container layers will not be rendered in any fashion and instead are used * as a parent of renderable layers. * * @hide */ public Builder setContainerLayer() { unsetBufferSize(); return setFlags(FX_SURFACE_CONTAINER, FX_SURFACE_MASK); } private boolean isContainerLayer() { return (mFlags & FX_SURFACE_CONTAINER) == FX_SURFACE_CONTAINER; } /** * Set 'Surface creation flags' such as {@link #HIDDEN}, {@link #SECURE}. * * TODO: Finish conversion to individual builder methods? * @param flags The combined flags * @hide */ public Builder setFlags(int flags) { mFlags = flags; return this; } /** * Sets the callsite this SurfaceControl is constructed from. * * @param callsite String uniquely identifying callsite that created this object. Used for * leakage tracking. * @hide */ public Builder setCallsite(String callsite) { mCallsite = callsite; return this; } private Builder setFlags(int flags, int mask) { mFlags = (mFlags & ~mask) | flags; return this; } } /** * Create a surface with a name. * <p> * The surface creation flags specify what kind of surface to create and * certain options such as whether the surface can be assumed to be opaque * and whether it should be initially hidden. Surfaces should always be * created with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag set to ensure that they are not * made visible prematurely before all of the surface's properties have been * configured. * <p> * Good practice is to first create the surface with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag * specified, open a transaction, set the surface layer, layer stack, alpha, * and position, call {@link Transaction#show(SurfaceControl)} if appropriate, and close the * transaction. * <p> * Bounds of the surface is determined by its crop and its buffer size. If the * surface has no buffer or crop, the surface is boundless and only constrained * by the size of its parent bounds. * * @param session The surface session. * @param name The surface name, must not be null. * @param w The surface initial width. * @param h The surface initial height. * @param flags The surface creation flags. * @param metadata Initial metadata. * @param callsite String uniquely identifying callsite that created this object. Used for * leakage tracking. * @throws throws OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceControl cannot be created. */ private SurfaceControl(SurfaceSession session, String name, int w, int h, int format, int flags, SurfaceControl parent, SparseIntArray metadata, WeakReference<View> localOwnerView, String callsite) throws OutOfResourcesException, IllegalArgumentException { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be null"); } mName = name; mWidth = w; mHeight = h; mLocalOwnerView = localOwnerView; Parcel metaParcel = Parcel.obtain(); long nativeObject = 0; try { if (metadata != null && metadata.size() > 0) { metaParcel.writeInt(metadata.size()); for (int i = 0; i < metadata.size(); ++i) { metaParcel.writeInt(metadata.keyAt(i)); metaParcel.writeByteArray( ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) .putInt(metadata.valueAt(i)).array()); } metaParcel.setDataPosition(0); } nativeObject = nativeCreate(session, name, w, h, format, flags, parent != null ? parent.mNativeObject : 0, metaParcel); } finally { metaParcel.recycle(); } if (nativeObject == 0) { throw new OutOfResourcesException( "Couldn't allocate SurfaceControl native object"); } assignNativeObject(nativeObject, callsite); } /** * Copy constructor. Creates a new native object pointing to the same surface as {@code other}. * * @param other The object to copy the surface from. * @param callsite String uniquely identifying callsite that created this object. Used for * leakage tracking. * @hide */ @TestApi public SurfaceControl(@NonNull SurfaceControl other, @NonNull String callsite) { copyFrom(other, callsite); } private SurfaceControl(Parcel in) { readFromParcel(in); } /** * Note: Most callers should use {@link SurfaceControl.Builder} or one of the other constructors * to build an instance of a SurfaceControl. This constructor is mainly used for * unparceling and passing into an AIDL call as an out parameter. * @hide */ public SurfaceControl() { } public void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { if (in == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("source must not be null"); } mName = in.readString8(); mWidth = in.readInt(); mHeight = in.readInt(); long object = 0; if (in.readInt() != 0) { object = nativeReadFromParcel(in); } assignNativeObject(object, "readFromParcel"); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { if (sDebugUsageAfterRelease) { checkNotReleased(); } dest.writeString8(mName); dest.writeInt(mWidth); dest.writeInt(mHeight); if (mNativeObject == 0) { dest.writeInt(0); } else { dest.writeInt(1); } nativeWriteToParcel(mNativeObject, dest); if ((flags & Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE) != 0) { release(); } } /** * Enables additional debug logs to track usage-after-release of all SurfaceControls in this * process. * @hide */ public static void setDebugUsageAfterRelease(boolean debug) { if (!Build.isDebuggable()) { return; } sDebugUsageAfterRelease = debug; } /** * Provides more information to show about the source of this SurfaceControl if it is finalized * without being released. This is primarily intended for callers to update the call site after * receiving a SurfaceControl from another process, which would otherwise get a generic default * call site. * @hide */ public void setUnreleasedWarningCallSite(@NonNull String callsite) { if (!isValid()) { return; } mCloseGuard.openWithCallSite("release", callsite); mCallsite = callsite; } /** * Returns the last provided call site when this SurfaceControl was created. * @hide */ @Nullable String getCallsite() { return mCallsite; } /** * Returns the name of this SurfaceControl, mainly for debugging purposes. * @hide */ @NonNull String getName() { return mName; } /** * Checks whether two {@link SurfaceControl} objects represent the same surface. * * @param other The other object to check * @return {@code true} if these two {@link SurfaceControl} objects represent the same surface. * @hide */ @TestApi public boolean isSameSurface(@NonNull SurfaceControl other) { return other.mNativeHandle == mNativeHandle; } /** * When called for the first time a new instance of the {@link Choreographer} is created * with a {@link android.os.Looper} of the current thread. Every subsequent call will return * the same instance of the Choreographer. * * @see #getChoreographer(Looper) to create Choreographer with a different * looper than current thread looper. * * @hide */ @TestApi public @NonNull Choreographer getChoreographer() { checkNotReleased(); synchronized (mChoreographerLock) { if (mChoreographer == null) { return getChoreographer(Looper.myLooper()); } return mChoreographer; } } /** * When called for the first time a new instance of the {@link Choreographer} is created with * the sourced {@link android.os.Looper}. Every subsequent call will return the same * instance of the Choreographer. * * @see #getChoreographer() * * @throws IllegalStateException when a {@link Choreographer} instance exists with a different * looper than sourced. * @param looper the choreographer is attached on this looper. * * @hide */ @TestApi public @NonNull Choreographer getChoreographer(@NonNull Looper looper) { checkNotReleased(); synchronized (mChoreographerLock) { if (mChoreographer == null) { mChoreographer = Choreographer.getInstanceForSurfaceControl(mNativeHandle, looper); } else if (!mChoreographer.isTheLooperSame(looper)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Choreographer already exists with a different looper"); } return mChoreographer; } } /** * Returns true if {@link Choreographer} is present otherwise false. * To check the validity use {@link #isValid} on the SurfaceControl, a valid SurfaceControl with * choreographer will have the valid Choreographer. * * @hide */ @TestApi @UnsupportedAppUsage public boolean hasChoreographer() { synchronized (mChoreographerLock) { return mChoreographer != null; } } /** * Write to a protocol buffer output stream. Protocol buffer message definition is at {@link * android.view.SurfaceControlProto}. * * @param proto Stream to write the SurfaceControl object to. * @param fieldId Field Id of the SurfaceControl as defined in the parent message. * @hide */ public void dumpDebug(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) { final long token = proto.start(fieldId); proto.write(HASH_CODE, System.identityHashCode(this)); proto.write(NAME, mName); proto.write(LAYER_ID, getLayerId()); proto.end(token); } public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator<SurfaceControl> CREATOR = new Creator<SurfaceControl>() { public SurfaceControl createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SurfaceControl(in); } public SurfaceControl[] newArray(int size) { return new SurfaceControl[size]; } }; /** * @hide */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if (mCloseGuard != null) { mCloseGuard.warnIfOpen(); } SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().remove(this); } finally { super.finalize(); } } /** * Release the local reference to the server-side surface. The surface * may continue to exist on-screen as long as its parent continues * to exist. To explicitly remove a surface from the screen use * {@link Transaction#reparent} with a null-parent. After release, * {@link #isValid} will return false and other methods will throw * an exception. * * Always call release() when you're done with a SurfaceControl. */ public void release() { if (mNativeObject != 0) { if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "release", null, this, null); } mFreeNativeResources.run(); mNativeObject = 0; mNativeHandle = 0; if (sDebugUsageAfterRelease) { mReleaseStack = new Throwable("Released"); } mCloseGuard.close(); synchronized (mChoreographerLock) { if (mChoreographer != null) { mChoreographer.invalidate(); mChoreographer = null; } } SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().remove(this); } } /** * Disconnect any client still connected to the surface. * @hide */ public void disconnect() { if (mNativeObject != 0) { nativeDisconnect(mNativeObject); } } private void checkNotReleased() { if (mNativeObject == 0) { if (mReleaseStack != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid usage after release of " + this, mReleaseStack); } else { throw new NullPointerException("mNativeObject of " + this + " is null. Have you called release() already?"); } } } /** * Check whether this instance points to a valid layer with the system-compositor. For * example this may be false if construction failed, or the layer was released * ({@link #release}). * * @return Whether this SurfaceControl is valid. */ public boolean isValid() { return mNativeObject != 0; } /** start a transaction * @hide * @deprecated Use regular Transaction instead. */ @Deprecated @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.VANILLA_ICE_CREAM, publicAlternatives = "Use {@code SurfaceControl.Transaction} instead", trackingBug = 247078497) public static void openTransaction() { // TODO(b/247078497): It was used for global transaction (all usages are removed). // Keep the method declaration to avoid breaking reference from legacy access. } /** end a transaction * @hide * @deprecated Use regular Transaction instead. */ @Deprecated @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.VANILLA_ICE_CREAM, publicAlternatives = "Use {@code SurfaceControl.Transaction} instead", trackingBug = 247078497) public static void closeTransaction() { // TODO(b/247078497): It was used for global transaction (all usages are removed). // Keep the method declaration to avoid breaking reference from legacy access. } /** * @hide */ public boolean clearContentFrameStats() { checkNotReleased(); return nativeClearContentFrameStats(mNativeObject); } /** * @hide */ public boolean getContentFrameStats(WindowContentFrameStats outStats) { checkNotReleased(); return nativeGetContentFrameStats(mNativeObject, outStats); } /** * @hide */ public static boolean clearAnimationFrameStats() { return nativeClearAnimationFrameStats(); } /** * @hide */ public static boolean getAnimationFrameStats(WindowAnimationFrameStats outStats) { return nativeGetAnimationFrameStats(outStats); } /** * @hide */ public int getWidth() { synchronized (mLock) { return mWidth; } } /** * @hide */ public int getHeight() { synchronized (mLock) { return mHeight; } } /** * Gets the local view that owns this surface. * * @return The owner view. * * @hide */ public @Nullable View getLocalOwnerView() { return (mLocalOwnerView != null) ? mLocalOwnerView.get() : null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Surface(name=" + mName + ")/@0x" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)); } /** * Immutable information about physical display. * * @hide */ public static final class StaticDisplayInfo { public boolean isInternal; public float density; public boolean secure; public DeviceProductInfo deviceProductInfo; public @Surface.Rotation int installOrientation; @Override public String toString() { return "StaticDisplayInfo{isInternal=" + isInternal + ", density=" + density + ", secure=" + secure + ", deviceProductInfo=" + deviceProductInfo + ", installOrientation=" + installOrientation + "}"; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; StaticDisplayInfo that = (StaticDisplayInfo) o; return isInternal == that.isInternal && density == that.density && secure == that.secure && Objects.equals(deviceProductInfo, that.deviceProductInfo) && installOrientation == that.installOrientation; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(isInternal, density, secure, deviceProductInfo, installOrientation); } } /** * Dynamic information about physical display. * * @hide */ public static final class DynamicDisplayInfo { public DisplayMode[] supportedDisplayModes; public int activeDisplayModeId; public float renderFrameRate; public int[] supportedColorModes; public int activeColorMode; public Display.HdrCapabilities hdrCapabilities; public boolean autoLowLatencyModeSupported; public boolean gameContentTypeSupported; public int preferredBootDisplayMode; @Override public String toString() { return "DynamicDisplayInfo{" + "supportedDisplayModes=" + Arrays.toString(supportedDisplayModes) + ", activeDisplayModeId=" + activeDisplayModeId + ", renderFrameRate=" + renderFrameRate + ", supportedColorModes=" + Arrays.toString(supportedColorModes) + ", activeColorMode=" + activeColorMode + ", hdrCapabilities=" + hdrCapabilities + ", autoLowLatencyModeSupported=" + autoLowLatencyModeSupported + ", gameContentTypeSupported" + gameContentTypeSupported + ", preferredBootDisplayMode" + preferredBootDisplayMode + "}"; } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DynamicDisplayInfo that = (DynamicDisplayInfo) o; return Arrays.equals(supportedDisplayModes, that.supportedDisplayModes) && activeDisplayModeId == that.activeDisplayModeId && renderFrameRate == that.renderFrameRate && Arrays.equals(supportedColorModes, that.supportedColorModes) && activeColorMode == that.activeColorMode && Objects.equals(hdrCapabilities, that.hdrCapabilities) && preferredBootDisplayMode == that.preferredBootDisplayMode; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(Arrays.hashCode(supportedDisplayModes), activeDisplayModeId, renderFrameRate, activeColorMode, hdrCapabilities); } } /** * Configuration supported by physical display. * * @hide */ public static final class DisplayMode { public int id; public int width; public int height; public float xDpi; public float yDpi; // Some modes have peak refresh rate lower than the panel vsync rate. public float peakRefreshRate; // Fixed rate of vsync deadlines for the panel. // This can be higher then the peak refresh rate for some panel technologies // See: VrrConfig.aidl public float vsyncRate; public long appVsyncOffsetNanos; public long presentationDeadlineNanos; public int[] supportedHdrTypes; /** * The config group ID this config is associated to. * Configs in the same group are similar from vendor's perspective and switching between * configs within the same group can be done seamlessly in most cases. * @see: android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.4::IComposerClient::Attribute::CONFIG_GROUP */ public int group; @Override public String toString() { return "DisplayMode{id=" + id + ", width=" + width + ", height=" + height + ", xDpi=" + xDpi + ", yDpi=" + yDpi + ", peakRefreshRate=" + peakRefreshRate + ", vsyncRate=" + vsyncRate + ", appVsyncOffsetNanos=" + appVsyncOffsetNanos + ", presentationDeadlineNanos=" + presentationDeadlineNanos + ", supportedHdrTypes=" + Arrays.toString(supportedHdrTypes) + ", group=" + group + "}"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DisplayMode that = (DisplayMode) o; return id == that.id && width == that.width && height == that.height && Float.compare(that.xDpi, xDpi) == 0 && Float.compare(that.yDpi, yDpi) == 0 && Float.compare(that.peakRefreshRate, peakRefreshRate) == 0 && Float.compare(that.vsyncRate, vsyncRate) == 0 && appVsyncOffsetNanos == that.appVsyncOffsetNanos && presentationDeadlineNanos == that.presentationDeadlineNanos && Arrays.equals(supportedHdrTypes, that.supportedHdrTypes) && group == that.group; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(id, width, height, xDpi, yDpi, peakRefreshRate, vsyncRate, appVsyncOffsetNanos, presentationDeadlineNanos, group, Arrays.hashCode(supportedHdrTypes)); } } /** * @hide */ public static void setDisplayPowerMode(IBinder displayToken, int mode) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetDisplayPowerMode(displayToken, mode); } /** * @hide */ public static StaticDisplayInfo getStaticDisplayInfo(long displayId) { return nativeGetStaticDisplayInfo(displayId); } /** * @hide */ public static DynamicDisplayInfo getDynamicDisplayInfo(long displayId) { return nativeGetDynamicDisplayInfo(displayId); } /** * @hide */ public static DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes getDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes( IBinder displayToken) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } return nativeGetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(displayToken); } /** * @hide */ public static boolean setDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled( IBinder displayToken, boolean enable, int componentMask, int maxFrames) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } final int maxColorComponents = 4; if ((componentMask >> maxColorComponents) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid componentMask when enabling sampling"); } return nativeSetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled( displayToken, enable, componentMask, maxFrames); } /** * @hide */ public static DisplayedContentSample getDisplayedContentSample( IBinder displayToken, long maxFrames, long timestamp) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } return nativeGetDisplayedContentSample(displayToken, maxFrames, timestamp); } /** * Information about the min and max refresh rate DM would like to set the display to. * @hide */ public static final class RefreshRateRange implements Parcelable { public static final String TAG = "RefreshRateRange"; // The tolerance within which we consider something approximately equals. public static final float FLOAT_TOLERANCE = 0.01f; /** * The lowest desired refresh rate. */ public float min; /** * The highest desired refresh rate. */ public float max; public RefreshRateRange() {} public RefreshRateRange(float min, float max) { if (min < 0 || max < 0 || min > max + FLOAT_TOLERANCE) { Slog.e(TAG, "Wrong values for min and max when initializing RefreshRateRange : " + min + " " + max); this.min = this.max = 0; return; } if (min > max) { // Min and max are within epsilon of each other, but in the wrong order. float t = min; min = max; max = t; } this.min = min; this.max = max; } /** * Checks whether the two objects have the same values. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof RefreshRateRange)) { return false; } RefreshRateRange refreshRateRange = (RefreshRateRange) other; return (min == refreshRateRange.min && max == refreshRateRange.max); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(min, max); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + min + " " + max + ")"; } /** * Copies the supplied object's values to this object. */ public void copyFrom(RefreshRateRange other) { this.min = other.min; this.max = other.max; } /** * Writes the RefreshRateRange to parce * * @param dest parcel to write the transaction to */ @Override public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, @WriteFlags int flags) { dest.writeFloat(min); dest.writeFloat(max); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public static final @NonNull Creator<RefreshRateRange> CREATOR = new Creator<RefreshRateRange>() { @Override public RefreshRateRange createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new RefreshRateRange(in.readFloat(), in.readFloat()); } @Override public RefreshRateRange[] newArray(int size) { return new RefreshRateRange[size]; } }; } /** * Information about the ranges of refresh rates for the display physical refresh rates and the * render frame rate DM would like to set the policy to. * @hide */ public static final class RefreshRateRanges { public static final String TAG = "RefreshRateRanges"; /** * The range of refresh rates that the display should run at. */ public final RefreshRateRange physical; /** * The range of refresh rates that apps should render at. */ public final RefreshRateRange render; public RefreshRateRanges() { physical = new RefreshRateRange(); render = new RefreshRateRange(); } public RefreshRateRanges(RefreshRateRange physical, RefreshRateRange render) { this.physical = new RefreshRateRange(physical.min, physical.max); this.render = new RefreshRateRange(render.min, render.max); } /** * Checks whether the two objects have the same values. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof RefreshRateRanges)) { return false; } RefreshRateRanges rates = (RefreshRateRanges) other; return physical.equals(rates.physical) && render.equals( rates.render); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(physical, render); } @Override public String toString() { return "physical: " + physical + " render: " + render; } /** * Copies the supplied object's values to this object. */ public void copyFrom(RefreshRateRanges other) { this.physical.copyFrom(other.physical); this.render.copyFrom(other.render); } } /** * Contains information of the idle time of the screen after which the refresh rate is to be * reduced. * * @hide */ public static final class IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig { /** * The time(in ms) after which the refresh rate is to be reduced. Defaults to -1, which * means no timeout has been configured for the current conditions */ public int timeoutMillis; public IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig() { timeoutMillis = -1; } public IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig(int timeoutMillis) { this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis; } /** * Checks whether the two objects have the same values. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig) || other == null) { return false; } IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig idleScreenRefreshRateConfig = (IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig) other; return timeoutMillis == idleScreenRefreshRateConfig.timeoutMillis; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(timeoutMillis); } @Override public String toString() { return "timeoutMillis: " + timeoutMillis; } /** * Copies the supplied object's values to this object. */ public void copyFrom(IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig other) { if (other != null) { this.timeoutMillis = other.timeoutMillis; } } } /** * Contains information about desired display configuration. * * @hide */ public static final class DesiredDisplayModeSpecs { public int defaultMode; /** * If true this will allow switching between modes in different display configuration * groups. This way the user may see visual interruptions when the display mode changes. */ public boolean allowGroupSwitching; /** * The primary physical and render refresh rate ranges represent display manager's general * guidance on the display configs surface flinger will consider when switching refresh * rates and scheduling the frame rate. Unless surface flinger has a specific reason to do * otherwise, it will stay within this range. */ public final RefreshRateRanges primaryRanges; /** * The app request physical and render refresh rate ranges allow surface flinger to consider * more display configs when switching refresh rates. Although surface flinger will * generally stay within the primary range, specific considerations, such as layer frame * rate settings specified via the setFrameRate() api, may cause surface flinger to go * outside the primary range. Surface flinger never goes outside the app request range. * The app request range will be greater than or equal to the primary refresh rate range, * never smaller. */ public final RefreshRateRanges appRequestRanges; /** * Represents the idle time of the screen after which the associated display's refresh rate * is to be reduced to preserve power * Defaults to null, meaning that the device is not configured to have a timeout. * Timeout value of -1 refers that the current conditions require no timeout */ @Nullable public IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig idleScreenRefreshRateConfig; public DesiredDisplayModeSpecs() { this.primaryRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(); this.appRequestRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(); } public DesiredDisplayModeSpecs(DesiredDisplayModeSpecs other) { this.primaryRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(); this.appRequestRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(); copyFrom(other); } public DesiredDisplayModeSpecs(int defaultMode, boolean allowGroupSwitching, RefreshRateRanges primaryRanges, RefreshRateRanges appRequestRanges, @Nullable IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig idleScreenRefreshRateConfig) { this.defaultMode = defaultMode; this.allowGroupSwitching = allowGroupSwitching; this.primaryRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(primaryRanges.physical, primaryRanges.render); this.appRequestRanges = new RefreshRateRanges(appRequestRanges.physical, appRequestRanges.render); this.idleScreenRefreshRateConfig = (idleScreenRefreshRateConfig == null) ? null : new IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig( idleScreenRefreshRateConfig.timeoutMillis); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) { return o instanceof DesiredDisplayModeSpecs && equals((DesiredDisplayModeSpecs) o); } /** * Tests for equality. */ public boolean equals(DesiredDisplayModeSpecs other) { return other != null && defaultMode == other.defaultMode && allowGroupSwitching == other.allowGroupSwitching && primaryRanges.equals(other.primaryRanges) && appRequestRanges.equals(other.appRequestRanges) && Objects.equals( idleScreenRefreshRateConfig, other.idleScreenRefreshRateConfig); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; // don't care } /** * Copies the supplied object's values to this object. */ public void copyFrom(DesiredDisplayModeSpecs other) { defaultMode = other.defaultMode; allowGroupSwitching = other.allowGroupSwitching; primaryRanges.copyFrom(other.primaryRanges); appRequestRanges.copyFrom(other.appRequestRanges); copyIdleScreenRefreshRateConfig(other.idleScreenRefreshRateConfig); } @Override public String toString() { return "defaultMode=" + defaultMode + " allowGroupSwitching=" + allowGroupSwitching + " primaryRanges=" + primaryRanges + " appRequestRanges=" + appRequestRanges + " idleScreenRefreshRate=" + String.valueOf(idleScreenRefreshRateConfig); } private void copyIdleScreenRefreshRateConfig(IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig other) { if (idleScreenRefreshRateConfig == null) { if (other != null) { idleScreenRefreshRateConfig = new IdleScreenRefreshRateConfig(other.timeoutMillis); } } else if (other == null) { idleScreenRefreshRateConfig = null; } else { idleScreenRefreshRateConfig.copyFrom(other); } } } /** * @hide */ public static boolean setDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(IBinder displayToken, DesiredDisplayModeSpecs desiredDisplayModeSpecs) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } if (desiredDisplayModeSpecs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("desiredDisplayModeSpecs must not be null"); } if (desiredDisplayModeSpecs.defaultMode < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("defaultMode must be non-negative"); } return nativeSetDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(displayToken, desiredDisplayModeSpecs); } /** * @hide */ public static DesiredDisplayModeSpecs getDesiredDisplayModeSpecs( IBinder displayToken) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } return nativeGetDesiredDisplayModeSpecs(displayToken); } /** * Color coordinates in CIE1931 XYZ color space * * @hide */ public static final class CieXyz { /** * @hide */ public float X; /** * @hide */ public float Y; /** * @hide */ public float Z; } /** * Contains a display's color primaries * * @hide */ public static final class DisplayPrimaries { /** * @hide */ public CieXyz red; /** * @hide */ public CieXyz green; /** * @hide */ public CieXyz blue; /** * @hide */ public CieXyz white; /** * @hide */ public DisplayPrimaries() { } } /** * @hide */ public static DisplayPrimaries getDisplayNativePrimaries( IBinder displayToken) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } return nativeGetDisplayNativePrimaries(displayToken); } /** * @hide */ public static boolean setActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken, int colorMode) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } return nativeSetActiveColorMode(displayToken, colorMode); } /** * Returns an array of color spaces with 2 elements. The first color space is the * default color space and second one is wide color gamut color space. * @hide */ public static ColorSpace[] getCompositionColorSpaces() { int[] dataspaces = nativeGetCompositionDataspaces(); ColorSpace srgb = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB); ColorSpace[] colorSpaces = { srgb, srgb }; if (dataspaces.length == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getFromDataSpace(dataspaces[i]); if (cs != null) { colorSpaces[i] = cs; } } } return colorSpaces; } /** * @return the overlay properties of the device * @hide */ public static OverlayProperties getOverlaySupport() { return nativeGetOverlaySupport(); } /** * @hide */ public static boolean getBootDisplayModeSupport() { return nativeGetBootDisplayModeSupport(); } /** There is no associated getter for this method. When this is set, the display is expected * to start up in this mode next time the device reboots. * @hide */ public static void setBootDisplayMode(IBinder displayToken, int displayModeId) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetBootDisplayMode(displayToken, displayModeId); } /** * @hide */ public static void clearBootDisplayMode(IBinder displayToken) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeClearBootDisplayMode(displayToken); } /** * @hide */ public static void setAutoLowLatencyMode(IBinder displayToken, boolean on) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetAutoLowLatencyMode(displayToken, on); } /** * @hide */ public static void setGameContentType(IBinder displayToken, boolean on) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetGameContentType(displayToken, on); } /** * Returns whether protected content is supported in GPU composition. * @hide */ public static boolean getProtectedContentSupport() { return nativeGetProtectedContentSupport(); } /** * Returns whether brightness operations are supported on a display. * * @param displayToken * The token for the display. * * @return Whether brightness operations are supported on the display. * * @hide */ public static boolean getDisplayBrightnessSupport(IBinder displayToken) { return nativeGetDisplayBrightnessSupport(displayToken); } /** * Sets the brightness of a display. * * @param displayToken * The token for the display whose brightness is set. * @param brightness * A number between 0.0f (minimum brightness) and 1.0f (maximum brightness), or -1.0f to * turn the backlight off. * * @return Whether the method succeeded or not. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if: * - displayToken is null; * - brightness is NaN or greater than 1.0f. * * @hide */ public static boolean setDisplayBrightness(IBinder displayToken, float brightness) { return setDisplayBrightness(displayToken, brightness, -1, brightness, -1); } /** * Sets the brightness of a display. * * @param displayToken * The token for the display whose brightness is set. * @param sdrBrightness * A number between 0.0f (minimum brightness) and 1.0f (maximum brightness), or -1.0f to * turn the backlight off. Specifies the desired brightness of SDR content. * @param sdrBrightnessNits * The value of sdrBrightness converted to calibrated nits. -1 if this isn't available. * @param displayBrightness * A number between 0.0f (minimum brightness) and 1.0f (maximum brightness), or * -1.0f to turn the backlight off. Specifies the desired brightness of the display itself, * used directly for HDR content. * @param displayBrightnessNits * The value of displayBrightness converted to calibrated nits. -1 if this isn't * available. * * @return Whether the method succeeded or not. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if: * - displayToken is null; * - brightness is NaN or greater than 1.0f. * * @hide */ public static boolean setDisplayBrightness(IBinder displayToken, float sdrBrightness, float sdrBrightnessNits, float displayBrightness, float displayBrightnessNits) { Objects.requireNonNull(displayToken); if (Float.isNaN(displayBrightness) || displayBrightness > 1.0f || (displayBrightness < 0.0f && displayBrightness != -1.0f)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayBrightness must be a number between 0.0f " + " and 1.0f, or -1 to turn the backlight off: " + displayBrightness); } if (Float.isNaN(sdrBrightness) || sdrBrightness > 1.0f || (sdrBrightness < 0.0f && sdrBrightness != -1.0f)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sdrBrightness must be a number between 0.0f " + "and 1.0f, or -1 to turn the backlight off: " + sdrBrightness); } return nativeSetDisplayBrightness(displayToken, sdrBrightness, sdrBrightnessNits, displayBrightness, displayBrightnessNits); } /** * Creates a mirrored hierarchy for the mirrorOf {@link SurfaceControl} * * Real Hierarchy Mirror * SC (value that's returned) * | * A A' * | | * B B' * * @param mirrorOf The root of the hierarchy that should be mirrored. * @return A SurfaceControl that's the parent of the root of the mirrored hierarchy. * * @hide */ public static SurfaceControl mirrorSurface(SurfaceControl mirrorOf) { long nativeObj = nativeMirrorSurface(mirrorOf.mNativeObject); SurfaceControl sc = new SurfaceControl(); sc.mName = mirrorOf.mName + " (mirror)"; sc.assignNativeObject(nativeObj, "mirrorSurface"); return sc; } private static void validateColorArg(@Size(4) float[] color) { final String msg = "Color must be specified as a float array with" + " four values to represent r, g, b, a in range [0..1]"; if (color.length != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } for (float c:color) { if ((c < 0.f) || (c > 1.f)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } } /** * Sets the global configuration for all the shadows drawn by SurfaceFlinger. Shadow follows * material design guidelines. * * @param ambientColor Color applied to the ambient shadow. The alpha is premultiplied. A * float array with four values to represent r, g, b, a in range [0..1] * @param spotColor Color applied to the spot shadow. The alpha is premultiplied. The position * of the spot shadow depends on the light position. A float array with * four values to represent r, g, b, a in range [0..1] * @param lightPosY Y axis position of the light used to cast the spot shadow in pixels. * @param lightPosZ Z axis position of the light used to cast the spot shadow in pixels. The X * axis position is set to the display width / 2. * @param lightRadius Radius of the light casting the shadow in pixels. *[ * @hide */ public static void setGlobalShadowSettings(@Size(4) float[] ambientColor, @Size(4) float[] spotColor, float lightPosY, float lightPosZ, float lightRadius) { validateColorArg(ambientColor); validateColorArg(spotColor); nativeSetGlobalShadowSettings(ambientColor, spotColor, lightPosY, lightPosZ, lightRadius); } /** * Returns whether/how a display supports DISPLAY_DECORATION. * * @param displayToken * The token for the display. * * @return A class describing how the display supports DISPLAY_DECORATION or null if it does * not. * * TODO (b/218524164): Move this out of SurfaceControl. * @hide */ public static DisplayDecorationSupport getDisplayDecorationSupport(IBinder displayToken) { return nativeGetDisplayDecorationSupport(displayToken); } /** * Adds a callback to be informed about SF's jank classification for a specific surface. * @hide */ public static void addJankDataListener(OnJankDataListener listener, SurfaceControl surface) { nativeAddJankDataListener(listener.mNativePtr.get(), surface.mNativeObject); } /** * Removes a jank callback previously added with {@link #addJankDataListener} * @hide */ public static void removeJankDataListener(OnJankDataListener listener) { nativeRemoveJankDataListener(listener.mNativePtr.get()); } /** * Return GPU Context priority that is set in SurfaceFlinger's Render Engine. * @hide */ public static int getGPUContextPriority() { return nativeGetGPUContextPriority(); } /** * Lets surfaceFlinger know the boot procedure is completed. * @hide */ public static boolean bootFinished() { return nativeBootFinished(); } /** * Interface to handle request to * {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#addTransactionCommittedListener(Executor, TransactionCommittedListener)} */ public interface TransactionCommittedListener { /** * Invoked when the transaction has been committed in SurfaceFlinger. */ void onTransactionCommitted(); } /** * Transaction stats given to the listener registered in * {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#addTransactionCompletedListener} */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) public static final class TransactionStats { private long mLatchTimeNanos; private SyncFence mSyncFence; // called from native private TransactionStats(long latchTimeNanos, long presentFencePtr) { mLatchTimeNanos = latchTimeNanos; mSyncFence = new SyncFence(presentFencePtr); } /** * Close the TransactionStats. Called by the framework when the listener returns. * @hide */ public void close() { mSyncFence.close(); } /** * Returns the timestamp (in CLOCK_MONOTONIC) of when the frame was latched by the * framework and queued for presentation. */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) public long getLatchTimeNanos() { return mLatchTimeNanos; } /** * Returns a new SyncFence that signals when the transaction has been presented. * The caller takes ownership of the fence and is responsible for closing * it by calling {@link SyncFence#close}. * If a device does not support present fences, an empty fence will be returned. */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) public @NonNull SyncFence getPresentFence() { return new SyncFence(mSyncFence); } }; /** * Threshold values that are sent with * {@link Transaction#setTrustedPresentationCallback(SurfaceControl, * TrustedPresentationThresholds, Executor, Consumer)} * * @deprecated Use {@link android.window.TrustedPresentationThresholds} instead. */ @Deprecated public static final class TrustedPresentationThresholds { private final float mMinAlpha; private final float mMinFractionRendered; private final int mStabilityRequirementMs; /** * Creates a TrustedPresentationThresholds that's used when calling * {@link Transaction#setTrustedPresentationCallback(SurfaceControl, * TrustedPresentationThresholds, Executor, Consumer)} * * @param minAlpha The min alpha the {@link SurfaceControl} is required to * have to be considered inside the threshold. * @param minFractionRendered The min fraction of the SurfaceControl that was presented * to the user to be considered inside the threshold. * @param stabilityRequirementMs The time in milliseconds required for the * {@link SurfaceControl} to be in the threshold. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If threshold values are invalid. */ public TrustedPresentationThresholds( @FloatRange(from = 0f, fromInclusive = false, to = 1f) float minAlpha, @FloatRange(from = 0f, fromInclusive = false, to = 1f) float minFractionRendered, @IntRange(from = 1) int stabilityRequirementMs) { mMinAlpha = minAlpha; mMinFractionRendered = minFractionRendered; mStabilityRequirementMs = stabilityRequirementMs; checkValid(); } private void checkValid() { if (mMinAlpha <= 0 || mMinFractionRendered <= 0 || mStabilityRequirementMs < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TrustedPresentationThresholds values are invalid"); } } } /** * Register a TrustedPresentationCallback for a particular SurfaceControl so it can be notified * when the specified Threshold has been crossed. * * @hide */ public abstract static class TrustedPresentationCallback { private final long mNativeObject; private static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = NativeAllocationRegistry.createMalloced( TrustedPresentationCallback.class.getClassLoader(), getNativeTrustedPresentationCallbackFinalizer()); private final Runnable mFreeNativeResources; private TrustedPresentationCallback() { mNativeObject = nativeCreateTpc(this); mFreeNativeResources = sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, mNativeObject); } /** * Invoked when the SurfaceControl that this TrustedPresentationCallback was registered for * enters or exits the threshold bounds. * * @param inTrustedPresentationState true when the SurfaceControl entered the * presentation state, false when it has left. */ public abstract void onTrustedPresentationChanged(boolean inTrustedPresentationState); } /** * An atomic set of changes to a set of SurfaceControl. */ public static class Transaction implements Closeable, Parcelable { /** * @hide */ public static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = new NativeAllocationRegistry( Transaction.class.getClassLoader(), nativeGetNativeTransactionFinalizer(), 512); /** * @hide */ public long mNativeObject; private final ArrayMap<SurfaceControl, Point> mResizedSurfaces = new ArrayMap<>(); private final ArrayMap<SurfaceControl, SurfaceControl> mReparentedSurfaces = new ArrayMap<>(); Runnable mFreeNativeResources; private static final float[] INVALID_COLOR = {-1, -1, -1}; /** * @hide */ protected void checkPreconditions(SurfaceControl sc) { sc.checkNotReleased(); } /** * Open a new transaction object. The transaction may be filed with commands to * manipulate {@link SurfaceControl} instances, and then applied atomically with * {@link #apply}. Eventually the user should invoke {@link #close}, when the object * is no longer required. Note however that re-using a transaction after a call to apply * is allowed as a convenience. */ public Transaction() { this(nativeCreateTransaction()); } private Transaction(long nativeObject) { mNativeObject = nativeObject; mFreeNativeResources = sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, mNativeObject); if (!SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingInitialized) { SurfaceControlRegistry.initializeCallStackDebugging(); } } private Transaction(Parcel in) { readFromParcel(in); } /** * * @hide */ public static void setDefaultApplyToken(IBinder token) { nativeSetDefaultApplyToken(token); } /** * * @hide */ public static IBinder getDefaultApplyToken() { return nativeGetDefaultApplyToken(); } /** * Apply the transaction, clearing it's state, and making it usable * as a new transaction. */ public void apply() { apply(/*sync*/ false); } /** * Applies the transaction as a one way binder call. This transaction will be applied out * of order with other transactions that are applied synchronously. This method is not * safe. It should only be used when the order does not matter. * * @hide */ public void applyAsyncUnsafe() { apply(/*sync*/ false, /*oneWay*/ true); } /** * Clear the transaction object, without applying it. * * @hide */ public void clear() { mResizedSurfaces.clear(); mReparentedSurfaces.clear(); if (mNativeObject != 0) { nativeClearTransaction(mNativeObject); } } /** * Release the native transaction object, without applying it. */ @Override public void close() { mResizedSurfaces.clear(); mReparentedSurfaces.clear(); mFreeNativeResources.run(); mNativeObject = 0; } /** * Jankier version of apply. Avoid use (b/28068298). * @hide */ public void apply(boolean sync) { apply(sync, /*oneWay*/ false); } private void apply(boolean sync, boolean oneWay) { applyResizedSurfaces(); notifyReparentedSurfaces(); nativeApplyTransaction(mNativeObject, sync, oneWay); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "apply", this, null, null); } } /** * @hide */ protected void applyResizedSurfaces() { for (int i = mResizedSurfaces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Point size = mResizedSurfaces.valueAt(i); final SurfaceControl surfaceControl = mResizedSurfaces.keyAt(i); synchronized (surfaceControl.mLock) { surfaceControl.resize(size.x, size.y); } } mResizedSurfaces.clear(); } /** * @hide */ protected void notifyReparentedSurfaces() { final int reparentCount = mReparentedSurfaces.size(); for (int i = reparentCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final SurfaceControl child = mReparentedSurfaces.keyAt(i); synchronized (child.mLock) { final int listenerCount = (child.mReparentListeners != null) ? child.mReparentListeners.size() : 0; for (int j = 0; j < listenerCount; j++) { final OnReparentListener listener = child.mReparentListeners.get(j); listener.onReparent(this, mReparentedSurfaces.valueAt(i)); } mReparentedSurfaces.removeAt(i); } } } /** * Toggle the visibility of a given Layer and it's sub-tree. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl for which to set the visibility * @param visible The new visibility * @return This transaction object. */ @NonNull public Transaction setVisibility(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, boolean visible) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (visible) { return show(sc); } else { return hide(sc); } } /** * This information is passed to SurfaceFlinger to decide which window should have a * priority when deciding about the refresh rate of the display. All windows have the * lowest priority by default. * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameRateSelectionPriority(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, int priority) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetFrameRateSelectionPriority(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, priority); return this; } /** * Request that a given surface and it's sub-tree be shown. * * @param sc The surface to show. * @return This transaction. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction show(SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "show", this, sc, null); } nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, SURFACE_HIDDEN); return this; } /** * Request that a given surface and it's sub-tree be hidden. * * @param sc The surface to hidden. * @return This transaction. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction hide(SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "hide", this, sc, null); } nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, SURFACE_HIDDEN, SURFACE_HIDDEN); return this; } /** * Sets the SurfaceControl to the specified position relative to the parent * SurfaceControl * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to change position * @param x the X position * @param y the Y position * @return this transaction */ @NonNull public Transaction setPosition(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, float x, float y) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setPosition", this, sc, "x=" + x + " y=" + y); } nativeSetPosition(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, x, y); return this; } /** * Sets the SurfaceControl to the specified scale with (0, 0) as the center point * of the scale. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to change scale * @param scaleX the X scale * @param scaleY the Y scale * @return this transaction */ @NonNull public Transaction setScale(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, float scaleX, float scaleY) { checkPreconditions(sc); Preconditions.checkArgument(scaleX >= 0, "Negative value passed in for scaleX"); Preconditions.checkArgument(scaleY >= 0, "Negative value passed in for scaleY"); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setScale", this, sc, "sx=" + scaleX + " sy=" + scaleY); } nativeSetScale(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, scaleX, scaleY); return this; } /** * Set the default buffer size for the SurfaceControl, if there is a * {@link Surface} associated with the control, then * this will be the default size for buffers dequeued from it. * @param sc The surface to set the buffer size for. * @param w The default width * @param h The default height * @return This Transaction */ @NonNull public Transaction setBufferSize(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @IntRange(from = 0) int w, @IntRange(from = 0) int h) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setBufferSize", this, sc, "w=" + w + " h=" + h); } mResizedSurfaces.put(sc, new Point(w, h)); return this; } /** * Provide the graphic producer a transform hint if the layer and its children are * in an orientation different from the display's orientation. The caller is responsible * for clearing this transform hint if the layer is no longer in a fixed orientation. * * The transform hint is used to prevent allocating a buffer of different size when a * layer is rotated. The producer can choose to consume the hint and allocate the buffer * with the same size. * * @return This Transaction. * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setFixedTransformHint(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Surface.Rotation int transformHint) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setFixedTransformHint", this, sc, "hint=" + transformHint); } nativeSetFixedTransformHint(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, transformHint); return this; } /** * Clearing any transform hint if set on this layer. * * @return This Transaction. * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction unsetFixedTransformHint(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "unsetFixedTransformHint", this, sc, null); } nativeSetFixedTransformHint(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, -1/* INVALID_ROTATION */); return this; } /** * Set the Z-order for a given SurfaceControl, relative to it's siblings. * If two siblings share the same Z order the ordering is undefined. Surfaces * with a negative Z will be placed below the parent surface. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to set the Z order on * @param z The Z-order * @return This Transaction. */ @NonNull public Transaction setLayer(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @IntRange(from = Integer.MIN_VALUE, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int z) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setLayer", this, sc, "z=" + z); } nativeSetLayer(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, z); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setRelativeLayer(SurfaceControl sc, SurfaceControl relativeTo, int z) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setRelativeLayer", this, sc, "relTo=" + relativeTo + " z=" + z); } nativeSetRelativeLayer(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, relativeTo.mNativeObject, z); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setTransparentRegionHint(SurfaceControl sc, Region transparentRegion) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "unsetFixedTransformHint", this, sc, "region=" + transparentRegion); } nativeSetTransparentRegionHint(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, transparentRegion); return this; } /** * Set the alpha for a given surface. If the alpha is non-zero the SurfaceControl * will be blended with the Surfaces under it according to the specified ratio. * * @param sc The given SurfaceControl. * @param alpha The alpha to set. */ @NonNull public Transaction setAlpha(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float alpha) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setAlpha", this, sc, "alpha=" + alpha); } nativeSetAlpha(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, alpha); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setInputWindowInfo(SurfaceControl sc, InputWindowHandle handle) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetInputWindowInfo(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, handle); return this; } /** * Adds a callback that is called after WindowInfosListeners from the systems server are * complete. This is primarily used to ensure that InputDispatcher::setInputWindowsLocked * has been called before running the added callback. * * @hide */ public Transaction addWindowInfosReportedListener(@NonNull Runnable listener) { nativeAddWindowInfosReportedListener(mNativeObject, listener); return this; } /** * Specify how the buffer associated with this Surface is mapped in to the * parent coordinate space. The source frame will be scaled to fit the destination * frame, after being rotated according to the orientation parameter. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to specify the geometry of * @param sourceCrop The source rectangle in buffer space. Or null for the entire buffer. * @param destFrame The destination rectangle in parent space. Or null for the source frame. * @param orientation The buffer rotation * @return This transaction object. * @deprecated Use {@link #setCrop(SurfaceControl, Rect)}, * {@link #setBufferTransform(SurfaceControl, int)}, * {@link #setPosition(SurfaceControl, float, float)} and * {@link #setScale(SurfaceControl, float, float)} instead. */ @NonNull public Transaction setGeometry(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable Rect sourceCrop, @Nullable Rect destFrame, @Surface.Rotation int orientation) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetGeometry(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, sourceCrop, destFrame, orientation); return this; } /** * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction setMatrix(SurfaceControl sc, float dsdx, float dtdx, float dtdy, float dsdy) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setMatrix", this, sc, "dsdx=" + dsdx + " dtdx=" + dtdx + " dtdy=" + dtdy + " dsdy=" + dsdy); } nativeSetMatrix(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, dsdx, dtdx, dtdy, dsdy); return this; } /** * Sets the transform and position of a {@link SurfaceControl} from a 3x3 transformation * matrix. * * @param sc SurfaceControl to set matrix of * @param matrix The matrix to apply. * @param float9 An array of 9 floats to be used to extract the values from the matrix. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction setMatrix(SurfaceControl sc, Matrix matrix, float[] float9) { matrix.getValues(float9); setMatrix(sc, float9[MSCALE_X], float9[MSKEW_Y], float9[MSKEW_X], float9[MSCALE_Y]); setPosition(sc, float9[MTRANS_X], float9[MTRANS_Y]); return this; } /** * Sets the color transform for the Surface. * * @param sc SurfaceControl to set color transform of * @param matrix A float array with 9 values represents a 3x3 transform matrix * @param translation A float array with 3 values represents a translation vector * @hide */ public Transaction setColorTransform(SurfaceControl sc, @Size(9) float[] matrix, @Size(3) float[] translation) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetColorTransform(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, matrix, translation); return this; } /** * Sets the Surface to be color space agnostic. If a surface is color space agnostic, * the color can be interpreted in any color space. * @param agnostic A boolean to indicate whether the surface is color space agnostic * @hide */ public Transaction setColorSpaceAgnostic(SurfaceControl sc, boolean agnostic) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetColorSpaceAgnostic(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, agnostic); return this; } /** * Bounds the surface and its children to the bounds specified. Size of the surface will be * ignored and only the crop and buffer size will be used to determine the bounds of the * surface. If no crop is specified and the surface has no buffer, the surface bounds is * only constrained by the size of its parent bounds. * * @param sc SurfaceControl to set crop of. * @param crop Bounds of the crop to apply. * @hide * @deprecated Use {@link #setCrop(SurfaceControl, Rect)} instead. */ @Deprecated @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction setWindowCrop(SurfaceControl sc, Rect crop) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setWindowCrop", this, sc, "crop=" + crop); } if (crop != null) { nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, crop.left, crop.top, crop.right, crop.bottom); } else { nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return this; } /** * Bounds the surface and its children to the bounds specified. Size of the surface will be * ignored and only the crop and buffer size will be used to determine the bounds of the * surface. If no crop is specified and the surface has no buffer, the surface bounds is * only constrained by the size of its parent bounds. * * @param sc SurfaceControl to set crop of. * @param crop Bounds of the crop to apply. * @return this This transaction for chaining */ public @NonNull Transaction setCrop(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable Rect crop) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setCrop", this, sc, "crop=" + crop); } if (crop != null) { Preconditions.checkArgument(crop.isValid(), "Crop " + crop + " isn't valid"); nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, crop.left, crop.top, crop.right, crop.bottom); } else { nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return this; } /** * Same as {@link Transaction#setWindowCrop(SurfaceControl, Rect)} but sets the crop rect * top left at 0, 0. * * @param sc SurfaceControl to set crop of. * @param width width of crop rect * @param height height of crop rect * @hide */ public Transaction setWindowCrop(SurfaceControl sc, int width, int height) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setWindowCrop", this, sc, "w=" + width + " h=" + height); } nativeSetWindowCrop(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, 0, width, height); return this; } /** * Sets the corner radius of a {@link SurfaceControl}. * @param sc SurfaceControl * @param cornerRadius Corner radius in pixels. * @return Itself. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553) public Transaction setCornerRadius(SurfaceControl sc, float cornerRadius) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setCornerRadius", this, sc, "cornerRadius=" + cornerRadius); } nativeSetCornerRadius(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, cornerRadius); return this; } /** * Sets the background blur radius of the {@link SurfaceControl}. * * @param sc SurfaceControl. * @param radius Blur radius in pixels. * @return itself. * @hide */ public Transaction setBackgroundBlurRadius(SurfaceControl sc, int radius) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setBackgroundBlurRadius", this, sc, "radius=" + radius); } nativeSetBackgroundBlurRadius(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, radius); return this; } /** * Specify what regions should be blurred on the {@link SurfaceControl}. * * @param sc SurfaceControl. * @param regions List of regions that will have blurs. * @return itself. * @see BlurRegion#toFloatArray() * @hide */ public Transaction setBlurRegions(SurfaceControl sc, float[][] regions) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetBlurRegions(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, regions, regions.length); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setStretchEffect(SurfaceControl sc, float width, float height, float vecX, float vecY, float maxStretchAmountX, float maxStretchAmountY, float childRelativeLeft, float childRelativeTop, float childRelativeRight, float childRelativeBottom) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetStretchEffect(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, width, height, vecX, vecY, maxStretchAmountX, maxStretchAmountY, childRelativeLeft, childRelativeTop, childRelativeRight, childRelativeBottom); return this; } /** * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.O) public Transaction setLayerStack(SurfaceControl sc, int layerStack) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetLayerStack(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, layerStack); return this; } /** * Re-parents a given layer to a new parent. Children inherit transform (position, scaling) * crop, visibility, and Z-ordering from their parents, as if the children were pixels within the * parent Surface. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to reparent * @param newParent The new parent for the given control. * @return This Transaction */ @NonNull public Transaction reparent(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable SurfaceControl newParent) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "reparent", this, sc, "newParent=" + newParent); } long otherObject = 0; if (newParent != null) { newParent.checkNotReleased(); otherObject = newParent.mNativeObject; } nativeReparent(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, otherObject); mReparentedSurfaces.put(sc, newParent); return this; } /** * Fills the surface with the specified color. * @param color A float array with three values to represent r, g, b in range [0..1]. An * invalid color will remove the color fill. * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public Transaction setColor(SurfaceControl sc, @Size(3) float[] color) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "reparent", this, sc, "r=" + color[0] + " g=" + color[1] + " b=" + color[2]); } nativeSetColor(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, color); return this; } /** * Removes color fill. * @hide */ public Transaction unsetColor(SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "unsetColor", this, sc, null); } nativeSetColor(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, INVALID_COLOR); return this; } /** * Sets the security of the surface. Setting the flag is equivalent to creating the * Surface with the {@link #SECURE} flag. * @hide */ public Transaction setSecure(SurfaceControl sc, boolean isSecure) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setSecure", this, sc, "secure=" + isSecure); } if (isSecure) { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, SECURE, SECURE); } else { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, SECURE); } return this; } /** * Sets whether the surface should take advantage of display decoration optimizations. * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplayDecoration(SurfaceControl sc, boolean displayDecoration) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (displayDecoration) { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, DISPLAY_DECORATION, DISPLAY_DECORATION); } else { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, DISPLAY_DECORATION); } return this; } /** * Indicates whether the surface must be considered opaque, even if its pixel format is * set to translucent. This can be useful if an application needs full RGBA 8888 support * for instance but will still draw every pixel opaque. * <p> * This flag only determines whether opacity will be sampled from the alpha channel. * Plane-alpha from calls to setAlpha() can still result in blended composition * regardless of the opaque setting. * * Combined effects are (assuming a buffer format with an alpha channel): * <ul> * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == opaque composition * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * <li>OPAQUE + alpha(0.0) == no composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(1.0) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(0.x) == blended composition * <li>!OPAQUE + alpha(0.0) == no composition * </ul> * If the underlying buffer lacks an alpha channel, it is as if setOpaque(true) * were set automatically. * * @see Builder#setOpaque(boolean) * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param isOpaque true if the buffer's alpha should be ignored, false otherwise * @return this */ @NonNull public Transaction setOpaque(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, boolean isOpaque) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setOpaque", this, sc, "opaque=" + isOpaque); } if (isOpaque) { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, SURFACE_OPAQUE, SURFACE_OPAQUE); } else { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, SURFACE_OPAQUE); } return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplaySurface(IBinder displayToken, Surface surface) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } if (surface != null) { synchronized (surface.mLock) { nativeSetDisplaySurface(mNativeObject, displayToken, surface.mNativeObject); } } else { nativeSetDisplaySurface(mNativeObject, displayToken, 0); } return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplayLayerStack(IBinder displayToken, int layerStack) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetDisplayLayerStack(mNativeObject, displayToken, layerStack); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplayFlags(IBinder displayToken, int flags) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } nativeSetDisplayFlags(mNativeObject, displayToken, flags); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplayProjection(IBinder displayToken, int orientation, Rect layerStackRect, Rect displayRect) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } if (layerStackRect == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("layerStackRect must not be null"); } if (displayRect == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayRect must not be null"); } nativeSetDisplayProjection(mNativeObject, displayToken, orientation, layerStackRect.left, layerStackRect.top, layerStackRect.right, layerStackRect.bottom, displayRect.left, displayRect.top, displayRect.right, displayRect.bottom); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDisplaySize(IBinder displayToken, int width, int height) { if (displayToken == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null"); } if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be positive"); } nativeSetDisplaySize(mNativeObject, displayToken, width, height); return this; } /** flag the transaction as an animation * @hide */ public Transaction setAnimationTransaction() { nativeSetAnimationTransaction(mNativeObject); return this; } /** * Provides a hint to SurfaceFlinger to change its offset so that SurfaceFlinger wakes up * earlier to compose surfaces. The caller should use this as a hint to SurfaceFlinger * when the scene is complex enough to use GPU composition. The hint will remain active * until until the client calls {@link Transaction#setEarlyWakeupEnd}. * * @hide */ @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WAKEUP_SURFACE_FLINGER) public Transaction setEarlyWakeupStart() { nativeSetEarlyWakeupStart(mNativeObject); return this; } /** * Removes the early wake up hint set by {@link Transaction#setEarlyWakeupStart}. * * @hide */ @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.WAKEUP_SURFACE_FLINGER) public Transaction setEarlyWakeupEnd() { nativeSetEarlyWakeupEnd(mNativeObject); return this; } /** * @hide * @return The transaction's current id. * The id changed every time the transaction is applied. */ public long getId() { return nativeGetTransactionId(mNativeObject); } /** * Sets an arbitrary piece of metadata on the surface. This is a helper for int data. * @hide */ public Transaction setMetadata(SurfaceControl sc, int key, int data) { Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); parcel.writeInt(data); try { setMetadata(sc, key, parcel); } finally { parcel.recycle(); } return this; } /** * Sets an arbitrary piece of metadata on the surface. * @hide */ public Transaction setMetadata(SurfaceControl sc, int key, Parcel data) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetMetadata(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, key, data); return this; } /** * Draws shadows of length {@code shadowRadius} around the surface {@link SurfaceControl}. * If the length is 0.0f then the shadows will not be drawn. * * Shadows are drawn around the screen bounds, these are the post transformed cropped * bounds. They can draw over their parent bounds and will be occluded by layers with a * higher z-order. The shadows will respect the surface's corner radius if the * rounded corner bounds (transformed source bounds) are within the screen bounds. * * A shadow will only be drawn on buffer and color layers. If the radius is applied on a * container layer, it will be passed down the hierarchy to be applied on buffer and color * layers but not its children. A scenario where this is useful is when SystemUI animates * a task by controlling a leash to it, can draw a shadow around the app surface by * setting a shadow on the leash. This is similar to how rounded corners are set. * * @hide */ public Transaction setShadowRadius(SurfaceControl sc, float shadowRadius) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (SurfaceControlRegistry.sCallStackDebuggingEnabled) { SurfaceControlRegistry.getProcessInstance().checkCallStackDebugging( "setShadowRadius", this, sc, "radius=" + shadowRadius); } nativeSetShadowRadius(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, shadowRadius); return this; } /** * Sets the intended frame rate for this surface. Any switching of refresh rates is * most probably going to be seamless. * * @see #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int, int) */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameRate(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) float frameRate, @Surface.FrameRateCompatibility int compatibility) { return setFrameRate(sc, frameRate, compatibility, Surface.CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ONLY_IF_SEAMLESS); } /** * Sets the intended frame rate for the surface {@link SurfaceControl}. * <p> * On devices that are capable of running the display at different refresh rates, the system * may choose a display refresh rate to better match this surface's frame rate. Usage of * this API won't directly affect the application's frame production pipeline. However, * because the system may change the display refresh rate, calls to this function may result * in changes to Choreographer callback timings, and changes to the time interval at which * the system releases buffers back to the application. * <p> * Note that this only has an effect for surfaces presented on the display. If this * surface is consumed by something other than the system compositor, e.g. a media * codec, this call has no effect. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to specify the frame rate of. * @param frameRate The intended frame rate for this surface, in frames per second. 0 is a * special value that indicates the app will accept the system's choice for * the display frame rate, which is the default behavior if this function * isn't called. The <code>frameRate</code> param does <em>not</em> need * to be a valid refresh rate for this device's display - e.g., it's fine * to pass 30fps to a device that can only run the display at 60fps. * @param compatibility The frame rate compatibility of this surface. The compatibility * value may influence the system's choice of display frame rate. * This parameter is ignored when <code>frameRate</code> is 0. * @param changeFrameRateStrategy Whether display refresh rate transitions caused by this * surface should be seamless. A seamless transition is one * that doesn't have any visual interruptions, such as a * black screen for a second or two. This parameter is * ignored when <code>frameRate</code> is 0. * @return This transaction object. * * @see #clearFrameRate(SurfaceControl) */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameRate(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) float frameRate, @Surface.FrameRateCompatibility int compatibility, @Surface.ChangeFrameRateStrategy int changeFrameRateStrategy) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetFrameRate(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, frameRate, compatibility, changeFrameRateStrategy); return this; } /** * Clears the frame rate which was set for the surface {@link SurfaceControl}. * * <p>This is equivalent to calling {@link #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int, int)} * using {@code 0} for {@code frameRate}. * <p> * Note that this only has an effect for surfaces presented on the display. If this * surface is consumed by something other than the system compositor, e.g. a media * codec, this call has no effect. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to clear the frame rate of. * @return This transaction object. * * @see #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int) */ @NonNull public Transaction clearFrameRate(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetFrameRate(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0.0f, Surface.FRAME_RATE_COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULT, Surface.CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_ALWAYS); return this; } /** * Sets the default frame rate compatibility for the surface {@link SurfaceControl} * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to specify the frame rate of. * @param compatibility The frame rate compatibility of this surface. The compatibility * value may influence the system's choice of display frame rate. * * @return This transaction object. * * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setDefaultFrameRateCompatibility(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Surface.FrameRateCompatibility int compatibility) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDefaultFrameRateCompatibility(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, compatibility); return this; } /** * Sets the frame rate category for the {@link SurfaceControl}. * * This helps instruct the system on choosing a display refresh rate based on the surface's * chosen category, which is a device-specific range of frame rates. * {@link #setFrameRateCategory} should be used by components such as animations that do not * require an exact frame rate, but has an opinion on an approximate desirable frame rate. * The values of {@code category} gives example use cases for which category to choose. * * To instead specify an exact frame rate, use * {@link #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int, int)}, which is more suitable for * content that knows specifically which frame rate is optimal. * Although not a common use case, {@link #setFrameRateCategory} and {@link #setFrameRate} * can be called together, with both calls potentially influencing the display refresh rate. * For example, considering only one {@link SurfaceControl}: if {@link #setFrameRate}'s * value is 24 and {@link #setFrameRateCategory}'s value is * {@link Surface#FRAME_RATE_CATEGORY_HIGH}, defined to be the range [90,120] fps for an * example device, then the best refresh rate for the SurfaceControl should be 120 fps. * This is because 120 fps is a multiple of 24 fps, and 120 fps is in the specified * category's range. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to specify the frame rate category of. * @param category The frame rate category of this surface. The category value may influence * the system's choice of display frame rate. * @param smoothSwitchOnly Set to {@code true} to indicate the display frame rate should not * change if changing it would cause jank. Else {@code false}. * This parameter is ignored when {@code category} is * {@link Surface#FRAME_RATE_CATEGORY_DEFAULT}. * * @return This transaction object. * * @see #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int, int) * * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameRateCategory(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Surface.FrameRateCategory int category, boolean smoothSwitchOnly) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetFrameRateCategory(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, category, smoothSwitchOnly); return this; } /** * Sets the frame rate selection strategy for the {@link SurfaceControl}. * * This instructs the system on how to choose a display refresh rate, following the * strategy for the layer's frame rate specifications relative to other layers'. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to specify the frame rate category of. * @param strategy The frame rate selection strategy. * * @return This transaction object. * * @see #setFrameRate(SurfaceControl, float, int, int) * @see #setFrameRateCategory(SurfaceControl, int) * @see #setDefaultFrameRateCompatibility(SurfaceControl, int) * * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameRateSelectionStrategy( @NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @FrameRateSelectionStrategy int strategy) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetFrameRateSelectionStrategy(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, strategy); return this; } /** * Sets focus on the window identified by the input {@code token} if the window is focusable * otherwise the request is dropped. * * If the window is not visible, the request will be queued until the window becomes * visible or the request is overrriden by another request. The currently focused window * will lose focus immediately. This is to send the newly focused window any focus * dispatched events that occur while it is completing its first draw. * * @hide */ public Transaction setFocusedWindow(@NonNull IBinder token, String windowName, int displayId) { nativeSetFocusedWindow(mNativeObject, token, windowName, displayId); return this; } /** * Removes the input focus from the current window which is having the input focus. Should * only be called when the current focused app is not responding and the current focused * window is not beloged to the current focused app. * @hide */ public Transaction removeCurrentInputFocus(int displayId) { nativeRemoveCurrentInputFocus(mNativeObject, displayId); return this; } /** * Adds or removes the flag SKIP_SCREENSHOT of the surface. Setting the flag is equivalent * to creating the Surface with the {@link #SKIP_SCREENSHOT} flag. * * @hide */ public Transaction setSkipScreenshot(SurfaceControl sc, boolean skipScrenshot) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (skipScrenshot) { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, SKIP_SCREENSHOT, SKIP_SCREENSHOT); } else { nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, SKIP_SCREENSHOT); } return this; } /** * Set a buffer for a SurfaceControl. This can only be used for SurfaceControls that were * created as type {@link #FX_SURFACE_BLAST} * * @hide * @deprecated Use {@link #setBuffer(SurfaceControl, HardwareBuffer)} instead */ @Deprecated public Transaction setBuffer(SurfaceControl sc, GraphicBuffer buffer) { return setBuffer(sc, HardwareBuffer.createFromGraphicBuffer(buffer)); } /** * Updates the HardwareBuffer displayed for the SurfaceControl. * * Note that the buffer must be allocated with {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_COMPOSER_OVERLAY} * as well as {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE} as the surface control might * be composited using either an overlay or using the GPU. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param buffer The buffer to be displayed * @return this */ public @NonNull Transaction setBuffer(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable HardwareBuffer buffer) { return setBuffer(sc, buffer, null); } /** * Unsets the buffer for the SurfaceControl in the current Transaction. This will not clear * the buffer being rendered, but resets the buffer state in the Transaction only. The call * will also invoke the release callback. * * Note, this call is different from passing a null buffer to * {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#setBuffer} which will release the last displayed * buffer. * * @hide */ public Transaction unsetBuffer(SurfaceControl sc) { nativeUnsetBuffer(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject); return this; } /** * Updates the HardwareBuffer displayed for the SurfaceControl. * * Note that the buffer must be allocated with {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_COMPOSER_OVERLAY} * as well as {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE} as the surface control might * be composited using either an overlay or using the GPU. * * A presentation fence may be passed to improve performance by allowing the buffer * to complete rendering while it is waiting for the transaction to be applied. * For example, if the buffer is being produced by rendering with OpenGL ES then * a fence created with * {@link android.opengl.EGLExt#eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID(EGLDisplay, EGLSync)} can be * used to allow the GPU rendering to be concurrent with the transaction. The compositor * will wait for the fence to be signaled before the buffer is displayed. If multiple * buffers are set as part of the same transaction, the presentation fences of all of them * must signal before any buffer is displayed. That is, the entire transaction is delayed * until all presentation fences have signaled, ensuring the transaction remains consistent. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param buffer The buffer to be displayed. Pass in a null buffer to release the last * displayed buffer. * @param fence The presentation fence. If null or invalid, this is equivalent to * {@link #setBuffer(SurfaceControl, HardwareBuffer)} * @return this */ public @NonNull Transaction setBuffer(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable HardwareBuffer buffer, @Nullable SyncFence fence) { return setBuffer(sc, buffer, fence, null); } /** * Updates the HardwareBuffer displayed for the SurfaceControl. * * Note that the buffer must be allocated with {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_COMPOSER_OVERLAY} * as well as {@link HardwareBuffer#USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE} as the surface control might * be composited using either an overlay or using the GPU. * * A presentation fence may be passed to improve performance by allowing the buffer * to complete rendering while it is waiting for the transaction to be applied. * For example, if the buffer is being produced by rendering with OpenGL ES then * a fence created with * {@link android.opengl.EGLExt#eglDupNativeFenceFDANDROID(EGLDisplay, EGLSync)} can be * used to allow the GPU rendering to be concurrent with the transaction. The compositor * will wait for the fence to be signaled before the buffer is displayed. If multiple * buffers are set as part of the same transaction, the presentation fences of all of them * must signal before any buffer is displayed. That is, the entire transaction is delayed * until all presentation fences have signaled, ensuring the transaction remains consistent. * * A releaseCallback may be passed to know when the buffer is safe to be reused. This * is recommended when attempting to render continuously using SurfaceControl transactions * instead of through {@link Surface}, as it provides a safe & reliable way to know when * a buffer can be re-used. The callback will be invoked with a {@link SyncFence} which, * if {@link SyncFence#isValid() valid}, must be waited on prior to using the buffer. This * can either be done directly with {@link SyncFence#awaitForever()} or it may be done * indirectly such as passing it as a release fence to * {@link android.media.Image#setFence(SyncFence)} when using * {@link android.media.ImageReader}. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param buffer The buffer to be displayed * @param fence The presentation fence. If null or invalid, this is equivalent to * {@link #setBuffer(SurfaceControl, HardwareBuffer)} * @param releaseCallback The callback to invoke when the buffer being set has been released * by a later transaction. That is, the point at which it is safe * to re-use the buffer. * @return this */ public @NonNull Transaction setBuffer(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable HardwareBuffer buffer, @Nullable SyncFence fence, @Nullable Consumer<SyncFence> releaseCallback) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (fence != null) { synchronized (fence.getLock()) { nativeSetBuffer(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, buffer, fence.getNativeFence(), releaseCallback); } } else { nativeSetBuffer(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, buffer, 0, releaseCallback); } return this; } /** * Sets the buffer transform that should be applied to the current buffer. * * This can be used in combination with * {@link AttachedSurfaceControl#addOnBufferTransformHintChangedListener(AttachedSurfaceControl.OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener)} * to pre-rotate the buffer for the current display orientation. This can * improve the performance of displaying the associated buffer. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param transform The transform to apply to the buffer. * @return this */ public @NonNull Transaction setBufferTransform(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int transform) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetBufferTransform(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, transform); return this; } /** * Updates the region for the content on this surface updated in this transaction. The * damage region is the area of the buffer that has changed since the previously * sent buffer. This can be used to reduce the amount of recomposition that needs * to happen when only a small region of the buffer is being updated, such as for * a small blinking cursor or a loading indicator. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl on which to set the damage region * @param region The region to set. If null, the entire buffer is assumed dirty. This is * equivalent to not setting a damage region at all. */ public @NonNull Transaction setDamageRegion(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @Nullable Region region) { nativeSetDamageRegion(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, region); return this; } /** * Set if the layer can be dimmed. * * <p>Dimming is to adjust brightness of the layer. * Default value is {@code true}, which means the layer can be dimmed. * Disabling dimming means the brightness of the layer can not be changed, i.e., * keep the white point for the layer same as the display brightness.</p> * * @param sc The SurfaceControl on which to enable or disable dimming. * @param dimmingEnabled The dimming flag. * @return this. * * @hide */ public @NonNull Transaction setDimmingEnabled(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, boolean dimmingEnabled) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDimmingEnabled(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, dimmingEnabled); return this; } /** * Set the color space for the SurfaceControl. The supported color spaces are SRGB * and Display P3, other color spaces will be treated as SRGB. This can only be used for * SurfaceControls that were created as type {@link #FX_SURFACE_BLAST} * * @hide * @deprecated use {@link #setDataSpace(SurfaceControl, long)} instead */ @Deprecated public Transaction setColorSpace(SurfaceControl sc, ColorSpace colorSpace) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (colorSpace.getId() == ColorSpace.Named.DISPLAY_P3.ordinal()) { setDataSpace(sc, DataSpace.DATASPACE_DISPLAY_P3); } else { setDataSpace(sc, DataSpace.DATASPACE_SRGB); } return this; } /** * Set the dataspace for the SurfaceControl. This will control how the buffer * set with {@link #setBuffer(SurfaceControl, HardwareBuffer)} is displayed. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param dataspace The dataspace to set it to * @return this */ public @NonNull Transaction setDataSpace(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @DataSpace.NamedDataSpace int dataspace) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDataSpace(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, dataspace); return this; } /** * Sets the desired extended range brightness for the layer. This only applies for layers * whose dataspace has RANGE_EXTENDED. * * @param sc The layer whose extended range brightness is being specified * @param currentBufferRatio The current HDR/SDR ratio of the current buffer. For example * if the buffer was rendered with a target SDR whitepoint of * 100 nits and a max display brightness of 200 nits, this should * be set to 2.0f. * * <p>Default value is 1.0f. * * <p>Transfer functions that encode their own brightness ranges, * such as HLG or PQ, should also set this to 1.0f and instead * communicate extended content brightness information via * metadata such as CTA861_3 or SMPTE2086. * * <p>Must be finite && >= 1.0f * * @param desiredRatio The desired HDR/SDR ratio. This can be used to communicate the max * desired brightness range. This is similar to the "max luminance" * value in other HDR metadata formats, but represented as a ratio of * the target SDR whitepoint to the max display brightness. The system * may not be able to, or may choose not to, deliver the * requested range. * * <p>While requesting a large desired ratio will result in the most * dynamic range, voluntarily reducing the requested range can help * improve battery life as well as can improve quality by ensuring * greater bit depth is allocated to the luminance range in use. * * <p>Default value is 1.0f and indicates that extended range brightness * is not being used, so the resulting SDR or HDR behavior will be * determined entirely by the dataspace being used (ie, typically SDR * however PQ or HLG transfer functions will still result in HDR) * * <p>Must be finite && >= 1.0f * @return this **/ public @NonNull Transaction setExtendedRangeBrightness(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, float currentBufferRatio, float desiredRatio) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (!Float.isFinite(currentBufferRatio) || currentBufferRatio < 1.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "currentBufferRatio must be finite && >= 1.0f; got " + currentBufferRatio); } if (!Float.isFinite(desiredRatio) || desiredRatio < 1.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "desiredRatio must be finite && >= 1.0f; got " + desiredRatio); } nativeSetExtendedRangeBrightness(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, currentBufferRatio, desiredRatio); return this; } /** * Sets the desired HDR headroom for the layer. * * <p>Prefer using this API over {@link #setExtendedRangeBrightness} for formats that *. conform to HDR video standards like HLG or HDR10 which do not communicate a HDR/SDR * ratio as part of generating the buffer. * * @param sc The layer whose desired HDR headroom is being specified * * @param desiredRatio The desired HDR/SDR ratio. This can be used to communicate the max * desired brightness range. This is similar to the "max luminance" * value in other HDR metadata formats, but represented as a ratio of * the target SDR whitepoint to the max display brightness. The system * may not be able to, or may choose not to, deliver the * requested range. * * <p>Default value is 0.0f and indicates that the system will choose * the best headroom for this surface control's content. Typically, * this means that HLG/PQ encoded content will be displayed with some * HDR headroom greater than 1.0. * * <p>When called after {@link #setExtendedRangeBrightness}, the * desiredHeadroom will override the desiredRatio provided by * {@link #setExtendedRangeBrightness}. Conversely, when called * before {@link #setExtendedRangeBrightness}, the desiredRatio provided * by {@link #setExtendedRangeBrightness} will override the * desiredHeadroom. * * <p>Must be finite && >= 1.0f or 0.0f. * @return this * @see #setExtendedRangeBrightness **/ @FlaggedApi(com.android.graphics.hwui.flags.Flags.FLAG_LIMITED_HDR) public @NonNull Transaction setDesiredHdrHeadroom(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @FloatRange(from = 0.0f) float desiredRatio) { checkPreconditions(sc); if (!Float.isFinite(desiredRatio) || (desiredRatio != 0 && desiredRatio < 1.0f)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "desiredRatio must be finite && >= 1.0f or 0; got " + desiredRatio); } nativeSetDesiredHdrHeadroom(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, desiredRatio); return this; } /** * Sets the caching hint for the layer. By default, the caching hint is * {@link CACHING_ENABLED}. * * @param sc The SurfaceControl to update * @param cachingHint The caching hint to apply to the SurfaceControl. The CachingHint is * not applied to any children of this SurfaceControl. * @return this * @hide */ public @NonNull Transaction setCachingHint( @NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @CachingHint int cachingHint) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetCachingHint(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, cachingHint); return this; } /** * @see Transaction#setTrustedOverlay(SurfaceControl, int) * @hide */ public Transaction setTrustedOverlay(SurfaceControl sc, boolean isTrustedOverlay) { return setTrustedOverlay(sc, isTrustedOverlay ? TrustedOverlay.ENABLED : TrustedOverlay.UNSET); } /** * Trusted overlay state prevents SurfaceControl from being considered as obscuring for * input occlusion detection purposes. The caller must hold the * ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. See {@code TrustedOverlay}. * <p> * Arguments: * {@code TrustedOverlay.UNSET} - The default value, SurfaceControl will inherit the state * from its parents. If the parent state is also {@code TrustedOverlay.UNSET}, the layer * will be considered as untrusted. * <p> * {@code TrustedOverlay.DISABLED} - Treats this SurfaceControl and all its children as an * untrusted overlay. This will override any state set by its parent SurfaceControl. * <p> * {@code TrustedOverlay.ENABLED} - Treats this SurfaceControl and all its children as a * trusted overlay unless the child SurfaceControl explicitly disables its trusted state * via {@code TrustedOverlay.DISABLED}. * <p> * @hide */ public Transaction setTrustedOverlay(SurfaceControl sc, @TrustedOverlay int trustedOverlay) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetTrustedOverlay(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, trustedOverlay); return this; } /** * Sets the input event drop mode on this SurfaceControl and its children. The caller must * hold the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. See {@code InputEventDropMode}. * @hide */ public Transaction setDropInputMode(SurfaceControl sc, @DropInputMode int mode) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDropInputMode(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, mode); return this; } /** * Sets a property on this SurfaceControl and all its children indicating that the visible * region of this SurfaceControl should be considered when computing TrustedPresentation * Thresholds. * <p> * API Guidance: * The goal of this API is to identify windows that can be used to occlude content on * another window. This includes windows controlled by the user or the system. If the window * is transient, like Toast or notification shade, the window should not set this flag since * the user or the app cannot use the window to occlude content in a persistent manner. All * apps should have this flag set. * <p> * The caller must hold the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. * @hide */ public Transaction setCanOccludePresentation(SurfaceControl sc, boolean canOccludePresentation) { checkPreconditions(sc); final int value = (canOccludePresentation) ? CAN_OCCLUDE_PRESENTATION : 0; nativeSetFlags(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, value, CAN_OCCLUDE_PRESENTATION); return this; } /** * Sends a flush jank data transaction for the given surface. * @hide */ public static void sendSurfaceFlushJankData(SurfaceControl sc) { sc.checkNotReleased(); nativeSurfaceFlushJankData(sc.mNativeObject); } /** * @hide */ public void sanitize(int pid, int uid) { nativeSanitize(mNativeObject, pid, uid); } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDesintationFrame(SurfaceControl sc, @NonNull Rect destinationFrame) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDestinationFrame(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, destinationFrame.left, destinationFrame.top, destinationFrame.right, destinationFrame.bottom); return this; } /** * @hide */ public Transaction setDesintationFrame(SurfaceControl sc, int width, int height) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeSetDestinationFrame(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, 0, 0, width, height); return this; } /** * Merge the other transaction into this transaction, clearing the * other transaction as if it had been applied. * * @param other The transaction to merge in to this one. * @return This transaction. */ @NonNull public Transaction merge(@NonNull Transaction other) { if (this == other) { return this; } mResizedSurfaces.putAll(other.mResizedSurfaces); other.mResizedSurfaces.clear(); mReparentedSurfaces.putAll(other.mReparentedSurfaces); other.mReparentedSurfaces.clear(); nativeMergeTransaction(mNativeObject, other.mNativeObject); return this; } /** * Equivalent to reparent with a null parent, in that it removes * the SurfaceControl from the scene, but it also releases * the local resources (by calling {@link SurfaceControl#release}) * after this method returns, {@link SurfaceControl#isValid} will return * false for the argument. * * @param sc The surface to remove and release. * @return This transaction * @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction remove(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc) { reparent(sc, null); sc.release(); return this; } /** * Sets the frame timeline to use in SurfaceFlinger. * * A frame timeline should be chosen based on the frame deadline the application * can meet when rendering the frame and the application's desired presentation time. * By setting a frame timeline, SurfaceFlinger tries to present the frame at the * corresponding expected presentation time. * * To receive frame timelines, a callback must be posted to Choreographer using * {@link Choreographer#postVsyncCallback} The vsyncId can then be extracted from the * {@link Choreographer.FrameTimeline#getVsyncId}. * * @param vsyncId The vsync ID received from Choreographer, setting the frame's * presentation target to the corresponding expected presentation time * and deadline from the frame to be rendered. A stale or invalid value * will be ignored. * */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) @NonNull public Transaction setFrameTimeline(long vsyncId) { if (!Flags.sdkDesiredPresentTime()) { Log.w(TAG, "addTransactionCompletedListener was called but flag is disabled"); return this; } nativeSetFrameTimelineVsync(mNativeObject, vsyncId); return this; } /** @hide */ @NonNull public Transaction setFrameTimelineVsync(long frameTimelineVsyncId) { nativeSetFrameTimelineVsync(mNativeObject, frameTimelineVsyncId); return this; } /** * Request to add a {@link TransactionCommittedListener}. * * The callback is invoked when transaction is applied and the updates are ready to be * presented. This callback does not mean buffers have been released! It simply means that * any new transactions applied will not overwrite the transaction for which we are * receiving a callback and instead will be included in the next frame. If you are trying * to avoid dropping frames (overwriting transactions), and unable to use timestamps (Which * provide a more efficient solution), then this method provides a method to pace your * transaction application. * The listener is invoked once the transaction is applied, and never again. Multiple * listeners can be added to the same transaction, however the order the listeners will * be called is not guaranteed. * * @param executor The executor that the callback should be invoked on. * @param listener The callback that will be invoked when the transaction has been * committed. */ @NonNull public Transaction addTransactionCommittedListener( @NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor, @NonNull TransactionCommittedListener listener) { TransactionCommittedListener listenerInner = () -> executor.execute(listener::onTransactionCommitted); nativeAddTransactionCommittedListener(mNativeObject, listenerInner); return this; } /** * Request to add a TransactionCompletedListener. * * The listener is invoked when transaction is presented, and never again. Multiple * listeners can be added to the same transaction, however the order the listeners will * be called is not guaranteed. * * @param executor The executor that the callback should be invoked on. * @param listener The callback that will be invoked when the transaction has been * completed. */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) @NonNull public Transaction addTransactionCompletedListener( @NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor, @NonNull Consumer<TransactionStats> listener) { if (!Flags.sdkDesiredPresentTime()) { Log.w(TAG, "addTransactionCompletedListener was called but flag is disabled"); return this; } Consumer<TransactionStats> listenerInner = stats -> executor.execute( () -> listener.andThen(TransactionStats::close).accept(stats)); nativeAddTransactionCompletedListener(mNativeObject, listenerInner); return this; } /** * Sets a callback to receive feedback about the presentation of a {@link SurfaceControl}. * When the {@link SurfaceControl} is presented according to the passed in * {@link TrustedPresentationThresholds}, it is said to "enter the state", and receives the * callback with {@code true}. When the conditions fall out of thresholds, it is then * said to leave the state. * <p> * There are a few simple thresholds: * <ul> * <li>minAlpha: Lower bound on computed alpha</li> * <li>minFractionRendered: Lower bounds on fraction of pixels that were rendered</li> * <li>stabilityThresholdMs: A time that alpha and fraction rendered must remain within * bounds before we can "enter the state" </li> * </ul> * <p> * The fraction of pixels rendered is a computation based on scale, crop * and occlusion. The calculation may be somewhat counterintuitive, so we * can work through an example. Imagine we have a SurfaceControl with a 100x100 buffer * which is occluded by (10x100) pixels on the left, and cropped by (100x10) pixels * on the top. Furthermore imagine this SurfaceControl is scaled by 0.9 in both dimensions. * (c=crop,o=occluded,b=both,x=none) * * <blockquote> * <table> * <caption></caption> * <tr><td>b</td><td>c</td><td>c</td><td>c</td></tr> * <tr><td>o</td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td></tr> * <tr><td>o</td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td></tr> * <tr><td>o</td><td>x</td><td>x</td><td>x</td></tr> * </table> * </blockquote> * <p> * We first start by computing fr=xscale*yscale=0.9*0.9=0.81, indicating * that "81%" of the pixels were rendered. This corresponds to what was 100 * pixels being displayed in 81 pixels. This is somewhat of an abuse of * language, as the information of merged pixels isn't totally lost, but * we err on the conservative side. * <p> * We then repeat a similar process for the crop and covered regions and * accumulate the results: fr = fr * (fractionNotCropped) * (fractionNotCovered) * So for this example we would get 0.9*0.9*0.9*0.9=0.65... * <p> * Notice that this is not completely accurate, as we have double counted * the region marked as b. However we only wanted a "lower bound" and so it * is ok to err in this direction. Selection of the threshold will ultimately * be somewhat arbitrary, and so there are some somewhat arbitrary decisions in * this API as well. * <p> * * @param sc The {@link SurfaceControl} to set the callback on * @param thresholds The {@link TrustedPresentationThresholds} that will specify when the to * invoke the callback. * @param executor The {@link Executor} where the callback will be invoked on. * @param listener The {@link Consumer} that will receive the callbacks when entered or * exited the threshold. * @return This transaction * @see TrustedPresentationThresholds * @deprecated Use * {@link WindowManager#registerTrustedPresentationListener(IBinder, * android.window.TrustedPresentationThresholds, Executor, Consumer)} instead. */ @Deprecated @NonNull public Transaction setTrustedPresentationCallback(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc, @NonNull TrustedPresentationThresholds thresholds, @NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull Consumer<Boolean> listener) { checkPreconditions(sc); TrustedPresentationCallback tpc = new TrustedPresentationCallback() { @Override public void onTrustedPresentationChanged(boolean inTrustedPresentationState) { executor.execute( () -> listener.accept(inTrustedPresentationState)); } }; if (sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback != null) { sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback.mFreeNativeResources.run(); } nativeSetTrustedPresentationCallback(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, tpc.mNativeObject, thresholds); sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback = tpc; return this; } /** * Clears the callback for a specific {@link SurfaceControl} * * @param sc The SurfaceControl that the callback should be cleared from * @return This transaction * @deprecated Use {@link WindowManager#unregisterTrustedPresentationListener(Consumer)} * instead. */ @Deprecated @NonNull public Transaction clearTrustedPresentationCallback(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc) { checkPreconditions(sc); nativeClearTrustedPresentationCallback(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject); if (sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback != null) { sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback.mFreeNativeResources.run(); sc.mTrustedPresentationCallback = null; } return this; } /** * Specifies a desiredPresentTimeNanos for the transaction. The framework will try to * present the transaction at or after the time specified. * * Transactions will not be presented until all of their acquire fences have signaled even * if the app requests an earlier present time. * * If an earlier transaction has a desired present time of x, and a later transaction has * a desired present time that is before x, the later transaction will not preempt the * earlier transaction. * * @param desiredPresentTimeNanos The desired time (in CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for the transaction. * @return This transaction */ @FlaggedApi(Flags.FLAG_SDK_DESIRED_PRESENT_TIME) @NonNull public Transaction setDesiredPresentTimeNanos(long desiredPresentTimeNanos) { if (!Flags.sdkDesiredPresentTime()) { Log.w(TAG, "addTransactionCompletedListener was called but flag is disabled"); return this; } nativeSetDesiredPresentTimeNanos(mNativeObject, desiredPresentTimeNanos); return this; } /** * Writes the transaction to parcel, clearing the transaction as if it had been applied so * it can be used to store future transactions. It's the responsibility of the parcel * reader to apply the original transaction. * * @param dest parcel to write the transaction to * @param flags */ @Override public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, @WriteFlags int flags) { if (mNativeObject == 0) { dest.writeInt(0); return; } dest.writeInt(1); nativeWriteTransactionToParcel(mNativeObject, dest); if ((flags & Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE) != 0) { nativeClearTransaction(mNativeObject); } } private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { mNativeObject = 0; if (in.readInt() != 0) { mNativeObject = nativeReadTransactionFromParcel(in); mFreeNativeResources = sRegistry.registerNativeAllocation(this, mNativeObject); } } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } public static final @NonNull Creator<Transaction> CREATOR = new Creator<Transaction>() { @Override public Transaction createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new Transaction(in); } @Override public Transaction[] newArray(int size) { return new Transaction[size]; } }; } /** * A debugging utility subclass of SurfaceControl.Transaction. At construction * you can pass in a monitor object, and all the other methods will throw an exception * if the monitor is not held when they are called. * @hide */ public static class LockDebuggingTransaction extends SurfaceControl.Transaction { Object mMonitor; public LockDebuggingTransaction(Object o) { mMonitor = o; } @Override protected void checkPreconditions(SurfaceControl sc) { super.checkPreconditions(sc); if (!Thread.holdsLock(mMonitor)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unlocked access to synchronized SurfaceControl.Transaction"); } } } /** * @hide */ public void resize(int w, int h) { mWidth = w; mHeight = h; nativeUpdateDefaultBufferSize(mNativeObject, w, h); } /** * @hide */ public @SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int getTransformHint() { checkNotReleased(); return nativeGetTransformHint(mNativeObject); } /** * Update the transform hint of current SurfaceControl. Only affect if type is * {@link #FX_SURFACE_BLAST} * * The transform hint is used to prevent allocating a buffer of different size when a * layer is rotated. The producer can choose to consume the hint and allocate the buffer * with the same size. * @hide */ public void setTransformHint(@SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int transformHint) { nativeSetTransformHint(mNativeObject, transformHint); } /** * @hide */ public int getLayerId() { if (mNativeObject != 0) { return nativeGetLayerId(mNativeObject); } return -1; } // Called by native private static void invokeReleaseCallback(Consumer<SyncFence> callback, long nativeFencePtr) { SyncFence fence = new SyncFence(nativeFencePtr); callback.accept(fence); } /** * @hide */ public static StalledTransactionInfo getStalledTransactionInfo(int pid) { return nativeGetStalledTransactionInfo(pid); } /** * Notify the SurfaceFlinger to capture transaction traces when shutdown. * @hide */ public static void notifyShutdown() { nativeNotifyShutdown(); } }