/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "dumpstate" #include "DumpPool.h" #include #include #include #include "dumpstate.h" #include "DumpstateInternal.h" #include "DumpstateUtil.h" namespace android { namespace os { namespace dumpstate { const std::string DumpPool::PREFIX_TMPFILE_NAME = "dump-tmp."; void WaitForTask(std::future future, const std::string& title, int out_fd) { DurationReporter duration_reporter("Wait for " + title, true); std::string result = future.get(); if (result.empty()) { return; } DumpFileToFd(out_fd, title, result); if (unlink(result.c_str())) { MYLOGE("Failed to unlink (%s): %s\n", result.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } DumpPool::DumpPool(const std::string& tmp_root) : tmp_root_(tmp_root), shutdown_(false), log_duration_(true) { assert(!tmp_root.empty()); deleteTempFiles(tmp_root_); } DumpPool::~DumpPool() { std::unique_lock lock(lock_); if (shutdown_ || threads_.empty()) { return; } while (!tasks_.empty()) tasks_.pop(); shutdown_ = true; condition_variable_.notify_all(); lock.unlock(); for (auto& thread : threads_) { thread.join(); } threads_.clear(); deleteTempFiles(tmp_root_); MYLOGI("shutdown thread pool\n"); } void DumpPool::start(int thread_counts) { assert(thread_counts > 0); assert(threads_.empty()); if (thread_counts > MAX_THREAD_COUNT) { thread_counts = MAX_THREAD_COUNT; } MYLOGI("Start thread pool:%d\n", thread_counts); shutdown_ = false; for (int i = 0; i < thread_counts; i++) { threads_.emplace_back(std::thread([=]() { setThreadName(pthread_self(), i + 1); loop(); })); } } void DumpPool::deleteTempFiles() { deleteTempFiles(tmp_root_); } void DumpPool::setLogDuration(bool log_duration) { log_duration_ = log_duration; } template <> void DumpPool::invokeTask>(std::function dump_func, const std::string& duration_title, int out_fd) { DurationReporter duration_reporter(duration_title, /*logcat_only =*/!log_duration_, /*verbose =*/false, out_fd); std::invoke(dump_func); } template <> void DumpPool::invokeTask>(std::function dump_func, const std::string& duration_title, int out_fd) { DurationReporter duration_reporter(duration_title, /*logcat_only =*/!log_duration_, /*verbose =*/false, out_fd); std::invoke(dump_func, out_fd); } std::unique_ptr DumpPool::createTempFile() { auto tmp_file_ptr = std::make_unique(); std::string file_name_format = "%s/" + PREFIX_TMPFILE_NAME + "XXXXXX"; snprintf(tmp_file_ptr->path, sizeof(tmp_file_ptr->path), file_name_format.c_str(), tmp_root_.c_str()); tmp_file_ptr->fd.reset(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( mkostemp(tmp_file_ptr->path, O_CLOEXEC))); if (tmp_file_ptr->fd.get() == -1) { MYLOGE("open(%s, %s)\n", tmp_file_ptr->path, strerror(errno)); tmp_file_ptr = nullptr; return tmp_file_ptr; } return tmp_file_ptr; } void DumpPool::deleteTempFiles(const std::string& folder) { std::unique_ptr dir_ptr(opendir(folder.c_str()), &closedir); if (!dir_ptr) { MYLOGE("Failed to opendir (%s): %s\n", folder.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } int dir_fd = dirfd(dir_ptr.get()); if (dir_fd < 0) { MYLOGE("Failed to get fd of dir (%s): %s\n", folder.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } struct dirent* de; while ((de = readdir(dir_ptr.get()))) { if (de->d_type != DT_REG) { continue; } std::string file_name(de->d_name); if (file_name.find(PREFIX_TMPFILE_NAME) != 0) { continue; } if (unlinkat(dir_fd, file_name.c_str(), 0)) { MYLOGE("Failed to unlink (%s): %s\n", file_name.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } } void DumpPool::setThreadName(const pthread_t thread, int id) { std::array name; snprintf(name.data(), name.size(), "dumpstate_%d", id); pthread_setname_np(thread, name.data()); } void DumpPool::loop() { std::unique_lock lock(lock_); while (!shutdown_) { if (tasks_.empty()) { condition_variable_.wait(lock); continue; } else { std::packaged_task task = std::move(tasks_.front()); tasks_.pop(); lock.unlock(); std::invoke(task); lock.lock(); } } } } // namespace dumpstate } // namespace os } // namespace android