/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ syntax = "proto2"; package android.os.statsd; option optimize_for = CODE_SIZE; option java_package = "com.android.os"; option java_outer_classname = "AtomsProto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/attribution_node.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/adpf/adpf_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/agif/agif_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/corenetworking/connectivity/connectivity_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/display/display_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/dnd/dnd_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/gps/gps_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/hardware/biometrics/biometrics_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/hotword/hotword_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/input/input_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/kernel/kernel_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/locale/locale_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/location/location_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/media/media_drm_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/wearsysui/wearsysui_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/providers/mediaprovider/media_provider_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/sysui/sysui_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/usb/usb_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/view/inputmethod/inputmethod_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atom_field_options.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/adservices/fledge/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/adservices/measurement/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/anr/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/app_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/job/job_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/remoteprovisioner_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/settings_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/wearservices/wearservices_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/tvsettings_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/wearsettings_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/autofill/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/a2dp/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/hci/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/hfp/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/leaudio/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/bluetooth/smp/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/contexthub/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/debug/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/display/display_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/hardware/biometrics/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/jank/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/media/audio/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/media/midi/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/media/outputswitcher/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/media/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/mms/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/nearby/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/net/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/neuralnetworks/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/nfc/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/os/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/connectivity/data_stall_event.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/display/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/job/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/location/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/service/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/service/procstats_enum.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/connectivity/connectivity_service.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/connectivity/network_stack.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/connectivity/tethering.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/dnsresolver/dns_resolver.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/devicepolicy/device_policy.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/devicepolicy/device_policy_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/docsui/docsui_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/hdmi/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/intelligence/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/location/location_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/mediametrics/mediametrics.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/mediaprovider/mediaprovider_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/mobiledatadownload/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/privacysignals/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/safetycenter/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/storage/storage_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/style/style_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/sysui/notification_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/tls/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/tv/tif_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/wm/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/system/security/keystore2/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telecomm/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telephony/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/transparency/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/uwb/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/view/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/wifi/enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/textclassifier/textclassifier_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/otaupdate/updateengine_enums.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/message/mediametrics_message.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/devicelogs/device_logs_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/wearservices/wearservices_atoms.proto"; import "frameworks/proto_logging/stats/atoms/wear/media/wear_media_atoms.proto"; /** * The primary atom class. This message defines all of the available * raw stats log events from the Android system, also known as "atoms." * * This field contains a single oneof with all of the available messages. * The stats-log-api-gen tool runs as part of the Android build and * generates the android.util.StatsLog class, which contains the constants * and methods that Android uses to log. * * This Atom class is not actually built into the Android system. * Instead, statsd on Android constructs these messages synthetically, * in the format defined here and in stats_log.proto. */ message Atom { // Pushed atoms start at 2. oneof pushed { // For StatsLog reasons, 1 is illegal and will not work. Must start at 2. BleScanStateChanged ble_scan_state_changed = 2 [(module) = "bluetooth", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ProcessStateChanged process_state_changed = 3 [(module) = "framework", deprecated = true]; BleScanResultReceived ble_scan_result_received = 4 [(module) = "bluetooth", (module) = "statsdtest"]; SensorStateChanged sensor_state_changed = 5 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; gps.GpsScanStateChanged gps_scan_state_changed = 6 [(module) = "framework"]; SyncStateChanged sync_state_changed = 7 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ScheduledJobStateChanged scheduled_job_state_changed = 8 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ScreenBrightnessChanged screen_brightness_changed = 9 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; WakelockStateChanged wakelock_state_changed = 10 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; LongPartialWakelockStateChanged long_partial_wakelock_state_changed = 11 [(module) = "framework"]; MobileRadioPowerStateChanged mobile_radio_power_state_changed = 12 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; WifiRadioPowerStateChanged wifi_radio_power_state_changed = 13 [(module) = "framework"]; ActivityManagerSleepStateChanged activity_manager_sleep_state_changed = 14 [(module) = "framework"]; MemoryFactorStateChanged memory_factor_state_changed = 15 [(module) = "framework"]; ExcessiveCpuUsageReported excessive_cpu_usage_reported = 16 [(module) = "framework"]; CachedKillReported cached_kill_reported = 17 [(module) = "framework", deprecated = true]; ProcessMemoryStatReported process_memory_stat_reported = 18 [(module) = "framework", deprecated = true]; sysui.LauncherUIChanged launcher_event = 19 [(module) = "sysui"]; BatterySaverModeStateChanged battery_saver_mode_state_changed = 20 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; DeviceIdleModeStateChanged device_idle_mode_state_changed = 21 [(module) = "framework"]; DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged device_idling_mode_state_changed = 22 [(module) = "framework"]; AudioStateChanged audio_state_changed = 23 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; MediaCodecStateChanged media_codec_state_changed = 24 [(module) = "framework"]; CameraStateChanged camera_state_changed = 25 [(module) = "framework"]; FlashlightStateChanged flashlight_state_changed = 26 [(module) = "framework"]; UidProcessStateChanged uid_process_state_changed = 27 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged process_life_cycle_state_changed = 28 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ScreenStateChanged screen_state_changed = 29 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; BatteryLevelChanged battery_level_changed = 30 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ChargingStateChanged charging_state_changed = 31 [(module) = "framework"]; PluggedStateChanged plugged_state_changed = 32 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; InteractiveStateChanged interactive_state_changed = 33 [(module) = "framework"]; input.TouchEventReported touch_event_reported = 34; WakeupAlarmOccurred wakeup_alarm_occurred = 35 [(module) = "framework"]; KernelWakeupReported kernel_wakeup_reported = 36 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiLockStateChanged wifi_lock_state_changed = 37 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiSignalStrengthChanged wifi_signal_strength_changed = 38 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiScanStateChanged wifi_scan_state_changed = 39 [(module) = "wifi"]; PhoneSignalStrengthChanged phone_signal_strength_changed = 40 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; SettingChanged setting_changed = 41 [(module) = "framework"]; ActivityForegroundStateChanged activity_foreground_state_changed = 42 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; IsolatedUidChanged isolated_uid_changed = 43 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd", (module) = "statsdtest"]; PacketWakeupOccurred packet_wakeup_occurred = 44 [(module) = "framework"]; WallClockTimeShifted wall_clock_time_shifted = 45 [(module) = "framework"]; AnomalyDetected anomaly_detected = 46 [(module) = "statsd"]; AppBreadcrumbReported app_breadcrumb_reported = 47 [(module) = "statsd", (module) = "statsdtest"]; AppStartOccurred app_start_occurred = 48 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; AppStartCanceled app_start_canceled = 49 [(module) = "framework"]; AppStartFullyDrawn app_start_fully_drawn = 50 [(module) = "framework"]; LmkKillOccurred lmk_kill_occurred = 51 [(module) = "framework"]; PictureInPictureStateChanged picture_in_picture_state_changed = 52 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiMulticastLockStateChanged wifi_multicast_lock_state_changed = 53 [(module) = "wifi"]; AppStartMemoryStateCaptured app_start_memory_state_captured = 55 [(module) = "framework"]; ShutdownSequenceReported shutdown_sequence_reported = 56 [(module) = "framework"]; BootSequenceReported boot_sequence_reported = 57; OverlayStateChanged overlay_state_changed = 59 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ForegroundServiceStateChanged foreground_service_state_changed = 60 [(module) = "framework"]; CallStateChanged call_state_changed = 61 [(module) = "telecom", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; sysui.KeyguardStateChanged keyguard_state_changed = 62 [(module) = "sysui"]; sysui.KeyguardBouncerStateChanged keyguard_bouncer_state_changed = 63 [(module) = "sysui"]; sysui.KeyguardBouncerPasswordEntered keyguard_bouncer_password_entered = 64 [(module) = "sysui"]; AppDied app_died = 65 [(module) = "framework"]; ResourceConfigurationChanged resource_configuration_changed = 66 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothEnabledStateChanged bluetooth_enabled_state_changed = 67 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_connection_state_changed = 68 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; GpsSignalQualityChanged gps_signal_quality_changed = 69 [(module) = "framework"]; UsbConnectorStateChanged usb_connector_state_changed = 70 [(module) = "framework"]; SpeakerImpedanceReported speaker_impedance_reported = 71; HardwareFailed hardware_failed = 72; PhysicalDropDetected physical_drop_detected = 73; ChargeCyclesReported charge_cycles_reported = 74; MobileConnectionStateChanged mobile_connection_state_changed = 75 [(module) = "telephony"]; MobileRadioTechnologyChanged mobile_radio_technology_changed = 76 [(module) = "telephony"]; UsbDeviceAttached usb_device_attached = 77 [(module) = "framework"]; AppCrashOccurred app_crash_occurred = 78 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ANROccurred anr_occurred = 79 [(module) = "framework"]; WTFOccurred wtf_occurred = 80 [(module) = "framework"]; LowMemReported low_mem_reported = 81 [(module) = "framework"]; GenericAtom generic_atom = 82; VibratorStateChanged vibrator_state_changed = 84 [(module) = "framework"]; DeferredJobStatsReported deferred_job_stats_reported = 85 [(module) = "framework"]; ThermalThrottlingStateChanged thermal_throttling = 86 [deprecated=true]; BiometricAcquired biometric_acquired = 87 [(module) = "framework"]; BiometricAuthenticated biometric_authenticated = 88 [(module) = "framework"]; BiometricErrorOccurred biometric_error_occurred = 89 [(module) = "framework"]; UiEventReported ui_event_reported = 90 [ (module) = "framework", (module) = "sysui", (module) = "mediaprovider" ]; BatteryHealthSnapshot battery_health_snapshot = 91; SlowIo slow_io = 92; BatteryCausedShutdown battery_caused_shutdown = 93; PhoneServiceStateChanged phone_service_state_changed = 94 [(module) = "framework"]; PhoneStateChanged phone_state_changed = 95 [(module) = "framework"]; UserRestrictionChanged user_restriction_changed = 96; SettingsUIChanged settings_ui_changed = 97 [(module) = "settings"]; ConnectivityStateChanged connectivity_state_changed = 98 [(module) = "framework"]; // TODO: service state change is very noisy shortly after boot, as well // as at other transitions - coming out of doze, device plugged in, etc. // Consider removing this if it becomes a problem ServiceStateChanged service_state_changed = 99 [(module) = "framework"]; ServiceLaunchReported service_launch_reported = 100 [(module) = "framework"]; FlagFlipUpdateOccurred flag_flip_update_occurred = 101 [(module) = "framework"]; BinaryPushStateChanged binary_push_state_changed = 102 [(module) = "statsd"]; DevicePolicyEvent device_policy_event = 103 [(module) = "framework"]; DocsUIFileOperationCanceledReported docs_ui_file_op_canceled = 104 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIFileOperationCopyMoveModeReported docs_ui_file_op_copy_move_mode_reported = 105 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIFileOperationFailureReported docs_ui_file_op_failure = 106 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIFileOperationReported docs_ui_provider_file_op = 107 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIInvalidScopedAccessRequestReported docs_ui_invalid_scoped_access_request = 108 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUILaunchReported docs_ui_launch_reported = 109 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIRootVisitedReported docs_ui_root_visited = 110 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIStartupMsReported docs_ui_startup_ms = 111 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIUserActionReported docs_ui_user_action_reported = 112 [(module) = "docsui"]; WifiEnabledStateChanged wifi_enabled_state_changed = 113 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiRunningStateChanged wifi_running_state_changed = 114 [(module) = "framework", deprecated = true]; AppCompacted app_compacted = 115 [(module) = "framework", deprecated = true]; NetworkDnsEventReported network_dns_event_reported = 116 [(module) = "resolv"]; DocsUIPickerLaunchedFromReported docs_ui_picker_launched_from_reported = 117 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUIPickResultReported docs_ui_pick_result_reported = 118 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUISearchModeReported docs_ui_search_mode_reported = 119 [(module) = "docsui"]; DocsUISearchTypeReported docs_ui_search_type_reported = 120 [(module) = "docsui"]; DataStallEvent data_stall_event = 121 [(module) = "network_stack"]; RescuePartyResetReported rescue_party_reset_reported = 122 [(module) = "crashrecovery", (module) = "framework"]; SignedConfigReported signed_config_reported = 123 [(module) = "framework"]; GnssNiEventReported gnss_ni_event_reported = 124 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothLinkLayerConnectionEvent bluetooth_link_layer_connection_event = 125 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothAclConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_acl_connection_state_changed = 126 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothScoConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_sco_connection_state_changed = 127 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; AppDowngraded app_downgraded = 128 [(module) = "framework"]; AppOptimizedAfterDowngraded app_optimized_after_downgraded = 129; LowStorageStateChanged low_storage_state_changed = 130 [(module) = "framework"]; GnssNfwNotificationReported gnss_nfw_notification_reported = 131 [(module) = "framework"]; GnssConfigurationReported gnss_configuration_reported = 132 [(module) = "framework"]; UsbPortOverheatEvent usb_port_overheat_event_reported = 133; NfcErrorOccurred nfc_error_occurred = 134 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcStateChanged nfc_state_changed = 135 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcBeamOccurred nfc_beam_occurred = 136 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcCardemulationOccurred nfc_cardemulation_occurred = 137 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcTagOccurred nfc_tag_occurred = 138 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcHceTransactionOccurred nfc_hce_transaction_occurred = 139 [(module) = "nfc"]; SeStateChanged se_state_changed = 140 [(module) = "secure_element"]; SeOmapiReported se_omapi_reported = 141 [(module) = "secure_element"]; BroadcastDispatchLatencyReported broadcast_dispatch_latency_reported = 142 [(module) = "framework"]; AttentionManagerServiceResultReported attention_manager_service_result_reported = 143 [(module) = "framework"]; AdbConnectionChanged adb_connection_changed = 144 [(module) = "framework"]; SpeechDspStatReported speech_dsp_stat_reported = 145; UsbContaminantReported usb_contaminant_reported = 146 [(module) = "framework"]; WatchdogRollbackOccurred watchdog_rollback_occurred = 147 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "crashrecovery", (module) = "statsd"]; BiometricSystemHealthIssueDetected biometric_system_health_issue_detected = 148 [(module) = "framework"]; BubbleUIChanged bubble_ui_changed = 149 [(module) = "framework"]; ScheduledJobConstraintChanged scheduled_job_constraint_changed = 150 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothActiveDeviceChanged bluetooth_active_device_changed = 151 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothA2dpPlaybackStateChanged bluetooth_a2dp_playback_state_changed = 152 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothA2dpCodecConfigChanged bluetooth_a2dp_codec_config_changed = 153 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothA2dpCodecCapabilityChanged bluetooth_a2dp_codec_capability_changed = 154 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothA2dpAudioUnderrunReported bluetooth_a2dp_audio_underrun_reported = 155 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothA2dpAudioOverrunReported bluetooth_a2dp_audio_overrun_reported = 156 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothDeviceRssiReported bluetooth_device_rssi_reported = 157 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothDeviceFailedContactCounterReported bluetooth_device_failed_contact_counter_reported = 158 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothDeviceTxPowerLevelReported bluetooth_device_tx_power_level_reported = 159 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothHciTimeoutReported bluetooth_hci_timeout_reported = 160 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothQualityReportReported bluetooth_quality_report_reported = 161 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothDeviceInfoReported bluetooth_device_info_reported = 162 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothRemoteVersionInfoReported bluetooth_remote_version_info_reported = 163 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothSdpAttributeReported bluetooth_sdp_attribute_reported = 164 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothBondStateChanged bluetooth_bond_state_changed = 165 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothClassicPairingEventReported bluetooth_classic_pairing_event_reported = 166 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothSmpPairingEventReported bluetooth_smp_pairing_event_reported = 167 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; ScreenTimeoutExtensionReported screen_timeout_extension_reported = 168 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessStartTime process_start_time = 169 [(module) = "framework"]; PermissionGrantRequestResultReported permission_grant_request_result_reported = 170 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; BluetoothSocketConnectionStateChanged bluetooth_socket_connection_state_changed = 171 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; DeviceIdentifierAccessDenied device_identifier_access_denied = 172 [(module) = "telephony_common"]; BubbleDeveloperErrorReported bubble_developer_error_reported = 173 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.AssistGestureStageReported assist_gesture_stage_reported = 174 [(module) = "sysui"]; sysui.AssistGestureFeedbackReported assist_gesture_feedback_reported = 175 [(module) = "sysui"]; sysui.AssistGestureProgressReported assist_gesture_progress_reported = 176 [(module) = "sysui"]; input.TouchGestureClassified touch_gesture_classified = 177 [(module) = "framework"]; HiddenApiUsed hidden_api_used = 178 [(module) = "framework"]; StyleUIChanged style_ui_changed = 179 [(module) = "sysui", (module) = "wallpaper"]; PrivacyIndicatorsInteracted privacy_indicators_interacted = 180 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AppInstallOnExternalStorageReported app_install_on_external_storage_reported = 181 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkStackReported network_stack_reported = 182 [(module) = "network_stack"]; AppMovedStorageReported app_moved_storage_reported = 183 [(module) = "framework"]; BiometricEnrolled biometric_enrolled = 184 [(module) = "framework"]; SystemServerWatchdogOccurred system_server_watchdog_occurred = 185 [(module) = "framework"]; TombStoneOccurred tomb_stone_occurred = 186 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothClassOfDeviceReported bluetooth_class_of_device_reported = 187 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; IntelligenceEventReported intelligence_event_reported = 188 [(module) = "intelligence"]; ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged thermal_throttling_severity_state_changed = 189 [(module) = "framework"]; RoleRequestResultReported role_request_result_reported = 190 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; MediametricsAudiopolicyReported mediametrics_audiopolicy_reported = 191 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudiorecordReported mediametrics_audiorecord_reported = 192[(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudiothreadReported mediametrics_audiothread_reported = 193 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudiotrackReported mediametrics_audiotrack_reported = 194 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsCodecReported mediametrics_codec_reported = 195 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsDrmWidevineReported mediametrics_drm_widevine_reported = 196 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsExtractorReported mediametrics_extractor_reported = 197 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsMediadrmReported mediametrics_mediadrm_reported = 198 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsNuPlayerReported mediametrics_nuplayer_reported = 199 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsRecorderReported mediametrics_recorder_reported = 200 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsDrmManagerReported mediametrics_drmmanager_reported = 201 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; CarPowerStateChanged car_power_state_changed = 203 [(module) = "car"]; GarageModeInfo garage_mode_info = 204 [(module) = "car"]; TestAtomReported test_atom_reported = 205 [(module) = "cts", (module) = "statsdtest"]; ContentCaptureCallerMismatchReported content_capture_caller_mismatch_reported = 206 [(module) = "framework"]; ContentCaptureServiceEvents content_capture_service_events = 207 [(module) = "framework"]; ContentCaptureSessionEvents content_capture_session_events = 208 [(module) = "framework"]; ContentCaptureFlushed content_capture_flushed = 209 [(module) = "framework"]; LocationManagerApiUsageReported location_manager_api_usage_reported = 210 [(module) = "framework"]; ReviewPermissionsFragmentResultReported review_permissions_fragment_result_reported = 211 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; RuntimePermissionsUpgradeResult runtime_permissions_upgrade_result = 212 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; GrantPermissionsActivityButtonActions grant_permissions_activity_button_actions = 213 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; LocationAccessCheckNotificationAction location_access_check_notification_action = 214 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AppPermissionFragmentActionReported app_permission_fragment_action_reported = 215 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AppPermissionFragmentViewed app_permission_fragment_viewed = 216 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AppPermissionsFragmentViewed app_permissions_fragment_viewed = 217 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; PermissionAppsFragmentViewed permission_apps_fragment_viewed = 218 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; TextSelectionEvent text_selection_event = 219 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; TextLinkifyEvent text_linkify_event = 220 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; ConversationActionsEvent conversation_actions_event = 221 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; LanguageDetectionEvent language_detection_event = 222 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; ExclusionRectStateChanged exclusion_rect_state_changed = 223 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.BackGesture back_gesture_reported_reported = 224 [(module) = "sysui"]; UpdateEngineUpdateAttemptReported update_engine_update_attempt_reported = 225 [(module) = "update_engine"]; UpdateEngineSuccessfulUpdateReported update_engine_successful_update_reported = 226 [(module) = "update_engine"]; CameraActionEvent camera_action_event = 227 [(module) = "framework"]; AppCompatibilityChangeReported app_compatibility_change_reported = 228 [(module) = "framework"]; PerfettoUploaded perfetto_uploaded = 229 [(module) = "perfetto"]; VmsClientConnectionStateChanged vms_client_connection_state_changed = 230 [(module) = "car"]; MediaProviderScanOccurred media_provider_scan_occurred = 233 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; MediaContentDeleted media_content_deleted = 234 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; MediaProviderPermissionRequested media_provider_permission_requested = 235 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; MediaProviderSchemaChanged media_provider_schema_changed = 236 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; MediaProviderIdleMaintenanceFinished media_provider_idle_maintenance_finished = 237 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; RebootEscrowRecoveryReported reboot_escrow_recovery_reported = 238 [(module) = "framework"]; BootTimeEventDuration boot_time_event_duration_reported = 239 [(module) = "framework"]; BootTimeEventElapsedTime boot_time_event_elapsed_time_reported = 240 [(module) = "framework"]; BootTimeEventUtcTime boot_time_event_utc_time_reported = 241; BootTimeEventErrorCode boot_time_event_error_code_reported = 242 [(module) = "framework"]; UserspaceRebootReported userspace_reboot_reported = 243 [(module) = "framework"]; NotificationReported notification_reported = 244 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.NotificationPanelReported notification_panel_reported = 245 [(module) = "sysui"]; NotificationChannelModified notification_channel_modified = 246 [(module) = "framework"]; IntegrityCheckResultReported integrity_check_result_reported = 247 [(module) = "framework"]; IntegrityRulesPushed integrity_rules_pushed = 248 [(module) = "framework"]; CellBroadcastMessageReported cb_message_reported = 249 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; CellBroadcastMessageError cb_message_error = 250 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; WifiHealthStatReported wifi_health_stat_reported = 251 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiFailureStatReported wifi_failure_stat_reported = 252 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiConnectionResultReported wifi_connection_result_reported = 253 [(module) = "wifi"]; AppFreezeChanged app_freeze_changed = 254 [(module) = "framework"]; SnapshotMergeReported snapshot_merge_reported = 255 [(module) = "update_engine"]; ForegroundServiceAppOpSessionEnded foreground_service_app_op_session_ended = 256 [(module) = "framework"]; // DisplayJankReported was deprecated in Android 12+ DisplayJankReported display_jank_reported = 257 [deprecated = true]; AppStandbyBucketChanged app_standby_bucket_changed = 258 [(module) = "framework"]; SharesheetStarted sharesheet_started = 259 [(module) = "framework"]; RankingSelected ranking_selected = 260 [ (module) = "framework", (module) = "sysui", (module) = "mediaprovider" ]; TvSettingsUIInteracted tvsettings_ui_interacted = 261 [(module) = "tv_settings"]; sysui.LauncherStaticLayout launcher_snapshot = 262 [(module) = "sysui"]; PackageInstallerV2Reported package_installer_v2_reported = 263 [(module) = "framework"]; UserLifecycleJourneyReported user_lifecycle_journey_reported = 264 [(module) = "framework"]; UserLifecycleEventOccurred user_lifecycle_event_occurred = 265 [(module) = "framework"]; AccessibilityShortcutReported accessibility_shortcut_reported = 266 [(module) = "framework"]; AccessibilityServiceReported accessibility_service_reported = 267 [(module) = "settings"]; DocsUIDragAndDropReported docs_ui_drag_and_drop_reported = 268 [(module) = "docsui"]; AppUsageEventOccurred app_usage_event_occurred = 269 [(module) = "framework"]; AutoRevokeNotificationClicked auto_revoke_notification_clicked = 270 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AutoRevokeFragmentAppViewed auto_revoke_fragment_app_viewed = 271 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; AutoRevokedAppInteraction auto_revoked_app_interaction = 272 [(module) = "permissioncontroller", (module) = "settings"]; AppPermissionGroupsFragmentAutoRevokeAction app_permission_groups_fragment_auto_revoke_action = 273 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; EvsUsageStatsReported evs_usage_stats_reported = 274 [(module) = "evs"]; AudioPowerUsageDataReported audio_power_usage_data_reported = 275 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; TvTunerStateChanged tv_tuner_state_changed = 276 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.MediaOutputOpSwitchReported mediaoutput_op_switch_reported = 277 [(module) = "sysui"]; CellBroadcastMessageFiltered cb_message_filtered = 278 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; TvTunerDvrStatus tv_tuner_dvr_status = 279 [(module) = "framework"]; TvCasSessionOpenStatus tv_cas_session_open_status = 280 [(module) = "framework"]; AssistantInvocationReported assistant_invocation_reported = 281 [(module) = "framework"]; DisplayWakeReported display_wake_reported = 282 [(module) = "framework"]; CarUserHalModifyUserRequestReported car_user_hal_modify_user_request_reported = 283 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalModifyUserResponseReported car_user_hal_modify_user_response_reported = 284 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalPostSwitchResponseReported car_user_hal_post_switch_response_reported = 285 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalInitialUserInfoRequestReported car_user_hal_initial_user_info_request_reported = 286 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalInitialUserInfoResponseReported car_user_hal_initial_user_info_response_reported = 287 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalUserAssociationRequestReported car_user_hal_user_association_request_reported = 288 [(module) = "car"]; CarUserHalSetUserAssociationResponseReported car_user_hal_set_user_association_response_reported = 289 [(module) = "car"]; NetworkIpProvisioningReported network_ip_provisioning_reported = 290 [(module) = "network_stack"]; NetworkDhcpRenewReported network_dhcp_renew_reported = 291 [(module) = "network_stack"]; NetworkValidationReported network_validation_reported = 292 [(module) = "network_stack"]; NetworkStackQuirkReported network_stack_quirk_reported = 293 [(module) = "network_stack"]; MediametricsAudioRecordDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiorecorddeviceusage_reported = 294 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudioThreadDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiothreaddeviceusage_reported = 295 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudioTrackDeviceUsageReported mediametrics_audiotrackdeviceusage_reported = 296 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsAudioDeviceConnectionReported mediametrics_audiodeviceconnection_reported = 297 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; BlobCommitted blob_committed = 298 [(module) = "framework"]; BlobLeased blob_leased = 299 [(module) = "framework"]; BlobOpened blob_opened = 300 [(module) = "framework"]; ContactsProviderStatusReported contacts_provider_status_reported = 301; KeystoreKeyEventReported keystore_key_event_reported = 302; NetworkTetheringReported network_tethering_reported = 303 [(module) = "network_tethering"]; sysui.ImeTouchReported ime_touch_reported = 304 [(module) = "sysui"]; UIInteractionFrameInfoReported ui_interaction_frame_info_reported = 305 [(module) = "framework"]; UIActionLatencyReported ui_action_latency_reported = 306 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiDisconnectReported wifi_disconnect_reported = 307 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiConnectionStateChanged wifi_connection_state_changed = 308 [(module) = "wifi"]; HdmiCecActiveSourceChanged hdmi_cec_active_source_changed = 309 [(module) = "framework"]; HdmiCecMessageReported hdmi_cec_message_reported = 310 [(module) = "framework"]; AirplaneMode airplane_mode = 311 [(module) = "telephony"]; ModemRestart modem_restart = 312 [(module) = "telephony"]; CarrierIdMismatchReported carrier_id_mismatch_reported = 313 [(module) = "telephony"]; CarrierIdTableUpdated carrier_id_table_updated = 314 [(module) = "telephony"]; DataStallRecoveryReported data_stall_recovery_reported = 315 [(module) = "telephony"]; MediametricsMediaParserReported mediametrics_mediaparser_reported = 316 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; TlsHandshakeReported tls_handshake_reported = 317 [(module) = "conscrypt"]; TextClassifierApiUsageReported text_classifier_api_usage_reported = 318 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; CarWatchdogKillStatsReported car_watchdog_kill_stats_reported = 319 [(module) = "car"]; MediametricsPlaybackReported mediametrics_playback_reported = 320 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediaNetworkInfoChanged media_network_info_changed = 321 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediaPlaybackStateChanged media_playback_state_changed = 322 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediaPlaybackErrorReported media_playback_error_reported = 323 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediaPlaybackTrackChanged media_playback_track_changed = 324 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; WifiScanReported wifi_scan_reported = 325 [(module) = "wifi"]; WifiPnoScanReported wifi_pno_scan_reported = 326 [(module) = "wifi"]; TifTuneStateChanged tif_tune_changed = 327 [(module) = "framework"]; AutoRotateReported auto_rotate_reported = 328 [(module) = "framework"]; PerfettoTrigger perfetto_trigger = 329 [(module) = "perfetto"]; TranscodingData transcoding_data = 330 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; ImsServiceEntitlementUpdated ims_service_entitlement_updated = 331 [(module) = "imsentitlement"]; DeviceRotated device_rotated = 333 [(module) = "framework"]; SimSpecificSettingsRestored sim_specific_settings_restored = 334 [(module) = "telephony"]; TextClassifierDownloadReported text_classifier_download_reported = 335 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; PinStorageEvent pin_storage_event = 336 [(module) = "telephony"]; FaceDownReported face_down_reported = 337 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothHALCrashReasonReported bluetooth_hal_crash_reason_reported = 338 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; RebootEscrowPreparationReported reboot_escrow_preparation_reported = 339 [(module) = "framework"]; RebootEscrowLskfCaptureReported reboot_escrow_lskf_capture_reported = 340 [(module) = "framework"]; RebootEscrowRebootReported reboot_escrow_reboot_reported = 341 [(module) = "framework"]; BinderLatencyReported binder_latency_reported = 342 [(module) = "framework"]; MediametricsAAudioStreamReported mediametrics_aaudiostream_reported = 343 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediaTranscodingSessionEnded media_transcoding_session_ended = 344 [(module) = "media"]; MagnificationUsageReported magnification_usage_reported = 345 [(module) = "framework"]; MagnificationModeWithImeOnReported magnification_mode_with_ime_on_reported = 346 [(module) = "framework"]; AppSearchCallStatsReported app_search_call_stats_reported = 347 [(module) = "appsearch"]; AppSearchPutDocumentStatsReported app_search_put_document_stats_reported = 348 [(module) = "appsearch"]; sysui.DeviceControlChanged device_control_changed = 349 [(module) = "sysui"]; DeviceStateChanged device_state_changed = 350 [(module) = "framework"]; input.InputDeviceRegistered inputdevice_registered = 351 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.SmartSpaceCardReported smartspace_card_reported = 352 [(module) = "sysui"]; AuthPromptAuthenticateInvoked auth_prompt_authenticate_invoked = 353 [(module) = "framework"]; AuthManagerCanAuthenticateInvoked auth_manager_can_authenticate_invoked = 354 [(module) = "framework"]; AuthEnrollActionInvoked auth_enroll_action_invoked = 355 [(module) = "framework"]; AuthDeprecatedAPIUsed auth_deprecated_api_used = 356 [(module) = "framework"]; UnattendedRebootOccurred unattended_reboot_occurred = 357 [(module) = "scheduling"]; LongRebootBlockingReported long_reboot_blocking_reported = 358 [(module) = "scheduling"]; LocationTimeZoneProviderStateChanged location_time_zone_provider_state_changed = 359 [(module) = "framework"]; // 360-363 are reserved. FdtrackEventOccurred fdtrack_event_occurred = 364 [(module) = "framework"]; TimeoutAutoExtendedReported timeout_auto_extended_reported = 365 [(module) = "framework"]; AlarmBatchDelivered alarm_batch_delivered = 367 [(module) = "framework"]; AlarmScheduled alarm_scheduled = 368 [(module) = "framework"]; CarWatchdogIoOveruseStatsReported car_watchdog_io_overuse_stats_reported = 369 [(module) = "car"]; UserLevelHibernationStateChanged user_level_hibernation_state_changed = 370 [(module) = "framework"]; AppSearchInitializeStatsReported app_search_initialize_stats_reported = 371 [(module) = "appsearch"]; AppSearchQueryStatsReported app_search_query_stats_reported = 372 [(module) = "appsearch"]; AppProcessDied app_process_died = 373 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkIpReachabilityMonitorReported network_ip_reachability_monitor_reported = 374 [(module) = "network_stack"]; input.SlowInputEventReported slow_input_event_reported = 375 [(module) = "input"]; ANROccurredProcessingStarted anr_occurred_processing_started = 376 [(module) = "framework"]; AppSearchRemoveStatsReported app_search_remove_stats_reported = 377 [(module) = "appsearch"]; MediaCodecReported media_codec_reported = 378 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "media_metrics"]; PermissionUsageFragmentInteraction permission_usage_fragment_interaction = 379 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; PermissionDetailsInteraction permission_details_interaction = 380 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; PrivacySensorToggleInteraction privacy_sensor_toggle_interaction = 381 [(module) = "framework"]; PrivacyToggleDialogInteraction privacy_toggle_dialog_interaction = 382 [(module) = "framework"]; AppSearchOptimizeStatsReported app_search_optimize_stats_reported = 383 [(module) = "appsearch"]; NonA11yToolServiceWarningReported non_a11y_tool_service_warning_report = 384 [(module) = "framework"]; AppCompatStateChanged app_compat_state_changed = 386 [(module) = "framework"]; SizeCompatRestartButtonEventReported size_compat_restart_button_event_reported = 387 [(module) = "framework"]; SplitscreenUIChanged splitscreen_ui_changed = 388 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkDnsHandshakeReported network_dns_handshake_reported = 389 [(module) = "resolv"]; BluetoothCodePathCounter bluetooth_code_path_counter = 390 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothLeBatchScanReportDelay bluetooth_le_batch_scan_report_delay = 392 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; sysui.AccessibilityFloatingMenuUIChanged accessibility_floating_menu_ui_changed = 393 [(module) = "sysui"]; NeuralNetworksCompilationCompleted neuralnetworks_compilation_completed = 394 [(module) = "neuralnetworks"]; NeuralNetworksExecutionCompleted neuralnetworks_execution_completed = 395 [(module) = "neuralnetworks"]; NeuralNetworksCompilationFailed neuralnetworks_compilation_failed = 396 [(module) = "neuralnetworks"]; NeuralNetworksExecutionFailed neuralnetworks_execution_failed = 397 [(module) = "neuralnetworks"]; ContextHubBooted context_hub_booted = 398 [(module) = "contexthub"]; ContextHubRestarted context_hub_restarted = 399 [(module) = "contexthub"]; ContextHubLoadedNanoappSnapshotReported context_hub_loaded_nanoapp_snapshot_reported = 400 [(module) = "contexthub"]; ChreCodeDownloadTransacted chre_code_download_transacted = 401 [(module) = "contexthub"]; UwbSessionInitiated uwb_session_inited = 402 [(module) = "uwb"]; UwbSessionClosed uwb_session_closed = 403 [(module) = "uwb"]; UwbFirstRangingReceived uwb_first_ranging_received = 404 [(module) = "uwb"]; UwbRangingMeasurementReceived uwb_ranging_measurement_received = 405 [(module) = "uwb"]; TextClassifierDownloadWorkScheduled text_classifier_download_work_scheduled = 406 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; TextClassifierDownloadWorkCompleted text_classifier_download_work_completed = 407 [(module) = "textclassifier"]; ClipboardCleared clipboard_cleared = 408 [(module) = "framework"]; VmCreationRequested vm_creation_requested = 409 [(module) = "virtualizationservice"]; NearbyDeviceScanStateChanged nearby_device_scan_state_changed = 410 [(module) = "nearby"]; CameraCompatControlEventReported camera_compat_control_event_reported = 411 [(module) = "framework"]; ApplicationLocalesChanged application_locales_changed = 412 [(module) = "framework"]; MediametricsAudioTrackStatusReported mediametrics_audiotrackstatus_reported = 413 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; FoldStateDurationReported fold_state_duration_reported = 414 [(module) = "framework"]; LocationTimeZoneProviderControllerStateChanged location_time_zone_provider_controller_state_changed = 415 [(module) = "framework"]; DisplayHbmStateChanged display_hbm_state_changed = 416 [(module) = "framework"]; DisplayHbmBrightnessChanged display_hbm_brightness_changed = 417 [(module) = "framework"]; PersistentUriPermissionsFlushed persistent_uri_permissions_flushed = 418 [(module) = "framework"]; EarlyBootCompOsArtifactsCheckReported early_boot_comp_os_artifacts_check_reported = 419 [(module) = "art"]; VBMetaDigestReported vbmeta_digest_reported = 420 [(module) = "framework"]; ApexInfoGathered apex_info_gathered = 421 [(module) = "framework"]; PvmInfoGathered pvm_info_gathered = 422 [(module) = "framework"]; WearSettingsUIInteracted wear_settings_ui_interacted = 423 [(module) = "wear_settings"]; TracingServiceReportEvent tracing_service_report_event = 424 [(module) = "framework"]; MediametricsAudioRecordStatusReported mediametrics_audiorecordstatus_reported = 425 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; sysui.LauncherLatency launcher_latency = 426 [(module) = "sysui"]; DropboxEntryDropped dropbox_entry_dropped = 427 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiP2pConnectionReported wifi_p2p_connection_reported = 428 [(module) = "wifi"]; GameStateChanged game_state_changed = 429 [(module) = "framework"]; hotword.HotwordDetectorCreateRequested hotword_detector_create_requested = 430 [(module) = "framework"]; hotword.HotwordDetectionServiceInitResultReported hotword_detection_service_init_result_reported = 431 [(module) = "framework"]; hotword.HotwordDetectionServiceRestarted hotword_detection_service_restarted = 432 [(module) = "framework"]; hotword.HotwordDetectorKeyphraseTriggered hotword_detector_keyphrase_triggered = 433 [(module) = "framework"]; hotword.HotwordDetectorEvents hotword_detector_events = 434 [(module) = "framework"]; BootCompletedBroadcastCompletionLatencyReported boot_completed_broadcast_completion_latency_reported = 437 [(module) = "framework"]; ContactsIndexerUpdateStatsReported contacts_indexer_update_stats_reported = 440 [(module) = "appsearch"]; AppBackgroundRestrictionsInfo app_background_restrictions_info = 441 [(module) = "framework"]; MmsSmsProviderGetThreadIdFailed mms_sms_provider_get_thread_id_failed = 442 [(module) = "telephony"]; MmsSmsDatabaseHelperOnUpgradeFailed mms_sms_database_helper_on_upgrade_failed = 443 [(module) = "telephony"]; PermissionReminderNotificationInteracted permission_reminder_notification_interacted = 444 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; RecentPermissionDecisionsInteracted recent_permission_decisions_interacted = 445 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; GnssPsdsDownloadReported gnss_psds_download_reported = 446 [(module) = "framework"]; LeAudioConnectionSessionReported le_audio_connection_session_reported = 447 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; LeAudioBroadcastSessionReported le_audio_broadcast_session_reported = 448 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; DreamUiEventReported dream_ui_event_reported = 449 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.TaskManagerEventReported task_manager_event_reported = 450 [(module) = "sysui"]; CdmAssociationAction cdm_association_action = 451 [(module) = "framework"]; MagnificationTripleTapAndHoldActivatedSessionReported magnification_triple_tap_and_hold_activated_session_reported = 452 [(module) = "framework"]; MagnificationFollowTypingFocusActivatedSessionReported magnification_follow_typing_focus_activated_session_reported = 453 [(module) = "framework"]; AccessibilityTextReadingOptionsChanged accessibility_text_reading_options_changed = 454 [(module) = "settings"]; WifiSetupFailureCrashReported wifi_setup_failure_crash_reported = 455 [(module) = "wifi"]; UwbDeviceErrorReported uwb_device_error_reported = 456 [(module) = "uwb"]; IsolatedCompilationScheduled isolated_compilation_scheduled = 457 [(module) = "art"]; IsolatedCompilationEnded isolated_compilation_ended = 458 [(module) = "art"]; OnsOpportunisticEsimProvisioningComplete ons_opportunistic_esim_provisioning_complete = 459 [(module) = "ons"]; SystemServerPreWatchdogOccurred system_server_pre_watchdog_occurred = 460 [(module) = "framework"]; TelephonyAnomalyDetected telephony_anomaly_detected = 461 [(module) = "telephony"]; LetterboxPositionChanged letterbox_position_changed = 462 [(module) = "framework"]; RemoteKeyProvisioningAttempt remote_key_provisioning_attempt = 463 [(module) = "rkpd"]; RemoteKeyProvisioningNetworkInfo remote_key_provisioning_network_info = 464 [(module) = "rkpd"]; RemoteKeyProvisioningTiming remote_key_provisioning_timing = 465 [(module) = "rkpd"]; sysui.MediaOutputOpInteractionReported mediaoutput_op_interaction_report = 466 [(module) = "sysui"]; SyncExemptionOccurred sync_exemption_occurred = 468 [(module) = "framework"]; AutofillPresentationEventReported autofill_presentation_event_reported = 469 [(module) = "framework"]; DockStateChanged dock_state_changed = 470 [(module) = "framework"]; SafetySourceStateCollected safety_source_state_collected = 471 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; SafetyCenterSystemEventReported safety_center_system_event_reported = 472 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; SafetyCenterInteractionReported safety_center_interaction_reported = 473 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; SettingsProviderSettingChanged settings_provider_setting_changed = 474 [(module) = "framework"]; BroadcastDeliveryEventReported broadcast_delivery_event_reported = 475 [(module) = "framework"]; ServiceRequestEventReported service_request_event_reported = 476 [(module) = "framework"]; ProviderAcquisitionEventReported provider_acquisition_event_reported = 477 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothDeviceNameReported bluetooth_device_name_reported = 478 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; CellBroadcastConfigUpdated cb_config_updated = 479 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; CellBroadcastModuleErrorReported cb_module_error_reported = 480 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; CellBroadcastServiceFeatureChanged cb_service_feature_changed = 481 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; CellBroadcastReceiverFeatureChanged cb_receiver_feature_changed = 482 [(module) = "cellbroadcast"]; PrivacySignalNotificationInteraction privacy_signal_notification_interaction = 484 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; PrivacySignalIssueCardInteraction privacy_signal_issue_card_interaction = 485 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; PrivacySignalsJobFailure privacy_signals_job_failure = 486 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; VibrationReported vibration_reported = 487 [(module) = "framework"]; UwbStartRanging uwb_ranging_start = 489 [(module) = "uwb"]; AppCompactedV2 app_compacted_v2 = 491 [(module) = "framework"]; // reserved 492 DisplayBrightnessChanged display_brightness_changed = 494 [(module) = "framework"]; ActivityActionBlocked activity_action_blocked = 495 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkDnsServerSupportReported network_dns_server_support_reported = 504 [(module) = "resolv"]; VmBooted vm_booted = 505 [(module) = "virtualizationservice"]; VmExited vm_exited = 506 [(module) = "virtualizationservice"]; AmbientBrightnessStatsReported ambient_brightness_stats_reported = 507 [(module) = "framework"]; MediametricsSpatializerCapabilitiesReported mediametrics_spatializercapabilities_reported = 508 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsSpatializerDeviceEnabledReported mediametrics_spatializerdeviceenabled_reported = 509 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsHeadTrackerDeviceEnabledReported mediametrics_headtrackerdeviceenabled_reported = 510 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; MediametricsHeadTrackerDeviceSupportedReported mediametrics_headtrackerdevicesupported_reported = 511 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; HearingAidInfoReported hearing_aid_info_reported = 513 [(module) = "framework"]; DeviceWideJobConstraintChanged device_wide_job_constraint_changed = 514 [(module) = "framework"]; AmbientModeChanged ambient_mode_changed = 515 [(module) = "framework"]; ANRLatencyReported anr_latency_reported = 516 [(module) = "framework"]; ResourceValueApiStatisticsReported resource_api_info = 517 [(module) = "framework"]; SystemDefaultNetworkChanged system_default_network_changed = 518 [(module) = "network_stack"]; IwlanSetupDataCallResultReported iwlan_setup_data_call_result_reported = 519 [(module) = "iwlan"]; IwlanPdnDisconnectedReasonReported iwlan_pdn_disconnected_reason_reported = 520 [(module) = "iwlan"]; AirplaneModeSessionReported airplane_mode_session_reported = 521 [(module) = "wifi", (module) = "bluetooth"]; VmCpuStatusReported vm_cpu_status_reported = 522 [(module) = "virtualizationservice", deprecated = true]; VmMemStatusReported vm_mem_status_reported = 523 [(module) = "virtualizationservice", deprecated = true]; PackageInstallationSessionReported package_installation_session_reported = 524 [(module) = "framework"]; DefaultNetworkRematchInfo default_network_rematch_info = 525 [(module) = "connectivity"]; NetworkSelectionPerformance network_selection_performance = 526 [(module) = "connectivity"]; NetworkNsdReported network_nsd_reported = 527 [(module) = "connectivity"]; BluetoothDisconnectionReasonReported bluetooth_disconnection_reason_reported = 529 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothLocalVersionsReported bluetooth_local_versions_reported = 530 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothRemoteSupportedFeaturesReported bluetooth_remote_supported_features_reported = 531 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothLocalSupportedFeaturesReported bluetooth_local_supported_features_reported = 532 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BluetoothGattAppInfo bluetooth_gatt_app_info = 533 [(module) = "bluetooth"]; BrightnessConfigurationUpdated brightness_configuration_updated = 534 [(module) = "framework"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherLaunched wear_media_output_switcher_launched = 538 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherFinished wear_media_output_switcher_finished = 539 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherConnectionReported wear_media_output_switcher_connection_reported = 540 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherDeviceScanTriggered wear_media_output_switcher_device_scan_triggered = 541 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherFirstDeviceScanLatency wear_media_output_switcher_first_device_scan_latency = 542 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherConnectDeviceLatency wear_media_output_switcher_connect_device_latency = 543 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; PackageManagerSnapshotReported package_manager_snapshot_reported = 544 [(module) = "framework"]; PackageManagerAppsFilterCacheBuildReported package_manager_apps_filter_cache_build_reported = 545 [(module) = "framework"]; PackageManagerAppsFilterCacheUpdateReported package_manager_apps_filter_cache_update_reported = 546 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.LauncherImpressionEvent launcher_impression_event = 547 [(module) = "sysui"]; WearMediaOutputSwitcherAllDevicesScanLatency wear_media_output_switcher_all_devices_scan_latency = 549 [(module) = "MediaOutputSwitcher"]; WsWatchFaceEdited ws_watch_face_edited = 551 [(module) = "wearservices"]; WsWatchFaceFavouriteActionReported ws_watch_face_favorite_action_reported = 552 [(module) = "wearservices"]; WsWatchFaceSetActionReported ws_watch_face_set_action_reported = 553 [(module) = "wearservices"]; PackageUninstallationReported package_uninstallation_reported = 554 [(module) = "framework"]; agif.GameModeChanged game_mode_changed = 555 [(module) = "framework"]; agif.GameModeConfigurationChanged game_mode_configuration_changed = 556 [(module) = "framework"]; BedtimeModeStateChanged bedtime_mode_state_changed = 557 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkSliceSessionEnded network_slice_session_ended = 558 [(module) = "connectivity"]; NetworkSliceDailyDataUsageReported network_slice_daily_data_usage_reported = 559 [(module) = "connectivity"]; NfcTagTypeOccurred nfc_tag_type_occurred = 560 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcAIDConflictOccurred nfc_aid_conflict_occurred = 561 [(module) = "nfc"]; NfcReaderConflictOccurred nfc_reader_conflict_occurred = 562 [(module) = "nfc"]; WsTileListChanged ws_tile_list_changed = 563 [(module) = "wearservices"]; GetTypeAccessedWithoutPermission get_type_accessed_without_permission = 564[(module) = "framework"]; MobileBundledAppInfoGathered mobile_bundled_app_info_gathered = 566 [(module) = "framework"]; WsWatchFaceComplicationSetChanged ws_watch_face_complication_set_changed = 567 [(module) = "wearservices"]; media.MediaDrmCreated media_drm_created = 568 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; media.MediaDrmErrored media_drm_errored = 569 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; media.MediaDrmSessionOpened media_drm_session_opened = 570 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; media.MediaDrmSessionClosed media_drm_session_closed = 571 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; UserSelectedResolution user_selected_resolution = 572 [(module) = "settings"]; UnsafeIntentEventReported unsafe_intent_event_reported = 573 [(module) = "framework"]; adpf.PerformanceHintSessionReported performance_hint_session_reported = 574 [(module) = "framework"]; MediametricsMidiDeviceCloseReported mediametrics_midi_device_close_reported = 576 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; hardware.biometrics.BiometricTouchReported biometric_touch_reported = 577 [(module) = "sysui"]; hotword.HotwordAudioEgressEventReported hotword_audio_egress_event_reported = 578 [(module) = "framework"]; location.LocationEnabledStateChanged location_enabled_state_changed = 580 [(module) = "framework"]; view.inputmethod.ImeRequestFinished ime_request_finished = 581 [(module) = "framework"]; usb.UsbComplianceWarningsReported usb_compliance_warnings_reported = 582 [(module) = "framework"]; locale.AppSupportedLocalesChanged app_supported_locales_changed = 583 [(module) = "framework"]; providers.mediaprovider.MediaProviderVolumeRecoveryReported media_provider_volume_recovery_reported = 586 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; hardware.biometrics.BiometricPropertiesCollected biometric_properties_collected = 587 [(module) = "framework"]; kernel.KernelWakeupAttributed kernel_wakeup_attributed = 588 [(module) = "framework"]; display.ScreenStateChangedV2 screen_state_changed_v2 = 589 [(module) = "framework"]; wearservices.WsBackupActionReported ws_backup_action_reported = 590 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsRestoreActionReported ws_restore_action_reported = 591 [(module) = "wearservices"]; devicelogs.DeviceLogAccessEventReported device_log_access_event_reported = 592 [(module) = "sysui"]; wear.media.MediaSessionUpdated media_session_updated = 594 [(module) = "wearmedia"]; wearsysui.WearOobeStateChanged wear_oobe_state_changed = 595 [(module) = "framework"]; wearservices.WsNotificationUpdated ws_notification_updated = 596 [(module) = "wearservices"]; // reserved 597 corenetworking.connectivity.NetworkValidationFailureStatsDailyReported network_validation_failure_stats_daily_reported = 601 [(module) = "connectivity"]; wearservices.WsComplicationTapped ws_complication_tapped = 602 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsNotificationBlocking ws_notification_blocking = 780 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsNotificationBridgemodeUpdated ws_notification_bridgemode_updated = 822 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsNotificationDismissalActioned ws_notification_dismissal_actioned = 823 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsNotificationActioned ws_notification_actioned = 824 [(module) = "wearservices"]; wearservices.WsNotificationLatency ws_notification_latency = 880 [(module) = "wearservices"]; } // Pushed atom extensions. // The atom definitions are under atoms//_extension_atoms.proto extensions 332; // ArtDatumReported art_datum_reported extensions 366; // OdrefreshReported odrefresh_reported extensions 385; // AppSearchSetSchemaStatsReported app_search_set_schema_stats_reported extensions 435; // AdServicesApiCalled ad_services_api_called extensions 436; // AdServicesMeasurementReportsUploaded ad_services_mesurement_reports_uploaded extensions 467; // BackgroundDexoptJobEnded background_dexopt_job_ended extensions 483; // JSScriptEngineLatencyReported jsscriptengine_latency_reported extensions 488; // SandboxApiCalled sandbox_api_called extensions 490; // MobileDataDownloadFileGroupDownloadStatusReported mobile_data_download_file_group_status_reported extensions 493; // AdServicesSettingsUsageReported ad_services_settings_usage_reported extensions 496; // BackgroundFetchProcessReported background_fetch_process_reported extensions 497; // UpdateCustomAudienceProcessReported update_custom_audience_process_reported extensions 498; // RunAdBiddingProcessReported run_ad_bidding_process_reported extensions 499; // RunAdScoringProcessReported run_ad_scoring_process_reported extensions 500; //RunAdSelectionProcessReported run_ad_selection_process_reported extensions 501; // RunAdBiddingPerCAProcessReported run_ad_bidding_per_ca_process_reported extensions 502; // MobileDataDownloadDownloadResultReported mobile_data_download_download_result_reported extensions 503; // MobileDataDownloadFileGroupStorageStatsReported mobile_data_download_file_group_storage_stats_reported extensions 512; // AdServicesMeasurementRegistrations ad_services_measurement_registrations extensions 528; // ExpressEventReported express_event_reported extensions 535; // AdServicesGetTopicsReported ad_services_get_topics_reported extensions 536; // AdServicesEpochComputationGetTopTopicsReported ad_services_epoch_computation_get_top_topics_reported extensions 537; // ServicesEpochComputationClassifierReported ad_services_epoch_computation_classifier_reported extensions 548; // OdsignReported odsign_reported extensions 550; // ArtDeviceDatumReported art_device_datum_reported extensions 565; // ArtDatumDeltaReported art_datum_delta_reported extensions 579; // AppSearchSchemaMigrationStatsReported app_search_schema_migration_stats_reported extensions 584; // ApplicationGrammaticalInflectionChanged application_grammatical_inflection_changed extensions 585; // CredentialManagerApiCalled credential_manager_api_called extensions 593; // ExpressHistogramSampleReported express_histogram_sample_reported extensions 598; // AdServicesBackCompatGetTopicsReported ad_services_back_compat_get_topics_reported extensions 599; // AdServicesBackCompatEpochComputationClassifierReported ad_services_back_compat_epoch_computation_classifier_reported extensions 600; // MediaCodecReclaimRequestCompleted media_codec_reclaim_request_completed extensions 603; // AutofillUiEventReported autofill_ui_event_reported extensions 604; // AutofillFillRequestReported autofill_fill_request_reported extensions 605; // AutofillFillResponseReported autofill_fill_response_reported extensions 606; // AutofillSaveEventReported autofill_save_event_reported extensions 607; // AutofillSessionCommitted autofill_session_committed extensions 608; // MediaActionReported media_action_reported extensions 609; // MediaControlsLaunched media_controls_launched extensions 610; // WsWearTimeSession ws_wear_time_session extensions 611; // LockscreenShortcutSelected lockscreen_shortcut_selected extensions 612; // LockscreenShortcutTriggered lockscreen_shortcut_triggered extensions 613; // BluetoothHashedDeviceNameReported bluetooth_hashed_device_name_reported extensions 614; // BluetoothL2capCocClientConnection bluetooth_l2cap_coc_client_connection extensions 615; // BluetoothL2capCocServerConnection bluetooth_l2cap_coc_server_connection extensions 616; // HealthConnectApiCalled health_connect_api_called extensions 617; // HealthConnectUsageStats health_usage_stats extensions 618; // HealthConnectStorageStats health_connect_storage_stats extensions 619; // WearAdaptiveSuspendStatsReported wear_adaptive_suspend_stats_reported extensions 620; // WearPowerAnomalyServiceOperationalStatsReported wear_power_anomaly_service_operational_stats_reported extensions 621; // WearPowerAnomalyServiceEventStatsReported wear_power_anomaly_service_event_stats_reported extensions 622; // SettingsSpaReported settings_spa_reported extensions 623; // HealthConnectUiImpression health_connect_ui_impression extensions 624; // HealthConnectUiInteraction health_connect_ui_interaction extensions 625; // HealthConnectAppOpenedReported health_connect_app_opened_reported extensions 626; // WsIncomingCallActionReported ws_incoming_call_action_reported extensions 627; // WsCallDisconnectionReported ws_call_disconnection_reported extensions 628; // WsCallDurationReported ws_call_duration_reported extensions 629; // WsCallUserExperienceLatencyReported ws_call_user_experience_latency_reported extensions 630; // WsCallInteractionReported ws_call_interaction_reported extensions 631; // FullScreenIntentLaunched full_screen_intent_launched extensions 632; // BalAllowed bal_allowed extensions 633; // EmergencyStateChanged emergency_state_changed extensions 634; // QualifiedRatListChanged qualified_rat_list_changed extensions 635; // QnsImsCallDropStats qns_ims_call_drop_stats extensions 636; // QnsFallbackRestrictionChanged qns_fallback_restriction_changed extensions 637; // EmergencyNumberDialed emergency_number_dialed extensions 638; // WifiAwareNdpReported wifi_aware_ndp_reported extensions 639; // WifiAwareAttachReported wifi_aware_attach_reported extensions 640; // AdServicesMeasurementDebugKeys ad_services_measurement_debug_keys extensions 641; // MediaCodecStarted media_codec_started extensions 642; // MediaCodecStopped media_codec_stopped extensions 643; // HealthConnectApiInvoked health_connect_api_invoked extensions 644; // ExpressUidEventReported express_uid_event_reported extensions 645; // PermissionRationaleDialogViewed permission_rationale_dialog_viewed extensions 646; // PermissionRationaleDialogActionReported permission_rationale_dialog_action_reported extensions 647; // AppDataSharingUpdatesNotificationInteraction app_data_sharing_updates_notification_interaction extensions 648; // AppDataSharingUpdatesFragmentViewed app_data_sharing_updates_fragment_viewed extensions 649; // AppDataSharingUpdatesFragmentActionReported app_data_sharing_updates_fragment_action_reported extensions 650; // DailykeepaliveInfoReported daily_keepalive_info_reported extensions 651; // CredentialManagerInitialPhaseReported credential_manager_init_phase_reported extensions 652; // CredentialManagerCandidatePhaseReported credential_manager_candidate_phase_reported extensions 653; // CredentialManagerFinalPhaseReported credential_manager_final_phase_reported extensions 654; // ExerciseRouteApiCalled exercise_route_api_called extensions 655; // PluginInitialized plugin_initialized extensions 656; // BluetoothLeSessionConnected bluetooth_le_session_connected extensions 657; // DNDStateChanged dnd_state_changed extensions 658; // ExpressUidHistogramSampleReported express_uid_histogram_sample_reported extensions 659; // AutofillFieldClassificationEventReported autofill_field_classification_event_reported extensions 660; // TestExtensionAtomReported test_extension_atom_reported extensions 661; // WifiSelfRecoveryTriggered wifi_self_recovery_triggered extensions 662; // AdServicesErrorReported ad_services_error_reported extensions 663; // AdServicesBackgroundJobsExecutionReported ad_services_background_jobs_execution_reported extensions 664; // RkpdPoolStats rkpd_pool_stats extensions 665; // RkpdClientOperation rkpd_client_operation extensions 666; // RestrictedBluetoothDeviceNameReported restricted_bluetooth_device_name_reported extensions 667; // CredentialManagerTotalCandidateReported credential_manager_total_reported extensions 668; // CredentialManagerFinalNoUidReported credential_manager_finalnouid_reported extensions 669; // CredentialManagerGetProviderReported credential_manager_get_reported extensions 670; // CredentialManagerBrowsedAuthenticationClicked credential_manager_auth_click_reported extensions 671; // CredentialManagerApiV2Called credential_manager_apiv2_called extensions 672; // TestRestrictedAtomReported test_restricted_atom_reported extensions 673; // AdServicesMeasurementDelayedSourceRegistration ad_services_measurement_delayed_source_registration extensions 674; // AdServicesMeasurementAttribution ad_services_measurement_attribution extensions 675; // AdServicesMeasurementJobs ad_services_measurement_jobs extensions 676; // AdServicesMeasurementWipeout ad_services_measurement_wipeout extensions 677; // MediaSessionStateChanged media_session_state_changed extensions 678; // IkeSessionTerminated ike_session_terminated extensions 679; // TvLowPowerStandbyPolicy tv_low_power_standby_policy extensions 680; // SoftApStarted softap_started extensions 681; // SoftApStopped softap_stopped extensions 682; // KeyboardConfigured keyboard_configured extensions 683; // KeyboardSystemsEventReported keyboard_systems_event_reported extensions 684; // MediaCodecRendered media_codec_rendered extensions 685; // InTaskActivityStarted in_task_activity_started extensions 686; // InputDeviceUsageReported inputdevice_usage_reported extensions 687; // WifiLockReleased wifi_lock_released extensions 688; // WifiLockDeactivated wifi_lock_deactivated extensions 689; // WifiConfigSaved wifi_config_saved extensions 690; // WifiAwareResourceUsingChanged wifi_aware_resource_using_changed extensions 691; // WifiAwareHalApiCalled wifi_aware_hal_api_called extensions 692; // WifiLocalOnlyRequestReceived wifi_local_only_request_received extensions 693; // WifiLocalOnlyRequestScanTriggered wifi_local_only_request_scan_triggered extensions 694; // WifiThreadTaskExecuted wifi_thread_task_executed extensions 695; // AdServicesMeasurementAdIdMatchForDebugKeys ad_services_ad_id_match_for_debug_keys extensions 696; // BluetoothProfileConnectionAttempted bluetooth_profile_connection_attempted extensions 697; // AdServicesEnrollmentDataStored ad_services_enrollment_data_stored extensions 698; // AdServicesEnrollmentFileDownloaded ad_services_enrollment_file_downloaded extensions 699; // AdServicesEnrollmentMatched ad_services_enrollment_matched extensions 700; // WifiStateChanged wifi_state_changed extensions 701; // HdmiEarcStatusReported hdmi_earc_status_reported extensions 702; // AdServicesConsentMigrated ad_services_consent_migrated extensions 703; // CronetEngineCreated cronet_engine_created extensions 704; // CronetTrafficReported cronet_traffic_reported extensions 705; // DreamSettingChanged dream_setting_changed extensions 706; // AiWallpapersButtonPressed ai_wallpapers_button_pressed extensions 707; // AiWallpapersTemplateSelected ai_wallpapers_template_selected extensions 708; // AiWallpapersTermSelected ai_wallpapers_term_selected extensions 709; // AiWallpapersWallpaperSet ai_wallpapers_wallpaper_set extensions 710; // AiWallpapersSessionSummary ai_wallpapers_session_summary extensions 711; // OnDevicePersonalizationApiCalled ondevicepersonalization_api_called extensions 712; // FederatedComputeApiCalled federated_compute_api_called extensions 713; // CellularRadioPowerStateChanged cellular_radio_power_state_changed extensions 714; // AdServicesEnrollmentFailed ad_services_enrollment_failed extensions 715; // WearModeStateChanged wear_mode_state_changed extensions 716; // LauncherImpressionEventV2 launcher_impression_event_v2 extensions 717; // ExternalTvInputEvent external_tv_input_event extensions 718; // StylusPredictionMetricsReported stylus_prediction_metrics_reported extensions 719; // PnoScanStarted pno_scan_started extensions 720; // PnoScanStopped pno_scan_stopped extensions 721; // MediatorUpdated mediator_updated extensions 722; // WifiIsUnusableReported wifi_is_unusable_reported extensions 723; // WifiApCapabilitiesReported wifi_ap_capabilities_reported extensions 724; // HdmiSoundbarModeStatusReported hdmi_soundbar_mode_status_reported extensions 725; // UserRiskEventReported user_risk_event_reported extensions 726; // DeviceLockCheckInRequestReported device_lock_check_in_request_reported extensions 727; // DeviceLockProvisioningCompleteReported device_lock_provisioning_complete_reported extensions 728; // DeviceLockKioskAppRequestReported device_lock_kiosk_app_request_reported extensions 729; // MediaProjectionStateChanged media_projection_state_changed extensions 730; // MediaProjectionTargetChanged media_projection_target_changed extensions 731; // WearPowerMenuOpened wear_power_menu_opened extensions 732; // ApexInstallationRequested apex_installation_requested extensions 733; // ApexInstallationStaged apex_installation_staged extensions 734; // ApexInstallationEnded apex_installation_ended extensions 735; // SandboxActivityEventOccurred sandbox_activity_event_occurred extensions 736; // RendererInitialized renderer_initialized extensions 737; // SchemaVersionReceived schema_version_received extensions 738; // ThreadnetworkTelemetryDataReported threadnetwork_telemetry_data_reported extensions 739; // ThreadnetworkTopoEntryRepeated threadnetwork_topo_entry_repeated extensions 740; // ThreadnetworkDeviceInfoReported threadnetwork_device_info_reported extensions 741; // LayoutInspected layout_inspected extensions 742; // LayoutExpressionsInspected layout_expression_inspected extensions 743; // LayoutAnimationsInspected layout_animations_inspected extensions 744; // MaterialComponentsInspected material_components_inspected extensions 745; // TileRequested tile_requested extensions 746; // StateResponseReceived state_response_received extensions 747; // TileResponseReceived tile_response_received extensions 748; // InflationFinished inflation_finished extensions 749; // InflationFailed inflation_failed extensions 750; // IgnoredInflationFailuresReported ignored_inflation_failures_reported extensions 751; // DrawableRendered drawable_rendered extensions 752; // StatsSocketLossReported stats_socket_loss_reported extensions 753; // DisplaySwitchLatencyTracked display_switch_latency_tracked extensions 754; // KernelOomKillOccurred kernel_oom_kill_occurred extensions 755; // WearAssistantOpened wear_assistant_opened extensions 756; // AdServicesMeasurementClickVerification ad_services_measurement_click_verification extensions 757; // WearMediaOutputSwitcherDeviceScanApiLatency wear_media_output_switcher_device_scan_api_latency extensions 758; // WearMediaOutputSwitcherSassDeviceUnavailable wear_media_output_switcher_sass_device_unavailable extensions 759; // WearMediaOutputSwitcherFastPairApiTimeout wear_media_output_switcher_fastpair_api_timeout extensions 760; // IkeLivenessCheckSessionValidated ike_liveness_check_session_validated extensions 761; // HotwordEventEgressSize hotword_egress_size_atom_reported extensions 762; // CronetEngineBuilderInitialized cronet_engine_builder_initialized extensions 763; // CronetHttpFlagsInitialized cronet_http_flags_initialized extensions 764; // CronetInitialized cronet_initialized extensions 765; // AdServicesEncryptionKeyFetched ad_services_encryption_key_fetched extensions 766; // AdServicesEncryptionKeyDbTransactionEnded ad_services_encryption_key_db_transaction_ended extensions 767; // DestinationRegisteredBeacons destination_registered_beacons extensions 768; // ReportInteractionApiCalled report_interaction_api_called extensions 769; // InteractionReportingTableCleared interaction_reporting_table_cleared extensions 770; // CarRecentsEventReported car_recents_event_reported extensions 771; // FederatedComputeTrainingEventReported federated_compute_training_event_reported extensions 772; // ThermalStatusCalled thermal_status_called extensions 773; // ThermalHeadroomCalled thermal_headroom_called extensions 774; // ThermalHeadroomThresholdsCalled thermal_headroom_thresholds_called extensions 775; // BootIntegrityInfoReported boot_integrity_info_reported extensions 776; // ScreenOffReported screen_off_reported extensions 777; // ApfSessionInfoReported apf_session_info_reported extensions 778; // IpClientRaInfoReported ip_client_ra_info_reported extensions 779; // NetworkRequestStateChanged network_request_state_changed extensions 781; // BluetoothContentProfileErrorReported bluetooth_content_profile_error_reported extensions 782; // BluetoothRfcommConnectionAttempted bluetooth_rfcomm_connection_attempted extensions 783; // NetworkStatsRecorderFileOperated network_stats_recorder_file_operated extensions 784; // MediaProviderDatabaseRollbackReported media_provider_database_rollback_reported extensions 785; // BackupSetupStatusReported backup_setup_status_reported extensions 786; // SysproxyConnectionUpdated sysproxy_connection_updated extensions 787; // WsOnBodyStateChanged ws_on_body_state_changed extensions 788; // AppManifestConfigHelperCalled app_manifest_config_helper_called extensions 789; // CheckInRetryReported device_lock_check_in_retry_reported extensions 790; // ProvisionFailureReported device_lock_provision_failure_reported extensions 791; // LockUnlockDeviceFailureReported device_lock_unlock_device_failure_reported extensions 792; // DisplayModeDirectorVoteChanged display_mode_director_vote_changed extensions 793; // AdFilteringProcessJoinCAReported ad_filtering_process_join_ca_reported extensions 794; // AdFilteringProcessAdSelectionReported ad_filtering_process_ad_selection_reported extensions 795; // AdCounterHistogramUpdaterReported ad_counter_histogram_updater_reported extensions 796; // SdkSandboxRestrictedAccessInSession sdk_sandbox_restricted_access_in_session extensions 797; // CarCalmModeEventReported car_calm_mode_event_reported extensions 798; // MediaEditingEndedReported media_editing_ended_reported extensions 799; // SELinux selinux_audit_log extensions 800; // CellularIdentifierDisclosed cellular_identifier_disclosed // reserved 801 extensions 802; // WsWatchFaceRestrictedComplicationsImpacted ws_watch_face_restricted_complications_impacted extensions 803; // WsWatchFaceDefaultRestrictedComplicationsRemoved ws_watch_face_default_restricted_complications_removed extensions 804; // WsComplicationsImpactedNotificationEventReported ws_complications_impacted_notification_event_reported extensions 805; // SoftApStateChanged soft_ap_state_changed extensions 806; // ExternalDisplayStateChanged external_display_state_changed extensions 807; // SignatureVerification signature_verification extensions 808; // KAnonImmediateSignJoinStatusReported k_anon_immediate_sign_join_status_reported extensions 809; // KAnonBackgroundJobStatusReported k_anon_background_job_status_reported extensions 810; // KAnonInitializeStatusReported k_anon_initialize_status_reported extensions 811; // KAnonSignStatusReported k_anon_sign_status_reported extensions 812; // KAnonJoinStatusReported k_anon_join_status_reported extensions 813; // KAnonKeyAttestationStatusReported k_anon_key_attestation_status_reported extensions 814; // GetAdSelectionDataApiCalled get_ad_selection_data_api_called extensions 815; // GetAdSelectionDataBuyerInputGenerated get_ad_selection_data_buyer_input_generated extensions 816; // SystemGrammaticalInflectionChanged system_grammatical_inflection_changed extensions 817; // BiometricFRRNotification biometric_frr_notification extensions 818; // DesktopModeUIChanged desktop_mode_ui_changed extensions 819; // DesktopModeSessionTaskUpdate desktop_mode_session_task_update extensions 820; // AdaptiveAuthUnlockAfterLockReported adaptive_auth_unlock_after_lock_reported extensions 821; // NegotiatedSecurityAssociation negotiated_security_association extensions 825; // AppSearchUsageSearchIntentStatsReported app_search_usage_search_intent_stats_reported extensions 826; // AppSearchUsageSearchIntentRawQueryStatsReported app_search_usage_search_intent_raw_query_stats_reported extensions 827; // EnhancedConfirmationDialogResultReported extensions 828; // EnhancedConfirmationRestrictionCleared extensions 829; // NotificationListenerService extensions 830; // SensitiveContentMediaProjectionSession extensions 831; // SensitiveNotificationAppProtectionSession extensions 832; // SensitiveNotificationAppProtectionApplied extensions 833; // SensitiveNotificationRedaction extensions 834; // BackgroundJobSchedulingReported background_job_scheduling_reported extensions 835; // SensitiveContentAppProtection extensions 836; // ScreenTimeoutOverrideReported screen_timeout_override_reported extensions 837; // ScreenInteractiveSessionReported screen_interactive_session_reported extensions 838; // ExampleIteratorNextLatencyReported example_iterator_next_latency_reported extensions 839; // AdpfHintSessionTidCleanup adpf_hint_session_tid_cleanup extensions 840; // TopicsEncryptionEpochComputationReported topics_encryption_epoch_computation_reported extensions 841; // TopicsEncryptionGetTopicsReported topics_encryption_get_topics_reported extensions 842; // AdServicesShellCommandCalled adservices_shell_command_called extensions 843; // UpdateSignalsApiCalled update_signals_api_called extensions 844; // EncodingJobRun encoding_job_run extensions 845; // EncodingJsFetch encoding_js_fetch extensions 846; // EncodingJsExecution encoding_js_execution extensions 847; // PersistAdSelectionResultCalled persist_ad_selection_result_called extensions 848; // ServerAuctionKeyFetchCalled server_auction_key_fetch_called extensions 849; // ServerAuctionBackgroundKeyFetchScheduled server_auction_background_key_fetch_enabled extensions 850; // VpnConnectionStateChanged vpn_connection_state_changed extensions 851; // VpnConnectionReported vpn_connection_reported extensions 852; // CarWakeupFromSuspendReported car_wakeup_from_suspend_reported extensions 853; // ExcessiveBinderProxyCountReported excessive_binder_proxy_count_reported extensions 854; // DataRatStateChanged data_rat_state_changed extensions 855; // NfcObserveModeStateChanged nfc_observe_mode_state_changed extensions 856; // NfcFieldChanged nfc_field_changed extensions 857; // NfcPollingLoopNotificationReported nfc_polling_loop_notification_reported extensions 858; // NfcProprietaryCapabilitiesReported nfc_proprietary_capabilities_reported extensions 859; // PdfLoadReported pdf_load_reported extensions 860; // PdfApiUsageReported pdf_api_usage_reported extensions 861; // PdfSearchReported pdf_search_reported extensions 862; // RemoteDeviceInformationWithMetricId remote_device_information_with_metric_id extensions 863; // ComponentStateChangedReported component_state_changed_reported extensions 864; // AdServicesMeasurementProcessOdpRegistration ad_services_measurement_process_odp_registration extensions 865; // AdServicesMeasurementNotifyRegistrationToOdp ad_services_measurement_notify_registration_to_odp extensions 866; // AppRestrictionStateChanged app_restriction_state_changed extensions 867; // ScreenDimReported screen_dim_reported extensions 868; // ChreSignificantMotionStateChanged chre_significant_motion_state_changed extensions 869; // NavHandleTouchPoints nav_handle_touch_points extensions 870; // LeAppScanStateChanged le_app_scan_state_changed extensions 871; // LeRadioScanStopped le_radio_scan_stopped extensions 872; // LeScanResultReceived le_scan_result_received extensions 873; // LeScanAbused le_scan_abused extensions 874; // LeAdvStateChanged le_adv_state_changed extensions 875; // LeAdvErrorReported le_adv_error_reported extensions 876; // SelectAdsFromOutcomesApiCalled select_ads_from_outcomes_api_called extensions 877; // ReportImpressionApiCalled report_impression_api_called extensions 878; // Reserved for b/333882013 extensions 879; // Reserved for b/333882013 extensions 881; // Reserved for b/339008431 extensions 882; // ConnectedChannelChanged connected_channel_changed extensions 883; // PreRebootDexoptJobEnded pre_reboot_dexopt_job_ended extensions 884; // ScorerPredictionResultReported scorer_prediction_result_reported extensions 885; // AdServicesEnrollmentTransactionStats ad_services_enrollment_transaction_stats extensions 886; // PhotopickerSessionInfoReported photopicker_session_info_reported extensions 887; // PhotopickerApiInfoReported photopicker_api_info_reported extensions 888; // PhotopickerUIEventLogged photopicker_ui_event_logged extensions 889; // PhotopickerMediaItemStatusRepoprted photopicker_media_item_status_reported extensions 890; // PhotopickerPreviewInfoLogged photopicker_preview_info_logged extensions 891; // PhotopickerMenuInteractionLogged photopicker_menu_interaction_logged extensions 892; // PhotopickerBannerInteractionLogged photopicker_banner_interaction_logged extensions 893; // PhotopickerMediaLibraryInfoLogged photopicker_media_library_info_logged extensions 894; // PhotopickerPageInfoLogged photopicker_page_info_logged extensions 895; // PhotopickerMediaGridSyncInfoReported photopicker_media_grid_sync_info_reported extensions 896; // PhotopickerAlbumSyncInfoReported photopicker_album_sync_info_reported extensions 897; // PhotopickerSearchInfoReported photopicker_search_info_reported extensions 898; // SearchDataExtractionDetailsReported search_data_extraction_details_reported extensions 899; // EmbeddedPhotopickerInfoReported embedded_photopicker_info_reported extensions 900; // CameraFeatureCombinationQueryEvent camera_feature_combination_query_event extensions 9999; // Atom9999 atom_9999 // StatsdStats tracks platform atoms with ids up to 900. // Update StatsdStats::kMaxPushedAtomId when atom ids here approach that value. // Pulled events will start at field 10000. // Next: 10218 oneof pulled { WifiBytesTransfer wifi_bytes_transfer = 10000 [(module) = "framework"]; WifiBytesTransferByFgBg wifi_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg = 10001 [(module) = "framework"]; MobileBytesTransfer mobile_bytes_transfer = 10002 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; MobileBytesTransferByFgBg mobile_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg = 10003 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; BluetoothBytesTransfer bluetooth_bytes_transfer = 10006 [(module) = "framework"]; KernelWakelock kernel_wakelock = 10004 [(module) = "framework"]; SubsystemSleepState subsystem_sleep_state = 10005 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; CpuTimePerUid cpu_time_per_uid = 10009 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; CpuTimePerUidFreq cpu_time_per_uid_freq = 10010 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"]; WifiActivityInfo wifi_activity_info = 10011 [(module) = "framework"]; ModemActivityInfo modem_activity_info = 10012 [(module) = "framework"]; BluetoothActivityInfo bluetooth_activity_info = 10007 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessMemoryState process_memory_state = 10013 [(module) = "framework"]; SystemElapsedRealtime system_elapsed_realtime = 10014 [(module) = "framework"]; SystemUptime system_uptime = 10015 [(module) = "framework"]; CpuActiveTime cpu_active_time = 10016 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; CpuClusterTime cpu_cluster_time = 10017 [(module) = "framework"]; DiskSpace disk_space = 10018 [deprecated=true, (module) = "statsdtest"]; RemainingBatteryCapacity remaining_battery_capacity = 10019 [(module) = "framework"]; FullBatteryCapacity full_battery_capacity = 10020 [(module) = "framework"]; Temperature temperature = 10021 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsdtest"]; BinderCalls binder_calls = 10022 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"]; BinderCallsExceptions binder_calls_exceptions = 10023 [(module) = "framework"]; LooperStats looper_stats = 10024 [(module) = "framework", (module) = "statsd"]; DiskStats disk_stats = 10025 [(module) = "framework"]; DirectoryUsage directory_usage = 10026 [(module) = "framework"]; AppSize app_size = 10027 [(module) = "framework"]; CategorySize category_size = 10028 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcStats proc_stats = 10029 [(module) = "framework"]; BatteryVoltage battery_voltage = 10030 [(module) = "framework"]; NumFingerprintsEnrolled num_fingerprints_enrolled = 10031 [(module) = "framework"]; DiskIo disk_io = 10032 [(module) = "framework"]; PowerProfile power_profile = 10033 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcStatsPkgProc proc_stats_pkg_proc = 10034 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessCpuTime process_cpu_time = 10035 [(module) = "framework"]; CpuTimePerThreadFreq cpu_time_per_thread_freq = 10037 [(module) = "framework"]; OnDevicePowerMeasurement on_device_power_measurement = 10038 [(module) = "framework"]; DeviceCalculatedPowerUse device_calculated_power_use = 10039 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark process_memory_high_water_mark = 10042 [(module) = "framework"]; BatteryLevel battery_level = 10043 [(module) = "framework"]; BuildInformation build_information = 10044 [(module) = "framework"]; BatteryCycleCount battery_cycle_count = 10045 [(module) = "framework"]; DebugElapsedClock debug_elapsed_clock = 10046 [(module) = "framework"]; DebugFailingElapsedClock debug_failing_elapsed_clock = 10047 [(module) = "framework"]; NumFacesEnrolled num_faces_enrolled = 10048 [(module) = "framework"]; RoleHolder role_holder = 10049 [(module) = "framework"]; DangerousPermissionState dangerous_permission_state = 10050 [(module) = "framework"]; TrainInfo train_info = 10051 [(module) = "statsd"]; TimeZoneDataInfo time_zone_data_info = 10052 [(module) = "framework"]; ExternalStorageInfo external_storage_info = 10053 [(module) = "framework"]; GpuStatsGlobalInfo gpu_stats_global_info = 10054; GpuStatsAppInfo gpu_stats_app_info = 10055; SystemIonHeapSize system_ion_heap_size = 10056 [deprecated = true, (module) = "framework"]; AppsOnExternalStorageInfo apps_on_external_storage_info = 10057 [(module) = "framework"]; FaceSettings face_settings = 10058 [(module) = "framework"]; CoolingDevice cooling_device = 10059 [(module) = "framework"]; AppOps app_ops = 10060 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessSystemIonHeapSize process_system_ion_heap_size = 10061 [(module) = "framework"]; SurfaceflingerStatsGlobalInfo surfaceflinger_stats_global_info = 10062; SurfaceflingerStatsLayerInfo surfaceflinger_stats_layer_info = 10063; ProcessMemorySnapshot process_memory_snapshot = 10064 [(module) = "framework"]; VmsClientStats vms_client_stats = 10065 [(module) = "car"]; NotificationRemoteViews notification_remote_views = 10066 [(module) = "framework"]; DangerousPermissionStateSampled dangerous_permission_state_sampled = 10067 [(module) = "framework"]; GraphicsStats graphics_stats = 10068 [(module) = "hwui"]; RuntimeAppOpAccess runtime_app_op_access = 10069 [(module) = "framework"]; IonHeapSize ion_heap_size = 10070 [(module) = "framework"]; PackageNotificationPreferences package_notification_preferences = 10071 [(module) = "framework"]; PackageNotificationChannelPreferences package_notification_channel_preferences = 10072 [(module) = "framework"]; PackageNotificationChannelGroupPreferences package_notification_channel_group_preferences = 10073 [(module) = "framework"]; GnssStats gnss_stats = 10074 [(module) = "framework"]; AttributedAppOps attributed_app_ops = 10075 [(module) = "framework"]; VoiceCallSession voice_call_session = 10076 [(module) = "telephony"]; VoiceCallRatUsage voice_call_rat_usage = 10077 [(module) = "telephony"]; SimSlotState sim_slot_state = 10078 [(module) = "telephony"]; SupportedRadioAccessFamily supported_radio_access_family = 10079 [(module) = "telephony"]; SettingSnapshot setting_snapshot = 10080 [(module) = "framework"]; BlobInfo blob_info = 10081 [(module) = "framework"]; DataUsageBytesTransfer data_usage_bytes_transfer = 10082 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; BytesTransferByTagAndMetered bytes_transfer_by_tag_and_metered = 10083 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; dnd.DNDModeProto dnd_mode_rule = 10084 [(module) = "framework"]; GeneralExternalStorageAccessStats general_external_storage_access_stats = 10085 [(module) = "mediaprovider"]; IncomingSms incoming_sms = 10086 [(module) = "telephony"]; OutgoingSms outgoing_sms = 10087 [(module) = "telephony"]; CarrierIdTableVersion carrier_id_table_version = 10088 [(module) = "telephony"]; DataCallSession data_call_session = 10089 [(module) = "telephony"]; CellularServiceState cellular_service_state = 10090 [(module) = "telephony"]; CellularDataServiceSwitch cellular_data_service_switch = 10091 [(module) = "telephony"]; SystemMemory system_memory = 10092 [(module) = "framework"]; ImsRegistrationTermination ims_registration_termination = 10093 [(module) = "telephony"]; ImsRegistrationStats ims_registration_stats = 10094 [(module) = "telephony"]; CpuTimePerClusterFreq cpu_time_per_cluster_freq = 10095 [(module) = "framework"]; CpuCyclesPerUidCluster cpu_cycles_per_uid_cluster = 10096 [(module) = "framework"]; DeviceRotatedData device_rotated_data = 10097 [(module) = "framework"]; CpuCyclesPerThreadGroupCluster cpu_cycles_per_thread_group_cluster = 10098 [(module) = "framework"]; MediaDrmActivityInfo media_drm_activity_info = 10099 [(module) = "media_metrics"]; OemManagedBytesTransfer oem_managed_bytes_transfer = 10100 [(module) = "framework"]; GnssPowerStats gnss_power_stats = 10101 [(module) = "framework"]; TimeZoneDetectorState time_zone_detector_state = 10102 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2StorageStats keystore2_storage_stats = 10103 [(module) = "framework"]; RkpPoolStats rkp_pool_stats = 10104 [deprecated = true]; ProcessDmabufMemory process_dmabuf_memory = 10105 [(module) = "framework"]; PendingAlarmInfo pending_alarm_info = 10106 [(module) = "framework"]; UserLevelHibernatedApps user_level_hibernated_apps = 10107 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.LauncherLayoutSnapshot launcher_layout_snapshot = 10108 [(module) = "sysui"]; GlobalHibernatedApps global_hibernated_apps = 10109 [(module) = "framework"]; input.InputEventLatencySketch input_event_latency_sketch = 10110 [(module) = "input"]; BatteryUsageStatsBeforeReset battery_usage_stats_before_reset = 10111 [(module) = "framework"]; BatteryUsageStatsSinceReset battery_usage_stats_since_reset = 10112 [(module) = "framework"]; BatteryUsageStatsSinceResetUsingPowerProfileModel battery_usage_stats_since_reset_using_power_profile_model = 10113 [(module) = "framework"]; InstalledIncrementalPackage installed_incremental_package = 10114 [(module) = "framework"]; TelephonyNetworkRequests telephony_network_requests = 10115 [(module) = "telephony", deprecated = true]; AppSearchStorageInfo app_search_storage_info = 10116 [(module) = "appsearch"]; VmStat vmstat = 10117 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2KeyCreationWithGeneralInfo keystore2_key_creation_with_general_info = 10118 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2KeyCreationWithAuthInfo keystore2_key_creation_with_auth_info = 10119 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2KeyCreationWithPurposeAndModesInfo keystore2_key_creation_with_purpose_and_modes_info = 10120 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2AtomWithOverflow keystore2_atom_with_overflow = 10121 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2KeyOperationWithPurposeAndModesInfo keystore2_key_operation_with_purpose_and_modes_info = 10122 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2KeyOperationWithGeneralInfo keystore2_key_operation_with_general_info = 10123 [(module) = "framework"]; RkpErrorStats rkp_error_stats = 10124 [(module) = "framework"]; Keystore2CrashStats keystore2_crash_stats = 10125 [(module) = "framework"]; VendorApexInfo vendor_apex_info = 10126 [(module) = "framework"]; AccessibilityShortcutStats accessibility_shortcut_stats = 10127 [(module) = "framework"]; AccessibilityFloatingMenuStats accessibility_floating_menu_stats = 10128 [(module) = "framework"]; DataUsageBytesTransferV2 data_usage_bytes_transfer_v2 = 10129 [(module) = "framework", (truncate_timestamp) = true]; MediaCapabilities media_capabilities = 10130 [(module) = "framework"]; CarWatchdogSystemIoUsageSummary car_watchdog_system_io_usage_summary = 10131 [(module) = "car"]; CarWatchdogUidIoUsageSummary car_watchdog_uid_io_usage_summary = 10132 [(module) = "car"]; ImsRegistrationFeatureTagStats ims_registration_feature_tag_stats = 10133 [(module) = "telephony"]; RcsClientProvisioningStats rcs_client_provisioning_stats = 10134 [(module) = "telephony"]; RcsAcsProvisioningStats rcs_acs_provisioning_stats = 10135 [(module) = "telephony"]; SipDelegateStats sip_delegate_stats = 10136 [(module) = "telephony"]; SipTransportFeatureTagStats sip_transport_feature_tag_stats = 10137 [(module) = "telephony"]; SipMessageResponse sip_message_response = 10138 [(module) = "telephony"]; SipTransportSession sip_transport_session = 10139 [(module) = "telephony"]; ImsDedicatedBearerListenerEvent ims_dedicated_bearer_listener_event = 10140 [(module) = "telephony"]; ImsDedicatedBearerEvent ims_dedicated_bearer_event = 10141 [(module) = "telephony"]; ImsRegistrationServiceDescStats ims_registration_service_desc_stats = 10142 [(module) = "telephony"]; UceEventStats uce_event_stats = 10143 [(module) = "telephony"]; PresenceNotifyEvent presence_notify_event = 10144 [(module) = "telephony"]; GbaEvent gba_event = 10145 [(module) = "telephony"]; PerSimStatus per_sim_status = 10146 [(module) = "telephony"]; GpuWorkPerUid gpu_work_per_uid = 10147; PersistentUriPermissionsAmountPerPackage persistent_uri_permissions_amount_per_package = 10148 [(module) = "framework"]; SignedPartitionInfo signed_partition_info = 10149 [(module) = "framework"]; PinnedFileSizesPerPackage pinned_file_sizes_per_package = 10150 [(module) = "framework"]; PendingIntentsPerPackage pending_intents_per_package = 10151 [(module) = "framework"]; UserInfo user_info = 10152 [(module) = "framework"]; TelephonyNetworkRequestsV2 telephony_network_requests_v2 = 10153 [(module) = "telephony"]; DeviceTelephonyProperties device_telephony_properties = 10154 [(module) = "telephony"]; RemoteKeyProvisioningErrorCounts remote_key_provisioning_error_counts = 10155 [deprecated = true]; SafetyState safety_state = 10156 [(module) = "permissioncontroller"]; IncomingMms incoming_mms = 10157 [(module) = "mms"]; OutgoingMms outgoing_mms = 10158 [(module) = "mms"]; MultiUserInfo multi_user_info = 10160 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkBpfMapInfo network_bpf_map_info = 10161 [(module) = "connectivity"]; OutgoingShortCodeSms outgoing_short_code_sms = 10162 [(module) = "telephony"]; ConnectivityStateSample connectivity_state_sample = 10163 [(module) = "connectivity"]; NetworkSelectionRematchReasonsInfo network_selection_rematch_reasons_info = 10164 [(module) = "connectivity"]; agif.GameModeInfo game_mode_info = 10165 [(module) = "framework"]; agif.GameModeConfiguration game_mode_configuration = 10166 [(module) = "framework"]; agif.GameModeListener game_mode_listener = 10167 [(module) = "framework"]; NetworkSliceRequestCountSample network_slice_request_count = 10168 [(module) = "connectivity"]; WsTileSnapshot ws_tile_snapshot = 10169 [(module) = "wearservices"]; WsActiveWatchFaceComplicationSetSnapshot ws_active_watch_face_complication_set_snapshot = 10170 [(module) = "wearservices"]; ProcessState process_state = 10171 [(module) = "framework"]; ProcessAssociation process_association = 10172 [(module) = "framework"]; adpf.ADPFSystemComponentInfo adpf_system_component_info = 10173 [(module) = "framework"]; sysui.NotificationMemoryUse notification_memory_use = 10174 [(module) = "sysui"]; display.HdrCapabilities hdr_capabilities = 10175 [(module) = "framework"]; WsFavouriteWatchFaceListSnapshot ws_favourite_watch_face_list_snapshot = 10176 [(module) = "wearservices"]; } // Pulled atom extensions. // The atom definitions are under atoms//_extension_atoms.proto extensions 10159; // SandboxSdkStorage sandbox_sdk_storage extensions 10177; // QnsRatPreferenceMismatchInfo qns_rat_preference_mismatch_info extensions 10178; // QnsHandoverTimeMillis qns_handover_time_millis extensions 10179; // QnsHandoverPingpong qns_handover_pingpong extensions 10180; // EmergencyNumbersInfo emergency_numbers_info extensions 10181; // MteState mte_state extensions 10182; // SatelliteController satellite_controller extensions 10183; // SatelliteSession satellite_session extensions 10184; // SatelliteIncomingDatagram satellite_incoming_datagram extensions 10185; // SatelliteOutgoingDatagram satellite_outgoing_datagram extensions 10186; // SatelliteProvision satellite_provision extensions 10187; // SatelliteSosMessageRecommender satellite_sos_message_recommender extensions 10188; // UwbActivityInfo uwb_activity_info extensions 10189; // CachedAppsHighWaterMark cached_apps_high_watermark extensions 10190; // WifiAwareCapabilities wifi_aware_capabilities extensions 10191; // TouchpadUsage touchpad_usage extensions 10192; // DreamSettingSnapshot dream_setting_snapshot extensions 10193; // WifiModuleInfo wifi_module_info extensions 10194; // WifiSettingInfo wifi_setting_info extensions 10195; // WifiComplexSettingInfo wifi_complex_setting_info extensions 10196; // SysproxyBluetoothBytesTransfer sysproxy_bluetooth_bytes_transfer extensions 10197; // WsStandaloneModeSnapshot ws_standalone_mode_snapshot extensions 10198; // WifiConfiguredNetworkInfo wifi_configured_network_info; extensions 10199; // CpuPolicy cpu_policy extensions 10200; // ProxyBytesTransferByFgBg proxy_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg extensions 10201; // ThermalHeadroomThresholds thermal_headroom_thresholds extensions 10202; // Reserved for b/308823939. extensions 10203; // Reserved for b/308823939. extensions 10204; // MobileBytesTransferByProcState mobile_bytes_transfer_by_proc_state extensions 10205; // ArtDeviceStatus art_device_status extensions 10206; // WsFavouriteWatchFaceSnapshot ws_favorite_watch_face_snapshot extensions 10207; // DataNetworkValidation data_network_validation // 10208 is reserved due to removing the old atom. extensions 10209; // Reserved for b/324602949 extensions 10210; // Reserved for b/339008431 extensions 10211; // CarrierRoamingSatelliteSession carrier_roaming_satellite_session extensions 10212; // CarrierRoamingSatelliteControllerStats carrier_roaming_satellite_controller_stats extensions 10213; // ControllerStatsPerPackage controller_stats_per_package extensions 10214; // SatelliteEntitlement satellite_entitlement extensions 10215; // SatelliteConfigUpdater satellite_config_updater extensions 10216; // DevicePolicyManagementMode extensions 10217; // DevicePolicyPolicyState extensions 10218; // AdpfSessionSnapshot adpf_session_snapshot extensions 10219; // SatelliteAccessController satellite_access_controller extensions 99999; // Atom99999 atom_99999 // DO NOT USE field numbers above 100,000 in AOSP. // Field numbers 100,000 - 199,999 are reserved for non-AOSP (e.g. OEMs) to use. // Field numbers 200,000 and above are reserved for future use; do not use them at all. reserved 54, 58, 83, 360 to 363, 492, 597, 801, 10008, 10036, 10040, 10041, 21004, 21005; } /* * ***************************************************************************** * Below are all of the individual atoms that are logged by Android via statsd. * * RULES: * - The field ids for each atom must start at 1, and count upwards by 1. * Skipping field ids is not allowed. * - These form an API, so renaming, renumbering or removing fields is * not allowed between android releases. (This is not currently enforced, * but there will be a tool to enforce this restriction). * - The types must be built-in protocol buffer types, namely, no sub-messages * are allowed (yet). The bytes type is also not allowed. * - The CamelCase name of the message type should match the * underscore_separated name as defined in Atom. * - If an atom represents work that can be attributed to an app, there can * be exactly one AttributionChain field. It must be field number 1. * - A field that is a uid should be an int32 field, tagged with the * [(is_uid) = true] annotation. * * CONVENTIONS: * - Events are past tense. e.g. ScreenStateChanged, not ScreenStateChange. * - If there is a UID, it goes first. Think in an object-oriented fashion. * ***************************************************************************** */ /** * This atom is deprecated starting in Q. Please use ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged. * Logs when the Thermal service HAL notifies the throttling start/stop events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats/StatsCompanionService.java */ message ThermalThrottlingStateChanged { // The type of temperature being reported (CPU, GPU, SKIN, etc) optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_type = 1; // Throttling state, this field is DEPRECATED enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; START = 1; // START indicated that throttling was triggered. STOP = 2; // STOP indicates that throttling was cleared. } optional State state = 2; optional float temperature = 3; } /** * Track transcoding service usage * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/TranscodeHelper.java * Next Tag: 14 */ message TranscodingData { // Reason that leads to the type of access. enum AccessReason { UNKNOWN = 0; SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 1; // Default option SYSTEM_CONFIG = 2; // Server-side/on-device config APP_MANIFEST = 3; // media_capabilites.xml APP_COMPAT = 4; // App compat framework APP_EXTRA = 5; // ApplicationMediaCapabilities API in open() } // Causes that leads to the failure of transcode. enum FailureCause { CAUSE_UNKNOWN = 0; TRANSCODING_SERVICE_ERROR = 1; // Error from transcoding service. TRANSCODING_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 2; // Timeout from MediaProvider. TRANSCODING_SESSION_CANCELED = 3; // MediaProvider cancels the transcode. } enum AccessType { HEVC_WRITE = 1; READ_DIRECT = 2; READ_CACHE = 3; READ_TRANSCODE = 4; WRITE_CACHE = 5; // App trying to write to transcodeid avc file in cache, this is rare. AVC_WRITE = 6; } enum Result { SUCCESS = 0; FAIL = 1; UNDEFINED = 2; } optional string requestor_package = 1; optional AccessType access_type = 2; optional int64 file_size_bytes = 3; optional Result transcode_result = 4; optional int64 transcode_duration_millis = 5; // The duration of transcoding. optional int64 file_duration_millis = 6; // The duration of the video file. optional int64 file_framerate_fps = 7; // The framerate of the video file. optional AccessReason access_reason = 8; optional int64 width = 9; optional int64 height = 10; optional bool hit_anr = 11; optional FailureCause failure_cause = 12; // This field is valid only when fails. optional int64 transcoding_service_error_code = 13; // Error code from transcoding service. } /** * Logs when the screen state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message ScreenStateChanged { // New screen state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/view/enums.proto. optional android.view.DisplayStateEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Part of the go/activity-security project. Logs information about activity * starts which would be blocked as part of the project. * * Logged from: * - frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityStarter.java * - frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityClientController.java */ message ActivityActionBlocked { enum Action { ACTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ACTIVITY_START_SAME_TASK = 1; ACTIVITY_START_DIFFERENT_TASK = 2; ACTIVITY_START_NEW_TASK = 3; FINISH_TASK = 4; } optional int32 caller_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string caller_activity_class_name = 2; optional int32 target_task_top_activity_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string target_task_top_activity_class_name = 4; optional bool target_task_is_different = 5; optional int32 target_activity_uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string target_activity_class_name = 7; optional string target_intent_action = 8; optional int32 target_intent_flags = 9; optional Action action = 10; optional int32 version = 11; optional bool multi_window = 12; optional int32 bal_code = 13; optional string task_debug_info = 14; } /** * Logs that the process state of the uid, as determined by ActivityManager * (i.e. the highest process state of that uid's processes) has changed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message UidProcessStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = true]; // The state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/app_enums.proto. optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum state = 2 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs process state change of a process, as per the activity manager. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ProcessRecord.java */ message ProcessStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1; optional string process_name = 2; optional string package_name = 3; // TODO: remove this when validation is done optional int64 version = 5; // The state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/app_enums.proto. optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum state = 4; } /** * Logs how long a process was in each of the states. */ message ProcessState { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string process_name = 2; // Measurement period. Can be used as denominator. // The gauge duration is not representative because we want uptime and also // the measurement usually ends at a time earlier than pull time. optional int32 measurement_start_uptime_seconds = 3; optional int32 measurement_end_uptime_seconds = 4; optional int32 measurement_duration_uptime_seconds = 5; // Individual state breakdowns, summing up to total process runtime. // Flattening (instead of a dimensions - value pair) for two reasons: // 1. Makes metric filtering possible (can pull the entire process data based // on a specific value. // 2. More efficient to encode (proto id serves as dimension). optional int32 top_seconds = 6; optional int32 fgs_seconds = 7; optional int32 bound_top_seconds = 8; optional int32 bound_fgs_seconds = 9; optional int32 important_fg_bg_seconds = 10; optional int32 cached_seconds = 11; optional int32 frozen_seconds = 12; optional int32 other_seconds = 13; } /** * Logs association between processes. */ message ProcessAssociation { optional int32 client_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // If we only care about the package name name we do not need to upload this // (even though we should add it to the atom for filtering / sharding) optional string client_process = 2; optional int32 service_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string service_name = 4; optional string service_process = 10; // Measurement period. Can be used as denominator. // The gauge duration is not representative because we want uptime and also // the measurement usually ends at a time earlier than pull time. optional int32 measurement_start_uptime_seconds = 5; optional int32 measurement_end_uptime_seconds = 6; optional int32 measurement_duration_uptime_seconds = 7; optional int32 duration_seconds = 8; // Number of times this association was established. optional int32 count = 9; } /** * Logs when ActivityManagerService sleep state is changed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityTaskManagerService.java */ message ActivityManagerSleepStateChanged { // TODO: import frameworks proto enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; ASLEEP = 1; AWAKE = 2; } optional State state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs when system memory state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message MemoryFactorStateChanged { // TODO: import frameworks proto enum State { MEMORY_UNKNOWN = 0; NORMAL = 1; // normal. MODERATE = 2; // moderate memory pressure. LOW = 3; // low memory. CRITICAL = 4; // critical memory. } optional State factor = 1 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs when app is using too much cpu, according to ActivityManagerService. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message ExcessiveCpuUsageReported { optional int32 uid = 1; optional string process_name = 2; optional string package_name = 3; // package version. TODO: remove this when validation is done optional int64 version = 4; } /** * Logs when a cached process is killed, along with its pss. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message CachedKillReported { optional int32 uid = 1; optional string process_name = 2; optional string package_name = 3; // TODO: remove this when validation is done optional int64 version = 5; optional int64 pss = 4; } /** * Logs the change in wifi health. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiDataStall.java */ message WifiHealthStatReported { enum Band { UNKNOWN = 0; // All of 2.4GHz band BAND_2G = 1; // Frequencies in the range of [5150, 5250) GHz BAND_5G_LOW = 2; // Frequencies in the range of [5250, 5725) GHz BAND_5G_MIDDLE = 3; // Frequencies in the range of [5725, 5850) GHz BAND_5G_HIGH = 4; // Frequencies in the range of [5925, 6425) GHz BAND_6G_LOW = 5; // Frequencies in the range of [6425, 6875) GHz BAND_6G_MIDDLE = 6; // Frequencies in the range of [6875, 7125) GHz BAND_6G_HIGH = 7; } // duration this stat is obtained over in milliseconds optional int32 duration_millis = 1; // whether wifi is classified as sufficient for the user's data traffic, determined // by whether the calculated throughput exceeds the average demand within |duration_millis| optional bool is_sufficient = 2; // whether cellular data is available optional bool is_cell_data_available = 3; // the Band bucket the connected network is on optional Band band = 4; // the Signal strength in the range of [-126, 0) optional int32 rssi = 5; // estimated tx throughput in kbps optional int32 tx_kbps = 6 [default = -1]; // estimated rx throughput in kbps optional int32 rx_kbps = 7 [default = -1]; // External scorer UID if external scorer is enabled. Otherwise WIFI_UID for // AOSP scorer. optional int32 scorer_uid = 8; // Whether or not Wi-Fi is predicted as usable by the scorer // Note: 'is_wifi_predicted_as_usable' is deprectaed by 'wifi_predicted_usability_state'. optional bool is_wifi_predicted_as_usable = 9; // Wi-Fi usability state as predicted by the scorer optional android.net.wifi.WifiPredictedUsabilityState wifi_predicted_usability_state = 10; } /** * Logged when wifi detects a significant change in connection failure rate. * * Logged from: frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiHealthMonitor.java * */ message WifiFailureStatReported { enum AbnormalityType { UNKNOWN = 0; SIGNIFICANT_INCREASE = 1; SIGNIFICANT_DECREASE = 2; SIMPLY_HIGH = 3; } enum FailureType { FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0; FAILURE_CONNECTION = 1; FAILURE_ASSOCIATION_REJECTION = 2; FAILURE_ASSOCIATION_TIMEOUT = 3; FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION = 4; FAILURE_NON_LOCAL_DISCONNECTION = 5; FAILURE_SHORT_CONNECTION_DUE_TO_NON_LOCAL_DISCONNECTION = 6; } // Reason for uploading this stat optional AbnormalityType abnormality_type = 1; // The particular type of failure optional FailureType failure_type = 2; // How many times we have encountered this combination of AbnormalityType and FailureType optional int32 failure_count = 3; } /** * Logs whether a Wifi connection attempt was successful and reasons for failure if it wasn't. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java */ message WifiConnectionResultReported { enum FailureCode { FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0; FAILURE_ASSOCIATION_TIMEOUT = 1; FAILURE_ASSOCIATION_REJECTION = 2; FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION_GENERAL = 3; FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION_EAP = 4; FAILURE_DHCP = 5; FAILURE_NETWORK_DISCONNECTION = 6; FAILURE_ROAM_TIMEOUT = 7; FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD = 8; FAILURE_CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED = 9; FAILURE_NEW_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT = 10; FAILURE_REDUNDANT_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT = 11; FAILURE_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND = 12; FAILURE_NO_RESPONSE = 13; FAILURE_OTHERS = 14; } enum Trigger { UNKNOWN = 0; // Connection attempt was initiated manually. MANUAL = 1; // Automatic reconnection to the same network as connected previously. RECONNECT_SAME_NETWORK = 2; // Automatic reconnection to a saved network, but not the previous one. AUTOCONNECT_CONFIGURED_NETWORK = 3; // Automatic first connection attempt after device boot. AUTOCONNECT_BOOT = 4; } // True represents a successful connection. optional bool connection_result = 1; // Reason for the connection failure. optional FailureCode failure_code = 2; // Scan RSSI before the connection attempt. optional int32 rssi = 3; // Time taken by this connection attempt. optional int32 connection_attempt_duration_millis = 4; // Band bucket the connected network is on. optional android.net.wifi.WifiBandBucket band = 5; // Authentication type. optional android.net.wifi.WifiAuthType auth_type = 6; // What triggered this connection attempt. optional Trigger trigger = 7; // Whether this network was used (successfully connected to) previously. optional bool network_used = 8; // Time taken from the last successful connection (or device boot if that's the first one). optional int32 time_since_last_connection_seconds = 9; // Whether the connection is carrier wifi. optional bool is_carrier_wifi = 10; // Whether the OOB pseeudonym is enabled for the current connection. optional bool is_oob_pseudonym_enabled = 11; // The client mode role for the connection, can use to determine the connection type. optional android.net.wifi.ClientModeRole role = 12; // The status code specific to each failure code. // - For FAILURE_ASSOCIATION_REJECTION, the value should be one of // SupplicantStaIfaceHal.StaIfaceStatusCode. // - For FAILURE_NETWORK_DISCONNECTION, the value should be // one of SupplicantStaIfaceHal.StaIfaceReasonCode. // - For FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION_EAP, the value should be a EAP failure code. // For all other failure codes, this should be 0. optional int32 failure_specific_status_code = 13; // Information only applicable for EAP networks. optional android.net.wifi.EapType eap_type = 14; optional android.net.wifi.EapInnerMethod eap_inner_method = 15; optional android.net.wifi.RoamingType passpoint_roaming_type = 16; // carrier ID of the network optional int32 carrier_id = 17; optional android.net.wifi.TofuConfiguration tofu_configuration = 18; // uid of the caller who initiated this connection optional int32 connection_uid = 19 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when a Wifi connection drops. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java */ message WifiDisconnectReported { enum FailureCode { UNKNOWN = 0; // Wifi supplicant failure reason codes (IEEE Std 802.11-2016,, Table 9-45). // See ISupplicantStaIfaceCallback.java:ReasonCode UNSPECIFIED = 1; PREV_AUTH_NOT_VALID = 2; DEAUTH_LEAVING = 3; DISASSOC_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY = 4; DISASSOC_AP_BUSY = 5; CLASS2_FRAME_FROM_NONAUTH_STA = 6; CLASS3_FRAME_FROM_NONASSOC_STA = 7; DISASSOC_STA_HAS_LEFT = 8; STA_REQ_ASSOC_WITHOUT_AUTH = 9; PWR_CAPABILITY_NOT_VALID = 10; SUPPORTED_CHANNEL_NOT_VALID = 11; BSS_TRANSITION_DISASSOC = 12; INVALID_IE = 13; MICHAEL_MIC_FAILURE = 14; FOURWAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT = 15; GROUP_KEY_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 16; IE_IN_4WAY_DIFFERS = 17; GROUP_CIPHER_NOT_VALID = 18; PAIRWISE_CIPHER_NOT_VALID = 19; AKMP_NOT_VALID = 20; UNSUPPORTED_RSN_IE_VERSION = 21; INVALID_RSN_IE_CAPAB = 22; IEEE_802_1X_AUTH_FAILED = 23; CIPHER_SUITE_REJECTED = 24; TDLS_TEARDOWN_UNREACHABLE = 25; TDLS_TEARDOWN_UNSPECIFIED = 26; SSP_REQUESTED_DISASSOC = 27; NO_SSP_ROAMING_AGREEMENT = 28; BAD_CIPHER_OR_AKM = 29; NOT_AUTHORIZED_THIS_LOCATION = 30; SERVICE_CHANGE_PRECLUDES_TS = 31; UNSPECIFIED_QOS_REASON = 32; NOT_ENOUGH_BANDWIDTH = 33; DISASSOC_LOW_ACK = 34; EXCEEDED_TXOP = 35; STA_LEAVING = 36; END_TS_BA_DLS = 37; UNKNOWN_TS_BA = 38; TIMEOUT = 39; PEERKEY_MISMATCH = 45; AUTHORIZED_ACCESS_LIMIT_REACHED = 46; EXTERNAL_SERVICE_REQUIREMENTS = 47; INVALID_FT_ACTION_FRAME_COUNT = 48; INVALID_PMKID = 49; INVALID_MDE = 50; INVALID_FTE = 51; MESH_PEERING_CANCELLED = 52; MESH_MAX_PEERS = 53; MESH_CONFIG_POLICY_VIOLATION = 54; MESH_CLOSE_RCVD = 55; MESH_MAX_RETRIES = 56; MESH_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 57; MESH_INVALID_GTK = 58; MESH_INCONSISTENT_PARAMS = 59; MESH_INVALID_SECURITY_CAP = 60; MESH_PATH_ERROR_NO_PROXY_INFO = 61; MESH_PATH_ERROR_NO_FORWARDING_INFO = 62; MESH_PATH_ERROR_DEST_UNREACHABLE = 63; MAC_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_MBSS = 64; MESH_CHANNEL_SWITCH_REGULATORY_REQ = 65; MESH_CHANNEL_SWITCH_UNSPECIFIED = 66; // ClientModeImpl error codes // Defined in /frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java IFACE_DESTROYED = 10000; WIFI_DISABLED = 10001; SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECTED = 10002; CONNECTING_WATCHDOG_TIMER = 10003; ROAM_WATCHDOG_TIMER = 10004; // New reasons tracking disconnections initiated by wifi framework DISCONNECT_GENERAL = 10005; // Framework disconnect, generic reason // Disconnecting due to unspecified IP reachability lost. DISCONNECT_NUD_FAILURE_GENERIC = 10006; // Disconnecting due to IP reachability lost from roaming DISCONNECT_NUD_FAILURE_ROAM = 10007; // Disconnecting due to IP reachability lost from the CONFIRM command DISCONNECT_NUD_FAILURE_CONFIRM = 10008; // Disconnecting due to IP reachability lost from kernel check DISCONNECT_NUD_FAILURE_ORGANIC = 10009; // Connectivity no longer wants this network DISCONNECT_UNWANTED_BY_CONNECTIVITY = 10010; // Timeout creating the IP client DISCONNECT_CREATE_IP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 10011; DISCONNECT_IP_PROVISIONING_FAILURE = 10012; // IP provisioning failure DISCONNECT_P2P_REQUESTED_DISCONNECT = 10013; // Disconnect by P2P // Network is removed from the WifiConfigManager DISCONNECT_NETWORK_REMOVED = 10014; DISCONNECT_NETWORK_UNTRUSTED = 10015; // Network is marked as untrusted DISCONNECT_NETWORK_METERED = 10016; // Network is marked as metered DISCONNECT_TEMP_DISABLED = 10017; // Network is temporarily disabled DISCONNECT_PERM_DISABLED = 10018; // Network is permanently disabled DISCONNECT_CARRIER_OFFLOAD_DISABLED = 10019; // Disconnecting due to Passpoint terms and conditions page DISCONNECT_PASSPOINT_TAC = 10020; // Disconnecting due to issues with terms and conditions URL DISCONNECT_VNC_REQUEST = 10021; // Connected to a network that is already removed DISCONNECT_UNKNOWN_NETWORK = 10022; // User initiated a new connection DISCONNECT_NEW_CONNECTION_USER = 10023; // New connection triggered by non-user DISCONNECT_NEW_CONNECTION_OTHERS = 10024; // Wi-Fi 7 is enabled or disabled for this network DISCONNECT_NETWORK_WIFI7_TOGGLED = 10025; } // How long the session lasted from successful connection to disconnect. optional int32 connected_duration_seconds = 1; // Reason for the disconnect. optional FailureCode failure_code = 2; // Band bucket the connected network was on. optional android.net.wifi.WifiBandBucket band = 3; // Authentication type. optional android.net.wifi.WifiAuthType auth_type = 4; // Last seen RSSI before the disconnect. optional int32 last_rssi = 5; // Last seen link speed before the disconnect. optional int32 last_link_speed = 6; // Time since the last RSSI and link speed update. // Useful for filtering out very old data optional int32 time_since_last_rssi_poll_seconds = 7; // Time from the last NETWORK_CONNECTION_EVENT to the disconnect optional int32 connected_time_since_last_roam_seconds = 8; // The purpose the of the connection optional android.net.wifi.ClientModeRole role = 9; // The type of EAP authentication. Only applicable for EAP networks. optional android.net.wifi.EapType eap_type = 10; optional android.net.wifi.EapInnerMethod eap_inner_method = 11; optional android.net.wifi.RoamingType passpoint_roaming_type = 12; // Carrier id of the network. optional int32 carrier_id = 13; // uid of the caller who initiated this connection optional int32 connection_uid = 14 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when Wifi connection is established or dropped. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java */ message WifiConnectionStateChanged { optional bool is_connected = 1 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; // Band bucket the connected network was on. // Filled for both connected and disconnected cases. optional android.net.wifi.WifiBandBucket band = 2; // Authentication type. // Filled for both connected and disconnected cases. optional android.net.wifi.WifiAuthType auth_type = 3; } /** * Logged when wifi peer to peer connection happens */ message WifiP2pConnectionReported { enum Type { UNSPECIFIED = 0; // fresh new connection. FRESH = 1; // reinvoke a group. REINVOKE = 2; // create a group with the current device as the group owner locally. LOCAL = 3; // create a group or join a group with config. FAST = 4; } enum FailureCode { // Failure is unknown. UNKNOWN = 0; // No failure. NONE = 1; // Timeout for current connecting request. TIMEOUT = 2; // The connecting request is canceled by the user. CANCEL = 3; // Provision discovery failure, e.g. no pin code, timeout, rejected by the peer. PROV_DISC_FAIL = 4; // Invitation failure, e.g. rejected by the peer. INVITATION_FAIL = 5; // Incoming request is rejected by the user. USER_REJECT = 6; // New connection request is issued before ending previous connecting request. NEW_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT = 7; // Group has been removed GROUP_REMOVED = 8; // Creating group failed CREATE_GROUP_FAILED = 9; } enum GroupRole { GROUP_UNKNOWN = 0; GROUP_OWNER = 1; GROUP_CLIENT = 2; } enum Band { // Unknown band/frequency BAND_UNKNOWN = 0; // any band BAND_AUTO = 1; // With 2G band BAND_2G = 2; // With 5G band BAND_5G = 3; // With 6G band BAND_6G = 4; // With a specific frequency BAND_FREQUENCY = 5; } // Type of the connection. optional Type type = 1; // Duration to connect in millis. optional int32 latency_ms= 2; // Duration to connect in step size of 200 millis. optional int32 latency_200ms= 3; // Failure code optional FailureCode failure_code = 4; // Group role. This could be unknown with connect() call when the WifiConfig doesn't have the // credential. optional GroupRole group_role = 5; // Group band preference optional Band band = 6; // Group frequency in MHz if positive. Otherwise, no frequency preference. optional int32 frequency_mhz = 7; // STA mode channel frequency. 0 means unknown. optional int32 sta_frequency_mhz = 8; // The uid of the app that initiates the connection. optional int32 uid = 9 [(is_uid) = true]; // if the country code is in the world mode optional bool is_country_code_world_mode = 10; // fallback to negotiation if device receives invitation response status code "information is // currently unavailable" optional bool fallback_to_negotiation_on_invite_status_info_unavailable = 11; // The try count of connection optional int32 try_count = 12; // The Attribution tag to identify the caller optional string attribution_tag = 13; } /** * Logged when wifi setup failure or crash reported */ message WifiSetupFailureCrashReported { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; // Wifi HAL crash HAL_CRASH = 1; // Wificond crash WIFICOND_CRASH = 2; // Supplicant crash SUPPLICANT_CRASH = 3; // hostapd crash HOSTAPD_CRASH = 4; // HAL error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForClientMode CLIENT_FAILURE_HAL = 5; // Wificond error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForClientMode CLIENT_FAILURE_WIFICOND = 6; // Supplicant error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForClientMode CLIENT_FAILURE_SUPPLICANT = 7; // HAL error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForSoftApMode SOFT_AP_FAILURE_HAL = 8; // Wificond error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForSoftApMode SOFT_AP_FAILURE_WIFICOND = 9; // Hostapd error on WifiNative.setupInterfaceForSoftApMode SOFT_AP_FAILURE_HOSTAPD = 10; // HAL error on WifiP2pNative.setupInterface P2P_FAILURE_HAL = 11; // Supplicant error on WifiP2pNative.setupInterface P2P_FAILURE_SUPPLICANT = 12; } // Type of failure optional Type type= 1; } /* * Logs metrics on bedtime mode state changed * * Logged From: * frameworks/opt/wear/src/com/google/android/clockwork/healthservices/BedtimeModeController.java */ message BedtimeModeStateChanged { enum BedTimeModeState { BEDTIME_OFF = 0; BEDTIME_ON = 1; } // Log the bedtime mode state optional BedTimeModeState bedtime_mode_state = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } // Current Wifi state when bedtime mode is toggled optional State current_wifi_state = 2; // Current LTE state when bedtime mode is toggled optional State current_cellular_state = 3; // Current BT state when bedtime mode is toggled optional State current_bluetooth_state = 4; // Current Battery level. Should be in [0, 100]. optional int32 battery_level = 5; } /** * Logs when memory stats of a process is reported. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ProcessRecord.java */ message ProcessMemoryStatReported { optional int32 uid = 1; optional string process_name = 2; optional string package_name = 3; //TODO: remove this when validation is done optional int64 version = 9; optional int64 pss = 4; optional int64 uss = 5; optional int64 rss = 6; enum Type { ADD_PSS_INTERNAL_SINGLE = 0; ADD_PSS_INTERNAL_ALL_MEM = 1; ADD_PSS_INTERNAL_ALL_POLL = 2; ADD_PSS_EXTERNAL = 3; ADD_PSS_EXTERNAL_SLOW = 4; } optional Type type = 7; optional int64 duration_millis = 8; // The types of the components this process is hosting at the moment this // snapshot is taken. // See the available types in HostingComponentType in AppProtoEnums. optional int32 current_hosting_component_types = 10; // The historical types of the components this process is or was hosting // since it's born. // See the available types in HostingComponentType in AppProtoEnums. optional int32 historical_hosting_component_types = 11; } /** * Logs that a process started, finished, crashed, or ANRed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name (usually same as the app name). optional string process_name = 2; // What lifecycle state the process changed to. // This enum is specific to atoms.proto. enum State { FINISHED = 0; STARTED = 1; CRASHED = 2; } optional State state = 3; } /** * Logs when the ble scan state changes. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/le_scan/AppScanStats.java */ message BleScanStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field_first_uid = true]; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; // RESET indicates all ble stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes). RESET = 2; } optional State state = 2 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).default_state_value = 0 /* State.OFF */, (state_field_option).trigger_state_reset_value = 2 /* State.RESET */, (state_field_option).nested = true ]; // Does the scan have a filter. optional bool is_filtered = 3 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // Whether the scan is a CALLBACK_TYPE_FIRST_MATCH scan. Called 'background' scan internally. optional bool is_first_match = 4 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // Whether the scan set to piggy-back off the results of other scans (SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC). optional bool is_opportunistic = 5 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; } /** * Logs reporting of a ble scan finding results. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/le_scan/AppScanStats.java */ // TODO: Consider also tracking per-scanner-id. message BleScanResultReceived { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Number of ble scan results returned. optional int32 num_results = 2; } /** * Logs when a sensor state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message SensorStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // The id (int) of the sensor. optional int32 sensor_id = 2; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 3; } /** * Logs when GPS signal quality. * * Logged from: * /frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/gnssmetrics/GnssMetrics.java */ message GpsSignalQualityChanged { optional android.server.location.GpsSignalQualityEnum level = 1; } /** * Logs when a sync manager sync state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message SyncStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Name of the sync (as named in the app). Can be chosen at run-time. optional string sync_name = 2; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 3; } /* * Deferred job stats. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/JobSchedulerService.java */ message DeferredJobStatsReported { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Number of jobs deferred. optional int32 num_jobs_deferred = 2; // Time since the last job runs. optional int64 time_since_last_job_millis = 3; } /** * Logs when a job scheduler job state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/JobSchedulerService.java * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/JobServiceContext.java * * Next tag: 54 */ message ScheduledJobStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Name of the job (as named in the app) optional string job_name = 2; enum State { // A job started executing (passed through the STARTED state) and has finished. FINISHED = 0; // A scheduled job has just started executing. STARTED = 1; // An app just scheduled this job to be executed at some point in the future. SCHEDULED = 2; // The job was SCHEDULED but cancelled before it started executing (so it never went // through the STARTED state). CANCELLED = 3; } optional State state = 3; // The internal reason a job has stopped. // This is only applicable when the state is FINISHED. // The default value is INTERNAL_STOP_REASON_UNKNOWN. optional android.app.job.InternalStopReasonEnum internal_stop_reason = 4; // The publicly returned reason onStopJob() was called. // This is only applicable when the state is FINISHED, but may be undefined if // JobService.onStopJob() was never called for the job. // The default value is STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED. optional android.app.job.StopReasonEnum public_stop_reason = 17; // The standby bucket of the app that scheduled the job. These match the framework constants // defined in JobSchedulerService.java with the addition of UNKNOWN using -1, as ACTIVE is // already assigned 0. enum Bucket { UNKNOWN = -1; ACTIVE = 0; WORKING_SET = 1; FREQUENT = 2; RARE = 3; NEVER = 4; RESTRICTED = 5; EXEMPTED = 6; } optional Bucket standby_bucket = 5 [default = UNKNOWN]; // On T- builds, this is the job id (as assigned by the app). // On U+ builds, this is generated by the system, factoring in the job's namespace. optional int64 job_id = 6; // One flag for each of the API constraints defined by JobScheduler. Does not include implicit // constraints as they are always assumed to be set. optional bool has_charging_constraint = 7; optional bool has_battery_not_low_constraint = 8; optional bool has_storage_not_low_constraint = 9; optional bool has_timing_delay_constraint = 10; optional bool has_deadline_constraint = 11; optional bool has_idle_constraint = 12; optional bool has_connectivity_constraint = 13; optional bool has_content_trigger_constraint = 14; optional bool is_prefetch = 18; optional bool is_periodic = 34; optional bool has_flex_constraint = 47; // True if the app has requested this run as an expedited job. optional bool is_requested_expedited_job = 15; // True if the job is running as an expedited job. Only valid for STARTED and FINISHED states. optional bool is_running_as_expedited_job = 16; // True if the app has requested this run as a user initiated job. optional bool is_requested_as_user_initiated_job = 32; // True if the job is running as a user initiated job. Only valid for STARTED/FINISHED states. optional bool is_running_as_user_initiated_job = 33; // The priority set by the app (via JobInfo.Builder.setPriority()). optional int32 requested_priority = 19; // The priority JobScheduler ran the job at. Only valid for STARTED and FINISHED states. optional int32 effective_priority = 20; // Number of times JobScheduler has tried to run this particular job. This value is incremented // when a job is stopped and rescheduled for various reasons (lost network, constraints no // longer satisfied, etc). For periodic jobs, this value is reset after a successful run. optional int32 num_previous_attempts = 21; // The deadline that the Job has requested. // This is only valid if has_deadline_constraint is true. optional int64 deadline_ms = 22; // The delay that the Job has requested. // This is only valid if has_timing_delay_constraint is true. optional int64 delay_ms = 35; // True if the Job hit its deadline optional bool is_deadline_constraint_satisfied = 23; optional bool is_charging_constraint_satisfied = 24; optional bool is_battery_not_low_constraint_satisfied = 25; optional bool is_storage_not_low_constraint_satisfied = 26; optional bool is_timing_delay_constraint_satisfied = 27; optional bool is_idle_constraint_satisfied = 28; optional bool is_connectivity_constraint_satisfied = 29; optional bool is_content_trigger_constraint_satisfied = 30; optional bool is_flex_constraint_satisfied = 48; // The amount of time that elapsed between the job being scheduled (state = SCHEDULED) // and it being started (state = STARTED). Persisted jobs loaded at boot are considered // to be scheduled at boot, so all values are within the current boot cycle. Periodic // and other rescheduled jobs are considered to be newly scheduled and therefore this // value reflects the time since the most recent (re)schedule. // This is only valid for the STARTED and FINISHED states. optional int64 job_start_latency_ms = 31; // The amount of data the app estimated it would download. // This is only valid if has_connectivity_constraint is true. // If the job has JobWorkItems attached, this value will include the estimates from the items. optional int64 estimated_download_bytes = 36; // The amount of data the app estimated it would upload. // This is only valid if has_connectivity_constraint is true. // If the job has JobWorkItems attached, this value will include the estimates from the items. optional int64 estimated_upload_bytes = 37; // The number of JobWorkItems the app has attached to this job but not completed // (by calling JobParameters.completeWork()). optional int32 num_uncompleted_work_items = 38; // Proc state of the UID of the logged event optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum proc_state = 39 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN]; // Hash of the namespace set via JobScheduler.forNamespace(String). optional string namespace_hash = 40; // System estimated/measured bytes that the job // downloaded over its runtime. Only valid for FINISHED // state. We measure here for the SOURCE UID optional int64 system_measured_source_download_bytes = 41; // System estimated/measured uploaded bytes that the job // uploaded over its runtime. Only valid for FINISHED // state. We measure here for the SOURCE UID optional int64 system_measured_source_upload_bytes = 42; // System estimated/measured bytes that the job // downloaded over its runtime. Only valid for FINISHED // state. We measure here for the CALLING UID optional int64 system_measured_calling_download_bytes = 43; // System estimated/measured uploaded bytes that the job // uploaded over its runtime. Only valid for FINISHED // state. We measure here for the CALLING UID optional int64 system_measured_calling_upload_bytes = 44; // Interval for the job to recur when it is set as periodic. // Valid only if is_periodic is true optional int64 periodic_job_interval_ms = 45; // Flex interval for the periodic job. This value is set via the second // parameter of JobInfo.Builder.setPeriodic(long, long). The job can // execute at any time in a window flex length at the end of the period. // Valid only if is_periodic is true optional int64 periodic_job_flex_interval_ms = 46; // Whether transport preference logic can be applied to this job with flex policy optional bool can_apply_transport_affinities = 49; // The number of flexible job constraints being applied to the job. // num_required_flex_constraints = num_applied_flex_constraints - num_dropped_flex_constraints. optional int32 num_applied_flex_constraints = 50; // The number of required flexible job constraints that have been dropped for this job. // num_required_flex_constraints = num_applied_flex_constraints - num_dropped_flex_constraints. optional int32 num_dropped_flex_constraints = 51; // Trace tag set via JobInfo.Builder.setTraceTag(). Basic PII filtering has been applied, // but further filtering should be done by clients. optional string filtered_trace_tag = 52; // Set of tags set by the app to characterize the work being done. Set via // JobInfo.Builder.addDebugTag(). Basic PII filtering has been applied, // but further filtering should be done by clients. repeated string filtered_debug_tags = 53; } /** * Logs when the audio state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message AudioStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; // RESET indicates all audio stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes). RESET = 2; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs when the video codec state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message MediaCodecStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; // RESET indicates all mediaCodec stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes). RESET = 2; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs when the flashlight state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message FlashlightStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; // RESET indicates all flashlight stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes). RESET = 2; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs when the camera state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message CameraStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; // RESET indicates all camera stopped. Used when it (re)starts (e.g. after it crashes). RESET = 2; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs that the state of a wakelock (per app and per wakelock name) has changed. * * Logged from: * TODO */ message WakelockStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field_first_uid = true]; // The type (level) of the wakelock; e.g. a partial wakelock or a full wakelock. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/os/enums.proto. optional android.os.WakeLockLevelEnum type = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere). optional string tag = 3 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; enum State { RELEASE = 0; ACQUIRE = 1; CHANGE_RELEASE = 2; CHANGE_ACQUIRE = 3; } optional State state = 4 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).default_state_value = 0, (state_field_option).nested = true ]; optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum process_state = 5 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN]; } /** * Logs when a partial wakelock is considered 'long' (over 1 min). * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message LongPartialWakelockStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere). optional string tag = 2; // TODO: I have no idea what this is. optional string history_tag = 3; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 4; } /** * Logs when the device is interactive, according to the PowerManager Notifier. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/Notifier.java */ message InteractiveStateChanged { enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 1; } /** * Logs Battery Saver state change. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message BatterySaverModeStateChanged { enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs Doze mode state change. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message DeviceIdleModeStateChanged { optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs state change of Doze mode including maintenance windows. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged { optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs screen brightness level. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message ScreenBrightnessChanged { // Screen brightness level. Should be in [-1, 255] according to PowerManager.java. optional int32 level = 1; } /** * Logs battery level (percent full, from 0 to 100). * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message BatteryLevelChanged { // Battery level. Should be in [0, 100]. optional int32 battery_level = 1; } /** * Logs change in charging status of the device. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message ChargingStateChanged { // State of the battery, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/os/enums.proto. optional android.os.BatteryStatusEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs whether the device is plugged in, and what power source it is using. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message PluggedStateChanged { // Whether the device is plugged in, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/os/enums.proto. optional android.os.BatteryPluggedStateEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs whether the device is docked, and what type of dock it is using. * * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/power/PowerManagerService.java */ message DockStateChanged { // The device dock state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/enums.proto. optional android.server.DockStateEnum state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs when an app's wakeup alarm fires. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message WakeupAlarmOccurred { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Name of the wakeup alarm. optional string tag = 2; // Name of source package (for historical reasons, since BatteryStats tracked it). optional string package_name = 3; // The App Standby bucket of the app that scheduled the alarm at the time the alarm fired. optional AppStandbyBucketChanged.Bucket app_standby_bucket = 4; } /** * Logs when an an app causes the mobile radio to change state. * Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the mobile radio. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/NetworkManagementService.java */ message MobileRadioPowerStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Power state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telephony/enums.proto. optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2; } /** * Logs when an an app causes the wifi radio to change state. * Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the wifi radio. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/NetworkManagementService.java */ message WifiRadioPowerStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Power state, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telephony/enums.proto. optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2; } /** * Logs kernel wakeup reasons and aborts. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message KernelWakeupReported { // Name of the kernel wakeup reason (or abort). optional string wakeup_reason_name = 1; // Duration (in microseconds) for the wake-up interrupt to be serviced. optional int64 duration_micros = 2; // The elapsed time when this wake-up was reported. optional int64 elapsed_millis = 3; } /** * Logs when Wifi is toggled on/off. * Note that Wifi may still perform certain functions (e.g. location scanning) even when disabled. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message WifiEnabledStateChanged { enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 1; } /** * This atom is deprecated starting in R. * * Logs when an app causes Wifi to run. In this context, 'to run' means to use Wifi Client Mode. * TODO: Include support for Hotspot, perhaps by using an extra field to denote 'mode'. * Note that Wifi Scanning is monitored separately in WifiScanStateChanged. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BatteryStatsService.java */ message WifiRunningStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs wifi locks held by an app. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message WifiLockStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 2; // WifiLock type, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/wifi/enums.proto. optional android.net.wifi.WifiModeEnum mode = 3; } /** * Logs wifi signal strength changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/ClientModeImpl.java */ message WifiSignalStrengthChanged { // Signal strength, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telephony/enums.proto. optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1; } /** * Logs wifi scans performed by an app. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/scanner/WifiScanningServiceImpl.java */ message WifiScanStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs wifi multicast locks held by an app * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMulticastLockManager.java */ message WifiMulticastLockStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 2; optional string tag = 3; } /** * Logs shutdown reason and duration on next boot. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/BootReceiver.java */ message ShutdownSequenceReported { // True if shutdown is for a reboot. Default: false if we do not know. optional bool reboot = 1; // Reason for shutdown. Eg: userrequested. Default: "". optional string reason = 2; // Beginning of shutdown time in ms using wall clock time since unix epoch. // Default: 0 if no start time received. optional int64 start_time_millis = 3; // Duration of shutdown in ms. Default: 0 if no duration received. optional int64 duration_millis = 4; } /** * Logs boot reason and duration. * * Logged from: * system/core/bootstat/bootstat.cpp */ message BootSequenceReported { // Reason for bootloader boot. Eg. reboot. See bootstat.cpp for larger list // Default: "" if not available. optional string bootloader_reason = 1; // Reason for system boot. Eg. bootloader, reboot,userrequested // Default: "" if not available. optional string system_reason = 2; // End of boot time in ms from unix epoch using system wall clock. optional int64 end_time_millis = 3; // Total boot duration in ms. optional int64 total_duration_millis = 4; // Bootloader duration in ms. optional int64 bootloader_duration_millis = 5; // Time since last boot in ms. Default: 0 if not available. optional int64 time_since_last_boot = 6; } /** * Logs call state and disconnect cause (if applicable). * * Logged from: * packages/services/Telecomm/src/com/android/server/telecom/Call.java */ message CallStateChanged { // The state of the call. Eg. DIALING, ACTIVE, ON_HOLD, DISCONNECTED. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telecomm/enums.proto. optional android.telecom.CallStateEnum call_state = 1; // The reason the call disconnected. Eg. ERROR, MISSED, REJECTED, BUSY. // This value is only applicable when the call_state is DISCONNECTED, and // should always be UNKNOWN if the call_state is not DISCONNECTED. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telecomm/enums.proto. optional android.telecom.DisconnectCauseEnum disconnect_cause = 2; // True if the call is self-managed, which are apps that use the // telecom infrastructure to make their own calls. optional bool self_managed = 3; // True if call is external. External calls are calls on connected Wear // devices but show up in Telecom so the user can pull them onto the device. optional bool external_call = 4; // True if call is emergency call. optional bool emergency_call = 5; // UID of the package that has initiated the call. optional int32 uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; // Elapsed time between CALL_STATE_ACTIVE to CALL_STATE_DISCONNECTED. // This value is only applicable when the call_state is DISCONNECTED, // 0 otherwise. optional int32 duration_seconds = 7; // Number of all existing calls when this call is created. optional int32 existing_call_count = 8; // Number of existing calls held by this call. // This value is set after a call is actually held, 0 otherwise. optional int32 held_call_count = 9; // The reason the call hasn't been started by device condition. // This value is only applicable when the call_state is DISCONNECTED, // and should always be NONE if the call_state is not DISCONNECTED. // From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telecomm/enums.proto. optional android.telecom.CallFailureCauseEnum start_fail_cause = 10; } /* * Logs changes to the configuration of the device. The configuration is defined * in frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/res/Configuration.java * More documentation is at https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html * Please go there to interpret the possible values each field can be. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message ResourceConfigurationChanged { // Bit mask of color capabilities of the screen. // Contains information about the color gamut and hdr mode of the screen. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#colorMode optional int32 color_mode = 1; // The target screen density being rendered to. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#densityDpi optional int32 density_dpi = 2; // Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts, // relative to the base density scaling. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#fontScale optional float font_scale = 3; // Flag indicating whether the hard keyboard is hidden. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#hardKeyboardHidden optional int32 hard_keyboard_hidden = 4; // The type of keyboard attached to the device. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#keyboard optional int32 keyboard = 5; // Flag indicating whether any keyboard is available. Takes soft keyboards into account. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#keyboardHidden optional int32 keyboard_hidden = 6; // IMSI MCC (Mobile Country Code), corresponding to mcc resource qualifier. // 0 if undefined. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#mcc optional int32 mcc = 7; // IMSI MNC (Mobile Network Code), corresponding to mnc resource qualifier. // 0 if undefined. Note: the actual MNC may be 0, to check for this use the // MNC_ZERO symbol defined in Configuration.java. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#mnc optional int32 mnc = 8; // The kind of navigation available on the device. // See: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#navigation optional int32 navigation = 9; // Flag indicating whether the navigation is available. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#navigationHidden optional int32 navigation_hidden = 10; // Overall orientation of the screen. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#orientation optional int32 orientation = 11; // The current height of the available screen space, in dp units. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#screenHeightDp optional int32 screen_height_dp = 12; // Bit mask of overall layout of the screen. // Contains information about screen size, whether the screen is wider/taller // than normal, whether the screen layout is right-tl-left or left-to-right, // and whether the screen has a rounded shape. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#screenLayout optional int32 screen_layout = 13; // Current width of the available screen space, in dp units. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#screenWidthDp optional int32 screen_width_dp = 14; // The smallest screen size an application will see in normal operation. // This is the smallest value of both screenWidthDp and screenHeightDp // in portrait and landscape. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#smallestScreenWidthDp optional int32 smallest_screen_width_dp = 15; // The type of touch screen attached to the device. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#touchscreen optional int32 touchscreen = 16; // Bit mask of the ui mode. // Contains information about the overall ui mode of the device. // Eg: NORMAL, DESK, CAR, TELEVISION, WATCH, VR_HEADSET // Also contains information about whether the device is in night mode. // See: https://d.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#uiMode optional int32 ui_mode = 17; } /** * Logs changes in the connection state of the mobile radio. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/dataconnection/DataConnection.java */ message MobileConnectionStateChanged { // States are from the state machine DataConnection.java. enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; // The connection is inactive, or disconnected. INACTIVE = 1; // The connection is being activated, or connecting. ACTIVATING = 2; // The connection is active, or connected. ACTIVE = 3; // The connection is disconnecting. DISCONNECTING = 4; // The connection is disconnecting after creating a connection. DISCONNECTION_ERROR_CREATING_CONNECTION = 5; } optional State state = 1; // For multi-sim phones, this distinguishes between the sim cards. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 2; // Used to identify the connection. Starts at 0 and increments by 1 for // every new network created. Resets whenever the device reboots. optional int32 data_connection_id = 3; // A bitmask for the capabilities of this connection. // Eg. DEFAULT (internet), MMS, SUPL, DUN, IMS. // Default value (if we have no information): 0 optional int64 capabilities = 4; // If this connection has internet. // This just checks if the DEFAULT bit of capabilities is set. optional bool has_internet = 5; } /** * Logs changes in mobile radio technology. eg: LTE, EDGE, CDMA. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ServiceStateTracker.java */ message MobileRadioTechnologyChanged { optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum state = 1; // For multi-sim phones, this distinguishes between the sim cards. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 2; } /** * Logs the VID and PID of any connected USB devices. * * Notes if any Audio, HID (input buttons/mouse/keyboard), or Storage interfaces are present. * * Logged by Vendor. */ message UsbDeviceAttached { optional int32 vid = 1; optional int32 pid = 2; optional bool has_audio = 3; optional bool has_hid = 4; optional bool has_storage = 5; enum State { STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; STATE_CONNECTED = 1; } optional State state = 6; optional int64 last_connect_duration_millis = 7; } /** * Logs when Bluetooth is enabled and disabled. * * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/BluetoothManagerService.java */ message BluetoothEnabledStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Whether or not bluetooth is enabled on the device. enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; ENABLED = 1; DISABLED = 2; } optional State state = 2; // The reason for being enabled/disabled. // Eg. Airplane mode, crash, application request. optional android.bluetooth.EnableDisableReasonEnum reason = 3; // If the reason is an application request, this will be the package name. optional string pkg_name = 4; // Previous state. Default: UNKNOWN if there is no previous state. optional State previous_state = 5; // Timedelta in milliseconds since the last state changed. // Default: 0 if there is no previous state. optional int64 time_since_last_changed_millis = 6; } /** * Logs when profiles on a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/RemoteDevices.java * * Next Tag: 6 */ message BluetoothConnectionStateChanged { // The state of the connection. // Eg: CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED. optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match connect and disconnect events. // Currently is last two bytes of a hash of a device level ID and // the mac address of the bluetooth device that is connected. // Deprecated: use obfuscated_id instead, this one is always 0 for Q+ optional int32 obfuscated_id = 2 [deprecated = true]; // The profile that is connected. Eg. GATT, A2DP, HEADSET. // From android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.java // Default: 0 when not used optional int32 bt_profile = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes new_obfuscated_id = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; // An index to group connection events by session. It's a counter generated by // each profile. e.g. Gatt server generate such id to identify Gatt apps optional int32 session_index = 6; // An identifier that indicates the connection failure reason optional int32 connection_reason = 7; } /** * Logs when a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects over ACL * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/AdapterProperties.java * * Next Tag: 4 */ message BluetoothAclConnectionStateChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The state of the connection. // Eg: CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED. optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 2; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 3; // Used transport of this event. optional android.bluetooth.TransportTypeEnum transport = 4; } /** * Logs when a Bluetooth device connects and disconnects over SCO * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/HeadsetStateMachine.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/HeadsetClientStateMachine.java * * Next Tag: 5 */ message BluetoothScoConnectionStateChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The state of the connection. // Eg: CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED. optional android.bluetooth.ConnectionStateEnum state = 2; // Codec used for this SCO connection // Default: UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hfp.ScoCodec codec = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 4; } /** * Logged when active device of a profile changes * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/A2dpService.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hfp/HeadsetService.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/hearingaid/HearingAidService.java */ message BluetoothActiveDeviceChanged { // The profile whose active device has changed. Eg. A2DP, HEADSET, HEARING_AID // From android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile optional int32 bt_profile = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this new active device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if there is no active device for this profile optional bytes obfuscated_id = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 3; } // Logs when there is an event affecting Bluetooth device's link layer connection. // - This event is triggered when there is a related HCI command or event // - Users of this metrics can deduce Bluetooth device's connection state from these events // - HCI commands are logged before the command is sent, after receiving command status, and after // receiving command complete // - HCI events are logged when they arrive // // Low level log from system/bt // // Bluetooth classic commands: // - CMD_CREATE_CONNECTION // - CMD_DISCONNECT // - CMD_CREATE_CONNECTION_CANCEL // - CMD_ACCEPT_CONNECTION_REQUEST // - CMD_REJECT_CONNECTION_REQUEST // - CMD_SETUP_ESCO_CONNECTION // - CMD_ACCEPT_ESCO_CONNECTION // - CMD_REJECT_ESCO_CONNECTION // - CMD_ENH_SETUP_ESCO_CONNECTION // - CMD_ENH_ACCEPT_ESCO_CONNECTION // // Bluetooth low energy commands: // - CMD_BLE_CREATE_LL_CONN [Only logged on error or when initiator filter policy is 0x00] // - CMD_BLE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL [Only logged when there is an error] // - CMD_BLE_EXTENDED_CREATE_CONNECTION [Only logged on error or when initiator filter policy is 0x00] // - CMD_BLE_CLEAR_WHITE_LIST // - CMD_BLE_ADD_WHITE_LIST // - CMD_BLE_REMOVE_WHITE_LIST // // Bluetooth classic events: // - EVT_CONNECTION_COMP // - EVT_CONNECTION_REQUEST // - EVT_DISCONNECTION_COMP // - EVT_ESCO_CONNECTION_COMP // - EVT_ESCO_CONNECTION_CHANGED // // Bluetooth low energy meta events: // - BLE_EVT_CONN_COMPLETE_EVT // - BLE_EVT_ENHANCED_CONN_COMPLETE_EVT // // Next tag: 10 message BluetoothLinkLayerConnectionEvent { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 2; // Direction of the link // Default: DIRECTION_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.DirectionEnum direction = 3; // Type of this link // Default: LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.LinkTypeEnum type = 4; // Reason metadata for this link layer connection event, rules for interpretation: // 1. If hci_cmd is set and valid, hci_event can be either EVT_COMMAND_STATUS or // EVT_COMMAND_COMPLETE, ignore hci_ble_event in this case // 2. If hci_event is set to EVT_BLE_META, look at hci_ble_event; otherwise, if hci_event is // set and valid, ignore hci_ble_event // HCI command associated with this event // Default: CMD_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_cmd = 5; // HCI event associated with this event // Default: EVT_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.EventEnum hci_event = 6; // HCI BLE meta event associated with this event // Default: BLE_EVT_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.BleMetaEventEnum hci_ble_event = 7; // HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 8; // HCI reason code associated with this event // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum reason_code = 9; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 10; } /** * Logs when a module is rolled back by Watchdog. * * Logged from: Rollback Manager */ message WatchdogRollbackOccurred { enum RollbackType { UNKNOWN = 0; ROLLBACK_INITIATE = 1; ROLLBACK_SUCCESS = 2; ROLLBACK_FAILURE = 3; ROLLBACK_BOOT_TRIGGERED = 4; } optional RollbackType rollback_type = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int32 package_version_code = 3; enum RollbackReasonType { REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; REASON_NATIVE_CRASH = 1; REASON_EXPLICIT_HEALTH_CHECK = 2; REASON_APP_CRASH = 3; REASON_APP_NOT_RESPONDING = 4; REASON_NATIVE_CRASH_DURING_BOOT = 5; REASON_NETWORK_RELATED_CRASH = 6; REASON_BOOT_LOOPING = 7; } optional RollbackReasonType rollback_reason = 4; // Set by RollbackPackageHealthObserver to be the package that is failing when a rollback // is initiated. Empty if the package is unknown. optional string failing_package_name = 5; optional TrainExperimentIds experiment_ids = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when there is a change in Bluetooth A2DP playback state * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/A2dpService.java */ message BluetoothA2dpPlaybackStateChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Current playback state // Default: PLAYBACK_STATE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.a2dp.PlaybackStateEnum playback_state = 2; // Current audio coding mode // Default: AUDIO_CODING_MODE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.a2dp.AudioCodingModeEnum audio_coding_mode = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 4; } /** * Logs when there is a change in A2DP codec config for a particular remote device * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/BluetoothCodecConfig.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/A2dpService.java */ message BluetoothA2dpCodecConfigChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Type of codec as defined by various SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_INVALID optional int32 codec_type = 2; // Codec priroity, the higher the more preferred, -1 for disabled // Default: CODEC_PRIORITY_DEFAULT optional int32 codec_priority = 3; // Sample rate in Hz as defined by various SAMPLE_RATE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: SAMPLE_RATE_NONE optional int32 sample_rate = 4; // Bits per sample as defined by various BITS_PER_SAMPLE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: BITS_PER_SAMPLE_NONE optional int32 bits_per_sample = 5; // Channel mode as defined by various CHANNEL_MODE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: CHANNEL_MODE_NONE optional int32 channel_mode = 6; // Codec specific values // Default 0 optional int64 codec_specific_1 = 7; optional int64 codec_specific_2 = 8; optional int64 codec_specific_3 = 9; optional int64 codec_specific_4 = 10; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 11; } /** * Logs when there is a change in selectable A2DP codec capability for a paricular remote device * Each codec's capability is logged separately due to statsd restriction * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/BluetoothCodecConfig.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/a2dp/A2dpService.java */ message BluetoothA2dpCodecCapabilityChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Type of codec as defined by various SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_* constants in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_INVALID optional int32 codec_type = 2; // Codec priroity, the higher the more preferred, -1 for disabled // Default: CODEC_PRIORITY_DEFAULT optional int32 codec_priority = 3; // A bit field of supported sample rates as defined by various SAMPLE_RATE_* constants // in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: empty and SAMPLE_RATE_NONE for individual item optional int32 sample_rate = 4; // A bit field of supported bits per sample as defined by various BITS_PER_SAMPLE_* constants // in BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: empty and BITS_PER_SAMPLE_NONE for individual item optional int32 bits_per_sample = 5; // A bit field of supported channel mode as defined by various CHANNEL_MODE_* constants in // BluetoothCodecConfig // Default: empty and CHANNEL_MODE_NONE for individual item optional int32 channel_mode = 6; // Codec specific values // Default 0 optional int64 codec_specific_1 = 7; optional int64 codec_specific_2 = 8; optional int64 codec_specific_3 = 9; optional int64 codec_specific_4 = 10; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 11; } /** * Logs when A2DP failed to read from PCM source. * This typically happens when audio HAL cannot supply A2DP with data fast enough for encoding. * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothA2dpAudioUnderrunReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Encoding interval in nanoseconds // Default: 0 optional int64 encoding_interval_nanos = 2; // Number of bytes of PCM data that could not be read from the source // Default: 0 optional int32 num_missing_pcm_bytes = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 4; } /** * Logs when A2DP failed send encoded data to the remote device fast enough such that the transmit * buffer queue is full and we have to drop data * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothA2dpAudioOverrunReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Encoding interval in nanoseconds // Default: 0 optional int64 encoding_interval_nanos = 2; // Number of buffers dropped in this event // Each buffer is encoded in one encoding interval and consists of multiple encoded frames // Default: 0 optional int32 num_dropped_buffers = 3; // Number of encoded buffers dropped in this event // Default 0 optional int32 num_dropped_encoded_frames = 4; // Number of encoded bytes dropped in this event // Default: 0 optional int32 num_dropped_encoded_bytes = 5; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 6; } /** * Logs when we receive reports regarding a device's RSSI value * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothDeviceRssiReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 2; // HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 3; // BR/EDR // Range: -128 ≤ N ≤ 127 (signed integer) // Units: dB // LE: // Range: -127 to 20, 127 (signed integer) // Units: dBm // Invalid when an out of range value is reported optional int32 rssi = 4; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; } /** * Logs when we receive reports regarding how many consecutive failed contacts for a connection * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothDeviceFailedContactCounterReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 2; // HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 3; // Number of consecutive failed contacts for a connection corresponding to the Handle // Range: uint16_t, 0-0xFFFF // Default: 0xFFFFF optional int32 failed_contact_counter = 4; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; } /** * Logs when we receive reports regarding the tranmit power level used for a specific connection * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothDeviceTxPowerLevelReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 2; // HCI command status code if this is triggered by hci_cmd // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 3; // Range: -30 ≤ N ≤ 20 // Units: dBm // Invalid when an out of range value is reported optional int32 transmit_power_level = 4; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; } /** * Logs when Bluetooth controller failed to reply with command status within a timeout period after * receiving an HCI command from the host * * Logged from: system/bt */ message BluetoothHciTimeoutReported { // HCI command associated with this event // Default: CMD_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_command = 1; } /** * Logs when we receive Bluetooth Link Quality Report event from the controller * See Android Bluetooth HCI specification for more details * * Note: all count and bytes field are counted since last event * * Logged from: system/bt */ message BluetoothQualityReportReported { // Quality report ID // Original type: uint8_t // Default: BQR_ID_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.BqrIdEnum quality_report_id = 1; // Packet type of the connection // Original type: uint8_t // Default: BQR_PACKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.BqrPacketTypeEnum packet_types = 2; // Connection handle of the connection // Original type: uint16_t optional int32 connection_handle = 3; // Performing Role for the connection // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 connection_role = 4; // Current Transmit Power Level for the connection. This value is the same as the controller's // response to the HCI_Read_Transmit_Power_Level HCI command // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 tx_power_level = 5; // Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value for the connection. This value is an // absolute receiver signal strength value // Original type: int8_t optional int32 rssi = 6; // Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value for the connection. It is the average SNR of all the // channels used by the link currently // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 snr = 7; // Indicates the number of unused channels in AFH_channel_map // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 unused_afh_channel_count = 8; // Indicates the number of the channels which are interfered and quality is bad but are still // selected for AFH // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 afh_select_unideal_channel_count = 9; // Current Link Supervision Timeout Setting // Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock) // Original type: uint16_t optional int32 lsto = 10; // Piconet Clock for the specified Connection_Handle. This value is the same as the controller's // response to HCI_Read_Clock HCI command with the parameter "Which_Clock" of // 0x01 (Piconet Clock) // Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock) // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 connection_piconet_clock = 11; // The count of retransmission // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 retransmission_count = 12; // The count of no RX // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 no_rx_count = 13; // The count of NAK (Negative Acknowledge) // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 nak_count = 14; // Controller timestamp of last TX ACK // Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock) // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 last_tx_ack_timestamp = 15; // The count of Flow-off (STOP) // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 flow_off_count = 16; // Controller timestamp of last Flow-on (GO) // Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock) // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 last_flow_on_timestamp = 17; // Buffer overflow count (how many bytes of TX data are dropped) since the last event // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 buffer_overflow_bytes = 18; // Buffer underflow count (in byte) since last event // Original type: uint32_t optional int64 buffer_underflow_bytes = 19; } /** * Logs when a Bluetooth device's manufacturer information is learnt by the Bluetooth stack * * Notes: * - Each event can be partially filled as we might learn different pieces of device * information at different time * - Multiple device info events can be combined to give more complete picture * - When multiple device info events tries to describe the same information, the * later one wins * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth */ message BluetoothDeviceInfoReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Where is this device info obtained from optional android.bluetooth.DeviceInfoSrcEnum source_type = 2; // Name of the data source // For EXTERNAL: package name of the data source // For INTERNAL: null for general case, component name otherwise optional string source_name = 3; // Name of the manufacturer of this device optional string manufacturer = 4; // Model of this device optional string model = 5; // Hardware version of this device optional string hardware_version = 6; // Software version of this device optional string software_version = 7; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 8; // A flag indicating if the MAC address of the remote device is public or // random. optional android.bluetooth.AddressTypeEnum address_type = 9; // The first byte of MAC address optional int32 byte1 = 10; // The second byte of MAC address optional int32 byte2 = 11; // The third byte of MAC address optional int32 byte3 = 12; } /** * Logs when we receive Bluetooth Read Remote Version Information Complete Event from the remote * device, as documented by the Bluetooth Core HCI specification * Reference: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification * Vol 2, Part E, Page 1118 * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothRemoteVersionInfoReported { // Connection handle of the connection // Original type: uint16_t optional int32 connection_handle = 1; // HCI command status code // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum hci_status = 2; // 1 byte Version of current LMP in the remote controller optional int32 lmp_version = 3; // 2 bytes LMP manufacturer code of the remote controller // https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/company-identifiers optional int32 lmp_manufacturer_code = 4; // 4 bytes subversion of the LMP in the remote controller optional int32 lmp_subversion = 5; } /** * Logs when certain Bluetooth SDP attributes are discovered * Constant definitions are from: * https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/service-discovery * * Current logged attributes: * - BluetoothProfileDescriptorList * - Supported Features Bitmask * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothSdpAttributeReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Short form UUIDs used to identify Bluetooth protocols, profiles, and service classes // Original type: uint16_t optional int32 protocol_uuid = 2; // Short form UUIDs used to identify Bluetooth SDP attribute types // Original type: uint16_t optional int32 attribute_id = 3; // Attribute value for the particular attribute optional bytes attribute_value = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; } /** * Logs the user created Bluetooth device's name. * It is pushed at Bluetooth pairing and connection. * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Bluetooth */ message BluetoothDeviceNameReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 1; // Name of the Bluetooth device. It is created by the user. optional string device_name = 2; } /** * Logs when bond state of a Bluetooth device changes * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/BluetoothDevice.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/BondStateMachine.java */ message BluetoothBondStateChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Preferred transport type to remote dual mode device // Default: TRANSPORT_AUTO means no preference optional android.bluetooth.TransportTypeEnum transport = 2; // The type of this Bluetooth device (Classic, LE, or Dual mode) // Default: UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.DeviceTypeEnum type = 3; // Current bond state (NONE, BONDING, BONDED) // Default: BOND_STATE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.BondStateEnum bond_state = 4; // Bonding sub state // Default: BOND_SUB_STATE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.BondSubStateEnum bonding_sub_state = 5; // Unbond Reason // Default: UNBOND_REASON_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.UnbondReasonEnum unbond_reason = 6; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 7; } /** * Logs there is an event related Bluetooth classic pairing * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothClassicPairingEventReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 2; // HCI command associated with this event // Default: CMD_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.CommandEnum hci_cmd = 3; // HCI event associated with this event // Default: EVT_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.EventEnum hci_event = 4; // HCI command status code if this is triggerred by hci_cmd // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum cmd_status = 5; // HCI reason code associated with this event // Default: STATUS_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.hci.StatusEnum reason_code = 6; // A status value related to this specific event // Default: 0 optional int64 event_value = 7; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 8; } /** * Logs when there is an event related to Bluetooth Security Manager Protocol (SMP) * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothSmpPairingEventReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // SMP command sent or received over L2CAP // Default: CMD_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.smp.CommandEnum smp_command = 2; // Whether this command is sent or received // Default: DIRECTION_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.DirectionEnum direction = 3; // SMP failure reason code // Default: PAIRING_FAIL_REASON_DEFAULT optional android.bluetooth.smp.PairingFailReasonEnum smp_fail_reason = 4; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 5; } /** * Logs when a Bluetooth socket’s connection state changed * * Logged from: * system/bt */ message BluetoothSocketConnectionStateChanged { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if this is a server listener socket optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Temporary port of this socket for the current connection or session only // Default 0 when unknown or don't care optional int32 port = 2; // Socket type as mentioned in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth/BluetoothSocket.java // Default: SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.SocketTypeEnum type = 3; // Socket connection state // Default: SOCKET_CONNECTION_STATE_UNKNOWN optional android.bluetooth.SocketConnectionstateEnum state = 4; // Number of bytes sent to remote device during this connection optional int64 tx_bytes = 5; // Number of bytes received from remote device during this connection optional int64 rx_bytes = 6; // Socket owner's UID optional int32 uid = 7 [(is_uid) = true]; // Server port of this socket, if any. When both |server_port| and |port| fields are populated, // |port| must be spawned by |server_port| // Default 0 when unknown or don't care optional int32 server_port = 8; // Whether this is a server listener socket optional android.bluetooth.SocketRoleEnum is_server = 9; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 10; } /** * Logs when Class of Device (CoD) value is learnt for a device during pairing or connection * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/BondStateMachine.java * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/btservice/RemoteDevices.java * */ message BluetoothClassOfDeviceReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if this is a server listener socket optional bytes obfuscated_id = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Class of Device (CoD) value including both Major, Minor device class and service class // Defined in: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/baseband // Also defined in: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothClass // Default: 0 optional int32 class_of_device = 2; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 3; } /** * Logs when there is a crash in hardware abstraction layer (HAL) * * Logged from: * system/bt * */ message BluetoothHALCrashReasonReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // Currently, this is a salted hash of the MAC address of this Bluetooth device. // Salt: Randomly generated 256 bit value // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte // Default: null or empty if the device identifier is not known optional bytes obfuscated_id = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Bluetooth HAL crash reason error code. // Original type: uint8_t // Default: 0x00 (DEFAULT) optional int32 error_code = 3; // Bluetooth HAL crash reason vendor error code. // Original type: uint8_t // Default: 0x00 (DEFAULT) optional int32 vendor_error_code = 4; } /** * Logs when an LE Audio connection session ended * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Bluetooth * */ message LeAudioConnectionSessionReported { // Size of this CSIS group optional int32 group_size = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this CSIS group. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired groups, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote group. // For unpaired groups, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote group. // Default: 0 if the group's metric id is unknown. optional int32 group_metric_id = 2; // Total duration of this LeAudioConnectionSession optional int64 duration_nanos = 3; // Connecting timestamp offset to the beginning of this session of each device session repeated int64 device_connecting_offset_nanos = 4; // Connected timestamp offset to the beginning of this session of each device session repeated int64 device_connected_offset_nanos = 5; // Duration of each device session repeated int64 device_connection_duration_nanos = 6; // Connection status of each device session repeated android.bluetooth.leaudio.ConnectionStatus device_connection_status = 7; // Disconnection status of each device session repeated android.bluetooth.leaudio.ConnectionStatus device_disconnection_status = 8; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. repeated int32 device_metric_id = 9; // Streaming beginning timestamp offset to the beginning of this session repeated int64 streaming_session_offset_nanos = 10; // Streaming ending timestamp offset to the beginning of this session repeated int64 streaming_session_duration_nanos = 11; // Streaming context type of each steaming session repeated android.bluetooth.leaudio.ContextType streaming_context_type = 12; } /** * Logs when an LE Audio broadcast session ended * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Bluetooth * */ message LeAudioBroadcastSessionReported { // Broadcast duration optional int64 duration_nanos = 1; } /** * Logs when the counter is incremented * * Logged from: * system/bt * packages/apps/Bluetooth * */ message BluetoothCodePathCounter { // Keys of events with enum ranges to be defined optional android.bluetooth.CodePathCounterKeyEnum key = 1; // Number of frequency of events optional int64 number = 2; } /** * Logs when an application attempts to start a Bluetooth Low Energy scan. * It only happens when the scan is initiated and does not repeatedly call * while the scan is running. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/gatt/GattService.java * */ message BluetoothLeBatchScanReportDelay { optional int32 application_uid = 1; optional int64 application_report_delay_millis = 2; } message BluetoothLocalVersionsReported { // Chip Manufacturer name optional int32 lmp_manufacturer_name = 1; // LMP Version optional int32 lmp_version = 2; // LMP Subversion optional int32 lmp_subversion = 3; // HCI Version optional int32 hci_version = 4; // HCI Revision optional int32 hci_revision = 5; } message BluetoothRemoteSupportedFeaturesReported { // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 1; // Page of the feature bit masks optional int32 page = 2; // Bit mask of features optional int64 features_page2 = 3; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 4; } message BluetoothLocalSupportedFeaturesReported { // Page of the feature bit masks optional int32 page_num = 1; // Bit mask of features optional int64 features_page = 2; } message BluetoothDisconnectionReasonReported { // Disconnection reason optional int32 reason = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 2; // Connection handle of this connection if available // Range: 0x0000 - 0x0EFF (12 bits) // Default: 0xFFFF if the handle is unknown optional int32 connection_handle = 3; } message BluetoothGattAppInfo { // An index to group connection events by session. It's a counter generated by // each profile. e.g. Gatt server generate such id to identify Gatt apps optional int32 session_index = 1; // An identifier that can be used to match events for this device. // The incremental identifier is locally generated and guaranteed not derived // from any globally unique hardware id. // For paired devices, it stays consistent between Bluetooth toggling for the // same remote device. // For unpaired devices, it stays consistent within the same Bluetooth adapter // session for the same remote device. // Default: 0 if the device's metric id is unknown. optional int32 metric_id = 2; // UID of the GATT app optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when something is plugged into or removed from the USB-C connector. * * Logged from: * UsbService */ message UsbConnectorStateChanged { enum State { STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; STATE_CONNECTED = 1; } optional State state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; optional string id = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // Last active session in ms. // 0 when the port is in connected state. optional int64 last_connect_duration_millis = 3; } /** * Logs the reported speaker impedance. * * Logged from: * Vendor audio implementation. */ message SpeakerImpedanceReported { optional int32 speaker_location = 1; optional int32 impedance = 2; } /** * Logs the report of a failed hardware. * * Logged from: * Vendor HALs. * */ message HardwareFailed { enum HardwareType { HARDWARE_FAILED_UNKNOWN = 0; HARDWARE_FAILED_MICROPHONE = 1; HARDWARE_FAILED_CODEC = 2; HARDWARE_FAILED_SPEAKER = 3; HARDWARE_FAILED_FINGERPRINT = 4; } optional HardwareType hardware_type = 1; /** * hardware_location allows vendors to differentiate between multiple instances of * the same hardware_type. The specific locations are vendor defined integers, * referring to board-specific numbering schemes. */ optional int32 hardware_location = 2; /** * failure_code is specific to the HardwareType of the failed hardware. * It should use one of the enum values defined below. */ enum HardwareErrorCode { UNKNOWN = 0; COMPLETE = 1; SPEAKER_HIGH_Z = 2; SPEAKER_SHORT = 3; FINGERPRINT_SENSOR_BROKEN = 4; FINGERPRINT_TOO_MANY_DEAD_PIXELS = 5; DEGRADE = 6; } optional int32 failure_code = 3; } /** * Log an event when the device has been physically dropped. * Reported from the /vendor partition. */ message PhysicalDropDetected { // Confidence that the event was actually a drop, 0 -> 100 optional int32 confidence_pctg = 1; // Peak acceleration of the drop, in 1/1000s of a g. optional int32 accel_peak_thousandths_g = 2; // Duration of freefall in ms optional int32 freefall_time_millis = 3; } /** * Log bucketed battery charge cycles. * * Each bucket represents cycles of the battery past * a given charge point. For example, if 10 cycle buckets are * initialized, bucket 1 is the lowest 1/10th of the battery, * and bucket 10 is 100%. * * Logged from: * /sys/class/power_supply/bms/cycle_count, via Vendor. */ message ChargeCyclesReported { optional int32 cycle_bucket_1 = 1; optional int32 cycle_bucket_2 = 2; optional int32 cycle_bucket_3 = 3; optional int32 cycle_bucket_4 = 4; optional int32 cycle_bucket_5 = 5; optional int32 cycle_bucket_6 = 6; optional int32 cycle_bucket_7 = 7; optional int32 cycle_bucket_8 = 8; optional int32 cycle_bucket_9 = 9; optional int32 cycle_bucket_10 = 10; } /** * Log battery health snapshot. * * Resistance, Voltage, Open Circuit Voltage, Temperature, and Charge Level * are snapshotted periodically over 24hrs. */ message BatteryHealthSnapshot { enum BatterySnapshotType { UNKNOWN = 0; MIN_TEMP = 1; // Snapshot at min batt temp over 24hrs. MAX_TEMP = 2; // Snapshot at max batt temp over 24hrs. MIN_RESISTANCE = 3; // Snapshot at min batt resistance over 24hrs. MAX_RESISTANCE = 4; // Snapshot at max batt resistance over 24hrs. MIN_VOLTAGE = 5; // Snapshot at min batt voltage over 24hrs. MAX_VOLTAGE = 6; // Snapshot at max batt voltage over 24hrs. MIN_CURRENT = 7; // Snapshot at min batt current over 24hrs. MAX_CURRENT = 8; // Snapshot at max batt current over 24hrs. MIN_BATT_LEVEL = 9; // Snapshot at min battery level (SoC) over 24hrs. MAX_BATT_LEVEL = 10; // Snapshot at max battery level (SoC) over 24hrs. AVG_RESISTANCE = 11; // Snapshot at average battery resistance over 24hrs. } optional BatterySnapshotType type = 1; // Temperature, in 1/10ths of degree C. optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 2; // Voltage Battery Voltage, in microVolts. optional int32 voltage_micro_volt = 3; // Current Battery current, in microAmps. optional int32 current_micro_amps = 4; // OpenCircuitVoltage Battery Open Circuit Voltage, in microVolts. optional int32 open_circuit_micro_volt = 5; // Resistance Battery Resistance, in microOhms. optional int32 resistance_micro_ohm = 6; // Level Battery Level, as % of full. optional int32 level_percent = 7; } /** * Log slow I/O operations on the primary storage. */ message SlowIo { // Classifications of IO Operations. enum IoOperation { UNKNOWN = 0; READ = 1; WRITE = 2; UNMAP = 3; SYNC = 4; } optional IoOperation operation = 1; // The number of slow IO operations of this type over 24 hours. optional int32 count = 2; } /** * Log battery caused shutdown with the last recorded voltage. */ message BatteryCausedShutdown { // The last recorded battery voltage prior to shutdown. optional int32 last_recorded_micro_volt = 1; } /** * Logs when ThermalService receives throttling events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats/StatsCompanionService.java */ message ThermalThrottlingSeverityStateChanged { // The type of temperature being reported (CPU, GPU, SKIN, etc) optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_type = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // The name of the temperature source. Eg. CPU0 optional string sensor_name = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // Temperature in tenths of a degree C. // For BCL, it is decimillivolt, decimilliamps, and percentage * 10. optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 3; // Relative severity of the throttling, see enum definition. optional android.os.ThrottlingSeverityEnum severity = 4 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs phone signal strength changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message PhoneSignalStrengthChanged { // Signal strength, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/telephony/enums.proto. optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1; } /** * Logs when the phone state, sim state or signal strength changes * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message PhoneServiceStateChanged { optional android.telephony.ServiceStateEnum state = 1; optional android.telephony.SimStateEnum sim_state = 2; optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 3; } /** * Logs when the phone becomes on or off. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/TelephonyRegistry.java */ message PhoneStateChanged { enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 1; } message ExclusionRectStateChanged { optional string component_name = 1; // if not available, simply packageName optional int32 requested_height = 2; // px optional int32 rejected_height = 3; // px enum WindowHorizontalLocation { DEFAULT_LOCATION = 0; LEFT = 1; RIGHT = 2; } optional WindowHorizontalLocation x_location = 4; optional bool landscape = 5; optional bool splitscreen = 6 [deprecated = true]; optional int32 duration_millis = 7; } /** * Logs when Wallpaper or ThemePicker UI has changed. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/ThemePicker * packages/apps/WallpaperPicker2 */ message StyleUIChanged { optional android.stats.style.Action action = 1; optional int32 color_package_hash = 2; optional int32 font_package_hash = 3; optional int32 shape_package_hash = 4; optional int32 clock_package_hash = 5; optional int32 launcher_grid = 6; optional int32 wallpaper_category_hash = 7; optional int32 wallpaper_id_hash = 8; optional int32 color_preference = 9; optional android.stats.style.LocationPreference location_preference = 10; optional android.stats.style.DatePreference date_preference = 11; optional android.stats.style.LaunchedPreference launched_preference = 12; optional android.stats.style.EffectPreference effect_preference = 13; optional int32 effect_id_hash = 14; optional int32 lock_wallpaper_category_hash = 15; optional int32 lock_wallpaper_id_hash = 16; optional int32 first_launch_date_since_setup = 17; optional int32 first_wallpaper_apply_date_since_setup = 18; optional int32 app_launch_count = 19; optional int32 color_variant = 20; optional int64 time_elapsed_millis = 21; optional int32 effect_status_code = 22; optional int32 app_session_id = 23; optional android.stats.style.SetWallpaperEntryPoint set_wallpaper_entry_point = 24; optional android.stats.style.WallpaperDestination wallpaper_destination = 25; optional android.stats.style.ColorSource color_source = 26; optional int32 seed_color = 27; optional android.stats.style.ClockSize clock_size = 28; optional bool toggle_on = 29; optional string shortcut = 30; optional string shortcut_slot_id = 31; optional int32 lock_effect_id_hash = 32; } /** * Logs when Settings UI has changed. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Settings */ message SettingsUIChanged { /** * Where this SettingsUIChange event comes from. For example, if * it's a PAGE_VISIBLE event, where the page is opened from. */ optional android.app.settings.PageId attribution = 1; /** * What the UI action is. */ optional android.app.settings.Action action = 2; /** * Where the action is happening */ optional android.app.settings.PageId page_id = 3; /** * What preference changed in this event. */ optional string changed_preference_key = 4; /** * The new value of the changed preference. */ optional int64 changed_preference_int_value = 5; /** * Data about elapsed time since setup wizard finished. */ optional int64 elapsed_time_millis = 6; } /** * Logs that a setting was updated. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/SettingsState.java * The tag and is_default allow resetting of settings to default values based on the specified * tag. See Settings#putString(ContentResolver, String, String, String, boolean) for more details. */ message SettingChanged { // The name of the setting. optional string setting = 1; // The change being imposed on this setting. May represent a number, eg "3". optional string value = 2; // The new value of this setting. For most settings, this is same as value. For some settings, // value is +X or -X where X represents an element in a set. For example, if the previous value // is A,B,C and value is -B, then new_value is A,C and prev_value is A,B,C. // The +/- feature is currently only used for location_providers_allowed. optional string new_value = 3; // The previous value of this setting. optional string prev_value = 4; // The tag used with the is_default for resetting sets of settings. This is generally null. optional string tag = 5; // True if this setting with tag should be resettable. optional bool is_default = 6; // The associated user (for multi-user feature). Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 7; enum ChangeReason { UPDATED = 1; // Updated can be an insertion or an update. DELETED = 2; } optional ChangeReason reason = 8; } /** * Logs activity going to foreground or background * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityRecord.java */ message ActivityForegroundStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string pkg_name = 2; optional string class_name = 3; enum State { BACKGROUND = 0; FOREGROUND = 1; } optional State state = 4; } /** * Logs when a volume entered low Storage state. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/storage/DeviceStorageMonitorService.java */ message LowStorageStateChanged { // Volume that ran out of storage. optional string volume_description = 1; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; OFF = 1; ON = 2; } optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs when an app is downgraded. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/BackgroundDexOptService.java */ message AppDowngraded { optional string package_name = 1; // Size of the package (all data) before being downgraded. optional int64 size_in_bytes_before = 2; // Size of the package (all data) after being downgraded. optional int64 size_in_bytes_after = 3; optional bool aggressive = 4; } /** * Logs when an app is optimized after being downgraded. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/BackgroundDexOptService.java */ message AppOptimizedAfterDowngraded { optional string package_name = 1; } /** * Logs whenever an app is installed on external storage. * Logged from: frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/PackageManagerService.java */ message AppInstallOnExternalStorageReported { // The type of external storage. optional android.stats.storage.ExternalStorageType storage_type = 1; // The name of the package that is installed on the sd card. optional string package_name = 2; } /** * Logs when an app crashes. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message AppCrashOccurred { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string event_type = 2; // The name of the process. // system_server if it is not by an app optional string process_name = 3; // The pid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 pid = 4; optional string package_name = 5; enum InstantApp { UNAVAILABLE = 0; FALSE = 1; TRUE = 2; } optional InstantApp is_instant_app = 6; enum ForegroundState { UNKNOWN = 0; BACKGROUND = 1; FOREGROUND = 2; } optional ForegroundState foreground_state = 7; optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 8; optional bool is_incremental = 9; optional float loading_progress = 10; optional int64 millis_since_oldest_pending_read = 11; // Status code to represent the health of the file system backing storage, as defined in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/incremental/IStorageHealthListener.aidl. // Value -1 if the app is not installed on Incremental optional int32 storage_health_code = 12; // Status code to represent the status of data loader, as defined in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/IDataLoaderStatusListener.aidl. // Value -1 if the app is not installed on Incremental optional int32 data_loader_status_code = 13; // Whether read logs collection is enabled optional bool read_logs_enabled = 14; // Duration since last attempt to bind data loader. 0 means did not attempt to bind. // -1 means the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int64 millis_since_last_data_loader_bind = 15; // Delay for retrying to bind data loader. If not bound, it shows how soon it will be bound. optional int64 data_loader_bind_delay_millis = 16; // Total count of delayed reads, as reported by Incremental File System. optional int32 total_delayed_reads = 17; // Total count of failed reads (timeout or hash errors) as reported by Incremental File System. optional int32 total_failed_reads = 18; // UID of the process that tried to read a page from the app but failed. // This shows whether the read was initiated by the system, the app itself, or some other apps. // -1 means there was no read error or the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int32 last_read_error_uid = 19; // Duration since that last read failure. // -1 means there was no read error or the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int64 last_read_error_millis_since = 20; // Error code of last read failure. ETIME (value=62) for timeout, EBADMSG (value=74) for hash // and other positive values for other errors. -1 means app is not installed on Incremental. optional int32 last_read_error_code = 21; // Total duration of delayed reads in milliseconds optional int64 total_delayed_reads_duration_millis = 22; } /** * Logs when a WTF (What a Terrible Failure) happened. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message WTFOccurred { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string tag = 2; // The name of the process. // system_server if it is not by an app optional string process_name = 3; // The pid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 pid = 4; optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 5; } /** * Logs when system server reports low memory. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message LowMemReported { } /** * Logs when an app ANR (App Not Responding) occurs. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/AppErrors.java */ message ANROccurred { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string process_name = 2; optional string short_component_name = 3; optional string reason = 4; enum InstantApp { UNAVAILABLE = 0; FALSE = 1; TRUE = 2; } optional InstantApp is_instant_app = 5; enum ForegroundState { UNKNOWN = 0; BACKGROUND = 1; FOREGROUND = 2; } optional ForegroundState foreground_state = 6; optional android.server.ErrorSource error_source = 7; optional string package_name = 8; optional bool is_incremental = 9; optional float loading_progress = 10; optional int64 millis_since_oldest_pending_read = 11; // Status code to represent the health of the file system backing storage, as defined in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/incremental/IStorageHealthListener.aidl. // Value -1 if the app is not installed on Incremental optional int32 storage_health_code = 12; // Status code to represent the status of data loader, as defined in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/IDataLoaderStatusListener.aidl. // Value -1 if the app is not installed on Incremental optional int32 data_loader_status_code = 13; // Whether read logs collection is enabled optional bool read_logs_enabled = 14; // Duration since last attempt to bind data loader. 0 means did not attempt to bind. // -1 means the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int64 millis_since_last_data_loader_bind = 15; // Delay for retrying to bind data loader. If not bound, it shows how soon it will be bound. optional int64 data_loader_bind_delay_millis = 16; // Total count of delayed reads, as reported by Incremental File System. optional int32 total_delayed_reads = 17; // Total count of failed reads (timeout or hash errors) as reported by Incremental File System. optional int32 total_failed_reads = 18; // UID of the process that tried to read a page from the app but failed. // This shows whether the read was initiated by the system, the app itself, or some other apps. // -1 means there was no read error or the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int32 last_read_error_uid = 19; // Duration since that last read failure. // -1 means there was no read error or the app is not installed on Incremental. optional int64 last_read_error_millis_since = 20; // Error code of last read failure. ETIME (value=62) for timeout, EBADMSG (value=74) for hash // and other positive values for other errors. -1 means app is not installed on Incremental. optional int32 last_read_error_code = 21; // Total duration of delayed reads in milliseconds optional int64 total_delayed_reads_duration_millis = 22; } /** * Logs immediately after an app ANR (App Not Responding) occurs. In contrast, ANROccurred (the * atom above) logs some time (not necessarily immediately) after the ANR is detected. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/AppErrors.java */ message ANROccurredProcessingStarted { optional string process_name = 1; } /** * Logs when the vibrator state changes. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/vibrator/VibratorManagerService.java */ message VibratorStateChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum State { OFF = 0; ON = 1; } optional State state = 2; // Duration (in milliseconds) requested to keep the vibrator on. // Only applicable for State == ON. optional int64 duration_millis = 3; } /** * Logs vibration request. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/vibrator/VibratorManagerService.java */ // Next tag: 27 message VibrationReported { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; enum VibrationType { UNKNOWN = 0; SINGLE = 1; REPEATED = 2; EXTERNAL = 3; } // Vibration identifiers for aggregation. optional VibrationType vibration_type = 2; // One of VibrationAttributes.USAGE_* constant values. optional int32 vibration_usage = 3; optional int32 vibration_status = 4; // Vibration parameters. // Adaptive scale value applied to this vibration, 0 if unset. optional float adaptive_scale = 26; // Vibration completion causes. // Flag indicating if the vibration was canceled by the same process // or superseded/canceled by another vibration from the same process. optional bool ended_by_same_uid = 5; // Usage value of the vibration that superseded/canceled this one. optional int32 ended_by_usage = 6; // Usage value of the vibration that was superseded/canceled by this one. optional int32 interrupted_usage = 7; // Vibration execution counters. optional int32 repeat_count = 8; // Total duration of this vibration at the service, including setup and cleanup. optional int64 vibration_duration_millis = 9; // Total duration the vibrator motor was active with non-zero amplitude. optional int64 vibrator_on_duration_millis = 10; // Delta between the incoming binder call to vibrate and the first step in the // vibration conductor (closest measure of starting HAL interactions). optional int64 start_latency_millis = 11; // Delta between the HAL reporting the last vibrate operation has completed and // vibrator service has finished the vibration and become idle. optional int64 end_latency_millis = 12; // Vibrator hardware HAL API interaction counters. // The majority of vibrations will populate only a couple of the fields below. optional int32 hal_compose_count = 13; optional int32 hal_compose_pwle_count = 14; optional int32 hal_on_count = 15; optional int32 hal_off_count = 16; optional int32 hal_perform_count = 17; optional int32 hal_set_amplitude_count = 18; optional int32 hal_set_external_control_count = 19; // Vibrator hardware HAL API constants used (deduped). // Values from CompositionPrimitive.aidl successfully triggered by this vibration at least once. repeated int32 hal_supported_composition_primitives_used = 20; // Values from Effect.aidl triggered by this vibration at least once. repeated int32 hal_supported_effects_used = 21; // Values from CompositionPrimitive.aidl triggered but not supported by the device. repeated int32 hal_unsupported_composition_primitives_used = 22; // Values from Effect.aidl triggered but not supported by the device. repeated int32 hal_unsupported_effects_used = 23; // Vibrator hardware HAL argument sizes (total). optional int32 hal_composition_size = 24; optional int32 hal_pwle_size = 25; } /* * Allows other apps to push events into statsd. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/StatsLog.java */ message AppBreadcrumbReported { // The uid of the application that sent this custom atom. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // An arbitrary label chosen by the developer. For Android P, the label should be in [0, 16). optional int32 label = 2; // Allows applications to easily use a custom event as start/stop boundaries (ie, define custom // predicates for the metrics). enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; UNSPECIFIED = 1; // For events that are known to not represent START/STOP. STOP = 2; START = 3; } optional State state = 3; } /** * Logs the wall-clock time when a significant wall-clock time shift occurs. * For example, this could be due to the user manually changing the time. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/AlarmManagerService.java */ message WallClockTimeShifted { // New wall-clock time in milliseconds, according to System.currentTimeMillis(). optional int64 wall_clock_timestamp_millis = 1; } /** * Logs when statsd detects an anomaly. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/anomaly/AnomalyTracker.cpp */ message AnomalyDetected { // Uid that owns the config whose anomaly detection alert fired. optional int32 config_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Id of the config whose anomaly detection alert fired. optional int64 config_id = 2; // Id of the alert (i.e. name of the anomaly that was detected). optional int64 alert_id = 3; } message AppStartOccurred { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The app package name. optional string pkg_name = 2; enum TransitionType { UNKNOWN = 0; WARM = 1; HOT = 2; COLD = 3; RELAUNCH = 4; } // The transition type. optional TransitionType type = 3; // The activity name. optional string activity_name = 4; // The name of the calling app. Empty if not set. optional string calling_pkg_name = 5; // Whether the app is an instant app. optional bool is_instant_app = 6; // Device uptime when activity started. Deprecated: use activity_start_timestamp_millis instead. optional int64 activity_start_millis = 7 [deprecated = true]; optional android.app.AppTransitionReasonEnum reason = 8; optional int32 transition_delay_millis = 9; // -1 if not set. optional int32 starting_window_delay_millis = 10; // -1 if not set. optional int32 bind_application_delay_millis = 11; optional int32 windows_drawn_delay_millis = 12; // Empty if not set. optional string launch_token = 13; // The reason why the package was optimized. optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_reason = 14; // The compiler filter used when when the package was optimized. optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_filter = 15; enum SourceType { UNAVAILABLE = 0; LAUNCHER = 1; NOTIFICATION = 2; LOCKSCREEN = 3; RECENTS_ANIMATION = 4; } // The type of the startup source. optional SourceType source_type = 16; // The time from the startup source to the beginning of handling the startup event. // -1 means not available. optional int32 source_event_delay_millis = 17; // Whether the app is hibernating when it started optional bool is_hibernating = 18; // Whether the app is installed on Incremental File System. optional bool is_incremental = 19; // Whether the app is still being streamed. optional bool is_loading = 20; // The hash value of the activity name. optional int32 activity_name_hash = 21; // The timestamp(SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()) when starting activity. optional int64 activity_start_timestamp_millis = 22; /** * The process state of apps, keep in sync with * frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ActivityManager.java */ enum AppProcessState { PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN = -1; PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT = 0; PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT_UI = 1; PROCESS_STATE_TOP = 2; PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_TOP = 3; PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 4; PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 5; PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND = 6; PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND = 7; PROCESS_STATE_TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND = 8; PROCESS_STATE_BACKUP = 9; PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE = 10; PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER = 11; PROCESS_STATE_TOP_SLEEPING = 12; PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT = 13; PROCESS_STATE_HOME = 14; PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY = 15; PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY = 16; PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT = 17; PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_RECENT = 18; PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY = 19; PROCESS_STATE_NONEXISTENT = 20; } // The process state of the launching activity prior to the launch. optional AppProcessState process_state = 23; // The oom adj score of the launching activity prior to the launch. optional int32 process_oom_adj = 24; // The stopped state (if any) the package was in before the launch optional PackageStoppedState package_stopped_state = 25; // Reserved for b/281564325. optional bool is_xr_activity = 26; // Whether this is the first launch of the app since install optional bool first_launch = 27; // How long since this package was stopped, if it was in // package_stopped_state == PACKAGE_STATE_STOPPED optional int64 millis_since_stopped = 28; /** * The type of multi-window launch. * This should match the constants declared in ActivityMetricsLogger. */ enum MultiWindowLaunchType { LAUNCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; LAUNCH_TYPE_APP_PAIR = 1; } // The multi-indow launch type optional MultiWindowLaunchType multi_window_launch_type = 29; } message AppStartCanceled { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The app package name. optional string pkg_name = 2; enum TransitionType { UNKNOWN = 0; WARM = 1; HOT = 2; COLD = 3; RELAUNCH = 4; } // The transition type. optional TransitionType type = 3; // The activity name. optional string activity_name = 4; } message AppStartFullyDrawn { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The app package name. optional string pkg_name = 2; enum TransitionType { UNKNOWN = 0; WITH_BUNDLE = 1; WITHOUT_BUNDLE = 2; } // The transition type. optional TransitionType type = 3; // The activity name. optional string activity_name = 4; optional bool transition_process_running = 5; // App startup time (until call to Activity#reportFullyDrawn()). optional int64 app_startup_time_millis = 6; // The reason why the package was optimized. optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_reason = 7; // The compiler filter used when when the package was optimized. optional int32 package_optimization_compilation_filter = 8; enum SourceType { UNAVAILABLE = 0; LAUNCHER = 1; NOTIFICATION = 2; LOCKSCREEN = 3; } // The type of the startup source. optional SourceType source_type = 9; // The time from the startup source to the beginning of handling the startup event. // -1 means not available. optional int32 source_event_delay_millis = 10; // Whether the app is installed on Incremental File System. optional bool is_incremental = 11; // Whether the app is still being streamed. optional bool is_loading = 12; // The hash value of the activity name. optional int32 activity_name_hash = 13; // The timestamp(SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()) when starting activity. optional int64 activity_start_timestamp_millis = 14; } /** * Logs when an app enters a different App Compat state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityMetricsLogger.java */ message AppCompatStateChanged { // UID of the package whose state changed. optional int32 uid = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = true]; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; // The app is not visible or has been closed. NOT_VISIBLE = 1; // The app’s bounds aren’t letterboxed. NOT_LETTERBOXED = 2; // The app’s bounds are letterboxed because of size-compat-mode. LETTERBOXED_FOR_SIZE_COMPAT_MODE = 3; // The app’s bounds are letterboxed because of fixed orientation. LETTERBOXED_FOR_FIXED_ORIENTATION = 4; // The app’s bounds are letterboxed because of aspect ratio restrictions. LETTERBOXED_FOR_ASPECT_RATIO = 5; } // Position of the letterbox enum Position { UNKNOWN_POSITION = 0; NOT_LETTERBOXED_POSITION = 1; CENTER = 2; LEFT = 3; RIGHT = 4; TOP = 5; BOTTOM = 6; } // The state that was entered. optional State state = 2 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; optional Position letterbox_position = 3; } /** * Logs when an app that is letterboxed changes position. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityMetricsLogger.java */ message LetterboxPositionChanged { // UID of the package that is letterboxed. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The new position of the letterbox enum PositionChange { UNKNOWN = 0; CENTER_TO_LEFT = 1; LEFT_TO_CENTER = 2; CENTER_TO_RIGHT= 3; RIGHT_TO_CENTER = 4; CENTER_TO_TOP = 5; TOP_TO_CENTER = 6; CENTER_TO_BOTTOM = 7; BOTTOM_TO_CENTER = 8; } optional PositionChange position_change = 2; } /** * Logs events reported for the Size Compat restart button of an app. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/src/com/android/wm/shell/ShellTaskOrganizer.java */ message SizeCompatRestartButtonEventReported { // UID of the package that has the button. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; APPEARED = 1; CLICKED = 2; } // The event that was reported. optional Event event = 2; } /** * Logs events reported for the Camera App Compat control, which is used to * correct stretched viewfinder in apps that don't handle all possible * configurations, and changes between them, correctly. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityMetricsLogger.java */ message CameraCompatControlEventReported { // UID of the package that has the control. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; // Button to apply the treatment appeared. APPEARED_APPLY_TREATMENT = 1; // Button to revert the treatment appeared. APPEARED_REVERT_TREATMENT = 2; // Users clicked on the button to apply the treatment. CLICKED_APPLY_TREATMENT = 3; // Users clicked on the button to revert the treatment. CLICKED_REVERT_TREATMENT = 4; // Users clicked on the button to dismiss the control. CLICKED_DISMISS = 5; } // The event that was reported. optional Event event = 2; } /** * Logs a picture-in-picture action * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityStackSupervisor.java * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/PipTouchHandler.java */ message PictureInPictureStateChanged { // -1 if it is not available optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string short_name = 2; enum State { ENTERED = 1; EXPANDED_TO_FULL_SCREEN = 2; MINIMIZED = 3; DISMISSED = 4; } optional State state = 3; } /** * Logs overlay action * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/Session.java */ message OverlayStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 2 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; optional bool using_alert_window = 3; enum State { ENTERED = 1; EXITED = 2; } optional State state = 4 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; } /** * Logs foreground service starts and stops. * Note that this is not when a service starts or stops, but when it is * considered foreground. * Logged from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActiveServices.java */ message ForegroundServiceStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // package_name + "/" + class_name optional string short_name = 2; enum State { UNKNOWN_STATE = 0; ENTER = 1; EXIT = 2; DENIED = 3; API_CALL = 4; // this event is to annotate API call. TIMED_OUT = 5; // time-restricted fgs type timed out. } optional State state = 3; // Whether the fgs is allowed while-in-use permissions, i.e. is considered 'in-use' to the user. // (If the fgs was started while the app wasn't TOP it usually will be denied these permissions) optional bool allow_while_in_use_permission = 4; // the reason why FGS is allowed or denied to start. The reason code is defined as // PowerExemptionManager#ReasonCode. optional int32 fgs_start_reason_code = 5; // FGS service's targetSdkVersion. optional int32 target_sdk_version = 6; // uid of the app that start/bind this service. optional int32 calling_uid = 7; // targetSdkVersion of the app that start/bind this service. optional int32 caller_target_sdk_version = 8; // uid of the app that set the temp-allowlist, INVALID_UID (-1) if not in any // temp-allowlist. optional int32 temp_allow_list_calling_uid = 9; // FGS notification was deferred. optional bool fgs_notification_deferred = 10; // FGS notification was shown before the FGS finishes, or it wasn't deferred in the first place. optional bool fgs_notification_shown = 11; // The duration from state ENTER to state EXIT. Only meaningful when the state is EXIT. optional int32 fgs_duration_ms = 12; // Number of times startForeground() is called on this service. optional int32 fgs_start_count = 13; // SHA-1 hashed short_name combined with ANDROID_ID. optional int32 short_name_hash = 14; // Whether this FGS package had permission to notify the user. optional bool fgs_has_notification_permission = 15; // Keep in sync with frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/ServiceInfo.java enum ForegroundServiceType { FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_NONE = 0; FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_DATA_SYNC = 0x0001; // 1 << 0 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK = 0x0002; // 1 << 1 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_PHONE_CALL = 0x0004; //1 << 2 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION = 0x0008; // 1 << 3 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_CONNECTED_DEVICE = 0x0010; // 1 << 4 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PROJECTION = 0x0020; // 1 << 5 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_CAMERA = 0x0040; // 1 << 6 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MICROPHONE = 0x0080; // 1 << 7 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_HEALTH = 0x0100; // 1 << 8 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_REMOTE_MESSAGING = 0x0200; // 1 << 9 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SYSTEM_EXEMPTED = 0x0400; // 1 << 10 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SHORT_SERVICE = 0x0800; // 1 << 11 // 1 << 12 is being skipping since it was temporarily reserved for FILE_MANAGEMENT FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PROCESSING = 0x2000; // 1 << 13 FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_SPECIAL_USE = 0x40000000; // 1 << 30 } // The foreground service types, must be one or a combination of the types // in the ForegroundServiceType above. optional int32 fgs_types = 16; // The result check code for the fgs type enforcement. optional android.app.FgsTypePolicyCheckEnum fgs_type_check_code = 17; // If true, this FGS service is a delegate (instead of real FGS). optional bool is_delegate = 18; // The actual client app's uid. optional int32 delegate_client_uid = 19 [(is_uid) = true]; // The service module that start/stop the delegate, could be // MediaSessionService, VOIP, Camera, Audio, Location etc. // The enum is defined in interface // ForegroundServiceDelegationOptions.DelegationService optional int32 delegation_service = 20; enum ApiJourneyState { UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STATE = 0; ENTER_WITH_FGS = 1; EXIT_WITH_FGS = 2; EXIT_WITHOUT_FGS = 3; PAUSE = 4; RESUME = 5; } optional ApiJourneyState api_state = 21; enum ApiType { UNKNOWN_API_TYPE = 0; CAMERA = 1; BLUETOOTH = 2; LOCATION = 3; MEDIA_PLAYBACK = 4; AUDIO = 5; MICROPHONE = 6; PHONE_CALL = 7; USB = 8; CDM = 9; } repeated ApiType api_type = 22; repeated int64 api_timestamp = 23; optional int64 api_before_fgs_start_duration_millis = 28; optional int64 api_after_fgs_end_duration_millis = 29; // Keep it in sync with ActivityManager.ProcessCapability. enum ProcessCapability { PROCESS_CAPABILITY_NONE = 0; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND_LOCATION = 1; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND_CAMERA = 2; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_FOREGROUND_MICROPHONE = 4; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_POWER_RESTRICTED_NETWORK = 8; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_BFSL = 16; PROCESS_CAPABILITY_USER_RESTRICTED_NETWORK = 32; } optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum service_uid_state = 24 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN]; optional ProcessCapability service_uid_capabilities = 25; optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum calling_uid_state = 26 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN]; optional ProcessCapability calling_uid_capabilities = 27; optional int32 while_in_use_reason_code_no_binding = 30; optional int32 while_in_use_reason_code_in_bind_service = 31; optional int32 while_in_use_reason_code_by_bindings = 32; optional int32 fgs_start_reason_code_no_binding = 33; optional int32 fgs_start_reason_code_in_bind_service = 34; optional int32 fgs_start_reason_code_by_bindings = 35; enum FgsStartApi { // Not available -- used in atoms that are unrelated to this selection. FGSSTARTAPI_NA = 0; // The FGS was not started. (likely it's bound.) FGSSTARTAPI_NONE = 1; // The FGS was started with Context.startService(). FGSSTARTAPI_START_SERVICE = 2; // The FGS was started with Context.startForegroundService(). FGSSTARTAPI_START_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 3; // It's a delegate FGS. FGSSTARTAPI_DELEGATE = 4; } optional FgsStartApi fgs_start_api = 36; // Whether setFgsRestrictionLocked() was called in Service.startForeground(). optional bool fgs_restriction_recalculated = 37; } /** * Logs the number of times a uid accesses a sensitive AppOp during a foreground service session. * A foreground service session is any continuous period during which the uid holds at least one * foreground service; the atom will be pushed when the uid no longer holds any foreground services. * Accesses initiated while the uid is in the TOP state are ignored. * Sessions with no attempted accesses are not logged. * Logged from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActiveServices.java */ message ForegroundServiceAppOpSessionEnded { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The operation's name. // Only following four ops are logged // COARSE_LOCATION = 0 // FINE_LOCATION = 1 // CAMERA = 26 // RECORD_AUDIO = 27 optional android.app.AppOpEnum app_op_name = 2 [default = APP_OP_NONE]; // The uid's permission mode for accessing the AppOp during this fgs session. enum Mode { MODE_UNKNOWN = 0; MODE_ALLOWED = 1; // Always allowed MODE_IGNORED = 2; // Denied MODE_FOREGROUND = 3; // Allow-while-in-use (or allowed-one-time) } optional Mode app_op_mode = 3; // Number of times this AppOp was requested and allowed. optional int32 count_ops_accepted = 4; // Number of times this AppOp was requested but denied. optional int32 count_ops_rejected = 5; } /** * Logs creation or removal of an isolated uid. Isolated uid's are temporary uid's to sandbox risky * behavior in its own uid. However, the metrics of these isolated uid's almost always should be * attributed back to the parent (host) uid. One example is Chrome. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BatteryStatsImpl.java */ message IsolatedUidChanged { // The host UID. Generally, we should attribute metrics from the isolated uid to the host uid. // NOTE: DO NOT annotate uid field in this atom. This atom is specially handled in statsd. // This field is ignored when event == REMOVED. optional int32 parent_uid = 1; optional int32 isolated_uid = 2; // We expect an isolated uid to be removed before if it's used for another parent uid. enum Event { REMOVED = 0; CREATED = 1; } optional Event event = 3; } /* * Logs the reception of an incoming network packet causing the main system to wake up for * processing that packet. These events are notified by the kernel via Netlink NFLOG to Netd * and processed by WakeupController.cpp. */ message PacketWakeupOccurred { // The uid owning the socket into which the packet was delivered, or -1 if the packet was // delivered nowhere. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The interface name on which the packet was received. optional string iface = 2; // The ethertype value of the packet. optional int32 ethertype = 3; // String representation of the destination MAC address of the packet. optional string destination_hardware_address = 4; // String representation of the source address of the packet if this was an IP packet. optional string source_ip = 5; // String representation of the destination address of the packet if this was an IP packet. optional string destination_ip = 6; // The value of the protocol field if this was an IPv4 packet or the value of the Next Header // field if this was an IPv6 packet. The range of possible values is the same for both IP // families. optional int32 ip_next_header = 7; // The source port if this was a TCP or UDP packet. optional int32 source_port = 8; // The destination port if this was a TCP or UDP packet. optional int32 destination_port = 9; } /* * Logs the memory stats for an app on startup. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message AppStartMemoryStateCaptured { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name. optional string process_name = 2; // The activity name. optional string activity_name = 3; // # of page-faults optional int64 page_fault = 4; // # of major page-faults optional int64 page_major_fault = 5; // RSS optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6; // CACHE optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7; // SWAP optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8; } /* * Logs the event when Low Memory Killer Daemon (LMKD) kills a process to reduce memory pressure. * Logged from: * system/core/lmkd/lmkd.c */ message LmkKillOccurred { enum Reason { UNKNOWN = 0; PRESSURE_AFTER_KILL = 1; NOT_RESPONDING = 2; LOW_SWAP_AND_THRASHING = 3; LOW_MEM_AND_SWAP = 4; LOW_MEM_AND_THRASHING = 5; DIRECT_RECL_AND_THRASHING = 6; LOW_MEM_AND_SWAP_UTIL = 7; LOW_FILECACHE_AFTER_THRASHING = 8; LOW_MEM = 9; DIRECT_RECL_STUCK = 10; } // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name. optional string process_name = 2; // oom adj score. optional int32 oom_adj_score = 3; // # of page-faults optional int64 page_fault = 4; // # of major page-faults optional int64 page_major_fault = 5; // RSS optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6; // CACHE optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7; // SWAP optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8; // The elapsed real time of start of the process. optional int64 process_start_time_nanos = 9; // Min oom adj score considered by lmkd. optional int32 min_oom_score = 10; // Free physical memory on device at LMK time. optional int32 free_mem_kb = 11; // Free swap on device at LMK time. optional int32 free_swap_kb = 12; // What triggered the LMK event. optional Reason reason = 13; // Current thrashing levels (workingset_refaults/filecache in %). optional int32 thrashing = 14; // Max thrashing levels (workingset_refaults/filecache in %). optional int32 max_thrashing = 15; // How many active foreground services across the system optional int32 total_foreground_services = 16; // How many processes hosting foreground services optional int32 procs_with_foreground_services = 17; } /* * Logs when the ActivityManagerService detects that an app died. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message AppDied { // timestamp(elapsedRealtime) of record creation optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1; } /** * An atom for generic metrics logging. Available from Android Q. */ message GenericAtom { // The uid of the application that sent this custom atom. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // An event_id indicates the type of event. optional android.stats.EventType event_id = 2; } /** * Atom for simple logging of user interaction and impression events, such as "the user touched * this button" or "this dialog was displayed". * Keep the UI event stream clean: don't use for system or background events. * Log using the UiEventLogger wrapper - don't write with the StatsLog API directly. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/ * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/ */ message UiEventReported { // The event_id. optional int32 event_id = 1; // The event's source or target uid and package, if applicable. // For example, the package posting a notification, or the destination package of a share. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 3; // An identifier used to disambiguate which logs refer to a particular instance of some // UI element. Useful when there might be multiple instances simultaneously active. optional int32 instance_id = 4; } /** * Atom for logging Dream user interaction and impression events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/ */ message DreamUiEventReported { // The event's source or target uid, if applicable. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 2; // An identifier used to disambiguate which logs refer to a particular instance of some // UI element. Useful when there might be multiple instances simultaneously active. optional int32 instance_id = 3; // The name of the dream component, which identifies the type of the dream. optional string dream_component_name = 4; } /** * Reports a notification was created or updated. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/ */ message NotificationReported { // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 1; // The notifying app's uid and package. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 3; // A small system-assigned identifier for the notification. // Locally probably-unique, but expect collisions across users and/or days. optional int32 instance_id = 4; optional int32 notification_id_hash = 5; // Small hash of the app-assigned notif ID + tag optional int32 channel_id_hash = 6; // Small hash of app-assigned channel ID // Grouping information optional int32 group_id_hash = 7; // Small hash of the group ID of the notification optional int32 group_instance_id = 8; // Instance_id of the group-summary notification optional bool is_group_summary = 9; // Tags the group-summary notification // Attributes optional string category = 10; // App-assigned notification category (API-defined strings) optional int32 style = 11; // App-assigned notification style optional int32 num_people = 12; // Number of Person records attached to the notification // Ordering, importance and interruptiveness optional int32 position = 13; // Position in NotificationManager's list optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance = 14; optional int32 alerting = 15; // Bitfield, 1=buzz 2=beep 4=blink enum NotificationImportanceExplanation { IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_UNKNOWN = 0; IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_APP = 1; // App-specified channel importance. IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_USER = 2; // User-specified channel importance. IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_ASST = 3; // Notification Assistant override. IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_SYSTEM = 4; // System override. // Like _APP, but based on pre-channels priority signal. IMPORTANCE_EXPLANATION_APP_PRE_CHANNELS = 5; } optional NotificationImportanceExplanation importance_source = 16; optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance_initial = 17; optional NotificationImportanceExplanation importance_initial_source = 18; optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance_asst = 19; optional int32 assistant_hash = 20; optional float assistant_ranking_score = 21; // Fields for tracking ongoing and foreground service notifications optional bool is_ongoing = 22; optional bool is_foreground_service = 23; // Fields to know about the timeout for notifications. optional int64 timeout_millis = 24; // Field for tracking whether the notification is non-dismissible optional bool is_non_dismissible = 25; // Time elapsed between the notify() API call and the NLSes being told about the notification. // Will be 0 for NotificationReported protos that do not correspond to a notify() call. optional int64 post_duration_millis = 26; // State of the full screen intent posted with this notification. enum FsiState { // This notification was not posted with a full screen intent. NO_FSI = 0; // This notification was posted with a full screen intent and the FSI permission is granted. FSI_ALLOWED = 1; // This notification was posted with a full screen intent but the FSI permission is denied. FSI_DENIED = 2; } optional FsiState fsi_state = 27; // True if the device was locked or showing unlocked AOD. optional bool is_locked = 28; // Age of the notification in minutes. optional int32 age_in_minutes = 29; } /** * Reports a notification channel, or channel group, was created, updated, or deleted. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/notification/ */ message NotificationChannelModified { // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 1; // The notifying app's uid and package. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 3; // Hash of app-assigned notification channel ID or channel-group ID optional int32 channel_id_hash = 4; // Previous importance setting, if applicable optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance old_importance = 5; // New importance setting optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationImportance importance = 6; // whether or not this channel represents a conversation optional bool is_conversation = 7; // Hash of app-assigned notification conversation id optional int32 conversation_id_hash = 8; // whether or not the user demoted this channel out of the conversation space optional bool is_conversation_demoted = 9; // whether this conversation is marked as being a priority optional bool is_conversation_priority = 10; } /** * Logged when notification are dismissed. If multiple notifications are dismissed together, * this is only logged once per style per UID. * Logged from * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/notification/logging */ message NotificationDismissed { // UID if the application (can be mapped to package and version) optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Integer enum value showing aggregated notification style. optional android.stats.sysui.NotificationStyle style = 2; // Reason for dismissal, based on REASON_ constants in // frameworks/base/core/java/android/service/notification/NotificationListenerService.java optional int32 reason = 3; // Number of notifications dismissed. optional int32 count = 4; // Memory use of Notification object being dismissed, in KB. optional int32 notificationObjectMemoryUse = 5; // Memory use of Notification views being dismissed, in KB. optional int32 notificationViewMemoryUse = 6; // Current memory use of SystemUI, RSS Anon in KB. optional int32 systemUiMemoryUse = 7; } /** * Logs when a biometric acquire event occurs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message BiometricAcquired { // Biometric modality that was acquired. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1; // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java. optional int32 user = 2; // If this acquire is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password storage. optional bool is_crypto = 3; // Action that the device is performing. Acquired messages are only expected for enroll and // authenticate. Other actions may indicate an error. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ActionEnum action = 4; // The client that this acquisition was received for. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 5; // Acquired constants, e.g. ACQUIRED_GOOD. See constants defined by Manager. optional int32 acquire_info = 6; // Vendor-specific acquire info. Valid only if acquire_info == ACQUIRED_VENDOR. optional int32 acquire_info_vendor = 7; // Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging. optional bool debug = 8; // The ID of the biometric sensor associated with this action. optional int32 sensor_id = 9; // The ID of the session this event occurred in (if any) optional int32 session_id = 10; // The type of session (i.e. CUJ) optional android.hardware.biometrics.SessionTypeEnum session_type = 11; // If the AoD was on when this event occurred. optional bool is_aod = 12; // If the display is on when this event occurred. optional bool is_display_on = 13; // The dock state when this event occurred. optional android.server.DockStateEnum dock_state = 14; // The orientation of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.OrientationEnum orientation = 15; // The fold state of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.FoldStateEnum fold_state = 16; // The order this event was processed by the framework, if part of a session optional int32 session_order = 17; // An associated device wake up reason for this event, or UNKNOWN if the event was not triggered due to a wake up event. optional android.hardware.biometrics.WakeReasonEnum wake_reason = 18; } /** * Logs when a biometric authentication event occurs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message BiometricAuthenticated { // Biometric modality that was used. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1; // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 2; // If this authentication is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password // storage. optional bool is_crypto = 3; // The client that this acquisition was received for. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 4; // If authentication requires user confirmation. See BiometricPrompt's // setRequireConfirmation(bool) method. optional bool require_confirmation = 5; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; REJECTED = 1; PENDING_CONFIRMATION = 2; CONFIRMED = 3; } // State of the current auth attempt. optional State state = 6; // Time it took to authenticate. For BiometricPrompt where setRequireConfirmation(false) is // specified and supported by the biometric modality, this is from the first ACQUIRED_GOOD to // AUTHENTICATED. for setRequireConfirmation(true), this is from PENDING_CONFIRMATION to // CONFIRMED. optional int64 latency_millis = 7; // Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging. optional bool debug = 8; // The ID of the biometric sensor associated with this action. optional int32 sensor_id = 9; // The ambient light lux when authenticated. optional float ambient_light_lux = 10; // The ID of the session this event occurred in (if any) optional int32 session_id = 11; // The type of session (i.e. CUJ) optional android.hardware.biometrics.SessionTypeEnum session_type = 12; // If the AoD was on when this event occurred. optional bool is_aod = 13; // If the display is on when this event occurred. optional bool is_display_on = 14; // The dock state when this event occurred. optional android.server.DockStateEnum dock_state = 15; // The orientation of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.OrientationEnum orientation = 16; // The fold state of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.FoldStateEnum fold_state = 17; // The order this event was processed by the framework, if part of a session optional int32 session_order = 18; // An associated device wake up reason for this event, or UNKNOWN if the event was not triggered due to a wake up event. optional android.hardware.biometrics.WakeReasonEnum wake_reason = 19; // Additional modality-specific details that caused a biometric to be activated (often associated with a device wake_reason). repeated android.hardware.biometrics.WakeReasonDetailsEnum wake_reason_details = 20; } /** * Logs when a biometric error occurs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message BiometricErrorOccurred { // Biometric modality that was used. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1; // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 2; // If this error is for a crypto operation. e.g. Secure purchases, unlock password storage. optional bool is_crypto = 3; // Action that the device is performing. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ActionEnum action = 4; // The client that this acquisition was received for. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ClientEnum client = 5; // Error constants. See constants defined by Manager. Enums won't work since errors // are unique to modality. optional int32 error_info = 6; // Vendor-specific error info. Valid only if acquire_info == ACQUIRED_VENDOR. These are defined // by the vendor and not specified by the HIDL interface. optional int32 error_info_vendor = 7; // Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging. optional bool debug = 8; // Time spent during the authentication attempt. optional int64 latency_millis = 9; // The ID of the biometric sensor associated with this action. optional int32 sensor_id = 10; // The ID of the session this event occurred in (if any) optional int32 session_id = 11; // The type of session (i.e. CUJ) optional android.hardware.biometrics.SessionTypeEnum session_type = 12; // If the AoD was on when this event occurred. optional bool is_aod = 13; // If the display is on when this event occurred. optional bool is_display_on = 14; // The dock state when this event occurred. optional android.server.DockStateEnum dock_state = 15; // The orientation of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.OrientationEnum orientation = 16; // The fold state of the device when this event occurred optional android.hardware.biometrics.FoldStateEnum fold_state = 17; // The order this event was processed by the framework, if part of a session optional int32 session_order = 18; // An associated device wake up reason for this event, or UNKNOWN if the event was not triggered due to a wake up event. optional android.hardware.biometrics.WakeReasonEnum wake_reason = 19; // Additional modality-specific details that caused a biometric to be activated (often associated with a device wake_reason). repeated android.hardware.biometrics.WakeReasonDetailsEnum wake_reason_details = 20; } /** * Logs when a system health issue is detected. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message BiometricSystemHealthIssueDetected { // Biometric modality. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1; // Type of issue detected. optional android.hardware.biometrics.IssueEnum issue = 2; // Dictates if this message should trigger additional debugging. optional bool debug = 3; // The ID of the biometric sensor associated with this action. optional int32 sensor_id = 4; } /** * Logs when a biometric enrollment occurs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message BiometricEnrolled { // Biometric modality that was used. optional android.hardware.biometrics.ModalityEnum modality = 1; // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 2; // The amount of time the enrollment took in milliseconds. optional int64 latency_millis = 3; // Whether or not the enrollment was successful. optional bool success = 4; // The ID of the biometric sensor associated with this action. optional int32 sensor_id = 5; // The ambient light lux when the user enrolled. optional float ambient_light_lux = 6; // The source for where this enrollment came frame optional android.hardware.biometrics.EnrollmentSourceEnum enroll_source = 7; } /* * Logs when one of the BiometricPrompt#authenticate() method variants is called. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics * */ message AuthPromptAuthenticateInvoked { // Whether an explicit CryptoObject was passed to the biometric prompt. optional bool is_crypto = 1; // The value passed to setConfirmationRequired(boolean), or true if not set. optional bool is_confirmation_required = 2; // The value passed to setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean), or false if not set. optional bool is_credential_allowed = 3; // Whether a value was passed to setAllowedAuthenticators(int). optional bool is_allowed_authenticators_set = 4; // The value passed to setAllowedAuthenticators(int), if any. optional int32 allowed_authenticators = 5; } /* * Logs when one of the BiometricPrompt#canAuthenticate() method variants is called. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics * */ message AuthManagerCanAuthenticateInvoked { // Whether a bit field of allowed authenticator types was provided as an argument. optional bool is_allowed_authenticators_set = 1; // The bit field of allowed authenticator types provided, if any. optional int32 allowed_authenticators = 2; // The authentication status code that was returned. optional int32 result_code = 3; } /* * Logs when Biometric enrollment is requested via the ACTION_BIOMETRIC_ENROLL intent action. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics * */ message AuthEnrollActionInvoked { // Whether a Class 3 (strong) biometric was previously enrolled on this device. optional bool is_strong_biometric_enrolled = 1; // Whether a Class 2 (weak) biometric was previously enrolled on this device. optional bool is_weak_biometric_enrolled = 2; // Whether a PIN/pattern/password was previously enrolled on this device. optional bool is_device_credential_enrolled = 3; // Whether a bit field of allowed authenticator types was provided as an extra. optional bool is_allowed_authenticators_set = 4; // The bit field of allowed authenticator types provided, if any. optional int32 allowed_authenticators = 5; } /* * Logs when an application uses a deprecated biometric or authentication API feature. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/biometrics */ message AuthDeprecatedAPIUsed { enum APIEnum { API_UNKNOWN = 0; // android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager#authenticate(CryptoObject, // CancellationSignal, int, AuthenticationCallback, Handler) API_FINGERPRINT_MANAGER_AUTHENTICATE = 1; // android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager#hasEnrolledFingerprints() API_FINGERPRINT_MANAGER_HAS_ENROLLED_FINGERPRINTS = 2; // android.hardware.fingerprint.FingerprintManager#isHardwareDetected() API_FINGERPRINT_MANAGER_IS_HARDWARE_DETECTED = 3; // android.hardware.biometrics.BiometricManager#canAuthenticate() API_BIOMETRIC_MANAGER_CAN_AUTHENTICATE = 4; } // The deprecated API feature that was used. optional APIEnum deprecated_api = 1; // The UID of the application that used the deprecated API. optional int32 app_uid = 2; // The target SDK version (API level) of the application that used the deprecated API. optional int32 target_sdk = 3; } /* * Logs when a flag flip update occurrs. Used for mainline modules that update via flag flips. */ message FlagFlipUpdateOccurred { // If the event is from a flag config package, specify the package name. optional string flag_flip_package_name = 1; // The order id of the package optional int64 order_id = 2; } /** * Potential experiment ids that goes with a train install. * Should be kept in sync with experiment_ids.proto. */ message TrainExperimentIds { repeated int64 experiment_id = 1; } /* * Logs when a binary push state changes. * Logged by the installer via public api. */ message BinaryPushStateChanged { // Name of the train. optional string train_name = 1; // Version code for a "train" of packages that need to be installed atomically optional int64 train_version_code = 2; // After installation of this package, device requires a restart. optional bool requires_staging = 3; // Rollback should be enabled for this install. optional bool rollback_enabled = 4; // Requires low latency monitoring if possible. optional bool requires_low_latency_monitor = 5; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; INSTALL_REQUESTED = 1; INSTALL_STARTED = 2; INSTALL_STAGED_NOT_READY = 3; INSTALL_STAGED_READY = 4; INSTALL_SUCCESS = 5; // Replaced by INSTALL_FAILURE_DOWNLOAD, INSTALL_FAILURE_STATE_MISMATCH, // and INSTALL_FAILURE_COMMIT. INSTALL_FAILURE = 6 [deprecated = true]; // This enum is for installs that are manually cancelled via the Manual Update UI. INSTALL_CANCELLED = 7; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_REQUESTED = 8; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_INITIATED = 9; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_INITIATED_FAILURE = 10; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED = 11; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_FAILURE = 12; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_BOOT_TRIGGERED = 13; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_BOOT_TRIGGERED_FAILURE = 14; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_SUCCESS = 15; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_FAILURE = 16; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_REQUESTED = 17; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_SUCCESS = 18; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_FAILURE = 19; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_REQUESTED = 20; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_SUCCESS = 21; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_FAILURE = 22; INSTALL_FAILURE_DOWNLOAD = 23; INSTALL_FAILURE_STATE_MISMATCH = 24; INSTALL_FAILURE_COMMIT = 25; REBOOT_TRIGGERED = 26; // Logged after INSTALL_REQUESTED for devices installing a train that // contains no module requiring reboot. REBOOT_NOT_REQUIRED = 27; // Logged after INSTALL_REQUESTED for devices that are installing a train // which requires reboot and eligible for soft restart. SOFT_RESTART_ELIGIBLE = 28; // Logged after INSTALL_REQUESTED for devices that are installing a train // which requires reboot and eligible for notification restart. NOTIFICATION_RESTART_ELIGIBLE = 29; // Logged after INSTALL_REQUESTED for devices that are installing a train // which requires reboot and not eligible for any reboot promotion strategy // (e.g. soft restart, notification restart). NO_REBOOT_PROMOTION_STRATEGY_ELIGIBLE = 30; REBOOT_TRIGGER_FAILURE = 31; // Logged after INSTALL_REQUESTED for devices installing a train which // requires reboot and eligible for unattended reboot. UNATTENDED_REBOOT_ELIGIBLE = 32; // Logged when Phonesky trys to prepare LSKF. LSKF_PREPARATION_INITITATED = 33; // Logged when LSKF preparation succeeded. LSKF_PREPARATION_SUCCESS = 34; // Logged when LSKF preparation failed. LSKF_PREPARATION_FAILURE = 35; // Logged when Phonesky cannot schedule reboot job on a unattended reboot // eligible device. UNATTENDED_REBOOT_NOT_TRIGGERED = 36; // Logged when SIM PIN recovery preparation succeeded. SIM_PIN_PREPARATION_SUCCESS = 37; // Logged when SIM PIN recovery preparation failed. SIM_PIN_PREPARATION_FAILURE = 38 [deprecated = true]; // Logged when unattended reboot is aborted and falls back to organic // reboot. UNATTENDED_REBOOT_ABORT = 39; // Logged when Phonesky re-prepares LSKF. LSKF_PREPARATION_RETRY = 40; // Logged when the device doesn’t support checkpoint and cannot stage // multiple sessions. CHECKPOINT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 41; // Logged when Phonesky instructs Android platform to monitor reboot // readiness signal. PENDING_REBOOT_MARKED = 42; // Logged when Phonesky instructs Android platform to stop monitoring reboot // readiness signal. PENDING_REBOOT_CANCELLED = 43 [deprecated = true]; // Logged when Phonesky receives reboot readiness broadcast and the device // is ready to reboot. SIGNAL_READY_TO_REBOOT_RECEIVED = 44; // Logged when Phonesky receives reboot readiness broadcast and the device // is not ready to reboot. SIGNAL_NOT_READY_TO_REBOOT_RECEIVED = 45; // Logged when Phonesky cancels an untracked train. UNTRACKED_TRAIN_CANCELLED = 46; } optional State state = 6; // Possible experiment ids for monitoring this push. optional TrainExperimentIds experiment_ids = 7 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Index of the Android User. E.g. 0 for primary profile, 10, 11, 12 // for guest and secondary profiles. Not PII. optional int32 user_id = 8; // Log additional info for a state when needed. // When state = REBOOT_TRIGGERED, this field logs the reboot type: // USERSPACE_REBOOT = 1. // FORCED_REBOOT = 2. // NOTIFICATION_RESTART_REBOOT = 3. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_SECURED_AND_SIM_PIN = 4. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_SECURED_NO_SIM_PIN = 5. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_UNSECURED_AND_SIM_PIN = 6. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_UNSECURED_NO_SIM_PIN = 7. // When state = INSTALL_FAILURE, this field logs the Install errors related // statusCode // When state = UNATTENDED_REBOOT_ABORT, this field logs the cancellation // reason: // LSKF_RETRY_EXCEED_MAXIMUM = 1. // SIM_PIN_NOT_PREPARED = 2. // When state = UNATTENDED_REBOOT_ELIGIBLE, this field logs the cancellation // reason: // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_SECURED_AND_SIM_PIN = 1. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_SECURED_NO_SIM_PIN = 2. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_UNSECURED_AND_SIM_PIN = 3. // UNATTENDED_REBOOT_UNSECURED_NO_SIM_PIN = 4. // When state = UNATTENDED_REBOOT_NOT_TRIGGERED, this field logs the // cancellation reason: // LSKF_NOT_PREPARED = 1. // REBOOT_NOT_READY = 2. // When state = PENDING_REBOOT_CANCELLED, this field logs the cancellation // reason: // LSKF_NOT_PREPARED = 1. // NO_STAGED_TRAIN = 2. // HAS_SIM_PIN_AND_SIM_PIN_STORAGE_DISABLED = 3. optional int32 reason = 9; // Whether or not this is a rollback event. optional bool is_rollback = 10; } /* Test atom, is not logged anywhere */ message TestAtomReported { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; optional int32 int_field = 2; optional int64 long_field = 3; optional float float_field = 4; optional string string_field = 5; optional bool boolean_field = 6; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; OFF = 1; ON = 2; } optional State state = 7; optional TrainExperimentIds bytes_field = 8 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; repeated int32 repeated_int_field = 9; repeated int64 repeated_long_field = 10; repeated float repeated_float_field = 11; repeated string repeated_string_field = 12; repeated bool repeated_boolean_field = 13; repeated State repeated_enum_field = 14; } /** Represents USB port overheat event. */ message UsbPortOverheatEvent { /* Temperature of USB port at USB plug event, in 1/10ths of degree C. */ optional int32 plug_temperature_deci_c = 1; /* Maximum temperature of USB port during overheat event, in 1/10ths of degree C. */ optional int32 max_temperature_deci_c = 2; /* Time between USB plug event and overheat threshold trip, in seconds. */ optional int32 time_to_overheat_secs = 3; /* Time between overheat threshold trip and hysteresis, in seconds. */ optional int32 time_to_hysteresis_secs = 4; /* Time between hysteresis and active mitigation ending, in seconds. */ optional int32 time_to_inactive_secs = 5; }; /** * Logs total effective full charge and discharge cycles on a battery. * Here are some examples of one effective cycle: * 1) the battery charges from 0% to 100% and drains back to 0%, * 2) charging from 50% to 100% and draining back to 50% twice. * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp */ message BatteryCycleCount { /* Number of total charge and discharge cycles on the system battery. */ optional int32 cycle_count = 1; } /** * Logs that external storage is mounted and information about it, the storage type (sd card/usb/ * others), its type (public or private) and the size in bytes. * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService */ message ExternalStorageInfo { enum VolumeType { UNKNOWN = 0; PUBLIC = 1; PRIVATE = 2; OTHER = 3; } // The type of external storage. optional android.stats.storage.ExternalStorageType storage_type = 1; // Type of the volume: TYPE_PUBLIC if portable and TYPE_PRIVATE if internal. optional VolumeType volume_type = 2; // Total size of the sd card in bytes. optional int64 size_bytes = 3; } /* * Logs when a connection becomes available and lost. * Logged in StatsCompanionService.java */ message ConnectivityStateChanged { // Id of the network. optional int32 net_id = 1; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; CONNECTED = 1; DISCONNECTED = 2; } // Connected state of a network. optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs when a service starts and stops. * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActiveServices.java */ message ServiceStateChanged { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 2; optional string service_name = 3; enum State { START = 1; STOP = 2; } optional State state = 4; } /** * Logs when a service is launched. * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActiveServices.java */ message ServiceLaunchReported { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 2; optional string service_name = 3; } /** * The type of process start. It's the same as ProcessStartTime.StartType but we * can't re-type that for background compatibility. */ enum ProcessStartType { PROCESS_START_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; PROCESS_START_TYPE_WARM = 1; PROCESS_START_TYPE_HOT = 2; PROCESS_START_TYPE_COLD = 3; } /** * The stopped state of a package. */ enum PackageStoppedState { PACKAGE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; PACKAGE_STATE_NORMAL = 1; // The package is not in any stopped state PACKAGE_STATE_STOPPED = 2; // ApplicationInfo.FLAG_STOPPED } /** * Logs when a service request is made. * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActiveServices.java */ message ServiceRequestEventReported { /** The package uid of the service host. */ optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The package uid of the service launch request. */ optional int32 requester_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The action name of the service request. */ optional string action_name = 3; /** * The types of the requests to the service. */ enum RequestType { UNKNOWN = 0; START = 1; BIND = 2; } /** The type of the current request to the service.*/ optional RequestType request_type = 4; /** Whether or not it's requested to start as a foreground service. */ optional bool fg_required = 5; /** The start type of the host process. */ optional ProcessStartType proc_start_type = 6; /** The process name who requests the service launch */ optional string request_process_name = 7; /** The service component name, here consists of the class name part only */ optional string service_component_name = 8; /** The state the package was in when the service was requested */ optional PackageStoppedState package_stopped_state = 9; /** The package name of the service host */ optional string package_name = 10; /** The package name of the service lunch request */ optional string requester_package_name = 11; /** The process state of the requester */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum requester_process_state = 12; /** The process state of the service host before this service request */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum service_process_state = 13; /** Whether this is the first launch of the app since install */ optional bool first_launch = 14; // How long since this package was stopped, if it was in // package_stopped_state == PACKAGE_STATE_STOPPED optional int64 millis_since_stopped = 15; } /** * Logs indicating a broadcast is being delivered to a receiver. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BroadcastQueue.java */ message BroadcastDeliveryEventReported { /** The package uid of the broadcast receiver. */ optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The package uid of the broadcast sender. */ optional int32 sender_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The action name of the broadcast. */ optional string action_name = 3; /** * The types of the broadcast receivers. */ enum ReceiverType { UNKNOWN = 0; RUNTIME = 1; MANIFEST = 2; } /** The type of the current broadcast receiver. */ optional ReceiverType receiver_type = 4; /** The start type of the host process. */ optional ProcessStartType proc_start_type = 5; /** The delay in ms from enqueue to dispatch of this intent to the set of receivers. */ optional int64 dispatch_delay = 6; /** The delay in ms from beginning of dispatch to this specific receiver. */ optional int64 receive_delay = 7; /** The delay in ms from dispatch to finish the handling of this intent. */ optional int64 finish_delay = 8; /** The stopped state (if any) the package was in before the broadcast was delivered */ optional PackageStoppedState package_stopped_state = 9; /** The package name of the broadcast receiver */ optional string package_name = 10; /** The package name of the broadcast sender */ optional string sender_package_name = 11; /** The type of the broadcast */ optional int32 broadcast_type = 12; /** Delivery group policy set for the broadcast */ optional android.app.BroadcastDeliveryGroupPolicy delivery_group_policy = 13; /** Flags set in the broadcast intent */ optional int32 intent_flags = 14; /** The intent filter priority of the broadcast receiver */ optional int32 filter_priority = 15; /** The procstate of the broadcast sender */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum sender_proc_state = 16; /** The procstate of the broadcast receiver before receiving this broadcast */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum receiver_process_state = 17; /** Whether this is the first launch of the app since install */ optional bool first_launch = 18; // How long since this package was stopped, if it was in // package_stopped_state == PACKAGE_STATE_STOPPED optional int64 millis_since_stopped = 19; } /** * Logs indicating a client is requesting to acquire a provider, * this doesn't include the case where the provider has been installed in the * client's process space and it's just increasing a ref count. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ContentProviderHelper.java */ message ProviderAcquisitionEventReported { /** The package uid of the content provider host. */ optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The package uid of the content provider client who makes the request. */ optional int32 client_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; /** The start type of the host process. */ optional ProcessStartType proc_start_type = 3; /** The stopped state (if any) the package was in when acquiring the provider */ optional PackageStoppedState package_stopped_state = 4; /** The package name of the content provider host. */ optional string package_name = 5; /** The package name of the content provider client who makes the request. */ optional string client_package_name = 6; /** The process state of the client */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum client_process_state = 7; /** The process state of the content provider host before being acquired */ optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum provider_process_state = 8; /** Whether this is the first launch of the app since install */ optional bool first_launch = 9; // How long since this package was stopped, if it was in // package_stopped_state == PACKAGE_STATE_STOPPED optional int64 millis_since_stopped = 10; } /** * Logs when a hidden API is used. * * Logged from: * libcore/libart/src/main/java/dalvik/system/VMRuntime.java */ message HiddenApiUsed { // The uid of the app making the hidden access. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Signature of the method or field accessed. optional string signature = 2; enum AccessMethod { NONE = 0; REFLECTION = 1; JNI = 2; LINKING = 3; } // Type of access. optional AccessMethod access_method = 3; // Whether the access was prevented or not. optional bool access_denied = 4; } /** * Logs user interaction with the Privacy Indicators added in Q. In particular: * - When user sees privacy chip * - When user clicks privacy chip * - How does the user exit the Privacy Dialog * Logged from: * packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/qs/QuickStatusBarHeader.java */ message PrivacyIndicatorsInteracted { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CHIP_VIEWED = 1; CHIP_CLICKED = 2; reserved 3; // Used only in beta builds, never shipped DIALOG_DISMISS = 4; DIALOG_LINE_ITEM = 5; } optional Type type = 1 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs information about a package that is moved from the internal to external storage and vice * versa. * It logs the package name, the type of the external storage where the package is installed * (if moved to external storage, or UNKNOWN if moved to internal storage), * and the move type: if it's from internal to external or the other way around. * * Logged from: frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/PackageManagerService.java */ message AppMovedStorageReported { enum MoveType { UNKNOWN = 0; TO_EXTERNAL = 1; TO_INTERNAL = 2; } // The type of the external storage. optional android.stats.storage.ExternalStorageType external_storage_type = 1; // The type of move. optional MoveType move_type = 2; // The name of the package that was moved. optional string package_name = 3; } /** * Logs when system server watchdog occurs. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/Watchdog.java */ message SystemServerWatchdogOccurred { optional string subject = 1; } /** * Logs when system server pre-watchdog occurs. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/Watchdog.java */ message SystemServerPreWatchdogOccurred { } /** * Logs when new file added to tombstones. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/BootReceiver.java */ message TombStoneOccurred { } /* * Information about a role request * * Logged from: * packages/apps/PermissionController/src/com/android/packageinstaller/role/ui/RequestRoleFragment.java */ message RoleRequestResultReported { // UID of application requesting the role optional int32 requesting_uid = 1; // Package name of application requesting the role optional string requesting_package_name = 2; // The role to be granted optional string role_name = 3; // The count of applications qualifying for the role optional int32 qualifying_count = 4; // UID of application current granted the role optional int32 current_uid = 5; // Package name of application current granted the role optional string current_package_name = 6; // UID of another application that user chose to grant the role to, instead of the requesting // application optional int32 granted_another_uid = 7; // Package name of another application that user chose to grant the role to, instead of the // requesting application optional string granted_another_package_name = 8; enum Result { UNDEFINED = 0; // role request was ignored IGNORED = 1; // role request was ignored because it's already granted IGNORED_ALREADY_GRANTED = 2; // role request was ignored because the application isn't qualified IGNORED_NOT_QUALIFIED = 3; // role request was ignored because user said it should be always denied IGNORED_USER_ALWAYS_DENIED = 4; // role was granted by user action USER_GRANTED = 5; // role was denied by user action USER_DENIED = 6; // role was denied by user granting another application the role USER_DENIED_GRANTED_ANOTHER = 7; // role was denied and set to be always denied by the user USER_DENIED_WITH_ALWAYS = 8; // role request was ignored because the user is blocked from changing // roles via DISALLOW_CONFIG_DEFAULT_APPS user restriction IGNORED_USER_RESTRICTION = 9; // role request was ignored when the package is enhanced confiramtion // restricted IGNORED_ENHANCED_CONFIRMATION_RESTRICTION = 10; } // The result of the role request optional Result result = 9; } /** * Logs when a Vehicle Maps Service client's connection state has changed * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/stats/VmsClientLog.java */ message VmsClientConnectionStateChanged { // The UID of the VMS client app optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; // Attempting to connect to the client CONNECTING = 1; // Client connection established CONNECTED = 2; // Client connection closed unexpectedly DISCONNECTED = 3; // Client connection closed by VMS TERMINATED = 4; // Error establishing the client connection CONNECTION_ERROR = 5; } optional State state = 2; } message MimeTypes { repeated string mime_types = 1; } /** * Logs statistics regarding accesses to external storage. * All stats are normalized for one day period. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/MediaProvider.java */ message GeneralExternalStorageAccessStats { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Total number of accesses like creation, open, delete and rename/update. // Includes file path and ContentResolver accesses optional uint32 total_accesses = 2; // Number of file path accesses, as opposed to file path and ContentResolver. optional uint32 file_path_accesses = 3; // Number of accesses on secondary volumes like SD cards. // Includes file path and ContentResolver accesses optional uint32 secondary_storage_accesses = 4; // Comma-separated list of mime types that were accessed. optional MimeTypes mime_types_accessed = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when MediaProvider has successfully finished scanning a storage volume. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/scan/ModernMediaScanner.java */ message MediaProviderScanOccurred { enum Reason { // Scan triggered due to unknown reason UNKNOWN = 0; // Scan triggered due to storage volume being mounted MOUNTED = 1; // Scan triggered due to explicit user action or app request DEMAND = 2; // Scan triggered due to idle maintenance IDLE = 3; } // Volume type that this event pertains to optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1; // Reason why this scan was triggered optional Reason reason = 2; // Total number of files scanned optional int64 item_count = 3; // Duration of scan, normalized per file optional float normalized_duration_millis = 4; // Number of database inserts, normalized per file optional float normalized_insert_count = 5; // Number of database updates, normalized per file optional float normalized_update_count = 6; // Number of database deletes, normalized per file optional float normalized_delete_count = 7; } /** * Logs when an app has asked MediaProvider to delete media belonging to the user. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/MediaProvider.java */ message MediaContentDeleted { // Volume type that this event pertains to optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1; // UID of app that requested deletion optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Number of items that were deleted optional int32 item_count = 3; } /** * Logs when an app has asked MediaProvider to grant them access to media belonging to the user. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/PermissionActivity.java */ message MediaProviderPermissionRequested { enum Result { UNKNOWN = 0; USER_GRANTED = 1; AUTO_GRANTED = 2; USER_DENIED = 3; USER_DENIED_WITH_PREJUDICE = 4; AUTO_DENIED = 5; } // Volume type that this event pertains to optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1; // UID of app that requested permission optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Number of items that were requested optional int32 item_count = 3; // Result of this request optional Result result = 4; } /** * Logs when MediaProvider has finished upgrading or downgrading its database schema. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/DatabaseHelper.java */ message MediaProviderSchemaChanged { // Volume type that this event pertains to optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1; // Old database version code optional int32 version_from = 2; // New database version code optional int32 version_to = 3; // Total number of files in database optional int64 item_count = 4; // Duration of schema change, normalized per file optional float normalized_duration_millis = 5; } /** * Logs when MediaProvider has finished an idle maintenance job. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/MediaProvider/src/com/android/providers/media/MediaProvider.java */ message MediaProviderIdleMaintenanceFinished { // Volume type that this event pertains to optional android.stats.mediaprovider.VolumeType volume_type = 1; // Total number of files in database optional int64 item_count = 2; // Duration of idle maintenance, normalized per file optional float normalized_duration_millis = 3; // Number of thumbnails found to be stale, normalized per file optional float normalized_stale_thumbnails = 4; // Number of items found to be expired, normalized per file optional float normalized_expired_media = 5; } /** * Represents boot time event with duration in ms. * * Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details. */ message BootTimeEventDuration { enum DurationEvent { UNKNOWN = 0; // Bootloader time excluding BOOTLOADER_UI_WAIT + boot complete time. Logged from bootstat. ABSOLUTE_BOOT_TIME = 1; // Bootloader's 1st stage execution time. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_FIRST_STAGE_EXEC = 2; // Bootloader's 1st stage loading time. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_FIRST_STAGE_LOAD = 3; // Bootloader's kernel loading time. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_KERNEL_LOAD = 4; // Bootloader's 2nd stage execution time. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_SECOND_STAGE_EXEC = 5; // Bootloader's 2nd stage loading time. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_SECOND_STAGE_LOAD = 6; // Duration for Bootloader to show unlocked device's warning UI. This should not happen // for locked device. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_UI_WAIT = 7; // Total time spend in bootloader. This is the sum of all BOOTLOADER_* listed above. // Logged from bootstat. BOOTLOADER_TOTAL = 8; // Shutdown duration inside init for the reboot before the current boot up. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. SHUTDOWN_DURATION = 9; // Total time for mounting of disk devices during bootup. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. MOUNT_DEFAULT_DURATION = 10; // Total time for early stage mounting of disk devices during bootup. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. MOUNT_EARLY_DURATION = 11; // Total time for late stage mounting of disk devices during bootup. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. MOUNT_LATE_DURATION = 12; // Average time to scan non-system app after OTA // Logged from f/b/services/.../PackageManagerService.java OTA_PACKAGE_MANAGER_INIT_TIME = 13; // Time to initialize Package manager after OTA // Logged from f/b/services/.../PackageManagerService.java OTA_PACKAGE_MANAGER_DATA_APP_AVG_SCAN_TIME = 14; // Time to scan all system app from Package manager after OTA // Logged from f/b/services/.../PackageManagerService.java OTA_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SYSTEM_APP_AVG_SCAN_TIME = 15; // Init's total time for cold boot stage. // Logged from bootstat. COLDBOOT_WAIT = 16; // Init's total time for initializing selinux. // Logged from bootstat. SELINUX_INIT = 17; // Time since last factory reset. // Logged from bootstat. FACTORY_RESET_TIME_SINCE_RESET = 18; // Init's total time spent for completing the 1st stage. // Logged from bootstat. ANDROID_INIT_STAGE_1 = 19; } // Type of the event. optional DurationEvent event = 1; // Duration of the event in ms. optional int64 duration_millis = 2; } /** * Represents the start of specific boot time event during bootup in ms. This is usually a time * since boot-up. * * Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details. */ message BootTimeEventElapsedTime { enum ElapsedTimeEvent { UNKNOWN = 0; // Time when init starts 1st stage. Logged from bootstat. ANDROID_INIT_STAGE_1 = 1; // Time when sys.boot_completed prop is set. // Logged from bootstat. BOOT_COMPLETE = 2; // BOOT_COMPLETE for a device that uses full-disk encryption. Note that // no devices running Android 13 or later use full-disk encryption, as // it has been replaced by file-based encryption. BOOT_COMPLETE_ENCRYPTION = 3; // BOOT_COMPLETE for a device that doesn't use full-disk encryption. BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION = 4; // Adjusted BOOT_COMPLETE for a device that uses full-disk encryption, // omitting the decryption time. BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT = 5; // BOOT_COMPLETE after factory reset. FACTORY_RESET_BOOT_COMPLETE = 6; // BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION after factory reset. FACTORY_RESET_BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION = 7; // BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT after factory reset. FACTORY_RESET_BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT = 8; // BOOT_COMPLETE after OTA. OTA_BOOT_COMPLETE = 9; // BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION after OTA. OTA_BOOT_COMPLETE_NO_ENCRYPTION = 10; // BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT after OTA. OTA_BOOT_COMPLETE_POST_DECRYPT = 11; // Time when the system starts sending LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast. // Logged from f/b/services/.../UserController.java FRAMEWORK_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED = 12; // Time when the system starts sending BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast. // Logged from f/b/services/.../UserController.java FRAMEWORK_BOOT_COMPLETED = 13; // Time when the package manager starts init. // Logged from f/b/services/.../SystemServer.java PACKAGE_MANAGER_INIT_START = 14; // Time when package manager is ready // Logged from f/b/services/.../SystemServer.java PACKAGE_MANAGER_INIT_READY = 15; // Represents the time when user has entered unlock credential for system with user pin. // Logged from bootstat. POST_DECRYPT = 16; // Represents the start of zygote's init. // Logged from zygote itself. ZYGOTE_INIT_START = 17; // Represents the start of secondary zygote's init. // TODO: add logging to zygote SECONDARY_ZYGOTE_INIT_START = 18; // Represents the start of system server's init. // Logged from f/b/services/.../SystemServer.java SYSTEM_SERVER_INIT_START = 19; // Represents the completion of system server's init. // Logged from f/b/services/.../SystemServer.java SYSTEM_SERVER_READY = 20; // Represents the start of launcher during boot-up. // TODO: add logging LAUNCHER_START = 21; // Represents the completion of launcher's initial rendering. User can use other apps from // launcher from this point. // TODO: add logging LAUNCHER_SHOWN = 22; } // Type of the event. optional ElapsedTimeEvent event = 1; // Time since bootup for the event. // It should be acquired from SystemClock elapsedRealtime() call or equivalent. optional int64 time_millis = 2; } /** * Boot time events with UTC time. * * Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details. */ message BootTimeEventUtcTime { enum UtcTimeEvent { UNKNOWN = 0; // Time of the bootstat's marking of 1st boot after the last factory reset. // Logged from bootstat. FACTORY_RESET_RESET_TIME = 1; // The time when bootstat records FACTORY_RESET_* events. This is close to // BOOT_COMPLETE time for the current bootup. // Logged from bootstat. FACTORY_RESET_CURRENT_TIME = 2; // DUplicate of FACTORY_RESET_RESET_TIME added for debugging purpose. // Logged from bootstat. FACTORY_RESET_RECORD_VALUE = 3; } // Type of the event. optional UtcTimeEvent event = 1; // UTC time for the event. optional int64 utc_time_secs = 2; } /** * Boot time events representing specific error code during bootup. * Meaning of error code can be different per each event type. * * Logged from: bootstat and various system server components. Check each enums for details. */ message BootTimeEventErrorCode { enum ErrorCodeEvent { UNKNOWN = 0; // Linux error code for time() call to get the current UTC time. // Logged from bootstat. FACTORY_RESET_CURRENT_TIME_FAILURE = 1; // Represents UmountStat before the reboot for the current boot up. Error codes defined // as UMOUNT_STAT_* from init/reboot.cpp. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. SHUTDOWN_UMOUNT_STAT = 2; // Reprepsents fie system mounting error code of /data partition for the current boot. // Error codes defined as combination of FsStatFlags from system/core/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp. // Logged from f/b/services/.../BootReceiver.java. FS_MGR_FS_STAT_DATA_PARTITION = 3; } // Type of the event. optional ErrorCodeEvent event = 1; // error code defined per each event type. // For example, this can have a value of FsStatFlags.FS_STAT_FULL_MOUNT_FAILED for the event of // FS_MGR_FS_STAT. optional int32 error_code = 2; } /** * Collects Virtual A/B statistics related to the use of dm-snapshot performed * after an OTA. * * Logged from: * - system/update_engine/cleanup_previous_update_action.cc */ message SnapshotMergeReported { // Keep in sync with // system/core/fs_mgr/libsnapshot/android/snapshot/snapshot.proto enum UpdateState { // No update or merge is in progress. NONE = 0; // An update is applying; snapshots may already exist. INITIATED = 1; // An update is pending, but has not been successfully booted yet. UNVERIFIED = 2; // The kernel is merging in the background. MERGING = 3; // Post-merge cleanup steps could not be completed due to a transient // error, but the next reboot will finish any pending operations. MERGE_NEEDS_REBOOT = 4; // Merging is complete, and needs to be acknowledged. MERGE_COMPLETED = 5; // Merging failed due to an unrecoverable error. MERGE_FAILED = 6; // The update was implicitly cancelled, either by a rollback or a flash // operation via fastboot. This state can only be returned by WaitForMerge. CANCELLED = 7; }; // Status codes correspond to specific failure conditions in // system/core/fs_mgr/libsnapshot/android/snapshot/snapshot.cpp // // Keep in sync with // system/core/fs_mgr/libsnapshot/android/snapshot/snapshot.proto enum MergeFailureCode { OK = 0; READ_STATUS = 1; GET_TABLE_INFO = 2; UNKNOWN_TABLE = 3; GET_TABLE_PARAMS = 4; ACTIVATE_NEW_TABLE = 5; ACQUIRE_LOCK = 6; LIST_SNAPSHOTS = 7; WRITE_STATUS = 8; UNKNOWN_TARGET_TYPE = 9; QUERY_SNAPSHOT_STATUS = 10; EXPECTED_MERGE_TARGET = 11; UNMERGED_SECTORS_AFTER_COMPLETION = 12; UNEXPECTED_MERGE_STATE = 13; GET_COW_PATH_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 14; OPEN_COW_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 15; PARSE_COW_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 16; OPEN_COW_DIRECT_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 17; MEM_ALIGN_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 18; DIRECT_READ_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 19; WRONG_MERGE_COUNT_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = 20; }; // Status of the update after the merge attempts. optional UpdateState final_state = 1; // Time to complete a merge operation in milliseconds. // A negative value corresponds to the case in which the merge operation // was interrupted and resumed (e.g. in case of a system reboot during the // merge). optional int64 duration_millis = 2; // Number of reboots that occurred after issuing and before completing the // merge of all the snapshot devices. optional int32 intermediate_reboots = 3; // The device has been upgraded to Virtual A/B. optional bool is_vab_retrofit = 4; // Space that has been temporarily allocated in the /data partition // containing the dm-snapshot's copy-on-write data generated during a // Virtual A/B update. optional int64 cow_file_size_bytes = 5; // Whether the device enables Virtual A/B compression. optional bool vab_compression_enabled = 6; // Whether this update attempt uses Virtual A/B compression. optional bool vab_compression_used = 7; // Total size used by COWs, including /data and the super partition. optional int64 total_cow_size_bytes = 8; // Sum of the estimated COW fields in the OTA manifest. optional int64 estimated_cow_size_bytes = 9; // Time from boot to sys.boot_completed, in milliseconds. optional int32 boot_complete_time_millis = 10; // Time from sys.boot_completed to merge start, in milliseconds. optional int32 boot_complete_to_merge_start_time_millis = 11; optional MergeFailureCode merge_failure_code = 12; // Build fingerprint at the time the OTA was downloaded. optional string source_build_fingerprint = 13; // Build fingerprint at the time the merge was initiated. optional string target_build_fingerprint = 14; // Whether the device enabled userspace snapshots. optional bool userspace_snapshots_enabled = 15; // Whether this update attempt used userspace snapshots. optional bool userspace_snapshots_used = 16; // Whether the device enabled XOR compression. optional bool xor_compression_enabled = 17; // Whether this update attempt used XOR compression. optional bool xor_compression_used = 18; // Whether this update attempt used io_uring. optional bool iouring_used = 19; } /** * Event representing when BlobStoreManager.Session#commit() is called * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/BlobStoreManagerService.java */ message BlobCommitted { // Uid of the Blob committer optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Id of the Blob committed optional int64 blob_id = 2; // Size of the Blob optional int64 size = 3; enum Result { UNKNOWN = 0; // Commit Succeeded SUCCESS = 1; // Commit Failed: Error occurred during commit ERROR_DURING_COMMIT = 2; // Commit Failed: Digest of the data did not match Blob digest DIGEST_MISMATCH = 3; // Commit Failed: Allowed count limit exceeded COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 4; } optional Result result = 4; } /** * Event representing when BlobStoreManager#acquireLease() is called * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/BlobStoreManagerService.java */ message BlobLeased{ // Uid of the Blob leasee optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Id of the Blob leased or 0 if the Blob does not exist optional int64 blob_id = 2; // Size of the Blob or 0 if the Blob does not exist optional int64 size = 3; enum Result { UNKNOWN = 0; // Lease Succeeded SUCCESS = 1; // Lease Failed: Blob does not exist BLOB_DNE = 2; // Lease Failed: Leasee does not have access to the Blob ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED = 3; // Lease Failed: Leasee requested an invalid expiry duration LEASE_EXPIRY_INVALID = 4; // Lease Failed: Leasee has exceeded the total data lease limit DATA_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 5; // Leasee Failed: Allowed count limit exceeded COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 6; } optional Result result = 4; } /** * Event representing when BlobStoreManager#openBlob() is called * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/BlobStoreManagerService.java */ message BlobOpened{ // Uid of the Blob opener optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Id of the Blob opened or 0 if the Blob does not exist optional int64 blob_id = 2; // Size of the Blob or 0 if the Blob does not exist optional int64 size = 3; enum Result { UNKNOWN = 0; // Open Succeeded SUCCESS = 1; // Open Failed: Blob does not exist BLOB_DNE = 2; // Open Failed: Opener does not have access to the Blob ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED = 3; } optional Result result = 4; } /** * Event to track Jank for various system interactions. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/jank/FrameTracker.java * * Next Tag: 10 */ message UIInteractionFrameInfoReported { optional android.jank.InteractionType interaction_type = 1; optional android.jank.DisplayResolution display_resolution = 8; optional android.jank.DisplayRefreshRate display_refresh_rate = 9; // Number of frames rendered during the interaction. optional int64 total_frames = 2; // Number of frames that were skipped in rendering during the interaction. optional int64 missed_frames = 3; // Number of frames that were missed in Surface Flinger during the interaction. optional int64 sf_missed_frames = 5; // Number of frames that were missed in the app during the interaction. optional int64 app_missed_frames = 6; // Maximum time it took to render a single frame during the interaction. optional int64 max_frame_time_nanos = 4; // Maximum number of successive frames missed. optional int64 max_successive_missed_frames = 7; } /** * Event to track various latencies in SystemUI. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/util/LatencyTracker.java */ message UIActionLatencyReported { optional android.jank.ActionType action = 1; optional int64 latency_millis = 2; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pulled atoms below this line // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (Sum of foreground and background usage). * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi) */ message WifiBytesTransfer { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int64 rx_bytes = 2; optional int64 rx_packets = 3; optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; optional int64 tx_packets = 5; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (separated by foreground and background usage). * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi) */ message WifiBytesTransferByFgBg { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in NetworkStats. optional bool is_foreground = 2; optional int64 rx_bytes = 3; optional int64 rx_packets = 4; optional int64 tx_bytes = 5; optional int64 tx_packets = 6; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (Sum of foreground and background usage). * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data) */ message MobileBytesTransfer { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int64 rx_bytes = 2; optional int64 rx_packets = 3; optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; optional int64 tx_packets = 5; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (separated by foreground and background usage). * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data) */ message MobileBytesTransferByFgBg { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in // NetworkStats. optional bool is_foreground = 2; optional int64 rx_bytes = 3; optional int64 rx_packets = 4; optional int64 tx_bytes = 5; optional int64 tx_packets = 6; } /** * Used for pull network statistics via mobile|wifi networks, and sliced by interesting dimensions. * Note that the data is expected to be sliced into more dimensions in future. In other words, * the caller must not assume any row of data is one full report when filtering with a set of * matching conditions, because future data may represent with multiple rows what is currently * represented by one. * To avoid being broken by future slicing, callers must take care to aggregate rows even if they * query all the existing columns. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService (using NetworkStatsService to get NetworkStats) */ message DataUsageBytesTransfer { // State of this record. Should be NetworkStats#SET_DEFAULT or NetworkStats#SET_FOREGROUND to // indicate the foreground state, or NetworkStats#SET_ALL to indicate the record is for all // states combined, not including debug states. See NetworkStats#SET_*. optional int32 state = 1; optional int64 rx_bytes = 2; optional int64 rx_packets = 3; optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; optional int64 tx_packets = 5; // Radio Access Technology (RAT) type of this record, should be one of // TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_* constants, or NetworkTemplate#NETWORK_TYPE_ALL to indicate // the record is for all rat types combined. optional int32 rat_type = 6; // Mcc/Mnc read from sim if the record is for a specific subscription, null indicates the // record is combined across subscriptions. optional string sim_mcc = 7; optional string sim_mnc = 8; // Allows mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to be identified with individual IDs. // See TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId. optional int32 carrier_id = 9; // Enumeration of opportunistic states with an additional ALL state indicates the record is // combined regardless of the boolean value in its field. enum DataSubscriptionState { UNKNOWN = 0; // For server side backward compatibility. ALL = 1; OPPORTUNISTIC = 2; NOT_OPPORTUNISTIC = 3; } // Mark whether the subscription is an opportunistic data subscription, and ALL indicates the // record is combined across opportunistic data subscriptions. // See {@link SubscriptionManager#setOpportunistic}. optional DataSubscriptionState opportunistic_data_sub = 10; // Indicate whether NR is connected, server side could use this with RAT type to determine if // the record is for 5G NSA (Non Stand Alone) mode, where the primary cell is still LTE and // network allocates a secondary 5G cell so telephony reports RAT = LTE along with NR state as // connected. optional bool is_nr_connected = 11; } /** * Note: This is a copy from DataUsageBytesTransfer and add a metered field. * TODO: DataUsageBytesTransfer should be eventually replaced with DataUsageBytesTransferV2. * * Used for pull network statistics via mobile|wifi networks, and sliced by interesting dimensions. * Note that the data is expected to be sliced into more dimensions in future. In other words, * the caller must not assume any row of data is one full report when filtering with a set of * matching conditions, because future data may represent with multiple rows what is currently * represented by one. * To avoid being broken by future slicing, callers must take care to aggregate rows even if they * query all the existing columns. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService (using NetworkStatsService to get NetworkStats) */ message DataUsageBytesTransferV2 { // State of this record. Should be NetworkStats#SET_DEFAULT or NetworkStats#SET_FOREGROUND to // indicate the foreground state, or NetworkStats#SET_ALL to indicate the record is for all // states combined, not including debug states. See NetworkStats#SET_*. optional int32 state = 1; optional int64 rx_bytes = 2; optional int64 rx_packets = 3; optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; optional int64 tx_packets = 5; // Radio Access Technology (RAT) type of this record, should be one of // TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_* constants, or NetworkTemplate#NETWORK_TYPE_ALL to indicate // the record is for all rat types combined. optional int32 rat_type = 6; // Mcc/Mnc read from sim if the record is for a specific subscription, null indicates the // record is combined across subscriptions. optional string sim_mcc = 7; optional string sim_mnc = 8; // Allows mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to be identified with individual IDs. // See TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId. optional int32 carrier_id = 9; // Enumeration of opportunistic states with an additional DSS_ALL state indicates the record is // combined regardless of the boolean value in its field. enum DataSubscriptionState { DSS_UNKNOWN = 0; // For server side backward compatibility. DSS_ALL = 1; DSS_OPPORTUNISTIC = 2; DSS_NOT_OPPORTUNISTIC = 3; } // Mark whether the subscription is an opportunistic data subscription, and ALL indicates the // record is combined across opportunistic data subscriptions. // See {@link SubscriptionManager#setOpportunistic}. optional DataSubscriptionState opportunistic_data_sub = 10; // Indicate whether NR is connected, server side could use this with RAT type to determine if // the record is for 5G NSA (Non Stand Alone) mode, where the primary cell is still LTE and // network allocates a secondary 5G cell so telephony reports RAT = LTE along with NR state as // connected. optional bool is_nr_connected = 11; // Enumeration of metered states. enum MeteredState { METERED_UNKNOWN = 0; METERED_ALL = 1; METERED_NO = 2; METERED_YES = 3; } // Mark the reported data is metered or non-metered, and METERED_ALL indicates the record is // combined across metered data. optional MeteredState metered = 12; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred via OEM managed networks. Data is split up by which * type of OEM managed network it is, what transport it went over, and if it was * in the foreground or background. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService */ message OemManagedBytesTransfer { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in // NetworkStats. optional bool is_foreground = 2; // Corresponds to the type of OEM managed network, see // {@link NetworkTemplate#OEM_MANAGED_ANY} and {@code NetworkIdentity#OEM_*}. optional int32 oem_managed_type = 3; // Corresponds to the type of transport the bytes were transferred over, see // {@link NetworkTemplate#transportToMatchRule} and // {@code NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT_*} optional int32 transport_type = 4; optional int64 rx_bytes = 5; optional int64 rx_packets = 6; optional int64 tx_bytes = 7; optional int64 tx_packets = 8; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred via bluetooth. It is pulled from Bluetooth controller. * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService */ message BluetoothBytesTransfer { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int64 rx_bytes = 2; optional int64 tx_bytes = 3; } /** * Pulls the kernel wakelock durations. This atom is adapted from * android/internal/os/KernelWakelockStats.java * * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService using KernelWakelockReader. */ message KernelWakelock { optional string name = 1; optional int32 count = 2; optional int32 version = 3; optional int64 time_micros = 4; } /** * Pulls power state information. * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/powerstats/StatsPullAtomCallbackImpl.java */ message SubsystemSleepState { // Subsystem name optional string subsystem_name = 1; // For PlatformLowPowerStats (hal 1.0), this is the voter name, which could be empty. // For SubsystemLowPowerStats (hal 1.1), this is the sleep state name. // For PowerEntityStateResidencyResult (hal power/stats/1.0) this is the // powerEntityStateName from the corresponding PowerEntityStateInfo. optional string subname = 2; // The number of times it entered, or voted for entering the sleep state optional uint64 count = 3; // The length of time spent in, or spent voting for, the sleep state optional uint64 time_millis = 4; } /** * Pulls on-device power measurement information. * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/powerstats/StatsPullAtomCallbackImpl.java */ message OnDevicePowerMeasurement { // Name of the subsystem (to which the rail belongs). optional string subsystem_name = 1; // Rail name. The rail lies within the subsystem. optional string rail_name = 2; // Time (in ms since boot) at which the rail energy value was measured. // This may differ slightly from the time that statsd logs this information. optional uint64 measurement_timestamp_millis = 3; // Accumulated energy used via the rail since device boot in uWs. optional uint64 energy_microwatt_secs = 4; } /** * Pulls Cpu time per cluster per frequency. * This is tracked by the timeInState eBPF program. */ message CpuTimePerClusterFreq { optional uint32 cluster = 1; optional uint32 freq_khz = 2; // Time spent at this frequency excluding sleep since tracking started. optional uint64 time_millis = 3; } /** * Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid. * Note that isolated process uid time should be attributed to host uids. */ message CpuTimePerUid { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional uint64 user_time_micros = 2; optional uint64 sys_time_micros = 3; } /** * Pulls Cpu Cycles Per Uid Per Cluster. * Note that uids are transformed to reduce the number of uploaded entries. Shared GIDs are * combined under single uid LAST_SHARED_APPLICATION_GID. Individual isolated uids are excluded * because they are recycled and removed from the underlying data source. All uids are normalized * to their base uids. */ message CpuCyclesPerUidCluster { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int32 cluster = 2; // Megacycles, i.e. millions of cycles. optional int64 mcycles = 3; // Time excluding sleep since tracking started. optional int64 time_millis = 4; // Power estimate: time * average power for frequency / 1000. optional int64 power_profile_estimate = 5; } /** * Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid per frequency. * Note that uids are transformed to reduce the number of uploaded entries. Shared GIDs are * combined under single uid LAST_SHARED_APPLICATION_GID. Individual isolated uids are excluded * because they are recycled and removed from the underlying data source. All uids are normalized * to their base uids. */ message CpuTimePerUidFreq { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional uint32 freq_index = 2; optional uint64 time_millis = 3; } /** * Pulls Cpu Cycles Per ThreadGroup Per Cluster. * This is tracked by the timeInState eBPF program. */ message CpuCyclesPerThreadGroupCluster { enum ThreadGroup { UNKNOWN_THREAD_GROUP = 0; // System server threads serving Binder calls. SYSTEM_SERVER_BINDER = 1; // All system server threads. SYSTEM_SERVER = 2; // All surface flinger threads. SURFACE_FLINGER = 3; } optional ThreadGroup thread_group = 1; optional int32 cluster = 2; // Megacycles, i.e. millions of cycles. optional int64 mcycles = 3; // Time excluding sleep since tracking started. optional int64 time_millis = 4; } /** * Pulls Wifi Controller Activity Energy Info */ message WifiActivityInfo { // timestamp(wall clock) of record creation optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1; // stack reported state // TODO: replace this with proto enum optional int32 stack_state = 2; // tx time in millis optional uint64 controller_tx_time_millis = 3; // rx time in millis optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 4; // idle time in millis optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 5; // product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms) optional uint64 controller_energy_used = 6; } /** * Pulls Modem Activity Energy Info */ message ModemActivityInfo { // timestamp(wall clock) of record creation optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1; // sleep time in millis. optional uint64 sleep_time_millis = 2; // idle time in millis optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 3; /** * Tx power index * index 0 = tx_power < 0dBm * index 1 = 0dBm < tx_power < 5dBm * index 2 = 5dBm < tx_power < 15dBm * index 3 = 15dBm < tx_power < 20dBm * index 4 = tx_power > 20dBm */ // tx time in ms at power level 0 optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl0_millis = 4; // tx time in ms at power level 1 optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl1_millis = 5; // tx time in ms at power level 2 optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl2_millis = 6; // tx time in ms at power level 3 optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl3_millis = 7; // tx time in ms at power level 4 optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl4_millis = 8; // rx time in ms at power level 5 optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 9; // product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms) optional uint64 energy_used = 10 [deprecated=true]; } /** * Pulls Bluetooth Activity Energy Info * Note: BluetoothBytesTransfer is pulled at the same time from the controller. */ message BluetoothActivityInfo { // timestamp(wall clock) of record creation optional uint64 timestamp_millis = 1; // bluetooth stack state optional int32 bluetooth_stack_state = 2; // tx time in millis optional uint64 controller_tx_time_millis = 3; // rx time in millis optional uint64 controller_rx_time_millis = 4; // idle time in millis optional uint64 controller_idle_time_millis = 5; // product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms) optional uint64 energy_used = 6; } /* * Logs the memory stats for a process. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerService). */ message ProcessMemoryState { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name. // Usually package name, "system" for system server. // Provided by ActivityManagerService. optional string process_name = 2; // Current OOM score adjustment. Value read from ProcessRecord. optional int32 oom_adj_score = 3; // # of page-faults optional int64 page_fault = 4; // # of major page-faults optional int64 page_major_fault = 5; // RSS // Value is read from memory.stat, field total_rss if per-app memory // cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, value from /proc/pid/stat. optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6; // CACHE // Value is read from memory.stat, field total_cache if per-app memory // cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, 0. optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7; // SWAP // Value is read from memory.stat, field total_swap if per-app memory // cgroups are enabled. Otherwise, 0. optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8; // Deprecated: use ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark atom instead. Always -1. optional int64 rss_high_watermark_in_bytes = 9 [deprecated = true]; // Deprecated: use ProcessMemorySnapshot atom instead. Always -1. optional int64 start_time_nanos = 10 [deprecated = true]; // Deprecated: use ProcessMemorySnapshot atom instead. Always -1. optional int32 anon_rss_and_swap_in_kilobytes = 11 [deprecated = true]; } /* * Logs the memory high-water mark for a process. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerServie) * and for selected native processes. * * Pulling this atom resets high-water mark counters for all processes. */ message ProcessMemoryHighWaterMark { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name. // Usually package name or process cmdline. // Provided by ActivityManagerService or read from /proc/PID/cmdline. optional string process_name = 2; // Deprecated: use rss_high_water_mark_in_kilobytes instead. This field is // computed by converting kilobytes to bytes. optional int64 rss_high_water_mark_in_bytes = 3 [deprecated = true]; // RSS high-water mark. Peak RSS usage of the process. Read from the VmHWM field in // /proc/PID/status. optional int32 rss_high_water_mark_in_kilobytes = 4; } /* * Logs the memory stats for a process. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService for all managed processes (from ActivityManagerService) * and for selected native processes. */ message ProcessMemorySnapshot { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name. // Usually package name or process cmdline. // Provided by ActivityManagerService or read from /proc/PID/cmdline. optional string process_name = 2; // The pid of the process. // Allows to disambiguate instances of the process. optional int32 pid = 3; // The current OOM score adjustment value. // Read from ProcessRecord for managed processes. // Placeholder -1001 (OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MIN - 1, outside of allowed range) for native ones. optional int32 oom_score_adj = 4; // The current RSS of the process. // VmRSS from /proc/pid/status. optional int32 rss_in_kilobytes = 5; // The current anon RSS of the process. // RssAnon from /proc/pid/status. optional int32 anon_rss_in_kilobytes = 6; // The current swap size of the process. // VmSwap from /proc/pid/status. optional int32 swap_in_kilobytes = 7; // The sum of rss_in_kilobytes and swap_in_kilobytes. optional int32 anon_rss_and_swap_in_kilobytes = 8; // GPU memory usage as measured by the kernel tracepoints // Equivalent to dumpsys gpu --gpumem optional int32 gpu_memory_kb = 9; // Whether or not this process is hosting one or more foregound services. optional bool has_foreground_services = 10; // The current rss memory in shared space. optional int32 shmem_kb = 11; // The types of the components this process is hosting at the moment this // snapshot is taken. // See the available types in HostingComponentType in AppProtoEnums. optional int32 current_hosting_component_types = 12; // The historical types of the components this process is or was hosting // since it's born. // See the available types in HostingComponentType in AppProtoEnums. optional int32 historical_hosting_component_types = 13; } /* * Elapsed real time from SystemClock. */ message SystemElapsedRealtime { optional uint64 time_millis = 1; } /* * Up time from SystemClock. */ message SystemUptime { // Milliseconds since the system was booted. // This clock stops when the system enters deep sleep (CPU off, display dark, device waiting // for external input). // It is not affected by clock scaling, idle, or other power saving mechanisms. optional uint64 uptime_millis = 1; } /* * Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time which has the format: * active: X (X is # cores) * [uid0]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... (# entries = # cores) * [uid1]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... ... * ... * Time-N means the CPU time a UID spent running concurrently with N other processes. * The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. */ message CpuActiveTime { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional uint64 time_millis = 2; } /** * Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time which has the format: * policy0: X policy4: Y (there are X cores on policy0, Y cores on policy4) * [uid0]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ... * [uid1]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ... * ... * Time-X-Y means the time a UID spent on clusterX running concurrently with Y other processes. * The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot. */ message CpuClusterTime { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int32 cluster_index = 2; optional uint64 time_millis = 3; } /* * Pulls free disk space, for data, system partition and temporary directory. */ message DiskSpace { // available bytes in data partition optional uint64 data_available_bytes = 1; // available bytes in system partition optional uint64 system_available_bytes = 2; // available bytes in download cache or temp directories optional uint64 temp_available_bytes = 3; } /** * Pulls battery coulomb counter, which is the remaining battery charge in uAh. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService.java */ message RemainingBatteryCapacity { optional int32 charge_micro_ampere_hour = 1; } /** * Pulls battery capacity, which is the battery capacity when full in uAh. * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp */ message FullBatteryCapacity { optional int32 capacity_micro_ampere_hour = 1; } /** * Pulls battery voltage. * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp */ message BatteryVoltage { // The voltage of the battery, in millivolts. optional int32 voltage_millivolt = 1; } /** * Pulls battery level (percent full, from 0 to 100). * * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp */ message BatteryLevel { // Battery level. Should be in [0, 100]. optional int32 battery_level = 1; } /** * Pulls the temperature of various parts of the device. * The units are tenths of a degree Celsius. Eg: 30.3C is reported as 303. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService.java */ message Temperature { // The type of temperature being reported. Eg. CPU, GPU, SKIN, BATTERY, BCL_. optional android.os.TemperatureTypeEnum sensor_location = 1; // The name of the temperature source. Eg. CPU0 optional string sensor_name = 2; // Temperature in tenths of a degree C. // For BCL, it is decimillivolt, decimilliamps, and percentage * 10. optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 3; // Relative severity of the throttling, see enum definition. optional android.os.ThrottlingSeverityEnum severity = 4; } /** * Pulls the statistics of calls to Binder. * * Binder stats will be reset every time the data is pulled. It means it can only be pulled by one * config on the device. * * Next tag: 15 */ message BinderCalls { // UID of the process responsible for the binder transaction. It will be set if the process // executing the binder transaction attribute the transaction to another uid using // Binder.setThreadWorkSource(). // // If not set, the value will be -1. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // UID of the process executing the binder transaction. optional int32 direct_caller_uid = 14; // Fully qualified class name of the API call. // // This is a system server class name. // // TODO(gaillard): figure out if binder call stats includes data from isolated uids, if a uid // gets recycled and we have isolated uids, we might attribute the data incorrectly. // TODO(gaillard): there is a high dimensions cardinality, figure out if we should drop the less // commonly used APIs. optional string service_class_name = 2; // Method name of the API call. It can also be a transaction code if we cannot // resolve it to a name. See Binder#getTransactionName. // // This is a system server method name. optional string service_method_name = 3; // Total number of API calls. optional int64 call_count = 4; // True if the screen was interactive PowerManager#isInteractive at the end of the call. optional bool screen_interactive = 13; // Total number of API calls we have data recorded for. If we collected data for all the calls, // call_count will be equal to recorded_call_count. // // If recorded_call_count is different than call_count, it means data collection has been // sampled. All the fields below will be sampled in this case. optional int64 recorded_call_count = 12; // Number of exceptions thrown by the API. optional int64 recorded_exception_count = 5; // Total latency of all API calls. // Average can be computed using total_latency_micros / recorded_call_count. optional int64 recorded_total_latency_micros = 6; // Maximum latency of one API call. optional int64 recorded_max_latency_micros = 7; // Total CPU usage of all API calls. // Average can be computed using total_cpu_micros / recorded_call_count. // Total can be computed using total_cpu_micros / recorded_call_count * call_count. optional int64 recorded_total_cpu_micros = 8; // Maximum CPU usage of one API call. optional int64 recorded_max_cpu_micros = 9; // Maximum parcel reply size of one API call. optional int64 recorded_max_reply_size_bytes = 10; // Maximum parcel request size of one API call. optional int64 recorded_max_request_size_bytes = 11; } /** * Pulls the statistics of exceptions during calls to Binder. * * Binder stats are cumulative from boot unless somebody reset the data using * > adb shell dumpsys binder_calls_stats --reset */ message BinderCallsExceptions { // Exception class name, e.g. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. // // This is an exception class name thrown by the system server. optional string exception_class_name = 1; // Total number of exceptions. optional int64 exception_count = 2; } /** * Pulls the statistics of message dispatching on HandlerThreads. * * Looper stats will be reset every time the data is pulled. It means it can only be pulled by one * config on the device. * * Next tag: 11 */ message LooperStats { // The uid that made a call to the System Server and caused the message to be enqueued. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Fully qualified class name of the handler target class. // // This field does not contain PII. This is a system server class name. optional string handler_class_name = 2; // The name of the thread that runs the Looper. // // This field does not contain PII. This is a system server thread name. optional string looper_thread_name = 3; // The name of the dispatched message. // // This field does not contain PII. This is a system server constant or class // name. optional string message_name = 4; // Total number of successfully dispatched messages. optional int64 message_count = 5; // Total number of messages that failed dispatching. optional int64 exception_count = 6; // Total number of processed messages we have data recorded for. If we // collected data for all the messages, message_count will be equal to // recorded_message_count. // // If recorded_message_count is different than message_count, it means data // collection has been sampled. The fields below will be sampled in this case. optional int64 recorded_message_count = 7; // Total latency of all processed messages. // Average can be computed using recorded_total_latency_micros / // recorded_message_count. optional int64 recorded_total_latency_micros = 8; // Total CPU usage of all processed message. // Average can be computed using recorded_total_cpu_micros / // recorded_message_count. Total can be computed using // recorded_total_cpu_micros / recorded_message_count * message_count. optional int64 recorded_total_cpu_micros = 9; // True if the screen was interactive PowerManager#isInteractive at the end of the call. optional bool screen_interactive = 10; // Max recorded CPU usage of all processed messages. optional int64 recorded_max_cpu_micros = 11; // Max recorded latency of all processed messages. optional int64 recorded_max_latency_micros = 12; // Total number of messages we tracked the dispatching delay for. If we // collected data for all the messages, message_count will be equal to // recorded_delay_message_count. // // If recorded_delay_message_count is different than message_count, it means data // collection has been sampled or/and not all messages specified the target dispatch time. // The fields below will be sampled in this case. optional int64 recorded_delay_message_count = 13; // Total dispatching delay of all processed messages. // Calculated as a difference between the target dispatching time (Message.when) // and the actual dispatching time. // Average can be computed using recorded_total_delay_millis / recorded_delay_message_count. optional int64 recorded_total_delay_millis = 14; // Max dispatching delay of all processed messages. // Calculated as a difference between the target dispatching time (Message.when) // and the actual dispatching time. optional int64 recorded_max_delay_millis = 15; } /** * Pulls disk information, such as write speed and latency. */ message DiskStats { // Time taken to open, write 512B to, and close a file. // -1 if error performing the check. optional int64 data_write_latency_millis = 1; optional bool file_based_encryption = 2; // Recent disk write speed in kB/s. // -1 if error querying storageed. // 0 if data is unavailable. optional int32 recent_disk_write_speed = 3; } /** * Free and total bytes of the Data, Cache, System, and Metadata partitions. */ message DirectoryUsage { enum Directory { UNKNOWN = 0; DATA = 1; CACHE = 2; SYSTEM = 3; METADATA = 4; } optional Directory directory = 1; optional int64 free_bytes = 2; optional int64 total_bytes = 3; } /** * Size of an application: apk size, data size, and cache size. * Reads from a cached file produced daily by DiskStatsLoggingService.java. * Information is only reported for apps with the primary user (user 0). * Sizes are aggregated by package name. */ message AppSize { // Including uids will involve modifying diskstats logic. optional string package_name = 1; // App size in bytes. -1 if unavailable. optional int64 app_size_bytes = 2; // App data size in bytes. -1 if unavailable. optional int64 app_data_size_bytes = 3; // App cache size in bytes. -1 if unavailable. optional int64 app_cache_size_bytes = 4; // Time that the cache file was produced. // Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time. optional int64 cache_time_millis = 5; } /** * Size of a particular category. Eg: photos, videos. * Reads from a cached file produced daily by DiskStatsLoggingService.java. */ message CategorySize { enum Category { UNKNOWN = 0; APP_SIZE = 1; APP_DATA_SIZE = 2; APP_CACHE_SIZE = 3; PHOTOS = 4; VIDEOS = 5; AUDIO = 6; DOWNLOADS = 7; SYSTEM = 8; OTHER = 9; } optional Category category = 1; // Category size in bytes. optional int64 size_bytes = 2; // Time that the cache file was produced. // Uses System.currentTimeMillis(), which is wall clock time. optional int64 cache_time_millis = 3; } /** * Pulls per uid I/O stats. The stats are cumulative since boot. * * Read/write bytes are I/O events from a storage device * Read/write chars are data requested by read/write syscalls, and can be * satisfied by caching. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which reads proc/uid_io/stats. */ message DiskIo { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int64 fg_chars_read = 2; optional int64 fg_chars_write = 3; optional int64 fg_bytes_read = 4; optional int64 fg_bytes_write = 5; optional int64 bg_chars_read = 6; optional int64 bg_chars_write = 7; optional int64 bg_bytes_read = 8; optional int64 bg_bytes_write = 9; optional int64 fg_fsync = 10; optional int64 bg_fsync= 11; } /** * Pulls the number of fingerprints for each user. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which queries Manager. */ message NumFingerprintsEnrolled { // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. // Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 1; // Number of fingerprints registered to that user. optional int32 num_fingerprints_enrolled = 2; } /** * Pulls the number of faces for each user. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService, which queries Manager. */ message NumFacesEnrolled { // The associated user. Eg: 0 for owners, 10+ for others. // Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java optional int32 user = 1; // Number of faces registered to that user. optional int32 num_faces_enrolled = 2; } /** * A mapping of role holder -> role */ message RoleHolder { // uid of the role holder optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // package name of the role holder optional string package_name = 2; // the role held optional string role = 3; } message AggStats { // These are all in byte resolution. optional int64 min = 1 [deprecated = true]; optional int64 average = 2 [deprecated = true]; optional int64 max = 3 [deprecated = true]; // These are all in kilobyte resolution. Can fit in int32, so smaller on the wire than the above // int64 fields. optional int32 mean_kb = 4; optional int32 max_kb = 5; } // A reduced subset of process states; reducing the number of possible states allows more // aggressive device-side aggregation of statistics and hence reduces metric upload size. enum ProcessStateAggregated { PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Persistent system process. PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT = 1; // Top activity; actually any visible activity. PROCESS_STATE_TOP = 2; // Process binding to top or a foreground service. PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_TOP_OR_FGS = 3; // Processing running a foreground service. PROCESS_STATE_FGS = 4; // Important foreground process (ime, wallpaper, etc). PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND = 5; // Important background process. PROCESS_STATE_BACKGROUND = 6; // Process running a receiver. PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER = 7; // All kinds of cached processes. PROCESS_STATE_CACHED = 8; } // Next tag: 13 message ProcessStatsStateProto { optional android.service.procstats.ScreenState screen_state = 1; optional android.service.procstats.MemoryState memory_state = 2 [deprecated = true]; // this enum list is from frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/procstats/ProcessStats.java // and not frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ActivityManager.java optional android.service.procstats.ProcessState process_state = 3 [deprecated = true]; optional ProcessStateAggregated process_state_aggregated = 10; // Millisecond uptime duration spent in this state optional int64 duration_millis = 4 [deprecated = true]; // Same as above, but with minute resolution so it fits into an int32. optional int32 duration_minutes = 11; // Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state optional int64 realtime_duration_millis = 9 [deprecated = true]; // Same as above, but with minute resolution so it fits into an int32. optional int32 realtime_duration_minutes = 12; // # of samples taken optional int32 sample_size = 5; // PSS is memory reserved for this process optional AggStats pss = 6 [deprecated = true]; // USS is memory shared between processes, divided evenly for accounting optional AggStats uss = 7 [deprecated = true]; // RSS is memory resident for this process optional AggStats rss = 8; } // Next Tag: 8 message ProcessStatsProto { // Name of process. optional string process = 1; // Uid of the process. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Information about how often kills occurred message Kill { // Count of excessive CPU kills optional int32 cpu = 1; // Count of kills when cached optional int32 cached = 2; // PSS stats during cached kill optional AggStats cached_pss = 3; } optional Kill kill = 3 [deprecated = true]; // Time and memory spent in various states. repeated ProcessStatsStateProto states = 5; // Total time process has been running... screen_state, memory_state, and process_state // will not be set. optional ProcessStatsStateProto total_running_state = 6; // Association data for this process in this state; // each entry here is one association. repeated ProcessStatsAssociationProto assocs = 7; } // Next Tag: 6 message ProcessStatsAssociationProto { // Procss Name of the associated process (client process of service binding) optional string assoc_process_name = 1; // Package Name of the associated package (client package of service binding) optional string assoc_package_name = 2 [deprecated = true]; // UID of the associated process/package (client package of service binding) optional int32 assoc_uid = 5 [(is_uid) = true]; // Total count of the times this association (service binding) appeared. optional int32 total_count = 3; // Uptime total duration in seconds this association (service binding) was around. optional int32 total_duration_secs = 4; } message PackageServiceOperationStatsProto { // Operate enum: Started, Foreground, Bound, Executing optional android.service.procstats.ServiceOperationState operation = 1; // Number of times the service was in this operation. optional int32 count = 2; // Information about a state the service can be in. message StateStats { // Screen state enum. optional android.service.procstats.ScreenState screen_state = 1; // Memory state enum. optional android.service.procstats.MemoryState memory_state = 2; // duration in milliseconds. optional int64 duration_millis = 3; // Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state optional int64 realtime_duration_millis = 4; } repeated StateStats state_stats = 3; } message PackageServiceStatsProto { // Name of service component. optional string service_name = 1; // The operation stats. // The package_name, package_uid, package_version, service_name will not be set to save space. repeated PackageServiceOperationStatsProto operation_stats = 2; } message PackageAssociationSourceProcessStatsProto { // Uid of the process. optional int32 process_uid = 1; // Process name. optional string process_name = 2; // Package name. optional string package_name = 7; // Total count of the times this association appeared. optional int32 total_count = 3; // Millisecond uptime total duration this association was around. optional int64 total_duration_millis = 4; // Total count of the times this association became actively impacting its target process. optional int32 active_count = 5; // Information on one source in this association. message StateStats { // Process state enum. optional android.service.procstats.ProcessState process_state = 1; // Millisecond uptime duration spent in this state optional int64 duration_millis = 2; // Millisecond elapsed realtime duration spent in this state optional int64 realtime_duration_mmillis = 3; } repeated StateStats active_state_stats = 6; } message PackageAssociationProcessStatsProto { // Name of the target component. optional string component_name = 1; // Information on one source in this association. repeated PackageAssociationSourceProcessStatsProto sources = 2; } message ProcessStatsPackageProto { // Name of package. optional string package = 1; // Uid of the package. optional int32 uid = 2; // Version of the package. optional int64 version = 3; // Stats for each process running with the package loaded in to it. repeated ProcessStatsProto process_stats = 4; // Stats for each of the package's services. repeated PackageServiceStatsProto service_stats = 5; // Stats for each association with the package. repeated PackageAssociationProcessStatsProto association_stats = 6; } message ProcessStatsSectionProto { // Elapsed realtime at start of report. optional int64 start_realtime_millis = 1; // Elapsed realtime at end of report. optional int64 end_realtime_millis = 2; // CPU uptime at start of report. optional int64 start_uptime_millis = 3; // CPU uptime at end of report. optional int64 end_uptime_millis = 4; // System runtime library. e.g. "libdvm.so", "libart.so". optional string runtime = 5; // whether kernel reports swapped pss. optional bool has_swapped_pss = 6; // Data completeness. e.g. "complete", "partial", shutdown", or "sysprops". enum Status { STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; STATUS_COMPLETE = 1; STATUS_PARTIAL = 2; STATUS_SHUTDOWN = 3; STATUS_SYSPROPS = 4; } repeated Status status = 7; // Number of pages available of various types and sizes, representation fragmentation. repeated ProcessStatsAvailablePagesProto available_pages = 10; // Stats for each process. repeated ProcessStatsProto process_stats = 8; // Stats for each package. repeated ProcessStatsPackageProto package_stats = 9; } message ProcessStatsAvailablePagesProto { // Node these pages are in (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo) optional int32 node = 1; // Zone these pages are in (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo) optional string zone = 2; // Label for the type of these pages (as per /proc/pagetypeinfo) optional string label = 3; // Distribution of number of pages available by order size. First entry in array is // order 0, second is order 1, etc. Each order increase is a doubling of page size. repeated int32 pages_per_order = 4; } /** * Pulled from ProcessStatsService.java */ message ProcStats { optional ProcessStatsSectionProto proc_stats_section = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Data pulled from device into this is sometimes sharded across multiple atoms to work around // a size limit. When this happens, this shard ID will contain an increasing 1-indexed integer // with the number of this shard. optional int32 shard_id = 2; } /** * Pulled from ProcessStatsService.java */ message ProcStatsPkgProc { optional ProcessStatsSectionProto proc_stats_section = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } // Next Tag: 2 message PackageRemoteViewInfoProto { optional string package_name = 1; // add per-package additional info here (like channels) } // Next Tag: 2 message NotificationRemoteViewsProto { repeated PackageRemoteViewInfoProto package_remote_view_info = 1; } /** * Pulled from NotificationManagerService.java */ message NotificationRemoteViews { optional NotificationRemoteViewsProto notification_remote_views = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Atom that contains a list of a package's preferences, pulled from NotificationManagerService.java */ message PackageNotificationPreferences { // Uid under which the package is installed. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Notification importance, which specifies when and how a notification is displayed. // Specified under core/java/android/app/NotificationManager.java. optional int32 importance = 2; // Lockscreen visibility as set by the user. optional int32 visibility = 3; // Bitfield mask indicating what fields were locked by the user (see LockableAppfields in // PreferencesHelper.java) optional int32 user_locked_fields = 4; // Indicates if the package importance was set by the user (rather than system default). optional bool user_set_importance = 5; // State of the full screen intent permission for this package. enum FsiState { // This package did not declare the full screen intent permission in its manifest. NOT_REQUESTED = 0; // This package has the full screen intent permission. GRANTED = 1; // This package does not have the full screen intent permission. DENIED = 2; } optional FsiState fsi_state = 6; // True if the current full screen intent permission state for this package was set by the user. // This is only set when the FSI permission is requested by the app. optional bool is_fsi_permission_user_set = 7; } /** * Atom that contains a list of a package's channel preferences, pulled from * NotificationManagerService.java. */ message PackageNotificationChannelPreferences { // Uid under which the package is installed. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Channel's ID. Should always be available. optional string channel_id = 2; // Channel's name. Should always be available. optional string channel_name = 3; // Channel's description. Optionally set by the channel creator. optional string description = 4; // Notification importance, which specifies when and how a notification is displayed. Specified // under core/java/android/app/NotificationManager.java. optional int32 importance = 5; // Bitmask representing which fields have been set by the user. See field bitmask descriptions // at core/java/android/app/NotificationChannel.java optional int32 user_locked_fields = 6; // Indicates if the channel was deleted by the app. optional bool is_deleted = 7; // Indicates if the channel was marked as a conversation by the app. optional bool is_conversation = 8; // Indicates if the channel is a conversation that was demoted by the user. optional bool is_demoted_conversation = 9; // Indicates if the channel is a conversation that was marked as important by the user. optional bool is_important_conversation = 10; } /** * Atom that contains a list of a package's channel group preferences, pulled from * NotificationManagerService.java. */ message PackageNotificationChannelGroupPreferences { // Uid under which the package is installed. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Channel Group's ID. Should always be available. optional string group_id = 2; // Channel Group's name. Should always be available. optional string group_name = 3; // Channel Group's description. Optionally set by group creator. optional string description = 4; // Indicates if notifications from this channel group are blocked. optional bool is_blocked = 5; // Bitmask representing which fields have been set by the user. See field bitmask descriptions // at core/java/android/app/NotificationChannelGroup.java optional int32 user_locked_fields = 6; } message PowerProfileProto { optional double cpu_suspend = 1; optional double cpu_idle = 2; optional double cpu_active = 3; message CpuCluster { optional int32 id = 1; optional double cluster_power = 2; optional int32 cores = 3; repeated int64 speed = 4; repeated double core_power = 5; } repeated CpuCluster cpu_cluster = 40; optional double wifi_scan = 4; optional double wifi_on = 5; optional double wifi_active = 6; optional double wifi_controller_idle = 7; optional double wifi_controller_rx = 8; optional double wifi_controller_tx = 9; repeated double wifi_controller_tx_levels = 10; optional double wifi_controller_operating_voltage = 11; optional double bluetooth_controller_idle = 12; optional double bluetooth_controller_rx = 13; optional double bluetooth_controller_tx = 14; optional double bluetooth_controller_operating_voltage = 15; optional double modem_controller_sleep = 16; optional double modem_controller_idle = 17; optional double modem_controller_rx = 18; repeated double modem_controller_tx = 19; optional double modem_controller_operating_voltage = 20; optional double gps_on = 21; repeated double gps_signal_quality_based = 22; optional double gps_operating_voltage = 23; optional double bluetooth_on = 24; optional double bluetooth_active = 25; optional double bluetooth_at_cmd = 26; optional double ambient_display = 27; optional double screen_on = 28; optional double radio_on = 29; optional double radio_scanning = 30; optional double radio_active = 31; optional double screen_full = 32; optional double audio = 33; optional double video = 34; optional double flashlight = 35; optional double memory = 36; optional double camera = 37; optional double wifi_batched_scan = 38; optional double battery_capacity = 39; } /** * power_profile.xml and other constants for power model calculations. * Pulled from PowerProfile.java */ message PowerProfile { optional PowerProfileProto power_profile = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when a user restriction was added or removed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/DevicePolicyManagerService.java */ message UserRestrictionChanged { // The raw string of the user restriction as defined in UserManager. // Allowed values are defined in UserRestrictionsUtils#USER_RESTRICTIONS. optional string restriction = 1; // Whether the restriction is enabled or disabled. optional bool enabled = 2; } /** * Pulls process user time and system time. Puller takes a snapshot of all pids * in the system and returns cpu stats for those that are working at the time. * Dead pids will be dropped. Kernel processes are excluded. * Min cool-down is 5 sec. */ message ProcessCpuTime { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string process_name = 2; // Process cpu time in user space, cumulative from boot/process start optional int64 user_time_millis = 3; // Process cpu time in system space, cumulative from boot/process start optional int64 system_time_millis = 4; } /** * Pulls the CPU usage for each thread. * * Read from /proc/$PID/task/$TID/time_in_state files. * * TODO(mishaw): This is an experimental atom. Issues with big/little CPU frequencies, and * time_in_state files not being present on some phones, have not been addressed. These should be * considered before a public release. */ message CpuTimePerThreadFreq { // UID that owns the process. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // ID of the process. optional int32 process_id = 2; // ID of the thread. optional int32 thread_id = 3; // Name of the process taken from `/proc/$PID/cmdline`. optional string process_name = 4; // Name of the thread taken from `/proc/$PID/task/$TID/comm` optional string thread_name = 5; // Report eight different frequencies, and how much time is spent in each frequency. Frequencies // are given in KHz, and time is given in milliseconds since the thread started. All eight // frequencies are given here as the alternative is sending eight separate atoms. This method // significantly reduces the amount of data created optional int32 frequency1_khz = 6; optional int32 time1_millis = 7; optional int32 frequency2_khz = 8; optional int32 time2_millis = 9; optional int32 frequency3_khz = 10; optional int32 time3_millis = 11; optional int32 frequency4_khz = 12; optional int32 time4_millis = 13; optional int32 frequency5_khz = 14; optional int32 time5_millis = 15; optional int32 frequency6_khz = 16; optional int32 time6_millis = 17; optional int32 frequency7_khz = 18; optional int32 time7_millis = 19; optional int32 frequency8_khz = 20; optional int32 time8_millis = 21; } /** * Pulls information about the device's build. */ message BuildInformation { // Build.FINGERPRINT. A string that uniquely identifies this build. Do not parse. // E.g. may be composed of the brand, product, device, release, id, incremental, type, and tags. optional string fingerprint = 1; // Build.BRAND. The consumer-visible brand with which the product/hardware will be associated. optional string brand = 2; // Build.PRODUCT. The name of the overall product. optional string product = 3; // Build.DEVICE. The name of the industrial design. optional string device = 4; // Build.VERSION.RELEASE. The user-visible version string. E.g., "1.0" or "3.4b5" or "bananas". optional string version_release = 5; // Build.ID. E.g. a label like "M4-rc20". optional string id = 6; // Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL. The internal value used by the underlying source control to // represent this build. optional string version_incremental = 7; // Build.TYPE. The type of build, like "user" or "eng". optional string type = 8; // Build.TAGS. Comma-separated tags describing the build, like "unsigned,debug". optional string tags = 9; } /** * Logs information about mismatched caller for content capture. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/service/contentcapture/ContentCaptureService.java */ message ContentCaptureCallerMismatchReported { optional string intended_package = 1; optional string calling_package = 2; } /** * Logs information about content capture service events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/ContentCaptureMetricsLogger.java */ message ContentCaptureServiceEvents { // The type of event. enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; ON_CONNECTED = 1; ON_DISCONNECTED = 2; SET_WHITELIST = 3; SET_DISABLED = 4; ON_USER_DATA_REMOVED = 5; ON_DATA_SHARE_REQUEST = 6; ACCEPT_DATA_SHARE_REQUEST = 7; REJECT_DATA_SHARE_REQUEST = 8; DATA_SHARE_WRITE_FINISHED = 9; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_IOEXCEPTION = 10; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_EMPTY_DATA = 11; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_CLIENT_PIPE_FAIL = 12; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_SERVICE_PIPE_FAIL = 13; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_CONCURRENT_REQUEST = 14; DATA_SHARE_ERROR_TIMEOUT_INTERRUPTED = 15; ON_REMOTE_SERVICE_DIED = 16; } optional Event event = 1; // component/package of content capture service. optional string service_info = 2; // component/package of target. // it's a concatenated list of component/package for SET_WHITELIST event // separated by " ". // Deprecated: should not log app package optional string target_info = 3 [deprecated = true]; // The number of packages in the allow list optional int32 set_allowlist_package_count = 4; // The number of activities in the allow list optional int32 set_allowlist_activity_count = 5; } /** * Logs information about content capture session events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/ContentCaptureMetricsLogger.java */ message ContentCaptureSessionEvents { // The type of event. enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; ON_SESSION_STARTED = 1; ON_SESSION_FINISHED = 2; SESSION_NOT_CREATED = 3; } optional int32 session_id = 1; optional Event event = 2; // (n/a on session finished) optional int32 state_flags = 3; // component/package of content capture service. optional string service_info = 4; // component/package of app. // (n/a on session finished) // Deprecated: should not log app package optional string app_info = 5 [deprecated = true]; optional bool is_child_session = 6; } /** * Logs information about session being flushed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/contentcapture/java/com/android/server/contentcapture/ContentCaptureMetricsLogger.java */ message ContentCaptureFlushed { optional int32 session_id = 1; // component/package of content capture service. optional string service_info = 2; // component/package of app. // Deprecated: should not log app package optional string app_info = 3 [deprecated = true]; // session start/finish events optional int32 child_session_started = 4; optional int32 child_session_finished = 5; // count of view events. optional int32 view_appeared_count = 6; optional int32 view_disappeared_count = 7; optional int32 view_text_changed_count = 8; // Flush stats. optional int32 max_events = 9; optional int32 idle_flush_freq = 10; optional int32 text_flush_freq = 11; optional int32 flush_reason = 12; } /** * Pulls on-device BatteryStats power use calculations for the overall device. */ message DeviceCalculatedPowerUse { // Power used by the device in nAs (i.e. nanocoulombs (nC)), as computed by BatteryStats, since // BatteryStats last reset (i.e. roughly since device was last significantly charged). // Currently, this is from BatteryStatsHelper.getComputedPower() (not getTotalPower()). optional int64 computed_power_nano_amp_secs = 1; } // Keep in sync with frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/batteryusagestats.proto /** * Represents a device's BatteryUsageStats, with power usage information about the device * and each app. */ message BatteryUsageStatsAtomsProto { // The session start timestamp in UTC milliseconds since January 1, 1970, per Date#getTime(). // All data is no older than this time. optional int64 session_start_millis = 1; // The session end timestamp in UTC milliseconds since January 1, 1970, per Date#getTime(). // All data is no more recent than this time. optional int64 session_end_millis = 2; // Length that the reported data covered. This usually will be equal to the entire session, // session_end_millis - session_start_millis, but may not be if some data during this time frame // is missing. optional int64 session_duration_millis = 3; // Represents usage of a consumer, storing all of its power component usage. message BatteryConsumerData { // Total power consumed by this BatteryConsumer (including all of its PowerComponents). // May not equal the sum of the PowerComponentUsage due to under- or over-estimations. // Multiply by 1/36 to obtain mAh. optional int64 total_consumed_power_deci_coulombs = 1; // Represents power and time usage of a particular power component. message PowerComponentUsage { // Holds android.os.PowerComponentEnum, or custom component value between 1000 and 9999. // Evidently, if one attempts to write an int to an enum field that is out of range, it // is treated as 0, so we must make this an int32. optional int32 component = 1; // Power consumed by this component. Multiply by 1/36 to obtain mAh. optional int64 power_deci_coulombs = 2; optional int64 duration_millis = 3; } repeated PowerComponentUsage power_components = 2; // Represents a slice of power attribution, e.g. "cpu while in the background" // or "wifi when running a background service". Queries that care about // PowerComponentUsage slices need to be aware of all supported dimensions. // There are no roll-ups included in the slices - it is up to the clients // of this data to aggregate values as needed. message PowerComponentUsageSlice { optional PowerComponentUsage power_component = 1; enum ProcessState { UNSPECIFIED = 0; FOREGROUND = 1; BACKGROUND = 2; FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 3; } optional ProcessState process_state = 2; } repeated PowerComponentUsageSlice slices = 3; } // Total power usage for the device during this session. optional BatteryConsumerData device_battery_consumer = 4; // Power usage by a uid during this session. message UidBatteryConsumer { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional BatteryConsumerData battery_consumer_data = 2; // DEPRECATED Use time_in_state instead. optional int64 time_in_foreground_millis = 3 [deprecated = true]; // DEPRECATED Use time_in_state instead. optional int64 time_in_background_millis = 4 [deprecated = true]; message TimeInState { enum ProcessState { UNSPECIFIED = 0; FOREGROUND = 1; BACKGROUND = 2; FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 3; } optional ProcessState process_state = 1; optional int64 time_in_state_millis = 2; } repeated TimeInState time_in_state = 5; } repeated UidBatteryConsumer uid_battery_consumers = 5; // Sum of all discharge percentage point drops during the reported session. optional int32 session_discharge_percentage = 6; // Total amount of time battery was discharging during the reported session optional int64 discharge_duration_millis = 7; // Notes the power model used for a power component. message PowerComponentModel { // Holds android.os.PowerComponentEnum, or custom component value between 1000 and 9999. optional int32 component = 1; enum PowerModel { UNDEFINED = 0; POWER_PROFILE = 1; MEASURED_ENERGY = 2; } optional PowerModel power_model = 2; } // The power model used for each power component. repeated PowerComponentModel component_models = 8; } /** * Pulls on-device BatteryStats on-battery power use calculations, in the form of BatteryUsageStats, * using the best data available. * * Includes the data since the last time statsd pulled this atom (i.e. since the * last-BatteryStats-reset-prior-to-last-statsd-pull) until the most recent BatteryStats reset. * * Does NOT include data after the most recent reset (use BatteryUsageStatsSinceReset too for that). * * Pulled from BatteryManager.getBatteryUsageStats(). */ message BatteryUsageStatsBeforeReset { optional BatteryUsageStatsAtomsProto battery_usage_stats = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Pulls on-device BatteryStats on-battery power use calculations, in the form of BatteryUsageStats, * using the best data available. * * Includes all data since the most recent BatteryStats reset event, but none prior to it. * * Pulled from BatteryManager.getBatteryUsageStats(). */ message BatteryUsageStatsSinceReset { optional BatteryUsageStatsAtomsProto battery_usage_stats = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Pulls on-device BatteryStats on-battery power use calculations, in the form of BatteryUsageStats, * using only PowerProfile Model data (even if better data is available). * * Includes all data since the most recent BatteryStats reset event, but none prior to it. * * @see android.os.BatteryUsageStatsQuery#FLAG_BATTERY_USAGE_STATS_POWER_PROFILE_MODEL * Pulled from BatteryManager.getBatteryUsageStats(). */ message BatteryUsageStatsSinceResetUsingPowerProfileModel { optional BatteryUsageStatsAtomsProto battery_usage_stats = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs device policy features. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/DevicePolicyManagerService.java * packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/src/com/android/managedprovisioning/ */ message DevicePolicyEvent { // The event id - unique for each event. optional android.stats.devicepolicy.EventId event_id = 1; // The admin package name. optional string admin_package_name = 2; // A generic integer parameter. optional int32 integer_value = 3; // A generic boolean parameter. optional bool boolean_value = 4; // A parameter specifying a time period in milliseconds. optional uint64 time_period_millis = 5; // A parameter specifying a list of package names, bundle extras or string parameters. optional android.stats.devicepolicy.StringList string_list_value = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when DocumentsUI is started, and how. Call this when DocumentsUI first starts up. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUILaunchReported { optional android.stats.docsui.LaunchAction launch_action = 1; optional bool has_initial_uri = 2; optional android.stats.docsui.MimeType mime_type = 3; optional android.stats.docsui.Root initial_root = 4; } /** * Logs root/app visited event in file managers/picker. Call this when the user * taps on root/app in hamburger menu. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIRootVisitedReported { optional android.stats.docsui.ContextScope scope = 1; optional android.stats.docsui.Root root = 2; } /** * Logs file operation stats. Call this when a file operation has completed. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIFileOperationReported { optional android.stats.docsui.Provider provider = 1; optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 2; } /** * Logs file operation stats. Call this when a copy/move operation has completed with a specific * mode. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIFileOperationCopyMoveModeReported { optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 1; optional android.stats.docsui.CopyMoveOpMode mode = 2; } /** * Logs file sub operation stats. Call this when a file operation has failed. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIFileOperationFailureReported { optional android.stats.docsui.Authority authority = 1; optional android.stats.docsui.SubFileOperation sub_op = 2; } /** * Logs the cancellation of a file operation. Call this when a job is canceled * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIFileOperationCanceledReported { optional android.stats.docsui.FileOperation file_op = 1; } /** * Logs startup time in milliseconds. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIStartupMsReported { optional int32 startup_millis = 1; } /** * Logs the action that was started by user. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIUserActionReported { optional android.stats.docsui.UserAction action = 1; } /** * Logs the invalid type when invalid scoped access is requested. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/ScopedAccessMetrics.java */ message DocsUIInvalidScopedAccessRequestReported { optional android.stats.docsui.InvalidScopedAccess type = 1; } /** * Logs the package name that launches docsui picker mode. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIPickerLaunchedFromReported { optional string package_name = 1; } /** * Logs the search type. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUISearchTypeReported { optional android.stats.docsui.SearchType search_type = 1; } /** * Logs the search mode. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUISearchModeReported { optional android.stats.docsui.SearchMode search_mode = 1; } /** * Logs the pick result information. * * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIPickResultReported { optional int32 total_action_count = 1; optional int64 duration_millis = 2; optional int32 file_count= 3; optional bool is_searching = 4; optional android.stats.docsui.Root picked_from = 5; optional android.stats.docsui.MimeType mime_type = 6; optional int32 repeatedly_pick_times = 7; } /** Logs the drag and drop of files. * Logged from: * package/app/DocumentsUI/src/com/android/documentsui/Metrics.java */ message DocsUIDragAndDropReported { optional bool drag_initiated_from_docsui = 1; } /** * Logs when an app's memory is compacted. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message AppCompacted { // The pid of the process being compacted. optional int32 pid = 1; // The name of the process being compacted. optional string process_name = 2; // The type of compaction. enum Action { UNKNOWN = 0; SOME = 1; FULL = 2; PERSISTENT = 3; BFGS = 4; } optional Action action = 3; // Total RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction. optional int64 before_rss_total_kilobytes = 4; // File RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction. optional int64 before_rss_file_kilobytes = 5; // Anonymous RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction. optional int64 before_rss_anon_kilobytes = 6; // Swap in kilobytes consumed by the process prior to compaction. optional int64 before_swap_kilobytes = 7; // Total RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction. optional int64 after_rss_total_kilobytes = 8; // File RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction. optional int64 after_rss_file_kilobytes = 9; // Anonymous RSS in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction. optional int64 after_rss_anon_kilobytes = 10; // Swap in kilobytes consumed by the process after compaction. optional int64 after_swap_kilobytes = 11; // The time taken to perform compaction in milliseconds. optional int64 time_to_compact_millis = 12; // The last compaction action performed for this app. optional Action last_action = 13; // The last time that compaction was attempted on this process in milliseconds // since boot, not including sleep (see SystemClock.uptimeMillis()). optional int64 last_compact_timestamp_ms_since_boot = 14; // The "setAdj" (i.e. previous) oom_score_adj at the time of compaction. optional int32 oom_score_adj = 15; // The process state at the time of compaction. optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum process_state = 16 [default = PROCESS_STATE_UNKNOWN]; // Free ZRAM in kilobytes before compaction. optional int64 before_zram_free_kilobytes = 17; // Free ZRAM in kilobytes after compaction. optional int64 after_zram_free_kilobytes = 18; } message AppCompactedV2 { // UID of the process being compacted optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Process state for compacted process optional int32 proc_state = 2; // Current OOM Adjust at the time of compaction, this would correspond to any newly set oom adj. optional int32 current_oom_adj = 3; // Delta Anon RSS reduced with compaction computed as RSS Before - RSS After. optional int64 delta_anon_rss = 4; // Physical ZRAM Consumed during compaction optional int64 zram_consumed = 5; // CPU time spent compacting optional float compact_cpu_time = 6; // Anon RSS of the process prior to being compacted optional int64 original_anon_rss = 7; // Reason for the OOM adj change optional android.app.OomChangeReasonEnum oom_change_reason = 8; } /** * Represents an event that logs information about a successful switch to an upstream network. */ message UpstreamEvent { // Indicates the transport type of network. optional android.stats.connectivity.UpstreamType upstream_type = 1; // The duration of network usage. optional int64 duration_millis = 2; // The amount of data received from tethered clients. optional int64 tx_bytes = 3; // The amount of data received from remote. optional int64 rx_bytes = 4; } message UpstreamEvents { repeated UpstreamEvent upstream_event = 1; } /** * Logs when a Tethering event occurs. * */ message NetworkTetheringReported { // Tethering error code optional android.stats.connectivity.ErrorCode error_code = 1; // Tethering downstream type optional android.stats.connectivity.DownstreamType downstream_type = 2; // Transport type of upstream network optional android.stats.connectivity.UpstreamType upstream_type = 3 [deprecated = true]; // The user type of switching tethering optional android.stats.connectivity.UserType user_type= 4; // Log each transport type of upstream network event optional UpstreamEvents upstream_events = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // A time period that a downstreams exists optional int64 duration_millis = 6; } /** * Logs NSD(Network service discovery) client session * * Log from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service-t/src/com/android/server/NsdService */ message NetworkNsdReported { // Indicate if the device is using the legacy or the new implementation optional bool is_legacy = 1; // It is a random number to represent different clients. Each client is an app on the device. optional int32 client_id = 2; // It is a increment_number to represent different transactions. // Each transaction is a request from an app client. optional int32 transaction_id = 3; // Indicate the service in resolution is a known service in the discovered services cache optional bool is_known_service = 4; // Record each NSD session type optional android.stats.connectivity.NsdEventType type = 5; // The process duration of the event in milli-second optional int64 event_duration_millisec = 6; // Record each mdns query result optional android.stats.connectivity.MdnsQueryResult query_result = 7; // Count of services in cache at the end of discovery optional int32 found_service_count = 8; // Count of found callback when discovery is stopped optional int32 found_callback_count = 9; // Count of lost callback when discovery is stopped optional int32 lost_callback_count = 10; // Record query service count before unregistered service optional int32 replied_requests_count = 11; // Record sent query count before stopped discovery optional int32 sent_query_count = 12; // Record sent packet count before unregistered service optional int32 sent_packet_count = 13; // Record number of conflict during probing optional int32 conflict_during_probing_count = 14; // Record number of conflict after probing optional int32 conflict_after_probing_count = 15; // The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling optional int32 random_number = 16; } /** * Logs a DNS lookup operation initiated by the system resolver on behalf of an application * invoking native APIs such as getaddrinfo() or Java APIs such as Network#getAllByName(). * * The NetworkDnsEventReported message represents the entire lookup operation, which may * result one or more queries to the recursive DNS resolvers. Those are individually logged * in DnsQueryEvents to enable computing error rates and network latency and timeouts * broken up by query type, transport, network interface, etc. */ message NetworkDnsEventReported { optional android.stats.dnsresolver.EventType event_type = 1; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.ReturnCode return_code = 2; // The latency in microseconds of the entire DNS lookup operation. optional int32 latency_micros = 3; // Only valid for event_type = EVENT_GETADDRINFO. optional int32 hints_ai_flags = 4; // Flags passed to android_res_nsend() defined in multinetwork.h // Only valid for event_type = EVENT_RESNSEND. optional int32 res_nsend_flags = 5; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.NetworkType network_type = 6; // The DNS over TLS mode on a specific netId. optional android.stats.dnsresolver.PrivateDnsModes private_dns_modes = 7; // Additional pass-through fields opaque to statsd. // The DNS resolver Mainline module can add new fields here without requiring an OS update. optional android.stats.dnsresolver.DnsQueryEvents dns_query_events = 8 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The sample rate of DNS stats (to statsd) is 1/sampling_rate_denom. optional int32 sampling_rate_denom = 9; // UID sends the DNS query. optional int32 uid = 10 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * logs the number of DNS servers supported by the protocol */ message NetworkDnsServerSupportReported { // The network type of the network optional android.stats.dnsresolver.NetworkType network_type = 1; // The private DNS mode of the network optional android.stats.dnsresolver.PrivateDnsModes private_dns_modes = 2; // Stores the state of all DNS servers for this network optional android.stats.dnsresolver.Servers servers = 3 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * The NetworkDnsHandshakeReported message describes a DoT or DoH handshake operation along with * its result, cause, network latency, TLS version, etc. * */ message NetworkDnsHandshakeReported { optional android.stats.dnsresolver.Protocol protocol = 1; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.HandshakeResult result = 2; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.HandshakeCause cause = 3; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.NetworkType network_type = 4; optional android.stats.dnsresolver.PrivateDnsModes private_dns_mode = 5; // The latency in microseconds of the entire handshake operation. optional int32 latency_micros = 6; // Number of bytes sent in a handshake. optional int32 bytes_sent = 7; // Number of bytes received in a handshake. optional int32 bytes_received = 8; // Number of round-trips. optional int32 round_trips = 9; // True if TLS session cache hit. optional bool tls_session_cache_hit = 10; // 2 = TLS 1.2, 3 = TLS 1.3 optional int32 tls_version = 11; // True if the handshake requires verifying the private DNS provider hostname. optional bool hostname_verification = 12; // Only present when protocol = PROTO_DOH. optional int32 quic_version = 13; optional int32 server_index = 14; // The sampling-rate of this event is 1/sampling_rate_denom. optional int32 sampling_rate_denom = 15; } /** * logs the CapportApiData info * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java */ message CapportApiData { // The TTL of the network connection provided by captive portal optional int32 remaining_ttl_secs = 1; // The limit traffic data of the network connection provided by captive portal optional int32 remaining_bytes = 2; // Is portal url option included in the DHCP packet (Yes, No) optional bool has_portal_url = 3; // Is venue info (e.g. store info, maps, flight status) included (Yes, No) optional bool has_venue_info = 4; } /** * logs a network Probe Event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java */ message ProbeEvent { // The probe type (http or https, or captive portal API...) optional android.stats.connectivity.ProbeType probe_type = 1; // The latency in microseconds of the probe event optional int32 latency_micros = 2; // The result of the probe event optional android.stats.connectivity.ProbeResult probe_result = 3; // The CaptivePortal API info optional CapportApiData capport_api_data = 4; } /** * log each ProbeEvent in ProbeEvents * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java */ message ProbeEvents { // Record probe event during the validation repeated ProbeEvent probe_event = 1; } /** * The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) session info * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/dhcp/DhcpClient.java */ message DhcpSession { // The DHCP Feature(s) enabled in this session repeated android.stats.connectivity.DhcpFeature used_features = 1; // The discover packet (re)transmit count optional int32 discover_count = 2; // The request packet (re)transmit count optional int32 request_count = 3; // The IPv4 address conflict count // (only be meaningful when duplicate address detection is enabled) optional int32 conflict_count = 4; // The DHCP packet parsing error code in this session // (defined in android.net.metrics.DhcpErrorEvent) repeated android.stats.connectivity.DhcpErrorCode error_code = 5; // The result of DHCP hostname transliteration optional android.stats.connectivity.HostnameTransResult ht_result = 6; } /** * Logs Network IP provisioning event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/networkstack/metrics/NetworkIpProvisioningMetrics.java */ message NetworkIpProvisioningReported { // Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..) optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1; // The latency in microseconds of IP Provisioning over IPV4 optional int32 ipv4_latency_micros = 2; // The latency in microseconds of IP Provisioning over IPV6 optional int32 ipv6_latency_micros = 3; // The time duration between provisioning start and end (success or failure) optional int64 provisioning_duration_micros = 4; // The specific disconnect reason for this IP provisioning optional android.stats.connectivity.DisconnectCode disconnect_code = 5; // Log DHCP session info (Only valid for IPv4) optional DhcpSession dhcp_session = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling optional int32 random_number = 7; // Check which IPv6 provisioning mode is used for current connection optional android.stats.connectivity.Ipv6ProvisioningMode ipv6_provisioning_mode = 8; } /** * Logs Network DHCP Renew event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/android/net/dhcp/DhcpClient.java */ message NetworkDhcpRenewReported { // Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..) optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1; // The request packet (re)transmit count optional int32 request_count = 2; // The latency in microseconds of DHCP Renew optional int32 latency_micros = 3; // The DHCP error code is defined in android.net.metrics.DhcpErrorEvent optional android.stats.connectivity.DhcpErrorCode error_code = 4; // The result of DHCP renew optional android.stats.connectivity.DhcpRenewResult renew_result = 5; // The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling optional int32 random_number = 6; } /** * Logs Network Validation event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java */ message NetworkValidationReported { // Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..) optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1; // Record each probe event optional ProbeEvents probe_events = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The result of the network validation optional android.stats.connectivity.ValidationResult validation_result = 3; // The latency in microseconds of network validation optional int32 latency_micros = 4; // The validation index (the first validation attempt or second, third...) optional int32 validation_index = 5; // The random number between 0 ~ 999 for sampling optional int32 random_number = 6; } /** * Logs NetworkStack Quirk event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/networkstack/ */ message NetworkStackQuirkReported { // Transport type (WIFI, CELLULAR, BLUETOOTH, ..) optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1; // Record each Quirk event optional android.stats.connectivity.NetworkQuirkEvent event = 2; } /** * Logs Neighbor Unreachability Detection event * Logged from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/networkstack/metrics/NetworkIpReachabilityMonitorMetrics.java */ message NetworkIpReachabilityMonitorReported { // Neighbor Unreachability Detection event. optional android.stats.connectivity.NudEventType event_type = 1; // NUD probe based on IPv4 ARP or IPv6 ND packet. optional android.stats.connectivity.IpType ip_type = 2; // NUD neighbor type, default gateway, DNS server or both. optional android.stats.connectivity.NudNeighborType neighbor_type = 3; } /** * Logs when system default network changes. */ message SystemDefaultNetworkChanged { // Active transport types encoded as a 32 bit integer. // The integer will have n-th bit set if there was an active transport type of value n. // See packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 transport_types = 1 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs when a data stall event occurs. * * Log from: * packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java */ message DataStallEvent { // Data stall evaluation type. // See packages/modules/NetworkStack/src/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java // Refer to the definition of DATA_STALL_EVALUATION_TYPE_*. optional int32 evaluation_type = 1; // See definition in data_stall_event.proto. optional com.android.server.connectivity.ProbeResult validation_result = 2; // See definition in data_stall_event.proto. optional android.net.Transport network_type = 3; // See definition in data_stall_event.proto. optional com.android.server.connectivity.WifiData wifi_info = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // See definition in data_stall_event.proto. optional com.android.server.connectivity.CellularData cell_info = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // See definition in data_stall_event.proto. optional com.android.server.connectivity.DnsEvent dns_event = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The tcp packets fail rate from the latest tcp polling. optional int32 tcp_fail_rate = 7; // Number of packets sent since the last received packet. optional int32 tcp_sent_since_last_recv = 8; } /* * Logs when RescueParty resets some set of experiment flags. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/RescueParty.java */ message RescuePartyResetReported { // The rescue level of this reset. A value of 0 indicates missing or unknown level information. optional int32 rescue_level = 1; optional string rescue_level_string = 2; } /** * Logs when signed config is received from an APK, and if that config was applied successfully. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/signedconfig/SignedConfigService.java */ message SignedConfigReported { enum Type { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; GLOBAL_SETTINGS = 1; } optional Type type = 1; // The final status of the signed config received. enum Status { UNKNOWN_STATUS = 0; APPLIED = 1; BASE64_FAILURE_CONFIG = 2; BASE64_FAILURE_SIGNATURE = 3; SECURITY_EXCEPTION = 4; INVALID_CONFIG = 5; OLD_CONFIG = 6; SIGNATURE_CHECK_FAILED = 7; NOT_APPLICABLE = 8; SIGNATURE_CHECK_FAILED_PROD_KEY_ABSENT = 9; } optional Status status = 2; // The version of the signed config processed. optional int32 version = 3; // The package name that the config was extracted from. optional string from_package = 4; enum Key { NO_KEY = 0; DEBUG = 1; PRODUCTION = 2; } // Which key was used to verify the config. optional Key verified_with = 5; } /* * Logs GNSS Network-Initiated (NI) location events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/GnssLocationProvider.java */ message GnssNiEventReported { // The type of GnssNiEvent. enum EventType { UNKNOWN = 0; NI_REQUEST = 1; NI_RESPONSE = 2; } optional EventType event_type = 1; // An ID generated by HAL to associate NI notifications and UI responses. optional int32 notification_id = 2; // A type which distinguishes different categories of NI request, such as VOICE, UMTS_SUPL etc. optional android.server.location.GnssNiType ni_type = 3; // NI requires notification. optional bool need_notify = 4; // NI requires verification. optional bool need_verify = 5; // NI requires privacy override, no notification/minimal trace. optional bool privacy_override = 6; // Timeout period to wait for user response. Set to 0 for no timeout limit. Specified in // seconds. optional int32 timeout = 7; // Default response when timeout. optional android.server.location.GnssUserResponseType default_response = 8; // String representing the requester of the network inititated location request. optional string requestor_id = 9; // Notification message text string representing the service(for eg. SUPL-service) who sent the // network initiated location request. optional string text = 10; // requestorId decoding scheme. optional android.server.location.GnssNiEncodingType requestor_id_encoding = 11; // Notification message text decoding scheme. optional android.server.location.GnssNiEncodingType text_encoding = 12; // True if SUPL ES is enabled. optional bool is_supl_es_enabled = 13; // True if GNSS location is enabled. optional bool is_location_enabled = 14; // GNSS NI responses which define the response in NI structures. optional android.server.location.GnssUserResponseType user_response = 15; } /** * Logs GNSS non-framework (NFW) location notification. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/GnssLocationProvider.java */ message GnssNfwNotificationReported { // Package name of the Android proxy application representing the non-framework entity that // requested location. Set to empty string if unknown. optional string proxy_app_package_name = 1; // Protocol stack that initiated the non-framework location request. optional android.server.location.NfwProtocolStack protocol_stack = 2; // Name of the protocol stack if protocol_stack field is set to OTHER_PROTOCOL_STACK. Otherwise, // set to empty string. This field is opaque to the framework and used for logging purposes. optional string other_protocol_stack_name = 3; // Source initiating/receiving the location information. optional android.server.location.NfwRequestor requestor = 4; // Identity of the endpoint receiving the location information. For example, carrier name, OEM // name, SUPL SLP/E-SLP FQDN, chipset vendor name, etc. This field is opaque to the framework // and used for logging purposes. optional string requestor_id = 5; // Indicates whether location information was provided for this request. optional android.server.location.NfwResponseType response_type = 6; // True if the device is in user initiated emergency session. optional bool in_emergency_mode = 7; // True if cached location is provided. optional bool is_cached_location = 8; // True if proxy app permission mismatch between framework and GNSS HAL. optional bool is_permission_mismatched = 9; } /** * Logs GNSS configuration as defined in IGnssConfiguration.hal. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/GnssConfiguration.java */ message GnssConfigurationReported { // SUPL host name. optional string supl_host = 1; // SUPL port number. optional int32 supl_port = 2; // C2K host name. optional string c2k_host = 3; // C2K port number. optional int32 c2k_port = 4; // The SUPL version requested by Carrier. optional int32 supl_ver = 5; // The SUPL mode. optional android.server.location.SuplMode supl_mode = 6; // True if NI emergency SUPL restrictions is enabled. optional bool supl_es = 7; // LTE Positioning Profile settings optional android.server.location.LppProfile lpp_profile = 8; // Positioning protocol on A-Glonass system. optional android.server.location.GlonassPosProtocol a_glonass_pos_protocol_select = 9; // True if emergency PDN is used. Otherwise, regular PDN is used. optional bool use_emergency_pdn_for_emergency_supl= 10; // Configurations of how GPS functionalities should be locked when user turns off GPS On setting. optional android.server.location.GpsLock gps_lock = 11; // Number of seconds to extend the emergency session duration post emergency call. optional int32 es_extension_sec = 12; // The full list of package names of proxy Android applications representing the non-framework // location access entities (on/off the device) for which the framework user has granted // non-framework location access permission. The package names are concatenated in one string // with spaces as separators. optional string enabled_proxy_app_package_name_list = 13; } /** * Logs GNSS PSDS downloads as defined in IGnssPsds.aidl. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/gnss/GnssPsdsDownloader.java */ message GnssPsdsDownloadReported { // PSDS type as defined in PsdsType.aidl optional int32 psds_type = 1; } /** * Logs when a NFC device's error occurred. * Logged from: * system/nfc/src/nfc/nfc/nfc_ncif.cc * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/AidRoutingManager.java */ message NfcErrorOccurred { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CMD_TIMEOUT = 1; ERROR_NOTIFICATION = 2; AID_OVERFLOW = 3; // HCE stands for Host Card Emulation HCE_LATE_BINDING = 4; NFC_ACCESS_CHECK_ERROR = 5; SE_INCORRECT_FORMAT = 6; } optional Type type = 1; // If it's nci cmd timeout, log the timeout command. optional uint32 nci_cmd = 2; optional uint32 error_ntf_status_code = 3; } /** * Logs when a NFC device's state changed event * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/NfcService.java */ message NfcStateChanged { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; OFF = 1; ON = 2; ON_LOCKED = 3; // Secure Nfc enabled. CRASH_RESTART = 4; // NfcService watchdog timeout restart. } optional State state = 1 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs when a NFC Beam Transaction occurred. * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/P2pLinkManager.java */ message NfcBeamOccurred { enum Operation { UNKNOWN = 0; SEND = 1; RECEIVE = 2; } optional Operation operation = 1; } /** * Logs when a NFC Card Emulation Transaction occurred. * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/HostEmulationManager.java * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/HostNfcFEmulationManager.java */ message NfcCardemulationOccurred { enum Category { UNKNOWN = 0; // HCE stands for Host Card Emulation HCE_PAYMENT = 1; HCE_OTHER = 2; OFFHOST = 3; OFFHOST_PAYMENT = 4; OFFHOST_OTHER = 5; FAILED_NO_ROUTING = 6; FAILED_HCE_PAYMENT_WRONG_SETTING = 7; FAILED_HCE_OTHER_WRONG_SETTING = 8; FAILED_HCE_PAYMENT_DISCONNECTED_BEFORE_BOUND = 9; FAILED_HCE_OTHER_DISCONNECTED_BEFORE_BOUND = 10; FAILED_HCE_PAYMENT_DISCONNECTED_BEFORE_RESPONSE = 11; FAILED_HCE_OTHER_DISCONNECTED_BEFORE_RESPONSE = 12; } // Transaction belongs to HCE payment or HCE other category, or offhost. optional Category category = 1; // SeName from transaction: SIMx, eSEx, HCE, HCEF. optional string se_name = 2; optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when a NFC Tag event occurred. * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/NfcDispatcher.java */ message NfcTagOccurred { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; URL = 1; BT_PAIRING = 2; PROVISION = 3; WIFI_CONNECT = 4; // Successful App Launch APP_LAUNCH = 5; // No suitable action found OTHERS = 6; // Dispatch event when service is in foreground FOREGROUND_DISPATCH = 7; // App Launch mute from android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED APP_LAUNCH_NDEF_MUTE = 8; // App Launch mute from android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED APP_LAUNCH_TECH_MUTE = 9; // App Launch mute from android.nfc.action.TAG_DISCOVERED APP_LAUNCH_TAG_MUTE = 10; } optional Type type = 1; optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Supported RF Technologies of the Tag repeated android.nfc.RFTechnologyType rf_types = 3; // Use for BT_PAIRING Type optional android.bluetooth.MajorClassEnum bt_device_type = 4; // Use for BT_PAIRING Type // Should be empty for HEALTH and UNKNOWN MajorClassEnum optional string bt_device_info = 5; } /** * Logs NFC tag type when tag occurred * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/nci/jni/NfcTag.cpp */ message NfcTagTypeOccurred { optional android.nfc.NfcTagType type = 1; } /** * Logs when Hce transaction triggered * Logged from: * system/nfc/src/nfc/nfc/nfc_ncif.cc */ message NfcHceTransactionOccurred { // The latency period(in microseconds) it took for the first HCE data // exchange. optional uint32 latency_micros = 1; } /** * Logs when AID conflict occurred * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/cardemulation/HostEmulationManager.java */ message NfcAIDConflictOccurred { optional string conflicting_aid = 1; } /** * Logs when reader app conflict occurred * Logged from: * packages/apps/Nfc/src/com/android/nfc/NfcDispatcher.java */ message NfcReaderConflictOccurred { } /** * Logs when user changed screen resolution * Logged from: * packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/display/ScreenResolutionFragment.java */ message UserSelectedResolution { optional int32 display_id = 1; // display resolution optional int32 width = 2; optional int32 height = 3; } /** * Logs when SecureElement state event changed * Logged from: * packages/apps/SecureElement/src/com/android/se/Terminal.java */ message SeStateChanged { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; INITIALIZED = 1; DISCONNECTED = 2; CONNECTED = 3; HALCRASH = 4; } optional State state = 1; optional string state_change_reason = 2; // SIMx or eSEx. optional string terminal = 3; } /** * Information about a permission grant request */ message PermissionGrantRequestResultReported { // unique value identifying an API call. A API call might result in multiple of these atoms optional int64 request_id = 1; // UID of package requesting the permission grant optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package requesting the permission grant optional string package_name = 3; // The permission to be granted optional string permission_name = 4; // If the permission was explicitly requested via the API or added by the system optional bool is_implicit = 5; enum Result { UNDEFINED = 0; // permission request was ignored IGNORED = 1; // permission request was ignored because it was user fixed IGNORED_USER_FIXED = 2; // permission request was ignored because it was policy fixed IGNORED_POLICY_FIXED = 3; // permission was granted by user action USER_GRANTED = 4; // permission was automatically granted AUTO_GRANTED = 5; // permission was denied by user action USER_DENIED = 6; // permission was denied with prejudice by the user USER_DENIED_WITH_PREJUDICE = 7; // permission was automatically denied AUTO_DENIED = 8; // permission request was ignored because permission is restricted IGNORED_RESTRICTED_PERMISSION = 9; // one time permission was granted by user action USER_GRANTED_ONE_TIME = 10; // user ignored request by leaving the request screen without choosing any option USER_IGNORED = 11; // user granted the permission after being linked to settings USER_GRANTED_IN_SETTINGS = 12; // user denied the permission after being linked to settings USER_DENIED_IN_SETTINGS = 13; // user denied the permission with prejudice after being linked to settings USER_DENIED_WITH_PREJUDICE_IN_SETTINGS = 14; // permission was automatically revoked after one-time permission expired AUTO_ONE_TIME_PERMISSION_REVOKED = 15; // permission was automatically revoked for unused app AUTO_UNUSED_APP_PERMISSION_REVOKED = 16; // the user selected media with the photo picker PHOTOS_SELECTED = 17; } // The result of the permission grant optional Result result = 6; // Whether Permission Rationale was shown on grant dialog optional bool permission_rationale_shown = 7; // Whether the package was restricted by ECM optional bool is_package_restricted_by_enhanced_confirmation = 8; } /** * Logs when Omapi API used * Logged from: * packages/apps/SecureElement/src/com/android/se/Terminal.java */ message SeOmapiReported { enum Operation { UNKNOWN = 0; OPEN_CHANNEL = 1; } optional Operation operation = 1; // SIMx or eSEx. optional string terminal = 2; optional string package_name = 3; } /** * Logs the dispatch latency of a broadcast during processing of BOOT_COMPLETED. * The dispatch latency is the dispatchClockTime - enqueueClockTime. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BroadcastQueue.java */ message BroadcastDispatchLatencyReported { optional int64 dispatch_latency_millis = 1; } /** * Logs AttentionManagerService attention check result. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/attention/AttentionManagerService.java */ message AttentionManagerServiceResultReported { // See core/java/android/service/attention/AttentionService.java enum AttentionCheckResult { UNKNOWN = 20; ATTENTION_SUCCESS_ABSENT = 0; ATTENTION_SUCCESS_PRESENT = 1; ATTENTION_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 2; ATTENTION_FAILURE_CANCELLED = 3; ATTENTION_FAILURE_PREEMPTED = 4; ATTENTION_FAILURE_TIMED_OUT = 5; ATTENTION_FAILURE_CAMERA_PERMISSION_ABSENT = 6; } optional AttentionCheckResult attention_check_result = 1 [default = UNKNOWN]; } /** * Logs when an adb connection changes state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/adb/AdbDebuggingManager.java */ message AdbConnectionChanged { // The last time this system connected via adb, or 0 if the 'always allow' option was not // previously selected for this system. optional int64 last_connection_time_millis = 1; // The time in ms within which a subsequent connection from an 'always allow' system is allowed // to reconnect via adb without user interaction. optional int64 auth_window_millis = 2; // The state of the adb connection from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/debug/enums.proto. optional android.debug.AdbConnectionStateEnum state = 3; // True if the 'always allow' option was selected for this system. optional bool always_allow = 4; } /* * Logs the reported speech DSP status. * * Logged from: * Vendor audio implementation. */ message SpeechDspStatReported { // The total Speech DSP uptime in milliseconds. optional int32 total_uptime_millis = 1; // The total Speech DSP downtime in milliseconds. optional int32 total_downtime_millis = 2; optional int32 total_crash_count = 3; optional int32 total_recover_count = 4; } /** * Logs USB connector contaminant status. * * Logged from: USB Service. */ message UsbContaminantReported { optional string id = 1; optional android.service.ContaminantPresenceStatus status = 2; } /** * This atom is for debugging purpose. */ message DebugElapsedClock { // Monotically increasing value for each pull. optional int64 pull_count = 1; // Time from System.elapsedRealtime. optional int64 elapsed_clock_millis = 2; // Time from System.elapsedRealtime. optional int64 same_elapsed_clock_millis = 3; // Diff between current elapsed time and elapsed time from previous pull. optional int64 elapsed_clock_diff_millis = 4; enum Type { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; ALWAYS_PRESENT = 1; PRESENT_ON_ODD_PULLS = 2; } // Type of behavior for the pulled data. optional Type type = 5; } /** * This atom is for debugging purpose. */ message DebugFailingElapsedClock { // Monotically increasing value for each pull. optional int64 pull_count = 1; // Time from System.elapsedRealtime. optional int64 elapsed_clock_millis = 2; // Time from System.elapsedRealtime. optional int64 same_elapsed_clock_millis = 3; // Diff between current elapsed time and elapsed time from previous pull. optional int64 elapsed_clock_diff_millis = 4; } /** Logs System UI bubbles event changed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/src/com/android/wm/shell/splitscreen */ message SplitscreenUIChanged { // User interactions with splitscreen enum Action { UNKNOWN_ACTION = 0; ENTER = 1; EXIT = 2; APP_CHANGE = 3; RESIZE = 4; SWAP = 5; } // The physical side on the device of the split enum Position { UNKNOWN_POSITION = 0; LEFT = 1; RIGHT = 2; TOP = 3; BOTTOM = 4; } // The reason for entering splitscreen enum EnterReason { UNKNOWN_ENTER = 0; OVERVIEW = 1; // Deprecated, use LAUNCHER DRAG_LEFT = 2; DRAG_TOP = 3; DRAG_RIGHT = 4; DRAG_BOTTOM = 5; LAUNCHER = 6; MULTI_INSTANCE = 7; NOTIFICATIONS = 8; } // The reason for exiting splitscreen enum ExitReason { UNKNOWN_EXIT = 0; DRAG_DIVIDER = 1; RETURN_HOME = 2; SCREEN_LOCKED = 3; SCREEN_LOCKED_SHOW_ON_TOP = 4; DEVICE_FOLDED = 5; ROOT_TASK_VANISHED = 6; APP_FINISHED = 7; APP_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_MULTIWINDOW = 8; CHILD_TASK_ENTER_PIP = 9; RECREATE_SPLIT = 10; FULLSCREEN_SHORTCUT = 11; DESKTOP_MODE = 12; FULLSCREEN_REQUEST = 13; } // The event action optional Action action = 1; // What triggered splitscreen (if the action is ENTER) optional EnterReason enter_reason = 2; // What triggered leaving splitscreen (if the action is EXIT) optional ExitReason exit_reason = 3; // The ratio of split between the main/side stages optional float split_ratio = 4; // Data about the main stage in split optional Position main_stage_position = 5; optional int32 main_stage_uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; // Data about the side stage in split optional Position side_stage_position = 7; optional int32 side_stage_uid = 8 [(is_uid) = true]; // The drag session id (if the enter_trigger was DRAG) optional int32 drag_instance_id = 9; // An identifier used to identify a splitscreen session optional int32 instance_id = 10; } /** Logs System UI bubbles event changed. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/libs/WindowManager/Shell/src/com/android/wm/shell/bubbles */ message BubbleUIChanged { // The app package that is posting the bubble. optional string package_name = 1; // The notification channel that is posting the bubble. optional string notification_channel = 2; // The notification id associated with the posted bubble. optional int32 notification_id = 3; // The position of the bubble within the bubble stack. optional int32 position = 4; // The total number of bubbles within the bubble stack. optional int32 total_number = 5; // User interactions with the bubble. enum Action { UNKNOWN = 0; POSTED = 1; UPDATED = 2; EXPANDED = 3; COLLAPSED = 4; DISMISSED = 5; STACK_DISMISSED = 6; STACK_MOVED = 7; HEADER_GO_TO_APP = 8; HEADER_GO_TO_SETTINGS = 9; PERMISSION_OPT_IN = 10; PERMISSION_OPT_OUT = 11; PERMISSION_DIALOG_SHOWN = 12; SWIPE_LEFT = 13; SWIPE_RIGHT = 14; STACK_EXPANDED = 15; FLYOUT = 16; } optional Action action = 6; // Normalized screen position of the bubble stack. The range is between 0 and 1. optional float normalized_x_position = 7; optional float normalized_y_position = 8; // Whether the bubble is unread. If it is unread, a dot is shown in the bubble stack icon. optional bool is_unread = 9; // Whether the bubble is an on-going one. optional bool is_ongoing = 10; // Whether the bubble is produced by an app running in foreground. // This is deprecated and the value should be ignored. optional bool is_foreground = 11 [deprecated = true]; } /** * Logs System UI bubbles developer errors. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bubbles/BubbleController.java */ message BubbleDeveloperErrorReported { // The app package that is posting the bubble. optional string package_name = 1; // Bubble developer error type enums. enum Error { UNKNOWN = 0; ACTIVITY_INFO_MISSING = 1; ACTIVITY_INFO_NOT_RESIZABLE = 2; DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NOT_ALWAYS = 3; } optional Error error = 2 [default = UNKNOWN]; } /** * Logs that a job-specific constraint for a scheduled job has changed. * DeviceWideJobConstraintChanged will cover constraints that are normally the same for all jobs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/controllers/JobStatus.java */ message ScheduledJobConstraintChanged { repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1; // Name of the job. optional string job_name = 2; optional com.android.server.job.ConstraintEnum constraint = 3; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; UNSATISFIED = 1; SATISFIED = 2; } optional State state = 4; } /** * Logs that a device-state-level JobScheduler constraint has changed. This doesn't take individual * job or app characteristics into account. Individual jobs may have a different satisfaction value * based on special policies. Individual job constraints (eg. connectivity or prefetch) are not * logged in this atom. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/job/controllers/<*>.java */ message DeviceWideJobConstraintChanged { optional com.android.server.job.ConstraintEnum constraint = 1 [ (state_field_option).primary_field = true, (is_uid) = false ]; enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; UNSATISFIED = 1; SATISFIED = 2; } optional State state = 2 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /** * Logs PowerManagerService screen timeout resets (extensions) that happen when an attention check * returns true. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/PowerManagerService.java */ message ScreenTimeoutExtensionReported { // Describes how many times in a row did the power manager reset the screen off timeout. optional uint32 consecutive_timeout_extended_count = 1; } /* * Logs number of milliseconds it takes to start a process. * The definition of app process start time is from the app launch time to * the time that Zygote finished forking the app process and loaded the * application package's java classes. * This metric is different from AppStartOccurred which is for foreground * activity only. * ProcessStartTime can report all processes (both foreground and background) * start time. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java */ message ProcessStartTime { // The uid of the ProcessRecord. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process pid. optional int32 pid = 2; // The process name. // Usually package name, "system" for system server. // Provided by ActivityManagerService. // Do not fetch this field from device to save storage space, use uid field induced // package name as process name. optional string process_name = 3; enum StartType { UNKNOWN = 0; WARM = 1; HOT = 2; COLD = 3; } // The start type. optional StartType type = 4; // The elapsed realtime at the start of the process. optional int64 process_start_time_millis = 5; // Number of milliseconds it takes to reach bind application. optional int32 bind_application_delay_millis = 6; // Number of milliseconds it takes to finish start of the process. optional int32 process_start_delay_millis = 7; // hostingType field in ProcessRecord, the component type such as "activity", // "service", "content provider", "broadcast" or other strings. // deprecatd by enum type field hosting_type_id to reduce storage space usage by // string type. // Do not fetch this field from device to save storage space. optional string hosting_type = 8 [deprecated = true]; // hostingNameStr field in ProcessRecord. The component class name that runs // in this process. // Do not fetch this field from device to save storage space. optional string hosting_name = 9; // Broadcast action name. optional string broadcast_action_name = 10; enum HostingTypeId { HOSTING_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; HOSTING_TYPE_ACTIVITY = 1; HOSTING_TYPE_ADDED_APPLICATION = 2; HOSTING_TYPE_BACKUP = 3; HOSTING_TYPE_BROADCAST = 4; HOSTING_TYPE_CONTENT_PROVIDER = 5; HOSTING_TYPE_LINK_FAIL = 6; HOSTING_TYPE_ON_HOLD = 7; HOSTING_TYPE_NEXT_ACTIVITY = 8; HOSTING_TYPE_NEXT_TOP_ACTIVITY = 9; HOSTING_TYPE_RESTART = 10; HOSTING_TYPE_SERVICE = 11; HOSTING_TYPE_SYSTEM = 12; HOSTING_TYPE_TOP_ACTIVITY = 13; HOSTING_TYPE_EMPTY = 14; } optional HostingTypeId hosting_type_id = 11; enum TriggerType { TRIGGER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; TRIGGER_TYPE_ALARM = 1; TRIGGER_TYPE_PUSH_MESSAGE = 2; TRIGGER_TYPE_PUSH_MESSAGE_OVER_QUOTA = 3; TRIGGER_TYPE_JOB = 4; } optional TriggerType trigger_type = 12; } /** * Track Media Codec usage (nested proto version) * This atom is being deprecated in favor of MediaCodecReported which has a * flattened CodecData to enable field filtering. The data is identical * except MediaCodecReported also has the playback_duration field. * Logged from: * frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/MediaCodec.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_codec.cpp */ message MediametricsCodecReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.CodecData codec_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track Media Codec usage * This atom is the new version of MediametricsCodecReported and has a * flattened CodecData to enable field filtering. The data is identical * except for the addition of the playback_duration field. * Logged from: * frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/MediaCodec.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_codec.cpp * * Next Tag: 79 */ message MediaCodecReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; // The inclusion of package name in a metric should be carefully analyzed to // determine if it is absolutely necessary for system health. It is strongly // discouraged to collect the package name along with other metrics (e.g. // playback duration). optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; // The name of the codec. // eg. `OMX.google.aac.decoder` optional string codec = 5; // The mime type. e.g. "audio/vorbis" optional string mime = 6; // The codec mode. i.e. video or audio. optional string mode = 7; // 1 if this is an encoder, 0 if this is a decoder. optional int32 encoder = 8; // 0, 1 optional int32 secure = 9; // The video width in pixels. optional int32 width = 10; // The video height in pixels. optional int32 height = 11; // The rotation of the video in degrees // 0, 90, 180, 270 optional int32 rotation = 12; // 1 if the codec uses crypto/drm, 0 otherwise. optional int32 crypto = 13; // The codec profile. The values are dependent on the codec type. // 0..n optional int32 profile = 14; // The coding level. The values are dependent on the codec type. // 0..n optional int32 level = 15; // The maximum allowed width during a particular codec session. // 0..n optional int32 max_width = 16; // The maximum allowed height during a particular codec session. // 0..n optional int32 max_height = 17; // Indicating which error condition caused the codec to reset to an // uninitialized state. optional int32 error_code = 18; // The error state. // The emitted values are descriptive: UNINITIALIZED, INITIALIZING, // INITIALIZED, CONFIGURING, CONFIGURED, STARTING, STARTED, FLUSHING, FLUSHED, // STOPPING, and RELEASING. // In the event of an internal codec error setting the state outside of these // values, the invalid value will be encoded as a string (e.g., “17”). optional string error_state = 19; // The max latency in us. // The latency is from the time when the MediaCodec sends the ‘raw’ frame to // the media codec service to when the decoded frame arrives back in // MediaCodec’s possession. optional int64 latency_max = 20; // The min latency in us. optional int64 latency_min = 21; // The average latency in us. optional int64 latency_avg = 22; // The number of buffers included in the avg/min/max calculation above. optional int64 latency_count = 23; // The number of packets received back from the code where a latency could not // be determined, and therefore they aren't included in the avg/min/max // calculations above. optional int64 latency_unknown = 24; // Error returned by queueInputBuffer. optional int32 queue_input_buffer_error = 25; // Error returned by queueSecureInputBuffer. optional int32 queue_secure_input_buffer_error = 26; // These modes are primarily for videos. // CQ = constant quality // CBR = constant bit rate // VBR = variable bitrate optional string bitrate_mode = 27; // The bitrate presented to the underlying codec, after any modifications by // the framework to ensure a minimum quality. // If the framework changed this, the app-requested bitrate is in // original_bitrate. optional int32 bitrate = 28; // 0..n optional int64 lifetime_millis = 29; optional int64 playback_duration_seconds = 30; optional string log_session_id = 31; optional int32 channel_count = 32; optional int32 sample_rate = 33; // Total bytes produced by an encoder. When divided by video_encode_duration_us // this yields the encoding's realized bitrate. optional int64 video_encode_bytes = 34; optional int64 video_encode_frames = 35; optional int64 video_input_bytes = 36; optional int64 video_input_frames = 37; // The duration of the encoded video; NOT the encoding process duration optional int64 video_encode_duration_us = 38; optional int32 color_format = 39; optional float frame_rate = 40; optional float capture_rate = 41; optional float operating_rate = 42; optional int32 priority = 43; optional int32 video_qp_i_min = 44; optional int32 video_qp_i_max = 45; optional int32 video_qp_p_min = 46; optional int32 video_qp_p_max = 47; optional int32 video_qp_b_min = 48; optional int32 video_qp_b_max = 49; // The app-requested bitrate, present only if the framework modified the // bitrate before passing it to the underlying codec. optional int32 original_bitrate = 50; optional int32 shaping_enhanced = 51; optional int32 original_video_qp_i_min = 52; optional int32 original_video_qp_i_max = 53; optional int32 original_video_qp_p_min = 54; optional int32 original_video_qp_p_max = 55; optional int32 original_video_qp_b_min = 56; optional int32 original_video_qp_b_max = 57; optional int32 config_color_standard = 58; optional int32 config_color_range = 59; optional int32 config_color_transfer = 60; optional int32 parsed_color_standard = 61; optional int32 parsed_color_range = 62; optional int32 parsed_color_transfer = 63; optional int32 hdr_static_info = 64; optional int32 hdr10_plus_info = 65; optional int32 hdr_format = 66; // Randomly generated Codec ID for: // - correlating MediaCodecStarted and MediaCodecStopped for // more codec configuration parameters. // @since U optional int64 codec_id = 67; optional int32 array_mode = 68; optional int32 operation_mode = 69; optional int32 output_surface = 70; optional int32 app_max_input_size = 71; optional int32 used_max_input_size = 72; optional int32 codec_max_input_size = 73; optional int32 flush_count = 74; optional int32 set_surface_count = 75; optional int32 resolution_change_count = 76; optional int32 component_color_format = 77; // caller_uid replaces packagename // @Since U-QPR2 optional int32 caller_uid = 78 [(is_uid) = true]; optional int64 pixel_format = 79; // !!! WARNING // Keep synchronized with MediametricsCodecReported.CodecData in // mediametrics_message.proto. // Also keep AStatsEvent serialization synchronized in statsd_codec.cpp // !!! WARNING } /** * Track Media Extractor (pulling video/audio streams out of containers) usage * Logged from: * frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/RemoteMediaExtractor.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_extractor.cpp */ message MediametricsExtractorReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.ExtractorData extractor_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track MediaParser (parsing video/audio streams from containers) usage * Logged from: * * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/statsd_mediaparser.cpp * frameworks/base/apex/media/framework/jni/android_media_MediaParserJNI.cpp */ message MediametricsMediaParserReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; // MediaParser specific data. /** * The name of the parser selected for parsing the media, or an empty string * if no parser was selected. */ optional string parser_name = 4; /** * Whether the parser was created by name. 1 represents true, and 0 * represents false. */ optional int32 created_by_name = 5; /** * The parser names in the sniffing pool separated by "|". */ optional string parser_pool = 6; /** * The fully qualified name of the last encountered exception, or an empty * string if no exception was encountered. */ optional string last_exception = 7; /** * The size of the parsed media in bytes, or -1 if unknown. Note this value * contains intentional random error to prevent media content * identification. */ optional int64 resource_byte_count = 8; /** * The duration of the media in milliseconds, or -1 if unknown. Note this * value contains intentional random error to prevent media content * identification. */ optional int64 duration_millis = 9; /** * The MIME types of the tracks separated by "|". */ optional string track_mime_types = 10; /** * The tracks' RFC 6381 codec strings separated by "|". */ optional string track_codecs = 11; /** * Concatenation of the parameters altered by the client, separated by "|". */ optional string altered_parameters = 12; /** * The video width in pixels, or -1 if unknown or not applicable. */ optional int32 video_width = 13; /** * The video height in pixels, or -1 if unknown or not applicable. */ optional int32 video_height = 14; /** * Session id for correlating playback metrics. */ optional string log_session_id = 15; } /** * Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests. * Logged from * frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/service/AudioPolicyInterfaceImpl.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiopolicy.cpp */ message MediametricsAudiopolicyReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.AudioPolicyData audiopolicy_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track how we arbitrate between microphone requests. * Logged from * frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AudioRecord.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiorecord.cpp */ message MediametricsAudiorecordReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.AudioRecordData audiorecord_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Android S // Metric log session id, a Base64Url encoded string of a randomly generated 128-bit integer. // An empty string means no session id is set. optional string log_session_id = 6; } /** * Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests. * Logged from * frameworks/av/media/libnblog/ReportPerformance.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiothread.cpp */ message MediametricsAudiothreadReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.AudioThreadData audiothread_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track how we arbitrate between microphone/input requests. * Logged from * frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AudioTrack.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_audiotrack.cpp */ message MediametricsAudiotrackReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.AudioTrackData audiotrack_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Android S // Metric log session id, a Base64Url encoded string of a randomly generated 128-bit integer. // An empty string means no session id is set. optional string log_session_id = 6; } /** * Track information about a MIDI Device. * This is logged when device connections close or devices are disconnected. * This is used to evaluate MIDI activity. * * Logged from * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsMidiDeviceCloseReported { // The UID of the app or service that disconnects the device optional int32 uid = 1; // Device Id from MidiDeviceInfo. After a restart, this starts at 1 for the first device. // This increments each time a new MIDI device is added. // See Id in frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/midi/MidiDeviceInfo.java optional int32 midi_device_id = 2; // Input port count as defined in MidiDeviceInfo.java optional int32 input_port_count = 3; // Output port count as defined in MidiDeviceInfo.java optional int32 output_port_count = 4; // Type of device (USB, Virtual, Bluetooth) optional android.media.midi.MidiDeviceInfoType device_type = 5; // Whether the device is shared to other apps. Uses MidiDeviceInfo.isPrivate(). optional bool is_shared = 6; // Whether Universal MIDI Packets are used for this device by default. // Uses MidiDeviceInfo.getDefaultProtocol() optional bool supports_ump = 7; // Whether ALSA is used by this device. // Checks whether MidiDeviceInfo.getProperties() contains PROPERTY_ALSA_CARD. optional bool using_alsa = 8; // Duration in nanoseconds in which there was an open device connection. optional int64 duration_ns = 9; // Number of times this device had an add device connection attempt. optional int32 opened_count = 10; // Number of times this device had a remove device connection attempt. optional int32 closed_count = 11; // Whether the device has disconnected. optional bool device_disconnected = 12; // Number of bytes passed from the input ports of the device. optional int32 total_input_bytes = 13; // Number of bytes passed from the output ports of the device. optional int32 total_output_bytes = 14; } /** * Track information about DRM framework performance * Logged from * frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/DrmHal.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_drm.cpp */ message MediametricsMediadrmReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; // vendor+description tell about which DRM plugin is in use on this device optional string vendor = 5; optional string description = 6; // from frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/protos/metrics.proto optional bytes framework_stats = 7 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track information about the widevine DRM plugin performance * Logged from * vendor/widevine/libwvdrmengine/cdm/metrics * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_drm.cpp * * TODO b/182382094 -remove after migrated mediadrm metrics * reporting to statsd. */ message MediametricsDrmWidevineReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional bytes vendor_specific_stats = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track information about recordings (e.g. camcorder) * Logged from * frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/StagefrightRecorder.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_recorder.cpp */ message MediametricsRecorderReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.RecorderData recorder_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track Media Player usage * Logged from: * frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/NuPlayerDriver.cpp * frameworks/av/services/mediaanalytics/statsd_nuplayer.cpp */ message MediametricsNuPlayerReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; optional android.stats.mediametrics_message.NuPlayerData nuplayer_data = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Track Legacy DRM usage * Logged from * frameworks/av/drm/drmserver/DrmManager.cpp */ message MediametricsDrmManagerReported { optional int64 timestamp_nanos = 1; optional string package_name = 2; optional int64 package_version_code = 3; optional int64 media_apex_version = 4; enum Method { METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -1; GET_CONSTRAINTS = 0; GET_METADATA = 1; CAN_HANDLE = 2; PROCESS_DRM_INFO = 3; ACQUIRE_DRM_INFO = 4; SAVE_RIGHTS = 5; GET_ORIGINAL_MIME_TYPE = 6; GET_DRM_OBJECT_TYPE = 7; CHECK_RIGHTS_STATUS = 8; REMOVE_RIGHTS = 9; REMOVE_ALL_RIGHTS = 10; OPEN_CONVERT_SESSION = 11; OPEN_DECRYPT_SESSION = 12; } // plugin_id+description inform which Legacy DRM plugins are still in use on device optional string plugin_id = 5; optional string description = 6; optional Method method = 7; optional string mime_types = 8; optional int64 get_constraints_count = 9; optional int64 get_metadata_count = 10; optional int64 can_handle_count = 11; optional int64 process_drm_info_count = 12; optional int64 acquire_drm_info_count = 13; optional int64 save_rights_count = 14; optional int64 get_original_mime_type_count = 15; optional int64 get_drm_object_type_count = 16; optional int64 check_rights_status_count = 17; optional int64 remove_rights_count = 18; optional int64 remove_all_rights_count = 19; optional int64 open_convert_session_count = 20; optional int64 open_decrypt_session_count = 21; } /** * State of a all permission requested by a all package * Pulled from: StatsCompanionService */ message DangerousPermissionState { // Name of the permission optional string permission_name = 1; // Uid of the package optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Package requesting the permission optional string package_name = 3; // If the permission is granted to the uid optional bool is_granted = 4; // Permission flags as per android.content.pm.PermissionFlags optional int32 permission_flags = 5; // Permission protection flags as per android.content.pm.PermissionInfo.ProtectionFlags optional int32 protection_flags = 6; } /** * Logs when a package is denied access to a device identifier based on the new access requirements. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/TelephonyPermissions.java */ message DeviceIdentifierAccessDenied { // The name of the package denied access to the requested device identifier. optional string package_name = 1; // The name of the device identifier method the package attempted to invoke. optional string method_name = 2; // True if the package is preinstalled. // Starting from Android 11, this boolean is not set and will always be false. optional bool is_preinstalled = 3 [deprecated = true]; // True if the package is privileged. // Starting from Android 11, this boolean is not set and will always be false. optional bool is_priv_app = 4 [deprecated = true]; } /** * Pulls the ongoing mainline install train version code. * Pulled from StatsCompanionService */ message TrainInfo { optional int64 train_version_code = 1; optional TrainExperimentIds train_experiment_id = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional string train_name = 3; enum Status { UNKNOWN = 0; INSTALL_REQUESTED = 1; INSTALL_STARTED = 2; INSTALL_STAGED_NOT_READY = 3; INSTALL_STAGED_READY = 4; INSTALL_SUCCESS = 5; // Replaced by INSTALL_FAILURE_DOWNLOAD, INSTALL_FAILURE_STATE_MISMATCH, // and INSTALL_FAILURE_COMMIT. INSTALL_FAILURE = 6 [deprecated = true]; // This enum is for installs that are manually cancelled via the Manual Update UI. INSTALL_CANCELLED = 7; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_REQUESTED = 8; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_INITIATED = 9; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_INITIATED_FAILURE = 10; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED = 11; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_FAILURE = 12; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_BOOT_TRIGGERED = 13; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_BOOT_TRIGGERED_FAILURE = 14; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_SUCCESS = 15; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_FAILURE = 16; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_REQUESTED = 17; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_SUCCESS = 18; INSTALLER_ROLLBACK_STAGED_CANCEL_FAILURE = 19; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_REQUESTED = 20; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_SUCCESS = 21; INSTALL_STAGED_CANCEL_FAILURE = 22; INSTALL_FAILURE_DOWNLOAD = 23; INSTALL_FAILURE_STATE_MISMATCH = 24; INSTALL_FAILURE_COMMIT = 25; REBOOT_TRIGGERED = 26; } optional Status status = 4; } /* * Information about the time zone data on a device. */ message TimeZoneDataInfo { // A version identifier for the data set on device. e.g. "2018i" optional string tzdb_version = 1; } /** * Logs the GPU stats global health information. * * Logged from: * frameworks/native/services/gpuservice/gpustats/ */ message GpuStatsGlobalInfo { // Package name of the gpu driver. optional string driver_package_name = 1; // Version name of the gpu driver. optional string driver_version_name = 2; // Version code of the gpu driver. optional int64 driver_version_code = 3; // Build time of the gpu driver in UTC as seconds since January 1, 1970. optional int64 driver_build_time = 4; // Total count of the gl driver gets loaded. optional int64 gl_loading_count = 5; // Total count of the gl driver fails to be loaded. optional int64 gl_loading_failure_count = 6; // Total count of the Vulkan driver gets loaded. optional int64 vk_loading_count = 7; // Total count of the Vulkan driver fails to be loaded. optional int64 vk_loading_failure_count = 8; // Api version of the system Vulkan driver. optional int32 vulkan_version = 9; // Api version of the system CPU Vulkan driver. optional int32 cpu_vulkan_version = 10; // Api version of the system GLES driver. optional int32 gles_version = 11; // Total count of the angle driver gets loaded. optional int64 angle_loading_count = 12; // Total count of the angle driver fails to be loaded. optional int64 angle_loading_failure_count = 13; } /** * GPU driver loading time info. */ message GpuDriverLoadingTime { // List of all the driver loading times for this app. The list size is // capped at 16 (GpuStats::MAX_NUM_LOADING_TIMES). repeated int64 driver_loading_time = 1; } /** * Logs the GPU stats per app health information. * * Logged from: * frameworks/native/services/gpuservice/gpustats/ */ message GpuStatsAppInfo { // Package name of the application that loads the gpu driver. Total number // of different packages is capped at 100. optional string app_package_name = 1; // Version code of the gpu driver this app loads. optional int64 driver_version_code = 2; // gl driver loading time info. optional GpuDriverLoadingTime gl_driver_loading_time = 3 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Vulkan driver loading time info. optional GpuDriverLoadingTime vk_driver_loading_time = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Angle driver loading time info. optional GpuDriverLoadingTime angle_driver_loading_time = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // CPU Vulkan implementation is in use. optional bool cpu_vulkan_in_use = 6; // App is not doing pre-rotation correctly. optional bool false_prerotation = 7; // App creates GLESv1 context. optional bool gles_1_in_use = 8; // ANGLE in use for the app. optional bool angle_in_use = 9; // App created a GLES context. // Introduced in Android 14. optional bool created_gles_context = 10; // App created a Vulkan device. // Introduced in Android 14. optional bool created_vulkan_device = 11; // App created a Vulkan swapchain. // Introduced in Android 14. optional bool created_vulkan_swapchain = 12; // Vulkan API version information from applicationInfo. // Introduced in Android 14. optional int32 vulkan_api_version = 13; // Bitmask of enabled features when creating Vulkan devices. // Introduced in Android 14. optional int64 vulkan_device_features_enabled = 14; // Hash values of enabled Vulkan instance extensions. // The list size is capped at 100 (GpuStatsAppInfo::MAX_NUM_EXTENSIONS). // Introduced in Android 14. repeated int32 vulkan_instance_extensions_enabled = 15; // Hash values of enabled Vulkan device extensions. // The list size is capped at 100 (GpuStatsAppInfo::MAX_NUM_EXTENSIONS). // Introduced in Android 14. repeated int32 vulkan_device_extensions_enabled = 16; // Hash values of engine name from VkApplicationInfo repeated string vulkan_engine_names = 17; } /* * Logs the size of the system ion heap. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService. */ message SystemIonHeapSize { // Deprecated due to limited support of ion stats in debugfs. // Use `IonHeapSize` instead. option deprecated = true; // Size of the system ion heap in bytes. // Read from debugfs. optional int64 size_in_bytes = 1; } /* * Logs the total size of the ion heap. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService. */ message IonHeapSize { // Total size of all ion heaps in kilobytes. // Read from: /sys/kernel/ion/total_heaps_kb. optional int32 total_size_kb = 1; } /* * Logs the per-process size of the system ion heap. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService. */ message ProcessSystemIonHeapSize { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name (from /proc/PID/cmdline). optional string process_name = 2; // Sum of sizes of all allocations. optional int32 total_size_in_kilobytes = 3; // Number of allocations. optional int32 allocation_count = 4; // Size of the largest allocation. optional int32 max_size_in_kilobytes = 5; } /* * Logs system-wide (primarily kernel) memory stats. Sourced from * /proc/meminfo unless explicitly stated otherwise. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService. */ message SystemMemory { // /proc/meminfo SUnreclaim optional int32 unreclaimable_slab_kb = 1; // /proc/meminfo VmallocUsed optional int32 vmalloc_used_kb = 2; // /proc/meminfo PageTables optional int32 page_tables_kb = 3; // /proc/meminfo KernelStack optional int32 kernel_stack_kb = 4; // Total unreclaimable ion. // Reported from os.Debug.getIonHeapsSizeKb (R+) optional int32 total_ion_kb = 5; // Measures for the amount of memory we could not account for. // Essentially points to kernel allocations (as all userspace allocs are // already tracked). // Device-specific. optional int32 unaccounted_kb = 6; // GPU kernel driver allocations. // Can overlap with ion memory. // Reported from os.Debug.getGpuTotalUsageKb (S+) optional int32 gpu_total_usage_kb = 7; // GPU kernel driver private allocations. // Does not overlap with ion memory // Computed as total usage - Debug.getGpuDmaBufUsageKb() // Only available on supported kernel versions (5.4+) optional int32 gpu_private_usage_kb = 8; // Total DMABUF memory allocations // Reported from os.Debug.getDmabufTotalExportedKb (S+) optional int32 dmabuf_total_exported_kb = 9; // Total shmem allocations optional int32 shmem_kb = 10; // Total usable memory optional int32 total_kb = 11; // Memory not in use optional int32 free_kb = 12; // Memory available for starting new applications without swapping optional int32 available_kb = 13; // Memory in active use optional int32 active_kb = 14; // Memory not in active use (swappable/reclaimable) optional int32 inactive_kb = 15; // Anonymous memory in active use optional int32 active_anon_kb = 16; // Anonymous memory not in active use optional int32 inactive_anon_kb = 17; // Page cache memory in active use optional int32 active_file_kb = 18; // Page cache memory not in active use optional int32 inactive_file_kb = 19; // Total swap optional int32 swap_total_kb = 20; // Free swap optional int32 swap_free_kb = 21; // Total amount of CMA reserved for the kernel optional int32 cma_total_kb = 22; // CMA free for the kernel to use optional int32 cma_free_kb = 23; } /* * Log dmabuf memory retained by userspace processes. * Pulled from StatsPullAtomService. */ message ProcessDmabufMemory { // The uid if available. -1 means not available. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The process name (from ActivityManager). optional string process_name = 2; // OOM adj score. optional int32 oom_adj_score = 3; // Size of dmabufs retained by the process. The buffers are either mapped, // retained via an fd, or both. // Only available on supported kernel versions (5.4+). When unavailable, set // to -1. optional int32 retained_dmabuf_kb = 4; // Number of buffers retained by the process (mapped / fd). // Only available on supported kernel versions (5.4+). When unavailable, set // to -1. optional int32 retained_dmabuf_count = 5; // Size of dmabufs mapped to the process address space. optional int32 mapped_dmabuf_kb = 6 [deprecated = true]; // Number of dmabufs mapped to the process address space. optional int32 mapped_dmabuf_count = 7 [deprecated = true]; // Size of dmabufs mapped to the process address space that are also // mapped to the SurfaceFlinger address space. This indicates memory // being used by graphics compositing layers. If this data row pertains // to SurfaceFlinger itself, then the below field holds the size of all // dmabuifs that are shared with any other process. The delta between // this field and retained_dmabuf_kb, above, is private dmabufs that // SurfaceFlinger is holding but are not shared with other processes. optional int32 surfaceflinger_shared_dmabuf_kb = 8; // As above, but total number of all dmabufs shared with SurfaceFlinger. optional int32 surfaceflinger_shared_dmabuf_count = 9; } /** * Push network stack events. * * Log from: * frameworks/base/packages/NetworkStack/ */ message NetworkStackReported { // The id that indicates the event reported from NetworkStack. optional int32 event_id = 1; // The data for the reported events. optional android.stats.connectivity.NetworkStackEventData network_stack_event = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs the apps that are installed on the external storage. * Pulled from: * StatsCompanionService */ message AppsOnExternalStorageInfo { // The type of the external storage. optional android.stats.storage.ExternalStorageType external_storage_type = 1; // The name of the package that is installed on the external storage. optional string package_name = 2; } /** * Logs the settings related to Face. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats */ message FaceSettings { // Whether or not face unlock is allowed on Keyguard. optional bool unlock_keyguard_enabled = 1; // Whether or not face unlock dismisses the Keyguard. optional bool unlock_dismisses_keyguard = 2; // Whether or not face unlock requires attention. optional bool unlock_attention_required = 3; // Whether or not face unlock is allowed for apps (through BiometricPrompt). optional bool unlock_app_enabled = 4; // Whether or not face unlock always requires user confirmation. optional bool unlock_always_require_confirmation = 5; // Whether or not a diverse set of poses are required during enrollment. optional bool unlock_diversity_required = 6; } /** * Logs cooling devices maintained by the kernel. * * Pulled from StatsCompanionService.java */ message CoolingDevice { // The type of cooling device being reported. Eg. CPU, GPU... optional android.os.CoolingTypeEnum device_location = 1; // The name of the cooling device source. Eg. CPU0 optional string device_name = 2; // Current throttle state of the cooling device. The value can any unsigned // integer between 0 and max_state defined in its driver. 0 means device is // not in throttling, higher value means deeper throttling. optional int32 state = 3; } /** * Intelligence has several counter-type events that don't warrant a * full separate atom. These are primarily API call counters but also include * counters for feature usage and specific failure modes. * * Logged from the Intelligence mainline module. */ message IntelligenceEventReported { // The event type. optional android.stats.intelligence.EventType event_id = 1; // Success, failure. optional android.stats.intelligence.Status status = 2; // How many times the event occured (to report a batch of high frequency events). optional int32 count = 3; // How long the event took (sum of durations if count > 1) optional int64 duration_millis = 4; } /** * Logs when Car Power state changed. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/CarStatsLog.java */ message CarPowerStateChanged { // States come from CpmsState in CarPowerManagementService.java. enum State { WAIT_FOR_VHAL = 0; ON = 1; SHUTDOWN_PREPARE = 2; WAIT_FOR_FINISH = 3; SUSPEND = 4; SIMULATE_SLEEP = 5; } optional State state = 1; } /** * Logs when Car User Hal is requested to switch/create/remove user. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalModifyUserRequestReported { // Request id for the request. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Request type. enum RequestType { UNKNOWN = 0; // Car user manager requested user switch. SWITCH_REQUEST_ANDROID = 1; // OEM requested User switch. SWITCH_REQUEST_OEM = 2; // Hal switch requested after android switch using activity manager. SWITCH_REQUEST_LEGACY = 3; // Create User CREATE_REQUEST = 4; // Remove User REMOVE_REQUEST = 5; } optional RequestType request_type = 2; // Android User id of the current user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on. // -1 if not available. optional int32 user_id = 3; // VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available) optional int32 user_flags = 4; // Android User id of the target user for switch/create/remove. It can only // be 0, 10, 11 and so on. -1 if not available. optional int32 target_user_id = 5; // VHAL flags of the target user for switch/create/remove. (-1 if not available) optional int32 target_user_flags = 6; // Request timeout Milliseconds (-1 if not available) optional int32 timeout_millis = 7; } /** * Logs when Car User Hal responds to switch/create user request. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalModifyUserResponseReported { // Request id of the request associated with the response. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Car user hal callback status. enum CallbackStatus { UNKNOWN = 0; // Hal response was invalid. INVALID = 1; // Hal response was ok. OK = 2; // Hal timeout during set call. HAL_SET_TIMEOUT = 3; // Hal response timeout. HAL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 4; // Hal responded with wrong info. WRONG_HAL_RESPONSE = 5; // Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously. CONCURRENT_OPERATION = 6; } optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2; // Hal request status for user switch/create/remove. enum HalRequestStatus { UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Hal request for user switch/create is successful. SUCCESS = 1; // Hal request for user switch/create failed. FAILURE = 2; } optional HalRequestStatus request_status = 3; } /** * Logs when post switch response is posted to Car User Hal. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalPostSwitchResponseReported { // Request id. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Android user switch status. enum UserSwitchStatus { UNKNOWN = 0; // Android user switch is successful. SUCCESS = 1; // Android user switch failed. FAILURE = 2; } optional UserSwitchStatus switch_status = 2; } /** * Logs when initial user information is requested from Car User Hal. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalInitialUserInfoRequestReported { // Request id for the request. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Request type for initial user information. enum InitialUserInfoRequestType { UNKNOWN = 0; // At the first time Android was booted (or after a factory reset). FIRST_BOOT = 1; // At the first time Android was booted after the system was updated. FIRST_BOOT_AFTER_OTA = 2; // When Android was booted "from scratch". COLD_BOOT = 3; // When Android was resumed after the system was suspended to memory. RESUME = 4; } optional InitialUserInfoRequestType request_type = 2; // Request timeout Milliseconds (-1 if not available) optional int32 timeout_millis = 3; } /** * Logs when Car User Hal responds to initial user information requests. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalInitialUserInfoResponseReported { // Request id of the request associated with the response. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Car user hal callback status. enum CallbackStatus { UNKNOWN = 0; // Hal response was invalid. INVALID = 1; // Hal response was ok. OK = 2; // Hal timeout during set call. HAL_SET_TIMEOUT = 3; // Hal response timeout. HAL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 4; // Hal responded with wrong info. WRONG_HAL_RESPONSE = 5; // Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously. CONCURRENT_OPERATION = 6; } optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2; // Response for initial user information request. enum InitialUserInfoResponseAction { UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Let the Android System decide what to do. DEFAULT = 1; // Switch to an existing Android user. SWITCH = 2; // Create a new Android user (and switch to it). CREATE = 3; } optional InitialUserInfoResponseAction response_action = 3; // Android User id of the target user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on. // -1 if not available. optional int32 target_user = 4; // VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available) optional int32 target_user_flags = 5; // User locales optional string user_locales = 6; } /** * Logs when set user association is requested from Car User Hal. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalUserAssociationRequestReported { // Request id for the request. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Request type. enum RequestType { UNKNOWN = 0; // For setting user association information. SET = 1; // For getting user association information. GET = 2; } optional RequestType request_type = 2; // Android User id of the current user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on. // -1 if not available. optional int32 current_user_id = 3; // VHAL flags of the current user. (-1 if not available) optional int32 current_user_flags = 4; // Number of the set associations requested. optional int32 number_associations = 5; // Concatenated string for the types from set associations request. // This is a string converted from an array of integers. optional string user_identification_association_types = 6; // Concatenated string for the values from set associations request. // This is a string converted from an array of integers. optional string user_identification_association_values = 7; } /** * Logs when Car User Hal responds to set user association requests. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/hal/UserHalService.java */ message CarUserHalSetUserAssociationResponseReported { // Request id of the request associated with the response. optional int32 request_id = 1; // Car user hal callback status. enum CallbackStatus { UNKNOWN = 0; // Hal response was invalid. INVALID = 1; // Hal response was ok. OK = 2; // Hal timeout during set call. HAL_SET_TIMEOUT = 3; // Hal response timeout. HAL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 4; // Hal responded with wrong info. WRONG_HAL_RESPONSE = 5; // Hal is processing multiple requests simultaneously. CONCURRENT_OPERATION = 6; } optional CallbackStatus callback_status = 2; // Number of the set associations in the response. optional int32 number_associations = 3; // Concatenated string for the types from set associations request. // This is a string converted from an array of integers. optional string user_identification_association_types = 4; // Concatenated string for the values from set associations request. // This is a string converted from an array of integers. optional string user_identification_association_values = 5; } /** * Logs whether GarageMode is entered. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/CarStatsLog.java */ message GarageModeInfo { // Whether GarageMode is entered. optional bool is_garage_mode = 1; } /** * Historical app ops data per package. */ message AppOps { // Uid of the package requesting the op optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the package performing the op optional string package_name = 2; // operation id optional android.app.AppOpEnum op_id = 3 [default = APP_OP_NONE]; // The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the // foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_granted_count = 4; // The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the // background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_granted_count = 5; // The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the // foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_rejected_count = 6; // The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the // background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_rejected_count = 7; // For long-running operations, total duration of the operation // while the app was in the foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_duration_millis = 8; // For long-running operations, total duration of the operation // while the app was in the background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_duration_millis = 9; // Whether AppOps is guarded by Runtime permission optional bool is_runtime_permission = 10; } /** * Historical app ops data per package and attribution tag. */ message AttributedAppOps { // Uid of the package requesting the op optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the package performing the op optional string package_name = 2; // tag; provided by developer when accessing related API, limited at 50 chars by API. // Attributions must be provided through manifest using tag available in R and // above. optional string tag = 3; // operation id optional android.app.AppOpEnum op = 4 [default = APP_OP_NONE]; // The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the // foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_granted_count = 5; // The number of times the op was granted while the app was in the // background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_granted_count = 6; // The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the // foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_rejected_count = 7; // The number of times the op was rejected while the app was in the // background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_rejected_count = 8; // For long-running operations, total duration of the operation // while the app was in the foreground (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_foreground_duration_millis = 9; // For long-running operations, total duration of the operation // while the app was in the background (only for trusted requests) optional int64 trusted_background_duration_millis = 10; // Whether AppOps is guarded by Runtime permission optional bool is_runtime_permission = 11; // Sampling rate used on device, from 0 to 100 optional int32 sampling_rate = 12; } /** * Location Manager API Usage information(e.g. API under usage, * API call's parameters). * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/LocationManagerService.java */ message LocationManagerApiUsageReported { // Indicating if usage starts or usage ends. optional android.stats.location.UsageState state = 1; // LocationManagerService's API in use. // We can identify which API from LocationManager is // invoking current LMS API by the combination of // API parameter(e.g. is_listener_null, is_intent_null, // is_location_request_null) optional android.stats.location.LocationManagerServiceApi api_in_use = 2; // Name of the package calling the API. optional string calling_package_name = 3; // Type of the location provider. optional android.stats.location.ProviderType provider = 4; // Quality of the location request optional android.stats.location.LocationRequestQuality quality = 5; // The desired interval for active location updates, in milliseconds. // Bucketized to reduce cardinality. optional android.stats.location.LocationRequestIntervalBucket bucketized_interval = 6; // Minimum distance between location updates, in meters. // Bucketized to reduce cardinality. optional android.stats.location.SmallestDisplacementBucket bucketized_smallest_displacement = 7; // The number of location updates. optional int64 num_updates = 8; // The request expiration time, in millisecond since boot. // Bucketized to reduce cardinality. optional android.stats.location.ExpirationBucket bucketized_expire_in = 9; // Type of Callback passed in for this API. optional android.stats.location.CallbackType callback_type = 10; // The radius of the central point of the alert // region, in meters. Only for API REQUEST_GEOFENCE. // Bucketized to reduce cardinality. optional android.stats.location.GeofenceRadiusBucket bucketized_radius = 11; // Activity Importance of API caller. // Categorized to 3 types that are interesting from location's perspective. optional android.stats.location.ActivityImportance activiy_importance = 12; // Attribution tag passed to this API. optional string attribution_tag = 13; } /** * Information about a permission grant or denial made by user inside ReviewPermissionsFragment */ message ReviewPermissionsFragmentResultReported { // unique value identifying a permission group change. A permission group change might result // in multiple of these atoms optional int64 change_id = 1; // UID of package the permission belongs to optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package the permission belongs to optional string package_name = 3; // The permission to be granted optional string permission_name = 4; // The result of the permission grant optional bool permission_granted = 5; } /** * Information about results of permission upgrade by RuntimePermissionsUpgradeController * Logged from: RuntimePermissionUpdgradeController */ message RuntimePermissionsUpgradeResult { // Permission granted as result of upgrade optional string permission_name = 1; // UID of package granted permission optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package granted permission optional string package_name = 3; } /** * Information about a buttons presented in GrantPermissionsActivity and choice made by user */ message GrantPermissionsActivityButtonActions { // Permission granted as result of upgrade optional string permission_group_name = 1; // UID of package granted permission optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package requesting permission optional string package_name = 3; // Buttons presented in the dialog - bit flags, bit numbers are in accordance with // LABEL_ constants in GrantPermissionActivity.java optional int32 buttons_presented = 4; // Button clicked by user - same as bit flags in buttons_presented with only single bit set optional int32 button_clicked = 5; // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 6; // Target SDK of the package optional int32 target_sdk = 7; // Selected precision of the location permission - bit flags indicate which // locations were chosen optional int32 selected_precision = 8; // Whether Permission Rationale was shown on grant permission activity optional bool permission_rationale_shown = 9; } /** * Information about LocationAccessCheck notification presented to user */ message LocationAccessCheckNotificationAction { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // Uid of package for which location access check is presented optional int32 package_uid = 2; // Name of package for which location access check is presented optional string package_name = 3; enum Result { UNDEFINED = 0; // notification was presented to the user NOTIFICATION_PRESENTED = 1; // notification was declined by the user NOTIFICATION_DECLINED = 2; // notification was clicked by the user NOTIFICATION_CLICKED = 3; } // View / interaction recorded optional Result result = 4; } /** * Information about a permission grant or revoke made by user inside AppPermissionFragment */ message AppPermissionFragmentActionReported { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // unique value identifying a permission group change. A permission group change might result // in multiple of these atoms optional int64 change_id = 2; // UID of package the permission belongs to optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package the permission belongs to optional string package_name = 4; // The permission to be granted optional string permission_name = 5; // The result of the permission grant optional bool permission_granted = 6; // State of Permission Flags after grant as per android.content.pm.PermissionFlags optional int32 permission_flags = 7; enum Button { UNDEFINED = 0; // Allow button ALLOW = 1; // Deny button DENY = 2; // Ask every time button ASK_EVERY_TIME = 3; // Allow all the time button ALLOW_ALWAYS = 4; // Allow only while using the app button ALLOW_FOREGROUND = 5; // Same is Deny button but shown in while in use dialog DENY_FOREGROUND = 6; // Switch button set to ON for location accuracy GRANT_FINE_LOCATION = 7; // Switch button set to OFF for location accuracy REVOKE_FINE_LOCATION = 8; // The user has selected photos/videos from the photo picker PHOTOS_SELECTED = 9; // User selects Permission Rationale label PERMISSION_RATIONALE = 10; } // Button pressed in the dialog optional Button button_pressed = 8; } /** * Information about a AppPermissionFragment viewed by user */ message AppPermissionFragmentViewed { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 3; // Permission group viewed optional string permission_group_name = 4; // Whether Permission Rationale was shown on app permission fragment optional bool permission_rationale_shown = 5; } /** * Information about a AppPermissionGroupsFragment viewed by user. Fragment has been renamed, but * the log retains the old fragment name. */ message AppPermissionsFragmentViewed { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // id which identifies single view as every view might have several logging records // with different package information attached optional int64 view_id = 2; // Permission group viewed optional string permission_group_name = 3; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 5; // Category in which permission is included enum Category { UNDEFINED = 0; ALLOWED = 1; ALLOWED_FOREGROUND = 2; DENIED = 3; } optional Category category = 6; } /** * Information about a PermissionAppsFragment viewed by user. * Logged from ui/handheld/PermissionAppsFragment.java */ message PermissionAppsFragmentViewed { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // id which identifies single view as every view might have several logging records // with different package information attached optional int64 view_id = 2; // Permission group viewed optional string permission_group_name = 3; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 5; // Category in which app is included enum Category { UNDEFINED = 0; ALLOWED = 1; ALLOWED_FOREGROUND = 2; DENIED = 3; } optional Category category = 6; } /** * Log that the Auto Revoke notification has been clicked * Logged from ui/ManagePermissionsActivity */ message AutoRevokeNotificationClicked { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; } /** * Log that an app has been displayed on the auto revoke page, and lists one permission that was * auto revoked for it. * Logged from ui/handheld/AutoRevokeFragment */ message AutoRevokeFragmentAppViewed { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 3; // The name of a permission group that has been revoked optional string permission_group_name = 4; // The age of the app- more than three months old, or more than six months enum Age { UNDEFINED = 0; NEWER_BUCKET = 1; OLDER_BUCKET = 2; } // How long the app has been unused. Currently, newer bucket is 3 months, older is 6 months optional Age age = 5; } /** * Log that the user has interacted with an app on the auto revoke fragment * Logged from ui/handheld/AutoRevokeFragment */ message AutoRevokedAppInteraction { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 3; enum Action { UNDEFINED = 0; REMOVE = 1; OPEN = 2; APP_INFO = 3; PERMISSIONS = 4; REMOVE_IN_SETTINGS = 5; OPEN_IN_SETTINGS = 6; } // The action the user took to interact with the app optional Action action = 4; } /** * Log that the AppPermissionGroupsFragment has been interacted with for the possible purposes of * auto revoke, or that the auto revoke switch has been changed * Logged from ui/handheld/AppPermissionGroupsFragment */ message AppPermissionGroupsFragmentAutoRevokeAction { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission controller optional int64 session_id = 1; // UID of package for which permissions are viewed optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of package for which permissions are viewed optional string package_name = 3; enum Action { UNDEFINED = 0; OPENED_FOR_AUTO_REVOKE = 1; OPENED_FROM_INTENT = 2; SWITCH_ENABLED = 3; SWITCH_DISABLED = 4; } // The action the user took to interact with the fragment optional Action action = 4; } /** * Logs when there is a smart selection related event. * See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifierEvent.java * Logged from: TextClassifierEventLogger.java */ message TextSelectionEvent { // A session ID. optional string session_id = 1; // Event type of this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2; // Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event. optional string model_name = 3; // Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4; // Index of this event in a session. optional int32 event_index = 5; // Entity type that is involved. optional string entity_type = 6; // Relative word index of the start of the selection. optional int32 relative_word_start_index = 7; // Relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the selection. optional int32 relative_word_end_index = 8; // Relative word index of the start of the smart selection. optional int32 relative_suggested_word_start_index = 9; // Relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the smart selection. optional int32 relative_suggested_word_end_index = 10; // Name of source package. optional string package_name = 11; // Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event. optional string langid_model_name = 12; } /** * Logs when there is a smart linkify related event. * See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifierEvent.java * Logged from: TextClassifierEventLogger.java */ message TextLinkifyEvent { // A session ID. optional string session_id = 1; // Event type of this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2; // Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event. optional string model_name = 3; // Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4; // Index of this event in a session. optional int32 event_index = 5; // Entity type that is involved. optional string entity_type = 6; // Number of links detected. optional int32 num_links = 7; // The total length of all links. optional int32 linked_text_length = 8; // Length of input text. optional int32 text_length = 9; // Time spent on generating links in ms. optional int64 latency_millis = 10; // Name of source package. optional string package_name = 11; // Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event. optional string langid_model_name = 12; } /** * Logs when there is a conversation actions related event. * See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifierEvent.java * Logged from: TextClassifierEventLogger.java */ message ConversationActionsEvent { // A session ID. optional string session_id = 1; // Event type of this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2; // Name of the actions model that is involved in this event. optional string model_name = 3; // Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4; // The first entity type that is involved. optional string first_entity_type = 5; // The second entity type that is involved. optional string second_entity_type = 6; // The third entity type that is involved. optional string third_entity_type = 7; // The score of the first entity type. optional float score = 8; // Name of source package. optional string package_name = 9; // Name of the annotator model that is involved in this event. optional string annotator_model_name = 10; // Name of the LangID model that is involved in this event. optional string langid_model_name = 11; } /** * Logs when there is a language detection related event. * See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifierEvent.java * Logged from: TextClassifierEventLogger.java */ message LanguageDetectionEvent { // A session ID. optional string session_id = 1; // Event type of this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.EventType event_type = 2; // Name of the language detection model that is involved in this event. optional string model_name = 3; // Type of widget that was involved in triggering this event. optional android.stats.textclassifier.WidgetType widget_type = 4; // Detected language. optional string language_tag = 5; // Score of the detected language. optional float score = 6; // Position of this action. optional int32 action_index = 7; // Name of source package. optional string package_name = 8; } /** * Information about an OTA update attempt by update_engine. * Logged from platform/system/update_engine/metrics_reporter_android.cc */ message UpdateEngineUpdateAttemptReported { // The number of attempts for the update engine to apply a given payload. optional int32 attempt_number = 1; optional android.stats.otaupdate.PayloadType payload_type = 2; // The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply a given payload. // The time is calculated by calling clock_gettime() / CLOCK_BOOTTIME; and // it's increased when the system is sleeping. optional int32 duration_boottime_in_minutes = 3; // The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply a given payload. // The time is calculated by calling clock_gettime() / CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW; // and it's not increased when the system is sleeping. optional int32 duration_monotonic_in_minutes = 4; // The size of the payload in MiBs. optional int32 payload_size_mib = 5; // The attempt result reported by the update engine for an OTA update. optional android.stats.otaupdate.AttemptResult attempt_result = 6; // The error code reported by the update engine after an OTA update attempt // on A/B devices. optional android.stats.otaupdate.ErrorCode error_code = 7; // The build fingerprint of the source system. The value is read from a // system property when the device takes the update. e.g. // Android/aosp_sailfish/sailfish:10/QP1A.190425.004/5507117:userdebug/test-keys optional string source_fingerprint = 8; // Size of super partition. optional int64 super_partition_size_bytes = 9; // Size of current slot within the super partition. optional int64 slot_size_bytes = 10; // Free space available in the super partition. optional int64 super_free_space_bytes = 11; // Whether the device enables Virtual A/B compression. optional bool vab_compression_enabled = 12; // Whether this update attempt uses Virtual A/B compression. optional bool vab_compression_used = 13; } /** * Information about all the attempts the device make before finishing the * successful update. * Logged from platform/system/update_engine/metrics_reporter_android.cc */ message UpdateEngineSuccessfulUpdateReported { // The number of attempts for the update engine to apply the payload for a // successful update. optional int32 attempt_count = 1; optional android.stats.otaupdate.PayloadType payload_type = 2; optional int32 payload_size_mib = 3; // The total number of bytes downloaded by update_engine since the last // successful update. optional int32 total_bytes_downloaded_mib = 4; // The ratio in percentage of the over-downloaded bytes compared to the // total bytes needed to successfully install the update. e.g. 200 if we // download 200MiB in total for a 100MiB package. optional int32 download_overhead_percentage = 5; // The total time in minutes for the update engine to apply the payload for a // successful update. optional int32 total_duration_minutes = 6; // The number of reboot of the device during a successful update. optional int32 reboot_count = 7; // Whether on device verity computation is enabled optional bool fec_enabled = 8; // Whether on device hash tree computation is enabled optional bool hash_tree_enabled = 9; } /** * Reported when a client requests to prepare for resume on reboot. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/recoverysystem/RecoverySystemService.java */ message RebootEscrowPreparationReported { enum Result { ROR_NEED_PREPARATION = 0; ROR_SKIP_PREPARATION_AND_NOTIFY = 1; ROR_SKIP_PREPARATION_NOT_NOTIFY = 2; } // The uid of the client who requests ror. optional int32 requesting_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional Result result = 2; // The number of clients who has requested ror, including the current caller. optional int32 requested_client_count = 3; } /** * Reported when the lock screen knowledge factor is captured, while there are clients of * resume on reboot to notify. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/recoverysystem/RecoverySystemService.java */ message RebootEscrowLskfCaptureReported { // The uid of the client to notify about the Lskf capture. optional int32 uid_to_notify = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The total number of clients who have requested ror. optional int32 requested_client_count = 2; // The duration between RoR request - current LSKF capture event. optional int32 duration_ror_requested_to_lskf_captured_seconds = 3; } /* Reported when a client (e.g. gmscore) requests to reboot with Resume on Reboot. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/recoverysystem/RecoverySystemService.java */ message RebootEscrowRebootReported { optional int32 error_code = 1; // The uid of clients who requested the reboot optional int32 request_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // All clients that have prepared for RoR before this reboot optional int32 prepared_clients_count = 3; // The RoR request count for the client who requests reboot. optional int32 request_count = 4; // Whether the reboot request assumes a slot switch on a/b devices. optional bool slot_switch = 5; // True if the DeviceConfig shows the device is using server based RoR. optional bool server_based = 6; // The duration between last LSKF captured - reboot requests optional int32 duration_lskf_captured_to_reboot_seconds = 7; // The count of LSKF captured since preparation optional int32 lskf_captured_counts = 8; } /** * Logs stats for AppSearch function calls */ message AppSearchCallStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2; // Package UID of the application. optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Hash of the database name within AppSearch optional int32 database = 4; // The status code for the call or internal state. // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 5; // Overall time used for the end-to-end function call in AppSearch. // It doesn't include binder latency optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6; // Type of the function call value is in sync with // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/external/localstorage/stats/CallStats.java optional int32 call_type = 7; // Estimated binder latency (estimated as single-trip time * 2) optional int32 estimated_binder_latency_millis = 8; // Number of operations succeeded for batch operations. optional int32 num_operations_succeeded = 9; // Number of operations failed for batch operations. optional int32 num_operations_failed = 10; // Number of actual API calls reported in this atom. optional int32 num_reported_calls = 11; } /** * Logs detailed stats for putting a single document in AppSearch */ message AppSearchPutDocumentStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2; // Package UID of the application. optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Hash of the database name within AppSearch optional int32 database = 4; // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 5; // Overall time used for a put_document optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6; // Time used to generate a document proto from a Bundle. optional int32 generate_document_proto_latency_millis = 7; // Time used to rewrite types and namespaces in the document. optional int32 rewrite_document_types_latency_millis = 8; // Overall time used for the native function call. optional int32 native_latency_millis = 9; // Time used to store the document. optional int32 native_document_store_latency_millis = 10; // Time used to index the document. It doesn't include the time to // merge indices. optional int32 native_index_latency_millis = 11; // Time used to merge the indices. optional int32 native_index_merge_latency_millis = 12; // Document size in bytes. optional int32 native_document_size_bytes = 13; // Number of tokens added to the index. optional int32 native_num_tokens_indexed = 14; // Whether the max number of tokens exceeded. optional bool native_exceeded_max_num_tokens = 15; } /** * Logs detailed stats for AppSearch Initialize */ message AppSearchInitializeStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2; // Package UID of the application. optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Initialize status code // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 4; // Overall time used for initialization, not including binder latency. optional int32 total_latency_millis = 5; // Whether the initialize() detects desyncs. // Desync happens if we lose the visibility doc. optional bool has_desync = 6; // Time used to read and process the schema and namespaces. optional int32 prepare_schema_and_namespaces_latency_millis = 7; // Time used to read and process the visibility file. optional int32 prepare_visibility_file_latency_millis = 8; // Overall time used for the native function call. optional int32 native_latency_millis = 9; // Needs to be sync with RecoveryCause in google3/third_party/icing/proto/logging.proto optional int32 native_document_store_recovery_cause = 10; // Needs to be sync with RecoveryCause in google3/third_party/icing/proto/logging.proto optional int32 native_index_restoration_cause = 11; // Needs to be sync with RecoveryCause in google3/third_party/icing/proto/logging.proto optional int32 native_schema_store_recovery_cause = 12; // Time used to recover the document store. optional int32 native_document_store_recovery_latency_millis = 13; // Time used to restore the index. optional int32 native_index_restoration_latency_millis = 14; // Time used to recover the schema store. optional int32 native_schema_store_recovery_latency_millis = 15; // Needs to be sync with DocumentStoreDataStatus in google3/third_party/icing/proto/logging.proto optional int32 native_document_store_data_status = 16; // Number of documents currently in document store. Those may // include alive, deleted, and expired documents. optional int32 native_num_documents = 17; // Number of schema types currently in the schema store. optional int32 native_num_schema_types = 18; // Whether we had to reset the index, losing all data, during initialization. optional bool has_reset = 19; // The status code of the reset operation if has_reset is true. // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 reset_status_code = 20; } /** * Logs detailed stats for querying in AppSearch * * Next tag: 34 */ message AppSearchQueryStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_skipped_sample = 2; // Package UID of the application. optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Hash of the database name within AppSearch optional int32 database = 4; // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 5; // Overall time used for query which doesn't include estimated binder latency optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6; // Time used to rewrite the search spec. optional int32 rewrite_search_spec_latency_millis = 7; // Time used to rewrite the search results. optional int32 rewrite_search_result_latency_millis = 8; // Whether it is a global query. // Needs to be sync with QueryStats#VisibilityScope in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/external/localstorage/stats/QueryStats.java optional int32 visibility_scope = 9; // Overall time used for the native function call. optional int32 native_latency_millis = 10; // Number of terms in the query string. optional int32 native_num_terms = 11; // Length of the query string. optional int32 native_query_length = 12; // Number of namespaces filtered. optional int32 native_num_namespaces_filtered = 13; // Number of schema types filtered. optional int32 native_num_schema_types_filtered = 14; // The requested number of results in one page. optional int32 native_requested_page_size = 15; // The actual number of results returned in the current page. optional int32 native_num_results_returned_current_page = 16; // Whether the function call is querying the first page. If it's // not, Icing will fetch the results from cache so that some steps // may be skipped. optional bool native_is_first_page = 17; // Time used to parse the query, including 2 parts: tokenizing and // transforming tokens into an iterator tree. optional int32 native_parse_query_latency_millis = 18; // Strategy of scoring and ranking. // Needs to be sync with RankingStrategy.Code in google3/third_party/icing/proto/scoring.proto optional int32 native_ranking_strategy = 19; // Number of documents scored. optional int32 native_num_documents_scored = 20; // Time used to score the raw results. optional int32 native_scoring_latency_millis = 21; // Time used to rank the scored results. optional int32 native_ranking_latency_millis = 22; // Time used to fetch the document protos. Note that it includes the // time to snippet if "native_num_results_with_snippets" is NOT zero. optional int32 native_document_retrieval_latency_millis = 23; // How many snippets are calculated. optional int32 native_num_results_with_snippets = 24; // Time passed while waiting to acquire the lock during Java function calls. optional int32 java_lock_acquisition_latency_millis = 25; // Time spent on ACL checking. This is the time spent filtering namespaces // based on package permissions and Android permission access. optional int32 acl_check_latency_millis = 26; // Time passed while waiting to acquire the lock during native function calls. optional int32 native_lock_acquisition_latency_millis = 27; // Time used to send data across the JNI boundary from java to native side. optional int32 java_to_native_jni_latency_millis = 28; // Time used to send data across the JNI boundary from native to java side. optional int32 native_to_java_jni_latency_millis = 29; // The type of the join query. // // Needs to be sync with AppSearchSchema#JoinableValueType in // packages/modules/AppSearch/framework/java/external/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchSchema.java optional int32 join_type = 30; // How many total documents were joined to the parent documents. optional int32 native_num_joined_results_current_page = 31; // Time taken to join child documents to parent documents. optional int32 native_join_latency_millis = 32; // The Hash of the tag to indicate the query source of this search optional int32 query_source_log_tag = 33; } /** * Logs detailed stats for remove in AppSearch */ message AppSearchRemoveStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_previous_skipped_sample = 2; // Package UID of the application. optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Hash of the database name within AppSearch optional int32 database = 4; // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 5; // Overall time used for remove including the binder latency optional int32 total_latency_millis = 6; // Overall time used for the native function call. optional int32 native_latency_millis = 7; // Used to indicate what kind of delete(namespace, schemaType etc) calls deleteByQuery here. // Needs to be sync with external/icing/proto/icing/proto/logging.proto#DeleteStatsProto optional int32 native_delete_type = 8; // Number of documents deleted by this call. optional int32 native_num_documents_deleted = 9; } /** * Logs detailed stats for optimization in AppSearch. * * stats pushed from: * frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/AppSearchManagerService.java * * Next tag: 14 */ message AppSearchOptimizeStatsReported { // The sampling interval for this specific type of stats // For example, sampling_interval=10 means that one out of every 10 stats was logged. optional int32 sampling_interval = 1; // # of previous skipped sample for this specific type of stats // We can't push atoms too closely, so some samples might be skipped // In order to extrapolate the counts, we need to save the number of skipped stats and add it back // For example, the true count of an event could be estimated as: // SUM(sampling_interval * (num_skipped_sample + 1)) as est_count optional int32 num_previous_skipped_sample = 2; // Needs to be sync with AppSearchResult#ResultCode in // frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/framework/java/android/app/appsearch/AppSearchResult.java optional int32 status_code = 3; // Overall time used for remove including the binder latency optional int32 total_latency_millis = 4; // Overall time used for the native function call. optional int32 native_latency_millis = 5; // Time used to optimize the document store in millis. optional int32 native_document_store_optimize_latency_millis = 6; // Time used to restore the index in millis. optional int32 native_index_restoration_latency_millis = 7; // Number of documents before the optimization. optional int32 native_num_original_documents = 8; // Number of documents deleted during the optimization. optional int32 native_num_deleted_documents = 9; // Number of documents expired during the optimization. optional int32 native_num_expired_documents = 10; // Size of storage in bytes before the optimization. optional int64 native_storage_size_before_bytes = 11; // Size of storage in bytes after the optimization. optional int64 native_storage_size_after_bytes = 12; // The amount of time in millis since the last optimization ran. optional int64 native_time_since_last_optimize_millis = 13; } // Reports information in external/icing/proto/icing/proto/storage.proto#DocumentStorageInfoProto // Next tag: 15 message AppSearchDocumentStorageInfo { // Total number of alive documents. optional int32 num_alive_documents = 1; // Total number of deleted documents. optional int32 num_deleted_documents = 2; // Total number of expired documents. optional int32 num_expired_documents = 3; // Total size of the document store in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 document_store_size_bytes = 4; // Total size of the ground truth in bytes. The ground truth may // include deleted or expired documents. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 document_log_size_bytes = 5; // Size of the key mapper in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 key_mapper_size_bytes = 6; // Size of the document id mapper in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 document_id_mapper_size_bytes = 7; // Size of the score cache in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 score_cache_size_bytes = 8; // Size of the filter cache in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 filter_cache_size_bytes = 9; // Size of the corpus mapper in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 corpus_mapper_size_bytes = 10; // Size of the corpus score cache in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 corpus_score_cache_size_bytes = 11; // Size of the namespace id mapper in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 namespace_id_mapper_size_bytes = 12; // Number of namespaces seen from the current documents. optional int32 num_namespaces = 13; // Storage information of each namespace is not included due to that it has string field. reserved 14; } // Reports information in external/icing/proto/icing/proto/storage.proto#SchemaStoreStorageInfoProto // Next tag: 5 message AppSearchSchemaStoreStorageInfo { // Size of the schema store in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 schema_store_size_bytes = 1; // Total number of schema types. optional int32 num_schema_types = 2; // Total number of all sections across all types optional int32 num_total_sections = 3; // Total number of types at the current section limit. optional int32 num_schema_types_sections_exhausted = 4; } // Reports information in external/icing/proto/icing/proto/storage.proto#IndexStorageInfoProto // Next tag: 9 message AppSearchIndexStorageInfo { // Total size of the index in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 index_size_bytes = 1; // Size of the lite index lexicon in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 lite_index_lexicon_size_bytes = 2; // Size of the lite index hit buffer in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO // error is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 lite_index_hit_buffer_size_bytes = 3; // Size of the main index lexicon in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 main_index_lexicon_size_bytes = 4; // Size of the main index storage in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error // is encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 main_index_storage_size_bytes = 5; // Size of one main index block in bytes. optional int64 main_index_block_size_bytes = 6; // Number of main index blocks. optional int32 num_blocks = 7; // Percentage of the main index blocks that are free, assuming // allocated blocks are fully used. optional float min_free_fraction = 8; } /** * Pulls information about storage information per user from AppSearch * * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/apex/appsearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/AppSearchManagerService.java * * Next tag: 6 */ message AppSearchStorageInfo { // The associated user (for multi-user feature). Defined in android/os/UserHandle.java // This is mainly used as a dimension for the metric, but it can also tell us if // the StorageInfo is for a primary user or secondary user. optional int32 user = 1; // Total size of Icing’s storage in bytes. Will be set to -1 if an IO error is // encountered while calculating this field. optional int64 total_storage_size_bytes = 2; // Storage information of the document store. optional AppSearchDocumentStorageInfo document_storage_info = 3 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Storage information of the schema store. optional AppSearchSchemaStoreStorageInfo schema_store_storage_info = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Storage information of the index. optional AppSearchIndexStorageInfo index_storage_info = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Reported when AppSearch Contacts Indexer syncs the contacts data from CP2 to AppSearch * * Reported from: * packages/modules/AppSearch/service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/contactsindexer/ContactsIndexerManagerService.java * * Next tag: 18 */ message ContactsIndexerUpdateStatsReported { enum UpdateType { UNKNOWN = 0; DELTA = 1; FULL = 2; } // Type of the update optional UpdateType update_type = 1; // Latency for the update in millis optional int32 total_latency_millis = 2; // Status code to indicate whether the insert new contacts, or update // existing contacts succeeds, or fails and why // In case of success, it only contains OK. // In case of failures, it contains all the possible errors we get. repeated int32 update_status_codes = 3; // Status code to indicate whether the delete succeeds, or fails and why // In case of success, it only contains OK. // In case of failures, it contains all the possible errors we get. repeated int32 delete_status_codes = 4; // Number of new contacts to be updated. optional int32 number_of_new_contacts_to_be_updated = 5; // Number of old and new contacts has been successfully updated. optional int32 number_of_contacts_update_succeeded = 6; // Number of old contacts has been successfully deleted. optional int32 number_of_contacts_delete_succeeded = 7; // Number of old contacts skipped during this update due to no // significant change. optional int32 number_of_contacts_update_skipped = 8; // Number of old and new contacts failed to be updated optional int32 number_of_contacts_update_failed = 9; // Number of old contacts failed to be deleted optional int32 number_of_contacts_delete_failed = 10; // Number of old contacts to be deleted that were not found optional int32 number_of_contacts_delete_not_found = 11; // Start timestamp of the update in millis optional int64 update_start_timestamp_millis = 12; // Timestamp of the last full update in millis (not including this update) optional int64 last_full_update_timestamp_millis = 13; // Timestamp of the last delta update in millis (not including this update) optional int64 last_delta_update_timestamp_millis = 14; // Timestamp of the last contact to be updated from CP2 in millis optional int64 last_contact_updated_timestamp_millis = 15; // Timestamp of the last contact to be deleted from CP2 in millis optional int64 last_contact_deleted_timestamp_millis = 16; // The previous update's last_contact_updated_timestamp_millis // This field is only set for a full update and expected to match // last_contacted_update_timestamp_millis. If the fields do not match, then we // were unexpectedly not synced up with CP2 at the time of the update. optional int64 previous_last_contact_updated_timestamp_millis = 17; } /** * Reported when the RebootEscrow HAL has attempted to recover the escrowed * key to indicate whether it was successful or not. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/locksettings/RebootEscrowManager.java */ message RebootEscrowRecoveryReported { // Type of the resume on reboot backend provider. enum ServiceType { UNKNOWN = 0; HAL = 1; SERVER_BASED = 2; } // Whether the vbmeta digest of the current slot matches a precomputed value before reboot. enum VbmetaDigestStatus { MATCH_EXPECTED_SLOT = 0; MATCH_FALLBACK_SLOT = 1; MISMATCH = 2; } optional bool successful = 1; // The error code for escrow data recovery failure optional int32 error_code = 2; optional ServiceType type = 3; // Number of retries to unwrap the escrow key asynchronously. optional int32 get_escrow_key_retry_count = 4; // The duration between storing of reboot escrow key -> // use of reboot escrow key to unlock CE after reboot optional int32 duration_escrow_key_storage_to_unlock_seconds = 5; optional VbmetaDigestStatus vbmeta_digest_status = 6; // The duration between boot complete -> CE unlock optional int32 duration_boot_complete_to_unlock_seconds = 7; } /** * Global display pipeline metrics reported by SurfaceFlinger. * Metrics exist beginning in Android 11. * There is a copy of this proto in timestats_atoms.proto in SurfaceFlinger. * That proto must be updated if this atom is updated. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/TimeStats/TimeStats.cpp */ message SurfaceflingerStatsGlobalInfo { // Aggregated refresh rate buckets that layers were presenting at. Buckets // are defined in SurfaceFlinger and are tracked per device. // Introduced in Android 12. // This is intended to be used as a dimenstion in collecting per-refresh rate // jank statistics. optional int32 display_refresh_rate_bucket = 18; // Aggregated render rate buckets that layers were overridden to run at. // Buckets are defined in SurfaceFlinger and are tracked per device. // Introduced in Android 12. // This is intended to be used as a dimension in collecting per-render rate // jank statistics. optional int32 render_rate_bucket = 21; // Total number of frames presented during the tracing period // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int64 total_frames = 1; // Total number of frames missed // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int64 missed_frames = 2; // Total number of frames that fell back to client composition // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int64 client_composition_frames = 3; // Total time the display was turned on // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int64 display_on_millis = 4; // Total time that was spent performing animations. // This is derived from the present-to-present layer histogram. // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int64 animation_millis = 5; // Total number of event connections tracked by SurfaceFlinger at the time // of this pull. If this number grows prohibitively large, then this can // cause jank due to resource contention. // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional int32 event_connection_count = 6; // Set of timings measured from when SurfaceFlinger began compositing a // frame, until the frame was requested to be presented to the display. This // measures SurfaceFlinger's total CPU walltime on the critical path per // frame. // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional FrameTimingHistogram frame_duration = 7 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from when SurfaceFlinger first began using the // GPU to composite a frame, until the GPU has finished compositing that // frame. This measures the total additional time SurfaceFlinger needed to // perform due to falling back into GPU composition. // Note: This stat is not sliced by dimension. It will be duplicated for metrics // using render_rate_bucket as a dimension. optional FrameTimingHistogram render_engine_timing = 8 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Number of frames where SF saw a frame, based on its frame timeline. // Frame timelines may include transactions without updating buffer contents. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_timeline_frames = 9; // Number of frames where SF saw a janky frame. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames = 10; // Number of janky frames where SF spent a long time on the CPU. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_with_long_cpu = 11; // Number of janky frames where SF spent a long time on the GPU. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_with_long_gpu = 12; // Number of janky frames where SF missed the frame deadline, but there // was not an attributed reason (e.g., maybe HWC missed?) // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_sf_unattributed = 13; // Number of janky frames where the app missed the frame deadline, but // there was not an attributed reason // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_app_unattributed = 14; // Number of janky frames that were caused because of scheduling errors in // SF that resulted in early present (e.g., SF sending a buffer to the // composition engine earlier than expected, resulting in a present that is // one vsync early) // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_sf_scheduling = 15; // Number of frames that were classified as jank because of possible drift in // vsync predictions. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_jank_frames_sf_prediction_error = 16; // Number of janky frames where the app was in a buffer stuffed state (more // than one buffer ready to be presented at the same vsync). Usually caused // when the first frame is unusually long, the following frames enter into a // stuffed state. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_jank_frames_app_buffer_stuffing = 17; // Buckets of timings in ms by which SurfaceFlinger's deadline was missed // while latching and presenting frames. // Introduced in Android 12. optional FrameTimingHistogram sf_deadline_misses = 19 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Buckets of timings in ms by which the Vsync prediction drifted, when // compared to the actual hardware vsync. // Introduced in Android 12. optional FrameTimingHistogram sf_prediction_errors = 20 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Next ID: 22 } /** * Per-layer display pipeline metrics reported by SurfaceFlinger. * Metrics exist beginning in Android 11. * The number of layers uploaded may be restricted due to size limitations. * There is a copy of this proto in timestats_atoms.proto in SurfaceFlinger. * That proto must be updated if this atom is updated. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/TimeStats/TimeStats.cpp */ message SurfaceflingerStatsLayerInfo { // UID of the application who submitted this layer for presentation // This is intended to be used as a dimension for surfacing rendering // statistics to applications. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 uid = 12 [(is_uid) = true]; // Refresh rate bucket that the layer was presenting at. Buckets are // defined in SurfaceFlinger and are tracked per device. // Introduced in Android 12. // This is intended to be used as a dimension in collecting per-refresh rate // jank statistics optional int32 display_refresh_rate_bucket = 22; // Render rate bucket that the layer was submitting frames at. Buckets are // defined in SurfaceFlinger and are tracked per device. // Introduced in Android 12. // This is intended to be used as a dimension in collecting per-render rate // jank statistics. optional int32 render_rate_bucket = 23; // Game modes are used only for integrating with GameManager. enum GameMode { GAME_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; GAME_MODE_UNSUPPORTED = 1; GAME_MODE_STANDARD = 2; GAME_MODE_PERFORMANCE = 3; GAME_MODE_BATTERY = 4; GAME_MODE_CUSTOM = 5; } // Game mode that the layer was running at. Used to track user engagement // in different modes. The modes are defined in GameManager.java // All non-game layers will have this field set to UNSUPPORTED. // Introduced in Android 12 // This is intended to be used as a dimension in collecting per-game mode // fps and frame related metrics. optional GameMode game_mode = 26; // The layer for this set of metrics // In many scenarios the package name is included in the layer name, e.g., // layers created by Window Manager. But this is not a guarantee - in the // general case layer names are arbitrary debug names. optional string layer_name = 1; // Total number of frames presented optional int64 total_frames = 2; // Total number of dropped frames while latching a buffer for this layer. optional int64 dropped_frames = 3; // Set of timings measured between successive presentation timestamps. optional FrameTimingHistogram present_to_present = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Variability histogram of present_to_present timings. optional FrameTimingHistogram present_to_present_delta = 27 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from when an app queued a buffer for // presentation, until the buffer was actually presented to the // display. optional FrameTimingHistogram post_to_present = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from when a buffer is ready to be presented, // until the buffer was actually presented to the display. optional FrameTimingHistogram acquire_to_present = 6 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from when a buffer was latched by // SurfaceFlinger, until the buffer was presented to the display optional FrameTimingHistogram latch_to_present = 7 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from the desired presentation to the actual // presentation time optional FrameTimingHistogram desired_to_present = 8 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Set of timings measured from when an app queued a buffer for // presentation, until the buffer was ready to be presented. optional FrameTimingHistogram post_to_acquire = 9 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Frames missed latch because the acquire fence didn't fire optional int64 late_acquire_frames = 10; // Frames latched early because the desired present time was bad optional int64 bad_desired_present_frames = 11; // Number of frames where SF saw a frame, based on its frame timeline. // Frame timelines may include transactions without updating buffer contents. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_timeline_frames = 13; // Number of frames where SF saw a janky frame. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames = 14; // Number of janky frames where SF spent a long time on the CPU. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_with_long_cpu = 15; // Number of janky frames where SF spent a long time on the GPU. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_with_long_gpu = 16; // Number of janky frames where SF missed the frame deadline, but there // was not an attributed reason (e.g., maybe HWC missed?) // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_sf_unattributed = 17; // Number of janky frames where the app missed the frame deadline, but // there was not an attributed reason // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_app_unattributed = 18; // Number of janky frames that were caused because of scheduling errors in // SF that resulted in early present (e.g., SF sending a buffer to the // composition engine earlier than expected, resulting in a present that is // one vsync early) // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_janky_frames_sf_scheduling = 19; // Number of frames that were classified as jank because of possible drift in // vsync predictions. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_jank_frames_sf_prediction_error = 20; // Number of janky frames where the app was in a buffer stuffed state (more // than one buffer ready to be presented at the same vsync). Usually caused // when the first frame is unusually long, the following frames enter into a // stuffed state. // Introduced in Android 12. optional int32 total_jank_frames_app_buffer_stuffing = 21; /** * Encapsulates the FrameRateVote information sent by the application while * calling setFrameRate. * Metrics exist beginning in Android 12. */ message SetFrameRateVote { // The desired frame rate the application wishes to run on. optional float frame_rate = 1; enum FrameRateCompatibility { FRAME_RATE_UNDEFINED = 0; FRAME_RATE_DEFAULT = 1; FRAME_RATE_EXACT_OR_MULTIPLE = 2; } // Specifies how to interpret the frame rate associated with the layer. // Defined in Layer.h optional FrameRateCompatibility frame_rate_compatibility = 2; enum Seamlessness { SEAMLESS_UNDEFINED = 0; SEAMLESS_SHOULD_BE_SEAMLESS = 1; SEAMLESS_NOT_REQUIRED = 2; } // Indicates whether seamless refresh rate switch is required or not. optional Seamlessness seamlessness = 3; } // The last frame rate vote set by the application. // Introduced in Android 12. optional SetFrameRateVote set_frame_rate_vote = 24 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Buckets of timings in ms by which the app deadline was missed while // submitting work for a frame. // Introduced in Android 12. optional FrameTimingHistogram app_deadline_misses = 25 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Next ID: 28 } /** * Histogram of frame counts bucketed by time in milliseconds. * Because of size limitations, we hard-cap the number of buckets, with * buckets for corresponding to larger milliseconds being less precise. */ message FrameTimingHistogram { // Timings in milliseconds that describes a set of histogram buckets repeated int32 time_millis_buckets = 1; // Number of frames that match to each time_millis, i.e. the bucket // contents // It's required that len(time_millis) == len(frame_count) repeated int64 frame_counts = 2; } /** * Janky event as reported by SurfaceFlinger. * This event is intended to be consumed by a Perfetto subscriber for * automated trace collection. * * Logged from: * frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp */ message DisplayJankReported { // Informational field for how long the janky event lasted in milliseconds optional int64 event_duration_millis = 1; // Number of frame deadlines missed, where SurfaceFlinger failed to update // the display on time. optional int32 present_deadlines_missed = 2; } message CameraStreamProto { // The stream width (in pixels) optional int32 width = 1; // The stream height (in pixels) optional int32 height = 2; // The format of the stream optional int32 format = 3; // The dataspace of the stream optional int32 data_space = 4; // The usage flag of the stream optional int64 usage = 5; // The number of requests for this stream optional int64 request_count = 6; // The number of buffer error for this stream optional int64 error_count = 7; // The capture latency of first request for this stream optional int32 first_capture_latency_millis = 8; // The maximum number of hal buffers optional int32 max_hal_buffers = 9; // The maximum number of app buffers optional int32 max_app_buffers = 10; // Type of stream histogram // 1: Capture latency: bin size in milliseconds enum HistogramType { UNKNOWN = 0; CAPTURE_LATENCY = 1; } optional HistogramType histogram_type = 11; // The boundary values between histogram bins // Expected number of fields: 9 repeated float histogram_bins = 12; // The frame counts for each histogram bins // Expected number of fields: 10 repeated int64 histogram_counts = 13; // The dynamic range profile of the stream optional int64 dynamic_range_profile = 14; // The stream use case optional int64 stream_use_case = 15; // The color space optional int32 color_space = 16; } /** * Information about camera facing and API level usage. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/camera/CameraServiceProxy.java */ message CameraActionEvent { // Camera session duration in milliseconds if action is SESSION. // 0 if action is OPEN or CLOSE. optional int64 duration_millis = 1; // Camera API level used. // 1 for camera1 API, and 2 for camera2 API. optional int32 api_level = 2; // Name of client package optional string package_name = 3; // Camera facing enum Facing { UNKNOWN = 0; BACK = 1; FRONT = 2; EXTERNAL = 3; } optional Facing facing = 4; // Camera ID optional string camera_id = 5; // Camera action type enum Action { UNKNOWN_ACTION = 0; OPEN = 1; CLOSE = 2; SESSION = 3; } optional Action action = 6; // Whether the client is accessing camera using ndk optional bool is_ndk = 7; // Action OPEN: Open latency // Action CLOSE: Close latency // Action SESSION: Camera session creation duration. // If this entry is reusing an existing session, the value is -1. optional int32 latency_millis = 8; // session type: 0 for normal mode, 1 for constrained high speed mode optional int32 operating_mode = 9; // If actioh is SESSION: number of internal reconfigurations // Else: 0 optional int32 internal_reconfig = 10; // Number of requests for this capture session. Only applicable to SESSION // action. optional int64 request_count = 11; // Number of result errors. Only applicable to SESSION action. optional int64 result_error_count = 12; // Whether the device runs into error state. optional bool device_error = 13; // If action is SESSION: Stream states // Else: stream_count = 0 optional int32 stream_count = 14; optional CameraStreamProto stream_1 = 15 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional CameraStreamProto stream_2 = 16 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional CameraStreamProto stream_3 = 17 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional CameraStreamProto stream_4 = 18 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional CameraStreamProto stream_5 = 19 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // User tag string for this session optional string user_tag = 20; // Video stabilization mode // Original type: uint8_t optional int32 video_stabilization_mode = 21 [default = -1]; // Identifier to correlate different Action events to each other // Not unique. Must be used with build fingerprint to generate a // good enough identifier. optional int64 log_id = 22; // 0 for OPEN and CLOSE // ordinal of the SESSION between OPEN and CLOSE optional int32 session_idx = 23; // Start: Extension metrics. // These will only be set for SESSION which use camera2 extensions // Should match CameraExtensionCharacteristics#EXTENSION_* enum ExtensionSessionType { EXTENSION_NONE = -1; EXTENSION_AUTOMATIC = 0; EXTENSION_FACE_RETOUCH = 1; EXTENSION_BOKEH = 2; EXTENSION_HDR = 3; EXTENSION_NIGHT = 4; } // Type of camera extension being used optional ExtensionSessionType ext_type = 24 [default = EXTENSION_NONE]; // Whether advanced extensions session is being used optional bool ext_is_advanced = 25; // End: Extension Metrics optional bool used_ultrawide = 26; optional bool used_zoom_override = 27; optional int32 most_requested_fps_range_min = 28; optional int32 most_requested_fps_range_max = 29; // Extension metric optional int32 ext_capture_format = 30; } /** * Logs when a compatibility change is affecting an app. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/AppCompatCallbacks.java and * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/compat/PlatformCompat.java */ message AppCompatibilityChangeReported { // The UID of the app being affected by the compatibilty change. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The ID of the change affecting the app. optional int64 change_id = 2; enum State { UNKNOWN_STATE = 0; ENABLED = 1; DISABLED = 2; LOGGED = 3; } // The state of the change - if logged from gating whether it was enabled or disabled, or just // logged otherwise. optional State state = 3; enum Source { UNKNOWN_SOURCE = 0; APP_PROCESS = 1; SYSTEM_SERVER = 2; } // Where it was logged from. optional Source source = 4; } /** * Logged from * external/perfetto/src/perfetto_cmd/perfetto_cmd.cc * external/perfetto/src/tracing/service/tracing_service_impl.cc */ message PerfettoUploaded { // TODO(lalitm): many of the atoms below should be renamed to have a // "PERFETTO_CMD" prefix to make clear they are specific to perfetto_cmd. // This state exists because of legacy reasons (i.e. these values existed // before go/perfetto-monitoring was a thing). // Next id: 57. enum Event { PERFETTO_UNDEFINED = 0; // Checkpoints inside perfetto_cmd before tracing is finished. PERFETTO_TRACE_BEGIN = 1; PERFETTO_BACKGROUND_TRACE_BEGIN = 2; PERFETTO_CMD_CLONE_TRACE_BEGIN = 55; PERFETTO_CMD_CLONE_TRIGGER_TRACE_BEGIN = 56; PERFETTO_ON_CONNECT = 3; // Guardrails inside perfetto_cmd before tracing is finished. PERFETTO_ON_TIMEOUT = 16; PERFETTO_CMD_USER_BUILD_TRACING_NOT_ALLOWED = 43; // Checkpoints inside traced. PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING = 37; PERFETTO_TRACED_START_TRACING = 38; PERFETTO_TRACED_DISABLE_TRACING = 39; PERFETTO_TRACED_NOTIFY_TRACING_DISABLED = 40; // Trigger checkpoints inside traced. // These atoms are special because, along with the UUID, // they log the trigger name. PERFETTO_TRACED_TRIGGER_START_TRACING = 41; PERFETTO_TRACED_TRIGGER_STOP_TRACING = 42; PERFETTO_TRACED_TRIGGER_CLONE_SNAPSHOT = 53; // Guardrails inside traced. PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_EXISTING_TRACE_SESSION = 18; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_TOO_LONG_TRACE = 19; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT = 20; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_DURATION_WITH_TRIGGER = 21; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_STOP_TRACING_WRITE_INTO_FILE = 22; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_DUPLICATE_TRIGGER_NAME = 23; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_DEFERRED_START = 24; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE = 25; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_BUFFER_SIZE_TOO_LARGE = 26; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_TOO_MANY_BUFFERS = 27; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_DUPLICATE_SESSION_NAME = 28; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_SESSION_NAME_TOO_RECENT = 29; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS_FOR_UID = 30; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS = 31; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_FD_OUTPUT_FILE = 32; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_FAILED_TO_CREATE_FILE = 33; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_OOM = 34; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 35; PERFETTO_TRACED_START_TRACING_INVALID_SESSION_STATE = 36; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_FILTER = 47; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_OOB_TARGET_BUFFER = 48; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_TRIGGER_MODE = 52; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_INVALID_BR_FILENAME = 54; PERFETTO_TRACED_ENABLE_TRACING_FAILED_SESSION_SEMAPHORE_CHECK = 57; // Checkpoints inside perfetto_cmd after tracing has finished. PERFETTO_ON_TRACING_DISABLED = 4; PERFETTO_FINALIZE_TRACE_AND_EXIT = 11; PERFETTO_CMD_FW_REPORT_BEGIN = 49; // Will be removed once incidentd is no longer used. PERFETTO_UPLOAD_INCIDENT_BEGIN = 8; // Guardrails inside perfetto_cmd after tracing has finished. PERFETTO_CMD_FW_REPORT_EMPTY_TRACE = 50; // Will be removed once incidentd is no longer used. PERFETTO_UPLOAD_INCIDENT_FAILURE = 10; PERFETTO_NOT_UPLOADING_EMPTY_TRACE = 17; // "Successful" terminal states inside perfetto_cmd. PERFETTO_CMD_FW_REPORT_HANDOFF = 51; // Deprecated as "success" is misleading; it simply means we were // able to communicate with incidentd. Will be removed once // incidentd is no longer used. PERFETTO_UPLOAD_INCIDENT_SUCCESS = 9 [deprecated = true]; // Contained trigger begin/success/failure. Replaced by // |PerfettoTriggerAtom| to allow aggregation using a count metric // and reduce spam. reserved 12, 13, 14; // Contained that a guardrail in perfetto_cmd was hit. Replaced with // kCmd* guardrails. reserved 15; // Contained status of Dropbox uploads. Removed as Perfetto no // longer supports uploading traces using Dropbox. reserved 5, 6, 7; // Contained status of guardrail state initialization and upload limit // in perfetto_cmd. Removed as perfetto no longer manages stateful // guardrails reserved 44, 45, 46; } // Which stage of the pipeline we are reporting from. optional Event event = 1; // UUID matching the one set inside the SystemInfo trace packet. optional int64 trace_uuid_lsb = 2; optional int64 trace_uuid_msb = 3; // For trigger checkpoints inside traced, contains the trigger name // associated with this trace UUID. optional string trigger_name = 4; } /** * Logged from * external/perfetto/src/tracing/service/tracing_service_impl.cc */ message PerfettoTrigger { enum Event { PERFETTO_UNDEFINED = 0; PERFETTO_CMD_TRIGGER = 1; PERFETTO_CMD_TRIGGER_FAIL = 2; PERFETTO_TRIGGER_PERFETTO_TRIGGER = 3; PERFETTO_TRIGGER_PERFETTO_TRIGGER_FAIL = 4; PERFETTO_TRACED_LIMIT_PROBABILITY = 5; PERFETTO_TRACED_LIMIT_MAX_PER_24_H = 6; PERFETTO_PROBES_PRODUCER_TRIGGER = 7; PERFETTO_PROBES_PRODUCER_TRIGGER_FAIL = 8; } // The event which fired. optional Event event = 1; // The name of the trigger which fired. optional string trigger_name = 2; } /** * Pulls client metrics on data transferred via Vehicle Maps Service. * Metrics are keyed by uid + layer. * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/stats/CarStatsService.java */ message VmsClientStats { // UID of the VMS client app optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // VMS layer definition optional int32 layer_type = 2; optional int32 layer_channel = 3; optional int32 layer_version = 4; // Bytes and packets sent by the client for the layer optional int64 tx_bytes = 5; optional int64 tx_packets = 6; // Bytes and packets received by the client for the layer optional int64 rx_bytes = 7; optional int64 rx_packets = 8; // Bytes and packets dropped due to client error optional int64 dropped_bytes = 9; optional int64 dropped_packets = 10; } /** * State of a all permission requested by a package - sampled * Pulled from: StatsCompanionService.java with data obtained from PackageManager API */ message DangerousPermissionStateSampled { // Name of the permission optional string permission_name = 1; // Uid of the package optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // If the permission is granted to the uid optional bool is_granted = 3; // Permission flags as per android.content.pm.PermissionFlags optional int32 permission_flags = 4; // Permission protection flags as per android.content.pm.PermissionInfo.ProtectionFlags optional int32 protection_flags = 5; } /** * HWUI stats for a given app. */ message GraphicsStats { // The package name of the app optional string package_name = 1; // The version code of the app optional int64 version_code = 2; // The start & end timestamps in UTC as // milliseconds since January 1, 1970 // Compatible with java.util.Date#setTime() optional int64 start_millis = 3; optional int64 end_millis = 4; // HWUI renders pipeline type: GL (1) or Vulkan (2). enum PipelineType { UNKNOWN = 0; GL = 1; VULKAN = 2; } // HWUI renders pipeline type: GL or Vulkan. optional PipelineType pipeline = 5; // Distinct frame count. optional int32 total_frames = 6; // Number of "missed vsync" events. optional int32 missed_vsync_count = 7; // Number of frames in triple-buffering scenario (high input latency) optional int32 high_input_latency_count = 8; // Number of "slow UI thread" events. optional int32 slow_ui_thread_count = 9; // Number of "slow bitmap upload" events. optional int32 slow_bitmap_upload_count = 10; // Number of "slow draw" events. optional int32 slow_draw_count = 11; // Number of frames that missed their deadline (aka, visibly janked) optional int32 missed_deadline_count = 12; // The frame time histogram for the package optional FrameTimingHistogram cpu_histogram = 13 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The gpu frame time histogram for the package optional FrameTimingHistogram gpu_histogram = 14 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // UI mainline module version. optional int64 version_ui_module = 15; // If true, these are HWUI stats for up to a 24h period for a given app from today. // If false, these are HWUI stats for a 24h period for a given app from the last complete // day (yesterday). Stats from yesterday stay constant, while stats from today may change as // more apps are running / rendering. optional bool is_today = 16; } /** * Message related to dangerous (runtime) app ops access */ message RuntimeAppOpAccess { // Uid of the package accessing app op optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the package accessing app op optional string package_name = 2; // deprecated - set to empty string optional string op_deprecated = 3 [deprecated = true]; // attribution_tag; provided by developer when accessing related API, limited at 50 chars by // API. Attributions must be provided through manifest using tag available in R // and above. optional string attribution_tag = 4; // message related to app op access, limited to 600 chars by API optional string message = 5; enum SamplingStrategy { DEFAULT = 0; UNIFORM = 1; RARELY_USED = 2; BOOT_TIME_SAMPLING = 3; UNIFORM_OPS = 4; } // sampling strategy used to collect this message optional SamplingStrategy sampling_strategy = 6; // operation id optional android.app.AppOpEnum op = 7 [default = APP_OP_NONE]; } /* * Logs userspace reboot outcome and duration. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/BootReceiver.java */ message UserspaceRebootReported { // Possible outcomes of userspace reboot. enum Outcome { // Default value in case platform failed to determine the outcome. OUTCOME_UNKNOWN = 0; // Userspace reboot succeeded (i.e. boot completed without a fall back to hard reboot). SUCCESS = 1; // Userspace reboot shutdown sequence was aborted. FAILED_SHUTDOWN_SEQUENCE_ABORTED = 2; // Remounting userdata into checkpointing mode failed. FAILED_USERDATA_REMOUNT = 3; // Device didn't finish booting before timeout and userspace reboot watchdog issued a hard // reboot. FAILED_USERSPACE_REBOOT_WATCHDOG_TRIGGERED = 4; } // Outcome of userspace reboot. Always set. optional Outcome outcome = 1; // Duration of userspace reboot in case it has a successful outcome. // Duration is measured as time between userspace reboot was initiated and until boot completed // (e.g. sys.boot_completed=1). optional int64 duration_millis = 2; // State of primary user's (user0) credential encryption storage. enum UserEncryptionState { // Default value. USER_ENCRYPTION_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Credential encrypted storage is unlocked. UNLOCKED = 1; // Credential encrypted storage is locked. LOCKED = 2; } // State of primary user's encryption storage at the moment boot completed. Always set. optional UserEncryptionState user_encryption_state = 3; } /* * Logs integrity check information during each install. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/integrity/AppIntegrityManagerServiceImpl.java */ message IntegrityCheckResultReported { optional string package_name = 1; optional string app_certificate_hash = 2; optional int64 version_code = 3; optional string installer_package_name = 4; enum Response { UNKNOWN = 0; ALLOWED = 1; REJECTED = 2; FORCE_ALLOWED = 3; } optional Response response = 5; // An estimate on the cause of the response. This will only be populated for // REJECTED and FORCE_ALLOWED optional bool caused_by_app_cert_rule = 6; optional bool caused_by_installer_rule = 7; } /** * Logs the information about the rules and the provider whenever rules are * pushed into AppIntegrityManager. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/integrity/AppIntegrityManagerServiceImpl.java */ message IntegrityRulesPushed { optional bool success = 1; // Package name of the app that pushed the rules. optional string rule_provider = 2; // Version string of arbitrary format provided by the rule provider to // identify the rules. optional string rule_version = 3; } /** * Logs when a cell broadcast message is received on the device. * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module and platform: * packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/ * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/CellBroadcastServiceManager.java */ message CellBroadcastMessageReported { // The type of Cell Broadcast message enum CbType { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; GSM = 1; CDMA = 2; CDMA_SPC = 3; } // The parts of the cell broadcast message pipeline enum ReportSource { UNKNOWN_SOURCE = 0; FRAMEWORK = 1; CB_SERVICE = 2; CB_RECEIVER_APP = 3; } // GSM, CDMA, CDMA-SCP optional CbType type = 1; // The source of the report optional ReportSource source = 2; // The Message Identifier, as defined in 3GPP 23.041 clause optional int32 serial_number = 3; // The Message Identifier, as defined in 3GPP 23.041 clause optional int32 message_id = 4; } /** * Logs when a cell broadcast message is filtered out, * or otherwise intentionally not sent to CBR, or not shown to users for reason * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/ * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastMessageFiltered { enum FilterReason { // shown message to the user NOT_FILTERED = 0; // filtered message due to duplication (message body, service category, cross sim) DUPLICATE_MESSAGE = 1; // filtered message due to outside of coordinate range GEOFENCED_MESSAGE = 2; // filtered message due to not using for emergency alert but for update cell information on Setting Menu AREA_INFO_MESSAGE = 3; // filtered message due to OEM set config value ‘filtered message for duplication’ as ‘true’ DISABLED_BY_OEM = 4; // when in ECBM(Emergency CallBack Mode) status NOTSHOW_ECBM = 5; // when user turn off preference of channel NOTSHOW_USER_PREF = 6; // when Empty content or Unsupported charset NOTSHOW_EMPTY_BODY = 7; // when language code in message is not same with preference of second language NOTSHOW_MISMATCH_PREF_SECOND_LANG = 8; // when user turn off preference of second language NOTSHOW_PREF_SECONDLANG_OFF = 9; // when language code in message is not same with device language setting NOTSHOW_MISMATCH_DEVICE_LANG_SETTING = 10; // when channel has feature ‘testing_mode = true’ and device is not in cb test_mode NOTSHOW_MESSAGE_FOR_TESTMODE = 11; // when the message contains ‘filter’ string from properties NOTSHOW_FILTER_STRING = 12; } // GSM, CDMA, CDMA-SCP optional CellBroadcastMessageReported.CbType type = 1; // The source of the report optional FilterReason filter = 2; // The Message Identifier, as defined in 3GPP 23.041 clause optional int32 serial_number = 3; // The Message Identifier, as defined in 3GPP 23.041 clause optional int32 message_id = 4; } /** * Logs when an error occurs while handling a cell broadcast message; * * Logged from CellBroadcastService module: * packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/ */ message CellBroadcastMessageError { // The type of error raised when trying to handle a cell broadcast message enum ErrorType { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; CDMA_DECODING_ERROR = 1; CDMA_SCP_EMPTY = 2; CDMA_SCP_HANDLING_ERROR = 3; GSM_INVALID_HEADER_LENGTH = 4; GSM_UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_MESSAGE_TYPE = 5; GSM_UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_DATA_CODING_SCHEME = 6; GSM_INVALID_PDU = 7; GSM_INVALID_GEO_FENCING_DATA = 8; GSM_UMTS_INVALID_WAC = 9; FAILED_TO_INSERT_TO_DB = 10; UNEXPECTED_GEOMETRY_FROM_FWK = 11; UNEXPECTED_GSM_MESSAGE_TYPE_FROM_FWK = 12; UNEXPECTED_CDMA_MESSAGE_TYPE_FROM_FWK = 13; UNEXPECTED_CDMA_SCP_MESSAGE_TYPE_FROM_FWK = 14; NO_CONNECTION_TO_CB_SERVICE = 15; } // What kind of error occurred optional ErrorType type = 1; // Exception message (or log message) associated with the error (max 1000 chars) optional string exception_message = 2; } /** * CellBroadcast channel range * Refer from CellBroadcastConfigUpdated, CellBroadcastReceiverFeature * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastChannelRange { optional int32 start = 1; optional int32 end = 2; } /** * CellBroadcast channel ranges * Nested field for repeated * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastChannelRanges { repeated CellBroadcastChannelRange channel_ranges = 1; } /** * Logs when an channel configuration is updated with mcc-mnc * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastConfigUpdated { // mcc_mnc value of Network operator for the roaming case optional string roaming_mcc_mnc = 1; // The channel ranges to be updated logged as bytes optional CellBroadcastChannelRanges channel_ranges = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when a cell broadcast message is activated with the feature below * or when channel configuration is changed with the feature below * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice */ message CellBroadcastServiceFeatureChanged { // Not for mainline devices, but for android-go devices, OEM can register package names. // if there is a data then true otherwise false optional bool overlay_additional_cbr_packages = 1; // package name which will get area info message // if there is a data except “com.android.settings” then true, or false optional bool overlay_area_info_packages = 2; // Reset Area Info when device goes out of service optional bool reset_area_info = 3; } /** * Logs when a cell broadcast message is activated with the feature below * or when channel configuration is changed with the feature below * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/src/com/android/cellbroadcastreceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastReceiverFeatureChanged { // Whether to enable alert handling during active voice call optional bool alert_during_call = 1; // Play alert sound in full volume regardless DND is on // [none:0][all:Integer.MAX_VALUE][partial:4370 4380 50] optional CellBroadcastChannelRanges override_dnd = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Whether to Support roaming for attached network operator optional bool roaming_support = 3; // Whether to save alerts to sms inbox database optional bool store_sms = 4; // whether the device is in test mode through *#*#CMAS#*#* optional bool testing_mode = 5; // whether Text To Speech is on/off optional bool tts_mode = 6; // whether the device is able to enter test mode even on user build optional bool testing_mode_on_user_build = 7; } /** * Logs when exception is occurred in the device * * Logged from Cell Broadcast module: * packages/modules/CellBroadcastService/src/com/android/cellbroadcastservice/ * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ */ message CellBroadcastModuleErrorReported { enum ErrorType { ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0; ERROR_BAD_CONFIG = 1; ERROR_DB_MIGRATION = 2; ERROR_DEFAULT_RES = 3; ERROR_ENABLE_CHANNEL = 4; ERROR_GET_LOCATION = 5; ERROR_MISSING_RES = 6; ERROR_PLAY_FLASH = 7; ERROR_PLAY_SOUND = 8; ERROR_PLAY_TTS = 9; ERROR_PREF_MIGRATION = 10; ERROR_PROVIDER_INIT = 11; ERROR_RESET_CHANNEL_R = 12; ERROR_STATUS_BAR = 13; ERROR_REMINDER_INTERVAL = 14; ERROR_ICON_RESOURCE = 15; ERROR_CHANNEL_RANGE_PARSE = 16; ERROR_DB_INIT = 17; ERROR_NOT_FOUND_DEFAULT_CBR_PKGS = 18; ERROR_FOUND_MULTIPLE_CBR_PKGS = 19; } // The source of the report optional CellBroadcastMessageReported.ReportSource source = 1; // The error type optional ErrorType type = 2; } /** * Logs when a TV Input Service Session changes tune state * This is atom ID 327. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/tv/TvInputManagerService.java */ message TifTuneStateChanged { // Tv Input Service uid, TV Player uid repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1 [ (state_field_option).primary_field_first_uid = true ]; optional android.stats.tv.TifTuneState state = 2 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).default_state_value = 0, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; // This a globally unique 128 bit random number created by TvInputManagerService when // android.media.tv.TvInputManager#createSession is called. // It is has no device or user association. // See android.media.tv.TvInputService.onCreateSession(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) // WARNING: Any changes to this field should be carefully reviewed for privacy. // Inspect the code at // framework/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto // TifTuneState // frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/tv/TvInputManagerService.java // logTuneStateChanged // BinderService.createSession // SessionState.sessionId optional string tif_session_id = 3 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; optional android.stats.tv.TifInputType type = 4; // The id of this TV Input, only unique to a given TV Input Service. // This is specifically NOT android.media.tv.TvInputInfo.getId() // which is a string that contains the package name of its TvInputService. optional int32 input_id = 5 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // The HDMI port id // Only valid when type == HDMI optional int32 hdmi_port = 6 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; } /** * Logs when a tune occurs through device's Frontend. * This is atom ID 276. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/tv/tuner/Tuner.java */ message TvTunerStateChanged { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; TUNING = 1; // Signal is tuned LOCKED = 2; // the signal is locked NOT_LOCKED = 3; // the signal isn’t locked. SIGNAL_LOST = 4; // the signal was locked, but is lost now. SCANNING = 5; // the signal is scanned SCAN_STOPPED = 6; // the scan is stopped. } // The uid of the application that sent this custom atom. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // new state optional State state = 2; } /** * Logs the status of a dvr playback or record. * This is atom ID 279. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/tv/tuner/dvr */ message TvTunerDvrStatus { enum Type { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; PLAYBACK = 1; // is a playback RECORD = 2; // is a record } enum State { UNKNOWN_STATE = 0; STARTED = 1; // DVR is started STOPPED = 2; // DVR is stopped } // The uid of the application that sent this custom atom. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // DVR type optional Type type = 2; // DVR state optional State state = 3; // Identify the segment of a record or playback optional int32 segment_id = 4; // indicate how many overflow or underflow happened between started to stopped optional int32 overflow_underflow_count = 5; } /** * Logs when a cas session opened through MediaCas. * This is atom ID 280. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/MediaCas.java */ message TvCasSessionOpenStatus { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; SUCCEEDED = 1; // indicate that the session is opened successfully. FAILED = 2; // indicate that the session isn’t opened successfully. } // The uid of the application that sent this custom atom. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Cas system Id optional int32 cas_system_id = 2; // State of the session optional State state = 3; } /** * Logs for ContactsProvider general usage. * This is atom ID 301. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/ContactsProvider2.java */ message ContactsProviderStatusReported { enum ApiType { UNKNOWN_API = 0; QUERY = 1; // INSERT includes insert and bulkInsert, and inserts triggered by applyBatch. INSERT = 2; // UPDATE and DELETE includes update/delete and the ones triggered by applyBatch. UPDATE = 3; DELETE = 4; CALL = 5; // Call from CP2 to a GAL provider. GAL_CALL = 6; } // Method called for ApiType.CALL enum MethodCall { UNKNOWN_METHOD = 0; ADD_SIM_ACCOUNTS = 1; REMOVE_SIM_ACCOUNTS = 2; GET_SIM_ACCOUNTS = 3; } enum ResultType { UNKNOWN_RESULT = 0; SUCCESS = 1; FAIL = 2; ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT = 3; UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 4; } enum CallerType { UNSPECIFIED_CALLER_TYPE = 0; CALLER_IS_SYNC_ADAPTER = 1; CALLER_IS_NOT_SYNC_ADAPTER = 2; } enum TaskType { UNKNOWN_TASK = 0; DANGLING_CONTACTS_CLEANUP_TASK = 1; } optional ApiType api_type = 1; // Defined in // packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/ContactsProvider2.java optional int32 uri_type = 2; optional CallerType caller_type = 3; optional ResultType result_type = 4; optional int32 result_count = 5; optional int64 latency_micros = 6; optional TaskType task_type = 7; // Set when api_type == CALL optional MethodCall method_called = 8; // Normally, it's the binder calling UID. (this could be CP2, for work profile or cloned // profile cases.) // For GAL_CALL, it's the GAL provider UID. optional int32 uid = 9 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when an app is frozen or unfrozen. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/CachedAppOptimizer.java */ message AppFreezeChanged { // The type of event. enum Action { UNKNOWN = 0; FREEZE_APP = 1; UNFREEZE_APP = 2; } optional Action action = 1; // Pid of the process being frozen. optional int32 pid = 2; // Name of the process being frozen. optional string process_name = 3; // Time since last unfrozen. optional int64 time_unfrozen_millis = 4; // The list of reason should be kept in sync with @OomAdjReason in OomAdjuster.java. enum OomAdjReason { NONE = 0; ACTIVITY = 1; FINISH_RECEIVER = 2; START_RECEIVER = 3; BIND_SERVICE = 4; UNBIND_SERVICE = 5; START_SERVICE = 6; GET_PROVIDER = 7; REMOVE_PROVIDER = 8; UI_VISIBILITY = 9; ALLOWLIST = 10; PROCESS_BEGIN = 11; PROCESS_END = 12; } // Deprecated, use unfreeze_reason_v2. optional OomAdjReason unfreeze_reason = 5 [ deprecated = true ]; // The list of reason should be kept in sync with @UnfreezeReason in CachedAppOptimizer.java. enum UnfreezeReason { UFR_NONE = 0; UFR_ACTIVITY = 1; UFR_FINISH_RECEIVER = 2; UFR_START_RECEIVER = 3; UFR_BIND_SERVICE = 4; UFR_UNBIND_SERVICE = 5; UFR_START_SERVICE = 6; UFR_GET_PROVIDER = 7; UFR_REMOVE_PROVIDER = 8; UFR_UI_VISIBILITY = 9; UFR_ALLOWLIST = 10; UFR_PROCESS_BEGIN = 11; UFR_PROCESS_END = 12; UFR_TRIM_MEMORY = 13; UFR_PING = 15; UFR_FILE_LOCKS = 16; UFR_FILE_LOCK_CHECK_FAILURE = 17; UFR_BINDER_TXNS = 18; UFR_FEATURE_FLAGS = 19; UFR_SHORT_FGS_TIMEOUT = 20; UFR_SYSTEM_INIT = 21; UFR_BACKUP = 22; UFR_SHELL = 23; UFR_REMOVE_TASK = 24; UFR_UID_IDLE = 25; UFR_STOP_SERVICE = 26; UFR_EXECUTING_SERVICE = 27; UFR_RESTRICTION_CHANGE = 28; UFR_COMPONENT_DISABLED = 29; } optional UnfreezeReason unfreeze_reason_v2 = 6; } /** * Pulls information for a single voice call. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each call. The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message VoiceCallSession { // Bearer (IMS or CS) when the call started. optional android.telephony.CallBearerEnum bearer_at_start = 1; // Bearer (IMS or CS) when the call ended. // The bearer may change during the call, e.g. due to SRVCC. optional android.telephony.CallBearerEnum bearer_at_end = 2; // Direction of the call (incoming or outgoing). optional android.telephony.CallDirectionEnum direction = 3; // Deprecated by setup_duration_millis optional android.telephony.CallSetupDurationEnum setup_duration = 4 [ deprecated = true ]; // Whether the call ended before the setup was completed. optional bool setup_failed = 5; // IMS reason code or CS disconnect cause. // For IMS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/ImsReasonInfo.java // For CS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/DisconnectCause.java optional int32 disconnect_reason_code = 6; // IMS extra code or CS precise disconnect cause. // For IMS, this code is vendor-specific // For CS, see: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/PreciseDisconnectCause.java optional int32 disconnect_extra_code = 7; // IMS extra message or CS vendor cause. optional string disconnect_extra_message = 8; // Radio access technology (RAT) used when call started. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_start = 9; // Radio access technology (RAT) used when call terminated. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 10; // Number of times RAT changed during the call. optional int64 rat_switch_count = 11; // A bitmask of all codecs used during the call. // See: frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/VoiceCallSessionStats.java optional int64 codec_bitmask = 12; // Number of other calls going on during call setup, for the same SIM slot. optional int32 concurrent_call_count_at_start = 13; // Number of other calls going on during call termination, for the same SIM slot. optional int32 concurrent_call_count_at_end = 14; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 15; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 16; // Whether the call was made with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 17; // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 18; // Whether an SRVCC has been completed successfully for this call. optional bool srvcc_completed = 19; // Number of SRVCC failures. optional int64 srvcc_failure_count = 20; // Number of SRVCC cancellations. optional int64 srvcc_cancellation_count = 21; // Whether the Real-Time Text (RTT) was ever used in the call (rather than whether RTT was // enabled in the dialer's settings). optional bool rtt_enabled = 22; // Whether this was an emergency call. optional bool is_emergency = 23; // Whether the call was performed while roaming. optional bool is_roaming = 24; // A random number used as the dimension field to pull multiple atoms. optional int32 dimension = 25; // Signal strength at the end of the call. This value is applicable to both cellular and WiFi. optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength_at_end = 26; // Band at the end of the call. Value 0 is used if the band is unknown. // See GeranBands, UtranBands and EutranBands in IRadio interface, depending on the RAT at // the end of the call. optional int32 band_at_end = 27; // Time spent setting up the call in milliseconds. // The time is measured from dial to ringing for outgoing calls, and from answer to connected // for incoming calls. optional int32 setup_duration_millis = 28; // Main codec quality. The codec quality was equal to or greater than this value for at least // 70% of the call. optional android.telephony.CodecQuality main_codec_quality = 29; // Whether video was enabled at any point during the call. optional bool video_enabled = 30; // Radio access technology (RAT) used when call is connected. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_connected = 31; // Whether the call was a conference call (applicable only for calls over IMS). optional bool is_multiparty = 32; // Duration after the call was connected. optional android.telephony.CallDuration call_duration = 33; // Last known Radio access technology (RAT). optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum last_known_rat = 34; // Fold state of the device optional android.telephony.FoldState fold_state = 35; // Number of times RAT changed after call connection optional int64 rat_switch_count_after_connected = 36; // Handover state of the device optional bool handover_in_progress = 37; // When the RAT is IWLAN, if it used cross-SIM calling when call started. optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim_at_start = 38; // When the RAT is IWLAN, if it used cross-SIM calling when call ended. optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim_at_end = 39; // When the RAT is IWLAN, if it used cross-SIM calling when call connected. optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim_at_connected = 40; // Whether Vonr is enabled optional bool vonr_enabled = 41; // Whether the call is over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 42; // config supports_business_call_composer_bool which controls b2c feature optional bool supports_business_call_composer = 43; // The user-set status for enriched calling with call composer optional android.telephony.CallComposerStatus call_composer_status = 44; } /** * Pulls voice call radio access technology (RAT) usage. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each carrier/RAT, the order of which is irrelevant to * time. The atom will be skipped if not enough data is available. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message VoiceCallRatUsage { // Carrier ID (https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid). optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Radio access technology. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 2; // Total duration that voice calls spent on this carrier and RAT, rounded to 5 minutes. optional int64 total_duration_seconds = 3; // Total number of calls using this carrier and RAT. // A call is counted once even if it used the RAT multiple times. optional int64 call_count = 4; } /** * Pulls amount of time spend in each cellular service state. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each SIM slot/carrier/RAT(including ENDC), the order of * which is irrelevant to time. If multi SIM settings changes during the period, durations will be * counted separately before and after the change. Airplane mode does not count towards durations. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message CellularServiceState { // Radio access technology (RAT) for voice. // NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN when the device is not in-service. // NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN when the device is using VoWiFi. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum voice_rat = 1; // Radio access technology (RAT) for data. // NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN when the device is not in-service. // Only cellular RATs are valid and show where the device is camped. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum data_rat = 2; // Whether the device was in roaming (domestic or international) for voice. optional android.telephony.RoamingTypeEnum voice_roaming_type = 3; // Whether the device was in roaming (domestic or international) for data. optional android.telephony.RoamingTypeEnum data_roaming_type = 4; // Whether the device is on LTE and has access to NR NSA, i.e. cell supports 5G (ENDC) and UE // registration (attach/TAU) indicates ENDC is not restricted. optional bool is_endc = 5; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 6; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 7; // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 8; // Total time spent in this service state, rounded to 5 minutes. optional int32 total_time_seconds = 9; // Whether the device is in limited service (only emergency voice // call available). Voice and data RAT will be recorded as // NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN in this case. optional bool is_emergency_only = 10; // Whether internet pdn is up. optional bool is_internet_pdn_up = 11; // Fold state of the device. optional android.telephony.FoldState fold_state = 12; // Whether the voice service state is overridden by voice calling capability. optional bool override_voice_service = 13; // Whether mobile data is enable. optional bool is_data_enabled = 14; // When the voice RAT is NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN, determines whether it is over // cross-SIM calling (WiFi calling over other SIM's cellular data). optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim = 15; // Whether the device is using non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 16; } /** * Pulls the number of times cellular data service state switches. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each RAT combination, the order of which is irrelevant * to time. Switches for different SIM slots, carrier IDs, or multi-SIM settings are counted * separately. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message CellularDataServiceSwitch { // Cellular RAT of the DATA domain from where the switch occurred. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_from = 1; // Cellular RAT of the DATA domain to where the switch occurred. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_to = 2; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 3; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 4; // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 5; // Number of switches from rat_from to rat_to. optional int32 switch_count = 6; } /** * Pulls the number of active SIM slots and SIMs/eSIM profiles. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message SimSlotState { // Number of active SIM slots (both physical and eSIM profiles) in the device. optional int32 active_slot_count = 1; // Number of SIM cards (both physical and active eSIM profiles). // This number may be greater than the number of active SIM slots, if multiple profiles are // enabled on the same eUICC. optional int32 sim_count = 2; // Number of active eSIM profiles. // This number is always equal to or less than the number of SIMs. optional int32 esim_count = 3; // Number of active eSIM slots in the device. optional int32 active_esim_slot_count = 4; // Number of active slots using Multiple Enabled Profiles in the device. optional int32 active_mep_slot_count = 5; } /** * Pulls supported cellular radio access technologies. * * This atom reports the capabilities of the device, rather than the network it has access to. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message SupportedRadioAccessFamily { // A bitmask of supported radio technologies. // See android.telephony.TelephonyManager.NetworkTypeBitMask. optional int64 network_type_bitmask = 1; } /** * Pulls the status of device-level telephony properties. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message DeviceTelephonyProperties { // True if the device adopts the data stack came out in T // Deprecated since U, where legacy stack has been removed optional bool using_t_data_stack = 1 [deprecated = true]; // True if auto data switch is enabled on the device optional bool auto_data_switch_enabled = 2; // Number of time the user toggled the data switch feature since the last collection optional int32 auto_data_switch_toggle_count = 3; // True if work profile is enabled on the device optional bool has_managed_profile_dedicated_sub = 4; // Number of SIM slots with support for Multiple Enabled Profiles on the device optional int32 mep_supported_slot_count = 5; } /** * This atom is deprecated starting in T, use TelephonyNetworkRequestsV2 instead. * * Pulls information about network requests. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message TelephonyNetworkRequests { // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Number of times the enterprise capability was requested. optional int32 enterprise_request_count = 2; // Number of times the enterprise capability was released. optional int32 enterprise_release_count = 3; } /** * Pulls information about network requests. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message TelephonyNetworkRequestsV2 { enum NetworkCapability { // Unknown capability was requested. UNKNOWN = 0; // Low latency capability (URLLC) was requested. PRIORITIZE_LATENCY = 1; // High bandwidth capability (EMBB) was requested. PRIORITIZE_BANDWIDTH = 2; // CBS (Carrier Branded Services) capability was requested. CBS = 3; // Enterprise capability was requested. ENTERPRISE = 4; //Satellite internet restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_INTERNET_RESTRICTED = 5; //Satellite mms restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_MMS_RESTRICTED = 6; //Satellite ims restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_IMS_RESTRICTED = 7; //Satellite xcap restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_XCAP_RESTRICTED = 8; //Satellite eims restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_EIMS_RESTRICTED = 9; //Satellite supl restricted capability was requested. SATELLITE_SUPL_RESTRICTED =10; } // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The capability that was requested. optional NetworkCapability capability = 2; // Number of times the capability was requested. optional int32 request_count = 3; } /** * Pulls information for a single incoming SMS. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each SMS. The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message IncomingSms { // Format of the SMS (3GPP or 3GPP2). optional android.telephony.SmsFormatEnum sms_format = 1; // Technology of the SMS (CS or IMS). optional android.telephony.SmsTechEnum sms_tech = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used for the SMS. It can be IWLAN in case of IMS. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 3; // Type the SMS. optional android.telephony.SmsTypeEnum sms_type = 4; // Number of total parts. optional int32 total_parts = 5; // Number of received parts (if smaller than total parts, the SMS was dropped). optional int32 received_parts = 6; // Indicates if the incoming SMS was blocked. optional bool blocked = 7; // Indicate a specific error handling the SMS optional android.telephony.SmsIncomingErrorEnum error = 8; // Whether the SMS was received while roaming. optional bool is_roaming = 9; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 10; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 11; // Whether the message was received with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 12; // Carrier ID of the SIM card used for the SMS. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 13; // Random message ID. // If the value of count is greater than 1, the message_id represents only one of the messages. optional int64 message_id = 14; // Number of messages with the same properties (see message_id for exception) optional int32 count = 15; // Whether the message was received with an enterprise profile. optional bool is_managed_profile = 16; // Whether the message was received over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 17; // Whether the message is an emergency or not. optional bool is_emergency = 18; } /** * Pulls information for a single outgoing SMS. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each SMS. The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message OutgoingSms { // Format of the SMS (3GPP or 3GPP2). optional android.telephony.SmsFormatEnum sms_format = 1; // Technology of the SMS (CS or IMS). optional android.telephony.SmsTechEnum sms_tech = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used for the SMS. It can be IWLAN in case of IMS. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 3; // Result of the SMS sending. optional android.telephony.SmsSendResultEnum send_result = 4; // Error code // For IMS technology, see @SmsManager.Result in // http://cs/android/frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/SmsManager.java // For CS technology: // - GSM format: see GsmSmsErrorCode (3GPP 27.005 clause 3.2.5) // - CDMA format: see CdmaSmsErrorCode (3GPP2 N.S0005 (IS-41-C) Table 171) // The field error_code is used for up-to-Android-13 devices. From Android 14, // network_error_code will be used. The field error_code will be deprecated when most devices // use Android 14 or higher versions. optional int32 error_code = 5; // Whether the SMS was sent while roaming. optional bool is_roaming = 6; // Whether the default SMS application generated the SMS (regardless of which application). optional bool is_from_default_app = 7; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 8; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 9; // Whether the message was sent with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 10; // Carrier ID of the SIM card used for the SMS. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 11; // Random message ID. // If the value of count is greater than 1, the message_id represents only one of the messages. optional int64 message_id = 12; // Retry count: 0 for the first attempt and then increasing for each attempt. // If the value of count is greater than 1, the retry_id represents the value associated with // the message defined by message_id. optional int32 retry_id = 13; // Time in milliseconds to complete the SMS send to the network. // If the value of count is greater than 1, this field measures the average time interval. optional int64 interval_millis = 14; // Number of messages with the same properties (see message_id, retry_id and latency_millis for // exceptions) optional int32 count = 15; // Internal send error code optional android.telephony.SmsSendErrorEnum send_error_code = 16; // Network error code // - SMS_FORMAT_3GPP format: see GsmSmsErrorCode (3GPP 27.005 clause 3.2.5) // - SMS_FORMAT_3GPP2 format: see CdmaSmsErrorCode (3GPP2 N.S0005 (IS-41-C) Table 171) optional int32 network_error_code = 17; // Whether the message was sent with an enterprise profile. optional bool is_managed_profile = 18; // Whether the message is an emergency or not. optional bool is_emergency = 19; // Whether the message was sent over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 20; } /** * Logs information about usage of airplane mode. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/AirplaneModeStats.java */ message AirplaneMode { // Status of airplane mode optional bool is_enabled = 1; // When is_enabled is false, indicates if this was a very short airplane mode toggle // (i.e. airplane mode was disabled after less than 10 seconds from enablement). optional bool short_toggle = 2; // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 3; } /** * Logs information about modem restarts. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/ModemRestartStats.java */ message ModemRestart { // Software version of the modem, as provided by android.os.Build.getRadioVersion(). optional string baseband_version = 1; // Reason of the modem restart, as provided in the modemReset indication of IRadio HAL. optional string reason = 2; // Carrier ID of the first SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 3; } /** * Logs the SIM card details when the carrier ID match is not complete. * * The atom is pushed when a SIM card is initialized and the MCC/MNC is not present in the * carrier ID table, or the SIM card contains a GID1 value that is not present in the carrier ID * table. This atom is pushed only once for each type of SIM card. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/CarrierIdMatchStats.java */ message CarrierIdMismatchReported { // Matched carrier ID. The value -1 is used if no match is found. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // MCC/MNC of the SIM card. optional string mcc_mnc = 2; // Group identifier (level 1) of the SIM card. optional string gid1 = 3; // SPN value of the SIM card. optional string spn = 4; // First record of the PNN in the SIM card. This field is populated only if the SPN is missing // or empty. optional string pnn = 5; } /** * Logs the version of the carrier ID matching table at first power up and when it is updated. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/CarrierIdMatchStats.java */ message CarrierIdTableUpdated { // Version of the CarrierId matching table. optional int32 table_version = 1; } /** * Pulls the version of the carrier ID matching table. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message CarrierIdTableVersion { // Version of the CarrierId matching table. optional int32 table_version = 1; } /** * Pulls information for a single data call session * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each data call session. * The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message DataCallSession { // A random number to be used as dimension to capture multiple atoms optional int32 dimension = 1; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 2; // Whether the call was made with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 3; // Data profile of this call (for what purpose this call was made) optional android.telephony.DataProfileEnum profile = 4 [deprecated = true]; // APN type bitmask of the APN used: // @ApnType in frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/Annotation.java. optional int32 apn_type_bitmask = 5; // Carrier ID of the SIM // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 6; // Whether the subscription is roaming optional bool is_roaming = 7; // Data RAT when the call ended, can be IWLAN for IMS/MMS, otherwise should be WWAN PS RAT. // In the case that the connection hasn't ended yet, this field holds the current RAT. // In the case the call ended due to Out Of Service (OOS), // this field should be the last known RAT. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 8; // Was the data call ended due to OOS optional bool oos_at_end = 9; // Number of RAT switches during the data call optional int64 rat_switch_count = 10; // Whether the call is on an opportunistic subscription optional bool is_opportunistic = 11; // Packet data protocol used optional android.telephony.ApnProtocolEnum ip_type = 12; // Whether the data call terminated before being established optional bool setup_failed = 13; // Reason why the data call terminated, as in RIL_DataCallFailCause from ril.h optional int32 failure_cause = 14; // Suggested retry back-off timer value from RIL optional int32 suggested_retry_millis = 15; // Why the data call was deactivated // Set by telephony for MO deactivations (unrelated to failure_cause) optional android.telephony.DataDeactivateReasonEnum deactivate_reason = 16; // Duration of the data call, rounded into the closest 5 minutes. optional int64 duration_minutes = 17; // Whether the data call is still connected when the atom is collected. optional bool ongoing = 18; // Band at the end of the data call. Value 0 is used if the band is unknown. // See GeranBands, UtranBands and EutranBands in IRadio interface, depending // on the RAT at the end of the data call. optional int32 band_at_end = 19; // Reason why the data call handover failed, as in RIL_DataCallFailCause from ril.h repeated int32 handover_failure_causes = 20; // For each int32, the lower 16 bits represent the source RAT while the upper 16 bits indicate // the target RAT of the failed handover. repeated int32 handover_failure_rat = 21; // Whether the call is for internet on nonDDS due to auto data switch feature optional bool is_non_dds = 22; // When the 'rat_at_end' field is IWLAN, determines if the data call setup was // over cross-SIM calling (Wifi calling over cellular data). optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim = 23; // Whether the call is over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 24; // Determines if current data call was over satellite transport optional bool is_satellite_transport = 25; // Determines if current data call was over provisioning profile or not optional bool is_provisioning_profile = 26; } /** * Logs data stall recovery event * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/data/ * DataStallRecoveryManager.java */ message DataStallRecoveryReported { // Carrier ID of the SIM // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Data RAT when the stall happened optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 2; // Signal strength when stall happened optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 3; // Action taken to recover optional android.telephony.DataStallRecoveryActionEnum action = 4; // Whether the subscription is opportunistic optional bool is_opportunistic = 5; // Whether the device is in multi-SIM mode optional bool is_multi_sim = 6; // Band used when the stall/recovery took place. // Value 0 is used if the band is unknown. // See GeranBands, UtranBands and EutranBands in IRadio interface, depending // on the RAT used at the time. optional int32 band = 7; // Whether the data stall is recovered. optional bool recovered = 8; // The elapsed time between start of the data stall and result of current action. optional int32 duration_millis = 9; // The data stall recovered reason. Available from Android T. optional android.telephony.DataStallRecoveredReason reason = 10; // Signal strength of the other phone if DSDS when stall happened. // SIGNAL_STRENGTH_NONE_OR_UNKNOWN(0) if single SIM. optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum other_phone_signal_strength = 11; // PS WWAN Network Registration state of the other phone if DSDS when stall happened. // REGISTRATION_STATE_NOT_REGISTERED_OR_SEARCHING(0) if single SIM. optional android.telephony.NetworkRegistrationState other_phone_reg_state = 12; // PS WWAN Network Registration state of the default phone when data stall. optional android.telephony.NetworkRegistrationState phone_reg_state = 13; // collect the first validation after recovery when data stall occurs. optional bool is_first_validation_after_recovery = 14; // The phone id when doing the recovery action. optional int32 phone_id = 15; // The elapsed time of current action. optional int32 duration_millis_of_current_action = 16; // Link status of the data network. optional int32 link_status = 17; // The link up bandwidth of the data network. optional int32 link_up_bandwidth = 18; // The link down bandwidth of the data network. optional int32 link_down_bandwidth = 19; } /** * Pulls IMS registration terminations. * * Each pull generates multiple atoms, one for each termination condition happened during the day. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message ImsRegistrationTermination { // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Whether the device is in multi-SIM mode when the registration terminated. optional bool is_multi_sim = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used by the registration when it terminated. // This can be IWLAN if IMS was registered over Wifi. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 3; // Whether the IMS registration failed before it was established. optional bool setup_failed = 4; // IMS reason code indicating the termination reason. // See: frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/ims/ImsReasonInfo.java optional int32 reason_code = 5; // IMS extra code indicating the termination reason. optional int32 extra_code = 6; // IMS extra message indicating the termination reason. // This string is truncated to 128 characters if its length exceeds the limit. optional string extra_message = 7; // Total number of instances of registration termination that matches the above conditions. optional int32 count = 8; // When the 'rat_at_end' field is IWLAN, indicates whether the ImsRegistrationTech is // REGISTRATION_TECH_CROSS_SIM. optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim = 9; } /** * Pulls IMS registration statistics. * * Each pull generates multiple atoms, one for each carrier, SIM slot, and radio access technology * (RAT) combination. Durations are aggregated from all registrations with matching criteria, * including ones that are currently active. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message ImsRegistrationStats { // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used by the registration. // This can be IWLAN if IMS was registered over Wifi. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 3; // Total time IMS was registered (connected time), rounded to 5 minutes. optional int32 registered_seconds = 4; // Durations that each feature (Voice, Video, UT, SMS) is capable (supported/enabled by the // network/device) and available (registered and ready to use). // All durations are rounded to 5 minutes and should be equal to or shorter than // registered_seconds. optional int32 voice_capable_seconds = 5; optional int32 voice_available_seconds = 6; optional int32 sms_capable_seconds = 7; optional int32 sms_available_seconds = 8; optional int32 video_capable_seconds = 9; optional int32 video_available_seconds = 10; optional int32 ut_capable_seconds = 11; optional int32 ut_available_seconds = 12; // Total time IMS was registering (connecting time), rounded to 5 minutes optional int32 registering_seconds = 13; // Total time IMS was unregistered (unconnected time), rounded to 5 minutes optional int32 unregistered_seconds = 14; // When the 'rat' field is IWLAN, indicates whether the ImsRegistrationTech is // REGISTRATION_TECH_CROSS_SIM. optional bool is_iwlan_cross_sim = 15; // How many times IMS is registered optional int32 registered_times = 16; } /* * Logs information related to PIN storage and automatic PIN operations. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/uicc/PinStorage.java */ message PinStorageEvent { // The type of event. enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; // The PIN was verified automatically successfully. PIN_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS = 1; // The PIN was verified automatically unsuccessfully. PIN_VERIFICATION_FAILURE = 2; // The PIN(s) was cached, but discarded after reboot (e.g. SIM not present after reboot). CACHED_PIN_DISCARDED = 3; // The PIN(s) was stored to be used after unattended reboot. PIN_STORED_FOR_VERIFICATION = 4; // The PIN(s) is not available for storage and will be required after unattended reboot. PIN_REQUIRED_AFTER_REBOOT = 5; // The PIN was not verified automatically because the SIM card did not match. PIN_VERIFICATION_SKIPPED_SIM_CARD_MISMATCH = 6; // The available PINs after reboot does not match the number of stored PINs before reboot. PIN_COUNT_NOT_MATCHING_AFTER_REBOOT = 7; // Error while decrypting the PIN PIN_DECRYPTION_ERROR = 8; // Error while encrypting the PIN PIN_ENCRYPTION_ERROR = 9; // Attempted to decrypt the PIN with a null/missing encryption key. PIN_ENCRYPTION_KEY_MISSING = 10; } optional Event event = 1; // Number of PINs stored or discarded. optional int32 number_of_pins = 2; // The caller package name optional string package_name = 3; } /** * Logs flip to screen off events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/server/power/FaceDownDetector.java */ message FaceDownReported { enum Response{ UNKNOWN = 1; // The phone was flipped before the screen turns off. UNFLIP = 2; // User interacts with the screen after a face down is detected. USER_INTERACTION = 3; // A flip leads to screen turning off. This is the expected outcome. SCREEN_OFF = 4; } // Logs the action that occurs from a flip event, whether by user or system // action. optional Response face_down_response = 1; // After a flip is detected, how long until a system or user action occurs. optional int64 millis_since_flip = 2; // Difference between the flip time and when the timeout would otherwise // occur. optional int64 millis_until_normal_timeout = 3; // How quickly the user turns the screen back on after a flip event. // A low value may indicate a false negative. Logged only when Response is // SCREEN_OFF. optional int64 millis_until_next_screen_on = 4; } /** * Logs timeout extended events which occur from consecutive undims. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/server/power/ScreenUndimDetector.java */ message TimeoutAutoExtendedReported { enum Outcome { UNKNOWN = 0; POWER_BUTTON = 1; TIMEOUT = 2; } // Logs the action that occurs after timeout is extended from undim. optional Outcome outcome = 1; // Time from timeout extension to the outcome. optional int64 time_to_outcome_millis = 2; // Time of first interaction after undim if an interaction occurs. // -1 if no interaction occurs before screen turns off. optional int64 time_to_first_interaction_millis = 3; } /** * Logs gnss stats from location service provider * * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/gnssmetrics/GnssMetrics.java */ message GnssStats { // Number of location reports since boot optional int64 location_reports = 1; // Total pulled reports of Location failures since boot optional int64 location_failure_reports = 2; // Number of time to first fix reports since boot optional int64 time_to_first_fix_reports = 3; // Total pulled reported time to first fix (in milli-seconds) since boot optional int64 time_to_first_fix_millis = 4; // Number of position accuracy reports since boot optional int64 position_accuracy_reports = 5; // Total pulled reported position accuracy (in meters) since boot optional int64 position_accuracy_meters = 6; // Number of top 4 average CN0 reports since boot optional int64 top_four_average_cn0_reports = 7; // Total pulled reported of top 4 average CN0 (dB-mHz) since boot optional int64 top_four_average_cn0_db_mhz = 8; // Number of l5 top 4 average CN0 reports since boot optional int64 l5_top_four_average_cn0_reports = 9; // Total pulled reported of l5 top 4 average CN0 (dB-mHz) since boot optional int64 l5_top_four_average_cn0_db_mhz = 10; // Total number of sv status messages reports since boot optional int64 sv_status_reports = 11; // Total number of sv status messages reports, where sv is used in fix since boot optional int64 sv_status_reports_used_in_fix = 12; // Total number of L5 sv status messages reports since boot optional int64 l5_sv_status_reports = 13; // Total number of L5 sv status messages reports, where sv is used in fix since boot optional int64 l5_sv_status_reports_used_in_fix = 14; } /** * Logs power usage data from GNSS subsystem. * * Logged from: * /frameworks/base/location/java/com/android/internal/location/gnssmetrics/GnssMetrics.java */ message GnssPowerStats { // Relative precision of the alignment of the reported power stats measurement. optional int64 elapsed_realtime_uncertainty_nanos = 1; // Total GNSS energy consumption in micro-joules (or micro Watt-seconds). optional int64 total_energy_micro_joule = 2; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (or micro Watt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // tracking signals of a single frequency band. optional int64 singleband_tracking_mode_energy_micro_joule = 3; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (or micro Watt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // tracking signals of multiple frequency bands. optional int64 multiband_tracking_mode_energy_micro_joule = 4; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (or micro Watt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // acquiring signals of a single frequency band. optional int64 singleband_acquisition_mode_energy_micro_joule = 5; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (or micro Watt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // acquiring signals of multiple frequency bands. optional int64 multiband_acquisition_mode_energy_micro_joule = 6; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 0) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_0 = 7; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 1) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_1 = 8; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 2) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_2 = 9; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 3) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_3 = 10; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 4) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_4 = 11; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 5) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_5 = 12; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 6) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_6 = 13; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 7) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_7 = 14; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 8) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_8 = 15; // Total energy consumption in micro-joules (microWatt-seconds) for which the GNSS engine is // operating in each of the vendor-specific power modes. (Index 9) optional int64 vendor_specific_power_modes_energy_micro_joule_9 = 16; } /** * Logs when an app is moved to a different standby bucket. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/service/java/com/android/server/usage/AppIdleHistory.java */ message AppStandbyBucketChanged { optional string package_name = 1; // Should be 0, 10, 11, 12, etc. where 0 is the owner. See UserHandle for more documentation. optional int32 user_id = 2; // These enum values match the constants defined in UsageStatsManager.java. enum Bucket { BUCKET_UNKNOWN = 0; BUCKET_EXEMPTED = 5; BUCKET_ACTIVE = 10; BUCKET_WORKING_SET = 20; BUCKET_FREQUENT = 30; BUCKET_RARE = 40; BUCKET_RESTRICTED = 45; BUCKET_NEVER = 50; } optional Bucket bucket = 3; enum MainReason { MAIN_UNKNOWN = 0; MAIN_DEFAULT = 0x0100; MAIN_TIMEOUT = 0x0200; MAIN_USAGE = 0x0300; MAIN_FORCED_BY_USER = 0x0400; MAIN_PREDICTED = 0x0500; MAIN_FORCED_BY_SYSTEM = 0x0600; } optional MainReason main_reason = 4; // A more detailed reason for the standby bucket change. The sub reason name is dependent on // the main reason. Values are one of the REASON_SUB_XXX constants defined in // UsageStatsManager.java. optional int32 sub_reason = 5; } /** * Reports a started sharesheet transaction. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/ChooserActivity.java * packages/modules/IntentResolver/java/src/com/android/intentresolver/ChooserActivity.java */ message SharesheetStarted { // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 1; // The calling app's package name. optional string package_name = 2; // An identifier to tie together multiple logs relating to the same share event optional int32 instance_id = 3; // The mime type of the share optional string mime_type = 4; // The number of direct targets the calling app is providing that will be shown. optional int32 num_app_provided_direct_targets = 5; // The number of app targets the calling app is providing that will be shown. optional int32 num_app_provided_app_targets = 6; // True if the share originates from the workprofile optional bool is_workprofile = 7; enum SharesheetPreviewType { // Constants from ChooserActivity.java CONTENT_PREVIEW_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Default for proto 2 / 3 compatibility. CONTENT_PREVIEW_IMAGE = 1; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is an image. CONTENT_PREVIEW_FILE = 2; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is a file. CONTENT_PREVIEW_TEXT = 3; // The preview shown in the sharesheet is text. // Preview is toggleable media items (Shareousel): CONTENT_PREVIEW_TOGGLEABLE_MEDIA = 4; } // How the sharesheet preview is presented. optional SharesheetPreviewType preview_type = 8; enum ResolverActivityIntent { // Intents handled by ResolverActivity.java INTENT_DEFAULT = 0; INTENT_ACTION_VIEW = 1; INTENT_ACTION_EDIT = 2; INTENT_ACTION_SEND = 3; INTENT_ACTION_SENDTO = 4; INTENT_ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE = 5; INTENT_ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE = 6; INTENT_ACTION_MAIN = 7; } // The intent being processed (only SEND and SEND_MULTIPLE are system sharesheet) optional ResolverActivityIntent intent_type = 9; // The number of custom actions that the calling app has provided. optional int32 num_provided_custom_actions = 10; // True if the calling app has provided an action for share modification. optional bool modify_share_action_provided = 11; } /** * Reports a ranking selection event. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app/ChooserActivity.java (sharesheet) * packages/modules/IntentResolver/java/src/com/android/intentresolver/ChooserActivity.java */ message RankingSelected { // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 1; // The relevant app's package name (can be source or picked package). optional string package_name = 2; // An identifier to tie together multiple logs relating to the same share event. optional int32 instance_id = 3; // Which of the ranked targets got picked, default starting position 0. optional int32 position_picked = 4; // Whether the selected target is pinned. optional bool is_pinned = 5; } /** * Logs when TvSettings UI is interacted at. * * Logged from: packages/apps/TvSettings */ message TvSettingsUIInteracted { /** The UI action category */ optional android.app.tvsettings.Action action = 1; /** The ID of the entry that the users actioned on */ optional android.app.tvsettings.ItemId item_id = 2; } /** * Logs information about a package installation using package installer V2 APIs. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/PackageInstallerSession.java */ message PackageInstallerV2Reported { // Whether this installation uses Incremental File System optional bool is_incremental = 1; // Name of the package that is intended to be installed optional string package_name = 2; // The duration between when the install was requested to when the install has completed optional int64 duration_millis = 3; // Installation result in final integer, which are SystemApi's. // Return_code 1 indicates success. // For full list, see frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/PackageManager.java optional int32 return_code = 4; // Total size of the APKs installed for this package optional int64 apks_size_bytes = 5; // UID of the package. -1 if the installation failed. optional int32 uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs settings provider values. * * Use DeviceConfig.getProperties to get a list Setting key, query the data from content provider, * then write the value to proto. * */ message SettingSnapshot { // Setting key optional string name = 1; enum SettingsValueType { NOTASSIGNED = 0; ASSIGNED_BOOL_TYPE = 1; ASSIGNED_INT_TYPE = 2; ASSIGNED_FLOAT_TYPE = 3; ASSIGNED_STRING_TYPE = 4; }; // Setting value type optional SettingsValueType type = 2; optional bool bool_value = 3; optional int32 int_value = 4; optional float float_value = 5; optional string str_value = 6; // Android user index. 0 for primary user, 10, 11 for secondary or profile user optional int32 user_id = 7; } /** * An event logged to indicate that a user journey is about to be performed. This atom includes * relevant information about the users involved in the journey. A UserLifecycleEventOccurred event * will immediately follow this atom which will describe the event(s) and its state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/UserController.java * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/UserManagerService.java */ message UserLifecycleJourneyReported { // An identifier to track a chain of user lifecycle events occurring (referenced in the // UserLifecycleEventOccurred atom) optional int64 session_id = 1; // Indicates what type of user journey this session is related to enum Journey { UNKNOWN = 0; // Undefined user lifecycle journey USER_SWITCH_UI = 1; // A user switch journey where a UI is shown USER_SWITCH_FG = 2; // A user switch journey without a UI shown USER_START = 3; // A user start journey USER_CREATE = 4; // A user creation journey USER_STOP = 5; // A user stop journey USER_REMOVE = 6; // A user removal journey GRANT_ADMIN = 7; // An admin grant journey REVOKE_ADMIN = 8; // An admin revocation journey USER_LIFECYCLE = 9; // User journey from creation to deletion } optional Journey journey = 2; // Which user the journey is originating from - could be -1 for certain phases (eg USER_CREATE) // This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest) optional int32 origin_user = 3; // Which user the journey is targeting // This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest) optional int32 target_user = 4; // What is the user type of the target user // These should be in sync with USER_TYPE_* flags defined in UserManager.java enum UserType { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; FULL_SYSTEM = 1; FULL_SECONDARY = 2; FULL_GUEST = 3; FULL_DEMO = 4; FULL_RESTRICTED = 5; PROFILE_MANAGED = 6; SYSTEM_HEADLESS = 7; PROFILE_CLONE = 8; PROFILE_PRIVATE = 9; } optional UserType user_type = 5; // What are the flags attached to the target user optional int32 user_flags = 6; optional int32 error_code = 7; optional int64 elapsed_time = 8; } /** * An event logged when a specific user lifecycle event is performed. These events should be * correlated with a UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom via the session_id. * Note: journeys can span over multiple events, hence some events may share a single session id. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/UserController.java * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/UserManagerService.java */ message UserLifecycleEventOccurred { // An id which links back to user details (reported in the UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom) optional int64 session_id = 1; // The target user for this event (same as target_user in the UserLifecycleJourneyReported atom) // This integer is a UserIdInt (eg 0 for the system user, 10 for secondary/guest) optional int32 user_id = 2; enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; // Indicates that the associated user journey timed-out or resulted in an error SWITCH_USER = 1; // Indicates that this is a user switch event START_USER = 2; // Indicates that this is a user start event CREATE_USER = 3; // Indicates that this is a user create event USER_RUNNING_LOCKED = 4; // Indicates that user is running in locked state UNLOCKING_USER = 5; // Indicates that this is a user unlocking event UNLOCKED_USER = 6; // Indicates that this is a user unlocked event STOP_USER = 7; // Indicates that this is a user stop event REMOVE_USER = 8; // Indicates that this is a user removal event GRANT_ADMIN = 9; // Indicates that this is an admin privileges grant event REVOKE_ADMIN = 10; // Indicates that this is an admin privileges revocation event } optional Event event = 3; enum State { NONE = 0; // Indicates the associated event has no start/end defined BEGIN = 1; FINISH = 2; CANCEL = 3; ERROR = 4; } optional State state = 4; // Represents the state of an event (beginning/ending) optional int32 error_code = 5; } /** * The UserInfo information about an Android user (as used in UserManager multiuser). * * Currently, we do not include information about user 0, since it is uninteresting. * * This will be pulled from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/UserManagerService.java */ message UserInfo { // The @UserIdInt userId of the user optional int32 user_id = 1; // The type of user, if AOSP-defined, such as {@link UserManager#USER_TYPE_PROFILE_MANAGED} optional UserLifecycleJourneyReported.UserType user_type = 2; // The type of user if not AOSP-defined. Will be empty if user_type is not TYPE_UNKNOWN. optional string user_type_custom = 3; // The @UserInfoFlag UserInfo flags of user. optional int32 user_flags = 4; // Wall-clock time in milliseconds when user was created, according to System.currentTimeMillis optional int64 creation_time_millis = 5; // Wall-clock time in milliseconds when user last entered the state of STATE_RUNNING_UNLOCKED, // according to System.currentTimeMillis optional int64 last_logged_in_time_millis = 6; // True if user is currently running and unlocked. // Note that this is NOT synonymous with being the 'current' user. Multiple users may be // running unlocked, with one in the foreground and others running in the background. optional bool is_user_running_unlocked = 7; } /** * The MultiUserInfo information about maximum supported users on the device. * * This will be pulled from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/UserManagerService.java */ message MultiUserInfo { // Maximum users supported on the device optional int32 max_supported_users = 1; // Whether multi user setting is on. optional bool multi_user_setting_on = 2; // Whether device supports multiuser and owner have no restriction in adding users. optional bool supports_adding_full_users = 3; } /** * Logs when accessibility shortcut clicked. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility */ message AccessibilityShortcutReported { // The accessibility feature(including installed a11y service, framework a11y feature, // and installed a11y activity) package name that is assigned to the accessibility shortcut. optional string package_name = 1; // The definition of the accessibility shortcut. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType shortcut_type = 2; // The definition of the service status. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ServiceStatus service_status = 3; } /** * Logs when accessibility service status changed. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/accessibility */ message AccessibilityServiceReported { // The accessibility service package name. optional string package_name = 1; // The definition of the service status. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ServiceStatus service_status = 2; } /** * Pulls accessibility shortcuts status. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService */ message AccessibilityShortcutStats { // The definition of the accessibility software shortcut. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType software_shortcut_type = 1; // Number of accessibility services in accessibility software shortcut. optional int32 software_shortcut_service_num = 2; // The definition of the accessibility hardware shortcut. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType hardware_shortcut_type = 3; // Number of accessibility services in accessibility hardware shortcut. optional int32 hardware_shortcut_service_num = 4; // The definition of the accessibility gesture shortcut. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType gesture_shortcut_type = 5; // Number of accessibility services in accessibility gesture shortcut. optional int32 gesture_shortcut_service_num = 6; // The definition of the accessibility quick settings shortcut. // From frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.ShortcutType qs_shortcut_type = 7; // Boolean indicating whether the user turns on qs shortcut for any // accessibility feature that support qs shortcut. optional bool use_qs_shortcut = 8; } /** * Pulls accessibility floating menu status. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService */ message AccessibilityFloatingMenuStats { // Size of the accessibility floating menu. optional int32 size = 1; // Icon shape of the accessibility floating menu. optional int32 icon_type = 2; // Whether the accessibility floating menu is enable auto fade ability. optional bool fade_enabled = 3; // Opacity of the accessibility floating menu. The range is between 0 and 1. optional float opacity = 4; } /** * Logs when display wake up. * * Logged from: * services/core/java/com/android/server/power/Notifier.java */ message DisplayWakeReported { // Wake_up_reason code // If LOWORD(wake_up_reason) = 0 // reference to HIWORD(wake_up_reason) PowerManager.WAKE_REASON_XXX // else reference wake_up_reason to // services/core/java/com/android/server/power/Notifier.java#onWakeUp optional int32 wake_up_reason = 1; // UID that caused the display to wake optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs app usage events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/usage/java/com/android/server/usage/UsageStatsService.java */ message AppUsageEventOccurred { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 2; optional string class_name = 3; // Usage event types please refer to below file: // frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/usage/UsageEvents.java enum EventType { NONE = 0; MOVE_TO_FOREGROUND = 1; MOVE_TO_BACKGROUND = 2; USER_INTERACTION = 7; SHORTCUT_INVOCATION = 8; CHOOSER_ACTION = 9; STANDBY_BUCKET_CHANGED = 11; FOREGROUND_SERVICE_START = 19; FOREGROUND_SERVICE_STOP = 20; } optional EventType event_type = 4; } /* * Quality metrics logged when EVS cameras are active. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/evs/manager/1.1/Enumerator.cpp */ message EvsUsageStatsReported { // Camera identifier to distinguish the source camera device. This is not // globally unique and therefore cannot be used to identify the user and/or // the device. optional int32 device_id = 1; // Peak number of clients during the service optional int32 peak_num_clients = 2; // Number of erroneous events during the service optional int32 num_errors = 3; // Round trip latency of the very first frame optional int64 first_latency_millis = 4; // Average frame round trip latency optional float avg_latency_millis = 5; // Peak frame round trip latency optional int64 peak_latency_millis = 6; // Total number of frames received optional int64 total_frames = 7; // Number of frames ignored optional int64 ignored_frames = 8; // Number of dropped frames to synchronize camera devices optional int64 dropped_frames_to_sync = 9; // The duration of the service optional int64 duration_millis = 10; } /** * Logs audio power usage stats. * * Pushed from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioPowerUsage.cpp */ message AudioPowerUsageDataReported { /** * Device used for input/output * * All audio devices please refer to below file: * system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h * * Define our own enum values because we don't report all audio devices. * Currently, we only report built-in audio devices such as handset, speaker, * built-in mics, common audio devices such as wired headset, usb headset * and bluetooth devices. */ enum AudioDevice { OUTPUT_EARPIECE = 0x1; // handset OUTPUT_SPEAKER = 0x2; // dual speaker OUTPUT_WIRED_HEADSET = 0x4; // 3.5mm headset OUTPUT_USB_HEADSET = 0x8; // usb headset OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 0x10; // bluetooth sco OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP = 0x20; // a2dp OUTPUT_SPEAKER_SAFE = 0x40; // bottom speaker OUTPUT_BLUETOOTH_BLE = 0x80; // ble OUTPUT_DOCK = 0x100; // dock OUTPUT_HDMI = 0x200; // hdmi INPUT_DEVICE_BIT = 0x40000000; // non-negative positive int32. INPUT_BUILTIN_MIC = 0x40000001; // buildin mic INPUT_BUILTIN_BACK_MIC = 0x40000002; // buildin back mic INPUT_WIRED_HEADSET_MIC = 0x40000004; // 3.5mm headset mic INPUT_USB_HEADSET_MIC = 0x40000008; // usb headset mic INPUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 0x40000010; // bluetooth sco mic INPUT_BLUETOOTH_BLE = 0x40000020; // ble mic } optional AudioDevice audio_device = 1; // Duration of the audio in seconds optional int32 duration_secs = 2; // Average volume (0 ... 1.0) optional float average_volume = 3; enum AudioType { UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; VOICE_CALL_TYPE = 1; // voice call VOIP_CALL_TYPE = 2; // voip call, including uplink and downlink MEDIA_TYPE = 3; // music and system sound RINGTONE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = 4; // ringtone and notification ALARM_TYPE = 5; // alarm type // record type CAMCORDER_TYPE = 6; // camcorder RECORD_TYPE = 7; // other recording } optional AudioType type = 4; // Minimum volume duration of the audio in seconds optional int32 minimum_volume_duration_secs = 5; // Minimum volume (0 ... 1.0) optional float minimum_volume = 6; // Maximum volume duration of the audio in seconds optional int32 maximum_volume_duration_secs = 7; // Maximum volume (0 ... 1.0) optional float maximum_volume = 8; } /** * Logs the Spatializer capability when the Spatializer is created. * * We expect this to occur only once on a healthy system, * when audioserver is initialized. * * On devices that do not support spatialization, * SpatializerLevel returns SPATIALIZER_LEVEL_NONE only. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsSpatializerCapabilitiesReported { // Available head tracking modes repeated android.media.audio.HeadTrackingMode head_tracking_modes = 1; // Available spatializer levels repeated android.media.audio.SpatializerLevel spatializer_levels = 2; // Available spatializer modes repeated android.media.audio.SpatializerMode spatializer_modes = 3; // Available channel masks, with each channel position bitwise ORed. // One or more bits from // system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_channel_mask_t, representing the channel configuration // of AudioTrack data. // // Generally the most populated channel_mask is selected for use. repeated int64 channel_masks = 4; } /** * Logs when Spatializer is enabled or disabled for a device. * * The event field indicates the reason for enabling or disabling: * through the Settings UI, startup/boot, or new device detection. * * The presence of this message indicates that the audio device type * supports Spatialization; this is generally a fixed * property of the platform and depends if the device type is considered * BINAURAL or TRANSAURAL, and the Spatializer support for it. * * This logs existing saved state on BOOT and changes afterwards. * Due to rpc to the MediaMetrics service which generates the atom, * the timestamp of the atom may have a slight delay. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsSpatializerDeviceEnabledReported { // Device type enumeration, e.g. BUILTIN_SPEAKER, BT_A2DP, etc. optional android.media.audio.AudioDeviceInfoType type = 1; // The event field indicates the reason for enabling or disabling: // NORMAL: from Settings UI. // BOOT: on startup/boot. // FIRST: on new device detection. optional android.media.audio.SpatializerSettingEvent event = 2; // Whether the spatializer is enabled on that device. // This triggers only on a change of state. // If multiple devices share the same type (e.g. bluetooth headsets), // they will register separate messages. optional bool enabled = 3; } /** * Logs whether the HeadTracker is enabled for a device. * * This only changes if there is a HeadTracker associated with the device. * * This logs existing saved state on BOOT and changes afterwards. * Due to rpc to the MediaMetrics service which generates the atom, * the timestamp of the atom may have a slight delay. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsHeadTrackerDeviceEnabledReported { // Device type enumeration, e.g. BUILTIN_SPEAKER, BT_A2DP, etc. optional android.media.audio.AudioDeviceInfoType type = 1; // The event field indicates the reason for enabling or disabling: // NORMAL: from Settings UI. // BOOT: on startup/boot. // FIRST: on new device detection. optional android.media.audio.SpatializerSettingEvent event = 2; // Whether the head tracker was enabled or disabled on that device. // This triggers only on a change of state. // If multiple devices share the same type (e.g. bluetooth headsets), // they will register separate messages. optional bool enabled = 3; } /** * Logs whether the HeadTracker is supported for a device. * * Generally a fixed property of the device, but it is possible * that the HeadTracker sensor might be turned off * or be temporarily unavailable. * * This logs existing saved state on BOOT and changes afterwards. * Due to rpc to the MediaMetrics service which generates the atom, * the timestamp of the atom may have a slight delay. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsHeadTrackerDeviceSupportedReported { // Device type enumeration, e.g. BUILTIN_SPEAKER, BT_A2DP, etc. optional android.media.audio.AudioDeviceInfoType type = 1; // The event field indicates the reason for enabling or disabling: // NORMAL: on sensor change. // BOOT: on startup/boot. // FIRST: on new device detection. optional android.media.audio.SpatializerSettingEvent event = 2; // Whether the head tracker is supported on that device. // This triggers only on a change of state. // If multiple devices share the same type (e.g. bluetooth headsets), // they will register separate messages. optional bool supported = 3; } /** * Pulls bytes transferred over WiFi and mobile networks sliced by uid, is_metered, and tag. * * Pulled from: * StatsPullAtomService, which uses NetworkStatsService to query NetworkStats. */ message BytesTransferByTagAndMetered { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional bool is_metered = 2; optional int32 tag = 3; optional int64 rx_bytes = 4; optional int64 rx_packets = 5; optional int64 tx_bytes = 6; optional int64 tx_packets = 7; // Radio Access Technology (RAT) type of this record, should be one of // TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_* constants, or // NetworkTemplate#NETWORK_TYPE_ALL to indicate the record is for all rat // types combined. optional int32 rat_type = 8; } /** * Logs when the Assistant is invoked. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/assist/AssistManager.java */ message AssistantInvocationReported { // The event_id (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 event_id = 1; // The registered Assistant's uid and package (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string package_name = 3; // An identifier used to disambiguate which logs refer to a particular invocation of the // Assistant (as for UiEventReported). optional int32 instance_id = 4; // The state of the device at the time of invocation. enum DeviceState { UNKNOWN_DEVICE_STATE = 0; AOD1 = 1; AOD2 = 2; BOUNCER = 3; UNLOCKED_LOCKSCREEN = 4; LAUNCHER_HOME = 5; LAUNCHER_OVERVIEW = 6; LAUNCHER_ALL_APPS = 7; APP_DEFAULT = 8; APP_IMMERSIVE = 9; APP_FULLSCREEN = 10; } optional DeviceState device_state = 5; // Whether the Assistant handles were showing at the time of invocation. optional bool assistant_handles_showing = 6; } /** * Logs when an AudioRecord finishes running on an audio device * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioRecordDeviceUsageReported { // The devices connected to this AudioRecord. // A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2". // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h optional string devices = 1; // The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT. // This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one. optional string device_names = 2; // The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger. optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3; // The audio data format used for encoding. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t optional string encoding = 4; // The client-server buffer framecount. // The framecount is generally between 960 - 48000 for PCM encoding. // The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding. optional int32 frame_count = 5; // The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks). optional int32 interval_count = 6; // The sample rate of the AudioRecord. // A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second). optional int32 sample_rate = 7; // The audio input flags used to construct the AudioRecord. // A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_input_flags_t optional string flags = 8; // The santized package name of the audio client associated with the AudioRecord. // See getSanitizedPackageNameAndVersionCode() in // frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/MediaMetricsService.cpp optional string package_name = 9; // The selected device id (nonzero if a non-default device is selected) optional int32 selected_device_id = 10; // The caller of the AudioRecord. // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp optional string caller = 11; // The audio source for AudioRecord. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_source_t optional string source = 12; // Android S // Metric log session id, a Base64Url encoded string of a randomly generated 128-bit integer. // An empty string means no session id is set. optional string log_session_id = 13; } /** * Logs when an AudioThread finishes running on an audio device * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioThreadDeviceUsageReported { // The devices connected to this audio thread. // A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2". // (for record threads): // See lookup in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // (for playback threads): // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h optional string devices = 1; // The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT. // This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one. optional string device_names = 2; // The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger. optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3; // The audio data format used for encoding. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t optional string encoding = 4; // The framecount of the buffer delivered to (or from) the HAL. // The framecount is generally ~960 for PCM encoding. // The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding. optional int32 frame_count = 5; // The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks). optional int32 interval_count = 6; // The sample rate of the audio thread. // A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second). optional int32 sample_rate = 7; // The audio flags used to construct the thread // (for record threads): // A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_input_flags_t // (for playback threads): // A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_output_flags_t optional string flags = 8; // The number of underruns encountered for a playback thread or the // number of overruns encountered for a capture thread. optional int32 xruns = 9; // The type of thread // A thread type enumeration from // frameworks/av/mediametrics/services/Translate.h optional string type = 10; } /** * Logs when an AudioTrack finishes running on an audio device * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioTrackDeviceUsageReported { // The output devices connected to this AudioTrack. // A string OR of various output device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2". // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h optional string devices = 1; // The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT. // This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one. optional string device_names = 2; // The amount of time spent in the device as measured by the active track in AudioFlinger. optional int64 device_time_nanos = 3; // The audio data format used for encoding. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_format_t optional string encoding = 4; // The client-server buffer framecount. // The framecount is generally between 960 - 48000 for PCM encoding. // The framecount represents raw buffer size in bytes for non-PCM encoding. // A static track (see traits) may have a very large framecount. optional int32 frame_count = 5; // The number of audio intervals (contiguous, continuous playbacks). optional int32 interval_count = 6; // The sample rate of the AudioTrack. // A number generally between 8000-96000 (frames per second). optional int32 sample_rate = 7; // The audio flags used to construct the AudioTrack. // A string OR from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_output_flags_t optional string flags = 8; // The number of underruns encountered. optional int32 xruns = 9; // The santized package name of the audio client associated with the AudioTrack. // See getSanitizedPackageNameAndVersionCode() in // frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/MediaMetricsService.cpp optional string package_name = 10; // The latency of the last sample in the buffer in milliseconds. optional float device_latency_millis = 11; // The startup time in milliseconds from start() to sample played. optional float device_startup_millis = 12; // The average volume of the track on the device [ 0.f - 1.f ] optional float device_volume = 13; // The selected device id (nonzero if a non-default device is selected) optional int32 selected_device_id = 14; // The stream_type category for the AudioTrack. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_stream_type_t optional string stream_type = 15; // The usage for the AudioTrack. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_usage_t optional string usage = 16; // The content type of the AudioTrack. // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h audio_content_type_t optional string content_type = 17; // The caller of the AudioTrack. // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp optional string caller = 18; // The traits of the AudioTrack. // A string OR of different traits, may be empty string. // Only "static" is supported for R. // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp optional string traits = 19; // Android S // Metric log session id, a Base64Url encoded string of a randomly generated 128-bit integer. // An empty string means no session id is set. optional string log_session_id = 20; } /** * Logs the status of an audio device connection attempt. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioDeviceConnectionReported { // The input devices represented by this report. // A string OR of various input device categories, e.g. "DEVICE1|DEVICE2". // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h optional string input_devices = 1; // The output devices represented by this report. // A string OR of various output device categories. // See lookup() in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.cpp // See audio_device_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-base.h optional string output_devices = 2; // The name of the remote device attached to the device, typically available for USB or BT. // This may be empty for a fixed device, or separated by "|" if more than one. optional string device_names = 3; // The result of the audio device connection. // 0 indicates success: connection verified. // 1 indicates unknown: connection not verified or not known if diverted properly. // Other values indicate specific status. // See DeviceConnectionResult in frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioTypes.h optional int32 result = 4; // Average milliseconds of time to connect optional float time_to_connect_millis = 5; // Number of connections if aggregated statistics, otherwise 1. optional int32 connection_count = 6; } /** * Logs the status of an AudioRecord operation. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioRecordStatusReported { // General status code for categorization of status. optional android.media.Status status = 1; // Status or error message, e.g. logcat. optional string debug_message = 2; // Supplemental status subcode for AudioRecord. optional int32 status_subcode = 3; // Uid associated with the AudioRecord. optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; // The AudioRecord event. optional android.media.audio.AudioRecordEvent event = 5; // Requested AudioRecord flags, with each flag bitwise ORed. // One or more bits from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_input_flags_t optional int32 input_flags = 6; // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_source_t, representing the input source for the AudioRecord. optional android.media.audio.Source source = 7; // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_format_t, representing the encoding of the AudioRecord data. optional android.media.audio.Encoding encoding = 8; // Channel mask, with each channel position bitwise ORed. // One or more bits from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_channel_mask_t, representing the input channel configuration // of AudioRecord data. optional int64 channel_mask = 9; // The size of the AudioRecord buffer in frames. // If an error occurs during creation, this may be a small integer requested size // as AudioFlinger is entitled to increase this as required. optional int32 buffer_frame_count = 10; // Sample rate in Hz. optional int32 sample_rate = 11; } /** * Logs the status of an AudioTrack operation. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAudioTrackStatusReported { // General status code for categorization of status. optional android.media.Status status = 1; // Status or error message, e.g. logcat. optional string debug_message = 2; // Supplemental status subcode for AudioTrack. optional int32 status_subcode = 3; // Uid associated with track optional int32 uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; // The AudioTrack event. optional android.media.audio.AudioTrackEvent event = 5; // Requested AudioTrack flags, with each flag bitwise ORed. // One or more bits from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_output_flags_t optional int32 output_flags = 6; // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_content_type_t, representing the content type of the AudioTrack. optional android.media.audio.ContentType content_type = 7; // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_usage_t, representing the use case for the AudioTrack. optional android.media.audio.Usage usage = 8; // An enumeration from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_format_t, representing the encoding of the AudioTrack data. optional android.media.audio.Encoding encoding = 9; // Channel mask, with each channel position bitwise ORed. // One or more bits from system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h // audio_channel_mask_t, representing the channel configuration of AudioTrack data. optional int64 channel_mask = 10; // The size of the AudioTrack buffer in frames. // If an error occurs during creation, this may be a small integer requested size // as AudioFlinger is entitled to increase this as required. optional int32 buffer_frame_count = 11; // Sample rate in Hz. optional int32 sample_rate = 12; // Playback speed, nominal 1.f representing 1x. optional float speed = 13; // Playback pitch, nominal 1.f representing 1x. optional float pitch = 14; } /** * Logs: i) creation of different types of cryptographic keys in the keystore, * ii) operations performed using the keys, * iii) attestation of the keys * Logged from: system/security/keystore/key_event_log_handler.cpp */ message KeystoreKeyEventReported { enum Algorithm { /** Asymmetric algorithms. */ RSA = 1; // 2 removed, do not reuse. EC = 3; /** Block cipher algorithms */ AES = 32; TRIPLE_DES = 33; /** MAC algorithms */ HMAC = 128; }; /** Algorithm associated with the key */ optional Algorithm algorithm = 1; /** Size of the key */ optional int32 key_size = 2; enum KeyOrigin { /** Generated in keymaster. Should not exist outside the TEE. */ GENERATED = 0; /** Derived inside keymaster. Likely exists off-device. */ DERIVED = 1; /** Imported into keymaster. Existed as cleartext in Android. */ IMPORTED = 2; /** Keymaster did not record origin. */ UNKNOWN = 3; /** Securely imported into Keymaster. */ SECURELY_IMPORTED = 4; }; /* Logs whether the key was generated, imported, securely imported, or derived.*/ optional KeyOrigin key_origin = 3; enum HardwareAuthenticatorType { NONE = 0; PASSWORD = 1; FINGERPRINT = 2; // Additional entries must be powers of 2. }; /** * What auth types does this key require? If none, * then no auth required. */ optional HardwareAuthenticatorType user_auth_type = 4; /** * If user authentication is required, is the requirement time based? If it * is not time based then this field will not be used and the key is per * operation. Per operation keys must be user authenticated on each usage. */ optional int32 user_auth_key_timeout_secs = 5; /** * padding mode, digest, block_mode and purpose should ideally be repeated * fields. However, since statsd does not support repeated fields in * pushed atoms, they are represented using bitmaps. */ /** Track which padding mode is being used.*/ optional int32 padding_mode_bitmap = 6; /** Track which digest is being used. */ optional int32 digest_bitmap = 7; /** Track what block mode is being used (for encryption). */ optional int32 block_mode_bitmap = 8; /** Track what purpose is this key serving. */ optional int32 purpose_bitmap = 9; enum EcCurve { P_224 = 0; P_256 = 1; P_384 = 2; P_521 = 3; }; /** Which ec curve was selected if elliptic curve cryptography is in use **/ optional EcCurve ec_curve = 10; enum KeyBlobUsageRequirements { STANDALONE = 0; REQUIRES_FILE_SYSTEM = 1; }; /** Standalone or is a file system required */ optional KeyBlobUsageRequirements key_blob_usage_reqs = 11; enum Type { key_operation = 0; key_creation = 1; key_attestation = 2; } /** Key creation event, operation event or attestation event? */ optional Type type = 12; /** Was the key creation, operation, or attestation successful? */ optional bool was_successful = 13; /** Response code or error code */ optional int32 error_code = 14; } /** * Logs: key creation events with Algorithm, Origin, Error and Attestation info. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs */ message Keystore2KeyCreationWithGeneralInfo { // Algorithm associated with the key optional android.system.security.keystore2.Algorithm algorithm = 1; // Size of the key, based on the algorithm used. optional int32 key_size = 2; enum EcCurve { // Unspecified takes 0. Other values are incremented by 1 compared to keymint spec. EC_CURVE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; P_224 = 1; P_256 = 2; P_384 = 3; P_521 = 4; CURVE_25519 = 5; }; // Which ec curve was selected if elliptic curve cryptography is in use optional EcCurve ec_curve = 3; enum KeyOrigin { // Unspecified takes 0. Other values are incremented by 1 compared to keymint spec. ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Generated in keymaster. Should not exist outside the TEE. GENERATED = 1; // Derived inside keymaster. Likely exists off-device. DERIVED = 2; // Imported into keymaster. Existed as cleartext in Android. IMPORTED = 3; // Previously used for another purpose that is now obsolete. RESERVED = 4; // Securely imported into Keymaster. SECURELY_IMPORTED = 5; }; // Logs whether the key was generated, imported, securely imported, or derived. optional KeyOrigin key_origin = 4; /** * Response code (system/hardware/interfaces/keystore2/aidl/../ResponseCode.aidl) * or * error code (hardware/interfaces/security/keymint/aidl/../ErrorCode.aidl) */ optional int32 error_code = 5; // Indicates whether key attestation is requested in creation optional bool attestation_requested = 6; // Count of a particular combination of field values of this atom optional int32 count = 7; } /** * Logs: key creation events with authentication info. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs */ message Keystore2KeyCreationWithAuthInfo { enum HardwareAuthenticatorType { // Unspecified takes 0. Other values are incremented by 1 compared to keymint spec. AUTH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; NONE = 1; PASSWORD = 2; FINGERPRINT = 3; ANY = 5; }; /** * What auth types does this key require? If none, * then no auth required. */ optional HardwareAuthenticatorType user_auth_type = 1; /** * If user authentication is required, is the requirement time based? If it * is time based then this field indicates the base 10 logarithm of time out in seconds. * Logarithm is taken in order to reduce the cardinaltiy. */ optional int32 log_auth_timeout_seconds = 2; // Security level of the Keymint instance which creates the key. optional android.system.security.keystore2.SecurityLevelEnum security_level = 3; // Count of a particular combination of field values of this atom optional int32 count = 4; } /** * Logs: key creation events with purpose and modes info. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs */ message Keystore2KeyCreationWithPurposeAndModesInfo { // Algorithm associated with the key optional android.system.security.keystore2.Algorithm algorithm = 1; /** * Track which purpose is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by KeyPurposeBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 purpose_bitmap = 2; /** * Track which padding mode is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by PaddingModeBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 padding_mode_bitmap = 3; /** * Track which digest is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by DigestBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 digest_bitmap = 4; /** * Track which block mode is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by BlockModeBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 block_mode_bitmap = 5; // Count of a particular combination of field values of this atom optional int32 count = 6; } /** * Logs the atom id of the atoms associated with key creation/operation events, that have reached * the maximum storage limit allocated for different atom objects of that atom, * in keystore in-memory store. * * Size of the storage bucket for each atom is limited considering their expected cardinaltity. * This limit may exceed if the dimensions of the atoms take a large number of unexpected * combinations. This atom is used to track such cases. */ message Keystore2AtomWithOverflow { // Atom id as defined in atoms.proto optional int32 atom_id = 1; // Count of the objects of this atom type that have overflowed. optional int32 count = 2; } /** * Logs: key operations events with purpose and modes info. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs */ message Keystore2KeyOperationWithPurposeAndModesInfo { enum KeyPurpose { // Unspecified takes 0. Other values are incremented by 1 compared to keymint spec. KEY_PURPOSE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Usable with RSA, 3DES and AES keys. ENCRYPT = 1; // Usable with RSA, 3DES and AES keys. DECRYPT = 2; // Usable with RSA, EC and HMAC keys. SIGN = 3; // Usable with RSA, EC and HMAC keys. VERIFY = 4; // 5 is reserved // Usable with RSA keys. WRAP_KEY = 6; // Key Agreement, usable with EC keys. AGREE_KEY = 7; // Usable as an attestation signing key. ATTEST_KEY = 8; } // Purpose of the key operation optional KeyPurpose purpose = 1; /** * Track which padding mode is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by PaddingModeBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 padding_mode_bitmap = 2; /** * Track which digest is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by DigestBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 digest_bitmap = 3; /** * Track which block mode is being used. * Bitmap composition is given by BlockModeBitPosition enum * defined in system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs. */ optional int32 block_mode_bitmap = 4; // Count of a particular combination of field values of this atom optional int32 count = 5; } /** * Logs key operations events with outcome, error_code, security level and whether the key is * upgraded during the operation. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2/metrics.rs */ message Keystore2KeyOperationWithGeneralInfo { enum Outcome { OUTCOME_UNSPECIFIED = 0; DROPPED = 1; SUCCESS = 2; ABORT = 3; PRUNED = 4; ERROR = 5; } // Outcome of the operation optional Outcome outcome = 1; // Response code or error code in case of error outcome optional int32 error_code = 2; // Indicates whether the key was upgraded during the operation optional bool key_upgraded = 3; // Security level of the Keymint instance which performs the operation. optional android.system.security.keystore2.SecurityLevelEnum security_level = 4; // Count of a particular combination of field values of this atom optional int32 count = 5; } /** * Logs: Keystore 2 storage statistics. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2 */ message Keystore2StorageStats { enum Storage { STORAGE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; KEY_ENTRY = 1; KEY_ENTRY_ID_INDEX = 2; KEY_ENTRY_DOMAIN_NAMESPACE_INDEX = 3; BLOB_ENTRY = 4; BLOB_ENTRY_KEY_ENTRY_ID_INDEX = 5; KEY_PARAMETER = 6; KEY_PARAMETER_KEY_ENTRY_ID_INDEX = 7; KEY_METADATA = 8; KEY_METADATA_KEY_ENTRY_ID_INDEX = 9; GRANT = 10; AUTH_TOKEN = 11; BLOB_METADATA = 12; BLOB_METADATA_BLOB_ENTRY_ID_INDEX =13; METADATA = 14; DATABASE = 15; LEGACY_STORAGE = 16; } // Type of the storage (database table or legacy storage) of which the size is reported. optional Storage storage_type = 1; // Storage size in bytes optional int64 size = 2; // Unused space, in bytes. The total storage size may be larger, indicating // inefficiencies in the packing of data in the database. optional int64 unused_size = 3; } /** * Logs Remote Key Provisioning (RKP) related error events. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2 */ message RkpErrorStats { enum RkpError { RKP_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The key pool is out of keys. OUT_OF_KEYS = 1; // Falling back to factory provisioned keys during hybrid mode. FALL_BACK_DURING_HYBRID = 2; } // Type of the error event optional RkpError rkp_error = 1; // Count of a particular error occurred. optional int32 count = 2; /** * Security level of the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent. */ optional android.system.security.keystore2.SecurityLevelEnum security_level = 3; } /** * Deprecated in U. Use RkpdPoolStats instead. * * Logs: Status of the attestation key pool related to * Remote Key Provisioning (RKP). * Logged from: system/security/keystore2 */ message RkpPoolStats { /** * Security level of the Keymint instance associated with the * attestation pool status. */ optional android.system.security.keystore2.SecurityLevelEnum security_level = 1; /** * The number of signed attestation certificate chains which are * expired. */ optional int32 expiring = 2; /** * The number of signed attestation certificate chains which have * not yet been assigned to an app. */ optional int32 unassigned = 3; /** * The number of signed attestation keys. */ optional int32 attested = 4; /** * The total number of attestation keys. */ optional int32 total = 5; } /** * Logs: Number of keystore2 crashes per-boot cycle. * Logged from: system/security/keystore2 */ message Keystore2CrashStats { optional int32 count_of_crash_events = 1; } // Blob Committer stats // Keep in sync between: // frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto // frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto message BlobCommitterProto { // Committer app's uid optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Unix epoch timestamp of the commit in milliseconds optional int64 commit_timestamp_millis = 2; // Flags of what access types the committer has set for the Blob optional int32 access_mode = 3; // Number of packages that have been whitelisted for ACCESS_TYPE_WHITELIST optional int32 num_whitelisted_package = 4; } // Blob Leasee stats // Keep in sync between: // frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto // frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto message BlobLeaseeProto { // Leasee app's uid optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Unix epoch timestamp for lease expiration in milliseconds optional int64 lease_expiry_timestamp_millis = 2; } // List of Blob Committers // Keep in sync between: // frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto // frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto message BlobCommitterListProto { repeated BlobCommitterProto committer = 1; } // List of Blob Leasees // Keep in sync between: // frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/server/blobstoremanagerservice.proto // frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/atoms.proto message BlobLeaseeListProto { repeated BlobLeaseeProto leasee = 1; } /** * Logs the current state of a Blob committed with BlobStoreManager * * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/apex/blobstore/service/java/com/android/server/blob/BlobStoreManagerService.java */ message BlobInfo { // Id of the Blob optional int64 blob_id = 1; // Size of the Blob data optional int64 size = 2; // Unix epoch timestamp of the Blob's expiration in milliseconds optional int64 expiry_timestamp_millis = 3; // List of committers of this Blob optional BlobCommitterListProto committers = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // List of leasees of this Blob optional BlobLeaseeListProto leasees = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs when the HDMI CEC active source changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/hdmi/HdmiCecAtomWriter.java */ message HdmiCecActiveSourceChanged { // The logical address of the active source. optional android.stats.hdmi.LogicalAddress active_source_logical_address = 1; // The physical address of the active source. Consists of four hexadecimal nibbles. // Examples: 0x1234, 0x0000 (root device). 0xFFFF represents an unknown or invalid address. // See section 8.7 in the HDMI 1.4b spec for details. optional int32 active_source_physical_address = 2; // The relationship between this device and the active source. optional android.stats.hdmi.PathRelationship local_relationship = 3; } /** * Logs when an HDMI CEC message is sent or received. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/hdmi/HdmiCecAtomWriter.java */ message HdmiCecMessageReported { // The calling uid of the application that caused this atom to be written. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Whether a HDMI CEC message is sent from this device, to this device, or neither. optional android.stats.hdmi.MessageDirection direction = 2; // The HDMI CEC logical address of the initiator. optional android.stats.hdmi.LogicalAddress initiator_logical_address = 3; // The HDMI CEC logical address of the destination. optional android.stats.hdmi.LogicalAddress destination_logical_address = 4; // The opcode of the message. Ranges from 0x00 to 0xFF. // For all values, see section "CEC 15 Message Descriptions" in the HDMI CEC 1.4b spec. optional int32 opcode = 5; // The result of attempting to send the message on its final retransmission attempt. // Only applicable to outgoing messages; set to SEND_MESSAGE_RESULT_UNKNOWN otherwise. optional android.stats.hdmi.SendMessageResult send_message_result = 6; // Fields specific to messages // The user control command that was received. optional android.stats.hdmi.UserControlPressedCommand user_control_pressed_command = 7; // Fields specific to messages // The opcode of the message that was feature aborted. // Set to 0x100 when unknown or not applicable. optional int32 feature_abort_opcode = 8; // The reason for the feature abort. optional android.stats.hdmi.FeatureAbortReason feature_abort_reason = 9; } /** * Logs when an auto rotate event occurs while smart auto rotate is enabled. */ message AutoRotateReported { enum Orientation { UNKNOWN = 0; DEPRECATED = 1; ROTATION_0 = 2; ROTATION_90 = 3; ROTATION_180 = 4; ROTATION_270 = 5; DISABLED = 6; UNAVAILABLE = 7; FAILURE = 8; } // Orientation of the device when a rotation was detected. optional Orientation current_orientation = 1; // The orientation of the phone after rotation before going through the recommendation service. optional Orientation proposed_orientation = 2; // Orientation recommended by the smart autorotate service component outside of the platform. It // may or may not match the proposed_orientation. Can be disabled or unavailable if the // recommendation service is disabled or unavailable. Will be unknown if the service failed. optional Orientation recommended_orientation = 3; // Time taken to calculate the rotation recommendation. optional int64 recommendation_process_duration_millis = 4; } /** * Logs when sensors only autorotate is triggered. Associated event can be a rotation preindication, * actual event or a "data ready to be pulled" indication. More info: go/autorotate-logging. * * Logged from: * platform/vendor/unbundled_google/packages/SystemUIGoogle/src/com/google/android/systemui/autorotate/DataLogger.java */ message DeviceRotated { // Timestamp of the event in millis. We log the timestamp explicitly since // data logging will follow the event logging and all these // will be joined with other logs such as rotation button clicked. optional int64 timestamp_millis = 1; // Device orientation optional android.stats.wm.Orientation proposed_orientation = 2; enum RotationEventType{ UNKNOWN = 0; // An early indication of device might be rotated. PREINDICATION = 1; // Device rotation is detected. ACTUAL_EVENT = 2; // Device rotated and the data associated with it is ready to be pulled. // This happens after the ACTUAL_EVENT since some data after the event is // also useful. DATA_READY = 3; } optional RotationEventType rotation_event_type = 3; } /** * Records the raw sensor data published by the device orientation debug sensor. The pull will be * configured to be conditioned on the {@code DeviceRotated} atom. * * Logged from: * platform/vendor/unbundled_google/packages/SystemUIGoogle/src/com/google/android/systemui/autorotate/DataLogger.java */ message DeviceRotatedData { // All the sensor data and timestamps used to calculate the orientation optional DeviceRotatedSensorData snapshot = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Resulting orientation optional android.stats.wm.Orientation proposed_orientation = 2; } message DeviceRotatedSensorData { optional DeviceRotatedSensorHeader header = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; repeated DeviceRotatedSensorSample sample = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } message DeviceRotatedSensorHeader { optional int64 timestamp_base_millis = 1; } message DeviceRotatedSensorSample{ optional int32 timestamp_offset_millis = 1; enum SensorType { UNKNOWN = 0; ACCEL = 1; GYRO = 2; } optional SensorType sensor_type = 2; optional float x_value = 3; optional float y_value = 4; optional float z_value = 5; } /** * Pushes TLS handshake counters from Conscrypt. * Pulled from: * external/conscrypt/common/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/ConscryptEngineSocket.java * external/conscrypt/common/src/main/java/org/conscrypt/ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java */ message TlsHandshakeReported { optional bool success = 1; optional android.stats.tls.Protocol protocol = 2; optional android.stats.tls.CipherSuite cipher_suite = 3; optional int32 handshake_duration_millis = 4; optional android.stats.tls.Source source = 5; repeated int32 uid = 6 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logs when a TextClassifier API is invoked. * * See frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifier.java * Logged from: external/libtextclassifier/java/ */ message TextClassifierApiUsageReported { enum ApiType { UNKNOWN_API = 0; SUGGEST_SELECTION = 1; CLASSIFY_TEXT = 2; GENERATE_LINKS = 3; DETECT_LANGUAGES = 4; SUGGEST_CONVERSATION_ACTIONS = 5; } optional ApiType api_type = 1; enum ResultType { UNKNOWN_RESULT = 0; SUCCESS = 1; FAIL = 2; } optional ResultType result_type = 2; optional int64 latency_millis = 3; optional string session_id = 4; } /** * Logs when TextClassifier Model Downloader finishes a download task. * * Currently we create a downlaod task for each new manifest to download. * * Logged from: external/libtextclassifier/java/ */ message TextClassifierDownloadReported { // The model type to download enum ModelType { UNKNOWN_MODEL_TYPE = 0; ANNOTATOR = 1; LANG_ID = 2; ACTIONS_SUGGESTIONS = 3; } optional ModelType model_type = 1; // The file type to download enum FileType { UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE = 0; MANIFEST = 1; MODEL = 2; } // Deprecated: now manifest and model files are downloaded together. optional FileType file_type = 2; // The status of the download enum DownloadStatus { UNKNOWN_STATUS = 0; SCHEDULED = 1; SUCCEEDED = 2; FAILED_AND_RETRY = 3; FAILED_AND_ABORT = 4; } optional DownloadStatus download_status = 3; // The public GStatic url we used to download the model. Contains locale info. optional string url_suffix = 4; // Failure reason, only set if this is for a failure status enum FailureReason { reserved 1, 8, 9; UNKNOWN_FAILURE_REASON = 0; FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_SERVICE_CONN_BROKEN = 2; FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_404_ERROR = 3; FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD_OTHER = 4; DOWNLOADED_FILE_MISSING = 5; FAILED_TO_PARSE_MANIFEST = 6; FAILED_TO_VALIDATE_MODEL = 7; } optional FailureReason failure_reason = 5; // How many attempts we have tried for the same task at a terminal status (i.e. SUCCEEDED or // FAILED_AND_ABORT). optional int32 run_attempt_count = 6; // Custom failure code for downloader lib internal failures (E.g. 404 error). optional int32 downloader_lib_failure_code = 7; // Time elapsed for the whole download task optional int64 download_duration_millis = 8; // The id of the WorkManager work that launched this download. optional int64 work_id = 9; } /** * Logs when TextClassifier Model Downloader schedules a WorkManager work. * * Logged from: external/libtextclassifier/java/ */ message TextClassifierDownloadWorkScheduled { optional int64 work_id = 1; enum ReasonToSchedule { UNKNOWN_REASON_TO_SCHEDULE = 0; TCS_STARTED = 1; LOCALE_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 2; DEVICE_CONFIG_UPDATED = 3; } optional ReasonToSchedule reason_to_schedule = 2; optional bool failed_to_schedule = 3; } /** * Logs when TextClassifier Model Downloader finishes a WorkManager work. * * A WorkManager work includes one or more downlad tasks. We log this atom when * all tasks finished. The work_id can be used to join work log and task logs. * * Logged from: external/libtextclassifier/java/ */ message TextClassifierDownloadWorkCompleted { optional int64 work_id = 1; enum WorkResult { UNKNOWN_WORK_RESULT = 0; SUCCESS_MODEL_DOWNLOADED = 1; SUCCESS_NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE = 2; FAILURE_MODEL_DOWNLOADER_DISABLED = 3; FAILURE_MAX_RUN_ATTEMPT_REACHED = 4; RETRY_MODEL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 5; RETRY_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION = 6; RETRY_STOPPED_BY_OS = 7; } optional WorkResult work_result = 2; // How many attempts we have tried for this work. optional int32 run_attempt_count = 3; optional int64 work_scheduled_to_started_duration_millis = 4; optional int64 work_started_to_ended_duration_millis = 5; } /** * Logs telemetry for Android Virtualization framework * * On CreateVM requests, an atom is pushed that records what hypervisor is being used. * the protected status of the new VM, and if the VM creation succeeded * Logged from: packages/modules/Virtualization/ */ message VmCreationRequested { enum Hypervisor { UNKNOWN = 0; PKVM = 1; OTHER = 2; } enum ConfigType { UNKNOWN_CONFIG = 0; VIRTUAL_MACHINE_APP_CONFIG = 1; VIRTUAL_MACHINE_RAW_CONFIG = 2; } optional Hypervisor hypervisor = 1; // Is the VM started in protected mode? optional bool is_protected = 2; // Did the VM creation succeed optional bool creation_succeeded = 3; // Binder exception Code thrown by createVm request optional int32 binder_exception_code = 4; optional int32 uid = 5 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string vm_identifier = 6; optional ConfigType config_type = 7; optional int32 num_cpus = 8; optional string cpu_affinity = 9 [deprecated = true]; optional int32 memory_mib = 10; optional string apexes = 11; // TODO(seungjaeyoo) Fill information about task_profile // TODO(seungjaeyoo) Fill information about disk_image for raw config } /** * Logs telemetry for Android Virtualization framework * * When VM is booted successfully, an atom is pushed that records information about VM. * Logged from: packages/modules/Virtualization/ */ message VmBooted { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string vm_identifier = 2; // Elapsed time between start and boot completion of a VM optional int64 elapsed_time_millis = 3; } /** * Logs telemetry for Android Virtualization framework * * When VM is exited, an atom is pushed that records information about VM. * Logged from: packages/modules/Virtualization/ */ message VmExited { enum DeathReason { UNKNOWN = 0; INFRASTRUCTURE_ERROR = 1; KILLED = 2; SHUTDOWN = 3; ERROR = 4; REBOOT = 5; CRASH = 6; PVM_FIRMWARE_PUBLIC_KEY_MISMATCH = 7; PVM_FIRMWARE_INSTANCE_IMAGE_CHANGED = 8; BOOTLOADER_PUBLIC_KEY_MISMATCH = 9; BOOTLOADER_INSTANCE_IMAGE_CHANGED = 10; MICRODROID_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_VIRTUALIZATION_SERVICE = 11; MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_HAS_CHANGED = 12; MICRODROID_PAYLOAD_VERIFICATION_FAILED = 13; MICRODROID_INVALID_PAYLOAD_CONFIG = 14; MICRODROID_UNKNOWN_RUNTIME_ERROR = 15; HANGUP = 16; } optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string vm_identifier = 2; optional DeathReason death_reason = 3; // Exit signal when VM was KILLED optional int32 exit_signal = 8; // Elapsed time between start and termination of a VM optional int64 elapsed_time_millis = 4; // Guest time for CPU usage optional int64 guest_time_millis = 5; // RSS for memory usage optional int64 rss_vm_kb = 6; optional int64 rss_crosvm_kb = 7; } /** * (Deprecated) * Logs telemetry for Android Virtualization framework * * For every second while VM is running, an atom is pushed that records CPU time information of VM. * Logged from: packages/modules/Virtualization/ */ message VmCpuStatusReported { option deprecated = true; optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string vm_identifier = 2; optional int64 cpu_time_user_millis = 3; optional int64 cpu_time_nice_millis = 4; optional int64 cpu_time_sys_millis = 5; optional int64 cpu_time_idle_millis = 6; } /** * (Deprecated) * Logs telemetry for Android Virtualization framework * * For every second while VM is running, an atom is pushed that records memory information of VM. * Logged from: packages/modules/Virtualization/ */ message VmMemStatusReported { option deprecated = true; optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional string vm_identifier = 2; optional int64 mem_total_kb = 3; optional int64 mem_free_kb = 4; optional int64 mem_available_kb = 5; optional int64 mem_buffer_kb = 6; optional int64 mem_cached_kb = 7; } /** * Logs telemetry for Early boot CompOsArtifacts checks (done by odsign) * * odsign is a binary that runs during early boot. One of its responsibility is * to check if the device can use compOS and check if so, validate the compos * generated artifacts. An atom is pushed on each such check. Note: We only * push an atom from devices/configurations that can use compOs. */ message EarlyBootCompOsArtifactsCheckReported { // Are the current Artifacts okay (This check is done by odrefresh). // (current_artifacts_ok == true) => compilationRequired is false optional bool current_artifacts_ok = 1; // Has CompOs generated any Artifacts optional bool comp_os_pending_artifacts_exists = 2; // The device will be using CompOs generated artifacts. Note: the value of // this is meaningless if current_artifacts_ok = true optional bool use_comp_os_generated_artifacts = 3; } /** * Logs telemetry when Isolation compilation job is scheduled. * * The atoms are sent by IsolatedCompilationService (fragment of system_server) * when apex are staged and need compilation. */ message IsolatedCompilationScheduled { enum Result { SCHEDULING_RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; SCHEDULING_FAILURE = 1; SCHEDULING_SUCCESS = 2; } optional Result scheduling_result = 1; } /** * Logs telemetry Isolation compilation completion. * * The atoms is sent by IsolatedCompilationService by compilation ends * and contain results/timings of compilation */ message IsolatedCompilationEnded { enum Result { RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; RESULT_SUCCESS = 1; RESULT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE = 2; RESULT_FAILED_TO_START = 3; RESULT_JOB_CANCELED = 4; RESULT_COMPILATION_FAILED = 5; RESULT_UNEXPECTED_COMPILATION_RESULT = 6; RESULT_COMPOSD_DIED = 7; RESULT_FAILED_TO_ENABLE_FSVERITY = 8; } // Time between compilation job starts to when it ends. // Note: this does not include the time between compilation job being scheduled (or when apex is staged) // and it actually starting optional int64 compilation_time_millis = 1; // Result of compilation optional Result compilation_result = 2; // In case the job scheduler cancels the job, this will be the reason code // Codes are used from https://source.corp.google.com/android/frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobParameters.java // Note: this field only makes sense when compilation_result = RESULT_JOB_CANCELED optional int32 compilation_job_stop_reason = 3; } /** * Logs the current state of an application/process before it is killed. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pushed from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogKillStatsReported { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // State of the uid when it was killed. enum UidState { UNKNOWN_UID_STATE = 0; BACKGROUND_MODE = 1; FOREGROUND_MODE = 2; } optional UidState uid_state = 2; // System state indicating whether the system was in normal mode or garage mode. enum SystemState { UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_STATE = 0; USER_INTERACTION_MODE = 1; USER_NO_INTERACTION_MODE = 2; GARAGE_MODE = 3; } optional SystemState system_state = 3; // Reason for killing the application. // Keep in sync with proto file at packages/services/Car/cpp/watchdog/proto enum KillReason { UNKNOWN_KILL_REASON = 0; KILLED_ON_ANR = 1; KILLED_ON_IO_OVERUSE = 2; KILLED_ON_MEMORY_OVERUSE = 3; } optional KillReason kill_reason = 4; // Stats of the processes owned by the application when the application was killed. // The process stack traces are not collected when the application was killed due to IO_OVERUSE. optional CarWatchdogProcessStats process_stats = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The application's I/O overuse stats logged only when the kill reason is KILLED_ON_IO_OVERUSE. optional CarWatchdogIoOveruseStats io_overuse_stats = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs the I/O overuse stats for an application on detecting I/O overuse. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pushed from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogIoOveruseStatsReported { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The application's I/O overuse stats. optional CarWatchdogIoOveruseStats io_overuse_stats = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs I/O overuse stats for a package. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogIoOveruseStats { enum Period { UNKNOWN_PERIOD = 0; DAILY = 1; WEEKLY = 2; } // Threshold and usage stats period. optional Period period = 1; // Threshold in-terms of write bytes defined for the package. optional CarWatchdogPerStateBytes threshold = 2; // Number of write bytes in each state for the specified period. optional CarWatchdogPerStateBytes written_bytes = 3; // Application or service uptime during the aforementioned period. optional uint64 uptime_millis = 4; }; /** * Logs bytes attributed to each application and system states. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogPerStateBytes { // Number of bytes attributed to the application foreground. optional int64 foreground_bytes = 1; // Number of bytes attributed to the application background. optional int64 background_bytes = 2; // Number of bytes attributed to the garage mode. optional int64 garage_mode_bytes = 3; } /** * Logs each CarWatchdogProcessStat in CarWatchdogProcessStats. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogProcessStats { // Records the stats of the processes owned by an application. repeated CarWatchdogProcessStat process_stat = 1; } /** * Logs a process's stats. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Logged from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogProcessStat { // Command name of the process. optional string process_name = 1; // Process uptime. optional uint64 uptime_millis = 2; // Number of major page faults caused by the process and its children. optional uint64 major_page_faults = 3; // Peak virtual memory size in kb. optional uint64 vm_peak_kb = 4; // Virtual memory size in kb. optional uint64 vm_size_kb = 5; // Peak resident set size (high water mark) in kb. optional uint64 vm_hwm_kb = 6; // Resident set size in kb. optional uint64 vm_rss_kb = 7; } /** * Logs total I/O usage summary for all applications and services running in the system. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogSystemIoUsageSummary { // I/O usage summary for the system. optional CarWatchdogIoUsageSummary io_usage_summary = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Start time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. // Note: This field must be a top-level field as it is used to slice the metrics. optional int64 start_time_millis = 2; } /** * Logs I/O usage summary for an UID. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogUidIoUsageSummary { // UID of the application/service whose usage summary are recorded. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // I/O usage summary for the UID. optional CarWatchdogIoUsageSummary io_usage_summary = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Start time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. // Note: This field must be a top-level field as it is used to slice the metrics. optional int64 start_time_millis = 3; } /** * Logs I/O usage summary for a time period. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogIoUsageSummary { // Summary event time period. optional CarWatchdogEventTimePeriod event_time_period = 1; // Daily I/O usage summary for the period. Logs summary entries only for days with I/O usage. // The entries are ordered beginning from the event_time_period.start_time_millis. repeated CarWatchdogDailyIoUsageSummary daily_io_usage_summary = 2; } /** * Logs a car watchdog event's time period. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogEventTimePeriod { enum Period { UNKNOWN_PERIOD = 0; WEEKLY = 1; BIWEEKLY = 2; MONTHLY = 3; } // Deprecated field - Start time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. optional uint64 start_time_millis = 1 [deprecated = true]; // Period for the event. optional Period period = 2; } /** * Logs daily I/O usage summary. * * Keep in sync with proto file at * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/proto/atoms.proto * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Car/service/src/com/android/car/watchdog/WatchdogPerfHandler.java */ message CarWatchdogDailyIoUsageSummary { // Total bytes written to disk during a day. optional CarWatchdogPerStateBytes written_bytes = 1; // Total uptime for the system or service or application during a day. optional uint64 uptime_millis = 2; // Total disk I/O overuses during a day. optional int32 overuse_count = 3; } /* * pushes Media playback information. * Logged from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/media/metrics/ * MediaMetricsManagerService.java */ message MediametricsPlaybackReported { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Randomly generated log session ID. A Base64 encoded hex string representing a // 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 2; // The total length of the media in milliseconds. 0 for live contents. optional int64 media_duration_millis = 3; // Network, device, or mixed. optional android.stats.mediametrics.StreamSourceType stream_source = 4; // Stream type. DASH, HLS, etc optional android.stats.mediametrics.StreamType stream_type = 5; // Live, VOD, others optional android.stats.mediametrics.PlaybackType playback_type = 6; // DRM type optional android.stats.mediametrics.DrmType drm_type = 7; // Main, AD, others optional android.stats.mediametrics.ContentType content_type = 8; // Player name. E.g. ExoPlayer optional string player_name = 9; // Player version. E.g. 1.10.3e optional string player_version = 10; // Player related experiment IDs optional Experiments experiment_ids = 11 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Number of frames played. Dropped frames are not included. -1 means unknown. optional int32 video_frames_played = 12; // Number of frames dropped. -1 means unknown. optional int32 video_frames_dropped = 13; // Number of audio underruns. -1 means unknown. optional int32 audio_underrun_count = 14; // Total number of bytes read from the network optional int64 network_bytes_read = 15; // Total number of bytes read from on-device sources optional int64 local_bytes_read = 16; // Total transfer spent reading from the network in ms. // For parallel requests, the overlapping time intervals are counted only once. optional int64 network_transfer_duration_millis = 17; // A session ID generated from DRM to distinguish different DRM sessions. optional string drm_session_id = 18; } message MediaNetworkInfoChanged { // Randomly generated log session ID. A Base64 encoded hex string representing a // 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 1; // New network type optional android.stats.mediametrics.NetworkType type = 2; // When the network info change occurred relative to playback creation // time in milliseconds. // It is in absolute time (e.g. always ticks even if the playback is paused). optional int64 time_since_playback_created_millis = 3; } message MediaPlaybackStateChanged { // Randomly generated log session ID. A Base64 encoded hex string representing a // 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 1; // New playback state optional android.stats.mediametrics.PlaybackState playback_state = 2; // When the state change occurred relative to playback creation time in // milliseconds. // It is in absolute time (e.g. always ticks even if the playback is paused). optional int64 time_since_playback_created_millis = 3; } message MediaPlaybackErrorReported { // Randomly generated log session ID. A Base64 encoded hex string representing a // 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 1; // A shortened call stack of the error optional string exception_stack = 2; // Error code optional android.stats.mediametrics.PlaybackErrorCode error_code = 3; // Sub-code of error type specified by the error code. optional int32 sub_error_code = 4; // When the error occurred relative to playback creation time in millisecond. // It is in absolute time (e.g. always ticks even if the playback is paused). optional int64 time_since_playback_created_millis = 5; } message MediaPlaybackTrackChanged { // Randomly generated log session ID. A Base64 encoded hex string representing a // 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 1; // The track is on or off after the change optional android.stats.mediametrics.TrackState state = 2; // The reason of the track change optional android.stats.mediametrics.TrackChangeReason reason = 3; // The MIME type of the container. E.g. video/mp4 optional string container_mime_type = 4; // The sample MIME type of the track. E.g. video/avc optional string sample_mime_type = 5; // Codec name optional string codec_name = 6; // Bits per second. 0 means unknown. optional int32 bitrate = 7; // When the track change occurred, relative to playback creation time in // millisecond. // It is in absolute time (e.g. always ticks even if the playback is paused). optional int64 time_since_playback_created_millis = 8; // Track type. Audio, Video, Text optional android.stats.mediametrics.TrackType type = 9; // 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code. optional string language = 10; // IETF BCP 47 optional language region subtag based on a two-letter country code optional string language_region = 11; // Number of channels optional int32 channel_count = 12; // Samples per second optional int32 sample_rate = 13; // The width of the video in pixels. optional int32 width = 14; // The height of the video in pixels. optional int32 height = 15; // Video frame rate in frames per second. optional float video_frame_rate = 16; } message Experiments { // Experiment IDs sent by the player. repeated int64 experiments = 1; } /** * Logs when a Wifi network scan happens. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java */ message WifiScanReported { enum Type { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Single scan. TYPE_SINGLE = 1; // Background scan (deprecated, should not happen). TYPE_BACKGROUND = 2; } enum Result { RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; // Failed to start scan. RESULT_FAILED_TO_START = 1; // The HAL reported a scan failure after the scan was started. RESULT_FAILED_TO_SCAN = 2; // Scan succeeded. RESULT_SUCCESS = 3; } enum Source { SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0; // No work source set - not possible to determine the origin. SOURCE_NO_WORK_SOURCE = 1; // The Wifi stack. SOURCE_WIFI_STACK = 2; // GMS on behalf of some other app. SOURCE_GMS = 3; // Settings app. SOURCE_SETTINGS_APP = 4; // Other app directly. SOURCE_OTHER_APP = 5; } enum Importance { IMPORTANCE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Foreground app. Corresponds to the value of // ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND or less. IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND = 1; // Foreground service. Corresponds to the value of // ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 2; // Everything else. IMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND = 3; } // Scan type optional Type type = 1; // Outcome: success/failure optional Result result = 2; // What initiated a scan. optional Source source = 3; // Process importance of the initiator. // This is only available for non-system calls. optional Importance importance = 4; // Time taken for the scan. optional int32 scan_duration_millis = 5; // Count of found networks. optional int32 count_networks_found = 6; } /** * Logs when a Wifi PNO (Preferred Network Offload) scan happens. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java */ message WifiPnoScanReported { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; // Scan started. STARTED = 1; // Scan failed to start (e.g. bad request, unsupported by hardware, etc). FAILED_TO_START = 2; // Scan completed and a network was found. // Note - due to implementation constraints, nothing is reported when a scan completes but // doesn't find any networks. FINISHED_NETWORKS_FOUND = 3; // Scan failed. FAILED = 4; } optional State state = 1; } /** * Logs when an airplane mode session happens. * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Wifi/service/java/com/android/server/wifi/WifiMetrics.java * packages/modules/Bluetooth/service/java/com/android/server/bluetooth/BluetoothAirplaneModeListener.java */ message AirplaneModeSessionReported { enum PackageName { WIFI = 0; BLUETOOTH = 1; } // Module recording the airplane mode session optional PackageName package_name = 1; // State of the module before entering airplane mode // False - module off // True - module on optional bool previous_state = 2; // State of the module at the beginning of airplane mode optional bool entering_state = 3; // State of the module at the end of airplane mode optional bool exiting_state = 4; // Whether the user has activated the feature by // toggling the module in airplane mode optional bool feature_active = 5; // Whether the user toggled the module during current airplane mode optional bool user_toggled = 6; // Whether the user toggled the module within one minute optional bool user_toggled_within_minute = 7; // Whether media profile was connected before entering airplane mode // Only applicable to the Bluetooth module optional bool media_profile_connected = 8; } /** * Logs when a package installation session happens. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/InstallPackageHelper.java */ message PackageInstallationSessionReported { // Used to correlate with Play logging metrics optional int32 session_id = 1; // Only logged for failed installations optional string package_name = 2; // UID of the app that is successfully installed optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Users that will have this package installed repeated int32 user_ids = 4; // User types for the users listed above repeated int32 user_types = 5; // Users that originally had this package installed if it already exists repeated int32 original_user_ids = 6; // User types for original users repeated int32 original_user_types = 7; // PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_* error codes optional int32 public_return_code = 8; // Internal error codes that indicate detailed installation failures optional int32 internal_error_code = 9; // Total size of the new APKs in the current session optional int64 apks_size_bytes = 10; // Version code of the app optional int64 version_code = 11; // List of install steps defined in // frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/PackageMetrics.java repeated int32 install_steps = 12; // Duration of each step in the installation; order must match install_steps repeated int64 step_duration_millis = 13; // Total duration can be greater than zero even if install failed optional int64 total_duration_millis = 14; // Installation flags including DONT_KILL optional int32 install_flags = 15; // UID of the package that initiates the installation optional int32 installer_package_uid = 16 [(is_uid) = true]; // UID of the package that previously installed the app optional int32 original_installer_package_uid = 17 [(is_uid) = true]; // {@see android.content.pm.DataLoaderType} optional int32 data_loader_type = 18; // {@see android.content.pm.UserActionRequirement} optional int32 user_action_required_type = 19; // Install types might overlap, therefore using booleans for each type // A regular new app install has every field as false. optional bool is_instant = 20; optional bool is_replace = 21; optional bool is_system = 22; optional bool is_inherit = 23; optional bool is_installing_existing_as_user = 24; optional bool is_move_install = 25; // Whether this is a staged installation optional bool is_staged = 26; } message PackageUninstallationReported { // UID of the package being uninstalled optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Users on which the package (or system app update) is uninstalled from // If uninstall for all users, list all the user ids repeated int32 user_ids = 2; // Types of the users listed above. Order must match above. repeated int32 user_types = 3; // Users that originally had this package (or system app update) installed repeated int32 original_user_ids = 4; repeated int32 original_user_types = 5; // Flags of uninstallation, including KEEP_DATA optional int32 uninstall_flags = 6; // PackageManager.DELETE_SUCCEEDED or PackageManager.DELETE_FAILED_* optional int32 return_code = 7; // Special uninstall types might overlap, therefore booleans // An uninstall of a non-system app on all users should have all fields false optional bool is_system = 8; // When this is true, user_ids != original_user_ids optional bool is_uninstall_for_users = 9; } /** * Logs when the entitlement configuration of an IMS service is queried/updated. * * Logged from: ImsServiceEntitlement app */ message ImsServiceEntitlementUpdated { // The purpose of entitlement query/update enum Purpose { UNKNOWN_PURPOSE = 0; // Initial service activation in foreground ACTIVATION = 1; // Updating service configuration in foreground UPDATE = 2; // Background polling for querying service entitlement POLLING = 3; } // The IMS services enum ServiceType { UNKNOWN_SERVICE = 0; VOWIFI = 1; VOLTE = 2; SMSOIP = 3; } // The result of activation enum AppResult { UNKNOWN_RESULT = 0; ENABLED = 1; DISABLED = 2; INCOMPATIBLE = 3; PROVISIONING = 4; SUCCESSFUL = 5; FAILED = 6; CANCELED = 7; TIMEOUT = 8; UNEXPECTED_RESULT = 9; } // The Android carrier ID for the carrier providing the IMS service. // This may not be the actual carrier of the device, e.g. a MVNO // may use the IMS service of its MNO. optional int64 carrier_id = 1; // The Android carrier ID of the actual carrier. // E.g. a MVNO may use its MNO's IMS service. In this case, // actual_carrier_id is the MVNO and carrier_id is the MNO. optional int64 actual_carrier_id = 2; // The purpose of this query/update. optional Purpose purpose = 3; // Which IMS service's entitlement status were queried/updated. optional ServiceType service_type = 4; // Result of this query/update. optional AppResult app_result = 5; // How long (in milliseconds) this query/update took. optional int64 duration_millis = 6; } /** * Logged when a SIM-specific settings restore was attempted. * * Logged from: * packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/src/com/android/providers/telephony/TelephonyProvider.java */ message SimSpecificSettingsRestored { optional android.telephony.SimSpecfifcSettingsRestoreResult result = 1; // Indicates which restore flow was followed. optional android.telephony.SimSpecificSettingsRestoreCase restored_from_suw = 2; // Indicates which criteria was used to match the inserted SIM to backed up // SIM. Only relevant when result is SUCCESS optional android.telephony.SimSpecificSettingsRestoreMatchingCriteria matching_criteria = 3; } /** * The latency of Binder calls broken down by calling API and method name. * This is different from BinderCalls as it collects a histogram of the * latencies (to get more detailed data) not just the count, sum, and maximum. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/BinderLatencyObserver.java */ message BinderLatencyReported { message Dims { enum ProcessSource { UNKNOWN_PROCESS_SOURCE = 0; SYSTEM_SERVER = 1; TELEPHONY = 2; BLUETOOTH = 3; WIFI = 4; } enum ServiceClassName { UNKNOWN_CLASS = 0; } enum ServiceMethodName { UNKNOWN_METHOD = 0; } // Required. optional ProcessSource process_source = 1; // The class name of the API making the call to Binder. Enum value // is preferred as uses much less data to store. // This field does not contain PII. oneof service_class { ServiceClassName service_class_name_as_enum = 2; string service_class_name = 3; } // Method name of the API call. It can also be a transaction code if we // cannot resolve it to a name. See Binder#getTransactionName. Enum value // is preferred as uses much less data to store. // This field does not contain PII. oneof service_method { ServiceMethodName service_method_name_as_enum = 4; string service_method_name = 5; } } message ApiStats { // required. optional Dims dims = 1; // Indicates the first bucket that had any data. Allows omitting any empty // buckets at the start of the bucket list and thus save on data size. optional int32 first_bucket_index = 2; // Stores the count of samples for each bucket. The number of buckets and // their sizes are controlled server side with a flag. repeated int32 buckets = 3; } message RepeatedApiStats { repeated ApiStats api_stats = 1; } // The binder latency data broken down by the dimensions specified above. // The message wrapper is used for the repeated field as top level repeated // fields are not allowed. // MODE_BYTES is used as nested messages are not allowed otherwise. // Required. optional RepeatedApiStats repeated_api_stats = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The fraction of samples that are recorded in the histogram. // Required. optional float sampling_rate = 2; // Indicates how many shards the APIs are divided in - e.g. for 3 every // 3rd API will be included in the data for this shard. // Required. optional int32 sharding_modulo = 3; // Params for histogram buckets. // The number of buckets the histogram should have. optional int32 bucket_count = 4; // The size (upper bound) of the first bucket (used to avoid creating an // excessive amount of small buckets). E.g. for first_bucket_size of 5, the // first bucket will be [0, 5) and the second will be [5, 5 * scaleFactor). optional int32 first_bucket_size = 5; // The rate in which each consecutive bucket increases (before rounding). // Implemented in: com.android.internal.os.BinderLatencyBuckets. optional float scale_factor = 6; } /** * Log audio device types that are used for input/output. * Next Tag: 2 */ message AudioDevice { // See audio_devices_t in system/media/audio/include/system/audio-hal-enums.h repeated int32 type = 1; } /** * Track information about AAudio Stream * Logged from * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/AudioAnalytics.cpp */ message MediametricsAAudioStreamReported { // The implementation of aaudio. optional android.media.audio.CallerPath path = 1; // The direction of the stream. optional android.media.audio.Direction direction = 2; // The amount read or written in one shot by the Mixer or DSP. optional int32 frames_per_burst = 3; // The number of frames that the buffer is used. optional int32 buffer_size = 4; // The allocated number of frames for the buffer. optional int32 buffer_capacity = 5; // The channel count of the aaudio stream. optional int32 channel_count = 6; // Total frames transferred (written or read) optional int64 total_frames_transferred = 7; // The performance mode requested by the applications. optional android.media.audio.PerformanceMode perf_mode_requested = 8; // The actual performance mode used by aaudio. optional android.media.audio.PerformanceMode perf_mode_actual = 9; // The mode requested for sharing the device optional android.media.audio.SharingMode sharing = 10; // Approximate number of glitches. // Underrun on output stream. Overrun on input stream. optional int32 xrun_count = 11; // Devices that are used by the aaudio stream. optional AudioDevice types = 12 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Format request by the applications optional int32 format_app = 13; // Format processed by the framework optional int32 format_device = 14; // Android S metric log session id, a Base64Url encoded string representing a 128-bit integer. optional string log_session_id = 15; // The sample rate of the aaudio stream. optional int32 sample_rate = 16; // The content type of the aaudio stream. optional android.media.audio.ContentType content_type = 17; // The mode of sharing the device requested by the client. optional android.media.audio.SharingMode sharing_requested = 18; // Android U // The format used by the audio hardware. optional int32 format_hardware = 19; // Android U // The channel count used by the audio hardware. optional int32 channel_count_hardware = 20; // Android U // The sample rate used by the audio hardware. optional int32 sample_rate_hardware = 21; // Android U // The UID of the client. optional int32 uid = 22 [(is_uid) = true]; // Android U // The sample rate used by the client. optional int32 sample_rate_client = 23; } /** * Logs media transcoding session ended events. * * Logged from: * frameworks/av/media/libmediatranscoding/TranscoderWrapper.cpp */ message MediaTranscodingSessionEnded { enum Reason { UNKNOWN = 0; // Unused. FINISHED = 1; // Transcoding session finished successfully. ERROR = 2; // Transcoding session returned error while running. PAUSED = 3; // Transcoding session was paused, potentially failed. CANCELLED = 4; // Transcoding session was cancelled. START_FAILED = 5; // Transcoding session failed to start. RESUME_FAILED = 6; // Transcoding session failed to resume. CREATE_FAILED = 7; // Transcoder instance failed to crate. CONFIG_SRC_FAILED = 8; // Configure source failed. CONFIG_DST_FAILED = 9; // Configure destination failed. CONFIG_TRACK_FAILED = 10; // Configure track failed. OPEN_SRC_FD_FAILED = 11; // Open source fd failed. OPEN_DST_FD_FAILED = 12; // Open destination fd failed. NO_TRACKS = 13; // No tracks in source file. } // Reason for logging the atom. optional Reason reason = 1; // UID of client connecting to media transcoding service. optional int32 calling_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Transcode session status flag (media_status_t). optional int32 transcode_status = 3; // Transcode speed as framerate, if status is success. optional int32 transcode_fps = 4; // Source video dimensions. optional int32 src_width = 5; optional int32 src_height = 6; // Source video codec information. optional string src_codec_type = 7; optional int32 src_profile = 8; optional int32 src_level = 9; // Source video framerate. optional int32 src_fps = 10; // Source video duration. optional int32 src_duration_millis = 11; // Whether source video is HDR. optional bool src_is_hdr = 12; // Destination video dimensions. optional int32 dst_width = 13; optional int32 dst_height = 14; // Destination video codec information. optional string dst_codec_type = 15; // Whether destination video is HDR. optional bool dst_is_hdr = 16; } /** Logs information about an unattended reboot that took place. This is logged * after the next boot, when the device is first unlocked. * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Scheduling/service/java/com/android/server/RebootReadinessLogger.java */ message UnattendedRebootOccurred { // Time between the reboot readiness state checks starting, and the device // becoming reboot-ready. optional int64 time_until_reboot_ready_millis= 1; // Time taken for the device to be unlocked (i.e. for the keyguard to be // gone) after an unattended reboot took place. optional int64 time_until_first_unlock_millis = 2; // Number of times the reboot was blocked by the device being interactive. optional int32 times_blocked_by_interactivity = 3; // Number of times the reboot was blocked by a callback registered by a // subsystem or a privileged app. optional int32 times_blocked_by_subsystems = 4; // Number of times the reboot was blocked by background app activity. optional int32 times_blocked_by_app_activity = 5; // Time until next user interaction with the device. optional int64 time_until_next_interaction_ms = 6; } /** * Logs information about an app uid or registered system component that has * been blocking the device from being reboot-ready for a long time. * * Logged from: * packages/modules/Scheduling/service/java/com/android/server/RebootReadinessLogger.java */ message LongRebootBlockingReported { enum RebootBlockReason { SYSTEM_COMPONENT = 1; APP_UID = 2; } // The reason why the reboot has been blocked. This is either a system // component that has registered a callback, or an app UID running in the // background. optional RebootBlockReason reboot_block_reason = 1; // Only one of the following two fields should be set, depending on the // RebootBlockReason. // The name supplied by a system component when it registered a callback // to block the reboot. optional string component_name = 2; // The uid of an app that is running in the background. optional int32 uid = 3; } /** * Logs the magnification activated mode and its duration of the usage * when the magnification is disabled. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility */ message MagnificationUsageReported { // The definition of the magnification mode. // From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.MagnificationMode activated_mode = 1; // The duration of this magnification mode activation in milliseconds optional int64 duration_millis = 2; // The last magnification scale for the activation in percentage optional int64 scale_percentage = 3; } /** * Logs the magnification activated mode when IME dialog shows on the screen. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility */ message MagnificationModeWithImeOnReported { // The definition of the magnification mode. // From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/stats/accessibility/accessibility_enums.proto. optional android.stats.accessibility.MagnificationMode activated_mode = 1; } /** * Logs the duration for the magnification session which is activated by the triple tap and * hold gesture. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility */ message MagnificationTripleTapAndHoldActivatedSessionReported { // The duration of the triple tap and hold activated session in milliseconds optional int64 duration_millis = 1; } /** * Logs the duration for the following typing focus activated session. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility */ message MagnificationFollowTypingFocusActivatedSessionReported { // The duration of the following typing focus activated session in milliseconds optional int64 duration_millis = 1; } /* * Logged when hardware based user-configurable device state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/devicestate/DeviceStateManagerService.java */ message DeviceStateChanged { optional int32 new_device_state = 1 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; optional bool boot_state = 2; } /* * Logged when device folded state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/unfold/FoldStateLogger.kt */ message FoldStateDurationReported { enum State { UNKNOWN = 0; OPEN = 1; CLOSED = 2; HALF_OPEN = 3; } optional State start_state = 1; optional State end_state = 2; optional int64 duration_millis = 3; } /** * This metric is collected at the end of playback * as a pulled atom. * * DrmHal::cleanup() { * // ... * reportFrameworkMetrics(reportPluginMetrics()); * // ... * } * This proto should be kept in-sync with * frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/protos/metrics.proto. */ message DrmFrameworkMetrics { // Attributes are associated with a recorded value. E.g. A counter may // represent a count of an operation returning a specific error code. The // error code will be an attribute. message Attributes { // Reserved for compatibility with logging proto. reserved 2 to 13; // A general purpose error code where 0 means OK. optional int32 error_code = 1; // Defined at ::android::hardware::drm::V1_0::KeyStatusType; optional uint32 key_status_type = 14; // Defined at ::android::hardware::drm::V1_0::EventType; optional uint32 event_type = 15; } // The Counter message is used to store a count value with an associated // Attribute. message Counter { optional uint64 count = 1; // Represents the attributes associated with this counter instance. optional Attributes attributes = 2; } // The DistributionMetric is meant to capture the moments of a normally // distributed (or approximately normal) value. message DistributionMetric { optional float min = 1; optional float max = 2; optional float mean = 3; optional double variance = 4; optional uint64 operation_count = 5; // Represents the attributes associated with this distribution metric // instance. optional Attributes attributes = 6; } message SessionLifetime { // Start time of the session in milliseconds since epoch. optional uint64 start_time_millis = 1; // End time of the session in milliseconds since epoch. optional uint64 end_time_millis = 2; } // The count of open session operations. Each instance has a specific error // code associated with it. repeated Counter open_session_counter = 1; // The count of close session operations. Each instance has a specific error // code associated with it. repeated Counter close_session_counter = 2; // Count and execution time of getKeyRequest calls. repeated DistributionMetric get_key_request_time_us = 3; // Count and execution time of provideKeyResponse calls. repeated DistributionMetric provide_key_response_time_us = 4; // Count of getProvisionRequest calls. repeated Counter get_provisioning_request_counter = 5; // Count of provideProvisionResponse calls. repeated Counter provide_provisioning_response_counter = 6; // Count of key status events broken out by status type. repeated Counter key_status_change_counter = 7; // Count of events broken out by event type repeated Counter event_callback_counter = 8; // Count getPropertyByteArray calls to retrieve the device unique id. repeated Counter get_device_unique_id_counter = 9; message SessionLifetimeEntry { optional string session_id = 1; optional SessionLifetime session_lifetime = 2; } // Session ids to lifetime (start and end time) map. // Session ids are strings of hex-encoded byte arrays. // This field is equivalent to the map // field in frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/protos/metrics.proto. repeated SessionLifetimeEntry session_lifetimes = 10; } /** * The metric is collected at the end of playback * as a pulled atom MediaDrmActivityInfo. * * The framework_metrics is defined in * frameworks/av/drm/libmediadrm/protos/metrics.proto. * * The format of vendor_metrics is MediaDrm plugin dependent. * * DrmHal::cleanup() { * // ... * reportFrameworkMetrics(reportPluginMetrics()); * // ... * } * * This pulled atom is then collected in * frameworks/av/services/mediametrics/MediaMetricsService.cpp. */ message MediaDrmActivityInfo { optional string package_name = 1; optional int64 package_version_code = 2; // vendor+description tell about which DRM plugin is in use on this device optional string vendor = 3; optional string description = 4; optional DrmFrameworkMetrics framework_metrics = 5 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; optional bytes vendor_metrics = 6 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /* * A canonical form time zone suggestion for metrics use. */ message MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CERTAIN = 1; UNCERTAIN = 2; } optional Type type = 1; // The ordinals for time zone(s) in the suggestion. Always empty for // UNCERTAIN, and can be empty for CERTAIN, for example when the device is in // a disputed area / on an ocean. // // The suggestion's time zone IDs (which relate to location) are obfuscated by // mapping them to an ordinal. When the ordinal is assigned consistently across // several objects (i.e. so the same time zone ID is always mapped to the same // ordinal), this allows comparisons between those objects. For example, we can // answer "did these two suggestions agree?", "does the suggestion match the // device's current time zone?", without leaking knowledge of location. Ordinals // are also significantly more compact than full IANA TZDB IDs, albeit unstable // and of limited use. repeated int32 time_zone_ordinals = 2; // The actual time zone ID(s) in the suggestion. Similar to time_zone_ordinals // but contains the actual string IDs. // // This information is only captured / reported for some devices based on the // value of a server side flag, i.e. it could be enabled for internal testers. // Therefore the list can be empty even when time_zone_ordinals is populated. // // When enabled, see time_zone_ordinals for the expected number of values. repeated string time_zone_ids = 3; } /* * Logs a snapshot of time zone detector state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/stats/pull/StatsPullAtomService.java */ message TimeZoneDetectorState { // True if telephony-based time zone detection is supported on the device. optional bool telephony_supported = 1; // True if geo-based time zone detection is supported on the device. optional bool geo_supported = 2; // The current user's master location setting value. optional bool location_enabled = 3; // The current user's auto time zone detection enabled setting value. optional bool auto_detection_setting = 4; // The current user's geo detection enabled setting. optional bool geo_detection_setting = 5; enum DetectionMode { UNKNOWN = 0; MANUAL = 1; TELEPHONY = 2; GEO = 3; } // The functional / behavioral state for how time zones are currently determined on the device. // Avoids needing to duplicate the logic used. optional DetectionMode detection_mode = 6; // The device's current time zone ordinal (see MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion). optional int32 device_time_zone_ordinal = 7; // The latest suggestion received from the user, e.g. via SettingsUI (non-persistent). optional MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion latest_manual_suggestion = 8 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The latest telephony-derived suggestion (non-persistent). optional MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion latest_telephony_suggestion = 9 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The latest geo-derived suggestion (non-persistent). optional MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion latest_geo_suggestion = 10 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // True if fallback to telephony time zone detection is supported on the device. optional bool telephony_time_zone_fallback_supported = 11; // The device's current time zone ID (see MetricsTimeZoneSuggestion). optional string device_time_zone_id = 12; // True if enhanced metrics collection is enabled. optional bool enhanced_metrics_collection_enabled = 13; // True if the device may run geolocation time zone detection in the // background. This is the raw server flag value, not the value after // considering other state like the user's "use location" setting that also // affects runtime behavior. See LocationTimeZoneProviderController for // details. optional bool geo_detection_run_in_background_enabled = 14; } /* * Logs information about an individual location time zone provider's state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/timezonedetector/location/RealProviderMetricsLogger.java */ message LocationTimeZoneProviderStateChanged { // The index of the provider (primary = 0, secondary = 1) optional int32 provider_index = 1 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; enum State { // A placeholder for unknown values. UNKNOWN = 0; // The provider is initializing. INITIALIZING = 1; // The provider is certain of the time zone. CERTAIN = 2; // The provider is uncertain of the time zone. UNCERTAIN = 3; // The provider has been stopped. STOPPED = 4; // The provider has failed. PERM_FAILED = 5; // The provider has been destroyed. DESTROYED = 6; } // The state of the provider. optional State state = 2 [ (state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false ]; } /* * Logs information about the location time zone provider controller's state. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/timezonedetector/location/RealControllerMetricsLogger.java */ message LocationTimeZoneProviderControllerStateChanged { enum State { // A placeholder for unknown values. UNKNOWN = 0; // The providers are initializing. PROVIDERS_INITIALIZING = 1; // The controller is / has been stopped. STOPPED = 2; // The controller is started and is initializing. INITIALIZING = 3; // The controller is started and is certain of the time zone. CERTAIN = 4; // The controller is started and is uncertain of the time zone. UNCERTAIN = 5; // The controller has been destroyed. DESTROYED = 6; // The controller has failed. FAILED = 7; } // The state of the provider. optional State state = 1; } /* * Reports fdtrack state change. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/SystemServer.java */ message FdtrackEventOccurred { enum FdtrackEventType { DISABLED = 1; ENABLED = 2; // Aborting because we're above the abort threshold. ABORTING = 3; } optional FdtrackEventType event = 1; optional int32 fd_count = 2; } /** * Pushed when delivering a batch of alarms. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/service/java/com/android/server/alarm/MetricsHelper.java */ message AlarmBatchDelivered { // The total number of alarms delivered in the batch. optional int32 num_alarms = 1; // The number of wakeup alarms delivered in the batch. optional int32 wakeups = 2; // A list of uids receiving the alarm delivery. repeated int32 uids = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // The number of alarms delivered to each of the {@link uids} above. repeated int32 num_alarms_per_uid = 4; // The number of wakeup alarms delivered to each of the {@link uids} above. repeated int32 num_wakeups_per_uid = 5; } /** * Pushed when an app schedules an alarm. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/service/java/com/android/server/alarm/MetricsHelper.java */ message AlarmScheduled { optional int32 calling_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional bool is_exact = 2; optional bool is_wakeup = 3; optional bool is_allow_while_idle = 4; optional bool is_alarm_clock = 5; optional bool is_repeating = 6; enum ReasonCode { NOT_APPLICABLE = 0; PERMISSION = 1; ALLOW_LIST = 2; CHANGE_DISABLED = 3; POLICY_PERMISSION = 4; LISTENER = 5; PRIORITIZED = 6; } optional ReasonCode exact_alarm_allowed_reason = 7; optional bool is_rtc = 8; // The state of the callingUid, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/app/app_enums.proto. optional android.app.ProcessStateEnum calling_process_state = 9; } /** * Logs statistics about pending alarms. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/base/apex/jobscheduler/service/java/com/android/server/alarm/MetricsHelper.java */ message PendingAlarmInfo { optional int32 num_total = 1; optional int32 num_exact = 2; optional int32 num_wakeup = 3; optional int32 num_allow_while_idle = 4; optional int32 num_prioritized = 5; optional int32 num_foreground_service = 6; optional int32 num_activity = 7; optional int32 num_service = 8; optional int32 num_listener = 9; optional int32 num_indefinite_future = 10; optional int32 num_repeating = 11; optional int32 num_alarm_clock = 12; optional int32 num_rtc = 13; } /* * Logged when a package's user-level hibernation state changes. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/apphibernation/AppHibernationService.java */ message UserLevelHibernationStateChanged { // Name of the package that had its hibernation state change. optional string package_name = 1; // Android user id to which this event belongs. This can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on. optional int32 user_id = 2; // New hibernation state. True if hibernating, false otherwise optional bool is_hibernating = 3; } /* * Pull atom for the number of hibernated packages on the device for the given user. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/apphibernation/AppHibernationService.java */ message UserLevelHibernatedApps { // Total number of apps hibernated for the user optional int32 hibernated_app_count = 1; // Android user id of the queried user which can only be 0, 10, 11 and so on. optional int32 user_id = 2; } /** * Pull atom for total number of globally hibernated packages on the device and the storage savings * from these apps being hibernated. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/apphibernation/AppHibernationService.java */ message GlobalHibernatedApps { // Total number of apps in global hibernation optional int32 hibernated_app_count = 1; // Cumulative storage savings from apps being hibernated optional int64 storage_saved_mb = 2; } /* * Report the event of app process kills. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/AppExitInfoTracker.java */ message AppProcessDied { // Uid of the package of the dying process optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the dying process, it'll be omitted if the process name and package name are the same optional string process_name = 2; // The reason code of why the process dies optional android.app.AppExitReasonCode reason = 3; // The supplemental reason code of why the process dies optional android.app.AppExitSubReasonCode sub_reason = 4; // The importance of the process when it dies optional android.app.Importance importance = 5; // The last known PSS (in kB) of the process before it dies, could be 0. optional int32 pss = 6; // The last known RSS (in kB) of the process before it dies, could be 0. optional int32 rss = 7; // Whether or not this process is hosting one or more foregound services. optional bool has_foreground_services = 8; } // Each pull creates multiple atoms. One for each incremental package. message InstalledIncrementalPackage { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; optional bool is_loading = 2; optional int64 loading_completed_timestamp = 3; } /** * Memory management statistics pulled atom based on /proc/vmstat. * Logged from StatsPullAtomService. */ message VmStat { optional int32 oom_kill_count = 1; } /** * Log that the user has interacted with an app on the permission usage * fragment. * Logged from permission/debug/PermissionUsageV2Frament.kt */ message PermissionUsageFragmentInteraction { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission hub optional int64 session_id = 1; enum Action { UNDEFINED = 0; OPEN = 1; LOCATION_ACCESS_TIMELINE_VIEWED = 2; CAMERA_ACCESS_TIMELINE_VIEWED = 3; MICROPHONE_ACCESS_TIMELINE_VIEWED = 4; SHOW_SYSTEM_CLICKED = 5; SEE_OTHER_PERMISSIONS_CLICKED = 6; } // The action the user took to interact with the fragment optional Action action = 2; } /** * Log that the user has clicked on . * Logged from permission/debug/PermissionDetailsFragment.kt */ message PermissionDetailsInteraction { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission details fragment. optional int64 session_id = 1; // The name of a permission group whose details are viewed. optional string permission_group_name = 2; enum Action { UNDEFINED = 0; SHOW_SYSTEM_CLICKED = 1; INFO_ICON_CLICKED = 2; } // Package name for which the info icon was clicked. optional string package_name = 3; // The action the user took to interact with the fragment optional Action action = 4; } /** * Log that the user has toggled the sensor privacy. */ message PrivacySensorToggleInteraction { enum Sensor { SENSOR_UNKNOWN = 0; MICROPHONE = 1; CAMERA = 2; } // Sensor for which sensor privacy was toggled. optional Sensor sensor = 1; enum Action { ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0; TOGGLE_ON = 1; TOGGLE_OFF = 2; TOGGLE_ON_EXCEPT_ALLOWLISTED_APPS = 3; } // Action taken on sensor. optional Action action = 2; enum Source { SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0; DIALOG = 1; SETTINGS = 2; QS_TILE = 3; } // Source for the toggling. optional Source source = 3; // Amount of time a user spent in the previous sensor privacy state in minutes. optional int64 time_in_previous_state_in_mins = 4; } message PrivacyToggleDialogInteraction { enum Action { ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0; ENABLE = 1; CANCEL = 2; } // Action taken on the toggle dialog. optional Action action = 1; // Name of the package for which the dialog was shown. optional string package_name = 2; } message VendorApexInfo { optional string package_name = 1; optional string version_code = 2; optional string version_name = 3; optional string source_dir = 4; optional string signing_certs_hash = 5; optional string file_hash = 6; } /** * Logs the non-a11yTool service warning status and its duration of the usage. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/accessibility/java/com/android/server/accessibility * packages/apps/Settings */ message NonA11yToolServiceWarningReported { // Package name of the non-a11yTool service. optional string package_name = 1; // Warning status of the non-a11yTool service. optional android.stats.accessibility.WarningStatus status = 2; // Duration between status in milliseconds. optional int64 duration_millis = 3; } message MediaCapabilities { message AudioEncodings { repeated android.stats.mediametrics.AudioEncoding audio_encodings = 1; } message HdrFormats { repeated android.stats.mediametrics.HdrFormat hdr_formats = 1; } message DisplayMode { optional int32 height = 1; optional int32 width = 2; optional float refresh_rate = 3; optional int32 seamless_refresh_rates_group_id = 4; } message DisplayModes { repeated DisplayMode display_modes = 1; } // Surround sound capabilities // List of surround sound encodings supported by this device optional AudioEncodings surround_encodings = 1 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // List of surround sound encodings supported by the sink device optional AudioEncodings sink_surround_encodings = 2 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // List of supported surround sound encodings disabled by user optional AudioEncodings user_disabled_surround_encodings = 3 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // List of unsupported surround sound encodings enabled by user optional AudioEncodings user_enabled_surround_encodings = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The surround sound output mode chosen by user optional android.stats.mediametrics.EncodedSurroundOutputMode surround_output_mode = 5; // Display capabilities // List of HDR display formats supported by the sink device optional HdrFormats sink_hdr_formats = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // List of modes supported by the sink device. Each mode has height, width, refresh rate and a list // of refresh-rates between which a seamless switch is possible. optional DisplayModes sink_display_modes = 7 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The HDCP level with which the display is connected optional int32 hdcp_level = 8; // Display settings // The Match content refresh rate user preference optional android.stats.mediametrics.MatchContentFrameRatePreference match_content_refresh_rate_preference = 9; // List of HDR formats disabled by the user optional HdrFormats user_disabled_hdr_formats = 10 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The resolution height selected by the user optional int32 user_preferred_resolution_height = 11; // The resolution width selected by the user optional int32 user_preferred_resolution_width = 12; // The refresh rate selected by the user optional float user_preferred_refresh_rate = 13; // Whether the user has disabled auto low latency mode optional bool has_user_disabled_allm = 14; } /** * Logs when NNAPI model is compiled successfully * Logged from * modules/NeuralNetworks/runtime/TelemetryStatsd.cpp */ message NeuralNetworksCompilationCompleted { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // id which identifies single session of client interacting with NNAPI runtime optional int32 session_id = 2; // NNAPI mainline module version. optional int64 version_nnapi_module = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for ML model architecture. // Hash is generated from model operations and operands definition, but not weights. // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte optional bytes model_arch_hash = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Device driver identifier used by this compilation. // NeuralNetworks models are compiled/prepared for one or more device drivers (e.g., DSP, GPU, // TPU, CPU). The device driver identifier is a concatenation of [device driver name, =, and // device driver version]. If multiple device drivers are used, all device driver identifiers // are sorted and concatenated with comma as a separator. optional string device_id = 5; // Type of tensors used for inputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass input_data_class = 6; // Type of tensors used for outputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass output_data_class = 7; // Did the compilation had to fallback to cpu due to an error? optional bool fallback_to_cpu_from_error = 8; // Did client name target devices explicitly? optional bool introspection_enabled = 9; // Was cache enabled? optional bool cache_enabled = 10; // Was control flow used in the model? optional bool has_control_flow = 11; // Whether there exists a partition boundary in the compilation that has dynamic size optional bool has_dynamic_temporaries = 12; // Time taken to compile a model optional int64 compilation_time_sum_millis = 13; optional int64 compilation_time_min_millis = 14; optional int64 compilation_time_max_millis = 15; optional int64 compilation_time_sum_squared_millis = 16; optional int32 compilation_time_count = 17; // How many times this atom occurred locally before being pushed. optional int32 count = 18; // model_arch_hash compressed to 64 bits by bitwise-xor each 64 chunk of model_arch_hash. optional int64 model_arch_hash_64 = 19; } /** * Logs when NNAPI model fails compilation * Logged from * modules/NeuralNetworks/runtime/TelemetryStatsd.cpp */ message NeuralNetworksCompilationFailed { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // id which identifies single session of client interacting with NNAPI runtime optional int32 session_id = 2; // NNAPI mainline module version. optional int64 version_nnapi_module = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for ML model architecture. // Hash is generated from model operations and operands definition, but not weights. // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte optional bytes model_arch_hash = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Device driver identifier used by this compilation. // NeuralNetworks models are compiled/prepared for one or more device drivers (e.g., DSP, GPU, // TPU, CPU). The device driver identifier is a concatenation of [device driver name, =, and // device driver version]. If multiple device drivers are used, all device driver identifiers // are sorted and concatenated with comma as a separator. optional string device_id = 5; // Type of tensors used for inputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass input_data_class = 6; // Type of tensors used for outputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass output_data_class = 7; // Error code returned by compilation call optional android.neuralnetworks.ResultCode error_code = 8; // Did client name target devices explicitly? optional bool introspection_enabled = 9; // Was cache enabled? optional bool cache_enabled = 10; // Was control flow used in the model? optional bool has_control_flow = 11; // Whether there exists a partition boundary in the compilation that has dynamic size optional bool has_dynamic_temporaries = 12; // How many times this atom occurred locally before being pushed. optional int32 count = 13; // model_arch_hash compressed to 64 bits by bitwise-xor each 64 chunk of model_arch_hash. optional int64 model_arch_hash_64 = 14; } /** * Logs when NNAPI model is executed successfully * * Logged from * modules/NeuralNetworks/runtime/TelemetryStatsd.cpp */ message NeuralNetworksExecutionCompleted { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // id which identifies single session of client interacting with NNAPI runtime optional int32 session_id = 2; // NNAPI mainline module version. optional int64 version_nnapi_module = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for ML model architecture. // Hash is generated from model operations and operands definition, but not weights. // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte optional bytes model_arch_hash = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Device driver identifier used by this execution. // NeuralNetworks models are executed on one or more device drivers (e.g., DSP, GPU, TPU, CPU). // The device driver identifier is a concatenation of [device driver name, =, and device driver // version]. If multiple device drivers are used, all device driver identifiers are sorted and // concatenated with comma as a separator. optional string device_id = 5; // Execution mode optional android.neuralnetworks.Mode mode = 6; // Type of tensors used for inputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass input_data_class = 7; // Type of tensors used for outputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass output_data_class = 8; // Did client name target devices explicitly? optional bool introspection_enabled = 9; // Was cache enabled? optional bool cache_enabled = 10; // Was control flow used in the model? optional bool has_control_flow = 11; // Whether there exists a partition boundary in the compilation that has dynamic size optional bool has_dynamic_temporaries = 12; // Time taken to execute from runtime, including runtime/ipc overhead optional int64 duration_runtime_sum_micros = 13; optional int64 duration_runtime_min_micros = 14; optional int64 duration_runtime_max_micros = 15; optional int64 duration_runtime_sum_squared_micros = 16; optional int32 duration_runtime_count = 17; // Time taken to execute in the driver, excluding runtime/ipc overhead optional int64 duration_driver_sum_micros = 18; optional int64 duration_driver_min_micros = 19; optional int64 duration_driver_max_micros = 20; optional int64 duration_driver_sum_squared_micros = 21; optional int32 duration_driver_count = 22; // Time taken to execute on the hardware, excluding driver overhead optional int64 duration_hardware_sum_micros = 23; optional int64 duration_hardware_min_micros = 24; optional int64 duration_hardware_max_micros = 25; optional int64 duration_hardware_sum_squared_micros = 26; optional int32 duration_hardware_count = 27; // How many times this atom occurred locally before being pushed. optional int32 count = 28; // model_arch_hash compressed to 64 bits by bitwise-xor each 64 chunk of model_arch_hash. optional int64 model_arch_hash_64 = 29; } /** * Logs when NNAPI model fails execution * Logged from * modules/NeuralNetworks/runtime/TelemetryStatsd.cpp */ message NeuralNetworksExecutionFailed { // Linux process uid for the package. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // id which identifies single session of client interacting with NNAPI runtime optional int32 session_id = 2; // NNAPI mainline module version. optional int64 version_nnapi_module = 3; // An identifier that can be used to match events for ML model architecture. // Hash is generated from model operations and operands definition, but not weights. // Hash algorithm: HMAC-SHA256 // Size: 32 byte optional bytes model_arch_hash = 4 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Device driver identifier used by this execution. // NeuralNetworks models are executed on one or more device drivers (e.g., DSP, GPU, TPU, CPU). // The device driver identifier is a concatenation of [device driver name, =, and device driver // version]. If multiple device drivers are used, all device driver identifiers are sorted and // concatenated with comma as a separator. optional string device_id = 5; // Execution mode optional android.neuralnetworks.Mode mode = 6; // Type of tensors used for inputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass input_data_class = 7; // Type of tensors used for outputs optional android.neuralnetworks.DataClass output_data_class = 8; // Error code returned by execution call optional android.neuralnetworks.ResultCode error_code = 9; // Did client name target devices explicitly? optional bool introspection_enabled = 10; // Was cache enabled? optional bool cache_enabled = 11; // Was control flow used in the model? optional bool has_control_flow = 12; // Whether there exists a partition boundary in the compilation that has dynamic size optional bool has_dynamic_temporaries = 13; // How many times this atom occurred locally before being pushed. optional int32 count = 14; // model_arch_hash compressed to 64 bits by bitwise-xor each 64 chunk of model_arch_hash. optional int64 model_arch_hash_64 = 15; } /** * Logs boot-time info for a Context Hub. */ message ContextHubBooted { // The amount of time it took the framework to connect to CHRE/Context Hub HAL // since the framework has booted. optional int64 boot_time_nanos = 1; // The number of Context Hub instances found on this system. optional int32 num_context_hubs = 2; } /** * Logs Context Hub restart events (e.g. crashes). */ message ContextHubRestarted { // The duration of time between the last time Context Hub restart and this event. // This should use the SystemClock.elapsedRealTime() API. optional int64 elapsed_time_millis_since_boot = 1; // The ID of the Context Hub that has restarted (zero-indexed). optional int32 context_hub_id = 2; } /** * Logs a snapshot of all the nanoapps loaded on this Context Hub. */ message ContextHubLoadedNanoappSnapshotReported { // The ID of the Context Hub the snapshot is for (zero-indexed). optional int32 context_hub_id = 1; // The nanoapp this snapshot is for. The nanoapp ID is the 64-bit unique identifier // for the application, and the version is the semantic versioning (https://semver.org) // used to determine the software version. optional int64 nanoapp_id = 2; optional int32 nanoapp_version = 3; } /** * Logs details of a dynamic CHRE nanoapp code download transaction. */ message ChreCodeDownloadTransacted { enum Type { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; TYPE_LOAD = 1; TYPE_UNLOAD = 2; } // The ID/version of the nanoapp this code download was for. optional int64 nanoapp_id = 1; optional int32 nanoapp_version = 2; // The type of code download transaction. optional Type transaction_type = 3; // The result of this transaction. optional android.contexthub.ContextHubTransactionResult transaction_result = 4; } /** * Stats about each feature tag that was included in the registration. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message ImsRegistrationFeatureTagStats { // the carrier id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The name of the feature tag // used as a dimension optional android.telephony.ImsFeatureTag feature_tag_name = 3; // The underlying radio technology type associated with the feature tag // used as a dimension // See the ImsRegistrationImplBase#REGISTRATION_TECH* optional int32 registration_tech = 4; // The time this feature tag was registered, rounded to 5 minutes optional int32 registered_seconds = 5; } /** * Stats about the messaging client interacting with telephony * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message RcsClientProvisioningStats { enum EventType { EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The client sent its client params to the ACS service. CLIENT_PARAMS_SENT = 1; // The client has manually triggered reconfiguration TRIGGER_RCS_RECONFIGURATION = 2; // Default messaging application changed. DMA_CHANGED = 3; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // Used as a dimension optional EventType event = 3; // The number of times this event has occurred. optional int32 count = 4; } /** * Stats about the RCS provisioning via ACS * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message RcsAcsProvisioningStats { enum ResponseType { RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // a provisioning request resulted in an error. ERROR = 1; // a provisioning request succeeded and provided an xml PROVISIONING_XML = 2; // a provisioning request has resulted in a "pre-provisioning" xml, which // means RCS is not provisioned and requires the user to intervene. PRE_PROVISIONING_XML = 3; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The response code of provisioning if the provisioning resulted in // ResponseType.ERROR // Used as a dimension optional int32 response_code = 3; // used as a dimension. optional ResponseType response_type = 4; // Does the provisioning XML have single registration provisioned. // Populated if response_type is ResponseType.PROVISIONING_XML // used as a dimension optional bool is_single_registration_enabled = 5; // The number of times this event has occurred. optional int32 count = 6; // The amount of time in seconds that the device was in this state in total, rounded 5 minutes optional int32 state_timer_sec = 7; } /** * Metrics surrounding the lifetime of a SIP delegate created by applications. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message SipDelegateStats { // The random number identifier with this SIP delegate optional int32 dimension = 1; // The carrier id associated with this SIP delegate optional int32 carrier_id = 2; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate optional int32 slot_id = 3; // The total uptime of this delegate, rounded 5 minutes optional int32 uptime_seconds = 4; // The reason why this SIP delegate was destroyed. // See the SipDelegateManager#SIP_DELEGATE_DESTROY_REASON* optional int32 destroy_reason = 5; } /** * Tracks each feature tag associated with the SipDelegates that are currently active. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message SipTransportFeatureTagStats { // the carrier id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The name of the feature tag // used as a dimension optional android.telephony.ImsFeatureTag feature_tag_name = 3; // The reason why this feature tag was denied on the SIP Transport // used as a dimension // Use SIP transport denied reason. // See the SipDelegateManager#DENIED_REASON* optional int32 sip_transport_denied_reason = 4; // The reason why this feature tag was associated with the SIP Transport but not // marked as deregistered. // used as a dimension // Use SIP transport deregistered reason. // See the DelegateRegistrationState#DEREGISTERING_REASON* optional int32 sip_transport_deregistered_reason = 5; // the time this feature tag was in this state, rounded 5 minutes optional int32 associated_seconds = 6; } /** * Tracks each SIP message and the response from either the app or network. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message SipMessageResponse { enum Direction { UNKNOWN = 0; INCOMING = 1; OUTGOING = 2; } // the carrier id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The SIP message method type (INVITE, MESSAGE, etc...) // used as a dimension optional android.telephony.SipRequestMethodType sip_message_method = 3; // The SIP message response code, used if this is a response to a request. // used as a dimension. optional int32 sip_message_response = 4; // The SIP message direction // used as a dimension optional Direction sip_message_direction = 5; // The response from the SIP stack to sending/receiving the message // used as a dimension // See the SipDelegateManager#MESSAGE_FAILURE_REASON* optional int32 message_error = 6; // The number of messages that fit this criteria. optional int32 count = 7; } /** * Tracks SIP sessions managed by the SIP transport. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message SipTransportSession { enum Direction { UNKNOWN = 0; INCOMING = 1; OUTGOING = 2; } // the carrier id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The SIP message method that started the session (INVITE, SUBSCRIBE, etc...) // used as a dimension optional android.telephony.SipRequestMethodType session_method = 3; // The SIP message direction // used as a dimension optional Direction sip_message_direction = 4; // The response from the SIP stack or network. // used as a dimension. optional int32 sip_response = 5; // The number of these sessions counted optional int32 session_count = 6; // The number of sessions that were started properly and did not require // the SIP transport to forcefully close them. optional int32 ended_gracefully_count = 7; } /** * Used to determine if there were dedicated bearers set up for a specific listener. * If not, this indicates that there may have been a network issue in the dedicated bearer setup. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message ImsDedicatedBearerListenerEvent { // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used by the registration when it terminated. // The value is either 4G or 5G. // Used as a dimension optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 3; // QoS class identifier. // dimension optional int32 qci = 4; // True if there was a dedicated bearer established for this listener. // dimension optional bool dedicated_bearer_established = 5; // The count of listeners with this result. optional int32 event_count = 6; } /** * Logs information related to ims dedicated bearer which fulfills required qos and provides guaranteed service. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message ImsDedicatedBearerEvent { enum State { STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; STATE_ADDED = 1; STATE_MODIFIED = 2; STATE_DELETED = 3; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // Radio access technology (RAT) used by the registration when it terminated. // The value is either 4G or 5G. // Used as a dimension optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat_at_end = 3; // Qos class identifier. // Used as a dimension optional int32 qci = 4; // Dedicated bearer state from the network. // Used as a dimension optional State bearer_state = 5; // Whether location connection information is received. // Used as a dimension optional bool local_connection_info_received = 6; // Whether remote connection information is received. // Used as a dimension optional bool remote_connection_info_received = 7; // Whether or not the QoS indication had listeners. // Used as a dimension optional bool has_listeners = 8; // The count that matches the above conditions. optional int32 count = 9; } /** * Stats about each ServiceDescription that was included in the PIDF XML sent to the network during publish. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message ImsRegistrationServiceDescStats { // Describe Service IDs will be included PUBLISH // See RcsContactPresenceTuple.java enum ServiceId { SERVICE_ID_UNSPECIFIED = 0; SERVICE_ID_CUSTOM = 1; SERVICE_ID_MMTEL = 2; SERVICE_ID_CHAT_V1 = 3; SERVICE_ID_CHAT_V2 = 4; SERVICE_ID_FT = 5; SERVICE_ID_FT_OVER_SMS = 6; SERVICE_ID_GEO_PUSH = 7; SERVICE_ID_GEO_PUSH_VIA_SMS = 8; SERVICE_ID_CALL_COMPOSER = 9; SERVICE_ID_POST_CALL = 10; SERVICE_ID_SHARED_MAP = 11; SERVICE_ID_SHARED_SKETCH = 12; SERVICE_ID_CHATBOT = 13; SERVICE_ID_CHATBOT_STANDALONE = 14; SERVICE_ID_CHATBOT_ROLE = 15; } // the carrier id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // The slot id associated with this SIP delegate // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The service id portion of the ServiceDescription // used as a dimension optional ServiceId service_id_name = 3; // The version portion of the ServiceDescription // used as a dimension optional float service_id_version = 4; // The underlying radio technology type associated with the feature tag // used as a dimension // See the ImsRegistrationImplBase#REGISTRATION_TECH* optional int32 registration_tech = 5; // the time this feature tag was registered, rounded 5 minutes optional int32 published_seconds = 6; } /** * Stats related to UCE queries to the network * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message UceEventStats { enum MessageType { MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; PUBLISH = 1; SUBSCRIBE = 2; INCOMING_OPTION = 3; OUTGOING_OPTION = 4; } enum CommandCode { SERVICE_UNKNOWN = 0; GENERIC_FAILURE = 1; INVALID_PARAM = 2; FETCH_ERROR = 3; REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 4; INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = 5; LOST_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 6; NOT_SUPPORTED = 7; NOT_FOUND = 8; SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 9; NO_CHANGE = 10; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // Used to identify the message type. // Used as a dimension optional MessageType type = 3; // Whether the UCE event is successfully finished. If false, the request to the // modem timed out and we sent a timeout error back to the requesting app. // Used as a dimension optional bool successful = 4; // The command error code for the Uce event. Not populated if the modem // accepted the request and delivered a network_response. // Used as a dimension optional CommandCode command_code = 5; // The network response code for the Uce event. Will not be populated if // command_code is present. // Used as a dimension optional int32 network_response = 6; // The count that matches the above conditions; optional int32 count = 7; } /** * Information related to a SIP NOTIFY event from modem. * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message PresenceNotifyEvent { // See RFC3265 Section 3.2.4 for more information about these subscription states. enum TerminatedReason { REASON_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Not spec defined, the network returned a custom code that is not spec defined. REASON_CUSTOM = 1; REASON_DEACTIVATED = 2; REASON_PROBATION = 3; REASON_REJECTED = 4; REASON_TIMEOUT = 5; REASON_GIVEUP = 6; REASON_NORESOURCE = 7; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // The terminated reason associated with the subscription state. // Used as a dimension optional TerminatedReason reason = 3; // Whether or not the NOTIFY received contained at least one body with PIDF // content before moving to the terminated state. // Used as a dimension optional bool content_body_received = 4; // The count of PIDF info received that contained RCS caps. optional int32 rcs_caps_count = 5; // The count of PIDF info received that contained MMTEL caps. optional int32 mmtel_caps_count = 6; // The count of PIDF info received that contained no mmtel or RCS caps. optional int32 no_caps_count = 7; // The count that matches the above conditions; optional int32 count = 8; } /** * Tracks GBA requests from applications * * Logged from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/RcsStats.java */ message GbaEvent { enum FailedReason { UNKNOWN = 0; FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 1; FEATURE_NOT_READY = 2; NETWORK_FAILURE = 3; INCORRECT_NAF_ID = 4; SECURITY_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED = 5; } // Carrier ID of the SIM used for IMS registration. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. // Used as a dimension optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. // Used as a dimension optional int32 slot_id = 2; // Whether the GBA event is successful. // Used as a dimension optional bool successful = 3; // Gba authentication failed reason. // Used as a dimension optional FailedReason failed_reason = 4; // The count that matches the above conditions. optional int32 count = 5; } /* * Logs details of initiated UWB ranging session * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbSessionInitiated { // UWB profiles optional android.uwb.Profile profile = 1; // Scrambled timestamp sequence (STS) Type optional android.uwb.Sts sts = 2; // Was it an initiator as opposed to responder? optional bool is_initiator = 3; // Was it a controller as opposed to controlee? optional bool is_controller = 4; // Was the discovery done by the framework? optional bool is_discovered_by_framework = 5; // Was it out-of-band connection as opposed to in-band connection? // Note that this field is ignored if is_discovered_by_framework is false. optional bool is_out_of_band = 6; // UWB channel 5, 6, 9, etc. optional int32 channel = 7; // The status code of session initialization. optional android.uwb.Status status = 8; // Initialization latency in ms if is_discovered_by_framework is true. optional int32 latency_ms = 9; // Initialization latency in step size of 200 ms if is_discovered_by_framework is true. optional int32 latency_200ms = 10; // The uid of the app that initiates the connection. optional int32 uid = 11 [(is_uid) = true]; // Ranging interval of the session in ms. optional int32 ranging_interval_ms = 12; // How many ongoing session when current session is initiated? optional int32 parallel_session_count = 13; // Composed value for UWB filter configurations. // This value combines the boolean value of multiple feature flags for // UWB filter configuration into one integer, where the bits of its binary value // are for the flags // Below are the flags from LSB to MSB, 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled // bit 0: filter_enabled // bit 1: enable_azimuth_mirroring // bit 2: enable_primer_aoa // bit 3: enable_primer_est_elevation // bit 4: enable_primer_fov // bit 5: predict_rear_azimuths // For example, when all flags are enabled this value is 63 (0b111111) // Refer to packages/modules/Uwb/service/ServiceUwbResources/res/values/config.xml // for more information about the flags optional int32 filter_config_value = 14; } /* * Logs details of closed UWB ranging session * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbSessionClosed { // UWB profiles optional android.uwb.Profile profile = 1; // Scrambled timestamp sequence (STS) Type optional android.uwb.Sts sts = 2; // Was it an initiator as opposed to responder? optional bool is_initiator = 3; // Was it a controller as opposed to controlee? optional bool is_controller = 4; // Was the connection done by the app as opposed to by the framework? optional bool is_framework_initiated = 5; // Was it out-of-band connection as opposed to in-band connection? // Note that this field is ignored if is_framework_initiated is false. optional bool is_out_of_band = 6; // Session active duration in seconds optional int32 duration_sec = 7; // Session active duration bucket optional android.uwb.DurationBucket duration_bucket = 8; // Total ranging measurement count optional int32 ranging_count = 9; // Valid ranging measurement count optional int32 valid_ranging_count = 10; // Ranging measurement count bucket. optional android.uwb.CountBucket ranging_count_bucket = 11; // Valid ranging measurement count bucket. optional android.uwb.CountBucket valid_ranging_count_bucket = 12; // Ranging start count optional int32 start_count = 13; // Ranging start failure count optional int32 start_failure_count = 14; // Ranging start without valid ranging result count optional int32 start_no_valid_report_count = 15; // Total Rx data packet count optional int32 rx_packet_count = 16; // Total Tx data packet count optional int32 tx_packet_count = 17; // Count of Rx data packet with error optional int32 rx_error_count = 18; // Count of Tx data packet with error optional int32 tx_error_count = 19; // Count of Rx data packets sent to upper layer optional int32 rx_to_upper_layer_count = 20; // Ranging Measurement Type optional android.uwb.RangingType ranging_type = 21; } /* * Logs details of start UWB ranging * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbStartRanging { // UWB profiles optional android.uwb.Profile profile = 1; // Scrambled timestamp sequence (STS) Type optional android.uwb.Sts sts = 2; // Was it an initiator as opposed to responder? optional bool is_initiator = 3; // Was it a controller as opposed to controlee? optional bool is_controller = 4; // Was the connection done by the app as opposed to by the framework? optional bool is_framework_initiated = 5; // Was it out-of-band connection as opposed to in-band connection? // Note that this field is ignored if is_framework_initiated is false. optional bool is_out_of_band = 6; // The status code of ranging start. optional android.uwb.RangingStatus status = 7; } /* * Log that the ranging measurement is received * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbRangingMeasurementReceived { // UWB profiles optional android.uwb.Profile profile = 1; // None-Line-of-sight (LOS) indication optional android.uwb.Nlos nlos = 2; // Was the distance valid? optional bool is_distance_valid = 3; // The distance measurement in centimeters. optional int32 distance_cm = 4; // The distance measurement in step size of 50 cm optional int32 distance_50cm = 5; // RSSI of ranging report, in dBm optional int32 rssi = 6; // Was azimuth angle valid? optional bool is_azimuth_valid = 7; // The azimuth angle measurement in degrees. optional int32 azimuth_degree = 8; // The azimuth angle measurement in step size of 10 degree. optional int32 azimuth_10degree = 9; // The figure of merit of azimuth angle measurement. optional int32 azimuth_fom = 10; // Was elevation angle valid? optional bool is_elevation_valid = 11; // The elevation angle measurement in degrees. optional int32 elevation_degree = 12; // The elevation angle measurement in step size of 10 degree. optional int32 elevation_10degree = 13; // The figure of merit of elevation angle measurement. optional int32 elevation_fom = 14; // Ranging Measurement Type optional android.uwb.RangingType ranging_type = 15; // The filtered distance measurement in centimeters. optional int32 filtered_distance_cm = 16; // The filtered azimuth angle measurement in degrees. optional int32 filtered_azimuth_degree = 17; // The filtered figure of merit of azimuth angle measurement. optional int32 filtered_azimuth_fom = 18; // The filtered elevation angle measurement in degrees. optional int32 filtered_elevation_degree = 19; // The filtered figure of merit of elevation angle measurement. optional int32 filtered_elevation_fom = 20; } /* * Log that the first ranging measurement is received * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbFirstRangingReceived { // UWB profiles optional android.uwb.Profile profile = 1; // The latency between the ranging start/resume and 1st ranging measurement, in ms. optional int32 latency_ms = 2; // The ranging latency in 200ms. optional int32 latency_200ms = 3; } /* * Log that UWB device error is detected * Logged from packages/modules/Uwb/service/java/com/android/server/uwb/UwbMetrics.java */ message UwbDeviceErrorReported { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; // Initialization error INIT_ERROR = 1; // Device status error DEVICE_STATUS_ERROR = 2; // UCI generic error UCI_GENERIC_ERROR = 3; } // Error type optional Type type= 1; } /** * Log that the clipboard has been cleared * Logged from frameworks/base/services/core/java/android/content/ClipboardAutoWipeService.java */ message ClipboardCleared { enum Source { SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0; AUTO_CLEAR = 1; } // Source of the wipe optional Source source = 1; } /** * Pulls status for a SIM. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each SIM. The atom holds the status for a SIM that's * sensitive per carrier. The atom would be aggregated per carrier for analysis. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message PerSimStatus { enum WfcMode { UNKNOWN = 0; WIFI_ONLY = 1; CELLULAR_PREFERRED = 2; WIFI_PREFERRED = 3; } enum SimVoltageClass { VOLTAGE_CLASS_UNKNOWN = 0; VOLTAGE_CLASS_A = 1; VOLTAGE_CLASS_B = 2; VOLTAGE_CLASS_C = 3; } // Index of the SIM, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 1; // Carrier ID of the SIM. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 2; // Indicates whether phone number source UICC provides a phone number // and whether it agrees with other sources: // - 0: no number provided // - a positive integer (> 0): sources providing the same phone number // shall use the same integer. The integer shall start from 1, and // for each new unique source the next integer (2, 3, …) is used. // This way, the raw phone number cannot be derived from the value of // this field. // This also allows a quick check of conflicts: any field > 1 means conflict, // and the max means the count of unique phone numbers. optional int32 phone_number_source_uicc = 3; // Indicates whether phone number source CARRIER provides a phone number // and whether it agrees with other sources. // See field phone_number_source_uicc. optional int32 phone_number_source_carrier = 4; // Indicates whether phone number source IMS provides a phone number // and whether it agrees with other sources. // See field phone_number_source_uicc. optional int32 phone_number_source_ims = 5; // Indicates whether VoLTE is enabled optional bool volte_enabled = 6; // Indicates whether WFC is enabled optional bool wfc_enabled = 7; // Indicates the user's WFC mode optional WfcMode wfc_mode = 8; // Indicates the user's WFC mode when roaming optional WfcMode wfc_roaming_mode = 9; // Indicates the user's setting for video calling. optional bool video_calling_enabled = 10; // Indicates if data roaming is enabled optional bool data_roaming_enabled = 11; // Indicates the list of networks allowed by the user. Bitmask is encoded as // TelephonyManager#NetworkTypeBitMask. optional int64 allowed_networks_by_user = 12; // Indicates if 2G is disabled by the user using the "Allow 2G" toggle optional bool is_2g_disabled = 13; // Indicates if PIN1 of the SIM card is enabled optional bool is_pin1_enabled = 14; // Indicates the lowest voltage class supported by the SIM optional SimVoltageClass sim_voltage_class = 15; // APN type bitmask of the APNs added or modified by user: // @ApnType in frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/Annotation.java. optional int32 user_modified_apn_type_bitmask = 16; // Indicates the unmetered networks // Bitmask is encoded as TelephonyManager#NetworkTypeBitMask. optional int64 unmetered_networks = 17; // Indicates whether VoNR is enabled optional bool vonr_enabled = 18; // Indicates whether cross-SIM calling (WiFi calling over cellular data) is // enabled. optional bool cross_sim_calling_enabled = 19; } /* * Logs Device Scan State events generated by Nearby Scan API. */ message NearbyDeviceScanStateChanged { // Uid of the client that triggers the Nearby scan. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Scan start timestamp as session id. optional int64 scan_session_id = 2; // Scan state. optional android.nearby.NearbyScanState scan_state = 3; // Scan type. optional android.nearby.NearbyScanType scan_type = 4; // Medium that this device was discovered/lost. optional android.nearby.NearbyNetworkMedium network_medium = 5; // Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value of the device discovered/lost. optional int32 rssi = 6; // Model of the device discovered/lost. optional string scanned_device_model = 7; // Manufacturer of the device discovered/lost. optional string scanned_device_manufacturer = 8; } /** * Logs when locales of an application are changed. * Logged from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/locales/LocaleManagerService.java */ message ApplicationLocalesChanged { // The uid which invoked this update. The locales for an application // could be changed from the in-app picker OR from the settings UI. optional int32 calling_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The uid for which the locale change is being done. optional int32 target_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // The new locales for the target package. A comma separated list of BCP 47 // locale identifiers, compatible with LocaleList#forLanguageTags. optional string new_locales = 3; // The previous locales for the target package. A comma separated list of // BCP 47 locale identifiers, compatible with LocaleList#forLanguageTags. optional string prev_locales = 4; // Application locales changed status. enum Status { // A placeholder for unspecified values. STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // New locales were committed. CONFIG_COMMITTED = 1; // Likely because no change is required. CONFIG_UNCOMMITTED = 2; // Failed because the target package is invalid. FAILURE_INVALID_TARGET_PACKAGE = 3; // Failed because the calling package does not have the required permission. FAILURE_PERMISSION_ABSENT = 4; } optional Status status = 5; // The caller where changes application locales. enum Caller { // A placeholder for unknown value. CALLER_UNKNOWN = 0; // The change was called from the delegate. CALLER_DELEGATE = 1; // The change was called from Apps. CALLER_APPS = 2; // The change was called from the system due to backup and restore. CALLER_BACKUP_RESTORE = 3; // The change was called from the system when the app languages // feature or the set per-app locales was changed from opt-in to // opt-out. CALLER_APP_UPDATE_LOCALES_CHANGE = 4; // The change was called from the system due to the dynamic locales // change. CALLER_DYNAMIC_LOCALES_CHANGE = 5; } optional Caller caller = 6; } /* Logs when the display HBM state changes. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/HighBrightnessModeController.java */ message DisplayHbmStateChanged { optional int32 display_id = 1; // New HBM state optional android.server.display.HbmState state = 2; // The reason the state changes. optional android.server.display.HbmStateTransitionReason reason = 3; } /* * Logs when the display HBM brightness changes. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/AutomaticBrightnessControllerjava */ message DisplayHbmBrightnessChanged { optional int32 display_id = 1; // display brightness optional float brightness = 2; } /** * Per-UID time spent running work on the GPU. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one per (GPU ID, UID) pair, for at most 10 * randomly selected UIDs. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/native/services/gpuservice/gpuwork/GpuWork.cpp */ message GpuWorkPerUid { // The UID (i.e. app id) that scheduled work on the GPU. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The GPU ID for which we have work information. optional int32 gpu_id = 2; // The time duration (in seconds) over which this data was collected (most // likely 24 hours). optional int32 time_duration_seconds = 3; // The total amount of time (in milliseconds) the GPU spent running work for // |uid|. optional int32 total_active_duration_millis = 4; // The total amount of time (in milliseconds) the GPU was inactive while // running "continuous" work for |uid|. This is estimated by adding up the // duration of the small gaps between GPU work for |uid|. optional int32 total_inactive_duration_millis = 5; } /** * Logs when entries are dropped in DropBox and the reason for the drop. * * Logged from: frameworks/base/services/ */ message DropboxEntryDropped { // Explains at which stage of the DropBox workflow the entry was dropped. enum DropReason { UNKNOWN = 0; CLEARING_DATA = 3; AGED = 4; WRITE_FAILURE = 5; ENTRY_TOO_LARGE = 6; reserved 1, 2; } optional DropReason drop_reason = 1; // Tag describing the type of dropbox entry. optional string tag = 2; // The age (millis) of the dropped dropbox entry. optional int64 age_millis = 3; } message PersistentUriPermissionsFlushed { // Current amount of persistent uri permissions overall optional int32 permissions_flushed_amount = 1; } message PersistentUriPermissionsAmountPerPackage { // The uid persistent uri permissions amount reported for optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Current amount of persistent uri permissions for this package optional int32 amount = 2; } /** * VBMeta Digest cryptographically encapsulates the composition of signed images or partitions of * a particular build. * * Logs when boot is complete. * Pushed from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/BinaryTransparencyService.java */ message VBMetaDigestReported { // the hex encoded string of VBMeta Digest value optional string vbmeta_digest = 1; } /** * APEXs can either be signed by Google or OEMs. This atom captures basic metadata of APEXs * pre-installed on a build or a device. * * Logs when boot is complete. * Pushed from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/BinaryTransparencyService.java */ message ApexInfoGathered { // APEX package names are determined by OEMs optional string package_name = 1; // the version code of the APEX optional int64 version_code = 2; // the hex encoded value of digest of the content of this APEX // we are deprecating the use of this going forward optional string content_digest = 3; // the algorithm that the content digest is computed optional com.android.os.transparency.DigestAlgorithmType algo_type = 4; // the SHA256 digest(s) of the APEX's signer certificate(s) repeated string signer_sha256_digest = 5; } /** * MobileBundledApps (MBAs) include preloaded apps and apps that are installed in the background * without user knowledge/consent. * * However, note that we will only be recording *updated* preloaded apps + dynamic MBAs. * * Pushed from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/BinaryTransparencyService.java * * Next ID: 12 */ message MobileBundledAppInfoGathered { // MBA package names are determined by developers (which can include OEMs) optional string package_name = 1; // the package version code of the MBA optional int64 version_code = 2; // the split name (empty if it's the base) optional string split_name = 11; // the hex encoded value of digest of the content of the MBA optional string content_digest = 3; // the algorithm that the content_digest is computed optional com.android.os.transparency.DigestAlgorithmType algo_type = 4; // the SHA256 digest(s) of the APEX's signer certificate(s) repeated string signer_sha256_digest = 5; enum MBAStatus { ERROR = 0; PRELOADED = 1; UPDATED_PRELOAD = 2; NEW_MBA = 3; UPDATED_NEW_MBA = 4; } // whether or not the MBA is preloaded or dynamically installed optional MBAStatus mba_status = 6; // the package that initiated the installation of this MBA optional string initiator = 7; // the SHA256 digest(s) of the initiator's signer certificate(s) repeated string initiator_signer_sha256_digest = 8; // the package that installs this MBA optional string installer = 9; // the package on behalf of which initiator requested the installation of this MBA optional string originator = 10; } /** * PVM is protected virtual machine. This atom captures the notion of a container * that describes a virtual machine. * * Will be pushed from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/BinaryTransparencyService.java */ message PvmInfoGathered { // PVM names are determined by OEMs optional string name = 1; // an int describing the version of the VM optional int64 version = 2; // the hex encoded SHA256 digest of the pvm descriptor file optional string sha256_digest = 3; } /** * This will be pulled from * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/BinaryTransparencyService.java */ message SignedPartitionInfo { // partition name (e.g. vendor, product) is determined by OEM optional string partition_name = 1; // the hex encoded SHA256 digest of the partition image file optional string sha256_digest = 2; } /** * Logs when Wear Settings UI is interacted with */ message WearSettingsUIInteracted { /** The UI action category */ optional android.app.wearsettings.Action action = 1; /** The ID of the entry that the users actioned on. */ optional android.app.wearsettings.ItemId item_id = 2; } message TracingServiceReportEvent { enum Event { TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_UNDEFINED = 0; // Checkpoints inside TracingServiceProxy. TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_BEGIN = 1; TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_SVC_HANDOFF = 2; // Guardrails inside TracingServiceProxy. TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_BIND_PERM_INCORRECT = 3; TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_SVC_PERM_MISSING = 4; TRACING_SERVICE_REPORT_SVC_COMM_ERROR = 5; } // Which stage of the pipeline we are reporting from. optional Event event = 1; // UUID of the trace. optional int64 trace_uuid_lsb = 2; optional int64 trace_uuid_msb = 3; } /** Pulled from PinnerService. */ message PinnedFileSizesPerPackage { // If the file is pinned but not as part of a specific pinned app, // this will be set to 1000 - the value of system_server. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Consists of only the pinned file's filename, not its full path; for example // Given a pinned file at ‘/vendor/lib64/libCB.so’, then this field will be // Determined to have have the value ‘libCB.so’. optional string filename = 2; // The size of the pinned file, in kilobytes. optional int32 size_kb = 3; } /** Pulled from PendingIntentController. */ message PendingIntentsPerPackage { // The UID of the app that sent the PendingIntent. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // The total number of currently active PendingIntents belonging to this uid. optional int32 pending_intent_count = 2; // The total size of all currently active PendingIntents belonging to this uid, in kilobytes. optional int32 pending_intent_total_bundle_size_kb = 3; } /* * Logs changes to game state set by game applications via GameService. */ message GameStateChanged { enum State { // Game mode is unknown. MODE_UNKNOWN = 0; // The game is not in active play, e.g.e the user is using a game menu. MODE_NONE = 1; // The game is in active, but interruptible, game play. MODE_GAMEPLAY_INTERRUPTIBLE = 2; // The game is in active user play mode, which cannot be interrupted. MODE_GAMEPLAY_UNINTERRUPTIBLE = 3; // The current content shown is not gameplay related (e.g. an ad). MODE_CONTENT = 4; } // Provided to ensure package is available even with UID sharing. optional string package_name = 1; // The UID (i.e. app id). optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Whether the device enabled performance boost when the state was changed. optional bool boost_enabled = 3; // This includes a top-level state for the game. optional State state = 4; // Indicates if the game is loading assets/resources/compiling/etc. optional bool is_loading = 5; // A developer-selected enum, for example to indicate level or scene. optional int32 label = 6; // A developer-supplied enum, e.g. to indicate the current quality level. optional int32 quality = 7; } /** * Log the duration of executing all receivers of LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED or BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast. * The dispatch latency is the dispatchTime - enqueueTime. * The completion latency is the completeTime - enqueueTime. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/BroadcastQueue.java */ message BootCompletedBroadcastCompletionLatencyReported { enum Event { UNKNOWN = 0; LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED = 1; BOOT_COMPLETED = 2; } optional Event event = 1; // from enqueueTime to dispatchTime. optional int32 dispatch_latency_uptime_millis = 2; // from enqueueTime to completeTime. optional int32 complete_latency_uptime_millis = 3; // from enqueueRealTime to dispatchRealTime. optional int32 dispatch_latency_realtime_millis = 4; // from enqueueRealTime to completeRealTime. optional int32 complete_latency_realtime_millis = 5; optional int32 user_id = 6; optional UserLifecycleJourneyReported.UserType user_type = 7; } /** * Log that the permission reminder notification has been displayed or clicked. */ message PermissionReminderNotificationInteracted { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission // controller optional int64 session_id = 1; enum Result { UNDEFINED = 0; // notification was presented to the user NOTIFICATION_PRESENTED = 1; // notification was clicked by the user NOTIFICATION_CLICKED = 2; } // View / interaction recorded optional Result result = 2; } /** * Log that the user has interacted with the permission decision screen. */ message RecentPermissionDecisionsInteracted { // id which identifies single session of user interacting with permission // controller optional int64 session_id = 1; enum Action { ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0; SCREEN_VIEWED = 1; REVIEW_DECISION = 2; VIEW_ALL_CLICKED = 3; } // Action taken on the recent permission decisions page. optional Action action = 2; // Uid of the package for the permission decision being reviewed optional int32 uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the permission for the permission decision being reviewed. optional string permission_group_name = 4; } /** * Logs information about app background restrictions. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/AppRestrictionController.java */ message AppBackgroundRestrictionsInfo { // the uid of the app. optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; enum RestrictionLevel { LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 0; LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED = 1; LEVEL_EXEMPTED = 2; LEVEL_ADAPTIVE_BUCKET = 3; LEVEL_RESTRICTED_BUCKET = 4; LEVEL_BACKGROUND_RESTRICTED = 5; LEVEL_HIBERNATION = 6; } // indicates the app background restriction level. optional RestrictionLevel restriction_level = 2; enum Threshold { THRESHOLD_UNKNOWN = 0; THRESHOLD_RESTRICTED = 1; // app was background restricted by the system. THRESHOLD_USER = 2; // app was background restricted by user action. } // indicates which threshold caused the app to be put into bg restriction. optional Threshold threshold = 3; enum StateTracker { UNKNOWN_TRACKER = 0; BATTERY_TRACKER = 1; BATTERY_EXEMPTION_TRACKER = 2; FGS_TRACKER = 3; MEDIA_SESSION_TRACKER = 4; PERMISSION_TRACKER = 5; BROADCAST_EVENTS_TRACKER = 6; BIND_SERVICE_EVENTS_TRACKER = 7; } // indicates the reason/tracker which caused the app to hit the threshold. optional StateTracker tracker = 4; message FgsTrackerInfo { // indicates whether an fgs notification was visible for this app or not. optional bool fgs_notification_visible = 1; // total FGS duration for this app. optional int64 fgs_duration = 2; } optional FgsTrackerInfo fgs_tracker_info = 5 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; message BatteryTrackerInfo { // total battery usage within last 24h (1/10000th) optional int32 battery_24h = 1; // background battery usage (1/10000th) optional int32 battery_usage_background = 2; // FGS battery usage (1/10000th) optional int32 battery_usage_fgs = 3; // Foreground battery usage (1/10000th) optional int32 battery_usage_foreground = 4; // Cached battery usage (1/10000th) optional int32 battery_usage_cached = 5; } optional BatteryTrackerInfo battery_tracker_info = 6 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; message BroadcastEventsTrackerInfo { // the number of broadcasts sent by this app. optional int32 broadcasts_sent = 1; } optional BroadcastEventsTrackerInfo broadcast_events_tracker_info = 7 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; message BindServiceEventsTrackerInfo { // the number of bind service requests by this app. optional int32 bind_service_requests = 1; } optional BindServiceEventsTrackerInfo bind_service_events_tracker_info = 8 [(log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The reasons listed below are defined in PowerExemptionManager.java enum ExemptionReason { // range 0-9 is reserved for default reasons REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; REASON_DENIED = 1; REASON_OTHER = 2; // range 10-49 is reserved for BG-FGS-launch allowed proc states REASON_PROC_STATE_PERSISTENT = 10; REASON_PROC_STATE_PERSISTENT_UI = 11; REASON_PROC_STATE_TOP = 12; REASON_PROC_STATE_BTOP = 13; REASON_PROC_STATE_FGS = 14; REASON_PROC_STATE_BFGS = 15; // range 50-99 is reserved for BG-FGS-launch allowed reasons REASON_UID_VISIBLE = 50; REASON_SYSTEM_UID = 51; REASON_ACTIVITY_STARTER = 52; REASON_START_ACTIVITY_FLAG = 53; REASON_FGS_BINDING = 54; REASON_DEVICE_OWNER = 55; REASON_PROFILE_OWNER = 56; REASON_COMPANION_DEVICE_MANAGER = 57; REASON_BACKGROUND_ACTIVITY_PERMISSION = 58; REASON_BACKGROUND_FGS_PERMISSION = 59; REASON_INSTR_BACKGROUND_ACTIVITY_PERMISSION = 60; REASON_INSTR_BACKGROUND_FGS_PERMISSION = 61; REASON_SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW_PERMISSION = 62; REASON_DEVICE_DEMO_MODE = 63; REASON_ALLOWLISTED_PACKAGE = 65; REASON_APPOP = 66; REASON_ACTIVITY_VISIBILITY_GRACE_PERIOD = 67; REASON_OP_ACTIVATE_VPN = 68; REASON_OP_ACTIVATE_PLATFORM_VPN = 69; REASON_TEMP_ALLOWED_WHILE_IN_USE = 70; REASON_CURRENT_INPUT_METHOD = 71; // range 100-199 is reserved for public reasons REASON_GEOFENCING = 100; REASON_PUSH_MESSAGING = 101; REASON_PUSH_MESSAGING_OVER_QUOTA = 102; REASON_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION = 103; REASON_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER = 104; // range 200-299 is reserved for broadcast actions REASON_BOOT_COMPLETED = 200; REASON_PRE_BOOT_COMPLETED = 201; REASON_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED = 202; REASON_BLUETOOTH_BROADCAST = 203; REASON_TIMEZONE_CHANGED = 204; REASON_TIME_CHANGED = 205; REASON_LOCALE_CHANGED = 206; REASON_SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM_PERMISSION_STATE_CHANGED = 207; REASON_REFRESH_SAFETY_SOURCES = 208; // range 300-399 is reserved for other internal reasons REASON_SYSTEM_ALLOW_LISTED = 300; REASON_ALARM_MANAGER_ALARM_CLOCK = 301; REASON_ALARM_MANAGER_WHILE_IDLE = 302; REASON_SERVICE_LAUNCH = 303; REASON_KEY_CHAIN = 304; REASON_PACKAGE_VERIFIER = 305; REASON_SYNC_MANAGER = 306; REASON_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_V1 = 307; REASON_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_V2 = 308; REASON_VPN = 309; REASON_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE = 310; REASON_PACKAGE_REPLACED = 311; REASON_LOCATION_PROVIDER = 312; REASON_MEDIA_BUTTON = 313; REASON_EVENT_SMS = 314; REASON_EVENT_MMS = 315; REASON_SHELL = 316; REASON_MEDIA_SESSION_CALLBACK = 317; REASON_ROLE_DIALER = 318; REASON_ROLE_EMERGENCY = 319; REASON_SYSTEM_MODULE = 320; REASON_CARRIER_PRIVILEGED_APP = 321; REASON_DPO_PROTECTED_APP = 322; REASON_DISALLOW_APPS_CONTROL = 323; REASON_ACTIVE_DEVICE_ADMIN = 324; REASON_MEDIA_NOTIFICATION_TRANSFER = 325; REASON_PACKAGE_INSTALLER = 326; REASON_SYSTEM_EXEMPT_APP_OP = 327; REASON_PACKAGE_UNARCHIVE = 328; REASON_TILE_ONCLICK = 329; // app requested to be exempt REASON_OPT_OUT_REQUESTED = 1000; } // indicates if the app is exempt from background restrictions and the reason if applicable. optional ExemptionReason exemption_reason = 9; enum OptimizationLevel { UNKNOWN = 0; OPTIMIZED = 1; BACKGROUND_RESTRICTED = 2; NOT_OPTIMIZED = 3; } // the user choice for the optimization level of the app. optional OptimizationLevel opt_level = 10; enum TargetSdk { SDK_UNKNOWN = 0; SDK_PRE_S = 1; SDK_S = 2; SDK_T = 3; } // indicates the target sdk level for this app. optional TargetSdk target_sdk = 11; // indicates if the current device is a low ram device. optional bool low_mem_device = 12; // indicates previous background restriction level. optional RestrictionLevel previous_restriction_level = 13; } /** * Logs failure reason when MmsSmsProvider#getThreadId fails to return a threadId */ message MmsSmsProviderGetThreadIdFailed { enum FailureCode { FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Did not return a threadId due to recipients being passed in FAILURE_NO_RECIPIENTS = 1; FAILURE_FIND_OR_CREATE_THREAD_ID_SQL = 2; // Found more than one threadId for the given of recipients FAILURE_MULTIPLE_THREAD_IDS_FOUND = 3; } optional FailureCode failure_code = 1; } /** * Logs failure reason when MmsSmsDatabaseHelperOnUpgradeFailed fails on an upgrade step */ message MmsSmsDatabaseHelperOnUpgradeFailed { enum FailureCode { FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 0; FAILURE_IO_EXCEPTION = 1; FAILURE_SECURITY_EXCEPTION = 2; FAILURE_SQL_EXCEPTION = 3; } // Database version being upgraded from optional int32 old_version = 1; // Database version being upgraded to optional int32 current_version = 2; // Version number of the database upgrade step that failed optional int32 upgrade_failed_to_version = 3; optional FailureCode failure_code = 4; } /** Log for autofill events. This captures events till the view goes out of * focus. For each auttofilled view going out of focus, and coming back, a * separate event would be generated. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/autofill/java/com/android/server/autofill/ */ message AutofillPresentationEventReported { enum PresentationEventResult { NONE_SHOWN_UNKNOWN_REASON = 0; // Includes reasons where losses can be partial: eg: IME not showing // certain datasets, while others are filtered out because user // started typing. So, it can either refer to a set of mixed of // known or unknown reasons. ANY_SHOWN = 1; // This is counter to the event name, but we need it in order to get // overall success rate. // Below ones corresponds to no presentation getting shown NONE_SHOWN_VIEW_FOCUS_CHANGED = 2; // User action leads to focus getting shifted to another field NONE_SHOWN_VIEW_CHANGED = 3; // This would also include if view becomes invisible. NONE_SHOWN_ACTIVITY_FINISHED = 4; // Eg: User pressed back NONE_SHOWN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 5; // Autofill provider didn't respond in the given time. NONE_SHOWN_SESSION_COMMITTED_PREMATURELY = 6; // Session was prematurely committed. This can happen due to various // reasons, eg: app developers calling commit() earlier than when // they should. NONE_SHOWN_FILL_REQUEST_FAILED = 7; // Autofill provider request failed. Different from timeout. NONE_SHOWN_NO_FOCUS = 8; // Autofill provider request was triggered pre-focus. User never // focussed on autofillable fields. This can happen for FillDialog // where we trigger fill request at layout time. NONE_SHOWN_VIEW_FOCUSED_BEFORE_FILL_DIALOG_RESPONSE = 9; // Users focus a field before the fill dialogs response is returned. NONE_SHOWN_SUGGESTION_FILTER_OUT = 10; // Suggestions were filtered out due to pre-existing text } // Id number which increases for each subsequent request. optional int32 request_id = 1; // SessionId to aggregate requests within a session, and see overall // performance. optional int32 session_id = 2; // Result of autofill event. optional PresentationEventResult presentation_event_result = 3; // Count of datasets that should've been available for display. If the request // times out, this won't be populated. optional int32 available_count = 4; // Count of datasets that are shown to the user. optional int32 count_shown = 5; // Count of datasets that are eligible to be shown to the user, but aren't // shown because user started typing already, and the results were filtered. // If the user starts typing, dataset isn't shown at the moment, but then the // user deletes text, and the dataset becomes visible, it would count as // shown, and not as filtered out. optional int32 count_filtered_user_typing = 6; // Count of datasets that aren't shown because IME didn't use datasets at all. optional int32 count_not_shown_unused_by_ime = 7; // Count of datasets that are eligible to be shown to the user, but aren't // shown because display didn't show them (probably user didn't scroll to see // the view). The dataset was requested by display, but not shown. optional int32 count_not_shown_never_visible = 8; // How the dataset is supposed to be shown to the user optional AutofillDisplayPresentationType display_presentation_type = 9; // Autofill Service Provider's uid optional int32 autofill_service_uid = 10 [(is_uid) = true]; // Inline suggestion host's uid. Populated only when // AutofillDisplayPresentationType = INLINE optional int32 inline_suggestion_host_uid = 11 [(is_uid) = true]; // Whether a new request was triggered or alternatively served from cached // response. optional bool is_request_triggered = 12; // Timestamps are in milliseconds, relative to when the Session was created // For example, if timestamp has a value = 100, the event was triggered // 100ms after the session was created. // Since these are relative to Session creation, you can subtract events to // get the latency duration between events. // t1 = 100 // t2 = 300 // duration = t2 - t1 = 200ms // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Timestamp of when FillRequest is sent to Autofill provider // This is also the latency of when a field is focused to Framework sending a FillRequest optional int32 fill_request_sent_timestamp_ms = 13; // Timestamp of when Autofill provider returns a FillResponse // The latency of the Autofill provider IPC can be calculated // by fillResponseReceivedTimestampMs - fillRequestSentTimestampMs optional int32 fill_response_received_timestamp_ms = 14; // Timestamp of when FillResponse is sent to the IME/Dropdown handler/Fill Dialog UI // The latency of processing provider FillResponse to when suggestions are sent to be rendered // can be calculated by suggestionSentTimestampMs - fillResponseReceivedTimestampMs optional int32 suggestion_sent_timestamp_ms = 15; // Timestamp of when the suggestion is first shown // The latency of showing suggestions can be calculated by // suggestionPresentedTimestampMs - suggestionSentTimestampMs optional int32 suggestion_presented_timestamp_ms = 16; // The index of the dataset that a user selected. -1 if not selected. optional int32 selected_dataset_id = 17; // True if the user dismissed the fill UI. optional bool dialog_dismissed = 18; // True if the user clicked the negative CTA button. optional bool negative_cta_button_clicked = 19; // True if the user clicked the positive CTA button. optional bool positive_cta_button_clicked = 20; optional autofill.AuthenticationType authentication_type = 21; optional autofill.AuthenticationResult authentication_result = 22; // From response received to authentication UI displayed to the user. optional int64 latency_authentication_ui_display_millis = 23; // From the user finishing authentication to the dataset is displayed to the user. optional int64 latency_dataset_display_millis = 24; // Count of datasets that are available due to PCC Detection. These can include datasets // available via provider response, and would be eligible because of pcc too. // If PCC detection is preferred over Autofill provider, and Autofill provider had same detection // as PCC did, the following invariants would hold. // available_pcc_count = available_count // available_pcc_only_count = 0 optional int32 available_pcc_count = 25; // Count of datasets that are available only due to PCC Detection. optional int32 available_pcc_only_count = 26; // The selection process of this dataset. optional autofill.DatasetPickedReason selected_dataset_picked_reason = 27; // Which detection was preferred optional autofill.DetectionPreference detection_preference = 28; // field_classification request id that was used for this event. optional int32 field_classification_request_id = 29; // App package Uid optional int32 app_package_uid = 30 [(is_uid) = true]; // True if the request is directed to the credential autofill service. optional bool is_credential_request = 31; // True if the response is from webview requesting credential autofill service. optional bool webview_requested_credential = 32; // Count of views that can be filled as per the provider service. // views_fillable_total_count = views_filled_failure_count + // views_filled_success_count + views_with_no_callback // views_with_no_callback aren't logged explicitly, as it can be computed. // There may be no callback due to views overriding default behavior, and // not adhering to javadoc guidelines. They may correspond to autofill // failing or being successful. There is no way for autofill framework to // know such status. optional int64 views_fillable_total_count = 33; // Count of views that failed to receive autofill values. These are minimum counts. // It's possible that additional views themselves didn't fill correctly. optional int64 views_filled_failure_count = 34; // ViewID of the AutofillID that triggered the presentation optional int32 focused_autofill_id = 35; // Count of views that successfully received autofill values. These are guaranteed counts. // They are confirmed by getting views autofill value, and comparing against what was attempted // to be set. optional int64 views_filled_success_count = 36; // Count of views that successfully received autofill values, but don't belong to this event. // This value is for confirmation that nothing is wrong. It's expected value is 0. // If non-zero, there's likely some bug in our logging (or in autofill). optional int64 views_filled_but_unexpected_count = 37; // Timestamp (relative to session start) of when user tapped a selection optional int32 presentation_selected_timestamp_ms = 38; // Timestamp (relative to session start) of filling into a field optional int32 field_autofilled_timestamp_ms = 39; // Timestamp (relative to session start) of when the field is first modified // This is used to check if a field was modified before an Autofill suggestion // was presented optional int32 field_first_modified_timestamp_ms = 40; // Timestamp (relative to session start) of when the field is last modified // This is value is updated when the view value was changed manually // (by app/user - not autofill) // This will be the same as field_first_modified_timestamp_ms // if field was only modified once optional int32 field_last_modified_timestamp_ms = 41; // Supplement to suggestion_presented_timestamp_ms. This is the timestamp // of the last suggestion that was presented to the user. It is used to // distinguish multiple presentations in the same field. optional int32 suggestion_presented_last_timestamp_ms = 42; // The virtual component (if any) of the autofill id optional int32 focused_virtual_autofill_id = 43; // Length of text already in the field when the event is initialized optional int32 field_first_length = 44; // Length of text already in the field when the event is logged optional int32 field_last_length = 45; } // Tells how Autofill dataset was/will-be displayed. enum AutofillDisplayPresentationType { UNKNOWN_AUTOFILL_DISPLAY_PRESENTATION_TYPE = 0; MENU = 1; // aka drop-down INLINE = 2; // shown via IME DIALOG = 3; // aka Bottom-sheet dialog } /** * Log the CompanionDeviceManager associations are created by various device * profiles * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/companion/java/com/android/server/companion/ * CompanionDeviceManagerService.java */ message CdmAssociationAction { enum Action { UNKNOWN = 0; CREATED = 1; REMOVED = 2; } enum DeviceProfile{ DEVICE_PROFILE_NULL = 0; DEVICE_PROFILE_WATCH = 1; DEVICE_PROFILE_APP_STREAMING = 2; DEVICE_PROFILE_AUTO_PROJECTION = 3; DEVICE_PROFILE_COMPUTER = 4; DEVICE_PROFILE_GLASSES = 5; DEVICE_PROFILE_NEARBY_DEVICE_STREAMING = 6; } // Action taken on the CDM association been created by companion apps. optional Action action = 1; // Name of the CDM Association Request profiles. optional DeviceProfile device_profile = 2; } /** * Logs when text and reading options changed. * * Logged from: * packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/accessibility */ message AccessibilityTextReadingOptionsChanged { // The item name of the accessibility feature "Text and Reading Options". optional android.stats.accessibility.TextReadingOption name = 1; // The status value of the item of the accessibility feature "Text and Reading Options". optional int32 value = 2; // The entry point from which page. optional android.stats.accessibility.TextReadingEntry entry_point = 3; } /* * Pushed atom logged by ONS service. */ message OnsOpportunisticEsimProvisioningComplete { enum ResultCode { // Unknown RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; // Operation was successful. RESULT_SUCCESS = 1; // Device capabilities not met such as eSIM and MultiSIM not supported. RESULT_DEVICE_NOT_CAPABLE = 2; // Internet connection is not available while trying to download opportunistic eSIM. RESULT_INTERNET_NOT_AVAILABLE = 3; // Error occurred while switching device from Single to MultiSIM mode. RESULT_SWITCH_TO_MULTISIM_FAILED = 4; // Connection error occurred while downloading opportunistic eSIM from SMDP server. RESULT_CONNECTION_ERROR = 5; // Download failed because there is no sufficient storage available in eUICC memory. RESULT_MEMORY_FULL = 6; // Installation of downloaded eSIM failed. RESULT_INSTALL_ESIM_PROFILE_FAILED = 7; // Unresolvable errors such as Invalid SMDP address or activation code. RESULT_UNRESOLVABLE_ERROR = 8; // Auto provisioning disabled RESULT_AUTO_PROVISIONING_DISABLED = 9; // eSIM provisioning failed RESULT_ESIM_PROVISIONING_FAILED = 10; } // CBRS carrier id. Filled only while reporting failure cases. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // carrier id of the opportunistic eSIM downloaded from the SMDP server. //Filled only while reporting failure cases. optional int32 opportunistic_esim_carrier_id = 2; // Flag to indicate that the data connection was used for downloading. optional bool is_mobile_data_used = 3; // Error code occurred during the above operation. optional ResultCode error_code = 4; // Retry count of the above operation. optional int32 retry_count = 5; // Detailed error code. optional int32 detailed_error_code = 6; } /** * Logs when a telephony anomaly is reported. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/AnomalyReporter.java */ message TelephonyAnomalyDetected { // Carrier ID of the SIM card. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 1; // UUID of the anomaly, as generated by android.telephony.AnomalyReporter optional int64 event_id_lsb = 2; optional int64 event_id_msb = 3; } // Logs when the remote key provisioner application is invoked, either // due to a periodically scheduled job, due to an attestation key being // consumed from the pool, or when the system has detected that it's // completely out of attestation keys. // // Logged from: // packages/modules/RemoteKeyProvisioning message RemoteKeyProvisioningAttempt { // The reason for the provisioning attempt. enum Cause { CAUSE_UNKNOWN = 0; SCHEDULED = 1; // A scheduled job issued the request KEY_CONSUMED = 2; // A provisioned key was consumed from the pool OUT_OF_KEYS = 3; // The system is out of keys } optional Cause cause = 1; // The name of the remotely provisioned component for whom keys are being // generated and certified. The string value is determined by the vendor, // and is fixed for the lifetime of the device. The number of unique string // values on a given device is determined by how many remotely provisioned // component HALs are on a given device. Typically, this is 2-3 HALs. optional string remotely_provisioned_component = 2; // The uptime of the device, organized into time ranges of interest. enum UpTime { UPTIME_UNKNOWN = 0; LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES = 1; BETWEEN_5_AND_60_MINUTES = 2; MORE_THAN_60_MINUTES = 3; } optional UpTime uptime = 3; // The state of remote provisioning enablement enum Enablement { ENABLEMENT_UNKNOWN = 0; ENABLED_WITH_FALLBACK = 1; ENABLED_RKP_ONLY = 2; DISABLED = 3; } optional Enablement enablement = 4; // If the key pool is completely exhausted, this is set to true. Typically, // we do not expect to see a pool with no spare keys available. optional bool is_key_pool_empty = 5; // Indicates success or failure of the provisioning attempt. optional com.android.remoteprovisioner.RemoteKeyProvisioningStatus status = 6; // A digest of the root key that certified the provisioned certificates optional string root_cert_fingerprint = 7; // The depth of the cert chains issued to the device optional int32 cert_chain_length = 8; } // Logs that correlate remote key provisioning status with the active // network for the given provisioning attempt. // // Logged from: // packages/modules/RemoteKeyProvisioning message RemoteKeyProvisioningNetworkInfo { // The network transport, according ConnectivityManager::getActiveNetwork(). optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 1; // Indicates success or failure of the provisioning attempt. optional com.android.remoteprovisioner.RemoteKeyProvisioningStatus status = 2; // If an HTTP error was received, this contains the code. Else, contains 200. optional int32 http_status_error = 3; } // Logs indicating timing data to understand how long the remote provisioner is // taking to perform various sub-tasks. This is intended to be used with KLL metrics. // // Logged from: // packages/modules/RemoteKeyProvisioning message RemoteKeyProvisioningTiming { // Time spent waiting on the RKP service to reply. optional int32 server_wait_millis = 1; // Time spent waiting on internal binder calls to the provisioning service. optional int32 binder_wait_millis = 2; // Time spent waiting on the serialization lock. optional int32 lock_wait_millis = 3; // Total time spent processing the attempt. optional int32 total_processing_time = 4; // The network transport, according ConnectivityManager::getActiveNetwork(). optional android.stats.connectivity.TransportType transport_type = 5; // The name of the remotely provisioned component for whom keys are being // generated and certified. The string value is determined by the vendor, // and is fixed for the lifetime of the device. The number of unique string // values on a given device is determined by how many remotely provisioned // component HALs are on a given device. Typically, this is 2-3 HALs. optional string remotely_provisioned_component = 6; // Cause of the attempt which resulted in these timings. optional RemoteKeyProvisioningAttempt.Cause cause = 7; // Indicates success or failure of the provisioning attempt. optional com.android.remoteprovisioner.RemoteKeyProvisioningStatus status = 8; } // Deprecated in U. // // Counters that track how many errors we're seeing on the device for the // given boot. // // Logged from: // packages/modules/RemoteKeyProvisioning message RemoteKeyProvisioningErrorCounts { // The total number of RKP attempts there have been this boot. optional int32 total_count = 1; // How many errors this device has encountered this boot. optional int32 error_count = 2; // How many bytes of data have been sent that resulted in errors. These // bytes count against an error budget, so it's important to track. optional int32 error_bytes = 3; } /** * Logs information about sync exemptions when they occur. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/content/ContentService.java */ message SyncExemptionOccurred { optional int32 uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // the uid of the app. enum ProcState { UNKNOWN = 0; PERSISTENT = 1; PERSISTENT_UI = 2; TOP = 3; BOUND_TOP = 4; FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 5; BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE = 6; IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND = 7; IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND = 8; TRANSIENT_BACKGROUND = 9; BACKUP = 10; SERVICE = 11; RECEIVER = 12; TOP_SLEEPING = 13; HEAVY_WEIGHT = 14; HOME = 15; LAST_ACTIVITY = 16; CACHED_ACTIVITY = 17; CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT = 18; CACHED_RECENT = 19; CACHED_EMPTY = 20; } optional ProcState proc_state = 2; // the proc state of the app when the exemption occurred. optional bool is_uid_active = 3; // was the uid active when the exemption occurred. optional AppBackgroundRestrictionsInfo.RestrictionLevel restriction_level = 4; } // Logs the overall Safety State of the device (as cached by the Safety Center) message SafetyState { // The overall severity level of the Safety Center. optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySeverityLevel overall_severity_level = 1; // The number of open issues in the Safety Center. optional int64 open_issues_count = 2; // The number of dismissed issues in the Safety Center. optional int64 dismissed_issues_count = 3; } // Logs the state of an individual Safety Source when overall SafetyState is // collected. message SafetySourceStateCollected { optional int64 encoded_safety_source_id = 1; optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySourceProfileType safety_source_profile_type = 2; // The severity level of this source. optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySeverityLevel severity_level = 3; // The number of open issues belonging to this Safety Source. optional int64 open_issues_count = 4; // The number of dismissed issues belonging to this Safety Source. optional int64 dismissed_issues_count = 5; optional int64 duplicate_filtered_out_issues_count = 6; enum SourceState { SOURCE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; DATA_PROVIDED = 1; NO_DATA_PROVIDED = 2; REFRESH_TIMEOUT = 3; REFRESH_ERROR = 4; SOURCE_ERROR = 5; SOURCE_CLEARED = 6; } optional SourceState source_state = 7; // Indicates the reason for which this event was collected. enum CollectionType { COLLECTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; AUTOMATIC = 1; SOURCE_UPDATED = 2; } optional CollectionType collection_type = 8; enum UpdateType { UPDATE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; SELF_INITIATED = 1; REFRESH_RESPONSE = 2; } optional UpdateType update_type = 9; optional int64 refresh_reason = 10; optional bool data_changed = 11; optional int64 last_updated_elapsed_time_millis = 12; } // Logs system-health and performance related events from the Safety Center message SafetyCenterSystemEventReported { enum EventType { EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; SINGLE_SOURCE_GET_NEW_DATA = 1; SINGLE_SOURCE_RESCAN = 2; COMPLETE_GET_NEW_DATA = 3; COMPLETE_RESCAN = 4; INLINE_ACTION = 5; } optional EventType event_type = 1; // Unset if this event isn't source-specific. optional int64 encoded_safety_source_id = 2; // Unset if this event isn't source-specific. optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySourceProfileType safety_source_profile_type = 3; // Unset if this event isn't specific to an issue. optional int64 encoded_issue_type_id = 4; optional int64 duration_millis = 5; enum Result { RESULT_UNKNOWN = 0; SUCCESS = 1; TIMEOUT = 2; ERROR = 3; } optional Result result = 6; optional int64 refresh_reason = 7; optional bool data_changed = 8; } // Logs a user interaction with the Safety Center. Various fields may or may not be // set depending on the Action reported. message SafetyCenterInteractionReported { // ID which identifies single session of user interacting with Safety Center. optional int64 session_id = 1; enum Action { ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0; SAFETY_CENTER_VIEWED = 1; SAFETY_ISSUE_VIEWED = 2; SCAN_INITIATED = 3; ISSUE_PRIMARY_ACTION_CLICKED = 4; ISSUE_SECONDARY_ACTION_CLICKED = 5; ISSUE_DISMISS_CLICKED = 6; MORE_ISSUES_CLICKED = 7; ENTRY_CLICKED = 8; ENTRY_ICON_ACTION_CLICKED = 9; STATIC_ENTRY_CLICKED = 10; PRIVACY_CONTROL_TOGGLE_CLICKED = 11; SENSOR_PERMISSION_REVOKE_CLICKED = 12; SENSOR_PERMISSION_SEE_USAGES_CLICKED = 13; REVIEW_SETTINGS_CLICKED = 14; NOTIFICATION_POSTED = 15; NOTIFICATION_DISMISSED = 16; STATUS_VIEWED = 17; ENTRY_VIEWED = 18; ISSUE_RESOLVED = 19; } // Action taken in the Safety Center. optional Action action = 2; enum ViewType { VIEW_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; FULL = 1; QUICK_SETTINGS = 2; SUBPAGE = 3; // Prefix required to distinguish from NavigationSource.NOTIFICATION (since // proto enums use C++ scoping rules, enum value names must be unique within // the enum's enclosing type, not just the enum itself). VIEW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 4; } // Which view of the Safety Center this interaction occurred in. optional ViewType view_type = 3; enum NavigationSource { SOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0; NOTIFICATION = 1; QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE = 2; SETTINGS = 3; SENSOR_INDICATOR = 4; // Set for navigations that start from within Safety Center. e.g. when a subpage // is opened from the main Safety Center page instead of from a notification. SAFETY_CENTER = 5; } // Where the session was initiated from. optional NavigationSource navigation_source = 4; // Severity level of the particular issue or entry, or the overall Safety // Center this interaction is associated with. optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySeverityLevel severity_level = 5; // The hashed ID of the Safety Source that this interaction was with performed with, // or nothing if this event isn't source-specific. optional int64 encoded_safety_source_id = 6; // The kind of profile that this safety source originated from (sources from // personal and work profiles may have the same source ID) optional android.stats.safetycenter.SafetySourceProfileType safety_source_profile_type = 7; // A hash of the loggable issue type ID that this interaction was performed with. optional int64 encoded_issue_type_id = 8; enum Sensor { SENSOR_UNKNOWN = 0; MICROPHONE = 1; CAMERA = 2; LOCATION = 3; } // Which sensor was associated with this interaction (if any). optional Sensor sensor = 9; optional int64 encoded_safety_sources_group_id = 10; enum IssueState { ISSUE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; ACTIVE = 1; DISMISSED = 2; } optional IssueState issue_state = 11; } /** * Logs information about SettingsProvider setting changes when they occur. * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/src/com/android/providers/settings/SettingsProvider.java */ message SettingsProviderSettingChanged { optional int32 user_id = 1; // user for whom the setting has changed optional string name = 2; // name of the setting optional int32 type = 3; // the setting type, e.g., global, system or secure optional int32 change_type = 4; // the change type, e.g., insert, delete or update } /** * Pulls information for a single incoming MMS. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each MMS. * The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Mms/src/com/android/mms/service/metrics/MmsMetricsCollector.java */ message IncomingMms { // Radio access technology (RAT) used for downloading the MMS. // It can be IWLAN in case of IMS. // RAT is logged at the end of the download. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 1; // Indicate a specific result handling the MMS. optional android.mms.MmsResultEnum result = 2; // Roaming type when MMS was received. optional android.telephony.RoamingTypeEnum roaming = 3; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 4; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 5; // Whether the MMS was received with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 6; // Carrier ID of the SIM card used for the MMS. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 7; // Average time in milliseconds to download MMS from the network. optional int64 avg_interval_millis = 8; // Total number of MMS having same configuration. optional int64 mms_count = 9; // Retry count: 0 for the first attempt and then increasing for each attempt. optional int32 retry_id = 10; // Whether MmsService or carrier app downloaded the MMS from the network. optional bool handled_by_carrier_app = 11; // Whether the MMS was received with an enterprise profile. optional bool is_managed_profile = 12; // Whether the MMS was received over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 13; } /** * Pulls information for a single outgoing MMS. * * Each pull creates multiple atoms, one for each MMS. * The sequence is randomized when pulled. * * Pulled from: * packages/services/Mms/src/com/android/mms/service/metrics/MmsMetricsCollector.java */ message OutgoingMms { // Radio access technology (RAT) used for uploading the MMS. // It can be IWLAN in case of IMS. // RAT is logged at the end of the upload. optional android.telephony.NetworkTypeEnum rat = 1; // Indicate a specific result handling the MMS. optional android.mms.MmsResultEnum result = 2; // Roaming type when MMS was received. optional android.telephony.RoamingTypeEnum roaming = 3; // Index of the SIM used, 0 for single-SIM devices. optional int32 sim_slot_index = 4; // Whether the device was in multi-SIM mode (with multiple active SIM profiles). optional bool is_multi_sim = 5; // Whether the MMS was sent with an eSIM profile. optional bool is_esim = 6; // Carrier ID of the SIM card used for the MMS. // See https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrierid. optional int32 carrier_id = 7; // Average time in milliseconds to download MMS from the network. optional int64 avg_interval_millis = 8; // Total number of MMS having same configuration. optional int64 mms_count = 9; // Whether the default MMS application sent the MMS (regardless of which application). optional bool is_from_default_app = 10; // Retry count: 0 for the first attempt and then increasing for each attempt. optional int32 retry_id = 11; // Whether MmsService or carrier app uploaded the MMS to the network. optional bool handled_by_carrier_app = 12; // Whether the MMS was sent with an enterprise profile. optional bool is_managed_profile = 13; // Whether the MMS was sent over non-terrestrial networks. optional bool is_ntn = 14; } message PrivacySignalNotificationInteraction { enum Action { UNKNOWN = 0; NOTIFICATION_SHOWN = 1; NOTIFICATION_CLICKED = 2; DISMISSED = 3; } // Privacy source that triggered the notification optional android.stats.privacysignals.PrivacySource privacy_source = 1; // Optional Uid of the package for which the notification was sent. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Action taken on the notification. optional Action action = 3; // Session Id to link the notification with the issue card. optional int64 session_id = 4; // to map the notification and issue card interaction } message PrivacySignalIssueCardInteraction { enum Action { ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0; CARD_SHOWN = 1; CARD_CLICKED = 2; CARD_DISMISSED = 3; CLICKED_CTA1 = 4; CLICKED_CTA2 = 5; } // Privacy source that pushed the issue card. optional android.stats.privacysignals.PrivacySource privacy_source = 1; // Optional Uid of the package for which the issue card was sent. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Action taken on the issue card. optional Action action = 3; // Session Id to link the notification with the issue card. optional int64 session_id = 4; } message PrivacySignalsJobFailure { // Which privacy source for which the daily job failed. optional android.stats.privacysignals.PrivacySource privacy_source = 1; enum JobFailureReason { REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; TIMEOUT = 1; COROUTINE_CANCELLED = 2; } optional JobFailureReason reason =2; } /** * Contains information about different method and code contention durations in * the ANR code path */ message ANRLatencyReported { /* Important durations */ // Total duration of the ANR (in ms) optional int64 total_duration = 1; // The duration between when the ANR is triggered and when the stacks are dumped // (in ms) optional int64 triggering_to_stack_dump_duration = 2; /* Disjoint durations, each duration representing the time spent in the method before calling the next one on the ANR chain */ // The duration between when the ANR is triggered and when appNotResponding starts. optional int64 triggering_to_app_not_responding_duration = 3; // The time taken by appNotResponding before the record is placed on the // queue. optional int64 app_not_responding_duration = 4; // The time spent by the ANR record on the ANR queue. optional int64 anr_record_placed_on_queue_duration = 5; // The time from the start of the ANR processing by the ANR thread until the // stacks are dumped. optional int64 anr_processing_duration = 6; // The time taken to dump the stacks. optional int64 dump_stack_traces_duration = 7; /* Helper methods */ // The time spent waiting on updateCpuStatsNow to return. optional int64 update_cpu_stats_now_total_duration = 8; // The time spent waiting on currentPsiStateReturned to return. optional int64 current_psi_state_total_duration = 9; // The time spent waiting on ProcessCpuTracker methods to return optional int64 process_cpu_tracker_methods_total_duration = 10; // The time spent waiting on CriticalEventLog#logLinesForTraceFile to return. optional int64 critical_event_log_duration = 11; /* Lock contention */ // The time spent waiting on the Global Lock. optional int64 global_lock_total_contention = 12; // The time spent waiting on the PID lock. optional int64 pid_lock_total_contention = 13; // The time spent waiting on the AMS lock. optional int64 ams_lock_total_contention = 14; // The time spent waiting on proc lock. optional int64 proc_lock_total_contention = 15; // The time spent waiting on the ANR record queue lock. optional int64 anr_record_lock_total_contention = 16; /* Misc */ // The size of the ANR queue before pushing the ANR. optional int32 anr_queue_size_when_pushed = 17; // The type of the ANR. optional android.anr.AnrType anr_type = 18; // The number of dumped processes. optional int32 dumped_processes_count = 19; // Next ID: 20 } // Logs Display Brightness change events. message DisplayBrightnessChanged { enum Reason { REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; REASON_MANUAL = 1; } // Display brightness before the brightness event, in nits. optional float initial_nits = 1; // Display brightness after the brightness event, in nits. optional float end_nits = 2; // Estimated ambient light, in lux. optional float lux = 3; // Physical display id, with format $ADAPTER_PREFIX:$ID, in this case // "local:$PHYSICAL_ID". optional string physical_display_id = 4 [(state_field_option).primary_field = true]; // Whether the short term model was active at the time of the event. optional bool short_term_model_active = 5; // The factor to adjust the screen brightness in low power mode in the range // 0 (screen off) to 1 (no change). // If not applied, this is set to -1. optional float power_brightness_factor = 6; // The level of Reduce Bright Colors (RBC) intensity, the range is [0, 100]. // If RBC is not enabled, this is set to -1; optional int32 reduce_bright_colors_strength = 7; // Max nits value when High Brightness Mode (HBM) is enabled. // If HBM is not enabled, this is set to -1; optional float hbm_current_max = 8; // Thermal throttling cap. // If thermal throttling not enabled, this is -1. optional float thermal_throttling_cap = 9; // Whether adaptive brightness is enabled. optional bool adaptive_brightness_enabled = 10; // Historical: replaced by entire_reason after 2023-04-10 optional Reason reason = 11 [deprecated = true]; // Reason that triggered the brightness event to occur. optional android.display.DisplayBrightnessChangeReasonEnum entire_reason = 12; // New brightness bucket index, from frameworks/proto_logging/stats/enums/display/display_enums.proto. optional android.display.DisplayBrightnessRangeEnum bucket_index = 13 [(state_field_option).exclusive_state = true, (state_field_option).nested = false]; // Brightness is at maximum allowable value regarding the current context. optional bool brightness_at_max = 14; // Whether HBM mode is enabled due to sunlight optional bool hbm_mode_sunlight = 15; // Whether HBM mode is enabled due to HDR optional bool hbm_mode_hdr = 16; // Whether modified by low power mode. optional bool modified_by_low_power_mode = 17; // Value defined in frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/display/BrightnessInfo.java // BRIGHTNESS_MAX_REASON_NONE = 0 // BRIGHTNESS_MAX_REASON_THERMAL = 1 // BRIGHTNESS_MAX_REASON_* defined in the future optional int32 throttling_reason = 18; // Whether modified by dimming. optional bool modified_by_dimming = 19; // Whether Reduce Bright Colors (RBC) is enabled. optional bool rbc_enabled = 20; // Whether ambient lux is invalid. optional bool ambient_lux_invalid = 21; // Whether doze scale applied for auto brightness. optional bool doze_scale_applied = 22; // Whether the value is set by the user. optional bool set_by_user = 23; // Whether idle mode is active. optional bool idle_mode_active= 24; // Whether low power mode is enabled. optional bool low_power_mode_enabled= 25; } // Logs daily ambient brightness stats. message AmbientBrightnessStatsReported { // How much time was spent in each of the buckets, in seconds. repeated float bucket_size_seconds = 1; // Ambient brightness values for creating bucket boundaries from. repeated float bucket_boundary_lux = 2; } // Logs information about bpf maps in BpfNetMaps. // // Logged from: // packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/BpfNetMaps.java message NetworkBpfMapInfo { // The size of cookie tag bpf map. optional int32 cookie_tag_map_size = 1; // The size of uid owner bpf map. optional int32 uid_owner_map_size = 2; // The size of uid permission bpf map. optional int32 uid_permission_map_size = 3; } /** * Pulls information for a single outgoing short code sms. * * Each pull generates multiple atoms, one for each category and xml_version combination. * * Pulled from: * frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/metrics/MetricsCollector.java */ message OutgoingShortCodeSms { /* Short code sms category. */ optional android.telephony.ShortCodeSmsEnum category = 1; /* sms_short_codes.xml file version used by the device. */ optional int32 xml_version = 2; /* Number of short code sms with the same configuration. */ optional int32 short_code_sms_count = 3; } /** * Logs information when a hearing aid is bonded * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/packages/SettingsLib/src/com/android/settingslib/bluetooth/ * LocalBluetoothProfileManager.java */ message HearingAidInfoReported { // The device mode of the bonded hearing aid // Mode definition for hearing aids. See {@link HearingAidInfo} enum DeviceMode { MODE_UNKNOWN = -1; MONAURAL = 0; BINAURAL = 1; BANDED = 2; } optional DeviceMode device_mode = 1; // The device side of the bonded hearing aid // Side definition for hearing aids. See {@link HearingAidInfo}. enum DeviceSide { SIDE_UNKNOWN = -1; LEFT = 0; RIGHT = 1; LEFT_AND_RIGHT = 2; } optional DeviceSide device_side = 2; // The entry page id where the bonding process starts enum BondEntry { PAGE_UNKNOWN = -1; CONNECTED_DEVICES = 0; ACCESSIBILITY_HEARING_AIDS = 1; ACCESSIBILITY_HEARING_AID_PAIR_ANOTHER = 2; BLUETOOTH = 3; ACCESSIBILITY_HEARING_AID_SETTINGS = 4; } optional BondEntry bond_entry = 3; } /** * Logs when Ambient/OFFLOAD Mode is entered or exited. * * Logged from: * 1. vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Ambient/src/com/google/ * android/wearable/ambient/AmbientService.java * 2. vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Ambient/src/com/google/android/ * wearable/ambient/autoresume/AmbientLiteFlowController.java * 3. frameworks/opt/wear/src/com/google/android/clockwork/ * displayoffload/DisplayOffloadService.java */ message AmbientModeChanged { enum AmbientStateEnum { AMBIENT_ENTER = 1; AMBIENT_EXIT = 2; AMBIENT_LITE_ENTER = 3; AMBIENT_LITE_EXIT = 4; OFFLOAD_ENTER = 5; OFFLOAD_EXIT = 6; } optional AmbientStateEnum state = 1; } /** * Contains statistics about time spent fetching resource information from an APK. * Logged from: * frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/res/ResourceTimer.java */ message ResourceValueApiStatisticsReported { // The api that is being reported. optional android.app.ResourceApiEnum api = 1; // The total number of events recorded. optional int32 event_count = 2; // The total time spent in thie API. The units are ns. optional int64 cumulative_event_time_ns = 3; // Four percentile values. Units are in ns. A value of zero means the percentile could not be // computed. optional int32 p50_ns = 4; optional int32 p90_ns = 5; optional int32 p95_ns = 6; optional int32 p99_ns = 7; // The five largest values recorded. Units are in ns. A value of zero means the value is // missing (which means fewer than 5 events were recorded). Values that exceed INT_MAX are // capped at INT_MAX. optional int32 l0_ns = 8; optional int32 l1_ns = 9; optional int32 l2_ns = 10; optional int32 l3_ns = 11; optional int32 l4_ns = 12; } /** * Logs when Iwlan responds the setup data call request. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Iwlan/src/com/google/android/iwlan/IwlanDataService.java */ message IwlanSetupDataCallResultReported { enum IwlanError { NO_ERROR = 0; IKE_PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION = 1; IKE_INTERNAL_IO_EXCEPTION = 2; IKE_GENERIC_EXCEPTION = 3; EPDG_SELECTOR_SERVER_SELECTION_FAILED = 4; TUNNEL_TRANSFORM_FAILED = 5; SIM_NOT_READY_EXCEPTION = 6; NETWORK_FAILURE = 7; UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION = 8; } // Setup data call apn type // See go/apntypedefinition optional int32 apn_type = 1; // Is the request for handover optional bool is_handover = 2; // ePDG server address optional string epdg_server_address = 3; // If the request type is handover, record the source network type // See // frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/TelephonyManager.java optional int32 source_rat = 4; // If the request type is handover, record the source network roaming status optional bool is_cellular_roaming = 5; // Is network connected optional bool is_network_connected = 6; // Default network transport type // See // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 transport_type = 7; // Setup result optional int32 setup_request_result = 8; // Iwlan error code if setup failed optional IwlanError iwlan_error = 9; // Data call fail cause // See // frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/DataFailCause.java optional int32 data_call_fail_cause = 10; // Setup request processing duration optional int32 processing_duration_millis = 11; // Time for doing ePDG server selection through DNS query of FQDNs optional int32 epdg_server_selection_duration_millis = 12; // Time for establishing IKE tunnel optional int32 ike_tunnel_establishment_duration_millis = 13; // Tunnel State // See // packages/services/Iwlan/src/com/google/android/iwlan/IwlanDataService.java optional int32 tunnel_state = 14; // Handover failure mode // See // frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/DataCallResponse.java optional int32 handover_failure_mode = 15; // Retry duration optional int32 retry_duration_millis = 16; // Iwlan error wrapped exception classname optional string iwlan_error_wrapped_classname = 17; // Iwlan error wrapped exception 1st line of stack trace optional string iwlan_error_wrapped_stack_first_frame = 18; // Error count of the same error cause optional int32 error_count_of_same_cause = 19; // Underlying network validation status optional bool is_underlying_network_validated = 20; } /** * Logs when Iwlan reports IWLAN PDN disconnected without deactivation request. * * Logged from: * packages/services/Iwlan/src/com/google/android/iwlan/IwlanDataService.java */ message IwlanPdnDisconnectedReasonReported { // Disconnection cause // See // frameworks/base/telephony/java/android/telephony/DataFailCause.java optional int32 cause = 1; // Is network connected optional bool is_network_connected = 2; // default network transport type // See // packages/services/Iwlan/src/com/google/android/iwlan/IwlanDataService.java optional int32 transport_type = 3; // Wifi signal level optional int32 wifi_signal_level = 4; } /** * Logs the number of network count on each list of transports * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkCountPerTransports { // the number of network count on each list of transports repeated NetworkCountForTransports network_count_for_transports = 1; } /** * Logs the number of network count and transport type * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkCountForTransports { // Transport types of the network optional int32 transport_types = 1; // Number of networks for one list of transport types optional int32 network_count = 2; } /** * Logs a list of networks * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkList { repeated NetworkDescription network_description = 1; } /** * Logs connection duration in seconds and list of transports * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message ConnectionDurationForTransports { // Transport types of the network optional int32 transport_types = 1; // Time duration that the device stays connected to the network optional int32 duration_sec = 2; } /** * Logs connection duration on each list of transports, in seconds * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message ConnectionDurationPerTransports { repeated ConnectionDurationForTransports connection_duration_for_transports = 1; } /** * Logs network request count & request type * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message RequestCountForType { // The type of network request optional android.stats.connectivity.RequestType request_type = 1; // Number of network requests optional int32 request_count = 2; } /** * Logs network request count * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkRequestCount { // Network request count for request type repeated RequestCountForType request_count_for_type = 1; } /** * Logs information about a network * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkDescription { // The transport types of the network. A network may include multiple transport types. // Each transfer type is represented by a different bit, defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 transport_types = 1; // Indicates the network is metered, non-metered or temporarily-unmetered optional android.stats.connectivity.MeteredState metered_state = 2; // Indicates the network is validated, non-validated, partial or portal optional android.stats.connectivity.ValidatedState validated_state = 3; // Record the bitmask of all the policies applied to this score of network. // Each policy is represented by a different bit, defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/connectivity/FullScore.java optional int64 score_policies = 4; // The capabilities of the network. A network may include multiple network capabilities. // Each capability is represented by a different bit, defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int64 capabilities = 5; // Bitfield representing the network's enterprise capability identifier, defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 enterprise_id = 6; } /** * Pulls a list of NumberOfRematchesPerReason. * * Pulled from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NumberOfRematchesPerReason { // Number of network rematches for each rematch reason repeated NumberOfRematchesForReason number_of_rematches_per_reason= 1; } /** * Logs number of network rematches for rematch reason * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NumberOfRematchesForReason { // The reason of network rematch optional android.stats.connectivity.RematchReason rematch_reason = 1; // Number of network rematches optional int32 rematch_count = 2; }; /** * Pulls information for connectivity stats. * * Pulled from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message ConnectivityStateSample { // Number of networks per list of transports optional NetworkCountPerTransports network_count_per_transports = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // This is a list of networks with their transports and the duration optional ConnectionDurationPerTransports connection_duration_per_transports = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Number of requests per category optional NetworkRequestCount network_request_count = 3 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // Full list of network details (slice by transport / meteredness / internet+validated) optional NetworkList networks = 4 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Pulls information for network selection rematch info. * * Pulled from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkSelectionRematchReasonsInfo { // Number of rematch per rematch reason optional NumberOfRematchesPerReason number_of_rematches_per_reason = 1 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; } /** * Logs rematch information for the default network * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message DefaultNetworkRematchInfo { // The session id comes from each reboot, this is used to correlate the statistics of the // networkselect on the same boot optional int64 session_id = 1; // The information of old device default network optional NetworkDescription old_network = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The information of new device default network optional NetworkDescription new_network = 3 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The reason of network rematch optional android.stats.connectivity.RematchReason rematch_reason = 4; // The time duration the device kept the old network as the default in seconds optional int32 time_duration_on_old_network_sec = 5; } /** * Logs network selection performance * * Logs from: * packages/modules/Connectivity/service/src/com/android/server/ConnectivityService.java */ message NetworkSelectionPerformance { // Number of network requests optional int32 number_of_network_requests = 1; // List of networks right now // (slice by transport / meteredness / internet+validated) optional NetworkList networks = 2 [(android.os.statsd.log_mode) = MODE_BYTES]; // The latency of selection computed in milli-second optional int32 selection_computed_latency_milli = 3; // The latency of selection applied in milli-second optional int32 selection_applied_latency_milli = 4; // The latency of selection issued in milli-second optional int32 selection_issued_latency_milli = 5; } message NetworkSliceRequestCountSample { // Bitfield representing the network's capability(e.g. NET_CAPABILITY_PRIORITIZE_LATENCY), // defined in packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int64 slice_id = 1; // Bitfield representing the network's enterprise capability identifier // (e.g. NET_ENTERPRISE_ID_1), defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 enterprise_id = 2; // number of request for this slice optional int32 request_count = 3; // number of apps with outstanding request(s) for this slice optional int32 distinct_app_count = 4; } message NetworkSliceSessionEnded { // Bitfield representing the network's capability(e.g. NET_CAPABILITY_PRIORITIZE_LATENCY), // defined in packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int64 slice_id = 1; // Bitfield representing the network's enterprise capability identifier // (e.g. NET_ENTERPRISE_ID_1), defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 enterprise_id = 2; // Number of bytes received at the device on this slice id optional int64 rx_bytes = 3; // Number of bytes transmitted by the device on this slice id optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; // Number of apps that have used this slice optional int32 number_of_apps = 5; // How long(in seconds) this slice has been connected optional int32 slice_connection_duration_sec = 6; } message NetworkSliceDailyDataUsageReported { // Bitfield representing the network's capability(e.g. NET_CAPABILITY_PRIORITIZE_LATENCY), // defined in packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int64 slice_id = 1; // Bitfield representing the network's enterprise capability identifier // (e.g. NET_ENTERPRISE_ID_1), defined in // packages/modules/Connectivity/framework/src/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java optional int32 enterprise_id = 2; // Number of bytes received at the device on this slice id optional int64 rx_bytes = 3; // Number of bytes transmitted by the device on this slice id optional int64 tx_bytes = 4; // Number of apps that have used this slice optional int32 number_of_apps = 5; // How long(in seconds) this slice has been connected optional int32 slice_connection_duration_sec = 6; } /** * Logs the Brightness Configuration pushed by the long term model. The Brightness Configuration is * expressed as a curve where each point is a pair of ambient light (lux) and the corresponding * screen brightness (nits). * * Logged from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/DisplayManagerService.java */ message BrightnessConfigurationUpdated { // Array of ambient light values (in lux) to define the configuration. repeated float lux = 1; // Array of screen brightness values (in nits) corresponding to the lux // values above. repeated float nits = 2; // Physical display id, with format $ADAPTER_PREFIX:$ID, in this case // "local:$PHYSICAL_ID". optional string physical_display_id = 3; } /** * Logs data when wear media output switcher is launched. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherLaunched { // Name of the media app package from where Output Switcher got triggered. optional string triggering_package_name = 1; // The operation type for invoking the OutputSwitcher optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.OpType op_type = 2; // The result of OutputSwticher launch. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.LaunchResult result = 3; } /** * Logs data when wear media output switcher is finished. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherFinished { optional bool user_did_some_activity = 1; optional bool is_device_connected = 2; } /** * Logs data when wear media output switcher operation is INITIATED * or COMPLETED. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherConnectionReported { // Type of the medium through which media is played optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediumType source = 1; optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediumType target = 2; // Reason for the connection reported optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.ConnectionReportReason reason = 3; // Current status of switching the media. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.ConnectionState state =4; // Type of target device. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediaDeviceType target_device_type = 5; // The operation type for invoking the OutputSwitcher optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.OpType op_type = 6; optional bool is_retry = 7; // For differentiating if the bluetooth device is connected from already // paired device list or from the bluetooth settings flow. optional bool is_already_paired = 8; } /** * Logs data when wear media output switcher starts scanning * for already paired devices. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherDeviceScanTriggered { // The current status of the scanned device. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.ScanState scan_state = 1; // Name of the media app package from where Output Switcher got triggered. optional string triggering_package_name = 2; optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.OpType op_type = 3; } /** * Logs the latency for scanning the first device. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherFirstDeviceScanLatency { // The latency of scanning the first device optional int32 latency_in_millis = 1; } /** * Logs the latency for scanning all devices. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherAllDevicesScanLatency { // The latency of scanning all available devices in milli-second optional int32 latency_in_millis = 1; // Type of target device. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediaDeviceType target_device_type = 2; } /** * Logs the latency in connecting to an already paired device. * * Logged from: * package: vendor/google_clockwork/packages/Media */ message WearMediaOutputSwitcherConnectDeviceLatency { // The latency of connecting to an already paired device in milli-second. optional int32 latency_in_millis = 1; // Type of target medium. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediumType target_device_medium_type = 2; // Type of target device. optional com.google.android.wearable.media.routing.MediaDeviceType target_device_type = 3; } /** * Logs package manager snapshot performance. * * Logs from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/SnapshotStatistics.java */ message PackageManagerSnapshotReported { // The histogram of snapshot rebuild latency in a period. Each bucket // represents a range of rebuild latency such as less than 1 ms, and the // value of the bucket is the number of snapshots in this range. repeated int32 rebuild_latency_buckets= 1; // The histogram of the snapshot usage in a period. Each bucket // represents a range of snapshot uses such as less than 1, and the // value is the number of snapshots in this range. repeated int32 reuse_count_buckets = 2; // The maximum rebuild latency in a period. optional int64 max_rebuild_latency_us = 3; // The maximum number of snapshot usage in a period. optional int32 max_reuse_count = 4; // The average rebuild latency for each snapshot in a period. optional int64 rebuild_latency_us_avg = 5; // The average snapshot usage for each snapshot in a period. optional int32 reuse_count_avg = 6; // The number of packages on the device. optional int32 packages_count = 7; } /** * Logs package manager apps filter cache built performance. * * Logs from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/AppsFilterImpl.java */ message PackageManagerAppsFilterCacheBuildReported { // An event id to indicate the type of the cache building. enum Event { UNSPECIFIED = 0; BOOT = 1; USER_CREATED = 2; USER_DELETED = 3; } optional Event event_type = 1; // The time to build the cache in microseconds. optional int64 build_cache_latency_us = 2; // The number of users on the device. optional int32 user_count = 3; // The number of packages on the device. optional int32 packages_count = 4; // The size of the cache. optional int32 cache_size_bytes = 5; } /** * Logs package manager apps filter cache updated performance. * * Logs from: * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/AppsFilterImpl.java */ message PackageManagerAppsFilterCacheUpdateReported { // An event id to indicate the type of cache updating. enum Event { UNSPECIFIED = 0; PACKAGE_ADDED = 1; PACKAGE_DELETED = 2; PACKAGE_REPLACED = 3; COMPAT_CHANGED = 4; } optional Event event_type = 1; // The package's uid. optional int32 uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // The time to update the cache in microseconds. optional int64 update_cache_latency_us = 3; // The number of users on the device. optional int32 user_count = 4; // The number of packages on the device. optional int32 packages_count = 5; // The size of the cache. optional int32 cache_size_bytes = 6; } /** * Logged during the watch face editing session in Wear Services * This atom will log the duration with SessionStateEnum#END. * * Logged from : * com/google/wear/services/watchfaces/editing/api/WatchFaceEditingApiImpl.java */ message WsWatchFaceEdited { // Depicts the state of the session eg: START/END/ABORT. optional android.app.wearservices.SessionStateEnum session_state = 1; // Session duration for watch face editing. optional int32 session_duration_millis = 2; // Enum to depict the source of the request. Values (PHONE, WATCH) optional android.app.wearservices.RequestSource request_source = 3; // Component package for watch face. optional int32 component_package_uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; } /** * Logged for watch face favorite feature in Wear Services. * * Logged from : * com/google/wear/services/watchfaces/api/WatchFacesApiImpl.java */ message WsWatchFaceFavouriteActionReported { // Component package for watch face. optional int32 component_package_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Depicts the action for wf favorites eg: Add/Remove. optional android.app.wearservices.ActionEnum favorite_action = 2; // Enum to depict the source of the request. Values (PHONE, WATCH) optional android.app.wearservices.RequestSource request_source = 3; } /** * Logged for the watch face set feature in Wear Services. * * Logged from : * com/google/wear/services/watchfaces/api/WatchFacesApiImpl.java */ message WsWatchFaceSetActionReported { // Component package for watch face. optional int32 component_package_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Result for WF, whether it resulted in SAME/FAVORITE/FALLBACK optional android.app.wearservices.SetResultEnum wf_set_result = 2; // Enum to depict the source of the request. Values (PHONE, WATCH) optional android.app.wearservices.RequestSource request_source = 3; } /** * Logged when tile list is modified (go/wear-dd-wearservices-telemetry) */ message WsTileListChanged { enum Event { EVENT_UNKNOWN = 0; TILE_ADDED = 1; TILE_REMOVED = 2; } // Component package for the tile that is being changed. optional int32 component_package_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Class name for the tile. optional string component_class_name = 2; // The event in result of which tile list has changed. optional Event event = 3; // Where a tile has been changed from. When changed on the companion equals // to the phone source, otherwise watch source if it's changed from the watch. optional android.app.wearservices.RequestSource request_source = 4; // The package name of the app where the tile change has originated from. // Null for cases where the tile change originated from paired phone // where request_source would be RequestSource.PHONE. optional string origin_package_name = 5; } /** * A snapshot of all visible tiles in the order they appear on the watch. * (go/wear-dd-wearservices-telemetry) */ message WsTileSnapshot { // Component package name for the tiles. repeated string component_package_name = 1; // Class name for the tiles. repeated string component_class_name = 2; } /* * Logs calls to getType of a contentProvider, where the caller has potentially no access to * the provider. * * Logs from : * frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ContentProviderHelper.java * frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/ContentProvider.java */ message GetTypeAccessedWithoutPermission{ // Indicator of the type of permission failure enum FailureType{ UNSPECIFIED = 0; AM_FRAMEWORK_PERMISSION = 1; AM_CHECK_URI_PERMISSION = 2; AM_ERROR = 3; PROVIDER_FRAMEWORK_PERMISSION = 4; PROVIDER_CHECK_URI_PERMISSION = 5; PROVIDER_ERROR = 6; } optional FailureType location = 1; // Name of the caller package optional int32 calling_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Name of the provider (authority) which is being accessed optional string provider = 3; // Type of the uri returned optional string type = 4; } /** Logged when a complication is changed on a watch face. Both data for complication that is being placed in the complication slot (we call is new here) and for complication that is being replaced (we call is old) is reported. */ message WsWatchFaceComplicationSetChanged { // Watch face package uid optional int32 watch_face_package_uid = 1 [(is_uid) = true]; // Complication component package uid for complication that is being replaced. // Equals to -1 if new complication is placed on previously empty slot. optional int32 old_complication_component_package_uid = 2 [(is_uid) = true]; // Complication component class name for complication that is being replaced. // Equals to empty string if new complication is placed on previously empty slot. optional string old_complication_component_class_name = 3; // Complication component package uid for new complication. // Equals to -1 if complication is removed from complication slot. optional int32 new_complication_component_package_uid = 4 [(is_uid) = true]; // Complication component class name for new complication. // Equals to empty string if complication is removed from complication slot. optional string new_complication_component_class_name = 5; // Where a complication has been changed from. When changed on the companion equals // to SOURCE_PHONE, otherwise if it's changed from the watch SOURCE_WATCH. optional android.app.wearservices.RequestSource request_source = 6; // Old complication type. optional int32 old_complication_type = 7; // New complication type. optional int32 new_complication_type = 8; } /** Snapshot of all active complications on the current watch face. * (go/wear-dd-wearservices-telemetry) */ message WsActiveWatchFaceComplicationSetSnapshot { // Complication package name. repeated string complication_component_package_name = 1; // Complication component class name. repeated string complication_component_class_name = 2; // Complication type. repeated int32 complication_type = 4; // Active watch face package uid. optional int32 watch_face_package_uid = 3 [(is_uid) = true]; /* Active watch face class name. This will be null for Declarative WF packages, as these packages have only one WF. */ optional string watch_face_class_name = 5; } message UnsafeIntentEventReported { enum EventType { UNKNOWN = 0; // When a component is matched with a null action. NULL_ACTION_MATCH = 1; // When a non-exported internal component is matched. INTERNAL_NON_EXPORTED_COMPONENT_MATCH = 2; // When an explicit intent does not match // an external component intent filter. EXPLICIT_INTENT_FILTER_UNMATCH = 3; // When a mutable pending intent for an implicit intent is retrieved NEW_MUTABLE_IMPLICIT_PENDING_INTENT_RETRIEVED = 4; } // Type of matching event. optional EventType event_type = 1; // The calling UID. optional int32 calling_uid = 2; // The component name of the intent. optional string component_name = 3; // The package name of the intent. optional string package_name = 4; // The action of the intent. optional string action = 5; // List of categories of the intent. repeated string categories = 6; // Data type of the intent. optional string data_type = 7; // Data scheme of the intent. optional string data_scheme = 8; // Is the unsafe intent event blocked by the system. optional bool is_blocked = 9; } /** * Snapshot of all favorite watch faces from the watch. */ message WsFavouriteWatchFaceListSnapshot { repeated string watch_face_component_name = 1; }