/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Device.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "PreparedModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // See hardware/interfaces/neuralnetworks/utils/README.md for more information on HIDL interface // lifetimes across processes and for protecting asynchronous calls across HIDL. namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::adapter { namespace { template auto convertInput(const Type& object) -> decltype(nn::convert(std::declval())) { auto result = nn::convert(object); if (!result.has_value()) { result.error().code = nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return result; } using PrepareModelResult = nn::GeneralResult; sp adaptPreparedModel(nn::SharedPreparedModel preparedModel) { if (preparedModel == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return sp::make(std::move(preparedModel)); } void notify(V1_0::IPreparedModelCallback* callback, nn::ErrorStatus status, const sp& hidlPreparedModel) { if (callback != nullptr) { const auto hidlStatus = V1_0::utils::convert(status).value(); const auto ret = callback->notify(hidlStatus, hidlPreparedModel); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "V1_0::IPreparedModelCallback::notify failed with " << ret.description(); } } } void notify(V1_2::IPreparedModelCallback* callback, nn::ErrorStatus status, const sp& hidlPreparedModel) { if (callback != nullptr) { const auto hidlStatus = V1_2::utils::convert(status).value(); const auto ret = callback->notify_1_2(hidlStatus, hidlPreparedModel); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "V1_2::IPreparedModelCallback::notify_1_2 failed with " << ret.description(); } } } void notify(V1_3::IPreparedModelCallback* callback, nn::ErrorStatus status, const sp& hidlPreparedModel) { if (callback != nullptr) { const auto hidlStatus = V1_3::utils::convert(status).value(); const auto ret = callback->notify_1_3(hidlStatus, hidlPreparedModel); if (!ret.isOk()) { LOG(ERROR) << "V1_3::IPreparedModelCallback::notify_1_3 failed with " << ret.description(); } } } template void notify(CallbackType* callback, PrepareModelResult result) { if (!result.has_value()) { const auto [message, status] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << message; notify(callback, status, nullptr); } else { auto preparedModel = std::move(result).value(); auto hidlPreparedModel = adaptPreparedModel(std::move(preparedModel)); notify(callback, nn::ErrorStatus::NONE, std::move(hidlPreparedModel)); } } template nn::GeneralResult> getSupportedOperations(const nn::SharedDevice& device, const ModelType& model) { const auto nnModel = NN_TRY(convertInput(model)); return NN_TRY(device->getSupportedOperations(nnModel)); } nn::GeneralResult prepareModel(const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const V1_0::Model& model, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } auto nnModel = NN_TRY(convertInput(model)); Task task = [device, nnModel = std::move(nnModel), callback] { auto result = device->prepareModel(nnModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT, nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), {}); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult prepareModel_1_1(const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const V1_1::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } auto nnModel = NN_TRY(convertInput(model)); const auto nnPreference = NN_TRY(convertInput(preference)); Task task = [device, nnModel = std::move(nnModel), nnPreference, callback] { auto result = device->prepareModel(nnModel, nnPreference, nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), {}); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult prepareModel_1_2(const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const V1_2::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } auto nnModel = NN_TRY(convertInput(model)); const auto nnPreference = NN_TRY(convertInput(preference)); auto nnModelCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(modelCache)); auto nnDataCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(dataCache)); const auto nnToken = nn::CacheToken(token); Task task = [device, nnModel = std::move(nnModel), nnPreference, nnModelCache = std::move(nnModelCache), nnDataCache = std::move(nnDataCache), nnToken, callback] { auto result = device->prepareModel(nnModel, nnPreference, nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, nnModelCache, nnDataCache, nnToken, {}, {}); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), {}); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult prepareModel_1_3( const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const V1_3::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, V1_3::Priority priority, const V1_3::OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } auto nnModel = NN_TRY(convertInput(model)); const auto nnPreference = NN_TRY(convertInput(preference)); const auto nnPriority = NN_TRY(convertInput(priority)); const auto nnDeadline = NN_TRY(convertInput(deadline)); auto nnModelCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(modelCache)); auto nnDataCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(dataCache)); const auto nnToken = nn::CacheToken(token); Task task = [device, nnModel = std::move(nnModel), nnPreference, nnPriority, nnDeadline, nnModelCache = std::move(nnModelCache), nnDataCache = std::move(nnDataCache), nnToken, callback] { auto result = device->prepareModel(nnModel, nnPreference, nnPriority, nnDeadline, nnModelCache, nnDataCache, nnToken, {}, {}); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), nnDeadline); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult prepareModelFromCache(const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } auto nnModelCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(modelCache)); auto nnDataCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(dataCache)); const auto nnToken = nn::CacheToken(token); Task task = [device, nnModelCache = std::move(nnModelCache), nnDataCache = std::move(nnDataCache), nnToken, callback] { auto result = device->prepareModelFromCache({}, nnModelCache, nnDataCache, nnToken); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), {}); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult prepareModelFromCache_1_3( const nn::SharedDevice& device, const Executor& executor, const V1_3::OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { if (callback.get() == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Invalid callback"; } const auto nnDeadline = NN_TRY(convertInput(deadline)); auto nnModelCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(modelCache)); auto nnDataCache = NN_TRY(convertInput(dataCache)); const auto nnToken = nn::CacheToken(token); auto task = [device, nnDeadline, nnModelCache = std::move(nnModelCache), nnDataCache = std::move(nnDataCache), nnToken, callback] { auto result = device->prepareModelFromCache(nnDeadline, nnModelCache, nnDataCache, nnToken); notify(callback.get(), std::move(result)); }; executor(std::move(task), nnDeadline); return {}; } nn::GeneralResult downcast(const sp& preparedModel) { if (preparedModel == nullptr) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "preparedModel is nullptr"; } if (preparedModel->isRemote()) { return NN_ERROR(nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) << "Cannot convert remote models"; } // This static_cast is safe because adapter::PreparedModel is the only class that implements // the IPreparedModel interface in the adapter service code. const auto* casted = static_cast(preparedModel.get()); return casted->getUnderlyingPreparedModel(); } nn::GeneralResult> downcastAll( const hidl_vec>& preparedModels) { std::vector canonical; canonical.reserve(preparedModels.size()); for (const auto& preparedModel : preparedModels) { canonical.push_back(NN_TRY(downcast(preparedModel))); } return canonical; } nn::GeneralResult, uint32_t>> allocate( const nn::SharedDevice& device, const V1_3::BufferDesc& desc, const hidl_vec>& preparedModels, const hidl_vec& inputRoles, const hidl_vec& outputRoles) { auto nnDesc = NN_TRY(convertInput(desc)); auto nnPreparedModels = NN_TRY(downcastAll(preparedModels)); auto nnInputRoles = NN_TRY(convertInput(inputRoles)); auto nnOutputRoles = NN_TRY(convertInput(outputRoles)); auto buffer = NN_TRY(device->allocate(nnDesc, nnPreparedModels, nnInputRoles, nnOutputRoles)); const nn::Request::MemoryDomainToken token = buffer->getToken(); auto hidlBuffer = sp::make(std::move(buffer)); return std::make_pair(std::move(hidlBuffer), static_cast(token)); } } // namespace Device::Device(nn::SharedDevice device, Executor executor) : kDevice(std::move(device)), kExecutor(std::move(executor)) { CHECK(kDevice != nullptr); CHECK(kExecutor != nullptr); } Return Device::getCapabilities(getCapabilities_cb cb) { const auto capabilities = V1_0::utils::convert(kDevice->getCapabilities()).value(); cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities); return Void(); } Return Device::getCapabilities_1_1(getCapabilities_1_1_cb cb) { const auto capabilities = V1_1::utils::convert(kDevice->getCapabilities()).value(); cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities); return Void(); } Return Device::getCapabilities_1_2(getCapabilities_1_2_cb cb) { const auto capabilities = V1_2::utils::convert(kDevice->getCapabilities()).value(); cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities); return Void(); } Return Device::getCapabilities_1_3(getCapabilities_1_3_cb cb) { const auto capabilities = V1_3::utils::convert(kDevice->getCapabilities()).value(); cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, capabilities); return Void(); } Return Device::getVersionString(getVersionString_cb cb) { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, kDevice->getVersionString()); return Void(); } Return Device::getType(getType_cb cb) { const auto maybeDeviceType = V1_2::utils::convert(kDevice->getType()); if (!maybeDeviceType.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = maybeDeviceType.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getType failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_2::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, maybeDeviceType.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getSupportedExtensions(getSupportedExtensions_cb cb) { const auto maybeSupportedExtensions = V1_2::utils::convert(kDevice->getSupportedExtensions()); if (!maybeSupportedExtensions.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = maybeSupportedExtensions.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getSupportedExtensions failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_2::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, maybeSupportedExtensions.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getSupportedOperations(const V1_0::Model& model, getSupportedOperations_cb cb) { const auto result = adapter::getSupportedOperations(kDevice, model); if (!result.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = result.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getSupportedOperations_1_0 failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_0::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, result.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getSupportedOperations_1_1(const V1_1::Model& model, getSupportedOperations_1_1_cb cb) { const auto result = adapter::getSupportedOperations(kDevice, model); if (!result.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = result.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getSupportedOperations_1_1 failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_1::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, result.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getSupportedOperations_1_2(const V1_2::Model& model, getSupportedOperations_1_2_cb cb) { const auto result = adapter::getSupportedOperations(kDevice, model); if (!result.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = result.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getSupportedOperations_1_2 failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_2::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, result.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getSupportedOperations_1_3(const V1_3::Model& model, getSupportedOperations_1_3_cb cb) { const auto result = adapter::getSupportedOperations(kDevice, model); if (!result.has_value()) { const auto& [message, code] = result.error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::getSupportedOperations_1_3 failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_3::utils::convert(code).value(), {}); } else { cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, result.value()); } return Void(); } Return Device::getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded_cb cb) { const auto [numModelCache, numDataCache] = kDevice->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(); cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, numModelCache, numDataCache); return Void(); } Return Device::prepareModel(const V1_0::Model& model, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModel(kDevice, kExecutor, model, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModel failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_0::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::prepareModel_1_1( const V1_1::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModel_1_1(kDevice, kExecutor, model, preference, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModel_1_1 failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_1::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::prepareModel_1_2( const V1_2::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModel_1_2(kDevice, kExecutor, model, preference, modelCache, dataCache, token, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModel_1_2 failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_2::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::prepareModel_1_3( const V1_3::Model& model, V1_1::ExecutionPreference preference, V1_3::Priority priority, const V1_3::OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModel_1_3(kDevice, kExecutor, model, preference, priority, deadline, modelCache, dataCache, token, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModel_1_3 failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_3::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::prepareModelFromCache( const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModelFromCache(kDevice, kExecutor, modelCache, dataCache, token, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModelFromCache failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_2::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::prepareModelFromCache_1_3( const V1_3::OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const hidl_vec& modelCache, const hidl_vec& dataCache, const CacheToken& token, const sp& callback) { auto result = adapter::prepareModelFromCache_1_3(kDevice, kExecutor, deadline, modelCache, dataCache, token, callback); if (!result.has_value()) { auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::prepareModelFromCache_1_3 failed with " << code << ": " << message; notify(callback.get(), code, nullptr); return V1_3::utils::convert(code).value(); } return V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE; } Return Device::getStatus() { return V1_0::DeviceStatus::AVAILABLE; } Return Device::allocate(const V1_3::BufferDesc& desc, const hidl_vec>& preparedModels, const hidl_vec& inputRoles, const hidl_vec& outputRoles, allocate_cb cb) { auto result = adapter::allocate(kDevice, desc, preparedModels, inputRoles, outputRoles); if (!result.has_value()) { const auto [message, code] = std::move(result).error(); LOG(ERROR) << "adapter::Device::allocate failed with " << code << ": " << message; cb(V1_3::utils::convert(code).value(), nullptr, /*token=*/0); return Void(); } auto [buffer, token] = std::move(result).value(); cb(V1_3::ErrorStatus::NONE, buffer, token); return Void(); } } // namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::adapter