/hardware/google/gfxstream/common/detector/ |
D | Egl.cpp | 34 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to load libEGL."); in LoadEglLib() 62 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to get default display"); in Init() 68 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to initialize display."); in Init() 73 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query vendor."); in Init() 78 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query extensions."); in Init() 82 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to bind GLES API."); in Init() 100 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to find matching framebuffer config."); in Init() 113 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to create EGL surface."); in Init() 125 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to create EGL context."); in Init() 129 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to make primary EGL context/surface current."); in Init()
D | GraphicsDetectorGl.cpp | 59 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to create context."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 64 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to make context current."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 72 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query vendor."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 79 gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query vendor."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 86 gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query renderer."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 93 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query extensions."); in GetGlesContextAvailability() 117 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to find display."); in PopulateEglAndGlesAvailability() 124 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to initialize display."); in PopulateEglAndGlesAvailability() 129 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query client version."); in PopulateEglAndGlesAvailability() 135 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to query vendor."); in PopulateEglAndGlesAvailability() [all …]
D | Expected.h | 25 class unexpected; variable 28 unexpected(E) -> unexpected<E>; 47 constexpr expected(const unexpected<E>& u) in expected() 51 constexpr expected(const unexpected<OtherE>& e) in expected() 87 return unexpected(std::invoke(std::forward<F>(function), error())); in transform_error() 96 class unexpected { 98 constexpr unexpected(const unexpected&) = default; 101 constexpr explicit unexpected(T&& e) in unexpected() function 105 constexpr explicit unexpected(std::in_place_t, Args&&... args) in unexpected() function 121 return gfxstream::unexpected(local_expected.error()); \
D | Subprocess.cpp | 63 return gfxstream::unexpected("Error from waitid(): " + in WaitForChild() 67 return gfxstream::unexpected("Error from waitid(): returned different pid."); in WaitForChild() 70 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to wait for subprocess: terminated by signal " + in WaitForChild() 102 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to wait for subprocess: timed out."); in WaitForChildWithTimeoutFallback() 124 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to wait for subprocess: poll() returned " + in WaitForChildWithTimeout() 128 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to wait for subprocess: subprocess did not " in WaitForChildWithTimeout()
D | GraphicsDetectorVkExternalMemoryHost.cpp | 104 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to create shared memory: memfd_create unavailable."); in CreateSharedMemory() 108 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to create shared memory: " + in CreateSharedMemory() 114 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to resize shared memory: " + error); in CreateSharedMemory() 155 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to mmap shared memory: " + in CheckImportingSharedMemory() 171 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to find memory type compatible with shm."); in CheckImportingSharedMemory()
D | Image.cpp | 33 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to open " + filename); in LoadRGBAFromBitmapFile() 40 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to open " + filename + ": invalid bitmap file?"); in LoadRGBAFromBitmapFile() 43 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to open " + filename + ": invalid bitmap file?"); in LoadRGBAFromBitmapFile() 58 … return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to open " + filename + ": unhandled number of planes."); in LoadRGBAFromBitmapFile() 62 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to open " + filename + ": unhandled bpp."); in LoadRGBAFromBitmapFile() 127 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to save " + filename + ": failed to open."); in SaveRGBAToBitmapFile() 350 return gfxstream::unexpected(std::move(pixelDiffs)); in CompareImages()
D | Vulkan.h | 41 return gfxstream::unexpected(expected.error()); \ 50 return gfxstream::unexpected(result); \ 58 return gfxstream::unexpected(vkhpp_rv.result); \ 67 return gfxstream::unexpected( \
D | Lib.cpp | 35 return gfxstream::unexpected("Failed to load " + std::string(name)); in Load()
/hardware/google/interfaces/media/c2/1.0/ |
D | IComponent.hal | 54 * (unexpected). 75 * (unexpected) 77 * completion. (unexpected) 106 * (unexpected) 108 * (unexpected) 123 * limit. (unexpected) 125 * (unexpected) 149 * limit. (unexpected) 151 * (unexpected) 171 * limit. (unexpected) [all …]
D | IComponentStore.hal | 43 * (unexpected) 45 * component. (unexpected) 69 * time limit. (unexpected) 71 * component interface. (unexpected) 208 * - CORRUPTED - The copy cannot be done. (unexpected)
D | IInputSurfaceConnection.hal | 30 * - CORRUPTED - Some unknown error prevented the connection. (unexpected)
D | IInputSurface.hal | 42 * - CORRUPTED - Some unknown error prevented the connection. (unexpected)
D | IConfigurable.hal | 55 * parameters. (unexpected) 89 * parameters. (unexpected)
/hardware/google/gfxstream/common/end2end/ |
D | GfxstreamEnd2EndTests.cpp | 364 return android::base::unexpected("Failed to create shader."); in MakeShader() 389 return android::base::unexpected(errorString); in MakeShader() 423 return android::base::unexpected(errorString); in MakeProgram() 452 return android::base::unexpected(errorString); in MakeProgram() 464 return android::base::unexpected(std::string("Failed to allocate AHB with width:") + in Allocate() 476 return android::base::unexpected("Gl not enabled for this test."); in SetUpShader() 485 return android::base::unexpected("Gl not enabled for this test."); in SetUpProgram() 494 return android::base::unexpected("Gl not enabled for this test."); in SetUpProgram() 545 return android::base::unexpected(vkhpp::Result::eErrorUnknown); in SetUpTypicalVkTestEnvironment() 574 return android::base::unexpected(vkhpp::Result::eErrorUnknown); in SetUpTypicalVkTestEnvironment() [all …]
D | GfxstreamEnd2EndTests.h | 115 return android::base::unexpected(gl_result.error()); \ 143 return android::base::unexpected(vkhpp_result); \ 151 return android::base::unexpected(vkhpp_result_value.result); \ 160 return android::base::unexpected(vk_try_android_base_expected.error()); \ 426 return android::base::unexpected("Failed to lock AHB"); in Lock()
/hardware/interfaces/audio/aidl/default/ |
D | XsdcConversion.cpp | 36 using ::android::base::unexpected; 47 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in assertNonEmpty() 62 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertAudioFormatToAidl() 88 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertDeviceTypeToAidl() 165 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertChannelMaskToAidl() 256 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertDevicePortsInModuleToAidl() 278 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertDevicePortsInModuleToAidl() 309 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertMixPortsInModuleToAidl() 329 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in getSinkPortId() 345 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in getSourcePortIds() [all …]
D | EngineConfigXmlConverter.cpp | 47 using ::android::base::unexpected; 158 return unexpected(BAD_VALUE); in convertAttributesGroupToAidl()
/hardware/google/gfxstream/guest/mesa/src/util/ |
D | os_misc.c | 72 #error unexpected platform in os_sysinfo.c 297 #error unexpected platform in os_misc.c in os_get_total_physical_memory() 391 #error unexpected platform in os_sysinfo.c in os_get_page_size()
/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/aidl/impl/utils/common/include/ |
D | ParcelableUtils.h | 74 return android::base::unexpected(toScopedAStatus( in fromStableLargeParcelable()
/hardware/interfaces/drm/1.4/ |
D | ICryptoPlugin.hal | 35 * GENERAL_PLUGIN_ERROR on unexpected plugin-level errors.
D | IDrmPlugin.hal | 72 * GENERAL_PLUGIN_ERROR on unexpected plugin-level errors.
/hardware/google/gfxstream/codegen/vulkan/vulkan-docs-next/appendices/ |
D | VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control.adoc | 71 an unexpected wait. 73 Applications can prevent unexpected compilation by setting
/hardware/interfaces/camera/provider/2.4/ |
D | ICameraProvider.hal | 75 * An unexpected internal error occurred while setting the callbacks 93 * An unexpected internal error occurred while setting the callbacks 179 * A camera interface cannot be returned due to an unexpected
/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/aidl/impl/proto/android/hardware/automotive/vehicle/ |
D | StatusCode.proto | 39 /* Something unexpected has happened in Vehicle HAL */
/hardware/interfaces/graphics/bufferqueue/2.0/ |
D | types.hal | 41 * An unexpected death of some object prevents the operation from