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Android.bpD06-Sep-20241.3 KiB4943

OWNERSD06-Sep-2024447 96

README.mdD06-Sep-2024742 1412

TEST_MAPPINGD06-Sep-202466 87

boot-image-profile-extra.txtD06-Sep-2024943 2220

boot-image-profile.txtD06-Sep-20243.5 MiB50,37850,377

boot-profile.txtD06-Sep-202490.3 KiB1,2221,221

copyright-headerD06-Sep-2024604 1615

dirty-image-objectsD06-Sep-2024128.2 KiB1,7291,728

preloaded-classesD06-Sep-2024790.2 KiB17,78617,785

preloaded-classes-denylistD06-Sep-2024476 1413


1# Configuration files for ART compiling the framework
3* boot-image-profile.txt: A list of methods from the boot classpath to be compiled by dex2oat.
4  The order in the file is not relevant.
5* boot-profile.txt: An ordered list of methods from the boot classpath to be compiled by
6  the JIT in the order provided in the file. Used by JIT zygote, when on-device
7  signing failed.
8* dirty-image-objects: List of objects in the boot image which are known to
9  become dirty. This helps binning objects in the image file.
10* preloaded-classes: classes that will be allocated in the boot image, and
11  initialized by the zygote.
12* preloaded-classes-denylist: Classes that should not be initialized in the
13  zygote, as they have app-specific behavior.