Lines Matching refs:override
36 …fully initialized but not deallocated. These all make it easier to not override every single meth…
458 // There's no override of _addCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes …
461 // There's no override of _autoResizeState, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum…
514 // There's no override of _commonInitFrame:styleMask:backing:defer:, despite the fact that NSWindow…
527 // There's no override of _discardCursorRectsForView, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [sel…
530 // There's no override of _forceFlushWindowToScreen, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self…
533 // There's no override of _getPositionFromServer, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _win…
536 // There's no override of _globalWindowNum, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNu…
539 // There's no override of _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:, despite the fact that …
542 // There's no override of _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:counterpart:, despite the fact that …
561 // There's no override of _orderOutAndCalcKeyWithCounter:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes…
564 // There's no override of _realHeartBeatThreadContext, despite the fact that NSWindows's invokes [s…
567 // There's no override of _registerWithDockIfNeeded, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self…
570 // There's no override of _removeCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invok…
573 // There's no override of _setAvoidsActivation:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self win…
576 // There's no override of _setFrame:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _frame, because it …
579 // There's no override of _setFrameCommon:display:stashSize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invo…
582 // There's no override of _setWindowNumber:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _windowNum a…
599 // There's no override of _threadContext, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumb…
602 // There's no override of _windowMoved:, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum, b…
690 // There's no override of deminiaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumb…
693 // There's no override of disableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self window…
697 // There's no override of enableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowN…
709 // There's no override of frame, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _frame, because _frame is…
723 // There's no override of level, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _level, because _level is…
726 // There's no override of miniaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber…
729 // There's no override of resizeToScreenWithEvent:, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _w…
747 // There's no override of setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [se…
750 // There's no override of setBackingType:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNum…
793 // There's no override of setDepthLimit:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumb…
809 // There's no override of setLevel:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], …
813 // There's no override of windowNumber, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _windowNum, becaus…