/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ Object.type = function(obj, win) { if (obj === null) return "null"; var type = typeof obj; if (type !== "object" && type !== "function") return type; win = win || window; if (obj instanceof win.Node) return (obj.nodeType === undefined ? type : "node"); if (obj instanceof win.String) return "string"; if (obj instanceof win.Array) return "array"; if (obj instanceof win.Boolean) return "boolean"; if (obj instanceof win.Number) return "number"; if (obj instanceof win.Date) return "date"; if (obj instanceof win.RegExp) return "regexp"; if (obj instanceof win.Error) return "error"; return type; } Object.hasProperties = function(obj) { if (typeof obj === "undefined" || typeof obj === "null") return false; for (var name in obj) return true; return false; } Object.describe = function(obj, abbreviated) { var type1 = Object.type(obj); var type2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).replace(/^\[object (.*)\]$/i, "$1"); switch (type1) { case "object": case "node": return type2; case "array": return "[" + obj.toString() + "]"; case "string": if (obj.length > 100) return "\"" + obj.substring(0, 100) + "\u2026\""; return "\"" + obj + "\""; case "function": var objectText = String(obj); if (!/^function /.test(objectText)) objectText = (type2 == "object") ? type1 : type2; else if (abbreviated) objectText = /.*/.exec(obj)[0].replace(/ +$/g, ""); return objectText; case "regexp": return String(obj).replace(/([\\\/])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\\(\/[gim]*)$/, "$1").substring(1); default: return String(obj); } } Object.properties = function(obj) { var properties = []; for (var prop in obj) properties.push(prop); return properties; } Object.sortedProperties = function(obj, sortFunc) { return Object.properties(obj).sort(sortFunc); } Function.prototype.bind = function(thisObject) { var func = this; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function() { return func.apply(thisObject, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))) }; } Node.prototype.rangeOfWord = function(offset, stopCharacters, stayWithinNode, direction) { var startNode; var startOffset = 0; var endNode; var endOffset = 0; if (!stayWithinNode) stayWithinNode = this; if (!direction || direction === "backward" || direction === "both") { var node = this; while (node) { if (node === stayWithinNode) { if (!startNode) startNode = stayWithinNode; break; } if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { var start = (node === this ? (offset - 1) : (node.nodeValue.length - 1)); for (var i = start; i >= 0; --i) { if (stopCharacters.indexOf(node.nodeValue[i]) !== -1) { startNode = node; startOffset = i + 1; break; } } } if (startNode) break; node = node.traversePreviousNode(false, stayWithinNode); } if (!startNode) { startNode = stayWithinNode; startOffset = 0; } } else { startNode = this; startOffset = offset; } if (!direction || direction === "forward" || direction === "both") { node = this; while (node) { if (node === stayWithinNode) { if (!endNode) endNode = stayWithinNode; break; } if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { var start = (node === this ? offset : 0); for (var i = start; i < node.nodeValue.length; ++i) { if (stopCharacters.indexOf(node.nodeValue[i]) !== -1) { endNode = node; endOffset = i; break; } } } if (endNode) break; node = node.traverseNextNode(false, stayWithinNode); } if (!endNode) { endNode = stayWithinNode; endOffset = stayWithinNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? stayWithinNode.nodeValue.length : stayWithinNode.childNodes.length; } } else { endNode = this; endOffset = offset; } var result = this.ownerDocument.createRange(); result.setStart(startNode, startOffset); result.setEnd(endNode, endOffset); return result; } Element.prototype.removeStyleClass = function(className) { // Test for the simple case before using a RegExp. if (this.className === className) { this.className = ""; return; } this.removeMatchingStyleClasses(className.escapeForRegExp()); } Element.prototype.removeMatchingStyleClasses = function(classNameRegex) { var regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + classNameRegex + "($|\\s+)"); if (regex.test(this.className)) this.className = this.className.replace(regex, " "); } Element.prototype.addStyleClass = function(className) { if (className && !this.hasStyleClass(className)) this.className += (this.className.length ? " " + className : className); } Element.prototype.hasStyleClass = function(className) { if (!className) return false; // Test for the simple case before using a RegExp. if (this.className === className) return true; var regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className.escapeForRegExp() + "($|\\s)"); return regex.test(this.className); } Node.prototype.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeNameInArray = function(nameArray) { for (var node = this; node && !objectsAreSame(node, this.ownerDocument); node = node.parentNode) for (var i = 0; i < nameArray.length; ++i) if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nameArray[i].toLowerCase()) return node; return null; } Node.prototype.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeName = function(nodeName) { return this.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeNameInArray([nodeName]); } Node.prototype.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithClass = function(className) { for (var node = this; node && !objectsAreSame(node, this.ownerDocument); node = node.parentNode) if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.hasStyleClass(className)) return node; return null; } Node.prototype.enclosingNodeWithClass = function(className) { if (!this.parentNode) return null; return this.parentNode.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithClass(className); } Element.prototype.query = function(query) { return this.ownerDocument.evaluate(query, this, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } Element.prototype.removeChildren = function() { while (this.firstChild) this.removeChild(this.firstChild); } Element.prototype.isInsertionCaretInside = function() { var selection = window.getSelection(); if (!selection.rangeCount || !selection.isCollapsed) return false; var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); return selectionRange.startContainer === this || selectionRange.startContainer.isDescendant(this); } Element.prototype.__defineGetter__("totalOffsetLeft", function() { var total = 0; for (var element = this; element; element = element.offsetParent) total += element.offsetLeft; return total; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__("totalOffsetTop", function() { var total = 0; for (var element = this; element; element = element.offsetParent) total += element.offsetTop; return total; }); Element.prototype.firstChildSkippingWhitespace = firstChildSkippingWhitespace; Element.prototype.lastChildSkippingWhitespace = lastChildSkippingWhitespace; Node.prototype.isWhitespace = isNodeWhitespace; Node.prototype.nodeTypeName = nodeTypeName; Node.prototype.displayName = nodeDisplayName; Node.prototype.contentPreview = nodeContentPreview; Node.prototype.isAncestor = isAncestorNode; Node.prototype.isDescendant = isDescendantNode; Node.prototype.firstCommonAncestor = firstCommonNodeAncestor; Node.prototype.nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace = nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace; Node.prototype.previousSiblingSkippingWhitespace = previousSiblingSkippingWhitespace; Node.prototype.traverseNextNode = traverseNextNode; Node.prototype.traversePreviousNode = traversePreviousNode; Node.prototype.onlyTextChild = onlyTextChild; String.prototype.hasSubstring = function(string, caseInsensitive) { if (!caseInsensitive) return this.indexOf(string) !== -1; return this.match(new RegExp(string.escapeForRegExp(), "i")); } String.prototype.escapeCharacters = function(chars) { var foundChar = false; for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) { if (this.indexOf(chars.charAt(i)) !== -1) { foundChar = true; break; } } if (!foundChar) return this; var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (chars.indexOf(this.charAt(i)) !== -1) result += "\\"; result += this.charAt(i); } return result; } String.prototype.escapeForRegExp = function() { return this.escapeCharacters("^[]{}()\\.$*+?|"); } String.prototype.escapeHTML = function() { return this.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"); } String.prototype.collapseWhitespace = function() { return this.replace(/[\s\xA0]+/g, " "); } String.prototype.trimLeadingWhitespace = function() { return this.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/g, ""); } String.prototype.trimTrailingWhitespace = function() { return this.replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/g, ""); } String.prototype.trimWhitespace = function() { return this.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$/g, ""); } String.prototype.trimURL = function(baseURLDomain) { var result = this.replace(new RegExp("^http[s]?:\/\/", "i"), ""); if (baseURLDomain) result = result.replace(new RegExp("^" + baseURLDomain.escapeForRegExp(), "i"), ""); return result; } function isNodeWhitespace() { if (!this || this.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) return false; if (!this.nodeValue.length) return true; return this.nodeValue.match(/^[\s\xA0]+$/); } function nodeTypeName() { if (!this) return "(unknown)"; switch (this.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return "Element"; case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return "Attribute"; case Node.TEXT_NODE: return "Text"; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return "Character Data"; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return "Entity Reference"; case Node.ENTITY_NODE: return "Entity"; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return "Processing Instruction"; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: return "Comment"; case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: return "Document"; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return "Document Type"; case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return "Document Fragment"; case Node.NOTATION_NODE: return "Notation"; } return "(unknown)"; } function nodeDisplayName() { if (!this) return ""; switch (this.nodeType) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: return "Document"; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: var name = "<" + this.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (this.hasAttributes()) { var value = this.getAttribute("id"); if (value) name += " id=\"" + value + "\""; value = this.getAttribute("class"); if (value) name += " class=\"" + value + "\""; if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") { value = this.getAttribute("name"); if (value) name += " name=\"" + value + "\""; value = this.getAttribute("href"); if (value) name += " href=\"" + value + "\""; } else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "img") { value = this.getAttribute("src"); if (value) name += " src=\"" + value + "\""; } else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "iframe") { value = this.getAttribute("src"); if (value) name += " src=\"" + value + "\""; } else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") { value = this.getAttribute("name"); if (value) name += " name=\"" + value + "\""; value = this.getAttribute("type"); if (value) name += " type=\"" + value + "\""; } else if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "form") { value = this.getAttribute("action"); if (value) name += " action=\"" + value + "\""; } } return name + ">"; case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (isNodeWhitespace.call(this)) return "(whitespace)"; return "\"" + this.nodeValue + "\""; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: return ""; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: var docType = ""; } return this.nodeName.toLowerCase().collapseWhitespace(); } function nodeContentPreview() { if (!this || !this.hasChildNodes || !this.hasChildNodes()) return ""; var limit = 0; var preview = ""; // always skip whitespace here var currentNode = traverseNextNode.call(this, true, this); while (currentNode) { if (currentNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) preview += currentNode.nodeValue.escapeHTML(); else preview += nodeDisplayName.call(currentNode).escapeHTML(); currentNode = traverseNextNode.call(currentNode, true, this); if (++limit > 4) { preview += "…"; // ellipsis break; } } return preview.collapseWhitespace(); } function objectsAreSame(a, b) { // FIXME: Make this more generic so is works with any wrapped object, not just nodes. // This function is used to compare nodes that might be JSInspectedObjectWrappers, since // JavaScript equality is not true for JSInspectedObjectWrappers of the same node wrapped // with different global ExecStates, we use isSameNode to compare them. if (a === b) return true; if (!a || !b) return false; if (a.isSameNode && b.isSameNode) return a.isSameNode(b); return false; } function isAncestorNode(ancestor) { if (!this || !ancestor) return false; var currentNode = ancestor.parentNode; while (currentNode) { if (objectsAreSame(this, currentNode)) return true; currentNode = currentNode.parentNode; } return false; } function isDescendantNode(descendant) { return isAncestorNode.call(descendant, this); } function firstCommonNodeAncestor(node) { if (!this || !node) return; var node1 = this.parentNode; var node2 = node.parentNode; if ((!node1 || !node2) || !objectsAreSame(node1, node2)) return null; while (node1 && node2) { if (!node1.parentNode || !node2.parentNode) break; if (!objectsAreSame(node1, node2)) break; node1 = node1.parentNode; node2 = node2.parentNode; } return node1; } function nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace() { if (!this) return; var node = this.nextSibling; while (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isNodeWhitespace.call(node)) node = node.nextSibling; return node; } function previousSiblingSkippingWhitespace() { if (!this) return; var node = this.previousSibling; while (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isNodeWhitespace.call(node)) node = node.previousSibling; return node; } function firstChildSkippingWhitespace() { if (!this) return; var node = this.firstChild; while (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isNodeWhitespace.call(node)) node = nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(node); return node; } function lastChildSkippingWhitespace() { if (!this) return; var node = this.lastChild; while (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && isNodeWhitespace.call(node)) node = previousSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(node); return node; } function traverseNextNode(skipWhitespace, stayWithin) { if (!this) return; var node = skipWhitespace ? firstChildSkippingWhitespace.call(this) : this.firstChild; if (node) return node; if (stayWithin && objectsAreSame(this, stayWithin)) return null; node = skipWhitespace ? nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(this) : this.nextSibling; if (node) return node; node = this; while (node && !(skipWhitespace ? nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(node) : node.nextSibling) && (!stayWithin || !node.parentNode || !objectsAreSame(node.parentNode, stayWithin))) node = node.parentNode; if (!node) return null; return skipWhitespace ? nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(node) : node.nextSibling; } function traversePreviousNode(skipWhitespace, stayWithin) { if (!this) return; if (stayWithin && objectsAreSame(this, stayWithin)) return null; var node = skipWhitespace ? previousSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(this) : this.previousSibling; while (node && (skipWhitespace ? lastChildSkippingWhitespace.call(node) : node.lastChild) ) node = skipWhitespace ? lastChildSkippingWhitespace.call(node) : node.lastChild; if (node) return node; return this.parentNode; } function onlyTextChild(ignoreWhitespace) { if (!this) return null; var firstChild = ignoreWhitespace ? firstChildSkippingWhitespace.call(this) : this.firstChild; if (!firstChild || firstChild.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) return null; var sibling = ignoreWhitespace ? nextSiblingSkippingWhitespace.call(firstChild) : firstChild.nextSibling; return sibling ? null : firstChild; } function nodeTitleInfo(hasChildren, linkify) { var info = {title: "", hasChildren: hasChildren}; switch (this.nodeType) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: info.title = "Document"; break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: info.title = "<" + this.nodeName.toLowerCase().escapeHTML(); if (this.hasAttributes()) { for (var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = this.attributes[i]; info.title += " " + attr.name.escapeHTML() + "=​\""; var value = attr.value; if (linkify && (attr.name === "src" || attr.name === "href")) { var value = value.replace(/([\/;:\)\]\}])/g, "$1\u200B"); info.title += linkify(attr.value, value, "webkit-html-attribute-value", this.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a"); } else { var value = value.escapeHTML(); value = value.replace(/([\/;:\)\]\}])/g, "$1​"); info.title += "" + value + ""; } info.title += "\""; } } info.title += ">​"; // If this element only has a single child that is a text node, // just show that text and the closing tag inline rather than // create a subtree for them var textChild = onlyTextChild.call(this, Preferences.ignoreWhitespace); var showInlineText = textChild && textChild.textContent.length < Preferences.maxInlineTextChildLength; if (showInlineText) { info.title += "" + textChild.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "</" + this.nodeName.toLowerCase().escapeHTML() + ">"; info.hasChildren = false; } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (isNodeWhitespace.call(this)) info.title = "(whitespace)"; else info.title = "\"" + this.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "\""; break case Node.COMMENT_NODE: info.title = "<!--" + this.nodeValue.escapeHTML() + "-->"; break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: info.title = "<!DOCTYPE " + this.nodeName; if (this.publicId) { info.title += " PUBLIC \"" + this.publicId + "\""; if (this.systemId) info.title += " \"" + this.systemId + "\""; } else if (this.systemId) info.title += " SYSTEM \"" + this.systemId + "\""; if (this.internalSubset) info.title += " [" + this.internalSubset + "]"; info.title += ">"; break; default: info.title = this.nodeName.toLowerCase().collapseWhitespace().escapeHTML(); } return info; } function getDocumentForNode(node) { return node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? node : node.ownerDocument; } function parentNodeOrFrameElement(node) { var parent = node.parentNode; if (parent) return parent; return getDocumentForNode(node).defaultView.frameElement; } function isAncestorIncludingParentFrames(a, b) { if (objectsAreSame(a, b)) return false; for (var node = b; node; node = getDocumentForNode(node).defaultView.frameElement) if (objectsAreSame(a, node) || isAncestorNode.call(a, node)) return true; return false; } Number.secondsToString = function(seconds, formatterFunction, higherResolution) { if (!formatterFunction) formatterFunction = String.sprintf; var ms = seconds * 1000; if (higherResolution && ms < 1000) return formatterFunction("%.3fms", ms); else if (ms < 1000) return formatterFunction("%.0fms", ms); if (seconds < 60) return formatterFunction("%.2fs", seconds); var minutes = seconds / 60; if (minutes < 60) return formatterFunction("%.1fmin", minutes); var hours = minutes / 60; if (hours < 24) return formatterFunction("%.1fhrs", hours); var days = hours / 24; return formatterFunction("%.1f days", days); } Number.bytesToString = function(bytes, formatterFunction) { if (!formatterFunction) formatterFunction = String.sprintf; if (bytes < 1024) return formatterFunction("%.0fB", bytes); var kilobytes = bytes / 1024; if (kilobytes < 1024) return formatterFunction("%.2fKB", kilobytes); var megabytes = kilobytes / 1024; return formatterFunction("%.3fMB", megabytes); } Number.constrain = function(num, min, max) { if (num < min) num = min; else if (num > max) num = max; return num; } HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype.moveCursorToEnd = function() { var length = this.value.length; this.setSelectionRange(length, length); } Array.prototype.remove = function(value, onlyFirst) { if (onlyFirst) { var index = this.indexOf(value); if (index !== -1) this.splice(index, 1); return; } var length = this.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (this[i] === value) this.splice(i, 1); } } function insertionIndexForObjectInListSortedByFunction(anObject, aList, aFunction) { // indexOf returns (-lowerBound - 1). Taking (-result - 1) works out to lowerBound. return (-indexOfObjectInListSortedByFunction(anObject, aList, aFunction) - 1); } function indexOfObjectInListSortedByFunction(anObject, aList, aFunction) { var first = 0; var last = aList.length - 1; var floor = Math.floor; var mid, c; while (first <= last) { mid = floor((first + last) / 2); c = aFunction(anObject, aList[mid]); if (c > 0) first = mid + 1; else if (c < 0) last = mid - 1; else { // Return the first occurance of an item in the list. while (mid > 0 && aFunction(anObject, aList[mid - 1]) === 0) mid--; first = mid; break; } } // By returning 1 less than the negative lower search bound, we can reuse this function // for both indexOf and insertionIndexFor, with some simple arithmetic. return (-first - 1); } String.sprintf = function(format) { return String.vsprintf(format, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } String.tokenizeFormatString = function(format) { var tokens = []; var substitutionIndex = 0; function addStringToken(str) { tokens.push({ type: "string", value: str }); } function addSpecifierToken(specifier, precision, substitutionIndex) { tokens.push({ type: "specifier", specifier: specifier, precision: precision, substitutionIndex: substitutionIndex }); } var index = 0; for (var precentIndex = format.indexOf("%", index); precentIndex !== -1; precentIndex = format.indexOf("%", index)) { addStringToken(format.substring(index, precentIndex)); index = precentIndex + 1; if (format[index] === "%") { addStringToken("%"); ++index; continue; } if (!isNaN(format[index])) { // The first character is a number, it might be a substitution index. var number = parseInt(format.substring(index)); while (!isNaN(format[index])) ++index; // If the number is greater than zero and ends with a "$", // then this is a substitution index. if (number > 0 && format[index] === "$") { substitutionIndex = (number - 1); ++index; } } var precision = -1; if (format[index] === ".") { // This is a precision specifier. If no digit follows the ".", // then the precision should be zero. ++index; precision = parseInt(format.substring(index)); if (isNaN(precision)) precision = 0; while (!isNaN(format[index])) ++index; } addSpecifierToken(format[index], precision, substitutionIndex); ++substitutionIndex; ++index; } addStringToken(format.substring(index)); return tokens; } String.standardFormatters = { d: function(substitution) { substitution = parseInt(substitution); return !isNaN(substitution) ? substitution : 0; }, f: function(substitution, token) { substitution = parseFloat(substitution); if (substitution && token.precision > -1) substitution = substitution.toFixed(token.precision); return !isNaN(substitution) ? substitution : (token.precision > -1 ? Number(0).toFixed(token.precision) : 0); }, s: function(substitution) { return substitution; }, }; String.vsprintf = function(format, substitutions) { return String.format(format, substitutions, String.standardFormatters, "", function(a, b) { return a + b; }).formattedResult; } String.format = function(format, substitutions, formatters, initialValue, append) { if (!format || !substitutions || !substitutions.length) return { formattedResult: append(initialValue, format), unusedSubstitutions: substitutions }; function prettyFunctionName() { return "String.format(\"" + format + "\", \"" + substitutions.join("\", \"") + "\")"; } function warn(msg) { console.warn(prettyFunctionName() + ": " + msg); } function error(msg) { console.error(prettyFunctionName() + ": " + msg); } var result = initialValue; var tokens = String.tokenizeFormatString(format); var usedSubstitutionIndexes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === "string") { result = append(result, token.value); continue; } if (token.type !== "specifier") { error("Unknown token type \"" + token.type + "\" found."); continue; } if (token.substitutionIndex >= substitutions.length) { // If there are not enough substitutions for the current substitutionIndex // just output the format specifier literally and move on. error("not enough substitution arguments. Had " + substitutions.length + " but needed " + (token.substitutionIndex + 1) + ", so substitution was skipped."); result = append(result, "%" + (token.precision > -1 ? token.precision : "") + token.specifier); continue; } usedSubstitutionIndexes[token.substitutionIndex] = true; if (!(token.specifier in formatters)) { // Encountered an unsupported format character, treat as a string. warn("unsupported format character \u201C" + token.specifier + "\u201D. Treating as a string."); result = append(result, substitutions[token.substitutionIndex]); continue; } result = append(result, formatters[token.specifier](substitutions[token.substitutionIndex], token)); } var unusedSubstitutions = []; for (var i = 0; i < substitutions.length; ++i) { if (i in usedSubstitutionIndexes) continue; unusedSubstitutions.push(substitutions[i]); } return { formattedResult: result, unusedSubstitutions: unusedSubstitutions }; }