// // Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project // // Android Asset Packaging Tool main entry point. // #include "Main.h" #include "Bundle.h" #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "XMLNode.h" #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/threads.h> #include <utils/List.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> using namespace android; /* * Show version info. All the cool kids do it. */ int doVersion(Bundle* bundle) { if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() != 0) printf("(ignoring extra arguments)\n"); printf("Android Asset Packaging Tool, v0.2\n"); return 0; } /* * Open the file read only. The call fails if the file doesn't exist. * * Returns NULL on failure. */ ZipFile* openReadOnly(const char* fileName) { ZipFile* zip; status_t result; zip = new ZipFile; result = zip->open(fileName, ZipFile::kOpenReadOnly); if (result != NO_ERROR) { if (result == NAME_NOT_FOUND) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' not found\n", fileName); else if (result == PERMISSION_DENIED) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' access denied\n", fileName); else fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed opening '%s' as Zip file\n", fileName); delete zip; return NULL; } return zip; } /* * Open the file read-write. The file will be created if it doesn't * already exist and "okayToCreate" is set. * * Returns NULL on failure. */ ZipFile* openReadWrite(const char* fileName, bool okayToCreate) { ZipFile* zip = NULL; status_t result; int flags; flags = ZipFile::kOpenReadWrite; if (okayToCreate) flags |= ZipFile::kOpenCreate; zip = new ZipFile; result = zip->open(fileName, flags); if (result != NO_ERROR) { delete zip; zip = NULL; goto bail; } bail: return zip; } /* * Return a short string describing the compression method. */ const char* compressionName(int method) { if (method == ZipEntry::kCompressStored) return "Stored"; else if (method == ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated) return "Deflated"; else return "Unknown"; } /* * Return the percent reduction in size (0% == no compression). */ int calcPercent(long uncompressedLen, long compressedLen) { if (!uncompressedLen) return 0; else return (int) (100.0 - (compressedLen * 100.0) / uncompressedLen + 0.5); } /* * Handle the "list" command, which can be a simple file dump or * a verbose listing. * * The verbose listing closely matches the output of the Info-ZIP "unzip" * command. */ int doList(Bundle* bundle) { int result = 1; ZipFile* zip = NULL; const ZipEntry* entry; long totalUncLen, totalCompLen; const char* zipFileName; if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: specify zip file name (only)\n"); goto bail; } zipFileName = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(0); zip = openReadOnly(zipFileName); if (zip == NULL) goto bail; int count, i; if (bundle->getVerbose()) { printf("Archive: %s\n", zipFileName); printf( " Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name\n"); printf( "-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----\n"); } totalUncLen = totalCompLen = 0; count = zip->getNumEntries(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i); if (bundle->getVerbose()) { char dateBuf[32]; time_t when; when = entry->getModWhen(); strftime(dateBuf, sizeof(dateBuf), "%m-%d-%y %H:%M", localtime(&when)); printf("%8ld %-7.7s %7ld %3d%% %s %08lx %s\n", (long) entry->getUncompressedLen(), compressionName(entry->getCompressionMethod()), (long) entry->getCompressedLen(), calcPercent(entry->getUncompressedLen(), entry->getCompressedLen()), dateBuf, entry->getCRC32(), entry->getFileName()); } else { printf("%s\n", entry->getFileName()); } totalUncLen += entry->getUncompressedLen(); totalCompLen += entry->getCompressedLen(); } if (bundle->getVerbose()) { printf( "-------- ------- --- -------\n"); printf("%8ld %7ld %2d%% %d files\n", totalUncLen, totalCompLen, calcPercent(totalUncLen, totalCompLen), zip->getNumEntries()); } if (bundle->getAndroidList()) { AssetManager assets; if (!assets.addAssetPath(String8(zipFileName), NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: list -a failed because assets could not be loaded\n"); goto bail; } const ResTable& res = assets.getResources(false); if (&res == NULL) { printf("\nNo resource table found.\n"); } else { printf("\nResource table:\n"); res.print(false); } Asset* manifestAsset = assets.openNonAsset("AndroidManifest.xml", Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (manifestAsset == NULL) { printf("\nNo AndroidManifest.xml found.\n"); } else { printf("\nAndroid manifest:\n"); ResXMLTree tree; tree.setTo(manifestAsset->getBuffer(true), manifestAsset->getLength()); printXMLBlock(&tree); } delete manifestAsset; } result = 0; bail: delete zip; return result; } static ssize_t indexOfAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes) { size_t N = tree.getAttributeCount(); for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) { if (tree.getAttributeNameResID(i) == attrRes) { return (ssize_t)i; } } return -1; } String8 getAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, const char* ns, const char* attr, String8* outError) { ssize_t idx = tree.indexOfAttribute(ns, attr); if (idx < 0) { return String8(); } Res_value value; if (tree.getAttributeValue(idx, &value) != NO_ERROR) { if (value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { if (outError != NULL) *outError = "attribute is not a string value"; return String8(); } } size_t len; const uint16_t* str = tree.getAttributeStringValue(idx, &len); return str ? String8(str, len) : String8(); } static String8 getAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes, String8* outError) { ssize_t idx = indexOfAttribute(tree, attrRes); if (idx < 0) { return String8(); } Res_value value; if (tree.getAttributeValue(idx, &value) != NO_ERROR) { if (value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { if (outError != NULL) *outError = "attribute is not a string value"; return String8(); } } size_t len; const uint16_t* str = tree.getAttributeStringValue(idx, &len); return str ? String8(str, len) : String8(); } static int32_t getIntegerAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes, String8* outError, int32_t defValue = -1) { ssize_t idx = indexOfAttribute(tree, attrRes); if (idx < 0) { return defValue; } Res_value value; if (tree.getAttributeValue(idx, &value) != NO_ERROR) { if (value.dataType < Res_value::TYPE_FIRST_INT || value.dataType > Res_value::TYPE_LAST_INT) { if (outError != NULL) *outError = "attribute is not an integer value"; return defValue; } } return value.data; } static String8 getResolvedAttribute(const ResTable* resTable, const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes, String8* outError) { ssize_t idx = indexOfAttribute(tree, attrRes); if (idx < 0) { return String8(); } Res_value value; if (tree.getAttributeValue(idx, &value) != NO_ERROR) { if (value.dataType == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { size_t len; const uint16_t* str = tree.getAttributeStringValue(idx, &len); return str ? String8(str, len) : String8(); } resTable->resolveReference(&value, 0); if (value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { if (outError != NULL) *outError = "attribute is not a string value"; return String8(); } } size_t len; const Res_value* value2 = &value; const char16_t* str = const_cast<ResTable*>(resTable)->valueToString(value2, 0, NULL, &len); return str ? String8(str, len) : String8(); } // These are attribute resource constants for the platform, as found // in android.R.attr enum { NAME_ATTR = 0x01010003, VERSION_CODE_ATTR = 0x0101021b, VERSION_NAME_ATTR = 0x0101021c, LABEL_ATTR = 0x01010001, ICON_ATTR = 0x01010002, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x0101020c, MAX_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010271, REQ_TOUCH_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010227, REQ_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ATTR = 0x01010228, REQ_HARD_KEYBOARD_ATTR = 0x01010229, REQ_NAVIGATION_ATTR = 0x0101022a, REQ_FIVE_WAY_NAV_ATTR = 0x01010232, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010270, TEST_ONLY_ATTR = 0x01010272, DENSITY_ATTR = 0x0101026c, GL_ES_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010281, SMALL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010284, NORMAL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010285, LARGE_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010286, REQUIRED_ATTR = 0x0101028e, }; const char *getComponentName(String8 &pkgName, String8 &componentName) { ssize_t idx = componentName.find("."); String8 retStr(pkgName); if (idx == 0) { retStr += componentName; } else if (idx < 0) { retStr += "."; retStr += componentName; } else { return componentName.string(); } return retStr.string(); } /* * Handle the "dump" command, to extract select data from an archive. */ int doDump(Bundle* bundle) { status_t result = UNKNOWN_ERROR; Asset* asset = NULL; if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no dump option specified\n"); return 1; } if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no dump file specified\n"); return 1; } const char* option = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(0); const char* filename = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(1); AssetManager assets; void* assetsCookie; if (!assets.addAssetPath(String8(filename), &assetsCookie)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because assets could not be loaded\n"); return 1; } const ResTable& res = assets.getResources(false); if (&res == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because no resource table was found\n"); goto bail; } if (strcmp("resources", option) == 0) { res.print(bundle->getValues()); } else if (strcmp("xmltree", option) == 0) { if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no dump xmltree resource file specified\n"); goto bail; } for (int i=2; i<bundle->getFileSpecCount(); i++) { const char* resname = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i); ResXMLTree tree; asset = assets.openNonAsset(resname, Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because resource %p found\n", resname); goto bail; } if (tree.setTo(asset->getBuffer(true), asset->getLength()) != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Resource %s is corrupt\n", resname); goto bail; } tree.restart(); printXMLBlock(&tree); delete asset; asset = NULL; } } else if (strcmp("xmlstrings", option) == 0) { if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no dump xmltree resource file specified\n"); goto bail; } for (int i=2; i<bundle->getFileSpecCount(); i++) { const char* resname = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i); ResXMLTree tree; asset = assets.openNonAsset(resname, Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because resource %p found\n", resname); goto bail; } if (tree.setTo(asset->getBuffer(true), asset->getLength()) != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Resource %s is corrupt\n", resname); goto bail; } printStringPool(&tree.getStrings()); delete asset; asset = NULL; } } else { ResXMLTree tree; asset = assets.openNonAsset("AndroidManifest.xml", Asset::ACCESS_BUFFER); if (asset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found\n"); goto bail; } if (tree.setTo(asset->getBuffer(true), asset->getLength()) != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: AndroidManifest.xml is corrupt\n"); goto bail; } tree.restart(); if (strcmp("permissions", option) == 0) { size_t len; ResXMLTree::event_code_t code; int depth = 0; while ((code=tree.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { depth--; continue; } if (code != ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { continue; } depth++; String8 tag(tree.getElementName(&len)); //printf("Depth %d tag %s\n", depth, tag.string()); if (depth == 1) { if (tag != "manifest") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: manifest does not start with <manifest> tag\n"); goto bail; } String8 pkg = getAttribute(tree, NULL, "package", NULL); printf("package: %s\n", pkg.string()); } else if (depth == 2 && tag == "permission") { String8 error; String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("permission: %s\n", name.string()); } else if (depth == 2 && tag == "uses-permission") { String8 error; String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("uses-permission: %s\n", name.string()); } } } else if (strcmp("badging", option) == 0) { size_t len; ResXMLTree::event_code_t code; int depth = 0; String8 error; bool withinActivity = false; bool isMainActivity = false; bool isLauncherActivity = false; bool isSearchable = false; bool withinApplication = false; bool withinReceiver = false; bool withinService = false; bool withinIntentFilter = false; bool hasMainActivity = false; bool hasOtherActivities = false; bool hasOtherReceivers = false; bool hasOtherServices = false; bool hasWallpaperService = false; bool hasImeService = false; bool hasWidgetReceivers = false; bool hasIntentFilter = false; bool actMainActivity = false; bool actWidgetReceivers = false; bool actImeService = false; bool actWallpaperService = false; bool specCameraFeature = false; bool hasCameraPermission = false; int targetSdk = 0; int smallScreen = 1; int normalScreen = 1; int largeScreen = 1; String8 pkg; String8 activityName; String8 activityLabel; String8 activityIcon; String8 receiverName; String8 serviceName; while ((code=tree.next()) != ResXMLTree::END_DOCUMENT && code != ResXMLTree::BAD_DOCUMENT) { if (code == ResXMLTree::END_TAG) { depth--; if (depth < 2) { withinApplication = false; } else if (depth < 3) { if (withinActivity && isMainActivity && isLauncherActivity) { const char *aName = getComponentName(pkg, activityName); if (aName != NULL) { printf("launchable activity name='%s'", aName); } printf("label='%s' icon='%s'\n", activityLabel.string(), activityIcon.string()); } if (!hasIntentFilter) { hasOtherActivities |= withinActivity; hasOtherReceivers |= withinReceiver; hasOtherServices |= withinService; } withinActivity = false; withinService = false; withinReceiver = false; hasIntentFilter = false; isMainActivity = isLauncherActivity = false; } else if (depth < 4) { if (withinIntentFilter) { if (withinActivity) { hasMainActivity |= actMainActivity; hasOtherActivities |= !actMainActivity; } else if (withinReceiver) { hasWidgetReceivers |= actWidgetReceivers; hasOtherReceivers |= !actWidgetReceivers; } else if (withinService) { hasImeService |= actImeService; hasWallpaperService |= actWallpaperService; hasOtherServices |= (!actImeService && !actWallpaperService); } } withinIntentFilter = false; } continue; } if (code != ResXMLTree::START_TAG) { continue; } depth++; String8 tag(tree.getElementName(&len)); //printf("Depth %d, %s\n", depth, tag.string()); if (depth == 1) { if (tag != "manifest") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: manifest does not start with <manifest> tag\n"); goto bail; } pkg = getAttribute(tree, NULL, "package", NULL); printf("package: name='%s' ", pkg.string()); int32_t versionCode = getIntegerAttribute(tree, VERSION_CODE_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:versionCode' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (versionCode > 0) { printf("versionCode='%d' ", versionCode); } else { printf("versionCode='' "); } String8 versionName = getAttribute(tree, VERSION_NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:versionName' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("versionName='%s'\n", versionName.string()); } else if (depth == 2) { withinApplication = false; if (tag == "application") { withinApplication = true; String8 label = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, LABEL_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:label' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("application: label='%s' ", label.string()); String8 icon = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, ICON_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("icon='%s'\n", icon.string()); int32_t testOnly = getIntegerAttribute(tree, TEST_ONLY_ATTR, &error, 0); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:testOnly' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (testOnly != 0) { printf("testOnly='%d'\n", testOnly); } } else if (tag == "uses-sdk") { int32_t code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { error = ""; String8 name = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:minSdkVersion' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (name == "Donut") targetSdk = 4; printf("sdkVersion:'%s'\n", name.string()); } else if (code != -1) { targetSdk = code; printf("sdkVersion:'%d'\n", code); } code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, MAX_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, NULL, -1); if (code != -1) { printf("maxSdkVersion:'%d'\n", code); } code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { error = ""; String8 name = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:targetSdkVersion' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (name == "Donut" && targetSdk < 4) targetSdk = 4; printf("targetSdkVersion:'%s'\n", name.string()); } else if (code != -1) { if (targetSdk < code) { targetSdk = code; } printf("targetSdkVersion:'%d'\n", code); } } else if (tag == "uses-configuration") { int32_t reqTouchScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQ_TOUCH_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 0); int32_t reqKeyboardType = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQ_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ATTR, NULL, 0); int32_t reqHardKeyboard = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQ_HARD_KEYBOARD_ATTR, NULL, 0); int32_t reqNavigation = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQ_NAVIGATION_ATTR, NULL, 0); int32_t reqFiveWayNav = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQ_FIVE_WAY_NAV_ATTR, NULL, 0); printf("uses-configuation:"); if (reqTouchScreen != 0) { printf(" reqTouchScreen='%d'", reqTouchScreen); } if (reqKeyboardType != 0) { printf(" reqKeyboardType='%d'", reqKeyboardType); } if (reqHardKeyboard != 0) { printf(" reqHardKeyboard='%d'", reqHardKeyboard); } if (reqNavigation != 0) { printf(" reqNavigation='%d'", reqNavigation); } if (reqFiveWayNav != 0) { printf(" reqFiveWayNav='%d'", reqFiveWayNav); } printf("\n"); } else if (tag == "supports-density") { int32_t dens = getIntegerAttribute(tree, DENSITY_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:density' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } printf("supports-density:'%d'\n", dens); } else if (tag == "supports-screens") { smallScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree, SMALL_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1); normalScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree, NORMAL_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1); largeScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree, LARGE_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1); } else if (tag == "uses-feature") { String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (name != "" && error == "") { int req = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQUIRED_ATTR, NULL, 1); if (name == "android.hardware.camera") { specCameraFeature = true; } printf("uses-feature%s:'%s'\n", req ? "" : "-not-required", name.string()); } else { int vers = getIntegerAttribute(tree, GL_ES_VERSION_ATTR, &error); if (error == "") { printf("uses-gl-es:'0x%x'\n", vers); } } } else if (tag == "uses-permission") { String8 name = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (name != "" && error == "") { if (name == "android.permission.CAMERA") { hasCameraPermission = true; } printf("uses-permission:'%s'\n", name.string()); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } } } else if (depth == 3 && withinApplication) { withinActivity = false; withinReceiver = false; withinService = false; hasIntentFilter = false; if(tag == "activity") { withinActivity = true; activityName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } activityLabel = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, LABEL_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:label' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } activityIcon = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, ICON_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } } else if (tag == "uses-library") { String8 libraryName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for uses-library: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } int req = getIntegerAttribute(tree, REQUIRED_ATTR, NULL, 1); printf("uses-library%s:'%s'\n", req ? "" : "-not-required", libraryName.string()); } else if (tag == "receiver") { withinReceiver = true; receiverName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for receiver: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } } else if (tag == "service") { withinService = true; serviceName = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute for service: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } } } else if ((depth == 4) && (tag == "intent-filter")) { hasIntentFilter = true; withinIntentFilter = true; actMainActivity = actWidgetReceivers = actImeService = actWallpaperService = false; } else if ((depth == 5) && withinIntentFilter){ String8 action; if (tag == "action") { action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (withinActivity) { if (action == "android.intent.action.MAIN") { isMainActivity = true; actMainActivity = true; } } else if (withinReceiver) { if (action == "android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE") { actWidgetReceivers = true; } } else if (withinService) { if (action == "android.view.InputMethod") { actImeService = true; } else if (action == "android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService") { actWallpaperService = true; } } if (action == "android.intent.action.SEARCH") { isSearchable = true; } } if (tag == "category") { String8 category = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error); if (error != "") { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'name' attribute: %s\n", error.string()); goto bail; } if (withinActivity) { if (category == "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER") { isLauncherActivity = true; } } } } } if (!specCameraFeature && hasCameraPermission) { // For applications that have not explicitly stated their // camera feature requirements, but have requested the camera // permission, we are going to give them compatibility treatment // of requiring the equivalent to original android devices. printf("uses-feature:'android.hardware.camera'\n"); printf("uses-feature:'android.hardware.camera.autofocus'\n"); } if (hasMainActivity) { printf("main\n"); } if (hasWidgetReceivers) { printf("app-widget\n"); } if (hasImeService) { printf("ime\n"); } if (hasWallpaperService) { printf("wallpaper\n"); } if (hasOtherActivities) { printf("other-activities\n"); } if (isSearchable) { printf("search\n"); } if (hasOtherReceivers) { printf("other-receivers\n"); } if (hasOtherServices) { printf("other-services\n"); } // Determine default values for any unspecified screen sizes, // based on the target SDK of the package. As of 4 (donut) // the screen size support was introduced, so all default to // enabled. if (smallScreen > 0) { smallScreen = targetSdk >= 4 ? -1 : 0; } if (normalScreen > 0) { normalScreen = -1; } if (largeScreen > 0) { largeScreen = targetSdk >= 4 ? -1 : 0; } printf("supports-screens:"); if (smallScreen != 0) printf(" 'small'"); if (normalScreen != 0) printf(" 'normal'"); if (largeScreen != 0) printf(" 'large'"); printf("\n"); printf("locales:"); Vector<String8> locales; res.getLocales(&locales); const size_t NL = locales.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<NL; i++) { const char* localeStr = locales[i].string(); if (localeStr == NULL || strlen(localeStr) == 0) { localeStr = "--_--"; } printf(" '%s'", localeStr); } printf("\n"); Vector<ResTable_config> configs; res.getConfigurations(&configs); SortedVector<int> densities; const size_t NC = configs.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<NC; i++) { int dens = configs[i].density; if (dens == 0) dens = 160; densities.add(dens); } printf("densities:"); const size_t ND = densities.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<ND; i++) { printf(" '%d'", densities[i]); } printf("\n"); AssetDir* dir = assets.openNonAssetDir(assetsCookie, "lib"); if (dir != NULL) { if (dir->getFileCount() > 0) { printf("native-code:"); for (size_t i=0; i<dir->getFileCount(); i++) { printf(" '%s'", dir->getFileName(i).string()); } printf("\n"); } delete dir; } } else if (strcmp("configurations", option) == 0) { Vector<ResTable_config> configs; res.getConfigurations(&configs); const size_t N = configs.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) { printf("%s\n", configs[i].toString().string()); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown dump option '%s'\n", option); goto bail; } } result = NO_ERROR; bail: if (asset) { delete asset; } return (result != NO_ERROR); } /* * Handle the "add" command, which wants to add files to a new or * pre-existing archive. */ int doAdd(Bundle* bundle) { ZipFile* zip = NULL; status_t result = UNKNOWN_ERROR; const char* zipFileName; if (bundle->getUpdate()) { /* avoid confusion */ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't use '-u' with add\n"); goto bail; } if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: must specify zip file name\n"); goto bail; } zipFileName = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(0); if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: nothing to do\n"); goto bail; } zip = openReadWrite(zipFileName, true); if (zip == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed opening/creating '%s' as Zip file\n", zipFileName); goto bail; } for (int i = 1; i < bundle->getFileSpecCount(); i++) { const char* fileName = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i); if (strcasecmp(String8(fileName).getPathExtension().string(), ".gz") == 0) { printf(" '%s'... (from gzip)\n", fileName); result = zip->addGzip(fileName, String8(fileName).getBasePath().string(), NULL); } else { if (bundle->getJunkPath()) { String8 storageName = String8(fileName).getPathLeaf(); printf(" '%s' as '%s'...\n", fileName, storageName.string()); result = zip->add(fileName, storageName.string(), bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL); } else { printf(" '%s'...\n", fileName); result = zip->add(fileName, bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL); } } if (result != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to add '%s' to '%s'", bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i), zipFileName); if (result == NAME_NOT_FOUND) fprintf(stderr, ": file not found\n"); else if (result == ALREADY_EXISTS) fprintf(stderr, ": already exists in archive\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "\n"); goto bail; } } result = NO_ERROR; bail: delete zip; return (result != NO_ERROR); } /* * Delete files from an existing archive. */ int doRemove(Bundle* bundle) { ZipFile* zip = NULL; status_t result = UNKNOWN_ERROR; const char* zipFileName; if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: must specify zip file name\n"); goto bail; } zipFileName = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(0); if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "NOTE: nothing to do\n"); goto bail; } zip = openReadWrite(zipFileName, false); if (zip == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed opening Zip archive '%s'\n", zipFileName); goto bail; } for (int i = 1; i < bundle->getFileSpecCount(); i++) { const char* fileName = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i); ZipEntry* entry; entry = zip->getEntryByName(fileName); if (entry == NULL) { printf(" '%s' NOT FOUND\n", fileName); continue; } result = zip->remove(entry); if (result != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to delete '%s' from '%s'\n", bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i), zipFileName); goto bail; } } /* update the archive */ zip->flush(); bail: delete zip; return (result != NO_ERROR); } /* * Package up an asset directory and associated application files. */ int doPackage(Bundle* bundle) { const char* outputAPKFile; int retVal = 1; status_t err; sp<AaptAssets> assets; int N; // -c zz_ZZ means do pseudolocalization ResourceFilter filter; err = filter.parse(bundle->getConfigurations()); if (err != NO_ERROR) { goto bail; } if (filter.containsPseudo()) { bundle->setPseudolocalize(true); } N = bundle->getFileSpecCount(); if (N < 1 && bundle->getResourceSourceDirs().size() == 0 && bundle->getJarFiles().size() == 0 && bundle->getAndroidManifestFile() == NULL && bundle->getAssetSourceDir() == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no input files\n"); goto bail; } outputAPKFile = bundle->getOutputAPKFile(); // Make sure the filenames provided exist and are of the appropriate type. if (outputAPKFile) { FileType type; type = getFileType(outputAPKFile); if (type != kFileTypeNonexistent && type != kFileTypeRegular) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: output file '%s' exists but is not regular file\n", outputAPKFile); goto bail; } } // Load the assets. assets = new AaptAssets(); err = assets->slurpFromArgs(bundle); if (err < 0) { goto bail; } if (bundle->getVerbose()) { assets->print(); } // If they asked for any files that need to be compiled, do so. if (bundle->getResourceSourceDirs().size() || bundle->getAndroidManifestFile()) { err = buildResources(bundle, assets); if (err != 0) { goto bail; } } // At this point we've read everything and processed everything. From here // on out it's just writing output files. if (SourcePos::hasErrors()) { goto bail; } // Write out R.java constants if (assets->getPackage() == assets->getSymbolsPrivatePackage()) { err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, assets->getPackage(), true); if (err < 0) { goto bail; } } else { err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, assets->getPackage(), false); if (err < 0) { goto bail; } err = writeResourceSymbols(bundle, assets, assets->getSymbolsPrivatePackage(), true); if (err < 0) { goto bail; } } // Write out the ProGuard file err = writeProguardFile(bundle, assets); if (err < 0) { goto bail; } // Write the apk if (outputAPKFile) { err = writeAPK(bundle, assets, String8(outputAPKFile)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: packaging of '%s' failed\n", outputAPKFile); goto bail; } } retVal = 0; bail: if (SourcePos::hasErrors()) { SourcePos::printErrors(stderr); } return retVal; }