1 /******************************************************************************
2 ** Filename: adaptmatch.c
3 ** Purpose: High level adaptive matcher.
4 ** Author: Dan Johnson
5 ** History: Mon Mar 11 10:00:10 1991, DSJ, Created.
6 **
7 ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1988.
8 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 ** limitations under the License.
17 ******************************************************************************/
19 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 Include Files and Type Defines
21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
22 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include "adaptmatch.h"
24 #include "normfeat.h"
25 #include "mfoutline.h"
26 #include "picofeat.h"
27 #include "float2int.h"
28 #include "outfeat.h"
29 #include "emalloc.h"
30 #include "intfx.h"
31 #include "speckle.h"
32 #include "efio.h"
33 #include "normmatch.h"
34 #include "permute.h"
35 #include "context.h"
36 #include "ndminx.h"
37 #include "intproto.h"
38 #include "const.h"
39 #include "globals.h"
40 #include "werd.h"
41 #include "callcpp.h"
42 #include "tordvars.h"
43 #include "varable.h"
44 #include "classify.h"
45 #include "unicharset.h"
47 #include <stdio.h>
48 #include <string.h>
49 #include <ctype.h>
50 #include <stdlib.h>
51 #include <math.h>
52 #ifdef __UNIX__
53 #include <assert.h>
54 #endif
58 #define MAX_MATCHES 10
59 #define UNLIKELY_NUM_FEAT 200
60 #define NO_DEBUG 0
63 #define ADAPTABLE_WERD (GOOD_WERD + 0.05)
67 #define WORST_POSSIBLE_RATING (1.0)
70 {
71 inT32 BlobLength;
72 int NumMatches;
73 bool HasNonfragment;
75 FLOAT32 Ratings[MAX_CLASS_ID + 1];
76 uinT8 Configs[MAX_CLASS_ID + 1];
77 FLOAT32 BestRating;
78 CLASS_ID BestClass;
79 uinT8 BestConfig;
82 // Initializes data members to the default values. Sets the initial
83 // rating of each class to be the worst possible rating (1.0).
InitializeADAPT_RESULTS84 inline void Initialize() {
85 BlobLength = MAX_INT32;
86 NumMatches = 0;
87 HasNonfragment = false;
89 BestClass = NO_CLASS;
90 BestConfig = 0;
91 for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_CLASS_ID; ++i) {
93 }
94 }
95 };
99 typedef struct
100 {
101 ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates;
102 CLASS_ID ClassId;
103 int ConfigId;
104 }
109 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 Private Macros
111 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
112 #define MarginalMatch(Rating) \
113 ((Rating) > matcher_great_threshold)
115 #define TempConfigReliable(Config) \
116 ((Config)->NumTimesSeen >= matcher_min_examples_for_prototyping)
118 #define InitIntFX() (FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted = FALSE)
120 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 Private Function Prototypes
122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
123 void AdaptToChar(TBLOB *Blob,
124 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
125 CLASS_ID ClassId,
126 FLOAT32 Threshold);
128 void AdaptToPunc(TBLOB *Blob,
129 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
130 CLASS_ID ClassId,
131 FLOAT32 Threshold);
133 void AmbigClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
134 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
135 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
136 UNICHAR_ID *Ambiguities,
137 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
139 UNICHAR_ID *BaselineClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
140 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
141 ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,
142 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
144 void make_config_pruner(INT_TEMPLATES templates, CONFIG_PRUNER *config_pruner);
146 void CharNormClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
147 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
148 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
149 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
151 void ClassifyAsNoise(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
153 int CompareCurrentRatings(const void *arg1,
154 const void *arg2);
156 void ConvertMatchesToChoices(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results,
157 BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Choices);
159 void DebugAdaptiveClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
160 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
161 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
163 void DoAdaptiveMatch(TBLOB *Blob,
164 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
165 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
167 void GetAdaptThresholds(TWERD * Word,
168 LINE_STATS * LineStats,
169 const WERD_CHOICE& BestChoice,
170 const WERD_CHOICE& BestRawChoice, FLOAT32 Thresholds[]);
172 UNICHAR_ID *GetAmbiguities(TBLOB *Blob,
173 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
174 CLASS_ID CorrectClass);
176 namespace tesseract {
177 int GetBaselineFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
178 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
179 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
180 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
182 inT32 *BlobLength);
185 int GetIntBaselineFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
186 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
187 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
188 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
190 inT32 *BlobLength);
192 } // namespace tesseract.
194 void InitMatcherRatings(register FLOAT32 *Rating);
196 PROTO_ID MakeNewTempProtos(FEATURE_SET Features,
197 int NumBadFeat,
198 FEATURE_ID BadFeat[],
199 INT_CLASS IClass,
200 ADAPT_CLASS Class, BIT_VECTOR TempProtoMask);
202 void MakePermanent(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,
203 CLASS_ID ClassId,
204 int ConfigId,
205 TBLOB *Blob,
206 LINE_STATS *LineStats);
208 int MakeTempProtoPerm(void *item1, void *item2);
210 int NumBlobsIn(TWERD *Word);
212 int NumOutlinesInBlob(TBLOB *Blob);
214 void PrintAdaptiveMatchResults(FILE *File, ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
216 void RemoveBadMatches(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
218 void RemoveExtraPuncs(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results);
220 void SetAdaptiveThreshold(FLOAT32 Threshold);
221 void ShowBestMatchFor(TBLOB *Blob,
222 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
223 CLASS_ID ClassId,
224 BOOL8 AdaptiveOn,
225 BOOL8 PreTrainedOn);
228 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 Global Data Definitions and Declarations
230 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
231 /* variables used to hold performance statistics */
232 static int AdaptiveMatcherCalls = 0;
233 static int BaselineClassifierCalls = 0;
234 static int CharNormClassifierCalls = 0;
235 static int AmbigClassifierCalls = 0;
236 static int NumWordsAdaptedTo = 0;
237 static int NumCharsAdaptedTo = 0;
238 static int NumBaselineClassesTried = 0;
239 static int NumCharNormClassesTried = 0;
240 static int NumAmbigClassesTried = 0;
241 static int NumClassesOutput = 0;
242 static int NumAdaptationsFailed = 0;
244 /* define globals used to hold onto extracted features. This is used
245 to map from the old scheme in which baseline features and char norm
246 features are extracted separately, to the new scheme in which they
247 are extracted at the same time. */
248 static BOOL8 FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted = FALSE;
249 static BOOL8 FeaturesOK = TRUE;
250 static INT_FEATURE_ARRAY BaselineFeatures;
251 static INT_FEATURE_ARRAY CharNormFeatures;
254 /* use a global variable to hold onto the current ratings so that the
255 comparison function passes to qsort can get at them */
256 static FLOAT32 *CurrentRatings;
258 /* define globals to hold filenames of training data */
259 static CLASS_CUTOFF_ARRAY CharNormCutoffs;
260 static CLASS_CUTOFF_ARRAY BaselineCutoffs;
262 /* define control knobs for adaptive matcher */
263 BOOL_VAR(classify_enable_adaptive_matcher, 1, "Enable adaptive classifier");
265 BOOL_VAR(classify_use_pre_adapted_templates, 0,
266 "Use pre-adapted classifier templates");
268 BOOL_VAR(classify_save_adapted_templates, 0,
269 "Save adapted templates to a file");
271 BOOL_VAR(classify_enable_adaptive_debugger, 0, "Enable match debugger");
273 INT_VAR(matcher_debug_level, 0, "Matcher Debug Level");
274 INT_VAR(matcher_debug_flags, 0, "Matcher Debug Flags");
276 INT_VAR(classify_learning_debug_level, 0, "Learning Debug Level: ");
278 double_VAR(matcher_good_threshold, 0.125, "Good Match (0-1)");
279 double_VAR(matcher_great_threshold, 0.0, "Great Match (0-1)");
281 double_VAR(matcher_perfect_threshold, 0.02, "Perfect Match (0-1)");
282 double_VAR(matcher_bad_match_pad, 0.15, "Bad Match Pad (0-1)");
283 double_VAR(matcher_rating_margin, 0.1, "New template margin (0-1)");
284 double_VAR(matcher_avg_noise_size, 12.0, "Avg. noise blob length: ");
286 INT_VAR(matcher_permanent_classes_min, 1, "Min # of permanent classes");
288 INT_VAR(matcher_min_examples_for_prototyping, 3, "Reliable Config Threshold");
290 double_VAR(matcher_clustering_max_angle_delta, 0.015,
291 "Maximum angle delta for prototype clustering");
293 BOOL_VAR(classify_enable_int_fx, 1, "Enable integer fx");
295 BOOL_VAR(classify_enable_new_adapt_rules, 1, "Enable new adaptation rules");
297 double_VAR(rating_scale, 1.5, "Rating scaling factor");
298 extern double_VAR_H(certainty_scale, 20.0, "Certainty scaling factor");
300 INT_VAR(matcher_failed_adaptations_before_reset, 150,
301 "Number of failed adaptions before adapted templates reset");
303 double_VAR(tessedit_class_miss_scale, 0.00390625,
304 "Scale factor for features not used");
306 BOOL_VAR(tess_cn_matching, 0, "Character Normalized Matching");
307 BOOL_VAR(tess_bn_matching, 0, "Baseline Normalized Matching");
309 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 Public Code
311 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
312 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
313 namespace tesseract {
AdaptiveClassifier(TBLOB * Blob,TBLOB * DotBlob,TEXTROW * Row,BLOB_CHOICE_LIST * Choices,CLASS_PRUNER_RESULTS CPResults)314 void Classify::AdaptiveClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
315 TBLOB *DotBlob,
316 TEXTROW *Row,
317 BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Choices,
319 /*
320 ** Parameters: Blob blob to be classified
321 ** DotBlob (obsolete)
322 ** Row row of text that word appears in
323 ** Globals: CurrentRatings used by compare function for qsort
324 ** Operation: This routine calls the adaptive matcher
325 ** which returns (in an array) the class id of each
326 ** class matched.
327 ** It also returns the number of classes matched.
328 ** For each class matched it places the best rating
329 ** found for that class into the Ratings array.
330 ** Bad matches are then removed so that they don't
331 ** need to be sorted. The remaining good matches are
332 ** then sorted and converted to choices.
333 ** This routine also performs some simple speckle
334 ** filtering.
335 ** Return: Choices List of choices found by adaptive matcher.
336 ** CPResults Array of CPResultStruct of size MAX_NUM_CLASSES is
337 ** filled on return with the choices found by the
338 ** class pruner and the ratings therefrom. Also
339 ** contains the detailed results of the integer matcher.
340 ** Exceptions: none
341 ** History: Mon Mar 11 10:00:58 1991, DSJ, Created.
342 */
343 assert(Choices != NULL);
345 LINE_STATS LineStats;
347 if (matcher_failed_adaptations_before_reset >= 0 &&
348 NumAdaptationsFailed >= matcher_failed_adaptations_before_reset) {
349 NumAdaptationsFailed = 0;
350 ResetAdaptiveClassifier();
351 }
352 if (AdaptedTemplates == NULL)
353 AdaptedTemplates = NewAdaptedTemplates (true);
355 EnterClassifyMode;
357 Results->Initialize();
358 GetLineStatsFromRow(Row, &LineStats);
360 DoAdaptiveMatch(Blob, &LineStats, Results);
361 if (CPResults != NULL)
362 memcpy(CPResults, Results->CPResults,
363 sizeof(CPResults[0]) * Results->NumMatches);
364 RemoveBadMatches(Results);
366 /* save ratings in a global so that CompareCurrentRatings() can see them */
367 CurrentRatings = Results->Ratings;
368 qsort ((void *) (Results->Classes), Results->NumMatches,
369 sizeof (CLASS_ID), CompareCurrentRatings);
371 RemoveExtraPuncs(Results);
372 ConvertMatchesToChoices(Results, Choices);
374 if (matcher_debug_level >= 1) {
375 cprintf ("AD Matches = ");
376 PrintAdaptiveMatchResults(stdout, Results);
377 }
379 if (LargeSpeckle (Blob, Row))
380 AddLargeSpeckleTo(Choices);
383 if (classify_enable_adaptive_debugger)
384 DebugAdaptiveClassifier(Blob, &LineStats, Results);
385 #endif
387 NumClassesOutput += Choices->length();
388 if (Choices->length() == 0) {
389 if (!bln_numericmode)
390 tprintf ("Empty classification!\n"); // Should never normally happen.
391 Choices = new BLOB_CHOICE_LIST();
392 BLOB_CHOICE_IT temp_it;
393 temp_it.set_to_list(Choices);
394 temp_it.add_to_end(new BLOB_CHOICE(0, 50.0f, -20.0f, -1, NULL));
395 }
397 delete Results;
398 } /* AdaptiveClassifier */
401 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AdaptToWord(TWERD * Word,TEXTROW * Row,const WERD_CHOICE & BestChoice,const WERD_CHOICE & BestRawChoice,const char * rejmap)402 void Classify::AdaptToWord(TWERD *Word,
403 TEXTROW *Row,
404 const WERD_CHOICE& BestChoice,
405 const WERD_CHOICE& BestRawChoice,
406 const char *rejmap) {
407 /*
408 ** Parameters:
409 ** Word
410 ** word to be adapted to
411 ** Row
412 ** row of text that word is found in
413 ** BestChoice
414 ** best choice for word found by system
415 ** BestRawChoice
416 ** best choice for word found by classifier only
417 ** Globals:
418 ** EnableLearning
419 ** TRUE if learning is enabled
420 ** Operation: This routine implements a preliminary
421 ** version of the rules which are used to decide
422 ** which characters to adapt to.
423 ** A word is adapted to if it is in the dictionary or
424 ** if it is a "good" number (no trailing units, etc.).
425 ** It cannot contain broken or merged characters.
426 ** Within that word, only letters and digits are
427 ** adapted to (no punctuation).
428 ** Return: none
429 ** Exceptions: none
430 ** History: Thu Mar 14 07:40:36 1991, DSJ, Created.
431 */
432 TBLOB *Blob;
433 LINE_STATS LineStats;
435 FLOAT32 *Threshold;
436 const char *map = rejmap;
437 char map_char = '1';
438 const char* BestChoice_string = BestChoice.unichar_string().string();
439 const char* BestChoice_lengths = BestChoice.unichar_lengths().string();
441 if (strlen(BestChoice_lengths) > MAX_ADAPTABLE_WERD_SIZE)
442 return;
444 if (EnableLearning) {
445 NumWordsAdaptedTo++;
447 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
448 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
449 cprintf ("\n\nAdapting to word = %s\n",
450 BestChoice.debug_string(unicharset).string());
451 #endif
452 GetLineStatsFromRow(Row, &LineStats);
454 GetAdaptThresholds(Word,
455 &LineStats,
456 BestChoice,
457 BestRawChoice,
458 Thresholds);
460 for (Blob = Word->blobs, Threshold = Thresholds; Blob != NULL;
461 Blob = Blob->next, BestChoice_string += *(BestChoice_lengths++),
462 Threshold++) {
463 InitIntFX();
465 if (rejmap != NULL)
466 map_char = *map++;
468 assert (map_char == '1' || map_char == '0');
470 if (map_char == '1') {
472 // if (unicharset.get_isalpha (BestChoice_string, *BestChoice_lengths) ||
473 // unicharset.get_isdigit (BestChoice_string, *BestChoice_lengths)) {
474 /* SPECIAL RULE: don't adapt to an 'i' which is the first char
475 in a word because they are too ambiguous with 'I'.
476 The new adaptation rules should account for this
477 automatically, since they exclude ambiguous words from
478 adaptation, but for safety's sake we'll leave the rule in.
479 Also, don't adapt to i's that have only 1 blob in them
480 because this creates too much ambiguity for broken
481 characters. */
482 if (*BestChoice_lengths == 1 &&
483 (*BestChoice_string == 'i'
484 || (il1_adaption_test && *BestChoice_string == 'I' &&
485 (Blob->next == NULL ||
486 unicharset.get_islower (BestChoice_string + *BestChoice_lengths,
487 *(BestChoice_lengths + 1)))))
488 && (Blob == Word->blobs
489 || (!(unicharset.get_isalpha (BestChoice_string -
490 *(BestChoice_lengths - 1),
491 *(BestChoice_lengths - 1)) ||
492 unicharset.get_isdigit (BestChoice_string -
493 *(BestChoice_lengths - 1),
494 *(BestChoice_lengths - 1))))
496 || (!il1_adaption_test && NumOutlinesInBlob(Blob) != 2))) {
497 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
498 cprintf ("Rejecting char = %s\n", unicharset.id_to_unichar(
499 unicharset.unichar_to_id(BestChoice_string,
500 *BestChoice_lengths)));
501 }
502 else {
503 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
504 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
505 cprintf ("Adapting to char = %s, thr= %g\n",
506 unicharset.id_to_unichar(
507 unicharset.unichar_to_id(BestChoice_string,
508 *BestChoice_lengths)),
509 *Threshold);
510 #endif
511 AdaptToChar(Blob, &LineStats,
512 unicharset.unichar_to_id(BestChoice_string,
513 *BestChoice_lengths),
514 *Threshold);
515 }
516 // }
517 // else
518 // AdaptToPunc(Blob, &LineStats,
519 // unicharset.unichar_to_id(BestChoice_string,
520 // *BestChoice_lengths),
521 // *Threshold);
522 }
523 }
524 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
525 cprintf ("\n");
526 }
527 } /* AdaptToWord */
530 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EndAdaptiveClassifier()531 void Classify::EndAdaptiveClassifier() {
532 /*
533 ** Parameters: none
534 ** Globals:
535 ** AdaptedTemplates
536 ** current set of adapted templates
537 ** classify_save_adapted_templates
538 ** TRUE if templates should be saved
539 ** classify_enable_adaptive_matcher
540 ** TRUE if adaptive matcher is enabled
541 ** Operation: This routine performs cleanup operations
542 ** on the adaptive classifier. It should be called
543 ** before the program is terminated. Its main function
544 ** is to save the adapted templates to a file.
545 ** Return: none
546 ** Exceptions: none
547 ** History: Tue Mar 19 14:37:06 1991, DSJ, Created.
548 */
549 STRING Filename;
550 FILE *File;
552 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
553 if (AdaptedTemplates != NULL &&
554 classify_enable_adaptive_matcher && classify_save_adapted_templates) {
555 Filename = imagefile + ADAPT_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX;
556 File = fopen (Filename.string(), "wb");
557 if (File == NULL)
558 cprintf ("Unable to save adapted templates to %s!\n", Filename.string());
559 else {
560 cprintf ("\nSaving adapted templates to %s ...", Filename.string());
561 fflush(stdout);
562 WriteAdaptedTemplates(File, AdaptedTemplates);
563 cprintf ("\n");
564 fclose(File);
565 }
566 }
567 #endif
569 if (AdaptedTemplates != NULL) {
570 free_adapted_templates(AdaptedTemplates);
571 AdaptedTemplates = NULL;
572 }
574 if (PreTrainedTemplates != NULL) {
575 free_int_templates(PreTrainedTemplates);
576 PreTrainedTemplates = NULL;
577 }
578 getDict().EndDangerousAmbigs();
579 FreeNormProtos();
580 if (AllProtosOn != NULL) {
581 FreeBitVector(AllProtosOn);
582 FreeBitVector(PrunedProtos);
583 FreeBitVector(AllConfigsOn);
584 FreeBitVector(AllProtosOff);
585 FreeBitVector(AllConfigsOff);
586 FreeBitVector(TempProtoMask);
587 AllProtosOn = NULL;
588 PrunedProtos = NULL;
589 AllConfigsOn = NULL;
590 AllProtosOff = NULL;
591 AllConfigsOff = NULL;
592 TempProtoMask = NULL;
593 }
594 } /* EndAdaptiveClassifier */
597 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitAdaptiveClassifier()598 void Classify::InitAdaptiveClassifier() {
599 /*
600 ** Parameters: none
601 ** Globals:
602 ** BuiltInTemplatesFile
603 ** file to get built-in temps from
604 ** BuiltInCutoffsFile
605 ** file to get avg. feat per class from
606 ** PreTrainedTemplates
607 ** pre-trained configs and protos
608 ** AdaptedTemplates
609 ** templates adapted to current page
610 ** CharNormCutoffs
611 ** avg # of features per class
612 ** AllProtosOn
613 ** dummy proto mask with all bits 1
614 ** AllConfigsOn
615 ** dummy config mask with all bits 1
616 ** classify_use_pre_adapted_templates
617 ** enables use of pre-adapted templates
618 ** Operation: This routine reads in the training
619 ** information needed by the adaptive classifier
620 ** and saves it into global variables.
621 ** Return: none
622 ** Exceptions: none
623 ** History: Mon Mar 11 12:49:34 1991, DSJ, Created.
624 */
625 if (!classify_enable_adaptive_matcher)
626 return;
627 if (AllProtosOn != NULL)
628 EndAdaptiveClassifier(); // Don't leak with multiple inits.
630 // If there is no language_data_path_prefix, the classifier will be
631 // adaptive only.
632 if (language_data_path_prefix.length() > 0) {
633 if (!tessdata_manager.SeekToStart(TESSDATA_INTTEMP)) {
634 inttemp_loaded_ = false;
635 } else {
636 PreTrainedTemplates =
637 ReadIntTemplates(tessdata_manager.GetDataFilePtr());
638 if (global_tessdata_manager_debug_level) tprintf("Loaded inttemp\n");
640 ASSERT_HOST(tessdata_manager.SeekToStart(TESSDATA_PFFMTABLE));
641 ReadNewCutoffs(tessdata_manager.GetDataFilePtr(),
642 tessdata_manager.GetEndOffset(TESSDATA_PFFMTABLE),
643 CharNormCutoffs);
644 if (global_tessdata_manager_debug_level) tprintf("Loaded pffmtable\n");
646 ASSERT_HOST(tessdata_manager.SeekToStart(TESSDATA_NORMPROTO));
647 NormProtos =
648 ReadNormProtos(tessdata_manager.GetDataFilePtr(),
649 tessdata_manager.GetEndOffset(TESSDATA_NORMPROTO));
650 if (global_tessdata_manager_debug_level) tprintf("Loaded normproto\n");
652 inttemp_loaded_ = true;
653 }
654 }
656 InitIntegerMatcher();
657 InitIntegerFX();
659 AllProtosOn = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_PROTOS);
660 PrunedProtos = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_PROTOS);
661 AllConfigsOn = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_CONFIGS);
662 AllProtosOff = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_PROTOS);
663 AllConfigsOff = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_CONFIGS);
664 TempProtoMask = NewBitVector(MAX_NUM_PROTOS);
665 set_all_bits(AllProtosOn, WordsInVectorOfSize(MAX_NUM_PROTOS));
666 set_all_bits(PrunedProtos, WordsInVectorOfSize(MAX_NUM_PROTOS));
667 set_all_bits(AllConfigsOn, WordsInVectorOfSize(MAX_NUM_CONFIGS));
668 zero_all_bits(AllProtosOff, WordsInVectorOfSize(MAX_NUM_PROTOS));
669 zero_all_bits(AllConfigsOff, WordsInVectorOfSize(MAX_NUM_CONFIGS));
671 if (classify_use_pre_adapted_templates) {
672 FILE *File;
673 STRING Filename;
675 Filename = imagefile;
677 File = fopen(Filename.string(), "rb");
678 if (File == NULL) {
679 AdaptedTemplates = NewAdaptedTemplates(true);
680 } else {
681 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
682 cprintf("\nReading pre-adapted templates from %s ...\n",
683 Filename.string());
684 fflush(stdout);
685 #endif
686 AdaptedTemplates = ReadAdaptedTemplates(File);
687 cprintf("\n");
688 fclose(File);
689 PrintAdaptedTemplates(stdout, AdaptedTemplates);
691 for (int i = 0; i < AdaptedTemplates->Templates->NumClasses; i++) {
692 BaselineCutoffs[i] = CharNormCutoffs[i];
693 }
694 }
695 } else {
696 if (AdaptedTemplates != NULL)
697 free_adapted_templates(AdaptedTemplates);
698 AdaptedTemplates = NewAdaptedTemplates(true);
699 }
700 } /* InitAdaptiveClassifier */
ResetAdaptiveClassifier()702 void Classify::ResetAdaptiveClassifier() {
703 free_adapted_templates(AdaptedTemplates);
704 AdaptedTemplates = NULL;
705 }
706 } // namespace tesseract
709 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
710 namespace tesseract {
PrintAdaptiveStatistics(FILE * File)711 void Classify::PrintAdaptiveStatistics(FILE *File) {
712 /*
713 ** Parameters:
714 ** File
715 ** open text file to print adaptive statistics to
716 ** Globals: none
717 ** Operation: Print to File the statistics which have
718 ** been gathered for the adaptive matcher.
719 ** Return: none
720 ** Exceptions: none
721 ** History: Thu Apr 18 14:37:37 1991, DSJ, Created.
722 */
723 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
725 fprintf (File, "\nADAPTIVE MATCHER STATISTICS:\n");
726 fprintf (File, "\tNum blobs classified = %d\n", AdaptiveMatcherCalls);
727 fprintf (File, "\tNum classes output = %d (Avg = %4.2f)\n",
728 NumClassesOutput,
729 ((AdaptiveMatcherCalls == 0) ? (0.0) :
730 ((float) NumClassesOutput / AdaptiveMatcherCalls)));
731 fprintf (File, "\t\tBaseline Classifier: %4d calls (%4.2f classes/call)\n",
732 BaselineClassifierCalls,
733 ((BaselineClassifierCalls == 0) ? (0.0) :
734 ((float) NumBaselineClassesTried / BaselineClassifierCalls)));
735 fprintf (File, "\t\tCharNorm Classifier: %4d calls (%4.2f classes/call)\n",
736 CharNormClassifierCalls,
737 ((CharNormClassifierCalls == 0) ? (0.0) :
738 ((float) NumCharNormClassesTried / CharNormClassifierCalls)));
739 fprintf (File, "\t\tAmbig Classifier: %4d calls (%4.2f classes/call)\n",
740 AmbigClassifierCalls,
741 ((AmbigClassifierCalls == 0) ? (0.0) :
742 ((float) NumAmbigClassesTried / AmbigClassifierCalls)));
744 fprintf (File, "\nADAPTIVE LEARNER STATISTICS:\n");
745 fprintf (File, "\tNumber of words adapted to: %d\n", NumWordsAdaptedTo);
746 fprintf (File, "\tNumber of chars adapted to: %d\n", NumCharsAdaptedTo);
748 PrintAdaptedTemplates(File, AdaptedTemplates);
749 #endif
750 } /* PrintAdaptiveStatistics */
753 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SettupPass1()754 void Classify::SettupPass1() {
755 /*
756 ** Parameters: none
757 ** Globals:
758 ** EnableLearning
759 ** set to TRUE by this routine
760 ** Operation: This routine prepares the adaptive
761 ** matcher for the start
762 ** of the first pass. Learning is enabled (unless it
763 ** is disabled for the whole program).
764 ** Return: none
765 ** Exceptions: none
766 ** History: Mon Apr 15 16:39:29 1991, DSJ, Created.
767 */
768 /* Note: this is somewhat redundant, it simply says that if learning is
769 enabled then it will remain enabled on the first pass. If it is
770 disabled, then it will remain disabled. This is only put here to
771 make it very clear that learning is controlled directly by the global
772 setting of EnableLearning. */
773 EnableLearning = classify_enable_learning;
775 getDict().SettupStopperPass1();
777 } /* SettupPass1 */
780 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SettupPass2()781 void Classify::SettupPass2() {
782 /*
783 ** Parameters: none
784 ** Globals:
785 ** EnableLearning
786 ** set to FALSE by this routine
787 ** Operation: This routine prepares the adaptive
788 ** matcher for the start of the second pass. Further
789 ** learning is disabled.
790 ** Return: none
791 ** Exceptions: none
792 ** History: Mon Apr 15 16:39:29 1991, DSJ, Created.
793 */
794 EnableLearning = FALSE;
795 getDict().SettupStopperPass2();
797 } /* SettupPass2 */
800 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitAdaptedClass(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID ClassId,ADAPT_CLASS Class,ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates)801 void Classify::InitAdaptedClass(TBLOB *Blob,
802 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
803 CLASS_ID ClassId,
804 ADAPT_CLASS Class,
805 ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates) {
806 /*
807 ** Parameters:
808 ** Blob
809 ** blob to model new class after
810 ** LineStats
811 ** statistics for text row blob is in
812 ** ClassId
813 ** id of the class to be initialized
814 ** Class
815 ** adapted class to be initialized
816 ** Templates
817 ** adapted templates to add new class to
818 ** Globals:
819 ** AllProtosOn
820 ** dummy mask with all 1's
821 ** BaselineCutoffs
822 ** kludge needed to get cutoffs
823 ** PreTrainedTemplates
824 ** kludge needed to get cutoffs
825 ** Operation: This routine creates a new adapted
826 ** class and uses Blob as the model for the first
827 ** config in that class.
828 ** Return: none
829 ** Exceptions: none
830 ** History: Thu Mar 14 12:49:39 1991, DSJ, Created.
831 */
832 FEATURE_SET Features;
833 int Fid, Pid;
834 FEATURE Feature;
835 int NumFeatures;
836 TEMP_PROTO TempProto;
837 PROTO Proto;
838 INT_CLASS IClass;
839 TEMP_CONFIG Config;
841 classify_norm_method.set_value(baseline);
842 Features = ExtractOutlineFeatures (Blob, LineStats);
843 NumFeatures = Features->NumFeatures;
844 if (NumFeatures > UNLIKELY_NUM_FEAT || NumFeatures <= 0) {
845 FreeFeatureSet(Features);
846 return;
847 }
849 Config = NewTempConfig (NumFeatures - 1);
850 TempConfigFor (Class, 0) = Config;
852 /* this is a kludge to construct cutoffs for adapted templates */
853 if (Templates == AdaptedTemplates)
854 BaselineCutoffs[ClassId] = CharNormCutoffs[ClassId];
856 IClass = ClassForClassId (Templates->Templates, ClassId);
858 for (Fid = 0; Fid < Features->NumFeatures; Fid++) {
859 Pid = AddIntProto (IClass);
860 assert (Pid != NO_PROTO);
862 Feature = Features->Features[Fid];
863 TempProto = NewTempProto ();
864 Proto = &(TempProto->Proto);
866 /* compute proto params - NOTE that Y_DIM_OFFSET must be used because
867 ConvertProto assumes that the Y dimension varies from -0.5 to 0.5
868 instead of the -0.25 to 0.75 used in baseline normalization */
869 Proto->Angle = Feature->Params[OutlineFeatDir];
870 Proto->X = Feature->Params[OutlineFeatX];
871 Proto->Y = Feature->Params[OutlineFeatY] - Y_DIM_OFFSET;
872 Proto->Length = Feature->Params[OutlineFeatLength];
873 FillABC(Proto);
875 TempProto->ProtoId = Pid;
876 SET_BIT (Config->Protos, Pid);
878 ConvertProto(Proto, Pid, IClass);
879 AddProtoToProtoPruner(Proto, Pid, IClass);
881 Class->TempProtos = push (Class->TempProtos, TempProto);
882 }
883 FreeFeatureSet(Features);
885 AddIntConfig(IClass);
886 ConvertConfig (AllProtosOn, 0, IClass);
888 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1) {
889 cprintf ("Added new class '%s' with class id %d and %d protos.\n",
890 unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId), ClassId, NumFeatures);
891 }
893 if (IsEmptyAdaptedClass(Class))
894 (Templates->NumNonEmptyClasses)++;
895 } /* InitAdaptedClass */
896 } // namespace tesseract
899 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetAdaptiveFeatures(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,FEATURE_SET * FloatFeatures)900 int GetAdaptiveFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
901 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
902 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
903 FEATURE_SET *FloatFeatures) {
904 /*
905 ** Parameters:
906 ** Blob
907 ** blob to extract features from
908 ** LineStats
909 ** statistics about text row blob is in
910 ** IntFeatures
911 ** array to fill with integer features
912 ** FloatFeatures
913 ** place to return actual floating-pt features
914 ** Globals: none
915 ** Operation: This routine sets up the feature
916 ** extractor to extract baseline normalized
917 ** pico-features.
918 ** The extracted pico-features are converted
919 ** to integer form and placed in IntFeatures. The
920 ** original floating-pt. features are returned in
921 ** FloatFeatures.
922 ** Return: Number of pico-features returned (0 if
923 ** an error occurred)
924 ** Exceptions: none
925 ** History: Tue Mar 12 17:55:18 1991, DSJ, Created.
926 */
927 FEATURE_SET Features;
928 int NumFeatures;
930 classify_norm_method.set_value(baseline);
931 Features = ExtractPicoFeatures (Blob, LineStats);
933 NumFeatures = Features->NumFeatures;
934 if (NumFeatures > UNLIKELY_NUM_FEAT) {
935 FreeFeatureSet(Features);
936 return (0);
937 }
939 ComputeIntFeatures(Features, IntFeatures);
940 *FloatFeatures = Features;
942 return (NumFeatures);
944 } /* GetAdaptiveFeatures */
947 /**----------------------------------------------------------------------------
948 Private Code
949 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/
950 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
951 namespace tesseract {
AdaptableWord(TWERD * Word,const WERD_CHOICE & BestChoiceWord,const WERD_CHOICE & RawChoiceWord)952 int Classify::AdaptableWord(TWERD *Word,
953 const WERD_CHOICE &BestChoiceWord,
954 const WERD_CHOICE &RawChoiceWord) {
955 /*
956 ** Parameters:
957 ** Word
958 ** current word
959 ** BestChoice
960 ** best overall choice for word with context
961 ** BestRawChoice
962 ** best choice for word without context
963 ** Globals: none
964 ** Operation: Return TRUE if the specified word is
965 ** acceptable for adaptation.
966 ** Return: TRUE or FALSE
967 ** Exceptions: none
968 ** History: Thu May 30 14:25:06 1991, DSJ, Created.
969 */
970 int BestChoiceLength = BestChoiceWord.length();
971 return ( // rules that apply in general - simplest to compute first
972 BestChoiceLength > 0 &&
973 BestChoiceLength == NumBlobsIn (Word) &&
974 BestChoiceLength <= MAX_ADAPTABLE_WERD_SIZE && (
975 (classify_enable_new_adapt_rules &&
976 getDict().CurrentBestChoiceAdjustFactor() <= ADAPTABLE_WERD &&
977 getDict().AlternativeChoicesWorseThan(ADAPTABLE_WERD) &&
978 getDict().CurrentBestChoiceIs(BestChoiceWord)) ||
979 (!classify_enable_new_adapt_rules && // old rules
980 BestChoiceLength == RawChoiceWord.length() &&
981 ((getDict().valid_word_or_number(BestChoiceWord) &&
982 Context::case_ok(BestChoiceWord, getDict().getUnicharset()))))));
983 }
985 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AdaptToChar(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID ClassId,FLOAT32 Threshold)986 void Classify::AdaptToChar(TBLOB *Blob,
987 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
988 CLASS_ID ClassId,
989 FLOAT32 Threshold) {
990 /*
991 ** Parameters:
992 ** Blob
993 blob to add to templates for ClassId
994 ** LineStats
995 statistics about text line blob is in
996 ** ClassId
997 class to add blob to
998 ** Threshold
999 minimum match rating to existing template
1000 ** Globals:
1001 ** AdaptedTemplates
1002 current set of adapted templates
1003 ** AllProtosOn
1004 dummy mask to match against all protos
1005 ** AllConfigsOn
1006 dummy mask to match against all configs
1007 ** Operation:
1008 ** Return: none
1009 ** Exceptions: none
1010 ** History: Thu Mar 14 09:36:03 1991, DSJ, Created.
1011 */
1012 int NumFeatures;
1013 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures;
1015 INT_CLASS IClass;
1016 ADAPT_CLASS Class;
1017 TEMP_CONFIG TempConfig;
1018 FEATURE_SET FloatFeatures;
1019 int NewTempConfigId;
1021 NumCharsAdaptedTo++;
1022 if (!LegalClassId (ClassId))
1023 return;
1025 Class = AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId];
1026 assert(Class != NULL);
1027 if (IsEmptyAdaptedClass(Class)) {
1028 InitAdaptedClass(Blob, LineStats, ClassId, Class, AdaptedTemplates);
1029 }
1030 else {
1031 IClass = ClassForClassId (AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId);
1033 NumFeatures = GetAdaptiveFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
1034 IntFeatures, &FloatFeatures);
1035 if (NumFeatures <= 0)
1036 return;
1038 SetBaseLineMatch();
1039 IntegerMatcher (IClass, AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
1040 NumFeatures, NumFeatures, IntFeatures, 0,
1041 &IntResult, NO_DEBUG);
1043 SetAdaptiveThreshold(Threshold);
1045 if (IntResult.Rating <= Threshold) {
1046 if (ConfigIsPermanent (Class, IntResult.Config)) {
1047 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
1048 cprintf ("Found good match to perm config %d = %4.1f%%.\n",
1049 IntResult.Config, (1.0 - IntResult.Rating) * 100.0);
1050 FreeFeatureSet(FloatFeatures);
1051 return;
1052 }
1054 TempConfig = TempConfigFor (Class, IntResult.Config);
1055 IncreaseConfidence(TempConfig);
1056 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
1057 cprintf ("Increasing reliability of temp config %d to %d.\n",
1058 IntResult.Config, TempConfig->NumTimesSeen);
1060 if (TempConfigReliable (TempConfig))
1061 MakePermanent (AdaptedTemplates, ClassId, IntResult.Config,
1062 Blob, LineStats);
1063 }
1064 else {
1065 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
1066 cprintf ("Found poor match to temp config %d = %4.1f%%.\n",
1067 IntResult.Config, (1.0 - IntResult.Rating) * 100.0);
1068 NewTempConfigId = MakeNewTemporaryConfig(AdaptedTemplates,
1069 ClassId,
1070 NumFeatures,
1071 IntFeatures,
1072 FloatFeatures);
1074 if (NewTempConfigId >= 0 &&
1075 TempConfigReliable (TempConfigFor (Class, NewTempConfigId)))
1076 MakePermanent (AdaptedTemplates, ClassId, NewTempConfigId,
1077 Blob, LineStats);
1080 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1) {
1081 IntegerMatcher (IClass, AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
1082 NumFeatures, NumFeatures, IntFeatures, 0,
1083 &IntResult, NO_DEBUG);
1084 cprintf ("Best match to temp config %d = %4.1f%%.\n",
1085 IntResult.Config, (1.0 - IntResult.Rating) * 100.0);
1086 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 2) {
1087 uinT32 ConfigMask;
1088 ConfigMask = 1 << IntResult.Config;
1089 ShowMatchDisplay();
1090 IntegerMatcher (IClass, AllProtosOn, (BIT_VECTOR)&ConfigMask,
1091 NumFeatures, NumFeatures, IntFeatures, 0,
1092 &IntResult, 6 | 0x19);
1093 UpdateMatchDisplay();
1094 GetClassToDebug ("Adapting");
1095 }
1096 }
1097 #endif
1098 }
1099 FreeFeatureSet(FloatFeatures);
1100 }
1101 } /* AdaptToChar */
1104 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AdaptToPunc(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID ClassId,FLOAT32 Threshold)1105 void Classify::AdaptToPunc(TBLOB *Blob,
1106 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1107 CLASS_ID ClassId,
1108 FLOAT32 Threshold) {
1109 /*
1110 ** Parameters:
1111 ** Blob
1112 blob to add to templates for ClassId
1113 ** LineStats
1114 statistics about text line blob is in
1115 ** ClassId
1116 class to add blob to
1117 ** Threshold
1118 minimum match rating to existing template
1119 ** Globals:
1120 ** PreTrainedTemplates
1121 current set of built-in templates
1122 ** Operation:
1123 ** Return: none
1124 ** Exceptions: none
1125 ** History: Thu Mar 14 09:36:03 1991, DSJ, Created.
1126 */
1127 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results = new ADAPT_RESULTS();
1128 int i;
1130 Results->Initialize();
1131 CharNormClassifier(Blob, LineStats, PreTrainedTemplates, Results);
1132 RemoveBadMatches(Results);
1134 if (Results->NumMatches != 1) {
1135 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1) {
1136 cprintf ("Rejecting punc = %s (Alternatives = ",
1137 unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId));
1139 for (i = 0; i < Results->NumMatches; i++)
1140 cprintf ("%s", unicharset.id_to_unichar(Results->Classes[i]));
1141 cprintf (")\n");
1142 }
1143 } else {
1145 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
1146 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
1147 cprintf ("Adapting to punc = %s, thr= %g\n",
1148 unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId), Threshold);
1149 #endif
1150 AdaptToChar(Blob, LineStats, ClassId, Threshold);
1151 }
1152 delete Results;
1153 } /* AdaptToPunc */
1156 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AddNewResult(ADAPT_RESULTS * Results,CLASS_ID ClassId,FLOAT32 Rating,int ConfigId)1157 void Classify::AddNewResult(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results,
1158 CLASS_ID ClassId,
1159 FLOAT32 Rating,
1160 int ConfigId) {
1161 /*
1162 ** Parameters:
1163 ** Results
1164 results to add new result to
1165 ** ClassId
1166 class of new result
1167 ** Rating
1168 rating of new result
1169 ** ConfigId
1170 config id of new result
1171 ** Globals:
1172 ** matcher_bad_match_pad
1173 defines limits of an acceptable match
1174 ** Operation: This routine adds the result of a classification into
1175 ** Results. If the new rating is much worse than the current
1176 ** best rating, it is not entered into results because it
1177 ** would end up being stripped later anyway. If the new rating
1178 ** is better than the old rating for the class, it replaces the
1179 ** old rating. If this is the first rating for the class, the
1180 ** class is added to the list of matched classes in Results.
1181 ** If the new rating is better than the best so far, it
1182 ** becomes the best so far.
1183 ** Return: none
1184 ** Exceptions: none
1185 ** History: Tue Mar 12 18:19:29 1991, DSJ, Created.
1186 */
1187 FLOAT32 OldRating;
1188 INT_CLASS_STRUCT* CharClass = NULL;
1190 OldRating = Results->Ratings[ClassId];
1191 if (Rating <= Results->BestRating + matcher_bad_match_pad && Rating < OldRating) {
1192 if (!unicharset.get_fragment(ClassId)) {
1193 Results->HasNonfragment = true;
1194 }
1195 Results->Ratings[ClassId] = Rating;
1196 if (ClassId != NO_CLASS)
1197 CharClass = ClassForClassId(PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId);
1198 if (CharClass != NULL)
1199 Results->Configs[ClassId] = ConfigId;
1200 else
1201 Results->Configs[ClassId] = ~0;
1203 if (Rating < Results->BestRating &&
1204 // Ensure that fragments do no affect best rating, class and config.
1205 // This is needed so that at least one non-fragmented character is
1206 // always present in the Results.
1207 // TODO(daria): verify that this helps accuracy and does not
1208 // hurt performance.
1209 !unicharset.get_fragment(ClassId)) {
1210 Results->BestRating = Rating;
1211 Results->BestClass = ClassId;
1212 Results->BestConfig = ConfigId;
1213 }
1215 /* if this is first rating for class, add to list of classes matched */
1216 if (OldRating == WORST_POSSIBLE_RATING)
1217 Results->Classes[Results->NumMatches++] = ClassId;
1218 }
1219 } /* AddNewResult */
1222 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AmbigClassifier(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,UNICHAR_ID * Ambiguities,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1223 void Classify::AmbigClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
1224 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1225 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
1226 UNICHAR_ID *Ambiguities,
1227 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1228 /*
1229 ** Parameters:
1230 ** Blob
1231 blob to be classified
1232 ** LineStats
1233 statistics for text line Blob is in
1234 ** Templates
1235 built-in templates to classify against
1236 ** Ambiguities
1237 array of class id's to match against
1238 ** Results
1239 place to put match results
1240 ** Globals:
1241 ** AllProtosOn
1242 mask that enables all protos
1243 ** AllConfigsOn
1244 mask that enables all configs
1245 ** Operation: This routine is identical to CharNormClassifier()
1246 ** except that it does no class pruning. It simply matches
1247 ** the unknown blob against the classes listed in
1248 ** Ambiguities.
1249 ** Return: none
1250 ** Exceptions: none
1251 ** History: Tue Mar 12 19:40:36 1991, DSJ, Created.
1252 */
1253 int NumFeatures;
1254 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures;
1257 CLASS_ID ClassId;
1259 AmbigClassifierCalls++;
1261 NumFeatures = GetCharNormFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
1262 Templates,
1263 IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1264 &(Results->BlobLength));
1265 if (NumFeatures <= 0)
1266 return;
1268 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2)
1269 cprintf ("AM Matches = ");
1271 while (*Ambiguities >= 0) {
1272 ClassId = *Ambiguities;
1274 SetCharNormMatch();
1275 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId (Templates, ClassId),
1276 AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
1277 Results->BlobLength, NumFeatures, IntFeatures,
1278 CharNormArray[ClassId], &IntResult, NO_DEBUG);
1280 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2)
1281 cprintf ("%s-%-2d %2.0f ", unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId),
1282 IntResult.Config,
1283 IntResult.Rating * 100.0);
1285 AddNewResult (Results, ClassId, IntResult.Rating, IntResult.Config);
1287 Ambiguities++;
1289 NumAmbigClassesTried++;
1290 }
1291 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2)
1292 cprintf ("\n");
1294 } /* AmbigClassifier */
1296 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1297 // Factored-out calls to IntegerMatcher based on class pruner results.
1298 // Returns integer matcher results inside CLASS_PRUNER_RESULTS structure.
MasterMatcher(INT_TEMPLATES templates,inT16 num_features,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY features,CLASS_NORMALIZATION_ARRAY norm_factors,ADAPT_CLASS * classes,int debug,int num_classes,CLASS_PRUNER_RESULTS results,ADAPT_RESULTS * final_results)1299 void Classify::MasterMatcher(INT_TEMPLATES templates,
1300 inT16 num_features,
1301 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY features,
1303 ADAPT_CLASS* classes,
1304 int debug,
1305 int num_classes,
1307 ADAPT_RESULTS* final_results) {
1308 for (int c = 0; c < num_classes; c++) {
1309 CLASS_ID class_id = results[c].Class;
1310 INT_RESULT_STRUCT& int_result = results[c].IMResult;
1311 BIT_VECTOR protos = classes != NULL ? classes[class_id]->PermProtos
1312 : AllProtosOn;
1313 BIT_VECTOR configs = classes != NULL ? classes[class_id]->PermConfigs
1314 : AllConfigsOn;
1316 IntegerMatcher(ClassForClassId(templates, class_id),
1317 protos, configs, final_results->BlobLength,
1318 num_features, features, norm_factors[class_id],
1319 &int_result, debug);
1320 // Compute class feature corrections.
1321 double miss_penalty = tessedit_class_miss_scale *
1322 int_result.FeatureMisses;
1323 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2 || tord_display_ratings > 1) {
1324 cprintf("%s-%-2d %2.1f(CP%2.1f, IM%2.1f + MP%2.1f) ",
1325 unicharset.id_to_unichar(class_id), int_result.Config,
1326 (int_result.Rating + miss_penalty) * 100.0,
1327 results[c].Rating * 100.0,
1328 int_result.Rating * 100.0, miss_penalty * 100.0);
1329 if (c % 4 == 3)
1330 cprintf ("\n");
1331 }
1332 int_result.Rating += miss_penalty;
1333 if (int_result.Rating > WORST_POSSIBLE_RATING)
1334 int_result.Rating = WORST_POSSIBLE_RATING;
1335 AddNewResult(final_results, class_id, int_result.Rating, int_result.Config);
1336 // Add unichars ambiguous with class_id with the same rating as class_id.
1337 if (use_definite_ambigs_for_classifier) {
1338 const UnicharIdVector *definite_ambigs =
1339 getDict().getUnicharAmbigs().OneToOneDefiniteAmbigs(class_id);
1340 int ambigs_size = (definite_ambigs == NULL) ? 0 : definite_ambigs->size();
1341 for (int ambig = 0; ambig < ambigs_size; ++ambig) {
1342 UNICHAR_ID ambig_class_id = (*definite_ambigs)[ambig];
1343 if (matcher_debug_level >= 3) {
1344 tprintf("class: %d definite ambig: %d rating: old %.4f new %.4f\n",
1345 class_id, ambig_class_id,
1346 final_results->Ratings[ambig_class_id], int_result.Rating);
1347 }
1348 if (final_results->Ratings[ambig_class_id] < WORST_POSSIBLE_RATING) {
1349 // ambig_class_id was already added to final_results,
1350 // so just need to modify the rating.
1351 if (int_result.Rating < final_results->Ratings[ambig_class_id]) {
1352 final_results->Ratings[ambig_class_id] = int_result.Rating;
1353 }
1354 } else {
1355 AddNewResult(final_results, ambig_class_id,
1356 int_result.Rating, int_result.Config);
1357 }
1358 }
1359 }
1360 }
1361 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2 || tord_display_ratings > 1)
1362 cprintf("\n");
1363 }
1364 } // namespace tesseract
1366 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1367 namespace tesseract {
BaselineClassifier(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1368 UNICHAR_ID *Classify::BaselineClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
1369 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1370 ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,
1371 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1372 /*
1373 ** Parameters:
1374 ** Blob
1375 blob to be classified
1376 ** LineStats
1377 statistics for text line Blob is in
1378 ** Templates
1379 current set of adapted templates
1380 ** Results
1381 place to put match results
1382 ** Globals:
1383 ** BaselineCutoffs
1384 expected num features for each class
1385 ** Operation: This routine extracts baseline normalized features
1386 ** from the unknown character and matches them against the
1387 ** specified set of templates. The classes which match
1388 ** are added to Results.
1389 ** Return: Array of possible ambiguous chars that should be checked.
1390 ** Exceptions: none
1391 ** History: Tue Mar 12 19:38:03 1991, DSJ, Created.
1392 */
1393 int NumFeatures;
1394 int NumClasses;
1395 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures;
1397 CLASS_ID ClassId;
1399 BaselineClassifierCalls++;
1401 NumFeatures = GetBaselineFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
1402 Templates->Templates,
1403 IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1404 &(Results->BlobLength));
1405 if (NumFeatures <= 0)
1406 return NULL;
1408 NumClasses = ClassPruner (Templates->Templates, NumFeatures,
1409 IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1410 BaselineCutoffs, Results->CPResults,
1411 matcher_debug_flags);
1413 NumBaselineClassesTried += NumClasses;
1415 if (matcher_debug_level >= 2 || tord_display_ratings > 1)
1416 cprintf ("BL Matches = ");
1418 SetBaseLineMatch();
1419 MasterMatcher(Templates->Templates, NumFeatures, IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1420 Templates->Class, matcher_debug_flags, NumClasses,
1421 Results->CPResults, Results);
1423 ClassId = Results->BestClass;
1424 if (ClassId == NO_CLASS)
1425 return (NULL);
1426 /* this is a bug - maybe should return "" */
1428 return (Templates->Class[ClassId]->Config[Results->BestConfig].Perm);
1429 } /* BaselineClassifier */
1432 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CharNormClassifier(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1433 int Classify::CharNormClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
1434 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1435 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
1436 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1437 /*
1438 ** Parameters:
1439 ** Blob
1440 blob to be classified
1441 ** LineStats
1442 statistics for text line Blob is in
1443 ** Templates
1444 templates to classify unknown against
1445 ** Results
1446 place to put match results
1447 ** Globals:
1448 ** CharNormCutoffs
1449 expected num features for each class
1450 ** AllProtosOn
1451 mask that enables all protos
1452 ** AllConfigsOn
1453 mask that enables all configs
1454 ** Operation: This routine extracts character normalized features
1455 ** from the unknown character and matches them against the
1456 ** specified set of templates. The classes which match
1457 ** are added to Results.
1458 ** Return: none
1459 ** Exceptions: none
1460 ** History: Tue Mar 12 16:02:52 1991, DSJ, Created.
1461 */
1462 int NumFeatures;
1463 int NumClasses;
1464 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures;
1467 CharNormClassifierCalls++;
1469 NumFeatures = GetCharNormFeatures(Blob, LineStats,
1470 Templates,
1471 IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1472 &(Results->BlobLength));
1473 if (NumFeatures <= 0)
1474 return 0;
1476 NumClasses = ClassPruner(Templates, NumFeatures,
1477 IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1478 CharNormCutoffs, Results->CPResults,
1479 matcher_debug_flags);
1481 if (tessedit_single_match && NumClasses > 1)
1482 NumClasses = 1;
1483 NumCharNormClassesTried += NumClasses;
1485 SetCharNormMatch();
1486 MasterMatcher(Templates, NumFeatures, IntFeatures, CharNormArray,
1487 NULL, matcher_debug_flags, NumClasses,
1488 Results->CPResults, Results);
1489 return NumFeatures;
1490 } /* CharNormClassifier */
1493 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ClassifyAsNoise(ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1494 void Classify::ClassifyAsNoise(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1495 /*
1496 ** Parameters:
1497 ** Results
1498 results to add noise classification to
1499 ** Globals:
1500 ** matcher_avg_noise_size
1501 avg. length of a noise blob
1502 ** Operation: This routine computes a rating which reflects the
1503 ** likelihood that the blob being classified is a noise
1504 ** blob. NOTE: assumes that the blob length has already been
1505 ** computed and placed into Results.
1506 ** Return: none
1507 ** Exceptions: none
1508 ** History: Tue Mar 12 18:36:52 1991, DSJ, Created.
1509 */
1510 register FLOAT32 Rating;
1512 Rating = Results->BlobLength / matcher_avg_noise_size;
1513 Rating *= Rating;
1514 Rating /= 1.0 + Rating;
1516 AddNewResult (Results, NO_CLASS, Rating, 0);
1517 } /* ClassifyAsNoise */
1518 } // namespace tesserct
1521 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CompareCurrentRatings(const void * arg1,const void * arg2)1522 int CompareCurrentRatings( //CLASS_ID *Class1,
1523 const void *arg1,
1524 const void *arg2) { //CLASS_ID *Class2)
1525 /*
1526 ** Parameters:
1527 ** Class1, Class2
1528 classes whose ratings are to be compared
1529 ** Globals:
1530 ** CurrentRatings
1531 contains actual ratings for each class
1532 ** Operation: This routine gets the ratings for the 2 specified classes
1533 ** from a global variable (CurrentRatings) and returns:
1534 ** -1 if Rating1 < Rating2
1535 ** 0 if Rating1 = Rating2
1536 ** 1 if Rating1 > Rating2
1537 ** Return: Order of classes based on their ratings (see above).
1538 ** Exceptions: none
1539 ** History: Tue Mar 12 14:18:31 1991, DSJ, Created.
1540 */
1541 FLOAT32 Rating1, Rating2;
1542 CLASS_ID *Class1 = (CLASS_ID *) arg1;
1543 CLASS_ID *Class2 = (CLASS_ID *) arg2;
1545 Rating1 = CurrentRatings[*Class1];
1546 Rating2 = CurrentRatings[*Class2];
1548 if (Rating1 < Rating2)
1549 return (-1);
1550 else if (Rating1 > Rating2)
1551 return (1);
1552 else
1553 return (0);
1555 } /* CompareCurrentRatings */
1558 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1559 // The function converts the given match ratings to the list of blob
1560 // choices with ratings and certainties (used by the context checkers).
1561 // If character fragments are present in the results, this function also makes
1562 // sure that there is at least one non-fragmented classification included.
1563 // For each classificaiton result check the unicharset for "definite"
1564 // ambiguities and modify the resulting Choices accordingly.
1565 namespace tesseract {
ConvertMatchesToChoices(ADAPT_RESULTS * Results,BLOB_CHOICE_LIST * Choices)1566 void Classify::ConvertMatchesToChoices(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results,
1567 BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Choices) {
1568 assert(Choices != NULL);
1569 int i;
1570 CLASS_ID NextMatch;
1571 FLOAT32 Rating;
1572 FLOAT32 Certainty;
1573 BLOB_CHOICE_IT temp_it;
1574 bool contains_nonfrag = false;
1575 temp_it.set_to_list(Choices);
1576 int choices_length = 0;
1577 for (i = 0; i < Results->NumMatches; i++) {
1578 NextMatch = Results->Classes[i];
1579 bool current_is_frag = (unicharset.get_fragment(NextMatch) != NULL);
1580 if (temp_it.length()+1 == MAX_MATCHES &&
1581 !contains_nonfrag && current_is_frag) {
1582 continue; // look for a non-fragmented character to fill the
1583 // last spot in Choices if only fragments are present
1584 }
1585 // BlobLength can never be legally 0, this means recognition failed.
1586 // But we must return a classification result because some invoking
1587 // functions (chopper/permuter) do not anticipate a null blob choice.
1588 // So we need to assign a poor, but not infinitely bad score.
1589 if (Results->BlobLength == 0) {
1590 Certainty = -20;
1591 Rating = 100; // should be -certainty * real_blob_length
1592 } else {
1593 Rating = Certainty = Results->Ratings[NextMatch];
1594 Rating *= rating_scale * Results->BlobLength;
1595 Certainty *= -certainty_scale;
1596 }
1597 temp_it.add_to_end(new BLOB_CHOICE(NextMatch, Rating, Certainty,
1598 Results->Configs[NextMatch],
1599 unicharset.get_script(NextMatch)));
1600 contains_nonfrag |= !current_is_frag; // update contains_nonfrag
1601 choices_length++;
1602 if (choices_length >= MAX_MATCHES) break;
1603 }
1604 Results->NumMatches = choices_length;
1605 } // ConvertMatchesToChoices
1608 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DebugAdaptiveClassifier(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1610 void Classify::DebugAdaptiveClassifier(TBLOB *Blob,
1611 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1612 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1613 /*
1614 ** Parameters:
1615 ** Blob
1616 blob whose classification is being debugged
1617 ** LineStats
1618 statistics for text line blob is in
1619 ** Results
1620 results of match being debugged
1621 ** Globals: none
1622 ** Operation:
1623 ** Return: none
1624 ** Exceptions: none
1625 ** History: Wed Mar 13 16:44:41 1991, DSJ, Created.
1626 */
1627 const char *Prompt =
1628 "Left-click in IntegerMatch Window to continue or right click to debug...";
1629 const char *DebugMode = "All Templates";
1630 CLASS_ID LastClass = Results->BestClass;
1631 CLASS_ID ClassId;
1632 BOOL8 AdaptiveOn = TRUE;
1633 BOOL8 PreTrainedOn = TRUE;
1635 ShowMatchDisplay();
1636 cprintf ("\nDebugging class = %s (%s) ...\n",
1637 unicharset.id_to_unichar(LastClass), DebugMode);
1638 ShowBestMatchFor(Blob, LineStats, LastClass, AdaptiveOn, PreTrainedOn);
1639 UpdateMatchDisplay();
1641 while ((ClassId = GetClassToDebug (Prompt)) != 0) {
1642 #if 0
1643 switch (ClassId) {
1644 case 'b':
1645 AdaptiveOn = TRUE;
1646 PreTrainedOn = FALSE;
1647 DebugMode = "Adaptive Templates Only";
1648 break;
1650 case 'c':
1651 AdaptiveOn = FALSE;
1652 PreTrainedOn = TRUE;
1653 DebugMode = "PreTrained Templates Only";
1654 break;
1656 case 'a':
1657 AdaptiveOn = TRUE;
1658 PreTrainedOn = TRUE;
1659 DebugMode = "All Templates";
1660 break;
1662 default:
1663 LastClass = ClassId;
1664 break;
1665 }
1666 #endif
1667 LastClass = ClassId;
1669 ShowMatchDisplay();
1670 cprintf ("\nDebugging class = %d = %s (%s) ...\n",
1671 LastClass, unicharset.id_to_unichar(LastClass), DebugMode);
1672 ShowBestMatchFor(Blob, LineStats, LastClass, AdaptiveOn, PreTrainedOn);
1673 UpdateMatchDisplay();
1674 }
1675 } /* DebugAdaptiveClassifier */
1676 #endif
1678 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DoAdaptiveMatch(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)1679 void Classify::DoAdaptiveMatch(TBLOB *Blob,
1680 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1681 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
1682 /*
1683 ** Parameters:
1684 ** Blob
1685 blob to be classified
1686 ** LineStats
1687 statistics for text line Blob is in
1688 ** Results
1689 place to put match results
1690 ** Globals:
1691 ** PreTrainedTemplates
1692 built-in training templates
1693 ** AdaptedTemplates
1694 templates adapted for this page
1695 ** matcher_great_threshold
1696 rating limit for a great match
1697 ** Operation: This routine performs an adaptive classification.
1698 ** If we have not yet adapted to enough classes, a simple
1699 ** classification to the pre-trained templates is performed.
1700 ** Otherwise, we match the blob against the adapted templates.
1701 ** If the adapted templates do not match well, we try a
1702 ** match against the pre-trained templates. If an adapted
1703 ** template match is found, we do a match to any pre-trained
1704 ** templates which could be ambiguous. The results from all
1705 ** of these classifications are merged together into Results.
1706 ** Return: none
1707 ** Exceptions: none
1708 ** History: Tue Mar 12 08:50:11 1991, DSJ, Created.
1709 */
1710 UNICHAR_ID *Ambiguities;
1712 AdaptiveMatcherCalls++;
1713 InitIntFX();
1715 if (AdaptedTemplates->NumPermClasses < matcher_permanent_classes_min
1716 || tess_cn_matching) {
1717 CharNormClassifier(Blob, LineStats, PreTrainedTemplates, Results);
1718 }
1719 else {
1720 Ambiguities = BaselineClassifier (Blob, LineStats,
1721 AdaptedTemplates, Results);
1722 if ((Results->NumMatches > 0 && MarginalMatch (Results->BestRating)
1723 && !tess_bn_matching) || Results->NumMatches == 0) {
1724 CharNormClassifier(Blob, LineStats, PreTrainedTemplates, Results);
1725 } else if (Ambiguities && *Ambiguities >= 0) {
1726 AmbigClassifier(Blob,
1727 LineStats,
1728 PreTrainedTemplates,
1729 Ambiguities,
1730 Results);
1731 }
1732 }
1734 // Force the blob to be classified as noise
1735 // if the results contain only fragments.
1736 // TODO(daria): verify that this is better than
1737 // just adding a NULL classificaiton.
1738 if (!Results->HasNonfragment) {
1739 Results->NumMatches = 0;
1740 }
1741 if (Results->NumMatches == 0)
1742 ClassifyAsNoise(Results);
1743 } /* DoAdaptiveMatch */
1745 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1746 void
GetAdaptThresholds(TWERD * Word,LINE_STATS * LineStats,const WERD_CHOICE & BestChoice,const WERD_CHOICE & BestRawChoice,FLOAT32 Thresholds[])1747 Classify::GetAdaptThresholds (TWERD * Word,
1748 LINE_STATS * LineStats,
1749 const WERD_CHOICE& BestChoice,
1750 const WERD_CHOICE& BestRawChoice,
1751 FLOAT32 Thresholds[]) {
1752 /*
1753 ** Parameters:
1754 ** Word
1755 current word
1756 ** LineStats
1757 line stats for row word is in
1758 ** BestChoice
1759 best choice for current word with context
1760 ** BestRawChoice
1761 best choice for current word without context
1762 ** Thresholds
1763 array of thresholds to be filled in
1764 ** Globals:
1765 ** classify_enable_new_adapt_rules
1766 ** matcher_good_threshold
1767 ** matcher_perfect_threshold
1768 ** matcher_rating_margin
1769 ** Operation: This routine tries to estimate how tight the adaptation
1770 ** threshold should be set for each character in the current
1771 ** word. In general, the routine tries to set tighter
1772 ** thresholds for a character when the current set of templates
1773 ** would have made an error on that character. It tries
1774 ** to set a threshold tight enough to eliminate the error.
1775 ** Two different sets of rules can be used to determine the
1776 ** desired thresholds.
1777 ** Return: none (results are returned in Thresholds)
1778 ** Exceptions: none
1779 ** History: Fri May 31 09:22:08 1991, DSJ, Created.
1780 */
1781 TBLOB *Blob;
1782 const char* BestChoice_string = BestChoice.unichar_string().string();
1783 const char* BestChoice_lengths = BestChoice.unichar_lengths().string();
1784 const char* BestRawChoice_string = BestRawChoice.unichar_string().string();
1785 const char* BestRawChoice_lengths = BestRawChoice.unichar_lengths().string();
1787 if (classify_enable_new_adapt_rules && /* new rules */
1788 getDict().CurrentBestChoiceIs(BestChoice)) {
1789 getDict().FindClassifierErrors(matcher_perfect_threshold,
1790 matcher_good_threshold,
1791 matcher_rating_margin,
1792 Thresholds);
1793 }
1794 else { /* old rules */
1795 for (Blob = Word->blobs;
1796 Blob != NULL;
1797 Blob = Blob->next, BestChoice_string += *(BestChoice_lengths++),
1798 BestRawChoice_string += *(BestRawChoice_lengths++), Thresholds++)
1799 if (*(BestChoice_lengths) == *(BestRawChoice_lengths) &&
1800 strncmp(BestChoice_string, BestRawChoice_string,
1801 *(BestChoice_lengths)) == 0)
1802 *Thresholds = matcher_good_threshold;
1803 else {
1804 /* the blob was incorrectly classified - find the rating threshold
1805 needed to create a template which will correct the error with
1806 some margin. However, don't waste time trying to make
1807 templates which are too tight. */
1808 *Thresholds = GetBestRatingFor (Blob, LineStats,
1809 unicharset.unichar_to_id(
1810 BestChoice_string,
1811 *BestChoice_lengths));
1812 *Thresholds *= (1.0 - matcher_rating_margin);
1813 if (*Thresholds > matcher_good_threshold)
1814 *Thresholds = matcher_good_threshold;
1815 if (*Thresholds < matcher_perfect_threshold)
1816 *Thresholds = matcher_perfect_threshold;
1817 }
1818 }
1819 } /* GetAdaptThresholds */
1821 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetAmbiguities(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID CorrectClass)1822 UNICHAR_ID *Classify::GetAmbiguities(TBLOB *Blob,
1823 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1824 CLASS_ID CorrectClass) {
1825 /*
1826 ** Parameters:
1827 ** Blob
1828 blob to get classification ambiguities for
1829 ** LineStats
1830 statistics for text line blob is in
1831 ** CorrectClass
1832 correct class for Blob
1833 ** Globals:
1834 ** CurrentRatings
1835 used by qsort compare routine
1836 ** PreTrainedTemplates
1837 built-in templates
1838 ** Operation: This routine matches blob to the built-in templates
1839 ** to find out if there are any classes other than the correct
1840 ** class which are potential ambiguities.
1841 ** Return: String containing all possible ambiguous classes.
1842 ** Exceptions: none
1843 ** History: Fri Mar 15 08:08:22 1991, DSJ, Created.
1844 */
1845 ADAPT_RESULTS *Results = new ADAPT_RESULTS();
1846 UNICHAR_ID *Ambiguities;
1847 int i;
1849 EnterClassifyMode;
1851 Results->Initialize();
1853 CharNormClassifier(Blob, LineStats, PreTrainedTemplates, Results);
1854 RemoveBadMatches(Results);
1856 /* save ratings in a global so that CompareCurrentRatings() can see them */
1857 CurrentRatings = Results->Ratings;
1858 qsort ((void *) (Results->Classes), Results->NumMatches,
1859 sizeof (CLASS_ID), CompareCurrentRatings);
1861 /* copy the class id's into an string of ambiguities - don't copy if
1862 the correct class is the only class id matched */
1863 Ambiguities = (UNICHAR_ID *) Emalloc (sizeof (UNICHAR_ID) *
1864 (Results->NumMatches + 1));
1865 if (Results->NumMatches > 1 ||
1866 (Results->NumMatches == 1 && Results->Classes[0] != CorrectClass)) {
1867 for (i = 0; i < Results->NumMatches; i++)
1868 Ambiguities[i] = Results->Classes[i];
1869 Ambiguities[i] = -1;
1870 }
1871 else
1872 Ambiguities[0] = -1;
1874 delete Results;
1875 return (Ambiguities);
1876 } /* GetAmbiguities */
1878 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetBaselineFeatures(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,CLASS_NORMALIZATION_ARRAY CharNormArray,inT32 * BlobLength)1879 int GetBaselineFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
1880 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1881 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
1882 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
1884 inT32 *BlobLength) {
1885 /*
1886 ** Parameters:
1887 ** Blob
1888 blob to extract features from
1889 ** LineStats
1890 statistics about text row blob is in
1891 ** Templates
1892 used to compute char norm adjustments
1893 ** IntFeatures
1894 array to fill with integer features
1895 ** CharNormArray
1896 array to fill with dummy char norm adjustments
1897 ** BlobLength
1898 length of blob in baseline-normalized units
1899 ** Globals: none
1900 ** Operation: This routine sets up the feature extractor to extract
1901 ** baseline normalized pico-features.
1902 ** The extracted pico-features are converted
1903 ** to integer form and placed in IntFeatures. CharNormArray
1904 ** is filled with 0's to indicate to the matcher that no
1905 ** character normalization adjustment needs to be done.
1906 ** The total length of all blob outlines
1907 ** in baseline normalized units is also returned.
1908 ** Return: Number of pico-features returned (0 if an error occurred)
1909 ** Exceptions: none
1910 ** History: Tue Mar 12 17:55:18 1991, DSJ, Created.
1911 */
1912 FEATURE_SET Features;
1913 int NumFeatures;
1915 if (classify_enable_int_fx)
1916 return (GetIntBaselineFeatures (Blob, LineStats, Templates,
1917 IntFeatures, CharNormArray, BlobLength));
1919 classify_norm_method.set_value(baseline);
1920 Features = ExtractPicoFeatures (Blob, LineStats);
1922 NumFeatures = Features->NumFeatures;
1923 *BlobLength = NumFeatures;
1924 if (NumFeatures > UNLIKELY_NUM_FEAT) {
1925 FreeFeatureSet(Features);
1926 return (0);
1927 }
1929 ComputeIntFeatures(Features, IntFeatures);
1930 ClearCharNormArray(Templates, CharNormArray);
1932 FreeFeatureSet(Features);
1933 return NumFeatures;
1934 } /* GetBaselineFeatures */
GetBestRatingFor(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID ClassId)1936 FLOAT32 Classify::GetBestRatingFor(TBLOB *Blob,
1937 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
1938 CLASS_ID ClassId) {
1939 /*
1940 ** Parameters:
1941 ** Blob
1942 blob to get best rating for
1943 ** LineStats
1944 statistics about text line blob is in
1945 ** ClassId
1946 class blob is to be compared to
1947 ** Globals:
1948 ** PreTrainedTemplates
1949 built-in templates
1950 ** AdaptedTemplates
1951 current set of adapted templates
1952 ** AllProtosOn
1953 dummy mask to enable all protos
1954 ** AllConfigsOn
1955 dummy mask to enable all configs
1956 ** Operation: This routine classifies Blob against both sets of
1957 ** templates for the specified class and returns the best
1958 ** rating found.
1959 ** Return: Best rating for match of Blob to ClassId.
1960 ** Exceptions: none
1961 ** History: Tue Apr 9 09:01:24 1991, DSJ, Created.
1962 */
1963 int NumCNFeatures, NumBLFeatures;
1964 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY CNFeatures, BLFeatures;
1965 INT_RESULT_STRUCT CNResult, BLResult;
1966 inT32 BlobLength;
1968 CNResult.Rating = BLResult.Rating = 1.0;
1970 if (!LegalClassId (ClassId))
1971 return (1.0);
1973 uinT8 *CNAdjust = new uinT8[MAX_NUM_CLASSES];
1974 uinT8 *BLAdjust = new uinT8[MAX_NUM_CLASSES];
1976 if (!UnusedClassIdIn (PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId)) {
1977 NumCNFeatures = GetCharNormFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
1978 PreTrainedTemplates,
1979 CNFeatures, CNAdjust, &BlobLength);
1980 if (NumCNFeatures > 0) {
1981 SetCharNormMatch();
1982 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId (PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId),
1983 AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
1984 BlobLength, NumCNFeatures, CNFeatures,
1985 CNAdjust[ClassId], &CNResult, NO_DEBUG);
1986 }
1987 }
1989 if (!UnusedClassIdIn (AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId)) {
1990 NumBLFeatures = GetBaselineFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
1991 AdaptedTemplates->Templates,
1992 BLFeatures, BLAdjust, &BlobLength);
1993 if (NumBLFeatures > 0) {
1994 SetBaseLineMatch();
1995 IntegerMatcher(ClassForClassId(AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId),
1996 AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId]->PermProtos,
1997 AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId]->PermConfigs,
1998 BlobLength, NumBLFeatures, BLFeatures,
1999 BLAdjust[ClassId], &BLResult, NO_DEBUG);
2000 }
2001 }
2003 // Clean up.
2004 delete[] CNAdjust;
2005 delete[] BLAdjust;
2007 return (MIN (BLResult.Rating, CNResult.Rating));
2008 } /* GetBestRatingFor */
2010 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetCharNormFeatures(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,CLASS_NORMALIZATION_ARRAY CharNormArray,inT32 * BlobLength)2011 int Classify::GetCharNormFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
2012 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
2013 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
2014 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
2016 inT32 *BlobLength) {
2017 /*
2018 ** Parameters:
2019 ** Blob
2020 blob to extract features from
2021 ** LineStats
2022 statistics about text row blob is in
2023 ** Templates
2024 used to compute char norm adjustments
2025 ** IntFeatures
2026 array to fill with integer features
2027 ** CharNormArray
2028 array to fill with char norm adjustments
2029 ** BlobLength
2030 length of blob in baseline-normalized units
2031 ** Globals: none
2032 ** Operation: This routine sets up the feature extractor to extract
2033 ** character normalization features and character normalized
2034 ** pico-features. The extracted pico-features are converted
2035 ** to integer form and placed in IntFeatures. The character
2036 ** normalization features are matched to each class in
2037 ** templates and the resulting adjustment factors are returned
2038 ** in CharNormArray. The total length of all blob outlines
2039 ** in baseline normalized units is also returned.
2040 ** Return: Number of pico-features returned (0 if an error occurred)
2041 ** Exceptions: none
2042 ** History: Tue Mar 12 17:55:18 1991, DSJ, Created.
2043 */
2044 return (GetIntCharNormFeatures (Blob, LineStats, Templates,
2045 IntFeatures, CharNormArray, BlobLength));
2046 } /* GetCharNormFeatures */
2048 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetIntBaselineFeatures(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,CLASS_NORMALIZATION_ARRAY CharNormArray,inT32 * BlobLength)2049 int GetIntBaselineFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
2050 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
2051 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
2052 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
2054 inT32 *BlobLength) {
2055 /*
2056 ** Parameters:
2057 ** Blob
2058 blob to extract features from
2059 ** LineStats
2060 statistics about text row blob is in
2061 ** Templates
2062 used to compute char norm adjustments
2063 ** IntFeatures
2064 array to fill with integer features
2065 ** CharNormArray
2066 array to fill with dummy char norm adjustments
2067 ** BlobLength
2068 length of blob in baseline-normalized units
2069 ** Globals:
2070 ** FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted
2071 TRUE if fx has been done
2072 ** BaselineFeatures
2073 holds extracted baseline feat
2074 ** CharNormFeatures
2075 holds extracted char norm feat
2076 ** FXInfo
2077 holds misc. FX info
2078 ** Operation: This routine calls the integer (Hardware) feature
2079 ** extractor if it has not been called before for this blob.
2080 ** The results from the feature extractor are placed into
2081 ** globals so that they can be used in other routines without
2082 ** re-extracting the features.
2083 ** It then copies the baseline features into the IntFeatures
2084 ** array provided by the caller.
2085 ** Return: Number of features extracted or 0 if an error occured.
2086 ** Exceptions: none
2087 ** History: Tue May 28 10:40:52 1991, DSJ, Created.
2088 */
2089 register INT_FEATURE Src, Dest, End;
2091 if (!FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted) {
2092 FeaturesOK = ExtractIntFeat (Blob, BaselineFeatures,
2093 CharNormFeatures, &FXInfo);
2094 FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted = TRUE;
2095 }
2097 if (!FeaturesOK) {
2098 *BlobLength = FXInfo.NumBL;
2099 return (0);
2100 }
2102 for (Src = BaselineFeatures, End = Src + FXInfo.NumBL, Dest = IntFeatures;
2103 Src < End;
2104 *Dest++ = *Src++);
2106 ClearCharNormArray(Templates, CharNormArray);
2107 *BlobLength = FXInfo.NumBL;
2108 return (FXInfo.NumBL);
2109 } /* GetIntBaselineFeatures */
2111 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetIntCharNormFeatures(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,INT_TEMPLATES Templates,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,CLASS_NORMALIZATION_ARRAY CharNormArray,inT32 * BlobLength)2112 int Classify::GetIntCharNormFeatures(TBLOB *Blob,
2113 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
2114 INT_TEMPLATES Templates,
2115 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY IntFeatures,
2117 inT32 *BlobLength) {
2118 /*
2119 ** Parameters:
2120 ** Blob
2121 blob to extract features from
2122 ** LineStats
2123 statistics about text row blob is in
2124 ** Templates
2125 used to compute char norm adjustments
2126 ** IntFeatures
2127 array to fill with integer features
2128 ** CharNormArray
2129 array to fill with dummy char norm adjustments
2130 ** BlobLength
2131 length of blob in baseline-normalized units
2132 ** Globals:
2133 ** FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted
2134 TRUE if fx has been done
2135 ** BaselineFeatures
2136 holds extracted baseline feat
2137 ** CharNormFeatures
2138 holds extracted char norm feat
2139 ** FXInfo
2140 holds misc. FX info
2141 ** Operation: This routine calls the integer (Hardware) feature
2142 ** extractor if it has not been called before for this blob.
2143 ** The results from the feature extractor are placed into
2144 ** globals so that they can be used in other routines without
2145 ** re-extracting the features.
2146 ** It then copies the char norm features into the IntFeatures
2147 ** array provided by the caller.
2148 ** Return: Number of features extracted or 0 if an error occured.
2149 ** Exceptions: none
2150 ** History: Tue May 28 10:40:52 1991, DSJ, Created.
2151 */
2152 register INT_FEATURE Src, Dest, End;
2153 FEATURE NormFeature;
2154 FLOAT32 Baseline, Scale;
2156 if (!FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted) {
2157 FeaturesOK = ExtractIntFeat (Blob, BaselineFeatures,
2158 CharNormFeatures, &FXInfo);
2159 FeaturesHaveBeenExtracted = TRUE;
2160 }
2162 if (!FeaturesOK) {
2163 *BlobLength = FXInfo.NumBL;
2164 return (0);
2165 }
2167 for (Src = CharNormFeatures, End = Src + FXInfo.NumCN, Dest = IntFeatures;
2168 Src < End;
2169 *Dest++ = *Src++);
2171 NormFeature = NewFeature (&CharNormDesc);
2172 Baseline = BaselineAt (LineStats, FXInfo.Xmean);
2173 Scale = ComputeScaleFactor (LineStats);
2174 NormFeature->Params[CharNormY] = (FXInfo.Ymean - Baseline) * Scale;
2175 NormFeature->Params[CharNormLength] =
2176 FXInfo.Length * Scale / LENGTH_COMPRESSION;
2177 NormFeature->Params[CharNormRx] = FXInfo.Rx * Scale;
2178 NormFeature->Params[CharNormRy] = FXInfo.Ry * Scale;
2179 ComputeIntCharNormArray(NormFeature, Templates, CharNormArray);
2180 FreeFeature(NormFeature);
2182 *BlobLength = FXInfo.NumBL;
2183 return (FXInfo.NumCN);
2184 } /* GetIntCharNormFeatures */
2186 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MakeNewTemporaryConfig(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,CLASS_ID ClassId,int NumFeatures,INT_FEATURE_ARRAY Features,FEATURE_SET FloatFeatures)2187 int Classify::MakeNewTemporaryConfig(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,
2188 CLASS_ID ClassId,
2189 int NumFeatures,
2190 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY Features,
2191 FEATURE_SET FloatFeatures) {
2192 /*
2193 ** Parameters:
2194 ** Templates
2195 adapted templates to add new config to
2196 ** ClassId
2197 class id to associate with new config
2198 ** NumFeatures
2199 number of features in IntFeatures
2200 ** Features
2201 features describing model for new config
2202 ** FloatFeatures
2203 floating-pt representation of features
2204 ** Globals:
2205 ** AllProtosOn
2206 mask to enable all protos
2207 ** AllConfigsOff
2208 mask to disable all configs
2209 ** TempProtoMask
2210 defines old protos matched in new config
2211 ** Operation:
2212 ** Return: The id of the new config created, a negative integer in
2213 ** case of error.
2214 ** Exceptions: none
2215 ** History: Fri Mar 15 08:49:46 1991, DSJ, Created.
2216 */
2217 INT_CLASS IClass;
2218 ADAPT_CLASS Class;
2221 int NumOldProtos;
2222 int NumBadFeatures;
2223 int MaxProtoId, OldMaxProtoId;
2224 int BlobLength = 0;
2225 int MaskSize;
2226 int ConfigId;
2227 TEMP_CONFIG Config;
2228 int i;
2229 int debug_level = NO_DEBUG;
2231 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 3)
2232 debug_level =
2235 IClass = ClassForClassId (Templates->Templates, ClassId);
2236 Class = Templates->Class[ClassId];
2238 if (IClass->NumConfigs >= MAX_NUM_CONFIGS) {
2239 ++NumAdaptationsFailed;
2240 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
2241 cprintf ("Cannot make new temporary config: maximum number exceeded.\n");
2242 return -1;
2243 }
2245 OldMaxProtoId = IClass->NumProtos - 1;
2247 NumOldProtos = FindGoodProtos (IClass, AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOff,
2248 BlobLength, NumFeatures, Features,
2249 OldProtos, debug_level);
2251 MaskSize = WordsInVectorOfSize (MAX_NUM_PROTOS);
2252 zero_all_bits(TempProtoMask, MaskSize);
2253 for (i = 0; i < NumOldProtos; i++)
2254 SET_BIT (TempProtoMask, OldProtos[i]);
2256 NumBadFeatures = FindBadFeatures (IClass, TempProtoMask, AllConfigsOn,
2257 BlobLength, NumFeatures, Features,
2258 BadFeatures, debug_level);
2260 MaxProtoId = MakeNewTempProtos (FloatFeatures, NumBadFeatures, BadFeatures,
2261 IClass, Class, TempProtoMask);
2262 if (MaxProtoId == NO_PROTO) {
2263 ++NumAdaptationsFailed;
2264 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
2265 cprintf ("Cannot make new temp protos: maximum number exceeded.\n");
2266 return -1;
2267 }
2269 ConfigId = AddIntConfig (IClass);
2270 ConvertConfig(TempProtoMask, ConfigId, IClass);
2271 Config = NewTempConfig (MaxProtoId);
2272 TempConfigFor (Class, ConfigId) = Config;
2273 copy_all_bits (TempProtoMask, Config->Protos, Config->ProtoVectorSize);
2275 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1)
2276 cprintf ("Making new temp config %d using %d old and %d new protos.\n",
2277 ConfigId, NumOldProtos, MaxProtoId - OldMaxProtoId);
2279 return ConfigId;
2280 } /* MakeNewTemporaryConfig */
2281 } // namespace tesseract
2283 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MakeNewTempProtos(FEATURE_SET Features,int NumBadFeat,FEATURE_ID BadFeat[],INT_CLASS IClass,ADAPT_CLASS Class,BIT_VECTOR TempProtoMask)2285 MakeNewTempProtos(FEATURE_SET Features,
2286 int NumBadFeat,
2287 FEATURE_ID BadFeat[],
2288 INT_CLASS IClass,
2289 ADAPT_CLASS Class, BIT_VECTOR TempProtoMask) {
2290 /*
2291 ** Parameters:
2292 ** Features
2293 floating-pt features describing new character
2294 ** NumBadFeat
2295 number of bad features to turn into protos
2296 ** BadFeat
2297 feature id's of bad features
2298 ** IClass
2299 integer class templates to add new protos to
2300 ** Class
2301 adapted class templates to add new protos to
2302 ** TempProtoMask
2303 proto mask to add new protos to
2304 ** Globals: none
2305 ** Operation: This routine finds sets of sequential bad features
2306 ** that all have the same angle and converts each set into
2307 ** a new temporary proto. The temp proto is added to the
2308 ** proto pruner for IClass, pushed onto the list of temp
2309 ** protos in Class, and added to TempProtoMask.
2310 ** Return: Max proto id in class after all protos have been added.
2311 ** Exceptions: none
2312 ** History: Fri Mar 15 11:39:38 1991, DSJ, Created.
2313 */
2314 FEATURE_ID *ProtoStart;
2315 FEATURE_ID *ProtoEnd;
2316 FEATURE_ID *LastBad;
2317 TEMP_PROTO TempProto;
2318 PROTO Proto;
2319 FEATURE F1, F2;
2320 FLOAT32 X1, X2, Y1, Y2;
2321 FLOAT32 A1, A2, AngleDelta;
2322 FLOAT32 SegmentLength;
2323 PROTO_ID Pid;
2325 for (ProtoStart = BadFeat, LastBad = ProtoStart + NumBadFeat;
2326 ProtoStart < LastBad; ProtoStart = ProtoEnd) {
2327 F1 = Features->Features[*ProtoStart];
2328 X1 = F1->Params[PicoFeatX];
2329 Y1 = F1->Params[PicoFeatY];
2330 A1 = F1->Params[PicoFeatDir];
2332 for (ProtoEnd = ProtoStart + 1,
2333 SegmentLength = GetPicoFeatureLength();
2334 ProtoEnd < LastBad;
2335 ProtoEnd++, SegmentLength += GetPicoFeatureLength()) {
2336 F2 = Features->Features[*ProtoEnd];
2337 X2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatX];
2338 Y2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatY];
2339 A2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatDir];
2341 AngleDelta = fabs(A1 - A2);
2342 if (AngleDelta > 0.5)
2343 AngleDelta = 1.0 - AngleDelta;
2345 if (AngleDelta > matcher_clustering_max_angle_delta ||
2346 fabs(X1 - X2) > SegmentLength ||
2347 fabs(Y1 - Y2) > SegmentLength)
2348 break;
2349 }
2351 F2 = Features->Features[*(ProtoEnd - 1)];
2352 X2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatX];
2353 Y2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatY];
2354 A2 = F2->Params[PicoFeatDir];
2356 Pid = AddIntProto(IClass);
2357 if (Pid == NO_PROTO)
2358 return (NO_PROTO);
2360 TempProto = NewTempProto();
2361 Proto = &(TempProto->Proto);
2363 /* compute proto params - NOTE that Y_DIM_OFFSET must be used because
2364 ConvertProto assumes that the Y dimension varies from -0.5 to 0.5
2365 instead of the -0.25 to 0.75 used in baseline normalization */
2366 Proto->Length = SegmentLength;
2367 Proto->Angle = A1;
2368 Proto->X = (X1 + X2) / 2.0;
2369 Proto->Y = (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0 - Y_DIM_OFFSET;
2370 FillABC(Proto);
2372 TempProto->ProtoId = Pid;
2373 SET_BIT(TempProtoMask, Pid);
2375 ConvertProto(Proto, Pid, IClass);
2376 AddProtoToProtoPruner(Proto, Pid, IClass);
2378 Class->TempProtos = push(Class->TempProtos, TempProto);
2379 }
2380 return IClass->NumProtos - 1;
2381 } /* MakeNewTempProtos */
2383 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2384 namespace tesseract {
MakePermanent(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,CLASS_ID ClassId,int ConfigId,TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats)2385 void Classify::MakePermanent(ADAPT_TEMPLATES Templates,
2386 CLASS_ID ClassId,
2387 int ConfigId,
2388 TBLOB *Blob,
2389 LINE_STATS *LineStats) {
2390 /*
2391 ** Parameters:
2392 ** Templates
2393 current set of adaptive templates
2394 ** ClassId
2395 class containing config to be made permanent
2396 ** ConfigId
2397 config to be made permanent
2398 ** Blob
2399 current blob being adapted to
2400 ** LineStats
2401 statistics about text line Blob is in
2402 ** Globals: none
2403 ** Operation:
2404 ** Return: none
2405 ** Exceptions: none
2406 ** History: Thu Mar 14 15:54:08 1991, DSJ, Created.
2407 */
2408 UNICHAR_ID *Ambigs;
2409 TEMP_CONFIG Config;
2410 ADAPT_CLASS Class;
2411 PROTO_KEY ProtoKey;
2413 Class = Templates->Class[ClassId];
2414 Config = TempConfigFor(Class, ConfigId);
2416 MakeConfigPermanent(Class, ConfigId);
2417 if (Class->NumPermConfigs == 0)
2418 Templates->NumPermClasses++;
2419 Class->NumPermConfigs++;
2421 ProtoKey.Templates = Templates;
2422 ProtoKey.ClassId = ClassId;
2423 ProtoKey.ConfigId = ConfigId;
2424 Class->TempProtos = delete_d(Class->TempProtos, &ProtoKey,
2425 MakeTempProtoPerm);
2426 FreeTempConfig(Config);
2428 Ambigs = GetAmbiguities(Blob, LineStats, ClassId);
2429 PermConfigFor(Class, ConfigId) = Ambigs;
2431 if (classify_learning_debug_level >= 1) {
2432 cprintf("Making config %d permanent with ambiguities '",
2433 ConfigId, Ambigs);
2434 for (UNICHAR_ID *AmbigsPointer = Ambigs;
2435 *AmbigsPointer >= 0; ++AmbigsPointer)
2436 cprintf("%s", unicharset.id_to_unichar(*AmbigsPointer));
2437 cprintf("'.\n");
2438 }
2439 } /* MakePermanent */
2440 } // namespace tesseract
2442 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MakeTempProtoPerm(void * item1,void * item2)2443 int MakeTempProtoPerm(void *item1, void *item2) {
2444 /*
2445 ** Parameters:
2446 ** TempProto temporary proto to compare to key
2447 ** ProtoKey defines which protos to make permanent
2448 ** Globals: none
2449 ** Operation: This routine converts TempProto to be permanent if
2450 ** its proto id is used by the configuration specified in
2451 ** ProtoKey.
2452 ** Return: TRUE if TempProto is converted, FALSE otherwise
2453 ** Exceptions: none
2454 ** History: Thu Mar 14 18:49:54 1991, DSJ, Created.
2455 */
2456 ADAPT_CLASS Class;
2457 TEMP_CONFIG Config;
2458 TEMP_PROTO TempProto;
2459 PROTO_KEY *ProtoKey;
2461 TempProto = (TEMP_PROTO) item1;
2462 ProtoKey = (PROTO_KEY *) item2;
2464 Class = ProtoKey->Templates->Class[ProtoKey->ClassId];
2465 Config = TempConfigFor (Class, ProtoKey->ConfigId);
2467 if (TempProto->ProtoId > Config->MaxProtoId ||
2468 !test_bit (Config->Protos, TempProto->ProtoId))
2469 return FALSE;
2471 MakeProtoPermanent (Class, TempProto->ProtoId);
2472 AddProtoToClassPruner (&(TempProto->Proto), ProtoKey->ClassId,
2473 ProtoKey->Templates->Templates);
2474 FreeTempProto(TempProto);
2476 return TRUE;
2477 } /* MakeTempProtoPerm */
2479 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NumBlobsIn(TWERD * Word)2480 int NumBlobsIn(TWERD *Word) {
2481 /*
2482 ** Parameters:
2483 ** Word
2484 word to count blobs in
2485 ** Globals: none
2486 ** Operation: This routine returns the number of blobs in Word.
2487 ** Return: Number of blobs in Word.
2488 ** Exceptions: none
2489 ** History: Thu Mar 14 08:30:27 1991, DSJ, Created.
2490 */
2491 register TBLOB *Blob;
2492 register int NumBlobs;
2494 if (Word == NULL)
2495 return (0);
2497 for (Blob = Word->blobs, NumBlobs = 0;
2498 Blob != NULL; Blob = Blob->next, NumBlobs++);
2500 return (NumBlobs);
2502 } /* NumBlobsIn */
2504 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NumOutlinesInBlob(TBLOB * Blob)2505 int NumOutlinesInBlob(TBLOB *Blob) {
2506 /*
2507 ** Parameters:
2508 ** Blob
2509 blob to count outlines in
2510 ** Globals: none
2511 ** Operation: This routine returns the number of OUTER outlines
2512 ** in Blob.
2513 ** Return: Number of outer outlines in Blob.
2514 ** Exceptions: none
2515 ** History: Mon Jun 10 15:46:20 1991, DSJ, Created.
2516 */
2517 register TESSLINE *Outline;
2518 register int NumOutlines;
2520 if (Blob == NULL)
2521 return (0);
2523 for (Outline = Blob->outlines, NumOutlines = 0;
2524 Outline != NULL; Outline = Outline->next, NumOutlines++);
2526 return (NumOutlines);
2528 } /* NumOutlinesInBlob */
2530 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2531 namespace tesseract {
PrintAdaptiveMatchResults(FILE * File,ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)2532 void Classify::PrintAdaptiveMatchResults(FILE *File, ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
2533 /*
2534 ** Parameters:
2535 ** File
2536 open text file to write Results to
2537 ** Results
2538 match results to write to File
2539 ** Globals: none
2540 ** Operation: This routine writes the matches in Results to File.
2541 ** Return: none
2542 ** Exceptions: none
2543 ** History: Mon Mar 18 09:24:53 1991, DSJ, Created.
2544 */
2545 for (int i = 0; i < Results->NumMatches; ++i) {
2546 cprintf("%s(%d) %.2f ",
2547 unicharset.debug_str(Results->Classes[i]).string(),
2548 Results->Classes[i],
2549 Results->Ratings[Results->Classes[i]] * 100.0);
2550 }
2551 printf("\n");
2552 } /* PrintAdaptiveMatchResults */
2554 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RemoveBadMatches(ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)2555 void Classify::RemoveBadMatches(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
2556 /*
2557 ** Parameters:
2558 ** Results
2559 contains matches to be filtered
2560 ** Globals:
2561 ** matcher_bad_match_pad
2562 defines a "bad match"
2563 ** Operation: This routine steps thru each matching class in Results
2564 ** and removes it from the match list if its rating
2565 ** is worse than the BestRating plus a pad. In other words,
2566 ** all good matches get moved to the front of the classes
2567 ** array.
2568 ** Return: none
2569 ** Exceptions: none
2570 ** History: Tue Mar 12 13:51:03 1991, DSJ, Created.
2571 */
2572 int Next, NextGood;
2573 FLOAT32 *Rating = Results->Ratings;
2574 CLASS_ID *Match = Results->Classes;
2575 FLOAT32 BadMatchThreshold;
2576 static const char* romans = "i v x I V X";
2577 BadMatchThreshold = Results->BestRating + matcher_bad_match_pad;
2579 if (bln_numericmode) {
2580 UNICHAR_ID unichar_id_one = unicharset.contains_unichar("1") ?
2581 unicharset.unichar_to_id("1") : -1;
2582 UNICHAR_ID unichar_id_zero = unicharset.contains_unichar("0") ?
2583 unicharset.unichar_to_id("0") : -1;
2584 for (Next = NextGood = 0; Next < Results->NumMatches; Next++) {
2585 if (Rating[Match[Next]] <= BadMatchThreshold) {
2586 if (!unicharset.get_isalpha(Match[Next]) ||
2587 strstr(romans, unicharset.id_to_unichar(Match[Next])) != NULL) {
2588 Match[NextGood++] = Match[Next];
2589 } else if (unichar_id_one >= 0 && unicharset.eq(Match[Next], "l") &&
2590 Rating[unichar_id_one] >= BadMatchThreshold) {
2591 Match[NextGood++] = unichar_id_one;
2592 Rating[unichar_id_one] = Rating[unicharset.unichar_to_id("l")];
2593 } else if (unichar_id_zero >= 0 && unicharset.eq(Match[Next], "O") &&
2594 Rating[unichar_id_zero] >= BadMatchThreshold) {
2595 Match[NextGood++] = unichar_id_zero;
2596 Rating[unichar_id_zero] = Rating[unicharset.unichar_to_id("O")];
2597 }
2598 }
2599 }
2600 }
2601 else {
2602 for (Next = NextGood = 0; Next < Results->NumMatches; Next++) {
2603 if (Rating[Match[Next]] <= BadMatchThreshold)
2604 Match[NextGood++] = Match[Next];
2605 }
2606 }
2608 Results->NumMatches = NextGood;
2610 } /* RemoveBadMatches */
2612 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RemoveExtraPuncs(ADAPT_RESULTS * Results)2613 void Classify::RemoveExtraPuncs(ADAPT_RESULTS *Results) {
2614 /*
2615 ** Parameters:
2616 ** Results
2617 contains matches to be filtered
2618 ** Globals:
2619 ** matcher_bad_match_pad
2620 defines a "bad match"
2621 ** Operation: This routine steps thru each matching class in Results
2622 ** and removes it from the match list if its rating
2623 ** is worse than the BestRating plus a pad. In other words,
2624 ** all good matches get moved to the front of the classes
2625 ** array.
2626 ** Return: none
2627 ** Exceptions: none
2628 ** History: Tue Mar 12 13:51:03 1991, DSJ, Created.
2629 */
2630 int Next, NextGood;
2631 int punc_count; /*no of garbage characters */
2632 int digit_count;
2633 CLASS_ID *Match = Results->Classes;
2634 /*garbage characters */
2635 static char punc_chars[] = ". , ; : / ` ~ ' - = \\ | \" ! _ ^";
2636 static char digit_chars[] = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
2638 punc_count = 0;
2639 digit_count = 0;
2640 for (Next = NextGood = 0; Next < Results->NumMatches; Next++) {
2641 if (strstr (punc_chars,
2642 unicharset.id_to_unichar(Match[Next])) == NULL) {
2643 if (strstr (digit_chars,
2644 unicharset.id_to_unichar(Match[Next])) == NULL) {
2645 Match[NextGood++] = Match[Next];
2646 }
2647 else {
2648 if (digit_count < 1)
2649 Match[NextGood++] = Match[Next];
2650 digit_count++;
2651 }
2652 }
2653 else {
2654 if (punc_count < 2)
2655 Match[NextGood++] = Match[Next];
2656 punc_count++; /*count them */
2657 }
2658 }
2659 Results->NumMatches = NextGood;
2660 } /* RemoveExtraPuncs */
2661 } // namespace tesseract
2663 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetAdaptiveThreshold(FLOAT32 Threshold)2664 void SetAdaptiveThreshold(FLOAT32 Threshold) {
2665 /*
2666 ** Parameters:
2667 ** Threshold
2668 threshold for creating new templates
2669 ** Globals:
2670 ** matcher_good_threshold
2671 default good match rating
2672 ** Operation: This routine resets the internal thresholds inside
2673 ** the integer matcher to correspond to the specified
2674 ** threshold.
2675 ** Return: none
2676 ** Exceptions: none
2677 ** History: Tue Apr 9 08:33:13 1991, DSJ, Created.
2678 */
2679 if (Threshold == matcher_good_threshold) {
2680 /* the blob was probably classified correctly - use the default rating
2681 threshold */
2682 SetProtoThresh (0.9);
2683 SetFeatureThresh (0.9);
2684 }
2685 else {
2686 /* the blob was probably incorrectly classified */
2687 SetProtoThresh (1.0 - Threshold);
2688 SetFeatureThresh (1.0 - Threshold);
2689 }
2690 } /* SetAdaptiveThreshold */
2692 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2693 namespace tesseract {
ShowBestMatchFor(TBLOB * Blob,LINE_STATS * LineStats,CLASS_ID ClassId,BOOL8 AdaptiveOn,BOOL8 PreTrainedOn)2694 void Classify::ShowBestMatchFor(TBLOB *Blob,
2695 LINE_STATS *LineStats,
2696 CLASS_ID ClassId,
2697 BOOL8 AdaptiveOn,
2698 BOOL8 PreTrainedOn) {
2699 /*
2700 ** Parameters:
2701 ** Blob
2702 blob to show best matching config for
2703 ** LineStats
2704 statistics for text line Blob is in
2705 ** ClassId
2706 class whose configs are to be searched
2707 ** AdaptiveOn
2708 TRUE if adaptive configs are enabled
2709 ** PreTrainedOn
2710 TRUE if pretrained configs are enabled
2711 ** Globals:
2712 ** PreTrainedTemplates
2713 built-in training
2714 ** AdaptedTemplates
2715 adaptive templates
2716 ** AllProtosOn
2717 dummy proto mask
2718 ** AllConfigsOn
2719 dummy config mask
2720 ** Operation: This routine compares Blob to both sets of templates
2721 ** (adaptive and pre-trained) and then displays debug
2722 ** information for the config which matched best.
2723 ** Return: none
2724 ** Exceptions: none
2725 ** History: Fri Mar 22 08:43:52 1991, DSJ, Created.
2726 */
2727 int NumCNFeatures = 0, NumBLFeatures = 0;
2728 INT_FEATURE_ARRAY CNFeatures, BLFeatures;
2729 INT_RESULT_STRUCT CNResult, BLResult;
2730 inT32 BlobLength;
2731 uinT32 ConfigMask;
2732 static int next_config = -1;
2734 if (PreTrainedOn) next_config = -1;
2736 CNResult.Rating = BLResult.Rating = 2.0;
2738 if (!LegalClassId (ClassId)) {
2739 cprintf ("%d is not a legal class id!!\n", ClassId);
2740 return;
2741 }
2743 uinT8 *CNAdjust = new uinT8[MAX_NUM_CLASSES];
2744 uinT8 *BLAdjust = new uinT8[MAX_NUM_CLASSES];
2746 if (PreTrainedOn) {
2747 if (UnusedClassIdIn (PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId))
2748 cprintf ("No built-in templates for class %d = %s\n",
2749 ClassId, unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId));
2750 else {
2751 NumCNFeatures = GetCharNormFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
2752 PreTrainedTemplates,
2753 CNFeatures, CNAdjust,
2754 &BlobLength);
2755 if (NumCNFeatures <= 0)
2756 cprintf ("Illegal blob (char norm features)!\n");
2757 else {
2758 SetCharNormMatch();
2759 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId (PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId),
2760 AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
2761 BlobLength, NumCNFeatures, CNFeatures,
2762 CNAdjust[ClassId], &CNResult, NO_DEBUG);
2764 cprintf ("Best built-in template match is config %2d (%4.1f) (cn=%d)\n",
2765 CNResult.Config, CNResult.Rating * 100.0, CNAdjust[ClassId]);
2766 }
2767 }
2768 }
2770 if (AdaptiveOn) {
2771 if (UnusedClassIdIn (AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId))
2772 cprintf ("No AD templates for class %d = %s\n",
2773 ClassId, unicharset.id_to_unichar(ClassId));
2774 else {
2775 NumBLFeatures = GetBaselineFeatures (Blob, LineStats,
2776 AdaptedTemplates->Templates,
2777 BLFeatures, BLAdjust,
2778 &BlobLength);
2779 if (NumBLFeatures <= 0)
2780 cprintf ("Illegal blob (baseline features)!\n");
2781 else {
2782 SetBaseLineMatch();
2783 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId
2784 (AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId),
2785 AllProtosOn, AllConfigsOn,
2786 // AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId]->PermProtos,
2787 // AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId]->PermConfigs,
2788 BlobLength, NumBLFeatures, BLFeatures,
2789 BLAdjust[ClassId], &BLResult, NO_DEBUG);
2791 #ifndef SECURE_NAMES
2792 ADAPT_CLASS Class = AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId];
2793 cprintf ("Best adaptive template match is config %2d (%4.1f) %s\n",
2794 BLResult.Config, BLResult.Rating * 100.0,
2795 ConfigIsPermanent(Class, BLResult.Config) ? "Perm" : "Temp");
2796 #endif
2797 }
2798 }
2799 }
2801 cprintf ("\n");
2802 if (BLResult.Rating < CNResult.Rating) {
2803 if (next_config < 0) {
2804 ConfigMask = 1 << BLResult.Config;
2805 next_config = 0;
2806 } else {
2807 ConfigMask = 1 << next_config;
2808 ++next_config;
2809 }
2810 classify_norm_method.set_value(baseline);
2812 SetBaseLineMatch();
2813 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId (AdaptedTemplates->Templates, ClassId),
2814 AllProtosOn,
2815 // AdaptedTemplates->Class[ClassId]->PermProtos,
2816 (BIT_VECTOR) & ConfigMask,
2817 BlobLength, NumBLFeatures, BLFeatures,
2818 BLAdjust[ClassId], &BLResult, matcher_debug_flags);
2819 cprintf ("Adaptive template match for config %2d is %4.1f\n",
2820 BLResult.Config, BLResult.Rating * 100.0);
2821 }
2822 else {
2823 ConfigMask = 1 << CNResult.Config;
2824 classify_norm_method.set_value(character);
2826 SetCharNormMatch();
2827 //xiaofan
2828 IntegerMatcher (ClassForClassId (PreTrainedTemplates, ClassId), AllProtosOn, (BIT_VECTOR) & ConfigMask,
2829 BlobLength, NumCNFeatures, CNFeatures,
2830 CNAdjust[ClassId], &CNResult, matcher_debug_flags);
2831 }
2833 // Clean up.
2834 delete[] CNAdjust;
2835 delete[] BLAdjust;
2836 } /* ShowBestMatchFor */
2837 } // namespace tesseract