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1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18"""Creates optimized versions of APK files.
20A tool and associated functions to communicate with an Android
21emulator instance, run commands, and scrape out files.
23Requires at least python2.4.
26import array
27import datetime
28import optparse
29import os
30import posix
31import select
32import signal
33import struct
34import subprocess
35import sys
36import tempfile
37import time
38import zlib
41_emulator_popen = None
45def EnsureTempDir(path=None):
46  """Creates a temporary directory and returns its path.
48  Creates any necessary parent directories.
50  Args:
51    path: If specified, used as the temporary directory.  If not specified,
52          a safe temporary path is created.  The caller is responsible for
53          deleting the directory.
55  Returns:
56    The path to the new directory, or None if a problem occurred.
57  """
58  if path is None:
59    path = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dexpreopt-')
60  elif not os.path.exists(path):
61    os.makedirs(path)
62  elif not os.path.isdir(path):
63    return None
64  return path
67def CreateZeroedFile(path, length):
68  """Creates the named file and writes <length> zero bytes to it.
70  Unlinks the file first if it already exists.
71  Creates its containing directory if necessary.
73  Args:
74    path: The path to the file to create.
75    length: The number of zero bytes to write to the file.
77  Returns:
78    True on success.
79  """
80  subprocess.call(['rm', '-f', path])
81  d = os.path.dirname(path)
82  if d and not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(d))
83  # TODO: redirect child's stdout to /dev/null
84  ret = subprocess.call(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % path,
85                         'bs=%d' % length, 'count=1'])
86  return not ret  # i.e., ret == 0;  i.e., the child exited successfully.
89def StartEmulator(exe_name='emulator', kernel=None,
90                  ramdisk=None, image=None, userdata=None, system=None):
91  """Runs the emulator with the specified arguments.
93  Args:
94    exe_name: The name of the emulator to run.  May be absolute, relative,
95              or unqualified (and left to exec() to find).
96    kernel: If set, passed to the emulator as "-kernel".
97    ramdisk: If set, passed to the emulator as "-ramdisk".
98    image: If set, passed to the emulator as "-system".
99    userdata: If set, passed to the emulator as "-initdata" and "-data".
100    system: If set, passed to the emulator as "-sysdir".
102  Returns:
103    A subprocess.Popen that refers to the emulator process, or None if
104    a problem occurred.
105  """
106  #exe_name = './stuff'
107  args = [exe_name]
108  if kernel: args += ['-kernel', kernel]
109  if ramdisk: args += ['-ramdisk', ramdisk]
110  if image: args += ['-system', image]
111  if userdata: args += ['-initdata', userdata, '-data', userdata]
112  if system: args += ['-sysdir', system]
113  args += ['-partition-size', '128']
114  args += ['-no-window', '-netfast', '-noaudio']
116  _USE_PIPE = True
118  if _USE_PIPE:
119    # Use dedicated fds instead of stdin/out to talk to the
120    # emulator so that the emulator doesn't try to tty-cook
121    # the data.
122    em_stdin_r, em_stdin_w = posix.pipe()
123    em_stdout_r, em_stdout_w = posix.pipe()
124    args += ['-shell-serial', 'fdpair:%d:%d' % (em_stdin_r, em_stdout_w)]
125  else:
126    args += ['-shell']
128  # Ensure that this environment variable isn't set;
129  # if it is, the emulator will print the log to stdout.
130  if os.environ.get('ANDROID_LOG_TAGS'):
131    del os.environ['ANDROID_LOG_TAGS']
133  try:
134    # bufsize=1 line-buffered, =0 unbuffered,
135    # <0 system default (fully buffered)
136    Trace('Running emulator: %s' % ' '.join(args))
137    if _USE_PIPE:
138      ep = subprocess.Popen(args)
139    else:
140      ep = subprocess.Popen(args, close_fds=True,
141                            stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
142                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
143                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
144    if ep:
145      if _USE_PIPE:
146        # Hijack the Popen.stdin/.stdout fields to point to our
147        # pipes.  These are the same fields that would have been set
148        # if we called Popen() with stdin=subprocess.PIPE, etc.
149        # Note that these names are from the point of view of the
150        # child process.
151        #
152        # Since we'll be using select.select() to read data a byte
153        # at a time, it's important that these files are unbuffered
154        # (bufsize=0).  If Popen() took care of the pipes, they're
155        # already unbuffered.
156        ep.stdin = os.fdopen(em_stdin_w, 'w', 0)
157        ep.stdout = os.fdopen(em_stdout_r, 'r', 0)
158      return ep
159  except OSError, e:
160    print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not start emulator:', e
161  return None
164def IsDataAvailable(fo, timeout=0):
165  """Indicates whether or not data is available to be read from a file object.
167  Args:
168    fo: A file object to read from.
169    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for data, or zero for no timeout.
171  Returns:
172    True iff data is available to be read.
173  """
174  return select.select([fo], [], [], timeout) == ([fo], [], [])
177def ConsumeAvailableData(fo):
178  """Reads data from a file object while it's available.
180  Stops when no more data is immediately available or upon reaching EOF.
182  Args:
183    fo: A file object to read from.
185  Returns:
186    An unsigned byte array.array of the data that was read.
187  """
188  buf = array.array('B')
189  while IsDataAvailable(fo):
190    try:
191      buf.fromfile(fo, 1)
192    except EOFError:
193      break
194  return buf
197def ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time):
198    """For debugging, display the timeout info.
200    Args:
201      timeout: the timeout in seconds.
202      end_time: a time.time()-based value indicating when the timeout should
203                expire.
204    """
205    if _DEBUG_READ:
206      if timeout:
207        remaining = end_time - time.time()
208        Trace('ok, time remaining %.1f of %.1f' % (remaining, timeout))
209      else:
210        Trace('ok (no timeout)')
213def WaitForString(inf, pattern, timeout=0, max_len=0, eat_to_eol=True,
214                  reset_on_activity=False):
215  """Reads from a file object and returns when the pattern matches the data.
217  Reads a byte at a time to avoid consuming extra data, so do not call
218  this function when you expect the pattern to match a large amount of data.
220  Args:
221    inf: The file object to read from.
222    pattern: The string to look for in the input data.
223             May be a tuple of strings.
224    timeout: How long to wait, in seconds. No timeout if it evaluates to False.
225    max_len: Return None if this many bytes have been read without matching.
226             No upper bound if it evaluates to False.
227    eat_to_eol: If true, the input data will be consumed until a '\\n' or EOF
228                is encountered.
229    reset_on_activity: If True, reset the timeout whenever a character is
230                       read.
232  Returns:
233    The input data matching the expression as an unsigned char array,
234    or None if the operation timed out or didn't match after max_len bytes.
236  Raises:
237    IOError: An error occurred reading from the input file.
238  """
239  if timeout:
240    end_time = time.time() + timeout
241  else:
242    end_time = 0
244  if _DEBUG_READ:
245    Trace('WaitForString: "%s", %.1f' % (pattern, timeout))
247  buf = array.array('B')  # unsigned char array
248  eating = False
249  while True:
250    if end_time:
251      remaining = end_time - time.time()
252      if remaining <= 0:
253        Trace('Timeout expired after %.1f seconds' % timeout)
254        return None
255    else:
256      remaining = None
258    if IsDataAvailable(inf, remaining):
259      if reset_on_activity and timeout:
260        end_time = time.time() + timeout
262      buf.fromfile(inf, 1)
263      if _DEBUG_READ:
264        c = buf.tostring()[-1:]
265        ci = ord(c)
266        if ci < 0x20: c = '.'
267        if _DEBUG_READ > 1:
268          print 'read [%c] 0x%02x' % (c, ci)
270      if not eating:
271        if buf.tostring().endswith(pattern):
272          if eat_to_eol:
273            if _DEBUG_READ > 1:
274              Trace('Matched; eating to EOL')
275            eating = True
276          else:
277            ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time)
278            return buf
279        if _DEBUG_READ > 2:
280          print '/%s/ ? "%s"' % (pattern, buf.tostring())
281      else:
282        if buf.tostring()[-1:] == '\n':
283          ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time)
284          return buf
286      if max_len and len(buf) >= max_len: return None
289def WaitForEmulator(ep, timeout=0):
290  """Waits for the emulator to start up and print the first prompt.
292  Args:
293    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
294    timeout: How long to wait, in seconds. No timeout if it evaluates to False.
296  Returns:
297    True on success, False if the timeout occurred.
298  """
299  # Prime the pipe; the emulator doesn't start without this.
300  print >>ep.stdin, ''
302  # Wait until the console is ready and the first prompt appears.
303  buf = WaitForString(ep.stdout, '#', timeout=timeout, eat_to_eol=False)
304  if buf:
305    Trace('Saw the prompt: "%s"' % buf.tostring())
306    return True
307  return False
310def WaitForPrompt(ep, prompt=None, timeout=0, reset_on_activity=False):
311  """Blocks until the prompt appears on ep.stdout or the timeout elapses.
313  Args:
314    ep: A subprocess.Popen connection to the emulator process.
315    prompt: The prompt to wait for.  If None, uses ep.prompt.
316    timeout: How many seconds to wait for the prompt.  Waits forever
317             if timeout is zero.
318    reset_on_activity: If True, reset the timeout whenever a character is
319                       read.
321  Returns:
322    A string containing the data leading up to the prompt.  The string
323    will always end in '\\n'.  Returns None if the prompt was not seen
324    within the timeout, or if some other error occurred.
325  """
326  if not prompt: prompt = ep.prompt
327  if prompt:
328    #Trace('waiting for prompt "%s"' % prompt)
329    data = WaitForString(ep.stdout, prompt,
330                         timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=reset_on_activity)
331    if data:
332      # data contains everything on ep.stdout up to and including the prompt,
333      # plus everything up 'til the newline.  Scrape out the prompt
334      # and everything that follows, and ensure that the result ends
335      # in a newline (which is important if it would otherwise be empty).
336      s = data.tostring()
337      i = s.rfind(prompt)
338      s = s[:i]
339      if s[-1:] != '\n':
340        s += '\n'
341      if _DEBUG_READ:
342        print 'WaitForPrompt saw """\n%s"""' % s
343      return s
344  return None
347def ReplaceEmulatorPrompt(ep, prompt=None):
348  """Replaces PS1 in the emulator with a different value.
350  This is useful for making the prompt unambiguous; i.e., something
351  that probably won't appear in the output of another command.
353  Assumes that the emulator is already sitting at a prompt,
354  waiting for shell input.
356  Puts the new prompt in ep.prompt.
358  Args:
359    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
360    prompt: The new prompt to use
362  Returns:
363    True on success, False if the timeout occurred.
364  """
365  if not prompt:
366    prompt = '-----DEXPREOPT-PROMPT-----'
367  print >>ep.stdin, 'PS1="%s\n"' % prompt
368  ep.prompt = prompt
370  # Eat the command echo.
371  data = WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=2)
372  if not data:
373    return False
375  # Make sure it's actually there.
376  return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=2)
379def RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=0):
380  """Sends the command to the emulator's shell and waits for the result.
382  Assumes that the emulator is already sitting at a prompt,
383  waiting for shell input.
385  Args:
386    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
387    cmd: The shell command to run in the emulator.
388    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
389             or zero for no timeout.
391  Returns:
392    If the command ran and returned to the console prompt before the
393    timeout, returns the output of the command as a string.
394    Returns None otherwise.
395  """
396  ConsumeAvailableData(ep.stdout)
398  Trace('Running "%s"' % cmd)
399  print >>ep.stdin, '%s' % cmd
401  # The console will echo the command.
402  #Trace('Waiting for echo')
403  if WaitForString(ep.stdout, cmd, timeout=timeout):
404    #Trace('Waiting for completion')
405    return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=True)
407  return None
410def ReadFileList(ep, dir_list, timeout=0):
411  """Returns a list of emulator files in each dir in dir_list.
413  Args:
414    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
415    dir_list: List absolute paths to directories to read.
416    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
417             or zero for no timeout.
419  Returns:
420    A list of absolute paths to files in the named directories,
421    in the context of the emulator's filesystem.
422    None on failure.
423  """
424  ret = []
425  for d in dir_list:
426    output = RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls ' + d, timeout=timeout)
427    if not output:
428      Trace('Could not ls ' + d)
429      return None
430    ret += ['%s/%s' % (d, f) for f in output.splitlines()]
431  return ret
434def DownloadDirectoryHierarchy(ep, src, dest, timeout=0):
435  """Recursively downloads an emulator directory to the local filesystem.
437  Args:
438    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
439    src: The path on the emulator's filesystem to download from.
440    dest: The path on the local filesystem to download to.
441    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
442             or zero for no timeout. (CURRENTLY IGNORED)
444  Returns:
445    True iff the files downloaded successfully, False otherwise.
446  """
447  ConsumeAvailableData(ep.stdout)
449  if not os.path.exists(dest):
450    os.makedirs(dest)
452  cmd = 'afar %s' % src
453  Trace('Running "%s"' % cmd)
454  print >>ep.stdin, '%s' % cmd
456  # The console will echo the command.
457  #Trace('Waiting for echo')
458  if not WaitForString(ep.stdout, cmd, timeout=timeout):
459    return False
461  #TODO: use a signal to support timing out?
463  #
464  # Android File Archive format:
465  #
466  # magic[5]: 'A' 'F' 'A' 'R' '\n'
467  # version[4]: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01
468  # for each file:
469  #     file magic[4]: 'F' 'I' 'L' 'E'
470  #     namelen[4]: Length of file name, including NUL byte (big-endian)
471  #     name[*]: NUL-terminated file name
472  #     datalen[4]: Length of file (big-endian)
473  #     data[*]: Unencoded file data
474  #     adler32[4]: adler32 of the unencoded file data (big-endian)
475  #     file end magic[4]: 'f' 'i' 'l' 'e'
476  # end magic[4]: 'E' 'N' 'D' 0x00
477  #
479  # Read the header.
480  HEADER = array.array('B', 'AFAR\n\000\000\000\001')
481  buf = array.array('B')
482  buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, len(HEADER))
483  if buf != HEADER:
484    Trace('Header does not match: "%s"' % buf)
485    return False
487  # Read the file entries.
488  FILE_START = array.array('B', 'FILE')
489  FILE_END = array.array('B', 'file')
490  END = array.array('B', 'END\000')
491  while True:
492    # Entry magic.
493    buf = array.array('B')
494    buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
495    if buf == FILE_START:
496      # Name length (4 bytes, big endian)
497      buf = array.array('B')
498      buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
499      (name_len,) = struct.unpack('>I', buf)
500      #Trace('name len %d' % name_len)
502      # Name, NUL-terminated.
503      buf = array.array('B')
504      buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, name_len)
505      buf.pop()  # Remove trailing NUL byte.
506      file_name = buf.tostring()
507      Trace('FILE: %s' % file_name)
509      # File length (4 bytes, big endian)
510      buf = array.array('B')
511      buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
512      (file_len,) = struct.unpack('>I', buf)
514      # File data.
515      data = array.array('B')
516      data.fromfile(ep.stdout, file_len)
517      #Trace('FILE: read %d bytes from %s' % (file_len, file_name))
519      # adler32 (4 bytes, big endian)
520      buf = array.array('B')
521      buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
522      (adler32,) = struct.unpack('>i', buf)  # adler32 wants a signed int ('i')
523      data_adler32 = zlib.adler32(data)
524      # Because of a difference in behavior of zlib.adler32 on 32-bit and 64-bit
525      # systems (one returns signed values, the other unsigned), we take the
526      # modulo 2**32 of the checksums, and compare those.
527      # See also http://bugs.python.org/issue1202
528      if (adler32 % (2**32)) != (data_adler32 % (2**32)):
529        Trace('adler32 does not match: calculated 0x%08x != expected 0x%08x' %
530              (data_adler32, adler32))
531        return False
533      # File end magic.
534      buf = array.array('B')
535      buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
536      if buf != FILE_END:
537        Trace('Unexpected file end magic "%s"' % buf)
538        return False
540      # Write to the output file
541      out_file_name = dest + '/' + file_name[len(src):]
542      p = os.path.dirname(out_file_name)
543      if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p)
544      fo = file(out_file_name, 'w+b')
545      fo.truncate(0)
546      Trace('FILE: Writing %d bytes to %s' % (len(data), out_file_name))
547      data.tofile(fo)
548      fo.close()
550    elif buf == END:
551      break
552    else:
553      Trace('Unexpected magic "%s"' % buf)
554      return False
556  return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=True)
559def ReadBootClassPath(ep, timeout=0):
560  """Reads and returns the default bootclasspath as a list of files.
562  Args:
563    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
564    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
565             or zero for no timeout.
567  Returns:
568    The bootclasspath as a list of strings.
569    None on failure.
570  """
571  bcp = RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'echo $BOOTCLASSPATH', timeout=timeout)
572  if not bcp:
573    Trace('Could not find bootclasspath')
574    return None
575  return bcp.strip().split(':')  # strip trailing newline
578def RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, files, dest_root, move=False, timeout=0):
579  """Creates the corresponding .odex file for all jar/apk files in 'files'.
580  Copies the .odex file to a location under 'dest_root'.  If 'move' is True,
581  the file is moved instead of copied.
583  Args:
584    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
585    files: The list of files to optimize
586    dest_root: directory to copy/move odex files to.  Must already exist.
587    move: if True, move rather than copy files
588    timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
589             or zero for no timeout.
591  Returns:
592    True on success, False on failure.
593  """
594  for jar_file in files:
595    if jar_file.endswith('.apk') or jar_file.endswith('.jar'):
596      odex_file = jar_file[:jar_file.rfind('.')] + '.odex'
597      cmd = 'dexopt-wrapper %s %s' % (jar_file, odex_file)
598      if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
599        Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
600        return False
602      # Always copy the odex file.  There's no cp(1), so we
603      # cat out to the new file.
604      dst_odex = dest_root + odex_file
605      cmd = 'cat %s > %s' % (odex_file, dst_odex)  # no cp(1)
606      if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
607        Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
608        return False
610      # Move it if we're asked to.  We can't use mv(1) because
611      # the files tend to move between filesystems.
612      if move:
613        cmd = 'rm %s' % odex_file
614        if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
615          Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
616          return False
617  return True
620def InstallCacheFiles(cache_system_dir, out_system_dir):
621  """Install files in cache_system_dir to the proper places in out_system_dir.
623  cache_system_dir contains various files from /system, plus .odex files
624  for most of the .apk/.jar files that live there.
625  This function copies each .odex file from the cache dir to the output dir
626  and removes "classes.dex" from each appropriate .jar/.apk.
628  E.g., <cache_system_dir>/app/NotePad.odex would be copied to
629  <out_system_dir>/app/NotePad.odex, and <out_system_dir>/app/NotePad.apk
630  would have its classes.dex file removed.
632  Args:
633    cache_system_dir: The directory containing the cache files scraped from
634                      the emulator.
635    out_system_dir: The local directory that corresponds to "/system"
636                    on the device filesystem. (the root of system.img)
638  Returns:
639    True if everything succeeded, False if any problems occurred.
640  """
641  # First, walk through cache_system_dir and copy every .odex file
642  # over to out_system_dir, ensuring that the destination directory
643  # contains the corresponding source file.
644  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cache_system_dir):
645    for name in files:
646      if name.endswith('.odex'):
647        odex_file = os.path.join(root, name)
649        # Find the path to the .odex file's source apk/jar file.
650        out_stem = odex_file[len(cache_system_dir):odex_file.rfind('.')]
651        out_stem = out_system_dir + out_stem;
652        jar_file = out_stem + '.jar'
653        if not os.path.exists(jar_file):
654          jar_file = out_stem + '.apk'
655        if not os.path.exists(jar_file):
656          Trace('Cannot find source .jar/.apk for %s: %s' %
657                (odex_file, out_stem + '.{jar,apk}'))
658          return False
660        # Copy the cache file next to the source file.
661        cmd = ['cp', odex_file, out_stem + '.odex']
662        ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
663        if ret:  # non-zero exit status
664          Trace('%s failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
665          return False
667  # Walk through the output /system directory, making sure
668  # that every .jar/.apk has an odex file.  While we do this,
669  # remove the classes.dex entry from each source archive.
670  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(out_system_dir):
671    for name in files:
672      if name.endswith('.apk') or name.endswith('.jar'):
673        jar_file = os.path.join(root, name)
674        odex_file = jar_file[:jar_file.rfind('.')] + '.odex'
675        if not os.path.exists(odex_file):
676          if root.endswith('/system/app') or root.endswith('/system/framework'):
677            Trace('jar/apk %s has no .odex file %s' % (jar_file, odex_file))
678            return False
679          else:
680            continue
682        # Attempting to dexopt a jar with no classes.dex currently
683        # creates a 40-byte odex file.
684        # TODO: use a more reliable check
685        if os.path.getsize(odex_file) > 100:
686          # Remove classes.dex from the .jar file.
687          cmd = ['zip', '-dq', jar_file, 'classes.dex']
688          ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
689          if ret:  # non-zero exit status
690            Trace('"%s" failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
691            return False
692        else:
693          # Some of the apk files don't contain any code.
694          if not name.endswith('.apk'):
695            Trace('%s has a zero-length odex file' % jar_file)
696            return False
697          cmd = ['rm', odex_file]
698          ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
699          if ret:  # non-zero exit status
700            Trace('"%s" failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
701            return False
703  return True
706def KillChildProcess(p, sig=signal.SIGTERM, timeout=0):
707  """Waits for a child process to die without getting stuck in wait().
709  After Jean Brouwers's 2004 post to python-list.
711  Args:
712    p: A subprocess.Popen representing the child process to kill.
713    sig: The signal to send to the child process.
714    timeout: How many seconds to wait for the child process to die.
715             If zero, do not time out.
717  Returns:
718    The exit status of the child process, if it was successfully killed.
719    The final value of p.returncode if it wasn't.
720  """
721  os.kill(p.pid, sig)
722  if timeout > 0:
723    while p.poll() < 0:
724      if timeout > 0.5:
725        timeout -= 0.25
726        time.sleep(0.25)
727      else:
728        os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
729        time.sleep(0.5)
730        p.poll()
731        break
732  else:
733    p.wait()
734  return p.returncode
737def Trace(msg):
738  """Prints a message to stdout.
740  Args:
741    msg: The message to print.
742  """
743  #print 'dexpreopt: %s' % msg
744  when = datetime.datetime.now()
745  print '%02d:%02d.%d  dexpreopt: %s' % (when.minute, when.second, when.microsecond, msg)
748def KillEmulator():
749  """Attempts to kill the emulator process, if it is running.
751  Returns:
752    The exit status of the emulator process, or None if the emulator
753    was not running or was unable to be killed.
754  """
755  global _emulator_popen
756  if _emulator_popen:
757    Trace('Killing emulator')
758    try:
759      ret = KillChildProcess(_emulator_popen, sig=signal.SIGINT, timeout=5)
760    except OSError:
761      Trace('Could not kill emulator')
762      ret = None
763    _emulator_popen = None
764    return ret
765  return None
768def Fail(msg=None):
769  """Prints an error and causes the process to exit.
771  Args:
772    msg: Additional error string to print (optional).
774  Returns:
775    Does not return.
776  """
777  s = 'dexpreopt: ERROR'
778  if msg: s += ': %s' % msg
779  print >>sys.stderr, msg
780  KillEmulator()
781  sys.exit(1)
784def PrintUsage(msg=None):
785  """Prints commandline usage information for the tool and exits with an error.
787  Args:
788    msg: Additional string to print (optional).
790  Returns:
791    Does not return.
792  """
793  if msg:
794    print >>sys.stderr, 'dexpreopt: %s', msg
795  print >>sys.stderr, """Usage: dexpreopt <options>
796Required options:
797    -kernel <kernel file>         Kernel to use when running the emulator
798    -ramdisk <ramdisk.img file>   Ramdisk to use when running the emulator
799    -image <system.img file>      System image to use when running the
800                                      emulator.  /system/app should contain the
801                                      .apk files to optimize, and any required
802                                      bootclasspath libraries must be present
803                                      in the correct locations.
804    -system <path>                The product directory, which usually contains
805                                      files like 'system.img' (files other than
806                                      the kernel in that directory won't
807                                      be used)
808    -outsystemdir <path>          A fully-populated /system directory, ready
809                                      to be modified to contain the optimized
810                                      files.  The appropriate .jar/.apk files
811                                      will be stripped of their classes.dex
812                                      entries, and the optimized .dex files
813                                      will be added alongside the packages
814                                      that they came from.
816    -tmpdir <path>                If specified, use this directory for
817                                      intermediate objects.  If not specified,
818                                      a unique directory under the system
819                                      temp dir is used.
820  """
821  sys.exit(2)
824def ParseArgs(argv):
825  """Parses commandline arguments.
827  Args:
828    argv: A list of arguments; typically sys.argv[1:]
830  Returns:
831    A tuple containing two dictionaries; the first contains arguments
832    that will be passsed to the emulator, and the second contains other
833    arguments.
834  """
835  parser = optparse.OptionParser()
837  parser.add_option('--kernel', help='Passed to emulator')
838  parser.add_option('--ramdisk', help='Passed to emulator')
839  parser.add_option('--image', help='Passed to emulator')
840  parser.add_option('--system', help='Passed to emulator')
841  parser.add_option('--outsystemdir', help='Destination /system directory')
842  parser.add_option('--tmpdir', help='Optional temp directory to use')
844  options, args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
845  if args: PrintUsage()
847  emulator_args = {}
848  other_args = {}
849  if options.kernel: emulator_args['kernel'] = options.kernel
850  if options.ramdisk: emulator_args['ramdisk'] = options.ramdisk
851  if options.image: emulator_args['image'] = options.image
852  if options.system: emulator_args['system'] = options.system
853  if options.outsystemdir: other_args['outsystemdir'] = options.outsystemdir
854  if options.tmpdir: other_args['tmpdir'] = options.tmpdir
856  return (emulator_args, other_args)
859def DexoptEverything(ep, dest_root):
860  """Logic for finding and dexopting files in the necessary order.
862  Args:
863    ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
864    dest_root: directory to copy/move odex files to
866  Returns:
867    True on success, False on failure.
868  """
869  _extra_tests = False
870  if _extra_tests:
871    if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls /system/app', timeout=5):
872      Fail('Could not ls')
874  # We're very short on space, so remove a bunch of big stuff that we
875  # don't need.
876  cmd = 'rm -r /system/sounds /system/media /system/fonts /system/xbin'
877  if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=40):
878    Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
879    return False
881  Trace('Read file list')
882  jar_dirs = ['/system/framework', '/system/app']
883  files = ReadFileList(ep, jar_dirs, timeout=5)
884  if not files:
885    Fail('Could not list files in %s' % ' '.join(jar_dirs))
886  #Trace('File list:\n"""\n%s\n"""' % '\n'.join(files))
888  bcp = ReadBootClassPath(ep, timeout=2)
889  if not files:
890    Fail('Could not sort by bootclasspath')
892  # Remove bootclasspath entries from the main file list.
893  for jar in bcp:
894    try:
895      files.remove(jar)
896    except ValueError:
897      Trace('File list does not contain bootclasspath entry "%s"' % jar)
898      return False
900  # Create the destination directories.
901  for d in ['', '/system'] + jar_dirs:
902    cmd = 'mkdir %s%s' % (dest_root, d)
903    if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=4):
904      Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
905      return False
907  # First, dexopt the bootclasspath.  Keep their cache files in place.
908  Trace('Dexopt %d bootclasspath files' % len(bcp))
909  if not RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, bcp, dest_root, timeout=120):
910    Trace('Could not dexopt bootclasspath')
911    return False
913  # dexopt the rest.  To avoid running out of space on the emulator
914  # volume, move each cache file after it's been created.
915  Trace('Dexopt %d files' % len(files))
916  if not RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, files, dest_root, move=True, timeout=120):
917    Trace('Could not dexopt files')
918    return False
920  if _extra_tests:
921    if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls /system/app', timeout=5):
922      Fail('Could not ls')
924  return True
928def MainInternal():
929  """Main function that can be wrapped in a try block.
931  Returns:
932    Nothing.
933  """
934  emulator_args, other_args = ParseArgs(sys.argv[1:])
936  tmp_dir = EnsureTempDir(other_args.get('tmpdir'))
937  if not tmp_dir: Fail('Could not create temp dir')
939  Trace('Creating data image')
940  userdata = '%s/data.img' % tmp_dir
941  if not CreateZeroedFile(userdata, 32 * 1024 * 1024):
942    Fail('Could not create data image file')
943  emulator_args['userdata'] = userdata
945  ep = StartEmulator(**emulator_args)
946  if not ep: Fail('Could not start emulator')
947  global _emulator_popen
948  _emulator_popen = ep
950  # TODO: unlink the big userdata file now, since the emulator
951  # has it open.
953  if not WaitForEmulator(ep, timeout=20): Fail('Emulator did not respond')
954  if not ReplaceEmulatorPrompt(ep): Fail('Could not replace prompt')
956  dest_root = '/data/dexpreopt-root'
957  if not DexoptEverything(ep, dest_root): Fail('Could not dexopt files')
959  # Grab the odex files that were left in dest_root.
960  cache_system_dir = tmp_dir + '/cache-system'
961  if not DownloadDirectoryHierarchy(ep, dest_root + '/system',
962                                    cache_system_dir,
963                                    timeout=20):
964    Fail('Could not download %s/system from emulator' % dest_root)
966  if not InstallCacheFiles(cache_system_dir=cache_system_dir,
967                           out_system_dir=other_args['outsystemdir']):
968    Fail('Could not install files')
970  Trace('dexpreopt successful')
971  # Success!
974def main():
975  try:
976    MainInternal()
977  finally:
978    KillEmulator()
981if __name__ == '__main__':
982  main()