1page.title=Adding SDK Components 2@jd:body 3 4 5<div id="qv-wrapper"> 6<div id="qv"> 7<h2>Quickview</h2> 8<ul> 9 <li>Use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to 10 keep your SDK up-to-date without having to install new 11 SDK directories.</li> 12 <li>The Android SDK and AVD Manager is available only with the 13 Android 1.6 SDK or later.</li> 14 <li>The Eclipse ADT plugin may require an update when installing 15 new tools or system images.</li> 16</ul> 17 18<h2>In this document</h2> 19<ol> 20 <li><a href="#InstallingComponents">Installing SDK Components</a> 21 <ol> 22 <li><a href="#AddingSites">Adding New Sites</a></li> 23 </ol> 24 </li> 25 <li><a href="#dependencies">Component Dependencies</a></li> 26</ol> 27</div> 28</div> 29 30<p>Adding and updating components in your Android SDK is fast and easy. To 31perform an update, use the <strong>Android SDK and AVD Manager</strong> to 32install or update the individual SDK components that you need. The Android SDK 33and AVD Manager tool is included in Android 1.6 and later SDK packages.</p> 34 35<p>It only takes a couple of clicks to install 36individual versions of the Android platform, new development tools, new documentation, and 37SDK add-ons. The new SDK components are automatically installed into your existing SDK 38directory, so you don't need to update your development environment to specify a 39new SDK location.</p> 40 41<p>Because each version of the Android platform can be installed as an individual component 42of your SDK, you can customize your development environment to the Android platforms 43you are targetting. Testing your app on multiple versions of 44the platform is very important in order to successfully operate on as many devices as possible. 45Be sure to install each version of the Android platform with which your app is compatible, then test 46your apps on <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/avd.html">AVDs</a> that run each platform.</p> 47 48<p>If you develop applications using Eclipse, you may also need to update your 49ADT plugin when you update your development tools or in order to compile against 50a new version of the platform. See the <a 51href="{@docRoot}sdk/tools-notes.html">SDK Tools Notes</a> document for ADT 52compatibility.</p> 53 54 55<h2 id="InstallingComponents">Installing SDK Components</h2> 56 57<p>Use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to install new SDK components. </p> 58 59<p class="caution"><strong>Important:</strong> Before you install SDK components, 60we recommend that you disable any antivirus programs that may be running on 61your computer.</p> 62 63<p>You can launch the SDK and AVD Manager in one of these ways:</p> 64<ul> 65 <li>Execute the {@code android}</a> tool command with no options. If you 66haven't used the tool before, change to the <code><sdk>/tools</code> 67directory and run the command: 68 <pre style="width:400px">$ android</pre></li> 69 <li>If you have downloaded the SDK Tools (Revision 3 or higher) and are 70 running Windows, you can double-click "SDK Setup.exe" in the SDK directory. 71 <li>If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, you can select 72 <strong>Window</strong> ><strong>Android SDK and AVD Manager</strong>.</li> 73</ul> 74 75<img src="{@docRoot}images/sdk_manager_packages.png" alt="" style="float:right" /> 76 77<p>When a new platform version, add-on, set of development tools or 78documentation becomes available, you can quickly install them into your existing 79Android SDK:</p> 80<ol> 81 <li>Select <strong>Available Components</strong> in the left panel. 82 This will reveal all components currently available for download.</li> 83 <li>Select the components you'd like to install and click <strong>Install 84 Selected</strong>.</li> 85 <li>Verify and accept the components you want and click <strong>Install 86 Accepted</strong>. The components will now be installed into your existing 87 Android SDK directories.</li> 88</ol> 89 90<p>New platforms are automatically saved into the 91<code><em><sdk>/</em>platforms/</code> directory of your SDK; 92new add-ons are saved in the <code><em><sdk>/</em>add-ons/</code> 93directory; and new documentation is saved in the existing 94<code><em><sdk>/</em>docs/</code> directory (old docs are replaced).</p> 95 96<p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong> 97Use the "Display updates only" checkbox to show only the components 98you do not have.</p> 99 100 101<h3 id="AddingSites">Adding New Sites</h3> 102 103<p>By default, <strong>Available Components</strong> only shows the default 104repository site, which offers platforms, SDK tools, documentation, the 105Google APIs Add-on, and other components. You can add other sites that host 106their own Android SDK add-ons, then download the SDK add-ons 107from those sites.</p> 108 109<p>For example, a mobile carrier or device manufacturer might offer additional 110API libraries that are supported by their own Android-powered devices. In order 111to develop using their libraries, you must install their Android SDK add-on. </p> 112 113<p>If a carrier or device manufacturer has hosted an SDK add-on repository file 114on their web site, follow these steps to add their site to the SDK and AVD 115Manager:</p> 116 117<ol> 118 <li>Select <strong>Available Components</strong> in the left panel.</li> 119 <li>Click <strong>Add Site</strong> and enter the URL of the 120{@code repository.xml} file. Click <strong>OK</strong>.</li> 121</ol> 122<p>Any SDK components available from the site will now be listed under 123<strong>Available Components</strong>.</p> 124 125 126<h2 id="dependencies">SDK Component Dependencies</h2> 127 128<p>In some cases, a specific SDK component may require a specific minimum 129version of another component or SDK tool. Such dependencies are documented 130in the release notes for each component. </p> 131 132<p>For example, there may be a dependency between the ADT plugin for Eclipse and 133a specific version of the SDK Tools component. When you install the SDK Tools 134component, you would then need to upgrade to the required version of ADT (if you 135are developing in Eclipse). In this case, you would find dependencies listed in 136the <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/adt-notes.html">ADT Plugin Notes</a> and <a 137href="{@docRoot}sdk/tools-notes.html">SDK Tools Notes</a> documents. </p> 138 139<p>Additionally, the development tools will notify you with debug warnings 140if there is dependency that you need to address. </p> 141 142 143 144 145