#! /usr/bin/env python # # btt_plot.py: Generate matplotlib plots for BTT generate data files # # (C) Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """ btt_plot.py: Generate matplotlib plots for BTT generated data files Files handled: AQD - Average Queue Depth Running average of queue depths BNOS - Block numbers accessed Markers for each block Q2D - Queue to Issue latencies Running averages D2C - Issue to Complete latencies Running averages Q2C - Queue to Complete latencies Running averages Usage: btt_plot_aqd.py equivalent to: btt_plot.py -t aqd =aqd btt_plot_bnos.py equivalent to: btt_plot.py -t bnos =bnos btt_plot_q2d.py equivalent to: btt_plot.py -t q2d =q2d btt_plot_d2c.py equivalent to: btt_plot.py -t d2c =d2c btt_plot_q2c.py equivalent to: btt_plot.py -t q2c =q2c Arguments: [ -A | --generate-all ] Default: False [ -L | --no-legend ] Default: Legend table produced [ -o | --output= ] Default: .png [ -T | --title= ] Default: Based upon [ -v | --verbose ] Default: False The -A (--generate-all) argument is different: when this is specified, an attempt is made to generate default plots for all 5 types (aqd, bnos, q2d, d2c and q2c). It will find files with the appropriate suffix for each type ('aqd.dat' for example). If such files are found, a plot for that type will be made. The output file name will be the default for each type. The -L (--no-legend) option will be obeyed for all plots, but the -o (--output) and -T (--title) options will be ignored. """ __author__ = 'Alan D. Brunelle ' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import getopt, glob, os, sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plot_size = [10.9, 8.4] # inches... add_legend = True generate_all = False output_file = None title_str = None type = None verbose = False types = [ 'aqd', 'q2d', 'd2c', 'q2c', 'bnos' ] progs = [ 'btt_plot_%s.py' % t for t in types ] get_base = lambda file: file[file.find('_')+1:file.rfind('_')] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def fatal(msg): """Generate fatal error message and exit""" print >>sys.stderr, 'FATAL: %s' % msg sys.exit(1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_data(files): """Retrieve data from files provided. Returns a database containing: 'min_x', 'max_x' - Minimum and maximum X values found 'min_y', 'max_y' - Minimum and maximum Y values found 'x', 'y' - X & Y value arrays 'ax', 'ay' - Running average over X & Y -- if > 10 values provided... """ #-------------------------------------------------------------- def check(mn, mx, v): """Returns new min, max, and float value for those passed in""" v = float(v) if mn == None or v < mn: mn = v if mx == None or v > mx: mx = v return mn, mx, v #-------------------------------------------------------------- def avg(xs, ys): """Computes running average for Xs and Ys""" #------------------------------------------------------ def _avg(vals): """Computes average for array of values passed""" total = 0.0 for val in vals: total += val return total / len(vals) #------------------------------------------------------ if len(xs) < 1000: return xs, ys axs = [xs[0]] ays = [ys[0]] _xs = [xs[0]] _ys = [ys[0]] x_range = (xs[-1] - xs[0]) / 100 for idx in range(1, len(ys)): if (xs[idx] - _xs[0]) > x_range: axs.append(_avg(_xs)) ays.append(_avg(_ys)) del _xs, _ys _xs = [xs[idx]] _ys = [ys[idx]] else: _xs.append(xs[idx]) _ys.append(ys[idx]) if len(_xs) > 1: axs.append(_avg(_xs)) ays.append(_avg(_ys)) return axs, ays #-------------------------------------------------------------- global verbose db = {} min_x = max_x = min_y = max_y = None for file in files: if not os.path.exists(file): fatal('%s not found' % file) elif verbose: print 'Processing %s' % file xs = [] ys = [] for line in open(file, 'r'): f = line.rstrip().split(None) if line.find('#') == 0 or len(f) < 2: continue (min_x, max_x, x) = check(min_x, max_x, f[0]) (min_y, max_y, y) = check(min_y, max_y, f[1]) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) db[file] = {'x':xs, 'y':ys} if len(xs) > 10: db[file]['ax'], db[file]['ay'] = avg(xs, ys) else: db[file]['ax'] = db[file]['ay'] = None db['min_x'] = min_x db['max_x'] = max_x db['min_y'] = min_y db['max_y'] = max_y return db #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_args(args): """Parse command line arguments. Returns list of (data) files that need to be processed -- /unless/ the -A (--generate-all) option is passed, in which case superfluous data files are ignored... """ global add_legend, output_file, title_str, type, verbose global generate_all prog = args[0][args[0].rfind('/')+1:] if prog == 'btt_plot.py': pass elif not prog in progs: fatal('%s not a valid command name' % prog) else: type = prog[prog.rfind('_')+1:prog.rfind('.py')] s_opts = 'ALo:t:T:v' l_opts = [ 'generate-all', 'type', 'no-legend', 'output', 'title', 'verbose' ] try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], s_opts, l_opts) except getopt.error, msg: print >>sys.stderr, msg fatal(__doc__) for (o, a) in opts: if o in ('-A', '--generate-all'): generate_all = True elif o in ('-L', '--no-legend'): add_legend = False elif o in ('-o', '--output'): output_file = a elif o in ('-t', '--type'): if not a in types: fatal('Type %s not supported' % a) type = a elif o in ('-T', '--title'): title_str = a elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'): verbose = True if type == None and not generate_all: fatal('Need type of data files to process - (-t )') return args #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def gen_title(fig, type, title_str): """Sets the title for the figure based upon the type /or/ user title""" if title_str != None: pass elif type == 'aqd': title_str = 'Average Queue Depth' elif type == 'bnos': title_str = 'Block Numbers Accessed' elif type == 'q2d': title_str = 'Queue (Q) To Issue (D) Average Latencies' elif type == 'd2c': title_str = 'Issue (D) To Complete (C) Average Latencies' elif type == 'q2c': title_str = 'Queue (Q) To Complete (C) Average Latencies' title = fig.text(.5, .95, title_str, horizontalalignment='center') title.set_fontsize('large') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def gen_labels(db, ax, type): """Generate X & Y 'axis'""" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_ylabel(ax, type): """Set the Y axis label based upon the type""" if type == 'aqd': str = 'Number of Requests Queued' elif type == 'bnos': str = 'Block Number' else: str = 'Seconds' ax.set_ylabel(str) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- xdelta = 0.1 * (db['max_x'] - db['min_x']) ydelta = 0.1 * (db['max_y'] - db['min_y']) ax.set_xlim(db['min_x'] - xdelta, db['max_x'] + xdelta) ax.set_ylim(db['min_y'] - ydelta, db['max_y'] + ydelta) ax.set_xlabel('Runtime (seconds)') ax.grid(True) gen_ylabel(ax, type) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def generate_output(type, db): """Generate the output plot based upon the type and database""" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def color(idx, style): """Returns a color/symbol type based upon the index passed.""" colors = [ 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k' ] l_styles = [ '-', ':', '--', '-.' ] m_styles = [ 'o', '+', '.', ',', 's', 'v', 'x', '<', '>' ] color = colors[idx % len(colors)] if style == 'line': style = l_styles[(idx / len(l_styles)) % len(l_styles)] elif style == 'marker': style = m_styles[(idx / len(m_styles)) % len(m_styles)] return '%s%s' % (color, style) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_legends(a, legends): leg = ax.legend(legends, 'best', shadow=True) frame = leg.get_frame() frame.set_facecolor('0.80') for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize('xx-small') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- global add_legend, output_file, title_str, verbose if output_file != None: ofile = output_file else: ofile = '%s.png' % type if verbose: print 'Generating plot into %s' % ofile fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_size) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) gen_title(fig, type, title_str) gen_labels(db, ax, type) idx = 0 if add_legend: legends = [] else: legends = None keys = [] for file in db.iterkeys(): if not file in ['min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y']: keys.append(file) keys.sort() for file in keys: dat = db[file] if type == 'bnos': ax.plot(dat['x'], dat['y'], color(idx, 'marker'), markersize=1) elif dat['ax'] == None: continue # Don't add legend else: ax.plot(dat['ax'], dat['ay'], color(idx, 'line'), linewidth=1.0) if add_legend: legends.append(get_base(file)) idx += 1 if add_legend and len(legends) > 0: gen_legends(ax, legends) plt.savefig(ofile) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_files(type): """Returns the list of files for the -A option based upon type""" if type == 'bnos': files = [] for fn in glob.glob('*c.dat'): for t in [ 'q2q', 'd2d', 'q2c', 'd2c' ]: if fn.find(t) >= 0: break else: files.append(fn) else: files = glob.glob('*%s.dat' % type) return files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': files = parse_args(sys.argv) if generate_all: output_file = title_str = type = None for t in types: files = get_files(t) if len(files) == 0: continue elif t != 'bnos': generate_output(t, get_data(files)) continue for file in files: base = get_base(file) title_str = 'Block Numbers Accessed: %s' % base output_file = 'bnos_%s.png' % base generate_output(t, get_data([file])) elif len(files) < 1: fatal('Need data files to process') else: generate_output(type, get_data(files)) sys.exit(0)