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5 release 0.6 - TCP handling: close socket and return to connect state if we 
10 to set SO_REUSEADDR on the tcp socket which stops problems when
25 Patch to clear cache on SIGHUP
29 address-length parameter to recvfrom() and accept() - it
32 release 0.95 Major rewrite: remove calls to gethostbyname() and talk
33 directly to the upstream server(s) instead.
39 (3) Time-to-live data from upstream server is read and
40 used by dnsmasq to purge entries from the cache.
45 dnsmasq to serve names to the machine it is running
50 4 above this allows nameservers to be set
53 A really clever NAT-like technique allows the daemon to have lots
62 Thanks to "Denis Carre" <denis.carre@laposte.net> and Martin
70 (ie dnsmasq is told to use itself as an upstream server.)
77 (6) Generate queries to upstream nameservers with unpredictable
78 ids, to thwart DNS spoofers.
81 (8) Fixed getopt code to work on compliers with unsigned char.
83 release 0.991 Added -b flag: when set causes dnsmasq to always answer
85 never forward them to an upstream server. If the name is not in
92 to a name with many A records would not have all the addresses
95 Thanks to "Steve Hardy" <s.a.hardy@connectux.com> for his input
98 Fixed race which could cause dnsmasq to miss the second of
99 two closely-spaced updates of resolv.conf (Thanks to Eli Chen
102 Fixed a bug which could cause dnsmasq to fail to cache some
105 release 0.992 Small change to memory allocation so that names in /etc/hosts
110 /etc/hosts as reply to reverse query.
113 this is mainly to allow reverse lookups by dig to succeed.
116 Subtle change to the logic which selects which of multiple
117 upstream servers we send queries to. This fixes a problem
118 where dnsmasq continuously sends queries to a server which
126 to syslog except in debug (-d) mode, when a complete cache
127 dump goes to stdout. Suggestion from Joao Clemente, code
136 Included code from John Volpe to parse dhcp.leases file
138 added to the cache and updated as dhcpd updates the
142 release 0.995 Small tidy-ups to signal handling and cache code.
148 which append assorted suffices to non-FQDN in an attempt to
151 Added -i flag, which restricts dnsmasq to offering name service
154 release 0.997 Deleted INSTALL script and added "install" target to makefile.
156 Stopped distributing binaries in the tarball to avoid
159 Fixed interface detection code to
162 Dnsmasq now changes its uid, irrevocably, to nobody after
163 startup for security reasons. Thanks to Peter Bailey for
166 Cope with infinite DHCP leases. Patch thanks to
169 Added rpm control files to .tar.gz distribution. Thanks to
172 Improved startup script for rpms. Thanks to Yaacov Akiba Slama.
177 release 1.1 Added --user argument to allow user to change to
180 Added --mx-target argument to allow mail to be delivered
186 Moved manpage from section 1 to section 8.
190 Thanks to Joerg Mayer for the last two.
195 talk to upstream servers via IPv6 if it finds IP6 addresses
199 Extended negative caching to NODATA replies.
201 Re-vamped CNAME processing to cope with RFC 2317's use of
202 CNAMES to PTR RRs in CIDR.
204 Added config.h and a couple of symbols to aid
209 causing dnsmasq to bomb out. This release fixes that.
210 Thanks to Steve Davis for pointing this one out.
212 Trivial change to startup logic so that dnsmasq logs
218 non-UTC timezones. Thanks to Mark Wormgoor for
221 script. Thanks to Didi Niklaus for pointing this out.
224 "spam" queries from win2k boxes. This is useful to stop spurious
225 connections over dial-on-demand links. Thanks to Steve Hardy
229 stops resolvers from switching to TCP, which is pointless since
239 to be used in preference to current ones under certain
245 without the domain suffix. When doing a _reverse_ lookup to
246 get the name, the "without suffix" name used to be returned,
251 to David Kimdon.
253 Subtle rearrangement to the downloadable tarball, and stopped
263 3) Change group to "dip" if it exists, to allow access
264 to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf (suggestion from Jorg Sommer.)
265 Update docs to reflect above changes.
275 Added advice about RedHat PPP configuration to
276 documentation. (Thanks to C. Lee Taylor.)
278 Patches to fix problems on BSD systems from Marc Huber
283 Fix time-to-live calculation when chasing CNAMEs.
286 the cache code. (Thanks to Marc Huber.)
288 Builds on Solaris 9. (Thanks to Marc Huber.)
290 release 1.9 Fixes to rpm .spec files.
292 Don't put expired DHCP entries into the cache only to
300 embeded routers, and that's the point really. Thanks to
304 stderr as well as going to syslogd.
306 Added HAVE_IPV6 config symbol to allow compilation
309 Added a facility to log all queries, enabled with -q flag.
315 Added self-MX function, enabled by -e flag. Thanks to
318 Added HAVE_FORK config symbol and stuff to support
319 uClinux. Thanks to Matthew Natalier for uClinux stuff.
330 to many A records would lose A records after the
334 printing them to standard error.
339 Added -o option which forces dnsmasq to use to
347 Added -S option to directly specify upstream servers and
348 added ability to direct queries for specific domains to
364 Improve and rationalise the return codes in answers to
366 upstream servers to forward a query to, return REFUSED.
368 systems when the modem link is down (Thanks to Roger Plant).
371 paths (Thanks to Peter Bailey). Set the "authoritative"
385 Add -E flag to automatically add the domain suffix to
388 Always return a zero time-to-live for names derived from
395 Extended HAVE_IPV6 config flag to allow compliation on
397 like inet_ntop(). Thanks to Phil Harman for the patch.
402 port to specified as part of server address.
404 Allow whole domains to have an IP address specified
412 Fix bug in script fragment for dhcpcd - thanks to Barry Stewart.
422 Improve resource allocation to reduce vulnerability to
429 catastrophic. The servers will continue to run, looped
430 queries fail and a warning is logged. Thanks to C. Lee
441 Fix builds with glibc 2.1 (thanks to Cristian
446 Fixed ANY queries to domains with --address specification.
448 Fixed FreeBSD build. (thanks to Steven Honson)
450 Added -Q option which allows a specified port to be used
451 to talk to upstream servers. Useful for people who want
453 (thanks to David Coe for the patch)
456 /etc/hosts with /etc/resolv.conf. (thanks to Christopher
459 Fixed config.h to allow building under MACOS X and glibc
460 2.0.x. (thanks to Matthew Gregan and Serge Caron)
464 Added SIGUSR2 facility to re-scan for new
468 (Thanks to Klaas Teschauer)
470 Fixed man page to clarify effect of SIGUSR1 on
472 (Thanks to Klaas Teschauer)
475 in them. This check is mainly to avoid bad strings being
476 sent to syslog.
479 variable for "make install" (Thanks to Osvaldo
482 Fixed /etc/hosts parsing code to cope with MS-DOS
483 line-ends in the file. This was supposed to be done in
484 version 1.11, but something got missed. (Thanks to Doug
485 Copestake for helping to find this.)
490 Tidied up resource handling in util.c (Thanks to
494 to use dnsmasq with larger loads now, and bigger caches,
496 linear searches can start to use lots of CPU so I added hashed
499 size to 10000.
505 to Lewis Baughman for spotting this.)
509 Do some socket tweaking to allow dnsmasq to co-exist
510 with BIND. Thanks to Stefan 'Sec' Zehl for the patch.
515 to once per second. This is intended to improve
517 to get the current time once per query, rather than four
520 Increased number of outstanding queries to 150 in
527 enabled - thanks to Steven Young and Jason Miller
531 address to check, and deal with replies with multiple
535 Updated the documentation to include information about
538 Added libraries needed on Solaris to Makefile.
540 Added facility to set source address in queries to
542 hosts, especially when using VPNs. Thanks to Tom Fanning
545 Tweaked logging: log to facility LOCAL0 when in
547 from INFO to DEBUG. Make log options controllable in
552 Fixed name-comparision routines to not depend on Locale,
556 Fix potential lockup in cache code. (thanks to Henning
569 last release to complete LOCALE independence.
577 Add code to return the software version in repsonse to the
579 "dig version.bind chaos txt" to make the query.
581 Added negative caching for PTR (address to name) records.
589 Taught dnsmasq to understand "bitstring" names, as these
606 them). It's now possible to do server=// and have
607 unqualified names sent to a special nameserver.
612 Fixes to cure compilation breakage when HAVE_IPV6 not
613 set, thanks to Claas Hilbrecht.
616 the code to read ISC dhcp.leases. This wins in terms
620 Re-jiged the signal handling code to remove a race
621 condition and to be more portable.
624 Thanks to David Ashworth for feedback which informed many
627 Allow hosts to be specified by client ID in dhcp-hosts
633 Allow dhcp-host options to specify any IP address on the
641 Fix parsing of --dhcp-option to allow more than one
642 IP address and to allow text-type options.
644 Inhibit use of --dhcp-option to send hostname DHCP options.
652 Fixes to Makefile(s) to help pkgsrc packaging - patch
655 Add dhcp-boot option to support network boot.
658 and refuse to run if found. If allowed to remain these
661 Attempted to rationalise the .spec files for rpm
665 Fixed hard-to-reproduce crash involving use of local
666 domains and IPv6 queries. Thanks to Roy Marples for
667 helping to track that one down.
670 Thanks to Matt Swift and Dag Wieers for many suggestions
673 Tweak include files to allow compilation on FreeBSD 5
685 allocated to a host using DHCP and /etc/hosts.
687 Added to the example configuration the dnsmasq equivalent
696 to bind an IPv6 socket, rather than bailing out. Thanks
697 to Jan Ischebeck for feedback on that.
699 Allow the name->address mapping for static DHCP leases to
700 be set by /etc/hosts. It's now possible to have
706 and for the correct thing to happen. Note that some sort
708 random host to claim an address in /etc/hosts without
711 Make in a dhcp-option to mean "the machine
718 thanks to Chris Schank.
724 Linux systems with IPv6 enabled. - thanks to
740 Add "domain" setting example to
741 dnsmasq.conf.example. Thanks to K P Kirchdorfer for
744 Subtle change to the DHCPREQUEST handling code to work
746 Thanks to Marko Stolle for finding this problem.
748 Return DHCP T1 and T2 times, with "fuzz" to desychronise lease
752 packets , even if the packet is too small to fit all
756 to the ethernet MTU.
777 Fixed compilation on OpenBSD (thanks to Frederic Brodbeck
785 extensions to the socket API which have been in Linux
788 Reworked the DNS network code to also cope with
790 to the wildcard address and port 53 by default, so if no
801 Allow IPv6 support to be disabled at compile time. To do
802 that, add -DNO_IPV6 to the CFLAGS. Thanks to Oleg
803 I. Vdovikin for the suggestion to do that.
805 Add ability to set DHCP options per network. This is done
811 Thanks to Oleg Vdovikin for arguing that one through.
816 Added --read-ethers option, to allow dnsmasq to pull
818 Thanks to Andi Cambeis for that suggestion.
820 Added HAVE_BROKEN_RTC compilation option to support
822 helped work out how to make that work.
825 Fixed inability to start when the lease file doesn't
826 already exist. Thanks to Dag Wieers for reporting that.
830 host. Thanks again to Dag Wieers.
832 Tweaked DHCP code to favour moving to a newly-configured
841 characters. Qudos to Dag Wieers for hepling to nail that
851 with win4lin. Thanks to Alex Melt and Jim Horner for bug
859 no other sane way to determine which alias of an
860 interface a packet was sent to. Thanks to Javier Kohen
864 Support Token Ring DHCP. Thanks to Dag Wieers for help
868 Fix compilation on MacOS X. Thanks to Bernhard Ehlers for
873 cause the DHCP server to ignore any host with the given
874 MAC address, leaving it to other servers on the
881 Allow conf-file options in configuration file, to
886 Added back the ability to read ISC dhcpd lease files, by
892 Added ability to disable "pool" DHCP address allocation
895 Thanks to Grzegorz Nosek for the suggestion.
897 Generalized dnsmasq-rh.spec file to work on Mandrake too,
898 and removed dnsmasq-mdk.spec. Thanks to Doug Keller.
900 Allow DHCP options which are tied to specific static
901 leases in the same way as to specific networks.
903 Generalised the dhcp-option parser a bit to allow hex
911 router option at all. Thanks to Scott Emmons for pointing
917 line or preceded by whitespace. Thanks to Christian
922 dnsmasq ignore any client-id. This is useful to ensure
926 does. Thanks to Grzegorz Nosek for suggesting this enhancement.
931 Set default of siaddr field to the address of the machine running
937 to Paul Mattal for work on this.
940 The code which added loopback interfaces to the list
942 Solved by adding loopback interfaces to address list instead.
944 Add dhcp-vendorclass option to allow options to be sent only
945 to certain classes of clients.
951 addresses. This used to use the next consecutive
955 expire and allows consecutive DHCPOFFERS to the same host
956 to (almost always) be for the same address, without
959 Tweaked option handling code to return all possible
962 ancient IBM LANMAN DHCP clients. Thanks to Jim Louvau for
966 Pad DHCP packets to a minimum size of 300 bytes. This
968 DHCP/BOOTP client. Thanks to Richard Musil for
981 match occurs. Thanks again to Richard Musil for prompting
987 --server=/#/ is exactly equivalent to
990 Fixed a nasty bug which would cause dnsmasq to lose track
994 string and then written to the leases file as a
1000 reffered to above. Also, if a client sends a hostname when
1002 zero-length hostname whilst renewing, continue to use the
1005 Tweaked option parsing to flag some parameter errors.
1010 but to the address of another interface were ignored
1012 2) on OpenBSD failure to configure one interface now
1014 stream of log messages. Thanks to Erik Jan Tromp for
1017 Changed server selection strategy to improve performance
1019 broken. The new algorithm is to pick as before for the
1020 first try, but if a query is retried, to send to all
1021 available servers in parallel. The first one to reply
1029 Allow fallback to "bind-interfaces" at runtime: Some
1030 verions of *BSD seem to have enough stuff in the header
1031 files to build but no kernel support. Also now log if
1034 Log replies from upstream servers which refuse to do
1036 relies on upstream servers to do the recursion, this
1042 Extended --mx-host flag to allow arbitrary targets for MX
1045 Fixed build under NetBSD 2.0 - thanks to Felix Deichmann
1056 Allow # as the argument to --domain, meaning "read the
1061 Allow --query-port to be set to a low port by creating and
1065 Support TCP queries. It turned out to be possible to do
1073 NAK attempts to renew a DHCP lease where the DHCP range
1077 NAK attempts to renew a pool DHCP lease when a statically
1078 allocated address has become available, forcing a host to
1079 move to its allocated address. Lots of people have
1088 Change behaviour of "bogus-priv" option to return NXDOMAIN
1094 group to one suitable for Suse and disables inclusion of
1095 the ISC lease-file reader code. Thanks to Andy Cambeis for
1099 defaults to 1280, but may be changed with the
1102 not cached. This behaviour is required to make
1103 DNSSECbis work properly though dnsmasq. Thanks to Simon
1107 /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.conf. Bug
1113 changing DHCP clients, adding id:* to a host, and from the
1114 semantics change of /etc/ethers in 2.9. Thanks to Bernard
1120 Fixed "fail to start up" problems under Linux with IPv6
1123 support was added. Thanks to Michael Hamilton for
1142 Set source interface when replying to IPv6 UDP
1143 queries. This is needed to cope with link-local addresses.
1146 Added extra checks to ensure that DHCP created DNS entries
1147 cannot generate multiple DNS address->name entries. Thanks to
1152 file and add warnings that is breaks Kerberos. Thanks to
1162 Thanks to Nicolo Wojewoda and Gregory Gathy for bug reports.
1171 Fix DHCP code to generate RFC-compliant responses
1172 to hosts in the INIT-REBOOT state.
1175 the transmit-only packet socket to zero, to avoid
1178 Fix DHCP address allocation code to use the whole of
1182 them to leases, to avoid allocating addresses which are in use.
1185 MAC address to IP address mapping defined.
1187 Fix compilation under MacOS X. Thanks to Chris Tomlinson.
1189 Fix compilation under NetBSD. Thanks to Felix Deichmann.
1191 Added "keep-in-foreground" option. Thanks to Sean
1201 converted to NODATA. Thanks to Eric de Thouars, Eric
1207 not to allow discontinuous ranges within a network so this
1223 avoids long timeouts while DHCP clients try to renew leases
1224 which are unknown to dnsmasq. Thanks to John Mastwijk for
1227 Added support to the DHCP option code to allow RFC-3397
1228 domain search DHCP option (119) to be sent.
1230 Set NONBLOCK on all listening sockets to workaround non-POSIX
1232 occured when corrupted packets were received. Thanks to
1235 Updated config.h for NetBSD. Thanks to Martin Lambers.
1240 queries both with the same transaction-ID. Thanks to
1243 Rewrote cache code to store CNAMES, rather then chasing
1251 /etc/hosts entry. Thanks to Mat Swift for the suggestion.
1253 Added dynamic-dnsmasq from Peter Willis to the contrib
1269 Allow the --interface and --except-interface options to
1272 Tweak --dhcp-userclass matching code to work with the
1274 configuration is very warped. Thanks to Cedric Duval for
1278 the tags must match to enable the option.
1280 Added dhcp-ignore option to disable classes of hosts based
1281 on network-id tags. Also allow BOOTP options to be
1284 Fill in sname, file and siaddr fields in replies to
1287 Don't send NAK replies to DHCPREQUEST packets for disabled
1288 clients. Credit to Cedric Duval for spotting this.
1291 records. Thanks to Holger Hoffstatte and especially Steve
1295 Reworked the Linux interface discovery code (again) to
1297 interfaces with more than one IPv6 address. Thanks to
1303 used. Thanks to Rory Campbell-Lange for the bug report.
1311 Tweaked the Linux-only interface discovery code to cope
1314 Thanks to Richard Atterer for the bug report.
1318 confuse dnsmasq 'till now. Thanks to Will Murname for help
1325 the DHCP lease. Thanks to Will Murname for the suggestion.
1328 Allow more than one instance of dnsmasq to run on a
1331 configuration used to work, but regressed in version 2.14
1333 Fix compilation on Mac OS X. Thanks to Kevin Bullock.
1344 is arguably wrong but rather difficult to fix. The main
1345 thing is to avoid getting strange results for the target
1346 due to the cache pollution when resolving the
1347 CNAME. Thanks to Pierre Habouzit for exploring the corner
1351 impossible to describe this succinctly, but the one known
1352 manifestation is the inability to cache the A record for
1353 www.apple.com. Thanks to Bob Alexander for spotting that.
1355 Support SRV records. Thanks to Robert Kean for the patches
1359 could cause crashes sometimes. (Credit to Mark Wiater for
1362 Added the ability to match the netid tag in a
1363 dhcp-range. Combined with the ability to have multiple
1364 ranges in a single subnet, this provides a means to
1366 vendorclass or userclass. Thanks to Mark Wiater for
1377 server. Thanks to Istvan Varadi for pointing out the
1383 configurations and force them to be at least two minutes
1388 Only warn once about an upstream server which is refusing to do
1392 use. Thanks to Will Murnane for the bug report and
1395 Add an additional data section to the reply for MX and SRV
1396 queries. Add support for DNS TXT records. Thanks to Robert
1399 Apply address rewriting to records in the additional data section
1401 with the alias function. Thanks to Chad Skeeters for
1406 Detect and defeat cache-poisoning attacks which attempt to
1407 send (malicious) answers to questions we didn't
1409 to guess a random query-id.
1415 Revisit the MAC-address and client-id matching code to
1420 code. Thanks to Rob Holland for the bug report.
1432 options. Thanks to Eric Shattow for help with this.
1435 corrupted argv. Thanks to Eric Scott for the bugreport.
1437 Fixed stupid thinko which caused dnsmasq to wedge during
1448 Added a check to ensure that there cannot be more than one
1458 This is a superior way to re-configure dnsmasq on-the-fly
1465 Added information to the FAQ about setting the DNS domain
1466 in windows XP and Mac OS X, thanks to Rick Hull.
1468 Added sanity check to resolv.conf polling code to cope
1469 with backwards-moving clocks. Thanks to Leonardo Canducci
1478 Added "no-dhcp-interface" option to disable DHCP service
1482 to fprintf as a format string, so % characters could cause
1483 crashes. Thanks to Rob Holland for sleuthing that one.
1485 Fixed multiple compiler warnings from gcc 4. Thanks to
1490 Audio Receiver. Thanks to Ron Frederick for the patch.
1493 time specifications. Thanks to Michael Deegan.
1496 dhcp-option=66, now means something different to
1497 dhcp-option=66,"", which sets the option to a
1498 string value. Thanks to Brian Macauley for the bug report.
1500 Fixed the option parsing code to avoid segfaults from some
1501 invalid configurations. Thanks to Wookey for spotting that one.
1505 from dnsmasq --version. Thanks to Dirk Schenkewitz for
1512 test are assumed to be valid for 30 seconds, so repeated waits are
1513 not required. Thanks to Luca Landi for finding this.
1517 for proxy information. Thanks to Stanley Jaddoe for the
1521 this is used to allow the client to tell dnsmasq its name,
1522 in preference to (mis)using the hostname option. See
1527 Added startup scripts for MacOS X Tiger/Panther to the
1528 contrib collection. Thanks to Tim Cutts.
1532 foreign network will get a NAK response. Thanks to Dan
1534 to Gyorgy Farkas for further testing.
1538 allows "dig +trace" to work. Problem report from Uwe
1541 Added "const" declarations where appropriate, thanks to
1545 functionality. Thanks to Josef Wolf for the suggestion.
1552 response to a unicast REQUEST from a non-local network
1560 Thanks to Chris Blaise for the patch.
1571 the error to the source of the query. Thanks to Javier
1574 Added Polish translation - thanks to Tomasz Sochanski.
1577 to /usr/share/man
1579 Added Spanish translation - thanks to Christopher Chatham.
1581 Log a warning when a DHCP packet is truncated due to lack
1582 of space. (Thanks to Michael Welle for the prompt to do
1585 Added French translation - thanks to Lionel Tricon.
1587 Added Indonesian translation - thanks to Salman AS.
1589 Tweaked the netlink code to cope with interface broadcast
1590 address not set, or set to
1592 Fixed problem assigning fixed addresses to hosts when more
1593 than one dhcp-range is available. Thanks to Sorin Panca
1596 Added more explict error mesages to the hosts file and
1597 ethers file reading code. Markus Kaiserswerth suffered to
1603 over-rode a dhcp-host declaration, leading to potentially
1611 Added Romanian translation, thanks to Sorin Panca for
1615 Fixed RedHat spec file for FC4 - thanks to Werner Hoelzl
1618 Fixed Suse spec file - thanks to Steven Springl.
1621 physical interface. Thanks to Pawel Zawora for finding
1624 Added logging to make it explicit when dnsmasq falls back
1625 from using RT-netlink sockets to the old ioctl API for
1632 Added Norwegian translation - thanks to Jan Erik Askildt.
1635 Fixed SuSe rpm patch problem - thanks to Steven Springl.
1637 Fixed crash when attempting to send a DHCP NAK to a host
1639 network. Thanks to Lutz Pressler for the bug report and
1643 Tweaked DHCP behaviour when a client attempts to renew a lease
1648 system which reboots. Thanks to Stephen Rose for work on
1651 Added the ability to support RFC-3442 style destination
1653 routes easy to do, eg dhcp-option=121,,
1655 Added error-checking to the code which writes the lease
1658 things eg when a filesystem is full. Thanks to Jens Holze
1662 which happened in 2.24. Thanks to Peter Surda for the bug
1669 queries. Thanks to Andreas Pelme for help finding that.
1671 Added some code to attempt to re-transmit DNS queries when
1677 under Linux. Thanks to Jean Wolter for help with this.
1679 Tweaked the DHCP tag-matching code to work correctly with
1680 NOT-tag conditions. Thanks to Lutz Pressler for finding
1683 Generalised netid-tag matching in dhcp-range statements to
1686 Added --dhcp-mac to do MAC address matching in the same
1692 Thanks to Fabiano Pires for help with this.
1694 Generalised the DHCP code to cope with any hardware
1695 address type, at least on Linux. *BSD is still limited to
1703 to work better. On *BSD and OS X, the old method of raw net
1707 to a choice of "linux" or "other". Netlink is always used
1721 have to explicitly enable it in src/config.h.
1727 happy to get larger than 576-byte DHCP messages, and will
1729 message size" option of the message to which it is
1735 Building on the 2.27 MAC-address changes, allow clients to
1746 Added a warning when it's impossible to give a host its
1751 options. The DHCP server now echoes these back to the
1759 Fixed one-byte buffer overflow which seems to only cause
1760 problems when dnsmasq is linked with uclibc. Thanks to
1763 Tolerate configuration screwups which lead to the DHCP
1764 server attemping to allocate its own address to a
1770 much simpler and better. The key is to just keep lease
1773 needs to change except when machines arrive on the network
1775 reduces the amount of wear on a flash filesystem to the
1777 this mode to use the portable times(), rather than parsing
1780 Believe the source port number when replying to unicast
1784 to work. The source port sent by unconfigured clients is still
1786 client must use the standard port to do full configuration.
1789 Fixed compilation on OpenBSD (thanks to Tom Hensel for the
1794 to Paul Wise for the report.
1796 Updated patch for SuSE rpm. Thanks to Steven Springl.
1801 as root, and log a warning. Thanks to Scott Wehrenberg
1807 Thanks to Sandra Dekkers for the bug report.
1819 to Patrick "Jima" Laughton, the Fedora package
1825 Debian kernel packages. Many thanks to A. Costa and
1839 still not identical to a restart under all circumstances,
1843 Fall back to broadcast for DHCP to an unconfigured client
1847 Mac OS X. Thanks to Doug Fields for the bug report and
1850 Added fix to allow compilation on c89-only compilers.
1851 Thanks to John Mastwijk for the patch.
1853 Tweak resolv file polling code to work better if there is
1857 to read resolv.conf until it gets at least one usable
1858 server. Thanks to Holger Mauermann for help with this.
1860 If a client DECLINEs an address which is allocated to it
1865 used. Thanks to Peter Surda and Heinz Deinhart for input
1870 Thanks to Jeb Campbell and Tom Hensel for help with this.
1875 dhcp-option configuration lines to be prefixed by
1881 Major update to Spanish translation. Many thanks to Chris
1892 bad thing to do, so I've reverted to always sending to
1893 the relay on port 68. Thanks to Daniel Hamlin and Alex
1896 Moved the SuSe packaging files to contrib. I will no
1897 longer attempt to maintain this in the source tarball. It
1902 Merged patch from Gentoo to honour $LDFLAGS environment.
1910 --no-resolv. Thanks to Martin F Krafft for spotting this
1914 external lease database. Many thanks to Steve Horbachuk
1917 Provide extra information to lease-change script via its
1923 information should make it possible to maintain the lease
1927 changes to the client-id and lease length
1941 in this case a host forced to move between dhcp-ranges on
1942 the same physical interface. Thanks to Matthias Andree.
1950 /etc/ethers after SIGHUP. Thanks to Eldon Ziegler for the
1953 Provide extra information to the lease-change script: when
1957 change is to provide the former name which the lease had
1961 information to the lease-change script when a new lease is
1967 configured to change UID to an unprivileged user. Since
1973 root, an attacker would have to break dnsmasq and then
1977 Add contrib/port-forward/* which is a script to set up
1979 possible to add a host to a config file by name, and when
1981 to set up port-forwards to configured ports at the address
1989 to Francois-Xavier Le Bail for the bugreport.
1992 interfaces. Enhanced contrib/wrt/dhcp_release to cope
1993 under these circumstances too. Thanks to Eldon Ziegler for
1996 Updated French translation: thanks to Gildas Le Nadan.
1999 to Oleg Khovayko for good work on this.
2009 Added Webmin module in contrib/webmin. Thanks to Neil
2015 exists. Supply vendor and user class information to these
2018 Added support for Dragonfly BSD to src/config.h
2020 Removed "Upgrading to 2.0" document, which is ancient
2028 Thanks to Claudio Jeker, Jeb Campbell and Cristobal
2032 /etc/hosts. This is mainly to remove the O(n-squared)
2036 performance should be better. Thanks to "koko" for
2040 Added --dhcp-ignore-names flag which tells dnsmasq not to
2049 now possible to net boot hosts using only dnsmasq. The
2050 TFTP server is read-only, binary-mode only, and designed to be
2051 secure; it adds about 4K to the dnsmasq binary.
2058 Allow spaces in domain names, to support DNS-SD.
2060 Add --ptr-record flag, again for DNS-SD. Thanks to Stephan
2064 to Luigi Rizzo for pointing this out.
2066 Fixed netlink.c to cope with headers from the Linux 2.6.19
2067 kernel. Thanks to Philip Wall for the bug report.
2069 Added --dhcp-bridge option, but only to the FreeBSD
2071 network configuration on FreeBSD. Thanks to Luigi Rizzo
2075 vserver. Thanks to Gildas le Nadan for the information.
2078 an address and not a string. Thanks to Luigi Rizzo
2085 Take care to forward signed DNS requests bit-perfect, so
2086 as not to affect the validity of the signature. This
2087 should allow DDNS updates to be forwarded.
2093 Some efficiency tweaks to the cache code for very large
2095 lookups and garbage collection. Thanks to Jan 'RedBully'
2099 and DNS caching unreliable. Thanks to Dennis DeDonatis
2106 "vendor:<client-id>" to an option encapsulates it
2109 the given client-id. Thanks to Dennis DeDonatis for
2112 Apply patch from Jan Seiffert to tidy up tftp.c
2119 Added a LIMITS section to the man-page, with guidance on
2123 Fix compilation on *BSD. Thanks to Tom Hensel.
2131 error. Thanks to Johannes Stezenbach for spotting this.
2137 Add \e (for ASCII ESCape) to the set of valid escapes
2141 configuration file which use this to control PXELinux.
2146 use. This makes it easy to customise which options are
2147 sent to BOOTP clients. (BOOTP allows only 64 octets for
2148 options, so it can be necessary to trim things.)
2151 probably needs an infinite DHCP lease and some bad luck to
2152 trigger. Thanks to Detlef Reichelt for bug reports and testing.
2155 Apply patch from Mike Baker/OpenWRT to ensure that names
2172 it is now possible to do
2176 Thanks to Luigi Rizzo for a patch and good work on this.
2181 is being used to log over the network (and therefore doing
2184 such circumstances can lead to syslog and dnsmasq
2186 --log-async flag, which can also be used to tune the
2192 facility name. When this is done, dnsmasq logs to the
2194 whilst reading configuration, will still go to syslog,
2204 Added and to the address
2205 ranges affected by --bogus-priv. Thanks to Paul
2209 to William Dinkel for the bug report.
2225 Updated Spanish translation - thanks to Chris Chatham.
2227 Updated French translation - thanks to Gildas Le Nadan.
2229 Added to example conf file example of routing PTR queries
2230 for a subnet to a different nameserver. Suggestion from
2234 to add a domain name with a dynamic IP address taken from
2240 direct to a file. Thanks to Carlos Carvalho for
2242 its ownership to the user dnsmasq will run as, don't
2247 useful to be able to do --dhcp-ignore=#known, like ISCs
2252 permissions are set to 644.
2258 a FQDN here could cause the whole FQDN to be used as
2259 hostname. Thanks to Michael Heimpold for the bug report.
2261 Massive but trivial edit to make the "daemon" variable
2263 first argument to half the functions in the program.
2266 to Chris Chatham.
2269 contrib/dns-loc. Thanks to Lorenz Schori.
2272 dhcp-ignore-names. Thanks to Daniel Mentz for spotting
2279 Tweaked TFTP file-open code to make it behave sensibly
2282 Added DNSMASQ_TIME_REMAINING environment variable to the
2285 Always send replies to DHCPINFORM requests to the source
2286 of the request and not to the address in ciaddr. This
2289 Return "lease time remaining" in the reply to a DHCPINFORM
2294 the functionality provided by /etc/ethers. Thanks to
2298 resolv.conf. Thanks to Andrew Bartlett for the report.
2303 Tweak TFTP retry timer to avoid problems with difficult
2304 clients. Thanks to Dermot Bradley for assistance with
2307 Continue to use unqualified hostnames provided by DHCP
2311 rejected. Thanks to Jima for the patch.
2319 leases file and passed to the lease-change
2332 This used to be silent, but now is logged.
2335 Blackfin CPUs. Thanks to Alex Landau for the patch.
2338 is set. Since this tends to be used on very small uclinux
2339 systems, it's worth-while to save some code-size.
2342 need to do so, and it creates confusing behaviour when
2343 inetd is also listening on the same port. Thanks to Erik
2354 Port to Solaris. Dnsmasq 1.x used to run under Solaris,
2357 Allow the DNS function to be completely disabled, by
2358 setting the port to zero "--port=0". The allows dnsmasq to
2367 not the correct NOERROR. Thanks to Lars Nooden for
2370 Added per-server stats to the information logged when
2376 Fixed possible crash bug in DBus IPv6 code. Thanks to Matt
2383 Add --dhcp-no-override option to fix problems with some
2385 bootloaders. Thanks to Steve Alexander for the bug report.
2387 Add --tftp-port-range option. Thanks to Daniel Mierswa for
2390 Add --stop-dns-rebind option. Thanks to Collin Mulliner
2395 Added --all-servers option. Thanks to Peter Naulls for the
2399 to contact an upstream DNS server can be nailed
2401 the use of eth1 for traffic to DNS-server This
2402 facility is only available on Linux and Solaris. Thanks to
2405 Add --dhcp-optsfile option. Thanks to Carlos Carvalho for
2408 Fixed failure to set source address for server connections
2409 when using TCP. Thanks to Simon Capper for finding this
2412 Refuse to give a DHCP client the address it asks for if
2413 the address range in question is not available to that
2414 particular host. Thanks to Cedric Duval for the bug
2417 Changed behavior of DHCP server to always return total length of
2419 exists. (It used to return the time remaining on the lease
2421 K610i phone. Thanks to Hakon Stordahl for finding and
2424 Add DNSMASQ_INTERFACE to the environment of the
2425 lease-change script. Thanks to Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos for
2428 Fixed broken --alias functionality. Thanks to Michael
2431 Added French translation of the man page. Thank to Gildas
2434 Add --dhcp-match flag, to check for arbitrary options in
2436 with gPXE. Thanks to Rance Hall for the suggestion.
2438 Added --dhcp-broadcast, to force broadcast replies to DHCP
2439 clients which need them but are too dumb or too old to
2440 ask. Thanks to Bodo Bellut for the suggestion.
2444 header confuses some broken PXE ROMS. Thanks again to Bodo
2451 return code in replies. Thanks to Mike Wright for spotting
2454 Update Spanish translation. Thanks to Chris Chatham.
2459 SIP, XMPP and Google-talk to the example config file.
2462 when debug mode is set. Thanks to Cedric Duval for the
2466 Define _GNU_SOURCE to avoid problems with later glibc
2467 headers. Thanks to Jima for spotting the problem.
2469 Add --dhcp-alternate-port option. Thanks to Jan Psota for
2473 IPv6 support is enabled. Thanks to Roy Marples.
2475 Updated Polish translations - thank to Jan Psota.
2477 Fix OS detection logic to cope with GNU/FreeBSD.
2479 Fix unitialised variable in DBus code - thanks to Roy
2482 Fix network enumeration code to work on later NetBSD -
2483 thanks to Roy Marples.
2488 limit on logfiles. Thanks to Paul Chambers for spotting
2492 releases. Thanks to Jeremy Laine for spotting the problem
2502 to Jorge Bastos for pointing this out.
2504 Fix subtle bug in cache code which could cause dnsmasq to
2505 lock spinning CPU in rare circumstances. Thanks to Alex