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Lines Matching refs:RegexPattern

180     RegexPattern        *REPattern = NULL;  in doRegexLMTest()
185 REPattern = RegexPattern::compile(patString, 0, pe, status); in doRegexLMTest()
243 RegexPattern *REPattern = NULL; in doRegexLMTestUTF8()
248 REPattern = RegexPattern::compile(&pattern, 0, pe, status); in doRegexLMTestUTF8()
271 REMatcher = REPattern->matcher(&inputText, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in doRegexLMTestUTF8()
333 RegexPattern *callerPattern = NULL; in regex_err()
339 callerPattern = RegexPattern::compile(patString, 0, pe, status); in regex_err()
358 callerPattern = RegexPattern::compile(&patternText, 0, pe, status); in regex_err()
394 RegexPattern::compile("^(?:a?b?)*$", 0, pe, status); in Basic()
581 RegexPattern *pat2; in API_Match()
582 pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match()
709 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match()
768 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match()
822 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match()
913 RegexPattern *p = RegexPattern::compile(".", 0, status); in API_Match()
1017 RegexPattern *p = RegexPattern::compile(".", 0, status); in API_Match()
1130 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(re, flags, pe, status); in API_Replace()
1203 RegexPattern *pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(re2, flags, pe, status); in API_Replace()
1309 RegexPattern pata; // Test default constructor to not crash. in API_Pattern()
1310 RegexPattern patb; in API_Pattern()
1320 RegexPattern *pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(re1, 0, pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1321 RegexPattern *pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(re2, 0, pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1331 RegexPattern patc(*pat1); in API_Pattern()
1340 RegexPattern *pat1a = RegexPattern::compile(re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1346 RegexPattern *pat1b = RegexPattern::compile(re1, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1355 RegexPattern *pat1c = pat1->clone(); in API_Pattern()
1371RegexPattern *pSource = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\p{L}+"), 0, status); in API_Pattern()
1372 RegexPattern *pClone = pSource->clone(); in API_Pattern()
1390 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(".*", "random input", pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern()
1392 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("abc", "random input", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern()
1394 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(".*nput", "random input", pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern()
1396 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("random input", "random input", pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern()
1398 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(".*u", "random input", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern()
1401 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("abc", "abc", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern()
1409 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(" +", pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1463 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("<(\\w*)>"), pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1538 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile("([-,])", pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1554 pat1 = new RegexPattern(); in API_Pattern()
1558 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile("(Hello, world)*", pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1567 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile("(Hello, world)*", pe, status); in API_Pattern()
1569 REGEX_ASSERT(pat1->getDynamicClassID() == RegexPattern::getStaticClassID()); in API_Pattern()
1608 RegexPattern *pat2; in API_Match_UTF8()
1609 pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1626 RegexMatcher *m1 = pat2->matcher(&input1, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1743 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1749 RegexMatcher *matcher = pat->matcher(&input, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1853 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1859 RegexMatcher *matcher = pat->matcher(&input, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1912 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
1919 RegexMatcher *matcher = pat->matcher(&input, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
2015 RegexPattern *p = RegexPattern::compile(".", 0, status); in API_Match_UTF8()
2138 RegexPattern *pat = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Replace_UTF8()
2145 RegexMatcher *matcher = pat->matcher(&dataText, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Replace_UTF8()
2284 RegexPattern *pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(&re, flags, pe, status); in API_Replace_UTF8()
2288 RegexMatcher *matcher2 = pat2->matcher(&dataText, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in API_Replace_UTF8()
2463 RegexPattern pata; // Test default constructor to not crash. in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2464 RegexPattern patb; in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2477 RegexPattern *pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, 0, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2478 RegexPattern *pat2 = RegexPattern::compile(&re2, 0, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2488 RegexPattern patc(*pat1); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2497 RegexPattern *pat1a = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2503 RegexPattern *pat1b = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2512 RegexPattern *pat1c = pat1->clone(); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2534 RegexPattern *pSource = RegexPattern::compile(&pattern, 0, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2535 RegexPattern *pClone = pSource->clone(); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2566 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(&pattern, &input, pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2570 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("abc", "random input", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2574 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(".*nput", "random input", pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2578 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("random input", "random input", pe, status) == TRUE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2582 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches(".*u", "random input", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2588 REGEX_ASSERT(RegexPattern::matches("abc", "abc", pe, status) == FALSE); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2601 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2656 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2732 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2748 pat1 = new RegexPattern(); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2754 pat1 = RegexPattern::compile(&re1, pe, status); in API_Pattern_UTF8()
2955 RegexPattern *parsePat = NULL; in regex_find()
2957 RegexPattern *callerPattern = NULL, *UTF8Pattern = NULL; in regex_find()
2995 callerPattern = RegexPattern::compile(pattern, bflags, pe, status); in regex_find()
3027 UTF8Pattern = RegexPattern::compile(&patternText, bflags, pe, status); in regex_find()
3093 parsePat = RegexPattern::compile("<(/?)(r|[0-9]+)>", 0, pe, status); in regex_find()
3145 UTF8Matcher = UTF8Pattern->matcher(&inputText, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in regex_find()
3369 RegexPattern *pat1= RegexPattern::compile(".*", flags, pe, status); in Errors()
3584RegexPattern* linePat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("(.+?)[\\r\\n]+"), 0, pe, stat… in PerlTests()
3595 RegexPattern* fieldPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\t"), 0, pe, status); in PerlTests()
3603RegexPattern *flagPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("('?)(.*)\\1(.*)"), 0, pe, sta… in PerlTests()
3620RegexPattern *groupsPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\$([+\\-])\\[(\\d+)\\]"), … in PerlTests()
3624 RegexPattern *cgPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\$(\\d+)"), 0, pe, status); in PerlTests()
3681 RegexPattern *testPat = RegexPattern::compile(pattern, flags, pe, status); in PerlTests()
3953RegexPattern* linePat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("(.+?)[\\r\\n]+"), 0, pe, stat… in PerlTestsUTF8()
3964 RegexPattern* fieldPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\t"), 0, pe, status); in PerlTestsUTF8()
3972RegexPattern *flagPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("('?)(.*)\\1(.*)"), 0, pe, sta… in PerlTestsUTF8()
3989RegexPattern *groupsPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\$([+\\-])\\[(\\d+)\\]"), … in PerlTestsUTF8()
3993 RegexPattern *cgPat = RegexPattern::compile(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\$(\\d+)"), 0, pe, status); in PerlTestsUTF8()
4063 RegexPattern *testPat = RegexPattern::compile(&patternText, flags, pe, status); in PerlTestsUTF8()
4131 … RegexMatcher *testMat = testPat->matcher(&inputText, RegexPattern::PATTERN_IS_UTEXT, status); in PerlTestsUTF8()
4624 RegexPattern *REPattern = NULL; in Bug7651()
4629 REPattern = RegexPattern::compile(pattern1, 0, pe, status); in Bug7651()
4639 REPattern = RegexPattern::compile(pattern2, 0, pe, status); in Bug7651()