/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * make_cfst.cpp * * * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ptypes.h" #include "srec_arb.h" #include "simapi.h" #include "fst/lib/fstlib.h" #include "fst/lib/fst-decl.h" #include "fst/lib/vector-fst.h" #include "fst/lib/arcsort.h" #include "fst/lib/invert.h" #include "fst/lib/rmepsilon.h" #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256 #define MAX_PRONS_LENGTH 1024 #define EPSILON_LABEL 0 #define MAX_MODELS 1024 #define MAXPHID 8888 #define MAX_PHONEMES 128 using namespace fst; int usage(const char* prog) { printf("usage: %s -phones models/phones.map -models models/models128x.map -cfst models/generic.C -swiarb models/generic.swiarb\n", prog); return 1; } typedef struct Minifst_t { char lcontexts[MAX_PHONEMES]; char rcontexts[MAX_PHONEMES]; int modelId; int stateSt; int stateEn; phonemeID phonemeId; unsigned char phonemeCode; int lcontext_state[MAX_PHONEMES]; int rcontext_state[MAX_PHONEMES]; } Minifst; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char* cfstFilename = 0; char* swiarbFilename = 0; char* phonesMap; char* modelsMap; int i; phonemeID lphonId, cphonId, rphonId; unsigned char cphon; modelID modelId, max_modelId = 0; int stateSt, stateEn; int stateN, stateNp1; int rc; Minifst minifst[MAX_MODELS]; int do_show_text = 1; int do_until_step = 99; /* initial memory */ rc = PMemInit(); ASSERT( rc == ESR_SUCCESS); // A vector FST is a general mutable FST fst::StdVectorFst myCfst; // fst::Fst myCfst; if(argc <= 1) return usage(argv[0]); for(i=1; i n ----M---> n+1 ---#---> 1 * * * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Adds state 0 to the initially empty FST and make it the start state. stateSt = myCfst.AddState(); // 1st state will be state 0 (returned by AddState) stateEn = myCfst.AddState(); myCfst.SetStart(stateSt); // arg is state ID myCfst.SetFinal(stateEn, 0.0); // 1st arg is state ID, 2nd arg weight myCfst.AddArc(stateEn, fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL, EPSILON_LABEL, 0.0, stateSt)); phonemeID silencePhonId = 0; modelID silenceModelId = 0; silenceModelId = (modelID)get_modelid_for_pic(allotree, silencePhonId, silencePhonId, silencePhonId); // silenceModelId += MODEL_LABEL_OFFSET; #define MODEL_LABEL_OFFSET 128 for(modelId=0; modelIdnum_phonemes && cphonIdpdata[cphonId].code; printf("processing phoneme %d of %d %d %c\n", cphonId, allotree->num_phonemes, cphon, cphon); for(lphonId=0; lphonIdnum_phonemes && lphonIdpdata[lphonId].code; for(rphonId=0; rphonIdnum_phonemes && rphonIdpdata[rphonId].code; if( 1|| cphon=='a') { //22222 modelId = (modelID)get_modelid_for_pic(allotree, lphonId, cphonId, rphonId); } else { modelId = (modelID)get_modelid_for_pic(allotree, 0, cphonId, 0); } if(modelId == MAXmodelID) { printf("error while get_modelid_for_pic( %p, %d, %d, %d)\n", allotree, lphonId, cphonId, rphonId); continue; } else if(do_show_text) printf("%c %c %c hmm%03d_%c %d %d %d\n", lphon, cphon, rphon, modelId, cphon, lphonId, cphonId, rphonId); ASSERT(modelId < MAX_MODELS); minifst[ modelId].phonemeId = cphonId; minifst[ modelId].phonemeCode = cphon; minifst[ modelId].modelId = modelId; minifst[ modelId].lcontexts[lphonId] = 1; minifst[ modelId].rcontexts[rphonId] = 1; if(modelId>max_modelId) max_modelId = modelId; } } } printf("adding model arcs .. max_modelId %d\n",max_modelId); for(modelId=0; modelId<=max_modelId; modelId++) { if( minifst[modelId].modelId == MAXmodelID) continue; cphon = minifst[modelId].phonemeCode; minifst[modelId].stateSt = (stateN = myCfst.AddState()); minifst[modelId].stateEn = (stateNp1 = myCfst.AddState()); /* n plus 1 */ myCfst.AddArc( stateN, fst::StdArc(cphon,modelId,0.0,stateNp1)); myCfst.AddArc( stateNp1, fst::StdArc(WORD_BOUNDARY,WORD_BOUNDARY,0.0,stateNp1)); if(do_show_text) printf("%d\t\%d\t%c\t\%d\n", stateN,stateNp1,cphon,modelId); #if 1 for( lphonId=0; lphonIdnum_phonemes; lphonId++) { minifst[modelId].lcontext_state[lphonId] = myCfst.AddState(); myCfst.AddArc( minifst[modelId].lcontext_state[lphonId], fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL,EPSILON_LABEL,0.0, minifst[modelId].stateSt)); } for( rphonId=0; rphonIdnum_phonemes; rphonId++) { minifst[modelId].rcontext_state[rphonId] = myCfst.AddState(); myCfst.AddArc( minifst[modelId].stateEn, fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL,EPSILON_LABEL,0.0, minifst[modelId].rcontext_state[rphonId])); } #endif } #if 1 printf("adding cross-connections\n"); for( modelId=0; modelId<=max_modelId; modelId++) { printf("processing model %d\n", modelId); if( minifst[modelId].modelId == MAXmodelID) continue; cphonId = minifst[modelId].phonemeId; for( modelID mId=0; mId<=max_modelId; mId++) { if( minifst[mId].modelId != MAXmodelID && // minifst[mId].phonemeId == rphonId && minifst[modelId].rcontexts[ minifst[mId].phonemeId] == 1 && minifst[mId].lcontexts[ cphonId] == 1) { myCfst.AddArc( minifst[modelId].stateEn, fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL,EPSILON_LABEL,0.0, minifst[mId].stateSt)); } } } /* start node connections */ myCfst.AddArc( stateSt, fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL, EPSILON_LABEL, 0.0, minifst[silenceModelId].stateSt)); myCfst.AddArc( minifst[silenceModelId].stateEn, fst::StdArc(EPSILON_LABEL, EPSILON_LABEL, 0.0, stateEn)); #endif fst::StdVectorFst fst2; fst::StdVectorFst* ofst = &myCfst; if(do_until_step>0) { printf("invert\n"); fst::Invert(&myCfst); bool FLAGS_connect = true; if(do_until_step>1) { printf("rmepsilon\n"); fst::RmEpsilon( &myCfst, FLAGS_connect); if(do_until_step>2) { printf("determinize\n"); fst::Determinize(myCfst, &fst2); ofst = &fst2; if(do_until_step>3) { printf("arcsort olabels\n"); fst::ArcSort(&fst2, fst::StdOLabelCompare()); } } } } #if 0 for(fst::SymbolTableIterator syms_iter( *syms); !syms_iter.Done(); syms_iter.Next() ) { int value = (int)syms_iter.Value(); const char* key = syms_iter.Symbol(); } #endif printf("writing output file %s\n", cfstFilename); // We can save this FST to a file with: /* fail compilation if char and LCHAR aren't the same! */ { char zzz[ 1 - (sizeof(LCHAR)!=sizeof(char))]; zzz[0] = 0; } ofst->Write((const char*)cfstFilename); CA_FreeArbdata( ca_arbdata); PMemShutdown(); // CLEANUP: return (int)rc; }