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1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "base/leak_tracker.h"
13 #include "base/linked_list.h"
14 #include "base/linked_ptr.h"
15 #include "base/logging.h"
16 #include "base/ref_counted.h"
17 #include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
18 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
19 #include "net/base/load_log.h"
20 #include "net/base/load_states.h"
21 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
22 #include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
23 #include "net/url_request/request_tracker.h"
24 #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
26 namespace base {
27 class Time;
28 }  // namespace base
30 namespace net {
31 class IOBuffer;
32 class SSLCertRequestInfo;
33 class UploadData;
34 class X509Certificate;
35 }  // namespace net
37 class FilePath;
38 class URLRequestContext;
39 class URLRequestJob;
41 // This stores the values of the Set-Cookie headers received during the request.
42 // Each item in the vector corresponds to a Set-Cookie: line received,
43 // excluding the "Set-Cookie:" part.
44 typedef std::vector<std::string> ResponseCookies;
46 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 // A class  representing the asynchronous load of a data stream from an URL.
48 //
49 // The lifetime of an instance of this class is completely controlled by the
50 // consumer, and the instance is not required to live on the heap or be
51 // allocated in any special way.  It is also valid to delete an URLRequest
52 // object during the handling of a callback to its delegate.  Of course, once
53 // the URLRequest is deleted, no further callbacks to its delegate will occur.
54 //
55 // NOTE: All usage of all instances of this class should be on the same thread.
56 //
57 class URLRequest {
58  public:
59   // Derive from this class and add your own data members to associate extra
60   // information with a URLRequest. Use GetUserData(key) and SetUserData()
61   class UserData {
62    public:
UserData()63     UserData() {}
~UserData()64     virtual ~UserData() {}
65   };
67   // Callback function implemented by protocol handlers to create new jobs.
68   // The factory may return NULL to indicate an error, which will cause other
69   // factories to be queried.  If no factory handles the request, then the
70   // default job will be used.
71   typedef URLRequestJob* (ProtocolFactory)(URLRequest* request,
72                                            const std::string& scheme);
74   // This class handles network interception.  Use with
75   // (Un)RegisterRequestInterceptor.
76   class Interceptor {
77   public:
~Interceptor()78     virtual ~Interceptor() {}
80     // Called for every request made.  Should return a new job to handle the
81     // request if it should be intercepted, or NULL to allow the request to
82     // be handled in the normal manner.
83     virtual URLRequestJob* MaybeIntercept(URLRequest* request) = 0;
85     // Called after having received a redirect response, but prior to the
86     // the request delegate being informed of the redirect. Can return a new
87     // job to replace the existing job if it should be intercepted, or NULL
88     // to allow the normal handling to continue. If a new job is provided,
89     // the delegate never sees the original redirect response, instead the
90     // response produced by the intercept job will be returned.
MaybeInterceptRedirect(URLRequest * request,const GURL & location)91     virtual URLRequestJob* MaybeInterceptRedirect(URLRequest* request,
92                                                   const GURL& location) {
93       return NULL;
94     }
96     // Called after having received a final response, but prior to the
97     // the request delegate being informed of the response. This is also
98     // called when there is no server response at all to allow interception
99     // on dns or network errors. Can return a new job to replace the existing
100     // job if it should be intercepted, or NULL to allow the normal handling to
101     // continue. If a new job is provided, the delegate never sees the original
102     // response, instead the response produced by the intercept job will be
103     // returned.
MaybeInterceptResponse(URLRequest * request)104     virtual URLRequestJob* MaybeInterceptResponse(URLRequest* request) {
105       return NULL;
106     }
107   };
109   // The delegate's methods are called from the message loop of the thread
110   // on which the request's Start() method is called. See above for the
111   // ordering of callbacks.
112   //
113   // The callbacks will be called in the following order:
114   //   Start()
115   //    - OnCertificateRequested* (zero or one call, if the SSL server
116   //      requests a client certificate for authentication)
117   //    - OnSSLCertificateError* (zero or one call, if the SSL server's
118   //      certificate has an error)
119   //    - OnReceivedRedirect* (zero or more calls, for the number of redirects)
120   //    - OnAuthRequired* (zero or more calls, for the number of
121   //      authentication failures)
122   //    - OnResponseStarted
123   //   Read() initiated by delegate
124   //    - OnReadCompleted* (zero or more calls until all data is read)
125   //
126   // Read() must be called at least once. Read() returns true when it completed
127   // immediately, and false if an IO is pending or if there is an error.  When
128   // Read() returns false, the caller can check the Request's status() to see
129   // if an error occurred, or if the IO is just pending.  When Read() returns
130   // true with zero bytes read, it indicates the end of the response.
131   //
132   class Delegate {
133    public:
~Delegate()134     virtual ~Delegate() {}
136     // Called upon a server-initiated redirect.  The delegate may call the
137     // request's Cancel method to prevent the redirect from being followed.
138     // Since there may be multiple chained redirects, there may also be more
139     // than one redirect call.
140     //
141     // When this function is called, the request will still contain the
142     // original URL, the destination of the redirect is provided in 'new_url'.
143     // If the delegate does not cancel the request and |*defer_redirect| is
144     // false, then the redirect will be followed, and the request's URL will be
145     // changed to the new URL.  Otherwise if the delegate does not cancel the
146     // request and |*defer_redirect| is true, then the redirect will be
147     // followed once FollowDeferredRedirect is called on the URLRequest.
148     //
149     // The caller must set |*defer_redirect| to false, so that delegates do not
150     // need to set it if they are happy with the default behavior of not
151     // deferring redirect.
OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest * request,const GURL & new_url,bool * defer_redirect)152     virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request,
153                                     const GURL& new_url,
154                                     bool* defer_redirect) {
155     }
157     // Called when we receive an authentication failure.  The delegate should
158     // call request->SetAuth() with the user's credentials once it obtains them,
159     // or request->CancelAuth() to cancel the login and display the error page.
160     // When it does so, the request will be reissued, restarting the sequence
161     // of On* callbacks.
OnAuthRequired(URLRequest * request,net::AuthChallengeInfo * auth_info)162     virtual void OnAuthRequired(URLRequest* request,
163                                 net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info) {
164       request->CancelAuth();
165     }
167     // Called when we receive an SSL CertificateRequest message for client
168     // authentication.  The delegate should call
169     // request->ContinueWithCertificate() with the client certificate the user
170     // selected, or request->ContinueWithCertificate(NULL) to continue the SSL
171     // handshake without a client certificate.
OnCertificateRequested(URLRequest * request,net::SSLCertRequestInfo * cert_request_info)172     virtual void OnCertificateRequested(
173         URLRequest* request,
174         net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) {
175       request->ContinueWithCertificate(NULL);
176     }
178     // Called when using SSL and the server responds with a certificate with
179     // an error, for example, whose common name does not match the common name
180     // we were expecting for that host.  The delegate should either do the
181     // safe thing and Cancel() the request or decide to proceed by calling
182     // ContinueDespiteLastError().  cert_error is a net::ERR_* error code
183     // indicating what's wrong with the certificate.
OnSSLCertificateError(URLRequest * request,int cert_error,net::X509Certificate * cert)184     virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(URLRequest* request,
185                                        int cert_error,
186                                        net::X509Certificate* cert) {
187       request->Cancel();
188     }
190     // After calling Start(), the delegate will receive an OnResponseStarted
191     // callback when the request has completed.  If an error occurred, the
192     // request->status() will be set.  On success, all redirects have been
193     // followed and the final response is beginning to arrive.  At this point,
194     // meta data about the response is available, including for example HTTP
195     // response headers if this is a request for a HTTP resource.
196     virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request) = 0;
198     // Called when the a Read of the response body is completed after an
199     // IO_PENDING status from a Read() call.
200     // The data read is filled into the buffer which the caller passed
201     // to Read() previously.
202     //
203     // If an error occurred, request->status() will contain the error,
204     // and bytes read will be -1.
205     virtual void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) = 0;
206   };
208   // Initialize an URL request.
209   URLRequest(const GURL& url, Delegate* delegate);
211   // If destroyed after Start() has been called but while IO is pending,
212   // then the request will be effectively canceled and the delegate
213   // will not have any more of its methods called.
214   ~URLRequest();
216   // The user data allows the clients to associate data with this request.
217   // Multiple user data values can be stored under different keys.
218   // This request will TAKE OWNERSHIP of the given data pointer, and will
219   // delete the object if it is changed or the request is destroyed.
220   UserData* GetUserData(const void* key) const;
221   void SetUserData(const void* key, UserData* data);
223   // Registers a new protocol handler for the given scheme. If the scheme is
224   // already handled, this will overwrite the given factory. To delete the
225   // protocol factory, use NULL for the factory BUT this WILL NOT put back
226   // any previously registered protocol factory. It will have returned
227   // the previously registered factory (or NULL if none is registered) when
228   // the scheme was first registered so that the caller can manually put it
229   // back if desired.
230   //
231   // The scheme must be all-lowercase ASCII. See the ProtocolFactory
232   // declaration for its requirements.
233   //
234   // The registered protocol factory may return NULL, which will cause the
235   // regular "built-in" protocol factory to be used.
236   //
237   static ProtocolFactory* RegisterProtocolFactory(const std::string& scheme,
238                                                   ProtocolFactory* factory);
240   // Registers or unregisters a network interception class.
241   static void RegisterRequestInterceptor(Interceptor* interceptor);
242   static void UnregisterRequestInterceptor(Interceptor* interceptor);
244   // Returns true if the scheme can be handled by URLRequest. False otherwise.
245   static bool IsHandledProtocol(const std::string& scheme);
247   // Returns true if the url can be handled by URLRequest. False otherwise.
248   // The function returns true for invalid urls because URLRequest knows how
249   // to handle those.
250   static bool IsHandledURL(const GURL& url);
252   // The original url is the url used to initialize the request, and it may
253   // differ from the url if the request was redirected.
original_url()254   const GURL& original_url() const { return original_url_; }
url()255   const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
257   // The URL that should be consulted for the third-party cookie blocking
258   // policy.
first_party_for_cookies()259   const GURL& first_party_for_cookies() const {
260       return first_party_for_cookies_;
261   }
262   // This method may be called before Start() or FollowDeferredRedirect() is
263   // called.
264   void set_first_party_for_cookies(const GURL& first_party_for_cookies);
266   // The request method, as an uppercase string.  "GET" is the default value.
267   // The request method may only be changed before Start() is called and
268   // should only be assigned an uppercase value.
method()269   const std::string& method() const { return method_; }
270   void set_method(const std::string& method);
272   // The referrer URL for the request.  This header may actually be suppressed
273   // from the underlying network request for security reasons (e.g., a HTTPS
274   // URL will not be sent as the referrer for a HTTP request).  The referrer
275   // may only be changed before Start() is called.
referrer()276   const std::string& referrer() const { return referrer_; }
277   void set_referrer(const std::string& referrer);
278   // Returns the referrer header with potential username and password removed.
279   GURL GetSanitizedReferrer() const;
281   // The delegate of the request.  This value may be changed at any time,
282   // and it is permissible for it to be null.
delegate()283   Delegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
set_delegate(Delegate * delegate)284   void set_delegate(Delegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
286   // The data comprising the request message body is specified as a sequence of
287   // data segments and/or files containing data to upload.  These methods may
288   // be called to construct the data sequence to upload, and they may only be
289   // called before Start() is called.  For POST requests, the user must call
290   // SetRequestHeaderBy{Id,Name} to set the Content-Type of the request to the
291   // appropriate value before calling Start().
292   //
293   // When uploading data, bytes_len must be non-zero.
294   // When uploading a file range, length must be non-zero. If length
295   // exceeds the end-of-file, the upload is clipped at end-of-file.
296   void AppendBytesToUpload(const char* bytes, int bytes_len);
297   void AppendFileRangeToUpload(const FilePath& file_path,
298                                uint64 offset, uint64 length);
AppendFileToUpload(const FilePath & file_path)299   void AppendFileToUpload(const FilePath& file_path) {
300     AppendFileRangeToUpload(file_path, 0, kuint64max);
301   }
303   // Set the upload data directly.
304   void set_upload(net::UploadData* upload);
306   // Get the upload data directly.
307   net::UploadData* get_upload();
309   // Returns true if the request has a non-empty message body to upload.
310   bool has_upload() const;
312   // Set an extra request header by ID or name.  These methods may only be
313   // called before Start() is called.  It is an error to call it later.
314   void SetExtraRequestHeaderById(int header_id, const std::string& value,
315                                  bool overwrite);
316   void SetExtraRequestHeaderByName(const std::string& name,
317                                    const std::string& value, bool overwrite);
319   // Sets all extra request headers, from a \r\n-delimited string.  Any extra
320   // request headers set by other methods are overwritten by this method.  This
321   // method may only be called before Start() is called.  It is an error to
322   // call it later.
323   //
324   // Note: \r\n is only used to separate the headers in the string if there
325   // are multiple headers.  The last header in the string must not be followed
326   // by \r\n.
327   void SetExtraRequestHeaders(const std::string& headers);
extra_request_headers()329   const std::string& extra_request_headers() { return extra_request_headers_; }
331   // Returns the current load state for the request.
332   net::LoadState GetLoadState() const;
334   // Returns the current upload progress in bytes.
335   uint64 GetUploadProgress() const;
337   // Get response header(s) by ID or name.  These methods may only be called
338   // once the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been called.  Headers
339   // that appear more than once in the response are coalesced, with values
340   // separated by commas (per RFC 2616). This will not work with cookies since
341   // comma can be used in cookie values.
342   // TODO(darin): add API to enumerate response headers.
343   void GetResponseHeaderById(int header_id, std::string* value);
344   void GetResponseHeaderByName(const std::string& name, std::string* value);
346   // Get all response headers, \n-delimited and \n\0-terminated.  This includes
347   // the response status line.  Restrictions on GetResponseHeaders apply.
348   void GetAllResponseHeaders(std::string* headers);
350   // The time at which the returned response was requested.  For cached
351   // responses, this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
request_time()352   const base::Time& request_time() const {
353     return response_info_.request_time;
354   }
356   // The time at which the returned response was generated.  For cached
357   // responses, this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
response_time()358   const base::Time& response_time() const {
359     return response_info_.response_time;
360   }
362   // Indicate if this response was fetched from disk cache.
was_cached()363   bool was_cached() const { return response_info_.was_cached; }
365   // Returns true if the URLRequest was delivered with SPDY.
was_fetched_via_spdy()366   bool was_fetched_via_spdy() const {
367     return response_info_.was_fetched_via_spdy;
368   }
370   // Get all response headers, as a HttpResponseHeaders object.  See comments
371   // in HttpResponseHeaders class as to the format of the data.
372   net::HttpResponseHeaders* response_headers() const;
374   // Get the SSL connection info.
ssl_info()375   const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info() const {
376     return response_info_.ssl_info;
377   }
379   // Returns the cookie values included in the response, if the request is one
380   // that can have cookies.  Returns true if the request is a cookie-bearing
381   // type, false otherwise.  This method may only be called once the
382   // delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been called.
383   bool GetResponseCookies(ResponseCookies* cookies);
385   // Get the mime type.  This method may only be called once the delegate's
386   // OnResponseStarted method has been called.
387   void GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type);
389   // Get the charset (character encoding).  This method may only be called once
390   // the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been called.
391   void GetCharset(std::string* charset);
393   // Returns the HTTP response code (e.g., 200, 404, and so on).  This method
394   // may only be called once the delegate's OnResponseStarted method has been
395   // called.  For non-HTTP requests, this method returns -1.
396   int GetResponseCode();
398   // Get the HTTP response info in its entirety.
response_info()399   const net::HttpResponseInfo& response_info() const { return response_info_; }
401   // Access the net::LOAD_* flags modifying this request (see load_flags.h).
load_flags()402   int load_flags() const { return load_flags_; }
set_load_flags(int flags)403   void set_load_flags(int flags) { load_flags_ = flags; }
405   // Returns true if the request is "pending" (i.e., if Start() has been called,
406   // and the response has not yet been called).
is_pending()407   bool is_pending() const { return is_pending_; }
409   // Returns the error status of the request.  This value is 0 if there is no
410   // error.  Otherwise, it is a value defined by the operating system (e.g., an
411   // error code returned by GetLastError() on windows).
status()412   const URLRequestStatus& status() const { return status_; }
414   // This method is called to start the request.  The delegate will receive
415   // a OnResponseStarted callback when the request is started.
416   void Start();
418   // This method may be called at any time after Start() has been called to
419   // cancel the request.  This method may be called many times, and it has
420   // no effect once the response has completed.  It is guaranteed that no
421   // methods of the delegate will be called after the request has been
422   // cancelled, including during the call to Cancel itself.
423   void Cancel();
425   // Cancels the request and sets the error to |os_error| (see net_error_list.h
426   // for values).
427   void SimulateError(int os_error);
429   // Cancels the request and sets the error to |os_error| (see net_error_list.h
430   // for values) and attaches |ssl_info| as the SSLInfo for that request.  This
431   // is useful to attach a certificate and certificate error to a canceled
432   // request.
433   void SimulateSSLError(int os_error, const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info);
435   // Read initiates an asynchronous read from the response, and must only
436   // be called after the OnResponseStarted callback is received with a
437   // successful status.
438   // If data is available, Read will return true, and the data and length will
439   // be returned immediately.  If data is not available, Read returns false,
440   // and an asynchronous Read is initiated.  The Read is finished when
441   // the caller receives the OnReadComplete callback.  Unless the request was
442   // cancelled, OnReadComplete will always be called, even if the read failed.
443   //
444   // The buf parameter is a buffer to receive the data.  If the operation
445   // completes asynchronously, the implementation will reference the buffer
446   // until OnReadComplete is called.  The buffer must be at least max_bytes in
447   // length.
448   //
449   // The max_bytes parameter is the maximum number of bytes to read.
450   //
451   // The bytes_read parameter is an output parameter containing the
452   // the number of bytes read.  A value of 0 indicates that there is no
453   // more data available to read from the stream.
454   //
455   // If a read error occurs, Read returns false and the request->status
456   // will be set to an error.
457   bool Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int max_bytes, int *bytes_read);
459   // This method may be called to follow a redirect that was deferred in
460   // response to an OnReceivedRedirect call.
461   void FollowDeferredRedirect();
463   // One of the following two methods should be called in response to an
464   // OnAuthRequired() callback (and only then).
465   // SetAuth will reissue the request with the given credentials.
466   // CancelAuth will give up and display the error page.
467   void SetAuth(const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password);
468   void CancelAuth();
470   // This method can be called after the user selects a client certificate to
471   // instruct this URLRequest to continue with the request with the
472   // certificate.  Pass NULL if the user doesn't have a client certificate.
473   void ContinueWithCertificate(net::X509Certificate* client_cert);
475   // This method can be called after some error notifications to instruct this
476   // URLRequest to ignore the current error and continue with the request.  To
477   // cancel the request instead, call Cancel().
478   void ContinueDespiteLastError();
480   // HTTP request/response header IDs (via some preprocessor fun) for use with
481   // SetRequestHeaderById and GetResponseHeaderById.
482   enum {
483 #define HTTP_ATOM(x) HTTP_ ## x,
484 #include "net/http/http_atom_list.h"
485 #undef HTTP_ATOM
486   };
488   // Returns true if performance profiling should be enabled on the
489   // URLRequestJob serving this request.
enable_profiling()490   bool enable_profiling() const { return enable_profiling_; }
set_enable_profiling(bool profiling)492   void set_enable_profiling(bool profiling) { enable_profiling_ = profiling; }
494   // Used to specify the context (cookie store, cache) for this request.
495   URLRequestContext* context();
496   void set_context(URLRequestContext* context);
load_log()498   net::LoadLog* load_log() { return load_log_; }
500   // Returns the expected content size if available
501   int64 GetExpectedContentSize() const;
503   // Returns the priority level for this request.
priority()504   net::RequestPriority priority() const { return priority_; }
set_priority(net::RequestPriority priority)505   void set_priority(net::RequestPriority priority) {
506     DCHECK_GE(priority, net::HIGHEST);
507     DCHECK_LE(priority, net::LOWEST);
508     priority_ = priority;
509   }
511 #ifdef UNIT_TEST
job()512   URLRequestJob* job() { return job_; }
513 #endif
515  protected:
516   // Allow the URLRequestJob class to control the is_pending() flag.
set_is_pending(bool value)517   void set_is_pending(bool value) { is_pending_ = value; }
519   // Allow the URLRequestJob class to set our status too
set_status(const URLRequestStatus & value)520   void set_status(const URLRequestStatus& value) { status_ = value; }
522   // Allow the URLRequestJob to redirect this request.  Returns net::OK if
523   // successful, otherwise an error code is returned.
524   int Redirect(const GURL& location, int http_status_code);
526   // Called by URLRequestJob to allow interception when a redirect occurs.
527   void ReceivedRedirect(const GURL& location, bool* defer_redirect);
529   // Called by URLRequestJob to allow interception when the final response
530   // occurs.
531   void ResponseStarted();
533   // Allow an interceptor's URLRequestJob to restart this request.
534   // Should only be called if the original job has not started a resposne.
535   void Restart();
537  private:
538   friend class URLRequestJob;
539   friend class RequestTracker<URLRequest>;
541   void StartJob(URLRequestJob* job);
543   // Restarting involves replacing the current job with a new one such as what
544   // happens when following a HTTP redirect.
545   void RestartWithJob(URLRequestJob *job);
546   void PrepareToRestart();
548   // Detaches the job from this request in preparation for this object going
549   // away or the job being replaced. The job will not call us back when it has
550   // been orphaned.
551   void OrphanJob();
553   // Cancels the request and set the error and ssl info for this request to the
554   // passed values.
555   void DoCancel(int os_error, const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info);
557   // Discard headers which have meaning in POST (Content-Length, Content-Type,
558   // Origin).
559   static std::string StripPostSpecificHeaders(const std::string& headers);
561   // Gets the goodies out of this that we want to show the user later on the
562   // chrome://net-internals/ page.
563   void GetInfoForTracker(
564       RequestTracker<URLRequest>::RecentRequestInfo* info) const;
566   // Contextual information used for this request (can be NULL). This contains
567   // most of the dependencies which are shared between requests (disk cache,
568   // cookie store, socket poool, etc.)
569   scoped_refptr<URLRequestContext> context_;
571   // Tracks the time spent in various load states throughout this request.
572   scoped_refptr<net::LoadLog> load_log_;
574   scoped_refptr<URLRequestJob> job_;
575   scoped_refptr<net::UploadData> upload_;
576   GURL url_;
577   GURL original_url_;
578   GURL first_party_for_cookies_;
579   std::string method_;  // "GET", "POST", etc. Should be all uppercase.
580   std::string referrer_;
581   std::string extra_request_headers_;
582   int load_flags_;  // Flags indicating the request type for the load;
583                     // expected values are LOAD_* enums above.
585   Delegate* delegate_;
587   // Current error status of the job. When no error has been encountered, this
588   // will be SUCCESS. If multiple errors have been encountered, this will be
589   // the first non-SUCCESS status seen.
590   URLRequestStatus status_;
592   // The HTTP response info, lazily initialized.
593   net::HttpResponseInfo response_info_;
595   // Tells us whether the job is outstanding. This is true from the time
596   // Start() is called to the time we dispatch RequestComplete and indicates
597   // whether the job is active.
598   bool is_pending_;
600   // Externally-defined data accessible by key
601   typedef std::map<const void*, linked_ptr<UserData> > UserDataMap;
602   UserDataMap user_data_;
604   // Whether to enable performance profiling on the job serving this request.
605   bool enable_profiling_;
607   // Number of times we're willing to redirect.  Used to guard against
608   // infinite redirects.
609   int redirect_limit_;
611   // Cached value for use after we've orphaned the job handling the
612   // first transaction in a request involving redirects.
613   uint64 final_upload_progress_;
615   // The priority level for this request.  Objects like ClientSocketPool use
616   // this to determine which URLRequest to allocate sockets to first.
617   net::RequestPriority priority_;
619   RequestTracker<URLRequest>::Node request_tracker_node_;
620   base::LeakTracker<URLRequest> leak_tracker_;
623 };