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1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/ref_counted.h"
12 #include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "base/time.h"
14 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
15 #include "net/base/filter.h"
16 #include "net/base/load_states.h"
18 namespace net {
19 class AuthChallengeInfo;
20 class HttpResponseInfo;
21 class IOBuffer;
22 class UploadData;
23 class X509Certificate;
24 }
26 class URLRequest;
27 class URLRequestStatus;
28 class URLRequestJobMetrics;
30 // The URLRequestJob is using RefCounterThreadSafe because some sub classes
31 // can be destroyed on multiple threads. This is the case of the
32 // UrlRequestFileJob.
33 class URLRequestJob : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLRequestJob>,
34                       public FilterContext {
35  public:
36   // When histogramming results related to SDCH and/or an SDCH latency test, the
37   // number of packets for which we need to record arrival times so as to
38   // calculate interpacket latencies.  We currently are only looking at the
39   // first few packets, as we're monitoring the impact of the initial TCP
40   // congestion window on stalling of transmissions.
41   static const size_t kSdchPacketHistogramCount = 5;
43   explicit URLRequestJob(URLRequest* request);
45   // Returns the request that owns this job. THIS POINTER MAY BE NULL if the
46   // request was destroyed.
request()47   URLRequest* request() const {
48     return request_;
49   }
51   // Sets the upload data, most requests have no upload data, so this is a NOP.
52   // Job types supporting upload data will override this.
SetUpload(net::UploadData * upload)53   virtual void SetUpload(net::UploadData* upload) { }
55   // Sets extra request headers for Job types that support request headers.
SetExtraRequestHeaders(const std::string & headers)56   virtual void SetExtraRequestHeaders(const std::string& headers) { }
58   // If any error occurs while starting the Job, NotifyStartError should be
59   // called.
60   // This helps ensure that all errors follow more similar notification code
61   // paths, which should simplify testing.
62   virtual void Start() = 0;
64   // This function MUST somehow call NotifyDone/NotifyCanceled or some requests
65   // will get leaked. Certain callers use that message to know when they can
66   // delete their URLRequest object, even when doing a cancel. The default Kill
67   // implementation calls NotifyCanceled, so it is recommended that subclasses
68   // call URLRequestJob::Kill() after doing any additional work.
69   //
70   // The job should endeavor to stop working as soon as is convenient, but must
71   // not send and complete notifications from inside this function. Instead,
72   // complete notifications (including "canceled") should be sent from a
73   // callback run from the message loop.
74   //
75   // The job is not obliged to immediately stop sending data in response to
76   // this call, nor is it obliged to fail with "canceled" unless not all data
77   // was sent as a result. A typical case would be where the job is almost
78   // complete and can succeed before the canceled notification can be
79   // dispatched (from the message loop).
80   //
81   // The job should be prepared to receive multiple calls to kill it, but only
82   // one notification must be issued.
83   virtual void Kill();
85   // Called to detach the request from this Job.  Results in the Job being
86   // killed off eventually. The job must not use the request pointer any more.
87   void DetachRequest();
89   // Called to read post-filtered data from this Job, returning the number of
90   // bytes read, 0 when there is no more data, or -1 if there was an error.
91   // This is just the backend for URLRequest::Read, see that function for more
92   // info.
93   bool Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int *bytes_read);
95   // Called to fetch the current load state for the job.
GetLoadState()96   virtual net::LoadState GetLoadState() const { return net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE; }
98   // Called to get the upload progress in bytes.
GetUploadProgress()99   virtual uint64 GetUploadProgress() const { return 0; }
101   // Called to fetch the charset for this request.  Only makes sense for some
102   // types of requests. Returns true on success.  Calling this on a type that
103   // doesn't have a charset will return false.
GetCharset(std::string * charset)104   virtual bool GetCharset(std::string* charset) { return false; }
106   // Called to get response info.
GetResponseInfo(net::HttpResponseInfo * info)107   virtual void GetResponseInfo(net::HttpResponseInfo* info) {}
109   // Returns the cookie values included in the response, if applicable.
110   // Returns true if applicable.
111   // NOTE: This removes the cookies from the job, so it will only return
112   //       useful results once per job.
GetResponseCookies(std::vector<std::string> * cookies)113   virtual bool GetResponseCookies(std::vector<std::string>* cookies) {
114     return false;
115   }
117   // Called to fetch the encoding types for this request. Only makes sense for
118   // some types of requests. Returns true on success. Calling this on a request
119   // that doesn't have or specify an encoding type will return false.
120   // Returns a array of strings showing the sequential encodings used on the
121   // content.
122   // For example, encoding_types[0] = FILTER_TYPE_SDCH and encoding_types[1] =
123   // FILTER_TYPE_GZIP, means the content was first encoded by sdch, and then
124   // result was encoded by gzip.  To decode, a series of filters must be applied
125   // in the reverse order (in the above example, ungzip first, and then sdch
126   // expand).
GetContentEncodings(std::vector<Filter::FilterType> * encoding_types)127   virtual bool GetContentEncodings(
128       std::vector<Filter::FilterType>* encoding_types) {
129     return false;
130   }
132   // Find out if this is a download.
133   virtual bool IsDownload() const;
135   // Find out if this is a response to a request that advertised an SDCH
136   // dictionary.  Only makes sense for some types of requests.
IsSdchResponse()137   virtual bool IsSdchResponse() const { return false; }
139   // Called to setup stream filter for this request. An example of filter is
140   // content encoding/decoding.
141   void SetupFilter();
143   // Called to determine if this response is a redirect.  Only makes sense
144   // for some types of requests.  This method returns true if the response
145   // is a redirect, and fills in the location param with the URL of the
146   // redirect.  The HTTP status code (e.g., 302) is filled into
147   // |*http_status_code| to signify the type of redirect.
148   //
149   // The caller is responsible for following the redirect by setting up an
150   // appropriate replacement Job. Note that the redirected location may be
151   // invalid, the caller should be sure it can handle this.
152   //
153   // The default implementation inspects the response_info_.
154   virtual bool IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code);
156   // Called to determine if it is okay to redirect this job to the specified
157   // location.  This may be used to implement protocol-specific restrictions.
158   // If this function returns false, then the URLRequest will fail reporting
159   // net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT.
IsSafeRedirect(const GURL & location)160   virtual bool IsSafeRedirect(const GURL& location) {
161     return true;
162   }
164   // Called to determine if this response is asking for authentication.  Only
165   // makes sense for some types of requests.  The caller is responsible for
166   // obtaining the credentials passing them to SetAuth.
NeedsAuth()167   virtual bool NeedsAuth() { return false; }
169   // Fills the authentication info with the server's response.
170   virtual void GetAuthChallengeInfo(
171       scoped_refptr<net::AuthChallengeInfo>* auth_info);
173   // Resend the request with authentication credentials.
174   virtual void SetAuth(const std::wstring& username,
175                        const std::wstring& password);
177   // Display the error page without asking for credentials again.
178   virtual void CancelAuth();
180   virtual void ContinueWithCertificate(net::X509Certificate* client_cert);
182   // Continue processing the request ignoring the last error.
183   virtual void ContinueDespiteLastError();
185   void FollowDeferredRedirect();
187   // Returns true if the Job is done producing response data and has called
188   // NotifyDone on the request.
is_done()189   bool is_done() const { return done_; }
191   // Returns true if the job is doing performance profiling
is_profiling()192   bool is_profiling() const { return is_profiling_; }
194   // Retrieve the performance measurement of the job. The data is encapsulated
195   // with a URLRequestJobMetrics object. The caller owns this object from now
196   // on.
197   URLRequestJobMetrics* RetrieveMetrics();
199   // Get/Set expected content size
expected_content_size()200   int64 expected_content_size() const { return expected_content_size_; }
set_expected_content_size(const int64 & size)201   void set_expected_content_size(const int64& size) {
202     expected_content_size_ = size;
203   }
205   // Whether we have processed the response for that request yet.
has_response_started()206   bool has_response_started() const { return has_handled_response_; }
208   // FilterContext methods:
209   // These methods are not applicable to all connections.
GetMimeType(std::string * mime_type)210   virtual bool GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const { return false; }
211   virtual bool GetURL(GURL* gurl) const;
212   virtual base::Time GetRequestTime() const;
IsCachedContent()213   virtual bool IsCachedContent() const { return false; }
214   virtual int64 GetByteReadCount() const;
GetResponseCode()215   virtual int GetResponseCode() const { return -1; }
GetInputStreamBufferSize()216   virtual int GetInputStreamBufferSize() const { return kFilterBufSize; }
217   virtual void RecordPacketStats(StatisticSelector statistic) const;
219  protected:
220   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<URLRequestJob>;
221   virtual ~URLRequestJob();
223   // Notifies the job that headers have been received.
224   void NotifyHeadersComplete();
226   // Notifies the request that the job has completed a Read operation.
227   void NotifyReadComplete(int bytes_read);
229   // Notifies the request that a start error has occurred.
230   void NotifyStartError(const URLRequestStatus& status);
232   // NotifyDone marks when we are done with a request.  It is really
233   // a glorified set_status, but also does internal state checking and
234   // job tracking.  It should be called once per request, when the job is
235   // finished doing all IO.
236   void NotifyDone(const URLRequestStatus& status);
238   // Some work performed by NotifyDone must be completed on a separate task
239   // so as to avoid re-entering the delegate.  This method exists to perform
240   // that work.
241   void CompleteNotifyDone();
243   // Used as an asynchronous callback for Kill to notify the URLRequest that
244   // we were canceled.
245   void NotifyCanceled();
247   // Notifies the job the request should be restarted.
248   // Should only be called if the job has not started a resposne.
249   void NotifyRestartRequired();
251   // Called to read raw (pre-filtered) data from this Job.
252   // If returning true, data was read from the job.  buf will contain
253   // the data, and bytes_read will receive the number of bytes read.
254   // If returning true, and bytes_read is returned as 0, there is no
255   // additional data to be read.
256   // If returning false, an error occurred or an async IO is now pending.
257   // If async IO is pending, the status of the request will be
258   // URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, and buf must remain available until the
259   // operation is completed.  See comments on URLRequest::Read for more info.
260   virtual bool ReadRawData(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int *bytes_read);
262   // Informs the filter that data has been read into its buffer
263   void FilteredDataRead(int bytes_read);
265   // Reads filtered data from the request.  Returns true if successful,
266   // false otherwise.  Note, if there is not enough data received to
267   // return data, this call can issue a new async IO request under
268   // the hood.
269   bool ReadFilteredData(int *bytes_read);
271   // Facilitate histogramming by turning on packet counting.
272   // If called more than once, the largest value will be used.
273   void EnablePacketCounting(size_t max_packets_timed);
275   // At or near destruction time, a derived class may request that the filters
276   // be destroyed so that statistics can be gathered while the derived class is
277   // still present to assist in calculations.  This is used by URLRequestHttpJob
278   // to get SDCH to emit stats.
DestroyFilters()279   void DestroyFilters() { filter_.reset(); }
281   // The request that initiated this job. This value MAY BE NULL if the
282   // request was released by DetachRequest().
283   URLRequest* request_;
285   // The status of the job.
286   const URLRequestStatus GetStatus();
288   // Set the status of the job.
289   void SetStatus(const URLRequestStatus& status);
291   // Whether the job is doing performance profiling
292   bool is_profiling_;
294   // Contains IO performance measurement when profiling is enabled.
295   scoped_ptr<URLRequestJobMetrics> metrics_;
297  private:
298   // Size of filter input buffers used by this class.
299   static const int kFilterBufSize;
301   // When data filtering is enabled, this function is used to read data
302   // for the filter.  Returns true if raw data was read.  Returns false if
303   // an error occurred (or we are waiting for IO to complete).
304   bool ReadRawDataForFilter(int *bytes_read);
306   // Called in response to a redirect that was not canceled to follow the
307   // redirect. The current job will be replaced with a new job loading the
308   // given redirect destination.
309   void FollowRedirect(const GURL& location, int http_status_code);
311   // Updates the profiling info and notifies observers that bytes_read bytes
312   // have been read.
313   void RecordBytesRead(int bytes_read);
315   // Called to query whether there is data available in the filter to be read
316   // out.
317   bool FilterHasData();
319   // Record packet arrival times for possible use in histograms.
320   void UpdatePacketReadTimes();
322   // Indicates that the job is done producing data, either it has completed
323   // all the data or an error has been encountered. Set exclusively by
324   // NotifyDone so that it is kept in sync with the request.
325   bool done_;
327   // Cache the load flags from request_ because it might go away.
328   int load_flags_;
330   // The data stream filter which is enabled on demand.
331   scoped_ptr<Filter> filter_;
333   // If the filter filled its output buffer, then there is a change that it
334   // still has internal data to emit, and this flag is set.
335   bool filter_needs_more_output_space_;
337   // When we filter data, we receive data into the filter buffers.  After
338   // processing the filtered data, we return the data in the caller's buffer.
339   // While the async IO is in progress, we save the user buffer here, and
340   // when the IO completes, we fill this in.
341   net::IOBuffer *read_buffer_;
342   int read_buffer_len_;
344   // Used by HandleResponseIfNecessary to track whether we've sent the
345   // OnResponseStarted callback and potentially redirect callbacks as well.
346   bool has_handled_response_;
348   // Expected content size
349   int64 expected_content_size_;
351   // Set when a redirect is deferred.
352   GURL deferred_redirect_url_;
353   int deferred_redirect_status_code_;
355   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
356   // Data used for statistics gathering in some instances.  This data is only
357   // used for histograms etc., and is not required.  It is optionally gathered
358   // based on the settings of several control variables.
360   // Enable recording of packet arrival times for histogramming.
361   bool packet_timing_enabled_;
363   // TODO(jar): improve the quality of the gathered info by gathering most times
364   // at a lower point in the network stack, assuring we have actual packet
365   // boundaries, rather than approximations.  Also note that input byte count
366   // as gathered here is post-SSL, and post-cache-fetch, and does not reflect
367   // true packet arrival times in such cases.
369   // Total number of bytes read from network (or cache) and and typically handed
370   // to filter to process.  Used to histogram compression ratios, and error
371   // recovery scenarios in filters.
372   int64 filter_input_byte_count_;
374   // The number of bytes that have been accounted for in packets (where some of
375   // those packets may possibly have had their time of arrival recorded).
376   int64 bytes_observed_in_packets_;
378   // Limit on the size of the array packet_times_.  This can be set to
379   // zero, and then no packet times will be gathered.
380   size_t max_packets_timed_;
382   // Arrival times for some of the first few packets.
383   std::vector<base::Time> packet_times_;
385   // The request time may not be available when we are being destroyed, so we
386   // snapshot it early on.
387   base::Time request_time_snapshot_;
389   // Since we don't save all packet times in packet_times_, we save the
390   // last time for use in histograms.
391   base::Time final_packet_time_;
393   // The count of the number of packets, some of which may not have been timed.
394   // We're ignoring overflow, as 1430 x 2^31 is a LOT of bytes.
395   int observed_packet_count_;
398 };