/-- These tests are for the Perl >= 5.10 features that PCRE supports. --/ /\H\h\V\v/ X X\x0a X\x09X\x0b ** Failers \xa0 X\x0a /\H*\h+\V?\v{3,4}/ \x09\x20\xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c ** Failers \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b /\H{3,4}/ XY ABCDE XY PQR ST /.\h{3,4}./ XY AB PQRS /\h*X\h?\H+Y\H?Z/ >XNNNYZ > X NYQZ ** Failers >XYZ > X NY Z /\v*X\v?Y\v+Z\V*\x0a\V+\x0b\V{2,3}\x0c/ >XY\x0aZ\x0aA\x0bNN\x0c >\x0a\x0dX\x0aY\x0a\x0bZZZ\x0aAAA\x0bNNN\x0c /(foo)\Kbar/ foobar /(foo)(\Kbar|baz)/ foobar foobaz /(foo\Kbar)baz/ foobarbaz /abc\K|def\K/g+ Xabcdefghi /ab\Kc|de\Kf/g+ Xabcdefghi /(?=C)/g+ ABCDECBA /^abc\K/+ abcdef ** Failers defabcxyz /^(a(b))\1\g1\g{1}\g-1\g{-1}\g{-02}Z/ ababababbbabZXXXX /(?tom|bon)-\g{A}/ tom-tom bon-bon /(^(a|b\g{-1}))/ bacxxx /(?|(abc)|(xyz))\1/ abcabc xyzxyz ** Failers abcxyz xyzabc /(?|(abc)|(xyz))(?1)/ abcabc xyzabc ** Failers xyzxyz /^X(?5)(a)(?|(b)|(q))(c)(d)(Y)/ XYabcdY /^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(r)(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)/ XYabcdY /^X(?7)(a)(?|(b|(?|(r)|(t))(s))|(q))(c)(d)(Y)/ XYabcdY /(?'abc'\w+):\k{2}/ a:aaxyz ab:ababxyz ** Failers a:axyz ab:abxyz /(?'abc'\w+):\g{abc}{2}/ a:aaxyz ab:ababxyz ** Failers a:axyz ab:abxyz /^(?a)? (?()b|c) (?('ab')d|e)/x abd ce /^(a.)\g-1Z/ aXaXZ /^(a.)\g{-1}Z/ aXaXZ /^(?(DEFINE) (? a) (? b) ) (?&A) (?&B) /x abcd /(?(?&NAME_PAT))\s+(?(?&ADDRESS_PAT)) (?(DEFINE) (?[a-z]+) (?\d+) )/x metcalfe 33 /(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d))\b(?&byte)(\.(?&byte)){3}/ ** Failers 10.6 455.3.4.5 /\b(?&byte)(\.(?&byte)){3}(?(DEFINE)(?2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d))/ ** Failers 10.6 455.3.4.5 /^(\w++|\s++)*$/ now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party *** Failers this is not a line with only words and spaces! /(\d++)(\w)/ 12345a *** Failers 12345+ /a++b/ aaab /(a++b)/ aaab /(a++)b/ aaab /([^()]++|\([^()]*\))+/ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x /\(([^()]++|\([^()]+\))+\)/ (abc) (abc(def)xyz) *** Failers ((()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /^([^()]|\((?1)*\))*$/ abc a(b)c a(b(c))d *** Failers) a(b(c)d /^>abc>([^()]|\((?1)*\))*abc>123abc>1(2)3abc>(1(2)3)]*+) | (?2)) * >))/x <> hij> hij> def> *** Failers a)(?<=b(?&X))/ baz /^(?|(abc)|(def))\1/ abcabc defdef ** Failers abcdef defabc /^(?|(abc)|(def))(?1)/ abcabc defabc ** Failers defdef abcdef /(?:a(? (?')|(?")) |b(? (?')|(?")) ) (?('quote')[a-z]+|[0-9]+)/xJ a\"aaaaa b\"aaaaa ** Failers b\"11111 /(?:(?1)|B)(A(*F)|C)/ ABCD CCD ** Failers CAD /^(?:(?1)|B)(A(*F)|C)/ CCD BCD ** Failers ABCD CAD BAD /(?:(?1)|B)(A(*ACCEPT)XX|C)D/ AAD ACD BAD BCD BAX ** Failers ACX ABC /(?(DEFINE)(A))B(?1)C/ BAC /(?(DEFINE)((A)\2))B(?1)C/ BAAC /(? \( ( [^()]++ | (?&pn) )* \) )/x (ab(cd)ef) /^(?!a(*SKIP)b)/ ac /^(?=a(*SKIP)b|ac)/ ** Failers ac /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/ ac /^(?=a(*PRUNE)b)/ ab ** Failers ac /^(?=a(*ACCEPT)b)/ ac /^(?(?!a(*SKIP)b))/ ac /(?>a\Kb)/ ab /((?>a\Kb))/ ab /(a\Kb)/ ab /^a\Kcz|ac/ ac /(?>a\Kbz|ab)/ ab /^(?&t)(?(DEFINE)(?a\Kb))$/ ab /^([^()]|\((?1)*\))*$/ a(b)c a(b(c)d)e /(?P(?P0)(?P>L1)|(?P>L2))/ 0 00 0000 /(?P(?P0)|(?P>L2)(?P>L1))/ 0 00 0000 /--- This one does fail, as expected, in Perl. It needs the complex item at the end of the pattern. A single letter instead of (B|D) makes it not fail, which I think is a Perl bug. --- / /A(*COMMIT)(B|D)/ ACABX /--- Check the use of names for failure ---/ /^(A(*PRUNE:A)B|C(*PRUNE:B)D)/K ** Failers AC CB /(*MARK:A)(*SKIP:B)(C|X)/K C D /^(A(*THEN:A)B|C(*THEN:B)D)/K ** Failers CB /^(?:A(*THEN:A)B|C(*THEN:B)D)/K CB /^(?>A(*THEN:A)B|C(*THEN:B)D)/K CB /--- This should succeed, as the skip causes bump to offset 1 (the mark). Note that we have to have something complicated such as (B|Z) at the end because, for Perl, a simple character somehow causes an unwanted optimization to mess with the handling of backtracking verbs. ---/ /A(*MARK:A)A+(*SKIP:A)(B|Z) | AC/xK AAAC /--- Test skipping over a non-matching mark. ---/ /A(*MARK:A)A+(*MARK:B)(*SKIP:A)(B|Z) | AC/xK AAAC /--- Check shorthand for MARK ---/ /A(*:A)A+(*SKIP:A)(B|Z) | AC/xK AAAC /--- Don't loop! ---/ /(*:A)A+(*SKIP:A)(B|Z)/K AAAC /--- This should succeed, as a non-existent skip name disables the skip ---/ /A(*MARK:A)A+(*SKIP:B)(B|Z) | AC/xK AAAC /A(*MARK:A)A+(*SKIP:B)(B|Z) | AC(*:B)/xK AAAC /--- We use something more complicated than individual letters here, because that causes different behaviour in Perl. Perhaps it disables some optimization; anyway, the result now matches PCRE in that no tag is passed back for the failures. ---/ /(A|P)(*:A)(B|P) | (X|P)(X|P)(*:B)(Y|P)/xK AABC XXYZ ** Failers XAQQ XAQQXZZ AXQQQ AXXQQQ /--- COMMIT at the start of a pattern should act like an anchor. Again, however, we need the complication for Perl. ---/ /(*COMMIT)(A|P)(B|P)(C|P)/ ABCDEFG ** Failers DEFGABC /--- COMMIT inside an atomic group can't stop backtracking over the group. ---/ /(\w+)(?>b(*COMMIT))\w{2}/ abbb /(\w+)b(*COMMIT)\w{2}/ abbb /--- Check opening parens in comment when seeking forward reference. ---/ /(?&t)(?#()(?(DEFINE)(?a))/ bac /--- COMMIT should override THEN ---/ /(?>(*COMMIT)(?>yes|no)(*THEN)(*F))?/ yes /(?>(*COMMIT)(yes|no)(*THEN)(*F))?/ yes /^((yes|no)(*THEN)(*F))?/ yes /b?(*SKIP)c/ bc abc /(*SKIP)bc/ a /(*SKIP)b/ a /(?P(?P=abn)xxx|)+/ xxx /-- End of testinput11 --/